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S/183/60/000/004/008/014/xz B004/BO75 AUTHORS: Meskinat E. I., Pikhmant V. D., Petrunin, N. 1.9 Tearikova, A. V. TITLE: Ways for Reducing the Consumption of Dimethyl Formamide in the Production of Nitron Fiber PERIODICAL: Xhimicheskiye volokna, 1960, No- 4, pp- 13-18 TEXT: The authors attempted to determine the losses in dimethyl formamide (DMF) in the individual stages of the production of Nitron fiber and the possibilities of reducin 9 these losses. They experimentally studied the hydrolysis of DMF at 100 C in 25, 60, and 92% aqueous solution. A KY -1 (KU-1) cation exchanger was used for analyzing the mixture. To study the effect of impurities on the hydrolysis, it was studied also with additions of 0.17% oxalic acid, and admixtures of stainless steel of type I X 19 H 9T '1Kh19N9T) (this steel is used for the construction of apparatus in which Nitron fiber is precipitated). The experimental results are given in Fig. 2. The loss in DMF due to the hydrolysis at 1000C was estimated to 0.027 kgj at 800C to 0.001 kg per kg of fiber. Furthermore, the authors studied the Card 1/ Y Ways for Reducing the Consumption of Dimethyl S/183/60/000/004/008/014/XX Formamide in the Production of Nitron Fiber B004/BO75 effect of various rectification methods on the DMF losses. They found that the rectification of the mixture water-DMF in vacuo at only 90-100 0C con- siderably reduces hydrolysis. A general calculation of the DMF losses in the individual divisions of the pilot plant (in kgper kg of fiber) yielded the following results: spinning division and chemical division . . . . . . . . 0.09-0-40 rectification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . 0-04-0-07 vacuum distillation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m6-o.o7 0.20-0-53 The DMF losses in the chemical division and the spinning division consist of the loss occurring when changing the filters (0.018 - 0.052 kg/kg of fiber) and the amount of DMF carried along by the fiber (0.006 _0.02 kg/kg). These losses can be reduced to 0.001 kg/kg by additional washing. Further losses were caused by the removal of DMF by ventilators. These losses are due to the insufficient packing of the apparatus in the chemical division. They can be completely eliminated. In the spinning division, however, the evaporation of DMF cannot be avoided. This loss is estimated to 0.112 kg/kg. The authors discuss the regeneration of DMF from the ventilator air of the spinning division. T. M. Ivanova, collaborator of the first association Card 2/~ Ways for Reducing the Consumption of Dimethyl S/163/60/00()/004/CJOB/014/X."--I Formamide in the Production of Nitron Fiber B004/BO75 has already studied adsorption by means of charcoal which. however, prove" inadequate. On the basis of the equilibrium curve of vapor pressure of DMF above water, absorption of DhIF by water is suggested. The -Nater of the distillation column of the rectifier division is capable of absorbing up to 90% of DMF contained in the ventilator air. Considering the possible improvements, the following conclusions are drawn: DBIF losses, kg/kg Nitron chemical division 0.01 - 0.012 by the fiber . . . . 0.001 spinning division 0.04 - 0.045 regeneration 0-05 - 0.06 other losses 0.009- 0.008 0.11 - 0.13 The following can be regenerated in the absorption of DMF from ventilator air by means of water: . . . . . . . .. . . 0.035 - 0.04 remaining loss . . M75 - 0.09 There are 4 figures, 4 tables, and 4 references: 3 Soviet and 1 German. Card 3/y, Ways for Reducing the Consumption of Dimethyl S/183/60/000/004/008/'014/xx Formamide in the Production of Nitron Fiber B004/B075 ASSOCIATION: Kalininskiy filial VNIIV (Kalinin Branch of the All-Union Scientific Research Inotitute of Svnthetic Fibers): Meskina, I., Fikhman, V. D.; Eksperimantallnyy zavod 7NIIV (Pilot Plant of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Fibers): Petrunin, N. I., Tsarlkova, A. V. Legrend to Fig. 2: 1) 25% solution of WE without additions; 2) 6Cr/;.' solution of ME without additions; 3) 60% DMF with addition of stainless steel of the type M18119T; 4) 60% DMF with addition of.oxalic acid (0-17% calculated for DMF); 5) 92V. DMF without addition; a) hours, b) total content of HCOOH moje/1 - 104. Card 4/~ EAKUMENKO, T.L.; FMAW1, V.D. EconomAc aspect of the manufacture of pol3rvinyl. chloride fibers. Dim. volok. no.5:69-71 163. (14MA 16:10) 1. Vsesopizn~y Inst:11tiA, 31nteticheskogo volokna. rid.~Z- 111~1 Z'' "' T T V. D. r.v- 'I) A. B. ; FMIINYI~,~- "Formovaniye polivinilkhloridnogo volokna po ffokromu sposobu." report subm-.tted for 35th Intl Cong~ Industrial Chemistry, Warsaw, 1,)-19 Sep 64. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sintetic-liesRikh volokon, ~bscow. L, I *L~ ~ , , IK 5 T ~j,.,. M.D,, FIKHMAN. -V~D~ Poly,.rl.n,jl fibrlr~,, VC)U'k. -,.;-,./.:~,'~ ."~ I ~ ". . ~,MIRA 18y,4' 1 1 .1 .L. Vseso.,rvznyy steklyancgo -volokr,a. A.B. v 0 'Do ; VAI! LI, i~a.; P Increasing the whIte-ness of polyvinyl cliloriL',P- fibmar!;. '.-li,T:.,rolol:-no.5; 19-2:~ 164. 17:10) 10 1. V,,3csoyuzziyy nauchno-issledovatellalldy institut sVif'dy,~mno,- volok-na. '~ A W FIKHMANO..D.; ASH, M.A.; VOROBIYEV~ Ye.A.; PAKSHVER, A.B, Mechanism of the formation of polyvinyl chloride fibers. Khim. volok. no.It28--34 165. (MIRA 18:2) 1. VNIISV (for Fikhman, Ash, Pakshver). 2. Vaesoyuznyy zaochny7 institut tekst-111noy i legkoy pron7shlennosti (for Voroblyev). V-P M. ~rcsatrnent on the r o;. -A~! fib(4rs. Khim,, volo~. rlo.P~1,7-15 6r,. i. VNIISV~ A C red. of Matherrizitic'-I analysis] Osnovy matemati- c1lesko(,70 analiza. voj.2, 1964. 463 p. (1,11;tA 18:o) 5/020/63/149/002/014/028 BlOe/B166 AUTHORt Fikhteagolltaf I* Go TITLSI On an Einstein tonsor of the order four PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Dokladyg v. 149, no. 2, 1963t 308 311] Censore n TMT i The propertiea of the order-four and 9 given by flit.. p gjvR(,P + 9anRj&v gvRpp gggl kyj.,g.A g,,.gg) R; (1) Ep., P. 4- (2) are studied. The Greek subscripts run from 0 to 3. g," is the fundamental terwor, R a curvature tensor of the order four, a curvature tenscir~ 11arpV 11~v pace- of order two, R a aimlar of ourvature. In regard of four-dimensional a time of constant cu:rvature, the tensor rf is the same what the Riemana Cl PV tensor R- is for three-dimensional Euclidean space. The properties of il I M_k the order-four Binstel4a tentior B are analyzedand it is shown that them Card 1/2 S/020/63/149/002/014/028----! On an Einstein tenuor of the order four Bioa/Bi86 laws of conservation follow from the relation 01 (25), g (E P and can be expressed by order-four quantities. From these laws of coneerva'- tion follow the known lawu of' conservation expreseed in terms of second- order auantities. 'PRESENTED: October 1, 19621~ by V. A. Fok, Academician S UB M ITTE, DSep~ember 25, 1962 -Wg MIR TEI L agrangian P" 2r% Uff- &L-7 rpeca"a r t ljj, W, n c a i: t and Vol ~M nj, ~N,~ olo 5--W. P 'taa UN- C-A I ~. ~ - ; -- --- - -- - ~. - - w , . r,- I .., - ~ ;0, , -," a a - ~ i -", RN its i c A/ AUTHOR F1 KHTENG OL TS,, I. G. 56-5-20/55 TITL9 On tNe-1Ve-y-dffd-eVRr-dr the Notion of Bodies in a Gravitatlonal Field On Their Hass. (0 savisimosti dvisheniya, tel v gravitaisionnou pole ot ikh massy.- Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperims I Teorot. Piziki 19579 Vol 32j Nr 5. pp 1096-1101 (19SSR) ABSTRACT The paper under review determines in second apprortiation*of the theory of gravitation the Lagrangian of the equations of motion of a body with small mass in a fixed field of n other particles with fini*9 masso We have for the.motion of-Aho particle 6 d-b - 0 with mo 2(1 - (1/0)1 +2g t i 900 oi i+gik i:kk.). In this context# u denotes the mass of the body invesAigatedo xi(t) the Cartesian coordinates of the center of a&&&.,& in the moment tit and too' goit gik stand for the vomponen~s of the ;y fundamental tensor. The point denotes the derivation with respect CMM 1/3 to time. In order to obtain an approximate expression for.C A 56-5-20/55 On the Dependenoe of the Notion of Bodies In & Gravitational Field On Their Mass. the author of the paper under review'uses the approximate solutionp as obWned by Yok, of the Einstein gravitational equaticas. IL this context* the author of Ike present paper presupposes sphorically Symetrical nonrotating bodies the linear dimensions of which are much smaller than the distances between them. ft-rthermore the author limits himself to magnitudes of the order of magnitude + 2/02t IF with denoting the velocity of the progressive motion of one of these bodies. The expressions obtained under these conditions for the componen-ke of the fiindamental teneor are given in the paper under review. By substitution the approximate expression for-C is then obtained. In a higher approximation than the first (Newton's) approximation it is necessary in the derivation of the equations of motion to start out directly from the Einstein's equations of motion. The final-Lagrangian of the mechanical problem of A body is given in its explicit form. At the motion of a body of finite mass under consideration of magnitudes of CARD 2/3 AUTHOR FIKHTENGOLITS9 I.G. 56-b-17/56 TITLE -kp-plic-allon-o-f-UW-DMW-FWK-PODOLW Method to a Mechan.Lcal Many.-Body Problem (Primoneniyv metoda DIRAKA-YOKA-POD OL, SK 00 0 k mechanicheakoy sadache mnogikh tole Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal EkspeAm. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 6, pp 1404 - 12411 (U.S.S.R.) ABST&T The sys tam of~~he n-bodies is assumed here to be insulated and only the progressive motion of the body is investigated. The dependence of this motion-upon the-form and upon the other parameters of these bodies is not taken into accounte The bodies are aaswad to be spherically symme- tric and the dintances between them as to be much larger than their li- near dimensions.~ The velocity of the mechanical motion is assumed here as small comp~xed to the light velocity. The author here confines him- self to an accuracy up to the amounts of the order of magnitude r8ftn , th f i t l i A e case o ca r nteraction) or up to the amounts of the o or e4er of magnitude rt (in tt* case of gravitation-like interaction between the particles),, Here fZ denotes the rectangle of velocity of the pro- gressive motion of the i-th body. _ At first the four-dimensional equations of motion of the system of the Card 1/2 bodies are set up and their integrals are derived, The four-dimensional 56-6-17/56,. Application of t1v DIW4OCK_P0DMW Method to a Mechanical Many-Body Problem analogies of an ton general integrals of the motion of the insulated system of the bodies is obtained here. When constructing the four-dimen- sional LAGRANGIAN && of the mechanical system to be investigated, the energy impulse vector)Z),j (Y - 0,1,2,3) can be found for all bodies. The second chapter deals with a system of charges which are in inter- action with each other. In conclusionj a system of bodies with eravitation-like interaction is dealt with, In this case it is sufficient to find the four-dimensional LAGRANGIAN of the system; such a function is also written dawn horse Finally, also the pItblom of the connection between the inert and the heavy mass is dealt witho (No illustrations) ASSOCIATION Not given PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED 28.6.1956 AVAILABLE Library of Congress Card 2/2 24(5) SOV/56-35-6-20/44 AUTHOR: Pikhtengollts, 1. G. TITLE: On the Coordinate Conditions in Einstein's Theory of Gravitation (0 koordinatnykh usloviyakh v teorii tyaroteniya Eynshteyna) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35, Nr 6, PP 1457-1465 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was the aim of the present paper to derive several relations connected with the covariance of the field equations in the case of a transformation of variables. The relations between the coordinate conditions and the invariance of the field Lagrangian was established. The geometrical and physical properties of the coordinate systems corresponding to the coordinate conditions thus derived are considered. The work is divided into 5 separate parts. After a short introduction in which the problem is discussed, the consequence of the covariance of the field equation are dealt with by the first chapter. The (arbitrary) field is represented by the Lagrangian n at 7 a a.,P- 0; 1 Card 1/2 aq, k-1 . axk a(8q,/ axk) SOV/56-35-6-20/44 On the Coordinate Conditions in Einstein's Theory of Gravitation or by using the metric fudamental tensor g 9 by at a at 0 =g -ST 5( a g ~, /5; 17 ` * PV a P a In the following chapter a tensor field with linearly invariant Lagrangian is investigated, and the 20 by 4 (linear) coordinate transformation equations are explicitly written down. In chapter the connections of coordinate conditions with the invariance of the field Lagrangian are shortly investigated. The next chapter deals with the coordinate conditions preeminent for steady gravitation fields, and in chapter 6 the harmonic co- ordinate conditions are discussed, and it is shown that they can be represented by meant) of the field Lagrangian in the shape 9 / a ~e _. a(aga a To 0. Av~ a( ag A19 /ax a ) Pa There are 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: June 17, 1958 Card 2/2 24(5) SOV/56-36-4-61/70 AUTHOR: Fikhtengollts, I. G. TITLE: On the Geodetic Lines in the Friedmann-Lobachevskiy Space (0 geodezicheskikh liniyakh v prostranstve Pridmana-Lobachevokogo) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental ,no~ i teoreticheakoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 4, pp 1322-1323 (USSA ABSTRACT: The author of the present "Letter to the Editor" investigates the equation of the geodetic lines in a space in which the following 2 2 2 2 2 2 holds for ds: ds . H (dx0 _ dx 1 _ dx2_ dx3), where H is a func- tion of x and r, r . 2+ x2 + x2 The equation of geodetic 0 VX1 2 3' 1 lines then has the form K i ro i i + F a i i 0; V i - i ap a 0 P a 0 , i - 1, 2, 3. The F are Christoffel symbols of the second kind; ap for a certain form of 1 one obtains 5E + DR ik i - IF- -r Tr X, + aH 2 r2 ~2_ 1 HI ) - 0 and with 5 r x + x ---- T- (xi - :kixo) - 0, Card 1/2 0 1 Fxo i SOV/56-36-4-61/70 On the Geodetic Lines in the Friedmann-Lobachevskiy Space The relation x i - iix0 gives ii - const. This relation makes it possible to explain the phenomenon of the expansion of the galactic systems. There is 1 Soviet reference, ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy inatitut toohnoy mekhaniki i optiki (Leningrad Institute for Precision 4eohanice and Optics) SUBMITTED; January 6, '1959 Card 2/2 S/056/60/039/003/033/045 B006/BO6,7, AUTHOR: Pikhtengolits, I. G. TITLE: The Coordinate Conditions in Einstein's Theory of Gravitation. A I PERIODICAL,. Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teo,raticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 3(9), PP. 809-813 TEXT: The author shows that the coordinate conditions used by Einstein, A Infeld, and Hoffman (Refs. 1-3) when deriving the equations of motion of an isolated mass system cannot be obtained from the requirement of the Lagrangian of the field of gravity having to be invariant with respect to any set of' coordinate transformations. The inappropriateness of apply- ing these coordinate conditions to astronomical problems with isolated mass systems is proved. This is shown for the simplest oase,, viz., a system consisting of one spherically symmetric mass, since an exact solution of gxavitational equations exists for this case. V. A. Fok is mentioned. There are 7 references: 4 Soviet, 1 Canadian, and 2 US. Card 1/2 The Coordinate Conditions in Einatein', Theory of Gravita-don. Jr SUBUITTED: April 17, 1960 S/056/60/039/003/033/045 B0061BO63 V/19 Carl] 2/2 PlXHTENGOLITS, I.G. Coordinate conditions In Jinstain's theory of gravitation* Part 2. Zhur. ekspo I teors fiz* 39 no*3:809-813 S 160. (IMIR& 13:10) (Graiitation) S/044/62/000/005/033/072 AUTHORt FikhtenFol~'~ts~_ i. d. C111IC333 TITLEz On the problem of several bodies in relativistic mechanics PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnalf Matematika, no. 5, 1962, 96, abstract 5B435- ("Sb. nauchn. tr. kafedr matem., grafiki, khimii i-teor. mekhan. Leningr. in-t tochnoy mekhan. i optiki, 19~9, no-' 31, .3-26) TEXT: The author considers a system of points which influence one another. Considered are- Quantities of order (-yC)2with respect to the electrical interactions and quantities of order (.M) 4 with respect to c . the gravitational interactions, where v is-ilib'speed of the material point. The equations of motion are determined by the variational ~rincipl-e t,, (t, xvit XV ) dt - 0 ti where ~L is to be determined, The basic for the construction of Is Card 1/4 S/044/62/000/005/033/072 On the problem of several bodies ... C111/C333' given by a thoorom of Noother, which is described-very exacbly. It is demanded thatt be invariant relative to the following transformations: 1) shifting of the time axis, 2) changing of the time scale, 3) complete Lorentz group. 11ach of th'ese transformations gives ari integral of the equations of motion. The author obtains from this Lit first a formula for the 4 dimensional force which is exerted on the point by the other points, he then obtains u formula for the four dimensional vector of energy - impulse. Afterwards he d:educes a four dimensional energy integral and he detormines the complete energy and the inert mass of the body. The integrals of the impulse arise from the translation transformations, :-1na th;~ integrals of the angular momentum arise from the group of rotations. Finally, the corresponding integrals are formulated from the Lorentz group in four dimensional group. As a final result of all these preliminary calculationsf'~*-9 is determined as L V oi Card 2/t+- S/044/62/000/005/033/072' On the problem of several bodios ... C111/0333 ~~P' MICS ;2 Let .1 _ - V tie* 2 jgj'j W/ SIA ey, - 1w. WeA 11 ~Vi - Fk) 62 70 01 (/1 1A f(r-*, 7, 7j Oil vt - lj))-~ In these formulas t is the time coorinate of the i-th point, where as the differentiation is done with respect to the independent.variable parameter C' . If one uses the three dimensional formulation) i. e.y if one has t, = ... = t - t IC 9 then the formula of the author becomes a known formula (Fokt V. A6) Teoriya prostranstvaj vremeni i Card 3/4 S/0'44/62/000/005/033/072 on the problem of several bodies ... C111/C333 tyaGoteni.ya [ Theory of spacep time and gravitation] 1 M., 1955). For the Gravitational energy'the'complete energy and thu inert mass are also calculated. Literaturet 13 titles. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.D Card 4/4 31509 S/056/6O/C3`/CC-'/r33/f- 00 3,102/3201 ,XTHOR: ~ikht_taj~~_G- ~21TLE: Coordinate conditions in Einstein's theory of gravitation. IT 2EFIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy v. 3.?l no. 3 (9) , 1 96o, 809-013 ,1~ -111, '41 EXT :It is shown that the coordinate conditions used 'u,-' _E11:1t;t1ein, 7-'-"].) and Hoffman (Refs. 1-3, see below) to dcal with the _~irobie:.i of th,,~ .:J*.i0.1 of an isolatcd mass system, cannot be obtained from the requirer~ent of ..nvarf-ant Lagrangian of the field of -ravity with respect to anY f-a--.ily C-- U coordinate transformations. To prove this, the author first examine'_ t.he .,encral transformation law of the La-ranCian of the (-ravitational f4eld -.zhen )assing from the coordinatesx ... x to X1 0 3 0 x3l' L'=L+ Q1Y!_-__9- L gv- (rl" do" IL VA_Pa,P1,'A)v-+P`- Card 1// 5 Q (PI-Pa 6~ 31509 S105616Q1C391C0!1C331C),:=1 Coordinate conditions ... B102/B201 pi, is obtained by proceedinG from the well-known transformation for the Christoffel symbols of second kind ax" aii'ax' ax's Oxi, ax, The Greek indices assume the values 0, 1, 2, 3. The ex.)ressicns for can be simplified considerably if 11P pa pa pp pa /ax's - F',/dx,,. Then one obtains for Act Vp AV ap ~ Ila A V 11 Cc (P PCL 0") (6). (1) and (6) provide the transfor.:~=_-cicr. 6xa AV AV N for the function L. If, in addition, the trans f ormat _J on la,.-, c--:' -~!-.e d'Etter- minant is considered, it will be found that the tranzfor.-.-.atJ_on 1--c',; of card 2/5 LX ~Tzlv_f- ;'74 31509 3/() YUGO/O ~IC Coordinate conditions ... B102 B201 the LaLrangian tcl can be expressed in the form D 4. r.") I - -1- 2 - Q. D (X.. X1, VI, r3) This , in turn, leads to the conclusion that the reauire,.,.ent of inv-riant field Lagrangian with respect to any coordinate transformatiov-. t-hc PM~Qsl'v) 0. The coordinate condition aTC*1C)Xh- r)TO'j"aXO = 0, dTik1'9Xk= 0, used by Einstein, Infeld, and Hoffman, is then examined; here, 7 = h ..~'aph,,, where g, + h E + h~j : ~ *' 00 gv ~00 01 ik 6 From this, in turn, it follows that 110i - 0 lik TL ap - - ik' 711V 9 9 VV aP. Conditions (10) can thus be obtained in the Card 3/5 31509 S/056/60/039/C03/033/0,15) :;oordinate conditions B102/B201 o rm agh a TX _k Tx_. (goo + 911 + ~f= + 9M) 0, 0911, + I a Tx-h i Jx-,(900_911_922_ff33)=O- Tor the purpose of showing that the Einstein-Infeld conditions cannot 'be Atained from the requirement of an invariant field La-rangian r,~lpect to any coordinate-transformation family, it is sufficient to show that, iccording to (9), (14) does not lead to equations beinlr, linear J.1/7 Ohis is proved here on the assumption thai the deviation of tl,,e .,.etric from ;a1ilei's is small. In this approxination and with 0"=1+4U/C2+4S/c4, (30'=4Ujj'c3+4S,/O, 01h = - 6i,, + 4 Sj ~,,/,C4. goo= - ((Boo + (5 11+ 0322 + (3 33 ((Boo- ly, goi= (Bu/- -1 (eloo- 1) esei g1ji,= -1 [(500 EIII - (522 2. (332_ Moo- 1)21 kh- O'k. Card 4/5 r n 31,509 S/C56/60/03)/~DC15/C33/C4`1 Coordinate condi-tions B102/3,201 !he followinr- relation is found for th-e Einstein-Infeld condi'icn: ax s dx~ I ax, dXh It may be seen from (17) that the Einstein-Infeld condition do,~s n3t lead to Equations beinf; linear with respect to OP . Further esti-mcations are, r:~adc- in thf_3 respect with the aid of a rouGher approximation. V. zentioned. There are 7 references: z~ Soviet-bloc and 31 non-Saviet-bloc. The three references to En(,lish-language publications read ao fol1c,.-Is: Ref. 1: A. Einstein, L. Infeld, B. Hoffman, Ann. Math. A9, 1,1-Z8 Ref. 2: A. Einstein, L. Infeld, Ann. i1i'ath. Ref. 1: -4-1 , 455, 1940; otein, L. Infeld, Canad. J. Math. 1, 209, 1949. SUB'r~,IITTED: April 17, 1960 Card 5/5 7 FIKHTENGOLITSO-I.G. Einstein's fourth rank tensor. Dckl. AN SSSR 149 no.2:30&331 Mr 163. (KIRA 160) 1. Predstavleno akademikom V.A. Fokom. (Calculus of teneora) 0;0 - - - " ~ - 6 A ~ 41 0 w- 0 '00 o 0 0 0 0 ' ,7 1 4 10 it to w A-1 -L-AL.1 I r ts w It x 11 ja ji a A V A Sill It U a U d. N V it 6 dl (f Q 4,CO K 0 G- 00 TU MUMS III g VeAS 0111 t1i ~%W bddu4 mW caW- lqdaw 016"m A g- - ~ ~ of Is Was ad ~ tobac- "Whed- of **%W mOtme. S. V. Vow .040 too g S. Mica Wls. Atria fail. Bol, Aad. Sa. 000 U.N. S.'S. AW. &I V., So. 4, No. 2.140-.223(in Gmun ! 215-21)(1M); Esp. 'W. Rami 76, No. 1. 23(IWS). -- W th 571 d A ~~ it so A ] e m n. The 4rouAt4c6tau DWitk 44 an drought-VAMP01)k MW IlUbSOM - CC M4 In tbC Wgt- IS 0 ide teau tcpwte& Unda brut cooduim umv axis" ia kat a mlmWus wWw the adlon of whkb stamb by- the ste.. p dcalyok prodma an wdvc wraw. Drw4ht-ccAdaut 80 0 pumn In a bWw dev" tbaa dm =00 M. W. B. 40 to =d, 0 so too ~v 00 r 00 0 AA* I A I a - I tJI .11AMORCICAL LITISMAlf CLASWKATIC Iwo 1.110411 1 p 04V UI 1#34111 oil' oil I I I a" a.. 'T u III AV .0 ad a 41 1 If III L " "' i a a " to to to 0 to to"O 0 0 a 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 J 0 0 17*--'~* 0 0 0 to 0 to to 40 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 6 4 0 to goo, to 0 Ol too too to ISO The Es PC-, lms~fr sa , -i a r C') cv,-4, !4' -, L, L zelsh-V 11 * , , cc fc-n,2 GIC i, t,- type, r-, -~ezf al ow ka" P, r I by - PLI, 'it), C,f t1l" ktlTCIC.tlc~jrkjfcP'1-0, ity jr. V!,, CP. 'It'd Durui-C th le "life U. car, a..L; ced. SOITIC they mitin, A of IL dA&itzC tL,, SvIlPe. =ma 44 t d rctf*9 j,4 Ci cciltent to "Ves curaing rc dmrot--- a the Md v*a, trLer 2 mc4iti, ,10 4 reDit;,~:1 ezLt3 4W th- PTOteiti C- F.L Ci and jj C"" fricl. VIC, We. firicitr COU.1-1c ~ t I ~ " "L " (b9billiws t!., yl jj V,: ~'!-,04 -MEN= vil'o-nme c ire 1A h~r swall amomit.,i ot thlilli,iw, 'V. S. Fiklitcri;nIT) arld u* 'A", - YJ " J. ;aim 93 .1,0~-'j is "tlz'i,:'.;:d "a, ~'IiIJI 11~ ill ti~~ Air. 0.~Wmv.;q of 'I'll t:) Ill', by ("! ih,. reictio-I elf 101n0, Ftrij FC1. Tt:~t CrIclimet1i" ij bas;A on. Ox "( TICI, ~~ith KI wid 014 1,;Emlity oi -ho colour C-i t~c indinm fit'rratrd *with ItArOl. "'rill"mo a, al. Id ld-kz'd through r. ull"I Coatalfli~ ;, co!tm wool 111'.!Sltn~d wi-h .1; I 1~. Tho in extracted by thr~o treat. nients %vilh bliffing N 110 Arlil th~ "tract Lt hea-d 'A-11 " to 3 rL-J of 0-1 N' lafn% untU thz liquid is colour'less. The !v~lation is tvap-Clrateit w dryness, the ~'!' Mml la di-.5,31ved ia 5 ral U( 5 1 N ECI And roi.,,~,I with I ml (if fie~hly prep.2-red 0-2 pt!r cent. ion and 1-5 ml of 5tar -hi~ ch *L41i;tfon, prepared b- mixing 0-5 9 of fitardl With 20 MI of 13 per cent. ~ C1 -sAution, ad-HO4 the rilixuro to 80 ml (,( 1xilim, 13 P-.,r C'nr. NRCI .'allition, L-61ing. C.ItOully for .1 min., a-0 thcn filt--firg. The co-Taur ii%teaidty atL-lirlq it'l iili'3~inlmll ill 30 altn' argi remaina Uri chany~d for a fur-thu bi) min. 'fhe inlk'13ity i5$ vimially aqa;nst a set of 5tandards, ar phar2racirically, k0th a red filt,r, G. S. .,stall FIKHTKNGOLITS,V.S., kandidat Mimicheskikh nauk Obtaining derivative curves on the visual polarograph. Znv.lab.21 no.8:1004 155. (MLRA 8:11) (Polarography) Fikhreng-ol'ti [State S'cli. Rel. Imt. flygitinic or Uningr-d). ZU!'04. L6~, M5, 1030-103R.--To anily~"~ a nijctum, of MaO, liln,%. Ull'O. all's Unlit, Irg of ~olplv .1e tireated at IWC for W min. with an acidified pyrophosFhatc solution jv.1. lift pr(-pared by mixing 100 nit of 2 Af nil of dil. Ef , (I + t) and 250 to M) nit of wattr Own illa kill to "M fill with %Akf. Tilt: M510. 0 !nwl., hut Ote other (widcs di%~otvc. Ilie wluti,m is fittlzma. One Ix,ttion of tlic filtrate ig ultaken Nr 10 nilm with ()-I g uf MA), NI-!aSulcvik!jlt of the pofarographic wavo at -j 0-1 V wich rcference to the saturav-d taloniel c4cctroc!c giVvr, lkin... tAIlTC:;j7()od- iag to thn totAl Mw l4lot Afo-. From another tian (if th'i solution, Mir- are fuund. The E ovlot is dclerjuilicd by hoating th- N,whed plit. with dil. IfS0, (I j- 5) and I or 2 nil of N oxalic acid. evaporating the filtrate to tlryiu~i with ;A (viv dinlis of ~O Ft!r cent. 11NO, ~)Iuticlti. li~:mting Ike fc~ifljw- at 450' to AVO'C for 30 to CAr ioio,, dvii,,kolq its 0-1 N R,50, iod mckgoting tht! j~,Iaj~q~raj,!o, "a-. S [a Kenativity Of D()Urc ra CEI the &OP hie (1 -1 ~ L-b" Y itirreall"IR F r" r I ic 11,13i'll orl tj [(I cil, f ( . ,g (j th 1) CAIC. I (1 rcil's froul tile c!roppin -nier x:ury g ,,e 0, tr tie al ultl uf a 813tclal galvanometer shunt is do ri G. S. S.MM ;J4 5-1 AUTEORS: Fikhtengollts, V.S., Kozlova, N.P. 32-R-12/61 TITLE: A Rapid Method for Determining Nickel Carbonyl in the Air (Bystryy metod opredeleniya karbonila nikelya v vozJukhe) PERIODICAL; Zavodakaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 8, PP- 917-917 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the production process as well as during the application of nickel carbonyl, which is a strong poison, the possibility has to exist always to control the air for its content. The paper recommends a method which is based on the reactivity of nicfEel carbonyl to haloide. Special absorbers are used for a continuous removal of nickel carbonyl from the air. In this connection it is recommended here to use a 1,5 % solution of iodine in carbon tetrachloride. For a rapid control of nickel carbonyl in the air of laboratories it is recommended to make a scale of test tubes with sample reactives in which the reactive elements, after an exposure of 3 - 5 minutes, are well shut and sealed. with paraffin wax and thus stored in the dark. If necessary, they are used for comparison (according to their color nuance). This scale must, however, be controlled from time to time. The paper also describes an absorber constructed by Polezhayev. There are 2 tables. Card 1/2 A Rapid Method for Determining Nickel Catbonyl in the Air. 3;2-8-lZ/61 ASSOCIATION: Leningrad Institute for Labor Hygiene and OccupationiLl D:Lceases (Leningradakiy institut gigiyeny truda i profzabolevaniy) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 FIKHTEITGOLITS, V.S.; USBANSKIY, A#L. Synthesis of silicon organic compounds. Part 2, Relative activity of the different tMe of contact mass used for the syntheuis of mothy-lohloroollanes, Zhur, ob, khim. 27 no.9:2475-2479 S 157. (MIRL 1113) (Silane) (Chemistry, Organic-Synthesis) 7 fLEBANSKIY. A.L.; rIKHTEITGOLITS, V.S. S7nthesis of silicon orgaitia compounds. Part 3.- Study of direct synthesis of mothylchlorosilanes. Zhur.ob*khiv, 27 no.10;2648-2653 0 157. (Silane) MRA 11-.4) 79-11- 15/56 AUTHORSi Pikhten.-ollts, V. S. Klebanskiy, A. L. Rzhendzinskayaf K. A. TITLEt Investigationsin the Field ofthe Synthesis of Organosilicon Com- pounds. IV. Hydrolysis of Dinethyldichlorosilane Vith ilu"ethylalco- hol, 'Where Noncyclic Polysiloxens and Methylchloride Form (Issle- dovaniye v oblasti sinteza kremniyorganicheskikh soyedineniy. 1V. Gidroliz dimetildikhlorsilana metilovym opirtom a obrazovaniyem lineynykh polisiloksanov i khloristogo metila) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Obahchey Khimii, 1957, Vol. 27, Nr 11, pp.2~a34-2969 (USSR) ABSTRACTt Dialkoxy-derivatives are obtained on action of alcohols upon di- mo-thyldiclilorojilane ((C11 3) SiC19 + 2R011 --- * (CH )2S' (OR )2 + 201), but their yield is small , ~he rZiaidue bcing c9nverted to high- -molecular compounds. In the presence of aluminum , which bindG hydrogen chloride the percentage rate increases up to 86 the high-molecular compounds being further reduced. It can be assumed thnt the high.,molcoular residue forms in thc process of synthesis in the hydrolysis of the othoxy dorivativea with water that oepa- raim upon action of hydrogen chloride upon the alcohol. This made the authors think that a stepwise h.,idrolysis of the diLlethyldi- chlorouilane with fornation of noncyclic polyailoxens ill possible Card 1/2 in the interaction of alcohol and hydrogen chloride. When methyl- -19-11-15/56 Investigations in the Field of the Synthesis of Organosilicon Compounds. 171. Hydro lysis of Dimethyldichlorosilane llith~ Methylalcohol, Where Noncyclic Poly3iloxens and Methylohlordie Form alcohol was used it could be reckoned vith the forviatbn of nothyl chloride and the reileneration of the initial product which was spent in the synthesis of diLiethyldichlorosilane. When catalysts are used (H 230 and FeCl,) the polysiloxens ubtaincd as final pro- ducts of the h1drolysis & converted to polycondensation products resemblin.- caoutchouc. - Thus a mathod was worked out for obtain- ing noncyclic polysiloxens immediately from diriethylchlorosilane by hydrolysis with methyl alcohol. With an excess of methyl al- cohol (250 - 300 ';'v') the methyl chloride ujed fo#the synthesis of the dimethyldichlorosilane to be hydrolyzed can be completely re- 1,renerated. This method can be empluyed. for the production of re- sins, tars and stable oils, with utilization of the lrj-products of the dimethyldichlorosilane synthesis. The rubber-like polyconden- sation products gave satisfactory pracLical results after vulcani- zation6 There are 1 figLiret 4 tables, and 5 references, 1 of which is Slavic. SUBIJITTEDt October 22, 1956 AVAILABLEo Library of Congress Card 2/2 1, Silicon compounde (Organic)-.Synthesis 2. Dimetbyldichlorosilane- Hydrolysis 3. Methanol-Chendcal, reactions 9P INr AUTHORS: Klebanskiy, A. L., Fikhtengolit -in, A. V. 79 TITLE: Investigations in the Field of the Synthesis of Silicon-Organic Com- pounds (Issledovaniye v oblasti sinteza kremniyorganicheskikh soyedi- neni,y). V. The SynthesiB of Polysiloxanes With Gumbined RadicaLs (V. Poluchen niye polisiloksanov so smeshannymi. radikalami). PERIODICAL4. ZhurnalL Obshchey Khimii, 1957,% Vol. 27j. Nr 12, pp. 3321-3324 (USSR). ABSTRAM. In the present work the authors try to explain the effe,-t of polar substituents on the charartteri3 ties of polysiloxanes. For this pazpo- se chloromethyl- and dichloromethylderivatives of methylcxp-nes were produced by direct chlorination of the corresponding methyl-chicrrFi- lanes with ultraviolet radiation with subsequent hydrolysis and poly- condensation. The chlorination of dimethyldichlorosilar.e was carried out according to data from publications by conducting the cid dried chlorine through dimethyldichlorosilane in the stirring flash with ultraviolet radiation (quartzlamp with in the flask). A'fter the direct chlorination of di,ethyl- and trimethylchlorosilane under these conditions the chlorinated final products were isolated. These, as well as their compounds with dimethyldichloro3ilane after the hy- Card 1/2 drolyses with methylalcohol+ resulted in the corresponding polysiloxa- Investigations in the Field of the Synthesis of Silicon-Organic 79 19-28/43 Compounds. V. The Synthesis of Polysi-loxanes With Combined Ra&cals. nes. The,authors stated the better solubility of the hyd-rolysis pro- ducts, which have chloromethylderivatives, in water and metbanol as well as their more complicated polycondensation compared with pure dimethylsiloxanes, The authors also showed that the presence of chlorc- methyl groups in the caoutchouc-type polysiloxanes causes a certsin deterioration of the physico-mechanical parameters of rubber but ma- kes it more resistible against frost. The authors assume that the chlo- rine atom could be rsplaced by the SH-group. There are 1 table, and 6 references, 1 of which is Slavic. SUBMITTED*. October 22, 1956. AVAILABLE'. Library of Congress. 1. Silicon compounds (orgnnic) - Synthesis Card 2/2 PIKHTEUGOLITS, V.S. Spectrophotometric analysis of modified rosin. Zav. lab. 27 no. 4:400-403 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Vauchno-issledovatellski7 institut sinteticheskogo kauchuka imeni S.V. Lebedeva. (Rosin) S/08 62/000/001/065/067 Bi 1 qYB1 01 AUTHORS: Ljkhtq_n S., Babikov, 0. 1., Peyzner, A. I Poddubnyy, I. Ya., Zolotareva, R. V. TITLE: Ultrasonic method for determining the conversion degree during polymerization in emulsion PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 1, 1962, 535, abstract 1P230 (Vestn. tekhn. i okon. inform. N.-i. in-t tekhn.-ekon.~ issled. Gos. kom-ta Sov. Min. SSSR po khimii, no. 10, 1960, 28) TEXT: There is a linear relationship between the propagation velocity of ultrasonics and the content of dry residue (polymer) in chloroprene and butadiene styrene latexes containing no monomer. The polymer composition!; (butadiene/siyrene ratio) affects the change of ultrasonic velocity with increasing concentration. The dependenco of ultrasonic velocity on the conver3ion degree of latex is not lineart at first tho velocity changes alowly, then it increases rapidly, and drops again toward the end of the process owing to the presence of monomer. A decrease of the monomer Card 1/2 jo, - 3/081/62/000/001/065/C)67 Ultrasonic method for ... B119/B101 content in the latex increases tho propagation velocity of ultrasonica to~ I a much higher extent than a change of the polymer content. The value differences of ultrasonic velocity are sufficient for controlling poly- merization, espeoiall toward the end of the process. [Abstracter's note:! Complete translation Card 2/2 V, S/734/61/000/000/00,1/003 IOGO/I260 AUTHOPS: Filchtenkliolts, V.S., and Zolotureva, R.V. TITLE: Spnc trophotomn trio riothod of anal-sts of syn~hntic rubber Loningved. Vtsonoyuznyy naiiolino-insl(itlovatall.,)Iciy Institut slutatiolivikogo knuchuka. PI7,lku-'JiJvllchesV..iyn motody analiza I issledovanlya prod-uk-tov L)roizvodstv%A sintati- choakogo nnaliza I isslodovaniya produktov proizvodstvn sintatichoskogo Icauch,3kn. Laningrad, 1961. il8-120 Tr.YT: The )ixrpos.) of hh1a work was to 1-lovelop & spartrophotorietric _--riethod for tho'dpt'gettlon and rl otov)rl.nat Ion "of tho content of sirti- o.(Wrinto of vorloiis typev wid of nokals loil-z;tRlninC, antioxidants lif,ing nLrnmatic compoiindi, po.93-1.90 nbsorption barxiv t:!plcLil. for phr3nolq in tbn iiltrikviol.,,t region uf spectrun xith a i.i.,ixin.11111 at 280w/L. Synthetic rublinr ohtr-,lnnd b-.r wnul3lon pol.-.1nnorization ennnot bA s,.nalyzacl by dirnot sj),wtvo:)hAomntrv lincauin Lhe liciml prosent In- torforos with the tinal-yala. A method han therefore boon dovaloped, basod on a bathomatric ahtft..which takes plact, Aylion phonolts tire Gai,d 1/5 S/734 2 ,/61/000/000/1)0'/003 1060/1260 'Spectrophotomotric viothnO of an-O'l.113o., .9olved In nn alcohol-allcallne aolution. The optical (31-n'I.Ity of tho al1c.,tlInn alcohol oxtrrict In comr)-irad viltla thnt or a nelitrql axtrn.ct for n wavolongth correspondin- io the riacimum absorption of anti- oxidants in an al'snline nol'Atlon. TM3 differonce 1.9 proportlonal to the cone ontrnt lon of nntI.-.*Af1.ant.3, as. other ingredients which do not shift thoir 3POCtrn In nEcallne fsolutions, comi)ensata nutually. A f orriula C = ( 1) % - 11 a Ik . ) x K 1j I!.; ob t a I nwh nr a.: C is the 6ravimetrlc*uontun-~ of antlo).Vant; PA is tho differonse betrionn the optical deniitios of neutral and al.!,nlinc extrneta at Lhe vinvolongth D, - the optical dansity of dib-itad alicali, and K - is an empiric coefficient determined wlth tho holp of anlibration dat'R. Antioxidonts, that sre derivatives of aromatic minen, cannot be so datormined because thnir absorption spectra do not shift in alcohn) alkaline nolutiona, In the preionce of nekftl, their specific rLb- sorption coefficienta are much higher than these of non-staining Card 2/5 S/734/61/000/000/0022/003 io66/,I2r.O Spectrophotomatric method of anRlySiS... antioxidants. When only antioxidant Is being determined, alcohol ia usnd ns extractor; whon nekal Is also being determinod., an alcohol- toluol solixtlon Is wed, Tho optical densities of alcohol solutions and the content of components In rubber are measured by Firdrd's method. The authors obtain tho formulae: Co. D'Cyjj Dol-11, d( 11 a - - 11, a) D a(. D'-x; a C d (V_ ,A!a wher e : CN - ooncontrntion of nekal In solution In gjl; Ca - concontration of antioxViant In solution in Evil -~"pacjfia absorption coefftoinnt: of neTSAI at a wavelength correspondInF, to the maximurq absorption of nakal; -opecirto absorption coefficient of antioxidant at the same wave- Card 3/5 S/734/61/000/000/002/003 1060/1260 Spectrophotometrio method of rAnalysis... length; D optical density of solution nt th,j isma wavulangth; ~x!o specific absorption coefficient of nekal at a wavelength co- rremponding to thn Piax1mum aboorption of antioxidant; specific absorption coefficient of antioxidant at the same wavelength; D' optical donsity . of solution at the same wavelength; d thickness of euvefte's layer in em, The paper describes the doterninstion of no1c,13 In a dry prodixet, in solution, nnd in rinsing and disahtnrgo waters. Iq the first ense a formuln Is obtnined C14 (D289-R)Inoo In weight 'Q/; where C is w3kal. content in the analyzed samplej D289 is the optic- al densNy of solution at 289n%,u , a - a correction for difference between tho optical propertice of euvattes and K - sn empirlonl co- efficient* determined by measuring the optical density of a number Cord 4/5 S/734/61/000/000/002/003 1060/1260 ZperJro,phatomatric method of analysis,,, of soluttofis of various concentration a~ 269 A.,"O an compared with Vlater. For rinsing and discharge watar, the obtatned formula is: CN = (D280. - a) K Itt weight %; t,.irbid discharge waters arn tilteredp tho rogIduo on filter solved In hot water .(in amount equal to thnt of filtrahn) and both oolutions are pourad togother. Thers'are 4 fivras and 42 tables. Card 5/6 DOLGOPLOSK, S.B.; KLEBANSKIYy A.~.; FWINA, L.P.; FMTRIGOLITS,-V.S.; I SHVARTSJ Ye#Yu* Pilaxans polymers vith tbanylene links in the main chain. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.4-1813-815 Je 163. (MIRA 16z6) 1. Predstavleno akademikom S.S. Medvedevym. (silexanes) (Polymers) 1SAKOVA, N.A.; FOLIKARPOVA, V.11.; 1,.OGILE%'SKAYA, R.A.; PEMIZ, Z.K.; BELOVA, G.A. ; FIKETENGOLITS, V.S.; GAIRVIONOV, I.V., red.; MYASNIKOVA, L.B., red. [Analysis of the products of the synthetic rubber industryvj Analiz produktov proizvodstva sinteticheskikh kauchukov. Moskvap Khimiia, 1964. 315 P. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Leidngrad. Vsosoyuznyy nauchno-i:-olodovaltel'okiy institut, sinteticheskogo kauchuka. FIK1iTENGOL,'TS,,V.S.; ZOLOTAREVA, R.V.; LIVOV, Yu.A.; STOLYAROV, red. [Atlas of the ultraviolet absorption spectra of sub- stances used in the production of synthetic rubbers] Atlas ulltrafioletovykh spektrov pogloshchonlia ve- shchestv, prinieniaiushchikhsia v proizvodstve sinteti- cheskikh kauchukov. Moskva, Khimiia, 1965. 113 p. (MIRA 18:7) KRASOVBKIY, V.P.; FIKIDOV, I.G. Magnetoealoric effect in the region of low ter*exrature transfarmation of magnetite. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 39 no.2:235-241 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk (Magnetite) ACC N1. M17000676 SOUACE CODE: UR/OC,,,~6/66/C,00/0--,!,/C,033/0637 AUTHORS: rik-iin,,4;-Dichev, St.; Fikiyna, Iv. cientific Research Institute of Canning Industry Plovdiv, Bulgaria (11auchno- t ltskiy institut konsel hlennosti)~~ o va a rvnoy prorjys *~T.1T Fundamental parameters characterizing the fl&dization process of layers of -f-ruits and vegetables SOURCE: Kholodil1naya tekhnika, no. 11, 1966j, 33-37 TOPIC TAGS: food preservation, refrigeration equipment, laboratory equipMent A3STRACT: Basic parameters of the fluidization process employed in quick-freezi-ru- I of fruits and vegetables are investigated. These include: hydrodynamic rcsista~ce of the supporting grid with various cross sections, hydrodynamic resistanco, boiling rate, and porosity of the fruit and vegetable layer. The laboratory apparatus om- ployed in the study is shown in Fig. 1. The process has been studied on peas, cut string beans, cherries, strawberries, peaches, apricots, and toma-toos. Tho investiga-, tion involved two important stages of the process: 1) critical stage at the beginningi of the fluidization process, when the products are throirn out of the static state; 2) optimal stage when a layer of uniform concentration of the product in a unit of i volume is obtained. It was established that there exists a linear relationship be- itwoon hydrodynamio resistance A p and -A p0 t and the unit weight of the fruit and cr p Card 313 UDC: 634.1.037.5:635.037.5 1 ACC NR,Ap7O_O__0_676 Laboratory the aPD4ratus fluidization proce. -for study of fan; 2 ss: - centrifugal - valve; 3 - air duct with transPareni section; 4 - suPPortin.- grid; 5 - in,estleat, Product fruit) vOgetable, ate); 6 level indicator; 7 - Pneumometrlo tuba- 8 U-,ghape manometer; 9 - micromanometer IL BulgariEL/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application Food industry, 1-28 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 2. 1957, 6596 Author: Fikiin, A. G. institution: Higher Institute Of Canning and Condiments Industry Title: chemical Changes in Vegetables on Freezing Original Publication: Nauch. tr. Vissh. 113-t khranit. i vkus. prom-st -- Plovdiv, 1955, 2, Ill-122 Abstract: A study of chemical changes Occurring on blanching, freezing and storage at -130 and -180 of Dean. ACC NR: A?700676 vo-atablos G. The rate of air current required to sustain the critical ni'd Optimal ,.StaGes is a parabolic function of tho unit weight of the product The P0703ity of a' the optimal stage is ~O tho"::i, V V ' .53-0.69,, Orig, art, has: 5 figuroo, 1 table) ,..,!,arid-j5 equations. SIUB'CODE: 06/ SUB11 DA'11S: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ SS*6V REF: O(Y71 0-ill I EF: 6 R: 00 Bulgaria/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -_ Food industry, 1-28 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 2. 1957) 6596 Abstract: place. On storage of frozen vegetables for 7 months (peas, beano) and 5 months (peppers, tomatoes), at -180 and -130, the contents of nitrogenous substances, carbohydrates and acids undergo no change. In vegetables which have not been blanched the amount of carbohydrates remains constant while the content of acids increases,, due to biochemical transformations, by 17-17.5% at -180 and by 23.5-25% at -130. The amount of ascorbic acid depends on tempera- ture of storage and on the species and variety characteristics of the frozen vegetables. Card 2/2 r 1XI LU, A. Iffect of blanching on changes in the chemical composition and I nutrient value of froxon peppers [with summary in Zngliehl Khol. tokh,'35 no.4:58-62 JI-Ag '58- (LIRA A:10) it l.Vysshir institut Pishahevoy' i vkusovor promyshlennosti. Bolgariya. (Poppet) (Yood. Irrosen) FT- -r-!' 1 - Camil-inf- the chan,-es cf the enthal7j:., (Ue M"C-11t) of fccd --- CoOlinc- anr! freezim- processes. -). l! t Teklinika Vol. 7, 'No. 5,, 19~,8. Sofiia, '-Eul,-aria. Monthly Index of East European Accessions (I.EAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 10, Cc'U. 158 BULGA',RIA/Chamicca Tochnolo,~y. ChQmical PruOucts H and Their Applications. Food Industry. Abs Jour :Ref Zhur-Ehimiya, No 6, 19592 21247 Author tFikin7 An. G, Inst : Title :The Study of Changos in tho Caloric Con- tent of Food Products Whon Chillad and Frozen. Orig Pub :Tekhnika (B111g.), 19589 7, No 5, 17-18 Abstract :No abstract. Card Al FIKIIN. A.G. Table for the calculation of the heat content of food products. Izvevyaouchabezav.; pishch.tekh. no-5:104-107 '59. (MIRA 13:4) lo Vyeshiy institut pishchevoy i vkusovo7 promyshlennosti, g. Plovdiv, Bolgariya Vood. Frozen) f FIKIIN, Angol, kand. na tekhnicheskite nauki; ITEDEV, Nediu; USMA, Velichka Comparative studieo on the technological gultableness of certain peach varietieo. Selskostop nauka 1 no.0:477-484 162. 1. Vissh institut po khranitelna Vomoshlenost v Plovdiv (for Fikiin). 2. Raionen nauchnoizaledovatelski institut po ovoshtarstvo v Plov#iv (for Nedev). .3., Nauchnoissledovatelski tekhnologicheski institut po, khraniteln& promishlenost v Plovdiv (for Usheva). FI.K.IINP Angel; ANGELDV, Angel Technological suitability of some strawberry varieties for deep freezing, Selskostop nauka 2 no. 3/4 388-396 163. FIKIIN, Angel G., dotsent k. t. n. Variations of the enthalpy and cold compumption In the cooling and refrigeration of foodstuff. Tekhnika Balg 12 no.6.-16-20 163. 1 ACC NRJM1000676 SOURCE CODE: UR/0066/6()/()00/011/()033,/0037 AUTHORS: rik-iin, A.; Dichov, St.; Fikkma, Iv. .OAG',-';i1,Scientific Research Institute of Canning Industry Plovdiv, Bulgaria (Hauchno- 4'abl'idovatellskiy institut konservnoy prorqshlennostiO Fundamental parameters characterizing the fliYidization process of layers of .6'uits and vogotables SOURCE: Kholodillnaya toldinilm, no. 11, 1966, 33-37 TOPIC TAGS: food preservation, refrigeration equipment, laboratory equipmont ABSTRACT: Basic parameters of the fluidization process employed in quick-freezing of fruits and vegetables are investigated. Those include: hydrodynamic resistance of the supporting grid with various cross sections, hydrodynamic resistance, boiling rate, and porosity of the fruit and vegetable layer. The laboratory apparatus om- ployed in the study is shown in Fig. 1. The process has boon studied on peas, cut string beans, cherries, strawberries, peaches, apricots, and tomatoes. The inve3tiga- tion involved two important stages of the process: 1) critical stage at the beginning of the fluidization process, when the products are throun out of the static state; 2) optimal stage when a layer of uniform concentration of the product in a unit of volume is obtained. It was established that there a;dsts a linear relationship be- tweon hydrodynamic resistance A p er and L popt and the unit weight of the fruit and Card 1/3 UDC: 634.1.037.5;635.037.5 ACC NR- AP7000676 'Fig. 1. Laboratory apparatus.for study of the fluidization process: 1 - centrifugal Ifan; 2 - valve; 3 - air duct with transparent section; 4 - supporting grid; 5 - investigated product (fruit, vegetable, etc); 6 - level indicator; 7 - pneumometric tube; 8 - U--ahaped l Imanometer; 9 - micromanpmeter ACC NR: AP700676 vo-otablos G. The rate of air current required to sustain the critical and optimal ,~ta,-es-is a parabolic function of tho unit weight of the product. The poroslty of t~e,, the optimal stage id~0-53-0.69. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 1 table., equations. ODE: 06/ SUBM DATIE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ e6V REF: CKY71 0-111 REEF: 006 313 2i I o FIKLEWICZ, Ger'[Iruda Mycological observations from the Bagna peat bog rqar the town of Oborn-1ki. Biologia Poznan no.5tl49-154 164. 1. Department of Plant T.-lxonomy and Geography of the A. MIckiewicz University, Pv~znan. FIKLIK, Karel; CEI'MY, Karel Experiences at the pediatric ward of the Czechoslovakian hospital in Chonjin in Korea. Cook. pediat. 12 no.9:820-824 5 Sept 57, 1 (HOSPITALS, !; pediatric ward in Czech. hoop. in N. Korea (Cs)) I (MIATRICS. same ) KUCE'RA ) J. , Iriz. G30.; V. Coordination of transformer insulation levels with regard to the strees on winding insulation. Bul EGU no. r3:9-16 163. lz~ ;z Z, ut V;1-:1) ;o v,;~f -1 I;M v-,) -A v,,::) zl:; P EiT;I;r-,. ed C~-!Z U- ~Aj t:2 2:nc.;. ls!Z-Ux d4 In u-,.r,v ~T "-- !~.! tr. Z9 F.:r 23 ~Q; --;1: 2" tssl , -'Tirl lyt.-C FIKUN, A.G. Relation between specific heat and the content of moisture in fo6d products, Doklady BAN 14 no.4:373-376 t6l. 1. Note presentee par D. Ivanoff (D.Ivanov] membre do 11Academie. FIKLISTOV, I.N. Usina naturql ips to burn clinkers In shAfr furnAces. TSem,ent 22 no,5:26- 27 S-0 '56. (MLRA 1021) 1. Llvovekly politakhnicheakiy instutut. (Llvqv Province--Cement industries) Ons, Naturnl) ' G.A. K*"(-tics Of mao~, transfer In E ibr,, tirig a I iquid. DOkj. T J) T of s: ". A 5 FIKLISTOV, I.N.; AKSELIRUD,~G.A. Kinetics of mass ixansfer with oscillatory motion of a solid body in a fluid flow. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 7 no.1:45-48 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Politekhnicheskiy institut, LIvov. F:;," NEI. !~. I t Heat radiators Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroitellstvu i arkhitekture, 1952. 138 P. (55-3ZI 54) TH7480.F5 HORVATH, Janos (Zalaegerozog, Martirok u.30); PIKO, Stephan (Trondheimp Norway) TV - DX. Radiotechnika 10 no.8:240-241 Ag 160. f -L-LU' V , ', ~ ; I 'Ll -1 ' 1-1 V -, ~- , . -, . i n , 1.1 . F'KbV1'4'f`Tubf3rcuIosis in Infants of Our Countr .r. 11 p. 2, UDRAVEN FRONT, No. 46J. Nov. 1954, 6ofiya, Bulgaria) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions) (~:EAL)) LC; Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. FIKOV, A., Dots. ~-~ v.-, Yagacolon in childhood. Khirurgiia (Sofiia) 16 no.6:523-530 163. (MEGACOLO11) (RECTUM) (SICHOID) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) FIKOV. Asen Bulgaria No degree listed No affiliation listed Sofia, Pediatriya, supplement of Suvremenna Meditsina, No 2, 1962, pp 26-31. "Etiology, Clinical Aspects, and Diagnosis of Epilepsy in Childhood" 'A~ BIJ LGA RI A As. FIK-)V ~Affiliation not j~iven] "Vitamin K and lts Uaes An Children." Sofia, Suvrenenna Heditsina, Val 13, No 10, 1962; Vp 44-47. ,~,bstract; Genf-ral -eview of henorrhagic diatheses otressing mainly tht role ot physiologiially immature liver function in newborns and Infants having, any such condition, and modalities of treatment with, vitamin K derivativeri. No reforences. FIKOVA-IBIMOVA, P. method of ourgical therapy of ozena. Xhirurgiia, Sofia 11 no.9:843-848 1958. 1. Institut za spetsibilizataiia, i usuvurshenstvuvane na lekarite- SoMn Kate0a T)o whui, nosal i gurleni bolesti zav. katedrata: prof. Sv. Boil.-ikev. (HRINIMS, A730PRIC, surg. FqrieFi ts?thod (Bul)) OACCESSION UR: AP4019200 S/0056/64/0461/002/0409/0414 1AUTHORS: Antuflyev, Yu. 1). 1Bunduk, T.; Fikri, A.; Macbali, F.; Sorckin, P. V.. 7 4 'TITLE: Inves*tigation of tbe Li (p, a)He reaction induced by po~- Ilarized protons with energy 0.5-2 MeV iSOURCEs Zhurnal taksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no'. 2, 1964, 409-414 ,TOPIC TAM lithium 7, helium 4j proton Alpha reaction,' proton ipolarization, sensitivity to proton polarization, elastic proton t,scattering, left right asymmetry 7 4 ;ABSTRACT.- The sensitivity of the Li (p,a)He reaction to proton polarization, defined as the ratio of anisotropic component of the -reaction cross section to isotropic component, was measured using pol4rized protons obtained from the elastic scattering reaction 12 12 C (p,P)C atia 600 angle., The sensitivity X was determined from IF Ff ;ACCESSION NR: AS14019200 left-right asymmetry A, defined as the ratio of the jounter readings in positions 7 and 8, respectively (Fig. 1), using the -relation R U + P r)/(l - P r), 1where P 1 i's thi polarization of the elastically scattered protons.,, At low energi'dsIand at an angle of 45* the sensitivity does not ex- ceed 10%, but rises smoothly to 60% at 2 MeV with increasing proton energy. The resuLts are in good agreement with those of L. Wolfen- stein (Physo Rev. v. 75, 1664, 1949) at 2250 phase shift and of K. Bearpark et *al (Nucl. Phys. v. 33, 648, 1962). "The authors are 'in-.I debted to Prof. E:L-Kadi for collaboration in tl-e work. We are grate-~' :ful to A. X. El-Nashar, G. F. Kirshin, to Mustafa Raga for h 'elp with ,the experiments, and to G. Akseneva for help in preparing the arti- cle for publicationt" Orig art. has: 5 f igure's, 3 formulas, andl K5 Card*',-. ANTUFIYEV, Yu.P.; BUNDUK, T.; _Y1."HI, A.; ILIACHALI, F.; SOPOKIN, P.V. Study on the reaction Li 7 (P,O.~)Ife4 induced by 0.5 - 2 Mev. polarized protons. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 46 no.2:409-414 F 164. (IRIFA 17:9) _V~S-s-A,af, -10dessa) I Vikolai Alekseeviob Strogamovs, his prosectorial, scientific, educational, and public activities; on tha 120th anniversary of his birth. Arkh.pat, no.7t?1-71+ 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Iz Imitomorfologiabeakoy laboratorii Odesskogo oblastrogo onkologicheskogo dispansera (glavnyy vrach V.A. Wovikova). (STROGANOV, NIKOLAI ALMLS=CII, 1842-) FIKS, A.F. (Odeasa) "%- ~ Ws"Mairse Pill voures on patholog3r; Pathological physiolog7 and pathological anatomy" by IA.L.Rapoport. Reviewed bv A.F.Fiks. Fel'd i akush. 24 no.4:6o-62 Ap 159. (MIRA 120) (PATH014GY) (RAPMRT, IA.L.) i ~i -I