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FILATOV, G.S. maxima of five U Geminorum-type Otars. Astron.tsir. no.185:21 0 '57. (MIRA ili4) i.Stalinabadekaya astronometricheskaya obmervatoriya. (Stars, Variable) PILATOV, G. U. Three varialbe stars. Per.svezdy 12 no.3:223-226 YIr 158. (Min 13:4) 1. Stalinabadekaya astronomicheakaya observatori7a. (Stars, Variable) FILATOVp G.S. Uninvestigated variable stars in the RV lists. Aotron.tair. no.215%20 22 0 160. (Kuu 143) 1. Institut astrofiziki AN Tadzhikokoy SSR. (Starsg b16') FILATOV, G.S. Two lonp-period Cepholds. blul -,Inst.astvof'i-,, 'n "adzh. 67-73 '61. (Cepheids) FILATOV, G.S. Twelve uninvestigated variable stars. Astron.tsir. no-223:24-26 J1 161. (KIRA 15-3) 1. Institut astrofiziki AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. (Stars, Variable) FILATOLV~O'.~_f TSESEVICH, V.P. Cepheid BR Vulpeculae. Per. zvezdy 14 no.2:109-114 Je 162. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Odesskaya astronomicheskaya observatoriya i Institut astrofiziki AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. gr3�r FILATOV, G.S. V 733 AquJlae. B-iul. Inst. astrofiz. AN Tadzh, SSR no.31:45-48 62 . (MIRA g So 4. -F1.IATOV ) G. S. Three variables from the BV list. Blul. Inst. astrofiz. All Tadzh. SSR no.33:38-46 162. (MIRA 17:11) FILAMV, G.S. Four eclipsing variables. Diul. Inst. astrofiz. AN Tadzh. SSR no.35:12-" 163. (MIRA 17: 5) r:' 7- A qN'~ IT r I jA v j v Author: Filab)v V. - -I I Ll- Title: 'j.'ha Ne-,-al ?"Ariar. (VytRA-,-hi).yt.- zonty i %h1wXy.) 67 1). City: 11C0 CCw Fublisher: FX)Z-Z~.m4 of iJeftnse Industry i),ata :1946 Available: Library of ~;ongrevs Source: Monthly IrIvt of 1"m1an Accessions.# Vol- 3,, 'o, 12.. p. C38 FILATOV, G. V. JIB Sum. Sov. Periodicalso #60, May 51. Page 5, par. 21 Accession list of Russian bookds March 51 Filatovs G* V., The presser and the hydraulic press. Pressovshchik na Gidropresse,. Recommended by the Admi of personnel of the Ministry for the training of the staffs of aircraft factories. Sc. and Res. Inst. of Technology and Orgabization of Production of the airdraft industry, Ministry of the Aircraft Industry USSR. Moses. State Publishers of the Industry for Defense 1947, pp. 67, illus-j tabs.,, 22x14, gray wraprers. PHASE I BOOK MMUITATION SOV/3857 Moscow. Dom nauchno-tekbuicheskoy propagandy imeni F. E. Dzerzhinskogo, Vysokoproizvoditeltnays tekhnologichaskaya oanastka (Nigh-Productivity Auxiliary Processing Equipment) Moscovj Masbgiz., 1960. 174 p. 8.,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Obshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu po3-itichesklkh i nauchnykh manly RMPSL Ed. (title page): V. V. MazImin; Ed. (inside book): S. L. Martens; Tech. Ed.: L. P. GordeyevR; Mmaging Ed. for Literature on Wtial- vorking and Machine-Mool Construction (Masbgiz): V. V. Rzhavinsklyp Engineer. PURPOSE: This colleztion of articles is intended for technical persawel. engaged in the developmt of auxiliary bquip*nt for metal processing. COVERAGE: This collection contains arthicles dealing vith modern machine- tool auxIIIar7 equiluent, methods of manufacttwe, and data en the in- troduction of such equipment into production. The engineering and Card 1/6 High-Productivity Auxiliary h-ocanning Equipmant SOV/3857 economic aspects of the une of standardized auxillary ecraipwnt are also discussed. No pera-malities we mentioned. Referemces follow each article. TABIR OF CONTMM: Introduction 3 Proobn-jakovp A. V. [Candidate of Technical Sciences]. Nngineering and Economic Bases for the Use of Auxiliary Processing xquipmnt 7 The author Indicates the econoW in cost. and materials and the in- creased efficiency brought about by the use of standardized fixtures and auxiliary equipment. Naydov-Zhelezovj, Ch. G. Economic Zffectiveness of the Standardization of Auxiliary Processing lquiMent In NAchim Nianufacture 21 The author presents a cost analysis shoving the savings resulting from the introduction of standardized auxiliary processing equipment. _- F11stov, G. V. Basic Trends in the Standardization of AuxiUary Pidaii-sifig-Irvipment 30 Card 2/6 High-Prodactivity AuxilJlAry Proftsming lqaipmnt SOV/3657 The' author descrIbes methods of planning lot produztion of macbIn a, Emphasis is given to the design and manufac-b-mra of equlp=t for producing accessories, Mikheyev., N. V. [Ingineer]. Machine-Tool Fixtures of Advanced Design for Lort and Small-loat Productlon 38 The author describes universal adjustable fixtures for machIne tools and the characteristics of their constra*tion. Cherb7ahev, V. M. Standard-Unit Machine-Tool Fixtures for L76. Production 62 The autIxor d:Lszuaes the advant-ages of grazp machining of parts employing fixtures assembled from standard parts and subassemblies. ftswitsovj, V. S.j, and V,, A. Ponomarev, Experience Gained in the Use of Standard.-Mit Fixtiares in RQerimmeal and IA)+. Pr&lucticm 70 The authors discuss organization of the workplace for the assembly of univer"l standard-unit fixtures, Mounting methods am also dismassed. Yateenko, G. G. PhmvW414 Clamping Devices for Uhi-versal Standard-Unit Fixtures 84 card 3/6 SOLNTSEV, A.I.; FILATOT ----~-A Assimilation of P3A from inorganic phosphate in milk casein. Izv. TSKhA no.1:227-228 156. (MA 9:10) (Phosphorus) (Casein) "Concerning Calclup Vatabolish In Ruminants in an Investiga- tion Using Calci=451" by A. 1. Solntsev and 0. V. Filatov, Zhivotnovodstvo (Aninul Husbandry), No 12, 1956, PP 53-55 (from -neferativnyy Zhurnal -- Khimiya, Biololzichesl~aya Khimiya, No 6, 25 Apr 57, Abstract No Lbbl, by A. Verloochenko, P 63) "Three-ml solutions of Ca45C12 containing 500 mg Ca were adminis- tered intramuscularly into goats. Two hours after this injection, the amount of cs,45 excreted per ml milk equalled 6.4 thousand impulses per minute; seven hours after the injection, the activity per one ml milk was 45 thousand impulses per minute; and 24 hours after the injection, it amounted to 60.1 thousand impulses per minute per ml milk. "Subsequently, calcium radioactivity in the milk- commenced to de- crease gradually, and in two months it equalled 0.6 thousand irmulpes I per minute per ml milk. During this sanie period, twice as much C05 was excreted with the milk as with the feces." (U) "ki iflv,/ 7ZM-Tb~- R? g =pm MR2.5 . FIITOV, G&B., Itand. biol. npAk, dots.; FILATOV, G.V., starshiy nauchnv7 notrudnik; KOIDAYMVA, I.A., jt`jjj;~jjjj--I'a-b-orant. Role of thiamine in the metabolism of animals [with summary in English). Izv. TSKhA no.1(20):193-200 158. NiRA il:4) (Thiamine) (Metabolism) ZUR TSOT, F.I., prof.; (MORGIMSKIT, V.I.; POLTAKOV, 1,I.; F~TOT, Me; BURCHINKO, Te.T.; PARSADUOVA, K.G.,red.; PAYWYA, (Practical work in the physiology of farm animals] Praktikum po fiziologii sallskokhosiaistyannykh thivotnykh. Pod red. P.I.Zharobteova. Moskva. Gos.ixd-vo 'Tysshaia shkola." 1959. 447 P. (HM 13:7) (Veterinary physiology--Study and teaching) ZHMMTSOV, P.I., doktor bial.nauk~, prof.; FILATOV, G.V., muk - w.-~-~~n-:.,-.:-;-;: e. Calcium metabolism in poultry during ontogany. Izv.TSKhk no.4:143-154 159. (14IR& 12:11) (Poultry) (Calcium metabolism) FILATOV, G-V-, KARrASHOV, 15.A., MUTIN, M.I., ZAKAMYRDIN, I.A., UZAKOV, U.YA. 0--- radiation in investigation of' absorption and out 07- orga =ra ion of some insects." (Approximate translation of title - document blurred - unable to make out letters.) Report subutitted to the SWV. on the Use and Application of Radioistopes and Radiation in the Control of Plant and Animal Insect Pests. Athens, Greece 22-26 April 1963 BUKINp AoL*,, aspirant; FILATOV, G.V., nauclinyy rukovoditell rabotY, kand. biol.nauk Toxicity of sevin to ma=ala and birds. Veterinarlia 42 no.1103-95 N 165. (MIRA 191l) 1. Vaeooy-aznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut veterinarnoy sanitarli. SMICE COD"; Ui(/0413/" 000/015/01, 93/0i93 D. P.; Gunov, A._I.;,~ilatov I.; Yhzayev, j._; Dartau, A. ova'.", G. A. Yela,-in, P. ",'a.; Xhvatov, A. I.; Dyukov, A. I.; iQiropik, B. A. none. A shop for ao3omblyin~r, largo structures of flying machines. Class 62, lzoloret prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 193 Tu-P:C T,LGS: construction machinery, aircraft !.:3S'2RACTL: 'his Author Certificate presents a shop for assemblyin6 large structures. flyir.,-, machine,-.. "he shop contains columns run' into the foundations, - * r: Aorlzorl- 'ixad or, top o' 'he colwins, cups with fixin- device3, and clev`coa L receptors and -aed(-;eo. To shorten t-he asse.-ably tiric --id to rearran,-Ie the --c-pe-tedly, bearin- plai0:3 art) fixed to the colw-rais, beama, a.-,d cunn. '" - . - j & lnesa ~-Iavo a notwork of coorainatinL~: holes which receive oins connectin,- the plates to o-.-.e _iiothcr. The fixing devices of 'he cups are tied to the coordinatinj holes in the spacin- strip placea in an aperture in the beam. The bottom of thiG Card 1/~~ Tim 629.13.01/06; c c "--n,arture also contains coord-inatinc holes for fixing the separating st-rip to niato of the horizontal beam. 65 Sj3 CODE: 13/ SUB~111 DAI.~;: .011aru FnATO-V, I. Fx9--- "Handbook for Nonferrous Metallurgist," The Metallurgizdat (Metallurgical Publication House) published this year (1953) the 2nd edition of the 1st volume of "Spravochnik metallurga po tsvetnym metallam" (Handbook for Nonferrous Metallurgist) editored by Prof. Dr. N. N. Nhiratov, Stalin Prize Winner. A book written for engineers, technicians, students, forermen and a'Ual if ieI workers it contains a substantial amount of general and practical data, although it is far from being exact. Some of the most flagrant discrepancies occur in the boiling points of pure metals, in data about physicochemical constants and density data. Original source: Vechernyaya, No. 172, 23 Jul 53, p. 2 SO; TI 152298 FILATOV, I. Are changes ir norms needed? Pozh. delo 5 no.10:IP,19 0 '59. MRA 13:2) (Firevw%n) (PVsical education and training) DAVYDOV, I. In the interest of the people and of production. Pozh.delo 7 no*10:2-4 0 161e (MERA 14:10) (Kuybyabov-Electric industries-Fires and fire prevention) FIIATOu. 1. .. . ............ Ifeacur-ev Justified by lifej from practices of volunteer firemen. Pozh.delo 7 no.9~6-7 S 161. (MMA 14:11) (F-ire preventior-societies) FILATOV, I.F.; TOKAWIICH, K.N.; VISHUYANOVA, L.A.; FRIMAN, E.A. Role of viral and rickettsial agents in the etiology of acute types of pneumonia. Trudy Len. inst. e id. i milwo- biol. 25:201-209 163. ~MIII 17:1) 1. Iz otdela osobo ~pasnykh infektsiy i laboratorii grippa Laningradskogo instituta opidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Pastera. AKHANGBINOK, A.G.; FILATCV I.G.. rodaktor; IObTI, N.L.. redaktor; FXTROV3KATA,'r._,Te-Wn?%skIy redaktor [Principleo of the methodology of teaching tactical fire prevention] Canovy metodiki pozharno-takticheakoi podgotovki. Moskva, Izd-vo Ministerstva, kommunallnogo khoziaistva RSYSR, 1954. 99 p. (MLRA 7:9) (Fire prevention-Study and teaching) MP ; ' ';" "- ' ''1. _- P I. tP i~N GARPINCHRUKO, A.M.; GOWBEV, S.G.; W1111OV, M.V.; XLLIM, A.A.; KALTATEV, S.V.; MIKHAYLOV, V.I.; GO=HT, S.G.i redaktor; PILATOV, r. 91 11 FAZ. redaktor; VINOKMOVA, Ye*B.j redaktor; KONTASHI akLy redaktor [F-Lre extinction tactical Pozharnaia taktika. Pod red. S.G.Golubova. Moskva, rzd-vo Kinisterstva kommunallnogo kboziaistva RSnR, 1955. 379 P. (MIRA 8: 6) Ortre extinction) FILATOV, I. Public cooperation is the magazine's beat support. Pozh.delo 6 no.9:2 S 16o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Otvetstvennyy sekretarl redaktaii zhurnala "Pozharno7e delo." (7ire prevention-Periodicals) BEBENIN, 14.Ye., inzh.; IU~3HHMAK, Yu.V., inzh.; TARAWYEW, V.I., inzh.,- !~IIATOVL I.A-, inzho-; BRAGIN, K.F., inzh. Supporting wo#.ings in deep mines. Ugoll. prom. no.6:24-28 N-D 162. .(KIRA 16:2) (Donets Basin-Mine timbering) KRASPIK, FJ.; FILATOV, I.F. Two cases of five-day fever in the absence of carriers. Trwly ~n,inat,epid.i mikrobiol. 23xV-1-126 161. (MIRA 1623) 1, Iw laboratorii osobo opasnykh infektsiy i rikk6ttiozov Loan- gradskogo instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Pastera i iz kliniki infektsionnykh bole=ey Voyenno-meditsinokoy akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. (TRENCH FEVER) ON, 3'1~~,-~-",~~*,`-,~~-, FILATOV, I.G,. Referonce book for a teacher of chemistrv(qkndbook of chemisti.7*9 P.PeUrshev. comp. Reviewed by I.G.Filatov). Xhim. v ahkole, 10 no.1:75-76 Jp-Ir 155,' (MLEM 8: 4) (Chemistry) (Xorshev, P.Ps) PER L'KAN, 1r.i.; FIIATOV, I.G. "Condensed handbook for chemists." V.VI. Perellman. Reviewed by I.G. Filatov. Zhur.prikl.khim. 28 no-12:1358-1360 D '55MML 9:3) (Chemistry--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) -IN 1A MY FILATOV, I. "Platitics in macbine construction." F.G. Dvoretskii. Reviewed by I. Filatov. Zbur.prikl.khim. 29 no.9:1460-1462 S '56. MU 9311) (Plastic* industry) (D7oretskii, F.G.) FILATQV & ~-j ~ 7- Z., "Polyethylene.ff M.I. Garber, ed. Reviewed by I. Filatov. Zhur.prikl.khim. 29 no.g: 1462-1464 S 156. (mru 51311) (Ilihylene) (Garbar, M.I.) MEW Chemtstry - Elooka Card 1/1 Pub. 1-47 - 35/35 Authors i Filatov, I. G. Title i Bibliography. Reference book on physico-chemical values Periodical I Zhur. fin. khim. 30/1, 237-238, Jan 1956 Abstract I A critical review is given on a new reference book physico-cheric-al values c(unposed by M. B. Baron; E. I. Kvyat; Ye. A. Podgornay.-; A. H. Ponom-areira; A. A. Ravdell and Z. N. Timofeyeva and published by the GOSCHINI"MAT in Leningrad in 1955. It is stated that the book coatains a chart of Mendeleyevla periodical system of elements, list of iq2ortant const.ints (mass, electron charge, mass of protons, neutrons and alpha partiales, gas constant, Avogardo, Planck, Bolt=ann cons'--ants, etc.) and other thermodynamic values. Institution : Submitted : I-- -, , ~ -7- ~ , , I - - - -- -- - Ir - -I,- L-- 2 -, - ~f - --I- - ~,- ---- . /~,- , 0 0~ --- -, - -- - -- --- - - - ---- -- - - - - - KOVARSKAYA, 9.1. (Leningrad); FILATOV. 1.0. (Hook-va). "A ecientific and Po;Ta-r-~Ook on halogens" by B. Rozen. Reviewed by M,I, Kovarskaja and I.Q. FlIatov. Khim.v shkole I? no.4:72-73 Jl-A '57. (MIMA 10:81 (Elalogens) (Rozen, B.) FILATOV, I.G.; PARINI, V.P. k "FuadamentRls of the manufacture of gas-ex-Datided plAstice and elastometers" by A,A.Berlin. Poviewed by I.G.Filatov, V.P.Parini. Kh1m.prom. no.4:254-255 JS 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Plastics) (Ilastomers) (Berlin, A.A.) '-g AUTHORz Filatov, I.G. 3-12-24/27 TITLEi The Needed Pook on Organic Chemistry (Nuzhnaya kniga po orga- nicheskoy khimii) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1957, 11 12, pp 85 - 86 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The author gives a critical review of a new chemistry hand- book, "Organic Chemistry" (Organicheskaya khimiya) by N.I. Putokhin, published by Sellkhozgiz in 1956, for use in agri- cultural vuzes. This book contains basic information on chemis- try of carbon compounds. There is a good historical exposition of the theory on the chemical etructure of organic compounds by A.M. Butlerov, developed by V.V. Markovnikov, and of the stereo- chemical theory. In spite of a few deficiencies, the author expresses a favorable opinion on the work. There are 2 Russian references. AVAILABLEz Library of Congress Card 1/1 FILATOV, I.G. "Yaolitei and its utilization in the chemical industry* by I.I.Zgorov. Zhur.prIkl.khim. 30 no.5:822-823 MY '57. (KIRA 10:10) (Plastics) (Egorov, I.A.) FILATOV I G. "Temperature measurement" by R.M. Fedorovich. Reviewed by I.G. Filatov. Zhur.prikl.khim. 30 no-7:1117-lU8 Jl 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Thermometry) FILATOV, I.G. UPlastice in medicine* by I.I. Revzin. Reviewed by I.G. Filatov. Zhur. prikl. khim. 31 no.1:149-150 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Plastics) (Medical supplies) (Revzin, I.I.) FILATOV, L.G, ndustry" by A.K. Vardenburg. nPlastica in alectrotecbn-ical i no.7:1127- Reviowed '~y I.G. Fllatov. Zhur. prikl.khIm- 31 11?8 ii 158. (IURA 11:9) (Plastica) (Vardenbiirg, A.K.) 10(5)5(2,3) Z~ ' V/ C- - 3 "' - 7,- 4 2 S t orc, nki a, A - V o ra c`i e v!t k i A Su x% r ev, :.i. o I k i nd TIT LE Biblior-raphy (Biblioi-,r~.fiya) 'ICIIL: - huriw I ,r,. I E, d n o y 1.: 1; i rr. i i I X XXI 1 3 i, P (:, Nf - 6 (USSR) "'32- "T: The r, icle conta, ins the rnvi -.,i o P 3 !:ocl-,.- cm! (if :.ic'. is a trancl.-,ticr -(roll; I~ncliah. The t,,.-,) Sovic' ~Icc: '11% --, f e r - ence Dock for tile .'~,uiLibriu-.., Bet-~-cea Li -u i-; t.,J ~-tid "Fla:;tic~: nnd Meir Inflamiabilit- rd 1/1 75702 AUTHOR: Fil'I'Lov, I. G. TITLE: Bibliography PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy Ichimii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 10, pp 2371- 237~ (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a review of the book "Chemistry of' Synthetic's at a New Stage," by Muoabokov, Yu. S. (Sintetichp-lcaya khimiya na novom etape), published by Yaroslavl' pub- lishing house, 1958. Edition of 15,000 copies. 0.0000 7767T SOV/80-33-2-52/52' AUTHOR: Budnikov, P. P., Filatov, I.___G.,_.Rc',--!nyan, A. L. TITLE., Bibliography PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol 33, Nr 2, pp 5o6-51,.2 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Three new books are listed with an extensive review of' each. card 1/1 FILATOV, I.G. --- "Plastics and their applications in the national economyn b7 G.0 Tatevoulian. Reviewed by I.G. Filatov. . Zhur. prikl. khim. 33 no.8:1916-1918 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Plastics) (Thtevoslian, G.0) I -n-jA-TOV II,G. "Polymerig at the service of manO by L.A. Nihulaev. Reviewed by I.G. Filitov. Khim. v shkole 16 no.1:67--68 Ja-F 161. NBA 14:1) (polymers) (Nikolaevi L.A.) I FILATOV, I.G. "Synthetic macromolacu:Lar compounds" by L.A, TSiretkov. Reviewed' by I.G. Filatov. 'Kh1m. v shkole 16 no.6:801-90 N-D 161. (ilIPA Jim) (Macromolecular compounds) (TS"tkOV; L.A. FIIATOV, I.G. "Plasticis in the national economy" by L.M.Zabolotnikova, Vj; Kozel. Reviewed by I.G.Filatov. Zhur. prikl. khim. 34 no.2:470-.171 F 161., (MIRk 1432) (Plastico) (Zabolotnikova, L.M.) (Kozel, V.I.) FIIATOV, 1. G-,_ ....... Concise handbook of physicochemical data. Zhm-.fiz.khim. 35 no.8:1892-3.893 Ag(c'61. (MMA 14:8) hemistry,, Physical and theoretical) FILATOV, I.G. "Use of pListics In various branches o1 Industry" by D~G, Bachm-In. Reviewed by I.G.Filatov. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.3:702-703 Yx 162. (MIRA 15t4) (Plastics) (Bachurin, D.G.) FIIATOV, I.G. "Plastics and technology" by B.M, Hotkin... V.11. Porapelkin. Reviowed by I.G. Filatov. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 lic.5:11W.-U64 my 6,?. (MIM 15:5) Wastica) (Not"kin, B.M.) (Perepolkin,, V.P.) FILATOV, LGI 'Entertaining chemistry" by V. I.Ioevashov. Reviewed by I.G.FUatov. Khim. v shkole 18 no.1:87-88 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16s4) (Chemistry-Juvenile literature) (lovashov, V.I.) FILATOV, I.G. (Moskva); KRYLOV, D.G.; USHAKOV, M.A.; BRAVERMAN, E.M. (Moskva) Criticism and bibliography. Fiz. v shkole 23 no.4:95-1(a JI-Ag 1163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Moskovski gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheak-Ly institut imeni V.I. Lenina Ur Ushakov). ;15 ; i7-- FILATOV, I.G. Bibliography. Zhur. priki. khim. 36 no.11:2559-2560 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) F'.7LATOV., I.G. Bibliography. ZIrar.prikl.khim. 37 no.7.-1645-.1647 JI 164. (MIRA 18'4) )FILATOV, I.G. Bibliography. Zhur. prikl. khim. 38 no.731647-1648 Tl 165. (MM 180) FILATOV, IeGo "Concise handbook of chemistry" by I.T. Goronovskii, M.P. Nazaranko, E.F. Nelriach. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.5tl385- 1387 My 164. (MIRA M12) 1. Submitted Aug. 15, 1963. USSR/Form Animals - Large Horned Cattle. 41-2 Abo Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 18, 1958, 83344 Author : Filatov inst Title : Successful Use of Calcinated Straw in Milch Cow Diut's. Orig Pub : Zhivotnovodstvo, 1958, No 2, 46-49. Abstract : When hay was replaced in cow rations by calcinated strow, it did not produce a decrease in their milk productivity, nuither did it affect the L-dlkls chemical composition or the blood's indicators to any appreciable degree. Card 1/1 FIIATOV, I.I., assistant- 1, . Improving labor conditions in linen spinning mills. Tekst. prom. 19 no.5:98 Mr 159. (K= 12:10) 1,5molenskiy madinstitut. (SNTiL1=--TFMI13 MORIMS--DISEASES AND IITGIErX) FILATOV, I. I. Gand Med Sci -- "Data on the functional state of the cardio- - flax vascular system of spinners in hotAspinning abolion- in connection with their labor oonditionsoq Minsk, 1961 (Min of Health BSSR. Minsk State Mea Inst). (KL, 4-61, 211) -38~- FlUT0% I.K..P insh.; STROGANOVA, L.I., inah.; MROZOW., T.Y., inzho Insulating iail bond with inaerta made with polymer materials. Vest.TSNXIMPS 2l'uo.7--5&-61 162. 1 (KM 15:12) (Electric inoulators and inmdation) (Plaotics) FTLkT-OV I. "Mechanization of Heavy Jobs on the Vol-oshilov Collective Farm.," Sots. zhiv. 14, K-o-4p 1952 "Effect of Certain Conitructinal Elenents- of --i I-,.vo',,,al -Ma.-le 1 4- ~-, Turbine on (, C~vituation Fropertie.~-.. " G~inl Tech Sci, Lcnin-,,rarl Polytechnic Inot, Leningrad, 1954. (102111'eklll, Sel-) 54) SO: Sun, "'32, 2") 1,ir 55 FILP-11OV, 1.11. Nffect of the shape of the runner hub and wheel pit on the cavitation of adjustable-blade hydraulic turbines. !!rudy LPI no.193:66-74 158. (M:MA 12:2) (HAraulic turbines) Al !;Ir_':Afl)Vt 1.!.!, 11 .lorsldcrption of w,,I,cr hwniri4r In hydraulic, Wrb.!-ne Oy!:ter-i3. Trutv Li'l no.246T25-31 165. ,,,ffect cf the rumbor cf rot,)r5 on the rippdity of a ~jvdraidic drivo. Ibid.-96-90 (;ilR.A LIJI) -1.1 -* ICAl4kfVlj -A,-P.- and- FILATOV 1 - - 'Iftodernic gadflY in 90at'3-lf Veterinariya 1101. 37., No. 3, 1960, p. 65 ~--&,L(7~ - 4VILCG, tt&- li~kl " Ve-+ o", - " ~ &v, KAMARLI, A.P., kand.veter. nauk; FIIATOV, I.P. ---v, ~, . , Warble flies of goats. Veterinariia 37 no.3-.65 Yx '60. - (MIRA 16:6) 1. Kirgizskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zhivotnovodstva i vaterinarii (for Kamarli). 2. Direktor Uch-Korgonskoy veteri- narno-bakteriologicheskoy laboratorii (for Filatov). (Warble flies) FILATOV, I.S., inzh. Unloading sugar beeta-without bunkers. Mekh.i avtom.proizv. 14 no.3:44-46 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Sugar beets--Transportation) 70 A Al F IL20V , - 1. S. - (b FT I ) - - -- - --- - ------ - - - -- -- - --- - - - - --- -- "IrIVCGtigation of tg and of several ceramic materials in fields of from 180 -4600 V/cm in the frequency range of from 7,65 - 20,5 megacycles and in the tea;perature range of from 20 - 72OCC according to the calorimetric method" Report preseated at a Conference on Solid Dielectrics, To=-,k Polytechnical Inot-, 3-8 Feb. 58. (ElektricheStvo, '58, No- 7, 83-%) 5- M iN T'~ FILMY, I.S. Determination of heat capacities of ceramics during calori- metric determination of dielectric losses. Izve vys. uchebs zav.; fiz. no-3:100-105 '58. (KRA, 11:9) 1. Sibirskiy fisiko-takhniebookiy institut pri Tomskom gos- universitste imeni V.V. Kuybysgeva. (Ceramics--Testing) (Dielectrics) AUTHORS: Vorozhtsov, B. I. and F SOV/139-58-4-12/30 _EL1atQ_V_j_ I. S. bletho-7-o-f-keasuring the TITLE: Non-Steady State Oalorimetric __ Dielectric Loss Angle and the Fermittivi~yin Strong High Frequency Fields (Nestatsionarnyy kalorimetricheskiy metod izmereniya ugla dielektricheskikh poter' i dielektricheskoy pronitsayemosti v sillnykh polyakh vysokoy chastoty) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Fizika, 19587 Nr 4, PP 105-113 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Calculation of the dielectric loss angle is based on comparing the heat generated by the dielectric losses and the heat measured from the temperature rise of the dielectric, taking into consideration the heat losses due to heat exchange between the specimen and the surrounding medium. The mathematical formulation of this relation is expressed by the differential equation (2), p 106, the solution of which can be developed in series- the author limits himself to using the first term, 'thus obtaining the following equation: Cardl/4 2~ST = (A/mX)t SOV/139-58-4-17/30 Ron-Steady State Calorimetric Method of Measuring the Dielectric L' d the FemittiVit oss Angle an yin Strong High Frequency Fields In the case of non-uniform fieldsthe relations are more complicated. Of practical interest is the case of a cylindrical condenser and the solution of the non- uniform equation of heat transfer for such a case, quoted from an earlier paper of one of the authors (Ref 16), is expressed by Eq.(8). The equation on which the calculation of the dielectric losses is based iS: tg 6 = mXA T 0.24 w CV2'rmst The block schematics of the test set-up is shown in Fig.2; it consists of an H.F. oscillator, an inductively coupled metering circuit, equipment for measuring the temperature of the specimen and its heating by the high frequency current, metering voltage and a crucible electric furnace. The oscillator can be operated at frequencies between 7.65 and 85 Mc/sec. All the connections in the oscillator and in the meter circuit Card2/4 were made of copper tubes and silver-plated;coils intended SOV/139-58-4-17/7;0 Non-Steady State Calorimetric Method of Measuring the Diele'etric loss Angle and the Permittivithy in Strong High Frequency Fields for operation at frequencies above 20.5 Me/see are also silvered. The metering circuit consists of an induction coil, a tuning condenser C I a condenser containing the dielectric, C and a voltage metering circuit. The error of detefmining the capacitance is 0.5% with'a sensitivity of 0.025 pF per scale division. The tempera- ture dependence e was calculated from the change in the capacitance with temperature and the geometrical dimensions of the specimen with an error of 1.5%; it can be seen from the graph, Fig-3, that for quartz tho thus obtained results are fully in agreement with thoso measured on a Q-meter. In a table, p 112, a comparison is given of the dielectric loss factor for several materials measured by the here described method with the values measured by other methods. The here described non-steady state calorimetric method of measuring the dielectric characteristics of solid dielectrics in utrong fields enables measuring at temperatures up to 10OOuC and even higher and determining the dependence of the Card3/4 dielectric loss factor on the field potential at rarious SOV/139-58-4-17/30 Non-Steady State Calorimetric Method of Measuring the Dielectric Loss Angle and the Permittlvl'~y in Strong High Frequency Fields temperatures and frequencies. The test equipment is simple in design and the test procedure itself does not differ greatly from that applied in current methods of measuring the dielectric characteristics. There are 6 figures? 1 table and 19 references, 11 of which are Soviet, 3 German and 5 English. ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri Tomskom gosuniversitete imeni V. V. Kuybysheva (SiberianPhysico-Technical Institute at the Tomsk State University imeni V. V. Kuybyshev) SUBMITTED: January 31, 1958 Card 4/4 AUTH~E~~.- TITLE: Dielectric Losses and Permi-ittivity of Certain Ceramic Mater- ials in Szron High-Frequency Electric Fields at High Temperati.-.res &ielektricheskiye poteri i dielektricheskaya pronitsa-,.-femost' nekotorykh keramicheskikh materialov v silln,ykh elektrichesk4-kh polyakh v-ysokoy chastoty pri povyshennykh temperat-arakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya yysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, fizika, 1958, Nr 5, pp 73-.78 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper was presented at the Conference of Higher Educat- ional Establishments on Dielectrics and Semiconductors,, Tomsk, February, 1958. The author re-por-t,-s his inve st igat ions of six ceramic materials: B (VK-92), B-4, M-4, M-6 and 2a. The composition of these oaramics was as followe: B contained 91,,G% of talc, 5.2% of kaolin and 3.2~6 of boracite; B-1 con- sists of B with 1% of BaO; B-4 collsist-s of B with 4% of BaO; m-4 consiabs of B with 4% oil MgO; M-6 consistzi of B with 61% of MgO; 2a consists of K with 21% of BaO, where K consists of 91.6% of talc (including 8% of MgO) '-.2% of kaolin and 3,2% of boracite,, Various additions to the ceramic B were meant to improve its properties, The samples viere washed . with benzene and dried in vacuo fcr eight; hours at 1,90-200 C. Card 11/3 U SOV/139-58-15-15/35 Dielectri,~~ Losses and Permittivity of Certain Ceramic Ma-11--erials in Strong High-Frequenoy Eleotric Fields at High Temperatures 0 The author measured the dielectric looses (tan 6) and permitti-1rity (e) at tempera-Vu:ves from 20 to ?500~03, at frequen- cies from 7,65 to 20,5 Mel's and in fields from 150 to 4600 V/cm. Measurements were made using a calorimetric apparatus devel- oped at the Elect-ro--Physiuns Laboratory of tile Siberian Physico- Technical Institute by B, I. Vorozhtsov and improved by Fila- tov (Ref.11). The results of measurements are given in Figs. 0 1-7. Figsj-2 give the teMPE)ratu-ra depandences of tan 6 and e of the 2a. and B-4 ceramics resj;)ectively (also at various fields and frequen4l-~ies). The temperature dependences of tan 6 of all the sd-x -eramics, are iciven in Fig.5, The field depen- dence of the losses in B-4 is show-n in Fig.6. Fig..? gives. the effect of the duration of application of the field on the losses of the ceramics studied, The author makes the follow- ing conclusions from the res~..~lts obtained, 1) The ceramics studied contain a-ir )ccluded in pores. This air is 4-,) ionisation which is accompanied by an in- crease of tan 6 and s ir. high fields, Card 2/3 5 Dielectric Losses and Permittivity of Certain Cerailij,.'. i4atorials in Strong High-Frequency Electric Fields at High TeLaperatures 2) The probability of ionsat .L -ion of the occluded air depends on temperature, frequency, field intensity and duration-of application of the field. -o relaxation or conduction in the 3 The losses may be due 4V ceramic or due to ionisation of air in pores,, When ionisat- ionomurs the ionisation losses predominate. There are 7 figures and 16 references., .15 of which we Soviet and one is a translation from English into Russian, ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri Tomskom ,gosun-iversitete imeni V.. V,, K4ybysheva (Siberian Ph~ysico- Technical Institute at Tomsk State University imeni V. V. Kuybyshev) SUBMITTED: March 10, 1958. Card 3/3 Ni., FILATOV, I.S. Bffect of pnronity on the olnctrophynical propertieu of ceramicu. Izv~vp3.uchnh*zuv.; fiz. no.3:107-111 '5~- (MIRA 12:10) 1. Sibiruldy fiziko-tnkhnlchaskly inotitut pri T"nkom gosuniver- altate lmnni V.V.Kuyhy9hnva. (Ceramic rAterials-Electric proportles) ":N 4 -'t. 7a~' 4,V 0 82346 Cg I/. ')) 00 S/139/60/000/03/045/045 AUTHOR: Filatov, I.S. /IF E032/,P,3i4 TITLE: Effect o a ~-foh orl tg 6 in Ceramics PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1960, No 3, pp 239 - 240 (USSR) I/ ABSTRACT: The effect of radiationvon the properties of ceramics(~b has not so far been exhaustively studied. The present work is concerned with the effe-,t of radiation on tg 6 in B-1 ceramic~6 This ceramic consists of 91.6% talcum, 5.2% kaolin and 3.251, boracite. Measurements were carried out by a non-stationary calorimetric method (Ref 6), using an off-balance bridge (Ref 7). T46 irradiation was carried out on a 15 MeV betatron and a Co specimen. Measurements before irradiation (Refs 8,9) showed that relaxation ionisation,and conduction losses appear in this ceramic, depending on the temperature.frequency and field. In order to establish the effect of irradiation, tg 6 was measured as a funct:~on of temperature,frequency and field strength. It was found that after irradiation by a betatron (dose rate 4,8 x 10 4 T/h, integral dose 2 x 1,05 'Y*) tjg 6 Cardl/3 82346 s/139/60/000/03/045/045 EO;2/E314 Effect of Radiation or) tg 6 in Ceramlc remained constant in both weak and strong fields at all temperatures between 200 and 700 0C. When the dose wets increased to 2.12 x 10 7 'V~(produeed by Co 6o ) tg 6 remained constant at0low temperatures but at high temperatures (above 250 C it increased apprec~lably. The slope of the temperature dependence in the high-temperature region after irradiation remained roughly constant. The relaxation maximum in this case disapp,ared completely. In order to explain the disappearance of the maximum, measurement,3 were-made of tg 6 as a function of frequency beforg and after irradiation. After irradiation at 1.06 x 10 t--, tg b, in general, decreased by a factor of 2. Irradiation at 2.12 x 107 -'r led to an almost complete disappearance of the relaxation maximum and to an increase in the conduction losses. This behaviour of tg 6 after irradiation at large doses cannot be easily explained,, It is possible that the barium atoms capture free electrons ejected by the radiation. As a xesult colour centres are formed Card2/3 (it was, in fact, observed that the ceramic became d&rker 82346 S/139/60/000/03/045/045 EQ~2/E314 Effect of Radiation on tg 6 in Geraml !s in colour after irradiation). It is suggested that if the number of weakly bound barium ions giving rise to relaxation losses decreases -with increasing dose, while the number of colour centres Inireases, then sh a after irradiation,relaxation lossesyHecrease -while con- duction losses should increase. In order to elucidate the effect of irradiation on lonisation losses, measurements were made of tan 6 as a function of field strength before and after irradiation. The result obtained is shown in Figure 3, in which the points refer to measurements boflore irradiation and the crosses to measurements after irrad- iation. Irradiation appears to have no effect on thiti dependence. It follows +hat changes in the structure of the ceramic material B-1~'due to irradiation by gamma-rays leads to a reduction in relaxation losses and an increase in the conduction losses. There are 3 figures and 9 Soviet referencos. ASSOCIATION: Sib:Lrsk:Ly fiziko-t~e~nicheskiy institut pri Tomskom gosuniversitate imeni V.V. Kuybysheva (Siberian Institute of Physics and Technology at Tomsk State University imenA V-V- 1Cii-rhxr=haxr1 SUBMITTED. Dct-ob-e-r--2V-,- 1959 ,r_rj,,mto.ym p3 filike diml*ktrik- 2d. 195.4 rx.ik. d1.l1ktr1.k-v truly 't-7 ..... T.2-f k.--Xo"ftts1i .r--tI,- ~f tt~. 23 111--l- C-fl,.- - the fty.l- of 1) 1., . I.-' A3 S3.M, 19F.O. 532 P. Errata slip Innerta,!. 5.COO n~,les V,nm lad printed. ~P--aaj Ai=-,- -u1 5=. FW-ch-kif jn4t.-te- I...j P.%. Ed. or F~- To.L. Sterck.d-1kay.. T-h. W., I.%. "ri. 1 P-rd: ?&sp. td.) G.I. Msma,i I!~-tr.of Physi- -1 ttath-1-:2~* I XJ. C-11 ?-, It. An! n A A - i -f -p-rt. for tL-tt.t. i-tig.ttg T the hy.11l: P COTEUSE, Th. 3-.1 All-'J.,I :n C=f-mc. Tn -'. If DI-1-tri- hold I. K,,-- .1 th- "Stitut -..Vqi P.S. TLOS.JAYA nysl- i-i P., !153 - att~J~l by repr-atative. of the ;rtotl?al -I f .... ral ~tl.. r , -, 7LI. -- 1-tion, -,t of th. rop-%. proseated a% the c-for- ~M -ri- Of t&A dimc~41~9 vh1th fzli-d- The re-ts In tMis -'-tioo, 1-7 with di9l"tric p".;Ortl-, -t-, And with tA -ual -4 ~ .... I--- r.11.tIzm and Irradt~tjav a.- A -a e4. M, ,I- ~C.--Lna A. lie. f ~tb- ;.; pr.3-' .-.,at t:. d..1I.j with I...... ~j tT..kd-s ~f eu- 1"te. A b4ch war* r4tlishv-1 in the --xA.I -qotj7g gj SS..;a, Seri's ft--ilt-Skj., !-.I xd ;, 7,0. 1~ p.r.o-liti., are menti-I. 'I wh n;-.rt. Z.To._ Liker. and I D. trif~-!tL.Tcaporatnro Dmpecdv~-* of C.-tal. 21 Ic lzd=*I,. C.,p..-t.-. W DWI--tri. L~.... of r,-. gigh-F-1~-,y Fi.1dj V. Ellin Tanperst- [&Ibt~kijr r1sIkn-t4L-m1tb*$k1y 01, ~- ~Siber~iam FhysI- And S,%-titin R.,.A-h Institute, T-k) 24 Z- 37 0. the Problas of the -peoMc Dlal~tric. [Voro-zhsk17 vvlj9kikb-y&y.tTAn=krr I-tltu- (V~xh Agruit-l] 39 _!.T. D141.,tric Pox-t.rv of D-ble Liq.14 In the A b Agrlmlt-al Inetituo.] Dtx;.:SL*n Ob..rv.d in S_ D, -=--imal Institute] At A-dl. 57 .Ztri- ef C', Ad 65 77 ..d A.M. G ~- Lb-^,. St,~dj, or v Ao4 tg6 1. p. -a A. . : tion of ;~. -*-- a- "-was. [I.Stitu. Y--~Ykh 117~ilznly AS S5ZR, Laning-.1 (IA3*lt.t. of giCt K., _.ujr CC.?.=4. A3 C=. L4-rdlj 91 of Cable P.PAT In R41&tlnn -~ the Prc;qrtias of to& C~_. (Paper -- oil) -kmkiy .... Ct--oh..k1j 1-titot (21--cow P-r Forlo-ri.C 97 105 K-92--kir P,obl- -, the Dj~-o Th-u of ThArnal Phan-" in 'P 11 - 1. T. 0 ii~ rip. u t.k!.Itbv.k -.t or DI F~ IY ivetit.t I.. v.i. n,y.~& (L..loa) (Lnl.cmd Zl~tmt~~=Inkl I"tl-Qtg 12-1 V.r.-Mly- (Lani.)] 124 -"&-1trwb-ko D.A- and V.A. nevol,v. Use or c-iai Assenetors yor a --p-Ific Jd--j- C.;-ite Ptolation to T-pora-uro [1"titute of HA& Molovdar Ccm,--m, Atedony or SI.-., USSR, L-iagradj 132 . to " the jlqC%_ph,tor&pbjC lhlzd- I S. 4 - -t -11 SSS.:L Msp-~ f!nstituto of Cr-.9t.1- I 1cirr-PhYl A-41.7 of US&R, M..I-)3 1)9 Gubkln, A.N. And 7-F. -Sjzr~ljranka-Om Charge Statilltr of Im3ranic Xla~tmtm P.S. l4bd.l. AS USSR, '.sc,-j 150 FILATOV, I. S. Cand Phys-Math Sci -- "Dielectric losses in ceramics in strong high-frequenoy fields under high temperatures*" Tomsk, 1961 (Tomsk State Univ im V. V. Kuybyshev). (EL, 4-61, 165) -48- 0- T~ .q fj i~ ,_1 YM NO VOROZHTSOV, B.T.- W11STEROV, V.M.; Ul,'OTRINSKAYAJ, Ye.A.; FILATOV, I.S. Dielectric properties of insulating materials following gam.,.-a irradiation. Part 1. Methods for measuring the dielectric characte-istics during irradiation# Izvovys,uch,zave; fiz, no.4:163-170 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy inst-itut pri To,~-,skor: gosudarstvennom universitete imeni V.V. Kuybysheva. (Dielectrics, Effect of radiation on) (C~avna rays) FI L&I 67 h3537 r s/196/62/000/023/004/006 AUTHORS$ Vodoplyanov, X.A.~ Vorozhtmov, B.I., Potakhove# 6.1.# LAvrovt M,Dow"' Neaffielovot YoeSev terov.-S.M. Vorothtsova, I.Q.* 01'shanakayaqN.I.s Jyen Ziminat YO.A*9 Mikhayloves T.G., Sitozhevskayas G.,V.o and Filatov, I.S. TITLEo The influence of betatron radiation on the dielectric properties of certain electrical insulating materials PERIODICALs ReferatLvnyy thurnal, Elektrotekhnike L onergetika, no.23. 1962, 12-13o abstract 23 8 67. (In collections Zl*ktron. uskoriteli (Zlectronto Accelerators)l Tomsk, Tomskiy un-t, i961,.308-318) TEM "'The temperature and frequency aharocteristics of electrical 4noulating materials were investigated before and after. . y-irradiati on at dosages ranging from 1041 to 2 x 103 radalwith a dosage rate r nXin from 3U0 to 1300 rade/minuto at temperatures a 9 of -6o~ -20 0 and +60 C and under tropical conditions (40 OC and relative hu midity of 98%)1 the source of radiation was a Cord 1/3 OP. The influence of betatron radiation... sllgb/62/000/023/004/006 E194/E155 15 MoV betatron. The characteristics of polyethylene were not altered-by a radiation dome of 103 rade (the measurements were mad* at about 109 c/o). The iow-rrequency tan 6 of plastic bx_4 (AG-4) innamed (jarticularly after irradiation under tropical conditions and t -60 C) but the value in the frequency range 105 - 1013 C/o did not alter. Evidently irradiation increases the resistive Coe- ponent of loss by conductivity and does not alter the relaxation components. Similar results were obtained for plastics K-114-35s. X-211-3 and 4)Knt4 -25 IMPH-25). In the case of textolite with a silicoorganic bindar OKM -1 (SKM-1), a dosage rate of 500 rade/min firm* increases the low-frequency tan 6 only up to about 10 rads, and ih,n diminishes it. Above 1200 radolmin the tan b steadily decrease*. It is povoible that with heavy dostages and high dosage rates a.process of binding together reduce@ the tan 6. In the silicoorganic resins 14 P -2 (-14R-2), 14R-6 and 14R-15, dosage rates of 500 rade/min and a dosage of 105 rade cause a small increase in canducCivity and tan 6 at low frequency, but this change disOpeare as tompersture.curves are being taken, so that the shape oK the rev*rse.tomperature curve coincides with that Card 2/3 Z "-4 '0 "Y 8/196/42/000/023/004/006 The Influence of betatron radiation.. E294/E155 for the non-irradiated material. Irradiation of varnishes K-471 976.1, and VIII'M -16 JHGM-16) under various conditions caused no change in their electrical insulating properties. Irradiation of steatite ceramic (1). B&O, 91.6% Onot talc, 5.2%'kaolin, 3.21* boracit*) (with a dosage of 2 x 105 rads) did notalter the shape (measured a 0 c/o) either in of the temperature curve of tan 6 t I weak fields J943 V/cm) or' in strong (1890 It/on). With a dosage of 2.12 x 201 radeg tan 6 measured at 94.% Vlow was not altered at, low temperatures but increased appri,ociably at temperatures above 400 *C. 13 illustrationso 31 references.. as complete tiranslation [Abstractor's. not, C rd 3/3, ,a J~ - T, MIT! I W~wzqwqq low 14~Z ~T zl:/139/63/000/001/024/o27 E202/E420 ---A UT11 Oft.' ------Potiikhova.---G.I,,-Vorozl-itsov, B.T. TITLE:,: - -Dke'Lec tri c-propert i ,s----o-f- insulating - ma t eria 1 s during M -6)- gamiria-irradiation. I IV. A)oNy compound 6 D- lzv,~stiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Fizika, no-L, 10,63, 155-159 TE.):T: The resiilts of studying the dielectric losses and permittivity of ED-6 compound during gaitmia irradiation are ggiven. Both the effect of the intensity of the dose and cumulative dose of radiation wits considered in terms of the dielectric characteristics of the compound in relation to the frequency of the external field. The investigations were carried out at various temperattires, in. atmospheric conditions, in vacuo and under tropical humidity. Of particular interest uras the study of the effect of quartz filler on the dielectric properties of the above compound under the conditions of irradiation. Similar methods to those described previously (Izv. vuzov SSSR, Pi,,ika, no.6, 1962, 143) were used. In spite of the presence of' the polar epoxy groups the dependence of tan 5 for pure ED-6 on the frequency is very weak and disappears with Card 1/3 W, M S/139/63/000/001/04'!4/027 Dielectric properties E202/E420 . . .... Irr-adii%-tion-ha-1 little effect oil the above relation and on the 11"agnitude of tan 6. These differendes-- were calculated when irradiating with an intensity of 670 The electric breakdown of pure El)-6 showed that when the irradiating dosie is of the order of 21100 r/min there is no change in the breakdoi-n-i value.~;. El)-6 with quartz filler when exposed to gaimim irradiation showed a change in tan & which was most offective at low frequencies and decreased with increasing frequencies and temperatures. Experiments carried out in vacuo showed that tho latter phenomena are due to the --ntrinsic 4--hanges within tile sample itself and i-Lot a result of secondary phenomena. It was found that the discrepancies in tan 6 between theoriAical. and experimental values increase with frequency- tile calCUlatCd values after irradiation were of the order 2.8 ~ 10-6 while the exi)crii,-ienti%1 values were 1.6 x 10-2. It jra.,j concluded that the effect of gamma irradiation for dose ievels up to 650 r/min in tile region of low Crequencios leads to the increase of tan 6 In quartz filled z -6. This effect, decreases with increasing frequency of Lhe electric field and temperature of the sample. The value of Cai'd 2/3 1',Iiclc.ctric properties 1`202/1-1'420 tan 6 in the quartz filled compound ,,t ii Fixed frequency 'wras g_ '3 It was also cletermined by the intensity of' the it-radiatin, do-c. Cound that the specific volume resistivity of ED-6 decreases with the gamina irradiation. Finally, it was shown that in materials with ~A quartz filler tit(,- increase of tau u clurin- irradiation is duc to the quartz. There are 5 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION. Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhniche.,;kiy institut pri Tomskoin gostaniversite-te imeni. V.V.KL1ybyshcva (Sibe-rian Physico-tochnical InstiLuto at Tomsk State University :jmcni V.V.Kuyby!~hev) SUBMIM:,D: November 30, 1961 Card N ACCESSICK M A14041843 G/0139/64/000/003/0007/0011 AUTHORS: Vorozht-sov, D. I.) Filator, 1. a. TITIE., Effect of gomm radiation on the dielectric Vlp~-orertieis of &YMMUS dense ceramic SOMM: IM Fizika, no. 3, ~964o 7-11 TOPIC TAGS: ceramic dielectric,, ceramic technoloEor, gamma radiation, Uelectric constant, dieleabric loss tale-baae ceramic, the authors plotted the dependence ABSTRACT: In studying a of the tangent of the dielectric loss angle and the dielectric constant on the, temperature, frequency, and field intensity before, during, and after irradiation vith gamma rays from C;6O at 20C and at relative humidity 68%* It is concluded that the properties of the ceramicj, both followinj the action radiation and during the interval of "If6irra4lation in a weak field,, can be noticeably changed (as a rijoult of destruction of the structure of 'the material'following vitrification with ;ormation of color centers) onlywhen the radiation does is large (more than 100 r). Ttw relaxatic'n losses decrease vith increasing dose 1/4 Carl 7; p ACCFMICH INR- i%M41843 and the conductivity loospa increase emevhat. In strong fieldB, even a slight radiation dose (2.25 x 104 r) leads to a sharp increase in the-dielectric con-, atant and loss angle, owing to the strong dependence of the ionizatiai of the i gas in the pares of the material in the hf field an the action of the external ionizer. Orig., art* has: 5 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Gibirskiy fiziko-tekhaicheakiy institut pri Tamskon goouniveroitete imeni V,,,V* KXWby*she" (Siberian Phycicotechnical Institute atTmkftate Uni- versity) 1 StaKEM P.%iui62 MM 02 SUB CCDE1 EGj,6S no IMF 807: 013 006 Card 2/4 ACCESSION NRs P4041843 ENCLOSURES 01" 4 4 41 Ox mi'm AV Im I v Temperuture dependence of loss angle TYtquency dependence of cammic loss anple' befire abd after '!irradihtion. Curve before and.after irradiation. 1 strong field, A - before irrad, 1 - before irradiation ..o after irradiation, Curve 2 - 2 and-3 - After* irmdiation s#-ong field, o - before irradiation x after irradiation Card 3/4