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WHANDV, D.A.; VEMM, G.P., takthnichaskly redaktor. [Technologlcal specificatlons for handliog and securing laods and utilizing the carrying capacity of freight cars] TakbnJ- chaskle uslovits, pogruski i kreplentia grazov I ispollsovanita grusopod"eamostl vagonov. Koskva, Go9.tranmp.vhel-dor.Izd-vo. 1955. 438 P. (Ktiu 8: 11) (Radlroads--Frelght cars) YUGOSLAVIA VANDEKAR, M. and KOMANQV, 1:'Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Medicine (Institut za medicinska istrazivanja i medicinu rada,) Zagreb. "Percutaneous Toxicity of Organic Phosphates. Part 1. Parathion Toxicity with Regard to Skin Surface Preparation and Mode of Application of Poison.,, Zagreb, Arhiv za Higijenu rada i Toksikologiju, Vol 14, No 1, 1963; pp, 7-12. Abstract [English suz=ary modif iedl: Study in rats painted with parathion solution (on 2 to 2.5 square cm. of shaved skin of back) showed that neither mutual nor self-grooming affected toxicity (i.e. no oral component); if the area was covered after application with either polyethylene film or plasticized adhesive bandage, absorption was decreased by ratio of 2 resp. 3.5. Five tables; 2 Yugoslav and 13 Western references. VANDEKAR,M.; KOMANOVL Studies on the percutaneous toxicity of organic phosphate com- pounds. I. Toxicity of parathion and its relation to the skin surface and the mode of application. Arch. hig. rada 14 no.11 7-12 163. 1. Institut za medicinska istrazivanja i medicinu, rada, Zagreb. 4L Vfi11DEIKAR,M.; K(ktAFWV,L; KOMEHEL.D. Studies on the percutaneous toxicity of organic,phosphate com- pounds. 2. Effpct.of.the size of the contamined drea of the akin and the concentration of the iDoison on the penetration rate of paraoxon through the akin* Arch, hig. rada 14 no.12 ij-18 163. 1. Institut za medicinska istrazivanja i medicinu radat Zagreb. YUGOSLAVIA VANDEKAR, M., KOM&NOV, and KOBREHEL, Dj.; Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Medicine (Institut za medicinska istrazivanja i medTcinu rada,) Zagreb. "Percutaneous Toxicity of Organic Phosphates. Part 2. Effect of Extent of Contaminated Area and Concentration of Poison on Speed of Penetration through the Skin Of Paraoxone." Zagreb, Arhiv za Higijenu Rada i Toksikolo&iju, Vol 14, No 1, 1963; pp 13-18. AbstractL'[English summary modified]: Study in rats: appearance of symptoms was slightly earlier and cholinesterase fall sharper when 20 mg./ml. of paraoxone was applied to a 4 X 4 cm. area of shaved skin than when 80 mg./ml. was applied to 2 X 2 cm. Both area and concentration must be considered in such studies-and this explains controversial data about percutaneous toxicity of such substances. Table, drawing, 2 graphs; 2 Yugoslav and 6 Western ref's. FTEODRAZHENSKIY, N.I., kand. fiziko-matemabicheskikh nauk; KOMA, NO,V,,-L'.I~..- . :- Increasing the service reliability of a transistorized contactless position pickup. Izv. TSKRA no.2:166-172 t63. (MIRA 16:10) 11037-66 r oAm Nit, AR600041 i 7627V651W F665 51 SOURCE COIEr UR SOURCE; Ref. zh. Avtomatika, telemekhanika i vychislitaltnaya tekhnika, Abs. 9035 AUTHOR: Preobrazhenskiy, R. I,.; Komanov, L. 1. TIME.- Effeot of the component parameter spread and the mounting type upon the operational parameters of a transistorized inductive position sensor C172D SOURCE: Dokl. Mosk. in-ta inzh. s.-kh. proiz-va v. 1, no. 5, 1964, 59-45 -TOPIC--TAGS --position --sens -qrtransistorized-pq~~i~_kgl~-sen-s-or TMSLALTioli:--L-~-osition'sens-orkis corwidered*-Wh ose operation depends on the coUapse-- of oscillations of a transistorized'oscillator. Tables are presented which show the effects of temperature, supply voltage, and transistor gain on the operating position. The operating-point shift at a supply voltage variation of -15 +ICFfo remains within 0.3 ma with iron ard copper vanes over 1 mm thick and r0 ma wide. The srnsor operation is stable at temperatures wi-thin -20 +75C. The sensor parameters are reported. SUB COM 13, 09 4 'd M: i~21.398.694:551-7 'L-26-50-66 F souRcE com tjR/oi-19/65/000/010/002970--o-~i AUrdOR: Komanov, h. 1, (Engineer); Pregbrazhansti-ki, 14. 1. (Candidate'of physico- mathematical ORG: none TITLE: T.-ansistorized-contactleds position sensor SOURCE: Priboroatroyeniye, no.'10, 1965, 29 TOPIC TAGS- position sensor -MTRAACT: transistor is brieri$ dedcri.bed_.. The operating 0.3-nn metal vane stops 0-scillstions vhen it moves into a slot between Wo coils of one of the oscillators, and causes the final relay to operate. Reliable operation at an ambient temperature of -20 +75C vith a supply voltage variation of -15 +10% is claimed. The sensor can be supplied by a 12/2h v unsmoothed d-c voltage taken from a rectifier. Orig. art. has: 2 fig-~ ures. (031 t SUB CODE: W, !E/ SUBM DkV3: hotie/ ORta REF - 0021 M REW! OQO/ AM PRESS. fmc _62_53L k! 621 S/133,/61/000/002/012/014 AO54/AO33 AUTHORS: Spivakovskiy, L.I., Engineer, Komanov, P.Ye, Osadchaya, V.S., Engineer TITLEt Comparing the Efficiency of Various Steel Tube Production Methods PERIODICALt Stall, 1961, No. 2, pp. 174-177 TEXT: The Soviet tube production is increasing at a higher rate than produc- tion in other sectors of the metal industry. Before World War I, the output of rolled products was 45 times higher than that of steel tubes. In the first ten years of the Soviet regime the increase in rolled goods production was 13%, that of steel tubes 135%. In 1959, steel tube production was 78 ti- mes, and that of iron tubes 8 times the 1913 level. Under the first Five- Year Plan the oapital investment in tube production amounted to 193-3 million rubles (inc. 87.5 million for reconstruction), in the seven-year period of 1951-1958: 311-4 million and under Seven-Year Plan 1959-1965 investments to- talling 637 millionrubles are planned. In view of the increasing demand for tubes and the considerable amounts invested in this line of industry# it is Card 1/8 S/133/61/000/002/012/014 A054/AO33 Comparing the Efficiency of Various Steel Tube Production Methods important to find the most economic technology. In 1958-59, the Ukrainskiy Nauchno-isslodova-tellskiy trubnyy institut (Ukranian Scientific Tube Re- search Institute) studied this problem and developed a method to determine the economic aspects of tube production which is based on technical-economic indices, specific capital investment, production costs and an "index of ef- ficiency" (the relation of profit or loss to specific capital inve'stment), in order to determine the most eoonomic production proceseg comparisons were made between the indi'ces of rolling general purpose pipes and drive pipes. The latter (219x9.5 mm) were produced both on pilger stands and on automatic stands. Table 1 contains the technical and economic indices for 219x9-5 mm drive pipes which show that when the specific capital investment and the cost of pipes.ohange in the same sense, productivity changes in the opposite di- rection. According to the comparisons, production of drive pipes on pilger mills is more economical than on automatic mills. The analysis of technical- economic indices of the production of general-purpose pipes of various sizes (102-108 and 114-127 mm) shows that the total cost of 1 ton of piping on the Card 2/8 S/133/61/000/002/012/014 A050033 Comparing the Efficiency of Various Steel Tube Production Methods tube drawing mill is 24.28~ higher, while the specific capital investment is 40-50% lower than for pipes produced on the automatic mill. When calculating the economic efficiency by the selling prices and taking 115 rubles for 1 ton piping produced on the above mills, (for the same amount of tubes) the auto- matic mill ensures a profit of 6.5 rubles/ton, while production on rack type draw benches results in a 19-rubles loss for the same quantity of piping. This tube drawing mill should therefore be redesigned or taken out of prqduc- tion (Table 2). Referring to various factors of the efficiency coefficient it is possible to select the most economical technology, and by comparing the coefficients of various tubes, the optimum distribution of various tube types can be established. The parameters of large-diameter tube production for municipal pipelines were investigated in three variants: for the pilger mill production, for the pilger mill production with subsequent treatment on the expander and for electric welding (Table 3). It was found that the produc- tion costs of 529-1020 mm diameter drill tubes on 12-24" pilger mills with subsequent treatment on the expander mill (48 rubles 18 kop.) are lower than the cost of welding (with flux) of the same type of tubes, above 720,mm dia- Card 3/8 S/133/61/000/002/012/014 A054/AO33 IComparing the Efficiency of Various Steel Tube Production Methods meter (56 rubles 11 kop.). However, when taking into account the prospects of produoing sheets on continuous mills of inoreasing the welding speed, etc. the calculations show that both methods will involve about the same expenses. There are 5 tables. ASSOCIATIONt UkrNITI Card 4/8 L 06535-67 EWT(m) ijp(c) ACIC AT6017507 SOURCE CODE: UR/2759/65/000/007/0048/0053 AUTHOR: Komanov, V. V.; Seleznev, V. D. OM: none TITLE: Design of a vacuum system for a linear accelerator SOURCE: Hoscow. Inzhenerno-fizichoskiy institut. Uskoriteli, n~. 7, 1965, 48-53 TOPIC TAGS: particle accelerator component, linear accelerator, high vacuum technique ABSTRACT: The basic equations used in the design of the vacuum system for a linear waveguide accelerator are reviewed. Special attention is paid to the case when the waveguide itself is not vacuum tight but is placed in an external vacuum vessel. Ex- pressions are given for the necessary pumping rate under various conditions. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 15 formulas. SUB CODE: 20,18/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REr: 002 Card 1/1 j SOURCE CODE: 5 IW? AP6033609 AUTHOR: Komano (Engineer; Bratislava); M~gq Xa _Eva.- K. (Docefft; Engineer; Candidate of sciences; Bratislava) ORG: Department of Organic Chemistry, ;~19yaLc_TaChnica-Uu -.~Lr y (Katedra organickej chemle Slovenskej vysolcaj skoly technickej) TITIE: Isothiocyanates (XV). The separsation of Aso~hj2Sy; .y!j~rA~)y thin layer .S~t KMN'112920 pily- SOURCE: Chemicke zvesti, no. 1, 1966, 85-87 TOPIC TAGS: thiocyanate, isomer, chemical separation, chromatography ABSTRACT: Separation of isothiocyanates of t1r- dimethylaminoazobenzene group was investigated by thin layer chromaLography on silicic acid. The separation is possible when one of the benzene rings has a substituting mebhyl group as well as the NCS group. Orig. art. has. 2 figures and I table. (Ba-3ed on authorst Eng. abst.] 1JPRS: 34,8051 SUB CODE: 0'? / SUB14 DATE O5Mar65 / ORIG REF: 005 SOV REF: 0011 OrH REF: 005 -Card 1A VA- 1~1.1 ::0 10, Cet 63, ILL. L=ly'll of HLrl-nL-i,: of Sunflower-seci Oil bj 'd.'C=s of P.;.r QIzc--ata:.-&p!V,- So=e. ---------- 4 of ra;4r Pz,;. 2 of 2- KOMANOVSKIY, A. If you are an engineer,** Metallurg 8 no*11130-31 N '63.(MITLI 16:12) I* Vneshtatnyy kqrrespondent zhurnala "Hatallurg". KOMANOVSKIY, A.; SPRIKUT, D. Main direction of modernization and reorganization. Metal-lurg 7 no.9s25-27 S 162. (MIRA 1539) 1. Metallurgicheskiv zavod im. S.Ordzhonikidze. (Zaporozhye-Iron and steel plants) DOLMATOVP F.; KOMANOVSKIY A jnzh. Slabbing mill operitions in the Zaporozhstall plant. Metal-lurg 8 no.9:28-30 S 1630 (NIRA 16:10) 1. Nachaltnik tsekha slyabinga zavoda 'tZaporozhstaltlt (for zoimaiov). (UpwoWye-Rolling mills) J, YUDIN, M.I.; K014ANOVSKIY, A.Z.; TROSHCHENKOV.9 N.A. Redesign of the 1618 continuous cold rolling mill. Metallurg 8 no.11:28-29 N 163. (MIRA.46::U) V .113. -f-f-O- d MasterLno, the proullactinri C Metallurg 10 noG3:2~-.~'/ Mir t0'5* (MIRA :L&-5) I. Zavod KOH).."OVSKIY, B. ecrets of language ("A word about words" by Lev Uspenskil. Reviewed by B.Komanovskii). Znan. sila, 33 no.2:41 F 158. - (MIRA 11:4) (Language and languages) (Uspenskii, Lev.) KOKANOV Traveling In a mountain country (*Through Tibet" by V. Ovehinniko7 Reviewed by B. Komanovskii). Znan. sila 33 no.4:43 Ap 158. Tibet-Descriftion and travel) (MIRA,11:5) Mahinnikov, SBEREGAYEV, Hikolay Pavlovich; KOMMOVSKU M L inzh,s retsenzent; L-La=0-1- KULACHKOVI M.0 In2h-ep---r-e-T-R`enzent; G&Wp ff.*A*,, inzh,, red.; MITARCHUK) G.A., red. izd-va; bWRAIISKAYA, O.V,, tekhno red, [Con ise handbook on descriptive geometry and mechanical draving] Kratkii spravochnik po nachertatellnoi geometrii i mashino- stroitellnomu cherch~niiu. 1-1,oskvas Mashgizs 1962. ~214 pi5:3) ( altA (Mechanical drawing) (Geornbtry, Descriptive) ARONOV. Samuil Grigorlyevichl RAUTIN. Ivan Grigorlyevich, VOLKOVA, ZOYa Andrevevaa; VOLOSHIM, Arkhip Illich; VIROZUB, Yevgeni7 Vladialrovich; WAY, Ioev lzrailevich. DIDENKO, Tiktor Tefimovich; ZASHKVARA, Vasi- liy Grigorilevich; ITANOV, Pavel Alskeandroviqh. KUSTOV. Boris lostfovich Ldeceased); KOTOV. Ivan Konstantinovich; KOTKIN, Alsksandr Katveyevich; -Maksim Semenovich; LRYTHS, Viktor Abramovich, MOROIZ. Mikhail Takovlevich-, NIKOIAYXV, Dmitrty Daltriyevich, OBUKHOT- SX1Y Yakov Mironovich; RODSHUYN, ftval Hoineyevich; SAMMIXOT. Yakov Tudovich, SAUICHUKO, Bergey Tefimovich; TOPORKOV, Vasiliy Yakovlevich; CHERMNYKH Mikhail Sergeyevich; CHERKABSYATA, Nefirl Ionovna, SINARTS, Semen Aronovich; SHRRIUK, Mikhail Yakovlevich. SHYARTS, Grigorly Aleksandrovich; LIBERW, S.S., redaktor izdatell- stva; ANDREYAV, S.P.. tekhnicheskly redaktor (Producing blast furnace coke of uniform quality; a collection of articles for the (liaemmination. of a&vanced practices] Poluchenie domennogo koksa postolannogo kachestva; sbornik statei po obmenu. peredovym opytom. Kharlkov, Goo.nauchno-tekha.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgii. 1956. 300 P. (MLRA 9:8) (Coke industry) ('10MASOVSKIT, Z.Is, inzh. Technical solutions of principal buildings of the Krivoy Beg Central Mining and Ore Dressing Combine. Prom.stroi. 37 no.8:58-62 Ag 159 (KIRA 1241) 1. Pridueprovskiy Promstroyproyekt. (Krivoy Rog--Ore dressing) (ftetories--Design and construction) KOMAMVSKIY, Z.Sh., inzhanar; SATA110VSKffA, A.S., inzhener. Coke bunkers built of precast reinforced concrete elements. Bet* I zhol.-bet, no.14-:425-429 1) 156. (Hrju 10;2) (Precast concrete construction) (Coke-Storage) POLAND/Nuclear Physics - installations and Instruments. Methods of C-~2. measuremeniand Research Abs Tour J Ref zhur Fizikao No 60 1958., No 12459 Author Komanski Tadeusz 'Inst InstTfUre-ro-r-M-clear Research, Polish Academy of Sciences., Warsaw),Poland, Title Slow Neutron Detection in the Presence of Garjoa Radiation Orig Pub Acta phys. polon., 1956, 15, No 5$ 351 Abstract The measurement is based on the fact that the gamma rays do not cause noticeable.scintillations In ZnS (Ag), and knock out electrons directly from the photocathode and the dynodes. As a consequence the pulses at the output of the photomulti- plier are very brief# At the earle time the ~(particies of the reaction B10 (n) 0( ) U7 produce in the ZnS (Ag) light pulses of long duration. This makes it possible,, using an integrating network and a simple amplitude discriminator) to eliminate practically all the background of the gamma rays. Card 1/1 BUZAYEVA, A.I.; POLYAK) E.A.; PERKINAt A.S.; KOMANTSEVA, M.I. Use of complexometric methods for determining the basic substance in chemical reagents, Prom. khim. reak. i osobo chist. veshch. no.1:22-24 163. (MIRA 17:2) BUZAYEVA, A.I.; VELICHKOI 'E.M.1,KOWNTSEVA, M.I. Spectral determining of impurities in reagents and preparations. . Prom. khim, reaks i osobo chist* veshch. no.1:19-22 163. - I (MRA 17:2) 11OR-N, Dezso, TE1ES5ZE1JTA11D.,USIj Guide- NOIDti~i! A Ad- VAWA~ G DZI "I" Sandor., dr.t buntatobiro; TOTA, Anna "'31121,10hrS , Is Yotgkj~L"' P tvan; Alidras PAL) Forenc, dr,; 301-IOGYI, Miklos; SM-1,0301, Gabor The 10th Plenary 4assion of the Nationai Council of Trade.' Vnions. I.bmka 11 A'.).6-.1-32,29-30 Je 161. 1. 8zakszervezetak Orszagos Tanacsanak titkara, qs "Mumka" szor- keaztobizottsagi tab (for Horn, Varea). 2. Fonernok,*Ozdi Kohaazati Muvek (for Temesszentandrasi). 3. Elelmozesipari Dolgozok Szakszervezete e1noke. (for No1hrer). 4. Te.-.tjjszakszervezet fotikara (for Toth). 5. Egeszsegugyi lqniszter elso helyettese, Budapest. (for Simonovits). 6. Banyaipari Dolgozok Szakszervez'etenek titkara (for Komar~. 7. Orvos-Egeszsegugyi Dolgozok Szakozervezetendk fotitkara (for Pal). 8.-Szakezervezetel-, Orszagos Tanaesanak e1noke. es Magyar Szocialistall.Wnk-aspart Politikai Bizottsagarialc Tagja (for Somogyi). 9..Epito-,Fa- es 'Pitoamiagipari Dolgozok Szakszervezete fotitkara (for Somoskoi). -------------- M=1, Ioshef;-,Iq jj-gz&4~h; 7:4$ Arnad; VARGA, lozhaf; KARDO, Tanosh We are proud of your succeos.-Y*st. ugl. 8 no-8:30 Ag '59. (MIRA 12:12) I.Qhleny profsoyuspoy dqlagatelt gornyakov Vengrii. (HuMary~--Coal minev4) lumc J.0 Zratmisla X.0 Kow A. Osaawwrda oloviume kmi. =Amtjon of lead in blaqg Mad,. d0sne, mll--ob-' 2x3-4 y'0 po 577-85. 1. 0,C th-j DmiitAte of pIVSJO10 a-cal 01jamistay of Warm Hs&ical Acadairy and of the Cmtz-a Twtitute of Libor, Waraw-T. UHL Vol. 420.1 Nq. 10 00t 1951 . . . ......... Ap A. PA 20/49T65 .UmA wem -iW, Nor 48 Coal Tar Products *A Now T~V~-*f'Ccollag Unit for a Coal Tar By-Produote Plantt"-A. Mmars Chlaf Edgr, Dnspr~tyath troy Trust, K. Deebtaskly, Ingr, p astroltag Pron"., Mo- 11 RLSOusses resulti of ~;parlence opined from In- stallation of-sabjqot structure by Adainistration ~'Ro 2 of the Daeprotyazha troy Trust, with photograph at the completed project. 20/0T65 KCMAR, Andras Situation of the socialist coMmUtion in the mining. MwAa n no-1: 30-31 Ja 161. L't Banyass Ssakazervezet titkarao I (Hungary-Coal mines and mining) KOMAR, A. A. "'Bremostrablung and Fair Production of Particles of Spin 3/2" Nuclear Physics, 9, No. 1, 1958, November. (No. Holland Publ. Co., Atraterdam) 1. X. Lebedev, Physical Inst, Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow, Absteact: Bremastrahlung and pair production for spin 3/2 particles are computed in the lowest perturbation theroy approximation. The ultrarelativistic case is considered In detail. 7hex importance of small impact parameters is demonstrated. For a pure Coulomb nuclear field the cross sections are proportional to Eb where E isthe incident particle or photon energy. The effect of deviation of the nuclear electric field from that of a point Coulomb source is discussed. 21(7) AUTHOR: TITLE: Koma SOV/56-35-3-48/61 The Scattering of a Particle of Spin 3/2 in a Couloab Field ,(Rasseyaniye chastitsy so spinom 3/2 v kulonovskom pole) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35, Nr 3, pp 806 - 807 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The influence exercised by the various values of the spin of the newly discovered elementary particles may be of inter- eat for the investigation of this spin. This influence manifests itself in connection with some effects such as Compton (Kompton) scattering, bremsstrahlung, and pairwise production of particles with spin 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2. The present paper deals with the scattering of particles with spin 3/2 in the Coulomb (Kulon) field of a nucleus. The matrix element of the process in Bora's approximation has the form -ef !'(x)A k(x)yk B'(x)d4x. The spin vector B'(x) describes a particle with the spin 3/2 and satisfies the following equation:i (Ika/axk + M)Bi(x) - 0 and the additional condi- Card 1/3 tions jiB - 0, 6B,/ax i - 0. A k denotes the four-potential The Scattering of a Particle of Spin 3/2 in a SOV/56-35-3-48/61 Coulomb Field of the nuclear field. Next, expressions are written down for the matrix element in p-reprenentation and for the dif- ferential cross-section do. For a pure Coulomb field the Rutherford (Rezerford) cross-eection is obtained. The spin corrections are taken into account by a factor contained in the expression for do. For particles with the spins I and 3/2 the spin corrections increase with energy; this may be observed with particular distinctness in the case of spin 3/2. If energies are high, this may lead to deviations from the usual form of scattering even if scattering angles are not very large. There are 2 references,# ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences.,USSR) SUBMITTED: ..June 14, 1958 Card 2/3 KOTMAR., A. A,,, Candidate phys-Mth Soi (digs) -- "On electromagnetic interactiOus of particles with a spim., of 3/21'. mosoowp 1959. 8.pp (Acad Sci USRR, phys Inst im P. N. Lebadev), 150 copies (EL, No 240 19590 125) Komar, A. A., j.'r-rkov , A. sov/56-%-3-31/71 On a Variau'v o' 4he ~'onlucal Theory of the EloctronaEnctic Pi~!ld (0b odnom v'arjante nelokal.1noy teorii elek-tromagnitnogo Polya) 1 C; D I Ch: Zhurnal ck.,;Perimentallnoy i teoretichoskoy fiziki, 1C150. Vol A, ii-r 3, PP 854-858 (USSR) -,l C T Several nuthors (Refs 1-r3) investigate6 a variant of the nonlocal Plectroma.-natic field theory and used. a potential of the Lionard-Viiechert(Liyenar,Viklie:rt) type Or A o(u/,,(r1)PJ-yU/r1)).,,,2 + a2 0with Q C The precent paper intends to show that this variant leads to unsatisfactory results and that the suggested f-,eneral poteniial form and the resultin.- smearing out of tae char-9c leads to an internal contradiction: to incompatibility of the i3yateri of clasoical equations for,charged particles. The correctness of thiss s-Latoment made by the authora, which is rientioned at the be~;inninr of this papor, is proved by means of a consintent /2 Of Theory So v -.1/71 :qclativictic treatment, viz. by a tran3ition to the nany-time I a .11 L I "arm lism. (~C-' 4) of the*classically clectrod-nainical dz-scripticn c--;' a system o-l" ch-arged pa-"ticler,. Tilare are 6 roferencec, 2 of which arc Soviet. z c h e z, I - -iy im. P. !~. Labedeva ,L:-,ademii ilaull, SIER (Fh,,~sicf; lzintituto imeni P. 11. Le-bedev the Academy a:' 8ciencag, USSR) September 10, 1958 S/057J61/031/002/012/015 ..9- 01. 1912 C/ 0 B124/B202 AUTHORS: Komar, A. P. and Komar, A. A. TITLE: Molecules and complexes of molecules and atoms as waveguides for electron waves PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 2, 1961, 231-237 TEXT: When working with a field emission microscope, 2 to 4 light spots .consisting of two or four parts frequently appear on the screen of the microscope (Fig. 1). This is mainly the case when the piston walls are poorly degassed or if the vacuum is poor. Sometimes also oval spots, circles, rings and'more complex patterns are observed (see Fig. 2), which are thoroughly described in Refs. 1 and 2. On the basis of the papers hitherto published it may be assumed as certain that 1 ) these patterns are formed by molecules or complexes of molecules and atoms which are adsorbed on the surface of the point; 2) the symmetry and intensity of the patterns are not connected with the symmetry of the moleculeal and 3) electron ex- change occurs between molecule and metal point. The intensity distribution in the spots is the same as in light which had passed through transparent Card 1/8 893& S/057/61/()31/002/012/015 Molecules and complexes of... B124/B202 threads (Ref. 12) or in amplitudes of ultraviolet vibrations which hadtt%.. passed through elastic rods (Ref. 14). During electron emission of molecules, the electron waves are canalyzed by the molecules. Electron emission,mainly takes place from the direction of the free front side of the molecules. It is demonstrated that the molecules are waveguides for electron waves which was also experimentally confirmed. Two boundary conditions 0 #rlr=a~o. (5) are set up. The authors also discuss the order of the occurrence of the various types of vibration and the form of the patterns on the screen as depending on the energy E - ev of the electront i.e., its dependence on the voltage drop on the waveguide. The critical lower energy at which such patterns appear on the screen is determined from epations 2 2m 2m Ini Ni I) (E+e7v.)- -2 , (10a) and ii) e (E + e-v. (10b), 112 a h2 a2 Card 2/8 S/057/61/031/002/012/015 Molecules and complexes of... B124/B202 which indicate that this order is exclusively determined by the law governing the increase of the roots of Beasel function "ni and Ani- Various types of vibration for both boundary conditions are shown in Table I. They indicate that the types of vibration are very similar as to their Y distribution symmetry under both boundary conditions. The patt6rns consisting of two and four parts can actually be ascribed to the waveguide properties of the molecules. The order observed in the present paper is-in full agreement with the order of the types of vibration at TG-a ' 0, shown in Table I. Table II shows the types of vibration for a waveguide with square cross, section which do not essentially differ from those of Table 1. The values m corresponding to the lowest types of vibration are low; however, n may vary in a rather wide range. The patterns shown in Table III may be observed on the projector screen if m- 3 and n= 6. There are 2 figures, 3 tables, and 15 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc. Card 3/8 89166 5/05 61/031/002/012/015 Molecules and complexes of... B124YB202 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnioheskiy institut im. A. F. loffe, AN SSSR (Institute of Physics and Technology imeni A. F. loffe of the AS USSR) Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics imeni P. F. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: December 14, 1960 Card 4/8 IMMA,R) As A* and MARMV, Me A* 'I Possible evidence of the direct electron-neutrino interaction" report presented at the Intl. Conference on High Energy Physics, Geneva, 4-11 july 1962 PUSE I BOOK Em=mca 807/-,,982 latc=atiaml Ccaforeace an Mau-Rwra Phrica. 9th, Kirmy, 1959. Devyataya r-3zbd=arCdnaym kCmfe=toIy% yo Mika vysokM enardy, "w 15-25 iYUIYQ 1939 g. (Mnth Intematic=1 Caafomca cm 111gh-EnsW PhViall- Mmyt July 19591), HOGOQW, 1961- 739 V- 2,5w capLem Printed. Symsoring AC=cy: Akm&.zdya nauk WM. WIA-mArobw eqpm chlAW I prikladuoy fizikI. C=trlbtxt= aWmentimed. PMIP=: This book Is intended for unclear physicists. C07MMt The collectica cwtalun 30 scientific articles ;weacated at Via 9tal latornaticaml Ccafereace ca HI&-rAdrgy. Physics, hold in Kiyev from 15 to 2-5 July 1959. The articles pmsemt4a relAta mainly to the Vr*Xmaa Im um- clear pbyales acbiewd In 1959. Sitbjdats discussed are the wodum"Acm of IUrd 1/0 g-~ ,.V'j wy-'NQ AV '4 17 ninth International Conference (Ccut.) nualconap their stricture, weak wA strong Interactions, scattering, and their docaV. Uo persomaltles an z~ittlonodo References scompany ludi- vidual articlea. Opoulng of the CcafeFewe Paroaralrd, G. Phatoprod=Uam af PI-Mescas arA Compton Rfroot CA Nucleme 21 Discussica. 54 P=tocoi-vo, B. Scattering of, Pima by UucUcam evA Slug3m Pzoductlm of Picus in lualsom-Suclood smA Pion-Sucloca. Utteractloms 60 SOZA, x., AntlMolmom $Ad The' Im%4r*&Aow 133 Dloausslc~ 152 Cud 2/ "12 Ninth International Conference (Ccat.) SOV159M Shirkov, D. V. TheWetliua InvestIgations of Dispersion Relations 453 Discussion 465 ToebMann, G* (Rmeml Features of Transition AmpUtudes and Spectral Functions Discussion Schvinger,, J& . Field Theory of Unstable Particles Discussion Lmdau., L. D. On Analytic Properties of Diagrams of the Quantun Field Theory Kcmox,, A. A p M. A. Markov. On the Field Theory with l rm~ehms Having Hypexbola1~4a Singularities 469 479 482 507 512 516 Card 5/8 BALDIN, A.M.;. KOMAR, A.A.; SARANTSEVA, V.R. Hypercharge and degeneracy in respect to isotopic spin. Dtfonap Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh iseledovanill 1962. 4 p. -ow (for Komar). 1. Lebedev Pbysical Institute. Mose (No subJect heading) KOMAR, A.P.j KOWO A.A. Theory of the wave guide properties of metallike molecules and their complexes. Zhur.tekh,fiz. 32 no.7:867-873 J1 162. (MM 15:8) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut imeni A.F.Ioffe AN SMR, Leningrad i Fizicheskiy institut imeni P.N.Lebedeva AN SSSR,, Moskva. (Molecular association) Nave guides) (Field emission) WLIN.. A.M.; KjnL-A--A. Symmetry of strongly interacting systems with IVpercharge Y = 0. Dubna,, Obredinennyi in-t iadermykh issledovanilp 1962- 5 P- (No subject heading) BAIDIN, A.M.; KOMARV A.Al- Degeneration with respect to isotopic spint add the hyperchargei, Doklo AN SSSR 146 no,3*.574-576 S 162* (KIRA 15:10) 1. Fizicheskiy institut im, P.N.Lebedeva All SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom I.Te,Tammome (Nuclear spin) (Isotopes) KOMAR, A.A.; ISYKIN.Ye.M.; METALINIKOV, Yu.N.; MOROZ, Ye.M.; PETUKHOV, V.A. Phy-sical'-f6undations of experiments on opposing electron-positron . beams. Trudy Fiz. inst. 22:222-295 164. (MIRA 170) BALDIN, A.M.;~~ARs -Am Fundamental trends of studies in pbysics of elementary particles (according to materials of the 12th International Conference on High-energy Pbysics held at Dubna in August 1964). Uop. fiz. nauk 85 no.3s543-564 Yx 165. (MIRA 1814) KOZINSKr!f, givio CK001W)WO1610-1) xCm^-A,?,j KWKGI 7,16 HigWenbit~,'refkiotory after t6 ifttr6dUotion'bf,1*ntcnit*o intoz aharpos- tops 49-O= .not Ila 1501-1504 1 1656. (Min 16812) li, UkrndiproWml1tp,6t441tVirobiv& ir -.. i... G.. (Grad Ji:r3crtat Lori "n lriv:jtization -jf c.,,:i on tao-, i ct of i;oncrete ~av,!z,-"-nt3 for 11 j . - .1 u GiLy Ar~tct3.11 Cand Itcii ~ci, i4mcua irder of t;.,- i,~,bar read i.~-inncr ~'onitruction 4nElneer- inf, la,-3titut~; imcni V. V. Ywybyzhev, 15 Jwl 54- ( a'o~~kva) oncuw, 4 Jun 54) jL.,: iuL"~ 318, 23 Dec 1954 KCKAR, A.G., kandidat tekhmicheskikh wauk. - I r~~ 2V~ I- Comprasslom joint design for cement concrete surfaces. Ayt.dor. 18 asi6:17-18 0 '55. (KLRA 9:2) (Read*, Concrete) VOROBIYEV.9 Vasiliy Aleksandrovich,, prof,2 doktdr tekhn.nauko zasluzhenrqy deyatelf nauki i tekhniki RSFXt. Prinimali uchastiye; GLYBIUp V.S.j, staroMy prepodavatell; DENISOV,, AA., kand.takhn.nauks dotsent; ~KMMR, kwA.tekhn.nauk, doteent; FEDOSEVp G.P., starshiy PFe-po&a-vatWf'-.VARTYIWV., A.P.i red.; VCRONM, R.K., [Building materials] Stroitellrqe materialy, Izd,3., rasshi- rennoe i perer. Yoslcva., Vysshaia obkola, 1962. 496 p. (MA 15:5) (Building materials) KOMJkR, Aleksey Georgiyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; GLYBIN, Vasiliy ANNERUMM Sergeyevichp inzh.; KOLOKOLINIKOV, V.S.., red.; LIPSKAYA, V.P.) red.izd-va; GALAKTIONOVA, Ye.N.., tekhn. red. (Technology of cement concrete for roads] Tekbnologiia do- rozhnogo tsementobetona. Moskva, Avtotransizdat, 1963. 222 p. (MIRA 17:3) -1 I KOMAR, Aleksey Georgiyevichp kand. tekhn. nauk; GLYBIN, Vasiliy ----------Sergeyevich, J-nzh.,- KOLOKOLINIKOV, V.S., red.; LIPSKAYA, V.F.) red.izd-va; GALAKTIONOVA, Ye.N.; tekhn. red. (Technology of cement concrote for roads] Tokhnologiia do- rozhnogo tsementobetona. Moskva, Av-totransizdat, 1963. 222 p. (MIRA 17:3) PORUDOMINSKIY, Viktor Ylad-im.irovich; X011UR, A.M.# red. [Transformers with load switching) Transforma ry s pe- rek.1lucheniem, pod nagruzkoi. Moskva, Energiia, 1965. 263 p. (Transformatory,.no.15) (MIRA 18-8) ROKHLIN,,.Illya Aleksandrovicho kand.takhn.nauki LUUSHENKO, Ivan Andreyevich,, kand.tekhn.nauk; AYZEN,, Arkadiy Markovich. Pr1nimall uchastiyet DRANISHNIKOV., P.I., kand.takhn.nauk; HINTSKOVnIY, M.Sh., kand. tekhn.nauk. KOMAR, A.N. fd"easedl. red.; BERGER, K,, red.; GARKAVENKO, tekhn. red. [Handbook for ponstructiob engineers] Spravochnik konstruktora- stroitelia. Pod red. A.N.Kamam. Kiev, Gostroiizdat USSR, 19630 813 P. (MIRA l6t6) Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademiy stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR i UkrSSR (for Komar). (Building) &_LIA !Q 0 it si u w is u 0 to a a m a m v A 19 in it At u a is &I Is 42 41 a a ad a a 1 0 a j6 A A L AA A, I-A !.-I Jt- -06 00 B. 8.A.) 2i 610-INOM), cf. C. A - V, T(TT.-A zoo 00 00 do* 90 ape solvej at am, 4#1 via, a I ~,W, 4., o, D. EHE -- u it AV go At An I I is 1w o 4 - 0 W-TT- I-;,- 0 0 0 0 is 0 0 0 0 0 1 *0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 41 0 0 0 40 0 4 IV 1 01a WO 14 A 16 91 W *-W-*- 4- (A~d J a 004 zes .490 00 0 el VA& 0**b al WWO TEX in&* am TbL A- Gee oew ilf jphoaw4 4 &vjdv%4vj. IiW. 4. 130-131; C. Abo-,' qP The fw'c" momy of vAn 00 rso 0 ="'9zkwl d"I". oddim LM# dimpme q b. $mxxf(&gl 4, r43-4(IQW)-- JCM$t. APIJ to tm kletba do tdhl of =Uimul -"r! I ag W- 6XjWd &YVAIC - Tbw Wiatc Oat ftl' 9 9*41 vQwAbk dip VA5" wm a ve,,4wdy won am al tb dW mwa bta&M thR "TU" P Hicks AT 111 iP U -'C' -1 dr 4 3 0 IF it to 11 co a x it it a if 4 tA a 'I 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 01* 0-0-: 1* 0 o 0 0 M- as Off 00 so so 9 so 06 0o 041 00 00w so 00 J &is-SLA OTALLURCKAL LITIMATU soles) -I u it AT 10 Is T Of K IT 1, 1, Is a o o offif o o 0 o 0 o o , 0' 0 0 0 Wo 0 00 0 0 00, f t , ~ . 4,4 - If it a he va a 41 At " of an* 9 , I - 4 A k-iffi-SP-S.- 1.0 ..0 41. ke 61%Ws. A. US, W7; Pkyv. P-*. If mdV. ObWdIcv- Ndws (mj!"m lAue MWS mtdtfpk or nou 6-mm.) tkimicd Al cniftab dq-A i &M thkk (cangly 00 *Mic defonnat6m, whkb MY mtI(t Id -C edwit. AW la Phy"k. Z. S"*lu*i- C &U-6 NMI" cavia Bra" IM4). --so Pi 400 aj:: CIO 0 SOO coo ago* Use rise ASUPICATION ties ire 0 INf 'J" -T An A t a Ew 0 K a K cl a It K KW n 1 IZ4 o o 0 0 0 o 0;0 4 0 An - m 0i_ 0 00000 *0 go '00 1 10 It 11 _U M 00 A *0 00 Oo c so d so 0 0 41--1 : 0 so 00 of AfVALkUftGKAL LIUSAIM 4W.0 Oil U v it r_T_*-r__A_r1_V 0 0 0 0 It N 0 it 4110000010000000041 I 0 740000001000000000 .4~MInM OW-a-mm o go so# atit 0*0414 000: ate M-ti-La A - b :6 v a At! b If 12 11 Id a It It IF ff a41-un sd y I _M .", cc cc (141-. k__ t_A__1 Pak 44"wittlem of tea-"It 1 -00 tkav owdr, 7. Expa. TAWd. PAVS. ill. S. 14WI(MM-Themtkal. A ",kivr4tion -00 the Iktirall" 11"i"I" IbAt *00 dwo ont I a&# Wetv, 11, 14.1111111A11" 1A he the, Ago* zoo foe rge ago -00 tooo two LAUWKA110" 1j, I -T-0" I - V111-11 __Ir 1 141 to 11 It IT it St 1w 14 0 0 elifoo*0406000060000 0 6 0 : : 0 ij Soo 160000000000040600 15 0 V o 0 o , * o 1 I , ? 6 t , i .91 11 OR 11 A, 10 u Ld l g 4 41 V -& 06 A . I . I . L SR MJL A--, T' 0 1 -- , - 0 00 1 PICtI11#1 ANO POCOCIIIII -NVI 'go 00 .00 vcvmmato use Axws by m A.aunvikt au x-njing o# mdau =4 A.P.Koaw(ZAarnalTrAm~rAtA~y ; Fi:iki (J. Tick Phy-vica). 1935. 5. (5). Russian] cf. pniiditig abdract. Deftvts of the method aze pointed tout.-N. A. I;* A 14 1 L A SEVALLMKAL Lrll*ATVtt CUSINKATWO U 2s A, - IS 19 0 ale 0 0 0 aess 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "AL*A c L % 9 nd 0 0 1 w 14 0a 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a "-" 0 0 0 * * 0 0 ce 0 to 0 -T* we 0 ee -3 :0,3 fe -f-# f -f I tag FOCIP141,06 .04'. lee .00 uVndwmamam d White into -J& ROMAR AM B.G. LAuasy (Phpikal. 73).-A awthod for & esmatro4rw Idegiam'd white Sa by gmy W given. The lim" rebalues of tnmdwma" bave been in"d =00 to -900 ad 4m no times see. reaudim Tak The depa&aw of the velocity 00 surmoolfas ad Pam= mo dbcwmd. W. R. A. 44TALLMK&L U191ATL44 CLAIWOCATift OJ4431 GK 0-.0 lit u s AT 10 is V 14 9 a 1 3 1 9 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 we 00* 400 Use xOmR) A. P. Polymorphous Tramsformation in "etals. "Roentgenography Applied to the Study of Materials," Conection EditA& G. Kurdyumov. ONTI NKTP, 1936, p. 217. -4e ALEKSEYEVAI K. I.0 KOMAR, A. P. Methodology of "DebaegraztO' Photometric Evaluation* "4entgengrapby in its Application to the Study of Materials." Collection Edited by G. Kurdyumov, ONTI, 1936, p- 510., ZhTF 5,, 342, 1935. KOMAR, A. TERMASOV, Yu. The X-RaY study of Transformer Steel. ZhTF 6, 254, 1936. e4 -tkwm -a irp" tho mm- Rate d Ttudm"= at wuft a 4 00 Tim lWa Ota. -A. KoawLr vW K. Ivancy (rAvrod EbprriwA%ftbwV i 004 kawie"Vy TACOw. FAY*44 IM C. (3) 930-m~-Jrm ot HaAAaa.) TbL We 4of traWomation ef wLtA tmW gmF Un at 73*-4(r !IVA *01 mut Ott - 271C. atd(N-CITcwtof pcmmm thetma wemtk(ccmitoml. ltwv-w 4 0* in pcomm cvdams the Rmw rate ad rot 00 Vow lit 00 ,u a IV 10 Ll I W.'r to 0 a 0 G-OAD W W U~ ici Ici iiji air O-O.-OV-s-W a 0-0 *..o. a 070 0 &-t. 0 0 0 0 04-ww~*.Ite Elt, 'a 1 9 V I$ Q is w I ft 1 4 a 26 a JS a a 14 x m V a IN 0 41 17 a a 6 --T- L AA -W cc -w -V J set 960 OnTWIL A. P. Koom (PA-aAd- Z. looddVA&P86 IM Of (1). 97-99). Eagask'I 00821 &;jfcRc*kuUtjcXtMlAw temaimbyalunmehlorMe so go cMUls beat laW a dAWu am , h...JCLr,-d Pk%lk= set in very ckme "men". 8. U., T. 00 13 as* 00 004 see Ire*, it q IS flee &ITALUMMAL LSTUATURE CLAIWICATM alcm 113.01T t SM1444 WSW a4v 449- OK cm. III u ILI 00 A S a ad a x 9 1 v N 0 a 3 G-T 0 . 09 to, .1, a, a, ~ a* a Ic up ; -tic 1 94 4 0-0 0000 00000 009 0' 0 Al~j 00-0 00 0000 0 * 0 0 0 WO 00 0-00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0:: floctist% goo "Oftc.140 9-042 00 Ott oes Odumal Omftk Aoo*cftc t* IAIN P&MUM; z 1 1 4 M-7100"ft tdsmm &n& O"Iftle d Umvwm A. Km&q ad U. I S iba ha h % & 2 sto . uc ov (p . Z. J W~dvx av. lm Ik (6). 613-617).-Ito W;&) r r (b U owl f d l l " mfd usk & masma estca o J M j o& cryda 10%. ) o d b f a E h l - 106 an C * fMlWQ4M Q td * M t e AQ* dkgMM 0(tba CC" tal am atUfttod to . " mgukr inhm"g"wity in the qwcw diatdbuf6m of Fwts 0(the cfycw wwb "Go C an! mu" duriag dw plaolk &&cmwAmL This rwcac~ can he mpr-led " a Ire* nwatle curvatum at tba gWWg Oatm amnd a d1w6m ummal to W woo , w AAA it ~ft" Vs a goo goo all "it too SSTA&LqKC" UTMVAS CLAIWCAIrPW 7 Rot Owc O~cw Ot . . LzA, 0 41,01 0 a 0 *too** to le I= ILO 0 0 0 0 * 0 0:0 0 W S -0 O *-&-AkLAL-" - 0 Goo 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OW44,104-4 6 t. # o,* 000 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 010-WO-A "-44 44 UVAIM ~A a Cis a a 0 0 0 0 4 W 0 0 0 0 G 4 0 6 0 0 0 0 $00 10 =if on ion 16.021114 if ato a 4-40 L-L--u wd fttds ad thdi Kama[sfu d Dd= f rAdWa * = o Y Tk,, JUV I Ddamiam A. P. Kom 02M4. AbIJ. Sauk SA.s.R. (ftell. Aead. Md. CY j . ~j, 5), U'R.YA). JAI, Tphj mphoof bent cn*,,tAlAo(mwk-%<oMiJum1a 34 A hoto g p & ccyv~" of "Ineslum. obtahW b%, the methotill MT"Y am TayWs slip tbwcy I M q--Wd in the light Ac. t934. t. ro)-N. B. ar- L'4 4.0 Zv V4 tit I 974LL%,Vr.VCAL LITIRAILAX CLASIWKATICO V9 ~z ISO.. .71 u is AT PO is S--f-r -5-7--v-TJ *A 0 Of 0 4 0 1 If so 1 tr it if to X44 K99 R %11 KAt n If K NO n 1 '14 KUINR~ A. P.; MOCHALOV, M. D. . . Remote Control Regulator of the Vacuua)/for the Ionic X-Ray Tube Zav. Labor- 7. 881, 1938 4-4 0-- 4- -0 IR 41 Of I q q I q qt 4~ q, -~A sit I Aft~, !Cqvri t.j- 00 tim FroAuds a Saductm of TftWum Mome. 00 K lielyakova, A, jimar sail V. Alikhallov. (Metallurg. 110), 00 4-6. pp. 23-25). kGRuwlan). This study was undertaken in connection with a genesw inved~stlon of the behaviour of titani. 00 ferous ores in the blad-furnace. rM detateriouA efTect cf such ores 0 is the increase in viwWty of the ftlaga cauml the titanium dioxicle. In the expecimenta the titanium dlox.~?Iol was redumd 00 a with hydrogen at IM*. 1300*, 11400* and 1600'C. antl with charroal 00 "At HOW W 16M'C. The products of the reduction %vere cooled under reducing conditions and examined by the lkbyo method. 00 Muction with hydrogen resulted in the formation of Ti,,O, anti of some TIO above 15W C. Regarding the products of the reduction of titaAhtm dioxide with carbon, it is concluded that they consist of solki solutions of VC anct TiO. J 0 *0 0 '00 0 iro r lot -000 WNW ...... T U n Iv 10 is W-1 0 1 1 0 a it it Ct a it, it -1 or w 0r$ 0 a 0 0-*:* 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1* ( -*see,* ee*0990060*9069996 13- 0 6*40-000t*0 ******to see 0006000006~66,66 z:i )list 14 OV11411" "it 13140 10441va nion lava A F-Q-R--t T 4 all Un M* Mill APP4144 QQAIO9* k-.Awik. .-A.-A RELIXF OLe -Ttjj co&TINGSON TIMPLATE- A- P EZA)ILIATIoti (F THE MICRO (,i.AVOD. LABAI, 1939, 8 1a6-186; Chou ZentrAV. 1941 112. M- 945)0-(Ic OR& t1tylsts with the naked eye a patOrA in observed RussianO in witiolt under nagnitioat'On appears to agnsist of drop-ehapOd f0rM&t1',7Tss 00 j The ajar*-interferoneter ravOG16 that theva Danneot-id by small ohowelso 09 a rround-ld uy a bo der Or F0302 of low ro heim-spherloal Indentations au 90 j 11 those 8p0t4e oarrosion-resists,446; 10061 co- rosion -nay be GXPOCtsd at 40 01 K R It K -o1 j--'" 454 a 0 a 0 0 e 0 4' & 0 4 0 0 ****jog 4 o* 0 0 0 40 9 0 0 a 0 0 ~00 -00 .0 41 410* .*a 400 roe roe Xse Z4 6, il ii, Q= It Ili Me lop Weal 000 9WIlligs too r9ortatics MCI 004 **A mom* N V . (U. & IL R-) It acd K. diKuse !ta . 00 of uw&qAoetb4 I 4f IkL4r4w#jklbbwY&W7Sf- the namoltbe the Suw- o: Kxud=vl mom. a axorian.I m tut the ( ft f 0 ma of VVI I-AV cad s m d" (C. A. So. 3M4) aud wil- il F t"e- mw Us= (C. A. ^ OM blift to bc=sct cm 321 ) 340 to Mo tor AtgCgu the mdo, r. of tM tin- ( md ( .1 S-OA%"(ovw Imam S ?04 at ik H. R41bm*"- u 0 IT 10 519f 1-* 1~1 goo 'fee cog, free w (p 0 dc a $I, j VA tend* Owlir 40 9 a 4, 41 1 If fooce of-** fee got,* 0 go 0000 ~G a 0 J 'W4. f"144 0 4 1 d I I P to it 91 it I'll Fe at if 9 to a 17 8 ?4 al _.'T Its 6 'ei it vLl Mat is 0 At it QIU of a j!* r a I A I I- IkA -00 CC GQ E! j 4 lit liittl joa, 1141111,11 X-ray invirstigadw of the tampering of carbcat steel. .00 :0 it. K. 1. Akkweva and A. P. Kutuar. J. Foqk. Pie -0 A U. S. S. R.) 9, (C qw-whed Irm 7W" to 15 ond Iteca mulocrcd ;I rising itintos. for 30-~ min. at each tetup. The initcreuty td the 00 ,.city liars lWWUw1 by the la"s ( 110) and (112) itwit-Awd i With the tfalp. k4 trUIPCOUS t0 & IiRlit FCAdird At o10 ir rher ilucterw is wJuw bvtwren 2161)" and,34W still a"t,O) so z f "- bftauw -1 a (twillatfutl (it exthith A. j! CO '7 -.00 Joe t -*0 1'00 -.00 AS4-1LA 114TALLWORMOCAL UTURAU1019 CLASSIPWATICH 7- It wall'i be it U, Q.. it, r 1 " I u AV to fl! V it dr Of K a Is Of it CC a If of No It 1 14 14 V of ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 ,Joe goo e 06 * 0 0-00 0 0 0 0 0 O's 0 0 0 0 0 6 4-0 wit is q is m MI N e# A Of "am of fe Kowa. "" Ito., cw MW 00 of A S. P-5. l:W arkatalli am. j, lW)l d. C. A. U 00 mill Im by a s of Lon w4 d to "=ti fttwg .0a. ed a h _ I most No, I be Oriestallm of I - Th* Sam h" for reo?, owe t* us &t The a. a r U l to t c "& a gal"W by ft4w of this F90 bAVV Atir ((X)I) faM ad in (Mil) of pto and Their 11,01 cdm malki to r1o"Ol G(F o t . 00, low- I AltALLURGOCAL tiTINAT409 CLAWFKATft 188044 .10 d"v off 4 -* u a i's 10 it is it it 0 1OZO., 0 0 0 0 4 is ;-w-wl A- a . f . & , __ff 'V0 -00 440 zoo zoo roo 0 o go 00 o fly Apy aff l #90CIUSS AM FIM41,16 0498 t WuWmi of dW OAm kk*fd*w4 dm ciduum d *so ? Jlk v l =A A I ' t * c i ys me* S- S. It, 671-MOM).-Sm C A. 34, *NW-. H, It, 0.0 *00 too 00 a Ural Phyr'. LCO-Tech so* . Inst..t SverdlOirsk got 001 wool Noe W92ATM OAWrATM A II L a 4474"W4" i ""Mists o It an a I A s 0-1 IF zu G 9 a II* m I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 *0000*0600*000000 see Kot'-I AR BMTOV, N, Z11LUMVEMIA, M.; I(MIR, A.; CHLTAROV, G. Orientation of iron Crystals on Magietitc during the Reduttion of jagietite with Hydrogen. DATIT SSSR 22, 27, 1939 Also Dok. AN 22, No. 1, 1939 Physico-Tech. Inst. of the Ural. Sverdlovsk #TO-*# 6 lea 0 0 #a**# *a a imlseelil ***a 0#000 oz; j I t S 4 a 10 11 it I) W 11 14 It 4 UU ma uit until 120m a f!0 A_A_ f 11 M j of 4 60 as f . 0 H&H liked 6 an AuCue alloy in and out of the order mdI . A. Koum and S. 'A rov. ("'MP(. rz c two a4id. ui. If,-R. S. S. 23, ICIA(ROWOn Enslish).- The II&H C04,11, WAt dtlit. for the ordetiA itrid di%ittIvielt states of AuCus alliyy. Alit n I fie p1at" wvrv quonellml -00 0 17 09 a from 600", 4 valu" of R front to -#A9 X 10" C. G. S. M. wt-re obtained. The same plites vrcre an. 1-00 00 0 av nettled 24 hirs. at 370' hirs, at 360': 4 valuciof R from - 171 10 -M x 10 " C. G. S. M. were oblained. Whets a plAtt was attricAled at 325', R - (15 X till C. G. S. N1. The transition tctup. of the silloy was Evidently artmalifti; at 360' does not produce a fully orderct! alloy. G, M. Pelly lo 0 0 IN a 0 00 00 00 1 7zoo zoo zoo i;e 0 oo zo 0 9,0 j f4rg 0 n9o -A S It - S L aNITALLUPOCAL LITERAT1,11! CLASSWICATIOm 9 2- k00 d'. . . . ........ '0 ItIt xv K it it it ei W it Ivt a 4 0 0 0 0 0:0 All 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 all 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a o 0 a 0 e 0 0 0: *.Go** 04 0 0 00 0 06 000 04': 6 0 1) is 14 is to #I is 40 I j 0 00 j; -00 Alk"FAIN"ka at 11AMN a" Oubmit"al" of 1u A, ki'llult, mit"I V_ V. MikkhailhIv i'wfN11.rjt' low 14 V: hill. 1. 4. 11), t*14 1'. Abs., 1943, 37. IV.%). --I I tj ItuenmI.1 Tt"* lleMe X-m -v -111tral itu"tell that at 10(mv-1514" C. the miumilon of Tiol Isy i -00 ma easixtura, 44 %.VdnWm &awl itilpWo At j1piel il. 4j)"I higher. m-sor fismanium nitrisla, I* f-w"NA. no Ah"Wil hi. -hreliviol SnAhmi.. dir tilivide air Iw# oliarfir"I 44f N am 'v 0"'I.VC.414 .. .. .frig I., it* .00 1141WIlailtillb-M! #141414 A.Jitj ANIhAh'Ift 411111114 1. I'"JUrtfoll 11% -fall Isd.-ft all see 4'. p"Itfutro "richer dw frw 1111MV fu.~ IN- ("'.ratf6mb - ' ' =00 I a-( fit4utiurra. At 19110 4 .. 110. im rimuliletely n,lu,v%f ill 3 hr. t-, the nitful, ~41%d vadwie, whivis fiifil a ikjtl 04"140F 40 all 09 loo 0 0 vi ISO* MOP we boo zoo 9 WOO It' 'el'aw, L, -4460 V it 9 4 $a 04 0 q a I I do a 4- *.' - - u i. #16 0~6 0 'o 0 all 00 q 0" o' a 4 0 0 0 4 0 9 a 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 O~ 15~ 0 11A : 0 0 00 0 0 0 * 000 0 411 4 0 0 * 0 9 0 -0 0 0- 0 9-0 0-0 *1 A A 0 a if U a m lisp Abatis elliallopi VICC411411 AND PICAIMIll mot. Vmdem Decompositim of the phams itkfa sad takes ptsm Lit mch a way tW ergo remta me, TO emirive f0m is catinevte a( an Inbmogenems struct d at tM keniting c(thA &wmpodtkm-v. A. lit U it AV to rp it ft air a* aIs it of CA tl it 0 KO a I '"Ll, ;a 4.1 Led ad a I W a s 4 3-4 fa .00. ee - doe ute coo 000 cto* boo sie AD U V It Is A It I, v is 0 it s; is 0 *,C k. P 0 0 CC M tt*t k 4, C ff 1.6 'W OT-I. t I I 1,F J 1. "dowto in a ftanswwm 121"Pedc 61114 Of in the _dcctd and flaaacde"d allte. A. an AuCus SUOY .40 Ttlid. ilCad. $Ci- U- R- -y- S. 27, &W-.', fit. 'fr-t of the magnetic field on 11W fesidafto Was incircawd over 1(X) timeto by annealing that it ammcd an ardutd at. ArTxnV the spCdWea so A. 0. Allen Metal PhySiCS, Metal SCJ. and Yeta.Uurgy, Ural Branch AS, Sverdlovsk. .J1 / boo t1o L40 0 11111311) .41 11-9 list 4 ir T is 4 1 I x POW n $;9s 00 04 0" 00 as *, 0 a 4 :10 0 4 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 4 w w v - - - .V - 1: (b h a 9 9 W a a v - , - 7 1! - - w -Te. 71w- 004 tOWUMM Of ft Agar Au" 14 4 &M .1904 amp"$ Um Gad dw OC&C of coat at (&o A, lit. A -) 4. 847-61 0 M401 &AWvAhftlj4*,, (IW2)1 d. C. A. JS. Au(ks dtl*V Wtv Was, (IlvatiPted *A a of The at Twell t=Q- "d at the b. p. 44/1r Is 0 c4vddtra* owe omdtiw 1, 09 Mstor 09 a of ordw tbo is thl op, tukqg", Um the "t 'be Met"W-tS tb* ILIPMVII AAGCtift 'A W. T% &Z'WMV a' "W"Oel IfUMOM AM the effol. of rule Is 94(isdvd Oa ordered but tm (tw use djoWtfj C. L 11, 10 ,p 00: 'Us 014 ro 0 L Now Also uo too 4fj"JW=A&Ufl*ATWCCfA CAM ~4414all *At Inv "4o 4di 4-- as a K 49 M Ic 0-0-0 &-a-& 0 * 0 0C V ~Ww, tit, t~RZI a a -,7 tip, coo bimiibud6 of atoctIs la &a A%Cv. alloy u4 tits tftd oe 1!. copsupt. A. Komar and S. Sidorov, J, Ter); PAYS. 1;. alloy W441n; Ay -Alinit the putt inrials, homograimd at ift) 10 hrt. 'I, - of 00 Tcmiartilig at 390'. MOV. 'M*, 381" U his,. thra -06 "Stenciling in wattr) save Sp. re%i'li-Aly 0 ap;irux, CM.A. .0. 0: ST 11.3 Olin. cut., 11411 cor"t. R -610 X 10-9 magnetic r W.A. linitat (approx. con3l.). (2) Tempaing at 319", .0 3 firs, %,Ave la 7-Wi. It -CO) X In". (3 Temp"ing at 000 A:!) .3lwI1,AvrP7 A). R -+-'."J X 10,4. f3) i'lutelulwair. aoV at,3-., 't0.1 III' ('-N) Ili 0) Willi =00 L,wr temp.. X "itivr, rising (+17'.- X tU-4 tut 3511'. 0 IV ~;i hri_ 0 (4) Willi a wCoand &Ample. nuftlen- roe 90-1 1 -Oly %tightty differtut, but analoguatis re%ults were awl). Ce Ume4l. The Invershm temp., curmliamilinit to the dis- i Z 00 "I'ter-Indri tranwitiou. Ham at atactat 341". with R Changing 0* if-nil lieKallivir to "llivia. Surb a Inwhavior rh R hall law expected at the transition to ordtfed di3trillutioati o( t Ilie Q1141ving atarims, in view of the superzfflics interw1kii: coo Avith the Fermi distribution Surfac" (cf. C. A. 3J. 417~0; :8. '21ON71). The thernimlec. r. in. 1, of the "luple Ni- Wle. no %%teli* thillilli . Willi incrca~illg degire of vardtring (cf. 4. JJ. (IL .4. 'rhon 'Not) 1 '40 aw Ati j 011 13.4 Igo 0 to at x '00,111 All L nd 0 004 00 0 0 ~ A to ii t$ u 14 is 64 0 4 0al m a v is a 49 is .6 -A'J' I --1Ji;-4-t I a focre4fles act ~ C7 OTbi,owbw OXW%Uft rA Us Aga AW% in a Tnm"m k eo Tt td - c - ~ &W In FrIati t & O on o w r" OfOr&dnj,1nthe&11Oy%nd the stmtoh '00 W In nit 41(the fief4st loom temo. and at We tetup of brA o D & . r pn.- . 00.3 00. goo see 4k::J , 0o',- - .91 attALLUNCKAL LITIMAIM O.&HINFICATION 9-1 .-t - too .4--, - ' Kid. i IT44. iiT-- 0 -st 04V a-( 9ji.11 0- load* 01911CUS' 01 PC a x It of KO a I Ita 'a 0 0 0 0 e 0 * * 0 'Coad" rome and the Kaga4tk gaurabm of N1jKa Alto In Malke to b Order of Atamio Arri"mcat. N. WIptobtriss mwi A. K4r (ghte. -1), 1941. M. wr Filiki jJ. Exlwr. Tkf(Wd. I`Ayli~ Oz ioll 37# RussAn.) The magiselie Rmariflow., and tho m4pel'ImAlvp (,tnv Arr" pitudit-d fiv rriation 14Y thr of 1wid. IMA111wot 4 (he alloy. 'Me valo" of It, -int., and *1"itle walAtivity stm pft~~Ilted gtaphleally. Tim curve (if r"lAUVOY holicitte.4 lip, lem1wrMan, of 'Aering to be, Alomt Or, C Tim coum of All oirwi emmponotm fit tho kfw,*n dAt^ for allava of A 113. The prilsitivity Isf It tie chaig"i at Acad. Svel-dlOvsk 'CrIOM1169t6filk OCkAUUM 49 fill I FUN WM RtWO 10 Ih*,'J two is Im Ikkd-AhwA*ivu Aum. X. Kot'sar J?A-f, Vikkilsel fiuki (J. TA, PAvoril. 1911, 1912~ (In jjju*4Au~j ilin Kiloy vtK4I.mtit4( it4kil 2U-41, iduckutuam ;.'I?. an-I it- stmala.%. tvi-Ated (fir 3 hf~ At 12w, U., fur '.'it millot.., fit U"Ots, V.- Own iluutwiml, w&4 Im.-tig-d-A by X-ra).. Ths- Im, vulml C414' 14WO, Of thO 2 14449V 6 CVX1413dy 0111MUd 111.411V4114? If"- IMMI) 41-fittild tUl'i' 1AW&T Of OW ~ PIMA% 'IU'Pt An' 'N IKWi(L9V% 9)( thi A joham' IMUM ctUfoi wd"tal'46-Ophimv: the, I fill ifinviitiftof glu! a 6 IWAIL It. 1110i b(dw 0 PhAft.. luml the 10111dipVtkiiii Ufm I& jwzlk-l to tillIfir A. K01WR, A. P. Thermochemical Nthod of Making a Subatitute for Nichromium. Vestnik Elektroprom. 13, 15, 6ixth Pdition, 191j2. 01, IN all. YN M. KOKO, A. P. -1: 1 . I Order of Distribution of Atoms in Binary Alloys and Certain Physical Properties of these Alloys. Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute, 1943, So'. U-1837.. 14 April 52. KTAR,__A.! , N) S - ; BUYTIOV) N - 11 - - __R, ; GIMTERIKE Aluminization of Copper and Brass. "Texco)" 1943 ~ I 0 0 0 a 0 14 is t4 it 41 b x D is 14 a I' u 13 Id a b it au a M a if -' A a 'A T d Physk-. V.S sob*d r4dgbum at (B4 %1107 .S.M.. 194. 7,220-234).-In the altayt,14rV MmFti, the diltremv tKtwven the clectri-I r"ittAtted of diwrdcrtd olloy "deffid om dqmnds twl... mww.. an tbA an of Otis oo L *0 40 o Ural Branch AS USSR , iV 1..-- 43-d' 40 u ts 1* '0 is V IT tr 111 It 09 of a It a if aIV A #I" e 0 0 0 N q o o o coo COO coo go* :900 COO t40 49 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 e, 'ev I, to, 0, *4 Is 14 1 a 1011 12U MIS 16 IF 1 9 4 IS D p I r a J a L 9i p a I A Q_JL_A_L_ fL..A. - A _6*0 -------- PSOCNISIS, A-D pltotbllri ..DIN a do dwy Aucas (a dw m4 aSmW44#qpj StA14. A. XwUw, Ampl. Aftj.'~ 00 Sew pkys.-Ckism.. logst. tAiNg. fig. (USS.R.) 16, No. tw- Ii4t W-U); d. C.A. 36. 43MI.-WIm AuCus chanc" *00 from the In"dercd to the tw(Icrql &(44e, list Hail cont. 0 Chair -imn awl The re.Watkv in 4 tcam%vm QmgW'"k Inittlirdly l"Oestel. in the 00 -9tomost ittao, I be &I. elly, 101Wylt tift C41"46,111 of Kcaller (C.A. 3S."410). ~?* 00 C11111111V in It-'[StstKV SIT"fo flu the tier q8iW&rk%tbt anuir- The chmage ut sign et the Ilan clang. dtvcn& ou too the effect of the outer Wneof clectmSin the ordaml Aute It. M. Ltic-tef 00 NO ro 0 to 0 Coo zoo too lee Al Is Ity $0 AM 4 PW 0 IN I I V it 5 491 4 34 .T. Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 111 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 00 409 40 0 I* * 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 * 0 0.0 0 0 40 0 0 0 410 --c0 0 00 00C *9 0* 3 ood Go : 0 fill Fv~ .40 too go# coo 1906 Woo coo 0 0&0 904 lee us is-m! i"i it i, it - I,;,[;; 0,--0 0 0-010,0 0- go*-o-o-o *-,cso **'%e0**0***O*Oo*GOwOo *~* 0-0-0.10 * 0.0-0 0:9,0V t. _0 -0000 0 too*** ** 'and the Od m of Alic", "W,cf. Atmaj,* A. aranah ''Affla of_.*ftjjZO6x:' of:the .01 tv, Ak Iduk Bar 71 zlohv Vol. X! N6.5 Di is 0, viri o-us- om,oe,pt,o in th~~,'aoj set.. field. 60.- mits biler de~oriptiqw or, ' , 14s,and the p(AsIblUties ~ the ferr or stud7lag q vropertles, of th6sei ~ lilloyap the Ca br:" n =e o .04, B op ... . . .. ..... t: af jjtWG point ,.of 078 to mter~ iii-bit (here Ali thqaieti6ix~ Atid I In lmalit~ ddlif1ii5iti :j~f. T". otlWO-Of '~4tabjq Mae 4, J, t t 1 4 1 A I It 44 it it it to kh it 11 to u &_ A-a 11 -&--,At P. fi.-AT00111- M. Depad4me W the d= of S"4-fillf" Wdilff Of IIIAWA 0A 4040 of the 1116(tim to go of t"Penit"I W4 0A:1 Ole lificiceaftdocii. A, P. =10 N. BIA11141111 ("Cut :0 f pbysj, Imit Lnd Itraifcb Atm. si. U.S.S.1t., 5- j. gxpd. rUwic ?Ayx. M.&S~R.) It, &W-M MIMI% liturklAtI); J, rAyt. 41.1,s4 It.) If. No. 511947) W,611,4) -r1w f--- 4%, N"-fatir 41"Iff R. n the m 'I laft" t 144-d And Winku *' 61sk-e pirohawity o( amupt-Y W tfW cown. (A &tomq. subwlipi I tc(mivo (o Ali, 2 fly PWO11141C 1 1140 4cl + 00 #CIS 10 f1v -WfI[MIX " #Ali" 1"AtIt'k; itit"t" wtwr 0 11 00 ? ~~ : - 1',. + 4)J3 Atid tit$ dwcWg 4,ro - I liv- 1'40 - 11 hr foginu- 0 12 + 1'. - AbJ- With tfxw "W"'o"S I f Lu for thii, pt"Wjurv AM14itint'n ti max. 'milk all In&-Lcil ~ o 0&1 (.,) and tA It-%. with ntivird Itt4kilco (Z'). toe- evvo of A) And V - (41'- - I - 8) C,"J* X - fj + 3f, + CfL - at, WMAitudes; fmn ibe irmiout (f 13, whir im Ault t tj the scilicip1mcluiv glut thc Atfuctum in rimt -j it (4 4) W, A(z ad . ~Vlr + 3f, + iii, - f,) th6 twirtait'I'letts. ol Pwa ki,444co"It. for the 191v" at q firoul a M%. Wre Mule 00 allop with 17-0u" albly. Expd. t1c 37AQ 114.W. 1 1-11 J". IvAl. 2A.M. ;P"4, it), 31.m. slut I Au. hiiiinvoit'DIA-1 At W" tit h", t"t"t "'ten" etteirl"t far,. dW. COMMAM! ~A 'i , ~ of 4 the A Wi iquill %,Jt tit 0 tclit, %ixt cJ the orticir (it 10 urkiff I i !k at. ILA 09TAWIPCICAL 11.111RAtil"I WWI 'd W. %, --*-I----,. i~,:Z ". --.,Ll , Wait 6- v -67' W 0, triSpipic mans 9491111 If% W ;0 48 411' * * Q 0_0_0_8 -TO: 0 0 *0*60900666644 A 8 ID it if 1% a A. Ix cm ., litewti Imil cythult-11, 1 into. In IfLAM 3-A ititu, and Amstat"t it( Mil" U hi *. rit UWAill Ilctinitir V: samplet %tre Attimlivit at a (cmis. I'themw the trattaltim -041 temp. 7'.) Writi-Ace withio 0 then q4tenched. By the mulaitcy tit the ckc, rri,tlI4'r-*ml the c4uAtity of Stikith. *06 of the %upr"tTWlutr fittr (12.1) atttt the OtEwtum it" -04 ii*uti Al6iv AuCtio. I' - MI. 043, Milt(VO. 670, W'k 638-41M. NO. AM-A73, COM-W. &U-SM'K.. 23. 1W), '23, Ad, M hm Valtma tid v t"ted agaltul r/ U tar MCuo 5ivv a failing curve v"7 ttmty oMarMing Veit; -00 the ithc4occt"I mm tit I'virch (CA, SQ.*"d) but dc%-._ 41* 0 01(cly at variAmv with that 14 UCA Ib"r 5t And Waftim. It a diStontinuout drojo (if q sit T/ 1, - 1. PkK% at v (for &XVIC.) itzaimt c, (at. ~~ Ats) txtwwm ir, - KM Cos AM 33.91 bmve a t1t.4%. (twicurwhAt twklw 1.0) at C. - 2.4; v drmAx% with olft-remins deviAtWo front the maim. 1 4111111111 of the fraviien of -right" attxm (from AuCut; cum. COO 3 AICv and *wl"111W11, ('A. 29. (14114') &TWj Of i !i AgAinxt ew %vtheffA(tmOuj*. Tbisfftaybemenbcdvo4kvcm~ 131P 0 of r. with 4mr"oft tlcvimtkx% hum the Stoichi-Auctrw - at irmlict. tul to 4mr4king vvkwity of chtering. All gWy% coo from IM-0 to XIM at. % ALL We the AtiCus fAttkv volts :600 xuM~trurturr, the xtay Jiagmm u( tbc XUst At % An eill, ho mpfillitts tit livitc,"Micture fim-A U.~~; u 1x* 0 L"hr 37,Wat. Au Alloy I&O"fin" t4 the 14"(Xv =04 AuC%4 11. with ttm clints. at 3,S4 A.. e 3.' 1 A. X. Tbom MIDI Vie 14 1 1 a PlA 0 0 10 '1 at of I do a 3 0 a 0000064 0 to See * 0 9 to 9 of IF 10 W a 40 a a a a T T - 11, IF I'll I* - - Itr xmz two"#& *T. CIMS 00 4 of Ociftis AX& "WelfrCE 1.019 I f4vg4W* adcr o9 &Ums AAA Im - A OA-w P Kamr(ION1 u d 1 h . , m, mg t -IM 41 ft -b A40L, ft USM9,15md. d lk k [ V Ph il tat-, C % To o09 PA.W. (UM&I 11. 7" (1947)(in 03-sur-M" a' the redo' ti-Aty * at 20'al A%Cm* 40070 of of Imc. - - nmv order 9 (obtaimed bY an-aHw at kup. "06 MW mlatim OrT, a be- wat W Mrl (of P and 0 -:- the tbm- ' k "041 wo . - f x. we Al 0041 0991 (VA&P.) 0. 40930)) and &nk-v (Cf. 2;d PCCVWkg goo 06.3 M*M. TbosuWUmed~dtywtofouadto".,Io(orAu- ate OWN Oct. Wavol lauk" VCWM be Md. (1.e,.eu*Wvo 000 of the tcmp. bttm-Td betwen the tmath(cm temp. mW in* 004 373'wbue ycewsco al the thaabk noodi6natica pvvwted . t th i th co l t f F Th l t d ) g . on e 0 ax . a e s. o ma e a s. e e am 1 of the tbwmd put of tbommisdil y oF qftU berous;Wy coo evdmLWO to abmt 10-4. Im aveamecot with mumavu ' u -debm. The vahm cd the at mmal pan of the reddivity. .9 1M6) fiN b d B* A 10 t k S r (C are P - o w an . . L am cw w . . . y 8 plotted agping the carramondLax (I - 10) d, . abW.) also = a straight: une. =7 to that h f l f f amu " wu off. Tur utba o t e I ' s (C.A. JO, %OMM bT pWft jobanam add Undo 10%1) A 2S l f C t vs ) a . . va ues o 0 a . m -2n, fo Au-Cm aUo from 16 t t 23% o % A : . a o t u r ym ' s c4quadquis for the atberuW put of 0 acKtvm Scaleww 1 -411 (VActims of 9 wd 41. " bdan kdtkwo cn account 0 Pbaft am WAWSCCQFUJF to (Ak(7P unear. C=CtK for ific 32 at. % Am &Wy ukkk has the difftr=t structurs CM _Vic= _70 An" is (d. abm.). N. TWO IV I Now tiz I soMMoot.-I"~1 __ - . . lgu4jnogc GOAS41 400 am lot ::_ U a LIP Lf V_4 9 _%_F_ - .- - VP 4 A-- 1 11 ~ It le I 0 -to to, too a a I x sm 9 a * 3-0 1 - 0-0 0 0 A M