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fi) SHIPOV, G.A 'I Using shuttles of less weight in textile plants. Prom. anarg. 12 no-3: .25 Mr 157. (MLRA 10:4) (Spinning machinery) LYAPIIN and KREMENETSM, N. D. .~ -P. ILL., "Reconstruction of Irrigation Network in Cotton Planting Collective F~jrms of Central Asia" paper presented at the Third International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Son Francisco, 29 Apr-4 May 1957 C-3,800,020 USSR / Cultivatcd Plmts. Plants for . Tcjchpicc:l oil Plants, Su-ar Plants. Lyn Pau I A. N. 0 ,Ibs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., Ko 8, 1953, No 34720 Author : Ly,-,-.pin, _-I.N - Inst W 3ciontific Rcsoarch instituto Title Expori,:i~;nt I.-rith Illod~)rato _Ratag of Irri-ation in Squaarc;-'PoIcket orJL3 Pub IKhlopI:ovodstvo, 1957, Nlo 6, 51-55. Abstract P(;sults of the study of irriGation -,,othods on cxporir-,catal ~.iodcl amas of collcctiv~~ far._-io coaductod by tlao jrl.~,SRT , have lod to thc!'ollow- in- conclusions with irriSation of non-salin(.~ soils with a doop --round water levol: _-od,~rat,~, irri-ation nor,;.is (800 to goo 113/h); ~ppliod to Card 1/2 USSR / Cultivat,:;d Pl-..nt3. PL'Iilto for Tc;cIl-Ljjcol Us,, Ojil .21cntr,. pjj 1: _lilt G. Abs jour R,~!' Zhur - 3101., 1s")58, 170 34720 trcnchos with Pronouncod sio-Dos (approxi.-;ZtCly 0.010;~); the wat_~r rate 311ould no' Oxc~.--d 0.03 to 1.1 liter p-,r Fj~~cojyj so .,,,3 uc) was'aOut of the furr-ws. t id L) Card 2/2 75 124-57-2- 1909D Translation from-. Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 2, p 62 (USSR) AUTHOR: Lyapin, A N. 6 TITLE-. Investigation of the Tangential Accelerations in Prismatic and Channeled Flows of a Real Fluid (Issledovaniye tangent sial'nykh uskoreniy v prizmaticheskikh i ruslovykh potokakh real!:.-Ioy zhidkosti) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Gos. gidrolog. in-t (State Hydrology Institute), Leningrad, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Gos. gidrolog. in-t (State Hydrology Institute), Leningrad 1. Fluid flow--Analysis Card 1/ 1 Lyllqp//V~ 41Y, 124-11-12698 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, NY 11, p 53 (USSR) AUTHOR: _Iyapin, A. N._ TITLE: On the Causes of the Meandering of Streams. (0 vozniknovenii izvilistosti rusel) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gos. gidrolog. in-ta, 1956, Nr 56(110), pp 103-117 ABSTRACT: Consideration is given to the various causes that may contribute to the meandering of natural streams. Analyzing the equations of motion and assuming an empirical law of the variation of accelerations arising in the stream flow, the Author arrives at a conclusion on the formation of periodic or quasi-periodic motions in the stream flow. This, in turn, leads to "meandering". The nature of such motions, the A. main- tains, lies in the stability of Ehe curvilinear currents. A mathema- tical analysis of the stability of such motions is not given. Bibliography: 18 references. Ye. M. Minskiy Card 1/1 Y #q P 1 1), IV AUTHOR: Lyapin, A.N. , Candidate of T1achnical Sciences; 99-6-6/9 TITLE: "Exploitation of Hydro-Melioration Systems", (Ekspluatatsiya gidromeliorativnykh sistera) PERIODICAL: "Gidrotekhnika i Melioratsiya", 1957, Nr 6, PP 51-52 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to meet the need for manuals on the subject of hydro- melioration at technical schools, a textbook on this subject was published by a group of authors (S.R. Cffengenden, A.D. Panadiagi, S.P..Trombachev, M.I. Yarushin, N.D. Kremenetskiy, G.S. Kagan, I.G. Nikolayev and Ye.G. Trubacheva). The textbook, called "Ekepluatatsiya gidro-meliorativnykll sistem" (Operation of Hydro-Melioration Systems), is based on the "Directives for the Tdchnical Operation of Irrigation Systems", recently issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. As much as there was a demand for such a publication, a number of deficiencies must be men- tioned. The manual contains no separate chapter on irrigation and drainage, the problems of silting and cleaning of canals are not mentioned, insufficient instructicna are given on gener- al maintenance of canals and installations, etc. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 LYAPIN, A.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; OKULICH-KAZARIN, E.L., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Leveling ir-igated areas on collective and state cotton farms, Trudy SMIIIRI 93:69-114 '58. 14 ~ - " (Leveling) (Irrigation) KONM TIYEV, Nikolay Yevgenlyevich. kand.tekhn.nal3k;,LTAPIN,,-Aleksey Nikoli~ygvich,,,_kand.tekhn.nauk; POPOV, Igor' Vladimirovich, kax~Ggeogr.nauk; PINIKOVSKIY, Stepan Iosifovich, m1adshly nauchnyy sotrudnik; YEDOROV, Nikolay Mikolayevich, kand.takha. nauk; YAMIN, Ivan Ivanovich, kand.tek-hn.nauk; GROSVIAN, R.V., red.; VLADIMIROV, O.G., takhn.red. [Channel process] Ruslovoi protsess. Pod red. N.R.Kondratieva. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 1959. :370 P. (MIRA 13:1) (Hydrology) o (4 ) AUIHOR: TITLE, PERIODICAL: S OV/ 5 9 - 1 Lyapin, A. N. Flow About a Long Sandbank by t.'.1e River Current Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1,059, Nr lo, pp 1-1) - 2. (USSR) ABSTRACT; Contrary to the theoretical scheme of the article mentioned in reference 1 , which is based cn the consideration of the separaticr, cf the turbulent boundary layec from the bottom, this iniesti- gation is based on the j,"act that the currents in the river bed are discrete (Ref 2), as well as on a hypothesis established by the author in a previous parer- (R-ef 4). The author made use of investigations of the current along two sandbanks carried out on the right bank (in summer '1958) of the smaill. ri-ver Yulyayoki on the Karel Iskiy isthmus., The formation of the long sandbank by the flood has already beer) described by 'he author (Ref 4), In this paper, the dynamic characteristics of "he current in a de- for-med river bed are investigated~ The sandbank is fairly long, and the opposite bank is comparatively near. The current is there. fore regarded as a one-dimen3ional, t-hat is to say, a plane current, in which the streamlines in the surface layers and those near th~ bottom remain parallel to one anotner. This simplification allows Card 1/2 for an investigation of the current shape in outline and Jin pro- Flow About a Long Sandbank ty the River Current SOV/5c, -59- lo-V2-- file if the dissipation of' energy and t~he gradient of' th,~ river bed vary. Analysis of the variat.l.on c-f the freri surface pr-trmitt? the formulation of the condition for the possibillty of a whirl- pool movement within the area of th~- sandbank. For--iulas 112),"Z), and (14) are deduced here, Thp latter allow fcr an analysis of the variation in the sandbank shape. also when the dissipation of ener- gy vares. Figure 4 (Diagram) illusrcrate6 that increasing dissipa- tion leads to a decrease in the relative velcc,-,ty, i.e. to a narrowing of the current in outline. Thus, the sandbank -aperp, and is shortened. The abOVE~ formulas, which were deduced for a horizontal river bed, make it possible to take the gradient of the river bed into account by varying a certain coefficient for every single angle of inc2ination. There are 4 figures and 5 Soviet references Card 2/2 LYAPIN, A.N. *i-ro,-S,i-v-e,-,p'o'vrer of strnams with andiment transportation in the form of sand waves. Trudy GGI no.69:41-69 '59. (MIRA 12:6) (Hydrodynamic 3) LYAPIN$ A.N. Dynamic characteristics of the flow of a stream around islands and bank projections. Meteor.i gidrol. no.503-36 My 161. (KM 14:4) (Hydrology) IIA IN.-A.&,Iaureat Stalinskoy premii, kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; OKIIICH-KAZARIN, E.L.., aspirant Leveling the surface of irrigation tracts in cotton planting regiona. Trudy TIIDSMI no.1:75-94 155. OMA 15:4) 1. Wedra. vodosnabzheniya Taahkentskogo instituta inzhenerov irrigatsii i makhanizatsii sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Lyapin). 2. Sredneaziatskiy nauchm-issledovatellskiy institut irrigatsii, Tashkent (for Okulich-Kawin). (Cottm.-Irrigation) LYAPINJ, A.N. - Turn in the river flcn4 with cavitation at the convex bank., Meteor. i gidrol. na.9sl9-27 S 162. 1 (MIRA 15:8) 1. Gosudarstwennyy -g!Ldrologicheskiy institut. (Rivers) I,yAtl!N# AwNc. Calaidutior. of 4-,hannel. dofOrmationA; !tn:! pl--na prcA)lema. Tmily 001. nn-,116il9~31 144, ( M 1P A 17 ~~ 1 c~ ) LYAPIN) A.N., kand. teklin. nauk Study of near-bottor. channel trnab,,~:eri-ia, -* -- -,. " L - ll,-,20 Mr T65, -2:") I. Gosudarstvennyy gAdrologichegkiy Inot-itut. , Audrey PaTlOVich --iieR . [The irincipal economic problem of tfie U.S.S.R.j Oanovnata ekonomichookaia zadacha SSSR. Moskva, 1957 50 P. (MLEA 10;5) (Russia-4conomic policy) LYAFIN.. Audrey Pavlovioh, redaktor: KAXAROVA, M.P. . redaktor; GLIBARRVA, re ktor (A collection of articlen on economic problems] Sbornik statai po ekonomicheakim vopronam. HoBkva, Alcad,-,miin obohchostvannykh nauk pri T8K K?85. 1997, 255 P. (MIRA 10:11) (Ruests-Rconomic rdl,~C!-) UYAPIII A.F,-profd, glav. red.; DOROSHEV, I.A., prof,, red.; KULIKOVt A.G., dotsent, red.; GRZHFGORZHEVSKIY, A.N.~ dotsent, red.; KUDRYAVTSEV, S.P., red.; PROKOPIYEV, S.P., red.; NAUMOV, K.M., tekhn. red. [Labor productivity problems during the period 9f the building of communism] Voproey proizvoditellnosti truda v period stroitel'stva kommunizma. Moskva, Izd-vo VPSh i AON pri TsK KPSS, 1961. 430 p. (MIRA 14-8) 1. Moscow. Akademiya obshchestvennykh nauk. (Labor productivity) 4 ALUKHVERDYkN, D.A., prof.; AMINOV, A.M., doktor ekon. nauk; AGLAS, M.S., prof.; DIYACHENKO, V.V., dots.; ZLOBIN, I.D., prof.; KADYSHEVP L.A., dots.; KARNAUKHOVA, Ye.S., prof.; KOTOV, G.G., prof.; LEVITANUS, I.M., dots., LIVSHITS, A.L... dots.; LYAPIN, -A.P., prof.; MAKAROVA, M.F., prof.; MASLOV, P.P., prof.; SONIN, M.Ya., doktor ekon.nauk; SOROKIN, 0,M.;-STRUMILIN, S.G., akadernik; TUMANOVA, L.V.1- dots.; TUROVTSEVI, V.I.J* dots.; FIGURNOV, P.K., prof.; MOKHOVA, N.I., dots., red.; SHCHERBAKOVA, V.V... dots., red.; SHVEYTSER, Ye.K., red.; MURASHOVA, V.A., tek.hn. red. [The economics of socialism]Politicheakaia ekonomiia sotsia- lizma. Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola, 1962. 614 P. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent kkademii nauk SSSR (for Sorokin). (Economics) (Commmism) 1TAPIN, D.P.; IMAS, A.D.; MOGILINIKOV. S.F.; RUDOT, V.N. low developments in conducting preparatory mine work. Ugoll 29 no.5: 37-40 MY '54. (MLRA 7:6) 1. DonUGI. (Coal mines and mining) LYAPIN., D. P. News in Preparatory Mine Wori-ings. Minno Delo (Vining), #2:40:Feb 551 LYAPINI D.P.; YATSKIKH, V.G.; KOWMV, N.I.,- SHUMIWV, V.V. The over-all machani4ation of cleaning and preparation work. Mekh. trud. rab. 10 no.9:5-9 S 156. (MLM 9:10) (Coal mines and mining) LYAPIN D.F.- MOGIL'NAXOV, S.V.; PASTUSHKOV, M.T.; RUDENKO, P.F. %% f'_ 7 -fi-I -, Mechanizing labor-consuming operations in cutting development openings. Ugoll 31 no-5:11-15 My '56. (MLRA, 9:8) 1. Donetakiy nauchno-isaledovatellakiy ugolInyy institut. (Coal mining machinery) LTAPIN, D.P., inzh.; KOKAROV, N.I., inzh.; TATSKIKH, V.G., inzh. _~_ I t ~" !"OTIO-111 . , wr""_'_The over-all mechanization of cleaning and preparstory work. Mekh.trud.rab. 11 no.8:25-27 Ag 157. (KIRA 10ill) (Coal mines and mining) KOJIDRASHLiT. F.S., inzb.; LTAPIN, D.P., inzb.; PRIVRWV, V.P., inzh. Stoping without miners. Bezop.truda v prom. 4 no.1:12 Ja 160. (MTRA 13:5) (Coal mines and mining) LYAPIN., D.P..-,-inzh.; YATSKIKH, V.G., inzh.; YUJOVSKIY, L.A., inzh.; CHEBOTKOV, I.P., inzh.i OVCHAROV, V.S., inzh. Coal mining without miners using the UPD sawin,a machine in developing the "Izvestniachka" seam of I)zez*zhinsku,,oll Trust 0 Artem Mine,, Sbor.DonUGI no.20:3-15 161. (MIRA 15-6) (Donets Basin--Goal mines and mining) I J,YAPItL,-jQ,L,, Inzh.; KONDRASHEV, F.S.; 1-11001.,'NIKOV, RUDEEIIKO, P.F. Results of industrial test3 in the Donets Basin of' the new technology of rrdning steeply dipping seams with the drilling and blasting method without thp presence of mon in the stope. Sbor.DonUGI no.2009-58 161. (MIRA 15-6) (Donets Basin-Coal mines and mining) (Blasting) STARODUBTSEV, V.L., inzh.; KONDRASHEV, F.S., inzh.; LYAPIN, D.P., inzh.; OPREDELENNOV, Me... inzh. Effect of the worked-out level on the gas conditions of the underlying block. Sbor.DonUGI no.20359-76 161. (~aRA 15:6) (Mine gases) LY.I.PIN, D.P., inzh.; KONDFASEN, F.S., inzil.; SlukFA, B.F., inzh. New techniques in coal ninin- in 3',eor. oea.'-.s. 33ezop.truda v prom. 5 no.1:10-3-1 Ja 161. - . (MMA 14:2) 1. Done-tskiy nauchno-issiodovatelt-Aiy u,t,'ol'ny-j institut. (Coal minea and --ini!,--Technoloje.;~1 imiovations) . . I - *,. 1 i t - i, .; T, Yf, r, 11, 1 y D.F., Anzh.; K01MROV, 1'.1., -z. ns s -i b a rc a c n unit :~~etl -ng in ~ lie Don~i t. - r. LYM-i-, F. fx. 4?4112: F. YA. CqdzhICJ-IIcs*.ciy institut. Zapizki ?,idkh. s-kh in-ta t 1, 1)4,8, c 17-2L. SO: Letopis' Zhurnal.l.nykh Statey, Vol. 47, 194~ LYAPIN, G. (Yiyev) national task. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 12 no-4:23-24 Ap f62. (MIRA 15:7) (Kiev-Chi-ldren's clubs) - _: ~t;~.--,,_;_.., ~- . - , . -11- 107-57-2-16/56 AUTHOR: -14:g, ~nG. (065509, Novosibirsk) TITLE: VHF Long-Distance Communications. Short and Ultrashort Waves (Dallniye svyazi na UKV. Korotkiye i ulltrakorotkiye voiny) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1967, Nr 2, p 18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A report on long-distance communications established by radio amateurs of Novosibirsk in 1956. On August 13, contact was established between Novosibirsk and UA9KWA (Ufa), 043043 and 043015 (Bashkir ASSR). On September 21, 1956, radio amateur Kolesnikov (065507, Novosibirsk) established communication with Simonov (068005, Novocherkassk). Later Novosibirsk radio amateurs Voznyuk (065501), Orlov (065508), Kolesnikov (065507), Lyapin (065509), Rumyantsev (065513), and others, established many contacts with Novocherkassk radio amateur Skrypnik.(068030); Gatilov (068017) established communication with Kravchenko (068003, Rostov-na- Donu), and also with Borisenko (033503, Zaporozhlye), Rozhkov (033501), Krymskij, (033508); contacts were als-t made with these Taganrog radio amateurs: Nikullchik (068021), Gobyato (068040), bubkov (068055), and Kabanov (068042). Sometimes Novosibirsk was lucky enough to get in touch with Shchebenkov (070507, Smolensk), Vollskiy-(070504, Smolensk); with Gruzov (077513, Moscow), Belyayev (077642, Moscow); and with Goncharenko (031013, Gors~). Most of the stations were heard with RSM Card 1/2 107-57-2-16/56 VHF Long-Distance Communications. Short and Ultraihort Waves 475 and some with 595. On September 24, 1956, at 12.20 hours Moscow time, a contact was established between Novosibirsk (065507) and Kaunas (UP2KBC) at the distance of 57000 Im. On October 7, 1956 a contact was held for 15 minutes between Khabarovsk (051501) and Novosibirsk (065507 and 065509). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 SOV/115- 59-2-15138 AUTHOR: Nenyukov, V.P., Zhmur, A.C., Lyapin, G.L. TITLE: Use of a Ballistic Pendulum for Graduation of an Accel- erometer (Primeneniye ballisticheskogo mayatnika d1ya graduirovki datchikov uskoreniy) PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 2, pp 29-3~_ (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article describes the accelerometer, previously described in the article: "A bonded wire strain-gauge type accelerometer". Exp. Stress. Anal. 1953, Vol 6, Nr 3, E.W. Kartuner, Sherwood Holt. There are 1 graph, Card 1/1 1 photograph and 1 English reference. Yr 9(3) AUTTIORS: Nenyukov, V.P., Zhmur, A.S. and Lyapin, G.L. TITLE: Piezoelectric Accelerometers SOV/115-59~5-11/27 PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya Tekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, pp 17-19 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The piezo quartzmeter is designed to indicate sudden acceleration. It has a cylindrical shape and a thread on the bottom to fix it to the object which is to be 'measured. The upper part has a hexa- gon shape. Pig.l: The instrument has an inner channel, which is pressed into a plexiglass plug insulating the piezo quartz plates from the steel housting. To achieve a better distribution of pressure, a hardened plate ground against test glass is laid under its end. Detween the piezo quartz plates, an intermediate plate is fixed to serve as a "vis iner-tiae". Both sides of the surface are also edged with test glass. The article now gives the theore- t.ical conditions for smooth functioning. If the conditions are met9 accelerations of 20 to 20,000 g can be measured. The sensi- tivity is steady. To raise the sensitivity Ti-Ba plates can be Card 1/2 used. They can, however, only be used in the laboratory, because SOV/115-59-5-11/27 Piezoelectric Accelerometers they are sensitive to temperature. The conditions for assembling the instrument follow. Fig.2 shows the switching to adjust the instrument. The adjustment and possible variations of types are discussed. The weigh of the inert body is 1.2 gr. With an accel- eration of 1000 g a capacity of 500 mkmkF results on the quartz surfaces, which corresponds to 0.1 V. Because of the high sensi- tivity amplifiers used are in most cases weak. There are I dia- Card 2/2 gram and I layout. 8/11 Y60/000/007/006/01 1 B019 B058 AUTHORS: Nenyuk ~~V. I" Zhmur, A. S.9 Lyapin, G. L. TITLE: A Tensiometric Acceleration Pickup D\ TEXT: The two types of pickups developed for the measurement of linear accelerations are mentioned in the introduction. Type A was developed at the Leningradakiy politekhnicheakiy institut (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute), and type B was developed later, in consideration of the shortcomings of type A. Two small cups made from duralumin (Fig. 1) are used in type A as sensitive elements, while the body of the pickup it- self is rigid and also made from duralumin. Two tensiometric converters connected in a bridge (Fig. 2) are used for the conversion into electric signals of the deformations of the small cups, developing through the acceleration, and the determination of the expansive forces is discussed in detail. The main data of the pickups of type A of various dimensions are given in Table 1. A uniform duralumin cylinder is used as sensitive element for the acceleration pickup of the type B. This very thin PERIODICAL: Izmeritelinaya tekhnika, 1960, No, 7, pp. 28 - 30 Card 1/2 A Tensiometric Acceleration Pickup S/115/60/000/007/006/011 B019/BO58 aluminum cylinder is inserted into a cylindrical body and has thickenings at its ends for the purpose of fixing and a thickening in the middle for the fixing of an inert body. The sensitivity of this pickup can be ad- justed to the conditions required by a variation of the inert massp and relevant details are discussed with the aid of Figs. 4 and 5. The data of models of the type B pickup are listed in Table 2, and the authors discuss the use of wire converters for the conversion of the ex- pansive forces. There are 5 figures, and 2 tables. Card 2/2 - LIAPINj _G..-M., Vet. .Naxi-angan Cit-y Veterinary Hospital, Uzbek SSR "Treatment of theileriasis with sulfantrol." SO: Veterinarija 27(3),. 1950, p. 20 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 41 0 9 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 lu CU',l 4. V, n T T, -'Z -FbF "r U! 71-T. rj 5 7 -J 5-- ~;Cia-tif-;(' re-~au-.Ca in.;titiitov uf r�e wld:"is "he, nu -4hr, ca -Ilwti Lh'atj tl'At~ ellf to ..,rpL,. X, j -.7 En' v-,: y 1:. w". 3, 'A g! i i sr. -'L +,%. vt 1 9 *-~a t-L, n , i-i o.,A,. 1 !'HL' 7%j."9 :~'IUe7 jljjji-jj~ title (A uce aq~dlp'. Y~ Z--~4 j I., th'-) cm-Ps Of Plartu Over -oz-feltill-AA n.~ p in!~ i - c-i r im. I Fj r fe r It t1 or' 1,t i4 in uL-w. -iVi . -1 V-1(i I - Virtl li,;,;,r:3 i. h,-l-r'Tare: ry:- :1, c to GvrAz.-e--',c' L~Id 1.3 '-L!.q cl,~craa up 73," t-a tll.~-" LP Of 4ftfr "Or' of ();,e iumirrix! flna J.'15 1,0 ij7 c;,nt,,erj a' t G 41f' 4.-2P?;'.v3 of c- greator protealm ta tut, of tx-r)criitents cbf)w tbat all fo - i pol iii,11 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Fodder Grasses and Root Crops. M-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 2, 1959, No. 6309 Author Inst :-Not-given Title : Increased Utilization of Potassium Fertilizers Under Lupine Orig Pub :Zemledeliye, 1958, No 3, 17-19 Abstract :This is a generalizaticn based on data accumu- lated over a period of 40 years on the effectiveness of potassium fertilizers on annual lupine in various zones of the USSR. In almost all the experiments, potassium fertilizers Increased the yield of grain of lupine by 2 - 4 cwt/ha or more. The author relates the effective action of single potassium fertilization on lupine to the Card 1/2 63 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Fodder Grasses and Root Crops. M-3 Abs, Jour Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 2, 1959, No. 6309 reduction of the vegetation period which it causes, the increase in activity of tuber bacteria and increased resistance to unfavorable weather conditions. At the same time it is noted, that K Increases the content of albumin in the seeds of lupine as well as the yield of subsequent crops. By using experimental data the author determined that 1 kg/ha of the active substance in potassium fertilizers can produce 6 kg of lup-ine seeds and 165 kg of green mass. -- V. V. Prokoshev Card 2/2 HIKITI'44, V., master; GRISM, M,,, brigadir olecarey; GORYUNOT, L., slesar'; TSRBHOV, T., elesar'; ZHIGAREV, B., slesar'; KONOVALOV, V., 1 91 e is a r I ; ~ LTAPJ~H, * JC , elessr'; NOSOV, P., slesar'; TAMOT, P., mashinise ~;40 1, . When will the new acethylene generator be put into produation? Izobr. i rate. no.10:114 0 158. (MIRI 11:11) (Aoothylene generators) LYAPIN.-K., inzh. All-Union Public Inspection of the Quality of Construction. Zhil. stroi. no.lOt25-30 165. (MIRA 1811l) KASINTSEV, I., lnzh.; KRYNSKIY, G., inzh.;-qAFIN,_~~j, lnzh.; STEPANYUK, Ye.p inzh. What inspection has shown. Zhil. stroi. no.11:29-31 165. (MIRA 18:12) -,,LYAP.Uly M.A.1 inzha; OLYUNIN, V,V., Enriahment of sand-gravel mLxetj in co,,Iical sieves, Stn"I'. n1lit. 10 noa919-11 a 164 (MIRA 18:2) AID P - 5oo6 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/2 Pub. 110-a - 8/17 Author : Lyapin, M. F., Kand. Tech. Sci. Title : Heat transfer and aerodynamic resistance of the clusters of smooth tubes at large Reynolds numbers of a gas flow. Periodical : Teploenergetika, 9, 49-52, S 1956 Abstract : The author describes experimental investigations per- formed at the Navy School of Advanced Engineering Studies in 1953 and 1954, and the results obtained. The heat transfer and aerodynamic resistance of clusters wa hed transversally by a gas flow at R numbers over s 10 were analyzed. The author demonstrates that at R = 1,2. lo5 and atlargerR numbers a sharp intensifi- cation of heat transfer occurs in regular and checkered clusters. 2 tables, 4 diagrams. 3 references. Teploenergetika, 9, 49-52, S 1956 Card 2/2 Pub. 110-a - 8/17 AID P - 5oo6 Institution : Navy School of Advanced Engineering Studies Submitted : No date LTAPIN, K.P. (Kazan') ,P~~ Xxiatence and uniqueness proofs in the course of stereometry. Kst.v shkola no.3:21-32 MY-Ja 134. (MLRA 7:6) (Monauration) - )6Tq~. tI.P. (Kazotnl) What students in secon dnry schools should know ibout the drAwing of throe- dimentional figures. Mat. v shkole no.4:31-42 Jl-Ag 156. (MLRA 9:9) (Geometrical drawing) 124-57-1-1093 ranslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 1, p 152 (USSR) luu THOR- Lyapin, M. V. IT LE: Calculation of the Wind-resisting Box Structure of a High Building (Raschet vetrovoy korobki vysotnogo zdaniya) PERIODICAL- V sb. : Raschet prostranstvennykh konstruktsiy, Nr 3. Moscow, Gos. izd-vo lit.po str-vu i arkhitekture, 1955, pp 9-46 ABSTRACT: In order to absorb the horizontal wind load of a high building, special structures are employed consisting of reinforced-concrete and metal walls and closed box structures of considerable h~!ight, which are weakened by a large number of openings in the horizontal and vertical direction. Statically a wind-resisting box structure is considered as a system consisting of a number of extremely high plates, rigidly connected to one another by means of webs. In view of the elevated height-to-width ratio ( > 30) of these plates, they may be replaced by bars so far as the calculation is concerned. The system is basically assumed to consist of a number of elastic vertical bars, interconnected at various levels by means of hinged elastic bars. The search Card 1/2 for the law of variation of the moments with height is reduced 124-57-1-1093 Calculation of the Wind-resisting Box Structure (cont. ) to the calculation of unbraced frames. The distribution of the internal forces in a horizontal section of the box is performed on the basis of the six-terrn equations of elasticity. The following different cases of loading are examined: 1. A horizontal force P applied at the level of the highest collar beam of the frame. 2. A uniform horizontal load distributed along the entire height of the frame. 3. A triangular load distribution along the height of the frame. A ,numerical example of the calculation of a plane wind bracing with openings (calculation of one of the transverse walls of the plane wind bracings of a high building on "ploshchad'Vosstaniya" (Uprising Square) is shown. 1. Structures--Stresses--Mathematical analysis 2. Structures V. V. Pavlov --Stresses--Wind factors Card 2/2 " I ':~ 11 " . 1, _ . 1, !, 1~ l-' " ~ " ,.'f '~ I : fivIl ff.."'YEV ', 11 . ;.. . ,I '-~ ii -~.- !. "~l .t' ,, . ,N . ;; ~ 10 1 ~ .'I licam Y ;,I' 11~1' r~ X IA FhW-Iy bridge, Av-- do,. -:'I r; -- 'i , i i 1 7 1 f It- . , . '. '~' ; ~i )-._ -t 't ~ tw: - --I -- is,- ., I .-,e i MIMI, Nikolay Ivpnovich Histological Changes of Some Glads of Internal Secretions in the Kow os the Annual Cycle of Life of "AlactaFa Jaculus P." (Experimental- Morphological Reseirch) Dissertation for candidete of a Medical Science degree. Chair of Histology (head (CHL -) Correspondent "AT-2111 IISSSR", Prof. N.G. Kolosov) Defending in Soviet Saratov (Zooveterinarnogo) Institute, 117,40, CBF,MAYF.V. M.P.; NESTOROVICH, N.M.; LYAFIN, N.M. Dmitrii Dmitrievich Mordukhai-Boltovskoi, 1876-1932. Usp,m-at.nauk. 8 no. 4:131-139 Jl-Ag 153. (MT.I?A 6:8) (Mordukhz~-Boltovskii, Dmitril Dmitrievich, 1876-19,52) (Mathematics--Bibliography) (Bibliography--Mathematics) LYSEITKO, A.Ya.; YkALMYKGV, Ye.S.; MTOVSKAYA, E.I.; B-ERDYYEVI Kh.B.; IVAIZITOY A.K.; LYAPIlly P.D. Principal results of three years' work for the extermination of malaria as a mass disease in the Tajik S.S.R. Sbor. rab. po ml. i gellmin. no.2:5-.19 1,59., (MIRA 15:3) (TAJIXISTAV-41ALAIIIA) K'ALMYKOV, Ye.S.; TrBV, Kh.B,; IVANMO, A.K,; LTAPIN* P.D* On the way to the complete elimination of malaria in the Tajik S.S.R. Zdrav. Tadzh. 7 no.l.-14-17 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Iz Stalinabadekogo Instituta epidemiologil i gigiyeny i Respublikanskoy sanitarnoy epidemiologicheskoy stants,ii Tadzhikskoy SSR. (TAJIKISTAN--MALARIA--PRIVINTION) - LYAPIN, P.D.; KOLIVAKH, S.P. Preventive measures at the Shaartuz focus in 1961. Zdra7.Tadzh. 9 no. 3:8-9 Itr-Je 162. (MIRA 15:8) (SHAARTUZ--MALARIA-PREVENTION) MITIMOVSKIY, V. H. p ENO. j LYAPIN, P. K.,,- ENO. 2, USSR (600) h. Dynamos 7- Automatic starting of a reserve hydro-generator at lowered frequency. Elek. sta. 23. No. 9. 1952- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Januar7 -1953. Unclassified. LY(IHIFIJ, ZI- - y -~- BARANOW.L. I:V;; BARKOVSKIY, I.V., redaktor; KIRILUMUU, A.A, ekhn-icheskiv redaktor, [Algebraic problems for demonstration*, teacher's manuAll Zadjvhi na dokazatelistvo po algebra; posobie dlia uchitelia. leningrad, Gos.uchabno- ,pedagog. izd-vo Ministerstva prosveshchenlia RWM, Isaingradekoe otd-nia, 1954. 159 p. (MLRL 80) (Algebra-Problems. exercises. etc.) /V~) GASTEVA, Serafim Alekseyevicb; KW ISHTRTN, BoriE Illych; g1pn yev Kechi-s -a- S er T ich; iredaktor; SHIDLOVSKATJ4 Nariya oviniag MRW, A.G., redaktor; MJUMHIR, V.A., tokbnicheakiy redaktor. [Methods of teaching mathematical Metodika prepodavaniia mate- matiki. Pod obabchei red. S.I.Liapina. Izd.3-e, ispr.Laningrad Goa.uchabno-pedagog.lzd-vo Ministerstva prosveshchaniia RSFSR Leningradskon otd-nie, 1955. 482 p. (MI&A 8:10) (Rathmmatlen-Study and teaching) !_, , y It , GASTRYA, -,.0..- 'KRELISHTM, B.I.; LYAPIII, S.Ye.; SHIDLOVSIXA, M.N.; KOPARSAK. G.D., redaktor; MOIIZMM7"T7T.~,nekhnichniv redaktor [Methods of teaching mathematics;,a manual for teachers and students in po~agogical schools] Ketodyka vykladannIa matematyky; posibayk dlia vchyteliv i studentiv pedagogichnykh instytutiv. Ze zahallnoiu, red. S.N.Liapina. Pereklad a drahoho. vypravlenoho rosiislkoho vydanigia Uchpadhizu, zatvardzhenoho Hinisteretvom cavity FWSR. Kyivi Darzh. uchbovo-pedagog. vyd-vo ORadiano'ka shkola.1 1956. 467 P. (MMA 10:2) I (Mathematics-Study and teaching) LYAPIN, Sergey Ys~ygp~j_!,vevich; GASTIVA, Serafima Alekseyevna; KVASNIKOvA. MLISHTAYN, Boris Illich; CRAKHMV, A.a., redaktor; IAONTIYXVA, L.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor LKethods of teaching mathematics; a manual for teachers of mathematics in classes 8-10 of the secondary schools] Ketodika prepodevantia matematiki; posoble dlia uchitelei matematiki 8-10 klassov srednel shkoly, Leningrad, Goo.uchebno-pedagag. izd-vo Hinisterstva pro- eveshcheniia RSFSR. Leningradskoe otd-nie. Pt.2. 1956. 653 (HLRA 1PO:.2) (Mathematics-Study and teaching) ANDRONOV, I*K#, professor; BIRWANSKAYA, Te.S.; GLAGOLN, N.S.; D4PW, I*Ta., professor; ZOLOTOVITSKIY, Ye.N.; WIN, A.Ye , dotsent; -LYAPIN, S.Ye., MULYARCHIK, M.Z., uchitell; PDTRAKOV, I.S.; ;HICHIGO, Aleksandr Nikolaevich Barsukov. Mat. v shkole no.1:7244 Ja-F 157. (KIaA 10: 2) I* Mosko7ekiy oblastuoy pedagogioheskiy inatitut (for Andronov). 2. Zaveduyushchly kafedroy metodiki matematiki MDakovskogo pedago- gicheskogo instituta Imeni V.I. Iienina (for Ber s n 'ka 3. Metodiat e aT" Shcherbgkovokogo rayona goroda Moakvy (for Glagolev). leningrad- skiy penMogichealcly institut (for'Depman). 5. Metodist Balaahikhin- skogo rayona Moskovskoy oblasti (for Zolotovitskiv). 6. Moskovskly pedagogicheskiy inatitut imeni V.I. Iienina (for Illin. 17. Zaveduya- shchiy kELfedroy.metodiki matematiki Ieziingradakogo pe~Agogicheskogo instituta imeni A.I. Gertsena (for Iqapin). 8. Shkola No.29 goroda Moskvy (for Malyarchik). 9. Zaveduyushchi7 kabinetom matematiki Mo- dcovskogooblastnogo inatituta.ui3overshenstvovanlya uchiteley (for Petrakov). 10. Zaveduvushchiy kELfedroy metodiki matematiki Moakov- skogo pedagogicheakogo instituta imeni V.P. Pbtemldna (for Chichigin). (Barsukov, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1891-) BEREZANSKAYA, Te.S.: (RJREVICH, G.B. - DITSKAN, A.P. (Moskva); BUDANITSEV, P.A. (Orenburg); KUKOLIV, i.G. (Perm);_LYAPIN, S.Te.(Laningrad); PRINTSEV, 9. A. (Kursk) -1. - - -.~ ; , Discussion of the now mathematics curricula. Mat. v shkole no-2:5-20 Mr-Ap '59. (MIRA 12:6) (14athematice--Stud7 and teaching) LYAPIN. S.Ye. Graphic solution of expopential and logarithmic equations* Uchozap. Ped.inst.Gerts. 218:213-258 161. (MMA 14;10) (Algebra-Graphic methods) POTOTSKIY, Mikhail Vladimirovich; BESKIN, N.M.) dots.y retsenzent; VEYTSMAN, I.B., retzenzent; GIBSH, I.A., dote., retsenzent [deceased]; LTAPP~,.p.Ye., prof., retsenzent; NAGIBIN, F.F., dots., retsenzent; MENCHINSKAYA, N.A., prof., retsenzent; UMSKIY~ G.S.j red.; MAKAROVA, N.F., tekhn. red. [Pedagogical basis of the teaching of mathematics; a manual for teachers] 0 pedagog-icheskikh osnovakh obucheniia. matema- tike; posobie dlia uchitelei. Moskva, Uchpedgiz, 1963. 198 p. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Chlen-korreopondent Akademii pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR (for Menchiskaya). ACUSSION NR: -AP4o28h46 --7s/ol8l/64/0O6/0O4/1l58A1M AJJTHORS- 'Lyapin, V. G.; Tolpyno,, K. B. TITIZ: Investigation of the dispersion law E (k) in the hold bands oP-diamond type crystals for symmetrical directions. SOUDIM Fizika tver-dogo tela,, v. 6. no, 4. 1964; 1158-3-1661 'TOPIC TAGS: energy dispersion) hole band., diamond structures-orystal energyj wave 'f unction ABSTRACT: The authors studied the energy of diamond-type-crystals with single !.electrons removed, They sought to obtain a wave function corresponding to those in previous works (K. B, Tolpy*-o and A. 14. Feavchenkp., zarFs 31, .045., 1956; Yo. I. Ka~lunova, FTT, 1, 177, 1959~ in the form of a linear combination of antisymme- trized products of functions of individual sigina bonds., with an electron being absent at one such bond* In neglecting spin-orbit interaction,, the secular equx- tion relative to the energy of the crystal for the directions A and A of the wave vector is examined. The authors preserve the same matrix elements of the Hamiltonian as Kaplunova but without the assumption of orthogonality'of one-elec- tron functions forming the sigma bond. The analytical dependence of E (k) at Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR.- AP4028446 arbitrary values of jkj is found for several energies at the'edge of the Brillouin band at tho points and L ,for germanium and silicon* The agreement with X4 3 ~~j existing d a is good.. Slight variations are thought to be due to simplifi6tions in the theatry: neglect of deeper levels in constructing a function for an atom j" with a vacancy.. and neglect of integrals of nonorthogonality between the more - distant orbits and the matrix elements of transition for even more distant neigh- bors. For greater precision it would be necessary to know the wave functions at great distances -from the nucleus, but this would not eliminate the effect of neighbors., and the use of twotions of isolated atoms is thus unsystematici., Orig, art. has: 1 fi 's 1 toblej wid 24 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Kiywakiy gosudarstvenny*y- universitet ime To Do Shevchenko (Kiev State University SUBMITTEDs 05Nov63 ENCLt 00*1 I.SUB CODE: SSp EC, NO MW SOV 3 007 OMM: 008 La ct--, 2/2 ACC NR: AP6036949 (A, /V) SOURCE CODE, UP4018116610061011/3156/3162 AUTHORS 4apins V. G.; Tolpygop K. B. ORGt Kiev State University im. T.G. Shevchenko (kievskiy gasudarstvanrV7 univerai- tat) TITIZI Choice of basic functions in the theory of valence bands in diamondlike crys- tals SOURCES Fizika tvardogo telat v. 8t no. 11, 19669 3156-3162 TOFIC TAGS1 valence band, semiconductor band structure, semiconductor theory ABSTRACTS The article analyzes the requirements for a choice of basic functions In the many-electron theory of valence bands of diamondlike semiconductors. A theory developed earlier by the authors which predicts the existence of eight doubly spin- degenerated valence bands (neglecting the spin-orbit interaction) is compared with other theories (utilizing the method of strong coupling, or operating with bonding and antibonding equivalent orbitals) which yield only four valence bands. Additional valence bands are obtained by using various space functions (centered on different atoms of the unit call) for electrons forming or bonds with opposite spins, which makes it possible to allow for the correlation in their motion# 7he identity rela- tionships obtained from the proposed theory and tylng-the energy values at symmetri- cal points of the Brillouln zone to the cyclotron constants &M the lattice constant ACC NRz am satisfactorily fulfilled for silicon and germanium# Orig. art. hast I table and 10 formulas, SUB CMES 20/ SUBH DAT&I 1OJan66/ ORM MWI '004/ OrH MI 013 Card Z/Z ACC NR1 AP7005843 tAUnjoR: Lyapinj V. 0. ORG: Kiev State University im. T. G. Shevchenko (Kiyevskiy goaudarstverizr,7 universi- i tet) i TITLE: on the nature of the long-vave "tail" in the x-ray emission spectra of diamond- type crystals SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela) v. 8, no. 12) 1966, 356T-3570 TOPIC TAGSt semiconductor bond structure# x ray emission, x ray spectrum, crystal lattice structure, cyclotron resonance ABSTRACT: The results 6f a many-electron theory of the band structure of diamond- like semiconductors previously developed by the author (with K. B. Tolpygo, FTT v. 8, N-56, 1966 and v. 6, 11513, 1964) are used to determine the width of the hole band in Si and Ge. A relation is established on the basis of this theory between the difference in the energy levels of the hole, an the one hand, and the lattice period 1. and with the cyclotron-resonance constants, on the other. This yields values of 18.0 1. and 22.8 ev for the level differences of silicon and germanium, respectively. The most.probable variants of the band structure agreeing with this energy difference are deterniined, It is shown that other investigators obtained much lower energy differ- I- ences and therefore concluded incorrectly that the long-wave "tail" of the spectrum hao'characteriatice different from the chort-vave section. Actually, bath sections Card 1/2 SOURCE CODE: uR/ol8l/66/oo-3-/012/-3-56~/3570 NR- A'P7005843 are components of the ground-state band and are due to transitionr, between the x-ray, and deeper levels of the hole band. The author thanks K. B. Thlpygo for interest in the work. Orig. art. has: I figure and 2 formulas. SM CODE: 2o/ smDATE.- L%%y66/ oRiorwi oo3/ oTH REF: ou lJVAROV# O.V.; SOKOLOV,, N.M.j LYAPIN, V.V.; ZHAVORONKOV, N.M. Coefficients of separation of the carbon isotopes C12-._C14 during the equilibrium vaporization of methane. Zhur. VKHO 7 no.6:695-697 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut, imeni L.Ya. Karpova. (gethar6) (Carbon-Isotopes) (Evapoiati6n) LYAPIN, Vasiliy Yeydakimovich;_GIRSHKAH, I.A., red.; FELIDSRTEYN, B.S., ~- [Using slotted baffles as energy-dissipation works] Gasiteli energii v vide proreznykh stenok. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1960. 42 p. (MIRA 13:3) (Hydraulic engineering) If /,i F- ~ ""; . U~- /if - , "; TBMIYAKoVA, L.I.; LYAPIN,, Ye,.-4o r--- - Minutes of the 17th and 18th sessions of the leningrad and leaingrad Province Society of Oncologists. Vop.onk. 3 no.4:506-512 '57. (TumaRs) (MIRA 10:11) Meteorolog'ic~'4'i ib9it.,eadt Vol* 41 NOA 2 February, 1953 Bibliography on Turbulent Exchange 4841;q ~Y~i e5i6.4 Rj2D4_Z&_&j Zavisimost' koefitsianta peremeshivaniia A ve 'rtikallnogo raspredeleftia temperatury vozdukhao-. ependence of the coefficient of mixing on the vertical ~Istribution -of air teaerature.7U.S.S.R. Glavnoe Upravlenit Gidrometeorologicheskoi OIUZhbt, Trudy Rauchno-issledovatell skikh UchrezhdenA Sere lj' Meteorologiia, No. 34j, Fizika Prizemnogo Sloia Atmosferyj P. 3-17, l946)-..fig-) 13 eqsd DW-1. Influence of turbulent -mixing on the temperature of the air, 2, *On t6 translation of energy in the Atmosphere and resulting mixing. 3. Total kinetic'energy transformed into internal and potential energy go a result-. of mixings 4, On the kinetic energy of moving air. 5. Becohd correlation between coefficient of mixing and mixing param'eter." 6. Fornftlla for coefficient of mixinjo .7. Coefficient: of mi-king'with various temperature grad- ieilts in the atmosphere. (Same i.tem as 46-9,, Oct. Amer-ican'116teorological Societyp Bulletin.) . SubJect Headings: 1. Exchange cdofficient. 2. Atmospherl6c turbulen8e.-M; Y q!- tMeti~brological Abstract hB-136 551,551 , VoIA) No~ 2 ebruams 1953 koefitsienta percy -AivardU Unpin, E, S., lzuehefde Bibliography on nykh dymopuskov. /Wlstudy vozdukha pri pomoshchi opyt Turbulent Exchange of coefficient,of mixing of air by mrans of aportmental smoke ejection-7 U,S*S.Rv Glavnon Upravlerde Gidro- ~ - fell met' mX Sluzhby, Trudy Hauchno-issled eorologichew. ova ' Fizika skikh Uchrezhdenii Ser. 1, Meteorologila, No. 34p Prizemnogo Sloiia Atmosforyp p. 69-76,, 19h6. L-figs.p eqsa, DLC -Theoretical and experimental results of tvbulent i mixin tmder varying meteorological conditions and under lying surface conditions as determined from concantration. of smoke found at, varying eleVations and dibiltances fro4.,, the source. (Saira item as 116-8., Octe;#1010, Amerivan I-. Meteorological Societyp Bulletin.)' Subject Headingst 1. Exchange coefficie -1, 2. Turbulence measurement*. 3 Re 4.; 3- Smoke dispersionv t 166T81 LYAPINO Ye. S. USSR/meteorology - Turbulence Sep/Oct 48 "Turbulent Mixing of Air in the Atmosphere," Ye. S. Lyapin "Meteorol i Gidroln No 5., PP 13-23 Derives equation for turbulent mixing of air in the atmosphere. System of differential equations obtained differs from the Fick equation in that j. it Ipr- .L hy]?ekbolic! 3rathblr, ~thlin7.,phriLbolicT.,ji!HoweverI detailed analysis shows solution of both equations ifi numerically close in a number of cases. Sub- mitted 1 May 48. Wil, 166T81 M W- LYAPIU, Ye. S. and YIJDIN., M. I. (Editors) ITV;orks of the Main Geophysical Observatory," 1949 Symposium of nine authors - twelve reports on problems of atmospheric turbulence, B-75897 411-226 ftieteorolegical. Abst. 2 (Hyperbolic tq khtSWO Fab - P953 re"11cliIII trevtme bibLicara-PAY 'n Turbulent Fuhang& SS1.511 rbollebeskom uravnenU vertiltal'nago turbulentatza ebmenA v ittmoders. vertical turbulent exchange In the atmosphere.] IUMLI"W. G-H fia. Trudy. 19(81):05-184. 1950. 2 figL. 8 tefS.. 15+eqi. MC-The TWeadings., 1. Turbulent exchsage 2. Turbalme theory. Z- I -- -- +PIN., YE1!7jr,':1TI---- --~ - - - "Some Properties of the Decompositions of Abelian Groups without Torsion Into Direct Sums" flOn the Decomposition of Countable Abelian Groups Without Torsion Into Direct Sums of Groups of The First Rank", Dok. A1111, 24, No. 1, 1939. Insto. of Math. and Mechanics; Lenin.-rad Univ., C1939-. PIN, r- Mathematical Riview 10 . Vol 14 No l !lapin, R. System's with an Infinite operatio ~. Doklady - ' - . . 49-St (1945). (Rusninn) A UVSSW I W Va (W.S.) 90 Nov. 1953 Ut v be a mapping of an ordered set W of indices into is Algebra given set TI; the set 21 considered together with the map v th d i i ll d d f h l h f h h V2 e s s ca e a wor e set e o t e wor o t ; t engt cardinal of 'A. Given a tranofinite number a, the collection of all words of T? with lengths less, than X. In denoted by 6-(9). An operation Ing Is a.lawillctermining a collection of so-called admissible words of Sk such that to each ad- ible word W is associated'a non-empty subset of 9 In W . called the composite of W and denoted by [W]. A set * gether with an operation defined in it is called a system. If ~D is a subset of a system OJ, the properties of the allb- systelb (fl generated by 0 and a transfinite construction * be the collection for (0 1 are studied, In a system 0, let ~ of all elements not belonging to any composite of a word 4A' of 0. A system 0 belongs to the claw W provided 0-(~.) iH the set of all admissible words of 0; a system 0 of class n- 0 and every element belongs to the class re provi of 0 belongs to the composite of no ntore than one word. A transfinite construction Is given, ylelding'all systems of class r,; furthermore, if a and the cattlinals In and It are bed, a system ~ in r- exists for *11ith WO has airdinal prescri It and the cardinal of the composite of dvery admis,.41)l C word is In. Every subsysteni of a system of 'class r, belongs to re. A mapping #p of a system 19 onto a system ki in called a perfect homomorphism provided, for every word W of the system 10, [jpW]- w[W] (where a natural extension of notation interprets the symbol VM. To each system of class 01 there is a system of class r* which has a Ix-rfect homomorphism onto the given aystem. R. A. Good. tYAP1'N, E. S. AMBRAMMM, 25342 Sistemy S. Neskolbkimi Deystviyami Uchen Zapiski (Leningr. Gos. Ped, In-T Im Gertsena), T. LXIV, 1948, S. 53-72 SO: LETOPIS NO. 3-0, ighS . -6 S Hormd complens of arls"!iLd MS. yanin syste Nank SSSR. Ser. MaLjf, IR uss-,-n; WS ktudy c aviwa ve sys ans, KS umung a unit cit'nient. ~t -Cst -v. 9 134 -no onger ass Normid subsy4teraz ire~ aefitied:asby' Siverceva. [Mat', 4(661, 401-106 (1949). ~vl v-Sbarnik Nis. 2 tllcse to, 5031. CIO ys em, is: a su J.~,A.hcrwal. mplex -a in a a t A i b.%t such that for x; yeA --and k ~kyLK iinplies xk'y.-K,- xkcK_ implies k'K A' K implies. kytx.~ la* the C " YC Inve'r5c X * f et nts are 1. no-i.nal cofapiexes ly imagcs o cme and conve M f~e~any ijocmal ciamplex ~theic im'sts a.corresporu 1'. honiomorl:ibism is onto a (em with unit isin.1f the Sys -6r, zero,:rtspe _1 ivel the ke el,io a ndrmal. subsystefn or ct V. M If JA r mu-, S A 1:1 ideiiij respectivay. i1 4re iys m definexi by taki th - t, tu~fiY-_am1ihilr_ting*- sufti is ng, c ze - uctlo -each At, and g4he- jiroa '4 theb;efic! ~nlcui pri , , - th, ug. e pr u mq 'd -u 66-id till With -lis,a UO f--mPosl 's ki.ld into inde-.1 - Camp= parm The notmatcoinplexis bpitc.6, s and f eAs' d st are studk4.- -id K4 plawL~ (CM T ------- ----- .......... a' V- 7 Sem'sim pie Co m iiiwve CS Sociative VLYS-- 6 - Nauk * R. Ser-A at. 14, - 3 rzvl esdyi Akad. ith an id entity;either is a cyclic grouu with Order one or . , a pri me, or is of order two p or is obtainable by exterior I S. (Russ ft 9 0). ta abliceviated- A (herein to adjunction Of an identit a Semisimple system without , an identity the cat, verse is false. Whenever elements A 3 simple 'pr6vidcd-jt.posses--e* no. system") is called, siimi , in a system A satisfy~ A= A B, the n B is called a rtiat pa normal camIilcxes other-. than J&afs, and single elenitintsi - - - . i identity for A; A k-misimple system is decomp ogable and t . I Compare. eminology in reviews of.carlier paplt~ [sanic t - , uniquely so, As a mutuafly-annihilating sum of indecom. f 15: It! 53, vA., It# 5 l po-sable sculisimple Systems. The faur principal theorems lomo- I, -cmisimple if and Ptily it, it posscsses'no f imiarol j or ideal-hoill(im"or. 4%ther tha hi w i classifyall seniijinifflesYstesils (other than groups) by gi vin Q 41 . q . i n orp I -bed by Rees, upon phisms, The latteris a 142110111T.:aS ( cscn 'try X: C) (10"" ""d sUffiviesit corlditioTis that a system I I ng t - - bIle Of UIC fol(dwi(l f four t : (t) s i i t i i 4 CIE (Vroc- C 1mbr(tT'1 an WC 1'fF 'COICC s6ilgro;ip t ' - cm s n e. conta i n ng Yp p 1~ -in identity; -(2)s,-misimple. containing no ident - I ;.Idc ~,hiloi Sw. 36. -36T.409 (PAO); thek46 2,127). It everycietilent And are ,R1 -f~--ident'ty- hi-a-partialid Littity; (4) 'Zinishaple dLcomp(T. obtain Oc (rday 93 by is eklml'nt~of at , it jc~jst ijile Clentent pot;s4'mijl" fill 11; -Ir(ial In to exterior jdegtft~ A knust. P. System C-M 1. (0j1hjnL:, Park, MCI.). Soul. 4. V (W.9 Vol. I?- Ho 3- Matbematical Reviews may 1954 History U;!(iail~- R. S--~~Ociative systems of all partial trans- *W 6ii:-boklady Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S,) 88, 13-15; errata 92, 692 (1953). (Russian) Etant donn6 un syst6me associatif (- demigroupe), c'est. A-dire, un ensemble U muni d'une multiplication partout d6finie associative, on dira que U est de classe it lorsque les quatre conditions suivantes sont remplies- 1) U admet un 616ment nul 0; 2) ]a produit de deux idempotents diff6rents est toujours 0; 3) pour tout a c 11 if cxiste deux idempotents e, j tels qua ea-aj =a; 4) quels que soient les idempotentse,jilexisteaOOttiqueea=aj=a.OndirtqLic It est de classe Is lorsque, quels que soient x, y E 11, xy =x cu xy = y. Ces deux d6finitions ainsi que celle d'id6al "den~u &ns U" permettent d'6noncer ]as deux caract6riq3tions abstraites suivantes. Pour qua It soit isomorphe au demi- groupe constitu6 par toutes les relations biunivoques Wtm certain ensemble dans lui-mLlme (1a n111ltil)1iMLiO1L 6tAllt identifiWA ]a composition des relations), if faut et if suffit que 11 possWe un id6al dense de classe 11. Potir qLIC 11 Sit isomorphe audeinigroupe constitO par tokes Ics applit-a- tions d'u1n certain ensemble Elans lui-m~nie, if faut et if suffit que 11 possMe un Wal dense de classe Cc dernier r6sultat West qu'une modification d'un r6sultat analugue de WMalcev [Mat. Sbornik N.S. 31(73), 136-151 (1952); ces Rev. 14,3491. J. Riguet (Paris),, .li LYAPIN, Te. S. AxWuwntative elements of associative systems. Ucb. zap. Fed. inst. Gerts. 89:55-65 153. (XIRA 11:3) (Aggregates) U3MyI4AJ9&:tIcs - Fixed points FD-455 Card 1/1 Pub. 64 - 7/11 Author Lyapin, Ye. S. (Leningrad) Title Subgroups in all representations of which the operators possess fixed points. I Periodical Mat. sbor., 34 (76), 289-3o6, Mar/Apr 1954 Abstract Treats a certain class of subgroups which includes in particular such important subgroups as (a) the subgroup of operators of approximation of a complete metric space, and (b) the subgroup of continuous operators using A. N. Tikhonov's principle. Instituticn. : Submitted : March 25, 1953 KAPUSTINA, V.S., redactor; RYBIN, M.V., t6khnichegkiy redaktor. [Course in higher algebra] Ears vysshei algebry. Izd.2-~, perer. Koskva. Goo.uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo Kinisteretva proeveshchaniia RSFSR, 1955. 367 P. .'4AIgebra) (KIaA 9:5) ~ - - : , ~ ~ ~ ,--" , - - - ~. r " , -, - , where TI, and V, are both cyclic, then M-Us, Z, 11 alid for Ali M; s0s we have OIMI-OIA12 if and7lnly if 03MI-02Aft, The uniquely determined cyclic subsemi- group TZI of W is called the nucleus of Vt. Two semigroops W, and W% having nuclei Tit and TI, resp. are called conju- gate if there exists a subscinigroup of It, containing SY11 and _W -versa. Art explicit descriptioa Isomoiphic ith'W-, and vice is given of. every semigroup which is conjugate with some member of PQ. Two classes Q, and Q, of.semigroups contain- ing nuclei are 611ed conjugate if each member of Q, is conjugate with one and,.to within isomorphism, only one member of Q2. and vice-verBa. The main theorern then is: a c lass of sentigroups is a basic class of P if and only if it is conjugatewith Po. A. IT Clifford (Baltim6re, Md.). _4 W"I ~' MW 'M LYAPIN. Te, S. fmft~ -,ell. * Abstract characJmristice of certain transformation senigron'Pso Ucho zap.Ped.inst. Gerts.103:5-28 '55. (VLU 100) (Groups. Theou of)