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Witlein 11w tertip. rmuce 44 1*)-2' tin w 'mct tof temp. v4IIAlisoll, wai !,111411. M telitim. tit .41" 4 the yis-1.1 dr-4,1k4l, 'file quolikisr #4 On- Illit".1s"I 1,4111, tu-1 not istitirsk-wilt cn,cl (lit If%,- fillA ('"Ifelft 4 Pulp having ;A inscit. tof 11'~. Ill-atcA %ill, 5~_e 11Y VIL of k-Auitic vx14.%t 92' yivjd~l A 1.1,miuct k4mitg. 721-jl3r', tit a. goo Itco-wh also xo0 Igfifl us* Is f-jitj 44t spot, Gin - sout" rl~ oo -r-f I I r ,, ; * ; * * I I *40 u a AV to Al a a it a It Ise it It of V-7-AT 'As a "it 0 a I, 1 19 0 9 As 4 til 1 1 , I 3 2 V 4 90 0 40 1* -0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 4 i 0 0 0 * 0 0 : : -0 * 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 6000 0 00 i l 0 si 101 IS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 41 0 0 : 1111, 4** 0 0 GO 0 000 1200 00 0 * 0 01 00-411061A 11 - ~ V , , -- - 1. 4 1 4 1 a 9 is it it is w fis 11 to 9 4 If a 34 A--a-t I- It- I- -A. V-1-t-L-A If-,V; go a -A - ch; in the vlwwty~ mm, isimaw't ovVI 111tv 4(1,K%hlly of WC&,,W Sma 1 11 a viwo%it Lab. CIP11. oil & the Ulf WIW%t ~4114-0)1 St"-" As YvI 44 tom 'I IWIVIwil ow .4 'A l1w owfvl~ illvixNft~ '4114) 44 lotowNfils of it a, A 41I)LO-PrICAL LITSOSI&AP CLAIIJOKATKO cr-.-tr *00 1 q Z7. I 1 -0% 1 .5 ii- V14AJI 4w 4- it u a AT $a As C I$ IF ; - . - - a a , , 1w IT it it it 0 at sr if it ft lox (at tat to a I im to 0 000 0 0 0006 0 IS 0 0 0 0 4 0 40 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 0 a 0 0 IS 0 0 S 41& KOMAROV~_ F. Komarov, P. "Effect of acid strength on the process of suirite boiling of cellulosdp", Materialy Teentr. nauch-ionled. In-ta bmiath. prom-sti, Iosue 37, 19480 p. 7-35 __ bibliog: 12 items So: U-3566, 15 I'larch 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 13, 1949) MIMI III -COP NMokI rt'gvkh NUttdo. F. J!~_~ au-I S. D. Otitouavsldi . Zkw. U6skki Kkow. ().(;ca..Chcm.) 20. r7 Kamnunaff i 2. UsSit WO) 4. '41ood - Chemistry 7. Chemistry of wood." N. I. Nikitin. Reviewed by F. P. ko,,aro ur. r -1. kh Ta. 25 no. 12. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Yarch 1953. Unclassified. 40 KOMAROV'- F. P. 2. USZR (600) 4- Cellulose 7. Producing reactive viscose, Bum. prom. 27, No. 9, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February .1953. Unclassified. F. P. 2. US;"R (600 Cellulose 7. New rroblers In research concerning, the oxidation of cel-Iii-I-ase, Bum. prom- 29, ric. 1, 19,53. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, MaY -1953. Unclassified. xcKARov, P,P., kanaidat takhatcheakikh nauk. Effect of molecular inhomogeneity of viscous sulfite cellulose on its reactive capacity. Bum.prom. 29 no.2:14 Kr 154. Wak 7:5) (Sulfite liquor) (Cellulosa) whiteness, respectively. Apparently the bleachIng process is af- fected specific-ally-by the lignin- p-resent in the C. Viscosity-ard-- - mechanical strength of C were decreased. slightly. Lowering of C Card 1/2 -- - ---- - ------------ MMMMI-ca-r-P-roru6Ys jja-W;j~ Application. Wood Chemistry Products. Cellulose and Its Manufacture. Paper., 1-23 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur KhimiYa,, No 19) 1956y 63373 Abstract: viscosity by bleaching with I depends on the fom of C being bleached. .Greatest decrease in viscosity frcm 440 to 280--239 millipoises was observed on bleaching of refined C. Increase in amount of I decreases the viscosity only slightly. On combined bleaching of unbleached C with a solution of calcium bypochlorite and I (without intermediate washing) a whiter and stronger C was obtained than by hypochlorite bleacb!,ng in a single step. Bleaching with I appreciably lowers cellulose impurities*but-not more so than h;ypochlorite bleaching. Chlorinated sulfate C is bleached much less well by I than sulfite C of equal stiffness. Card 2/2 NMNIN, Hikolay Hikolayevtch; KOMMY, F.P., kandidat takimicheskikh nauk, retsenzent; SAPO?HITSUT;-F-X.'. kandidat tekhiicheskikh nauk. retsenzent; ROUNDINER, N.A., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk, retseazent; BLOSMYN, 1.1t, inzhener, retsenzent; 6BYMAN, A.A., inzhener. retaentsent; ZAMORUYZY, B.M., Inshener, retsenzent; 11~=V. Y.K., redalctor; POOROV, V.K., redaktor izdatelletva; KARA IK, N.P., tekhnicheskiy redaktbr [Technology of woodpulp] Tekhnologiia tselliulozy. Moskva, Gos-r lesbumizdat-vol-I. Lsulfite-callulose manufacture] Proizvodstvo sulifitnoi tselliulosy. 1956. 748 p. (MLRA 9:7) (Itoodpulp) KOMAROT, F.P. MONOWASO Hydrogen peroxide bleaching of woodpulp.Bu .m.prom- 32,no.3t2-5 Mr '57. MIaA 10:4 1,Wentraltuy.v nauchno-ttssledovatellskly institut teallyalosuoy i bmashnoy proitshlennoi (Wooapulp) (Hydrogen peroxide) (Bleaching) t C~ V- Obtaining high-quality viscose. Bum.prom.32 no.8:2-5 Ag 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. TSentrailay nauahno-Issledovatel'skiy institut teellyulosnoy i bumazhnoy promyshlennosti. (Viscose) LYUBIXOVA, 1?0 tKUZIHIRAO S.D.; IMUNSKAYA, K.P.; KOKAROT, P,,?, Daterrdning the degree of cellulose polymerization for production control. Ohm. prom. 32 no.10:7-10 0 157. (MMA lItl) 1. TRentralinyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut tsellyaloznoy i bumohnoy promyshlenuostl. (Woodpulp), (Polymerization) KOMAROT, F.P. Absorptive capacity of viscose. Bum. prom. 33 no. 6:5-7 Js t58- (HIRA 11:7) 1. TSentralInyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy inatitut teallyulozaoy i bumashnoy prouVehlennoati. (Viscose) KOMAROT, Y.P. Improvement of the quality of bleached sulfite pulp. Bum.prom, 35 no-3:4-8 Mr '60. (KM 13:6) 1. Mentralirgry nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut tsellyulosnoy i bumELzhnoy promyshlennosti. (Woodpulp) IKOMARGE.-Y- -P. Amount of chlorine dioxide expanded in bleaching woodpulp. Bum.prom. 35 no.8:11-13 Ag 160. 1 (MIRA 13:8) 1. Wentrallrq7 nauchno-Iseledovatel'skly Institut tsellyulomo-bum- shnoy proWshleanosti. .(Woodpulp) (Chlorine oxide) Characteristics of the chlorination of sulfate pulp. B=,Prom, 36'no.3s26-28 Mr 161. (MM 1414) 1. Veesoyuznyy nauohno-iosledovatellskiy inatitut tsellyuloznoy i bumazhnoy promyahlennooti. (Woodpulp) KOMMOV F F bleaching woodpulp by,using chlorine dioxide. Bum. prom. .36 no.8:11-12 Ag 161. (I-MU 14:8) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-ts,31edovatellskiy izwtitut toollyulo%no- bt=azM*y prcWq4e=wt:L. k4oodpulp) (Ghl-orine oxides) KOMAROV, F.P. ---~~Iaa~china peculiarities of refined woodpulp. Bum. prom. 36 no.12:11-12 D 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut tsellyulozno- bumazhnoy promyslilemosti. (Woodpulp) KCMOV, F. P.; GUGNINA, 0. P.; RUZHNIKOVA, T. Ye.; SMORODMA, T. A. Some problems in the bleaching of woodpulp Trudy 1J71IIB no.47: 76-85 1610 ?MIRA 16:1) (Woodpulp) (Bleaching) KOMAROV, F.P. Bleaciihing of birch and aspen woodpulp. Bum.prom. 37 no.9: 20-22 S 162. (MM 15:9), 1. Vsesoyuznyy. nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut bumazhnoy promVshlennosti. (Bleaching) (Woodpulp) KQAAROV, F.P. Selecting the technological flow sheet for pulp bleaebin B=. prom. (361 no.60-5 Je 163. (KIRA :C6-.75' 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellekly institut tsellyulozno- b=azhnoy proavablernosti. (WoodptLIP) (Bleaching) yoj,,U7~ and Yorc-stx-" Ileconstruct-lon of Plantations of smauvaluc. T.'Q step, 1" no D~X D1,H 2 , ' 195 Uncl. cessions, Library of Congress, - 9. naLhly List 2f aussian Ac 2. US-Sq (600) 4. Tree Planting 7. Broader introduction of overall meebanization into shelterbelt forestry. Lees. khoz., 6, No. 2, 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified. M ko V, gfecja and Waad control.. i'B:3. JOUR X".r ZiIIII. N,2.20573 ~Ti' !OR 1115T. Zhitamirakaye Oblast Learned Soclinty- fo- the TITL~, The Application or chomicox Compuunds to Control vicads in Forontry. iaform. Zhitoip. ohl. bid*_t-va-dlya poshir. polit. ta vauk. zr-ant 4 T _B!~*)._._,"-_-T Experiment a, rigadak Forest: Range,, using, e.oldium rps.1te- of 2,4-0 to control wead.9 -in, the foraist- mxraeriea, have shown thpit .this herbicide considerably em-pprerndd tho wooda, while at the some time strongly injuring the saplings cf the tree speciog. Awong 25 APOC- ion of troe saplings 1-5 years of age, 23 proved sensitivo to 0.6% conconfratiou of 2,4-D, and only the five y-vinr oLd hornbeemandf European older saplings Xere resintant. The .Dinaemination of Political and Scie4tific D z 1/2 Knowlodge KOMAROY, Fedor - 'SKIT, Vladimir Rikolayevich.- G.S., red.: GEM. H.R., red.; SUKffAREVA, R.A., [Experience in modernizing machine tools] Iz opyta modernizataii metallorethushchikh stankov. Mosk7a, Mosk.dom nauchno-tekhu. propagandy im. F.E.Dzerzhinakogo, 1957. 21 P. (Peredovoi op7t proizvodatva. Seriia uKashinostroenie,* no.9) (MIRA 10:12) (Machine tools) NZ Z;, KOKAROV, F.V., inzhener. Our achievements before the Gireat Anaiversary, Mashinostroitell no.11:13-17 11 057. (du lot lo) 'T I.Direktor zavods *Frazer" iment, HA. Xalimina. (Machinery industry) 82685 S/12,3/60/000/008/005/017 -2S-- Aoo4/Aooi Translation from., Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 1960, No. 8, P. 70, # 37775 AUTHOR: Komarov, F.V. TIME: The Automation of Cutting Tool Manufacture PERIODICAL- Opyt raboty prom. Sovnarkhoza (Moak. Bor. ekon, adm. r-n)-, 1958, No. 9, pp. 40-48 TEXT-- The author reports that the production of standardized tools at the "FrezWPlant increased from 1955 to 1958 on the average by 70%, chiefly on account of an au:tomation of the production processes. A description is given of the automation of a centerless grinding machine for the grinding of the outside diari.#~er of the effective part of taps, which is equipped with bunker feed. For the grinding of the tap shank part up to the stop an original automatic device was made, which does away with the fatiguing operation of advancing and removing the grinding disk and increases the efficiency by 2.5 times. A thread-rolling ma&Ane was designed and manufactured for the threading of the blanks, equipped with a mechanism for sorting the tap blanks according to diameter; the efficiency Card I/P 62685 S/123/60/,000/008/00.5/017 The Auil-omation of Cutting Tool Manufacture Aoo4/AOOI was increased by 2-3 times. Automatic lines were introduced at the Plant, a combination of several machines, and the operation of machining the square at the tap shank part was automated. At present, 6K6 (sKB-6) is about to finish the working plan of a large-scale automatic line for the manufacture of taps of 4-5 mm in diameter. The line will be constructed of completely new automatics which are going to perform all tap manufacturing operations from the blank to packing. The automatic line makes it possible to increase labor efficiency by 5-6 times. Moreover, an automatic line for the manufacture of circular D16-M16 screw dies is., being designed which will also result in an increased efficiency by 5 times. It is reported that by 1965 a 65% increase in tool manufacture is expected at the Plant, while labor efficiency will rise by 46.5%,-and the increased tool durability will save 922 million rubles in the course of the Seven-Years Plan. There are 7 figures. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. B.L.D. Card 2/2 KOKAROT, F.V. - -4: t , . I--,' T-,-- -zt?.,re;r Perspective plan for the re-equipment of the "Frozer" Plant. Mashinootroitell no.1:3-7 Ja 159. (MMA 12:2) 1. Direktor savoda uFrezer." (Factory management) RAZUKOV. Ippolit Mikhaylovich, profoo doktor ekonom.nauk; SBMGALIMP Lev Takovlevich, dotsent, kand.takhn.nauk; TEMY, Georgiy Vasillyevich, prof.. doktor skonomonauk; TATUR, Bergey Kusniche prof., doktor ekonom.nauk; KATSMOGN, Boris Yakovlavich, doteent, kand.takhzinauk Edeceased]; LETMO, Viktor Alsksandrovich, dotsent, kand.okonom.uauk; KURAVOYST. Kikhail Samenovicho doteentg kand.tekhn.nauk; XONAROT F Inzh,q retsenzent; KHT, G.Ta., S doteent, red.; kA.0 red.izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F., takhno red.; SKIRNOVA, G.V,,,, [Organising and planning machinery plants] Organizataiia i plani- rovanis mashinostroitallnykh predpriiatii. Pod red. I.M.Rasumova i LoIA,, Shakhgalltara, Koskva, Goo.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo mashinestroit. lit-ry, 196o. 491 p. (KIRA 13:6) (Kachinery industry) S/118/60/000/06/02/003 AUTHOR: Komarov, F.V., Engineer TIT! Mechanization and Automation~`of the Toolmaking Industry PERIODICAL,* Mekhanizatsiya i avtom atizatsiya proizvodstva, 1960 /V No. 6, PP 7 - 12 'A TEXT: The statewide specialization plan for the tool industry is still not approved and many Sovnarkhozes are organizing centralized tool production for the own region only. The "Frezerf plant-in Moscow will be "specialized' for producing about 1,600 tools of different designation, the Sestroretskiy zavod (Sestroretsk plant) about 800, and the Tomskiy Instrumenta-11nyy zavod (Tomsk Tool Plant about 400-.- Most of the available machine tools for 'the finishing operations on tools are obsolete. At the "Frezer~' the average utilization coefficient of metal is 0.45, because of too little use of machining by plastic deformation for high-speed steel. Rolling, cold and hot stamping, rotational forging and precision casting eliminate many intermediate cutting processes. A new experimental "rotary compres- sioN machine (Photo, Figure 7), at the "Frezer~' plant is described briefly. Such machines of different dimensions are planned to be used in automatic lines. The reconstruction plan of the "Frezer~' plant includes full automation of the production Card 1/2 S/118/60/000/06/02/00) Me-.hanization and Automation of the Toolmaking Industry of machine-manual threading taps. The special design bureau(;K6-6 (SKB-6) has c=pleted the project of two automatic linev~ one for making 4-6 mm diameter taps at a rate of 9 million annually, and one for making round M6-MlO threading dies (operati.-ns before heat treatment)'at a rate of 4 million annually. These lines will raise the present output 4-5 times. Another line planned (Figure 10) will perform finishing of cylindrical 3-6 mm diameter drills, 3 million drills annualliT Origstankinprom,IENIMS SK3-6 and SKBTI are working on combinations of machines Into "quick-resettabl~l'-Wu-to-matic lines at the "Frezer~' plant. There will be 50 automatic lines including 30% modernized machine tools, 56% type machine tools, and 14'99 only special machines. BY 1965, 84% of tools have to be produced in auto- matic processes. There are 10 figures. Card 2/2 GLAGOLEVA, L.A.,. kand, tekhn, nauk, dots.; PROSKU11AKOV, A,V,, kand, tekhn. nauk, dots.; IpATOV, kand. tekhn. nmk, dots.; RAMYOV, I.M.., prof.,, doktor ekon. nauk; PURTOV, S.G.,' inzh., gtarshiy prepodavatell; VURAVIYEV, MI.S., kard. tekhn. nmk., dots.; GRACUEVA, K.A., kand. tekhn. nauk., dots.-, KONADQ14-Z-K----- inzh.2 retsenzent; TOBIAS, D.A.p kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; SAIZAIISKIY, A.A., red, izd-va; ELIKIND., V.D... teklm. red. (Problems for the course in the organization and planning of rachinery plants]Sbomik zadach po kursu. organizatsii i plani- rovaniia mashinostroiteltrqkh predpriiatii. Pod red. IX.Razzu- mova, L.A.Glagolevoi. Moskva, Mashgiz', 1962. 261 p. (Machinery industry) (MIRA 15:12) KOMAROV, Fedor Vasillyevich; KRAINSKIY, A.I., red.; FREGER, D.P., red.izd-va; BZLOGUROVA, I.A.P tekhn. red. (Trends in the mechanization of engineering and manage- ment operations at enterprises and in organizations of the Moscow City Economic Council] Napravleniia mekhani- zataii inzhenernykh I upravlencheskikh rabot na pred- priiatiiakh i v organizatsiiakh I-losgorsavnarkhoza; ste- nogramma doklada na Vaerosaiiskom soveshchanii po mekha- nizatsii i avtomatizatbii inzhenernogo i upravlencheskogo truda v promyshlennosti I stroitellstve. Leningrad, 196 15 P. (MI RA 16:103 (Moscow-Office management) (Moscow-Electronic data processing) IMMOVO F.Vo-o insh. MachaniviLtibii'of-managems-nt-work in Italy. Makh. i avtom proiav, 17 no,5:50-54- My 163. (HIRA 16:65 (Italy-offtee equipment, and supplies) K%IAROV.. Fedor,Vaoill evicti RUNYANTSEV,.S.N.s red.; KOGAN, Ye.L.,, 04 tekhn. red. (Machines help to administrate] MashirV pomogaiut uprav- liat'. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie#" 1963. 37 p. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. III Seriia: Ekonomika, no.23) (I-Mlk 17: 1) .KOMAROV, FoVo;.KOGAN# A*Po i I - I D&termining the coefficient of shift capacity for Industrial equipment, Hashinostroltall no.5s36-38 Yv 165. (MIFU 180) POPOV, A. RYAZAhVSSV, V. XOMMOV. G. Problems pertaining to the elevator storage of rwr grain 'harvested in separate stages. Muk.-elev.prom. 25 no.3:19 Mr 159. (KIRA 12:6) 1. Dirketor Bjys~,ogo elevators. (for Popov). 2. Biyakly elevator, sameatitell direktors, po kachestvu (for kazantsev). 3. Zamestitell nachallnik-a Omskogo oblastnogo uprawleniya kbleboproduktov (for Komarov). (Grain-Storage) KOMAHOV, G. Radio - Receivers and Reception Simple frequency modulation receiver. Radio No-5, 1953. Describes a tqo-tube superhet designed for the reception of FM broadcast stations and the sound accoManiment of TV centers operating on frequencies of 56.25, 65-75, and 67-68 Me. The receiver sensitivity is only about le5 mv, so that-it can be used only by avateurs living not more than 5-6 km from an FM station or television centero 255=8 Monthl.y Li~st of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, June 1953. UncI* i KOSTANDI. GO O(Laningra4; !~MtAROT. G..(Zeninua4 Ultra-short wave YK radio receiver set made of the parts of a *Koskvich.0 Radio no-7:40-42 JI 153. Off-12A 6:7) (Radio, Short wave--Receivers and reception) BROVKOVICH, D.; GALKIN, X.; KOKAR(M~.,q.; FRDOSETEV, K.. redaktor; SHITIKOVA, Ye., radaktor; IRBMM~,~X."rCeri6lcheskiy redaktor. (intrafactory business cost accapting] Tnutr4z&vodakii khosraschat. Moskva, Goefinizdat. 1955. 146 p. (MM 9:4) (Factories--Pinanes) jur. KOWOV, G. Business accounting In Plant sections. Fine SSSR 18 no.4-.28-32 Ap '57. (ftotorise--Acoounting) (KU 106) _ILK ~07. G., dotsent, 'cand.biologichaskikh nauk; ATAYEV, A.A., starshiy Prep6davatell Economic significance of the oleaster wd buchthorn. Uch. sap. LGPI no.6:15-17 158. (RIPA 13:9) (Oleaster) (Buckthorn) Aitlvj- KOYAH)"', G.A., Cand Tecri 6ci -- (disq) "flutitor's rupotb of IAM dissertation competition "4x the scientific degree of Candidate of Teciqvmical ~cicnces on t4e theme, of correction, describa ble42 characteristic equations of the fifth and sixth degrees" '.'os, 1956, 16 pr) with diagrams (!,'in of Hiaher 'ducation USSR. Mos Order of Lenin Power 5ngineering Inst) 160 conies. Oiblingraphy: pp 15-16 (10 titles) (Y,L, 27-5B, 109, 110) 10MOVe 0, Ao Ways of Improving the surface swothwas of plAned wood* Per.prows 9 lio-11:8-9 N 1600 (NM 13:12) 1. Nookovskly lesotekbnlcheskIy.InstitUt& :(Plaldne machines) KORSTSKIT, B.A.,., Inzh#-KO!4MV, G.I.; ZHURAVLEVO T.N.; Using preliminary and consecutive cementing in the Kuznetsk Basin. Shakht. stroi. 8 no.5t22-25 IV164 (MIRA 17t7) 1. Yegozovskoye shakhtostroppravlenlye ( for Koretskiy). 2. MmNIrshakhtostroy (for Zhuravlev.-)o ZHURAVIZV, V.N., inzh.,-__~PIAROV, G.I., inzh. Eliminating water inrushes through shaft lining at the "Karagailinskaia" No.1/2 Mine. Shakht. stroi. 8 no.9: 22-24 s 164. (MITRA 17:12) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'okily inalitut stroitallstva ugollnykh i gornorudnykh predpriyatiy. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6086 Nauchnoye soveshchantye po teplovym napryazheniyam v elementakh turbomashin. 2d, Kiyev. 1961. 'hc4 Teplovyye napryazheniya v elementakh turbomashin. dbklady nauchnogo soveshch- aniya., vyp. 2 (Thermal Stresses in Turbomachine Parts;'Report3 of the Sci- entific Conference. no. 2). Kiyev. lzd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1962. 174 p. 1800 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Insiftut mekhaniki. i Sciences UkrSSR; Ed.: :d- Reap. Ed.: A. D. Kovalenko. Academician, Academy o T. K. Remennik. Tech. Ed. - A. M. Lisovets. PURPOSE- This coliection of articles to Intended for scientific worker's and t bine designers. Card 1/6 !r' 7:n'7:7* :Z14 SOV/6086 Thermal Stresses Mont. COVERAGE, Thti book contains 18 articles dealing with investigations connected with thermal stresses in turbine components. Individual articles discuss ther- moelasticity, thermoplasticity, thermal conductivity. and temperature fields. No personalities are mebtioned. References accompany 17 articles. The con- ference recommended broadening the theoretical and experimental Investigations of aerothermoelastic and aerothermoplastic problems, the development of inves6 tigations of general problems, of the theory of thermoclasticity and thermoplas- ticity based on the thermodynamic principles of reversible and nonreversible processes, the development of effective calculation methods for thermal stresses taking Into account plzatic deformations and creep In thin- and thick-walled struc- tural members under stationary and nonstationary operating dotiditims, velopment of experimental-research methods for thermometry and tenstometry in cdnnee'tion with modern operational conditions of mechanical structures. and the broadening of Investigations of problems in the thermostrength of structures. especially of those operating under conditions of frequent and afis~rptemper:at~we changes. Card 2/6 Thermal Stresses (Cont. SOV/6 086 Shevchenko, Yu. N. jKlyev). Application of the Theorem of Reciprocity of Work to the Investigation of Elastic-Plastlc Problems 62 Shevchenko. Yu. N. (Kiyevl. - State of Stress of Rapidly-Rotating Non- uniformly Heated Disks Under Power- Law,Plasticity Conditions With Straiii Hakdehing - 75 Vollmir, A. S, , and P. G, Zykin,(Moscowl.-, Stability "in the Large" of Shells Under Creep Conditions 81 Podstrigach, Ya. S. I an, V. Yu. - Kru Uvovj. On the Effect of y: v~ic V u~ hke ; Inertial Forces an the Staite c ~ '. , esa aused by Periodic Changes In the Temperature Field Komarov. G. N.. Z. 0. Kastyuk,'M.. A. Ustinovskiy., and G~ A. Tablyeva, jR_iyevj'_._ Measuring Temperatures and;Deformations in a Medium-Thick Disk 97 Card 4/6 1% TOYNITSKIY. Mul inshenar-I KOKAROV, G.P.. inshener. Experience in using"Anduction gauges for heat control devicialin electronic feed controllers of YTI systems. Znargatik 5 no#3:20 22 Kr '57- (KM 10:3) (Electric controllers) K014MV G.P.,, inzh,; da�lmoy, Yu.N.,, iiizh. Automating of the opor.0.4-n of hjgh-Msrurc regenerative hi,.aters. Elek. sta. 31 noog:21 Ag t6o. WIR,` 3-4:9) *"27 (B*Uers) KOHAROV Ganna yjg~lq gh, insh.; CHEXHOVOY, Yurly Nikolayevich, lnzh.; SHIROKIY, D.K., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SAVCHENKO, L.Ya., inzb., red. izd-%,a; MATUSEVICH, S.M., tekhn. red. (Automation of industrial processes in a thermal electric power plant]Avtomatizataiia proizvodstvennykh protsessov teplo- voi elektrostantsii. Kiev, Gostekhizdat, USSR, 1962. 116 p. (MIRA 16;2) (Electric power plants) (Automatic control) SOLYANIKV B.L,, inzh.; YASTREBF.N-:!.TSKIY, M,,A., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOMARMP G.P., inzh. Determination of the.raliability.of automatic-regulators under operational conditionsIn-thermalzelectric power plants. Teplo- energetika 12 no;4s29a-32 Ap 165. (MM 18: 5) 1. TSentralfnyy nauchno"issledovate-3.1skiy institut, kampleksnoy a-,ftomatizatsii i Kharlkov--koye,upr&N-leniye-energ&zchozyaystv&. GILIKAR, A*S,, Inshemor; YNBSKIM, V*P,, Inshener; NOWOV. G.T.'j Inshener, ~- Kethods for over-all nechanisation of aggregate warehousesin concrete and mortar plants used for industrial construction, Stroi.prou. 33 no.9:16-22 5 155. (MM Q.-1) --Wo-Acrate) SITKOVSKIY, P.A.,I,KGKAROT '0~~-ARUSENTSZV' T.F.; KRMOMTSKIY. R.N.; KAKATZV, K.Got kandoteklmens-ilk,& SKIRMOV, A.V., kand.tekha.asuk; AFANASIYZV# I.Y.; VOLOWK0. I.F., kand.telrlm.nauk.- BMTAROV. 5.A.; KONDRATIM, V.V., KARLINSKAYA, K'~I.; NIKOLAYEV, H.I.. kand.tekhn. nauk; DOROKWV. S.M.; FISHCHMV, P.V,-. KLIKIRROVA, A.V.; ROZMrM. Zh*I.; 1PANISYST. V.V., kand.teldin.nauk; KULIKOV, P.-Te.; SHINAMOVICH, S.V.; LELITSIM, K.V.,.retsenzent; BRAUDR, I.D., retsensent;BMISHIT, A.M.; retsenzsnt--.GR1a0RYAXTS, A.S., reteenzent; IGNATIUK, G.L., retsenzent; KALABUGIN, A.Ya.., retsenzent; KREKEWSKIY, N.D.. retsenzent; POPOV, K.V., retaenzent; OBIOTA, V.P., red.; LZTIWG V.Ta., red,; SOKCILOVA, N.M.,; YZIMOVA, A.F'., (Handbook for hydraulic and agricultural engineera] Spravochnik gidrotakhaika melioratora. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo sel'khoz.lit-ry, 1950. 766 P. I (KIRA 12t3) (Hydraulic engineering) (Agricultural engineering) Kommy, G.V.. inzh. Mechanized aggregate storage in concrete and mortar plants. Mfekh.strol. 15 no.12:5-10 D 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Building materials-Storage) (Loading and unloading) MMAROV, V.A.; CMKMVAt Ye.A.; KGRL11QV9 G.Vo- LMITCHIK, Z*I- Mechanism of the- catalytic action of metal oxides In the reaction of decomposition of formic acid* Test. WU 15, no*16:120-133 1606 (HM 13:8) (Metallic oxides) (rormic acid) (Catalyetw) /dal' 63/000A) /66 ~,2 Y 10 B 6 , . J, WTfi6R'*v J Y TITM, ~t:46tlfti. dc. I q u id' i41..-!.'!, 2 I Q6 66- "in -1 ta Un ift.~- g Q a 0' -A L i- 7 J. " f Aw. TEXT "-Sbfrmi!4461 :_Wl OA PR h6;ibk-yg tau na4bs* A" aq-,: pro, , . , , at- ;4raf qn .,4*, _ 0~111 0 t e~ it's V _!j ' ~ ~j J~ f 7 TROSTYANSKAYAj, Ye.B.; KOMROVj, G.V.; SHISHKIN, V.A. Bonding of laminated plastics by means of high frequency currents or ultrasonic waves. High frequency and ultrasonic welding of, articles made of laminated plastics with the use of addition agents. ?last. massy no.1200- 2 16 .(KMA 16:1) at;d plastics-Welding) JAL' S/12o/61/000/002/029/042 E210/ E594 AUTHORS: Komarov, G. V. and Regell. A. R, TITLEt ethod of Recording the Peltier Effect at the Boundary Between, a Solid and a Liquid Pha.4e 6, PERIODICALt Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1961h-No.2, pp.160-161 TEM A. F. loffe (Ref.1) predicted and W. G. Pfann at al. (Ref.2) and J. M. Bardeen and B. S. Chandrasekhar (Ref.3) confirmed experimentally the influence of the Peltier effect on the movement of the boundary between the solid and the liquid phase of some metals and semiconductors. It was found that in the case of an instantaneous change in the direction of the current after establishing the boundaryin the equilibrium icondition, the initial speed of movement of the boundary will be V0 = 2PJ/q8 where P is the Peltier coefficient for the boundary between the solid and the liquid phase, j is the current density at the phase boundary, q - specific fusion heat and 6 - the density of the material. This phenomenon enables controlling the speed of Card 1/j Simple Method of Recording ... S/120/61/000/002/029/042 E210/E594 growth and, consequently, the quality of the produced crystal and also determ.ilLing_ the magnitude of P for which it is sufficient to measure the initial speed of movement of the boundary until it changes appreciably under the influence of the temperature gradient. The previous mentioned authors observed the movement of the phase division.boundary by means of a microscope and they recorded the position of the boundary at time intervals between 5 and 40 sec. For a more objective and continuous recording of the movement of the division boundary of the phases, which enables obtaining more accurate values of the initial speed,.-the authors of this paper carried out the experiment described. For the observations they used bismuth, which has a considerably higher Peltier coefficient than other metals and also, due to its low fusion temperature, the experiments can be carried out in a glass ampoule. . The glass ampoule (Fig.1 A), 10 to 20 cm long, about I cm diameter,with molybdenum leads, filled to about half with bismuth, was placed horizontally into a cylindrical furnace n with aslot at the top for illumination and observation , The temperature gradient was in the axial direction so that a phase boundary was Cavd 2/5 Simple Method of Recording S/120/61/000/002/029/042 E210/E594 obtained which was perpendicular to the axis of the ampoule. The image of the phase boundary was projected by"Ithe microscope M and the mirror 5 into a dark chamber. The meniscus at the phase boundary enables arranging the illuminatorand the microscope in such a way as to obtain a mirror image in the microscope fromi the solid phase without any light reflection from the liquid phase. It is also possible to have an opposite distribution of the light and shade. Inside the chamber there is a drum (7 with a film JTJ placed into the jacket K' with a horizontal slot parallel to the drum axis. For obtaining a sharper image, a cylindrical lens 41 is fitted into the slot. ' The slot w1th the cylindrical lens is fitted in such a way that from the field of view a strip is cut out which is parallel to the axis of the ampoule and will consequently be perpendicular to the phase boundary. A uniform rotation of the drum by means of the motor and the reductor enables obtaining on the film a graph of the movement of the phase diviaion boundary with tim.e. An example of such a graph is shown in Fig ..2; on the longth.(vertical)axis the magnification is 220 times, on the time (horizontal)axis / the time markings denote 1 see Card 3/5 Simple Method of Recording ... 9/120/61/000/002/029/042 E210/E594 intervals. The microscope has a focal distance of 2 cm, giving % a magnification of 100 times (magnification of the projection 220 times), length of the photocamera I m. For a film sensitivity of 65 r00T (GOST) units, clear pictures can be obtained for a film speed of 2 cm1sec, so that a movement of the boundary could be recorded with an accuracy of 5 1L along the length axii and an accuracy of 0.1 sec on the time axis, which is higher than the results published by the earlier mentioned authors. A further advantage is that graphs can be produced more easily. There are 2 figures and 3 references: I Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut (Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute) SUBMITTED: January 11, 196o Card 4/5 milli BRGVKOVICH~ D.A.; FOPOVS A.A.; ZINUI, A.I.; KOMAROV G.V ABRosm, P.i.; ZAVIYALOVA, A.N.* Y 0. S. tekbn. redo (Industrial planning in an economic region; practice of tbf3 Rostov Economic Council] PlanirOvaniO PrOzVshlernOsti V ek0lo- micheskom raione; opyt Rostovskogo sovnarkhoza. MosWaj Ekonom- izdat,, 1962. 187 p* (MIRA 15M (Rostov Province-Economic policy) GELtMAII, A.S.; GRY'1XVIC113 G.P.., prof.; GUIIIEVICII, G.G.~ ZOTOV; V.P%; KO,,W.,G*V G V FAUX' S.M.; FIMI-10111 A.V.; TRUBI11, V,A. g v. .9 j, la red.; SOSHIII, AN.., zam. glav. red.; ILTIFIVIOVP S.F.,, red.; ORFRIYEV, I.A., red.; KFOMLOV, B.A., red.; Z12-1111, P.A., red.; KHOMOSHCH2 I.L., inzh,,, red.; NAUMOVA, G.D... tekhn. red. [Handbook on loading,, unloading, and conveying operations in constru2tion]SpIt-Avochnik po pogruzochno---razgruzachnym i trans- port,nym rabot-wri na stroitel'stva. Pod red. G.P.Grinevicha. Moskva, Gosstroil-clat, 1962. 376 p. (IMPA 15:9) (1-tatoria-1 bandling) (Building materials) gzg t ma Ka4AROV, V. A.; CEMKKOVA,'Ye. 'G. V.; L=CHIK, Z. I. Mechanism of the catalv~" action of le"Ilic oxides in the reaction of decomposition of formic acid. Part 1.4 Composition of the reaction products. Zhur. fla..khim. 36 no.:12t2577-2581 D 162. (MIRA. 16:1) 1, Leningradekly goaudarot"nnyy universitet imeni Zhdanova. (Formic acid) (MetsLUc oxides) (Catalysis) KCMAROV,, V.A.; CHERNIKOVAO Ye#A.; K Y. FZfeot of admixtures to aluminum, and iron oxides.on the cata- 37tic decomposition of-formic acid. Zhur. fiz. khim. 36 rio.3: 540-545- Mr 162. (MIRA 17:8) 1. MoakovAiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova, s11811631005100310111046 B102/B180 AUTHORS: TITLE: Komarov, G. V., and Regell, A. R. Conditions for the vibration of the solid liquid interface in bismuth PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 51 no. 3, 1963, 773-777 TEXT: The movements of the bismuth crystallization front in various tem- perature distributions was investigated in an exj~erimental. arrangement similar to that used by Pfann et al. (J. Electronics, 2, 597, 1957). Crjstal1taticn ftmt vibrations were found to be rolated to the temperature gradient.. In the experiments this was varied between 10 and 100 deg/cm. Vibrations occur if the gradients exceed 40-60 deg/cm, becoming complex and irregular, with rising amplitiide-si, zass the gradients increase. When the gradient is reduced, regular vibrations (period ~3 ~;ec, amplitude -,15g) are established at 60 deg/am, and at 40 deg/cm they cease. When it~ is raised,regular vibrations do not start until 60 deg/cm, becoming irregular again at higher gradients. At constant gradient regular vibrations can be maintained for hours. First the authors consider the Card 1/2 S/181/63/005/003/011/046 Conditions for the vibration of the B102/B180 possibility.. of the effect being the result of interaction between the main thermal flow due to the temperature gradient and the additional minute flow due to periodic solidification and melting at the front.. Approximate calculation shows that the additional temperature gradient is~, smaller by almost two orders of magnitude than the basic artificially maintained one. The vibrations cannot therefore be attributed to this interaction. Two other possible explanations failing, the authors finally assume that it might be due to increased convective flow with rising temperature gradient, which would cause a changeover from laminar to turbulent motion for the liquid at the front. This,in its turn, would cause the constant supply of heat to the front to become variable. Therel are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut im. A. I. Gertsena (Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute imeni A. 1. Certsen); Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: October 1, 1962 Card 2/2 ACCESSION KR: AP4032769 S/0181/a/006/ool./0334/0334 AUTHORS: Komarorp Go Ve; Regellp A. R. TITLE-. The cause for oscillation of the solid-liquid phase interface in bismuth SOUWEi Fizika. tvardogo tola,, v. 6 no, is 1964.# 334 TOPIC TAGSt bismuth, so3ld-liquid phase, solid liquid interface int face er oscillation ABSTRACTs In their former work (Frr,, 3. 773v 1963) the authors described the onditions at which the solid-3iquid phase interface assumed an oscillatory motion about-some zone of equilibrium, Such oscillations exist only at relatively high temp~xature gradients (about 50 degrees (G)/cm), It was later observed Iby studyirg particles of bismuth oxides floating on the liquid that convection currents originate at some mo6ent as the temperature gradient is increased. These turbulent currents alternately melt and solidify a layer at the interface,'thus causing the oscillations of this zone. ASSOCIATION: GosudarstvennM padagogichoskiy institut*im. Ae I* Gertsena# Lon- ingrad (State Teachers Institute) Cord L 00765-66 EwT(I)/T GG ACCESSION HR: AP5012562 urVo18 i/6q./OoT/oO5/1486~48g ALTMOR: Komarov, G. ~. q;f ";R':'e g e IA. R. TILTIZ: ation of a growing bismut crystal on the Peltier coeffi- cient for the interface between the solid and liquid phases SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo te-la, v. 7, no. 5, 1-965, 1486-1489 TOPIC TAGS: Peltier effect, bismuth, phase transition, thermo- electromotive force ABSTRACT- The authors measuredtbe coefficient of the Peltier effect between the solid and liquid phases of bismuth by a method prcmosed originally Irl A. F. loffe (ZhTF v. 26, 478, 1956) and employed later by others. A de-cription of the methcd 3, 1963-, ~Ip arDaratus was given by the authors elsewhere v. ~7 The values of the Peltier c,~efficient obtained 'r, this manner 19 _1 e bismuth was -Merable fluctuations which did not dI-r.4 nit:h very T, r ese flu-ctuations are attributed to the dill*eren', of the big- nu'h crystals grown from the melt. To check on this assur,7' ion, the Peltier coef- ficien, -was mea"red with the current flowing in a 11recti-T. --lu-1- that the bisTwith S - rd i , 1 ed. This made it possible to determine lhe cripnla' icn ~-' the gro-wing `~-y x-ray means. Th~e results showed that the c--Clcient. depends on Card I/P 7' L 0-",,65-66 -ACCESSION NR: AP50125bL, the orientation of the growing crystal and is a function of the angle between the ysta-1. The values of "'rection of the current line and the trigonal axis of the cr- -:he thermo-emf coefficient axe calculateti f-~r 11~e c '1" ard Ilquid phases of bis --n-' at the me', f ing temperature. In the case cif * hc S,-, '71,11 Values wore 12C i D r70 10 ~iV' deg in the directl-~i!z ~0 the axis. To7 the liquid, the emf coefficient was "U; ~,V;dc,~Z. 71-;~-:; ~:.Jffcrs greatly fr--n ~f -tiV customarily cited in thp Ylho Feltier effect coeffi- ~ieatl flucti-e-teci between 2 and .714 L;V. -he ;v:,~--~ -~r- - irvnstigate the in- f"luence of impurities on the Peltier effect ia a '~he authors A. 'I. Zaslavskiy-,azid-the members of his laboratory for the labor-consuming work d e t ing the crJentations --)f -_ur samnles." ~~rig. ar-t. has- _L .61-ire and 8 forrinilas. im. A. 1. Le_n1ngradskiy gosu s e ria _~_Leningrad State Fedv.E~,),j~ All SSSP, ~en_ifigrE~i Cjj~s conduct o.r. s SUB_Mj=: 14Dec64' ETICL: 00 51:P. CUPF SS BOV: 005 GTHER: 00 5 Card 24/2 TRCGTYAI%KM, Ye.B.; KCMRW, G.V.; SHISHKIN, V.A. cured by chemical velding. Plaot. massy (MIRA 18:12) A=-NK-__-AFb000971 SOURCE C9DE: UIR/0266/651000/0221005610056t IN'iENTOR: Trostyanskaya, Ye. B.; Komarov,,G. V.; Shishkin, V. A. ORG: none TIIFLE: Bon&4 euxed glass-reinforced plastics. Class 39, tL ~.l 6~38� SOURCE: iv--breteuiy L to7srnykh ao. 22, !?~65, ~'-5 TOPIC TAGS:. glass., reinforced plastic, chemical bonding, unsaturated polyester, S1 CT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method for bonding Xlass-reino- forced plastics based on unsaturated polyesters or other binders which can be cured ly additional polymerization. Me method involves coating of r-he surfaces to be bonded viti, a monomer (e.g., styrene) solution vith added polymerization initiator, joining of the surfaces, and high-frequency or ultrasonic heating. 4~- (BO) SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 24Sep62/ ATD FRESS: M 678.T44.3-134~622.029.42-.621.'4.02'~', ACC NRs AP5026525 SOME CODEt UR/0286/65/000/bi-9755K970-069 LH AUTHORS-. Tr Shishkin, V A.; Golovkin, 0. S.; KomaroT, G. ORO: none TITLE: A method for vulcanizing Class 39, No. SWME.- Byulletant Imobreteaiy i tovarnykh mkov, P.*,, 119p~ 196;5~ 69 0 I.V TOPIC TAGS: vqjsaqLz&qorf, rubberTlmonomer, initiator AB.Vj.RAMt This Author aertiticate -ing, To iwrease. _presents a method for vulcanir the strength and thermal atability-of the union, the curfaces of the funation are covered witu a mixture of a proper monomer and an initiator or with a vulcanizing aggent. The surfaces are then brought into contact vith one anothw, and the zone of contact is heated intansely. SUB CODE.-* is/ SUBM DAT& 05Kay64 __777 -- - --------------- :-: L 20375-66 ZWT Qjtw (M_ (n )~6 - jj/ Ace NR: AP6006541 JDAW SOURCE CODE: UR/0191/65/OW/011/00ii/b6if;~ 1 AUTHORS: TrR2, ~anska~Y~e.& Komaroyp G, V.; Shishkint V. A. '~ORG: none TITLE t LJoIning of hardened plastics by the method of chemical welding :'SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massyr no. Ill. 1965, 22-27 TOPIC TAGS: polymer, plastics ultrasonic welding, welding tachnalogY, weld evaluation, adhesive bonding !ABSTRACT: The object of the investigation was to test currently held theories on, Iand to study the optimum conditions forp chemical welding of hardened plastics. welding was accomplished by a high-frequency (1-3 Kwt, ~O_Kcarcle) welding installa-f I installation of type U7X- ,tion and ultrasonic we,&- 1~utilizing a generator of :type UZG-10. Uicrosections of the welds, - ~er V. M. Gutermm, K. M. Kogan, and M. M. Kotina (Plast, massy. No. 4, 58, 1960), were Investigated by .microphotograplW. The weld strength of the various welds was determined, and the tol increase in temperature in the weld during welding was raaaaured. The exparimen ,results are presented graphically (eee Fig. 1), and a table in which the atrangth-, L 20375-66 'ACC NR: AP6006541 A Pig. 1. Rate of temperature increase in zeu - the weld during the hiph-freq dy vreldirg of the glass-textoliti?KkST-V of 1. 15 mm thickness (area -of well-3--EiTand 6 mn t3 karea of weld 6 cm2). Fie-lct atrength. f#0 - KAST-V, 1-5 mm thic'kz I - 2.0 fZ0 - kv/cm; 2 - 2.9 k-7/cm; 3 - 3-0 k-r/cm; 4 4.4 kv/cm. ( ------ ) KAST-V# 6 = thick: 1 - 1.25 kv/cm; 2 - 1-75 kv,/cm; 3 - 2.0 kv/CM; 4 - 2-5 kv/cm- 600 ff M 49 'F' a Z5~_ 105- MO; of welded and glued bonds is compared is presented. rt is concluded that at room temperatures'welded bonds are of the same strength as glued bonds and are superior to the latter at high temperatures. Orig. art. hast I table and 9 graphs* SUB CODE:13,11/ SUBM DAM none/ ORIG REFt 016/ OTH REF: C108 Card 2 2 vmb time, see. ACC NR, AR7000863 SOURCE CODE.- UR/0058/66/060/009/EO34/EO34 AUTHOR: Komarov, 0. V.; Regell, A. R. TITLE: Oscillation of the crystallization boundary of bismuth SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 9E277 REF SOURCE: Uch. zap. Leningr., gos. ped. in-ta im. A. 1. Gertsena, v. 265, 1965, 163-171 TOPIC TAGS: oscillation, Vcrystallization, crystallization boundary, bismuth, temperature gradient ABSTRACT: An analysis was made of the flow of the crystallization boundary of bismuth. The test equipment made it possible to control the temperature gradient from 10 to 100* /cm. and to observe the behavior of the solid -phas e- liquid phase interface by recording the shift of the crystallization boundary with time. Oscilla- tion diagrams of the interface are presented for various temperature gradients. For the temperature gradient below 40-60 deg/cm, the crystallization boundary is stable and there is no pulsation; for the temperature gradient above 40-60 Card 1/2 ACC NRI AR7000863 deg/cm, the interface begins to display an oscillation motion which becomes more complex as the temperature gradient increases; following which the oscillation amplitude increases. The introduction of small tin additions into bismuth does not affect the nature of oscillation of its crystallization boundary. The origination of pulsations of the crystallization boundary is associated with the interaction of heat flux q in the melt, caused by the temperature gradient and the additional flux dq'* produced by the periodic hardening and fusion of small sections of bismuth. Other possible interpretations of the phenomena observed are given. P. Parkhutik. [Translation of abstract] INTI SUB CODE;*$- 20/ CoM 2 2 GORSKIY, B.Z.; POGREBNYAK, Z.F.; OROBCHENKOI Ye.V.-P PRYANISHOINOVA, N.Yu.; IVANOVAp M.I.; KOMAROV, G.Ya.; KOMAROVA, Z.K. Waterproofing additive for the manufacture of insulating and sem1hard wood fiberboards. Der.prom. 11 no.5:12-13 rw 162. (Hardboard) (Waterproofing) (MIRA 15:5) XORMT. I. Graphic calculation of high-fr6qupacy amplifiers. Wio no.5: 32&-32d Hy 156. - (K URA 9 '- 7) (Amplifiers, Electron-tube) M AID P - 4941 Subject USSR/Electronics Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - 8/18 Author Komarov, 1. Title Graphical calculation of,bandwidth amplifiers Periodical Radio, 8, 4 unnumbered inside pages, Ag 1956 Abstract The author presents a graphical method of calculating narrow-and medium-bandwidth amplifiers which are used in i-f superheterodyrie receivers and in h-f television receivers. He gives several nomograms and charts as well as connection diagrams. Institution : None Submitted : No date KOKAROV, 1. --Now -- Apply stan4ard plans widely in building. Prom.koop. no.1:4-5 ja o56. (HM 9:6) 1.Zamestitell predeadatelya, pravleniya TSentropromeoveta. (Construction industrr) Bee Culture-Equipment and Supplies "Cold method of waxing frames". Pchelovodstvo., 29, No. 5. 1952. 9. Monthl List Of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August -19 Uncl. KOHAROV,'I. (Moskva); DUGIN, N. (Chita) jtdged by comrades, Fozb.delo 7 no.5:8 IV 161* (KRA 14:0 (Factories-Fires and fire prevention) (Courts of honor) TI (m)./M(h) i1st Luc Lur i4arraz-.t officari bone -7-1 Chemical alarm un a ship f3 3 C::': Starshina-serzhant, no. 11, 16-17 TO'PTO TAIIS: naval training, chemical decc-taninaticn, nucltar C,,-:-n'.e -r-. a as ii r e C 7 .1r, article written in an easy, conversational '5 -:~reser-ted in order to deSCr4 '-e I.,-e 3--larin exercises conducted a -,Pval- shi- in connection wityi nucl- c-ern-1-cal wa- a rf re e first alarM 319.ra-L 901,irl~ie~, --le -K-aS .:-1-~e7-. to start !"-e task- of .:eF3pir,:- ~-:.e c r e w 'ocir ur the assig-ned -o3i'~Icns o~~-.e:,!Zencv teams took 7rescribed safety measures. -,as ma3-:e:s ar,~-: -rotecti7p clothinp --e7a.-ed and ventilat' on vg,-,tg , eXCe-t4 n, :--sr.,ced, viit~, '?k-~I' 9 ~-. ~-O 0 1- eY, W a 3t C s 'or cl-,emistry), were closed. LI 0 he C a 1/2 - -2i- L 220-1-1-66 ACC NR: AP6009024 alert against a chemical attack. The defensive water system for a :3.. o f uoisonous and redioactivo nl rt C IP~ 9Wfi _'~ 7- U t ~ p t oopera- decontam,'nation materiais aLa equlj:zent v.,ere icept ready 1,313. -he decontamination duty and -_'3~a-eg were dscussed. Cat t y To- e s `ctqCLIL(~n Of apParatus cv e,,'frthe e='Loratllon ne- _T, was art :::us'~ te 'N 3 . ca- "13 r: 7e 3 C, DE: 05- 15 9TTB'bl D 1, 'TE Ncne OR!" REF: C C C=7 COC KABANOT, Vladinir Grigorlyevich, kand.tekhu.nauk, insh.-polkoTiiik; XONAROT, Ivan Andreyevich, kand.tekha.nauk, polkovnik; padpolkavalkI CHBOTAW, Yla4ltmir Petrovich,ikapitan*,.KZSHCEMRTAKOV, G.G.,Ired.; ANIXINA, R.F., takha.rad. [Brea ting underground field fortifications In average and soft soils] Tozvedento polevykh poduamsykh soormshanil v erednikh I slabykh grantakh. Moskva. Vaen.lud-vo N-va obor. SSSR, 1959. 125p. (MIRA 12:7) (Military field engineering) IOMROV, I.A. I%rforation of Reakelle dIverloulum, Yest.kbir. 83 no.22:88 159. (JaPA 13 t5) 1. Is rayounoy bollultay (clavw vlaah - I.A. romarov) mt. Tygdav Ammrskoy ablasti. Adres avtorat Amrsb%ya oblastl, at, fygda, rayon&Va bol 'nits&. (HIOMIS DIMICULUN ocaplications) ale I. A Canct Led Sci (diss) "Fulaiunary coinpli-atuions folludnz mitral 10"0 7 CorL';.issurOtO,L-7y," ~Ioscolv,017 pp (Acari. of Ilied. S,,i. USSR) (KL,, 3' 60, li'.7) m -9 M MINOR:", Or I Dynamic study of blood coagulation in patients after mitral awmissurotomy and In tbromboembolic ccmpl-leations in the Ungs* Xhirurgila 36 no#9t$7-91 3"60o L rz sordealmogo otdeleniya (zav, - prof* S.A* Kole=dkow) i blokhimichaskoy laboratorii (~&v. - doktor biologichaskikh nauk- 7e*F*-'Stepsnpm) rhatituta grudnoy khirurgii AM SM (dir. - j=of. S.A. Kolesnikov, nauobn~7 rukovoditell akad. A.N. Bakulev). (BUIOD-XOAGUUTICII) (HITRAL VALV&68URGHRY) (PUIMARY MWLIM) KOMAROV, I.A. (Moskva,, Mlonetchikov per..,d.20,kv.11) Pulmonary complications following mitral commissurotcmy. Grud. khir. 2 no.3:~-~19 My-Je 160. (MIRA -15:3) 1. Iz serdechnogo otdeleniya, (zav. - prof. S.A. Kolesnikov) Instituta Vudnoy Wdrurgii AMN SSSR (dir. - prof. S.A. Kolesnikov, nauchnyy rukovoditall - akademik A.N. Bakulev). (MITRAL VALVE--SURGERY) (LUNGS-DISEASES) KOMAROV I.A. (Kalininp u1. Nbvopramyahlennaya-#-d.40p kv.10) Fluctuation of prothrombin indicators in the capillari6a, veins and arteries in different diseases, Klin. khir. no.10:75 0 162. (It 16.7) 1. Kafedra obahch,&y-khirurgii (zav.- prof. A.G. X,~rav Kalininskogo meditainskogo'instituta i khirurgicheskoye otdoleniye bolinitay Vo.6 Ulm MEMO) ~h" KMIMVI I. A. O=parative data on flAotuations In the indices of prothrom- bin andblood coagulatiod tine during their aimultaneme do- teraitation in blood taken from capillaries,, veins and ar- teries* Proble gemat. i perelo krovi 8P no*1142-45 A 163o (MIn 1635) 1. Iz kafedry obohchey khirurgii (zavo-prof. A.G.Karavanov) Kalininskogo meditsinskogo inatitutao (BWOD.WAGULATIM) (PROTMMBIN) a SOV/124-57-7-7746 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 7, p 39 (USSR) AUTHOR: Komarov, I. A. 'PiTLE: Design Calculation of Turbine Nozzles With the Change-of -state Equil-- tion (Raschet sopel turbin po uravneniyu krivoy protsessa) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauch. tr. Kuybyshevsk. industr. in-ta, 1956, Nr 6, book 1. pp 229-231 ABSTRACT: In terms of the coordinates s-i the author writes a change-of-state equation for agas or,-su~exheated steam &sFib-flows through the nozzles of a gas or steam turbine. Permitting calculation of the cross-section- at area of the flow channel, this equation makes possible a greater pre- cision in nozzle design. The method which the author proposes here is an approximate one, for it is based on the arbitrary assun-iption that the velodity coefficidiAii ~~ j7dinains constant along the entire length of the nozzle. V. Kh. Abiants Card 1/1 KOMAROV, I.A., kand.takhn.nauk I-- - Effect of the number of revolutions of a turbine on steam consumption. Sbor. nauch. trud. Kuib. indus. inst. no.8: 275-276 1919. (MM 14:7) (Steam turbines--Efficiencies)