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T Z 1~SO Rvionstrul,ti,~;n of the I i,0 b:cc=rIz, rill- - Dzerzhinskill Me-1-a-ijurgic.31 Plant. F-311 24 147 164. 12 1. Dreprovsk.-, m,~nalbirgle~eqkiy Dzerzh~inok,go~ GUSEV, Yu. (Moskva); LOBACREV Yu (Kaluga) - MOVCHIKOV, N. (Tambov-); BEFUES, N. (Baku); Ouhls, Ye. ?Vill,yusi; LPEEM, V. (Riga); NOGUIA. (Sevastopol Q;UL' Y;IIEI;KO,N. (Mt~ skaya, obl.); ZELID121, Ye. (Leningrad); CHIBIRYACHKO, V. (Severomorsk); SIMCITOV, V. (Orel); ZHBAITOV,, Ye. (Ivanovo); VOTLOKHM, B. (Grozn-yy); MAKASHEV, M. (Leningrad); MAMEDOV, V. (Balashov); GORDOV, V. (Yevpatori7a); ,-V.,jPeverodonet Exchange of experience. Radio no.3*.1,37,44,51,53,54p55.,56..58 61 Mr164 NIRA 17171 GRRISHTF111, V.I.,, Anzh.; LYARTS, Y-U.Ya.v inzh.; POLYAKOV, G.P.9 inzh. C6ntactlass relay of active back c-urrpnt. Ele"rotekhrdka 36 no.jt29-30 YL- t-45. WIRA 18&6) MOISIMt D.Te; LYAMIO1W, Me Automatic building up of 2Khl3 steel on fittings. Biul. tekh.- ekon, Inform, no,4:19-21 158, (KIRL l1t6) (Mleatrio welding) AU THORS and Orlov, I.N. B0"1/51-7-3-16/21 an TITIE: The Effect of'glectrical Pre-History ofElectro-Phosphor on the Characteristics of its Emission vhen Excited with Short Voltage Pulses, PIERI OD I C& L iOptika i spelctrookopiya, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 3, pp 398-406 (USSR) ABSM.CT- The paper reports the results of an experimental study of the dependence of the emission characteristics of an electro-phosphor on parameters of the electric field which has acted on the phosphor before the particular moment considered. The phosphor was excited with square voltage pulses from a special generator shown schematically in Fig 1. This generator consisted of four parallel circuits and had two outputs by means of which several Independently controlled series of pulses could be produced. A photomultipliar FEU-19 was used as the receiver of electroluminescence. Two wide-band oscillographs were used: one to record 'the voltage pulses and the other the corresponding light pulses. Phosphors of ZnS-Cu(Fb,Gl) and ZnS-Gu,Cl types were used. They were placed together vdth a solid organic dielectric (total thickness Card 1/4 30-100 ji) between the plates of a capacitor. One of these plates was made of transoarent conducting glass and the other was a layer of an SOV/51-7-3-16/21 The 3ffact of Electrical Pro-History ofAgloctro7ftosphor on the Characteristics of its Emission when Excited with Short Voltage Pulses aluminium. The capacitance of the combined layer was about 100 pF/cm2 in this paper the authors used the term "brightness" in the sense of the magaituds of the electric signal at the photomultiplier, which was proportional to the light flux reaching the photo-cathode of the multiplier. When +he phosphor was excited with consecutive voltage pulses of the am@ amplitude, polarity and period, a light pulse was observed corresponding to each voltage pulse. Bach light pulse was found to consist of two peaks- a "front" peak occurring at the moment of the voltage rise and a "rear" peak corresponding to the fall of voltage (Fig 2). The ratio of the heights of the two light peaks ms found to depend strongly on the period of the exciting voltage pulses and on temperature. When voltage pulses of 10 see repetition. period were used the "front" peak practically disappeared (Figs 3-5). It also disappeared when temperature was raised to 7071000C (Fig 6). The higher the phosphor tempersture,the faster the decrease of the "front" peak amplitude -with increwso of the voltage 15ulso repetition period (Fig 7). The pulse generator of Fig 1 vas also used to apply three series of pulses (Fig 8) aitaultaneously or in pairs. These combinations of pulses were usod for a more detailed study of the nature of the light pulse. The results are Card 2/4 an SOV/51-7-3-16/21 'i- :~ffoct of El-~ctrical Pra-HiGtory of.,Electro-Fhosphor on the 'Wharactaristics of it~,; T,iission v~han -,-,xcited 7,ith Short Voltage Pulses shmm inFigs 9-17. From general cons id erations of electrolumineicoric~i of poly-ar.y4tallins phosphors (Rafs 12, 13) and from, the experLmantal datez .,eationed above, the authors deduced the following explanation of the ~~L,t*)Pearance of t-:.,o peaks in the light pulses. i,t the mo.:ient ofi ,.ijlplic,ttion of the first voltage pulse the -trong field proaucad in a axcit,~..tion ragion -crdnsfers liberated electrons from this region into a cion-oxcited portion of the crystal or to the surface of a 7rain -t-,,hich it; directed toi-.,ards tha positive electrode. ":uch electrons are ca-pturad by shallo-w or deep capture levels ar 11 id by radiationlezb trinsition centreG" or they ascapa to the positive electrode. 'then the field iG re~aovad (the 17iil ;nd of the voltage pulse) the field produced by the positive space civLrGe in the excitation region acts on the crystal. Eluctrons which are then in tha conduction zone return rapidly under -,~ho action of the apace-charge field into the excitation rerion and recombine Bath ionized eiaission centreG. In this vay the "rear" peat., of the lijit pulse in proctuced. Saito aleezrons liberated on oxcit-,tion carmot raturn during this puriod, e.G. electrons at deep capture levelz or thooe inio, ad by "radiationless transition centres". Gonsequently ;;~, r", 3/'l I) An 6OV/51-7-3-16/'21 of 3lactrical Pro-History ofABlectro-Phosphor on tha 0.1varacteristicr, cf iz!; Z~~iasion -~~hen Excited rith 2hort Voltage Pulses ttt zufficiently small repetition periods of the volta-go pulses anc _odarate -blhoro vill ba a Ltrto noamb3r of ionized nA centr.D6 in t1lo exciVition rogion at the moment of application of th,; na.xt Volta-!o (of -:he sariia polarity as tha-, of the -first ~:u I % o Tl-.~- vo~tl-a libarates electrons v.,hich can racoubiro vith th-jjo ioni7ed can-cres. i~ucft recombination mav cnntinue until t Y P-IGe -,,lcn8 tha -.-:hola of the "old" excitation rer;iou, i . j . 1', nlli 1 it r3achos Its ~A",11 Ratilitude. As a result of this recorubinatim. the pj~,CIZ of lir,),t pulse is produced. There are 17 figur;.~& 1 i.,, ~-afo._....ncos , 1 of -,thich i s Sovitit and 13 English "'ov.3fibor 12, l'),58 25962 S/18 60100-0101-110011-201 -dc) D053YD113 (/137,,//3 7J AUTHORSt Lyamichev, I.Ya.; and Orlov, I.N. ---------- TITLE. Luminance control in the "electroluminophor - ferroelectric" circuit using triglycine sulfate (TGS) monocrystals PERIODICAL: Tekhnika kino i televideniya, no. 11, 1960, 26-36 TEXTs The application of ferroelectric materials to control the image brightness in a nonvacuum electroluminescent device of the television-screen type is studied. The study is primarily concerned with the investigation of those properties of ferroelectric capacitors made of triglycine sulfate kTGS) monocrystals which are related to the luminance control of the lumi- nophor in accordance with the magnitude of the applied signal. The prin- ciple of ferroelectric control action in the "electroluminophor - ferro- eiLeotric" circuit lies in the steep capacity change in the ferroelectric capacitor when a control voltage is superposed across it. This capacity change causes a redistr'ibution of the alternating voltage among the circuit elements and a corresponding change in the electroluminophor luminance. The basic characteristics of the control action of a ferroelectric capacitor are (1) the coupling between the ferroelectric capacitance, or the alter- Card 1/3 25962 S/187/60/000/011/001/001 Luminance control ... D053/Dll3 nating current flowing across it, and the magnitude of the control voltage; and (2) the effect of the alternating voltage on the ferroelectric capaci- tance. Experiments were conducted with the TGS capacitors supplied by the Laboratoriya I.S. Reza (I.S. Rez Laboratory) where the triglycine sulfate was also developed. TGS capacitors were connected in series or in parallel with Uhe electroluminophor in the screen element and then tested at various values of the do control voltage. The results obtained indicated that the pr.-)blem of the image brightness in a multi-element electroluminescent screen can be solved by using TGS monocrystals. The ferroelectrics of the barium titanate type can also be utilized in electroluminescent indicators with reduced requirements for image brightness and brilliancy. At the present time, the use of ferroelectrics in electroluminescent screens can be based only on the electric storage, for which special switching circuits must be designed. This complicates the design and the manufp-'.ure of a multi-ele- ment screen. -A "physical storage" would have simplJ ed the design but, unfortunately, the phenomenon itself and the ways 01 Lts utilization are still unknown. There are 13 figures and 6 referencest 4 Soviet-bloc and Card 2/3 Luminance control ... 25962 B/187/60/000/011/001/001 D053/11113 2 non-Soviet-bloc. 'The two references to English-language publications read as followas Rajchman, J.A., Briggst G.R.9 Lo, A.W.p Tran3fluxor Controlled E16atroluminesoent Display Panels. Proo. IRE, 1958, 46, No. 11, 1808-1824; Sadkq E;A., ELr-a N6w Electroluminescent Display. IRE National. Convention Record., part 39 Electron Devices, 19581 PP- 31-39. Card 3/3 22170 S/04 6 /6 1 /02 5! CO t / C ' 5/1) 1 Bic-, I //Ko 1 3 7, //31, AUTHORS t Lyaminhov, 1. Ta., Orlr)v. T IV,, Perehin, G. iwil Taborko, N.. I, TITLE: Experimental Stl-~dy -,f th-) possibility cf rrod-.1cirig IL111ti. component el eo trol Litt I nei3,, eno a a-,~-aratas using f6rrnelootrio materiala PERIODICAL: Izvestlya Akalf--riii r,w,ik SSSR,, 9,-~rlja v. 25v n(-,, 4~ 1961, 492-500 TEXT, The preeent pare-r, has 1,3sn readat the 9;h (Crystal Phosphors), Klyar, jun& 20-25, 1960.. The authors studied apparatus for the reprcd-u~~.Ion cf pic-Lures anJ for Image !ntenaifisra using -:~y examined the possibility of applying ferro- photosemloor.duotorg. Th' aleotric materials (aingle cryntala of trigly.-Arie -aulf ate and ferroeleotric oeramlos of the type "Varikond") for apparatus. Girouits for the measuremq-nt of the characterist1co of ferroelecirlo materials are presented in Fig- 1~ Tl,e diagrams naristruoted therewith are shown in Figs. 2, 3i and 4. The"atoring effent" arialng with larger Card 1/10 8/04fil/61/ 6~21~1780 4/0 1 9/048 Experimental study of... B104/B201 amplitudes of the control o1gral may be 6een from the diagram of Fig.. 4~ As Is shown by 4a, tile depolarization our,~'e depo ziot ceinrAde with the polarization curve of the f arrotA en trio material. A loop. in forood, whose width is the larger, the lqrgEr tht~ control aignal amplit-lds,, In the authors' opinion it Is quitq pcssible that an acourate study may ahow -this 116toring effeot" to be tlsabI6 ff-;r ths, produltion of apparatua with in- formation atorage; oonetru,~ticna of this kind could then tf,- ociisiderably simplified. Pigs 1 pressitts a o1rouit for ttie reproduation of Images, which is free from the dofioieroies of the circuit shown in Fig. 1h (preoikie and durable tuning of the capacity of the ferroolectrio materiall no d1sturbanoe of the oontrol oignal, thanks to separafic-n of the alternating-current o1roult from the oontrol circultj no negative fried- bank between control voltage and brightnesD of the electroluminophore). Fig,. 5 presents the soheme of a mi0ticomponent appuratu:3 In which, using a nonlinear. resistor or a flode layer, one may work nut a compact screen, to whioh~all of Its elements are oonneoted already Ir the course of produotion. FIg. 6, finally, gl~'ezl a ciroultj of a light fAmplifier, for whioh,fL f6rroeleotrio material I:j used. Here, the pbotouemicoriductor is corinected'to a direot-ourrent circuit, wheraby its sensitivity is Card 2/1o 5/048/61/025/004/019/048 .Exper.imental study of... B104/B201 augmented a'ompared with the usual RC voltage divider circuits., Moreover, as it does not serve for transmitting the exciting power to the electro- luminophore the frequency is not restricted by it. There are 6 figures and 10 references: 6 Soviet-bloo and 4 non-Soviet-bloo. Legend to Fig. 1! Soheme of an element of an apparatus for image repro- duction; (a) basic circuit diagraml diagram -without prior oblitera- tion (stiraniye) of the information; M scheme with obliteration. 1) Pulse shape of signal generator P,,,. 2) Pulse shape of signal generator rdo* 0CT is a signal generator giving the signal per line of screen, r C6 a generator, giving Pulses Der column of screen. a) recording pulBej b) obliteration pulse. Card 3/10 34153 S/187/62/000/002/001/001 S-0 o 7/ D053/D112 AUTHOR: TITLE: Elements of the electroluminescent screen PERIODICAL: Tekhnika kino i televideniya, no. 2, 1962, 37-48 TEXT: The author proposes and analyzes various circuits for electrolumines- cent _'.1 jereen elements and makes an attempt to arrange these elements into a multi-element electroluminescent screen. Starting with the basic circuit of the blectroluminescent screen element (Pig. 1), the author analyzes the problems of the luminance control of screen elements, their information storing ability, and their arrangement into a multi-element electrolumines- cent screen. The obtained results indicate that (1) circuits without a nonlinear element have no practical application because they cannot store information. (2) The addition of only one nonlinear resistor is not enough to obtain a sufficiently high increase in luminance due to poor in- formation storage. (3) Combined use of ohmic and nonlinear resistors, Card 46< 34153 S/187/62/000/002/001/001 Element2 o:- D053/D112 connected in-parallel, considerably increases the information storing time and enables the luminance of the screen elements to be increased by several orders of magnitude, as compared with a non-storage screen. A screen mad-? of such elements can be used in multi-element displaying devices with a limited memory. (4) The use of silicon diodes with a large back resistance, as the nonlinear elementsfincreases the information storing to a matter of minutes. However, the use of diodes is not feaGible, because to conneot onc., or two diodes to every screen element would require an impossible ntunber of diodes in the case of high-definition screens. (5) By wiring the screer, elements into a matrix circuit (Fig. 10), the number of leads required can be reduced by Yn- times, where n is the number of screen elements, al- 2 though the design of the screen element would be thereby complicated. Feasible electric circuits require one or two diodes for every screen ele- ment in order to assure a satisfactory storing ability. Such circuits would enable recording and re-recording of information in microseconds. There are 10 figures and 5 references: d Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. Th~- Card 21,k, --J, Elements of ... 341,:)3 S 118,7/62/000/002/001/001 D05~3/D112 English-language reference is: E.A. Sack, ELP - a New Electroluminencent Display, IRE National Conventional Record, 1958, Part 3, 31-39. Card 3Y -26488-66 L -ACC-NRi ~ AP6013067 SOURCE CCDE:. UR/0048/66/03 iO/Oii7 0/004/06 AUMOR: Xylasov.V.A.; Lya mic ev, 1. 'Ia. ,Orlov, 1. N. Pershin.G.G..' Peterimav,sl V Taborko.N.I.; Fok.M.V. ORG: None TITLE: Problems involved in the development of elociroluminescent indicators and image, I conmto-':~1201epo*rt, Fourteenth Conference on Luminescence held in'Rian 16-23 September SOURCE: AN'SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskays, v. 30, no. 4, 1966 620-627 TOPIC TAGS: real time data display, image converter, electroluminescence,, e4-r,44-1 #0 -J AII-A;~, r A131TRACT: The.pa is devoted to ageneral discussion of the problems involved In development of electroluminescent display screens (matrix screens) and clectro- luminescent converters of visible and x-ray images. In conjunction with the screens it is indicated that current research is aimed at increasing the peak brightness of electroluminescent phosphors (important because the average viewing brightness is a function of th6 maximum brightness multiplied by the excitation time of a screen element and divided by the interval:betweon successive activations) and development of means for realization of information storage on or -for the screen. Approaches to enhancement of brightness are Improvement of the composition of phosphors and electro- forming, which involves application of an ac or depotential to the electroluminescent L 26488.66 ACC NR: AP6013067 capacitor while the binder (paraffin) is solidifying. Realization of storage Is con- nected with development of approapriate control circuitry, including external storage components. A block diagram of a control circuit for a matrix screen with external storage is shown In a figure. Research in the field of image converters Is being carried out along the lines of improving the parameters of photoconducting powdered materials in the visible and x-ray regions, theoretical and experimental determination o,f the optimum operating conditions for converters of different design, design develop- ment and improvement of the technology of image converters. A table gives a series of formulas that should be useful in designing now image.converters. Mention is made of work on development of tubes for converting ultrasonic -images to visible images. Motographs reproduced in the text show a converter image of a TV test pattern and images of x-ray pictures of some vacuum tubes and electronic components displayed on a 200 cm2 screend Orig.-art. has: 14 formulas and 5 figures. SUB CCDE: 09)2.0/ SIM DATE: 00/. ORIG REP:' 005/ OM RV: 004 Card 2L2 L 26488-66 ACC NRt AP6 013067 capacitor while the binder (paraffin) is solidifying. Realization of storage Is con- nected with development Of approapriate control circuitry, including external storage components. A block,diagram of a control circuit for a matrix screen with ektornal storage is shown In a figure. Research in the field of image converters is being carried out along.the lines of Improving the parameters of photoconducting powdered materials In the visible and x-ray regions, theoretical and experimental determination of the optimum operating conditions for converters of different designp design develop mentland improvement of the technology of image converters. A table gives a series of formulas that should be useful in designing now image converters. Mention is made of work an development of tubes for.converting ultrasonic images to visible images. Photographs reproduced in the text show a converter image Of a TV test pattern and images of x-ray pictures of some vacuum tubes and electronic components displayed on a 200 cm2 screen. Orig.'art. has: 14 formulas and 5 figures. SUB CCDZ: 09,2-0/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REP: 005/ OM REP: 004 Card 2/2 VOWVZK, M.P.; IXAEIC~ Studying the electrocolloidal properties (isoelectric point) of udder cells in cows with regard to sge, productivity, and breed. Uch. zap* MiGU 791-55-62 '57- (MMA 1!: 11) I* Kafedra darvinizma i genetiki KharIkovskogo posudarstvennogo universitetae (cows) (Udder) LY,'J:I-.N', A. A. , En~. ; A. A. heaL-ing Pipes ~f' L 'Aroitu` I.-tvo :'(-). 2, 1953. U3im~ larr-e Dlock cunsLruction in 1,,Iyi.,;r . I ~ -1 I lonthly LLL of Au3sian Accessions, Library of Conjre3~;., Jime 1.95'. Uncl. M LYAMIN# A., inzhener, *WWAWM5~ Construction of Zhil.-kom. khos. laureat Stalinskoy premii; DAVIDYAM, N.. inzhener. immicipal central heating systems and their operation. 3 no.5o&21-24 My '53. (KWU 6;7) (Heating from central stations) LTAMIN, A.A., laureat StalinBkoy premii; DAVIDYANTS, N.M., inshener. vqM"W9wtSwwMt- Industrial methods of laying heating system netvorks. Binl.stroi.tekh. 10 no.16:1-3 0 153. (KT.RA 6: 11 ) (Heating from central stations) --- LYAMID, A. A., Eng.*- AKS&NOV, IM. A., Eng. Moscow - Heating from Central Stations Experience with the operation of wideivater central-boating tunnel. Gor. khoz. ,.!oBk. 27, No, 2, 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. DOIDYANTS, N.M., Inzhener; LYAXIN, A.A., inshonor, laureat Stalinskoy premii. Manicipal underground utilities tunnels and their efficient construction. Gor.khox.Mosk. 27 no. 3:16-20 Xr '53- (KI-RA 6;5) (Hoscow-Hanicipal engineering) MAVIMANTS, U.N.. inzhener; MAKIN, A.A.. inshener; HURATIN, A.T., inshener. Riperience, in constructing a city vater reservoir by industrial methods* Gor.kho%~Koak. 28 no.4:23-28 Ap 154. (XLRA 7:6) (Water-storage) L- Y1941 its("A'4- DATIDTANTS, N.M., inzhener; LTAMIN, A.A., inzhener, laureat Stalingkoy premii; PARFENOV, ' Construction of savage conduits using large reinforced concrete blocks. Stroi.prom. 32 no.4:35-38 Ap '54. (MLRA 7:5) (Bowers, Concrete) Subject USSR/Engineering AID P - 507 Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 21/27 Authors Skvortsov, A. A. and Lyamin, A. A. Title New type of pipe line expansion compensator Periodical Neft. Khoz., V. 32, #6, 76-78, Ju 1954 Abstract The authors discuss pipe expansion fittings of various types and the "S" and U" types of expansion compensa- tors. Examples of computations are presented for the IIS11 type compensators. 4 drawings and 3 Russian references (1935--1953). Institution : None Submitted : No date UVIDYAM inshener; LYANIN,A.A., inshener, laureat Stalinakoy premil, Concrete conduits for underground service pipes mad4 of Drecast reinforced ribbed concrete blocks. Rats. i isobr.predl.-v stroi. no-90:3-10 '54. (XLRA 8:10) (Concrete conduits) ~ Ii i, ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~ -"tI - , ~ - . , --! -I- , --~ D&VIDrANTS,N.M., inzhener; LYAHIN.A.A., inshener, laureat Stalinskoy premii. -.; Precast Droduotion of seva&q condalts made of large reinforced concrete blocks. RatsA isobr.Dredl. v stroi. uo.�0:11-1? 154. (Severe, Concrete) (MLRA 8:10) DAVIDUhRS, N., LYAMIN, -A. -, ,~- ~~' ~, ~~: Precast reinforced concrete for building undorgi-ound conduits. Zhil.-kem.khes. 5 no.8:17-19 '55. OCLU 9: J) 1. Rudovoditel' masterskoy No. 6 "Mospodzemproyekta" (for Devi- dyants); 2. #achal''ik Sektora inshonernykh sooruzheniy "Mose- norgoproyekta" (for Zamin). (Concrete conduits) DAVDTANTS,N.M., Inihener; LTAKIN,A.A., Inzhener. laureat Stalinskoy premli Experience in designing and building city sewage conduits made of precast reinforced concrete. Gor. khos. Nook. 29 no.6:25- 30 Je '55. (IMA 8:8) (Koscow--Sewers, Concrete) 14(6). SOV/112-59-1-342 'Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 1, pp 46-47 (USSR) AUTHOR: Lyamin TITLE- Built -up Construction of Underground Heating Pipelines in the Mosenergo Heating Network PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. soveshchaniya po proyektir. i str-vu teplovykh setey. M.-L. , Gosenergoizdat, 1956, pp 106-119 V, ABSTRACT: A pipeline laid in reinforced-concrete half-cylinders with a rockwool insulator was the first built-up pipeline construction used In Moscow in 1948. A reinforced-concrete conduit construction with a rockwool insulator was realized in 1952-1953; it was factory built and required mechanical blowing of wool into the ring gap between the pipe and the outer conduit. A stretch of asbestos-cement pipeline developed by VTI was also tried. Conduit-type pipe- lines greatly aid in adapting industrial methods for c6nstructing the heating networks. In case of tunnels, substitution of concrete blocks for brick masonry Card 1 /Z SOV/112-59-1-342 guilt-up Construction of Underground Heating Pipelines in the Mosenergo . . . . aids in the same direction. Built-up reinforced -concrete construction consisting of large units has been developed for semi-passageway and passage- way tunnels; the unit-type reinforced-concrete rings are intended for medium- size conduits. Joint-service municipal tunnels consisting of finned reinforced- concrete blocks, intended for heating pipelines and other underground lines, must be regarded as an achievement. Reinforced-concrete ring-unit manholes for small-size and medium-size conduits came into usage in 1951. Finned wall blocks are being planned for large-size manholes. Tables are presented of the cost of 2-pipe heat lines for different laying constructions and pipe diameters. It is stated that a conduit pipeline is the most rational type of underground heat line. Suspension-type thermal insulation in medium-size tunnels should be confined to pipeline bends because of its high cost. Semi-passageway tunnels should be used only in those locations where the heating system cannot be opened for inspection and repairs. M. L. Z. Card 2/2 [IN, A.A. low industrial design for heating pipes. Vod.i san.tekh. no.3: 5-7 Nr 156. (Heating pipes) (MLRA 9:7) ~LYAMINj A,A., Inzhenere ... .... .- Industrial design for heating pipelines. Gor.khoz.Mosk-30 no.3:26-28 Mr 156. (Heating pipes) (MIRA 9:7) jJYAR ,jazbener; *KVORTbL)Y, Aleksandr Aleksandro- vich, kandidAt tekhaicheskikJi naulc: I)AVIDYAW6, N.M., inzhener, nauch:qy redsk-tor; NIYXffAGI, D.K.. redaktor izdatellstva; TOKER. A.Y., tekbnicheski7 rQdaktor [structural components of heating networks made of precast reinforced concrete] Stroitellnye konstruktaii teplovykh setel iz sbornykh zhelezobetonnykh detalei. Moskva, GozAzd-vo lit-ry po stroit. I arkhits, 1957- 135 P. (HLRA 10:10) (Heatizkr , pipes) (Precast concrete) 04---0 LYAHIN. A.A., inzhener; AKMWOV, M.A., inzhener. Wing heating pipes over bridges., Gor. khoz. Mosk. 31 no.2:10-14 7 '57. (MI2A 10:4) (Reating pipes) LYAMIN.I Guaranteeing water supply to concrete-conveying platforms. Pozh.delo 3 no-10:9-10 0 '57- (MM 10:11) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika TJDravleniya pozharnoy okhrany Stalingrad- gidrostroya. (Stalingrad--Hydroelectric power stations-Fires and fire prevention) ZAKRARENK0, S.Ye., inzh.; SFIALINOV, A.P.i kand. tektin.nauk; TUSHKIN, A.R., inzh.; FILIPONOV, V.A.i inzh. 0STALITSEV, P.P. The technical and economic expediency Of the simultaneous installation of underground equipment by engineering teams. Gor.khoz.Moak. 31 no.11:30-35 N 157. (MIRA 10-12) l.Mosenergopr07ekt (for Lyamin). 2.Mosteplosetletroy (for Zakhar- chenko), 3aMospodzemprovekt (for Shallnov, Yushkin, Filimonov, (Municipal engineering) IOPATINq B*V*; LTAKINg A*Av Canalless installation of heating pipelines In a sand and cement filling. Vod. I san. tekh. no.12:14-19 D 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Heating pipes) LYAjj;j laureat Stalinakoy premii. lowering construction costs of hisating networks. Gar. khoz. Moak. 32 no*5W-19 My '58- (MIRA 11:5) (Heating pipes--Costs) (Moscow-Heating from central stations) --ZYAMIN A.A.- SKVOIITSOV, A.A. Measures for economical use of metals in the construction of heating systems. Vod. i san.tekh. nn-1:25-27 Ja '59. (14IRA 12: 1) (Heating pipes) AUTHOR I Shpoyer, X.O. (Engineer) SOY/96-59-6-19/22 T=s Conference on the Construction of Thermal Systems (Soveshchanlys po voprosam stroiteilstva toplovykh setey) PERIODICAL9 Teploenergetika, 1959, Ir 6, pp 90-91 (USSR) ABSTILCTI An All-Union Conference on the construction of thermal $73tGMS was hold in Moscow on the 11th - 13th March; it was convened by the Moscow Directorate of the Scientific- Technical Society of the Power Industry (District Heating Section). Representatives of the Acad.Sci. USSR GOBSTROY U3SR, GOSPLLS USSR, Councils of Nationai 1conmy, design, operating, W erection Organisation$, And educational and research Institutes participated in the conference. Thirteen reports were read and a number of communications were a" 0 Yo.Ya. Sokolov read a report on 'The present stat; ihd_TUtdf"apro3poOt3 Of distri t heatings. The reports b3r Zngineer S.J.. ZWd.renko of Mostoplosat,3troy and Ingineer-AL.A. Gerbko (MOSP-OdZM3 troy) dealt with the used for a roil6i-of- methods of laying heating systems- Engineer A.I card 2/2 01- (Glayleningrads troy) doe cribed the -71Tf-icult conditions of laying heating systems in Leningrad. The report of CW.Tech.Sel. A.A. Skvor30T of the kll-Uiiion Thermal-Technical IWt1tot-e5M-eTT6d-=~ need to mechanist the construction of heating systems sa far as possible. Engineer A.A. 1_vamin- described the use of roady-n-TIN"PITIM sf MosenersoproYakt cod concrete ducts for the construction of large diameter beat supply pipes. Cand.Toch.Sol. V.P. ViUllye of ORGRZO discussed costs of dif ::t1mothods or making heating system. Engineer M 0 r of Toplatiektroproyekt discussed the ce 8trongth of different typ*s'of heating supply system construction. The Conference noted the no" to Introduce new types of oonstmotlon and thermal Insulation. The Conference requested various responsible bodies to test a number of now types of oanstructlon. Other Card 2/2 detailed "oommoodatloom war* made. 2bers art so film"@, no roforono*o. V/~7 V LYAMIN, A.A.) inzh.., laureat Stalinskoy premii Laying large-diameter heat mains in Moscow. Energ. stroi. no.3:27-32 (13), 1960. (MIRA 14:91) 1. Trest "Mosenergoproyekt". (M6scow-Heating pipes) LYLMIN, A.A. BReference book of beating systems" by 8.]C.Zakharenko. Reviewed by A.AsLiamin, Vod.i san.tekh. no.7:37-38 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Heating pipee) LYAMIN, A.A* Increasinv the reliability of work of t-Fat conduits. Vod. i san. tekh. no.].'29-31 Ja '61. (1-MU 14- (;) (HeatinF pipes) I ; --- LYA14IN, A.A., inzh.; FILIPPOV, M.F., inzh.; DAVIDIAMS, H.M., inzh. Use of precast reinforced concrete in the construction of heat- supply networks. Vod. i san. tekh. no.6.-25-28 Je 162. (MIM 15:7) (Pipep Concrete) (Precast concrete construction) DAVIDYANTSp N M.; VULIF, L.A.; LYAMIN, A.A. Economic problems of the construction of utility condnits for underground structures. Gor. khoz. Mosk. 35 no.11:1,','2' N ,61. (KRA 16!7) (Moscow--Underground construction) BERESTOVp A.V% (Head District Veterinary Doctor)) IERESTOV., V.A. (Candidate of Veterinary Sciences),, KLYAPISHEV., I.A..,SHARMAMU., V.I. and MAKAROV) N.V. (Veterinary Doctors).. BUWWBIN, S.A.p BUCHINOV, I.N.j, LYANINJI-~.Y FEDOROVJ I Yu. I., and FZMDNOV, I. Ya. (Veterinary Yedical Assisi-an-ts, L111yanov Gblastl., Terentullsk District) - "Protein hydrolysates in dispepsis, in nevborn calves..." Veterinariyap vol. 39., no. 31 March 1962 pp. 71 K04GARKOP uchastiye-, BOKHON, Yu.A. Perfoeman--:e cf scruboer-, a --ackIrg ase-, as ~lame- intercepting de-iice in ac-etylene pipes. prom. no. 4- 275-282 AP 164, QIIRA 1?:?~ 1. in 61itut Whimil c lie 3k,-y f1ziki At, Gosudarotvunnyy projeknyy i nauchno-i s s Iedovate 1 'sic -4y :i t-, tut promyshlennost! sinteticheskogo kaunhlika. KOGARKO, S.M., doktor ,takhn.nauk; BORODULIN, A.A.; BOKHON, Yu.A.; KOMAROV, .4 MXHAYLOV V.A.; SVISTUNOV, V.G. V.N.k_~ ~N _AG Y Propagation of the chemical reaction zone in acetylene in large diameter pipes. Khim.prom. no.7i496-501 J1 t62. (HIRA 150) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR i Gosudarstvennyy institut po, proyektirovaniyq zavodov kauchiikovoy promyshlennosti. (Acetylene) (Gas pipes) (Combustion) ,0-jKvalLj,YA9-1N, A.,~i. (Moskva) i. V. (1q KNGARKO.? S.M. ADI)SHKIII) datonatinn of gaaacun rLizVln,2. 4p 9.07 a -Tzry-va no.2,.2:1--34 165- L 451 E1VT(m)/EPFjc)/EWP(J)/T/EWA(c) RFL WW/,Tff/J'ND/WE/RM L 451E ACC NR, AP5026063 SOURCE CODE- 'UR/0405/65/006-/002 0022/0034 AU7HOR: Kogarko, S. M. (Moscow); Adushkin, V. V. (Moscow); Lyamin, A. G.' 11.1,00cow) ORG:, none .4 TITLE: Study of spherical detonatiA in gas mixtures SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhnicbeskiye probleoV goreniya i vzryva, no. 1965, 22-34 TOPIC TAGS., detonation, combustion, combustion instability. deflagratianto detonatior' transition, spherical detonation ABSTRACT: A comprehensive experimental study'by high-speed photography and pressure 'c L _c r Irecor.,dings was made with mixtures of air or oxygen withimethanelipropane, and acety lene lene o determine the properties of spherical detonatiorr2wt s induced by plane s ock waves and explosive charges, and to investigate conditions of deflagration-to- shoc detonation transition by electrical ignition. The Stoichiometric mixtures in plastic balloons 0.7 to 3 m in diameter were detonated by 1-1000-g tr,Lt_yl 71cbexges an d by means of a normal shock.wave which entered the center of the ballooA through a conical attachment connected to the line used to fill the balloon or ignited el"ectri- cally by means ofa tungsten wire located in the center. Pressure recorders were placed inside the balloon and also in the surrounding atmosphere. The explosive- charge and shock-vave energies required to obtain a steady detonation wave were tab- ulated. Mixtures of propane and methane with air burned normally at velocities of Card 1/2 UDC: 536.46+534.222.2 L 4518-66 ACC NRs. AP5026o63 I 1 .1 1 m/sec. Methane-o.Vgen mixtures produced accelerated combustion and a maximum speed of 200 m/sec was obtained 18 jAzec after ignition Propane-oyygen mixtures produced a very fast transition to 'detonation and 1.5-io-3 see after ignition a deto- nation speed.of 2300 m/sec was attained. This Imrge difference in reactivity between the. prop sne-oxygen and the methane-oxygen mixtures is attributed to kinetic factors. Orig. art. has: '11 figures and 1~ formulas. SUB COIS: P P, A115,)iOLMM DATE., IlFeb65/ ORIGG REF.-. oo6/ OTH REF: 002/ ATD PRESS.-q/30 Card 2/2. 0010 KOGAR KO S.M.; Lytq-!J~, ;, I -- - - LYJ`j-'Mj 1~. T. 'dine and Wine Makimg Contirmous Droduction method in primiary winernal-inf~-. Vin. cz1,R -2-2 no. 5, I U--t LI,,- -:). Vonthl Lict of Russian Anceosionc, Lilbrry of Con(,ress, Allo-ust, 1r,,"2. ' 'CT 7~2TFL; LYU-1111, A. 1. 2. USSR (600) 4. Viticulture 7. Laying out new vineyards in the "Massandra" Combine. Vin. SSSR 13, No. 4, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aoril- 1953. Unclassified. PHASE I BDOX EXPLOITATKON S07/3528 Moscow. Don nauchno-takhnLaheakoy P'ropag&ndi priveneni" uI'trjLzvuka v promyshlennoati; obornIk :t&ter (rn- austria use of Ultrisound, Collection Of Article ) Moscow, P"h&Lxo 19". 301 P. 8,0M copies printed. < i SpoceorL" Agency. 0b8hQh&&tv1o po rasprostranonlyu politlahooklkh I asucharkh xnanly ASF38- Rd. (Title page)% V.I. Nozdrov, Doctnr of Physical and Kathommatleal 3clonces, Professor; Ed. (Inside book). 0.F. K3chotOva, Engineorl Teoh. rA.1 V.D. El-kind. Vionaging Ed. for LiterStUre on Machinery and Instrumient Kanufaoturing (K44hSit)t N.V. Pokrovskly. Engineer. .LTAPM; This b3a Is intonled for engineers and toonnIcLans enMed k in the agpitcation or ultrasonic& In m"hiner7 tatturacture and IA other branches of Industry. COVZUGIS Ttda I.$ a collection of Vapors read at the first &IL- Union conference on the use of ultrasonics in industry. Attentlom ' - * -- I t and " n p is focused mvlmly an the description of altrasonic eq~Tl ultrasound for the sadchining of hard =storlmls aml an the use Cr for flaw date tion, The Offset of ultrasound On A*tAl-CrrXtftll&- o tiou pra4momea Is also discussed. No personalities are mentioned. Reforences, accOmpany zany of the papers. K1tamrQdfik1Y,-YU-L, Engineer; and t.0 Candidate of huicAl Sciences. Ultrasonic RquIPment for Iiidustrial Appllc&- -tionx-C -- - - 64 Rarkov .17- d&iididAtq or Technical Sciences, Docent. . Design -EM-COLii~;tIon of Vibrators for Ultrasonic poAchInln, T? Bulyehava, I.N., Condid&to of Technical Sciences, yqT~Guovjch~ - - sciences; and Xa.P. sellaskly. C,,dj&'jCj of Nchnlc&l &-tenced. Magnetic Alloyi-tar-111fij" -d-=c Applic'- t1ons 91 Engineer. Methods of Making Design Calelsti.n. --r0-eUF--TYPo Exponential Ultrasonic Coricentrator, 102 GOIY&,""# I.?. use or verrites as Ultr&aonIc-W&v. Redlato r3 115 SOzvnhIkdv-s Ta-B., Znglneer. Method or Transforining Input Res,._ -tundli-Qt A, T--Bir RadiAtor 125 slrOtruk..".. EngLneer. Kitching X Generator or Electric -6iCUI&tIons With & Q,'Akrtl' Radiator DIrvcQy Co~~td Ulth tb. Ciromit 129 characterl3tlCl Of the Ultrasonic Kichin- In& of Metals . 136 Flearovskir, M.M., Candidate Of Technical Sciences., &nj -jMff5--. _A_& Y- 2&;Veri;mce Onined at the Lerdngrads;cly Metalliche.L'ij Z&vc;d (IAW-ngr&d MOt-I-Plod..tb Plant) in the mtr"Qnic Drilling or Hales in Quartz Plates 146 -1VJ1W1vnkQ-t,Ye.. Doctor of T~chnjcaj Sclenceso Professor; X~J-- -X- Ml=mk". &~qinaarj and V-0. AVOr'yan.,va. some Problems in tre of Mattrerjjjy-- 149 Tsumln--X-1.. Candidate of physical and M.tbdmaticel Sciences. Er )r Elastic Vibrations on the Crystallization an,3 procasaln'~ Properties of Alloys 163 Bagd&s&rov,jq3.s- Candidate of Che~~jcal 3cleniez. rxfect or Mtra.onI6 Vit~jotjona on the Process of Cr;rxt&llI=&tion 175 ~hr&Zb~r--o.s.-candiaato or Technical sciences. Ul t ras on I Flaw 1swiection 184 Ydr=019-Y-1.1f- Engineer. Ultrasonic ln3tru=enta De-Ve1cpad by 'n-MliTXASh for the Mcs4urement of Thickness and Prujuct Contl 011 &Ykh~.v& K.11- Candld4tO or Tuchnic&l Sciences. Ujtrsa,~nic De- tection of Plawa In Kaaalve Welds 223 Ye,Vrav,-N.X Ultrasonic Inspection or case Depth In ElectricalIj -ViMened steel Products 240 Blbkln, K,V.,En&jncer. Design of Piezoelectric Tramoducers r~r 'U7trasohlo Flaw DetectorB 253 KONDRASHOVA, G.P.; LTAMIN B.N -', Semiautomatic progrwa-controlled line for ultrasonic cleaning of parts. Biul.tekh.-okon.inform.Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i takh.inform. 16 no.8:27-29 163. (MIRA 16t.10) A.I. KOVALLV, S.A.; LYA Study of migration relatione of cities of the U.S.S.R. VOP-geog- no-38:196-210 '56. (MLRA 9,9) (Cities an& townS.-Growth) (Migration, Internal) LAVROV, V.P.; LYAMN, B.A.; PARAMONOV, A.N.i ROMMIOV, B.M.; SHMATKO, B.A. Apparatus frr sight-guided trawling within various depths, (Reanologiia 3 no.1:137-142 163. (HIRA 17:2) 1. Kalingradskoye otdoleniye Morskogo gidrofizicheskogo inatituta A14 SSSR. ROKOTYAN, U.S., doktor tekhn.niuk,, prof.; 7,HUKEVICH-STOSHA, Ye.A.; SOLOVIYEV, O.P 4 LYAMIN-i N , SAPOZHNIKOVj A.Ya.; LIPUKHIN, ..j Lis V.A.; KOGOS, A: laivffi :V.V., retsonzent; KARFMAN, M.A., nauchn. red.; PODCHUFAROVA,'S.I., red.; KOGAH, F.L., tekhn. red. (Modem rolling mills abroad] Sovremennye prokatnye stany za rubezhom. Moskva, 1962. 419 p. (MRA 16:8) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy institut nauchno-tekhnicheskoy in- formatsil. mashinostroyenlya. (Rolling mills) 7A) .0 an A 00 OV'C' 'o, P;4 ho 0"~.dz-do 0.1. -J Z~. a CO; 011A 1.10 4- A :PS 31 I-ISAR 0v. 2 -1 HAMM ) K.A. f El-'!~`05Z7 Of the 1 ~: :-' ~', ~ Sea, 1. - I . - . - . -1 - . '. - - I ,. , - ~, - -~ 1 1 rucly P !NBRO n o. 14: 5 r - i~? : "; .. -t-- -- LYAMIN, K.A. ~ Fecundity of at-er-spawaing Atlantic herTing. Vop. ikht. no.17: 24-32 161. - WIRA 14: 5) 1. Polyamyy nauc~no-issledovatellskiy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeano r ii (PIITRO). Atlantic Ocean-Herring) LYAMIN,, K. A. I,yamin, K. A. - "Results of marking Pacific salmon in the Gulf of Kamchatka", Izvestiya Tikhookean. nauch.-isrled. In-ta rkb. khoz-va i okeanogrf,fli, Vol. XXIX, 190, p. 173-76. SO: U-h11O , 17 July 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal 'nykh St-tey, No.19, 190). LyAnbl, M. I. Means of improving the dephenolization of wazte waters by the steam circulation method. Koko i khim. no.n:49-52 1060. (MIRA 13.. n) (Sewage--Purification) (phenols) I=4IN, M.I. Our mail. Koko i khim. noo3.'63 162. (-MU 150) la Gosudarstvermyy vaesoyuznyy iwtitut po proyektirovaniyu predpr.lyati,v koksokhimichaskoy promysIL19pnoisti. (Scrubber (Gheraical technology)) (Menols) FROSHLYAKOV. A.I.; ZHELZZNYXH. V-I-; BYCHEVSKIY, B.V.; ZOTOV, V.F.; -LYAKIN N.I.; IVANOV, D.S.; BLAGOSLAVOY, B.V.; BARANOY, M.P. -WER OGORODNIKOV. V.A.; FILOMMO-BCRODICH. X.Y.; ILIYASEVICH. S.A.; RABINOVICH, I.R.; OLISOV. B.A.; DAVYDOV, S.S.; ZIMIN. D.D.; SHFERK, B.F.; USKOV. V.N.; BTJZNIK, P.K. Boris Aleksandrovich Olivetekii; obituar7. Voen.-inzhahur. 101 no.12:42 D 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Olivetskii, Boris Aleksandrovich, 1896-1957) SERGLTCEbK, Mikhvil klaksirr.ovich; LYPI-IIIIN , P.V. _ inzh., retsenzent; . PREDE., V.Yu.~ inzh.p red.; VASILrYEVA, V.N., tekhn. red. [Operation, maintenance and repair of shields for grain cars]Ekepluatateiia i remout k-hlebrWkh shchitov. Moskn-, Transzholdorizdat, 1962. 2-2 p. (MIRA 15:8) (Railroads.---Freight cars) (Grain--Transportation) I KTZIN, M.G.p ke-nd. tekhn. riauk; BFl'7,HNTK('lV, N.V., LYAMINJ, P.Ye... irizh. . ......... Adjustment of ash collectcr hatte-r-les. sta. 35 rr-5:17-19 My 164. (,\I T R-k l7q 8) IXAMIN, S. A creative attitude towards work assures successful work. Zhil.- kom.khos. 4 no.6:29-30 154. Off-RA 7:10) 1. Slecarl-vodoprovodehik domoupravleniya No. 12 Kiyevskogo rayona Moskvy. (Plumbing) LYAMIN, V. Planned productivity has been considerably exceeded. Stroitell 2 no.1:14-15 Ja 156. (MIaA 10:1) 1. Brigadir-istruktor po ekskavatornym rabotam Kuybyehavgidrostrova. (Kuybyshev--Excavation) I 1 0 0 at 12 If W It It 171111 "!i1v itida h MAN'tall A L &__r_ A_A_j r a I I I- xfit F ~ a0 1 1 V. VII-L-A-1 AA 0 CC 141) tt4m 4 i 06- 9; a *0 ol, 410 00 vil be* my maii; 41 Udi Misr* 4. of I it - a- I,`0 0 ~ .1 .~" -00 Dittarmination W W yield of gas in the gasification of wood by the combousda (cartiou-nitttigen balance s method. N. V. Cluiltoy and Lymmaj. - 2 a -ods W s. N... u,. sz, isjui M, llw jAV~7,( III.. umpit Cost "" VI) it 11 11 1 '* 0 " it, I I to L~# . , , " And N 41%.J. ~j v&, ,xkJt,tAf by lotsmill It th,-4111 A 90 quall.. 1111whilrol with VII 1111114,1 tulij. 11 ' I., 1.1.1111mmiliv madut,1 with U at 71,10 ?9111' I,o 421101 At (01 Nils' -Isu (I i uml). The rieW cd mras (NI W" takd. 1IY thl' IUMNIIA: S - lid - f)=1.461/i 12-ij); V%IICfC d AM 5 AM the ;WT- ttotaipS contentg in thegas torture and after unilm,tion. S* of is C content (in S') joer kg. of furl u-'d for the ta_4wa- tiurs, c ~i the CO, content in the ptuducts of combustion, avilf is the lom of C withaslots in K. pvr kg. of furl, A. A, I'Wjurny zoo 416 & 040 go r3 U R IT 00 is'; if IT 99 OR dC Of it It CC It (I tj it Of go * 0 0 9 0 0 * 0 0 * * 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 *4 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 IN 0 * 0 0 0 14 0 Is I)qi- i- 4Lo isI 0 0 * 0 0 0 :1 0 0 0 0 # * 0 ... 00 of* 00 *0*000 4 0-04,0*44146 0 0 0 0 a 0 f 0 0-07-e 1) 11 it $6 114 " I I It a It )a isA to is )90 it p 0 Id a M it Is a 41 q 4) 61 U'r A'1 2-A I I V x -Ij -I AA 0 (A W 9t, 00 00 -00 -00 Electrode foe the ffstiplution cases. -00 V V. A. Lyzanits and Chalov. Russ. 51,Wj, Aug.31, 00 A IQV.' Art ekttrade of mood it uwd to avoid corrujitm by smic acid and similar houids. This electrode retaimi a bati-factory cond. because of its ability to berome satiL with liquids. 00 0 r2:: 00 j zoo 00 00 of 00 ::O0 doo 00 zoo '00 00 2 -04 00 .go 00 1 t:0 9 & fTALt%;F(KAt UU9611,41 CLSISIFtCAMN z 00 I'll. . - - - ;1rof 00 11"1: W ~11-.1, go 0 - -;'-' -W ;; 0' "' 0 r a ' ' I Ir An S It or 4C K A 01 'n t t tz ,r it x dna a 0 a " v I] W W a 1W M 0 0 00 W 400 0 is '? 9 14 11 00 y L !0-$ 7.0 I-V C A- - "Cctsifs 00 00 Of 0 -0 0* loo o* Of f"d. V. A. LySinIn ano o. 1=siii=iiifM Proxv Ck . . effi. ' so Zex&. 1940. 1. 3319.-nt results of the dry disto. 4D A of reeds an e oited and com red with th s f th d o e o e pa ry 0 p moo 049 distn. of wood. The acid yield wall the same in both cases. 00 : the ykW of iar wall only hall so large as lot wood. while the dirto. of wood yiMed 1.5 times as much McOH as zoo so ZIA th" reeds. M. 0. Moore 00 i! i 0 age *0 Soo ;z0 0 * 7 o o we 0 ttoo U00 '00 ------ U91 CLA ~!IF~_ ITALLUJIGiCAL LITMIAT 0 _ P ill aid '3 rw 0 tg tj it Of 0 n is 0 0 0 0 0 U kv 00 0 W 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 6000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W, 0 WSPI-10. ~!,.b .0. ~!,! Gull f *6 ~f OIZ *11 014 to 1*4 41, 11 J2 D A *is ilia MJA 16V 141104141 u1soo oar* M J ,A- caylks go YW14, a# llqwd praucts In *J,d4tak. V A, dot 4"d S. N. Vel"v,vv. 00 19* WlArm"'). KAI". Rsforul, Zh,, 00 No. 6, exp'. 10.11colk it's' torinding th., and disin tar and'd'a a furr"It Of in"t P" Incirmw tile 00 4r!:: the yiehi of zss~ .00 W. R. H. so ass zoo 00 .3, zoo use Its* 4#0 J tie 0 bee Aim It A 4 C1,0110tokat t1fritalvat ItAIMPKAtitso uf* -- 5--;- ... , - . -. a a -T- 11 91 to at It" vivil (944 wit 1"t K(fit (Rkwn I SA 0Ap 0 0 o 0 0 0 'a 0 0 0 0 a too 0 0 o 0 00 At0 IL-- L-11 0 F 4 1 11 00 OL w ti I -0 0 The effect vt the tomposhloa a Iiie blast 0u the ield Y al "C14 t0 the 911SWation 0( wood ab 1'. A ~ Ly, I Mo) t"'d A S. " A "R. A h(fol. Refadl. /Ahr. 194o, No, it,I V.-Lih. v ipt utft. illaile of) Illy %kx.l in cur f \' l C 00 rvat, o o ., ,, CO. I It all't I 1p, Its ull ca A'~ Ilw It, j.1 and I ji '00 Owil ill "I'liflal V 'Ity ill'iti. "S 0 '00 "00 00 life -77- n# v 4 A 1 .1 141 0 0 4 0 0 0 00 00 00 41 0)0 F! 0 Im ojo 0 0 0 0 0 00 000000 0 0 10 000000 go 00 0 C 00 45 0 0 0:0 9 0 0 6 0 00 000000 4 0 000 0 0 ii 60 as *0 ir 00111 00 00.3 0*0 00-3 eov *0 111 -U, "Xin 0111"M41 Ago "C"61,11 4t 1.1-1 A., The pMuts from radous kinds al wood, yilld of ps and by A. S. N 1""ll. 3. . Ckem. zetalf. 1940, U. IM, -Ifirch. aspen, Scotch pine and fir (water contentill-11%), Iwocd lot I A his. at &%* in an air current, save, 'C'p 24.*0 .133 saint 1).IM eta. ra. ) .1'. ';4 cu per it$, W dry Thar %lite* rlqltaillcd~ C01 , - W-0. 1.4, 241.11, !NIAI land C0 411.97. 44.3, 42.3 and M.0; It ".34, 9.1-13, m.% And 4.99; Cit, 18.04, 17.17, V-1.9h anti 26.7, C.H. 1.0 "A, 2.05 &nit 1.91%, resp. Alto were obtained: C 25,93: 211,42. 20.28 and 29.03; 1 ar 19.37, 123.W, 211 anti =.27, C11.0.11 1.58, 1.28. 0.78 anti 0.017; ethers 1,7J, 1.17, L27 and I.:Ni; aldehydeat 0.47, WN1. 0.40 anti MAI; krum" 1) M. O.W. 11.43 and 11.411. CJI.C(X)II b.117, 3 T.1, *till 1 11-5; IIC(X)JI 1-21. 1.01, 04" anti ll-KI; Mu-i I)I01011111W *call 1.#*I, Omb, OJ43 and 0.73%. resip. Ily gasification of I-sige pievr% tA fir and hitch (water content 23A there were ol-tathied 1,61 sand 1.44 cit. all. all xa- per kx,. rt~p, The ljAses contAirarit: C01 4.3 anti h, CO anti M. 1, It U.3 aud P4.0. Cit, 1.1 anti LO. C.11. it 2 and ti.4 (calorific value 13M-1442 slid 144t)-IJAXI cal. per cu. Pa.); Ista tar =1.0 and 18.6. C11,01-1 0AV and 1. W, org. acids T4 and 7-F4%. rft-p. The greater yield of gas and the all t-rarnart in it% ciatupts. in tile second mv is attributed to t1,~ higher water content of t1tv wood anti the IArXrf vol, tal Olt l1lown Into. lite generator. I1-11 . ..... sit I-af 40 441 #if -1-A 1, 1A I - 1 0 1' ir- V- it L' U T 0 0 0 0 -.00 0 0 6090 0 8:1*4111 roe boo Iwo* -46 :4 1, 'A 10 J11 F ;1 1. 1) It n 1 .4 h ?I Pk; It Is U J! M J, W 41 41 #1 1:0 00 00 puria"tion; at -00 er~er g&$ generated from wood in a 41=tOd shoet-1 N- V. Chatav and V. A -00 Fritooky "I.Arsirrop i TM. 1947. No. 1. 34-0~~a: 9 It-filtff removed Of the total far in the gas anif mit'i ;11 the far Plu-t in the form of fog. Thi equirrd that 0 A lie gal May IG-14 vv. hi the cite. rcf.j. Torprrvent om. Do :0 a faminathmi of the far with If,(), the Ka, entering the im,t, 0 41'.111.1 1W J% 141, dlx)VV [lie Jew 144111. 1:11,trf .1wh cull h tile IAT .""11MI1141 21) AV .4 diii tiot ek,"I It-j. 1,00 00 =60 00 0 00 r0 00 400 !see i-04 Soo Ji :91 boo A$M.SLA MITALLWICKAL L171PATUNIF CLAWFiCATICIt tie ei 0 ., , ;'.,, ties It If ;p 19 rp It to 00 &1 a 11 tc t, If I Iva SenrOGG60666666060t 41 0 10 166066006646666*604 0 r1*644 10 a * 4 o 0 0 o 0 0 * o 0 0 0!* 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0.0 0 0 0 9 00 -- - __ - Dissertation: "An Investi-ation of the Process of & :-.i fication of Ao-A Fuel in a Gas 0 Generator of increased Productivity With the Help of an Alr-Steam Llastu." Cand Toch Sci, Forestry Engineering AcaderV, Leningrad, 1953. (Referativnyy Zhurnal Khiniya, Mosco-vr, No 3, Feburary 1954) SO: SbII 213, 20 Sept 1954 o USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Wood Chemistry Products. Cellulose and Its Manufacture. Paper, 1-23 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 63344 Author: Ln!in, V_ A., Avakyan, N. D., Vyrodov, V. A. Institution: None Title: Gasification of Lumbering Waste Original Periodical; Gidroliznaya i lesokhim. prom-st, 1956, No 31 8-10 Abstract: On thermal decomposition of the wood of conifers (fir) in a retort as well as in the shaft of a gas generator, the emount of volatile acids and soluble resins obtained from lumbering waste (LW) is less than that produced from trunk wood since 1W contains large propor- tions of bark and needles. Properties of sedimentation resin pro- duced from LW of conifers do not deteriorate on prolonged storage and it can be utilized for processing at resin distilling plants. Card V1 LYAMIN,,. ,* Gas producer for gasification of wood wastes. Gidreliz. I levokhim. prom, 9 no,6:11-12 1569 (KIRA 9:10) l.Loningradsko,va lesotekhnichaskaya akademlya Imeni S.K.Kireva. (Gas producer) (Wood waste) LIAY UT, V. Utilization of waste wood f or obtaining wood cherfdcals and coal briquettes. P. 37. BIOUGMIESKAIA NAUM; SLIZKO-Pi L LUICIMIJ, KHOZIAISTVI,'. (Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akadepija. Biolorijas Zinatnu nodala) RiEa) Latvia,, No. 16, 1958. In Russian. 1.~nthly list of East European Accessions (EFII), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. Uncla. LIATI-11311 V. I Production of tar in a F7,eneratoro p. 47. I iICIE-SKAIA !W-KA; SELSKONU L 12-SNOEU, Kl-'OZIAISTVU. (Latviias PSR DIOLCC Zinatnu akademija. Biolo~_-ijas Ziznatnu nodala) Riga, Latvia, 1,11c. 16, 1958. In Russians Monthly list of East European Accessions (~]EAI), LC-, Vol. P No. S-, August 1959- Uncla. LTAMIN, V.A. -, AVARTAN, N.D. Recovery of liquid products from cooled destructive distil- lation gases. Trudy LTA no.80 pt.2:91-102 '58- (MIRA 13: 4) (Wood distillation) LTAMIN, V.A,; AVAKTAN, N.D. I - -'- 11 Yield of Cap and liquid products in the gasification of beach wood waste. Trudy LT& no.80 pt.2:103-115 158. (MM 13:4) (Wood distillation) LYAMIN, V.A.; CHMTERIKOV, D. I. Recovery of chemicals from the cooled gas of periodicall7 operat- Ing retorts. Gidroliz I lesolchim.prom. 12 no.4:7-9 '59. (MIR& 1Z:8)-!~7 1. Leningradukaya lenotolchnicheskaya akademiya (for Lyanin). 2. Ashinakiy lenokhinicbeekly kombinat (for Chetvarikov). (Wood distillation) LYAMIN.,V.A. I- Gasification of spent wood resin chips. Gidroliz. i lesokhim prom. 12 no-7:6-8 159 WU 13:3) 1. Leninfaddcaya lesotekhnichaskaya akademlya. a Game and resins) (Gas manafacture and works) LYAIUN. V.A*; PROR'HDRCHUK, T.I. Gasification of spruce shavings of various moisture content. Trudy IJTA no.87:55-64 159. (NIRA 13:4) (Wood waste) (spruce) LYAMIII, V.A.; ZIMINA, K.I. Drying of hydrolytic lignin in the LTA three-drum drier. GidrolizA lesokhim.prom. 13 no.6:13-14 160. (MIU 13:9) 1. leabigradskaya lesotekhnicheakaya almdemiya. (Idgnin-Drying) (Drying apparatus) LYAM 9 V.A. Combined production of extraction rosin., turpentine, and pine tar. Gidroliz.i lesokhim.prom. 15 no.3:15-17 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Leningradakaya lesotekhnicheskaya akademiya im. S.M.Kirova. (Turpentine industry) (Wood--Chemistry) LYAMIN, V.A. Gasification of fine chips of various moisture content. Gidroliz. i lesokhim.pram. 15 no.8:8-3-1 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Lesotekhnicheskaya akademiya im. S.M.Kirova. (Wood waste) (Wood-Chemistry) (Gases) SLAVYANSKIY, Aleksey Konstantinovich, prof.; SHARKOV, Vasilly Ivanovich, prof.; LIVEROVSKIY, Aleksey AlekBeyevich, dots.; BUYEVSKOY, Anatoliy Vasillyevicb, dots.; MEDNIKOV, Fedor Alekseyevich, dots.- LYAMIN Vladimir AlsksaAdrovick, dots.; SOLODKIY, Fedor Timofeyevich, dots.; TSATSKA, Elio Mat'- Iudovich, dots.; DMITRIYEVA, Ollga Andreyevna, assistent; NIKANDOROV, Boris Fedorovich, inzh.; GORDON, L.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; SUKHANOVSKIY, S.I., red.31 KHOTIKOVA, Ye.S., red.izd-va; SHIBKOVA, R.Ye., tekhn. red. (Chemical technology of wood] Khimicheskaia tekhnologiia dre- vesiny. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1962. 574 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Wood-Chemistry)