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36h62-66- ACC NRt AP6oi8802 The muon transition rate from the deuteron muon atom to carbon and oxyz-en has been found from experimental deuteron muon ranges and Auger electron yields. The formation rates of proton deuteron muon and deuteron deuteron muon molecules (reduced to the density of liquid hydrogen and deuterium) have been found to be ,.,%Pdp Wjj.8:to.6).joo seo-i,.%dj j6,75:ko.jj)-j(r w-1 . Estimate of the relative yield of the reaction dp+d--i.-ddp---i--Ip+p shows that ~he relation of the yield Of djA+d--j-~Wj&-~-tj&+p to the yield of* -djC-+d-ddp-P+t.+ is less than 0.14 with a 90% probability. Analysis of experimental data on the reactions dp+p--pd~--~-He3+;--* and dp+.p-.,..pd,p-.,H,3,,+,, leads to the conclusion that the resonance mechanism of the formation of deuteron deuteron muon molecules is likely to be the reason for the large yield of the two deuteron fusion reactions under conditions of experiments conducted by the Authors, The authors thank Yu. V. Katyshev,, M. Friml, 2/3 L 3:6462-66 TC ~ -N g: AP6018802 this wor ~~ 4hO-e~rbkO~Vfor their partlcjpr~t and _Xe,_ I -ion in the initial stage of art h k and s. S frs~t~e for his val. as: 9 fliu~res', 19 formulas able discussions. o,jg. absiract] and 5 tables. (Based on authors# SUB CODE! 20/ [NTI SUBM DATE: 23Dep,65/ ORIG RF-p: 012/ oTH REF; 010/ 3/3 9.~K I-I'ali'll- 16, D I AA P/AF6L/SSD/ES D ( t NIR: AP4047891 Dzholepov, V. P.; Yermolov, P. F.- M3ska" ~-v, V. F, ;-Ml' tj scattering of-dMu nesi-- toms hy pr)tons, 1,?t-te-r- -omplox r.uclei SOUICE- Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoretichetskoy, v. 47, no. 4, 1964, 1243-1256 TOPI'-' TAG3: elastic scattering, mu mesic atom, prrntnn 77attering, complex nucleus scattr-ri!jq, --T: This is a continuation of earlier ecDc-r i r-- -7 4 4~(), 196?: prr)c. 3 fuiOier experiments or, the ;rinetx-s- L -I-34TT-45 ACCE3SION NTR: AP4047891 R MNE141! celsc Is The range distribution of dL; atoms in )jIs C)f a-4 --hamher has a diameter 39-) -rjr, 11 V a sr, -ie neqative mesons ~ierc obt-a -1 ictron, s lowed by a f i I ter, and, s toor) ~,o 'he letailed description of th-- C 7-1 xp,~- r rT aad Dro(grain are described. 'Phe crcss (D-np a rs o ri o f t1i i e e xp ei ;-,,T: et 1- ~4 at ~-7-2 b-,- the Monte Carlo Puethod! ~terinq cross sectinrs atom in Cc, d /4 ~,~CCEZ SION NR.- AP4047891 oretically, are: F-Xrerir%,nt dLL d - d1i -4- d 1 (4, 15 4 0,291 11 - i~, d4 + p if) dIL 4 7 -,,ill J- Z l I analogous to r-hat described in the arti--IC i S iD rOg res 13 r,tterinq of p~~ atams by pro,-ons and the r-,:s-_1!-.s "he pre- r- e ~I nq a pp I e d t o an lnt:erprelat 3 r iL a,, t L o n s p d;, lie + and cd,, -er. '17he at-thors -a rppo, ted lat re !j!-Fj, r ~e measurements." Oriq. art. has: 10 1 s C Card 3,/4- Ark 'HE L AC'CE,ISIOU qR: AP4047891 ASSO~IATIOIV: Ob"yedinenny*y inatitut. yaderny*T,,Ii isgledovaniy (-Joirt Institute of Nuclear Researcl)j SUPIMITED: J3May64 ENCL: 00 SUB CDDE: !NP ITR REF SOV: 006 OTHER: 007 L 53.52-66 EW'T(m)/T/E1JA(m)-2 ACCESSION NR% AP5021098 UR/0056/65/049/002/0393/0405; AUTEORS: Dzhelepov, V. P.; Yermolov, P. F.; Fillchenkov, V. V. TITLE: SpAttering of pp atoms*by protons /,6 SOURCE: Z sperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy flziki, v. 49, no;~ 2, 1961;, 393-405 TOPIO' TAGS: mu meson, meson Interaction, proton interaction, :elastic scattering, scattering cross section, proton scattering .ABSTRACT: This Is a continuation of an earlier investigation (ZhETF v. 42, 439, 1962) of ~he reaction pli + p p4 + p. In the present work this process was invedtigated in greater detail for the purpose of d,!,.,termining the spin state of the pli atom prior to muon decay or ,muon capture by the proton. 'the experimental equipment and procedure .were simiJar to that used previously, and the statistica accumulated were increased by one order-of magnitude. The croess sections were dete-rmined from the analysis of the distributions of the number of Card- 1/3 _J L5332,.66 ACCESSION NR: AP5021098 levento of a function of the pti-atom mean free path under different operating conditions. The me-an free path distributions of the p4 atoms were obtained with the aid of a diffusion chamber at various hydrol,;en densities and impurity (carbon, oxygen) concentratione. An analy.vis shows that the 4t atom lifetirrp- can be recconciled with theo by astAiming for the pil + p system an effective crosa section 1 .73 1() 2 -ion for the elastic scattering of ptLl 0. 19 x 10 cm The cross sect -19 2 1 .atoms by protons Is found to be 1.67 � 0.30 x 10 cm for the sing_~- let spin StZLte of the p1l atom. This ic larger than predicted by the theory, and may be due to the existence of a low energy virtual level; ,in the ppp system. The most probable transition rate from the trip- 10 let state of' the p~L atom to the singlet state Is .10 see with L complete depolarization except when the pressure reaches the order of an atmosphere. The;rate of formation of pp~L-meslc moleciales,in .the para state Is negligibly small compared with the ortho state. It~L- Is a1sD sho%n that the transition of the muon from the proton to tbe-,~ carbon and oxygen nuclei occurs predominately on the high Op and 01i ',Card 5332-66 ACCEMION WR: AP5021098 iatomic orb',Ltals, and the probability for dir,ect transition to the Is lleveI Is less than 3 per cent. 'The authors thank S. S. Gersbteyn ffor interest and valuable discussions, and F. L. Shapiro and K. Parlinskly for a diecussion of problems connie`FE~-d-~ji-t-h---Lhe Nelkin method.1 Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 15 formulas, and 4 tables iASSOCIATION: Obf1yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint ~Institute of Nuclear Research) IRUBMITTED: 03Mar65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP NR REY SOV: 009 OTHER: 008 U~; K FILICHE141"OVAI M.D., inzh.; ZLODMV, A.V., inzh. Lutomatic control of a ventilation and drainage ~Lpparatus ugoll. prom. no.6&48-53 N-D 1612. ~MLI 16:2) I. Gosuda:6tvennyy proyektno-;kgmstruktorskiy institut avtomatizataii rabot v ugollao prowshlennosti. (Mine draina_we~ (Fans., Vochanical) -- "Aj~pmatlc control) 4 n-, 4-- - AU;"ORS: Antonovaq L. G., Krasil'shchikov, TITLE: Adsorption Phenomena Carbon Yonoxide sicteme vodorod par. I) Ivanovct-iy, F. A. I. in V,,e, Sy;~ten - Water Vnpor I - ujlekislota - SW/76-3~-2-2,13 '45 F., Fillcnenkova, T. G., Hyr!ro-en - Carbon Dioxide (Adsorbtsionnyye y,-,vleniya v o1cis' u-Ileroda -vodyanoy IT PERIODICAL: Zhurnal, fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, r 2, - A21 (US SR PP 416 -+ AESTRACT: The catalytic reaction of carbon monoxide with Tiater vapor yielding hydrogen and carbon dioxitle has been often inve3- ti,,ated (Refs 1-7). The present experiment .~ concerning the adsorption of these components -,-.ere carried out according to a somethat modified method (Fef 8). No electrode polar-J- zation was produced, but the potential of the internal electrode was measured. The z~,as was alsorbed onto -- porous metal film which served as an electrode and which 7-13 applied to glass. A metal film of silver maintained in an air atmosphcre served as the comparison 21ectrole. The Car~i 1 /15 reaction cell (riC 1) Y;ss producod from a special glaseoiio Ado-orntion Phenormena in the System IfydroC,,en - Ca.,:-bon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide - Water VaDor 1 30V/,