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SOV/109-4-7-21/25 A 1--lothod of Estimating the Diffusion Coefficient in the Meteor Zone N2 is a similar quantity. If S is known, & can be dotartnined from: D -x x2 In Ni - 1n N2 (5) 16rt2(S - 1), 'C~ - '- i Nowl S can be found from the duration distribution of the stable echoes (the author - Ref 3) and is expressed by Eq (4). Eq (3) is not very accurate but it appears to be adequate for most practical purposes. Figures 1 and 2 show the duration distribution of the meteoric reflections measured on January 9, 1957, in Tomsic, at the wavelength of 10 in. From the function N(r) , it was found that S = 2.06 Froin this, it was found that D = 2. 8 in2/sec, which corresponds to the height h = 90 kin Card 2/3 I '8ov4Qq-4-?-21/" I A Method of Estimating the Diffusion oef icien in tRe Meteor Zone and velocity v = 28 Ian/see. I There are 2 figures and 3 references, of which 2 are English and 1 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Temskly politekhnicheskiy inst1tut imeni S.M. Kirova (Tomsk Polytechnical Institute imeni S.M. Kirov) 5TTR!UTTED: February 16, 1959 Card 3/3 S/049/59/000/12/025/027 AUTHOR: FJ. koL YeI, yE032/E391 TITLE: New Method of Measuring the Height of the Homogeneous Atmosphere PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya, 1959, Nr 12, pp 1891 - 1894 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The method was based on the height 01 of meteors determined by radar, as degeribed by T.R. Kaiser (Ref 1). The theoretical fundamentals of the method are given by Eqs (1) and (2). The height of the atmosphere H was determined from Eqs (3) and (5), where v 1 arid v2 are the velocities of tvo meteors. -Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between h m and v as given by Evans (Ref 2). As an example, the height of the atmosphere was calculated from the above equations as Fir,- 6.9 1ar. (Eq 3) and F16t 6 km (Eq 5). There are I figure and 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet and 3 English. ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy politekhnicheskiv institut (Tomsk Polytechnical Cardl/l Institute) SUBMITTED: MaFeh 2., 1959 14 30) AUTHOR: SOV/33-36-1-17/31 TITLE. A New Method for Determining the Radiant of a Meteor Stream, Using an Antenna of Low Directivity PERIODICALt Astronomicheakiy zhurnal, 1959,7o1 36,Nr 1,pp 134-136 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author proposes a new method for the determination of the coordinates of a meteor stream with the aid of an antenna of low directivity. The present paper contains only a short general description of the method. After this the foundations of the calculations, the error astimations,,the recommendations with respect to the antennas and wave lengths to be used shall be published. The method is not suitable for the determination of the radiant of th e we k eteor streams. The author mentions K.V.Kostylev. '7 There are 3 figutrjiso,~9 aaY2 non-Soviet references, of which I is American, and 1 English. ASSOCIATION:Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Tomsk Polytechni cal Institute) SUBMITTED: September 6, 1957 Card 1/1 30) AUTHORt Fialkop Ye.I. SOV/33-36-2-13/27 TITLEs RaM ~ _-_'i c'h"o" bbservations of the Perseids in 1957 PERIODICALt Astronomicheskiy zhurnal,1959,vol 36,Nr 2,PP 311-314 (USSR) ABSTRACTs During the radio-echo observations of meteors carried out at Tomsk on August 11 - 12, 1957 there were registered two maxima in the number of radio-echoes t a night maximum on 1h - 2h and a day maximum on 11h 12h . An instrument with A 10 m was used, impulse power 100 KW, duration of impulse 5 /4 Boor impulse number - 600 Imp/sec. It is stated that the two maxima can be reduced to the Perseid stream. The author thanks Professor V.V. Fedynekiy for the revision of the script and F.I. Peregudov, E.K. Nemirova, L.A. Pokrovskiy for the performance of the observations. The calculations were carried out by A.S. Romanov, Laboratory Assistant. - There are referencest 5 of which are Soviet, 1 English, and I American. ASSOCIATIONs Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Tomsk Polytechnic Institute) SUBYJTTED: June 20, 1958 Card 1/1 1~0 O'n(JR: -FialkqjYe.1. 0 V33-36-3-15129 TITTLE: An Approximate Estimation of the Probability of Meteoric Ionization P23RIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal,1959,Vol 36,TTr 39pp 491-495 (USSR) ABSTRACT: If 0 denotes the probability of the ionization and v denotes the velocity of the meteor, then usually it is put av n .Under numerous simplifying assumptions (only normal reflection of the radio wavers from the delebr trail; negligence of the curvature of the earth and the resonance effect of the plasma et 'c.) the author obtains 0.75I aec) and differ slightly in the region of short durations. 2) In the distribution of amplitudes, three groups of reflections are distinguished - stable, intermediate, and unstable. The distribution of intermediate radio edioes is similar to that of stable reflections. 3) Distribution of intervals between appearances of meteor reflections has an exponential character- Orig. art:. hats: 4 figures (tnd 5 formulas. [3R1 ASSOCIATION: none cc, SUBMITTED: 2lMAy65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AAJ NO REF SOV: ON OTHER: 002 ATD PRESS:#11 L 3291-66 AMCERYMOT NR: AT5024190 UR/0000/65/000/000/006510067 AUTHOR: Fialko Ye I ; Bayrachenko. I. V.; CILumak, Yu. V. TITLE: Some results of the utilization of intermediate-type trails for measuring the electron density of a meteor trgpill. SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Fizika komet i meteorov (Physics of comets and meteors). Kiev, Izd-vo Naukova dumka, 1965, 65-67 I TOPIC TAGS: meteor trail, radar meteor observation, radio echo, electron density, mathematic method ABSTRACT: Linear electron denaity a of ionized meteor trails was determined from 11 radar observaitions of intermediate-type trails at X - 9.59 m. The observations' were conducted by Kiev State University in 1903. The method is based on the dependence of intermediate-type radio echoes on.a. The distribution of a waa determined within the range of 1012 to 5 x 1012 ek/cm. Distributioii of inter- mediate-type trails according to a is shown in Fig. I of Enclosure, where n is the number of trails in which electron density a exceeded a given value. Orig.! art. has: I figure and I gormula. JKMJ~ ASSOCIATION: none. r,ird L 3291-66-- ACCESSION Nit: AT5024190 SUBMITTEM: 211lay65 NO REF SOV: 002 ENCL: 0l OTHER: 001 SUB CODEA~c AT D P RE S S 241. L 3291-66 ACCES,,;ION NR-' AT5024190 (ON ENCLOSURE: Ol 47 43 41 4F 44 L Distribution of i ntermediate-type trails according to [Card L o6349-67 -EWM)P ZR6013395 ~AUTHOR. TITLE: SOURCE COD~: UR/0269/65/000/011/0044/0045 Fialko, Ye. 1. Distribution law of the hourly number of meteors recorded by radar Pq SOURCE. Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abe. 11-51-398 REP SOURCE: Astron. tsirkulyar, no. 324, aPr. 15, 1.965, 1-4 TOPIC TAGSs radar meteor observation, pulsed radar, radar equipment IMSTRACT: Some results of radar measurements of meteor frequency at Tomsk tire pro- sented. Apparatus parameters: wavelerngth - X - 10 m; pulsed power - 100 kwt; pulse duration - 5 oaeo; repetition rate - 600 pulses/eec; receiver sensitivity - 5 x 10-14 wt; transtaitting and receiving antennez - half-wave dipoles at a height A/3 above the surface oJ'' the earth. During IGY and 1GQS observations were made in the course of 4060 hourts. The differential and integral distributions of the hourly number of meteors are presented. The average value of the hourly number is 165. Bibliography of 5 oitatione. V. L. Oranslation of abstraoi7 SUB CODE: 03 )/7 UDC, 523.164-8:523-5 NAM Ma- r aw i unc r i on n F ie r P.0 F, MOR %:~I: 5XIM WHEN, I -rim '1184 --b6 &N (1) /Fvik(d) Q, AP6002762 SOURCE CODEs UR/020iT65/00!~/006/1118/111~ '2 AUTHORi rialko, ftj I, ORG: Ki.ev- S-ta t:e UniIve".~ty (Kiyevakiy gosudarstvennyy universitetY"" TITLE: Total duration of meteoric reflections and duty factor at: A = 3.0 m )OK SOURCEt Geomagnetizm i-aaronomiyas v. 5, no. 6, 1965, 1118-1119' TOPIC TAGSi meteorg radio echo# diurnal variation ABSTRACT: The author compares data given in a previous paper on the persistence of meteoric echo signals (D. W. R. McKinley, Canad. J. Phys, # 1954# 32# 450) with the results of observations W the ten-meter wavelength in Tomsk in the IGY-IGC-59 period. The parameters of the instruments used'in making the observations are given. A formula is given for the duty factor together with a graph showing the diurnal var- iatiba- ih the duty factor averaged over the IGY-IGC-59 period. These data ohow that-the duty factor varies from about 0.58 to OoI7 during the course of the day* The total duration of the reflections is ex- tremely short, making up about 4% of the observation time. The formula propoged by McKinley gives a duty factor of 0#176 for theten-meter wave- Card 1/2 L 1,,)i8h-66 AU6 NKs Ak'bUU2-Ib;I length, while the experimental data for the entire 30 month period of the extended Internationdl Geophysical Year give an average duty factor of 0.042, which indicates that the formula requires revision. IIi6!-&jth=Lh- cthadk-q- r,;-. M. ',NoskovAPvrV. It. -jMbskaIdnkbj:nARd ,iotharLhqgworkPKs;-)-.vh% book -- .).;k part in analyzini-t-he meteoric, echo signal datao Orig. art. hast I figure - add !2-)fonIuLaa, [141 SUB CODEt /7/03 SUBM DATCt 22H&r65/ ORIG RCrt 002/ OTH REF: 001 - ATD PIMSS: L11/9,t tard L4 zfffQ ju Ile "1 3 5 n c onc llu5 on ity CT Irldnx of urntablq M, ltOOr 165. 1. Kiyevokiy gosudFirc~'~~onnyy unlve~-sj.t~qt. 0296' -57 d OT J)J~~ T(m' -2 --- - A-Cd-NW--AT6032437 SOUR' UR/3133/6 F06 009 0157/0161 CE CODE: -6 i AUTHOR.,._Fialkoa_~Lee 1,#; Moysya, R. I.: Kolomiyets, G. I.; 4gjjn~k._ N __ 0 ORG: Kiev State U~niv,~rsity (Kiyevakiy gosudarstvennyy universitst) TITLEt Statistical characteristics of radio echoes from a meteors _/ - - 7' V4 q SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Mezhduvedometvennyy geofizicheskiy komitet. Informatsionnyy byulletenig no. 9, 1966. Geofizika i astronomiya, 157-161 TOPIC TAGS: radio echo, meteor trail ABSTRACT: The results of radar observations conducted on 29 October 1964 during a period in which intensive meteor streams were absent were used to construct statistical characteristics of the distribution of meteor radio echoes with respect to amplitude and duration. The radar system used had the following basic parameters: X - 8.7 m; pulse power, 10 kw; pulse period, 10 psec; pulse repetition rate, 500 pulse/ see; sensitivity, 1% 5 vv. The four-element receiving and transmitting Yagi antennas were located at height h - A/2 above the ground. The 492 radio echoes selected for constructing the statistical character- radic Card 1: 0296S FAc"M e) istics included 56 for unsaturated,76 for intermediate,and 360 for saturated meteor trails. The integral distribution of meteor radio echoes with respect to amplitude and duration is Figs. I and 2, respectively. The value of parameter a was determined by several approximate methods for a wide range of masses of meteoric by using radio reflections from the trails. Parameter a had a sporadic 7.6 Z4 2,0 FA 44 1 Fig. 1. integral amplitude distribution of meteor radio echoes 1 - General integral amplitude distribution-, 2 - reflection from saturated trails; 3 - reflection from intermediate trails; 4 - reflection from unsaturated trails UI W L,;J U4 fA2 (40 (Al UO (4W Wlg(LVJU) Card L- 02969-:67 - - -- ' - AT6 0 2 3 ACC NRj 437 Zb Z4 \ 1 Z2 3 2.0 ;Fig, 2, Integral distribution of the \ dura tion of meteor radio echoes - ~ 4 (4 1- General integral distribution; 1 1,2 ,2 42 - reflection from saturated trails., 40 3- ~ reflection from intermediate trallst: 4- reflection from unsaturated trails@ ' O's 0'8 a6 a6 a4 -44 -4? -40 -08 -a6 -Q4 W0 a2 114 46 480iser- noise value of 2.0-2.25, which was in agreement with previous deter- ninationse Orig, art, hasi 5 figures. SUB CODEt 03 SUBH DATEt none/ ORIG REFt 0071 OTH REF; 003 AID PRESSt 5099 C ard 3 / 3,YC- AUTHOR: Fialko, Ye, I*: Bayrachanko. 1. V, ORG: Kiev State University (Kiyovskiy gosudaretvonnyy universitet).6"-/ .TITLE: Distribution of meteoric bodies with respect to energies ,(experiment conduc ted at A - 9.59 m) 1SOURCE: AN UkrSSRs Mezhduvedomstvennyy geofizicheskiy komitet. Informatsionnyy byulleten', no. 9, 1966. Geofizika i astronomiya, :165-169 TOPIC TAGSs meteor observation, radar meteor observation eveesy ABSTRACT! The results of meteor-observations by radaroin the Geminide shower were used to determine the character of distribution of meteoritic bodies with respect to their kinetic energies. The observations were conducted, in 1963 at the Tripol'ye Station of Kiev State University* The radar system had the following parameteraj pulse power, 20 kv; pulae duration, 10 usec; and pulse repetition rate, 500 pulse/sec. The ::four-element receiving and transmitting Yagi antennas were located at .hei8ht h - 1/2 above the ground. Only those meteors whose velocity and :linear electron density could be determined were considered. The dLs- tribution of meteoric bodies with respect to kinetic energies was found Card 1 / 2 ACC NRt ILT6032439 to have a distinct mono,tonically decreasing character (see Fig. 1). Fig. 1. Distribution of meteoric bodies with respect to kinetic energies n - Number of measurements; W - kinetic energy of a meteoric body; WO - kinetic energy of a meteoric body possessing a velocity. of 40 km/sec and cr:ating at char- acteriatic-height linear ele tron densitl' a = 1012 electron/cm* dots - expert men ta results; the curve Hlustrates the char- acter of experimental distribution* DistributLon with respect to velocities had extremal character, while jthat with respect to manses was also monotonically decreasing. OrLg. ;art. has: 1 table and 2 figures. SUR CODEt 03/ SUBM DATEI none/ ORIG REP: 005/ OTH REP: 003 ATD PRESSt 5099 2 / 2 L 21504-66 E,Yr(l)/EWA(d) GV1 ACC NR: AP6006786 SOURCE CODE: UR/0033/66/043A01/0204/0208 AUTHOR,i Fialko. Ye. I. ORG: Kiev State UniveLaity_i~n,._T._g_,_~~ovqher*p (Kiyevskiy gos. universitet) TITLE: Determining the absolute stellar magnitude of a meteor~"J-rrom the duration of unsteady type meteoric radio echoes ,I SOURCE: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, v. 43, no. 1,, 1966, 204-208 TOPIC TAGS: meteor, meteor observation, radar,. stellar magnitude ABSTRJMi A method is outlined for determining the absolute stellar magnitude of a meteor from radio echo produced by an unsaturated mete r 0 trail. Starting. front the steady duration case and using the formula that relatels the stellar magnitude 11 to.the meteor velocity, the following expression is derived for the unsteady caso:_ D 1."Al B, - Bil T, where '~(Jjj IjO10. Ig e170 Card 1/2 UDC: 523.503 L 21,504-66 AGG IIR.- AP6006786 and B is a coefficient independent of T For two durations T is 1 21 th leads to-the simple expression, 00 D ---- - -z:; 3f,. -All and for the Cage of T Tmax and T 2 0. to expression The above equations are then applied to the case of a meteor entry with At: 9.6 mi and with a time duration of a radar ocho, of T = 0.05-0.11, leading to an abso- lute imguitude M + 5m,2 to + 4-'.2. Orig. art. has: 14 formulas and 2 f iguros. (041~ SUB CODE, dS J'7 suBm DAM 22Mar65/ ORIG RU,i 005/ OTH REFt 002/ Card 212AAA--l ATD PRESS.-! .ACC NR: AT6033993 SOURCE CODE: UR/3Z27/64/003/000/0036/0038 AUTFIOR: Sayenko, A. V.; Fialko, Ye. L ORG: none TITLE: Principal results of recording the number of meteor radio echoes in Tomsk during IGY - 1QSY SOURCE: Tomsk. Institut radioelektroniki i elektronnoy tekhniki. Trudy, v. 3. 19064, 36-38 TOPIC TAGS: meteor observation, meteor detection ABSTRACT: The results of radar observations of meteor activity in Tomsk during Jul 57 - Dec 59 are briefly reported. A TPI-2 special radar operated at 10-m wavelength with a pulse power of 100 kw; train frequency, 600 per sec; pulse duration, 5 ~%sec; alternate pulses were doubled. Half-wave dipoles Card 1/2, ACC NR: AT6033993 mounted at X/3 height were used for transmission and reception. Over 669000 meteor radio echoes were recorded durinc 4000 hrs of observation; of these, a 86500 echoes were over I-see Iong. Most echoes (80-85%) were from sporadic 0 rneteors and low-activity meteor streams. On the average, 168 echoes per hr were recorded; this number rose to 249 in Aug 57 and fell to 40' in Jun 58. Observation details are tabulated. Orig. art.. has: 2 tables. SUB GODE: 17, 04 SUBM DATE: none Card 2/2 ACC NRi AT6033996-- COD -Z UR/3 22 7/64/0 U3/000/001,13/0097 AUTHOR: Lazarev, R. Q.; Fialko, Ye. L ORG: none TITLE: Problem of meteor mass distribution in the meteor streams of Quadrantids, -Perseids, and Geminids ~SOURGE: Tomsk. Institut radioelektroniki i elektronnoy tekhniki. Trudy, v; 3, '1964, 93-97 :TOPIC TAG5: meteor stream, meteor observation ~ABSTRAGT: Three distributions of the parameter r, are considered: p(s) - frequency of occurrence of s over a definite period of observation; N, (s) - number .0. radio echoes longer than I sec, observed in all 1-hr intervals of the period of observation; N(s) - same, but radio echoes of all durations. Mean values of s and '!dispersion D (or mean effective deviation La = \fD ) are determined for 1958 :streams oj~ Quadrantids, 1957-58 Perseids, and 1957-58 Geminids, and also for the :Sporadic background. It is found that: (1) The total value of As depends on several 1-C-ard 1/2