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2057. VMKINa MN ROCKS it YZ=,Ir,%L r7WZ. X.,%. (Uf'ca W3~31' -Muztratf-cvi~'- - I I pcrfcrm.-xo dr-Ma nnd g-arhg are given fcr tha cuttIr.- z..z'-t;crj ca ac--,7c 3--vier Occc:blnQsfl (mchinci ccrbinlre r.,To thnn cna r-,c~-atlrr). ,lie VIrFACTIVI Ch-3 cuta circul,,r ZZ%myu; up te, 3 m In ;'Ith a cruelfcrn araMcnanr or cutters. 1he Is a Mth Madca to Ojiivc ott Cho MW left Lvcmcm the frccvc,,. A pl-inounry cutur u,,cd cn the vcn3rruat1cn of tha K~%cw u~!wjrcufll ruw e. zcrf(.,,~ of tiliallat, lntm-cccfr!~, (,Ircu.-,,r Proc-ve-,. -!ia Pir-1 cutL'. ,I be-IdIfto with a hLr~lchco 5CCLI-'ri or ~ S"'7. 'Tno ti,- rt 1 Z~' rzin oitring -crtcr ha3 a ntzuidard oil L cr--Wr - ;~ri.[ a -,Ly trr cr tfcthcd ;.bcol cutt~'i'j rc'v0- r. r, -..t ae cn-.,tln_~ vc-orcra z~ ft-lia 1~-tLcm C1r:1.1:i1z- -IC &7'16~'PEO &'6-- e- c KUZICCTSOV, Aleksandr Alakeandrovich;_LOEHAL4",t,,,,ptvetstvannyy redaktor; SMIRNOV, L.Y.. redaktor izdatallatvs; PROZO-ROVSKAYA, V.L.. takhniche- kly redaktor; HADIINSKAYA, A.A., takhnicheeki7 radak-tor ; PGA-3 grab bin unit) Prokhodchaskii greifernyi agregat PGA-3. Moskva, Ugletakhizdat, 1956. 37 P. (MIRA 9:12) (Coal mining machinery) LONWIN X A inzh.; ABHORSHKV. V.I., inzh. .~ A.1K 1. e_`;~ 3 cutter-loader for mining. Mekh.trud.rab. 11 no.7:37-39 t J1 '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Mining machinery) BAZH=OV, I.I.,; GRIDIN, A.D.; DUNAYEV, H.N.1 IDKHANIN,.-K.A.-.; SEMMOV,A.P.; MMKJXffAMXDOVA, V.P., red. izd-va,; IVINSKAYA 14. . tekhn. red.; ALADOVA. Te.L. tekhn. red. [Coal industry in Czechoslovakia] Ugollnaia promyshlennost' Chekhoslovskii Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1958. 263 P. (MIRA 11:12) iCzechoolovskia--Coal mines and mining) ABMORSILdV, Valentin Ivanovich; LOKWIN, Konutantin Anstollyevich; AqTAJr OV, A.V., otv.red.; IPZ-3 autter-loaderl Prokhodchaskii kombsin PK-3. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat. 1959, 173 P. (MIRA 12:12) (Coal mining machinery) ALEKSANMOV, B.F., inzh.; BALYKOV, V.X., inzh.; BAHANOVSKIY. F.I., inzh.; BOGUTSKIY, N.V., lnzh.; BUNIKO, V.A., kand.takhn.nauk, dotsent; VAVILOV, V.V., inzh.; VOLOTKOVSKIY, S.A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; GRIGORIYEV, L.Ta.. inzh.; GRIDIN, A.D., inzh.; ZARKAH, L.N., inzh.; KOVALEV, F.F., kand.toklin.nauk; KU2&,",rSOV, B.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, doteent; KlJSNITSYH, G.I., inzh.; LATYSIM, A.F., inzh.; LETBOV. R.K., doktor tekhn.nailk, prof.-, WMUS, Z.H.. inzh.; LISITSYN, A.A., inzh.; ~q LYUBIMOV, B.N., inzh.; MASHUVICH, K.S., inzh.; AALK11ASOYAN, R.V.; MILOa'RDI14, N.M., inzh.; MITNIK, Y.B., kand.tekhn.nauk; MIKHNYEV, Tu.A., inzh.; PAILMONOV, V.I., inzh.; ROKANOVSKIT, Tu.G., inzh.; RUBINOVICH, Te.Te., in2h.; SAMOYLYUK, N.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; SIMOV, V.K.. inzh.; SMOLDY- REY, A.Te., kand.tekhn.nauk; SNAGIN, V.T., inzh.; SHAGOVSKIT, Ye-S., kand.tokhn.nauk; YETGIN, L.M., inzh.; FRhQ9=', B.B., inzh.; FURMAN, A.A., inzh.; KHORIN, V.H., dotsent, lmnd.tekhn.nauk; CHET- VlaOV, B.M., inzh.; CHUGUNIKIIIN, S.I., inzh.; OVNIKOV, V.N.' inzh.; SHIRYAUV, B.M., inzh.; WiISHKIH, N.Y., k-and.tekhn.nouk; WILIBIMG. I.L., inzh.; WORIN, V.G., dotsent, lcand.tekhn.nauk; SUCKHAN, I.G., doktor tekhn.nauk; SORIS, N.A., inzh.; TMPIGOREV. A.M., glavnyy red.; TOPCHIYEV, A.V., otv.red.toma; LIVSHITS, I.I., zamestitell otv.red.; ABRAMOV, V.I., red.; LADYGIN, A.M., red.; MOROZOV, R.N., red.; OURNOY, H.I., red.; SPIVAKOVSKIY, A.O., rod.; FATBISOVICH, I.L., red.; ARKUHMMISKIY, A.S., lnzh., red.; (Continued on next card) ALEKSANDROV, B.F.---(continued) CArd 2. BXLTATXV, V.S., inzh., red.; BI]KHMOVA, L.I., inzh., red.; TLASOV, V.K., inzh., red.; GLADILIN, L.V., prof., doktor tekhn.nauko red*; GREBTSOV, N.V., inzh., red.; GRECRISHKIN, F.G., inzh., red.; GON- CHAREVICH, I.F., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; (RMALOV, V.P., kand.tekhn. nauk, red.; IGNATOV, N.H., inzh., red.; LOMAKIN, S.M., dotsent, kand. tekhn.nauk. red.-, MARTTKOV, H.V., dotsent. kand.tekhn.nouk. red.; FOVOLOTSKIY, I.A., inzh., red.; SVETLICHNYY, P.L., inzh., red.;SALI- TSEVICH, L.A., kand.toklin.nauk, red.; SPIRANTOV, A.V.. kand.tekhn. nauk, red.; SUOL&R, G.A., inzh., red.; ABARBARCRUK, F.I., red.izd-va; PROZOROVSKAYA, V.L.. tekhn.red.; KOUIRATIYEVA, M.A., tekhn.red. [Mining; an encyclopedic handbook) Gornoe delo; entaiklopedichookii spravochnik. Glav.red.A.M.Terpigorev. Chleny glav.redsktsii A.I. Baranov i dr. Koskva, Gqo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornoum delu. Vol-7. [Mining machinaryi Goraye mashiny. Redkol.toms A.V.Topchiev i dr. 1959. 638 p. (Mining machinery) UIIPA 13:1) ABMRSHEVY Valentin Ivanovich; -W&HANIN,_ Kpilv_tantin-Anatollyevich; SOSNOVp V.D., otv. red.j ABARBARCHUK, F.I., red. izd-va; OVSEYENKOP V.0.1 tekhn. red. [PK-3 (PK-3m) cutter-loader]Prokhodchookil kombain PK-3 (FK-3m). 2. izd., dop. i parer. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 219 P. (MIRA 16:1) (Coal mining machinery) LOKHANIN, 9. A. Industrial use of cater-loaders in coal mines of the Soviet Union. Biu]L.tekh.-ekon.inform.GOB.naUCh.-IBBl.inBt.nauch. i tekh.inform, no.10:21-24 '62, (MIRA 15:10) (Coal mining machinery) LOKHANIN, K.A. -.-- -I Analysis of the operating efficiency of mining cutter-loaders. U9011 39 no.3:50-55 My'64. 04IRA 17:5) 1. Gosudarstvennyy proyektno-konstruktorskiy i eksperimentallnyy institut, ugollnogo mashinostroyeniya. YATSKIKH, Valerian Grigor;yevich, karid. tekhn. nauki 7-,nul, tekhn. nauk; IMAS, Aleksandr Dav.Tdovich, irzh.; SPEKXR, Leonid Abramvich, irzh.; KHORIN, D.N., dokto-, tekhri. nauk, retsensent- LOULNIN, inzh., retaenzent; FEYGIN, L.M., insh., re se-n-ze-n-t-,- ABRAMOVP V.I., inzh.,, red.izd-7a~ MINSKER, L.I., tekhn. red. [Mining mqchines) Gornye mashiny. [E~rj V.G.IAtskikh I dr. Cosgortekhizdat, 1963, 382 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Coal mining machinery) - - ____ --- __ __ - --- - __ __ __ ____ __ - - ___ -- ----- - __ LOYMNOV, 13. N. Using mining methods without transportation in the Krasnogorsk open-cut mines of Yuznotok Pasin. Ugoll 36 no.11:25-28 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Krasnogorskogo razreza (Tomusinskiy rayor Kuzbassa). (Kuznetsk Basin--Strip mining) LOKHANO KOVALENKO, V.A.; BETANELI, K.P.; VESKOV, M.I.; DRANNIKOV, S.A.; IVANOV, K.I.; BEREZNYAK, M.N.; VASILIYEV, Ye.I.; TSETSULINIKOV, V.R. Trial operation of cutter loaders in mining with the room-and- pillar method. U9011 37 no.8%33-35 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Krasnogorskiy razraz (for Lokhanov, Kovalenko). 2. Institut gornogo dela im. A.A.Skochinskogo 4for B6t&neli, Veskov, Drannikov, Ivanov). 3. Kemerovakiy gornyy institut (for Bereznyak, Vasillyev, TSetsullnikov). (Coal mining machinery-Testing) (Mining engineering) IVANOV, V.F., doktor tekhnw nauk, profs [decensed]; 01;UFRIYEV, N.M.$ doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; ROT, A.V., kand. arkh. dots.; GRIGORIYEVA, arkh.; ZAKURIYEVSKAYA, M.A., kand. tektn. nauk; ZELITF14, L.V., kand. arkh.; KHAVSKOY, V.A., arkh.; KUNTSMAN, M.S., kand. arkh. dots.; LQjUW1OV, G.I., arkh.; NIKOLAYEV, A.I., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; OSIFOV, Ye.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; SAH1NOVSKIY, KJ., doktor tekhn. nauk prof.; TRULL', V.A.9 kand. tekhn. nauky dots.; KARR9 V.M., inzh., nauchn. red.; MARGOLIN, A.G.2 inzh.,, nauchn. red. (Elements of buildings and structuresj Konstruktsii. zdanii i sooruzhenii. Leningrad, Stroilzdat, 1965. 487 p. (MIRA 18:12) Reactiju of acid euhydride~i ivkh fwmatt,-s. 1. Dc--,ojn- positlonj~ -_~y acetic anhydride, L. K h. Frs ldli;t, r~ '7' In P.; jj~ ~'j " g ad. ~6. 46_1~v t -r~77777e_s_r =~o17~e I Av. Khipn.' Ak.,j, IWO-If r~-act ;,;ith I niojl,~ A,,,,Cj yit;WiujACO!I' C-0 asid. th't metal Licttatei: ThL fttz~~o cf th,-- balt iff t. , lCien the dpcompi~, Thd retcfl6n I i'l tho -with tlt~ TI Salt, it t'; ~tt 60" %"ith Ili, Nit ~At aIA Li ~.'r 'M;1 :~ dt:' At I it) 1. Oth* I f'-1-111A~_'i '~:"d. ('Itt :'~10 ~-T ~1" Itot Icact at 01 (Ca 4tilt I. Tho. Ill i-At,-A i,y wj,. Li , -i v;ith a at'na, .'i v-lt ;"! I", ;L6'1'4 1~"": A, (';if. ~'uythlliltc 11 a vtl('re Own &,011. M11. of su, 04talylitq w)t oslv ;vke~!~tM(:4 UIZ te'~7!1011 Wt vuy MY~-Vt the rg,Ati. ti ,f tb~ r-.~.OvAy i,f Lit i~k Ott alx,ye jist; tq c-tibrly 7,,iv~rptibIc in lli~j roj,,~,~t 1,q 0-,c Ij 'f h(- i;!~! t iC (I rve 4 of Ov. r~w tioll 06 rn 1L X. , M ~; A I ;kr (. rl" 1, I)f that the V.-Ictir'a litter Mtich Q.'~ " :(')It 0.'i pro"": C f, rf of tho ('l f~flll' ':L'Jrd f(:~- '114 "hvil.ai'c It Yd rh14: 1. 1,11C TI f"tit tvrtl at l"nirt to:qt. Awl reactkw may ~'C d. LI'qc' tion 14 tll!! ftg C-4 mli~lbl. iilvoic acids do iwt tc,,iet, n,,r do t-wj 111,1 rill, fit !-Lz~t;Ja' 11')"~'h thtt' tict'j'-f the voli~fitioilj Ociud-A fly 4, it b imj.o.,.iwc tu tile it 11C0.-44 ard eryst. n'-pamitly &WNAWII. and it minDI-Irly fire 11 iiP` "I LOKIIIANOV, E:_ ~A. SIIIPOV) R. A. (Moscow) k_-_, "Rotating Stall in Compressors." "On Boundary Conditions in Stability Problems of Compressors a=1 the Energy Exchange of the Flow with the Surrounding Medium." report presented at the First All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 27 Jan - 3 Feb 1960. LOJCHANMYA T I ~udentke VI kursa (Omsk) Prothrombin level of the blood and its fluctuations in nVocardial infarction. Klin.med. 35(i.e.341 no.1 Supplement:4 Ja '57. (MM 11:2) 1, rz kafedry gospitallnW terepii (zav. - vrof. U.S.Vinnikov) H.I.K~llnina. Gmekogo meditainakogo institute Imeni (BLOOD-BUKINATION) (HNART-VIYARCTION) TMATYUK. A.8.. aspirant (Tomsk, Timiryszovskiy pr. d.9, kv.1) Bile secretion following liver resection; exper. research. Test. khir. 78 no.l;.61-68 JTa '57. MRA 10:3) 1. Is goopitallnoy khtrargichaskoy kliniki (say. - prof. A.G.Savinykh) Tomskogo maditsinakogo institute in. V.M.Molotova (LIM, surge exper. resection, off. on bile secretion) BIIM, physiol. secretion, off. of exper. resection of liver) LOKHATYUK, A. S., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Output of bile in 12-finered intestine in the case of liver resection. (Experimental research)." Tomsk, 1960. 11 pp; with illustrations; (Tomsk State Mledical Inst); 2CG copies; price not given; (,U, 17-60, 17C) L6FPIN -J,L, Cpredeleniye osob-ykh tochek analitic)-icsUkh fLn~.tsly. e.tjj~. un-ta, 12(10,"-9), 135-15Q. L, rretoft lancel'broytra. Clya ct.m.el~.-..Iya o-~o~,ykh tochck na okru.hnosti skLocirosti ryz,ca Leylora, ~orlkiiy, 7LCI-en, Zap. -n-ta, 12(1939), 157-162. L.pre6eicniyo osobykh tocl;en anal i tlches~il, h finl-triy. "-crlkiy, ~.chcn. La,,. Un-ta. 12(19---.9), 1--5-156. co: i-atheratics in the UiSR, 19-17-1~~47 (Cited ty hurosh, A. G. ;.artk shevich, A. iiashevskiy, ~. K. Loscc,,.:-LcnLn:-r&d, 1-:41- f ding ,=&tics - Complex Functions 1 Jun 50 Applied Calculating Techniques "Kew Representation oi'an Integral (Entire) Analyt- 1cal First-Order Function of the Normal Type,- I. Lokbin 'Dok Ak Wauk SSSR" vol L)oLrj; lqo 4~ pp 629-632 Offers new representation of integral (entire) func- tion F(z) with aid of auxiliary function determined directly from interpolational data. F(Z) is repre- sented by.means o.f. an auxiliary-function in the fora 165M USSR/Mathematics Complex Functions 1 Jun 50 (Contd) of a certain integral,.from vb1ch one easily obtains, e.g., representations of a function by Newton's, Abel's, etc., series. Submitted 31 Mar 50 by Acad 1. G. Petrovskiy. 165T22� 14 F F-- I MR, m lyt 0 It Iva It IF 1:1 tile tf) tit 4iill Vol 111n. 6 Source- Ma thema tical Reviot-! s I bY ij ~14T-T- be niernmorullic with "im'; A, 1; L1 ' helno la t LOXHIN, I.F. (Kookya.) On the oomplateness of the systein of funotions t 0 (A ^Z) j . xat. abor. 35 no.2:215-222 3-0 154. (VI-RA 7:9) (7motions. Intirs) LOKHIN, I.F. (Moskva) ~.-- " Interpolation problem for entire functions. Kat.sbor. 35 no.2: 223-230 5-0 '54. OUAA 7:9) (Tanctions, Intire) (Interpolation) LOKHIN, I. F. "Associated Functions and Their Application." Dr Phys4lath Sci, Moscow Order of lAnin State U imeni M. V. Lomonosov, 28 Jan 55. (VM, 34 Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) 50s Sm. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 !6(i) 16-3000 05710 AUTHORs -Lokhin,, I.F. (Moscow) SOV/39-49-3-6/7 TITLEt On Linear Aggregates of Entire Functions PER10DICALi Matematicheskiy sbornik, 1959,Vol 49,Nr 3,PP 341-346 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For the investigation of the limit function of the sequence of lineor aegregates Pn (1) P n(Z) - 1)Z I an pf (A Y 2) n where f(%) is an analytic function, A.F. Leontlyev /-Ref 1 7 -proTosed a new method in which, by means of the given funclion f(z and numbers ),,, , a functional equation is constructed,. the solutions oLf which are the f(A)jz) as well as the limit functions of (1). In Z-11ef 1-7 the method was applied only when f(s) is of finite order and of normal type, especially for f(z) - e2 . in the present paper the author shows that the construction of the afore-mentioned functional equation Card 1/2 is possible for every entire function. As an example the 8 05710 On Linear Aggregates of Entire Functions SOV/39-49-3-6/7 author extends the generalized Liouville theorem given in I-Ref 2 r 7 to arbitrary entire functions. The e a e 2 Soviet references. SUBMITTEDs February 1, 1958 Card 2/2 LCKHINI M. A. ffBiological Aging---One of the Chief Reasons for Cutting Red Clover"p Agrob. 4,, 1948. Ukraine Affil.,, All-Union Inst. Fodder im. V. P. Villyams, Poltava, -el949-. LOUIN., V.K., inzh. Electric power supply to new railroad construction projects. Transp. strol. 15 no.9:26-28 S 165. (114IRA 18:11) L 10761-63 EWT(d)/FCC(w)/BDS--Amc/pn.---lip(cr) ACCESSION NR- AP3003235 S/0040/63/027/OOV 030/0417 AUTHOR: LokMn, V. V.; (Moscow); Sedov, L. I. (Moscow) TITLE: Nonlinear tensor functions of several tensor arguments SOURCE: --Pr4kladn-aya-matematika I mekhanika, v. 27, no. 3, 1963, 393-417 TOPIC TAGS: nonlinear tensor functions, functi6fis-of-tensor arguments, construction of tensor functions, symmetry groups, textures and crystals, syngony of -crystals ABSTRACT: By applying similarity and dimensional analysis, methods are developed for automatic determination of properties of linear and nonlinear systems from their characteristic parameters. Two basic problems are solved: a) It is shown that properties of textures and crystals can be defined by means of tensors, and b) -general expressions are established for arbitrary- rank tensors considered as functions of a number of scalars and of several Card 1/3 L 10761-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3003235 independent tensors. It is shown that for the construction of tensor functions it is necessary and sufficient to use the complete system of functionally inde- pendent compatible invariants formed of the vector ccnponents defining the symmetry groups " of odier tensor arguments. For the solution of those problems the authors present the general concepts of tensors, tensor bases, and tensor functions. The tensor Is represented by the formula: P H kSH'G.V where k. are scalars and H are tensors of rank r. The methods of con- s structinig general fornw1as & foryn (1) for tensor functions are derived on the basis of constructing the tensor base in terms of tensor arguments by means of multi- plication and convolution operations. The pecularities of symmeltry groups of constructed tensor functions are analyzed. With the formulas derived, tensors defining the geometric symmetry of textures and crystals are studied. Simple systems of tensors defining the properties of 7 types of textures and 32 classes of crystals as well as the formulas for theIr determination are presented in tables, Tensors defining the symmetry group of the cubic, tetragonal, Card 2 /3 L 10761-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3003235 hexagonal, trigonal, rhombic,' mono clinic, and triclinic syngonies are pre- sented, and their properties are analyzed. General formulas are derived for components of the second, third, and fourth rank tensor functions of tdnsor arguments characterizing the geometrical properties of textures and crystals. Tensor functions for textures and crystals with additional tensor arguments are also considered. "The authors thank Yu, A. Sirotov for his valuable advice in crystallography. Orig. art. has: 42 fol-mulas and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 28Feb63 DATE ACQ: 23Jul63 ENCL:' 00 SUB CODE: 00 NO REF SOV: 017 OTHER: 014 C0,d 13~ee AUTHOR: Lokhin, V. V. TITLE: A system of defining parameters which characterize the geometric properties of an anisotropic medium IIFRIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR- Doklady, v. 149, no. 2, 1963, 295-297 TEXT: The anisotropy properties of a continuous medium are often related to classes of equivalent directions. The symmetry of equivalent directions in each point of the modi *um is characterized by a cortain point group. Therefore, aninotropic modia mny be classified by means of their symmetry point groups. The fundamental statement of the present paper is the following:.An arbitrary tonsor which is invariant under a given point; group T can be represented in the form of a linear combination of tencors- formed by the inyariant tenser operations from a certain finite act of tensors A (r) (r - 1,2,,*.tl) in such a way that none of its parts has the same property. The tensora A (r and th cir number I depend only on the structure of the group T. Card 1/2 S-102016311491ori21010102a A system of defining parameters which ... B112/BI80 PRESENTED: December 18, 1962, by L. I. Sedov, Academician SUBMITTED: December 14, 1962 Card 212 S/020/63/149/004/005/025 B104/Ble6 AUTHORS: Sedovt L. I., Academici5n, Lokhin, V. va TITLE: Description with tensors of the point groups of symmetry PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSS11. Doklady, Y. 149, no- 4, 1963, 796 -797 TEYT: It is indicated that the geometric characteristics of the symnletry'' of textures cr crystals may be given completely and uniquely by a small Get of :3imple tonsors. This assumption can ~e proved by showing that the demand of invariant properties of the tensor basis is equal with the prob- lem of a system of transformation matrices defining the given group of symmietry, Denotations and definitions of the basis tensora illuatrating the-oyrr.,etry of textures and of 32 classes of crystals Given in a voluni- nous table may be used for the construction of general formulas expressing the deoenderice of scalars and tensors on a series of scalar and tensor quantities whereby the geometric properties of symmetry are taken into account. These formulas can be considered a* a generalization of the Hamiltion-Yely formula. There is 1 figure. SUB,MITILED: February 7, 1963 Card 1/1 WHINY Y'V. General forms of relationship between tennor fields in an aniBotropic continuum whose properties are described by 4eptors, ten8ors of tlie nwond rank, and antisymmetric tensors of the third rolt-. Dokl. AN SSSR 149 no.61l282-1285 Ap 163. OURA 16: 7) 1. Predstayleno akademikom. L.I.Sedovym. (Calculus of tensor8) (Vector analYsis) , v . "' . - . ) - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - -- --- T --.. .. W -( M.Sco, i UCn the models of anisotropic fluids". report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on 1heoretical and Applied Mlechani~s, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 611. EMGLYY, A.Ye., polkovbik ped.sluzhby; LOXHIVA I.F - ROGOVA) Ye.A. Clinical,, roentgenological and morphological juxtaposition in chronic appendicitis. Sbor.nauch.trud.Kievookruzhvoenegosp, no*4tl3l-134 162. (MIRA 16s5) (APPRIDICITIS) ORLCFVSKIY, S.A.; GRIGOROVA, M.I.;-.1~Qq1INA.. I.F. Treatment of thrombophlebitis. Nov. kh1r. arkh. no.5.-99-100 5-0 160. (PHLIMITIS) (THROMBOSIS) LOKHIKA, P. Zffect of road surface on the life of tires. Ayt.transp. 32 no.7:19-20 Jl '54. W-RA 7:9) 1. Nauohno-iseledoratellskiy.institut shinnoy promyshlennosti. (Tires. Rabber) GUSLITSAR, R., inzh.; LOXHM, F., inzh.; TSUICPMXRG, S., kand. tekhn. nauk. Selecting proper tire pre9aura. Avt. tranep. 36 no.1:10-12 A 158. (Automobiles-Tires) (MM 11.,l) XA Handbook on Machine-Building Materials (coat.) sav/4419 Specification markings of tires 267 Agricultural tires 267 Pneumatic tires for bicycles 268 Sol-id-rubber tires 269 Valve stems 270 Fiber-reinforced rubber belts and bands 271 Belts [i. e. drive belts, faa.belts, etc.] 271 Conveyer belts 275 Hoses 280 Supply hoses of fiber-reinforced rubber 280 Reinforced rubber-textile hoses 284 Rubber-fiber hoses reinforced with metal braiding 287 Suction hoses 289 Methods of testing supply and suction hoses 293 Supply hoses made to technical specification 294 Piping 298 Rubber parts in machine building 303 Rubber packings 304 Rubber-metal bushingis 311 Rubber shock-absorbing parts 314 Auxiliary rubber materials 319 Electric insulattng materials and articles 319 CUL Oft., Ebonite articlea 319 Slootric insulating materials made from soft rubber 321 LOKHMANMIKO EpidemlologY of trichinosis in Mogilev Province. Zdrav. Belor. 5 no-1:50-52 Ja '59- (MIRA 12:7) 1. Iz Instituta malyaril. meditainakoy, meditain8koy parazitologii i gellmintologii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR (direktor instituta - nrof. P.G. Sergiyev) I Mogilevskoy oblastnoy sanit~rno-epidemiologl- cheakoy stantaii (Irlavnyy vrach A.N.' Bnkalov) (MOMIAll MOVINGS-TRIGHINA AND TRICHINOSIS) LGKHr-',A.-.`E:KO, V. A., Cand Mied Sci (dilos) "Epideu,iology of tricl,.in- ellosis in the Morilevskaya obla-st' of the ht~lorussian 6SR." Ecscowl 1960. 19 pp; (Ministry of Agriculture USSi~, All-Union Crder of ,ricultural Sciences Academy of Ag im. V. I. Lenin,, All-Union inst GI Belminthology im Academician X. I. Skryabin); 200 colDies; price not given; (KL, 28-60, 165) LOK0,ANINKO, V. A., iYBALTOVSKIY, 0. V. and KU-ZILIKOV, 11'. E. (Sciun- -'tilT-c-C-o---w--o-rk-er-,-Assistant Frofessor and Assistant, Moscow Technologi- cal Institute of Meat and Milk Industry) "About morphologic differences of lYichinella ca.psules" Veterinariya, Vol. 38, no. 7, July 1961, p. 48 LOKRMANENKO, V. A. , PLOrmov, N. N. "The Problem of Management of Trichiniasis in the Population" from Bor'bas Boleznyarni.. Obahchimi Dlya Cheloveka i Zhivotnykh (Zoonozy) Moscow, 1961. LOKHHM~HKOJ, V.A. . kand.med.nauk Intensifying measures for the control of helinthiasis. Felld. i akush. 28 no.2:3-5 F163. (HIJU 16:9) 1. Iz Instituta organizataii zdravookhranenlya i istorii meditsiny imeal N.A,Semashko I-IdnistertsLva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (WORMS, INNSTINAL AND PAIUSITIC) RYBALTOVSKIY, O.V., dotsent; KOSMINKOV, N.Ye., assistent; LOFJUWIENKO, V.A., nauchnyy notnidnik Morphological differences of Trichinells. capsules. Veterinariia 38 no.7:48-50 Jl 161. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Moskovskly tokhnologicheskly institut myasnoy i molochnoy pronyahlennosti. (Trichina and trichinosis) YEGOROV, Yu.P.; LORHMCH6V, V.F.; YAGUI'ULISKIY, L.M. Infrared spectra of I-phenyl-2-trifluom methylethylene and its derivatives. Izv. AN SSSR.Ser.fiz. 26 nu.10:U7b-1277 U 162, (MIRA 15:10) L Institut khimii polimerov i mnomerov AN UkrSSR. (Ethylene-Spectra) KOIDIKV, K.A. [Korniev,, K.A.], doktor khim. nauk; KAC.W, A.A., kand. LOKHAACHOV F.; VOYTSEYHIIISIKIY, R.V. khii. nauk; [Voitsekhi-v"~s~le-~~,--r.,~~.,I,.,-Vkand. khim. nauk Using ultraviolet spectroscopy for the investigation of the photodisintegration of polycaprolactam. Khim. prom [Ukr.] no.1:65-66 Ja-4:063 ?MIRA 17:7) 1. Institut khimii polirerov i monomerov All UkrSSR. 2. Chlen- korrespondent All UkrSSR (for Kornem). LOKW4ANENKO, V.A.; NEYMAN, M.I., red.; MATVFYEVA, M.M., tekhn. red. (Helminthic diseases and their prevention] GIIBtnye zabo- levanila i ikh preduprezhdenie. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 31 P. (MIRA 16:1o) (WORMS, INTESTINAL AND PARASITIC) --j. r,' IDKHRATEV,N.A. kandidat sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk ... - -, 1. A, Sophora japonicals capacity to produce shoots. Priroda 44 no-5:116-117 MY 155o (MIBA 8:7) 1. Vladimirskaya agrolesomeliorativnaya stantsiya (Sophora) -- - KCROMENICH,V~-P.;- LENKOVA, G.A.; BABEMO., N.-S.; LOKHMATOVI A.I. Photoelectric method for recording the achromatic interference fringe. Opt.i spektr. 11 no.1:112-117 JI 161. (19BA .14:10) (Interferometry) (Photoelectric meaBurements) LENKOVA, G.A.; LOKHMATOV, A.I.; SOSNOVSKIY, V.I. Autocollimator with photoelectric recording. Izm tekh. no.81 20-21 Ag 163. iMIRA 16:10) 4~ ~~74- -- L0 ACC NR, AT60261135 SOURCE CODE: un/oooo/66/m/m/oOW0100 I i ~AUTHOR: Lokhmatov, A. A. ORG: None ITITLE: The operation of gasdynami.~b~earin ~a ~in various gas media SOURCE: Leningrad.-Ilauchno-it~slel2vatellskiy i konsj.TjLktorskiy institut khimicheskogo,' mashiRRA1XD=jyA, Tsentrobezhnyye kompreosornyye mashiny (Centrifugal compressors). cow, Izd I FM-os -vo Mashinostroyeniye, 1966, 92-100 TOPIC TAGS: gas dynamics,_&ag_kearinE, gas lubricated bearing, gas lubrication, gas viscosity, helium, hydrogen \1 BSTRACT: The author discusses studies on bearings with gas lubrication based on ex- eriments using air as the medium. It is pointed out that the results of these tudies are inconclusive due to the fact that gas compressibility affects bearing work apacity and the compressibility of air and other gases are quite different. Tests ere run using Buch gaBes aB hell=, freon and hydrogen to determine these differences. he teBts vere a1BD aealgnei) to g1ve hirtber Informatlon on compreosibility during the otion of a lubricating gas in the bearing clearance. The results of these tests rove that the basic data for the operation of gaadynamic bearings functioning using ir are"also applicable to gas media. Qualitative differences in bearing characteriB, 1 35 tics occur only when the viscosity characteristics of the medium are very different from air. A comparison of the degree of gas compressibility in the bearing clearance under various working conditions can be made with respect to the dimensionless number Higher compressibility in the clearance of bearings is observed for thoLie gases whose viscosity is also high, providing that identical. working conditions in Yarioun. .4knIT gas media are maintained thus refuting the author's hypothesis. Orig. art. has: figures, 3 tables, 7 formulas. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: o8jan66/ ORIG REF: oo4/ COM REF: 001 Card KOSHNITSKIYI I.N., dotsent; 10tICHKOVSKIY, G.F.; VMBITSKAYA, L.P., dotsent; LYSENKO, II.I.; bMBFAYMx M.L.; ALEMOZ, N.C.; LQMATOV, D.P.; YAROSHCHUK., A.A. State of health of workers in the graphite industry. Vrach. delo no.8:134 Ag'63. (~9-~A 16:9) 1. Odesskiy meditsinskiy institut. (NO SUBJECT HEADINGS) 1. LOKHMATOVI W. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Oaks 7. Dormant buds an the &glish oak. Los. khoz. 5 LL6.10, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Jamipx_v -1953. Unclassified. - - -1. 10.7an-umv, it, A. 2. us--,,R (6oo) 4. Birch 1 7. Causes for early loss of shoot-forming capacity in 51ropean white birch. Les.khoz. 6, no. 2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, may -1953, Unclassified. MSR / Foeeatry. Forest Cultures. K Abs Jour 11of Au,~ - Bi6logiya, No 18, 1958, No. 82227 Author Lokhmatov) N. At Inat ,...Not given Title 9 Cuttings ard Shoot Regeneration of the Hodge Yjaple (Acer campostro) on Southern Chernozom Soils Orig Pub : Loan. kh-ra, 1958. No 3, 84 Abstract : No abstract given Card 1/1 FYATNITSKIY, S.S.; KOVALENKO, X.F.; LOK194ATOV, N.A.; TURKEVIGH, I.V.; STUFNIKOV, V.G.; SUSHCHENKOP V.P.; CHONI, G.P.; KRYLOVA, V.I., red.; PEVZIM , V.I., tekhn.red.; DEYFVA, V.M., tekhn. red. (Vegetatively propagated forostol Vegetativnyi Ion. [Byl, S.S.Piatnitskii i dr. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 447 p. (MIRA 17:3) TATZVOSOV, Sergey Romenovich, prof.; GANIMIA, I.M.. red.; LOXHKATYY. Te.G. [Troatment of cardiovascular patients at Crimean resorts; a manual for physicians] lachenie serdechno-soaudistykh bollnykh na kurortakh Kryma; rukovod9tvo dlia vrachei. Kiev. Gos.med.izd-vo USSR, 1959. 94 p. (KIRA 12:8) '%GRIKZA,-CLI14ATOLOGY, HXDIOAL) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTZM--DIS XIS ES) Voznesenskil, V. ., Gurevich, A.?,, and Tzkhonova, N.V, RAPTD DETTERMPTATION Cf SILTC,-,- IN LTT----3TON7&7, DOLOMITES, AND CLAYS BY DECDTOSITION ',;ITIT COIIC:-:N- TRATED HYDROCHLORIC ACID UIMER PRESSUPE. Zavod- skaya lab. 2 (7) 37-40 (1933). -- A complete decomposition with quantitative separation of SiG2 tas effected at 2500 in 30 min. with dolonites and limestones and in 1.5 hr. with clays. The losses of S102 in filtration do not exceed those of 5102 obt~ilned b., the Jecoqr,-)o~;'Ltion with alklill carbonates. RAPID M-TEFMITATIOTT CF PURE SILIC~ IN '11IKITOV DOLOIMITES BY USING CCRRECTIVE COEFFICI-7~111`S IN INSOLUBME RESI7..!ES. Ibid., (8) 19-111. FA jGT74 USM/DrIlling Macbfnery May 1947 Petrole=-Well drilling "Some Power Coefficients for Drilling Oil Holes with Portable Machineal".I. I. Lokhov, B. A. Rueanov, 5 pp. '!Energeticheskiy Byulleten" No 5 Discussion, illustrated with a graph end tables, of operating data, leading to the conclusion that portable drilling units equipped with derricks are preferable for shallow drilling (down to 1000 meters) in both speed end economy. 16T74 1. MKIM, I. ~-. 2. U-JOR (6oo) 4. Electric Power Plants 7. Analysis of the construction of diesel 31ectric PO-4e:' 3tAtions, ~ner~-,.tiul. no. 41 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A EUL - 1953, Unci. AUTHORs Lokhov. K.V., EnGincer 28-6-18/40 TITLEs Cord Fabric for Tiru Casingv (Koxdnaya tkan' d1ya karkasa shinnykh pokryshek) PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya. 1957, ,, 6. p 5o (uu) ABSTRACT., Information is &iver, on the now standard, 'IrOCT 8537-57 for "kapron" cord fabric. The rupture loal fc= a "kapron" cord of 34-5/4x2 will not be less than 14 kg. The cord gage is 0.55 mm. The new cord will increase the road life of tires by 30%. The standard ccmps into effect on I Jan 58, but the now conditions f..-)r the elon~~ation of cords under normal load con- ditions and at 600C will take force only on I July 58. ASSOCIATION; Committee of Jtandard.-, and Ycasuring bev_;':~es (Komitet standartov2 vit-r -'rjlfkh priborov) AVAILABLE: Library of CongresG Card 1/1 I:nduG`.z-.--:J35T1. 2 .T 1 `3 rd 9 AUT.HOR. Lokhov, K.V. , ISJOV-29-58-4-8/35 ---------------- TITLE: The Textile Workers' De,-,andsUpDn the Chemical Tndustry (Trebovaniya tekstii1shchikov k khim-icheskoy promyshlen- nosti) PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, 1958, I;r 4. :)p 29 - 30 (U~7SR) ABSTRACT: The introduction of new state standards in 1958-59 for textile materials such as rayon, acetate, viscose, etc. will entail the necessity of raising requirements as to the quality of dyestuffs, accessory and dressing materials, synthetic filaments, etc., received from the chemical in- dustry. The reorganization of standards relating to pro- duction methods and chemical materials is therefore needed, ASSOCIATION: Komitet standartov, mer i izmeritel~nykh priborov (Committee of Standards, Measures and 4.'easuring Instruments~ 1. Chemical industry--USSR 2. Textiles--.33tandard.; 3. Textiles--Production Card 1/1 LCKHOV, K.V. Supplement to the State Standard 6607-53. Stand ar-tiz atslia 25 no.8-52 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Silk-Standards) IMOV, M. 0. , Decline in morbidity of brucellosis in Sarstov Province. Zhur. mikrobioleepid. i Immun. 28 no.9:21-25-S 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Iz Serstovokogo instituts "Kikrob". (BRUCIRLIZSIS. Orevention and control. in Russia (Rus)) LOKHOV. M.G.; GMVICH. R.M. Results of attempts to eradicate brucellosis in sheep and goats. Zhur,mikrobiol.epid. i immun. 28 no,9:16-21 S '57- (MIRA 10t12) 1. Iz Baratovskogo institute "Mikrob" i Seratovskoy vaterinerno- opytUoy 11 tanteii, (BMICELLOSIS, prevention ard control, in goats & sheep (Rug)) (GOATS. diseases, bracellosist eradication (Ruz)) (SHkMP# diseases. same) - "'IM "; - IM - , ~" -:, -!... arid 7-'~ , .." ,,, - ... -0., -; , - U., Pi,-ner-,t produced by plajvc bacilli. Vest. I-dcrobiol., i~pidejaiol., ~z Fzxasitol. 9:109-12. 130. ABRAMIOV, K.N., Jnzh.; 1000'. inzh. Conversion of an LK-12(TIN-65) turbine to seascnal operation with 1,2--1,6 atm. back-pressure back pressure. Energetik 11 no. 12:21-23 D 163. (MIM 17:5) T I - T U- ~-7- --- n -~i- AV:bEVI; p:,ofessor; WKHOv, N.A., redaktor; MAKAROVA, A.N., tekhnichaskiy reds. (Yorensic medicine] Sudebnaia meditaina. lzd. 4-oe. perer. i dup. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo iurid. lit-ry, 1953. 519 P. (HLRA 9:12) (MICAL JURISPRO)CHCR) BMTEV, A.U., redaktor; LOKHOV, N.A., redaktor; HAK"OVA, A.N., tekhni- cheskiy redaktor. "' ~ - (7orensic psychiatry] Sadebnala palkhiatriia. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo luridicheakoi lit-ry, 1954. 378 p. (HLHA 8:1) (Psychology, Forensic) AV137iff, R.I., prof., red.;,_ WXHOT. N.A., red.; KOSAMUA. Te.N., tekhn. red. [Problems In forensic medicine expertise collection of artic"s] Voprosy sudebnomedltslnskol ekspertisy; aborziik statei. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo iurid. lit-ry. No~3, 1958, 430 p. (MIRA 11110) (MICAL JURIUMMINCU), WHEYEV) A.H., prof., red.; KALASHNIK, YaX., starshiy nauchrjyy sotr., red.; LUNTS, D.R., staxshiy nauchrqy sotr.; LOYMO, N.A.) red.; KOSAREVA, Ye.N., tekhn. red. [Problems in forensic psychiatric expertiselVoprosy sudebno- psikhiatricheskoi ekspertizy; metodicheskie stat'i i instruktiv- nye materialy. Pod red. A.N-Buneeva., IA.M.Kalashnika, D.','.Luntsa. 14oskva, Gosiurizdat, 1955. 178 p. (14IRA 15:12) 1. 14oacow. TSentraltnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut su- debnoy psikhiatrii. (FOREN6fe--PVCF.IATR7) -Oso Ilk 6 so o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 A I C 0 L a VO 11 1 11 max zxvx XOS)OGOW in? , .6 J! is a a. I? CIN AT v 141, 4 00 so visis(04 F. setups Ufasov sisal a ~Illtl'.kt moil C 0 OX #02 0*2 A -if &qAOZUq m )o "WFWO on Immi pug Pol v indmaw D" IM4 inj in OAg r an WAL VOT GO pal 002 =1 pwmq,) ajausn,"m jnjjq Ilans lIq -jq)o -""I-W-IP ***I jq p4Mm aq uv* UMVIFT& ]a UMO) Jaq)f9 Asozqj..4q-P GAI )I ss -paqljwv al jztaUwjowp w qjpk% mn JO) Yee uw" jc, pm aqi q1!, to. p if 3am we mass )o J;Kjwnu v is 00 "MIMM an Ptm i"d'P"wO3v -am"JOPOMM31 00- 128W '3T h"Tr- a seen" PMMW q wnjp Al Ti M~_ q') InL-Mt '(9) '1 too Mag allaaftw 9 9 -MWI *A "d **APW "V P"JO.WX mn-MOO V_ WA-W P- 0 !j? 0.1 r9o is T_T_ -3 - T v of of a. a to .1* 0 0 eye 0 0 0 0 a 0 -0-0-0-6-W-9 a w w ~ - __ 11 . 0*000*1119404 - - - "'_ 0 0 0 0 0 a A v III PI 1 034saw eivast ad" to v U It. -0. 1- ~j a pit P&MIS1111 A-11 olopeallit Clio e* SOA 00 0 oo 00 loo eo a .00 00 A Still" of the A.C. A- With Searre , L a sio; ",fib "1414WI- tnel Anair . V. R goo Lab- 10.1 U r-C P r ",Y 1947 &Y19rIm - p J ZOO 000 . oral . U II(In Russian.) M This circuit tar Um Abovt PerMI&A MMUon from on* wesento Of mpid it 00w U aspiration to the Other- C == IIC P goo 00 a - relluits of chealicAl and IP for small conctntflitiOne d ans Cr. W. and Ni. AnfitlYlls us- = for the" ele g Ing the UAW GPPA-tus Imponiblir entz 1, said to be 1111MOIlt 0o M 1200 goo 900 J goo A L L04K 7 1 i 'see AL 1.1 11.71d 1 l CLASIMPICATION !!!t ~~ - - - - ---- :-- Igoe - - - - Isom 20.1mv _ Ito* 6v544" it G.V Q.t *w owl U is At o0 Al , 0 0 a 1, 0 4 If a it a le a it KAO 0 _ 0 o o o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; T 09 o 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1111 e 0 41 l IOKHOV. P.r. An alternating current are circuit vith magastic stabilization for spectrum analysis. Zhur.amal.khlm. 10 se-5:331-333 B-0 '55- (Spectrum analysis) WMA 9.11) 0 ., SpectrItai &ualy6~s at Dimes (Eilicsts refract-ory cnd and M. K. 23, USI-4(1957).-The sa volinju "d frolm a dc- vrfssao.) in a C (kcty Xle of -,a i...c. atc Nvith mai:nrtic are- hl 0 F;:-A, TiO., C;O, vid .1401 revAts OF2 ~anl- p0wcre in cood agft~enutnat wij1h rb- a"- -A~iSal detns. W, sf. StQ=!WjF. VAR.CHIVSKIT, I.S.; WKHOV, P.r.-, KLTUSHIN, G.A.; TUDIN, V.P. Brief reports. Zav.lab. 25 no.2:243-244 ' 59. OM 12:3) 1, Institut geologii polezmykh iskopayemykh AN USSR (for Tarchevskiy). 2. Chelyabinakiy metallurgicheakiy sayod (for Lokhov, Klyushin). 3. TSentralInaya laboratorlya Voesoy-uznogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo institute transportnogo stroitallstva (for Yudin). (getallurgical laboratories-Squipment and supplies) _ S/137/62/000/004/199/201 A154/A1O1 AUTHOR: Lokhov, P. F. TITLE: Quantitative determination of deleterious Impurities on DFS-17 spectrograph PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiyal no. 4, 1962, 13, abstract 4K79 ("Sb. nauchno-tekhn. tr. N.-i. in-ta metallurgii Chelyab. Govnarklioza7, 1961, issue 3, 204) MT: SIrmiltaneou-9 determination of Pb, Bi. Sn, 5b, Cu, B, In 111-based alloys is performed with the use of A~;>e 16 (DPS-13) spectrograph. The maGazine Is loaded with two plates: to tfie left-type II, with a sensitivity of 16 or 22 units, - to the right - type JI, with a sensitivity of 11 units. The spectro- graph's slit is 0.015 mm; its intermediate diaphragm is 5 mm. %- At; arc is used for the source, I = 8 amp.; exposure - I min. 30 sec. wit!_.at roasting. The analytical pairs (in R): Pb 2,833.1, Bi 3,067.7, Cu 2,824.4, Sn 3,175 Ni 2,863.7; B 2,496.8, Sb 2,598.1 - Ni 2,561.4. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation] M. Nikitina Card 1/1 S/081J62/000/022/010/088 B1771B186 AUTHORS: Kosheleva, Ye. D., Lokhov, P. F. TITLE: Spectral analysis of tungsten in chrome-tungsten- manganese steel, using the~)C-l (FES-1) PEHiODICAL: Heferativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 22, 1962, 123,abstract 22D67 (In collections Teoriya i praktika metallargii, no. 4, Sverdlovsk. baetallurgizdat, 1961, 176-180) TEXTs The article describes a modified method, previously devised by N. V. Buyanov and others (RZhKhim, 1959, no. 1t* 997). The width of the outlet slit was changed from 0-085 to 0.06 mmy-and a more convenient method of drawing the analyticallinea was pToposed. Reproducibility qf the analysis, determined for a sample with a 1-5A concentration of W, showed an error of fAbstracterla notes Complete tranalation-i Card 1/1 KOSHEIEVA, Ye.D.; L4DKHOV, P.F. Spectrum analysis of tungsten in chromium-tungsten-manganese steel by means of the FES-l photoelectric flou detector. [Sbor. trud.] Nauch.-isal.inst.met. no.4:178-180 161 (MIRA 15. (Tungsten-Spectra) (Photoelectric measurements) CHUMAKOV, Yu.I.; LEDOVSKIKH, V.M.; U)KHOV, R.Ye.; RALKO, V.A. 14'...-l- . --~ 1,3-di-(2-pyridyl)propare. Yotod.poluch.khim.reak. i prepar. no.7: 56-57 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Klyevskiy politekhni-!heskiy institut. 1. LOMiOV, V. P. 2. USSR (600) 4. Droughts - Buzuluk Pine Forest 7. Causes of drought shrinkage of plantB in thebuzuluk Pine Forest. Les. khoz. 5 no. 12s 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessicns, Library of Congress, April - 1953, Uncl. AUTHOR GALANINIA.D.9 LOKHOVYu. N. 56-7-52/66 TITLE On the Divergen;e -of-thi Series of the Perturbation Theory in the Theory with a Nonrelativistio Nucleon. (0 ekhodimoati ryada toorii vozeuehoheniy v teorii a norelyativietkim nuklonom.- Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim i Teoret, Fiziki 1957# Vol 33, Nr 7, pp 285-286 (USSR~ ABSTRACT First reference is made in short to two papers dealing with this subject. The problem of the nourelativistioal nucleon which interacts with a pseudosoalar symmetrical meson field has hitherto not been analytically and rigorously solved* Nevertheless it is possible also in this case to carry out the convergence of the series of the perturbation theory to the end. To the interaction (go /2 6k )T" L(cf V)( T*i qd I V there corresponds a certain rule for the writting down of 7eyaman's diagrams. It is characterized sufficiently well by writing down one of the matrix elements which corresponds to the diagram of the proper energy@ Also the rules for the circling round the poles in connection with CARD 1/3 integration In the complex plane are mentioned in short. 56-7-52 On the Divergenae of the Series of the Perturba ion Theory in the Theory with a Nonrelativistio Nuolson. After integration with respeot to the angle one obtains I go 2 4 2+~2, M(E) 6i 'rs cri Tj k d k/(E+,V k . k2+~. iW_ 0 where A_ denotes the boundary momentum. If, further, the mass of the mason is disregarded and if one goes over to dimensionless integration variables, M(z) - l go:L) 2 x3dx -g (~~ 2 + x I/A) 0 is obtained. The rules for the construotion of the oompli- oated diagrams are easily obtained by means of a generaliza- tion of this example. In the case under investigation the theory is renormalizable and A oan tend towards in- finity after renormalization. However, by the introduotion of a finite boundary momentum the amount of the integral CARD 2/3 is reduosd and the oonvergenos of the series aooording 56-7-52/66 On the Divergence of the Series of the Perturbation Theory in the Theory with a Nourelativistio Nucleon. to powers of g 2 is reduced. The series according to powers of 9 2 ilt in the theory of the interaction of a I nourelativistioal nucleon with a neutral soalar meson field, a majorant for the theory with paeudoscalar symmetrio meson field. In this theory the series of the perturbation theory has an infinitely great oonvorgenoo radius. (No Illustrations) ASSOCIATION: not given. PRESENTED 'BY: - SUBMITTED: 4-4. 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 3/3 M.Y. ; IAWHOVA. M.D. SL ad and accelerated method for sarodiagnosis by means of microagglutination in a dark field in a diluted Arop. Trudjr LSGXI 30:129-134 056. (MIRA 1018) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii Immingradakogo sanitarno-giglysmichaskogo maditsinakogo institute i laborstoriya bollaitay imeni Botkins (zav. kafedroy i laboratorieye - prof. X.N.Fisher; glavayy vrach - M.K.71gurins) (U&GGLUTINATION, micro-agglut. of diluted drop in dark field in arodiag. (Rue)) (BIRMAGNOSIS. micro-agglut. of diluted drop in dark field (Rua)) LOKIICJVA, M.D.; RODINA, V.Yp-. Preparation of rabbit antl.i-.c;r.,e serum for the purFcse ol,* obtaining fluorescont conjugates. 7hur. m1krobiol., 006, 1 inucun. 40 no.9s]1,0 2,63. 0%111~,,, 17.5) 1. lz Voyenno-meditsins4oy ordena Lealm akadeaii imeni Uroya. V, ANANIYJ9~, V.I,; WOOD, S.Y. Atte4l'-e ~to UlZe- spe::Ific cernreactions in Botkin's dieeas,,!, Sov."d. 19 no.12:59-64 D 155. (HLRA 10:9) 1. 1z laboratorii gepatita i vi-ruaologil opukholey (zav. - prof. A.K.Shubladim) Instituto virusologit imed D.I.lyanovskogo AMN SSSR (dir. - prof. P.S.Koeyakov) (H&PATITIS. INFRCTIOUS) (COMPIMRNT FIXATION) LCKRC'qA) S. V. Acad Med Sci. USSR. LOKHOVA, S. V.- "A study of epidemic hepatitis (Botkin's disease) in experizrients on animals." Acad Med Sci USSR. Moscow) 1956. (Dissertation for the Deerea of Gandidate in Medical Sciences) SO: KnizhrLaya Let02181, No. ?0., 1956 y 7 N.N.- GH:-IiJLOVA. A.4.; -INA, A.A.; KORFNM"F.G, 110KHOVAll- Reviews. Vop# virus. 10 nc;.2:l','41-;!45 1,17-Ap t6--'t (MIRA 18:10) 1. Inatitut virtivologil irkent AMN S-l."R, MOSkva (for Parfanevich, So~olov). .-'. Lf~n!rq!r-,dr~,D- ',,a oblastnant rardtarn6- epidemiologicheskaya stayaalytt (for Cn.xi-iml, Yarod"mikly). 3. Institiat epIdemlologil I mil/robloly" -I ImRnI N.F.rrtmalel AND SSSR, Moskva (for Pcheildna, Korenl-s3.g'~. 4. Maskow:kiy natirl-no- issledovatellskly ln:,,tit.ut virunny1d. (for IrYho-,;E).