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LOD7,IIANIDZE, G. 1. Age of Super-Orgon sediments in the TslFa region. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 28 no.5.-547-552 My 162. (WRA 18:5) 1. Goologichr8kly Institut AN GruzSSR, ThIllal. Oubmitted October 10, 1961. L,OBZHAJIIDZL , (1. 11. ; P ICHARAVA , M.V. Stratigraphy of the Lower Paleozoic sediments of the Surand region. Soob. AN GruzSSR 37 no.2059-366 F 165. (MIRA 18:3) LOBZ1 W I-D~ZE,..,q. F. Genesis of Liar, blocks presented in the Ba'oc--'an volcLnic series In the eastern and northeastern region oi' the Dzirula 1-Tassif. Izv. Gool. ob-va Gruz. 4 no. 2:47-57 165 (MTRA 19-1) I,OB'-7HANIDZE,- G.V. Determining the coefficient of the friction of 311k ya-In 07er the warp winding surface of the loom beam. 1zv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. tekst. prom. no.1:77-?9 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Luningradskiy institut tekfjtillnoy i legkoy promyshlennosti imeni Kirova. Lf J B-7 Lik I I ! D. TZ7. for silk !oom Len-ingrads] iy ii,.,;tltut 1 i r)y t; S.M. Kircva. ,-- IOBZWIDZZ, M. Competition of stockbreeders. Boy. profsoiuY 5 no.9:37-38 S 157. (Georgia--Stock and stockbreeding) (mm 10:9) WBZHA IME. M., starshiy instruktor Active trade-union organizer. Sov. profsoiuz7 7 no.6:41-43 Yr '59. (MIRA 12:6) l.Organizatsionno-massovyy otdol sovprofa Gruzii. (Tiflis*-Textile workers) (, LOBZHLNIDZF,. ~F~ The activist group is our support. Sov. profsoiuzy 16 no.23S41-42 D 160. (MIRJL 14: 1) 1, Starshiy instruktor Gruzinakogo rearblikanskogo noveta profsoyuzov. (Georgia-Trade ual LoR rKij;/,,l Lll~ E 1 13. 1 j . [ dw--can (-d j ; I A)BZ I IAN I [)I', Fil N C . Moth,d t ` calculating "hr.. rat.hodic prnt(!;~t,',lon I ~i , 1. nablcE with ltual) grounding. Zashch. mc,t. 1 no.3: MY-Je 165. (M-HA IPt8) 1. Gruzinskiy nauchno-issledov;itel 'ski,, institut I : ,- I- - , -1, . , , 7 - ~ - .TMSMO, A*X,.v inzh.; IMHOUZZ, S-P., inzh. Increasing the wear resistance of bushed and bushed-roller chains, Vest. mah. 38 no.1:27-30 A 158. (KIRL lltl) (Chains) 3in;7 ction oC polbrinou3 L:ut off th,_~ I e mulberr.%, silk-aorn by --iamin-, it 2or a s.-ort ttne in hot water. Dokl. Ak. scilkhoz. 17 no . 3!~ 1952. Yonthly 1!1~ of Aussian Access'_ioris, Library of '3on-yress. lq:);~. U!jCT_.*,S'jTT.-I' D Insminum L'orfolo .-Ii ~;hivcmnykh AI j." S',iolkovodaUva. 10 3~,,pt. 8 W MIN ON no- I WE * dij-2pausIng cgri 6f the sillmorm by VAr:Qvj combinations of! action of hyd.ochloric acid, heat, aLd 0 M. :Emme and V. 1. Lobzhantdxe. NON; r -TUT -Ir k Sauk "%S.S.R. 103. JT im, . C.'I 49, 11905f.-Expti.- In which various combinat ion-i of tmat. nc-.t - - with 24% HClj 3 atm. 0 pmsiure and 11.0 at 38' Mh - p- plied to the dhipausing eggs showtd that the cotablildtiori of HCI and beat iriv" the best (25%) activatio;i w!~ejl 4 sub- (19-24 tws,) to 0 serves to miuce the count ol' caterpillars Pretreatment vi ith HCI followed by heat gives the best acti- Vation (11170) when 16-min. exposure to 1ICI it tollowed by "101 ac Va 'c 6 see. of heat. The percenta f ti t ituens r6ps with the dosor! of heat and ell. Incream of --expCmarc -to 11M. Preliminary 0 ewstfrd ties not sensi- ) smb~c=_ -E-treatment-q with "ie 0% _qt or IICI, tize ~a gist 110t. Itmitiz ggs to HO, but not the trft~~,,e. o. Ac. kow U'.oft OVANESYAN, T.T.; LOBZHMIDZE, V.I. First results of erperiments iIn thormal disinfection of silk- Wor'm eggs by, brief imeralons in hot water. Trudy Inst.morf.zhiv. no.21:184-215 1 58. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Thilieskiy nauchno-issledmbellskiy ~nstitut shelkovodst~a i Laboratoriya elceperimentallnoy einbriologii imeni D.P. Filatova Institute, morfolo li zhivotzWkh. (SillmorM115 (Heat as disinfectant) 85-58-6-30/43 AUTHORS: Tkachev, V., Vartanov, V., Vasilyan, I., Lagunov, V., Lobzhanidze, Z., Guruli, M. Tbilisi) 2ITLE: Tbilisi Model-airplane Builders Need a Field for Flying Cord- controlled Models (Tbiliaskim aviamodellstam nuzhen kc-.odran) PIkODICAL: Kryllys. rodiny, 1958, Nr 6, p 24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors urge the construction of a field for flyini cord-controlled airplane models in Tbilisi. 1 *9 Airplanes-NMel buildW Card 1/1 VASILIYEV, G.Ya.,, lnzh.; WNIEVSKI-L, Ya.l,., inL,-. Using toot~-ed clutches in L%e ~;f tm~r- units of rollor-Es. Khim.. I n(ji'l- aLa!ihl!l0OLr. ,I,0 " ,~ I ~), I, , ( : ~ A' .1 ' '" L'~ : I..' ~ IDBZIN, A." insh,ner. -. Yast ice-block miumfacturing process* Ilhol.takh.33 no.1:75-76 JS Kr 156. (Ice--Kanufacture) (MLRA 9:7) Al AUTHORS: Fni,in-ra Sr;vl~ C -r9-1 -23,132 Lavrova, V. and Lobzin,_A. 4 TITLE: Cold Storan-e Houses and Artificial SkatinC-Rinks in the C..;R (Kholodill:niki i isku,;stvennyye katki Chekhoslovakii) P.-"RIODICAL: Kholodillnaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 1: pp 66-68 (U-9.",R) ABSTRACT: Thure are 21 cold stora,-,e distribittina houses in the CSR with a total ca:?acity of 100,000 tons; of these 06 are sinCle -story houses. The latest trend is to build only single story re- frigeration houses of 5:000 - 6,000 tons capacity. The cold storage buildings are made of prefabricated reinforced con- crete parta; as insulating material Is used mostly I'velit" malo of alternative layers of corrugated and smooth paper, imrreg- nated with coal tar and stuck to,m'etha.- with water glass. The floor is insulated to prevent the (around from freezing. Be- tween the refriuer,Ltin.- chambers are narrow pl~_tforms 4m wide; ther(! i:: also a non-refri:..-er:Lted hall for handlinf', and 1'0011 j,rO'1L1(;t3. ".*'eut. preferably -aithout ijon,.~n, i.; j,'-L(-,k(!d in (.:tL-ilboi~.rd hoxcu 500 x -'1~5 x 1*-~Gmm v,~-ij.',hin/_- 21" and is fro-en in movable or 3uspended zhelvss in tunnel tyFe freo:;Qrjv in which a temperEiture of -30 0 is maintz-ined. Packed meat is frozen n 24 hours at an air flow velocity of '.ard 1/3 5m per 3ec; the tunnel 13 3,1m long. The 3U3pended ahelvei ,..old Stora,,-e Houoes and Artificial Skuting-Riril:s in the CSR are moving on an overhead trolley. For --mall.portions meA is packed in :mall cardboard boxes, with or without ve,~,et_-`,_,lCs_- Ready cooked dishes are also prepared, packedi and 3tored in the cold storal~re houses in the CSR. In Brno a conveyor instal- lation is handling ready cookod rli.,ihes. Aa r-friper;Ain-l a-;~:-.-It brine is ncstly used. Tht_-rc -re variouq defro!;tin- oy.;tums beinG, viaed, employing citMr hot brine or hot armonia. Co. d stora~;e houses employ firic.-Aly (if thf- type 2SN-200A (600 rpm, outrut 225,OCO norm,,.1 kf;-cal/hr) and of C-n. type 3 S11-300A (500 rpm and r")00,000 kgcal/ Ihour capacity). lat est type onippiied in Pr;tL;ur- ;-ire V-ahaped --.:itil 720-960 rpu. and up to 215,00u k,,cal/hour capacity. V, L v -1 UU S f,yj:~.-s of ocnJonc;cra tiro irl III 1,11LCefl in, :it; rce W/Itfoi-Alon oonienoera are infitAled. Tii(~.,;e :tro mit by C;11,11 ",("knlovo Plart ir, variouij size3 of i) to ;)~4 lraidlin(;, At(.k1nt,,and londin(, j.,j iow- .Yi ri:i oi battQry driven trucks, ovorhearl I j, it" -OnVcyors .E'ntr-n- doors to cold .1:urd 2/3 (11jUlt !-1~11 ,j LjI Uir-ventiliution screens on Pither side, ',he Cold Stora-e Houses and Artificial Skating Rinks in the CSR air being blown down ff-om the tor, of the door and oucked up :.It the bottom. Th:;re Lre 24 arLificial ice oh~_tin~-rin~~:3 in the CSR. Tt take-- 8 to 10 hour.; to free,,,e the vv-tpr in the vink. The 1ri_e:*.ing ijjp(-.S arn laid in concrete at 3 di..Lance of 65 to 100 rim from one anutlior. The specific Int.d for covered rinko is 250-3r)0 kt,,cal/m2 unj for open rinks 150 - 200 kgcal/m2. Ice thickness is 2 - 1~1 cm. Skating-rinks with brine freezing system last about 10 years, There are 3 photos. Card 3/3 LOBZ111, A.A., inz)). Underground r9frigeratinn plants. Prom.stroi. ~7 no.10:22-24 0 159. (MIRA 1*1:?) -1 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po prnynkt1rova,.iyn kholodillnoy. molochnny, maslyanoy I syrodelluoy proilyBhlenunati. (Refrigeration and rofrigoratir4,0 T,OBZIN, Aleksandr Aleksandrcivich,-.LYUBARSKIY, Nikolay Timofeyevich; WMMA'MVA:,w N.G., rtiid.; VOLKOVA, V.G., tekhn. red. [Small capacity refrigerators] Kholodiliniki maloi emkosti. Moskva, Gost izdat, 1963. 130 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Relf9igeration and refrigerating machinery) IOBZIN, G.. lmft..P~ ---. Oil deflector for a ZIS - 1?0 engi.-as. D 154a (Antomobiles-Euine 0) Avt.tranap-32 no.12:30 (KE.RA 8:3) LOBZIN , P. 4564. IDBZIN, P. beakan.-Ilnaya veA,tilyatBiomo-iwlazhn:italtriaya siattjima fla tekatilln.vkh predpriyatiyakla/o m., Lnitin.2/, 1954: 3.1 s. a che3t, 22 am. (sovet prorqsl. kooperatsii RSFSR . tekhn. upr,,; obmen opyton v prorgsl.voperatsii. inform. listok). 2.000 ekz. b. p.- av'..,' Wcazan v vyp. dan.455-7!t/ 677.697.9 SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', Vol. 1, 1956 PSTROYM V.A.., palkovnik maditainakoy alushby; LOBZIU. P.P.. - kand.tekhn.nauk, podpolkovaik intendantakov sluzhby. mayor maditainakoy oluzhby,- KUMINTSOV, X-1., kand. biol.neuk A Preflight nourishment for the aviator. Voen.-medozhure ao&7'80 Jl 057. (AIR PIU)TS-DISRASES A ND HYGIRNR) 117(9111) SOV/177-58-7-21/28 AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, M.I., Candidate of Biological Sciences Petrovykh, V.A., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Colonel of the Medical Corps; Lobzin P.P., Candi- .-ti~W date of Technical Sciences, Lie e ~~~--oionel of the Commissary Corps; wid Kudrova, R.V. TITLE; FeedinG the Flight Crew While WearinG OxyCen I:asks on Board the Plane PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, 1:ir 7, p 82 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors worked out a recipe for a food mixture and a method of feeding pilots with the oxygen mask on while on board the plane at high altitudes. Strained food, rich in calories, is sucked up by the pilot via a rubber tube which leads into'the mouth thru a valve, thus guaranteeing the hermetic sealing of the mask. Card 1/1 FVROVYXR. V.A., kard. *i. nauk, -nolkovnik --editninskoy sluzhby; KUZ113T.-M. M.I., kand. biol. nauk; IA)BZTII,_P,P., kand. tekhrra. nauk. pod- _r y polkovnik intendantakoy . ' T3.1-ARUPY0011, G.A., ~mnd-. med. nank, nollcovnik neditsinskoy nluzbby; UIRIOT, Tu.7., kand. med. nank, mnyor maditainakey alu2hby Ihitrition of flyirg personnel in hot climate. Voen. med. zhur. no.4:68-70 Ap 159. (MMA 12:8) (AVIATES, nutrition in tropic climate (Rua)) (CLIMATNI nutrition of aviators in tropic climate (Ras)) of aviators in tropic climate (ibis)) LOBZINY P.P.; KUDROVA, R.V. Sonie changes occuring in puree-type canned food durirZ storage. Kon.i ov.prom. 17 no.11:18-19 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Canned food-Storage) VOLYNKRI, Yu.m.; ARUTYUNOV, G.A.; ANTIFOV, V.V.; ALTUKEOV, G.V.; BAyEVSKjy, R.M.; b-FIAY, V.Ye.; &,yAj.10V, P.V.; BRYAEN, I.I.; VASILrYEV, P.V.; VOLOVICH, V.G.; GAGAR11, Yu.A.; G3,21, A.M.; GOR80V, F.D.; GORSHKOV, A.I.; GUROVSKIY, N.N.; YESHANOV, N.Kh.; YEGOROV, A.D.; KARPOY, le,A,; KOVALEVj V.V.; KOLOSOV. '.A.; KORESHKOV, A.A.j KASIYAN, I.I.; KOTOVSKAYA, A.R.; FUIDERDIN, G.V.; KOPANEV, V.I.; KUZIMBOV, A.P.; KAKURRI, L.1 ; KUDROVA, H.V.; LEBEDEV, V.I.; LEBEDEV, A.A.; L0BZI1j..,-F-,E.; MAKSIMOV, D.G.; MYASNIKOV, V.I.; MALYSEK1,11, Ye.G.; NEU,1'ffVAKIN, I.P.; ONISHCHENKO, V.F.; POPOV, I.G., PORUCHIKOV, Ye.P.; SILIVE'STROV, M.M.; SERYAPIN, A.D.; SAKSONOV, P.P.; TMNTIYEV, V.G.; USHAKOV, A.S.; UDALOV, Yu.F.; FOV1111, V.S.; FOMIN, A.G.; HLEDNIKOV, G.F.; YUGANOV, Ye.M.; YAZDOV:3KIYI V.I.; KRICHAGIN; V.I.; AKU1,1111CHEV; I.T.; SAVINICH, F.K.-! STMPURA, S.F.; VOSKRESEN.IZU, O.G.; GAZRIKO, O.G., SISACIAN, N.M., akademik, red. [Second group space "-'light and some re3ults of the Soviet astronauts' flights on "Vostok" ships; scientific results of medical and biological research conducted durJng the second group space flight] 11toroi gruppovoi kosmicheskii polet i neko- torye itogi poletov i3ovetskikh kosmonavtov na korabliakh "Vostok"; nauchriye rezulltaty. medikobiologicheskikh issledovanii, provedennykh vo vremia vtorogo gruppovogo kosmicheskogo poleta. Moskva) Nauka, 1965. 277 p. (HIRA 18:6) ...F 4, r~,tj '32-"v-rrjr Pochin Ti-yekhr-orki, (Dvi--:-.yr-niyn -,a v- kuy I !..ill a- you L -1 4- -U na- tYel-st~llnavi hombinatye *o:-naya m-in.-falftura". Ill. S. --,,yctsrLv-,b. 1',je!,~'!-ni-l.,a-:,:olcdyr;z',-ii, 111-Ac), .*,o. 0, S-1-1p I So: Letcrds' No. 40 wBzrI-IT4'-RjPI6-- Textile Factories Mechanization of heavy labor at the rrechgornaia factory. Mekh. trud. rab. 6 no. 1, 1952. Monthlv List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1952. Unclassified. I I I / - 0 b- I'- I-N. - -Y PA BOV, A.G. ZII~CWWO, V.I.,-. LOBZIN, V.S. Result of roantgenotherapy of myssthealao Zhur.asTr.i paikh. 54 nc-.41344-348 AP '54. (KIRA 7:5) (HYASTMIA, GRAVIS. thorapy, *x-rays) (RADIOTHIRAFT, In various diseases, *Wasthenia grav is) LOBZIII, V.S. 11-1 ~ . - Clinical and physiological characteristic of some anslysors in qrasthenia# Zhur.iievr. i paikh. Supplement:22 '57. (MM 11:1) 1. Voyeano-morskaya meditainakays akademiya. (MUSCIANS--IIISKAUS) LOBZIN, V.S. 71aceral and metabolic disorderu in myanthenia. Vop. psikh i nev-.. no.3:254-260 '58. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Iz kliniki nervgyk7L bolezney Voyenno-meditsinakoy ordena Ianin r~tademii im. S.M. Kirova. (NNTA13OLISM, DISORDMtS OF) (14YASTHNNIjk GRAVIS) LOBZIN, V.S., kand. tied. nank, mayor neditRinakay eluzhby Diagnouls and expert evaluation of closed --erebral wounds in militar.r medicine. no.5!39-41 My '59. 04IRL 12:8) (BRAIII, wde. & W. closed in diag. & mflitary evaluation of oeq. (R I)-, (ARM FORCES PERSONNEL, dia. closed brain seq., detection of seq. (Rue)) PETROV, A.V., polkovnik medi tsinskoy alushby; _ LO3ZINs - mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby Indolumbar paeumotherapy and oxygen therapy in treating severe forms of lumbosacral radiculitie. Voen.-med.zhur. no.12:69-72 159. (MIRA 14;1) CNMVES, SPINAL-DMASES) ( OIMEN THMAn) LOBZIN, Vladimir Semenovich (Hyasthonlej Misstaniia. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1960. 154 1). (MUSTHAIIA GRAVIS) (MIRA 1):9) ~,LOBZINv V.S.- Closed injuries of the brain in boxers. Zhur.nevr.i psikh. 60 no.5: 542-546 160. (mm 1319) (BRAISS-WOUNDS AND INJMFS) (BCCEING-HrGIENIC ASPECTS) LOBZIN, V.S. Cataplexy, on awakening and falling asleep. Zhur.nerv.i psikh. 62 no.6:808-814 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Kafedra nervnykh bolezney (nachallnik - prof. S.I.Karchikyan; nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. A.G.Panov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena, Lenina alcademil imeni S MJLWva, Leningrad. iSLEEP) CHECHULINJI A.S. (Leningrad,D-88,11evskiy prosp.,22/24,kv.161); ZIN,V.S..; DOCELI, L.V. Surgical treatment of myasthenia (thymectomy). Grud. khir. 2 no.3:92-99 14y-.Je 160. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Iz kafedry torakallnoy khirurgil I anesteziologii (ispolnys- yushchJy obyazanrtosti zaveduyushchego - prof. V.V. Ornatskiy), kafedry nervnylsk% bolezney (zav. - doystvitelinyy chlen A14N 3SSR prof. S.H. David-enkov) Gosudarstvennogo ordena 14nina Instituta usoverBhenstvovaniya vrachey imeni S.M. Kirova i kliniki nervnykh bolezney No.2 (2aV. - prof. A.G. Tanov) Voyenno-meditsirwhoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. (HYASTIIENIA GRAVIS) (TRIM QLUWj68MIWRY) LOBZIN, V.S. Characteristics of the intentional spasm of Rulf. Vop. poikho i nevr. no.9:489-496 162. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Kafedra nervnylch bolezney Vo7enno-meditsinakoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. v LOBZINP V.S.., kand. med. nauk (Leningrad) Hyperkalemic paroxysmal myoplegia. Klin. med. 41 no.6:145- 148 Je t 63. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Ts kafedry neirvrqkh bolesney (inpolnyayuobchiy obyazan- nosti nachallni)z - prof. A.0. Panov) Voyenno-maditoinBkoy ordena, Lanina alcademii, imeni Kirova. LOMIN, V.S., mayor msditsinskoy sluzhby,kand. ised. nauk Oxygen encephalography in military neuropathological practice. Voen.-med. zhur. no,6%63--64 164. (14IRA l8s5) !~! -Aft w LC)BZI,',I, V.S., kanci.maed. -ni-alk .1-1 11-1 . 1 111. -- Myasthenia in varous areas of clinical nanitAne. Sov. red. 28 no*-'22110-115 IVX lu5. ('.IrIRA 18. 10) 1. Kafedra norvn.,rkh bolezney (nuchallnik - prof. A.G.Panov) Voyennc- meditsinskoy ordona Lenina akademii imeni S.M.Elrova. 7i, a hat ni, r;.,.0 PORADOWSKA, Wanda; LODZ.Lh_.~'LKl, zimle~rz; KUBIC'.1, Stanislaw; E4DRNI,r',,' Krystyna Congenital pulmonary cysts in infants and small children. Pol. przogl. chir. 36 jio.31357-364 Mr 164. 1. Z Oddzialij KIAn4oznego ChIrurgiJ Dzleciecej (Kierownlk; prof. dr W. Pr-adowska), z Zakladu Radiologil (Kierownik; doc. dr S. Kubiez;, z Zaklaij- Anatomii Patolcgicznej (Kierownik: dr K. Borow1c,., i z Instytutu Matki i Dziecka w Warszawle (Dyrektort prof. dr B. GornickJ). s/549/62/m/lio/ool/ooli Z032/Z314 :AUTHORS-. 11,3., Candi4ate of Tochhical Sciences# Docent and Lobormv, A*V t Reykhp N*N., Engineers IV Automatic recording double-beam microphotometer SOURCZt Moscow. Vyssheye tekhnicheakoye uchili hche. d s [Tru A no# 110s 1962, Opticho3kiye i optiko-slektronnyye piriboryo 17 - 26 .TEXT: Since Apr1l, 196ov the Kafedra "Opt iko- e1 ektronny)-e ;Pribory" (Depattinent of Optical- electronic Xnatrumenta) of Knu has been engaged in 'devaloping an automatic recording double-bemi micro- photometer. This wits necessary since the existing microphotometern available in the USSR, L.e. the' Mj) (MP)-2 and MF-4 microphoto- meters, were not suirriciontly accurate and convenient. The new eautomatic microphotameter has a magnification of X6, X12 and X20, band .the dimensions ~,f tits photometerod part of the plate are between 0-0075 x 0.43075 and 0.25 x 0.25 mm. The density ram3e is 0 - 2t althovSh the range may be oxtended by use of a neutral fIlter of Imown densitye 'rho expected. accuracy is quoted as 0*01D and them expected -tims.-- -interval between successive readings is 0*5 ser., A .-Card ~Automatic recording .... S/549/62/000/110/001/004 E032/P,3i4 -detailed drawing is Sivbn of the optical and kinematic designii of the photometer. The.two beams are modulated at 10C c-pose by a rotating disc (6 000.~r.p.m.) and the resultant 31ght output is; :monitored by a photoniultiplier. When the two :~ntensit:'.es are equal, signal appearing acros3 the photomultiplier load is constant. Any departure from equality gives rise to an alternating signal. A tuned amplifibr in used to'achieve good discrimination %Sainst -,noise and interference and the basic circuit of this amplitler is~ reproduced. The output can be recordod automatically, either ox! a pen-recorder. chart or on a print-out tape. The design is such that the microphotometer may be used to examine shadow, interferenco and spectral photographs in gas-dynamic and other stud ies.._ -I necessary, it can be used in-conjunct-ion- ;-h-a-attiecironic coutput-Ok 7 device -for-c.inversion into digital optical &n4. itechanie'al compon enti T'4, A, t io, -able' sea- in- 4--cons ftat., aoiiinetaiallk- C n o On th ld~rd 2/2 S/204162/002/001/002/007 1032/1232 AUTHORS: Eidus, Ya. T., Neredov, B. K. and Lobzov, A. V .:j TITLE: Catalytic polymerisation of olefins. 15. On the liquid products or ethylene polymed- zation over nickel oxide - aluminium silicate catalyst under elevated prmiurc PER(ODICAL- Neftekhimiya, v. 2, no. 1, 1962, 21-27 TEXT: This is a study of the composition of the products of ethylene polymerization over a nickel oxide. - alumintim silicate catalyst at 275'C, under pressures ranging between 5 and 30 atm. and at volume velocities between - 100 and 2000 hour- 1. The products of polymerization were rendered free of dissolved gases and fractionated by distillation in a column of 60 theoretical pl;~tes. Distillation curves and tables of physical constants of different fractions arc given. Combinational dispersion (Raman) spectra of several fracti..)Ms were taken. Identification of individual hydrocarbons in these frartions, was done by means of comparison of the spectra taken with data found in the literature. It was found that the products of polymerisation con- ained mainly polymers with an even number of C atoms in the molecitle, trimers and tetramers. Monomcthyl- substituted alkencs, mainly 3-methyl-alkenes-2, predominated. Small amounts of 2-methyl-alkenes, n-alkenes disubstituted alkenes and the corresponding alkanes as well as hydrocatbons with an odd number of C aloms in the molecule were also found. The founation of these hydrocarbons inJicates, the occurrence of side re- Card 112 Catalytic poll) merization of olefins... S/204/62/002/0011002/(X)7 103211232 actions, such as isomicration, hydrogen redistribution, alkylation and de-alkylation. Elevation of prmture and decrease of volume velocity (within the limits of the interval studied), ix the increase of the timi. of contact, favour the formation of saturated hydrocarbons and of higher polymers and "odd-numbcr" polymers. There are 3 figures and I table,. An English-language reference rcads a follows. J. P. Hogan, R. L. Banks,- W. C. Lanning, A. Clark, Ind. Engng. Chem., 47, 752, 1955. ASSOCIATION: Institut organichcskoi khimii AN SSSR im N. D. Zelmskogo (institute of Organic Che- mistry. mistry, AS USSR, im. N. D. Zeliaskiy) SUBMITTED: January 17, 1962 Card 2/2 ,.---LOBZQV,-B,jUga); MUTSENEK, K.(Mucenieks, K.] (Riga) Estimation of automatic assembly proceas accuracy. Vestis latv ak no-4:49-56 f6l. (KEAI 10:9) 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyokoy SSR, Institut avtomatiki i mekhaniki,, (Antomation) LODZOV, B.; MUTSEM, K. (Mucenieks, K.1 Nature of damage to edwas during asse;.ibly. VsstiB Latv ak no.12: 13-,18 * 161 1. kkademi3ra nauk Latviyakoy SSR, Institut avtomatiki i mckhaniki MM, KjMucenielm, K.] Cajmija~tjng the PrOciBice of the Process of automatio ae5~Mb37- T4'T-AN Latv-SSR s0-449-56 161. (MM 16: 2) -I. I"Stitut avtomattki i mekbaniki AN latviyakoy SSR. (Assembly-11r,e methodB) (AUtomation') 3h349 3/197/62/000/001/002/0'J2 i"1000 B104/B102 AUTHORS: Lobzov. B_,.Mutsenek, K. TITLEi Effect of vibrations on the safety of the automatic nssemb- ling of parts PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Latviyskoy SSR, Izvestiya,. no, 1(174), 962, 53 - 58 TEM A vibrator in an assembling automation displaces the relative pos-4- tion of parts to be assembled within an area the length of which is eteter- mined by the amplitude of the fixture vibrations and the gap whose wi.dth is determined by the gap of the fixture. Two vibrators in an assembling automation of the same frequency, with their vibration amplitudes being vertical on one another, displace one part within a circle, an ellipse or a rectangle. If two parts are to be assembled the mutual position of the two parts must lie within the admissible error limits at the momenz con- cerned. Curve 1 (Fig. 5) is the trajectory of the vibrating part, Curve 2 circumscribes the field of deviations of the position of the part cf q is the admissible deviatiom The hatched areas indicate the positions Card 1/1 S/107/62/000/00'/002/-~02 Effect of vibrations B104/BIO2 the parts to be assembled that are within the admissible er:-or iiinlts. The authors discuss possible trajectories for those cases where the V-Vo vibrations are not harmonic but fade exponentially. The relative movement of the parts is then spiral, The accuracy of assembling can be increased considerably by cho031ng that mument for the automatic assembling at M~Iich the mutual position of the two parts lies within the admissible error limits~ P~ F, Dunayev (Razmernyy tsepy, Mashgiz 1957) is mentioned. There are 6 figures and 2 Soviet references, ASSOCIATION% Institut avtomatiki i mekhaniki AN Latv., SSR (Inst--tute of Automation and Mechanics of the AS Latviyskaya SSR) SUBMITTEDc June 17. 1961 Card 211 'z- 41- WBZOV, Boris Aleksandrovich. inzh.; MUTSEINEK, K.Ya., red.; K.EGIat, BLDGUROVA, I.A., tekhr.. red. (Modern means and methods for the automation of assembling operations; verbatim report of a lecturelSovrer-onnye sredstva i motody avtomatizatsii sborochrykh rabot; stenogramma lektsii. Leningrad 1962. 32 p. WIRA 15-9) (Automation) !,-'~ssembly-line methods) LQBZOV, B. All-Union Technological Conferenrc Automation of Assembling Opera~ions Vestis Iatv ak no.3:.U9-130 162. wa the PkIchanizatirin and In the Machinery Industry. .1 L 32817-66 EV~7(d'/FBD/FSS-2/EEC(k)-2/E6P(C)/EWP(v)/T/E,VP(k)/EWP(l) TJP(C ACC NR: APGOIO129 (A) SOURCF CODE: UR/0122/66/000/003/0049/0052 AUTH(,R: Mylutsenek, K. Ya.; Lobzov, B. A. \01 ORG: none TITLEy Reliability and productivity of assembling automatons t' - \~ SOUZ: VeBtnik mashinostroyenlya, no. 3, 1966, 49-52 TOPIC TAGS: industrial automation, automaton, circuit design ABSTRACT: In the past, the introduction into production processes of assembling aut,3ma- tons advanced very slowly because of the low reliability of such devices as compared with other types of automatic equipment. The problem is particularly complicated because the reliability of an assembling automaton does, not depend only on the quality of operation of its own mechanisms but also on the quality of parts It accepts for subsequent assembly. The authors develop appropriate mathematical criteria for the reliability of these types of 011to- matons and then utilize them for the analysis of the problem. They present a comprelicn- Card 1/2 UDC: 621.757.06-52-19 L 32817-66 ACC NR: AP6010129 sive list of recommendations for the future improvement in the design of assembling auto- matons leading to enhanced reliability. The results are applied to the case of a simple device subjecting one of the parts to vibrations in two directions (see B. A. Lobzov, K. Ya. .Mutsenek, Izvestiya. AN Latviyokoy SSR, 1962, No. 1). Orig. art. has: 6 formulas and !2 figures. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF- 004 Card 2/2 87407 S/020/60/135/C)06/C23/0~7 11.121o B016/BO60 AUTHORSi Eydus, Ya. T., Nefedov, B. K., Ya'