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L 32205-66 ACC NR: AP6020799 the interstellar medium by the statistical Fermi mechanism, then the ratio t of the quark flux to the cosmic ray (proton) flux can be smaller than the average relative concentration of the cold quarks by several orders of magnitude, ~ - 10-14 - 10-16. In more effective cosmic-ray accelerating media, such as interstellar plasma, 9 may reach -10-11. It is pointed out in the conclusion that the best chances of obtaining some experimental data are at low quark energies and fluxes, The author thanks V. L. Ginzburg, Ya. B, Zelldavichp Of_B, RiXellner and V., N- _"ZRj_. arto has: formulas. Tsytovich for interesting discuosiorii. SUB CODE:. 20/ SUEM DATE: OgApr,66/ ORIG REP: 004/ OTH REF: 002 Card 2/2 L,15696-66 wr(1)/a4T(n)/T ijp(c) iACC NR: Ap6oo4938 SOURCE CODE: Ull/0056/66/oor--0/001/0202/0214 AUTHOR: Feynberg, Ye. L. (P ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, Academy of Sciences SSSR. (Fizidh_es_k__Ny-1nst:Ltu_t Akadiiijj-H-aW- TITLE: Successive interactions at high energies SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy l teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 50, ino. 1, 1966, 202-214 TOPIC TAGS: quantum electrodynamics, strong nuclear Interaction, nucleon interaction meson interaction .12 ! I Q 14 1t~_ - ABSTRACT: he author investigates the properties (interaction fea- Itures) of ~aparticje that experiences a sharp change in momentum. The ~analysls is carried out withir, the framework of standard renormalized quantum electrodynamicso using as an example two successive acts of . bremsstrahlung of an electron on nonstationary centers. The differenc from the usual approach consists only in the fact that the time vari- ~ ation of the functional of the system (which is specified initially I [Card 1/3- L 15696-66 ~ACC'Nll: AP*6004938 the form ol EL packet) is calculated. It is shown that after the first interaction the particle stays for a long time (at very High energies than the time of passage of macroscopically long and much longer the packet) -in a state in which its successive interaction has a character different from normal. In this state, the self-field of the, particle differs from the stationary self-field of an ordinary partlcll~ !with given momentum. It is shown that the effect has a classical nature and can be quantitatively appreciable because of the relativis- Itic slowinj~ down of the time of recovery of the stationary state at ohigh energies. The effect is the basis of'many diffractive inelastic processes Investigated at high energies, transition radiation in stratified media, and similar phenomana. The possibility of this ef- feet for a nucleon which interacts strongly with its own meson field are considered. It is shown that an electron can stay for a long time 4n a state. in which it- has a nonequilibrium self-field (semidressed !electron),- arid that this state can be registered independently of the Tirst Inte raction which produced the electron. This*can suggest the xistence and the possible role of a singular nonequilibrium state for ja particle which interacts strongly with its own field (nucleon). Some ejtimates of this process, which cannot be solved by direct Card 2/3 IU 15696-66 ACC NR: AP6004"938 calculationn, show that sane unusual and unexpected results can be derived fron such an analysis. Author thanks his friends at the Tbeoretical Division of FIAN for very useful and interesting critical review of the resultd. Orig. art. has: 34 formulas. SUB CODE: 2(5/ SM1 DATE: .22juI65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: 001 Card 3/3 ACC NR, AP7003023---- - -- --------- SOURCE CODES UR/0053/66/090/001/0194/019i, 'AUTIHOR: Fey~bel~&,' -JO. L, ORG: none TITLE: 50th birthday of V. L. Ginzburg SOURCE: Usplkhi fizicheskikh nauk,, v. 900 no. 1, 1966, 194-197 TOPIC TAGS: physics personnel, academic personnel, radio wave propagation ABSTRACT: Academician Vitaliy Lazarevich Ginzburgp born 4 October .1916,-.., :is notable alike for his many major contributions to theoretical and experimental physics and for his prodigious and varied output of pub- ilished works comprising some 200 papers -and a number of monographs, :many of which have seen issue-in translation abroad. His competence and interest run the gamut of physics, touching on such discrete areas as acoustics, molecular opttics, solid-state and plasma physics, radio astronomy, astrophysics, the origin of 6 osmic rays, and problems. of thermonuclear synthesis. Ginzbur.g has been associated since 1940 with the theoretical divi- sion of the Jebedqv. Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR,.and Card 1/5 UDC:__~2.530 ACC NR: AP7003023 ,.Since 1951 has been deputy director of that division under 1. Ye. Tamm, Concurrently-, since 1945, he has held the chair in the emission and propagation of radio waves in the Department of Radiophysics at Gorky State University. Upon graduation from Moscow State University in 1938 he began his graduate study in experimental optics, under G. S. Landsberg. *His candidate Is thesis in 1040 clarified a number of fine points in both the classical and quantum theories of radiation and proposed for the fir~st time the use of the so-called Coulomb normalization of poten- Aials. At that time, also, Ginzburg propounded the quantum theory of ,the Vavilov-C'erenkov effect, 'and the theory of Cerenkov radiation in .crystals. The doctoral dissertation in 1942 summed up his investiga- 'tions on the effects of inertia and attenuation of the mechanical moment of a spin particle'in an ikternal field, and offered the first relativistic theory of a particle capable of states with different spins. This body of works was to culminate (in 1947) in a joint effort with 1. Ye. Tanim which formulated new types of equations to permit an infinite dimen- sional representation.of -Lorentz groups, and to describe particles with higher spins. ACC NRt In 1942-43 Ginzburg provided new insights into the effects of absorption and reflection on the propagation of radio waves, while his works on the thermodynamic theory of ferroelectric phenomena included the identification' of barium titanate as a ferroelectric ma- terial (1945). Another of his works,. produced jointly with I. M. Frank in 1945, theorized on a new effect: transition radiation, a phenomenon subsequently validated experimentally and adopted uni- versally as an investigative tool in metal optics. Ginzburg's Activities in 1955 included experiments in the disper- sion of light -in various media, and foretold of critical. opalescence during phase transformation in a solid. Collaboration with V. M. Arganovich in 1958 on the theory of excitons and on spatial dispersion in crystal optics led to the publication in 1965 of a monograph on these subjects. Earlier, Ginzburg had completed a magnum opus whose .thi-rd edition in. 1960 bore the title Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in a PZasma. embodying the results of his investigation in this area since 1942. Radio astrOnomy atteacted Ginzburg from its earliest beginnings. ACC AP7003023 As early as 11.346 he made a number of surprising conclusions on the'- radiophysics, of the solar corona, which today underlie the theory of radiation from the quiet sun, and in the period 1952-61 he developed the theory of sporadic solar emission of radio waves. In 1963, he collaborated with S. I. Syrovatskiy to produce the well-known work The Origin of Cosmic Raye, now going into its second edition. Ginz- .'burg's activities in radio astronomy led to a number of works on problems of astrophysics (a field that today comes close to being his main passion), e. g. , the nature of radio galaxies and super novae; gamma- and x-radiation of galaxies; gravitational collapse of a mag- netized star within the framework of the general theory of relativity. More recently, Ginzburg has produced numerous works on super- conductivity and superfluidity, chief among these being a general phenomenological theory of superconductivity, formulated with the collaboration ol L. D. Landau. To round out hig versatility he has advanced and discu .seed pro~6sals for the experiinentaf testing of th'a ;general theory of relativity, studied metal optici and anomalous emission in metals; and in 1950-51 was one of few theo- reticians to have studied t6.problem of controlled thermonucliar reaction. Card 4/5 ACC NR, AP7003023 In addition to holding down his- academic posts, Ginzburg is editor-in-chief of the jou*rnal Radipohysioe, a member of the editorial, boards of P:rogrese in the Physical Soisnoee - and Science, and Life, and an active member of the Bureau of the Division of General and Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR, He is the reqipjen~,.4f t4qj~omono.sqv.and Leni.n prizes. and,nu--.. merous ocher awarde for sciesitific achievement* Origa art* hass 1'figuree EFSB: v. 2,, no* 111. S' Ir Ij Rational bandaging in )Wdradenitte. Test. vener. No-3:53-54 Wzq- Jw:Is 50. (CLML 19:4) 1. Third Polyolinio, Oleau. VASZIJI~F) N.) -1 " if II-IF1,016 .11, rnd , , O=VATIOTIS OF VARIATICIS M ME DMESMY OF TIE MIEN !INE CF MGHTI SFY U=)UZCENCE- Cormtes Pendus (D. oklady) Sciences de PURSS Vol. XIX, No 5, de l'Academie des pp 405-40'17. 1933 T~-analation-ATIC 235238 F-TS-8714/iii D 118"190 Of 1% s 1.'t~thod of CG!.q,,-_ut.aIion of Statistical Stu-u," I. Yhalatnikov-, Y Problems, Acad 3ci U5SR D;Ji -553R, Vol 87, VO 4, PP 539-542 Analyzes R. Fey-nman's FToblem (Phy Rev 84,108 (1951)) of computing with exponential expressi-M:3 contu nr,,n-co:-=itIIng orerators. A-,--.)UCF, his i.~cth,-,d ,)iIc'.h lit c.-)p-,idcrs -picr than Ihn ?-rcvious ones B. `JiL~,-ncr, Ph- 11~,v W(l"', r1n. .1- - ~.32 ;J. K- ood, ibid, 44, 1,4, (ic)->,A), to computation of t'4-.c st-uLiFtical t7w-i o' syst~,:as charact~~riv!d 2 U(r). U 'by 11--rultonlan H p + 2m ind:!btt!d to Acad L. D. Landau and A. -.1. Abrilrosov. Pr:!, ~,.ifted by Acad L. D. Landau 8 Cet 52. hL 25rT115 FEYNIAAN, II.P. --- . -4-!,.:,r--"",-- Quantum theory of gravitation. Acta physica Pol 24 no.6t697-722 E, 163. L 42213-06- Wa'W1-,7AP&)31578 SOURCE CODE: RU/0005/66/017/001/0049/0049! AUTHOR: Fe S. V. ORG: Oncological Institute.- Bucharest (Lo"Aitutul oncologic) TITLE: Synthesis of a labelled cytostatic SOURCE: Reviata de chimie, v- 17, no. 1, 1966, 49 TOPIC TAGS: organic synthetic processp pharmacology ABSTRACT: Tho author produced a labelled cytostatic agent for use in pharmacodynaraic studies. The acid synthesized was 3-(PJ,N-dt-2-chloroethyl) aminobenzoic acidt which was marked with 140 radioactive carbon in the nucleue. WFlis: 36,W,~J SUB CODE: 07, 06 / SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 002 OTH REF: 001 1/1 af - - FEY %-Sl*= -9 0 .- -I -.- BiochemLsU7 See FAYNSHMM, 0. 1. AUTHORS: Yurkevich, I. A., Feyrabent., V. A. 20-119-3-41/65 TITIE: Certain Rules Governing the Variations of the pH-Values of Rocks of the Meso-Cenozoic Stratun-of East-Zaurallye (Transurals) (Nekotoryye zakonmernosti. i=eneniya pH porod mezokaynozoyakoy tolshchi Vostochnogo Zaurallya) FMIODICAL: Doklady Akademli Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 119, Nr 3, PP- 540-543 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The development and direction of many processes in nature de- pend on the reaction of the medium. The PH-values of natural waters and ground sediments can favor the concentration or dis- persion of chemical elements in sediments. Thus the direction of authigenous mineral formation is to a certain extent pre-de- termined (refs 3,4,6). From this point of view the study of the pH-values can be imp3rtaat for the explanation of the for- mation conditions of rocks which has hitherto been neglected be- cause of the general opinion concerning an extreme mobility and variability of this parameter. The underestimation of a sys- Card 1/4 tematical study of the pH-values as one of the Certain liules Governing the Variations of the 13H-Values 20-119-3-4V65 of Rocks of the.Meoo-Cenozoic Stratum of East-Zaurallye (Transurals) parameters of the formation conditions of mineral oil containing strata (refs 2,5) is not justified at all. From the final conclusions in these references results a good correlation of*the pH of the water extracts with other parameter3 on large surfaces. Thus the alterations of the sedimentation conditions are to a certain extent reflected by the VH-ve-lues of the rocks in question. In reference 2 and 5 is said in this context that these values characterize the yfl-values of the vaters in the sedimentation basin during the sedimentation of the 'strata in question. It is, haweverl.,%rell known that the hydrochemical parameters, among theia also VEe pH-values of th6 bottcm waters of the recent se~as, and 'of the main water m s differ considerably. Therefore the pH-level cannot be considered under the above mentioned aspects (refs 2,5), it can be used only for the study of the ground sediments.' For these reasons the authors investigated the ;H-valueB not in extracts, but in suspensions with a comparatively small relation of the solid and liquid phase (water : rock - 4 : 1). The Car& 21/h 4 Certain Rules Governing the Variations of the pH- 20-1-19-3-41/65 Values of Rocks of the Meso-Cenozoic Stratum of East-Zaurallye (Transurain) pH-values were measured potentiametrically by means of a glass electrode. The data contained in table 1 as well as those of reference 1 for single minerals show that the pH-values of the same rock sample differ considerably in suspensions and water extracts. The differences are not equal for the single rock samples. The individual peculiarities of the rocks are expressed best by the pH-values in suspensions. The data of table 2 show a picture of the 19- modifications which are rather typical of the cross' sections of the Meso-Cenozoic sediments of the western part of the West Siberian lowland. Though the single cross sections lie several hundred kilcrfieters apart, they disprove the above mentioned conceptions concerning the high mobility of the pH-values. Even the averaged values of table 2 show that all investigated cross sections are differentiated obviously according to the modifications of the ;H-values in a series of strata. The indicating horizons and strata for the major part fit into the frame Card 3/4 of stratigraphic subdivisions. Albian, Turonian-Congae Certaln RtiLes Governing-the Variations of the pH-Values 20-119-3-41/65 of Rocks of the Meso-Cenozoic Stratum of East-Zaurallye (TranSUML3) and Eocene have lower pH-values than these of the strata below and above. The pH-level is higher for Lower Cretaceous than for younger and Tertiary rocks. The yH-values are gradually reduced fran Senonian stage on words. In all Cretaceous- and Tertiary sediments the lowest pH-values were in the north (Berezov), the higher ones in the south. Therefore the modifications of the pH-values in the cross sections and in the regional plan are by no means arbitraryj but are subjected to certain rules which apparently govern -the modification of-the sedimentation and the diagenesis of the sediments. There are 2 tables and 6 references, all of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut nefti Akademii nauk SSSR (Petroleum institute, AS USSR) PRESENTED: December 6. 1957, by S. 1. Mironov, Member, Acadmy of Sciences, USSR SUB14ITMD: -December 3, 1957 Cara 4/4 YUM'VICH, losif Indreyevich; Prinimali uchastiye: FEDOROV, S.F.; VINOGRADOT. L1., nauchnyy sotradnik; KOZYREVA, N.A., nouchnyy ootrudnik; PARrr-, VIMTSEVA, K.I., nauchuyy sotrudnik; YjaBAUNT, V.A., nauchuyy sotradnik. MIRONOT, S.I., akademik, otv.rG LOV, S.P., red. iild-va; GUSEVA, A.P., [Facies and geochemical. characteristics of Heso-Cenozoic deposits of the eastern part of Western Siberia] Fatsiallno-geokhimicheekaia 12tarakteristika w2o-kainozoiskikh otlozhenii Vostochnogo Zaurallis. Moskva, Izd.-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 114 p. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Rako' voditell Vostachnoy komplokenoy nefte-gazovoy ekspeditaii AN SSSR.(for ke~orov). 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Fedorov). 3. L~borstoriys gene21sa nefti (for Hironov, Vinogradov, K02yreva, Perev6den~tseva, Feyrabent). (Siberia, Western--Geology, Stratigraphic) 7:1 7 "1 e. c I. C FEYUL11 Y`AtKI;nikz' a v:~slcdkv nZktvrj-ch -Ul-i-n-ical a spects and th-crapeut ic re s u It:: i a f-".; ~(,niti:tl ma I formal ion.,, of the ute rus 4~AS. Lil-'K, CEZ!). 42 ( 112 1- 112,-,) 1,:-,!c mit uf 10 examined patients showed utcrus arcuatus soptus, 3 vilerus ,,,c*,,.:i- subseptus, 2 uterus bic-Ornis univollis, I uteruF -cntiis (Itiplex bilccularis L--, seplus. All of them were. Subjected to 1ificationS) on account of sterility oz- habiwal al)Oj )-en ind progesterone according to 136cll~rc). insufflation or pcvtui-k~Aow i,. ~ i ,nor r), 'I was applied postoperatively. sevvii(iftho iopaticilts lwc;,mopr Zak SHAMSHTM, M.G.; VAUffSKIY, B.T..L. M~!, A.K.: PODLBSNM, S.B,&; RTID" R.U. FIzInter for additive printing of color films. Tekh. i telev. 4 no.8:12-20 Ag 160. (MIR& 13:8) 1. lauchno-iseledovatel'skLy kinofotoinatitut, I Moskovskala fatbriks w&s%ovoy pecb^ti tsvetnykb fillsow. (Color photogrephy-Frinting processes) (Motion-picture photograpbT-Iquipment and supplies) llve:~tirn Uo n of "'I It-,,-; u All It on"'I 0 ""ej.07 ,ira tus oclcct,l-rf~ -lcmvmt,~; in ilectric FO".'Cr "JYStOM:3." Catid Pover F'n[,,inecrir~, InInt imend V. 1'. V410tov, 7 r SO 3UM, 243, 19 Clet 1954 AUTHOR: Feyst, P.K., Candidate of Technical Sciences. 105-9-7/32 TITLE: 'in Analysis of the Behavior of Multi-Phase Compensated Im- pedance Relays Using Circle Diagrams. (Analiz raboty mnogofaznykh kompensirovannykh rele Boprotivleniya pri pomoshchi krugovykh diagramm) PERIODICAI: Elektrichestvo, Nr 9, pp. 31-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The scheme is described with which the analysis was carried out. 7he problem consists of expressing the currents and voltages contained in the set up inequation by means of the parameters of the electric drive as functions of the ratio between the e.m.f. at its terminals p and the angle between its vectors 0. Calculation formulae are deduced which determine the charaotqriatic of the re- action of relays in the case of various operation methods of the line to be determined. A not-all-phase operation of the line to be protected (one phase being switched off) and then the unsymmetrical short-circuits in the case of an all-phase operation are investi- Card 1/1 gated. On this occasion the "general" diagram and the circle diagram are used for analysis. There are 3 figures and 3 Slavic references. ASSOCIATIONt Central Scientific Electrical Engineering Research Laboratories of the MES (Tsentrallnaya nauchno-issledovatellskaya elektrotekh- nicheskaya l aboratoriya MES) SUBMITTED: January 1, 1 957 AVAILABLE: Litrary or Congress 8 (2) kUTHOR: Feyst, P. K., Candidate of Technical SOV/105-59-8-4/28 TITLE: A Consideration of the Transient Resistances at the Point of it Two-phase-to-ground Fault PERIODICAL: Blektrichestvo, 1959, Nr 8, pp 22 - 25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: If the transient resistances R at the point of a two-phase- to-ground fault are taken intotiocount, the R tr are assumed to be divided into two equal parts in the equivalent-circuit dia.- gram forming the basis of this investigation. In most cases, however, the transient resistances in the faulted phases will not be equal. General methods of solving problems concerning various kinds of complicated unsymmetrical arrangement of electric systems are known from publications (Refs 4,5)- In this paper, the case of an arbitrary ratio of the three tran- sient resistances is investigated. This problem is solved by applying the compensation principle. It is shown that if an arbitrary distribution of R among the faulted phases must be t. Card 1/4 secured, it is sufficient to choose the coefficient n corre- A.Consideration of the Transient Resistances at the SC)V/105-59-8-4/28 Point of a Two-phase-to-ground Fault Rtr spondingly. An additional transient resistance n -, is con- nected to the phase B and C. If the transient resistances are unsymmetrical, the boundary conditions in the faulted branches with respect to the transient resistances do not diffez from those at equal transient resistances as to the currents and voltages. Hence, the unsymmetrical system of the longitudinal electromotive forces is divided into symmetrical components., which leads to the equivalent-circuit diagram shown by fig- ure 2a. Formulas (1), (2), and (3) for these symmetrical com- ponents are derived. They show that these symmetrical EMP-com- ponents may be intrcduced into the circuit diagram 2a by means of transformers. The two equal primary windings of each-trans- former carry corresponding currents, the coefficient of mutual induction between these windings and the secondary winding of Rtr the transformer is jn 2-V-3. This solution is very useful if AC board computers are useds It is more convenient, however, Card 2/4 to apply the compensation principle once more and to replace A Consideration of the Transient Resistances at the SOV/105-59-8-4/28 Point of a Two-phaoe-to-ground Fault the symmetrical EMP-components by additional resistances Az It Az2and Az0 (Fig 2b). Formulas (4), (5), and (6) are de- rived, for the latter. This indicates that the resistances AZ depend upon the transient resistance R tr' the coefficient n, and upon the ratio of the currents I ok and I 2k* This ratio is determined from formula (7). By substituting (7) into (4), (5), and (6), formulas (8) 1 (9), and (10) for the additional resistances are derived. If the AZ found in this way are com- bined with the resistances !-tr of each branch of the circuit 2 shown by figure 2bq it is possible to give the complete equi- Yalent-circuit diagram for a two-phase-to-ground fault at any ratio of the thre,3 transient resistances at the 'Location of the fault. This is illustrated by the circuit shown by fig- ure 4. An example is then calculated. There are 6 figures and 7 Soviet references. Card 3/4 A Consideration of the Transient Resistances at the 307/105-59-8-4/28 Point o.1 a Two-phase-to-ground Fault ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut elaktroererge- tiki kAll-Union Scientific Research Institute of Electric Power Engineering) SUBMITTED: August 30, 1958 Card 4/4 FEDOSE)BV, M.A., inzh,, i FEYST._~.K., ~~nd.tekhn.nauk Automatic reclosing and reserve cutting-in relay units. Elek. sta. 33 no.5:69-73 My 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Electric power distribution) (Electric protection) (Electric relays) SOV/ 128-59 -.10- J 9/2-1 18(2,394) AUTHOR9 Fayst, V.I.$ Engineer TITM Wedge lloiHting for vattel-11 PERIODICAL: Litey-noye proizvodatvo, 1959, Nx 10, p 44 (USSR) ADSTRACT- In the foundry of the Barnmul'skly zavod preasov (Barnaul Factory Jv Press,--s) hoistings of' (-- nev constrd,~- tion are us(Id to take small and middle ~,izcd patteto oat of' tht, mould by hand. The construction [s based on a wL-(tne joint bush oir cast iron (Fig.1) with a hoisting (Fig,.2)., Thcre are 2 dittgrami~ Card 1/1 -- ---- ,_ FEYST, V.I. Deflection measnrement b/ means of a timing device. Ut. proizv. no.:LOt46 0 !60, (MIRA 131-10) (Power preeoes--Testing) FEYST, V. I. K)chanizing the puncturing of gas vents in sand molds. Ut. prroizv. no.7:43 JI 163. (MIM 17: -1) FEYT, G.N., inzh. Method of determining the ultimate resistance of coal to shifting in a massif. Nauch. soob. Inst. gor. dela 4:42-44 '60. (MIRA 15:1) (Rock pressure) (Coal--Testing) FEYTO G.K. Strength properties of coal sea= as an indicator of the likelihood of outburts. Nauch.soob.IGD 14t88-98 162. (MIn l6d) (Rooke-Testing) (mine gases) AYT, G.N. Approximative method of estimating the danger of coal seamv according to hardness indices. Gore razrab. ugoll. i rude most. no.lt260-274 162. (Mine gases) (Coal--Testing) outbursts from ekone vopo (MIRA 16:7) FEYT, G.N.; W219VA , T.N. , red. [Stuly of the strength properties of coall searz in the mas.,;iv of the Donets Basin; report at the seminar on the problerm of studying the mechanical properties of rocks in a massif] Issledovanie prochnostrykh svoistv upolliVklh plit.stov Donbassti v riassive; doklad na semintirti pc v0pro- sam Issledovaniia mek~anicheskikh svoistv gornykh porod v masvive. Moskva, in-t gornogo dela, 1964. 17 1). (IUF"" 16:9) karld. tekhn.nauk KHODOT, V.'7,, prof., dmktor tekhn,.nauk; FEYT. G.N.. PrDbabilitv of dvnam'c Oenomena in c0&1 mL')Os. Ugol' 40 no.9:65-67 S 165- (KIRA 18:10) 1. Institut gornogo dela im. A.A.Skochinskago. ZELIM-ISKIY, Ya.D. (Moscow); FEYTEK, Ya. (Moscow); SHALYGIN, V.A.- (Moscow) Differential method of simple distillation for investigating liqUid, - vapor equilibrium. Zhui.fiz.khim. 35 n'o.U:2802-2806 D I ISI. (HIRA 14: 12) 1. Moskovskiy Ichimiko--tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Mendeleyeva. (Phase rule and equilibrium) (Distillation) PAMCLIM&N, Nina Germanavna- DOROKHIN, N.G., otvatstvennvy redaktor; izdate2letva; AMMMY, G.G.,tekhniche- skiy riodaktor [The cost of coal and ways of lowering It] Sabostotmost' uglia I puti em snizhaniia. Hoskva, Ugletakhizdat, 1956. 103 p. (HLRA 10:1) (Coal) vj 1 E-OOK EXPLOITAT701, Vzezoyuzr.oyQ 3ovenhchanlye po vnedreniyu rad-'otkt'-vnyk.1 zo--Opov I yadc:.mykh izluohcniy v narodnom W=yaYatv~a SS~M. R .1 ga, 1960. Radioaktivnyye izotopy I yadernyye izlucheniya v narodno-z-a khozyayutve SSSR; trudy Vsezoyuznogo zovezhchanlya 12 - 16 aprelya 1960 g. g. Riga, v 4 toma". t. 4;" Foi3ki, razved'-a I raz,rabotka poleznykh inkopayemykh (Radioactive Isotopes ~rd Nuclear Radlation in the National Economy of the US-SR; Tran- sactionz on the Symposium field In Riga, April 12 - 16, !SU; in 4 volumea. v. 4.- Proopecting,Surveying and Minin- of Min eral Depoaits) Moacow, Go3toptekhizdat: 1961. 23~ P. 3,64-0 copies printed. Agency: Goaudarstyonnyl, naucYno-tokhnichc.9)c.1y~l~omitet Sovalm Miniatrov SSSR. GosudarstvarTnyy komitet Soveta Uniatrov 3SS11 po inpollzovaniyu atomnoy energii Edo. (Title page): 11. A. Petrov, L. 1. Petrenko, and P. S. Savlltskly; ed. of this volume: 14. A. Speranskiy; Scientific ed.: M. A. Spe::,anakiy; Executive Eds.: N. N. KUzlmina and A. G. lonell; Card 1/11 Radioactive Inotc-pea and Nuclear (Cont.) 0,011/5 59 2 Tech. Ed.: A. S. Polo2Ana. FURPOSE ; Tne book is intended for engineero and t,~chnlctans dealina with the problems involved in the appl* of radloactive iEotope3 and nuclear rad�ation. COVMAGE: 7n'.,- collection or 39 articlec, iz Vol. 4 of the tia-La of tho All-Union Conference of the introduction of Ralic- a ctive 15otop(-z and Ruclear Reactions In thC Nat.",70a! F-~on.;.-y of the USSR. The C3nference was called bv th., ]Ir,~ularrt. _v~-nnyy nauchnc-tekhnit-heskiy komitet Sovet MinistrovSSSP. (State Scientific-Technical Coznittee of the Coun,,11 o" ~Mln'_-,ters ~f the USSR), Accdcr.V of Sdc-ncaa USSR, Gozplar, SS-SH N;tatp. I'lannIng Committee of the Council of I14-ninters of the 723R), 'Ic~ular-ier- nyy komitet Scveta IoUnistrov SSSR po avtrmatIzat3iI 1 na:!htno- stroyenl~u (State Committee of the Council of Minilt;rs of the USSR for Autoaation and Machine Building),ani the Ccunnll of PUni3ters of the Latvian SSR. The reports mi-nmarized in this publication'deal with the advantage3, proepects, ard Card 2/11 Radioac';ivc isotopes and Kqclear (Cont.) SOV/5592 development of radioactive methods used In prozriact-InG, nur- veying, and mining of ore3. Individual reports present the ra~.ults of the latest scientific research on the development and Improvement of the theory, methodology, and technology of radlorm~ric investigations. Application of radioactive methoda in Lae field of engineering geology, hydrology, and thc ccn- trol o: ore enrichment processes is analyzed. No personalities are nentiorai. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Alckceyev, F. A. Preaent State and Puture Prospe3ta of Applying the Methods of Nuclear Geophysics in Proapecting, Surveying, and Mining of Minorals 5 Bula3hevich, Yu. P., 0. M. Vookoboynikov, and L. V. Mlizyukin. Neutron and GwT,,na-Ray Logging at Ore and Coal Deposits 1-9 Gurdeyev, Yu. I., A. A. M!ukher,and-D. M. Srebrodol'skly. The Card 3/1) 1. Radiouctive laotopez; and I'luclear (Cont. V/ 5592 4 r Frt!:,,ent 'State of Hadioractric I-Iothods and The. Efficir-ney in Studying Geological Sectiona of Petroleum, C-a3, Orc, and Coal Boreholen SperansXly, 14. A. Application of Radioactive Mlethod3 In thc. Exploration and Proapecting of Coa.1 Depcn-Ita Zaporozhel;3, V. M., and B. I. Rogov. Rad-lamatric Eqi~lpmc-nL for the InventIgation of Boreholes Xikbeycv, 0. F., and N. a. FEZ~~Iman. Economic Effoct of thp Application of RadAometIq-c-T1aihcd3 in Prozpecting, Surv..-ylng,and axploita-bion of Oil and Can Depo3its Jklek3eyav, P. A., D. P. Be3palov, B. M. Durev, B. '~. Y~.rozollm- 11 r1i"Cov. .~kiy, 11. V. Popov, Yu. S. Shimelevich, and A. S. Shko Pulse-Type Noutron Mothod for Inveatigating the Ceolc&lcal Sectionaof Dorcholea Card 4/n 40 41, 55 7 KVJ* G.F.; FEYTEL-IM,_II.G.1 KAWUZHHAU, T.P.., red.; VLASOVA, H.A.) tekhn. red. (The economics of radiometrio methods in the extractive branches of industrylEkonomika radiometricbeskikh metodov v dobyvaiushchikh otrasliakh proDWshlennosti. Moskva, Gosatomizdat 1962. 166 p. (Nuclear geopbysics) (Geology, Economic) WRA 15:12) tL'IbkN N G. kand. ekon. PIKILEYET, G.F., kand. tekbn. nauki MTF nauk,- ITELESHKO, V.K., red.; NAZffL-F.--Y.`.-f.6? tekhn. red. Y [Mle-thod for determining the economic efficiency of utiliz- ing atomic energy in the national econon7l Metodike. opre- deleniia okonomicheskoi effektivnovti ispolIzovaniia ator-- noi onergii v narodnom khozia:istve. Moskva, Gosatomizdat, 196.3. 53 p. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Akaden1ye, nauk SSSR. Institut eleonomiki. (Atomic energy--Econonic aspects) lconc~)!Y' of the U S.3.9, (F,'Fl- on micl-e-q-kayn I vrnz I. ~ri if. r lation of production nr ct f! 43 A~tlcin of the control and rogu 0 Rci A 7 Z--*,c-'-, L -11~- 4,01 g~ O A Is nil loll Vil we MU NARC 4 s 4 1 4 9 M I U 14 11 4 1, N 1. 41 C 44 41 a' J L A Q f _1 C L JLJ ~ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ 'IN RAW14141 i-fll! . L'iq~ I f l f : l i v A l V T got J Coa r= t 10 or n, t. Bit" C At itla O s . I M. G. Allopull. Za Fkanomijim Tophra 3. - - d k " '_O0 e-p uta t is the most To - 7. 14-17(IM).-Tbe Vor 190 developed deposit of the Pechora Coal basill Ioc4CLq In the nwhcast pan of European U.S.S.R. The deposit ex- -00 *9 tmds o-r an arm of armutt 2W sq. Lm. and contaitis an "td. 2.5-3.0 billion tons of coal. At the pr-wnt coal is minctl from 6 beds. The av. characteristici of this coal am &%h (dry. bads) 14-18, moistwe (sir-,lry basis) 1.6-1.7 (vo Us"l) approx. A. volatile matter ~~v%h- and nuoiourr. d 11 40 26-n 0 f t l t i 0 a t 7 *0 - ree w . .9, an M (tota , ' s) ry . 00 (dry twkis) not over 0.000"I The calowific value of ash- l' 1 b d i f l d '00 mo sturc- . . onit, 1. &")-4W cal. an rte coa el 00 'Me size analysis of this coal is 0-6 mm. 10.8. 6-12 min. =00 11.9, 12-25 min. 20.6, 25-M mm. 18.6, W-775 men. 8.8, "10 0 75-100 mm. 7.6, 100-150 into. 7.8, and + 150 min. 7.9~ is The ash content varks with the itive fraction. The higth-- 0640 est In ash are the 12-25-mm. amd 6-12-men. grades: they 0 contain 25.75 and 20 1 "j, of ash resp The response of the Joe 100 ~**_;r 0 crial from the ste,;~r~ Wds t~ benificiation I, diffelveit. ill* 0 Gravity PCPH. (S~. < 1.5) of coal from bed IV y-irldi Sao 921.112- coats, O,v of ash. Bed 11 yields SO-M' corital.01110164han(thed Ill C too The premling data am for the fraction 1-12 unin. Thi as* hudeittobcnelidatei3ticill. 'Mized coal (frtwn all bLdi~ can be coucd. to yield 70-75f; contg. not over R"r of ash Thrre possible schemes for beneficiation are Ji icussed Mther of these yieMsa concentrate %ultable for coking. 0 W,w the 2 twxuible tocthods for heneficiatilo, wet andair Cpn. the former is more dkiirable but in view L4 tfi~ wvere r1i age matic conditions of that region h=dCr to use. '%LII'?wh WAA"AL LAttSAY1,111 CLASUPKATIGN too US A I IT % ar v -.6 r c-T i AA A I I 1w 0 M 9 IN of a go 4 1 9 14 w rr p if 0 0( Old Nil $fell , I 90 00 0 o 0 0 0 0 1 " " r! n * a 0 6 0 a 4 a 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GQOOO so. 00 00 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 P-0 ; 6~' jko 0 0 0 * 0 * a 0 0 0 * 0 a lCountry I Un- t c:,: ci r: Abs. Jfjljr- Autho,- 1-no t I tut . T Or iS Pub, Abstradt USSR ? 'liar obiol(%~y. Cisneral 'Jicrc biology. Growth and Livelop=f,nit Cf he? Zhur-WA., Z*Axavymer, v. A. Fazen' Solon-Tl=c Research Veterinary rnstituto Experir-anta on the Study of Properties of Seconde-ry Cultures Which Do-velop 11'rom Filtrable fov" of Certain Uotoria (~'elf-Rofercnoed) Byul. nauchno-takhn. infom Kazinak. n.-i. Yet. in-ta, 1957, No 1 3&-59 No abstract. Card: 1/1 KOR'4'FNKO, V dl. ; 6 A YKOVFKAYP V A. -PROTASElVY,',, S,G. Y*01-!~EV: IF' ("i e v t:! r o - 0 s c-, t i n s k a yA 9 S RF E D Y U E 11 X I N4 . i7ri Y T, ic, I c R Y.A., kanJ. veter. nauk, YOWAEV, S.G., k"ril, npuk- AXIMETUANOV, F.Kh., mlad-qtiiy rlauckinyy :3ol~rudn'k,, SHIVET'~()Vk K.A., veteri-riarnyy vrach; CIANNEV, M~K., prof.; FARZATJYBW~, I.A., dotsent, -Ipox iti cattle. Vaterinariia 41 no.7~-31-31+ Tl 164. (MMA i8f.11) a. Belorusakiy institut epidealologii i giglyeny, (for Kor3enko, Saykavskaya, Protasenya). 2. Direktor Severo--Osetinskoy :respublikanskoy veterinarnoy laboratorA (for Fedy-u,3hk-'n). :3. Kazanskiy Yeterinarnyy institut. (for Feytengeymer,, Yanniash,~-7, ikkbmetzynnov, Shveb3av). 4. AzerbaydzhEaiskly nauchrc'--isoledova- tellskiy veterinarnyy institut Cror Garziyewp Farzal---yev). .---~-TT7 T 'Umboro ard Syoter 11 .1~ of Nmicration." P- 169. CULTEbITICKO-M, IRODOVEDEI/ij; RQZT=rEDY, Vol. 32, no. 6, lo53~, praha, Czechoslovakia) So: Monthly List Of East EUropean Accessions., LC, Vol. 3, No. 5, :Lv 1,054ALinclassified file 106-iF FEMIZE-)ARRIKOI A. I# 37405, Sposob Polucheniya Vysokourozhaynykh Gibridnykh Ser.7an Pshenits v Kollchozakh i Sovkhozakh Karskoyd'blastl v Sb; Za Vysokuyu Kullturu Zemledeliya Kursk. 1949, S. 130-33. SO: Ietopis' Zhrunallnykh Statey, Vol, 7, 1949 Wheat C-m1tivation of Triticum aL*Otlvum varictime of soft spring wh8skt; Agrobiologila no. 6, 1951. Llgx)veka, va opytno-selektaionnaya stantelya .301 92Lth v List of Russian AcceaBionsp Library of Congress, 95t., Uncl. IL . ...... FMSAIMTKOg A. 14 Wheat Growing wheat plants from barley seeds. Agrobiologiia, No. 4, 1952.. Mont -- List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress. November 1952. Unclassified. i FEYTSAqENKI), A. 1. Cand Agr Soi -- (dian) "Methods of production/and the economical Q), 41~4~luhf 13 and biological deeerl7tion of winterAm" wheat of thel"llgovskaya 873~]variet-~-" I Xurek, 1967* 20 pp with ohartl '22 cm. (Min of Agr USSR. Ukrainian Order of LftLor Red Banner Agr Mad), 100 copies. (KL, 15-57, 137) -35- FEYTSAIUNKO. A.M Feitearenko AX.). otv. red.; PREDKO, red.; GRINIKO, T.F.(Hrinlko, T.F.], kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red - "DE24CIEDIKOl F.K., red.1 DOBROVOLISKIY, I.1-1.[Dobrovololkyi, I.Y:I, red.; LIMAR, FJI.[Lymar, F.M.1, red.; SERMOV, f.G.[Semenov..F.H.], FEYTSARENKO, G.I.LFeitsarerA-o, H.I 1, kand. sell~hoz. nauk, red.; -YAK, A.P. VASIKOVSKIY, Yu.I.[Vas'kovs'kyI, IM red.; VIDOT. [Vidoniaks A.F.], tekhn. red. (Sixty yeare of the Cherkassy (formerly Verkhnyaki) State Agricultural Experiment Station; collection of scientific papers) 60 rokiv Cherkas1koi (kol. Verkhniatslkoi) derzhavnoi sillslko- hospodaralkoi doslidnoi stantsii; zbirrWk naukovykh prats'. kviv, Vyd-vo Ukrainslkoi akad. sillalkohospodaralkykh nauk,' 1961. 145 (MLIA 15:2~0 1. CherkaBsy. Derzhavna sil'alkohospodarslka doslidna stantsiya. 2. Direktor Cherkasskoy gosudarstvennoy sellskokhozyaystvennoy opytnoy stantsWfbr-?~ytear*vftjA.MI). 3. Zavedtrwbchiy otdolom selektsii sakharmg mkly Cherkanskoy gosudarstvennoy sel'sko- khozyaystvennoy opytnoy stantaii (for Grinlko). '. , (Continued on n6xt card) 14' MTSARENKO, A. MI. --(continued)' Card 2. 4. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom obrdLbotki pcchvy Cberskasskoy go- sudarstvennoy sellskokhozyayatvennoy opytnoy stantsii (fof. Demchenko). 5. Zavedvyushchiy otdelom skotovodstva Cherkasskoy gosudarstvennoy sellskokhozyay3tvennoy opytnoy stant.9ii (for Limar). 6. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom selelctsii zernovykh kulltur Cherkasskoy gosudarstvennoy sel skokhozyaystvennoy op,,,tnoy stantsii (for Feytsarenko, G.I.;. (Cherkasay-Agricultural experiment stations) FEY,-.TSARMIKO, A.M.Lr-eitsarenkop A.1-1.11 otv. red.; PREDKO, I.G.[predbo,,L8.), red.; GRINIKO, T.F.[Hrinlko, T.F.], kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red :13 DEI-ICIMIKO, P.K.,, red.; DOBROVOLISKIY, I.M. (Dobrovolalk7i, I.M. red.; LRIAItj F.1.1.[Lymar, F.14.1, red.; SWENOV, P.G.[Semenov,F.H.), FEY TSARM, KD,-G-I-LFeitsareriko, H.I.). kand selk-~hoz. nauk, red.; VASIKOVSIKIY, Yu.I.(Vaslkovslkyi, W.I.], r;d.; VIDOI."YAK, A.P. (Vidoniak, A.r.1, tekhn. red. (Sixty years of the Cherkassy (formerly Verklinyaki) State Agricultural Experiment Station; collection of scientific papers] 60 rokiv Cherkaslkoi (kol. Verkhniats1koi) derzhavnoi sillslko- hospodars1koi doslidnoi atantsii; zbirnyk naukovykh prats'. kiv, Vyd-vo Ukrainalkoi akad. eillslkohospodarslkvkh nauk, 1961. 145 p. NIRA 15:2) 1. Cherkassy. Derzhavna sil'alkohospodaralka doslidna stantsiya. 2. Direktor Cherkasskoy gosudarstvennoy sellskokhozyaystvennoy opytnoy stantsii(f6r-"e&revkb,AJb). 3, Zavedtlyushchiy otdalom selektsii sakharnoy svekly Cherkanskoy gosudarstvennoy seltsko- Ichozyaystvennoy opytnoy stantsii (for Griniko). '. (Continued on n6xt, card) FF,YTSAKENKO, A.M.--(continued):Card 2. 4, Zaveduyushchiy otdolom obvibotki pochyy Cberskasekoy go- sudarstvemoy seliskokhozyayatvennoy opytnoy stantsii (fot Demchenko). 5. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom :3kotovodstva Cherkasskoy gosudarstvennoy sellskokhozyaystveTmoy opytnoy atantsii (for TAmar). 6. Zavedvquahchiy otdelom selelctsii zernovykh kulltur Chorkasakoy gosudarstvennoy sellskokhozyaystvemoy opytnoy atantaii (for Feytsarenko, G.I.). (Chorkassy-Agricultural 0*,eriment stations) 141totripouads oflruff= and pyridoxfne In com juice. ~N~W poltolmy nn4 1). 17"Pr vesinik mvlkov. Umv, 10, ""'). 12, K'. nw~.lff';Wcn. vauk Nn. P, 1,217. -3I(INM).--1fie N'littnt jukr flovIng frolo (Ilf. rX.R1 V) 1111. fq,Jvt:r 11-ati C-f cor" I'Lult was mcmd. in CZ1.1y, fl"N, ti!,L:, w, I ri I ivillng jifm~cs d ill- nZant. - c-Itu. d (16andan r.4 pyd- dmlse, as well as glutatfliolm, Inctflit-flifle, and rystchle was tnivir. It was ~limv,i flint ih~ ~ci,nvrpt cA thr pa's "'9 ujjw,ud Only (lie E111(me form- nf 9 k errm,~,Jl. Ill n1l plut'" of growth ill'! jtlke (onk;ia"i gluftktllk~lv and lattIliptlilm; UlLmliqv Vt% (I'mid mlIg ill the catir vt'v'.. .hY pyri&,vin- apprarot itt all phawi ILIIN, G.S.; FEYYER-KOSSEY, O.G. Effect of chloramphenicol on nicotuine biiogynteieeis. Dokl. AN Sam 153 no.2:470-472 N 163. (,IaqA 16:12) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N.Bakha AN SSSR i Institut genettki AkaJeml.i nauk Vengrii. Prodstavlano ak-ndomikom SIDQROVA, N.G.; -FBYYERSHT.IC-Yg, N.M.; KOCHETKOVA. N.A. Cycloalkylation of aromatic compounds. Part 9. Reaction of 1-phonyleyelohexanol with benzene. Zhur.ob.khim. 26 no-1:191-197 Ja '56. (K6?A 9.5) 1. Sredneaziatakiv gotudaretvennn universitet. (Cyclohexanol) (Benvene) YXYYYaTAG, D.I., zasluzhewW vrach R5FSR Hes-onteric neoplasms. Yest.khir. 77 no.4:118-119 Ap '56, (KEA 9:8) 1, Iz khtrurgichaskogo oteleniya bolinitey im. Sverdlova v Lenin- grais (khirurg-konsulltant- prof. Ye.T.Smirov, g1. vrach prof. V.G.Yormolayevo Leningrad, Nevskiy pr., d.95, kv. 6. (MISUTIRIIS, neoplams of small intestine, surg.) BAK,rAI, M.; KHORVAT, A. Indications of solar activity in the annual rings of Pinus Tarnociensus of the Miocene. Astron.zhur. 41 no.2-413-414 Mr-hp 164. (KIRA 17:4) 1. Kafedra astronomii universiteta im. Etvesha, Budapesht. 04976-67 _M11"k 1) ACC NRs AP6030801 )/T/!MP(t)/BT1 IJP(c) JD/JJG/AT SOURCE CODE: UR/0249/66/022/005/0012/0013 AUTHOR: Abdullavev. G. B.; Nasirov, Ya. N.; F~~yziyev, Ya. S. A zv~' ORG: Institute of Physics,~Abzwear ~R(1nstitut__f_iz_i_ki & AzerbSSR) TITLE: Effect of partial substitution of lanthanum for tin on the thermoelectrica Properties-of Sn' Ce hSSR__P1 SOURCE: AN Azer oklady, v. 22, no. 5, 1966, 12-13 TOPIC TAGS; tin telluride, lanthanum telluride, telluride,thermoelectric property A13STRACT: Thermoelectric properties of homogeneous, single-phase specimens of [SnTe]j,x-[LaTeI alloy, where x is equal 0.02-0.08, have been investigated. The curve o composition dependence of thermal emf, at room temperature, was found to have a maximum of about 49 ijv/*k at x = 0.02 compared to 20 pv/*k for SnTe, where the concentration. of holes drops to a minimum of 3,47-1019/CM3 compared to 2-1021 cm-, for SnTe. The lattice heat conductivity changes correspondingly from 6.2-10-3 cal/cm. deg-sec for SnTe to 5.4-10-3 cal/cm-deg-sec. The hole mobility reaches a maximum of 1080 cm/v-sec at x - 0.01, compared to 25 cmlv.sec for SnFe. It is assumed that partial replacement of tin by lanthanum brings about a recovery of the SnTe lattice and simultaneously generates the new defects in connection with formation of SnTe-LaTe solid solutions. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. (WW] SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: 12Mar65/ ORIG REF: 001/ 0111 REF: 003/ CaM I-ACIC -NR-I AP60344- 04 with the appearance of new defects due to the formation of solid fIrst process seens to be prevalent at x " 0-0-01 and the latter Oxig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: l1/ SUIBM DAM 03Jun66/ ORIG REFI 002/ OTH REF: g HIM AUTHOR: Feyzkhanov, P& A* SOV/65-58-8-10/14 1 TITLE4 _Mtraction of Benzene Fractions From Gases ObtAined by u Fractional Distillation. (Izvlecheniye benzinovylch fraktsly iz gaza poyamoy ronki). PZRIODICAL% Khimlya i Telchnoloriya Topliv I Masels pp. 40 - 55. (TJSSR~. ABSTRACT: Experiments on the absorption of bencene fraotions at lovr pressures were carried out under laboratory conditions to' determine a simple way of recovering, ben'-&ene. Vacuum gas- oil,. obtained durine; catalytic cracking, was used as ab- sorbent. The principal lay-out of the laboratory plant for countercurrent absorption is shown' in FiC,.l. The ratio of the absorbent to the gas in the N=-Uf1mddy plant dqualled Bil. The absorber was maintained in the contact zone for 1'2 seconds whon bubbling throup 0 _,h a layer of liquid and 0..3 seconds durino countercurrent absorption. The vacpum gas-oil possesses a high solidification point (up to t3000) which made it po;3-,311)lf.~ to uoe it at tomperatnres up to 404)0- ae3ults of the investirat ions are C-,iven in a graph (F-ig.2) which shows the effect of the absorption tempera- ture on the characteristics of the saturated absorbent. Card L/3 Obt';ained data vras used for determining the equilibrium SOV/65 - 919 --~ -10/14 13'xtraction of Ben""ene Fractions Prom Gaaes Vbtainad By Fv;.ctional Di6tillation. ~r?mperature (100 - 10700) at which the mte of absorption the rate of desorption. Fig-3: the effect of the ab- sorption Wmperaturo .Lnd the composition o-'C the gas on the e~:trantion of benzene; Flir,.4: the effect of the absorption Umporature on the speol-fio i7eight of the aeparated ben- zeae. 71hen the, absorption te!~iper,-' ture is betueen 600 and 70 0 the spuo'flc welf, f b nze .L ,ht o e nos fro;~.,Cgisoj contain- in-- va-clous amounts, of banzcn~3 isuju~il (0.700). Table givea data on separ:-.ted benzene at variou3 -weight ratios of the absorbent to the fras. The calculation aas carried out aocording'to Kremsar"(Ref.10). The absorption of benzene from distillation gases wa3 carried out undar Industrial conditions on the plant'. AVT, but aome'modl- fleations had to be introduced as shown in poig.5. The composition of the gases obtained by direct distillation from the AVT plant is Piven in Table 2. It is shown that a 170% separation o benzene could be achieved which could be in.-reased to 90/0 *.*ihen a 5-plate column was used, and t1nrat.,qas-oil saturated -'-"I'h benzene can be used as nxu ma'k-le al for catalytic and therfial Restilts Ju)tnu ~n~~ ^alalyLic crucl-Ling, o-t~ oal-ural-ed vacuum SOV/65-5,'1-9-10/14 Extraction of Benzene Fractions from Gases Obtained by Fractional Distillation. Aps-oil are giver, in Table 3. The Engineers M. A. .olbin, G. S. Sapunov and A. I. Polyalcova assisted during the experimental stages of this work. There are 5 Figures, 3 Ta'hles, 13 References: 3 English and 10 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Novo-Uf imalrCiv nol.,I;PT)er~-,r,~.ibai;~rit~,tyushchiy zavod. (Novo-Ufimski.y Petroleum Refine'ry). 1. Gases--Fractionation 2. Bepeenes--Separation 3. Hydro- carbons--Decomposition 4. Ben~enes--Absorption Card 3/3 FEYZKMIOV, F.A.,# red.; SULTANOVA, R.T.~ red. (Regeneration and transportation of a bead cracking catalyst] Regeneratsiia i transport sharikovogo kata- liza,tora krekinga; sbornik statei. Ufa, Bashkirskoe knizhnoe izd-voj 1961. 45 p. (MIRA 17:9) PANCIENKOVp G.M.; KOLESNIKOV, I.M. Kinetic equations of heptane reacloons under the conditions of catalAic reforming. Neftekbimlia 2 no.5:716-722 S-o (~Iff6R2A. 16:1) 1. Moskovskiy institut neftekhimicheakoy i gazovoy promyahlennosti imeni I.M.Gubkina. (Heptane) (Cracking process) 0 F,A.. T 1-i equat-lons ar tie r~ of n-In'Wano or, i..Icft,e,khlm!Aa 4no.5:722-,'2(, S-O If6, 4. L. Mosi=skLy lrlstitut neftokhimichsnkoy i gazovoy :rriani. 'I.M.GitbkIria. 166,10-65 EVj7(r-,i)/EPF(c)/T Pr- iVE/Im, trcr;ssm NK: AP4048359 AUTHOP: Fayz6anov, F,, A.f~Panchenkov, G~'M.; Kolesntkov, 1. M. TiTl F: Kinetics of the hydrogenolysis of thiophene5 Iand sulf1des d:;rtpcj 1 1:1~ alytic reforming\\ SOURCE: IVUZ. Neft' i gaz, no. 9, 1964, 69-71 TAGS: hydrogenolysis, thiophene, sulfide, catalytic rcformin,i, sulfur, heptane, butylthiophene, marcaptan, octane number F,: The octarie number and corrDsive-ness-0. fuels %3!-e. im~luer-ed consicerab- ni~ r rap t a n '3 Mr) 1 '1' t I a ta 'hat at the same temperature, an Increase n tne molar TeeGi,c raLu o, Lhe ".11111- -~-tur- raused thp degree cf hydrogenoly5is of 2-r,,t~ "-.~ prl~-ne it) de- I ro i /2 r 14-4-4;0-65 c CESSfo~j NR: Ai3'4048359 'e1 t hincreas;ng temperat~,re, nder h, cOnver, ;on -w r7i 1 he --f ASSOCIATION- P, Nr fn~t (M (~u t M- Gub~fna las~w -r-tekhtmicheskul y-,~, s 11 Of prom 'P the Pe f~nnos t i ti.,M f TT ~7 n06 A p r6, ENCL: 00 REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 000 Ccrc! 212 FE171KIANOV F.A#,.,- Kincitics of hydragenolycis of thiophener, and ~5ulfides under conditions of cata2ytic reformIng. Zhur.fJz.Jh!r. 39 no.7:1647- 1652 JI 165, (MIRA 18:8) 1. Moskovskiy imititut nefte,'tl-.Iilrn:,(,-I~(,~~;k-,~y I Fct-.cvk;y imeni I.M.Gubkina. ACC NR, IAP60332.82 f AUVOR: Kravtsov, Yu. A.*; Feyzulin, Z. 1. ORG. Radio Engineering Institute, AN SSSR (Radiotekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITIZ: Resolution of antennas in a turbulent medium SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiofizika, v. 9, no. 5, 1966, 888--899 T IOPIC TAGS: parabolic antenna, atmospheric turbulence, antenna radiation patte rn/ 144 ABSTACT: The resolution of antennas in a turbulent medium was investigated for the case vhen a fle. turbulent layer is located entirely within the antenna wave zone between an a.*cially symmetrical antenna and the point of observation. Special !-~attention was p&Ld to radio astronomical antennas with a large circular aperture. investigation was made on the basis of a sequential-diffraction examination :'by, the method of linear measurement of the resolving power. Formulas are given for -'.~,Ie radius of the illuminated zone behind the turbulent layer for an arbitrary r~ radiation pattern and arbitrary statistical properties of complex phase fluctuations at the layer output. The case of *a ; Gaussian ahtenna pattern and a turbulent model o' reflection coefficient fluctuations in the lqjer were examined in detail assuming statistical homogeneity of complex phase fluctuations. The authors thank S. M. i Rytov for the supervision of the work, and V. 1. Tatarskiy and N. G. Denisov for /2 uDc: 621.396.671 OMNI I OM ~In Mar ' NO FEY7,ULLAYF,V,, A.. V. 1 1962 ft% F, ~ -~ 1964 NER'lotis SrOTEMI - DISEAS-S 0 Eel bi- ~L;ml - ~ - USSR/Nedicine - Virus Diseases Mar/Apr 51 "Clinical Aspects of Vascular (Hemorrhagic) Encephalitis in Azerbaydzhan '.11 Prof. A. Z. Peyzullayev4 Chair of Wervous Di5eases, Azerbaydzhan State Med Inst "Nevropatol i Psikhiat" Vol XX, No 2, PP 54-56 Margulis and Shubladze proved in 1941 that hemorr- hagic encephalitis (which affects blood vessels of the brain parenchyma and occasiorally of the spine parenchyma) is virus disease. Thio disease is trans- mitted by some species of mosquitoes and ticks. It is seasonal (occurring in the 'w~.nter), affects i86T84 USSRE/1-1edicine - Virt-as Diseases (Contd) Mar/Apr 51 cbiefly people aged 21-30, and results in lethality of 29.3~. On basis of clinical observations which are reported, conclusion is made that the disease hao assumed milder course after ~Iorld War I as com- pared with the prewar period. 18&84 F&SULIAM, A.S. Rithogenesis of I*Terpathia in the light of RAvlov's theory. Zhur.nevr.1 pnikh. 53 no.6;417-421 Js '53. (MLRA 6:6) 1. Kafedra nervnykh bolezney Azerbaydzhanskogo goandarstvennogo meditain- alcogo instituta. YBYZULIAYV, A.Y.; USEYNOVA, T.K. Clinical aspect and pathohistology o" injuries to the nervous systen in myelsid leukemia. Dskl.AN Asorb.SSR 11 no-7001-506 Jl 15.5- (KLRA 9:1) l.Aserbaydzhmnskiy gissudarstvannyy meditsinskiy Institut. (Leukemia) (Nervous system) MZULLAYNV, A.Z.; SWIOVA, I.A. Clinical aspects and histopathology of acute alcoholic. cerebelar ate,xis,. Zhxkt*.ddvr. J polkh. 55 no.8:591-5955.S(KLRA 8:10) 1. Kafedra nervnykh bolezney (zav.-prof. A.Z. Feyzullayev) Azerbaydzhanskogn neditsinskogo instituta, Baku. (ATAXIA,, cerebellar alcoholic acute, clin.aspoets & pathol.) (GF 'REBELLUM. diseases, ataxia, acute alcoholic, (ALCOHOLISM. complications. ataxia, cerebellar acute, clin.aapects & pathol.) clin.aspects & pathol.) VAMULLAYEV, A.Z., profoosor Clinical aspects of blind gunshot wounds of the brain. Top.neirokhir. 21 nc.1:56-57 Ja-F 157. (MIRA 10:3) 1. Xafedra nervnykh bolezney Azerbavd2hanskogo gosudarstvannogo maditainakogo institata. (BRAIN, wounds and injo blind gunshot wds.. clin. aspects) EXCERPTA mr, CA We 8 Vor12/8 Neurolozy Aug 19 3747. CLINICAL ASPECTS OF METASTATIC CANCER OF THE BRAIN WITH THE PRIMARY PROCESS IN THE BREAST - 0 klinike metastatieeskage raka golovnogo mozga a pervidnim processom v mloEnoj feleze Fe - zoulayev A. Z. - ZH.NEVROPAT.1 PSIKHIAT. 1958, 58/5 (ifiqM) MetadlallC br-TnT1U1W6U" have a different symptomatology from other brain tumours. Due to cerebral oedema and cerebral swelling they sometimes appear with the picture of cerebr&l haemorrhages. The results of the observations in 17 vorified cases operated upon because of primary cancer of the breast are reported. The cancer metastases were localized in the cerebrum around the 4th ventricle, We brain stem and the cerebellum an the same side. Apart from this a capsular syndrome was found in 4 patients, a subcortical syndrome in 3, and a cortical and capsular syndrome in one case. Pulmonary cancer produced the metastases in both homispheree and in the cerebellum, while the metastases of the cancer of the breast were localized In the brain stem and the cerebellum, All these cases ended fatally. Dirnitrijovid Sarajevo (VIII, 5. 16) Ic ayeV Kafedra nervnykh bolemey (ZaV. profs A. Z. 1~eyz'uii Asierbaydzhanskogo meditainskogo instituta, Baku. TZY-4ULIA:a,,V, L:.A..-- FWfeativeneww of treating chIldren recovering from a spinal form oj,' aoute poliomyelitis with naphthalan petrole=. Dokl. JUT Azerb. $SR 17 no,81745-1148 161. (VIPU 14: 10) 1. Institut Icirortologii I rizichoshikh izetodov lochoniya i:icni 3,11.. IUrovu. Predi3tvalono akademilcom Al: AzorbaydzhurA:c7,, 0611 Aj. PMIO=ITIS) WLMH~TIMLAMTIG U83) FEYZUI,IAYEI, F.A. Skin temperature in poliomyelitis patients and its dynamics tuider the effect of naphthalan treatment. Sbor. trud. Azerb. r-auch.-isel. inst. kur. i fiz. metod. loch. no.9t124-127 163. Rosulte of obeervations on patients with sequelae of epidemic poliomyelitis following naphthalan treatment combined with massage and exercise therapy. lbid..,207-214 (MIRA 1818) FFYZ!j'I,I,Arr,V, F.A, Clinical indices in pol-iomyelitis and their ly-nRMics under the influence of compound therapy associRted wth naphthh1nn thergkpy. Azorb. mad. zhur. 40 no.5:24-29 I-V 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Iz instituta kurortologii i fizicheskikh metodov lecheniya imeni S.M.Kirova. FEYL-ULLAYEV'p G.A* Economic efficiency of the modernization of the machinery industr7 of Azerbaijan. Za tekh.prog. 3 no.8:45-47 Ag 163. (MIRA 17:1) VAIDCIVA, S.M.; YEMLLAY'jV, N.A. -.____vre-- WM""WJ~ Cli.nostomum kassimovi nove ape, a new trematode from the dic:estive tract of the blue-gray heron (Ardea cinerea L.) in Azerbaijan [in Azorbaijani with summary in Russian]. Dokl. All Azerb. SSR 14:805-807 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1. InatitUt 2oologii All Izerb. SSR. (Lenkoran Lowland-Trematoda) (Parasites--Herons) VAIDOVA, S,H.; FEYZUIJAYEV, N,A,., '~.. ~ . .. Iftrut deteotion of a linguatiloid nymph in birds. Dokl. AIF Azerb. 13SR-5 no.5:423-424 '59. (MIRA 12-.8) IfInstitut soologii Akademil, nauk AzerSSR. (Parasites-Birds) (ldnguatulida) KASIMOV, G.B.; VAIDOVA, S.M.; PBI'ZULIAYEV. N.A. Now trematode (Zahinostoma aserbaidjanica no.9p.) from the intestine of the migratory quail (Coturnix coturnix L.) in Azerbaijan. Doki. AN Azerb. SSR 15 no.10:963-966 159. (MIRA 13:3) l.Institut zoolo U AN AzerSSR. fKr.ftsites--qxail) (Azerbaijan-Tremtoda) FE;YZULLAYL,lf 11. A. Cathaemasia skrjabini nov.sp.9 a now speoies of trematode from the uhil;e,stork(Ciconia ciconia, L.) in Azerbaijanfin Azerbaijani with s=utry in Russian]. Dokl.AN Azerb.SSR'17 no.l,.63-65 161 (AzarbaiJan-Tromatoda) IMIRA 14:3) (Parasites-Ztorks) FEYZULLAYElf , F.A. Some morphological changes in Clinostomum complanatum (Rud.1819) connected with its development. DokLAn-Azerb. SSR 17 no.5:423- 4;!6 161. (MIU 1-4: 6) 1,, Institut zoologii AN Azerbaydzha,askoy SSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN Azerbaydzhan6koy'SSR A. I. Karayevym. (Parasites-Birds) - (Azerbaijan-Terwatoda) FEYZULLAYEV.-II.A..-- Hepatiarius riov.ganonovospo - New genus of Trematods. of the family OpiBthorchidae Braun, 1901. Dokl.AN Azerb.SSR 17 no,7:635-640 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Institut zoologii AN AzerSSR. Predstavlono akademikom AN AzerSSR A.I.Karayevym. (Azerbaijar~-Trematoda) FEYZULLAYEV, N.A. New trematode from the sultana bird (Porphyrio porphyrio L.) in Azerbaijan. Dokl.AN Azerb.SSR 17 no.9:829-831 '61. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Institut zoologii AN AzSSR. Predstavleno a,kademikom AN AzSSH AJ 'Karayevym. ~:Kura Lowland--Trematoda) (Parasites--Sultana bird) FEYZULLAYEV,, N.A. Fauna and ecology of the trOmatodes of birds of the order Herodionos in the Lenkoran' zone and the Kura-Aras Lowland in Azerbaijan. Izv, AN AZerb. SSR. Ser. biol. i mod. nauk no.2-45-58 162., (MIRA 1716) KASIMOV, G.S.; VAIDOVA, S.M.; EBYZULLAYEV, N.A. Tromatodes of birds in the Lenkoran zone, Magan and Mili Steppes of Azerbaijan. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Azerb. SSR 22:73-102 162. (MMA 15:11) (Azerbaijan-Trematoda) (Azerbaijan-Parasites-Birds) -FEYZULIAYE -...N.A. Dive:rgence of the trematode species Cathaemasia hians (Rudolphi, 1819) and Chaunocephalus ferox (Rudolphi, 1795) Dietz, 1909 following a change of their intermediate hosts. Dokl. AN SSSR 1/+6 :,,,o.3.:238-241 S 1622. (Miru 15:9) 1. 'Institut zoologii AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. Predstavleno akadamikom Ye.N. Pavlov8kim. I (Trematoda-Host animals) (Zoology-Variation) FF,YZUI.UY-T-V Helrn!nths (Nematcoda, Ceatcda, Jlcsz~Lho:!-arhalb, ~f birds of the. ci-dor 11-arodiones from the plain regions of AN 4.4erb. 93R. Ssr. bin!. I med. nauk -63- G.B.; FEVILLAYEV N.A. - __ Ifelminths of birds (Calliforres, Coliznbiformes, Ciconiformes) In the Kura-Aras Lowland of Azerbaijan. Trudy Inst, zool. AN Azerb. SSR 24:85-98 165. (MIRA 18.5)