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FI*IAJDIC, Mirko, dr., ing.; GRUNER, Matilda, ing.; VRAITCIC, Katarina Statistical interpretation of the results of microbiological tests in daternination of vitamins in foodstuffs. Kem ind 10 no.10:311-~124 0 161. 1. Zavod za. poznavanje i analizu zivotnih namirnica, Tehnoloski fakultet (Uhiverzitetal Zagreb. 2. Clan Redakcionog odbora, "Kemi-ja u industriJi" (for FilaJdic) (Microbiology) (Vitamins) .-M PA ---FMQDIC, Hirko, prof., dr.inge "Tex*book of foodstuff chemistryt' by Josef Schormuller. Revikkea by Mirko Filajdic. Kem ind 10 no,12:487 D 161. 1. Clan Redakcionog 6dbora., "Kemija u industriji". -S N. NV FILAJDIC, Mirko. dr. ing. (Zagreb); VILICIC, Davorka, ing. (Zagreb); ST,,,.HAl:- r J-c-,-Tl-a-s-ta-. -(Zagreb) -.4dar vt Organoleptic evaluation of lipide foodituffs. Kem ind 11 no.1:3-1.1 Ja 162. 1. Zavori !.n noznavanje i analizu 7.jvotnih nanurnica Tchnoloskog falmlteta Sveucilista u Zagrebu, Zagreb. 2. Clan Redskcionog odbora, "Kemija u industrijill (for Filajdic). VILICIC, Davorka, inz.; CAMS, Marta, inz.; FILAJDIC, Mirko, dr Inz. - ~ ~". .. ~ - zi;*!-i~~ Determination of copper., iron, and phosphorus in the soybean oil,, mid influence of various technological processes on their quantity. Kem ind 12 no-3S136-140 Yx 163. 1. Laboratorij za analizu zivotnih namirnica, Biotehnoloski odjal, Tehnoloski fakultat, Zagreb. 2. Clan Redakcionog odbora, "Kemija u industriji" (for Filajdie). V~:LIC'.--C, Davorka, inz.; FILAJDIC, Mirkop dr inz. Determination of nickel in the hydrogenated soybean oil. Kem in,d U uo.3S141-146 Mr 163. RIIZ, Milana., inz.; D&SATY, J,.!Invu, Xg. ph.; FIIAJDI C.IMirko, dr. inz. Colorimetic methods of determining aldehydes and fusel oil in refined spirit, Kem ind 12 no.6:431-439 Jo 163. 1. Biotchnoloski odjell Tohnoloski fakultet, Zagreb. 2. Clan Rodkelonog odbora, "Kemija u industiji" (for Filajdic). W- ~c 51i! ;~'AR' ~FIIS GRUAR, Matilda, inz.; NIKIC, Ililutin, inz.; FILAJDIC, Mirko, dr.inz. Color of nitrosomyoglobin during the processing of frankfurters. Kam ind 12 no.9:665-669 S 163. 1. Biotehnoloski odjel, Tahnoloaki fakultet, Zagret. 2. Clan Redakcionog odbora, "Kemija u industriji" (for Filajdic). R I Jr RITZ, Milana, dipl. inz.; SUNIC, Marija, dipl. inz.; FILVDIC, vfirk-ot a . dipl. inz. '-- --- Colorimetric determination of methanol in spirit and brandies. Kem ind 13 no.4:267-273 Ap 164 1. Blotachnological Section of the Technological Faculty, Zagreb. 2. Member of the Board of Editors, "Kemija u industriji" (for Filajdic) --FII,AJ.)-IC Murlo,jr, d pl. inz. kem.; VIIACIC, DRvorka, dipl. 1r z. kem.; EM~i, iitza.-Ce-hnicar Selection of the most sultaLle method for determining nickel in hydrogenated 11pide food. Kem ind 13 :! 1,1. 1. Facii1ty of Technolt-~. Iliatechnological 33ction, Zagreb. PLSKO, Stefan; FILAK, Jozef " Determination of the light hydrocarbon content in nonstabilized petroleum. Ropa a uhlie 6 no. 6:188-191 Je 164. 1. Slovnaft National Enterprise, Research Institute of Petroleum AP4 4lydrocarbon Gases, Bratislava. SLIPCHENKO, P.; STROKOV, G.2 FILAKHTOV A. L-L~~ ConBtruction of the Kremenchug Hydroelectric Power Station. Prom.stroioi inzh.soor. 4 no.2:33-1+0 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Vitae-prezident Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury UkrSSR (for Slipchenko). 2. Nachallnik atroitelistva Kremenchugskoy gidroolektricheakoy stantaii (for Strokov). 3. Rukovoditell sektora gidroelektricheskikh stantsiy Nauchno-isoledovateltakogo instituta organizataii i mokhanizatsii stroitellnogo proizvodstva Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury UkrSSR (for Filakhtov). (Kramonchug Hydroelectric Power Station) IZZ-R/Engineering - Hydraulics, Con- May 52 struction 'Trection of a Cofferdam on Highly Impervious Foundation," 1. Ye. Podrutskiy, A. L. Filakhtov, Eagineers "Gidrotekh Stroit" No 5, pp 21-23 Describes procedure of erecting cofferdams during construction of hydroelec power station, when ri-rer bed was covered with 12-m. alluvial laver over gabbro rocks. Alluvium represented mixt of sa-_d and pebbles with occurrence of boulaers up to 23=4 1 z in diam. Watertightness of foundati(ii: .. 3 attained by grouting alluviun vith cement and by blankets built on pressure side of coffer- dams. 230T14 1. PODRUTSKIY, I. YE., FILAMOV. A, L., V-ngs. 2. USSR (600) 4. Hydroelectric Power Stations 7. Utilizing submerged sund and gravel pits for the constraction of n hydroelectric power station. Gidr.stroi. N - 11 1952. n 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, kpr i I - 1953, Uncl. FIU~UITOII '~. L. Pnd GONCiViROV, I. D. "RenDving a Barrier by Blasting and Washing away the River.," Gidr. stroi., 21, No.2, pp. 14-15, 1952 FIIAKHTOV., A. L. and CONCHAROV., I. D. "Drainage of the Foundation Pit of a Hydroelectric tower Plant Built on Rocky Foundation," Gidr. strot., 21, No-4, 1952 Fjj,Ah'ATOV and PODRUTSKIY. T. Ye. Lng. A. L. Eng "Buildinc a Barrier on an Extremoly Pervious Base," Didr. stroi., 21, Noo5.9 1952. te 1. ~,'-TL~Kh'ruvij A. T . , Engs. , C-0L)~-'iU'pmj--", I. Ye 2. USSR (600) 4. Bridges-D3sign 7. Use of standard bridges in building hydro Power centers., Gidr.stroi., 21, No.10., 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Febrwtry 1953., Unclassified. YXLAKHTOV, A*L., inshonere Experienc e with concrete work for the stnictures of a hydroelectrIc de- veloppent center. Gidr.stroi. 22 no.5:1-5 Yq '53- MPA 6:6) (Goucrete construction) Fly-Ax OV, A.L.. inshener. Temperature deformation of the buttresees of a high-head concrete dam. Gidr.stroi. 22 no-7:16-18 Jl 153, (HLRA 6:7) (Dame) FIIAMOV, A.L., inzhener. Methods of speeding up the building of a hydro-power center. Gidr.strai. 22 no.8:12-13 Ag '53. (MLRA 6:8) (Hydroelectric power stations) FIIAKHTOY, A.L., Inzhener. Hiperimental filling of a river bad by the method of sections. Gidr.stroi. 22 no.11:15-16 N-D 153. OCIak 6:11) (Goffe~dams)- FIT (-7' L 77:ethod of Approxi,,,vte for ~pandn-l Illiver; in the Construction of W-Ler Power Centers." C,-.n-I Te-,ch ',lartkov Con2truction Lbrj.neerin,,, Init, 11har"Icov, 1','54. ME'ekh, Ser) 54) So: SiLm 4321, 29 117or 5-r 7 NEARahay"Pe'ti St'spafioiich,,--prof.-, FIIAKHTOV, A.L., kEknd.takhn.nauk, 9 doto., nauchnyy red.; DANILKIAO II.V., red.; ZEIMXOYA, Ye.Ye., (Eraction of'large concrete and reinforced concrete hydraulic structuren; principles of efficient technolo&71 Yozvedente krupnykh betonn,vkh I zhelezobetomiykh gidrotekhaicheakikh sooruzhanii; oznmy ratsionalluoi takhnologii. Kiev. Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhite USSR. 1958. 700 P. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Day8tvitalln" chlen Akademii SSSR i USSR (for Reporozhniy) (Hydraulic engineering) etroitel'stva i arkhitektIU7 (Concrete construction) NEPOROMIT, Petr Stepanovich; FILAqMVAlekqgX B.A., red.; PRCIIKOVSKATA, O.M., red.izd-va; SMTAROVA-,--T-.S., I--Bxperience in building hydroelectric power unital Opyt stroi- tal'stva gidroenergouzlov. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad.nauk USSR, 1960. 349 P. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN UM (for Pyshkin). (Hydroelectria power stations) STROKOV, G.I., inzh!_; RIL&K=V, A.L., Imnd.tekhn.nauk Using flow-line methods in erecting plain and reinforced concrete structures of the Kremenchug Hydroelectric Power Station. Gidr.stroi. 29 no-3:8-11 Yr 160* (KM 13:6) (Kramenchug Hydroelectric Fower Station) (Concrete construction) (Assembly-line methods) - - F.IIAK]iTOV-,----k-.i_,,,-!c~nd.tokhu.nauk; CH1TB, I.S., J.nzh.; YAVKULIN, M.G., lnzh. Using production-line methods in constructing distribution units of the power house of the Kremenqhug Hydroelectric Power Station. Gidr.stroi. 30 no.8:9-12 Ag 60. (MIRA 13:8) (Iremenalhug Hydroelectrie Power Station) (Precast concrete construction) FIIAELTOV, A.L., kand.tekhnonauk; SAFIRv I.L., inzh., CHUB, I.S., fn-z-jj-.,-'TA1TMIN, M.G., inzh. Use of concreted faggot trusses in the wall of the spiral casing of turbines at the Kremenchug Wdroelectric Power Station. Gidr. stroi. 30 no.9:6-9 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Kremenchug Hydroelectric Power Station- Precast coucrete construction) TIUMITOV, A.L., Conferurice on the - --' conutructiv~; no. 1:54-57 Jp- 151. (Ey('.rcAcctrJ'Lc .o,:1,1, ',', - , 12 1 -1 r. 1: - ~ i., co: -- -- : c ~ n . .. . I J. . I L, , Q --Z .;:- ',Ic.---.L;. "I!Ci-. "' 1 C I -- - -1", :.'-' t. (Cc,- 'a ccr.,-;tr--..c'.ic:.: NEPOROZHNIY, Fetr Stepanovich; FIIAKHTOV, A.L.9 red.; BOROOV, tekhn. red. [Electrification and power engineering construction) Elektri- fikatsiia i energeticheskoe stroitellstvo. Moskva Gos.energo izd-vo, 1961, 189 p. IMIRA 25:1) (Electrification) (Power engineering) - FILUGIOV, A -L.. k&nd.tekhn.nauk; SERYY, Z.L. inzh.; FADEYEV, A.V. insh.1- -- inzh. 9 $ ,MMEnCQICH, B.L., Continuous sequence in strengthening of earth banks at the Kremenchug Hydroelectric Power Station. Gidr.strai. 31 no.61, 14-17 je 161. (MIRA'i4:6) (Kremenchug Hydroeleatrie Power Station-Embanknents) FILAKIITOV, A, L., knnd. tekhn. nauk PJAnciplee of the avvemb3y-line construction of brydroolectric develormentB. Gidr. stroi. 33 no.12:8-9 D 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Hydraulic structures) FILIKKOV) A.L.., kand.tekhn.nauk; YANKULIN, "I.G., inzh. Techniques of basic processes in the erection of precast structui-es of hydroelectrio power developments like the one in Kiev. Gidr. stroi, 33 no.5:12-16 Yq 163, (NIRA 1635) (Hydroelectric power stations-Design and construction) (Precast concrete construction) SLIPGRENKO, P.S., glav. rod.; KUCIEMENKO, K.R., red.; FILONUID, K.I., red.; LESPAYA, A.A., red.; ABYZOV, A.G., red.; BUDNIKOVp M.S., red.; VETROV, Yu.A.p red.; GLADKIY, V.I., red.; GOLOSOV, V.A., red.; I2MAYLOV, V.G.~ red.; KANYUKA, N.S., red.; KAIPOV, E.A., red.; KLINDUKF A.M.. rpd.- KUMAREV, N.Ye., red.; LUYK, A.I., kand, tekhn. nauk., redo; NRWKO, L.A., red.; RYBALISKIY, V.I., red.; SITNIK, I.P., red.; FEDOSI,".NKO, N.M., red.; HLAPITOV, A.L., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; 191ILOBOCHENKO, K.S.., red., VORONKOVA, L.V., red.; KIYANICIMIKO, N.S.., red. [Construction industry: technology and mechanization of the construction industry; the economics and organization of construction] Stroitellnoe proizvodstvo: tekhnologiia i me- khanizatsiia stroitellnogo proizvodstva; ekonomika i orga- nizatsiia stroitel'stva. Kiev, Budivellnyk, 1965. 180 P. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut stroitellnogo proiz- vodstva. 2. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut stroitell- nogo proizvodstva (for Luyk, Filakhtov). Fl*.LA'KHTOVj Aleksoy Laznrevich; YA.E.KULIN, M.G., red. (Principles of assembly line methods in the COnstructiOn of bydroolectric developments; concrete and reinforced concrete structuroal Printsipy potochnogo vozvedenila gidroenorgouzlovl betonnye i zhelewbetonnye socruzhoniia. Moskva, Energlia, 10,65. 219 p. (MIRA 180) -~fZ T" FIJAYMIOL-K.L.- State standard for geodetic symbols, Geod. i kart. no.7:63 ii 161. (MIU 14.7) (Geodesy) (Sips and symbols) GARLICKI, Marian; PILAKOWSKI, Stanislaw "Analysis of delayed union and pseudarthrosis of the long bone. Chir. narz. ruchu, ortop. polska 26 no.5:619-626 161. 1. Z Miniki Ortopedyoznej Centralnego Szpita-Ia Klinicznego WAM w Warszawie. (FRACTURES UNUNITED statist) (PSLUDOARTHROSIS statist) I 11111ASCM79 V.V, inzh. Glass reinforced PIABUCS In the building of sailboats. SudiDstroenie 30 Tio.8-27-29 Ag 164. (MIRA 18:7) "9' 00 9,s//O AUTHORSa TITLE3 PERIODICALt 84,654 S/11 60/000/010/012/028 B021YB058 BrodskiX, A. D. and Filandro Application of Pre2n1for Testing Instruments in the Low,-temperature Field Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1960, No. 10, p. 36 TEM Spirit oryostats cooled by means of liquid oxygen or nitrogen are usually applied for conducting State examinations of various thermometers and thermocouples in the temperature range of from 0 to -1000C. For obtaining temperatures below -1000C, butane propane and pentane respectively are used instead of spirit, which are, however, explosive. In this connection, the laboratoriya nizkikh temperatur (Laboratory of Low Temperatures) of the.VNIIM (Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metrologii (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrolog studied the possibility of using the chemically inert and harriless gas Freon. The technical data of some Freons manufactured by the Soviet iniustry are tabulatedi Card 1/2 84654 Applioation of Freon for Testing Instruments S/115~60/000/010/012/028 in the Low-temperature Field B021/ ~058 Freons Type Designation Boiling Point (OC) Melting Point ( Oc Freon-12 F-12 -29A -155~O Freon-13 F-13 -180.0 Freon-14 F-14 -127.9 -184,0 Freon-22 F-22 -40,,8 The authors used Freon-12 as coolant and compared specimen resistance thermometers ofthe P. G. Strelkov type in the conventional liquid cryostat of the Henning type at temperatures of --41.9; -62,,6; -69~6; -105-9; -131.80C. The test can be made in the conventional Dewar flask if special cryostate are lacking. Mixtures with a given boiling point can be obtained by mixing various types of Freons. Boiling- and melting point of Freon are determined by means of specimen resistance thermometers and thermocouples respectively. Freon is described as being rather expensive at present. There is 1 table. Card 2/2 FILANOVSKIY G On earth so in the air; merits of simulating units; objective flight control. Graihd.av. 19 po.12t18-19 D 162. ~(MM 16:2) 1* Instruktor treinaihei-a"~~Vo~toohnosibirskogo upra,~~I Grazhdanskogo vozdushnogo' dota. (Link trainers) FILLNOVSKIY., G.[Filanovalkyip H.]; KOIMNICHFSKO, Yu.[Kolisnychenko., iu.] On the track of a vavy thread. Znan. ta pratsia no.4:18-19 Ap 163. (MIRA 1636) (Phonograph) (Phonorecords) FILANOVSKIY, G. [Filanovolkyl, 14h ru. Lamps. Nauka i zhyttia 13 no.706-38 Jl '63. (MIRA 16~10) MPj, Rl Im A~ OM -01 11., R tIOT~ ~h iz- im ih - Mrs P RO a n a W W U W t V IF - 41 41 - - - - - - - 0- 0- 0 0 6 0 to vp cr a-L-f -A-A I L-L A I F Q I I I W I~t I L-O-t* (I UP tt4I- I i 1 1. _4 00 4T ....... i -1. - - - ~ - - - - --- I- - ---- - - - ... 00 9 j -00 X*W Saw of mwhLw kc zkcuw COGI&d W014i". 1. A. rilanoyich. UW, (2), 12-11).--fln Rumician.) A timcription iA given of thn* exix-rimental markinm for welding nun-ferrous "JetIdA. -.N;~ -00 00 -00 .00 06 00 It 4;00 0 411 a' =00 40 al 400 00 of goo 00 VOO of z;O o 07 0 04, f roo 00 zoo to of, 00 f 4%, %1 A StVALLUROCIt EITIM61UNI CL4%14FICATION --O0 jog 4 a nd 0 An L IT tv to 69 K It R $I It 11 (4 ro U, o, '0' o a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 6 6 0 o 0 a .0 0 o 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 040 000000:0000000000000-000410,0060000000000000000A i j, APR 1v TYPE OF ROTARY T!,.A, Smy"o FOR TUA VVELDINf; A FILANOVIP-1, - JAVTO. DELO. 1949 No. 8 pp. 23-26) (In Russian) Several t--pes of rotary transformer for olootrio vraldin- tuA3 arc duscribade In theise instrumnts the eleotrode.r&ga are Lttaohed to the outer casing, vlhic~ al-eo-fo s the aeoondary winding. The electrode rings are suitably groved for the diameter of the tube being welded and are Vaally ohanged to deal with different t-Ao diamet.-.ra. The trunsforiaers have a high performance and produce see ndary currents of 20,000-30FO00ampo Welding speeds of 40m./ min. have been achieved in tb3 sanufabture of tubes 8-25 mft in that S.K. Welding Machines Automatic Welding wilev Machine for Peoiatance 'Welding,* 'S. A. Solotnikov, 1. A. Filano-ich, Engineers, "Sldma-Lk" Factory, 4j- PP *Vest Blektro-Prom,'" Vol MK? ITO Describes a wiazbar of n--v 'blitt, seam, and spot velders placed into proauction in 1949 by "Elektrik" factory ,photographs and aketches ahmn). Tabulates technical details for the MM-100 resistance butt welder (aither resis- t4mce or fusion) 100 kva, -MM-100 (100 AMM -58Y4a . - M-- UM/Faginaering i.Ccmtd) T= 49 resistance velder for welding lmgitudima or transverse seams, and MrPG-75 autOMatic spot Vejldar, 79 kva single or repertitive- 40 - 100 epot-vel~~ per min). 58AMO C) BOBKOVA, T.P., propodavatell kursov kroyki i shitlya; GURBO, A.I.P pre- podavatell kursov kroyki i shitlya; ZHIVAYEVA, Ye.I., prepodava- tell kursov kroyki i shitlya; ZE14SKOVA, O.V., prepodavatell k:ursov kroyki i shitlya; LYSENKO, A.V., prepodavatell kursov kroyki i shitlya; MARTOPIYAS, L.V., prepodavatell kursov kroyki i shitlya; MARTYNOVA, F.V., prepodavatell kursov kroyki i shitlya; PANOVA, V.P.l, prepodava- tell kursov kroyki i shitlya; PWINOVA, M.G., prepodavatell kursov kroy- ki i shitlya; RYZHICHKINA, M.I., prepodavatell kursov kroyki i shitl-ya; SYCHKVA9 T.A., prepodavatell kursov kroyki i shitlya; FILANOVICH 0 F prepodavatell kursov kroyki i shitlya; BRUNEVSKAYA, M.., red.; TRU NOVA, A., tekhn. red. [Practical handbook on garment cutting and sewing] Prakticheskoe po- soble po kroike i shitliu. I+, izd. Minsks Gos.izd-vo BSSR Red. nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry, 1961. 607 p. (MIRA 24:12) 1. Misnskiy Okruzhnoy Dom ofitserov im. K.Ye.Voroshilova i klub im. F.E.Dzerzhisnkogo (for all except Brunevskaya, Trukhanova). (Dressmaking-Pattern design) (sewing)