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ACCFMICU NR.- AP4033028 ~dj~lovaci technilcu (Research Institute for Rad4o Ca=unicatioas). Orig. art hw: 20 figuras. ASISOCIATICK: Vyzlmmny ustav pro sdelovaci tochnilm A. S. Pbpova, Prague '(Research Institute for Radio Co=unications) SUBMITZED: 2lDec63 DAM ACQ: MaA MML: -00 SU3 CME.- -EC NO 1w SOV: 000 014 _ctifter is 91-n as Ixod ml IKC- 0.1+ 1/5 Alt 7, IM: AP4033027 T UhC1 7~- is the current f1ming through tha elemnt. The basic character! P tics, VIA v 1, rrnr! -4 '11, f $IV pri, 'q a L t~' i 2" FIBIGM, M. "The Technical Council." P. 481, Prah&, Vol. 3. no. 7. July 1953. SO: Masi; laropean Accessions List, Vol- 3, No. 9, September 1954, Llb. of GoWsas J.-FIBIGER, M. Tasks and state of our periodicals dealing with the machinery industry. P. 289. TECHNICKA KNUU, Prague, Vol. 3, no. 10, Oct. 1954. SO: Monthly List of Ea.-It European Accessions, (EFAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1956, Uncl. VIrp,7117"t, 1'. FIPIGER, V. Entering the socond Five-Year Plan. p. 707. Vol. 5, no. 6, 10,55 SOVETSIIA VEDA: STROJIM-1131M TECIMOLOGY SGYKA, 0.; FIBIGEROVA, L. " ~~' Preliminary report on the treatment of pulmonar7 and lymphatic tuberculosis with TS 160. Cas. lek. cook. 90 no.21:637-641 25 Ray 1951. (CUS 20:9) 1. Of the Third Internal Clinic of Charles University, Prague (Head--Prof. Josef Charvat, M.D.) and of the Clinic of Tuber- culosis of Charles University, Frague (Head--Prof. Jaroslav Jedlicka, V.D.). KATSNKLISCN, Moisey Yefimovich; OZOLI, Vladimir Lyudvigovich; CHINLYUSTKIN, Alsksand.r Borisovich; FIBIKH, V.V., redaktor; DCRMIITA, Ye.V., redaktor; ETMISON, I.M.. rMlIff? ekiy redaktor [Automatization of tube rolling mills] Avtomi%tizatsiia trubo- prokatn,vkh stanov. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-17 po chernoi t tavetnoi metallurgii. 1954. 109 p. (MM 8..?) (Rolling mills) (Pipe, Steel) V. MLLTARXVSKIT, Boris Ivanovich; V-JXMNM, Iev MitrofanoTich; ZUBUN, Sergey Matvayevich; FIIBI 61LAU.- redaktor; VALOV. N.A., redaktor; RXXUR, O.G.. I rA takhnicheakiy r ctor [Electrical equipment for wire and sheet-metal product plants] Xlektrooborudovanie metizn7kh 2aVodov. Moskva Goa. nauchno-tekh- nicheakoe izd-vo 1:Lt-r3r po chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgii. 1955. 270 pe (MLRA 8110) (Electric machinery) (Hardware) KUNITSKIY. T.T. 'rPa.; S=OROV, V.11., red.izd-va; AVENSON, I.M.. t(tkhmjo :. _- [Controlling electric machinery in reversing rolling mills] Alektro- maiihinnoe upravletnie reverstynymi prokstnymi stanami; uchebnoe poBo- bio dlia t3hkol i kureov mauterov. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po dherad. i tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1.957. '1425 P. (MIRA 110) (Rolling mills) BAYNOV, Semen Tegorovichl.XIMIKK T-y-, redakto-.-; VAGIN, A.A., redaktor izdatelletva; ATTOPOVICH, Xjr.~ tekhnichankly redaktor. [Repair of electrical equipment of metallurgical plants] Remont elektrooborudovanila metallurglohookikh savodov. Xoskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhnoltd-vo lit'ry po chernoi i tevetnoi metallurgil, 1957. 503 P. (MIRA 10:11) Metallurgical -plants-lquipment :nd supplies) 1ectric machinery-Maintenanos nd repair) 4 BANNOV. Sawn Yegorovioh; FIBIKH, V.V., red.; KISHLNVA, T.I., red.izd-va; VAYNSHTM, Te.B. '*-t7jffij.-ji4._-' 0 (Kakin& spare parts for the electrical equipment of metallurgical ilantsJ Izgotovlenie zapasnykh chastei dlia elektrooboradovaniia metallurgichaskikh savodov. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi metallurgli, 1959. 243 p. (MIIRA 12:5) (Ketallurgical plants-Electric equipment) KATSNELISON, Matvey Yefimo-vich; FIBIKHv V.V.9 red.; KISELEVA, T.I., red. izd-va; MIKHAYUWAv V.V.', ie~khn. Yed-;-- [Electric equipment and the automation of pipe-rolling mills] Elektrooborudovanie i avtomatizatsiia truboprokatnykh zavodov. Moskva, Gosa* nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo po chernoi i tsvetnoi metal- lur Up 1961- 400 ii)- (MIRA 14:9) fplipe mills-Ele~3trie equipment) (Automation) BMINOV, Semen Yegorovich;,.fIBIKH, V.V., red.; YA.KOWNKO, N.N., red.; DOBUZHINSKAYA, L.V., reed. (Repair of the electric equipment of metallurgical p~.antsl Remont elektrooborudovaniia metallurgichetskikh zavod(v. Izd.2., parer. i dop. Moskva, Met&llurgisdatg 1963. 527 p. WRA 16.-.4) (Metallurgical plants-Electric equipment) (Electric machiner7~--Maintenance and repair) 41 NIKOLISHY, Bovis Vasillyevich; MILYAVSKIY, David boricovich; FIBIKII, V.V.,, red.; SIUXPOV, V.K., red.i,,A-va; GIVZbIjRG, R.Ya.j tekhn. red. [Operation and rel)air of electric motors in metallurgical plants] Ekspluatat,siia i remont elektrodvigatelei na me- tallurgichoskikh ~;avodakh. Moskvaq Metallurgizdat, 1964. 121 p. (MIRA 17-2) FIBINGER) V. 1113oilers using waste heat from Winkler generators." P, h15- STRUiRrmsm. (MINISTERSTVO TEZKEHO STROJIUNSTV1, MINISTERS7VO PRESNEHO STRUIRENESTVI A MISTERSTV0 AUTOMDBILOVEHO PRUMYSLU A MEMISKYCH STROJU.) PrahtL, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, no. 6, June 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EM), LO, Vol. 8,, No. 9,, September 1959- Uncl. NECHIFORUK, N.N. (Vimiitsa); FIBR A.K. (Vinnitsa); ICUKISHINI, V.A. (Vinnitsa); YURCHa:, fu.i. (Vi-;~, usa) Hcme-made thermiatcr. Fiz. v ~~Iakole 21 no.1:66-67 Ja-F 361. (MIRA 14:9) (Thermistors) M "Vi" in R, 5 1 ~lj 'm F I B.", K*. SOK0,1111GE1, jull.kir, Control studies with the use Of irdine-131 after thyroid cancer surgery. Endokr. Pol. 16 rio-5:517-523 165- 1. 11 Klinika Chirurgicztra AM w Poznanii-, (Kierownik: prof. dr. R. Drews). FAIBY, Jaromir Ex&nination of the rape oil qualJty in different rape varieties. Prum potrayin 15 no. 6:288 Je 164. 1. Research Station of Oil Plants, Opava. FIG. Frantisek, inz. Mechanization of the lignite reserve calau-'Lation by means of -the pimched card syBtem. Uhli 5 no.9013-314 S163. 1. Geologicky pruzkumv n.p., Praha. FIC, Frantisak, inz. I*chanization of the calculation of raw mineral reserves by di'viding a deposit into sections. Gaol pruzkum 6 no. 7:198-200 11 164, 1. Goologicky pruzkum National Enterprise, Prague. FIC, FriLattisok, inz. DeterminAtion of lengths in polygonal sequence by lateral intersection. Geol pruzkum 6 no.W46447 Ag 164 1. Geologicky pruzkttz National Enterprise, Prague. Pic, Frantisak, inss Hoobanisation of th# ovalueton or oontrol analyses. Geol pruzkm 7 no,2t48-30 F 165,, L Goologicky prusk,us National Zntarpriss, Prajus. - FIC., Vlaotimil; HUVAOI Josef Activities of the Grape Culture and Researob Station in Mutenice, Vestnik CSAZV 8 no. 107-59 16.1, (EW 100) 1. Vyok=ny ustav, pre vinohradnietvo a vinarotvo Pobocky Cookoelovenckaj skademie polohoapodaralcyob vied. (Gseoboolovakia-Agriculture) FIC, V. 4,eAylpyrocatechols (n-aklyl-3, 4-dihvdrcmyphenylketones) as pol,vpropylenS stabilizers. Chem prum 15 no.1:25-28 Ja 165. 1. Researoh Institute of Maorozolecular Chemistryp Brno. - Complexes of orgimoalUmInum compounds. Chem listy 51, no.6; 68 5-69,7 Tf3 165. h Institute of 14acromolocular Chamist"Y, 1. Posearc I Brilo. SOURCE CUD_1;_~YW60_09,T657OO0101_2,7 "307 AUTHOR: -Fic;_, Vojtechi Dvorak, Jan .. ..... . ORG: Research Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Brno (Vyzkumny ustav makromolekidarni ehemioT__ TITLE: Orgimo-aluminium compounds - I (Vapor pressurel of triethyl aluminiumland diethyl aluminium chloride) SOURCE: Chomicky prumysl, no. 12, 1965, 732-735 TOPIC TAGSt- vapor pressure, vaporization, measurement, measuring instrument cHkooejoC / (X_-1e"f2460-VD ABSTRACTs The purpose Of this inveatjoatjoq 144s to measure the vapor pressure of triethyl aluminium and of diethyl aluminium chloride using such experimental technique as would limit to a minimumithe possibility of contamination of the substances to be measured. Whoreas these compounds are industrially important, there is little pub- lished data on their vapor pressure. The dynamic method was used to measure the vapor pressure of these two substances by determining the boiling point in a vacuum distil- lation apparatus. An equation for vapor pressure was derived from the measured values which were used to compute the normal boiling point, the molar-heat of evaporationg Card 1/2 UDC: 54?.256 3732-66 ACC NR,.APf017819 the trouton constants and approximate values of the critical constants. On the whole, good agreement was found betwesen the published results and the authors' results.. Statistical methods of determining vapor pressures of triethyl aluminium give in the low temperature region somewhat lower values than the dynamic method. Orig. art. hast 1 figurej Ik tables and 2 formulas- SUB CODE3 07p 20/ SUBM DATE3 03Aug65/ ORIG Rffj 004/ SOV REN 004/ OTH REWj 022 Ak- A~j kg L -AL JS FICA, Agriplquo Ing. Methods for making footwear more flexible. Did Natria usoara 9 no.11: ,~63-469 N 162. FICII, Agripina, ing.p corcetator The IL iyatem shoes from prefabricated parts. Industria usoara 10 no.12056-560 D163. i .e FICA, Agripina, ing.; COGIU, Voinea, ing. Technological problems in the manufacture of capr1ne kid leather shoes. Industria usoara 11 no.11S581-585 N 164. 1. Researcher, Leather and Rubber Research Inatitute (for Fica). 2. Lecturer and Head of the Chair of "Technology of Leather Confections, It Faculty of Light Industryj Polytechnic Institute, Iasi (for Cociu). .. FIC.A, Agripina, ing. Design and manufaoture of shries from prefabriceted part3, Industria usoara, 12 no.2:62--tl F 165. 1. Leather and Rubber Research Instltut,3, Bucharest. ACC NRt A?6025157 LSOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Longhin, S. (Doctorl Professor, Lieutenant general, Corresponding member ARM); FoWscu, A. (Doctor) Colonell Candidate of medical sciences); Papascu, C. (Professor, Pharmacisto Doctor); B,Eajj~~ ~ (Fharmacistp Doctor); Fical C~ rma cist); Beaca, M. (Pharmacist); Georghiu, E. (Pharmacist) ORGs none I Z 3 /2 TITLE: Protective oJntments LOUCES Rovista sanitara mi:LVtr,,,,v or c'J314 '0* ke 196& 9t~-&mont, dernvitology T(IPIC TAGS: skin physiology, a asey ugs A reporr, on a study of protArtive ointments used in the prophylaxis and treatment of occupational dexmatoses.1;"rNo types of hydrophobic and one hydrophilic cris were studied. The hydrophille ointment was found to have good cutaneous tolerance for persons with normal cutaneous reactions, but gave weak positive reactions in allergic individuals. Physical-chemical characteristics of the ointments and the timal propo 'tion of the ingredients were also determined. Orig. art. hast 12 tabl 136 ,,pr, Oj f0: 33,5 0 ? SUB CODE: 06/ SU13M DATE: 20;an65/ OiRIG REF: 0031 OTH REF: 014 0-3>- Buch&r^gt r par~,AQIA I ','O1 x I Fo 3 2 Har 1962 2. Ohroblems of M&.-.xcy at tho Firth 1-it-rriatioral gr-gs Of BIOC~Amlv tr-j I V~qcow 20-16 -w!ust 2-961 t" PRI= D. 3"IDELEA-V , Dslartm-.1t of ir Iry (C-t-dra d- 2. OContrIt--ut!oms to tln~ VL~facturlnr and VnInatInn of Ch*nIIL2UI~r. Ln O~r Ccuntr7 * Fam. Zrr G. IF:C'., laborAto and Distille-r of Plants or thA rri-.A Fmlc-E`o~~, (laborato Distilerta d-~ Pltntm a F%-T-T-crr-r-.7S,l), Brasor; 139 1. *30v Olnt~.=t Bmas for Xag4xtral iLid Stcndard rr~rtrttl Prof C. To Fr= Farm T. 37A, Pam F -a A IR=- -d I a ZHA t L r, Farm gade, Of V%.rnac7 e-rtrm V&40MIC&j OL W.41 ~pa.rUrPnC 3- Phal-Acy (AL ?Acultatii d* FarmAcLO), Duz-wr~st; pp ;1.9-257. L" *Chxc=st*gra~hIc Study or th- is. .: 0=. A..- For= nit= in th. ff a"- -Iao=- 0 . M V-Z Fam Narc&la I'IMRI-rr and Dr .41 Ir - e, ISC lov"stigatIons (InstitiMU T-ntru Contralul d^ Zta t. el Kwdlc&~ntul-41 Pi Corcstarl Fermse-utlop); MC1.1ah 'Curc~ftry; 10. th. kntlt-j'~-rCUIOU3 Aetlvlty of CArtaln IT-i-l'ydrazi t 3ut)NtLtutm3 of t!'tm%~-*An--c4lani;oclrLnc-~At S,,lri-s ("Ot. I P--or A. rrrm, conf P. Or Vlorl-ca ZZ-All t: v Dr V. Pror %:. M-Wnlst Ritta r .! p,lrr;r:i;~at tv* LZS~-rntcr7 of -hormml- -;toml !A or-T.FA- 17 uatg. T*a~zco-,~Zarx~c~utlc instIti.". in, titut-jiul ear-st-atic), -imerjare.L; 7, I.I~,)-i7i_ S. -9104tro;horerrm D-t-rmlnatcr Colonel Farm Dr C. LVP .Z~, li? Bid t AZ ts;:Italul Y-111tar Central.), Po 175-175. *Itou Data '~ortc"-,nLng tho Crmnizati=n of thm Botanteal O~Lrd no in &=t~ ar-s t " C. BERCL15 and V. M t Ir; pp IT7- I+ POPESOJO Co. Professorl RRAILEW# Clog Pharmacist; STANESCU, Ve, Pharvacistj FICAI Cornslla# Mrsacistj FANDELS9 As DrI ONERMI=, Do Dr Roania le Faculty- of Pharmacy (Facultatea do Farmacie) (for POPESCU. ERM1FAKU, STANESCU, FICA). 2.. The Ilie Pint-ilie Hospital (Spitalul "Ilie Pintilie*) (for PANDELE and GRUCULEW Bacharest, Fanwe . ., No n, Nov 629 pp 667-672 uThe Utilization of $Undeciemtul do OrtooxicUwleiml in GynecoloW Od V. 11~ 011, ... . .. - -U ha-~.7-,acist; ?L;PEL;C;U, C., Profes.-or. u Galo,,.Lcl jli-L~-nn .. cy :--'~on--toiy oe t.v) .13chool of ehazmacy in (Lz~uo-ra'uorui d'o Eallmica al Facultat-ii de fai--~-Uc dirt Bucur---sU) - (-` or all) Farmuci~", iio 7, ;-al 63, ~)p 411-4-17 "The, U~;c- of Te,,ision jlcLivc Agc.,,t3 in the Preparation of I 111=,zica-ut :.c~,l III. Emu-l-ic.n-,. FICA . Iadislav Intereoting defect of the Orior, AT 613. and AT 622 television sets. Sdal U-ch 11 no.6:2T) Je 163. BRUCKNER, I.) prof.; PURICE1 S. , dr.; SERBAN, Margareta, chini.; LIGHTIG, Ernestina, dr.; COSTICA, I., dr. FICA V. Methods of functional examination and of diagnosis in chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis fol-lowing viral hepatitis. Med. inter., Bucur 13 no.5:679-682 MY 161. (WATITIS, IITFLCTIOUS complications) (LIVER CIRJiHOSIS diagnosis) (HEPATITIS diagnosis) BRUCKMIR, I. , prof.- LICHTIG, Ernestina, dr.; TITEICA Maria, dr.; LAZARESCU, ~. dr.;- FICA, V., dr.; VELCIU, V,,~Wr.. Research on tho relation between chronic urinary infections and arterial hypertension. Mad inter 15 no.5.- W 163. 1. Lucrare efectuats. in Glinica medicala a Sp*ului "Dr. I. Cantacuzino" in colaborare cu Prosectura Spitalului "Dr. 1. Cantaeazino", Bucuresti. (HYPERTENSION, RENAL) (URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS) (PYELONETHRITIS) (GLOMERULONEPHRITIS) BRUCKNER, I., prof.1 LICHTIG, Ernestina, dr.; TITEICA, Maria, dr,; LAZARESCU, R., dr.; FICA, V.p dr. Research on chr)nic urinary tract infection, Med. intern. 15 no.11:1293-1300 N 163. 1. Lucrare efectuats. in Clinica medicala. I.M.F., ftitalul OlDra, I* Canta- cuzino". Bucuresti. 2.Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R,(for Bruckner). (URINARY TUCT INFECTION) (MICROBIOLOGY) (URIXE) (PYURIA) (KIDNEY FUNCTION TESTS) BRUCKNmP if, prof,; WOMp Ernestina, dr,; FICA, V., dr. The diagnosis of non-lithiasic chronic pyelonephritis. Critical considerations. Mad. intern. 15 no.llil281-1286 N 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinics, medicala a Spitaluliii "Dr. I. Cantacuzino", I.M.F., Bucuresti. 2. Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R. (for Bruckner). (PY.BLONEPHRITIS) , (DIAGNOSIS) BCRIAPARTE,H., dr.; PKIL"ROIATTU, P., dr.; FICA, V., dr. Ahatomonlinloal considerations on a case of ruptured aneurysm of the cimm iliao artery. Med. interm. (Bucur.) 16 no.11t 1401-140 N 164 1. Lucrare efectuata in Laboratorul de anatomie patologica al Spitalului "Dr., Cantacuzinon. ICUBAT, B.; PENYLAVOVA, 13%; FICAJ, M - On the problem of therapy of perforated gastroduodenal ulcer. ROzhl. chir. 40 no.8:518-522 Ag 161. 1. Cbirurgicka Iclinicka zakladna UDL v Praze 8. Bulovka prednosta prof. MUDr. J. Knobloch, doktor lekarolqch ved. (PE:PTIC ULCER PERFOATION surg) I-ICEP IL - Scal*tidae bn tha moimtain pine Pinus mago T*Mm. Rad Sumar fakul BiN 7 no.7:197-201+,962. FICEK, Kazimierz, mgr inz.; WASOWICZ, Bogdan, mgr inz.; ZIENTEK, Marian, technik Use of resistance tensiometers in measuring dynamic pressure. Pomiary 10 no.2:53-55 F164. FIC11K, Waldemar (Lublin, u1. Sklodowskiej 2/18) Value of a leukopram in acute appendicitio in children. Fediat. polska 33 no.8:943-948 Aug 58. 1, Z oddzielu chirurgicznepo P.S.L Nr 3 w lublinie Dyrektor azpitala i kierownik oddzialu: dr mod. A. Naumik. (APPENDICITIS, ir inf. & child Rente, value of leukogram (Pol)) (IMMOTM loukogram in acute nppendicitis in child. (Pol)) '~!.jph actl c n; troc m 1 tro- a-,w !;y 701. no. J.c 1,;-A of 7-"]L:~t 1"kil'a".3all AcccL;I;ie LO, Tlol- rj. 1C:,, Oct. 1~)55, /,-tudloul of XIX. 1'rep&-afict: d 4DjALUj;j_ A. , wds and _cthylenz, glirerl, T~ 1. Intl lZmA aitrophtEML fT.Tc-'t, ~3- ar.1 1*,!t 'th,11- c/D formation of alLyd rsu~ It.-, L,,-.n -;---d It ::- I- that t(m mce of ttw f 'i mtru'dalk.,!~'t A~Atl I, nt"t, Am"ller titan that ~f th,, 4-t-n-r 43'. tfit-~ j,.d -t ,It U, cart;"XI I g"-p 111 :1 In'tophthallc acod Is t~ und t,~ t1w, itr" y"mul, by ~'i ., 1,~drm ~ ~ bc,cn- pm 1xiad AIIA thL ruc-li'l,r'd rmi, L, fornl,~! AL'sig ANN Ji Am KCHM, Gaetano; ADIERP Cyorgy [Translator] A uniform theory on contour value problems relating to second order e:Lipptic-parabolic equationse Mat kozl Mta 13 no.4:375-39:3 163. RU1010y, IV.; FICB3v, 11. Ant onomic block in combinat ion w ith local hif iltrat ion anesthes ia. Xhirurgila. Sofia 11 no.5-6:455-456 1958. l.' Iz Gradskaitt onkologichen Dispanser-Sofiia. (AUTONOMIC DRUZ, ther. use$ ganglion blocking agents in local anesth. (Bul)) (AN3STH&;IA, IO=, adjulmnt8p ganglion blocking agents (Bul)) DDUTROV,; ANASTASOVA.;. ILIEVA,V.;, FIGIMV,N. Blood'transfuslon and reanimation in surgery. Khirurgiia, Sofia 13 no.2-r3:101-111 160. (BIDOD TRANSFMION) (FMMCITATION) (SMIGIRY OPAUTIVI oompl. ) FIGHEY'N. - Our experience with the reanimation. Khirurgiia,Sofia 13 no.2-3; n7-118 l6o. f-l. N 1. Iz Iratedrata pD boluichna khirurgila pri TKI - Sofiia. (RESUSCITLTION) WMITROV, St., prof.; MASTASOV, A.; ILIEVA, ---.0 Blood transfusion and reanimation in surgery. Khirurgiia, Sofia 13 no.6:549-564 '60. (BLOOD TF4kNSFUSION) (RESUSCITATION) (SURGERY OPERATIVE compl) POPKIROV) St.; FICHEV, N.; GATSINSKI, P. Changes in the pleural cavity :rolloving intrathoracic operations. Nauch. tr. viesh. med. inst. Sofia 40 no.4:63-79 161. 1. Predstavena ot Prof. St. Dimitrov, ruk. na Katedrata po khirurgichni zaboliavaniia a ortopediia i travmatologiia. (THORAX surg) (FLEM physiol) TEIEVY St.; M=HIEV~ Ii.; ~I-,Hsvp i-l- Bilateral pnemaonectorq. Khirurgiia i~ no.9/10:915-918 162. 1. Is Eatedrata po bolnielmo khirurgiia pri VMI (Vissh medi- tainakf institut] - Sofiia. (PNMONECTOff ) DEMEAN, A.; SARV, St.; KRUSTEVA, Z.; TENKV, K.; ABADZHIEV, P.; FICHEV, N. '--l-,-.,:---. 7, - - Our methods of anesthesia and reanimation in newborn infants. Khirurgiia 15 no.ll:cAl-993 '62. 1. Is Katedrite o bolbichna kbirurgiia, pri VMI (Vissh medi- tsins)d ifistitutl - Sofiia i ISUL (Institut za spetsializataiia i usuvurshenstvuvane na, lekaritel. (ANESTHESIA INTRATRACHEAL) ANESTHESIA GENERAL) NFANT NEWBORN DISEASES) R DID(ITRGV, St., prof.; TODOROV, A.; FICHEV, N. Sow considerations on hospital infections. (Preliminar7 conwm ication). Khirurgiia (Sofiia) 16 no.4:325-332 163. 1. Viesh meditsinski institut - Sofiia katedra po bolnichna khirurgiia. Rukovoditel na katedrata: prof. St. Dimitrov. Nauchno-izaledovatelski kozhno-venei6logichen institut. Direktor: prof. P. Popkhrista7. %CROSS INFECTION) (ANTIEIOTICS) (SULFONAMIDES) (DRUG RESISTANCE, MICROBIAL) (STATISTICS) (STAPH INFECTIONS) GTOICIMV, K.; FIGHMV, T. Ampiltation stumps and prosthesis in Balgaria. Khirurpiia, Sofia 10 n0.8: 725-734 1957. 1, Institut za protezirans, vuzatanovitelna khirurgiia i tmdoustroistvo. Direktor: Ia. Kholevich. (ARTIPIGIAL LD(B progr. & statist. in Balgaria.) j NR mM"l-mum- v., E,~R EERIE adaplatlon of tho tc ('I-')W!,h in an"Ot mirnalss, ;2"-!Ip. j kIdn. mei- 4 1. Labaratoriya Ui tii*,;i C' np-riv~-. 2 klinir.hpf,kc.y onkol.ogii AMill 353!~. FICHINHYAN, B.S.; POGOSYANTS, Ye.Ye. Chromosomal characteristics of three transplantable rat leukemias. Vop. onk. 9 no.12:47-51 163. (MW 17:1, 1. laboratoriya tsitogenetiki (2av. - doktor biol. nauk Ye.Ye. Pogo- 3yants) Instituta eksperimentallnoy i ki-inicheskoy onkologii AIIII SSSR kdirektor - deystvitelInyy chlen ANS SSSR prof. N.N. Blokhin). Adres avtorov: Moskva, I-110, u1. Shchepkina. 61/2 korp.9, institut ekspe- rimentallnoy i k'Linicheskiy onkologii ~14111 SSSR. FICHINHYAN, B.S,j POG05YANIS, Yi~je.~ FRIGCYZHINA,, Ye.j,. Cyt ,,)gene t ~~.c ei).amination of vllral and d,'.me',hv*l~.benzantlira,:ene-- induced At3ukemias ~'n ratj. Vop. onk. 110 '64, (MIRA 17: 8) 1. 1z laboraltor-ii t-9itogenet..-IcL ~zav. - doktor biologi~~hesklkh nauk Ye.Ys. Pogosyants) Instltuta ekspssr-~luentallnoy -,- klin' cheskoy onkologii AMN SS-SR (dir. - deystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. N.H.. Blokh:--n". Adres av!orov: Moskva, I-11.0, u1. ShcheplcLna, 61/2, korp. 9, In5td.tut. eksperlmf~ntallnQy i k:Bmicheskoy orikologii A1,21 VSR. vc FICHTICL, A.,GODLEWSKA., A. Experimental studies on bacteriostatic effect of ultraviolet rays in pediatric wards. Pedi&t. polska 27 no. 4:444-448 Apr. 1952. (CIJM 22:4) 1. Of Yroclaw Municipal Pediatric Hospital (Head--J. Godlewski, H. D.). GODLEVSKI, Josef; FICKTIL, Boleslaw. Carbon dioxide in the cerebrospinal fluid in tuberculous meningitis In children. Polski tygod.lek. 10 no.44:1429-1431 31 Oct 55. 1. T Majokiego 'Specjalistyesnego Sspitala Dsieciecego im. J.Kor- osaka we Wroolaviu; ordynator: s-ca prof. dr. med. J.Godlewski I z Kliniesnego Laboratorium Wojskowego Okregowego Szpitala we Wroolawiu; kierownik dr. zed. B.Fichtel. Wroclaw, Xiejski Specj. Sspital Dslecieey im. J.Xoresaka. (TUBIMOULOSfS, MINMGMAL, in infant and child, CSY carbon dioxide in) (CARBON DIOXIDE, in cerebrospinal fluid, in tuberc. meningitis in child.) (CMMOSPrUL FWID, carbon dioxide, in tuberc. meningitis in child) FICHTEL, K. A quantitative evaluation of vasoconstriction during deep in- apiration. Physiol. Bohanoslov, 14 no.2tl66-172 165. 1. Institute for Cortico-viscaral Pathology and Therapy, Geman Academy- of Saienceo, Berlin-Buoho CZECHOSLOVAKIA / EAST GERMANY RUTTKAY-NEDECKY, I.; KELEROVA Institute of Nor- raal and Pathological PhysioloW Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bra- tislava; Institute of Corticovisceral Pathology and Therapy, Ger- Nian Acad~,my of Sciences, Berlin. Zo-rig. versions not givei~~7. "The Role of Vasomotor Reaction In the Complex of the Orienting B,eflex in Man." Prague. Actlv'itas Nervusa Superior, Vol 8, No 2. Jun 66, pp 217-218 Abstract: 12 healthy university students were tested with weak light stimuli to find the Incidence of plethysmographic waves cor- responding to Sokolov's criteria for the vasomotor component of the orienting reaction and to find the course of "spontaneous" waves of the 3rd order.The vasomotor component of the orienting reaction Is probably a phenomenon occuring "spontaneously", and with Increasing stlmulg,tion It enters into a time relationship with It. 1 Figure, no references. Submitted at the 4th Conf. of Exper. and Clin. Study of Higher Nerv. nnotions at Mar. Laz- ne, 12-15 Oct 65. Article is In English. 1/1 FICBTNr%R, A. 8&perience With Btaaking of Transformer Plate (During C*tting).N SO: Hu- _ (Metallurgital Oorker), Cz*cboslovakia, Vol. 4, Sov. 1, Jan, 1954, (Air, ~jik AA., London, Ir-775-54. 3.2 Apr 54 (unclassified) GOSZTIONYI, Sandor; LEHR., Ferenc, a muszaki tudomanyok kandidatusa; FICHTNER, Kurt),,MARECKI, Jacek, prof., dipl. ing. (Lengyelorszag); WRESNIOWSKI, Romuald; BURSZTYNSKIp Janusz; HUBNER, Ewald; KIEFER, Erich; BOIE, Werner , prof.1 dr. ing. (Nemet Demokrati- kus Koztarsasag,',; DOSNIC, Cedomir (Jugoszlavia); ZILBER, Aleksander (Lengryelorszag); GRUBER, S.M. (Anglia); STANGESZKU, Ian, prof. (Romimia); BONKALO, Tamas, dr.; ENDRENYI, Sandor; KATONA, Kalman; KOHARY, Lajos Rationalization in power utilization in the field of the light industry. Ipari energia 3 no.1/2:32-38 Ja--F 162. 10 Konnyulparl Miniszterium helyettes foosztaly-vezetoje (for Goaztonyi). 2 Konnyuipari Tervezo Iroda (for Lehr). 3. Textili- Pari Kutato In;8zet (for Bonkalo). 4. Papiripari Kutato Intezet (for Endrenyi), OLARIJ, A.; 9ITTNF,.R, J.~; VOINFS"'O, V~~ FIC111, Col-boration techniquei WACSTI, Victoria; "Iorica; M'. EANU, Rodina Resoarch on an annorobe polytoxoid. IV. Preliminary data on exporlmental antive immunizaLion wit-ii a corcentrnted and purirled gangrenous tritoxoid adsorbod cri aluminum phosphato. Arch. roum. path. exp. microbiol. 23 no, 3:675-680 S 1~3. 1. Laboratoire do la Gangrene (for Olaru, Bitt,nor, Vionescu, Ficiu). 2. Laboratolre de Purification diis Antigenes (for Kranzdorf). Travail de.111natitut "Dr. I.Cantacuzinoll, Bucarest. ~STAVRI, D.; BITTNER, J.; PICTIU, S. Simple method for conatantI7 obtaining a high-titer perf.ringens alpha-toxin. Pts.1-2. Arch. Roum. path. exp. microbiol. 23 no.4: 102.5-10/,4 D t64. 1. Travail de l'Institut "Dr. 1. Cantacuzinoll, Services de Physlo- logie YLicrobienne et des Anaerobies. Submitted June 24 196.4. I ARKIN, W.;FICKA, M.;HRYNIMKA, H. Treatment of retrobulbar optic neuritis by milk hypoglycemic shocks; preliminary communication. Klin. oesna 23 no-3:171-174 1953. (CM 25:5) 1. Of the Mye Department (Head-W.Arkin, N.D.) of Warsaw Municipal Hospital No. 1. 7 S/044/62/000/005/038/072 CI11/C444 Alu J.'HOR; Ficker, V. TITLE. An improvemLnt of the method of Hunb~u-Kuttva-lijotrom for tho num.evical integration of' a di'fforontial equation of second order PERIODICALi i(efvvi;tivnyy zhurnal, Witomatika, no- 5, 1962, abi3tr"ct 5V160. ("Actz:~ Fac. rerum natur. Univ. Comenianao. 11 Math., 1961, 5, no. 0-10. 503-552) TZAT Let the function y = F(x) satisfy the equation Y"=f(X,Y,yl) and thc initial conditions yo = F(x.)jyo, = FI(xo). By aid of Taylor expanoions the uut'hor ubti,ins expression3 for the quuntities L and K, sa-~irsfyiri6 the relations y +L = F(x + h) yl + K,= FI(xo+h) up to the .; 6 0 0 0 tezins O(h The-,L~ h"v( th-) form L= [4116+ 216t, + 271,+2721,+27t,+2161,+411,1, K=jq-6141k, + 216K, +,27K, + 272Ki + 27K, Ca:rd 1/2 An improvement of the method ... whare 5/'044/62/000/005/038/072 CIII/C444 h h [Us + K-1, Ki hl IX. + .9 u,,ty4(K,+3K,) [X. + Ve + u1). me + We + 34) etc. is (U 1.'-b-stri-eterls note: Complete tranulation.] KJISPRZYK, Stefan, migr., inz.; BARTOSZEWICZ, Janusz, mgr., Inz.; FICKI9 Aleksander, mgr., inz. Heating networks with La Mont boilers in the light of practical experience. Energetyka przem 10 no.2:41-47 162. 1?ICXOWA, Alieja otudies on the usefulness of thymol, cadmium and bromoulphophtalain tests in the evaluation of the liver function in the course of acute form of rheumatic fever in children. Pediat. Pol. 40 no.6t 605-608 Je 165. 1. Z II KlinIki Pediatrycznoj AM w Lublinie (Kierownik: doe. dr. mod. A. Gebala). ~T -I A NO x, ORMIRRAD"I 51, IRWROE vX FICKOWSKI, Stanislaw ! .11- -z- ~ Preparation of the communication installations for operation under hard conditions during the winter season. Przegl kolej elektrotech 11 no.12:320, 11 of cover D 164. 17-OCC., r .~ I 'Treservation cf timber constructions." F. 5 (Teknika) Vol. 41 no, 6. Nov./Dec. 1957 Tirane, Albania .1 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accesoicns (ELk!) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 FICC,3 j. - I -e 1.1se cf wa.:te fr(,v, wood-using indistrics. p. 10 TikniVa - Vol. 5, No. 2, Mar./Apr. 195b, Tirane, Albania Monthly Index of East European Accessions LC, Vol. 7, 'No. 1u, o-'t. 58 -=--T ~= FIDIXIC, A. TiT,9"JOLOGY Per-'Lodical: ELBX7-1OFRrAU,DA, Vol. 11, no. 9110m Sept./Oct. 1958. FlDjUIIV', A. Coolinr towers in electric-povmr plants. p. 428. Monthly List of East European Accnssions (EEkI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3 March 1959 Unclass. FIDANIG, 1. Fifth Conference of the European Commission of Civil Aviation. Medun transp 10 no.11146 N 164. of 6 N K Pm m M , I fg~, ffi, ~ ;, Wr ROM EN"I'MA Ioe~!V- GORBOVICII, I,B,p gornyy inzh.; FID011UN, N.N., pornvy tekhnik Propress at the "Novo-Butovka" mine. Upol' 36 no.8:6-7 Ag '61. (14IRC14., 9) 1. Proyektno-konstmktorskiy otdel shakhty "Novo-Butovka" tresta Krasnog,vardeyskup,,ol', Stalinskiy EovnarRhoz. Nonets Basin--coal mines and mining) FIDCHWIOV. H.H. (Dnepropetrovsk) Simplifying records of cAsh register operations (form of ledger proposed by V.Shebakh). Apt.delo 7 no.W50 Jl-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:8) (DRWSTORES--ACCOUIIT ING) FIDAHICt I. Traffio at tho Wbrovnik Airport. Madun transp 10 Ja 164. I BROVMAN, M.Ya.; GFRTSEV, A.!.; ';.Yu. 7cjv-!,I;LV. M", I V.Kh.~ Fff;,EL'~ Power parameters of rolling in roll.3 with EL spociF'! -h.~f;e c-' the surface. Stall 25 no.3.251-253 Mr 165. ie.4"t FIDD A. G;T3TiWVSKAYA. T. 0. Hibmrnal reproductive of Musca demastica L. in citing. Gig. sanit., ttoskva no.4:52 Apr. 1. of Hngcow Ijuniripal Disinfection station. in living quarters 1952. (CLMI 22:2) nS.-- t rtr-4t pi CS Af " r pen and No 11, 13-lood W Debe0ill"t penicillint WetarynArLinall Vo warsq,w-L-ablin, ,jaterIOL15 nd -658. - results 62. pp 6 54 wary modifle I Enllish Sul ed ancl the [Authors tjo3orib utane .j &tjon 0 ~ 6 that tho A16stracts pu - era CancIt'" kilograll' bodY 0 s of the ,,t,, per ra a r~,;O-S-s J,,s for Pr) d tabula ted an.d PlItts to 0 f t j 11 th ; P i2o hourit 0 .6 adrainistration outic a oillin 8n- 0 a t or luces 'h2 ours 1 deb 16 one PO "h ,eight pro' jjjjkn Of reforfmoes, ,aine pent' ours* c Psnatrit of 96 h an 4 G 9 rm an. I~9 Ii, s1h, BA4 POLAND HOLINSKI, 2bigniew and FIDECKA, Halina. Chair of Fharwaco- logy (Katodra farmakolo-gTI)j, a erinary Division (1*'ydzial Waterynaryjny) WSR [Wyzsza Szkola ftinicza, Highar School of Agrioultural in Lublin (Director: Prof, Dr. Grzagorz STASKIEWICZ) "Determination of the Concentration of Nnioillin in the Blood of Pigs Aftor Paronteral Administration of Pronaine Penicillin, Debecillin, and Penatrit Preparations." Warsaw-Lublin MedZeZna_ WeterynarZj~aa, Vol 18, No 11, Nov 62, pp 634-63, Ab3traot; (Authorst Erx-,lish summary modified] Materials and methods of the investigation ar,, doscribed and the rosults tabulated and plutted, Authors conclu,fte th-,t tho suboutane- ous administration of 20,000 1 unitos per kilogram body weight produces a tharapautic offect in th-_~ pigs for prQ- caine penicillin of 24--.30 hours, debecillin -- 120 hours, and psnatrit of 96 hours. 13 refor-_~nces, one Polish, 3 En- ~gllsh, and 4 German. l/I KOVYNEV., I'l- V- PIDEL B.yu., E in,h. KATRIcatiy h:; 6 I K.P Effent Of certain technological facto., on a 2,8oo 1013 N of rolling, t'40'high mill on the shape of the piece. Stall 21. no.11:1009 UPIRA SAMyLOV, yu.A.; FILELI, R.A. Dumps at the Lebedinskii pit in the Kursk Magnatio Anomaly. Gor. shur. no.9t17-18 S 061. (KMA 160) 1. Filial inatituta gornogo dela im. A.A.Skochinskogo na Kurskoy magnitnoy anomalii (for Samoylov). 2. 74meatitell glavnogo inzhenera LqbedinskQgO karlyera, (for F~Oel'). (Kursk! stio Anomaly-Iron mines and mining) R systheow U. V. M. Zvlmttyvskd and 81, M-v how. (]4s4e#A K-Wm.(j. Gen. Chers ) 21 - f-WMI), ef CA U Witle.-Tr"One v.1-14-ZhAk with keflctla~ E;if.. kt;ting unul the cuoilwtusic acti4va contowncvd, then rvibuting 1.5 hrs., mWins sq. N&Olf and taq with C#II# )-ickled the folkiw- ins 2-olkyladj*helijkkZ~l 141A)i WvrQJ: jig. ho 17J.. rn' 471 (tirrom in IMP; md 444o, not clewibed)., F1 111 101'. M. 2A* f , tej M. 101; "WiAt, tu. 2164 (dfvmpn.)I: I.F. CHO , va. 33* (picrale. m. 182*, vot1h. 1-dwo. Irvwnp. 2131); is*-Pp. bo IN,* (tkrdk,.vn. 1144'. metbiwWr, decomp-, W); Do. b 4,*$*. h 185% m. 50 (P- rn. IA6*; molk4alkle. citcomp. 193 ); is#-Do. bt 163' (tk- Paic m. JOV, mtthiodi6, dc"mp, 2130). Am. be 2M% rn. ill, Owcm~, M. 119% MWA4dWg M CON16 be IV3*, "a. 00 Lp*r*&. in. 06*1 mdiw;i, M. lia.). C'K.. 0 (Piffolf. M. 041 mdPoduf. M. 14M. 2W. ns, NI* (tirrdio, sit. W., mobiaido ni 1.11611, C If I%,.%* POO. in, W.I mdh;;h'tf.' M. li7-i." NOIZ =*421Mr.40. yitkc4 the resp. 13 e4 Per bonvo$ogsh which, rvduxftl 11 h M NC*If CHO and MNO, say* &I,--Mr4% W the R I shown): im-Pp. as. 615'. absorption mat. MOM (.1 IY1 43t) MO, brown-rul; Pf. on. W50. max. 473 Mo. dcep rtd. Rif, M, 196'. nast. 471 utp. rWI; Am, m. 1700, max. nip, Ifilit "4. - GIN- M, 100 , n%4% 471 rup, "I-ccun cdf,4, on. W*, nm%. 471 Mp. on"Ce. (I. AS USSR GRITSBUNO, P.Fjjq.inzh.; FIDEL', V.Ya., inzh. Using the multiple machining method in small lot production. Maishinostroanis-no,1:12-17 Ja-F 162. (MBA 15:2) 1. Proyektno-konstruktorskiy tokhnologichookiy institut Khereonskogo eovnarkhoza. (Metal cvitting) T USM/Hijmn and Animal Physiology - Neuro-Muscular V-11 Physiology,, Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.) No 12 1958) 4372 Author : S. Fijel'-Osipova InBt Title Electromyographical Indices of the Disturbance and of the Restoration of the 14u3cular Function in Poliomyelitis Orig Pub Vrachebn. dyelo) 1957, No 31 249-252 Abstract Electromyograms of symmetrical muscles of both extremities, or of antagonistic muscles of one extremity were taken si- multaneously in children. Superficial electrodes wcre pla- ced on the abdompn and on the tendons. In children in the stage of recovery after polionWelitis) potentials (r) werc usually obiierved at rest in clinically affected muscles as well as in those whose functional insufficiency was not apparent clinically. These potentials were either single with a low voltage, orj, more often, they followed one Card 1/2 USISR/Human and Animal Physiology - Neuro-Muscular V-11 Physiology. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1., 1958., 4372 anothei~ and had a hif~h voltage. In the simultaneous re- cording of potentials of analogous muscles of both extre- mities, at i;he contraction of one muscle one observed po- tentials in the other one too - although it was at rest. In some cases, they were rather sTm11 potentials, evenly following one an tber with large intervals (0.8 - 0.12, see); in other cases, they appeared sporadically. Sometimes, one observed an uninterrupted activity of the muscle - s=Lll oscillations, on the background of which stronger impulses periodically appeared. Such a picture is characteristic of the restoration period after polio- myelitis; it indicates an increased excitability in cen- ters of the spinal cord and irradiation of excitation from actively functioning cells to resting cells. This symptom, according to the author, indicates*.the restoration of neu- ro-motor units. Card 2/2 11~j SMGL'M, A.A., red.; AHPILOGOV, I.M., red.; ASSONOV, V.A., red.; BABATANTS, N.A., red.; BABCKIN, I.A., red.; BALAMUTOV, A.D., red.; BOGOROD- SKIT, U.N., red.; BOLO101KO, D.N., red.; BUCHNEV, V.K., red.; VAKHMINTSEV, G.S., red.; VORONKOV, A.K., red.; GARKALE11KO, K,I., red.; GORBATOV, P.Te.; red.; GOLOVLL*,V, V.Ya.. red.; DCKUCHATEV. M.M.. red.; DUBNOV, L.V., red.; TEVTh`TZ-V, A.D., red.; YMW&XO, Ye.K., red.; ZSNIN, N.I., red.; KRIVONOGOV, K.K., red.; KUPALOV-YAROPOLK, I.K., red.; M,&TSYUK, Y.G., red.; NIKOLAYEV, S.I.. red.: ONISHCHUK. K.N., red.; PEZIOV, X.P., red.; PILYUGIN, B.A., rod.-, PLATONOVA. A.A., red.; POLSSIN, Ta.L.. red.; POKROVSEIT, L.A., red.; PCK&IM, D.Te.# red.; POLTUSMCIN, A.Kh., red.; RETKIM. V.P., red.; SEDOV, N.A.. rod.; SIDORERCO, I.T., red.; FIDMV, A.A., red.; CHAKHMAKHCHNV, A.G., red.; CHEMODUROV, M.Ta' I OV, A.A., red.; YARZ- MANKO, H.Te., red.; PARTSXV~;IIY, Vo.k., rad.izd-va; ATTOPOVICH, H.K., tekhn.rod. EStandard safety regulations for blasting operational Edinye pravila bazopasnosti pri vzryvnykh rabotakh. Izd.2. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tel-chn.itd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgii, 1958. 318 P. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.4.3.R.) Komitat po nadzoru za bezopasnym vadeniyam robot v promyshlonnosti i gornomi nadzoru. (Mining angineering-Safety measures) DFLOZDOV., L.N.; ZAVIYALOV, P.F.,-_FEIjPDEEjLEEY,_A._A,; BORYCHEV, N.I., red.; GOLUBYATNIKOVA, G,S., red.izd-va~ BOLDYREVA, Z.A,,, [Work clothes for workers and employees In the enterprises of the coal and the alate industrieflSpetsodezhda dlia raboahikh i sluzhashchikh p:redpriiatii ugollnoi i alantsevoi promyshlen- nosti, Moskva, Cr)sgo.-te-khizdat,, 1963. 331 p~ (MIRA 16-3) 1. Profsoyuz raboahikh ugollnoy promyshlennosti. TSentrall W komitet. (Coal mixies and mining) (Work clothes) (Slate) Determining the depth of the open-cut nine and the extension of its field. Dop.All IMMt no.2:45-49 148. (MA 9:9) 1.Predstavleno Tchenpjuradoyu Institutu girnichol mekhanW AN ULM. (Strip mining) TIDFIXV. A.So. kandidat takhnicheskikh naWk. New method for the determination of strip mining depths, Zap.Inst. gor.mekh. AN URSR no,6:60-93 148. (MLRA 8:4) (Strip miniug) FIIF,W, A.B., kandidat tekhnicheskikh naUke ".? , ~7,1- Determination of th9 length of links in the bucket frames of excava- tors. Zap.Inst.gor.mekh. AN TJRSR no.6:94-101 148. (MI2A 8:4) (Excavating mchiner7) FIDEM,A.S., kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk Determining the depth limit in open pit mining. Gor. zhur. 122 no.2:9-13 Y 148. (K12A 8:9) lo Institut gornoy zekhaniki, iseni, M.K.Yedorova, Akademii nauk USSR (Strip mining) FIDIIEV, A.S. "Method for OlitlinIng the Area of Minnram.1 Deposits Exploitable by Complee-Mechan i red Open Woru:c." Thesis for der-ree of Dr. Tecluilcal Set. Sub. 9 Sep 49, Inqt of Mining. Acad Scl us CO. Sumyvry 82, 18 Dec 52, DisenrtRtine Presented For Dgf.,r=.s in Science, and Engineering in Moscow in 194% From Vecherpyakya Moslicya Jan-Dec 19,19.