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15-57-7-9306 Translation flom: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7, P 79 (Uss R) AUTHOR: Logvinenko, N. V. TITLE: The Sedimentational History of the Donets Geosyncline (Istoriya osadkonakopleniya v Donetskoy geosinklinali) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Khar1kovsk. un-t, 1956, Nr 73, pp 5-65 ABSTRACT: The Donets Basin is a geosyncline, characterized by a great thickness of deposits (18 km), typical geosyn- ' clinal sedimentary formatiom (siliceous-effusive- clastic, carbonate, unproductive coal-bearing flysch, coal, variegated, and lagoonal-saliferous beds), as well an offusives, and intrusive magmatic rocks. It was also characterized by an Inversion or the geotec- tonic cycle and by discontinuous periods of existence (Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian). According to modern views, the Donets Basin should be considered to Card 1/4 ' be of the intracrational type--a parageosyncline. The The*Sodimentational History of the Donets (Cont.) 15-57-7-9306 Donets geosyncline began as a downwarp In the body of the Russian platform in Upper Devonian time. During the Uppe~ Devonian, the bottom of this geosyncline was warped strongly downward and there accumulated a sequence of elastic and effusive deposits 900 m thick (the siliceous -effusi ve-cl as tic formution). During the Lower Carbon- iferous (Tournaisian and lower Visean) the area of the downwarp was broadened, overlapping the Azov massif, but the rate of downwarping was slow. Carbonate forinations over 600 m thick were formed. The Donets geosyncline continued to be intensively wurped downward during upper Visean, Namurian, and lower Bashkir times. During this inter- val a distinctive formation of sedimentary rocks was formed, com- bining the features of flysch and coal beds (the unproductive coal- bearing formation). An inversion of the geotectonic regime of the Donets geosyncline octurred during the second half of Namurian and the first half of Middle Carboniferous time. The region of maximum downwarping shifted W the northeast into the area of the main or northern syncline, whil-0- at the place of the southern anticline an., arch developed. The intrusion of derivatives of basic alkalic magma in the southern part of the basin dates from this time. More .omplete downwarping of tho FAre1A of the Donets geosyncline occurred Card 2/4 15-57-7-9306 The Sedimentational History of the Donets (Cont.) in the Middle Carboniferous, and the thick coal-bearing formation (700 to 800 m thick) aCcumulated. The region of maximum downwarp was located within the chief or northern syncline during the second half of Bashkir time . The region of maximum downwarping shifted to the southeast in Moscow time and coincided with the area of the southern limb of the present-day main ' anticline and the northern limb of the southern syncline. The Severnyy (Northern) geoanticline came into existence on the northern part of the Donets basin and coni- tinued to develop during Moscow time. The rate of downwarping decreased in Upper Carboniferous time. The area of maximum down changed position, having shifted to the north and northeast. At that time a distinctive sequence of sedimentary rocks was formed, containing coal beds and variegated clastic formations (an unpro- ductive coal-bearing formation over 2000 m thick). The rate of sinking diminished still further in the Lower Permian. A varie- gated clastic formation (a sequence of cupriferous sandstones) and a lagoonal-saliferous formation (limes tone-dolomi tic and saliferous beds) accumulated at the northwestern edge of the basin. The Donets geosyncline was closed off In the Upper Permian and the event was Card 3/4 15-57-7-9306 The Sedimentational History of the Donets (Cont.) accompanied by the magmatic intrusions and hydrothermal activity. Marginal downwarps, which formed at this time, continued to grow deeper during the entire Mesozoic and Cenozoic, but there was no fur- ther renewal of the geosynclinal environment in the Donets Basin. A studj of the mineralogy of the Middle Carboniferous rocks has shown that the nature and the degree of epigenetic alteration of the rocks depend on the composition of the rocks and the thickness of the sedi- mentary beds, and that these vary from regions of long-flame coal to regions of anthracite development, corresponding to the degree of metamorphism of the coal. Epigenetic processes led to a decrease in number of grains of apat1te, pyroxene, and amphibole, to gradual changes in the aluminosilicates, to sericitization-of plagloclase, and also to a charge in the substance of the cement in the granular rocks and in the matrix of the mudstones (recrystallization, replace, ment of primary carbonates by secondary, development ankerite, for- ruginous dolomite, etc.). The following zones have been distln~ guished In the Middle Carboniferous rocks of the Great Donets Basin: 1) normal epigenesis, 2) progressive epigenesis, and 3) beginning metamorphism. Card 4/4 0. 1. Zelenova WGVIIIEIIKO, N.Y.; RZSBMfYAK. N.D. Yacies of the carbonate formation in the lower Carboniferous in the southwestern part of the Donets Basin. Uch.zap.KHGU 73:67-83 '56. (HERk 12:12) (Donets Basin-Goology, Stratigrapbic) KARUIIN, L.I.; LOGVINMO, N.Y. 7 "' I'"!"! f - - .~ * , -, - Remarks con rn ng t e article of X.G.Diadchanko and A.1A.M2atun_ teova, Vormation of glauconite in continental conditions.' Re- viewed by L.I.Kariakin, N.V.Logvinenko. Zap.Tses.min.ob-va, 85 no-3:450-452 156. (MLRL 9:11) (Glauconits) (Diadchanko, N.G.) (Ilatuntsova, A.IA.) USSR/Cosmochemistry Geochemistry. Hydrochemfstrj: D Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 61.,321 Author: Logvinenko N. V. Institution: None Title: On late Diagenesils (Epigenesis) of DoLsts Carbonate Rocks Original Periodical: Dakl. AN SSSR, 1956, 1o6, No 5, 889-892 1 Abstract: Mineral formation during epigenesis and initial metamorphism of carbonate rocks of the DonbasB occurred at elevated temperature iknd pressure in the presenc~e of watex- with intake and removal of matter. This is jAnfirmed by replacement of calcite by ferruginous dolomite and ankelite (ground solutions introduced Mg and Fe), re- placement of siderite by breunerite and ankerite (intake of Mg and Ca. removal of Fe), etc. Faragenesis of minerals during epigenesis and initial metamcxphism permite als', "..~ rjutline the folloving series of the d:!_ff~!renflal mob!l!.ry ,,f the e.=Ponents: C02, H20, K20. CaO, MgO., FeO, SiO2, TiO2. Card 1/1 S.L. VINEUKO N ~ , Study of elastic quartz. Dokl. AN SSSR 110 no.4:647-650 0 '56. (MLRA 10:1) 1. KharIkovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet imeni. A.M. Gorlkogo. Pre(IRtnvleno akadenikom N.M. StrAkhovym. (qunrtz) LWVI I" -likolar T=wO&U" LARPOVA. G.V.. kandidat goologo-mineralo- gichasVITO-ONUK.- Metstvancyy radaktor; TROFIKUKO, I.S.. takhni- chaskiy redaktor LIntroduction. to methods for studying sedimentary rocksj Vvedents v matodiku Issledovanite osadochnykh porod. tharikov, lzd-vo Lharl- kovskogo goo.univ.in. A.X.Oorlkogo, 1957. 129 p. MRA 10:81 tRocks, Sedimentary) AUTHOR: Logvinenko, N.V. 11-7-5/23 TITLE: "Late Diagenesis (Epigenesis) of the Donets Carboniferous Rocks" (0 pozdnem diageneze (epigeneze) Donetakikh karbono- vykh porod) PERIODICAL: 111zvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR11, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, No. 7, pp. 64-86, (USSR) ABSTRAM Changes occurring at terrestrial sedimentary rocks in epigen- esis (late diagenesis) depend primarily on the composition of rooks and the magnitude of sedimentation. According to the nature of the process of changing, it can be distinguished between normal epigenesis, which is largely a continuation of the process of sedimental genesis and early diagenesis or dia- genesis of sedimentation, and progressive epigenesis, at which appear in part processes of different quality of initial metamorphization. The processes of normal epigenesis are gradually replaced by processes of progressive epigeneeis, in the same way as progressive epigeneaia gradually changes into initial metamorphism. Processes of initial-metamorphism re- sult in almost complete re-crystallization of the cement matter in granular rocks and incomplete re-cry5tallization of Card 113 the basic substances of pelitic rocks. Processes of pro- 11-7-5/23 "Late Diagenesis (Epigenesis) of the Donets Carboniferous Rocks" gressive epigenesis and initial metamorphosing , take place at high.temperatures and pressures, and are accomplished ac- cording to the type of metaaomatic processes. Re-cryatal- lization in the solid state is of minor importance. As a re- sult of initial metamorphism are formed metamorphosed sedi- mentary rocks. Zonal differentiation of epigenesis and init- lal metamorphism exists as to surface (main Factor - com- position of rocki and change of magnitude of sedimentatiop as well as in vertical planes. The author examined the pro- perties of structural types of breccia-like rocks and pub- lished tables pertaining to depth and thickness of strata at different districts. He examined also the coal bearing strata as to its porosity and contents of volatile matter, which are dependable indications of metamorphism. The author analyzed different stratigraphic levels at various diAtricts with re- gard.to the changing of the mineral compoaLtioh of Carboni- feroue'rocks of the Donets Basin. Research has shown that chloritization occurs after erosion, at late diageneain and metamoryhosin&_ Sericitization takes place following ero- sion, at late diagenesiB, regional and thermic met4morphos- Card 2/3 ing, as well as a result of hydrothermal reactions. Widely 11-7-5/23 "Late Diagenesis (Epigenesis) of the Donets Carboniferous Rocks" observed over the entire Basin is the forming of titanium dioxide - anatase, brookite and rutile - under similar circ- umstances. However, there are no unbiased criterions to establish the way these minerals are being formed. The magnitude of deposits of the Middle Carboniferous period in the area of the Don Basin varies between 1,500-2,000m in the west and north-west, and 7,500-8,000m and even 10,000m in the south-east. The strata of the Middle Carboniferous period of the Great Donbass can be subdivided into 3 zones: first zone- normal epigenesis; second zone- progressive epigenesis; third zone- initial metamorphism. The article contains 1 diagram, 4 photographs, 7 figures and 12 tables. The bibliography liets 21 references, all Slavic (Russian). ASSOCIATION: (Khar,kovskiy gosudarstven- PyF3ivePt9MtU9TeX8.PY9F I k9aro jk'y SUBMITTEDt May 7, 1956 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 3/3 'J , T, L AUIHORS: Kossovskaya, A. G., Logvinenko, 11. V., 20-2-37/50 Shutov, V. D. TITLE: On Various Stages of Formation and Alteration of TerrigenoaB Rocks (0 stadijakh formirovaniya i izmenenija terrigenrVkh porod) PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol- 116, Nr 2, pp. 293-296 (USSR) ABSTRACT. The study of the stages of the sedimentation-rock formation can be generalizingly called the stage analysis. Its task ist the de- tection of paragenetic mineral-associations of the texture-and structure variations, as well as of physical-mechanical parame- ters which characterize the different stages of thelhistory of the formation- and existence of the rocks: i. e. the sedimentation-, the diagenesis- and epigenesis stage and finally the stage of the initial metamorphism. The final stages of the formation of the se- dimentation rocks mean either their transformation into metamor- piious rocks or the surface weathering and destruction. Thus the stadial analysis has to contain a series of processes which dif- fer very much in character and orientation. The first and last sta,-es are the best known. The study of the thick cross sections of terrigenous deposits ir, geosynclinal regions4nd inpransition areas to the latter facilitated the detection of a certain zona- Card 114 lity which characterizes the sedimental rucks which were subjected 20-2-37/50 On Various Stages of Formation and Alteration of Terrigenous Rocks. to a various depth of depresuion and thau to a ;ifferent atrisa action. The zonality is expressed in a specifically :.ineralogi- cal-petrographical composition of the newly formed mineral com- ponents, in certain structure-texture characteristics of the rocks and in their physical-Liechanical properties. Tre zones of the epigenesis and of the early metamorphism occur on the thick vertical croso sections of tile sedimentary masaeo as well as on their development surfaces. The collected material of' the Soviet and of the foreign petrographs shows that the historic of existence of the sedimentary rocks represents an uninterrupted and orientated process. It is divided into series of stages: These are the fol- lowing: 1) diagenesis, 2) epigenesis, 3) metagenesis or initial metamorphism, and finally 4) regional aetamorphisa. The epigene- sis is characterized by3 a) a gradual solidification of the rocks by the increase of their volume weight and decrease of the poro- sity, b) alteration of the original splinter structures- and tex- tures, then by "softening" of the same structures by a recrystal- lization of tile clastic grains of the arenaceous rocks and by the formation of mosaic structures. c) Considerable reworking of the argillaceous minerals by their increasing recrystallization degree, vanishing of a series of argillaceous minerals with exi- Card 2/4 sing intermediate layer water (montmorillonite-group) and by an T 20-2-37/50 On Various Sta,~e3 of Formation and Alteration of To-rrigenois "locks. intensive water mica tran3for"ation of the kaoliiite, fizzally bj the occurrence of the association hjdro-c~--Iozize. 7he depth e;~i- genesis takes place metasomatical1j. The epigenesis is divided into an initial and a depth epigenesis; Metagenesis or early me- tamorphisia is a transition state from the sedimentarj rocks in general to the wetaworphouu ones. The volume and the Upecific weight of the rocks increase, minerala with a more solid atruc- ture of the crystal lattice ocnur. The original characteristics of the texture vanish, the ~aetasomatose procesj gains importance. A division can be found, like in the case of the epigenesis. The regional metamorphism is connected with the metagenesis stage by gradual transitions. The formation of the mineral association of the muscovite-chlorite-zone characteristic of this stage begins already in the epigenesis. In the metagenesis this association determines the Laineralogical-petroraphical tjpe of the schist. Quality alterations of the as-ociation occur only in the biotite zone where the occurrence of biotite is fixed which is produced at the cost of the interaction between muscovite and chlorite. The alteration of the association is connected with a further temperature rice. Also the specific weight increases up to 2,86. In the case of deprcssion. a progressive e;,igenesis takes place, Card 3/4 in the cai;e of general elevation, however, a regressive epigenesis. 20-2-37/50 On Various Stages of Pormation and Alteration of Terrigenous Rocks. It has no orientated character and does not charige corisiderably the results of the progressive epigenesis. There are I table and 16 references 13 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATIONs Geological Institute All USSR)Khar1kov State University (Geologi- cheski.y inatitut Akademii nauk SSSR)Kharlkovskiy gosudar3tvennyy uaiversitet) PRESBIiTEDt March 4, 1957, by 11. MI. Strakhov, Academician SUBMITTED: APril 15, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card J/4 AUTHORS: Lo,,7y* 1 11 V'' K-%rpova, G' V~' 307 '2 o - 121 - 3 -- '/7/,:7 Lngni,o, S~-,andyba, p o z hn i k o v, D 7 TITLE: The Types cf Terri(,eneona Flych in the Tturic Fnr-at-ion of the Cri%iea (0 ti.)a)-h teL,rijennooo flisha v tavricheLIKoy fo=.ataii Kryna) PERIODICAL; Doklady Akadenii nauk SSSR, MO., Vol- 121, lir 3, PP 531 - 534 (ussR) ABSTRACT: The nerlinent-, of the tauric formations (Tavrichoskaya formatsiya; they were formed in the Upper Triassic Lower Jurassic, Refs 3-1.4) are marked by flyah-type strata., The strata are 2-membered (Refs 1.2): The first member is formed by j-,ranular rocks: graveliteo, sandstones with grains and aleurolitea of varying sizes. The second element of the ntratum. which is represented by carbonate rocks in the clascical flysh for7iations, (Alps - Altpy, C.~,ucasu3 - Kavkaz) is lackinf~ in tiie taur,.c for--lation. Carbonate concretions and concretion int ermediate layers are attached to tile IjIra elenent of the -stratum These, however, are not alwaya present, The str,--ta are 10-15 to 20-30 cm thick. Thinner or thicker ntrata are less frequent; a thickness of Card 1/3 200-250 cm is -n exception. Several types occur arionc the The Types of Terri~,~cneoiis ir the Tauric S CV 2 o - i 2 1 - ~3- 3 77 Formation of the Crimea 2-membered ones; Ad) A complete str:-tun consistinf; of '6','.e following clenentc, ;-r.%velite sandstone, aleurolite, arCillit (Ia + Ib - Ir- + III); it does not occur frequently; B) UOU...11y a strattin coiviistinj, of Ib + Ic + III or C) Ib + III or D) Ic + III; this i-- the most widespread ty,)e. Type A is called normal flysh, type B is oandy or sandstone flysh, type C is called aleurolite-arrillit flyjh Lind type D-ar-illit. flysh, Concretions and concretion internedi.%te layers frequently occur in flyoh~ In aleurolites traces of -aorms ,.,re visible Apart from the above melLtioned 4 flysh typ--~s vie know 2 other types. nor:.-ial flysh. with thick (1 0 - 1 a cm) medit,-n and co,-irse-L;ra-ined sand- stones (belon,-o to type A) and focoidal flysh (to type C) with a mass levelo,7~!7ent of -mud cater traces., Additional rtranGe flyshoid secli,-.ents occur in the ta-laric. formation They consist of a-.:illit with bi-, lorif-shaped carbonate concretions and lense- oriaped conc., otion i;itr-rie1iite layerr, The rocks of the ta-uric for~-~aticn shov. nu,nerous t,,jjen of flysh texture3: hieroClypha of da.f-'erent typeo, wave marks, a diagonal -structure of the strat- of maritime type, Small folds caused by oubaniteous land slides. Card 2/3 Variouc. typ(--o of hierot;lyphs are nentioned At the e! ~.' of t~.e The Types of Terrigereous Plych in the T!~nr-ic SOV/20-121-3-37/47 Formation of the Crimea paper the authors show the order of alternating of the flysh types ( 5 varieties), There are I and 4 references, 4 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Khar1kovc kiy gosudarstvenn-y univ j er.-itet in,A,M.Gor1ko~'o 11 (Khar1kov State University ineni A.M.Gorlkiy) PRESE14TED: March 31, 1958, by 1-1,M,Strakhov, hlember, AcalCM-r of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: March 31, 1958 Card 3/3 ZARTTSKIY, Petr Vasillyevich; ItQ4VI#R1jq~,N.V.. prof.. doktor geologo- mineralog.nauk. otv.red.; MT'i -.&.N., red.; CHURIT, Te.Y., tekhred. EConcretions in coal-bearing deposits of the Donate Basin] Nonkretall uglenoenykh otlozhenii Donatokogo basseina. tharlkov, lzd-vo lharlkovskogo gos.univ. im. A.M.Gorlkogo, 1959. 239 P. (MIRA 13:6) (Donets Basin--Concretions) 3(8) SOV120-124-4-52167 AUTHORS,. Logvinenko, N. V., Karpova, G. V., Shandyba, Y., G,, Shaposhnikov, D. P. TITLE: On the Mineralogical-Petrographical Characterization of the Tauric Formation in Crimea (K mineralo-petrograficheakoy kharakteristike tavricheskoy formataii Kryma) PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 4, PP 911-914 (USSR) ABSTRACTs This formation consists of terrigenous rocks: sandstones, "aleuro- lites" and argillites. Carbonate rocks are lacking, but carbonate contractions and intermediate strata are widespread. Most rare are gravelites. The individual kinds of rock are described. Sandstones contain feldspar (5-7 up to 10-15 %) and quartz, or quartz and glimmer (muscovite and biotite) as well as rock splinters (few), Potassium feldspar is rare, however, the albite, albite-oligoclaoe and oligoolase type are more frequent. Apart from rock-forming main minerals there occur also: zirconium, rutile, tourmaline, apatite, spinel and other accessories. Oct-ahedrite-brookite and chlorite often develop after biotite (Table 1)., With respect to texture, sandstones are combined by contaQt and contact-pore :cement and, less frequently, by basal-pore cement. Cement is sometimes ' Card 1/4 lacking, and the rock becomes quartzite-like. Both sandstones and2 SOV20-124-4-52/67 On the Mineralogical-Petrographical Characterization of the Tauric Formation in Crimea aleurolites contain pyrites. By weathering, hematite and brown iron hydroxides are produced from them. In the argillites, pyrite is finely dispersed. The results of thermal and radiographic analysis of argillites as well as the results of electronograms are given. Besides finely disperse silicates and coarsely crystal- line admixtures, there are in urgillites obviously uloo diugenetii, and epigenetic minerals of the sulfide class (pyrites) and the carbonate class (calcite, rarely dolomite, usually carbonate of the magneeite-siderite series), A specific feature of rocks of the Tauric formation is their coloration: mostly dark, from dark almo.3t to black. These shades have various causes and are bound to rr,.ck types. The coloration is due to both organic (coal substance) and mineral pigments (pyrites). A fine plant dendrite converted into coal occurs throughout the formation and is present in any rock type, i.e. in a very fine state in the lower part (visible in sand- stones) and in coarse state in the upper part (some centimeters high). With respect to secondary transformations, terrigenous rocks have attained the stage of a depth epigenesis and early metagenesis (Ref 3). That is due to the position of the mass in the middle and Card 2/4 peripheral part of geosynclinal. These rocks were sedimented in SOV/20,-124-4-52/67 On the Mineralogical-Petrographical Characterization of the Tauric Formation in Crimea the sea within the range of a shelf as well as on the correapond- ing slope with unutable hydrodynamic conditions, where suspended terrigenous material and also organic substance were carried, The decomposition of the latter in mud led to the formation of H2S_ hearths, which possibly extended also to the layer near the bottom. This favored neither organic life nor the deposition of carbonates. Therefore, fauna is probably lacking in most sediments of the Tauric. formition. The formation is 6 terrigenous, carbonateless flyszh whioh was produced by erosion of Paleozoic, primarily of Carboni- fer6us sediments of the adjacent Northern regions. It is possible that another cordillera consisting of Paleozoic formations exists in'the South in the place of the recent Black Sea,-There are 1 table and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Khar1kovskiy gosudamtvemXr univvrsitet im. A. M., Gorlkogo (Khar'kbv State University imeni A. M. Gor'kiy) Card 3/4 3(8) SOV/2c - 12 ~,-- 2 -4 3/64 AUTHORS: 3trakhov, N. M., Academician, L o tr; in e nk r, , !'. 70 . TITLE: On the Stages of Sedimentary Rock Formation and Th-,,ir Nomenclature (0 stad[yakh osadochnot;o porodoolrazo7aniya i ikh naimenovanii) PERIODICAL: Doklady Ak.9demii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 2, I~P 389--392 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In spite of the great strides that have been mada in the study of authigenic miners'. foruation in recent sedimentary rocks (Refs 1, 2, 5-12), there i3 no uniformity in the identification of its stapes and in its Tha authors suggest a systematization of the techni:a.'- t,---rmg in this field. 1) Here mechanical destruction prerai-s :ver chemical decomposition. 2) Chemical decompcsitllon uLder preponderantly alkaline conditions: hy&:ation, isaching of the silicates with the formation of hydromines aaA hy1rc- chlorite3o 3) Continuation o:f cherij'aal under preponderantly neutral and acid conditions: oxiiutioa and hydrolysis of the silicates resulting in the fcrxai'~on of nontronite-montmorillonite- and kaolirite minerals. 4) Ccmple- Card 1/4 tion of chemical decomposition: complete oxidation and hydro- SOV/20-125-- _~7 /64 On the Stages of Sedimentary Rock Formatinn and Their lysis with the formation of ochre, ferrilyte, ar,d ltLi;erite. Hypergenesis runs through all the foLir s-*Ua-r-es, ani stops at one of them according to local conditions. Er-js-2-,r- g--*-ic-s rise to two types of products: a) cla3ti-.- particles ef d.'-fferent sizes and newly formed solid phasea. Thasq az-e hyperesnic minerals, which remain in sil-a and focm a more or 1-~z:s narked weathered crust; b) genuine or c.-Aloidal soluti-,ns whichare removed from the crust and atart mi6rati.:Pns. The view ai,.c-)rd- ing to which the following stage should be called 111,ranspcrt of the sedimentary matter" (I. Vtllter, Refs 1-, 2, 8 a-3 al) is by the authors considered erroneous in if it is contrasted to the stage of see-i'mant forma"I'-. After all, transport and sedimentatioa a.:,! !;-,it 2 aspeets of oric and the same phenomenon. Consequently, it is not the tral-Isport stage but a formation stage of the sediment, in other wordi, the sedimentogenesis (N. M. Strakhof) that mustbe identified after hypergenesis. Here we.must differentiate bet-Naer. 2 consecutive stages: 1) SedimentoGenesia of the olope-vtilley deltas, and 2) of the catchment areas. The results of state 1) are often completely destroyed by sub3equent processea. Card 2/4 so that in nature mostly the results of stage 2) are observed. BOV/2o-125-2-43/64 On the Stages of Sedimentary Rock Formation and Their Nomenclature In the following stage - that of diagenesis - the sediment is transformed and turned into a sedimentary rock. Diagenesis (according to N. M. Strakhov) comprises: 1) oxidative mineral formation; 2) reductive mineral formation; 3) redistribution of substances and formation of concretions. The treatment of diagenesis as a petrification stage (L. B. Rukhin) is inap- propriate, as thereis no lithification as a rule. Nor is there any reason for the insertion, between sedimentogenesis and diagenesis, of a syngenesis stage (L. B. Rukhin). The shifting into the stratiophere(by earth crust movements) of the newly-formed sedimenlary rocks marks the onset of the secondary changes in the sedimentary rocks. The initial stage is that of k a t a g e n e a i s (A. Ye. Fersman, Refs 1, 2). The term "opigeneBis" is not a very happy choice. After kata- genesis, the sedimentary rocks still remain sedimentary. In the middle parts of the geosynclinals, the sediments are aub- jeoted to more profound changes, which turn them into meta- morphosed sediments (initial metamorphism or metagenesis, Ref 5)s At the metagenesis stage, recrystall12ation processes preponderate. After a sinking to even greater depths a complete Card 3/4 metamorphosing of the sediment takes place. It io transferred SOV/20-125-2-43/64 On the Stages of Sedimentary Rock Formation and Their Nomenclature into the class of fully metamorphic rocks. At this stage the rock may, however, again emerge to the surface and be sub- jected to weathering processes. There are 13 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: December 26, 1958 Card 4/4 3 (8) AUTHORi Logvinenkop No V. SOV/20-126-3-53/69 TITLEs On the Modifications of Carboniferous Rooks in the South- east Sector of the Great Donbass (0 kharaktere izmeneniy olfnykh porod v yugo-vostoohnom sektore Bol'shogo kamennou Donba ~ PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 19591 Vol 1269 Nr 3, pp 647-649 (USSR) ABSTRkOTt The author received from L. So Temin some rook samples from the Ipatovskaya supporting borehole. The samples are modified loam rocks (mica slates) and effusivea. They come from a mass 300 m thick at a depth of more than 2077 m. Theme carboniferous sediments are covered by a mighty mass of Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments. S a M P 1 0 Nr 639 (d 9 p t h 1 a Nr 637 (d a p t h 2189 m)t 2077-2080 m)j a a m a a M P 1 4 Nr 635 d a p t h 2248 m), a a m p I e a 1 W9634 and 632 (d 9 p t h 2223 and 2303 m), and 8 a m p 1 a a Nr 633 and 631 (d 9 p t h 2271 and 2323 m) are investigated and described. On the basis of his investijptica4 the author states that in the area of the Great Donbass there Card 1/2 are all transitions from a) not, or b) poorly modified rocks, EW On the Modifications of Carboniferous Rocks in the South-east Sector of the Great Donbass ASSOCIATIONs PRESENTED: SUBMITTEDs Card 2/2 BOV/20-126-3-53/69 to 0) slightly modified and d) highly modified rockag to the e) very highl modified rocks. These degrees of modification correspond: a and b) to the zone of the normal or initial diagenesis - area of the long-flame and gas coals; c) to the zone of the progressive or depth epigenesis in the area of the sintering coals; d) to the zone of the initial metamorphism or the early metagenesis In the area of the lean and anthracitic coals; e) to the zone of the initial metamorphism or the late metagenesis in the area of the Great Donbass mentioned in the title. There are 3 figures and 4 Soviet references. Khartkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. M. Gortkogo (Kharikov State University imeni A. M. Gor'kiy) February 21, 19599 by N. It. Strakhov, Academician February 21, 1959 3 (518) AlYtHORS: Logvinenko, H. V., Karpova, G. V. 80V/20-127-6-37/51 TITLE: Conoretional Forma of the Tauric Flyah of the Crimea PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 6, pp 1276 - 12'rg (USSR) ABSTRACT: The oldest sediments of the Crimea, for the upper part of which an Upper-Triassic (carnian) age was ascertained (Ref 2), re- present a terrigenous flyah. It consists of a rhythmic inter- bedding of sandstones, aleurolites and argillites (Refs 3,4)- If the rhythms exhibit an ordinary structure of 2 members, the let element of the rhythm consists of granular rocks, the 2nd Ord) of loamy rocks without carbonate (argillites). Both ele.- ments of the rhythm contain concretional forms, either real concretions or concretional intermediate layers. Among them, carbonate (magnesium-iron carbonate) and sulphide ooncretional. forms are distinguished. Rhythms with sandstones containing sulphide concreti'one do not contain any carbonate concretions,. And vice versa, rhythms containing carbonate concretions are free of aulphide concretional scattered sulphides occur in Card 1/3 small quantities only. The carbonate concretional forms nor.- Concretional Forms of the Tauric Flysh of the Crimea BOV/20-127-6-37/51 mally lie in the midst of the argillites and olay-aleurolites of the 2nd element of the rhythm. The quantity of carbonate concretional intermediate layers increases with a growing quantity of clay rocks in the cross section. The concretions may be either distinctly separated, or they form gradual trans- itions to the containing rocks. The color of the said forma- tions is usually dark-gray or black on a fresh surface of fracture; they are always enclosed in a ferriferous envelope, solid, dark-grained, with a half-scaly fracture, and homo- geneous texture. A formation of zones was not observed. Clear- crystalline pyrite precipitations in the central part, and fine calcite veins of evidently later origin, occur here and there. In all caZe3, the ground mass consists of micro-granu- lar (pelitomorph a or finely-granular magnesium-iron carbonate mineral of the magnesite-siderite series. Considerable quanti.. ties of ferrous iron, small quantities of manganese oxide, and an increased content of CaO as compared with MgO, are charac- teristic from the chemical point of view. After converting the chemical analyses to carbonate components, it becomes evident Card 2/3 that the carbonate portion is of a complex composition. On the QoncTetional Forms of the Tauric Flysh of the Crimea BOV/20-127-6-37/51 other hand, the optical, thermal (Fig 1) and X-ray investiga- tions speak in favor of monominerality, or in any case for the formation of concretions according to an equal type. Table I shows the roentgenoscopical results. Table 2 indicates the mineralogical characteristics. The concretions of carbonate composition have formed in maritime terrigenous muds (siderite facies). Pyrite concretions received their material from the same muds during the diagenetic stage (sulphlAe or H 2S-facies). There are I figure, 2 tables, and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet im. A. M. Gorlkogo (Khartkov State University imeni A. M. Gorlkiy) PRESENTED: April 17, 1959, by N. M. Strakhov, Academician SUBMITTED: April 171 1959 Card 3/3 BAIUKHOVSKIT, N.V., doktor gool.-min.nauk, otv.red.vypuska; WVMNKO, _9J.,prof., doktor geol.-min.nauk, otv.red.vypuska; ZAVIRTMINA, V.N., red.; CHWHOVIGH, N.Ya., red.; RA TRA, H.P., tekhn.red. (Geology and mineral resources of the Kharkhov Economic Region] Geologiia I poleznya iskopaemys KharIkovekogo okonomichaskogo raiona; trudy. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad.nauk USSR. No.l. 1960. 162 p. (HIRA 14:1) 1. Hauchno-tekhnichaskaya konforentaiya po razvitiyu proizvoditell- nykh ail Khnrikovskogo okonomichookogo r9yona, 2 Institut geolo- gicheskikh nauk AN USSR (for Balukhovskiy). 3. K~;rlkovgkiy goau- derstvennyy univeroltet (for Logvinenko). (Kharkov Economic Region--Geology, Economic) LOGUNDIM0, N.V.; KOWfCHEV, V.G. Redistributionof some minor elements during diagenesis of deposits if the Thuric series in the Crimea. Dokl. AN SSSR 115 no.2:430-413 11 160. (KIRA 13:11) 1. Institut mineralogil, Mokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh ele- mentov AN SSSR i Moskovskiy gosudaretvannyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. FredBtavleno akademikom D.I.Shcherbakovym. (Scandium) (Wolframite group) IA)C.VIMKOJI N.V. - Flysch structures in the Triassic sedimants of the Crimea. Izve vyse uchebo zave; geol. i razve 4 ito.3:16-28 Mr 161, (MIRA -4:6) 1. Miarlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeroitet imeni A.M.Gorlkogo. (Crimea-Flyach) LOGVINENKO, N.V.; KARPOVAJ, G.V.; SRANDYBA, K.G.; SHAPOSHNIKOV, D.P. Stratigraphic subdivision of Tauric strata in the Crimea. Dokl,AN SWR 137 no.5t1188-1191 Ap 161. OGRA 14:4) 1. Kharikovskiy gosudarotvennyy universitet im. A.M.Gortkoga. Pred- stavleno akademikom N.M.Strakhovymo (Crimea--Geology, Stratigraphic) LOGVINF,N-KO, N.V.; FiMK-KAMFIIETSKIY, V.A. Recent data on so-called alushtite. Dokl.AN &M 137 no.6:1441- 14" Ap 161, (MIRA 14W 1. Khartkovskiy b,?oaudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M.Gorlkogo; Leningradakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.A.Zhdanova. Predstavlezio akademikom N.V.Belovym. (Alushtite) 17:t LOGVINEUKO, N.V.; KARPGVA, G.V.-, KOSMACHEV, V.G. The system of isomorphous substitutions in carbonates of the calcite group of sedimentary origin. Dokl.AN SSSR 138 no.1:188-191 My- Ue 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Xharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M.Gorlkogo. Predstavlano akademikom N.V.Belovym. (Isomorphism) (Calcite) LOG,17INENKOJ _.N.V.; SHUTOVj V.D. J~onference on physical research methods for studying sedimentary ~roaka and minerals. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geal. 26 no.5:122-124 MY 161. (KM 1415) (Rocks, Sedimentary-l-Anal"is) -U)GVIE=j 4*Ve; 3HUKENKi, S.I, Thez=graphy of caustobiolitso and clayey minerals. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 26 no.6:103.-109 A 161. (KMA 14:6) 1, RharIkovskiy gosudarstvanwly universitat. (Thermal analpia) (Caustobioliten) (Glay) LOGVIMIJKO~ N.V.; LAZA11ENKO, A.A. t-Bolation of clay ptrticles by electrophoresis. Izv. AN SSSR- Ser.geol., 26 w.Q~:100-103 S 161. (KTRA 14:8) 1. Khartkavokiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Clay) (Electrophoresia) -LxvrllEIIKOl Ill. V. ; HjUiPOVA p G ~ V. Carbonate concretions in the Taurian formation in the Crimea. Zap.Voes.min.ob-va 90 no.3:326--338 161. Olff.?'A 14:10) lo KharIkovskiy goeudarstvennyy univero$tete kafedra petrografti. (Crimea-Concretions) (Rocks, garbonatel LOGVINENKO,-N,V.1; FRANK-KA)4RJETSKIY, V.A. Sallie in the field of clay mineralogy. Vest,WU 16 no.24:42-56 ,61. (MIRA 14:12) (clay) LCGTIN~~ N.V. [Lolwynanko, M.Vj; KARPOVA, G.V. [KarjTva. H.V.]; KCSiW',ITF.Vp- V.G. [Kosmacljov, V.H.]; SHAPOSHNIKOV, D.E. [Shapobbrrikov, D.P.) Facies of the Taurean terrigenous flysh formation of the Crimea. Dop. AN UPSR no.10:131,2-1345 162, (MIRA 1894) 1. Kharlkovskly gosudarstvenny*y universitet. 1XVINENNO, N.V.; KARPOVA, G.V.; SHAPOSHNIKOV, D.P.; KOSMACHEV, V.G. Stages of mineral formation in deposits of the Taurian series of the Crimea. Dokl. AN SSSR 142 no.4:922-925 F 162. (KMA 15:2) 1. Kharikovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M.Gorlkogo. Predstavleno akademikom N.M.Strakhovym. (Crimea--Petrolog3r) 0 LOGVINENKO, N.V.; FRANK-KAMENET,13KIY, V.A. Dickite. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.5:1186-1199 Ap '62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Im. A.M.Gorlkogo i Laningradski,y gosudarstvenrVy universitet im. A.A.Zhdanova. ljredstavleno akademikom N.V.Belovym. (Dickite) LOGVINIOlKa Nikolay Vasillyovicbo prof.; KAIRPOVA, GalinA Vasil 'yevna, kand. geol.-min. naukfSHAPOSIMIKOV, Dmitriy Prolcoftyevich., Prinimald uchastiye: LEBEDINSKIY, V.I., kand. geol.-mine. nailk- starshiy nauchrqy sotr.; BELIKp P.G., dote.; X054ACHEV, V.G., student; RE24IZOVO I.W., dots.; ALYABOYEV, ILL,, red.; ALEKSAKDROVAO G.P., tekbn. red. [Lithology and genesis of the Taurian formation in the Crimea] Litologiia i genezis tavricheskoi format9ii Kryma. Pod red. II.V.Logvinenko i I.E.Hemizova. Khar1kov, Izd-vo KharikovskKO univ., 1961. 400 p. (MIRA 15: lof 1. Yafedra petrografii Kharikovskogo gosudarstvernogo univer- siteta (for Logvinerilcol Karpova, Belik). 2. Goologicheskiy fakulltet Kharlkovskogo gosudaretvennogo universiteta (for Kosmachev ). 3. Institut minerallnykh resursov Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy _M (for Lebedinskiy). (Crimea-Petrology) Ow LOGMENKO, N.V.,; KARPOVA, G.V.; KWMACHEX, V.G.; SHAPWHNIKOV, D.P. Genesis of flysch deposits of the Tauric formation in the Crimea. Dokl.AK SSSR 145 no.4:879-882 Ag 162. (MIU 15:7) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M.Gorlkogo. Predstavleno akademikom N.M~Strakhovyme (Crimea-Flyach) ~MVINENKO V.V.- LAZAMMO, A.A. Miners'-igical, c.ompooition of-alluvium of the middle and lower INi4!- r Valley and its tributaries . Biul. WIP. Otd.geol- 37 no.061-77 Jl-Ag.162. (I.IIRA 16:5) (Dniepor Valley-Alluvium) ?T 111. U.; DUTS, 7. A.; FRANK-WEETMim, V. A. -__ - ',.*'~_ I-- nosudite - a new mineral formed of mixed-layered phase in alushtite.It R8Dort submitted for the International Clay Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 12-16 Aug 63. LOGVI.11~ ,X BKO, G.I.; SHUMENKO, S.I. P-N)w J.; KULF Study of some hydrothermal and sedimentary heulandites. Min. sbor. no.16tl8l-194 162. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M. Gorlkogo, Kharlkov. (Heulandite) -10411 [Ijohvynenko, M.V.]~ KARPOVA, G.V. [Karpova, H.V.1; WiNk--AAL~ XWMAGHap V.G. [Kosmachov, V.H.1; SHAPOSIUIIKOVt D.P. Some remarks concerning V.S.Sasinovychls article "Significance of markings in the Taurian formation of the Crimean Mountains.* Geol.zhar. 23 no.l.-98-101 163. (RIIA 16:4) 1. Khartkovokiy gosudarsty nnyy universitet im. Gortkogo. (Crime:n Mountains--Paleontology) (Usinovych., V.S.) LOGVINENKO, G.V.; KARYAKIN, L.I.; BMGER, M.G.; KULESKO , G.I. Natrolite group mineralB. Zap. Vees. min. ob-va. 92 no.3:269-280 163. (KMA 17-.9) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet i Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ogneuporov. LOGVINENKG,j N.V. ftmwm~ Distribution of ancient venthering surfaces in the southerm area of the European PRrt Of the U.S.S.R. Kora vyvetr. no.5: 293-300 163- (KrRA 16:7) 1, Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Russia, Southern-Weathering) LOGVIMKO, N.V.; LWOVA, G.V.; XOSMACHEV, V,G. Genesio of carbonates in berr genous flysch layers. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; geol. i razv. 6 no.4:77-87 Ap 163. (MIRA 106) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat im. A.M. Gorlkogo. (Carbonates) (Flysch-Analysis) LOGVIKEN KARPOVA, G.V.; KOSMACHEV, V.G. Recent data on the couposition and stave variations or the Mesozoic deposits of southwestern Ciscaucasia. Jokl. ArSSSR 148 no.6: 1370-1373 F 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M.GoAlyogo, Predstavleno akademikom A.L.TanshinyA. (Caucasus, Northern-Geology, Structural) LOGVINENKO, N.V.; KARPOVA, G.V.; KOSMACHEV, V.G.; LAGUTIN, A.A. Organic carbon in the Taurian flysch formation of the Crimea. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.5:1140-1143 Jo 163. (MIn 16%8) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im.,A.M.Gorlkog6. Predstavleno akademikom N.M.Strakhovym. (Crimea-Bitumen) A. LOGVINXNKO N.V.; KAfa,OVA, G.V.; G.J. . ................. Mineralogy of the Tertiary fire claya of th8 Uk-raire. .1it. i pol. iskop. no.4:96-104 .11-Ag 164. OTI PA 17: 11) 1. KharIkovskiy go3udarstvc.,ruiyy univors it,~ t. LOGV1NENJ1,O, N.V.; BERGFR, M.G.; RLESKO, G. 1. Nature of the thermal effects of d1optase. Dokl. AN S:,-S" 155 no. 4:826-829 Ap 164. OMIPA 17:5) 1. Kharlkovskly gosudar3tvennyy universitat im. A.M.Gorlkogo. Predstavleno akademikow N.V.Delovyin. LOGVE'.1-TO, I.V- ffixed-layered phave of the Silurian phyll!tlzed s ha-lp s of the Nuratau. Dc.,kl, till 'SISSI! 177 ro. I ,R,86-8~ fig '64 1 (1-111rUt 17:8) 1. Khar'k-r-vskly gostvinrot-ve.-n7~1 Universitef. -*.:,I. A.'N. Gorl'.0go, Predstavleno akademikom II.M. ", trakhowim. POVARENNYKH, A.S., doktor geol.-miner. nauk, prof. il 041V. re~.; AGAFONOVA, T.N., kand. geol.-miner. nauk, dot.:., red.; GAIMUSEVNH, 'O.A.~ kand. nauk, jctz-., re--J." GLAMIY, MI., inzh., red.; IWTI'ISHIN~ rjoktor geol.-mincr. nauk, red.i LOGUIMIKO, doktor geoi.- inzh., red.; miner. nauk, prof., red. KHAIMITSYNA, A.Ya., kand. geol.-miner. nnuk, red.; ZAVIRYUKH111A, V.117., rod. [Cliemicnl compcoltion and Internal ntructure of mincralul KhImIchepkil sostav i *,mutrennee stroenle mineralov. Kiev, t;aukova durfdca, 1964. 216 p. (l"litA 18:1) 1. Vse.-,oyuznoye minertiloi-Ichesk(rje oibiiicheotvo. Ukraln:~koye ot.deleniye. LOGMENKO, N.V,; RUIIZOV, I.N.; BERGER, M.G. Some characteristics of the accumulation of recent sediments in the littoral zone of the Sea of Azov and the terrigenous-mincral- ogical regionalization of them. Dok1. Aff SSSR 159 no.3:56A-571 N 16/. (MMA 18tj) 1. KharIkovskiy gosudarntvennyy universitet Imeni A.M. GorIkogo, Predstavleno akademikom N.M.Strakhovym. POVARENNYM, A.S.,. doktor geol.-miner. riauk, lirof.: OLVO red.; GAVRUSEVICH, B.A., k-aryl. geol.-miner. nalik, dlots., red'.; lVANTISHIN, M.N., doktor geol.-miner. nauk, red.; Ye.K., prof.~ red.;,40GVIN12lKO, N.V., doktor geol.-miner. nauk, prof., red.; 11,JI'SKEVICH, B.F., kard. geol.-miner. nauk red.; PLATONOV, A.11., ml. nauchn. sotr., red.; SE~WUK, O.P.j red. [Morphologyv properties, and genesis of minerals] 1.'orfologiia, -qvoistva i genezis mineralov. Kiev, Naukova durika, 1965. 186 p. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Vsesovuznoye mineralogicheskoye obshchestvo. Ukrainskoye otdelenlye. 2. Chlen-korrespondent All Ukr.SSR (for Lazarenko). TI L OCV IT:24 F 01N. V, TeachIng of 11tholoav :.,, e.;~:oGla r.' Inigher ei'lucatic'n. .4 uc.hrib.zav.j razv. 8 no.11il:8-139 ti 165, (MIPA 18:10) 1. Vsemoyuzny,-- nalichnc~llgnladovattllskiy ge,,logichnskly Institut, TanIngrad, BILENKOJ, P.7a. -, LOGVINEYKO, O.A*----- Fertility of lover layers of Chestnut soi-I and their influence on vegetation. Pochvovedenie no64:94,-102 Ap 162. OIMA 15s4~" 1. Khersonskiy gosudarstvennyy podagogicheEikiy inBtitut. (Soil fertility) -.LOGVINMO, P.I. (Voroehilov, PrImorskiy kray); KDIVAHI. Z.M. (Yoroshilov, 11"m N'MOTHly kray). Thoracoplasty in noneffective artificial pneumothorax. Probl. tub. no.1:63-64 J&-F '54. (KLRA 7:3) (Chest--Eurgery) (Pneumothorax) - - - - ffMMwMMMMwM~ LOOVMM 0 P. I... LOGVIMKO. P.I. Complications and results In surgical treatment of p7opusumothorax. Rhirurgiia n0-5:40-44 My 154.. OMn 7:7) (PNMOTHORAX, *Wopneumothorax, surg., coupl. & results) IOOGVINMO, P.J., kandidat maditsinskikh nauk; POPOVIYANTS, R.S.. 'Cg'6r'-.'Yo'r o s h i lov ) Part 1: Spontaneous rapture of the rupture of the duodenum. Vest.khir. (STOMACH, rupture, spontaneous (Rus)) (DUODINUM, rupture, subcutaneous (Bus)) stomach. Part 2: Subcutaneous 77 no.5:B4-86 MY 156. (MI-RA 9:8) WGUITENKO, F.I., kand.med.neuk; POPOVIYERTS, R.S.; BMTHIKOV, O.G* (g. V6r6ahilov) Intraperitoneal infusion bf antibiotics in acute suopurative peritonitis. Xhirurgiis 33 no.9:64-66 3 157. (MIRA 11:4) (PERITONITIS, ther. antibiotics, intraDeritoneal admin. in isparotoov) (ANTIBIOTICS, ther. use peritonitis, Intraperitoneal admin. In laparotonw) LOGVISENKO. P.I.,icandidat maditainskikh nauk. -- -." -1 1 -~4yl 14~~ - raasp,6Zail Geophagofundostomy in cardiospasm. Klin. mod. 35 no.2:45-48 F '57 (MLRA 10:4) (CARDIOSPASH, surgery, aeophagoduodenostomy, transpleural) (Rua) WGUMNIO, F.I.l kand.med.nauk; HDIVANI, Z.H. Gavernotomy in pulmonary tuberculosis [with summary in French] . Probl.tub. 35 no.5:112-113 157.- (MIRA 10:11) 1. Iz okruzhnogo voyannogo gospitalys (nach. g.d.Gillch) (PHL'UMONICTOKT cavernotogy) (TUBMWULOSIS, PUIXONARY, surg. cavernotomy) IoOGVINVNQ,,,,Pp,j,a, kandidat moditainakikh asuk (gor.yoroshiloy. Primorakogo .-~- kraya. Zholesnodoroshuyy pr.. d.11, ky'.9) Coelomic cyst of the pericardium. YestAbirs 78 no.5sl24-126 W '57. ( M ICARDIVX, cysts (MIRA 10:7) coslosio, case report) SOV/177-58-2-12/21 17(14) AUTHOR: Logvinenko P.It, Colonel in the Medical Service, Candidate of li-edi'cal Sciences TITLE- Repeat operation for Acute Apendicitis PERIODICALs Voyenno-moditainakiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 2, pp 69-72, (USSR) ABSTRACTs This article presents the complete case histories of 4 acute appendicitis cases requiring a repeat operation which have come to the author's attention. In all cases the *appendix had not been removed at the first operation, and the patient was not in- formed of this, complicating analysis of the new symptoms. lie suggests that in all cases where the appendix is not removed, the patient be informed of this fact, so that a relapse can be properly diagnosed and treatmentgiven before complications set Card 1/1 -jiA~q;4&4" kand.med.nauk, HDIVANI, Z.H. Result of the uno of sodiuz3 citrate f,)r Dreventing blood clot formntion in the extrapletral cnvity J*vith summary in French] Probl.tub. 36 no-3:94-95 158 (MIRA 11:5) (CITRATHS, ther. use sodium citrate in nrev. of blood clot form, in artrapleursl anvity Fifter -penumolysis (Rue)) (COLLAPSE TMMAPY pne,amolysis, extrapleurnl, prev. of postop. blood form. with sodium citrate (Rua)) IDGVISggi:. -,.kand.mod.muk; POPOVIYAI?rS, R.S. (gor.Yoroshilov, .E- I- - Pruxurs-togo krays) Results of treating perforation of gestroduodenal ulcers by suturing (with summary in English, D-1573, Vestekhir. 80 no.1: 41-43 A '58. OURA 11:4) (P3PTIG ULIM, perf. surg., results (Rus)) LOGVMIIKO, P.I., knnd.med.nauk oeia and treptment of phsochroinoblastoma. Testkhlr. 81 n0-10:129-132 0 158 (MLRA IWO 1. Iz H-skogo okruzhnogo voyennogo gospitelya (usch. G.D. Silich). (PgUGANGLIOKA, ding. & ther. (Rue)) j CIA ,-y In, ~ri Lfo.t.n.mt C.1 net of v-jfcal S.r- C. _ L4, OM.,T ~ a r Lx;trl*nC In t oi rogUmat of Tuberculosis. o I.: SUONC l rive harwrod and stghtynins oporstl 0n2 were performed .11046r . the cor,41t!ons at a Atstrtct hospital J~rlftq the period from Voy 1942 thraugkApri, 1956t thoraCOCautery - 291 'StlentSt alCoholizattan of the p:~rentc* norp~ .. 90; extra- ,~I. Ou"I P"unonolysts - tbor&copl%sty VI caverao- I30; ;, , tomy -- its pu;moo~&~ i actl a - G.. Thoraccocapy was poefarbod go cases chare after the la~t&GA of an arttfici%L pneumiatharox plevral adh4sions and an open cavity were found at! X-ray, an* %her' Pe Vg.fts ~0 found IS the spot%=. Alcobalization of the phr*n 1C mores was %sod Strictly accordl.V to the Indicatlons. A d result following the operation was obtained IM Z5 lOfts Iants; considerable Improvement In 43; ILZO ap:rso = 1h. all t u r no essential affect priduc an co r 9 the The following results wre obtained after the operation of extraplearal posumanolysisl dIS&pp*sr%*Cs of the cavity# of, bact: I I from the *putum t-% :14 pottqnts: disappearanc periodic sze t to or the tubercle bactlIzz by 22 patl*ntfl ;, constant excretion of tubercle bacillus try, 10 patients$ the cavity ressolOad Open lp font'. A certain P"t or the patient a lirweatv In addition, an ol"thoros. Patients who b&:I 4 -= 1argons thorecoplasty were discharged trcm the departmetnt W1 th no tubercle bectilt in the sputus; no cavities varo found by physical and Xray eAsmination. Wany patients usined weight; In Ils the morphological cc~pazlttan of the blood Improved. Following the dissection of cavities the tubercle bacilli 41196ap "red fro the sputuss of 17 Patients I- isart*4% from. two t: four 10114:1 end were not found afterwards. Under the .tafluence of Cavernotoxar the tuberculous process was ollml- skated Iafour patients frm In* loryng"L mucous -C to Z5 " arise the operation. A clinical affect was obtained In 17 patt*nt* fOllowtftg cavernotocy. or this number, t~ persons remained healthy for five y:'ars: rour, for four yourol six, two years. and orA for a year. ftrttcular care and caution war* used In establishing the indications for pulmonary resection v and it wag do" after a complete and tbaro-Agh *too of the patients. .All the operations were performed under local infLItra- lion anaosthesto With 1/4 percent novo-61214 soluttoo. No complications were observed during tl-,s operation. five .rr one were discharged from the hospital In good condition. rt:r 0 year. all the patients ud negative *Put& and Ilea r:tQrnsd to work (this Information was obtalzed from their -I~ttqrs). tarporienca In the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis surgicaX methods shows tbat they Can be 11441 UAdjt Condi. tions of a district hospi tal. Opportunely performed operations In Cases where they are Indicated give better results and ollafnate the need for r9P4&t&4 h0sPIt&l19StI0A it and. restore the patl4nts' warkIng capacity. so 9. N ivi IWVIMZD,.- P. I.,. kandemed. nauk Surgleal therapy of medinstinal cysts and tumors [vith an- in linglishl. Xhirurgiia 35 no-1:73-78 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:2) (MBDIASTIM, cysts, .. eurg. Me)) (MEDIASTTNUM, neoplasms, same) LO(WIN1210, P.I., kand. mad. nauk-; SOI()VIYXV, V.P.; POPOVIYANTS, A.S. Use of potentiated anesthesia. Vest. kh1r. 82 no.6:109-114 Ja 159. (KIRA 12:8) 1. Iz IT-okogo vo,.lennogo goopitalya. (ANWTHMIA) (AUTONOMIC DRUGS) LOGVIMXO, P.I., kand.med.nauk- Conservative resection in pulmonary caseoma [vith sunnary in Yrench]. Probl.tub- 37 no.1:103-104 159- (MIRA 12:2) (PNWJMOHRCTOKT, in var. die. tuberculom. conservative (Rus)) I,OGVIbIWO, P.I., kand.med.nauk; LASTOCHYM, B.I.; WAKAROV, A.7lus Pulmonary resection in tuberculomme. Probl.tub. no.6:58-61 161. (YaF~'- 14:9 ) (TIJMRCULOSIS) (LOGS-SURGERT) .L-OGVINE14KO, P,,__I,,_Khabarovsk, u1. Lenina, d. 70, kv. 46 Bronchogenic cystis of the madiastintm. Cavd. k-hir. 4 no.1:114-116 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15:2) (MEDIASTINM-TUMORS) LOGMITMO~ PoIa. kand,medonauk Presacral enterogenic ept. Vest.khir. no.99135-136 161 iMM, 15:.1) 1. 1z Khabaroshakogo voye=ogo gospitalya. (INMTINES-TUMORS) LOGVBIENKO a"aai-1-'yaYich;KA12MA, G.V., kand. gool.-riner. nauk, otv. red.; NESTMERO, A.S., red.; SEMEKO, Tu.YU.,, tekbn, red. [Principles of the methods for studying sedimentary rocks] Ounovy metokiki iseledovaniia osadochnykh porod. Izd.2., peror. i dop. Khnrlkovp Izd-vo KharIkovskogo univ.~ 1962. 205 P. (MIRI 15:3-1) (Rockes Sediriontary-Analysis) UUM9uh4d6f Voroshilov, Primorskiy kray); KDITANI. Z.H. (Voroshilov, PrImorel".v kray) Brperience in treating pulmonary tuberculosis with extraplearal pneumothorax. Probl.tub, 34 no*3:42-44 My-Ja 156o (MLRA 9:11) (PNMOTHMU, ARTIYICIAL extrapleural, taftic & statisto) .. ,I , )I . I I I 11~ L X -L I / r,., JI k n j ACC NRs AP5027047 SOURCE CODE- UR/012(?/65/000/005/0249/0250 AUTHOR: Dmitrenko, 1. M,; Logy1nenko S. P.; Ivanov N I Kolot, Z. M. ORIG: Physics-Engineering Institute of Low Temveraturej3, AN UkrSS .,2&N Ul%SSR r1kov (Fizi tekhnicheskiy ins.titut nizkikh temperatur AN UkrSSR) 't q. *;, ~ TITLE: Thermometric charactertstics of semiconductor diodes SOURCE: Pribory JI tekhnika eksperimenta~,dno. 5, 1965, 249-25.0 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor diode, temperature characteristic, germanium diode, gallium arsenide ABSTRACT: Ile present note reports on semiconductor diode investigations of fused gallium arsenide and point germanium (D14A and D9A) diodes in a 2 to 300K temperature range. Graphs show the temperature and transfer characteristics of experimental low- ohmic, high ohmic, and commercially available diodes. Results agree with those found In the literature. During repeated cooling of nonhermetically sealed diodes, the reproducibil- ity of readings is within 0. 06 - 0. 10. Authors aelmowledge the help of V. M. Svetlichnyy and L. A. Zubritskiy in the initial stages of the work. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: jW Card 1A EC, GP SUBM DATE: 25JuI64 ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 002 UDC: 621.382.2:536.53 .1 ACC NRs AP70o6i67 _(/V) SOURCE CODE: UR/0115/67/000/001/0042/ool,4 AUTHOR: Logvinenko.,-,P,- P. Beyz a, Yu. G. !ORG1 none TITLE% A unit for measuring lov temperatures operating in combination vith a semiconductor transducer SOURCEs IzmeritelOnaya takhnikep no. ij 196T, 42-44 TOPIC TAGS: resistance thermometers temperature gage, temperature transducer 4,0",> '7V1"^*&j7'Ve46 ABSTRACT.: A device 67s'i;ee_n devel'oped 'for rii3Ee measurement of low temperatures under conditions of industrial noise. It is designed to operate in combination with a semiconductor thermometer in which the relationship between tempera-. ture and resistance has an exponential character. The measuring circuits are based on the use of a semiconductor transducer in tha-manter frequency ACC MR: APT0o616T circuit of ah~rmonic RC os'cillator. The resistance thermometer is made of a zinc-and gallium-doped germanium crystal measuring 0.15 x 0.15 x 3 mm with'two -fused indium contacts. The crystal is enclosed in a copper -capsule 18 mm long and 3 imm in diameter. The thermometer had a time constant of 0.15 seQ..at,"20.4*K. The basic measurement error of the unit -is caused by the frequency instability of the RC oscillator, by changes in the capacitance of the input cable, and by the 4mplitude instability of pulses arriving at the integrating circuit. Maximum measurement error is astmated.at 0..2 deSt. _jqEkj~. i~rt. has:-_4 fi.gures.- (JRI! SUB CODE: 14/ SUBM DATE: 308op65/ ORIG RZFI 002/ OTH Rzr: 002/ ATD PRESS: 5116 Cnrd P/2 i, 1 m: ",I KG ,3 . v . Nomr,gran, for -~eterm in', n;; thf~ ~,;e 1 i w.-ry -inl ;;~-rmdss it!,: :, ~~ --r ;:- I of n pi;3tori p,i:rp in the 113A-40'i ~ementlrlg li-35P-:nibly~ no.5:21-22 164. (MIRA 18-5) 1. Tamp ona z1h naya k-ntora ob"yedinnniya I'Erasnodarnt-fteg,izll. A " A z' r Iv, - P, TVI BOYKEVICH,H.I.; LOGVINXIIKO.T.M.; SADOV,I.YaL. [high quality long distanmigomunication] Distantaii oviazi otlichnogo kachestva. [Redi&tor LIA.Sadov] Moskva, Trapszhel- dorizdat, 1952. "~ T (KIRA 9:3) (Railroads--Telephone) (Telegraphers) LOGVINIINKO, T.K. On the Unarinka section. Avtoz.. telen. i aviaz' n0.11:37-38 1 157 (MM 10111i 1. Nachal'Alk Z~nerinskoy distantail signalizataii i wryazi Yugo- Zapadnoy dorogi, (Zhaerinka-Railroads--Commmicat Lou systems) .LOGVIIMMOS-.T,X.; FILIPPMO, S.H. Mechanization of the replacement of railroad tiso. Avtom., taism. i eviez' 4 no.1:23-27 Ja 160. (MIRL 13:4) 1, Vachalinik Zhmerinskoy distantoll sigrAlIzateii i Mazi Tugo-Zapadnoy dorogi (for Logvinanko), 2, Starshiy inshener otdola. evyazi Oldvnogo upravlentys signalizataii i evyasi Ministerstva pute7 soobahch niya (for Filippenko). (Railroads-TiM LOGVINENKO. TJLkhon-MakVjmovich;-FILIPE4K0Y Sofiya Nikolayevna; CM0ffYP Vladimir Josifovich; GOIUBEVA, Ye.P.,, lnzh.,, retBenzent; NOVIKASt M.Ns, inzhol red*; USENKO, L.A., tekhn. red. (Mechanized mobile unit for emergency repairs of c anication and signaling systems) 14ekbaniziravannaia avariino-remontnaia lutuchka sviazi. Moskvaq Vses.izdatellsko-poligr.ob"edinenie M-va putei so- obshcbeniia, 1961. 43 p. (MIRA 14-.12) (Railroads--Maintenance and repair) (Electric lines-Overhead) NIKOLAYE'V, A.V.; L(X;VINFNKO, V.A.; KNYA&VA, N.N. Glass formaticn In the systems containirg complex-ms. Dckl. AN SSSR 162 no.3t593-596 1+1 165. (KRA 18:5) 1. Institut neorganicheskoy khimil Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Nikolayev). KALIBMA, V.14., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk; SULIMOVSKIY, I.G., kand. gellsko- khoz. nauk; EIDGIAT11KO, Ye.P.; WO-VIKI~NQ,-.Y.A., agronom; KOVALENKO, A.P.; PODGORM , F.I., prof. zasluzhennyl deyatell nauki UkraLnskoy SSR; FEDOTOVP V,A.,, aspirant; KURBATOV, I.D., agronom; KOZEYEV, V.I.; SHCnTININ, A.I.; KORCHAGIN, V.A., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk; SOGURENKO, V.P.; KOSTROV, K.A., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk; DULYA, F.M.; SHERSTNEV, M., aspirant Crops preceding winter crops in various zones. Zemledelie 27 no.7: 26-45 il 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Ukrainskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya akademlya (for Kaliberda). 2. Odesskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Sulimovskiy). 3. Odesskaya oblastnays. sellskokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya stantsiya (for Bukhanlko). 4. Kolkhoz imeni Kirova, Marlinskogo rayons. Do- netskoy oblasti (for Logvinenko). 5. Donetskaya oblastnaya sellsko- kliozyaystvennaya opytnaya startsiya (for Kovalenko). 6. Voronezhskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Fedotov). 7. Alekseyevskoye rayonnoye proizvodstvennoye upravlenlye sellskogo khozyaystvat Bel- gorodskoy oblasti (for Kurbatov). 8. Bezenchukskaya sellakokhozyayst- vennaya opytnaya stantsiya (for Korebagin). 9. Direktor Bykovskoy opytnoy stantsii bakhchevodstva (for Sogurenko). 10. Mordovskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya stantsiya (for Kostrov). 11. Direktor Bovkhoza "Khleborobnyy", Smolenskogo rayons, Altayskogo kraya (for Dulya). 12. Altayskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Sherstnev). LOGYMMO, V.1r., at. viklqdach. M" , OKA.-, Role of commnal property in the development of collective farms. Nauk*zap.Kiev,uu. 15 no.9:133-140 156. OCML 10:7) (Collective farms) L4DHVYNMO, Volodymyr Kckbtiantynovykh (Production relations between collective farms] Mlzhkolhosprdl vyrobnychi zv"inzky. Kyiv, Derzh.vyd-vo pollt.lit-ry UFOR, 1961. 56 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Collectivd farms-Interfarm cooperation) STEPANCHEROs Ye.S.;_L.IOGVIMKD,, V,R, floohvynonkol V.K.l Dielectric characteriati'as of diisocyamtotoluene (102-T product). Ehim, prom, [Ukr.l no*3214 Ji-S 163. (MIRA 17t8) I. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut plaoticheskikh mavB,