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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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# ZANIS I OW 4 a v Id I a
~ ~..T=46 4,P'D-q
Vol. 2, No.
Ptid-,ipc~nf . ~Iljn..7 r7
3o: :~'uropean Acces:~Iori, Vol. 6. No. 2. Fpi). 195?
LOKSA, imre
krthropoda of the Kovacsi Hill. Allattani koz-1 48
80 161.
1. Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Allatrendszertani Intezete,
LOKSA, Imre, dr.
"Gontributions to the Neotropical fauna' by 14.Beier, W.Bucherl,
M.Koepecke and H.1d.Koepecke. Reviewed by Dr. Imre Loksa.
Allattani, kozl 48 nol/4:144 161.
LQK~3A, L. Coenologic irivestit; tion of Gollembol,v in i Hun,,tr'c,iz
Potentii1etum ;Q-': e associaLlon. In Gorm~in. )). 199.
Vol. 2, no. 113 19j6
Acta Zoolo--ica
BudapeFt, EunCary
SO: hast .6uropeLin -mcceseion, Vol. 6, No. 3, I-t;,rch 1957
The Piploprd awl rhilopod faunas of the nnvirmcns of lake. Velence. Tn Fnvli.-h. 0~1~,
,jar Nemzeti Yu7eum Terme7ettudomanyi ',' zeur 7 kcnyve, Vol. 7,
(Yar -U -v
Pudapest, Funvary)
SO: Yonth3y list of East, Furcpe-n Accesslons (FFAL) 1,r. Vol. 6. no. 9. Sept. 10r7- Uncl.
New tyne of automatic-control equipment for belt-conveyer line3 in electri'Lle.-I mines.
,). 40
UHLI. (Ministerstvo paliv)
I -, Cze&.os1ova!Aa
M. 1, no. 2, Feb. 19419.
Monthly list of Ea-,t Diropean Acessions LC, Vol. 2, no. 7
JulY 1959
PEREKALISKIY, N.P., doktor. tekhn. nauk; ANTONOVICH, L.N., kand. tekhn.
liauk; KRYUKOVA, Z.M., kand. tekho. nauk; KURYLEV, Yu.V., inzh.;
Fdnlmali uchastiye: Ivanova, V.I., mladshly nauchnyy sotrudnik,-
ERUSNICHKINA-, V.F., starshiy laborant; LOKSH, R., studentka-
Use of alkyl ketone dimers for paper sizinge Trudy LTITSBP
no.10s-15-26 162. (MIRA 16t8)
(sizing.(Paper)) (Ketene)
- 0 4-
LOKSHA, B.K., inzh.
Industrial electric heating elements. Vest. elektxopr=.
33 no.5:73-76 My 162. (MIRA 15:5)
(Electric furnaces)
Do p+-,nJ an ce of the 1-;~, a c tion rat"', o~ 1oz. .;, ~-c'.~r-,r'.-,.- C.1
temperatures. Izv. AN SSSSIR. Ct-i. t,!kh. nvik. 3et. i goz,. delo
no.4r46-53 R-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:10)
Klectriat viscosizeter with a none6ntracting a.c. motor. Zav
lab. 30 no.6t757-758 164 (KM 17383
1. Go-no-catallurgicherskiy nouabno-iseledovateltakiy Institat
AN Kanikhakoy SSR.
WKSHA, Boris Kornellyevich, m1adshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Design of graphite heaterH for electric furnaces. Izv. vys.
ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 6 rio-5s619-627 163. (MIRA 16:9)
1. Laboratoriya promyshlennoy energetiki Ust'-Kamenogorskogo
otdeleniya Instituta energetiki AN KazSSR.'
(Electric furnaces)
Two new forms of Chilopoda from the vicinity of Rybinsk. Zool.
zhur. 41 no.6s854-858 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Institut, sistematiki zhivotnykh Universitata iment, L.Etvosha,
(Rybinsk region-Centipedes)
-1 /17 f-
V 7
Category: USSR Fhysical Chemistry - Electrocherdotry B-12
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 10123
Author ; Loksharev M. A.) Dikova M. G.
Inst -.-noz given
Title Effect of the Nature of the Solvent on Chemical Adsorption Pclari-
zation. 1. D.grec of Irreversibility of Electrode Proccsses.
Orig Pub: Ukr. khim. zh., 1956, 2,,~, tio 4, 457-465
Abstract: A study was made of the effect of a number of surface-active sub-
stances (SAS) (camphor, thymol, beta-naphthol, beta-phenylamino
ethanol, tribenzylamine) on polarographic behavior of Cult, Pbl".
Ni2-4 ) Cd" 4 and Sn2 ' in aquecuG, formamide, acetcne and ethanol
soluticna. In ethanol and acetone solutions the maxira are strongly
developed, which is correlated with the low visecsity of these Bolu-
tions. Most SAS do not inhibit at all the electrode reacticns in
these solutions, whereas in fcr=-ide, which has a high dielectric
constant ( E ), the inhibitory effect of camphor 13 retained. The
inhibitory effect of a number of SAS decreases with decrease of f-;
Card 1/2 -4-
COW": t;Q0413/6`/W)1)'~)!
"TO-~'%: Lokshin, A. L.; Mlal'tsev, V. P.; Sundeyev, 11. K.
ORG: notic
TITLE: Thrust bearin.-. Class 47, No. 185635 [announced by Kaluga Turbine Plant
(Kaluzhskiy turbinyy zavod)3
SOURCE: IzobreLCIAya, promyjhlennyye obrizL.,;y, tovarnyye znaki, no. 17, 1966, 119
TOPIC TAGS: gas turbine, steam turbine, turbine bearing, turbine design / 0,r,"
17 -
4~1 4
ABSTRAOT: The pr1pos"Ahrust bearing for turbomachines, such as steam or gag tur-
bines, contains a ring having rigidly fixed supports and pivoting, self-aligning
2 41
rig. 1. Thrust bearing
1 - Ring;-2 - supports; 3 supporting
blocks; 4 - balancers; 5 balls.
____U.DC_:___62_1-._l65~+6_2l1.-43-1 8
ACC NR. ,,,r,.6032524
stipporLin,', bloCkS and a double-row 57stf'M ()f In',erconnected balariccr,,;, rcfAl1,;', b0th
on t:,.e rigid supports and on pivoting support blocks. In order to increase
reliability and supporting capacity, the simports and the supporting blocks '1-_ v0
r3us, serving as pivoting'axiLs for all movia*g parts of the bearing. B;1 il S
are placed between the balancers; the contact points of these ballsare In
a sLraighL line with the balancer, perpendictil.ar LO the pivotirig, axiii of 010
lie axis or below it (ace Fig. 1). Orig. art. has: I fig-
balancer and pass through t
SUB CODE:1'321/ SUBM DATE: 25Jan65/
CArd 1/1 t
Authors I
Title I
Periodical I
Pub - 133 - 6/20
Lokshin, A. M., and Kolpakov, P. M.
The selection of cathode chock coils and capacitors for a stage-
coupling of transmitters, designed on an inversion diagram
Vest. avyazi 10, page 11, Oct 54
Abstract I A description is presented of methods for calculating the inductance
of cathode chock coils and coupling capacitors used in short-wave
transmitters. Diagrams; graph.
Institution :
Submitted :
UsSal iii6c-Dilancous - conferences
Card 1/1 I-ub. 133 - 16/18
Authors Lokshin, A. M.; Adyakin, N. IM.; Kisellnikov, A. M.; and Miroshin. A. I..
Title I To improve th3 perfor;mrce stability of transmitting installations
Periodical I Veot. svynzi 2, 28 - 2LI, Feb 1955
Abstract I linutes are presented of a discussion held on the subject of improving
the.p(.wformance stability of telephone-tele~7raph and radio transmitting
inutnllutions in the USiR.
rn5titution: (Y
ub;idtted: .....
ROZENFZLID, Yefim Iona kov ich t s tvannyy redaktor;
VERKHOVIBA. T.M., redaktor; VBYNTRAUB. I.B.. tekhnichookiy redaktor
(Filtration of harmonies in shortwave transmitters] Yil'trateiia
garmonik korotkovolnovvkh pareclatchikov. Moskva. Goo. izd-vo
lit-ry Do voprosam eviazi i radio, 1956. 42 p. (MLRA 9:11)
(Radio filters)
. - - - ~~ ;, AGEYKV, V.I.
Auto-&tic control of radio transmitting Installations. 191ektro-
evias' 10 no.1:35-38 Ja 156. (MLEtA 9:5)
(Radio--Transmitters and transmission) (Automatic control)
ASTAPITEV, Vladimir Alaksandrovich; SARKOV, Nikolay Kuzlmich; ~P~KSRIW ~
A.X.,_Od.; SOBOLXVA, Ye.M., takhn.red.
[Hydraulic turbines and their maintenance] Gidroturbiny i M
obolushivanie. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1958. 300 P. (MIRA-12:4)
(Hydraulic turbines)
ZOTOVJ* P.I.,, inzh.; LOKS111N., A.M.
Maintaining open water above hydroele.-tric power staticn structures
and sluices by means of a machine for generating water currents.
Elek. da. 31 no.12:44-47 D 160. (MIRA 14:5)
(Hydroelectric power stations)
LOIKISHIN, A.M., inzh.; ZV~LEV, N.M., inzh.
A control demodulator for television transmitters. Vest. Oviazi
22 no.lOs6-7 0 162. (KRA 15211)
14 (Television-Transmitters and transmission)
Characteristics of color television transmitters. Elektrosviaz'
16 no.8-.32-40 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9)
(Color television)
(Television-Transmitters and trannmiBsion)
ZAKIKATCVj, D.P,., inzh.; LONSHIN, A.M.J. inzh.; OSTROUMOV, G.A... prof.;
SHTEYNBERG, A._Ad-"y' inzh.
One cause for accelerating the corrosion of hydrogenerator
thrust bearings, Elek. ata. 34 no-7:38-42 JI 163.
(MM 16:8)
_00~ ~4
____ __ __ - LOKSHIN, A.M.; KOLPAKOV, -P.M., inzhener. - -
Selecting the Inductance.of cathad tubes. and the capacitance
of communication condensers for the stages of transmitters built
according to an inverse system. Vest.sviazi 14 no.10:11 0 154.
(MLR& 7:11)
1. Inzhenir Proyektnogo instituts, Miniaterstva s-rjazi (for Uhahla)
(Radio, Short-vave--Tranomitters and transmission)
LOKSHIN., A.M., I-nzh.; IVUIOV, V.K., inzh.
A now modulating device for a standard TTPv-512,4 kv, -televisicn
station. Vest. avlazi 24 no.90-5 3 104. (MIRA 17:11)
LIVANOVA, O.V.j kiuid.tt)Hm.ravik; LOKSHIN, A.N., InMi.
Economic efficiency of ~7drzaulic clutches for feed dr~Jvs--.
Elek. Sta- 36 no.8:37-41 Ag 165.
(MIRA 12:8)
kand. tekhn. nauk, reisenzent; 57,111UIGVA, V.L., red. izd-va;
VLADIMIROVA, L.A., tekhn. red.
[The S-285V mobile automated cortirruous mortar mixer] Pere-
dvizhnain avtor,.atizirovannaia rastvorosmesitelInaia ustanov-
ka S-285V nepreryvnogo deistviia. Moskva, Mash Iz, 1962. 73 P.
I &IRA 15:7)
(Mortar) Wixing machinery)
LTMORS: Kretov, A.Ye., Silinp N.F., Korchagina, A.M.,
LekAin. G.B~, and Kitaina, S.N.
T ITIA-;; TLe of t~---rephzhallc a.~4d by -:h"Ornrietiq-
11CRIODICAL-6 Zhurnc-l prikladnoy khimii, v~ 33, nu. 1960,
'P;,.'XT. ll~ic- s~,..Aa.fd 1-he bynt~,c-als of terephthallic acid from
tind '-Is horac,lcjs~ss by Chl,) ronte ion, This :-hloromethy-
1-3-lon is wiJely uoed in, orp,?,Inic syn-thesis, being -a "~-yp-11--al elec-
11 4 at~bE!ti-,, reaction al ong following 8--heme'.
4 AL
CH,-'O ITC"i Ut~ M Cl-, Az-H - CH-OH , Cl'- ---~ ArCH;toll -f 11cl,
ArCH-011 - IICI -4 ArCI1,C: - If 0.
e 2 0
Th --vithars, by Incz.-ea.-ing trio temperature of the react:Lon by 20 C,
(tO 70-'-;~OC) azhlt~ved th-- in 5-ntheais time ~~ 12 hours while
Card l,"4
S,,'0,90/'60/03 3 /01 -5/02 2102 9
The s~.;n-hesi-z De-L6/D306
still -detaining the yieldz of 1. Hazarov and A~ Seri-enovskly (Ref.
21-. DAIT SSSR, -12p 143-, 195C-). Thz., increase In yield of isomeric
xyloic,blor.1des ~/aa obtainea by rhanging the proportions of toluene
- n
,.id forn,,~~ldeh 0Ptim,'n yield of 82.5 % was obtained ~iith tl-L,-
yde. The
-f 65 of toluene giving a molar proportion
of toluene ana formaldehydt, of . 2:1 (Iforr.,ialdehyde was used in fcrm
of 40 % formailti). Ow ~he -h thy la!,.',L on of ethyl lbenzen~~ 7
, at 0
75CC f,'.)i 2~- h,-nrs a i.,iax;mum of ethyl benzy! chloride of 90 %
(on ethyl benzene iised) obtained with a proportion 1:1 of ethyl
benzene-formaldehydA. Trie Opt!VRIM y1eld of iso-propylbenzyl chlorl-
de w-s 80 % on th; cumenr- -icied and wj-.h a proporiior of cum,~~ne:for-
ri.aldehyde of 7:1, temper!.,,',.irP 70-50C. time 21~ hcurs. The authors
st, td;.ed The oxidation of ~icmeric xylolchloriass with dilixte (10 14)
ni.tric acid vii-th an op',-Im~aa, yield of toluic acids, of 89 % for
rlod:? of 27-18 hours. L-ct-ar, in connection with the discovery ol
!jitroprDductz, the conc.entration of acid was cut down to % and
the to hoiira. The yield btained ~,.,as 8f:
A. , A. 0 , %, Or. oxidation
of iso-propyl benZy, -%Iorlde, besides propyl benzoic acid,
vollose yield i;as -%ip to 80 c,'2, 20 % of a product vias obtained which
Ca.rd 21.4
Th--~! synthea i ii of D2 _16/13306
;v!~ Inzoluble in a ioda i3olution and which seemed to be a ~F;r-lary
Jlci.lilol_ Th" procipttation of -toililc acids wazz :als:~
D ion, by reirov,n6 HC' Fr:)r: the
I X a c 'A. dvao ob!aIn,7.d a yle'Ld
.Inct Ine ~iag a
O~90C. El carboni c vie~re a.13o
n;-.d with bigh p-oints and a y-.Ie-.d .-,f 1*7~'j %, Techn'. ,I I
.1 i!o i;iethoda of est(;rII1 -i--ior, ~f tercphthrt'LIC
;I*U1,e givea V"rlcj C,
h,,i- the ot-tained dlme-~Iiyi ii:~ late by
C)!, :f I-Lie ~ic~d ~v~ ii a lariyq excet35 of n; thu%o"_I (48 ri'=_. t,.
j--Id) aild ii*, !Ai" L,-tsence :f _-on:entrat~,-"4 ~uph,zric a_-L.-_I, T1115
pr. -,red un;j.,'. 9 for trwinsester'.f.--atiin. 135-ver'Afi:~_tijr,
o f u I ~ F, r :o~ I trit, of hydr~),-,c-n _hl:,ride yIc-I,,i-I
1)6 of .7aich d-ld no- (1,Lr),en cin heatirq! 't*~-
R.-A'=r vjaa auchie,--,~d by dotio^Ie
I11de'r Tuu, ..)bIuIneJ gave a mel-,:ne po-4nt of 14i0c,
~:'~ - Witli U,-, r,.. ,,Ired _*,t.,,tnuurd, Tlic
'S 4 tablon, I
g-.ire and 321 referen~:eis 6 Scviet-bloc und 26 non-S,)vIet-bloc.
Card 3/4
&a ' -6 1'7/0 1 0/0221029
4~! /0 8 0,,, -) / 0-J3 .1
The synthi?3is of D2 16,,' D 3 0 6
The d moal re,-.eni refe~-en:eR to the BnglJlsh-!.a:ij7,,l-age publ'A c. 44 o ri s
read as fcilLows: Ch,~-m. Tr~Ac -J., 141), 3717, 50,1, Beng-
strom, Org. Chem. 1958; Khaz.,m-.T,), On-, Ktm,~akhamu,
Anneol , J. Cjjpj-~, S-)'-~ .7,jp-~ri Ind. ~9' 11"41", ki. pat 276628c
SM-JITTED4 F!irili L I
Card 4/4
LnKF-711. A.
USSR/Engineering - Welding, Processes May 52
"Investigation Into Deformations of Plates During
Welding Metal on Their Edges)" Docent V. D.
Matskevich, A. Z. Lokshin, Candidates Tech Sci
"Avtogen Delo" No 5, pp 6-9
Stating importance of detg expected deformations
caused by welding in fabirication of welded con-
structional members,,attempts to develop method
for calcg de&rmations of wide elements during
formation of narrow weld along their edges. Deduces
formulas and gives numerical example.
, : - - - -
1, 1 .
KOWTKIII, Takov Iuayevici,; LOKSMIT, Aleksandr ZinovIyevich, SITAM,
Nikolay 117ovich: RVIUM7, W.A., r4d&ITwo~r,-OSVRJJSKAYA, A.A..
redaktor; KAJIDLOVA, V.11.. tekhnicheskiy reduktor.
[Banding and resistance of plates and cylindrical shells
structural mechanics of ships] IzbIg i ustoichivost' plastin i
krugnvYkh tsilindricheskikh obolochek; stroitellnaia mekhanika
korablia. Leningrad, Goo.soiuznoe izd-vo sudoistroitellnoi
promyshl.. 1955. 307 P. (MLRA 8:11)
(Elastic plates and shells)
SHIMANSKIT, Tu.A., mkademik, red.; SLEPOV, B.I., red.;
red.; TAUBIN, G.O., red.; CHUVIKOVSKIT, G.S., iid-.; CMMKOVSKIT,
V.S., red.; LUCHININOV, S.T., otv.red.; OSVMfSKATA, A.A., red.;
KONTOPDVICH, A~I,, tokhn.red.
[Handbook on structural mechanics of ships] Spravochnik Do
strottellnot makhanike korablla. Leningrad, Goo. soiuzno e izd-vo
sudostroit. promyshl. Vol.2. 1958. 528 p. (14IRX 12:1)
(Shipbuilding) (Strains and stresses)
Standards for localized deformations in seagoing transport
ships with cross framing. Sudontroenle 24 no.12:9-13 D 158.
(MIRA 12:2)
K07J.YAKOV, 'Vitaliy VasillyevJch; KOROTKIN, Yakoy Isayqvich;
KURDYUY,GV., Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; LOKSHIU, Xleksandr
ZinovIyevichi POSTWOV, Valeriy Aleksan
lao-U-y-L-f-i6riich; YEKIVOV, V.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, 'prof.,
retsenzent; SEGAL', V.F., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., re-
tsenzent; 91,OLEV, B.V., red.; ERASTOVA, N.V., tekhn. red.
[Book of problems on the structural mechanics of ships]
Zadachnik po stroitallnoi mekhanike korablia. (By] V.V.
Kozliakov i dr. Leningrad, Sudprowgiz , 1962. 254 p. (miiL4 15:6)
(Naval architecture-Problems, exercises, etc.)
LOKSHIN, A,Z., kand.tekhn.nauk; RYABOV, L.I., kand.tekhn.nauk
Formulas for calculating the strength and stability of beam
knees. Sudostroenis 28 no.4:9-10 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4)
(Hulls (Naval architecture))
KuzmiCIIFvv M.N., Inzh.; LOKSHIN, A.Z., kand. tekhn. nauk
Nonlinear bending of plastic plates. Sudostroenie 3D no.5?
15-17 My 164. (AURA 17t611
WKSHIN) Alo~suzijv Zinuviyovi-lik A'-~ 1. 11 :,')VAK k it nd . U) t( OTI
na ., retsemunt; YEKIMOV, V.V., pvoC., doktr)r teklai.
nauk, retsenzent; TSYNDRYA, I.I., kan~. tekhn. aa-Lk,
retsenzent; 6WEEILS, TU., nauchn. red.; Ulcjlr-.*~, 'I.A.,
(Strength of ship plates and span coverings u4ide of glass-
reinforced plastics] Ustoichivost' sudovykh plastin i pere-
krytii iz stekloplastikov. Leningrad, Sudostroenie, 1964.
90 P. kMIIRI~ 17:11)
; I . -
Loks'-in, B. S. - "The e t i,~;n
7eiection. of P tran5port;~.tion -ite for i.,-. tne
I:!-,rest_JYa Dnepropetr. ir,-ta, 701. XIX, n. 10-1-17
SO: U-3600, 10 Jul~,' 53, (Letopis 'Z',-.Iirnal Inyldi Statey, 110. 6, 1'149).
Lokshin S . "The sol,-tiori of -.he broble~rs -)f seleclini a 7-, la c
a mine shaft by ;rLeans of constrLctior, -aechanics", 6DrrO.-,,)
in-ta irfi. Artema, Vol. XX, 19Lt',,, p-~%3-9h, - 6iblioi.: 7 iLc-Ls.
so: L-1,631, 16 Sept. 1953, (Letop.,s 'Z~ILrnal Injkh St-tuy., ."o. 24, LI-14))
$60 lot fIrrmwFl
wis L
j f
4 L-f la
r I V-'A' I VAA ?A % 0 ut'l 4 k.4
.1. IL-1 L-J.
46m, mummm or KOM YMB IN PAMS IN 00xFMmM WMI
coar OF mrVING ULLERI95- 1-9kipps B.S. 0101 (coal)
1949p 12-16). (L).
*oa r
.1 "re
t to, A!
a 4S4.SLA
ilk, J11- 0.9 0.. 451
U It W 00 As~
't u n ig
0 0 0 4 0 41 * 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
g 41
00 go 00 go a 0 0 0 6 0 AL a-A- -0-9 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0
Cso 0
R&KRABOVSKIY, Ta.Z., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; IAQ B.S., otvatetyan-
94-P-13- -
nyy redaktor; ANDREY.U. G.0., tekhaichookiy redaktor
[Working seams subjected to sudden ejections of coal and gas]
Razrabotka plaotovo podverzhennykh YnezapW vybrosam uglia I gaze.
Moskva, Uglatekhizdat, 1951. 222 p. (Microfilm] (XIRA 10:1)
(Coal mines and mining) (Mine explosions)
W011-Orl, A, S, , Docent
Mine Haulage
Deternining transportation costs for the principal horizontal mine drifts. Ugoll
27, no. 9, 1952.
Monthly List of.Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified.
NZKRASOVSKIY, Ya.l., professor; WKSHIN, B.S., dotsent; GRISHKO, M.T.,
Use of special shields under laboratory and experimental
conditions to demonstrate the feasibility of driving headings
in seams1where coal and gas outbursts are likely to occur.
Izv. DGI no.24:5-49 155. (MLRL 1W)
(Coal mines and mining--Safety measures)
-1- ,,- It
- --"P'~ . - - - _' - -
NEXRASOVSKIY. Ya.Z., professor: LOKSHIN, B.S., doteant; BILINSKIY. M.L..
aspirant; SHIM, A.A. ~ ' ' ~ ~ - ",_ TI_If
Protective bore bit for the boring of raixing shafts in steeply
pitching coal seams whore coal and gas o-4tbursts are likely to
occur. Izv. DGI no.24:50-64 155. (W-RA 10:2)
(Boring machinery) (Coal mines and mining--Safety measures)
NLIRASOVSKIY, Ya.E.. profassor; WKSHIN, B.S., dotsent; ZIL'BZRI.IAN. A.I..
dotsent; ANANITIT., B.S., otsent-TTROUNMK, D.Ta., Inzhiner.
Mining systems used in steeply pitching seams where coal and
gas outbursts are likaly to occur. Izv. DGI no.24:65-120 '55.
(MLRA 10:2)
(Coal minas and mining--Safety measures)
professor; IDKSHIM. B.6.. doteent.
Working extremely thin, steeply pitching coal seams. Izv.
DGI no.24.,121-142 '55. (MLU 10:2)
(Donets Basin-Coal mines avid mining)
WKSHINII B.S., detsent, kandidat tokhnichookikh nauk.
Determining maintensace costs for luclIzed coal mass drifts In
the Donets Basin. Ugoll 30 zo.12ill-15 D 155. (KLRA 9:2)
l.Dnepreptetrovskiy gornyy institat imeni Irtsua.
(Donate Basin-Coallalass and mining-Acceunting)
DOESHIN, B.S., dotsent; SNITKO, A.A., aspirant.
Establishment of coot parameters and expenditures for the maintenance
of drifts with metallic supports In centrql Donets BRein coql sea:ma.
Ugol' 32 no-7:15-18 J1 '57. (KLRA 10:7)
1. Dnepropetrovskly gorn" institut imeni Artema.
(Donets Basin--CoRl mines and mining--Costs)
(Mining industry and finance)
WKSHIN, B.S., kand. takhn. nauk, dots.
Baring and development of a now type of mine In the Donets Basin.
Ugoll Ukr. 2 no.2:1-6 7 158. (KIRIA 13:3)
I.Dnepropetrovskiy goruyy institut.
(Donets Basin-Coal mines and mining)
4 d Av
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go go
WKSHO, B.S., dote., kand. tekhn. nsiuk.
Determining the m=ber of blocks vhen bnrinj; mnd develoDing Donets
Basin coal mine fields. Ugol' 33 no.3:3-5 Mr 158. (MMA 11:3)
1. Dnepropetrovskly gornyy institut im. Artema.
(Donets Basin--Mining engineering)
REMASOVSKIY, Ya.E., prof.;_ LOKSHIN, B.S., dots.
Systems of mining central Donets Basin oeano subject to
coal and gas outbursts. Ugoll Ukr- 3 no-3:12..16 Wr 159.
(MIRA 12:5)
1. Dnepropetrovokly gorzWy inatitut im. Artema.
(Donets Basin--Coal mines and mining--Safet7 measures)
NEKRASOVSKIY, A.B., prof.; WKSHIN, B.S., dote.; HASBVICH, M.V., in--h.
Multiple-plow machinery for mining very thin steep b7 pitching
coal seams. Ugoll Ukr- 3 no.10:10-13 0 '59.
(MIRk 13:2)
1. Dneprope trovskly gorrTy institut,
(Coal mining machinery)
YEMSOVSKIt, Ya.E., prof.; IOXSHIN, B.,S., doteent
Coal mining in steeply pitching'seams with DGI-type chain saws.
I2fv. vy's. ucheb. sav.; gor. xhurA no.10:3-8 160. (AIRA 13:11)
1. Daspropetrovakiy gornyy lnotit6 Imeni Artema.
(Coal mining machiner7) (Chain saws)
L doteent; RIYASHKO, IA., kind.tekhn.nauk; KITALSHIO, I.Y69,
__RQX inzh.
Simultaneous mining of several coal seams in the mines of
Lisichanskugoll Trust. Ugoll Ukr. 4 no. 11: 7-8 N '60-
(MIRA l3tl2)
(Donate Basin--Coal mines and mining)
LOKSIIINP B.S.,, kand.tekhn.nauk,, dotsent
ietermining the dimension of.mine areas in mining vith the panel
development system. Ugoll 36 no.5s]r/.-15 My 161. (MIM 1415)
1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institute
(Coal mines and mining)
0 -
Transfer to the caving method of roof control. 11gol 36 no.4:17-
19 Ap 161. ~HIRA 14:5)
1. Shakhta No.17-bis tresta Chistyakovantratsit (for Favlenko).
2. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut (for Lokshin, Parchevskiy)-.
(mining engineering)
Methods for determining the advantages of the vide vork sy'st--
for mining drifts in flat seams. Ugoll Ukr- 5 no-5: 44 Ap 161.
1. Dnepropetrovskiy gorayy institut. fIjRA 14:4)
(Donets Basin-Coal mines and mining)
LOKSHIN,, B.S., dotsent; PARCIEVSKIY, L.Ya., gornyy inzboner
Instrument for automatic recording of the displacement of
roof rocks in the mining-out of coal seams. Ugoll bla. 5
no.12:39-40 D 161. (MIRA 14:12)
1. Dnepropetrovokiy gornyy institut.
(Recording instruments)
(Rock pressure)
Mec'sanization of coal extraction by means of EMS srall-range PlOW5
in Aning steeply dipping Donets Basin seams. Ugol' 37 no.3:29-31
Mr 162. (MIRA 15:2)
1. I-ye shakhtoupravleniye tresta Ordzhonikidzeugol' (for Yarovoy).
2. L.iarlropetrovskiy gornyy institut im. Artema (for Nekrasovskiy,
Lokshin, Rakhutin).
(Donets Basin--Coal mining machinery)
Mechanization of the mining of thin flat coal beds. Ugol.
prom. no.501-53 S-0 162. (MIRA 15tll)
1. Dnopropetrovskiy gornyy inatitut Im. Artema.
(Coal mines and mining)
LOKSHIIIJO B.S., dotsent
Deteraining the distance between crosscuts along the level
(the height of the level) during the opening of a coal sea=
series. Iz-v. vys. ucheb. zav.;gor.zhur. 6 no. 12~3-7 163.
MIRA 17:5)
1. Dnepropetrovskiy oy--lena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gorny-y
institut imeni Artema. Rekomendovana kafedroy razrabotki plastovykh
LOKSHIN, Boris Savellyeviohj SELETSKIY, R.A., dots., retaonzent;
A. , -red.
(Seleciing the location for sinking a mine shaftj analytical
and graphical methods of solving the problem] Vybor mesta
zalozheniia stvola shakhty; analiticheskie i graficheskie spo-
soby resheniia zadach. Moskva, Nedrat 1965. 83 P.
(MIRA 18:4)
~ ., dit--wrif-I L'Alif-71,S, Yu.N.,
I~r I rizfj .
Mine depre3sions and grollp4ng of' seamn. Ugoll -
- 4~
24-25 Ap 165. (K-RA 18;5')
1. Dnepropetrovskiy grrnyy Irstitut.
LOKSHIN, B.S., doteent
DetermLining the optimm dimensions of mining areas by taking in+4
account the time element of previous caDital outlays. Ugoll 40
no.9*58-60 S 165, (MIRA 18ilO)
Establishing the advantageousness of wide working drifts
in flat Donets Basin seamn. Izv. DGI 42:148-156 164.
(MIRA 18:11)
- I '
-1 , 0 ~ V I I.'!.
N'~K4A5)()'J,'-K-T' YI.F~j'; iiii-ti, lFl'KlUjTTf! V - . ; : C,I,.
--.f 41
, --- ma 1 L7.- - -al p I , wa fcr mp Z.'.rg r'.r,'ng
rt' '74--p i.-A'~ t3q'-3"j. III 1Q.
.1. 1 '. Z4,.) ' 1' 42
AUTHORSs Neemeyanov, A. K. Academician, Yazitsyna , L. A. , Lok3hin, B. V.
and Kritskaya, 1. 1.
TITLEo Position of Substituents in Ferrocene Compounds, as Determined
From Infrared Absorption Spectra (Opredeleniya polozheniya zame3ti-
teley v ferratsenovykh soyedineniyakh po infrakrasnym spektram
PERIODICALe Doklady AN SUR, 1957, Vol- 117, Hr 3t PP- 433 - 436 (USSR)
ABSTRAM With respect to the possession of the apparently greatest aeries
of these spectra of ferrocene together with the derivatives, the
authors are able to draw the conclusion on the conformity of the
spectra mentioned, with some characteristics of their structure.
These conclusions helped at the establishment of the Etructure of
the ferrocene homologues, and rendered possible the precising of
structure of the condensation products of the formaldehyde and
other aldehydes with ferrooene. Up to now the first author has
worked out together with E. G. Perevalova (reference 17) two meth-
ods of the determining mentioned in the title, both of which show
limitations. 1.) Catalytic hydrogenation under rigorous conditions
Card 1/4 leads to corresponding cyclopentane derivatives, 2.) Bromination
Position of Substituents in Ferrocene Compounds, as Determined From Infra-
red Absorption Spectra
leads to pentabrominecyclopentane in the case of such ferrocene de-
rivatives possessing a non-substituted cyclopentadiene ringv As
the condensation products of ferrocene with formaldehyde, according
to both methods, do not possess the nonsubstituted rings mentioned,
they have structure I (shown at the scheme) and not an isomere - 11.
The infraed spectra of the ferrocene compounds, according to the
high molecular symmetrj, are remarked by simplicity. In addition
to-Ihe C-H-valent oscillations in the range of from 3000 - 3100
om they have only still 4 sufficiently intensive stripal the
frequencies at 811 and 1001 cm-1 arise according to C--H deforma-
tion oscillations. The most intensive bands correspond to the fre-
,juencies at 1002 and 1008 cm-1. They were chosen as criterion of
determination of -osition of the substituents. Spectra of ferro-
oene and of mono-aubstituted ferrocenes with very different sub-
stituente were recorded (table 1 11r 1 - 16). furthermore, spectra
of 7 di-substituted having the subatituonts notoriously in differ-
ent rings. Here, frequencies 1002 and 1007 cm-1 did not occur. How-
ever, they were found as intensive strips in the spectra of the
compounds 11r 24 - 28, the fact of which points to the occurring
Card 2/4 of a free cyclopentadienyl ring. Thi3 ring was chemically proved
Position of Substitu-ants -in Ferrocene Compounds, as Determined From Infra-
red Absorption Spectra
by the bromination reaction fox the compounds Nr 26 - 28. In pre-
sence of surplus bromine a otercoi3omeric Mi6ture of pentabromine-
cyclopentane with a molting point a 83 - 101 was isolated out of
these 3 substancos in tetrachlorinecarbon (at its boiling tempera-
ture). Substanco fir 28 has a non-closed structure, because here
among others the frequency 1350 cm-1 being characteristic for the
deformation oscillations of the hydroxyl group was found. Di-sub-
stituted ferrocenes (29 - 30) (table 1) have a free cyclopenta-
dienyl ring, because within their spectra occur the frequencies
1002 and 1007 cm**I. At ferrocene compounds containing a carbonyl
group conjugated with ferrocene rinR, the signification of the
frequencies of the C - 0 - group was investigated (table 2). There-
fore is to be seen that the fre uency of the ketone C a 0 is lying
in the range of '650 - 1678 cmvq, the fact of which may be ex-
plained by the conjugation of the carbonyl with the cyclopenta-
dienyl ring@ There are 2 tables, and 20 references, 11 of which
are Slavic.
Card 3/4
Position of Substituente in Ferrocane Compounds, as Detu,-,iined From Infra-
red Absorption Spectra
ASSOCIATIONt Institute for Ele me wuil -organic Cn: ipunrids AN USSR
(Institut eIementooi.-.,_; ; ~:ieokillh joyedineniy Akadenii rauk jSSR)
June 26, 1957
Library of Congress
Card 4/4
5 Ot4)
AUTHORS: Kazitsyna, L. A., Lokshin, D To SOY/55-58-6-26/31
Poletyanko, L. L.,
TITLE: Infrared Spectra of Several Inner..;complex Compounds in the
Field of the Valency Oscillations of N-H (Infrakrasnyye
spektry nekotorykh vnutrikomplekanykh soyedineniy v oblasti
val,~atnykh kolebaniy N-H)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universitsta. Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki,
astronomii, fisiki, khimiip 1958t Xr 6y pp 207 - 213 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The object of this article is the investigation of the struc-
ture of the inner-complex compounds of the quadri-coordinated
metals (cu, Ki, Pd, Be, Zn, Cd) in which a successive modifi-
cation of the electronic shell takes place. These metals are
capable of forming tetraedric or even (in this case cis- and
transisomers) complexes. The examination was carried out by
means of infrared-absorption spectra, These spectra permit a
determination concerning the existance of the transisomerst
as with the latter the symmetrical oscillations are not ac-
tive in the infrared spectrum owing to the absence of a change
of the bipolar aoment. In order to draw conclusions as to the
Card 1/3 even cis-shape or the tetraedric shapet further tests are re-
Infrared Spectra of Several Inner-complex Compounds 307/55-58-6-26/31
in the Field of the Valency Oscillations of N-H
quired. In the present paper the authors restricted their in-
vestigations to the possibility of determining the even trans-
-configuration. Infrared spectra were taken of a number of com-
pounds containing the atomic group of HN-Me-HH. The authors
tried to find out the configuration, taking into account the
absorption bands in the field of the valency oscillations of
the N-H bond. The following compounds were investigated: Cu,Ni,
Fd,Cd,Be, iminates of salicyl aldehyde, the acetyl-acetone imi-
nates of Cu, Hi, Pd, the o-oxyacetophenone iminatee of Cu and
Ni, the P-oxynaphtaldshyde-iminates of Ou and Ni and the cop-
per salts of the ethylene-bia-a-iminopropions- and of the a-
phenyl acetic &aid. The experimental part contains a short de-
scription of the syntheses of the various complex oompounds;
the outward form and the contents of nitrogen and copper are
shown in table 1. In figure 1 the spectra of those compounds
are shown whose X-ray structural analy&1e and magnetic me&-
surements seemed to point to a trans-structure. Figure 2 re-
fers to the spectra of the Cd and Be salicylal iminates which
are of tetraedric structure, and to the spectra of the last-
Card 213 -mentioned compounds, which - owing to the presence of an
Infrared Spectra of Several Inner-complex Compounds BOY/55-58-6-26/3i
in the Field of the Valenoy Ossillations of N-H -
othylone-bridge - show an even aim-configuraticu. Table 2 is a
compilation of all results, characterizing the absorption of
the compounds investigated in the field of the N-H-binding'va-
lency oscillations.- The data obtained permit the following con-
clusions to be drawn: the composite bands of the ois- and trans-
-configuration are generated under the influence of the crystal
lattice. If in the-field of the valincy oscillations but one
band becomes clearly visible, this in considered as a proof
that there is an even trans-configuration. If in solutions this
one band remains unchanged in spite of another scission, then
the existence of this band is only a proof for an even'tran"
-figuration, if the solvent doe's not exercise any influence on
the interaction between the metal-atom and the donor atoms.
There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 8 references, 2 of which are
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra organicheskoy khimii (Chair for Organic Chemistry)
SUBMITTED: July 25, 1958
Card 3/3
24(7),7(3) SOV/48-23-10-10/39
AUT1KRS: Kazitsyna, L. A., Lokshin, B. `!., Polstyanko, L. L., Terentlyev, A.P.
TITLE: The Infrared Spectra of Some Innercomplex Compounds Within the
Range of NH-Valence Oscillations
PMHODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23,
Nr 10, pp 1196-1198 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors investigated a number of innercomplex metal compounds
(coordinate number 4) by means of infrared spectra within the
range 3000 - 3500 cm- 1and determined the NH-valence oscillation
frequency in the formations 0 \ NH and NH /NH
Me lei,
HN \ 0 0 \0
The formulas for the structure of the investigated compounds are
given (Me denotes the metal). The substance to be investioated
was prepared as vaseline paste; measurements were carried out by
using a spectrophotometer of the type IKS-11. The results are
shown by a table. Figures 1 - 3 show the characteristic shape of
Card 1/2 the spectra of three compounds. The data given by the table are
The Infrared Spectra of Some Innercomplex Compounds SOV/48-23-10-10/39
Nithin the Range of NH-Valence Oscillations
then discussed. One or several bands may occur in the spectrum.
If one band occurs in the spectrum of an innercomplex compound
containing an N11-group in connection with KH-valence oscillations,
this may be considered to prove the existence of a plane trans-
structure of the complex. The non-existence of a splitting-up
in the spectra of solutions and the occurrence of only one band
may be considered to prove the existence of a trans-structure
only if the solvent exercises no essential influence upon the
interaction between the metal and the donor atoms. There are
3 figures, 1 table, and 4 references, 1 of which is Soviet.
Card 2/2
150) -
AUTHORSs Nesmeyanov, As N., Academician, SOV/20-125-5-23/61
Kazitsyna, L. A., Lokshin B. V., Villche-,skaya, V. D.
TITLEs Infrared Spectra of Some Alkyl- and Ary1forrocorios
(Infrakrasnyye spektry nekotorykh alkil- i arilferrotsenov)
PERIODICALi Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 5,
PP 1037-1040 (USSR)
ABSTRAM It was proved earlier that frequenciee within the range of
1000 and 1100 cm- I in the infrared spectrum of ferrocene
derivatives may be indicative of the presence of a
cyclopentadienyl ring free from substituents (Refs 1, 2).
The next problem to be solved is the determination of the
mutual position of the substituting groups in a ring of
the homoannular disubstituted ferrocene derivatives. The
authors succeeded in obtaining 1.2, and 1-3-isomers
according to these spectra for acetylethyl- and ethyl-dimethyl
ferrocene. However, the attempts which were made to use the
derived rules for other homoannular disubstituted ferrocenes
Card 1/3 failed. The authors investigated the infrared spectra of
Infrared Spectra of Some Alkyl- and Ary1ferrocenes S07/20-125-5-23/6,
some substituted ferrocenes within the range of the
NaCl-prism (Table 1). It was reported (Ref 1) that the
spectra of two diethyl-ferrocenes (n 20 1.5820 and 1.5847)
differ only by the frequency 1277 cm-1, which is observed
in one spectrum only. Since either spectrum exhibits
absorption within the range of 1000 and 1100 cm- I (which
indicates a free cyclopentadienyl ring), their structure
has to be either 1.2- or 1.3-diethyl-ferrocene. Absorption
within the range of 1280 cm- 1 is observed in all
monosubstituted alkyl-ferrocenes (except methyl-ferrocene),
phenyl-ferrocene, and all alkyl- and aryl-ferrocenes
disubstituted in various rings, and, finally, in homoannular
di-isopropyl and di-tert-butyl-ferrocenes. In the case of the
last-mentioned substances a 1.3-structure is more probable,
due to steric oLnsiderations. However, absorption within
the range of 1280 cm- i in lacking in constantly 1.2-substituted
homoannular ferrocenea (substances Nr 11 - 13, Table 1), in
Card 2/3 which a 1.2-position of the substituents results from their
Infrared Spectra of Some Alkyl- and Arylferrocenes SOII/20-125-5-23/61
bicyclic structure. The synthesis of the compounds.1 1 and
12 was given earlier (Ref 9). The synthesis of Nr 13 is
described in the present paper. The data discussed here
render the assumption probable that the absorption within
the range of 1280 cm-1 is owing to the presence of two carbon
atoms of ferrocene. These atoms are not substituted and
adjacent to a carbon atom of ferrocene to which a hydrocarbon
radical is bound. The occurrence of these bands in the
spectra of homoannular disubstituted ferrocenes indicates
the 1-3-Position of the substituents. There are I table and
12 references, 8of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION; Institut elementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds of the Academy of
SUBMITTED: January 30, 1959
Card 3/3
5 (3)
AUTHORS- Kazitsyna, L. A., Lokshin, B. V., SO-f/20-127-2-27/70
Neemeyanovq Nik. A;-----
TITLEt The Infrared Spectra of Porrocenes. On the Reciprocal Influence
of Substituents in 'the Forrocene 14olecule
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Ur 2, PP 333-336 (USSR)
ABSTRACTz Recently it was proved that the reciprocal influence of the
subatituents is passed on through the entire ferrocene system
from ring to ring (Refs 1-3). The authors drew this oonolusion
on the strength of the comparison of the dissociation constants
of the forrocene-carboxylic acids of theiype Y-C 5R4-Fe-C5H4- COOH.
The substituents form with respect to their offset the following
series; C 4H9< Ce5< H< COOCE 3< COCH3< cT< SO2NH 2< S02 F. The
substituents on the right side of the hydrogen increase the
dissociation conot=t of hydroxyl, whereas the left ones reduce
the latter. The reciprocal influence of the substituents can be
expressed in the ferrooene ayatom by the frequency change of a
substituent in one ring under the influence of different oubati-
tuento in the second rinG of the molecule. Since the frequencies
Card 1/4 of the carboxyl group are very oharaoteristio the authors could
The Infrared Spectra of Ferrocenes. On the Reciprocal SOV/20-127-2-27/70
Influence of Subetituents in the Ferrocene Molecule
carry out spectroscopic investigations for the above-mentioned
series in the Infrared range also for ferrocene carboxylic acids
which have unequal substituente in the other oyclopentadianyl
ring. Table 1 shows the obtained spectra* The infrared spectra
were absorbed by the solution in order to eliminate additional
effects caused by intermolecular interaction, The authors were
forced to use chloroform because of the low solubility of most
of the compounds investigated, in spite of the favorable properties
of tetrachloromethans. Table 2 shows the oscillation frequencies
of the C-0 group in solutions and in solid state, They show the
change of the frequency of the oarbonyl group in the transition
from solid state to solution. The division of the frequencies in
solid state is neutralized in the solution, although one of the
carboxyl bands is apparently blurred. This phenomenon in assumed
to be caused by an interaction with the solvent, The comparison
of the frequencies of the 0~0 group shows that -the frequency of
the oarbonyl group ic considerably changed under the influence of
the substituente in the second ring, Furthermore it followa from
table 2 that the increase of the slootrophilia pvoperty of the
Card 2/4 substituents increases the frequency of the GmO bond of oarbo3ql
The Infrared Spectra of Ferrocenes. On the Reciprocal SOV/20-127-2-27/70
Influence of Substituents in the Ferrocene Molecule
(and of carbomethoxyl) which is located in the other ring of the
ferrocene molecule. The substituents are on the strength of this
placed in two different series with respect to the influence on
oarboxyl and on carbomethoxyl. These series agree well with each
other and with the series initially mentioned in the abstract.
An exception is the position of the absorption bands of the not
substituted acids and eaters (1682-1, 1712 cm- 1 respectively),
i.e. the hydrogen is located in the series between the groups
CH3CO and CH 300C, whereas in the initially mentioned series it
was located between the alkyls and the COOCH, group. This could
not be explained for the time being. The influenze of the sub-
stituents is passed on from ring to ring in spite of this
divergence. There are 2 tables and 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONs MoBkovekiy goeudaratvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomononova
(bloscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
Card 3/4
Vibrational spectra of forrocenes. Part 1. Calculation
of normal vibrrtion3 of the cyclopentadiene ring of
ferrocene. Opt. -4 spoktr. 13 no.3:317-323 S 162. (MIRA 15:9)
Determination of the nitrile group from infrared Bpectra.
Aminonitrile hydroohloridea. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.5:1391-1395
yq 162. (NitrileB-Spectra) (MIRA 15:5)
Investigation of the structure of certain inner-complex com-
pounds by means of electron paramagnetic resonance. Dokl.
AN SSSR 143 no.4s867-870 Ap 62. (MIRA 15:3)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova.
Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Nesmeyanovjm.
(Complex compounds-Spectra)
V-9 Piskunov, A. K.f Kazitayna, L. A.p and
Shigorin, D. N.
TITLE: Investigation of the structure of-some chelate compounds by
means of electron paramagnetic resonance,
PbRIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskayaf
V. 27t 1~0. 1, 1963, 75-77
TEXT: The e.p.r. spectra of several.copper complexes formed by the alkyl-m'
and aryl imines of sali-9yl aldehyde, o-oxy acetophenonet and P-oxy
naphthaldehyde in the form of powders and solutions in chloroform were
studied. The powder samples displayed one hi4gle 'asymmetric.absorption
'..bana and the solutions showed a hyperfine structure (three lines).* This
spli'tting is due to the interaction of the unpaired 3d electron of
copper with the nucleus of the 'copper atR~. (nuolegr,apin 3/2). An
additional hyperfine splitting into five line
iS was 6beerved in the cane
of copper.0-oxy acetophenone iminate.9 whioh- due'~to interaction of the
unpaired electron with two equivaleat nitrogen atoms 1). This,oould
Card 1/2,
Investigation,of the structurje,,... B1os/,V1e6
hot be resolved with the other compoundsi but was also inferred from the
dependence of the distance betieen the split line* bn the structure of the,
groupB around the Cu atom (11gand). The width of,the e.p.r. lines of the
solid compounds depends on the exchange interactigns between the
paramagnetic particles in the,cryetal. As the aubstituent'. increases,
the volume of'the molecule and-their ateric hindrikhae of close packing
also increase. This leads to,a. reduced volume interaction and, in the
case of equivalent packing of the paramagnetic particles-in the crystal,
to a narrowing.of the e.p.r. lines. There are*2 figures and I table.
ASSOCIATION: Khimicheakiy-fakulltet Moskovskoga goo. univeraiteta im.
IA. V. Lomonosova (Chemical Branch of'Moscow State Univer~sity
imeni M. V. Lomondsov)
Card 2/2
Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Chemical
Sciences at the Institute of Elemento-organic Compounds in 1962:
"Investigation of Several Intracomplex Co:,pounds Using Spectroscopic
Vest. Akad. Hauk SSSR. No. 4, Moscow, 1963, pages 119-145
f 1~n 3 )/T
L z;_'_"~_-66 E VU t' f -, ) E W? (
AUTHORS: Frunze# To He; Korshak, V. V.; Baranov, Ye. L.; Lokshin, B.V.:I
ORG: Institute of Organoelemental Compounds, j&N SSSR tInstitut elemen-i
toorgafiicheskikh Ioy dinenV AN SSSR)
TITLEs Q4UoA1y%NV:xa:ioVof styrene with N-methaeryloylesprolactax In
the presen.ce of C-ca prolactan
SOURCEz Vysokonolukulyarnyye soyedinaniya, v. 8, no. 3, 1966, 455-460
TOPIC TAM caprone, styrene, copolymerization, copolymer, chain
polymer, monomer
ABSTRACT: The copolymerization of styrene with N-methacryloyleapro-
lactam, (MACL) has been investigated, The optimum copolymerization
conditions were established. The empirical dependence of the.MACL in
the copolymer on the amount in the feed mixture was found. The re-
activities of these monomers during copolymerization in c-caprolactau
solution weradetermined. The chain transfer constant through e-capro-
lactam, was determined. It is shown that c-caprolactamt- does not con-
siderably affect the chain growth and that it is a suitable solvent
for the reactions Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 5 tables. (Based on
author's abstract) INT)
Card 1/2 UDC:66.095.26+678.13+678.675+678.746
L :L~7Z~'-bb
',CC NR- AP6010109
SUB CODEt 07/ SUBH DATEt 30Har65/ ORIG REFt 002/
OTH REFs 003/
Card 2/2
L 0).265_67 EWr(mjZPffj~)/T TJV(c) _;N/RM
~M --SOURCE -rol)E-;-URlao~0166IZiWI60rl6~810!a-
M ,
AUTHOR: IjQkghin, B,,.-Vo,-; ~bzgova, K. K.; Yprshak, V. Vo (Corresponding member k,' sqsa);
Yag-provap'-Yu. V0 37- 1
ORG: Institute of Elementoorganic Compounds, AN SSSR_ Institut elementoorganicheski
soyedinenly AN EMT-
TITLE: Graft copolymer,91. Mechanism' of grafting polyetbylenaterephthalate (Lavsan)
SOURCE: AN SSSR, Daklady, v. 166, no. 1, 1966, 118-121
TOPIC TAGS: graft copolymer, thermal deoomlmsition
0 U
ABSTRACT: The mrachanism of grafting of polymers is discussed. It is concluded that
the thermal activation of the 4focess of grafting of a Lavsan film is related to its
therm=cidational destructionevleating of a Lavsan film at 320C for 6 min caused the
appearance of new inrr_Z~Wbsorption bands at 670, 720, 810, 920, 1620, and 1840 cm
1hese changes were due to the formation of hydroxyperoxide; anhydride, and vinyl
groups in the process of the thermooxidational destruction, Orige art* has: 2 fig* I
C 1-11 E 113.2 0 S L 0 VAK IA UDC 617 - 5 5 - 0 80 3 -5)
L~Lj,ENC, J. Surf,-,ical Clinic, 1-Iodical Itaculty 0-11- -Hy7--,:.,ne, Charles
y y rr i oj i c:,. e 11,71-)
Unive-r-31-t-y (Chirurgicka KLinika LoIcarske -Wku u
Prague, Head (Prodnosta) Prof Dr E. ?OLAX.
"Indication for Early Urgent Relaparotomy.fl
1 -.0 11.1, 18 ITOV r-O
Pra.-,ue, uaso-ois Lek-.ru ("es!cvch, Vol 105, .0 00
1248 - 1Z5 -0
Ab-st.rca%Ct /7~uthorls En,s'lish su---ipry nodified-7: Rasic, ind" cations
for early urr~ent relaparQ~Orrlr are do-cribed. A new technicuo
" 'j
of surgical treatment is discussed; t'nis -,-,achnique, used at the
clinic w*-cre the author works, imnroved t101(, ?,ostoncrntivo cour3c)
n ~-,or(; tt-lan 2/3 o'.C t:-:rj c=.;os. --.'a.--ly ur~~ont ro-
of the disoaoo -it
laparotomy is fully Justified in local iri--Jvorsible disorders
occurring after an operation w'aen cary-iod out at the proper time.
4 Tables, 5 Western, 4 Czech roferences.
WKSH111, B.Ye.
Investigation of reversing mills for cold rolling. Prok-at.
proizv. no.20-13 160, (Rolling mills) (I-JIRA 14:11)
TRLPTIYAKOV, Andrey Vladimlrovich- LOKSHIN Boris Yevgenlyevich;
BMAKOVSK3Y, Mark Aleksandrovich; D , 0 .. re zent;
DRALYUK9 B.N.9 red.; GWATKINAq F.K.j red.,izd-va; TURMAI Te.D.,
(Specific power conmmption in cold rolling) UdellrVI raskhod
enargii pri kholodvni prokatke. Sverdlovok, Goa.nauchno-tekbn.
izd-vo lit-r7 po ohernoi i tovetnol metallurgii. Sverdlovskoe
otd-nie, 1961. 83 P. (MIRA 14:6)
(Rolling (Metalwork))