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P. ro PA 245T37 USSR/Geopbysias - fttwM Water Jan 53 "Hydromechanical Computationg for a Dam in the Ca9e of Two Channels and, Finite Depth of the Water-Permeable Ground," P. F. Fillchakov, Inst of Math, Acad Sci Ukrainian SSR "Dopovidi Ak Nauk lftrainslkoi RSR" No 1, pp 11-1-6 Derives in closed form the bydromechanical solution of the most general case of a two-slot spillway dam (asyametrical apron for various heights of the bottom, upstream and down) for finite depth of the water- permeable ground. Also analyzes as a special case a symmetrical two-slot apron. Pr esented by Acad A, Yu. Ishlinskiy, Acad Sci Ukrainian SSR. 245T37 FILICHAKOV, P.F.; ISHLINSIM, O.Yu., diyanyy chlen. On the problem of determining the Christoffel-Schwartz constant in hydro- mechanical calculations for double-pile cofferdams. Dop.AU URSR no.5:317- 322 153. (MLHA 6:10) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR (for Ishlinelk-ly). 2. Instytut matematyky Akademlyi nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR (for Filichakov). (Cofferdams) SMOV, O*M.; FILICHAKOV, P.P. Electric models in of bydraullo problems in free water flow. Dop.AN URSR no.6:394~393 '53, (IMRA 7:1) 1, Institut matematiki Akadoxii nauk Ukrairmilkat RSR. Predstaviv d1yonly chlen Akedeall nank Mcrainalkol IRSR G.H.Savin. (Hydraulic models) ug -5 m MM pit, h C Kok- 4ttla F-j 'i,:,,, dr. fur tic n "Wrl, iiv' "AlIvr 1- roW PCI,u~ FILICHAKOV, p.y., kandidat fisiko-matematicheskikh nauk. Horizontal and vertical paths of percolation. Gidr.stroi,, 22 no.10:25-30 o 153. (MMA 6:10) (Soll percolation) -7 USSR/P-bysics. - Filtration 1 Jan 5 3 Nethod for Determining the Hydromechanical Effect of a Channel," A. M. Senkov and P. F. Fil Cha kov, Inst of. Math, Acad Sci Ukrainian SSR DAIN SSSR, Vol 88, No 1, PP 29-32 In a previous article (ibid. 83, No 6 (1952)) tb~ authors discussed a new method for determining the hydromechanical effect of a channel grcove or slot for the case of infinite depth of the vater perme- able layer. In this article they discuss the method for the case of finite depth for certain assumptions- 249T5 homogeneous vater-permeable ground, absence of con- tact filtration, and abBolutely water-permeable channel. Presented by Acad A. 1. Nekrasov 31 Oct 1952 249T5 --YILIGHAKOV, P.P. Ii .1 - "Z'7 , --,, ,z Direct approximation method for the hydromeahanical calculation of aprons. Dokl.AN SSSR 93 no.3:425-428 N '53, (KLBA 61l1) 1. Inatitut satematiki Akademii tauk Ukraiuskoy SSR- Predstavlono akadent- kom A.I.Nakrasovym. (spillways) PF. U- I .j eelirlo method of computing the U S S R I Fil'zako'r RL An an"" lc structures. sproa of h draul Wa o~ under the V. Ukrain. Mat. 6, 233-244 (195 (ftu~sian) --MIX 134 M Mq L E h - fAl - mcni colcu~'-- f 4; I 'a h 4 i tl~t n - czC.M. i tic- s g meters ai a c"'.1; C.r' of 'ulcqza! lcugth wq'l -tr. Ar. -'f7 4MCIVIE Malkil--.03 Of 111C Upper an-, lou :r 'a~cr i- approtunidur, ~-.Cth~4 in4icg~ -.3 ie bastd, ca ch use f me systems of und 11). S- iti~ I EF~ IV I T M.M - 1 WIN 1W IK if, co'llillued- It tile vell Jj-n)err-lo" (I the dirneitions obcaLricd it. the Iruit step im the nt;~ f 0, aCCCpted aCCWAICY Of the C2ICL!--.;Cj-jS. . FCC Of ELt above '&,c (cfccuca rcvcra; numcrical 4~xzmpjcs i.;_ EYL -re Of t I.',' c--, w. the ptocess cf succ..mSive rl w! en J~ r. flection constants is a0E giYtl u1 Z"L -X-Ck. it- Transldtro,7, courtesy Ministv o/ supply. X 4 ZEM* MORM MI Sclutlca J2 f c a (,i,. r vo of (ov c C-0 'OEL 11- 4~ " t of cm-, TV V,~; iU ii-, Ag~ 'vi c c Of 01 adesire& dqrte. Of 1, of nj, Inel" lurthc~ tc,,Vc)'-, F., lts are cat(-,a , I-, R.!Sll 1e ; d ang atcraltr Tha ~-Iou q r is thU , ~-Ir f ti Vzz: s s'a ,,,j, ~ i, t y roxiniatio~ is -!Ilo to be !jj'Ll app - -to 01 L, ade I ~ w Reference used t 0 b e ell. can conpilter whi v~l IL i R, P. T11 roblam. p - P N Z u Ii v WMEM fzl osumw, V.M.; FILICHUOV, P.P.; SHAMAIISIKIY, V-E- WWJL,~~,L; Use of models in the study of plane circulating currents. Dop. AN URSR no.1:16-20 '55- (Mlak 8:7) 1. Institut matematiki AN UM. Predataviv diyanir chlen AN URSTR O.Yu.Ishlinslkiy. (Fluid dynamics) (Hydraulic models) Hum - Pin .1 th ti2ACiwey Of 4 a -FA, t 4, Y-1, Z Vat. t-~ 1 t 2- 1 lil FILICHAKOV, P.F-.- i-!_ .' Nomograms for computing the filtration of a plahe spillway (2 neno- grams inserted). Ukr.mat.thur-7 uo.3:343-346 '55. (RWA 9:2) (Spillways) (Noxographs (Kathematics)) (Soil percolation) PIL'CUKOV, P.F. (Kiyev) . Method of sequential conformal mapping and,ita application to fil- tration problems. Part 1. Ukr.mat.zhur. 7 no.4:453-470 '55. (MMA 9:5) (Conformal mapping) (Soil percolation) FT I 'C- 14A K 0 k--, i.' F. US-911/ 14rithc-aintics - Mlappin!,- /1 Pub. 22 - 6151 3 F:11 I chakova P. F. Title a About the method of successive conformal mappinEn reriocucal 8 D,-k. AN SSM 101/1. 25-28, Mar 1, 1955 Kostract 0 A method of successive mappini-s is an3ly-,ozi. As an examnlE), thc, m-Appin- of the underrrcund r!ontour of a sir-le clualnel dan is considered. Two US.M refert"~as (11153). Institili."ion Awdt2my ef Sciences, The Institutf- of Pre,sented. by 1x-,)d,-,rdc;nn i,',. A. Lavrr-ntlev. NELOSON-SKDRNTAKDV, F.B. "Approximate underground methods for calculating the stationary flow of waters under hydraulic engineering structures.0 A.M. Senkov, Reviewed by F.B. Nallson-Skorniakov, Pr7k1. mekh. 2 no.,4"1-:.~il~;IAB~!--*Illf,60&.56. MLRA 10:2) (water, Underground) (Hydraulic engineering) - FILIORMV, POP. (Xiyev) Method of sequential conformal mappings and its application -to filtration problems. rart 2. Case of the arbitrary line of the impervious level. UkremateshuroB no.1:76-91 156. (MIM 9:7) (Soil percolation) (Conformal mappig) 1 YILICHAKOV, P.F. Method of successive conformal mappings ard Its application seepage problems. Part 3: The case of close location of sheet pilen; Plane seepage; Seepage in,an anisotropic soil. Ukr. mat. thur. 8 no.3-- 299-318 '56. (M]m 10: 9 (Conformal mapping) (Piling (Civil engineering)) Ooil percolation) FILICHAKOV, P.F., doktor fiziko-matematicheakikh nauk. ~"%avg sw~ Graphic-analytic method of calculating seepage in dam aprons. Gidr.stroi, 25 no.10:43-50 N '56. (MLRk 9:12) (Water, U~derground) (Dame) AUTHOR: Fillchakovp P.P. SOV/41 -10 - -5- 12/14 TITLEs Numerical Determination of the Constants of the Integral of Christoffel-Schwarz (Chislennyy metod opredeleni3ra konstant integrals. Kristoffelya - Shvartsa) PERIODICALs IJkrainskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal.1953vVol 10,Nr 3v pp 340 - 344 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The method already formerly applied by the author [Ref 31 in special cases consists in the following : A triangle is circumscribed about -the polygon given so that they have in commion one corner and a part of the sides. The triangle is mapped onto the plane so that the c3mmon angle comes into the infinite point. Then a half plane wiih a series of sectors corresponds to the polygon. These sectors are eliminated with the aid of corresponding elementary mappings, whereby it is possible to determine arbitrarily exactly the constants of the Christoffel - Schwarz integral. The method can be modified for open polygons too. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 3 Soviet references. Card 1/2 16(1) AUTHOR: Fillchakov, F.F. (Kiyev) SOV/411-10-4-9/11 TITLE: gd-mmrl-calmetEo-d-i~f the Conformal Mapping of Simply Connected Schlicht Domains (Chislennyy metod konformnogo otobrazheniya odnonvyazn,rkh odnolistnykh oblastey) PERIODICAL; Ukrainskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, 1958, Vol ',0, Nr 4, PP 434-449 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author cor3iders the mapping of a simply connected and schlicht domain onto the interior of the unit -Irzle 1 .1 S I or onto the halfplane. He uses the method of successive mapp. s proposed by him for sIngle cases already some times .ago ~T-f 7,8,9__7. The given doma;n, the boundary of which is allowed to have a finite number of corner points, at first is mapped onto a halfplane having a number of cuts and other irregularities. With the aid of elementary mappings these irregularities are removed step by 3tep s~ that after n steps the obtained domain -.3 arbitrarily .1-4ttle different from the halfplane for a sufficiently large n. Three examples are calculated. lu - - -- ~' '--~,Ies, 6 figures, ard 9 Soviet references. SUBMMED: Deuember 1U, IY57 Card 1/1 IV, It 2 iv i C; I A 'ju a 9 1 -a k it t :1 -. j - 9 u nit 84. 841) A PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5637 Fillchakov, Pavel Fedoslyevich Teoriya fil'tratsii pod gidrotekhnicheskimi sooruzheniyami., t. 1 (The Theory of 11hreolation Beneath Hydrotechnical Structurea; v. 1) Kiyev., Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1959. 307 p. 41000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk UkrSSR. Institut matematiki. Reap. Ed.: Yu. D. Sokolov, Corresponding Membery Academar of Sciences Ukj:SM; I Ed. of Pablishing House: 0. M. Pechkovskaya; Tech. Ed.: V. Ye. Sklyarova. PWOM: This book is intended for scientists, engineers., and students of hydraulic engineering. COVERAGE, The book discusses calculation of the percolation beneath hydro- technical structures. It is divided into two self-contained sections; Vol. I., which describes an accurate method for calculating filtration, and Vol. IT 'SM15638). which describes approximate hydromechanical and EGDA [modelng of filtration problems on conducting paper] methods. CarA-97 The Theory of Percolation (Cont.) SOV/5637 The calculation method discussed in Vol. I Is based on the theory of Academician N. N. Pavlovskiy. Application of the approximation methcds of Academician M. A, Larrentlyev to this theory makes possible 1) the solution of a problem set for homogeneous soil in the most general form., i.e., for a weir foundation with a practical profile and arbitrary line of bed-level;and 2) the development of a grapho-analytical method of computing filtration., which permits calculations of uplift pressure, velocit of retre at , and discharge for any apron with a practical profile and with finite and infinite depths of permeable soil to be carried out In 20-30 minutes. Basic regrilts of this work were presented and discussed several time during the seminars of G. N. Sevin and A. Yu. Ioblinskly in the Department of Technical Sciences., AS VkrSSR, The author thanks R. V. Gnedenko, M. M, Grishin, P. Ta. Polubarinova-Kochina., A. M. Senkov,, Yu. D. Sokolov, and M. A. Immutlyev for their help. There are 78 references: 61 sloviet ~6 English, 5 French )p - 5 German., and 1 Italian. TANZ OF CONTENM: Frow the Editor 5 From the Author 6 Symbols Used in the Book 8 16 SOV/21-59-6-4/27 AUTHORSt Fillchakov, P. P., and Panchishin, V. 1. TITLE: On Modelling Potential Fields on Resistance Paper Under Boundary Conditions of the 1-st, 2nd and 3rd Kinds PERIODICALt Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains1koi RSR, 1959, Nr 6, PP 578 -,586 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors introduce the application of thin linear bars for the realization of functional boundary conditions of the first kind (Dirichlet's problem) in modelling on resistant paper, and describe the technique of their pre- paration. In the majority of cases the conditions tLader which the potential u - const. or du _n 0 are sufficient for the realization of boundary conditions in modelling on resistant paper, of the bulk of problems arising in the theory of filtration, hydro- and aerolynamics, Card 1/4 electric- and radio engineering, electronic optics and other A, SOV/21-59-6-4/27 On Modelling Potential Fields on Resistance Paper Under Boundary Conditions of the lst, 2nd and 3rd Kinds fields of mathematical physics. However, there exists a great number of important technological problems the moetel- ling of which calls for realization of boundary conditions of the I - II - III kinds; du du u - f1(8) f2(8) A(x,y) dn + B(x,y) u - f 3 (E) (A >,- 0; B ~!, 0), (1) where f 11 f2' f3 are assigned functions of the length of arc of boundary a. Boundary conditions of the 2nd and 3rd kind can be presented by means of the method of successive approximations to equivalent boundary conditions of the let kind. The modelling on resistance paper of boundary problems of functional boundary condition (1) can easily be achieved with the use of thin linear rods, which are prepared as follows: PEB-1 or PEM-1 copper enamel wire 1.2 - 2.0 mm. Card 2/4 is stretched in a tension device, covered with BF-2 glue -- Mms M SOV/21-59-6-4/2',' On Modelling Potential Fields on Resistance Paper Under Boundary Conditions of the lot, 2nd and 3rd Kinds and wound around with PEShOM or PShDhI manganin wire, or PEShOK or PShDK constantan wire 0.12 - 0.20 mm. The winding is then soaked with a 1:1 solution of BF-2 glue and spirit, polymerized in a drying chamber for 1 hour at 100 - 1200C, then polished with a fine emery cloth. Then the wire is provided with lengths of thin multicore cable (MGShD, MGV- 0.20, or other) for connection to assigned potentials, attached to the wire ends and interjacent sections. Now the rod is glued onto the resistame paper model, with an electro- condactive glue consisting of 35 g of dope, 1 g of BF-2 glue and 7 9 of carbon black. At first the glue is applied to the lower part of the rod, which is then put on the resistant paper and pressed to it, whereupon the glue is applied to the outer part of rod, and the latter is left for 3 - 5 minutes, to take hold. The authors demonstrate the applicat- ion of the prepared rods for the solution of two problems, Card 3/4 for illustration. Tables 1 and 3 show the correlation of the SOV/21-59-6-4/2-1 On Modelling Potential Fields on Resistance Paper Under Boundary Conditions of the let, 2nd, and 3rd Kinds theoretical values of the ut potentials with the results of the electric analogy of u e for control problems 1 and 2 :re-, spectively, with boundary conditions of the lst and 3rd kinds. The precision obtained is quite sufficient for the modelling of many technical problems. Figure 2 presents a photo of the equipotential net for a modification of problem 1 in the case of heterogeneous medium and shows the measuring device of the EGDA-6/53 integrator on which the modelling was carried out, and which is described in references 1 and 2. There are 3 tables, 2 graphs, 1 photo and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut matematiki AN UkrSSR (Institut of Mathematics of the AS UkrSSR) PRESENTED: By A. Yu. Ishlinskiy, Member, AS UkrSSR SUBMITTED: January 12, 1959 Card 4/4 AUTHOR: TITLE - 9/-.0 SOV/98-59-6 Fillchakov, P.F., Doctor of Phys4,cal-',.,'~,itheL---.iti:~aI -9 -ci-e n-(-,,e -s, - P Fo-re s s 0 r The Filtration Calculation ---;'Iood Beds In T,~~,o-Bpd- ded Grounds PERIODICAL: Gidrouekhnicheskoye straitel'stvc, 1959, Nr 6 PP 30-34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author proposes an analytical and graph-J-. method of an approximate filtration calculation for flood beds in two-bedded grounds, the upper bed being either more or less permeable than the lozer bea. The method of calculation is described in detail. This article is based on the re-Dort, the aut-hor made at the.conference on the problems of a compound uti- lization of water resources of the Ukraihskaya SSR. which took place in Aprill 1958 in Kiyev. There aT-e 3 tables, 3 diagrams, and 8 ref-arences, of which. Card 1/1 are Soviet and 1 Japanese. 1OW 05779 AUTHOR: Fillchakov, P.F. (Kiyev) SOV/41-11-4-5/1 5 TITLE: Hydrodynamic Calculation of Drained Aprons.I PERIODICAL: Ultrainskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, 1959,V01 11, Nr 4~PP 393-407 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Starting from the methods of the Academician 11.1f.Pavlovskiy (conformal mapping) the author obtains a strong hydrodynamic solution for the general case of a flat split apron under the assumption that the porous ground is homogeneous and infinitely deep (T = co). The author gives explicit formulas for the characteristic terms. He considers special cases (flat aDron with band drainage, flat apron with a flat split in the upstream apron', drainage!or upstream apron split of arbitrary form). The solution in the case T.