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KOLYADENKO, Z. -,.- ~ -"f On the occasion of a seminar. Prof.-tekh. obr. 20 no.7:27 JI 163. (KIRA 16:10) 1, Zamestitell direktora po uchabno-proizvodstvennoy rabote mookovskogo khudozhestvenno-remeslennogo uchilishcha No,,64, 0 Name: KOLYADBIKOV, Mikhail Nikitich Dissertation: Structure of the simple sentence in Mordvinian languages (the sentence and its principal members) Degree: Doe Philological Sci Affiliation: Mordvinian, Bei. Res Inst of Language, Literature, History, and Economics under the Council of Ministers Mordvinian Autonomous SSR Defense Date, Place: 22 Mar 57, Council of Inat of Lin- guistics, Acad Sci USSR Certification Date: 21 Sep 57 Sourcel BMVO 22/57 48 KOLYADICH, NOS* Standardization of casting equipment. Standardizataiia 28 no.3:41 Mr'64. (MIRA 17:5) .-I -- - . .. I .., - 4 ,, . - KOLYADICH, N.S. Crane ladles for metal pouring. Standartizataiia 28 no.8:37-38 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:11) KOLYADIN, A., kapitan; MMINOV, B., starshiy leytenant Mastery is forged in work. Ko=. Vooruzh. Sil 4 no.22:56-59 N 163, (MIRA 17:1) GAICHAj, T-.D.; YEGOROV, A.I.; KAMM, D.M.;_jgJ_4Pgjm,.AAO- KONOPLEV., X.A.; SAYKOV, Yu.P.; SHAROV, V.T. Electrophoretic filter for purifying reactor water. Atm. energ. 19 no-0350-354 0 165. (MIRA 181l1) gill M f A~~.-_ S 01-7RCE C ODE: U R0 69 6 5. 1) 10 0 40 3 5 00354 AUPHOR: Ganzha,_V._D.,, Ya&qZ2yj_A, I._- Kaminker,l). M, Kolyadinj A. B. Konoplev, K. A.; qaykov, Yu. P.; Sharov, V..T. ORG: TITIS: Eleetrophoretio filter for reactor water purif ication SOURCE-. Atomnaya energiya, v. 19, no. 4, 1965, 550-354 TO-010 TAGS: nuclear reseapah rea9tor nualeap reactor C water purif ication equipment, umi-q.--cca" wxjM~ ABSTRACT., In January,, 1962, a formation of turbidity in the primary loop of the VVR-M reactor of the Physicotechnical Institute il. A. F. loffe, AN MR, was observed. In June, the turbidity was so strong that a special electrophoretia filter for water purificationwas installed. The turbid Nvater contained a 54-patt-suspension of hydrate aluminum oxide which was originated.bythe corrosion of aluininum reactor 'Vessel and fuel-element cans. A daily amount of about 2 g/1%,q of suspen(isd particles was discharged into the water. The installed filter was equipped with the, plat inized. t itanimanodeplatess while the-cathode MG: 6216' 039. 566: Card 01 M �='_ - Man, ON= L 259,66-66 ACC NR: AP5026440, plates were Made of.1!-W.0T_dt-aj'fil_ t- el A 0057 a a "bylindrical- protot -of ypus 4 experiihentally- tested and the results. were explained and, the f ilter was '' - d. The'te ta -showed that graphically Illustrate a to the chemical composizadn of turbid and filtered water was as follows: Turbid Filter d A1203 in mlkg- -3.-O 0 F8+3 It it 0.4 0.18 Si02 1.3 02 01,96, 2,96 Optical density 0.065 0.003 The selected filter design data are summarized to-the follow!Lng tab*181~1 Wat e r flow rate in kg/hr -2501-500 Effective water f low in au m1hr 0.5- 'Electrode voltage -in: v 110-2p.0- Distance between electrodes in. am Contact tlzein min. (at 250 1/hr) 2 Total filter volume in liter 10*7 Interelectrode volume in, liter, - 7.5 'Electro-de size in mm 170x572- Number of anode Plates 4 Number.of cathode -alates 5 Filter dimensions in Mm. Card 2/3 F., podpoIku7nik; FOLYADIV, A.9 mayor Mth a pilot-engineer license. Ave i Kosm* 4-7 no,135-10 Ja16.4 (MIRA 18,.,1) USSR / Physical Chemistry. Liquids and Amorphous Bodies. B-6 Gases, Abs Jour s Ref Zhur Xhimiya, No 8., 1957, 26026 Author A.I. KoAy2tdin Title 'IM aj:oui Light Diffusion in Glas Orig Pub t Optika i spektroBkopiya, 1956~ 1, No 7j 907 916 Abstract i The indicatriales of Rayleigh diffusion of 6 specimens of sodium-borosilioat.e. glass were studied,, an anomalously high grade dependence of the diffusion intensity on the wave'len,g,th of. the incident- light- having been observed in them. 'the specimens differed mor'O than lpOOO times by .the opalescence maenitude. The diffusion was measured at wave lengths of the incident light of 546, 578 and 436,m;x and at tyro orientations of the polarization of the initial beam. When the initial beam is polarized in the diffusion plane, the indioatrices increase monotonously Yrith the angle. Men it is polarized perpendicularly to the dif- fusion plane, the indicatrices havo a minimum,. which is Card 1 1/2 USSR/Optics Physical Optics K-5 Abs Jour Referat Zhur Fizika, No 5, 1957, 12918 Author Kolyadin, A.I.) Inst Title Anomalous Scattering of Light in Glass. Orig Pub Dokl. AN SSSR,-l956,-l0j No 1, 64-67 Abstract The author has determined the scattering indicatrices of light at ,various7wavelengths,,\ -of the visible spectrum in specimens of opalescent sodium borosilicate glass with an opalescence that-differs by afactor of mDre than 1000. The observed anomaly lies in.the fact that Ln all cases the intensity of the backward scattered light has excee- ded by a factor of many times the intensity of the light scattered forward., The corresponding ratios of the brigh- tness varied-from-5-5 to 55, reaching a maxim= in speci- mens with a medium degree of opalescence. These results, vhich contradict the classical theory of Rayleigh Card 1/2 Yzczoyuzn~;r covealichaniye 1.0 sLckIMW--j doutovjully~- ;.!, Lenin-0.. 1959. Stekloobruznoys oostoyanlye, truly Tretlye,:o vscaq,~=noro -,-.tchchanlya te,=n~vad, 16-0 cybrys. 1959 (Vitramz State; Tmnsa~ti-n of L- ThInI All-U-_'cc, Con fe"nee on the Vitreous State, Held In Unlu6radoi?lv~~-!(-~O, 19451) MD$cw~ cople* lzd-%v AN SSSR, lVjO. ~34 p. Errata clip inzerted. (Seric.: Its. Trudy) Sponsoring Agencies: I.stitut khtil Ilikatov Aksl-lt nx=k Vs.-7-~%ncye khizIchcskqre obahche3tvo Iment D.I. X-ailey.,. -4 crdean r9ains, orti.heakly in~tit.t 1-1 3.1. V-11~.. Editorial Board: A.I. AvLnatlaik, V.P. b4maXovskly, 11.1. 1~%`norodoy, O.K. BotvInk1a, V.V.Vw-gin, A.G. Vlazov, X.S. Yovatrop'yev, A.A. I.abe-' M.A. Mst-Y_' V.S. Kolch--, R.L. My.Iler, Y..A.. Pomy-Y~hit., Cml--, I.A. T.ropre, T-A. rlarl..kaya, A.K. Ukhkind-; Ed. or PublishlnZ flo~e: I.T.; Tee-1. Ed.z V.T. Bachaver. RnIKOL: Thin bc~ok is intended for reses,rcher. I. the science end of glasses. CMUJLCE: The book contains the report. and die.,osiona ed' U1,e Thirl All-~:rdcun Comfervace ca the Vitmaae StAtev held in Un!ngr&i on 7ce=bcr 16-19, 2$A9. They deal Ith too methods and results or atuAving Us &-_~=tum of the relation betwea the structum and proiertles or ciesecs, to. cats of z1b. Chemical bond and. glass structure, and the crysta2lochoxistry of &Issa. ftoel silica, mechanism or vitrification, optical pmperticz -1 slass stnzzu~, sod th electrical pmpert.Ses or glasses am ease discussed- A t=ber of vle ~ po~v deal vith the dependence of SIszs propertits On ccum,4sitica, the tinting of glaseas and radiation effects, aid acchnalcal., techain", cad ch=Ical T~s r. ties of glw5es. Other pmpera treat glass seniccaduct~ -A sod. borcailleat. classes. The Cmftmuce ~ attended by mom than ~M dnlcCAte. front S.~4-t and Fast GOrman scientific orgaaltations. A~F the In the d!ac~assjoaa we" N.V. SoUnin, Ye. V. ruvahinskly, TUA. Ciastev, V.P. ?-yaa1ahnLkv,, 'ru. I&. Gotl1b, O.P. H.b.4.Iov-P.trwyza, G.P. kikt-ylov, S.M. A.H. IAzs~~cv. D.I. Uvin, A.Y. Shatiloy. N.T. Ploskxhi"kiy, A.Y.. K=n.txv" Z.V. D-Zty_~' G.V. By-gan-skAy., A.A. Xml~n-, M.H. Skornyakov, P.Y.. Eat!=, E.K. Keller, T..A. K--t.w. V.P. rozdney, R.S. She%rel'ticb, Z.G. ri-xc" ~1 O.S. modc:~_Ova. The final esaim of the Coaf~mn" ~ ddm.scd by rmee-jor I.I. ;It&Y9QrN0d5k%y, Zonoml Scientist and Fneintar, Doctor t Tembalcal ScLvazez. The fall--Ing Institutes vem citee !or their contriWtIon to vm d.~L-,mcnt of gjn~z science ~1 tcz.'-Ol-a: Gc4.d.r.t-nxyy opticheakly in.titut (St4t~ CTLIcal Iast.:%4tQ)j InAtItut 0111L%tov AU SSSR ( or Stli-te C--latry, An C=tj), TIZIC"okly Inat itut AJ; SSSR (physics Institute. AS U.SSR), F.'riko-teklin.' --r%Xty I -It.t fl.lkl AS B=R. Institut )LI SSSR MYsIcotechnical Inztitutt AS WSR), Iz.- wifist (institute or FhyKicA' Acadeny of Zelencem, ssn' LebGrAtOrY Of rhYdical Chentatry of Silicates of t-la InIt-l"t obviacheT cb..ko~f W.Ii AN DSSH, Mialk (Inatitute cxf General and I-zrj:uic Chmalztxy, Acftd~AY Of Science& SSR Kin.ak), lastItur v7_-0Locolckjjy-yLbj .oy.di-ray &4 Of EIgh'K-I.c-1-r Coap-dx. AL =R), C4aw4-rstvcn- nY7 Itotitut atekla (St4te Institute for 01*3.), Gwudx~-ve-yy Ia3titLt atek. , (Stnt~ Inrtiv3tc for GI~7~ Fite,a), Inrut".. '_'t"rotex-__ n1chroloZo atakla (State lartlt~tc for ElectrickI. Glan f-lbirskAy flz_lk~ t.cb..'.h-ktY' iu-tlwt, T--. (Siberian Fny.lcot~ehnjc. _~tltute' Tcms]~).Ieningrae.. sidy Uni~tr4ttet (IA~In6r`Ld State UAITersi:7), Mozko-kly k~_Wko- tekhoolz~ich~shiy Institut (Ho-w Institute Of Chemle-l i-UWt I- 1~n-vet& (E~rln4r~l Trc-~:Ozlcal Inat-.tzt I.tal 1-10rct), Belomaskly poIgteY_hajc!.eakjy Inatitut Minsk Fol,,-ce~jnjc Institute, MirAk), NcYmhtr)-.kjy p.IIt.12%~iche.kjy laat-,~- (Ijovochcrk~~k Polytcch-~tc Ir,atitatt), nai Sverdlovg)ay POlitekh"IcheaklY InLtItut (S":--lovsk In'titut.). The ." ty tn. 2..%it.te Of SIIA~%t# Ch~lrtry AS USSR (Antln,, Director - A.S. Gotl1b), the Vjtsv~.-nvye khtnErheskoye ob-hohe,t- In. D.Z. Hcni~l,y-. (AU-rJ.t- Ch,.Lcal S-!t-.y lrc.t D.t. zr'_1 t,.z wr'--- e-'. 3.1. Vayll- (St.te."Ord6r of Xenin" Optical Institute !~%i 6.1. Vae~l~). The 15 reeolutl- of %he Conrerence in-jude mco-nd^.I~_r to ori:ant~ Center for the purpoee or cmrdimtln& via mbeftreh an to pbll.!~ ~.v under the title ~Fiziku I khIntya ateklaw (Y-_y4-- and Chenistry a.- Glass), and to join the Intemmtiona.). Cw_~Ittee On Oltas. Tre Conferear-r Uanks ". Lebediv, Academician, rmfe-or, and Cn&I~i of t-,e r C- m1ttte; T..A, F~-Y-Komhlt., D-ctor of P.yaica -1 MAth-~Ice, ft.btr of %,h4 Organizational Co-Itt"; zo! H.L. )~yuller, D~.tor of Ct~,fcal Sel-act-, W-mbar Of the Coa-mitt.e. The tditorlal boartl th"~ G.H. Ii.rt-.. M ;-Vo L-7. Dezktnn, D.r. 1~cbychln, S.K. D--~mo, V.A. Iaff~, WIA .:VT. roly.t,. FW,nu-.. ace-rany I.Alvid%..l repoms. vltfto~ Rat. (Cc'.~ 5055 parte.ev, C.H. DA Vitrification Disc"-Ion 153 p.1, f~.r ;" Optical ?-;~rtlta e.nd Str=turc of Clx~Aes . Florinx1aya, V.A., ~A fi.s. remoukiv&. study Of cia~a cryotaum-iom * ' g" g' Product. c" the lf*2r-Si0, 6y,%.. Ly t - infrared Sjtttz03t*,- c Method 157 TWrinakAys, V.A. Inlr6~zd. of Soda-StUcUt Glass" and Their Relation to Stru.tam 177 41ekAcycvo A.G. Study of 01"s Cryzt4I11:vt1on Products of t-%e ga~b-$02 Siatem br tut %-Pay DIffra.ctloo Httho,1. 191, "obovlch, U.S.. &n1 T.P. TuU~L.. Cmbication Scattering of Light [R-" SIectrm) and Structurc or S=e Silica Classes 193 Koleamm, V.A. Study or v'o Struzturt of Alkall Alu=inazilicate GlAsscrz by Their Infrared Ateo~tton SjOctra 2D3 Card 9/22 vit"Ous state (cont.) Karkin, YO.P., V.V. Ob-kho'-D"-01, T.A. SidGrOW, IT-11- Sobc'lev, sad V-P- C~ercmizlacv. viii~ixLdsi~wctr. ownd Ot~tum of GlXJi--FQrm1hS Cmle--z Is, Cryat&W.e and Vitreous St4l,.* 207 !Ido T.A. Molttlnr Etm-tur~ and kr";-rtl-- of Cry-tA1.11c. q'-rt- 213 Imkbon,okikh, S.M., and V.P. Cheresto-I.O.. Sto~:Y of th'a S-V~tarw of Lc~l Borate and Bismuth Berate ClAkbcs With t~ie Aid of Infrared C;dOtrOACO.~,j 219 Tlazov, A.G. QaaO,tlt-tiw CormlAtion Of the Crdlemd aaADI"rdared P'.r.900 222 1. Glass, Aagdykly?"to, G.D., axid A.G. Al*kscytv. Electron Dlf!racti= Study of vit"O'" sluch, and L"4 Silicate GIADACO 225 Kolyad1n, A.I. Ancr;ALO~ Sc&ttcrl=Z ct Light In Class 230 Vitrec-4o State (Ccj~-..) 80715035 Andzeyevo U.S., y.l. aj.A jj.A. V,rchvillo. (~n th* R,24 of zzt~~. molecular Interre"-e In Optijal Fhcbw~hs, JO, Sol,& Bora.jjje~tk 234 Discussion 238 t1tttri-I Prc,~Ytje4 of Gj"3es, Kyuller, R.L. (Doc-~ of rtjr~jrtj Z Cz~i~a =4 In. Dogma of Dl.aocl.tlcr, a ;clar Orojis Az a YvactSco or the ;go-Athm Cocl,caittoa of Gjac* -- 245 Presnov, V.A.. V.1. G~n, and L,X. Xr=1I-rAkm,. tlecerlcalCacdoctl vle4 of Glaaaes In Jjij,~ Strergth Electric Vjel4s ,~d pralcm, of C.3"s StrwLu,,a r~,l bt2YAV3knYAo L-M- StUJY Of 1:11A~trLCAI CCUdAC'lYIt;f of GIA48" bjr the Atthod of Hon~lform EUctric F1.11 254 Car& 11/22 S/058/61/000/007/033/066 AOO1/A1O1 AUTHORj Kolyadin, A.I, ----------- TITLF-s Anomalous scattering of.l.1ght,in glass PERIODICAL: 'Referativnyy zhurnal. fio.' It 1961, 163, abstract 7016 (V sh "Stekloobrazn'. soatoyaniyeti Kdo'cow-Leningrad, AN SSSR, 1,960, 230- 233, Discus,, 238 242) TEXT, Anomalous scattering in oppleso-ent sodium-boron-silicate glasses and.some other glasses consists in the.following phenomenal at the absence of absorption and smallrefraction index of-tho-separated phase, Intensity of back scattering oflight in optical range exceeds forward scattering by a factor of several scores, the exponent of wavelength-dependence of scattered light,inten- sitY is close to 7, and.the exponent of an analogous dependence of integrated,. scattering coefficient varies-betwoen 4and 8. This anomalous geattering is ex- plained by that the element of scattering particle, being excited later, oscil- lates in this case relative to the -element of the same particle excited earlier with a phase lead. The author con';'iders a simple model of two coupled oscilla- Card 1/2 AtC Nih AP6036967 SOM COWS W0011661008/011/3254/3 259. AuTHoRt Kolyadinq -A. I.#- Agayerat L Ye. I Tyutikovst L. Pe 4L ORG I none and leud'odspphift single Tnut Small-angle scattering of light In ruby crystals SOURCES Mika tverdJ90 t9]A9 To Be 110o It, 1966. i*4-3259 ---- -- TOPIC TAGSV Mall anglo scatteriago rubye sapphire# light scattering ABSTRACTS Small-angle scattering of light was studied in one laucosapphire and one ruby ample of cylindricid shape with zero orientation of the axis, I. a.p in which the optic axis of the crystal was parallel to the geometric axis-of the cylinder and was at the came time Vie growth axisand also in two laucosapphire samples and several ruby samples with a 900 orientation of the optic axis. The measurements were made with a miall-angle nephelmeter, It was found that in both types of orientation -scattering takes place mainly In the direction perpendicular to the electric vactorg the ordinary ray being scattered at larger angles than the extraordinary ray, For both types of rays$ the scattering coefficients in the plans of the electric-vector are one order of ugnitude nuaUr than the comsponding coefficients in the perpon.- dioular pUme Ze'scattering coefficients in the plane perpendicular, to the elso- trio vector for the rar decrease more slowly v4th Increasing ange than 1/2 -coDr- -/013T, ACC 14Rt- __AP 035898 SOURCE . -Wo413166/oOO/020 INVENTOR: Mukhina, T. I.; Klyuchnikov, V. V. ORG: None TITLE: A device for measuring the scattering coafficient of radiation. Class 42, No. 187~56 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966, 137 TOPIC TAGS: light scattering, radiation, measuring instrument, optic system ABSTRACT: This Author's.Certificate introduces: 1. A Uvice for measuring the scat. tering coefficient of radiation. The installation contains a radiation source and receiver, monochromator and optical system for projecting the stream of radiation on the input slit.. The range of angles at which the scattering coefficient can be measured in radiation of fixed wavelengths is expanded by using an optical system consisting of a parabolic and a spherical mirror or two spherical mirrors withthe specimen between them in the form of a plane-parallel plate. The output slit of the monochromator is located at the main focus of the first mirror, while the radiation. receiver is placed at the focus of the second. This receiver is mounted so that it may be moved in the focal plane. 2. A modification of this device for measuring radiation scattering coefficients at an angle of 900 to the surface of the specimen. Card ACC NR% AP6035898 The unit has a traD mouhted in the main channel and an auxiliary optical system made up of plane and spherical mirrors directing the given stream of radiation toward the receiver. 1-spherical or parabolic mirror; 2-spherical mirror; 3-specimen; 4--output alit; 5-receiver; 6-trap; 7-plane mirror;'8--spherical mirror SIUB CODE: 20/ SUBIM DATE; UJUn6 STROGANOV, Te.V-; KOZHIRA. I.1.; ANDREM. S.Y.; KOLYADIN. A.B. --- I Crystal structure of crystal hydrate salts of transition metals* Part 2: Structure of the crystal HIC12.4%0. Vest. UM 15 no,4: 130-137 '60- (NIHA 13:2) (Nickel chloride crystals) ANDROOIKOV, K.S.; BALAKOT. V.V.; BUZHINSKIT, A.N.; BURAGO, A.N.; VIUTKI5, L.A.; VISHNIVSKIY. A.A.; VOLOSOV, D.S.; GASSOVSKIT, L.N., professor; GXR~HUN, A.A.. professor; TALOYASHZVICH. N.A.; YMYSTROPOYNT, X.S.; GURIVICH, M.M.. professor; X014rADU,-A.I,.; KORYAKDI. B.M.; KURITS- KIY. 4.L.; PAPIYARS. K.A.; PROKOFIYIV, V.K., profet3sor; PUTSIYKO, TaJ.; RIMOT, N.A.; RITTHI, N.A., SAVOSTITANOTA, N.Y., professor; SXVCMKO, A.H.; SMOV, N.I..- STOZHAROV. A.I.; FAYMMU. G.P.. profaecor; FX&ILOV. P.P.; TSARUSKIT, Ye.N., professor; GHXKHUTAYXV, D.P.; TUDIN. Ye.Y.; KAVRAYSKIT, V-V.. professor; VAVILOT, S.I., akademik, redaktor Loptics in military science] Optiks. v voennom dale; abornik statel. Pod red. S.I.Vavilova i N.Y.Savoettlanovoi. Izd- 3-e, sanovo parer, t dop. Moskva, Tols2s 1948. 387 P. (KLRA 9.9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR, 2. Sostaviteli - sotrudniki Gosudarstvan- nogo Opticheekogo instituta (for all except Vavilov and Kavrayskiy) 3. Toyanno-morskaya,akademiya (for Kavrayakiy) (optics) KDLTADIN, G.I. [Koliadin, H.IJ (Kharlkov) Vibrations of shafts of Internal coaftstion engines taking into connideration the changeability of the moment of inertia. Pr3rkl. makh. 4 no.4-.411-420 158. (MIRA 11:12) 8 l.Kharikovskiy politakhnicheakir institut. (Cranks and crankshafts--Vibrations) KOLYALDIN, G. I., Candidate Tech Sci (diss) -- "Induced oscillations in Inter- nal-combustion engines taking into account variability of the moment of inertia". Kharlkovj, 1959. 11 yp (Min Higher Educ Ukr SSR, Xharlkov Polytech Inat Im V. I. Eenin), 120 copies NL, go 24, 1959, 137) KOLYADIN, G.I., inah, Analyzing forced vibrations in engine shafts with consideration of the Instability of Inertia moments. Inargonashinostroanie 5 no.3:23-25 Mr 159. (KIRK 12:3) Oranka and crankshafts-Vibration) KOLYADIN G~J-..i_k=d,tqkhn.nauk . I I Forced vibrations in a system having a periodidaUy varying inartia moment. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mashinostr* no,,6:78-83 162. (MIRA 15:32) 1, Alchavokiy gorno-mataUtirgicheskiy institut. : (Shafting-Vibration) KOLYADIN9 G.T., kand.tekhn.nauk be-sign and calculation of a resonance grate whoBe fundamental frequency does not change according to the degree of wear. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;gor.zhur. 6 no.1-1-109-113 163. (MIRA 17:4)- 1. Kommunarskiy gornametallurgicheskiy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy teoreticliesh-oy i stroitellnoy mekhaniki. KOLYADIN, G.I.. Resilient resonance grate for a vibration grizzly. Gor. zhur. no.9:75 S 164. (MIRA 17:12) KOLYADTN G I kand. tekhn. nauk; LITVINENKO, V.P. Manufacture of conical casings for 6500-P-1 tYpe exhausters by roller knurling. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.6t72-73 N-D 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1 KOLYADIN, I.K., podpolkovnik mod. oluzhby Capffl~H.scopic observations in chronic gaetritis and peptic ulcer. Voen.-med. zhur no.5:89 W 157 (HIM 12-.?) (CAPILWIIES) (STONAGH--DISIASM) (Pznlc UMIM) KOLYADIN. I.K. Mothyltastosterone for treating boachial eathma. li-es341 n0-1 SupPlecoat:15 .1a 157. (MIRA 11:2) (MTOSTSROUP,) (ASTHMA) 83228 8/0 51/60/009/002/004/006 5310 B201/1691 AUTHORS; Gurevich, X.M. and Kolyadin, K01. ----------- TITLEs A "Spoetrovigor" PMUCDICAL s Optika I spektroskopiya, l9e0, Vol, 9, ,qo~ 2, ppl 253-256 TEXTs The authors describe a fast spectrophotometer (shown sehematically in Fig. 1) which traces gimultansously the traism-ission coefficient spectra of a test and a standard sample on the screen of a cathodo-ray tube. The spectrophotometer is suitable for the visible region and Its speed can be judged from the fact that each transmission- curve is traced in 0.01 soc. Twelve photographic records can be made in one second andthis makes it possible to study fast chemical reactions, such as the reaction between solutions of furfurol and aniline in acetone (Fig. 2). There are 2 figures. SUNI TTED s March 223 1960 Cara 1/1 ~~66 EWT(l) Acc NR: AR60olU8 SOURCE CODE: UR/0272/65/000/009/0118/OLIS AUTHORS: -Gurevich,_M. Me; Kolyadin, K. L O.ii - 1.0 TITLE. High-speed two-cell.8 ectrophotometer for the spectral region micron SOURCE- Ref. zh. Motrologiya I izmeriteltnaya tekhnikas Abs. 9.32.833 PEF SOURCE: Tr. Komiz. po spektroskopii. AN SSSR, vyp. lp 19641 643-649 TOPIC TAGS: spectrophotometer, spectropliotonetryi 41 ical scanning of ABSTRACT: A high-speed two-cell spectrophotometer with mechan nt the spectrum is described. The curve of the spectral transatssion coefficie 3duced on of the investigated object, the 100% line, and the zero line can be pn the screen of an oscillograph. The spectral rango of the device of 0.23-1o0 ~L 0,05 see* is divided Into three spectral segments. The spectral transit time is Recording is produced with a movie camora with a rate of 24 frameS/see. The kinetics of chimical and photochemical reactions can be investigated with the device. High-spoed spectrophotometx7 of investigated objects can also be pro- duced. Illustr-lted. Bibliography of 2 citations. �ranslation of abstrac!7 SUB CODE: 20 Card 1/1 UDO: 389t535.853.673 KOLYADIN, L. B., Cand Chem Sai -- (diss) "Gonditions of Existence of Uraniumlin Oxane Water." Len, 1957. 14 pp (Acad Sci USSR, Radium Inst Im V. G. Khlopin),', 100 copies (KL, 48-57, 105) 10 .3 7~ w. oqu A n tia 3~ -7 .33 1 ,tt gilv-, a tatiomm. Dd ail anioditt vras dizul, lfp. pli 2 -U 0 f Tom WAI - Xff -Ji.1C Cmn fb' a -d. A, STARIK, I.Ye.; KOLYADIN, L.B.- NMOLAUV, D.S. Conditions under whicb micro quantitlqs of uraniur7 exist in solutioneRadlokbintlal no.3:317-320 '59. (HIRA 12:10) (uranium) SOT/20-122-5-50164 AUTEORSi SlArik. 1. U., Corresponding Itzb..-,,L3 033. To T likoll-Y-1, D. S., K., rITIJ: Distribution ofjAjL2_jljzl2jjyz the scalments of th MIODICAL: Dakl.dy Akadwail 333H, 1959. Val 129. rr 5. " .2-1145 (Va3s) L33TUCT: The r.dlo"tlvity of the ..aiws.t. I. the soal".4 smas is I most uniAll.ligatod. Tom Stack Sam shows chs.~torislla hydro h ......i It 18 also lzt.A.t.vty red th sty material . ror IUL* rsaa~ its sedimentation strongly differs from that in lazo. acasuxlz M.Imrs (let 5). In this Concoction the authors sented to OL-plata the Influsac. of "be po I Wane an the -41meaLatt" and on the "p. 7- *If :.*:a' . di.Irlbt I %he "410 1. Vw Slack Sea bat osdisuints. Th. rat u1 to &:hl*'*3 - an" ""'111"at 'a draw final Ganolusia.4 *par this re an MIX :me ams-ze;tIan. arm Xwso.;.4. The authors studied the vartlual filmlr1ballas at uranlaus, radial. INALM. tharlm, iron, and 042.1" is . A.diamat Coz. ablah .42 ta from the Central Wt of it. W..k 3" from a depth of 2137 a. It as 227 am lose end conalst-4 mainly of SrAY hamo CA" 1/3 coneous clay with 5 Interao4lat. mead strata. The UPW 16 am consist*& of extremely fins-dispezvo Wad Ilk USA .6proval LA_ 441109diale strata. fteurs I szkows the TZst"l 41SIX0.11an of be abo-e-mamtl4o4 Ila responding figures. Prda act in the CUrb. TAII. t dtl.*a %b* Car- those data It &or be concluded that In the NP96V J'ArIffi0al, Of She acre the raJIas*%Av* squilibri 14 the-uraAla's aeries is Slaty 4-alurbas. the lonju& a M" at Is almost 4 %In*& high r then Us secouxll acrr.opendIng an the 4411111%rius' vith.ursalums the realm 4.01011%. tutes only 1/4 or this amount. ?us ~redjam o=%"% in water or 1". ,lack des Is only 15% at It. oqUtXft,k sales, of a,renjun dissolved in the star. Th" the r&gl= son%"% in the mad1man% As hardly one rosth or the 40*val galm& abasli be asam="A if 0% of the 9641M IOC4 001WOUS-4 trCX W.4 water. A&Azing that 40 Tedium migration takes Place I& t1b *Cre# at meria, sediments (16 t 1) the disorspauck in the z&41m %sli-s In the w&%sr AJ in thom:odiasns of the Black Sea may to ex..'JaInsd by r .1n;% ad .104ohl from the @$almost In sib u"or layers. 0. %be tbax hand. she upper horizons are Q*8ol4*z'k3'r carlaud wish out" &Ad or nine. -heir aow~~swjqm to AZ-44 all rapid. 17 am practically roolin. 4".t"t. .Aaa�" Log to 1. 1. cir4 26 straEv"'.-G-re than 50A of _C4CO3 were swilzoata.tod by 12`8111.41 methods. The main bulk of Iran, havever# 1. tzsnapar%at Into the 'lop-coaled es-312onto with the riv&7 sa%ax. authors 4~ncluim therefrom that the Vertical reflects x.. Chace. I a' the Chemical a.-, rtio-i In th6 cour.. of %.-. G.- lic.1 di.Irlbtion . too " wn~j agree. Ith V ~f that the '. aa._~ of the*.. 0. the Concluded from the parallel change In "a %-rluz -Ith that of Iron that the "jQr paxt of tharlum Is of Urri-a origin. The authors O.W.I.t.4 the "to of sealum.AlatLo. 1. 111:ok 5*,,fr,*:.Ih; late I... table I- It 1. 12-13 M within 'h U..nd as t I 1 1. h-.,.r ....,.ad the- 1. the h.rl..U 100-106 on the equilibrium bot:,O.n 1-1-We -1 o1rAlum Is .1111 at ft In.4 (fig 2) the rate of a Low-c%ati- Is only 0.4-0.5 .. per 1000 years. Th* problon as to h.Lah of Ine too valmami Is has hitherto not boon definitely solved. The" are 2 figures, I table, and 6 references. 4 of which are savles. SUBVIT7ED I August 22. 1959 card 3/5 GRASHCHINKO, S.K.; NIKOrAYNT, B.S. LAOLYADIN, L.B.; KUZMSDV, Tu.T.; TAU=, L. 1. Radium cowentration In waters of the Black Serj.e, DokI.Aff SSSR 132 n0-5-.1171-1172 Je 160. (KM 13:6) (Black Sm~-Radium) KOLYADIII, L TIFOLAYEV, D.S.; GRASFICIMMO, S.M.; FTJZIWSOT, ru.v.; -,- -Lt3I-;-j Gzarev, X.F. Forms of the occurrence of uranium in waters of the Black Sea. DoId.AN SSSR 132 no.4:915-917 Je '60. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Predstavleno akaiemikom N M.Strakhovym. (Black Sea--Uranium3 I . AUTHORS: TITLE: 81418 5/02OJ60/132/06/52/068 BO11/B126 Nikolayevg Do Bog Korn, 09 P.9 Lazarevg Ko Fog Koly!j,~n Yu. V., Grashchenko, S. H. ,,.L.,,,Auznetsov The Concentration of Uranium in the Waters of the Black Sea PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademii nauk SSSR, 1960y Vol. 132, No. 6, PP. 1411 -1412 TEXT: It follows from an introductory survey publication that a fairly equal distribution is to be found in the oceans, an average of 2-7-10-6 g/1. Strong deviations from this concentration can occur in coastal waters and inland seas. The Black Sea has a special position among those that are related to the ocean. The exchange of water with the ocean is limitedg mineralization is diminished, and the water is contaminated with H2S up to the upper 125-175 m- It is to be assumed that under these conditionag hexavalent uranium is reduced to a state of pentavalency. This should lead to active uranium sedimentation and Card 1/3 61418 The Concentration.of Uranium in the Waters of the Black Sea S/020160/132/016/52/068 BOIIIB126 a change in concentration in the depths. Table I correlates data from 1951 and 1958 (central and western parts of the Sea).Uranium was de- termined by a luminescence method from 0-3 - I I samples with an &a- curacy of + 20%. The authors draw the following conclusions from Table 1: 17 the 6uranium conogntration fluctuates in the samples examined between I .5.10 and 2.8-10 'D g11. 2) These variations occur on the surface as well as in the depths. No regularity in these conoentrat 'ion changes could be detected. Thus the specific reductive milieu of the Black Sea from 125-175 m upwards remains without influence on the dia- tribution of the uranium concentration. According to approximate cal- culations, the average concentration of uranium in the part of the Black Sea examined is 2*0 + 0.3)-10-6 g11, which approaches the average value in the ocean. The decline in concentration in the Black Sea does not exceed 30-35%, while the mineralization is lowered bY 54% in com- parison to the ocean. The authors thank I. Ye. Starik, Corresponding Member AS USSR, in whose laboratory the work wan carried out. There are 1 table and 16 references: 2 Sovisto 7 American, 1 Swedish, I Japanesev and 3 Austrian. Card 2/3 81418 The Concentration of Uranium in the Waters S/020V60/132/06/52/068 of the Black Sea B011/ n1 26 PRESEUTED: February 16, 1960, by N. M. Strakhov, Academician SUBMITTED: August 22, 1959 Card 3/3 K0TYtJ^j-7', T- T).- STARIK, I.T Conditions for the presence of uranium in ocean water [with summary In Ruglishl. Geokhimlla no.3:204-213 157. (KWU 10:7) 1. Radiyevyy Institut Ali SSSR. Leningrad. (Uranl=) (Sea water) KOLYADIN# P.B., inzh. Gompressed air and electric are plAnning of metal. Sudoetroonis 25 no.12:53-54 D' 159. (MIRA 13.-4) ~ . (Metals--Finishing) (Electric metalaitting) MANUKOVSM, N.F., Geroy Sotsialistichoskogo Truda, brigadir;LEBEDEVA,A.T.,zven'ev, Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda;,K01YADITNA. A.A., GUSEVAI N.F.; GUBANO_ VAy M*T9; GURENKO, A.G.., svinar'; S-VIRIDOV, I.G.~ svinarl; SHERSHOVA,' 14N., zootekhnik; GORTN, D.P.; TA1,230VT M, P.K.; ULIN, I.; SAYTANIDT, L.D., tekbn. red. (Leaders of socialist competition'from Voronezh tell their stories] Rasskazyvalut peredoviki-voronezhtsy~ Moskva, Izd-vo Y-va sellkhoz. RsFsR, 1960. 54 p. , . (MIRA 14: U) 1. Brigada komplekanoy'inekhan izat-sii kolkhoza imeni Kirova Voronezhskny oblasti (for MBnukovskiy).-2.KolJcboz HRossiya" Voronezhskoy oblasti (for Lebedeva, Shershova). 3,_*Ryadov.~y6 zvena yysokoy proizvoditellnosti kol- khoza imeni Stalind Voronezhok6y oblasti(for Kolyadina, Guseva). /+. Zvent- yevaya, kolkhoza imbni-S.M.Kiio-Va'Vo.-Onezhskoy oblasti (for Gubanova). 5. Sovkhoz nVorobIyevskiy"'Vordnezhskoy oblasti (for Gurenko). 6. Sovkhos "Maslovskiy" Voronezhakoy oblasti (for Svirldov). 7. Predsedatell kolkhoza "Podgornoye"~Voronezhskoy oblasti (for Gorin). 8. Direktor sovkhoza "Vto- rays. pyatiletlca" Voronezbakoy oblasti (for Tambovtsev). (Voronezh Province-Stock and stockbreeding) (Socialist competition) 1. 10,976-67 Eo'IT(1) SM.- A1160359-13 SOUnCE, CO*DL-: U11/041, 3/66/000/020/0204/0204 1\,V1;.NTO11: Tyiirin, V. 1. Klepatskiy, A. G. Kolyadina, L.A.; Kitayev, Yu. V.;,' sapogov, S. V. ORG: none TITLE,: Breathin(y device for divers working at constant depths. Class 65. No. SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyyc obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966, 204 TOPICTAGS: water, air, respirator, divingmask, navalphysiology ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a breathing device for divers working at constant depths. It consists of a housing with a mask and inhaling and exhaling valves; it is connected to the breathing bag of the device regulatingt the required gas volume. The breathing bag has a bleeder valve Joined to a regenerative cartridge containing a chemical substance, and to a cartridge containina a chemical absorbent. To insure that the diver can remain under water at constant depths for a long period, th~ component regulating the required gas C01%A- 1/2 UDC: 629. 128. 2/7 614. 894 L 10876-67 ~CC N-R; AP 35943 volume in the breathing bag is in the form of a housing with channels. The housing is joined to the exhalation tube by a regenerative cartridge and a cartridge containing a chemical absorbent. The housing contains a valve rest contacting an elasticized membrane mounted inside the housing and attached to the elastic walls of the breathing bag by flexible trip rods. The housing automatically distributes -he flow of exhaled gas to the regenerative and absorbent cartridges. Orig. art. has: I figure. [Translation) [N-67-2) Fig. 1. Breathing device for divers. C:Z) 1-Housing of device regulating required gas volume; 2-valve 2 2 rest; 3-membrane; 4-spring; 5-breathing bag,; 6-elastic trip rods 12 Y VI SUB CODE: 06 /SUBM DATE: 13Jan6 5 S113BV601000101010051008 A051/AO29 AUTHORSt Bartenevp G.M.p Kolyadinat N.G, TITLEs On the Packing-Mechanism of Flange Joints Using Rubber Linings PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 196.0, No. 10j pp. 29-34 TEXT: The author 'atonducted a study of the packing ability of ring- shaped linings with a rectangular cross-section compressed between groove flanges in sharp pressure drops. The loss of airtightness of these linings in the hange grooves takes place by the contact mechanism but, according to the authorsy this phenomenon has not been dealt with sufficiently. Comparisons were also made by studying ring-shaped linings of rectangular oross-section compressed between flat flanges. Tests were made on linings with the following dimensionst internal diameter d `2 24 mm, external diameter D = 44 mm, height of lining h - 9 mm. The form factor(P(P) caloulated according to the formula (D-d)4h was 0.55. The linings were prepared from 4 types of rabbet with the following compositions: 1)CRG (SKB), carbon black (60 weight parts to 100 weight parts of raw rubber) , captax, sulfur; 2) CkC-30 (SKS-30), carbon black (30 w.p. to 100 w.p. of raw rubber)t thiuram; 3) SKS-30, carbon black (100 W. p. to 100 w.p. of raw rubber) , altax A(b1_(DFG) , sulfur; 4) CkH -26 (SKN-26) Card 1/8 S/138/60/000/010/005/006 A051/AO29 On the Packing Mechanism of Flange Joints Using Rubber-Linings carbon black ( 110 w.p. to 160 w.p. of raw rubber), thiuram, sulfur. Fig. 1 represents the relationship of the actual tension to the degree of compression of the tested rubbers in static deformation. The tension was measured every 3 minutes from the moment the given value of compression was reach ad. The obtained measurement data were used to calculate the-static rubber modulus E and lining modulus E I according to the f ormula: E I - E ( 1 + - (XF) where Ot - =O-5 (Ref, 6). Table 1 gives the values of the moduli of the rubbers and the linings and also the rubber hardness according to Shore. The linings were tested on a stand at air pressure of 200 atm and 200C. The attachments containing the linings were placed into a water bath. The lack of airtightness was noted by the appearance of air bubbles. Fig. 3 gives the data on the effect of the degree of compression of the linings located between the flat flanges --in the value of the critical working pressures (i.e.# the pressure whereby the lining loses its airtightness). The Packing ability of the linings compressed between the flat flanges depends on the degree of compression an& the rubber modulus. If the lining modulus Ef and the degree of compression 6 are known, the speci- fic compression load can be calculated f= El S 6) (Ref. 6). The conclusion Card 2/8 60/000/010/005/008 $113Y 0 A051 A 29 On the Packing Mechanism of Flange Joints Using Fdxbber Linings is drawn that.the specific compression load of the lining is a function of the modulus and degree of compression of the lining and therefore determines its packing ability. By changing the hardness of the rubber or the degree of compression of the lining the necessary flange tension can be obtained which would determine the value of the critical working pressure in the system of flat flanges. The critical nature of the loss of airtightness is explained by the decreasing dependence of the lining's resistance on the radial shift. Since the resilient resistance force of the lining in the first moment of the radial shift is equal to zero, therefore the loss of stability is determined by the value of the friction force. This explains the reason for increasing the friction coefficient in using flange linings. Experimental findings are listed to confirm the conclusions drawn and to explain the effect of certain factors on the self-packing phenomenon of-rubber lining. The size of the clearance between the lining and internal wall of the caliber was determined mathematically. Obtained data lead to these conclusions: 1) self-packing occurs in the presence of any clearance betwoon the lining and the limiting ring, but the value of the critical compression Sk depends on the size of the clearance. 2) With an increase in'the clearance the critical compression Card 3/8 S/13 60 00/010/005/008 A051 YA02/90 On the Packing Mechanism of Flange Joints Using Rubber Linings increases (or the critical specific load of self-paoking f ). With an increase in the hardness of the rubber the critical compression load fk increases and at zero clearance the self-packing takes place at a load fk on the flanges which differs from zero and is the higher, the harder the rubber (Fig 7). It is stated that for linings between flat flanges under high pressure one should apply high-modulus rubbers. For linings in groove flanges the low-modulus rubbers should be used, since it is important that the packing begin at as low a pressure as possible on the flanges. Summarizing the experimental results the authors conclude that the packing of the rubber linings compressed between groove flanges (or with a look) at low compressions takes place according to the same mechanism as that of the flat flanges (loss of stability). In high compressions increasing with the hardness of the rubber, self-packing occurs. The magnitude of the diameter clearance between the lining and the wall of the groove on the side opposite to the pressure has a significant effect on the packing ability of the linings located between the groove flanges. The greater the clearance, the more the self-packing phenomenon is noted at high compressions. For linings located between flat flanges the critical hydraulic Card 4/ 8 S/138/61/000/009/007/011 A051/A129 AUTHORS: Kolyadina, N. Q.,'Bartenev, G.. M. TITLE: Effect of low temperatures on the hermetic sealing pgpacity of rubber linings PMODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 9, 1961, 27 - 31 TEXT: A study was conducted on the effects of low temperatures on the ori- tic4l pressure of loss of sealing and on the contact tension of compression of the linings. It was noted that with a drop in temperature the hardness of the rubber sharply.increases (Fig. 1). The contact tension (i.e., the resilient re- sistance of the lining relqtive ~o a,unit area of the rubber contact with the metal) drops.with a drop in the temperature, whereas the hardness of the rubber increases (Fig. 2) due to the fact that the measured contact tension is the equi- librium tension of the compressed rubber or close to it. It decreases with a drop in the temperature, Rubber linings of CK6(SKB) showed an increase in the compression module with a drop in temperature from, 20 to -600C, i.e., by 6 times; a drop in the contact tension in the same interval by a factor of about 2 and an increase in the critical pressure of loss of sealing by about 6 - 7 times (Fig. 4). Card 1153 288o2 S/138/61/000/009/007/011 Effect of low temperatures on the... A051/A129 The sealing properties of the linings are not characterized by the magnitude of the contact tension, which is explained by an increase in the friction force and hardness. Experiments to test the relative role played by these two factors in elevating the stability of the rubber linings at low temperatures using lubricat- ed surfaces of contact between the rubber lining and the flange indicated that a drop in the friction reduces the critical pressure of sealing loss. An increase in the critical pressure with a drop in the temperature for linings with non-lub- ricated sue-aces is explained by the increase in friction. Linings compressed between flat flanges with a.loss in the sealing capacity, have a critical pressure which Increases with a drop in 'the temperature, since the magnitude of the con- tact tension also drops. An increase of the critical pressure with a dx4)p in the temperature is noted up to_a certain critical temperature Ter , below which the lining loses its sealing capacity. The critical pressure drops to zero at tempe- rat~res of vitrification T9. Lubrication of the contact surfaces with low-temper- ature lubricants causes the temperature dependence on the critical pressure to drop sharply, which indicates the important role played by the friction force in the stability of the lining. The increase in the critical pressure within the re- gion of low temperatures, up to Ter., is explained by an increase in the fricti .on Card 2/,5,-' 288CL* S/138/61/006/009/007/011 Effect of low temperatures on the... A051/A129 coeffi*cient (which is sharper than the drop of the contact tensi on); and partial- ly by the increase in the lining hardness. All the obtained results indicate that the contact tension in itself does not determine the critical pressure of sealing loss, neither at low nor at elevated temperatures. There are 7 figures and 7 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Sov iet -bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: R. E. Morris, J. W. Hollister, A. E. Barrott, Ind. Eng. Chem., 42, no. 8, 1581 (1955). ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovateltakiy inatitut rezinovoy promyshlennosti i Lenin- gradskly filial NIIRP (Scientific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry and the Leningrad Branch of the NIIRP) Caird _'~/62,/000/005/008/0 10 A051A126 AUTHORS: Bartenev, G.M.; Kolyadina, N.G. TITLE. The self-sealing phenomenon in hermetic-sealing units witli rubber linings PERIODICAL; Kauchuk i rezina, no. 5, 1962, 29 - 33 TEXT: A study is made of the change in contact tension of a rubber liniIA6 during its application in flanges with restricting rings which, in turn, take the place of a lining in'the sealing units with groove or lock. An attachment was designed for this purpose (Fig. 1), where the contact tension can be meas- ured directly in the sealing unit under any pressure. The attachment has two flanges (1, 2), connected 'through bolts. A restricting caliber (3) is placed into the lower flange, serving as a wall of the groove or lock. The working i pressure is applied through the lower flange (compressed air). In the upper flange, at the.point of contact with the lining, there is an aperture into which I . The free motion of the rod, a rod (4) is placed, with a base area of.0.07 CM2 within a range of 0.01 mm, is limited above by a metal screw (5), and below, by Card 1/3 S/138/62/000/005/008/010 The self-sealing phenomenon in hermetic-sealing A051/A126- contact (6), installed with-'a textolite screw (7), so that it is electro-insu- lated from the upper plate. The tension is measured by the compensation method. The effect of the lining under lubrication was studied. The pertinent parame- ters are then treated. The following general conclusions were drawn: Beginning at a certain critical value of the pressure of the sealing medium, a phenomenon is noted which is self-sealing with a transfer of the excess pressure of the working medium to the flanges, according to Pascal's law. When working with groove-type flanges, the friction force should be reduced by lubricating the contact surfaces, since this promotes the occurrence of the self-sealing effect at lower working pressures of the sealing medium. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy filial NII rezinovoy promyshlennosti, kafedra fiziki tverdogo tela MGFI im, V,I. Lenina (Leningrad Branch of the,NII of the.Rubber Industry, Department of Physics of Solid Bodies MGPI im, V.I. Lenin) Card Z/3 S/138/62/000/005/008/010 The self-sealing phenomenon In hermetIc-sealing .... A051/A126 Figure 1: Diagram of the'attachment, for measuring contact tenuion. IJ. 2 flanges; 3 - restricting caliber; 4 5 - metal strew; 6 - contact; rod; 7 5 6 7 - textolite screw; 8 lining; flat spring. 2- S/138/62/000/010/003/MB A051A126 AUTHORS: Kolyadina, N.G., Bartenev, G.M., Abrushchenko, B..Kh. TITLE; Effect of residual deformation on highly-elastic regeneration of rubber at low temperatures PERIODICALi Kauchuk i rezina, no. 10, 1962, 28 31 TEXT* A study was made of rubber properties affected by accumulation of resiLal deformation, namely, the effect on the highly-elastic regeneration of rubber samples or rubber sealing parts. The causes of residual deformation ac- cumulation are not analyzed. Both accumulation of residual deformation at high temperatures and "freezing" of the highly-elastic aeformation at low tempera- tures cause the negative effect of a decrease of the highly-elastic regeneration. The mathematical calculation of various parameters and graphs plotted from ex- perimental results are presented. It was found that the experimental data agree well with the computed values. The-authors conclude that the frost-resistance 'of commercial rubber sealing parts depends not only on the frost-resistance of the rubber, but also on the degree of accumulation of residual deformation dur- Card 1/2 S/138/62/000/010/003/008 Effect of'residual deformation on .... A051A126 ing storage or usage of the parts under tensio n, at temperatures over OOC. Them are 5 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATIM Leningradskiy filial nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta rezino- voy promyshlennosti. Problemnaya laboratoriya fiziki polymerov MGPI im. V.I. Lenina. (Leningrad Branch of the Scientific Research Institute of~the Rubber Industry, Laboratory for Problems-of Fo- Physics MOPI imo V.I% Lenin) Card ~/2 BARTEMV, G.M.; KOLYADINA 11 Mechanism of self-packing in packing assemblies with rubber linings. lauch.i rez. 21 no.5:29,-33 My t62. (1,9RA 15:5) 1. Leningradskiy filial Ilauchno-isoledovatel',skogo instituta razinovoy promyshlennosti., kafbdra fiziki, tverdogo tela MoBkovskogo gosudaratvennago pedagogichesko,-o instituta.1m., V,I* Leninae (Packing (Mechanical engineering)) (Rubber goods) NOVIKOVA, L.A., prof.; KOLYADINA. ?.I.; MUSINA, T.M. ~-- - -- . dhemotherapy of malignant tumors- of- the female- genitalla. Akush. i gin. 40 no.4t6-13 Jl-Ag 164. (MIRA 18t4) ,1. Ginekologicheakaya klinika (zav. - prof. L.A.Novikc7) Instituta skeperimentaVno.v i klinichaskoy- onkologil (diz--. - prof. N.N.Blokhin) AMN SSSR, Moskva# NOVIKOVAq L.A.; XOLYADINAp P.I. I Primary results of the use of the antibiotic chr7somallin in compound treatment of malignant neoplasms of the ovaries. Vest. AMN SSSR 19 no.llt67-69 164. (MIRA 180) 1. Institut sksperimentallnoy i klinicheakoy onkologii ANN SSSRI Moskva. KOLYADINTSEVA , N. V. Expansion of functions into continued fiactions of a special type. Naueb. zap.IOd. ped. inst. 25 no.2:17-24 161. (MIRA 18:2) FOLYADITSKAYA, L.S., MMMOSON, H.S. and S&KYEINKO, F.E. ItOn the problem aoncerning the miethod of tmnufacturing valuable preparation ooff ddry rv ), ~ 6. dysenteric bacte.-iorhage on solid cultur medium," o~h))PnAl ?UkrohinInhi 10, rp '~-79 1946. J)P .1--% 1941 From the Central Institute of Epidemiolog-,;- and lficrobiolog7 of the USSR Anistr7 of Health. KOLYADITaAYA,L--3-, MIKIIa'SON, 1. S. and S11',-IUUYOrINA) 1%. 1#A CompavativO Study of tile Lytic Activity Of Dry and Liquid Bacterlopharr-o") Zhur Irlikrobiol) Epidemiol i Immunobiol, No. 4, pp 96-102, 1950- KOLYADITSKAYAs L. S. USSR/Yedicine - Modification of Microorganisms; Dysentery Nov 53 "Investigation of Filterable Forms of Bacteria Isolated From Dysentary Phage Filtrates," V. D. Timakov, R. S. Mikhellson, L. S. Kolyaditskaya, A. A. Shmurygina, Inst of Epidem and Microbiol Am 11. F. Gamaleya, Acad Med Sci Ussr. Zhur Mikro, Epid, i Immun, No 11, pp 5-32 Secondary cultures obtained from phagolysates of dysentery bacilli were not very active. They could be regenerated by repeated culturing on a nutrient medium. Sec- ondary culture No 23 exhibited a commonantigenic structure with the initial strin. By cross-aggultination, the mutual resemblance of antigenic structures of different secondary cultures as well as of secondU Initial strains could be.shown. The immune serum obtained by imr-unizing rabbits with a secondary culture protected mice from lethal doses of the culture and of the initial strain. Animals immunized with the initial strain were more resistant to a homologous culture than to secondary cultures. Immunization with secondary cultures did not assure complete protection against the initial strain, while there was pronounced resistance to honologous cultures. ZnT33 KOLYADITSKATA)_L. Sy YEIAEL'YANOVA, 0. S.,, OLSW-YEVs N. G. "Results of Work on Preparing Live Tularemia Vaccines by a New Tecbnique and From Nev Strains." (Paper read at a session of the institute's Scientific Council held during the first balf of 1955.1 Proceedings of Inst. Epidem and Hicrobiol. im. Gewleys 1954-56. Division of Parasitology and Ybdiv)l Zoology, Pavlovskiy, Yevgeniyl Nikenorovich, Active Wmber of Acodemy of Yedical Sciences, USSR, head. Inst. Epidem and Microbiol im. Gemleys AM USSR. so: sum 1186,,11 Jan 57. KOLYADITMAYA. L.So: SHHURYGINA.,A.A. IWroving a dry living tularemia vaccine preparation. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid. i i*mmun, 28 no,10:84-89 0 157o (MIRA 10:12) 1. Is Institute epidemiologii i mikrobiologii iment Gamalei AKN SSSR. (TULAMIA. immunology. vaccine. dry living (Rus)) ZOLYADITSUUI L.,Soi RUCHIM. X.Y.; SDfWGINA, A.A. T!, Tularemia bacteriophage; preliminary report. Zhur.wdkrobiol. epid. i immm. 30 no-3:13-17 Kr '59. (KM 12:5) 1. Iz Instituta, epidemiologii I mikrobiologil Imeni Oamalel ANN SSSR. (PAS70TMZA TUIARMIS. bacteriophage (Rue)) (BAGMIM%Gv, of Pasteurells tularenalfs (Rus)) MMMTSIV, S.N.; KOLYADITSXATA, L.S.; VINGaRMTA, I.N. Results of using aerated deep cultivation for the production of br'acel- loois vaccine. Zhur.mtkroblol.epid.i immm. 30 n0-10-976-78 0 159. (KM 13:2) 1. It Instituta spidemiologit i mikrobiologii iment Gamalet AMR SSSR. (BRUCKWSIS Immunol. SHIPITSUbl, G.K.; SAVELIYEVA, R.A.; RODIOINM, I.Y.; KOLYADITSKAYA, L.S. Fux,thor study of the spoeific substances of the tularemia microbe provoking a rapid allergie reaction. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 52 no.9.1'83-88 3 161. O-EIRA 15:6) 1. Iz otdela biakhimii (zaveduyushchiy - kimd.b--olog.nauk V.A. Blagoveshchenskiy) i laboratorii tulyaremii (zaveduyushchiy Prof. N.G. Olsuflyev) Instituta apidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni, N.F. Gamalei AHN SSSR, Moskva. Predstavleria deyztvitelln~% chIenom alll SSSR.N.N. Zhukovym-Vere.zhnikovym. (PASTEURELLA TUIAMILSIS) .(ALLERGY) Ko-,YPLDITSKAYA, ticable method for ha d1ing Jabara*GrY utenails~ Simple and prac n (MITRA117-3-2), Lab. delo no*9074 '64- j m1krilbiologli i1ft. C-amalel, Iyosk,7a. 1. Institut Opitiamiologli T KOLYADISS,KAYA, Ye. A. Kolyadiss!!5 "A chart of the white b1dod cells in epidemic grippe", ta, Ye, A, Voprosy med. virusologii, Issue 1, 1948s P. 245-54s - Bibliogs 9 items. I I 80s U-30420 11 March 53, (Intopis 1zhurnal IrWkh Statey, No. 10, 1949). KCRYADITSKAYA, Ye. A. 42674. KOLYADITOLIUM, Ye. A. Tsitologichaskiye Oqobennootl Nosovogo Sekre-,ta Fri C' ologil,. Epidamlologil, i ,,rJ.ppe i K,-tarrakh Dyldiatellnykh Putal,. Zhurnal Mlikro-Pi Irm-anobiologii, 1948, No 12, s. 39-43--Pibliogr: 6 Nazv. *KONOV&, K. P.-sm. No 42685' SO- latopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey,"Iol. 7, 1949 KOLYADITSrAU, Te.A. kandidat meditsinakikh nauk; KNIM, M.S.. profesaor,* doktor Cellular composition of secretion and its diagnostic value In cases of bleed- Ing xamwy glands. Milrurglia no,10:413-52 0 153. (MLYA 6:21) 1. Is Institute. khirurgil U6 A.T.Tihonevskogo (direktor - chloin-kerrespondent Akademit meditsinskikh nank SSSR professor A.A.Vibenevokly. sayeduquahchly kliniki-diapostichaskay laboratoriyay - kandidat meditainskikh nauk Ye.A. R~ruehcheya) Akadamli neditsinskikh nank SWIR. (Nanmary glands-Diseases MMUSHCHNVA, ToA.; ZOLTADITSKATA, Te.A. (Koakva) Korphological composition of blood in lung cancer berfors and after surgery..Xlin_moda .15 nb.4:.?A-77'Ap 157. (KLRA 10: 7) 1. Isklin.ichaskoy laborptoril Instituta kh'trurgii imenI.A.Y. Vishneve,kogo ANN SSSR (d1ri'.ft Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR prof. A.A.Vishnevokly) (I~NG RIOPIASMS. blood in off.,of-saft. on number of erythrocy~ae) OMYTHROOTTIS. In various die. .cancerIof lungs, off. of surg. on nunber of erythrocytes) 1~o L 114,0 KOLTADITS"YA. Ye.A., (Koakva) Cytological examination of sputtin in lung cancer. Klinaed. 35 no.11: 65-69 N '570 (MIRA 11:2) 1. Is kliniko-diagnostichookoy laboratorii (zav. - starshly wuc~rqy sotrudnik Ye.A Ahruahcheva) Institute khirurgii Imeni A.T.Vishna~qkogo AHM SSSR (dir. - chlen-korrespondent AHN SSSR prof. A.A.Vishnevskty (LUNG ISOPIOMS. diag. cytole-exam, of sputum) (SPUZUK cytol. in diag. of lung cancer) KOLTADITSrATA, Ye.A.,; YNGOROVA, Ye.K. (Noskva) Co prological data on patients following radical surgery In cancer of the cardial, end of the stomach. 37 no.11:59-63 N '59- . (Knu 13:3) 1. Ix klinicheakor laboratoril (xaveduyuehohiy - stiLrobty nauchn" sotrudulk Te,A, Xhrushohava) I 3-go khIrurgicheekogo otdolenlys, (ruko- voditall klinicheakoy chasti raboty - starshly nauchnyy sotrudulk Tc,A. Peahatulkovs.) InatItuta khirurgii imeni A.V. Vishnevokogo AMUSSR (direktor - daystvltellnn chlen ANN SSSR prof. A.A. Viahnevskiy). (STIMCH neoplasms) (GASTUCTOKY) (FMS chemistry) KOLYADITSKAYA# Ye.AqI KRUSHCWAj Ye.A. i3matological data on heart surgery with artificial circulation. Mcsp.khirai anest. 6.**#b22-26 161. (MM W-20) (FEMSION RW (EMT)) (EMOD) MIROSUICHMO, Vitaliy aeorgiyevich (Kiroohnychanko, V.H.I; XCLYAIKIU. V., red.; HEMOVICH. S. [Heierovych. SJ, ETwo Years in Vietnam; engineer's notes] Dva roky u Vistuami; notatky insheners. XyLv, Derzh.vyd-vo polit. lit-ry MM, 1959. 42,p. (MIRA 14:2) (Vietnam, North-Description and travel) KOLTADKO T M.; NIKITINAp U.S. Litexature on the proteotion of legumes. Zashch. rast, ot vred, i bol. 7 no.9.663 S 162. (MIRA 16%8) (Bibliography-Peas--Diseases and pests) KOLYADKOF T.M. List of works by staff members of the All-Union Institute of Plant Protection published in 1957. Trudy VIZR no.21: 101-11-1 pt.2 164. (MIRA 18:12) WLY4DKOF T.M. [-!E-t of works publiahed by the contributora of tile All-Unlon Institute of Plant Protection in 1955. Trudy V1ZR no.171 392-399 163. List of works published by the contributors of the All-Union Institute of Plant Protection in 19156, IbidoOrC-411- (YJfLk 18j9) KOLYADKO, T.M.; NIKITINA, N.S. - -- ------------- Literature on corn protection (to be continued). Za3hch. rast, ot vred. ibol. 6 no.3:62 Mr 161. (MIWI 15: 6) (Bibliography-Corn (Maize)-Di3eases and pest3) -KOLYADKO, T.M.; -- ITIKITINA, U.S. Id.terature on corn protection; corn diseases and their control (to be continued). Zas'bch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.5:61-62 My 161. (MA 15:6) (Bib3iography--Corn (Maize)-Diseasos and posts) ..m KOLYADKOp T.M.; NIKITINAy N.S. Literature on the protoction of corn. Zashch. rasto ot vred. i bol. 7 no.1:60-61 162. :(MM 15':6) (Bibliography-gorn (14aize)). KOLYADKO, T.M.; NIKITINA, N.S. ------ Bibliography on the protection of pulse crops. &tshch.rast.ot . vredA bol. 7 no,W"l Je t62o OM 15,12) (Bibliography-lagmeo-Diseases and posts) KOLYADKO, T.M.; NIKITINA, N.S. Literature on corn protection (continuation). Zashch, rast. ot vred.-i bol. 6 no.8:62-63 Ag '161. (MIRA 15:12) (Bibliography-Corn (Maize)-Diseasea and P"to) KOLYADKO, T.M.; NINITINA, N.S. Bibliography on the protection of corn (continuation). Zashch. rest-. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.2%62 F 162. (MM 15:12) (Bibliography-Corn (Maize)-Diseases and pests) KOLYkDKOv T.M.; NIKITINAp H.S. Literature on corn protection. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.961-63 3 161. (miRk 1615) (Bibliography-Corn (Maize)-Diaeases and posts) KOLrADKO, TM,j NIKI17NA; 8, 1. . 1. 1 Literature on the protectibn*of pulse crops (to be continued). Ushoh. mat. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.10862 0 162, (MIRA 16W (Bibliograpiq-tagmes-kaeases and pests) .KOLYADNYY,, 'S. "Gas fields of the U.S.S.R." by K.A.Belov and others. Reviewed by S.Koliadnyi, Neft. khoz, no.6:68-69 Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) (Gas, Natural) KOLTAUNTY, S. N. v~ The stratigraphic Significance of the Straptocerella sokolovi Andruseow mollusk. Geol.sbor. no.3:165-166 '55. (MWA 8:6) (Cheleken-Hollusks,3rossil) . KOLYADNTT, S.N. "-- Determining the vertical movements of the sea shore by indications found in boring mollusk holes. Geol.sbor. no-3:228-230 155. (Choleken--Kolluska. I?ossil) OUM 8:6) (Geology, Structural) Vtl,t.' USSIk-/ Geology Paleontologr Card I /- Nb- 22 - 34/49 S. N.; and Forsh, N. N. Au t,~~ C r '3 Kara-Murza, E. N. Kolyadrrr 'Lora frow. ~.he red-coloreo stxa7~,,= of *,,~,e -',ne'Let(en pen-insula Plor'lodical i Dok. AN SSSR 102/1, 137-139, MAY 1, 1955 tr.-j c t I Geological data are presented on the flora fram the red colored strata -:~e C~~eleken per-Insvia Ln wres%er7 -ileum Sc. Res. Geol. Explor. inst. ki" Union Petrc Academician D. V. Nalivkin, januar7 3, 1955 TJDLTADNYT, S.N. 1- .,3"w ~J- Lithological and stratigraphic study of the red formation on the Cheleken Peninsula. Avtoref. nauch. trud. VNIGRI no.17,.257-259 156. (MIRA 11:6) (Cheleken Peninsula-Rocks, Sedimentary) d~li~iloz- ~f-i4a,-Colored deposits of the Neogene in Tukmnlatam, 'GiAs, a4ftl I no'VIO-32 7 157 (MM 100) (Takissulatan.'.~lsology, Straticraphic) ADBLIBZRG, LM.; KAPW, Z.G~-;V-qAPN~~_S Lithology of Neogene red bade In Turkmenistan. Geol.vefti I gaza 3 no.10:40-43 0 159. (14IRA. M12) 1. Vaeooyuzr47 neftyanoy nauchno-looledovatellskiy goologo- ranve4ochM7 Ingt1tuto (Turkmenistan-4lay) KOLYANTY, S.N. Analogs of the red series within the Balkhan Depression. Izv. AN Turk. SSIL no.$:61-64 159. (MIRA 13:3) I.Veasoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatellskly geologo- razvedochuy7 institut. (Balkhan Depression-,-Geology, Stratigraphic) B/009/60/000/004/004/004 B027/BO76 AUTHOR: Kolyidnyy, S. TITLEi On the Book "Gas Resources of the USSR" PERIODICAM Geologiya nefti. i gaza, 1960, No, 4, PP- 56-57 TEXTs The author writes a critique of the book "Gazovyye resursy SSSR11 ('Gas Resources of the USSR"), to which A. K. Kortunov, P. Ya..Antropov, and V. A. Kalamkarov contributed in addition to the main authors, Yu. 1. Bokserman, A. A. Borisov, 1. 0. Brod, V. G. Vasillyev, N. D. Yelint N. S. Yerofeyev, N. M. Kudryashova, 11. S. Llvov, M. F. Mirchink, A. T. Muratova, N. V. Nevolin, V. L. Sokolov, and A. A. Trofimuk. In the introduction, A. N. Kortunov gives a grand picture of the planned gas supply to the most important industrial areas of the USSR; this will influence the fuel balance of the country during the next few years decisively. P. Ya. Antropov describes the successes and the future tasks of geological ex- ploration and prospecting during 1959-1965. V. A. Kalamkarov describes the role of natural gas and oil in the fuel balance of the USSR and deals with the necessity to develop various branches of industry and their conversion Card 1/2