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r77 Veterinary'Obstetrics Improvised phantom and conservation of the fetus. Veterinariia 29 no. .3, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Acc essions, Library of Congress, julZ 1951. Unclassified. 7. 2 XWJAHOV, M.P., veterin&rnyy vrach. - Couceraing ftofessor VA. Voskresonskli's method of tracheotomy in aul=as. VaterInwila 30 no.9:46-47 3 153. (WM 6: 8) 1. Kraenoslobadekty soovettakhaikum. Nordovskoy ASM. MLUSH3VSN.P. (From material received b~r'thd_ Editor on ClInical Practice -Reports) _b~ Veterlhariah'fl 'KOLUSHOV (FWasfioslobodsk_ OPO Zooveterinaxy T~bbnicdl'S6hi6o-lp-'Mo-rdvinidii ASSR)*" Pointing out- 'shoitcomin& in present'ihethods for catifit-cattle -'Compre'ssion'6f the prepuce add penis in bulls and of thesubeutaneous abdominal vein in covs~ especially, in lactating animals and the possibility of causing Injuries by & quick fall the iuthoi-'r6commdftds usifig for cattle the F4msian type casting harness with a firmly attached metal Ang Fasten a buckle to th6'loop of the harness s6 thd diameter of .the Im ;V~y be adjusted. The adjustment of the hkmess 4kd-th6 catirigAU61fAs exact3* the smw as for workin3 with horses* In thic case the animAngo dowh_slo44.' ,_ __d' by the same _Cattl author,, Aftex~the animal has been cast and securely restrained, one of the asd6tants-exerts pressure on the throat from the side of the esophagusp a second inserts a gag into the mouth of. the cow and drawn out the tongue so that it lies flat., the third pressed down on the root of*th6 6ongue with an obstetrical spatula so the foreign body may be seen. The surgeon,'using an obstetrical forceps for small animals, draws out the foreign body. A reflector or a flashlight ahodd be used'to light up the throat, Prcparation and the opevation should be carkied out quickly in view of the restlessness of the animal. ~',Veterinariya.J[3-7.,1952) SO:dN0WO Report u-5638;lo March 1954;P.26; de g KOLUSHOV, II.P., vaterinarnyy vrach. Urine catheters for horses. Vaterinarii& 32 no.6:64 Jo 035* (MLRA 8:7) 1.Krasneslebodskiy soovettekhnikam K*rdevskey ASSR. (CATHCTERS) (HPOES-DrsEAsEs) WIMSHOTo He?*, vaterinarMy vrach. Treating malignant catarrhal favor in cows.'Voterina.riia, 33 no-7: 69 J1 156e Oqu 9: 9) lArasnoolobodskly coovaterinarnyy takhnikum, Kordovskoy ASSR. (Cattle-Diseases and pate) (Respiratory organs-Diseases) REShSTNIKOVAO A.D.; FADEYEVA, M.A.; FILIPPOVA-11UTRIHINA, Z.L.; nSIKOV, M.S.; KOLUTROV, H.V.; FUGACHEV, A.G. Diagnosis of toxoplasmoois in ohildren. Sov.mod. 25 no.1:47-50 Ja 162* OURA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy pediatrii II Moskovskog-o medit6inskogo instituta (zav. - prof. K.F.Popov) i kafedry dotskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. $*D.Temovskiy). A (TOXOPLAS~ZSIS) .KOLUZAYEV, A-!D'-~ inzh.; PARSHIN, N.M., inzh. Mechanization of the process of brightening aluminum ware. Mekh. i avtom. proizv. 17 no.8:25-26 Ag t63. (MIRA 16:10) KOLUZ ,~~~Arkadiy-10jhayjwich; KAMINSKIY, Ye. A., red.) YEMZHIN, V.V., tekhn. red. (Repair and servicing of high-speed VAB-2 switches]Remont i obaluzhivania bybtroaeistvaiushchikh vykliuchatelei tipa VAB-2. Vbskva,,,Gosenergoizdat, 1962. 47 p. (Biblioteka elektromontera.9 no.75) (MIRA 16:2) (Electric switchgear-Maintenance and repair) GURVICH, Veniazmin Grigorlyevich; &QjT;j~ZjYEY, 71-1 khaylovich; , _ _ ~~ aj4 . 4 HAPINSHY, Ye.A., red. -h L :i_ _ __,._l__-___ -I.-,'- [Repair and operation of high-speed VLB-28 switches] Re- mont i ekspluatatsiia bystrodois-tvuiushchikh rjkliuchate- lei tipa VAB-28. Moskva, lzd-vo "EnorL-lia," 1964'. 54 P. (Biblioteka elektromontera, no.117) (MIRA 17:4) SnhVSQV9f.- P-,of.,, FWKk, i.- Ya., and X Er- 2. UWR (600) 4. Poultry - Diseases 7. Active immization of chicks up to ths 45th day of life against Asiatic fowl cholera, Tructr 19 No. 1., 1952. 9. 'Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, FOh*uarY 1953. Unclassified.1 It"EM B.T. (goskva); KOLUZENINEpL. [Wcruzhnine,Lj(%rlin); HAIGHWOR. -ttrarsir-torl. Struggle between materialism and idealism in mathmatico. Ptol*' Hat i fin Bulg 6 no.ItI-9 -Ta-FI63. LYAPIN, P.D.; KOLI 9~s ~ Preventive measures at the Shaartuz focus in 1961. Zdrav.Tadzh. 9 no. 3:8-9 ftr-Je 162. (MIRA 15:8) (SHURTUZ--MAIARIA-PREVENTION) ,KGLV.,'dW-VSKIY, V. 11. 285,30 Uchyeniye 1. P. Pavlova I Psikhologiya Sov Pyedago,,,-ika, 1949,, No. 9, S. S2-63 SO: LITOPIS NO. 38 -0 K OLYA YtEQUIP04FNTS FOR THE INJECTION SYSTK, I OF V1,UDERN DIESE1 ZvVTORS. P 34. (JAXAMM. WEMOAZDASAGI GEPEK) Pudapest, flunE-ary Vol. 4 no I Apr 1957 SO: 1-bnthly Wex of E q st European Acessions (AEEI) Vol. 6 no 11 November 1957 KOLYA, Tibor I I Requirements for the injection system of modern diesel engines. Jarmu mdx-O gep 4 no.104-43 Ap 157* KGLYA# Tibor. okleveles gepoozmernok Subjective examination of the exhaust noise of DLesel motors. Jarmu mezo gep 8 no.1:19-27 Ja 161. 1. Autokozlekedesi Tudomanyos Kutato Intezet tudomanyos munkatarea. ORR KOLYADA, A., igronom Level of agronomical work. Zemledelie 26 no,1:83-85 Ja'64. (MIR& 170) 1. Inspektor-organizator,Mallahevokogo proizvodstvennogo ~ .1 upravleniya Hostovskoy oblasti. Agricultural Educat-icn U-,uolved problems. Sov. agron. 10 no. 5, 152. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July -195j, uncl. 2 KOLYADA, A. A. Agriculture - Study and Teaching Ripe questions. Sov. agron. U, No. 3, 1M. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl. KOLYADA, A.A. More attention to sowing quality. Zemledelie 5 no.6:89 Je 157- (Km 10:8) l.Glavnyy agronom Mangkovo-Kalitvanskoy Nashinno-traktornoy stantaii. Chertkovskogo rayon& Kamenskoy oblasti. (Sowing) KOLYAIA, A. To the wide open spaces of collective farms* Nauka i pored. op, v nellkhoz. 8 no.9:65 S 158. (141RA 11:10) 1. IfachnIlnik tuspektail po sol'skomu kbozyaystvu Chartkovskogo raynna, Rostovskoy oblasti, (Agriculture-Experlmentation) L 32795-66 EWT(m)/EWP(v)/T/3dP(t)/ET IIEWP(k) IJP(c) JDIHMIEd- ACC NR: AP6012586 GV) SOURCE CODE: UR/0314/66/000/004/0029/0030 AUTHOR: Medrish, 1. N. (Engineer); Bendrik, V. G. (Engineer) LEo ~a -Shaleyeva, V, L (Technician) Engineer);I ORG: none J56Y TITLE: Joint weldinj of tubeynade of two-IMr met steel Khl4Nl8V2BR lus M3S copper SOURCE: Kbimicheekoye i neftyanoye mashinostroyeniye, no. 4, 1966, 29-30 TOPIC TAGS: welding technology, metal welding, steel, copper metal joinind ;Kh14Nl8V2BR Ateel, M3S copper .ABSTRACT: Coil pipe reactors made of high-alloy steels are used frequently in the produc- tion of mineral fertilizers. In order to make such coils less brittle, the personnel of the VNIIPTkhimmash designed and built a reactor incorporating welded structures from two- layer tubes with an (outside diameter, 32 mm; walls 7. 5 mm thick). The thicker outer layer was made of Kh14N18V2BR steel and -the inner lining consisted of M3S copper 1. 5 mm thick. These tubes w67re built by the All-Union Scientific Reseaich Institute of Pipe Industries Card 1/2 UDC: 621.643.411.4;621.9-419 L 32795-66 ACC NR: AP6012585 1 (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut trubnoy promyshlemosti) using conventional methods. The present note describes in detail. the three-step welding process: 1) helium- .are manual welding of copper joints; 2) argon-arc welding of the two halves of a protective .ring made of steel; and 3) the final manual welding of the external part of the joint. Ortg. art. has: 2 figures. 'SUB CODE: 13 / SUBM DATE: none I' Joining of dissimilar metals Card 2/2 BRANDIN., A. V.;'SUMIT, B. D. Dielectric properties of polyhydric alcohols in the liquid state, Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no. 3:510-516 Mr 163. (MIM 17:5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. B'URKATSKIY, A.P., +A16Mk; KUCHEUWO, M.G., tek-Iml ;..XQL tekhnik use of e1qatrie insulation on substations located in districts with polliited air. Energetik 10 no.3:A6 Mr 162. (MIR& 15:2) (Electric insulators and insulation) (Electric Aubstations) KOLYAD&, F. Ya. Liver function tests In syphilitis patients treated by reinforced method. Yest.vaner. no.2:27-28 Mr-Ap 150. (CLKL 19:3) 1. Of the Clinic for Skin and Venereal Diseasee (Head -- Prof. A.I. Kartamyshav), Kiev Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Insti- tuta Imeni Academician A.A.Bogomolets. Silpificance of t"Mad tub= in tho blood of patients with oczemd. d"My, &ad f4orf&sW,- F. E. Kuty4d& (1kirtmnicts 01. lost., Kiev). I'ejfis'k ~'IvriWd` i V~rma". 19N, No. 3. 2411-2.-Thc reshfuzl C (I.e.: C kit Otti PPtU. Of "eifll) CXPreWd in ml- K~Cr^ -An - nere%wy for Its uxWstion (M nl.o(duldl is 0.43-OM in healthysubjects. It rises (0.47-0.78) in eczema, but not much (0.44-0.66) in psoriasis, and 10.47-0.61) in pyo-' de xm AA a mult. the accumulation of Incompletely prMucts retards nonnal oxidatria" procem'". KOLTADA..F*Ye.; RVACEWTA. T,P. Case of syphilitic aortic aneurysm which opened Into the left pleural cavity. Test.ven.1,dern. no,2;38-39 Kr-Ap 154. WU 7t4) 1. Is Kiyavskogo dermate-venerologichaskogo instituta. (Syphilis) (Aortic aneurysms) E-ARDIN, I..- RX0. R.; BZXMIN. N.; BOYXP'V.; BORISOV, A.; BTCHKOT. V.; ' AA5119M, S.; VIROGWOV, V.; VILEUiiiSKIT, A.; WOMV. G.; DWORIN. S.; DMAPIRIM. Te.; DLDEHO. T.; DIUXONOV. N.; ZOUTM, S.; UKUROV, A.; NANCY. I.; XIMNOT. X.: KOLTM,-G.; KOROBOV. P.; LISKOV. A.; LUKIC.Hj L.; LYUBINOT, A.; MMSIMM, S.;.NYRTSYKOV. A.; Pwasy, M.; PZTRUSHA. F.; PITUSKlyi A.; POPOV$ I.; PAYM, P.; .ROZHKOV' A.; SAPOZHNIKOT, L.; SlaW, P.; SOKOLOV, P.; TIVOSYAII. I.; TIMONOV M.; TISRCMMO, S.; FILIMT. D.; YOMMO. N.; SM=OT, P'. . , ziiiii I Yi.V. JL. Fedor AlskmandroviA Markulov-. Koko t 156. (WJU 9:22) (Morkulov, Fedor Aleksandrovich, 1900-1956) Ko"",,~ inshenero On the effective use and rate of construction of automatic contrml and telenechanical systems. Zhel. dor. tranap. 38 no.9:72-76 3 156i (14LR& 9:10) (Railroads-Signaling) )CC& XAPUSTIVA, Irina Andrianoyna; KMITIN. Boris- Ivanovich; NARUSHKO, Fedor--- Ivanovich; XOLYADA, G.L. re4aktor.- BOBROVA, U.N.. iekhnicheskly redaktor Elverience in aervicing automatic train control equipment] Opyt obslu~ivaniia ustroletv marshrutuo .relainot tientralizataii. Mo- skva, Goo* transp. shal-dor. lzd-~vo, 195?. 44 p. (Kft 10:4) . (Railroads--Automatic train control) KOLYAM, G,I., insh, Shock absorbers for signaling relays. Avtom., telem. i eviaz' 2 no.3:19-20 Mr 158. (min 13:1) l.Bachallnik otdola apstaializateii. tgantralizataii i blokirovki Glavnogo upravlentya signalizatail i evyazi 14inisterstva putey soobshc niyas (Blectria relays) (Railroads--SignaliDg) KOLYADA, G.I. Inspection and repair of the high voltage line In an automatic block system. Avtom., telem.i sviai 2 no.4:21-23 Ap '58, (MIRA 12:12) 1. Nacballnik otdela Spetsiallnogo tuentrallnogo byuro Glavnogo upravlani7a signalizatsii I evyazi. (Electric lines--Maintenance and repair) .(Railroads--Signaling-Block system) ZHILITSOV, Petr Nikolayevich, inzh.- KOLTADA,,,-,GrIg9riy Ivanovich, inzh.; PMEIN, N.Y.. kand.tekhn.nai&-x~ red.; BOBROTA, Ye.K., (Manual for electricians of dispatcher controlled eigaal Aystems] Rukovodstvo elaktromakhaniku i monteru dispetcherskoi teentrali- zateii. Moskva, Gos.transp.shel-dor.izd-vo, 1959. 282 p. (Railroads-Zlectric equipment) (KIRA 12:12) All signaling devices should most the specifications of the $Technical operation rules.$ Avtom. telem. I sv1az' 3 no.11:4-3 V 159 (MIRA 13:3) 1. Nachallnik otaela sigulizatsii. teentralizatsii i blokirovki Glavnogo upravleniya signalizateii L avyazi Ministerstva putey soobahcheni,va. (Railroads--Signaling) ARM=, I.D.. insh. Now rules ensuring safety ~qr. traffic. Avtom.telem, i avlas' 3 no*12:3-5 D 159o (MIR& 13:4) (Railroads-Traffic) XWOR, V.B., Inzh.; KOLYADA. G-I.. inzh. Approval has been given for the use of graphite grease for the lubrication of rail bonds. Pat' i putekhozo nooll: 12-13 N 159. (MIU 13:4) 1.,Nachalinik takhnicheekogo Wale, Glevnogo upravleniya puti I sooruzhenly (for Kantor). 2o Nachallnik otdala signalizateil, tsentra~~Uatgii I blo)drov!d Glavnogo upravleniya signalizateii I svyazi (for Kolyada)e (Blectric railroads-RAIls) (Oraphite) (Imbrication and lubricants) XCLTADAA, O-L. insh. 77] Development of the mans for railroad automation wd remote control* Zhalsdortransp, 41 no!012:53-56 3) 159 (Kim 1;:4) (Railroads-31vialling) (Automation) ZHILITSOVi Petr Nikoloqevichl KOLrADA&-Qrlgoriy Ivanoviahl GAMBURG# Toolu*p inzb.p redol MARMOVAj G*Iop inzl2op red-o-MBIMA-t-To-oNop teklmrodo loonaige, mawAl on signalingp interlooking and blook systems] Kratkii spravoobnik po sig=Uzataiip toontralizataii i blokirovka. Mo*7aq Vaes. izdatellsko-polAgr, obwedinanis M-va putei soobehaboniial 1960., 137 pi. (Railroads-Sigmling) OURA 240) - KOLYAM, G.I. ------------ Now rnles for the prnpar maintenance of signaling devices Avtomo, telem.1 aviaz' 4 no.1:4-5 F 16o. ZKIRA 13:6) 1. Nsoballnik otdola spetsializateii, teentralizatsii i blokirovki Glavuogo upravleniya signalizataii i avyazi Kiuisterstva putey soobabeheniya. (Railroads--6Jgu&1W) KOLUDA, G.; VAZUR, A.; SINTAGOVSKIT, A. (ShoetkiL, Sumelaya oblast') Easy to understand and to visualize, Posh.delo 6 no.6:24 Je 160. (M2& 13:7) 1. Zaiestitall nachallnika poshernogo oiryads, Nakeyevlm# -1 St&lins- ka7s. oblest' (for 11yada). 2. Nlachallnl~ poxharnoy chasti, TIvov (for Mazur).- (Fite prevention-Study and teaching) Msum~l aide) KOLTAD&, G.&T., insh, Harmful haste* 4vtomotioleme i sylas' 4 no.11:43-44 N 160o A, 13.11 MIRA 13: 11) ( (Railroado--Signaling--Interlocking systems) .;KOLYADA, Glill., inoh. At the. Yzyl.-Orda divisi n. Avtom., telem. i sviazi 5 no.4:40 Ap 161, (MIRA 14:6) (Kzyl-Orda '~rovince-Railroads-Zignaling) NASTENKO, P.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; ~QLT&14,, G.I.,[Koliada, H.I.] Machines for continuous potato digging. Mekh. sill. hosp. 13 no.9tll-13 8 162'0 (MIRA 17:3) 1. Starshij inzh. upravleniya v'nedreniya novoy tekhnW respublikanskogo obl'yedineniya "Ukrsillgosptekhnika". XOLYADA, G.I. Further tasks in the.mechanization and automation of calculation operations. Zhel.dor.transp. 44 no.4:42-45 Ap '62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Nachal'nik tresta "Transorgmashuchet" Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya. (Electronic calculating machines) (Railroads--Management) KOLYADA G.I. Pomputers for engineering calculations. kvtom.t telem. i sviazl 7 no.2:45~;47 F 163. 1. Nadhallnik Gosudarstvennogo tresta pio grganizataii makhardsirovannogo ucheta Ministdrstva putey soobshcheniya WSR. (Railroads--Electroni-a equipment) MLYADA, G.I., inah. The ATT-2 fertilizer-distributing device. Mashinostroenie no.5t 105-106 S-0 163, (MIRA 16:12) KOLYADA, G.I., inzh. ------- The AAP-0,5 "Mikron" aerosol pulsating device. Masbinostroeniei no. 4'.102-104 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Ukrsellkhoztekhnika. KOLYADA, G.I., inzh. The KPII-100 mounted tractor trench digger. Ylash-Inostroenie no.6v 86-87 N-D f63, (MIRA 16:12), KOLYADAY G.I., inzh. New machines for chemical protection of plants. Mashinostroenie no.-3:63-66 My-je 164. (MIRA 17-11) NARTSISHKO, N.Yus, inzh.1 KOLYADA, G.I., inzh. Unit for injecting anhydrous ammonium in noll. Mashinoctroenie no.108 Ja-F 165- (MIRA l8t4) ~~ 0 KOLYADA, G.I. Improving the afficiency.of aocounting,machanization and automation. Zbel. dor. transp. 47 no.7*69-72 Jl 165. (KRA 18.- 7) 1. Nachallnik tresta "Transorgmashuchat". KOLYADA, G.N. Efficient. prepration of care for loading. 7~ial. dor. transp. 47 no.3~42-44 Mr 165. 18.-5) 1. 7-amastitelf nachallbika Konotopskogo otdelenlya Yugo-7apadnoy dorogi. KOLYAMA, Is- Our experience with business accounting on tho collective farm. Tqp. ekon, no.11:146-149 9 1,57. (MIRA 1192) 1. Prednedatell 61khoza "Zhovtenl." hvehadubechanokogo rayona. Kiyevskoy dblamtI. (Collective farms-Accounting) Gogoll, Nikolay Vasillyevich, 1809-1952. With the fellow countrymen of a great Russian writer. V pom.profaktivu 13, No- 4, 19520 Monthly 1-ist of Russian Accessions, Library of Congresso-March 1952. Unclassified. _WLYADA, I., podpoDovnik; DOLODONOV, S., podpolkovnik Guard protective material,. Voen. vest. 41 no.4:66 Ap 162. 2, (MIRA 15:4) A 15:4) (Chemical warfare--Safety measures) ORLOVSKTY, A.,- IMAYLOVA, I ;c,,-__KOLYADA., I,- KOROVKIN, M. Semitrailer with a hydraulic drive for the steering of wheels. Avtotransp. 40 no*3:33,-34 Mr 162. W= 15:2) (Truck trailers) 3/018/63/000/002/001/001 Aoo4/A 126 AUTHORIG: Kolyada, I.j Dolodonov,_S., Lieutenant-Colonels TiTtE.. Pro~tection'from radioactive substances and toxic agents PERIODICAL: Voyennyy vestnik,'no., 2,..1963, 54 55~ TECT: The ''authors- des6ribe- ways and means efficient protection from radioactive'substances~ toxic agents.and war,gas in winter. They point out that after snovi-,fall. and .by .. Jin'ow~storms radioactive fallout may be carried by snow and.storm .to areas wherq -a. contamin.a Ition was not to be expected, and thit radiation.monitors-do'no.t operate ac-cuiately at low. temperatures. They enumerate the various measiares and rhoriitoring methods.-that are to be applied by the radia- tion detection teams,: and describe the behavior -and protective clothing and itteans of an attacking battalion in a'cont''S as well as the various disinfection measures-to.bel'taken to make sure that all radloactive'substance. and toxic agents are remove - d Card 1/1 KOLTADA, I.A. Compensating quantitative indicator for gas leaks. Gas.prom. 4 no-9:34-35 3 959. (MIRA 12:11) (Gas motors) I, A. 'Itil 1, TekhnikA bezopasnosti v gazovcm khoziaistva zavoda fafety technique in handling gas in a plarV. Izd. 2-e, ispr. i dop, Kiev., Mashgizi,"1952. 1Z,7 p, SO: Month2Z List of Russian Accessions, Vol 6 No 6 September 1953 PHASE I BOOK EaWIVATION S0715629 KDlyada, Ivan, Alekseyevich,, and Petr Maksimovich Gofman-Zakharov Germetichnost' gazopro'Vo4ov i opredeleniye utecW gaza (Airtight~esa qf Gas Pipelines and Detection of Gas Leaks) Hoscow.9 Gostoptekhizdat., 1960. 68 p. 6#100 copies printea. Chief Ed.: V. N. Sidor~v; Tech. Ed.: A. S. Polosina. PURPOSE- This booklet is intended for engineers and technicians concerned,vith the planning.. construction, and operation of municipal anj indwtrial gas supply systems. COVERAGE: The booklet deals with gas losses in municipal and industrial gas supply systems an~ methods for minimizing them. Quantitative and qualitative methods for determining gas leaks and nomograms for estinating gas escape artd. discussed in detail. Soviet instruments for determining leaks are also' comwed. Among thesel are the MakVII (Makayevka State Scientific Research Institute of IndustriU Safety in Mining) gas detectors, the gas sIgnalling apparatas of P, A. Kuz1m:tn1s system, the PGF-13.portable gas anilyzer of Engineer Faynberg's system, the automatic methane indicators 124-2 and IK-3 C Airtightneas.of Gas Pipelines (Vant.) BOT15629 manufactured at the 1(barikov "Krasnyy meta.131stw Plant, the LI01! diffuion indicator designed by the Leningradgkiy institut oldirany trada (Lenij~ Institute of Industrial Ryglene),q and the gas flowmeters designed by the Institut ispollzovaniya gaza (Institute of Gas Utilization),, Academy of Sciences UkrlM. No personalities are mentioned. There are 7 references.. all Soviet. TABLE OF COMMM: Introduction 3 ch. 1. Losses of (Sas Fdel From gas Pipelines 4 1. General information 4 2. Lea1mge of gas fuel as the cause of fires an& explosions 6 Ch. Ile' Hodern, Methods and Means of Determining Leakages of Gas Fuel ll 1. Organization of operations in the detection of gas fuel leaks 3.1 2. Qualitative methods for determining gas leaks 19 3. Quantitative methods for determining gas leaks 44 Ch. III. Improvement of Methods and Means of Determining Gas Leaks 60 1. Compensation,quantitative method 61 NECMEV, Mikhail Aleksandrovich. Prinimal uchastiye MITROFANOV., IeA*J, in2h.; ZUBAREV, S.A.t retsenzent; LEVDI., A.M.., retsenzent; SIGAL.. I.Ya... retsenzeng;AQU_APA,_LA..,,_,reteenzent; SrOlym., Ye.B.., nauchwjy red.; FEDOTOVA, M.L., ved. red.; SAFRONOVA,, I.M.~ tekbn. red. (Safety measures in the transportation, distribution, and use of gas fuel] Tekbnika bezopasnosti pri transportirovke., ras- predelenii i ispolIzovanii gazovogo topliva. Izd.3., perer, i dop. Leningrad,, Gostaptekhizdat., 1962. 299 p (Gas as fuel-Safety measures) L 24409-66 urra)/ WV1 ACC HRt A.P6006369 SOME coDzz Wa4l.3/66/boo/bo2/0100/0100 AUTFORS: Chernoval, V. So; 'Shcherba, No Uo; Fralin, No V.: Dashevsk:in L. No,-,. Gudri~ H~. rediv, V. A. a. Kazur P. A.; 4", Ivanova Kolyad, lasicavichL Lo Yea ORG.* none 13 farn j TITLE: Streamlineflaw mster?K11a.. No. 178125 ounced by Gas Institute. M UkrSSR, (Institi, gaza AN Uk-rSSR)7 A SOURCE.- Izabreteniya,, promIyablenuM abraztsy, tovarnM snakis no, 2p 1966P-100: I TOPM TAGS: flew meter., atreamline flow ABSTRAM This Author Certificate presents a streamline flow,mater containing a.. sensing element in the form: of -a pivoted vane and jet rectifiers mouated:in.front of and behind the vane (see Fig. 1). To decrease vibrations, the pivoted vane has a bard in the side opposite the flow direction. A plate whose center of gravity is displaced toward the free and or the vane is hinged to the vane. There is also a bypass tube,conne-ating the front and back of the vane* ;,,Card 1/2 UDG t 532-574-27 KOLYADA, Ivan Mitrofanovich; FRIDNERpA.,red.; MOLCHANOVAJ., tekhn. [Through sunny Odessa; a concise guidebook] Po solnechnoi Odesse; kratkii putevoditell. Odessa, Odesskoe knizhnoe izd- vop 1963. 127 p. (MIRA 16;10) (Odessa--Guidebooks) SOV/137-59-3-6380 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 4959, Nr 3, p 207 (USSR) AUTHORS: Pelikh, V. N., Mladova, A. A., Shul'te, G. Yu., Kolyada, M. F. TITLE: Quality Control of Malleable Iron (Kontroll kachestva kovkogo chuguna) PERIODICAL: Tekhn,ekon. byul. Sovnarkhoz Zaporozhsk. ekol~- adm. r-na, 1958, Nr 3, pp 50-51 ABSTRACT: The mechanical properties of malleable iron are to a considerable degree determined by its chemical composition. The summary C and Si content, the other elements being stable, has a decisive in- fluence on the structure of the metal. Being fairly time-consuming, the method of determining the C and Si content in the iron by chemical analysis was not adequate to ensure timely adjustment of the metal prior to casting it into molds. Instead, a high-speed inspection method utilizing production samples is employed. The samples are withdrawn at 30-minute intervals throughout the entire smelting operation. Bars, 50 mm in diameter and 200 mm long, are cast in sand molds where they are allowed to cool for 10 minutes; they are Card 1/2 then immersed in water and brokentin'to two approximately equal SOV/137-59-3-6380 Quality Control of Malleable Iron sections - The character of the fracture may serve in judging the summary C and Si content. A relationship was established between the appearance of the fracture in a cast production sample and the chemical composition, the microstructure, and the mechanical properties of the metal. A. s., _D)9 PHASZ r BOOK EXPLOIT A TIONT S01116259 -var. i,Ulkhaylovloh, F a Ina Fed or o,,,-r F, S In rk and .31-,nn7ye p,)razhen1_ya I a ;j e a a n Ji ..1 r T r e a mn r ch a r 'q . Bib 1 1; (- i-a praK_~._ i EL pr-In"ed, N. Kon5tantinov; Tech. Ed.: L. A. Zapollakaya. F;UaI~ICSE: The book is intended for physicians in all specialities fDr students of advanced courses at m6dloal _'nS-,!tUte3. -eating severe radiation T'le bGok describes methods of I,- ~ eau t`ie tceatment of patients with, r diation slakness., 4. -,-- - f- - -, a -a anget '664 and the patholoVoal- lirrin _~he_ -organism -in - the dla- 1- --a d-; -----courae of xidiat~.,Loi:,-si gnos s*, evadlla~iOrit4k-:__60ual iqs---'Tr-b m**',- das'~ o-Vi6assi, -d4s'tr4dU6rt,'a11d the' --And 0ime 0---con ro FOLYADA, M. S. ----I 32484. Povrezhdenl-ya derevyannogo truboprovoda. Gidrotekhn. stroit-vo, 101pa, No. I " 10, s. 23-25. SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, VOL 50, Moskva, 1949 KOLYAM. ff. Prevent accidelate on lea, Voen.znan. 34 no.12:30 D 158. 1 (MIRA 12:2) 1, Nachallnik spanatellnoy slqh~y Noskovskop gorodskogo komiteta Dobrovollnogo obehichellAya sodeyetviya armit, aViateii i flotu. (Rescue work) (Ice rivers, lakes, etc.) I .I - - - - -. - C-) ~ j /A I KOLYADA,-., N. (g.Kiviyli, Betonskaya SSR) 69'fire -prevention comittee. Pozh.delo 3 no.10:11 0 157. (MIRA 10:11) IL (Estonia-Ugnite) I ANASMIN, I.A., kapitan 1 ranga; BARABOLYA, F.D., polkoynik yaridicheskoy sluzhby; VOLKOV, A.S., inzh.-kapitan 1 ranga; VOROBI M , A.P., kapitan 1 ranga; VASILIYEV, I.V., kapitan 1 ranga zapasa; VIYUMNKO, N.F., kand.voyanno-morskikh nauk. kapitan 1 rsnga; GENM, A.L., doteent, kand.tekhn.nauk, inshener-kontr-admiral; YBRIMNKO, B.Ta.. kapitan 1 ranga; ZYMM, B.I., kand.istor.nauk, mayor; KAZANKOVO A.A., kapitan 1 runga; KOZIN, K.K.. kapitan 1 ranga zapasa; _ _EOLYQ~ kapitan 1 ranga zapasa; XMINICH, D.D., inzh.-kapitan 1 ranga; LOBACH-MUCIONKO, K.B., dotsent, inzhener-kapitan 2 rangn zapasa; HASHAROV, A.I., polkovnik zapasa; MYASISHC M , V.I., inzhener kontr- admiral; FHMOV, L.G., kapitan 1 ranga v otstavke; PROKOFIYBV. V.M., kapitan 1 ranga; POZN AM IRKO, A.S., kapitan 1 ranga zapasa; (Continued on next card) AKAqWT 1. A. -(continued) Card 2. PYASKOVSKIY, G.M., polkovnik; SINITSYN, N.I., polkovnik. Prinimali uchastiye: ANDREM , V.V., kapitan-1 range; IVANOV, V.P., Whener- kapitan 2 ranga; CHMOUSIKO, L.D.,"Inghener-kapitan 1 range; ~HIKANOV, Ye.P., inzhener-kapitan 2 ranga. FADEM, Y.G.. vitse- admiral zapass, elaynyy red.; GERNGROSS, V.M., kapitan 1 range, zapa- ea. red.; STAROV,.N.N., kapitan 1 range v otstavke, red.; SOKOWTA, G.Fe, .[Karine dictionary] Morskoi slovar'. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo M-va obor. a:M. Vol.2. 0 - IA. 1959. 440 -P- (MIRA 12:12) (Naval art and scienc8--Dictionaries) (Merchant marine--Dictionaries) AUTHORS: Klygin, A. Ye., Kolyada, No So SOV/78-3-12-26/36 TITLE: Investigation of the System Uranyl Nitrate - 8-Oxyquinoline - Water by the Solubility Method (Izuchaniye sistemy uranil- nitrat - 8-oksikhinolin - voda metodom rastvorimosti) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khimii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 12, pp 2767 _2770 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The dissociation constants of 8-oxyquinoline and the solubility of uranyl 8-oxyquinoline were investigatedo The solubility of 8-oxyquinoline-is dependent upon the pH value for the solution. It increases with a decrease in the PH of the solution. For the dissociation constants K 1 and K 2 the following values were found: [H tj rR R1 6 -10 K ........ [.-. TR+ 8.66.1o- and K 1-76.1o 1 = k2 2 PMJ The average value for the concentration of the undissociated molecules of 6-oxyquinoline is 4-46.10-3 moles/l. The solubility product for uranyl 8-oxyquinoline (UO 2R2* HR) was found by determining the solubility in solutions of varying pH values. Card 1/2 P was found to have the following values at 250C: SOV/76-3-12-26/36 Investigation of the System Uranyl Nitrate B-Oxyquinoline - Water by the Solubility Method P = UO 2+ R -12 [H 1-9.jO-5)-10-'9 11 21 1 - There are 2 table and 9 referoncoo, 7 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED., September 5, 1957 Card 2/2 5W, 21(l) SOV/76-4-1-45/48 AUTHORS: Klygin, A. Ye., Kolyada, N. S. TITLE: The Examination of the System UO 2so 3- (NH4 )2 so 3-H20 by the Solubility Method (Issledovaniye sistemy UO 2so 3- (NH 4)2SO3-H20 *etodom. rastvorimosti) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiij 1959, Vol 4,Nr.17 pp 239-242 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The solution ]products of UO 30 and the composition and stabil- 2 3 ity constant of the complex compound which is formed fr= the interaction of uranyl sulfite and ammonium sulfite solution was investigate4. The production of uranyl sulfite was carried out by the method of Kohlschuetter (Ref 1). Thermograms were platted with the uranyl sulfite produced (UO 2so 3*4.5H2O)..~, The thermogram shows three endothermic effects: in the tempera-' ture ranges from 50 to 900, 105 to 1350, and 170 to 2100C. An exothermic effect appears at 210-3?OOC. The solubility-iso therm of the system UO SO (Nil ) so -a 0 was examined at 250 2 4 2 2 Card 1/2 It can be seen from the results that the solubility of UO2 so3 21~ SOV/78-4-1-45/48 The Examination of.the System UO 2s03 -(NH 4)2SO3-H20 by the Solubility Method in ammonium sulfite solutions decreases with an increase of the concentration of ammonium sulfite and reaches a minimum with a concentration of ammonium sulfite of 6.24-10-2 mol 1/1.. The solubility increases with higher concentrations of ammonium sulfite and complex formation takes place. The solubility product is P 02+ 0'-] = 2.56.10-9. The mean value of the IU 2 1 ES 3 stability constant is UO 2+ so 2- 2 K 2 ) F 3 - 0-8 H 0 (so )2-1 '. 7.92.1 EU 2 3 2 T11P thermogram was nlotted by Ye. F. Goryunov with t:ia ai,'I c.0 t,,,u *g. S. ]rmrp~kov- pyrometer. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: April 7, 1958 Card 2/2 ,57. 2 .7 o o (A) AUTHORS3 Klygin, A. Ye., Kolyada, ff. S. TITLEs Uranyl Thiosulfate 4c~.~ 6 ? ~_Y Y wrr= S/078/60/005/05/32/037 B004/BO16 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiij ig6o, Vol. 5, No- 59 Pp- 1170 - 1171 TEXTs It was the purpose of the present paper to clarify whether uranium forms complex compounds with thiosulfates, to which the analytical rapid method according to K. B. Yatsimirskiy and Ye. N. Roslyakova, (Ref. 1) would be applic- able. They determined the solubility in the system UO S 0 Na S 0 - V at 2 2 3 - 2 2 3 'Y 250. The dissolved uranium was determined volumetrically, the uranium in the solid phase gravimetrically, the thiosulfate always iodometrically. The pH was measured on a PPTV-1 potentiometer and an LU-2 tube amplifier. The re3ults are pre- sented in table 1. The solid phase always consisted of U02 S20YH20. No complex compounds are formed. The solubility product of uranyl thiosulfate was found to be (3.83+0.27).10-4. There are I tabla and 9 rPfPrPnnRa. A nf whinh 0-ra Rnwia+ SUBMITTED: July 6, 1959 Card 1/1 S/076/61/006/001/012/019 B017/BO54 AUTHORSt Klygin, A. Ye., Kolyada, N. S. TITLEt Study of theReaction of Uran-y!"Vith Copperon by Speotro- photometry and Solubility Determinations PERIODICALs Zhurnal noorganicheakoy khimii, 1961, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 216 - 221 TEXT% The authors studied the composition and the formation constant of uranyl copperonates and the solubility product of ammonium uranyl copperonate. Investigations were made on an U-4 (3F-4) spectrophotometer. The pH value of solutions was measured by a lTffTS-1 (PPTV-1) potentiometer. The spectrophotometric studies showed that in the system U02C12 - C 6H 5N202H - H20 soluble uranyl copperonate U02(C6H5N202)2 is formed which has a formation constant Ko a (1.1 � 0-5)-1011- Fig-1 shows the optical density as a function of the wavelength of solutions of uranyl chloride, copperon, and their reaction products. Complex UO (C H N 0 was 2% 6 5 2 2)2 Card 1/2 Study of the He'action of Uranyl With Copperon S/078/61/006/001/012/019 by Spectrophotometry and Solubility Determina- B017/BO54 tions found by determining the optical density at 370 m~L. Fig.3 shows the optical density as a function of the pH value of the solution. Complex formation and stoichiometric coefficients were determined by the method of I. I. 0stromyslenskiy (Ref-4) and N. P. Komars (Ref-5). Table 1 gives data for calculating the molar 'absorption coefficient of compound UO (C H N 0 at pH - 4.9 and 370 mt. Table 2 gives data and results of 111~ 12 6 5 2 2)2 calculation of the formation constant of uranyl copperonate at 25 C. On addition of excess copperonate, the uranyl copperonate is transformed into difficultly soluble ammonium uranyl copperonate of the composition N44UO2(C6H5N'-02)3 and the solubility product + 10 P - [NH [UO (C H N 0 H N 0-1 -'(5-8 + 2-5)-10- . Table 3 gives ex- 4] 2 6 5 2 2)2][C6 5 2 2 perimental data.and results of calculation of the solubility product of ammonium uranyl copperonate at 250C. The solubility of ammonium uranyl copperonate depends on the pH value of the solution. Quantitative precipitation of uranium as ammonium uranyl copperonate is achieved in a pH range between 4 and 7. There are 3 figures, 4 tables, and 11 i?eferences: 9 Soviet and 1 Czechoslovakian. SUBMITTED: October 2, 1959 Card 2/2 S/075/61/01 610011010/019 b's too B013/BO55 AUTHORS: Klygin, A.- Ye Nikoltskaya, No L., Kolyadaj No S.f and Zavrazhnova, Do M. TITLEt Complexonometrio Determination of Tetravalent Uranium Using Areenazo I as Indicator FERIODICALt Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1961, Voi. 16, No. 19 pp.. 110-112 TEM This brief communication describes a method suggested for determin- ing uranium(IV) by titration with Complexone III which does not require removal of excess reducinq agent. The minimum pa at which complexonor- metric titration of 5-10-4 M solutions of uranium(lv) can be performed with an accuracy of up to 0.1% was calculated at pHmin ' 105, using the equation by K. B. Yatsimirskiy (Rofe I)o Arsonazo I was ohosen as indica:tor for optical end-point determination. Arsenazo I forms a blue compound with uranium(Iv). Compound formation is a maximu# between pH 1-7 and 0.1. At a, pH outside this range, values obtained for uranium are low.. Reduction of Card 1/3 85585 Complexonometric Determination of Tetra-valent S/075/61/016/001/018/019 Uranium Using Arsenazo I as Indicator B013/B055 uranyl salts to uranium(IV) can be effected with sodium acid sulfite, or, preferably# with formamidine sulfinie acid H2NC(NE)SO(OH) (Ref- 5)- 0.2 g of formamidine sulfinie acid in 0.25 N sulfuric acid at boiling-point reduces approximately 200 mg of uranyl iones Table 1 summarizes the, results of determining,uranium in solutions of its salts in the presence of foreign substances# The gravimetrically and the complexonometrically obr tained data are compared in Table 2. The suggested:method p'4rmits accurate and sufficiently reproducible determination of uranium in its oxides, salts$ alloys with aluminum, silicon, iron, and beryllium, as well as in aqueous and tributyl phosphate solution. A13+ N12+ C02+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 1 0 , Zn Is Cd I Mg j Mn , Cr , Be 9 La , and Ce in quantities comparable with uranium content, as well as up t0.30 mg of tartaric acid$ UP to 35 mg of citric acid, up to 2 g of sodium sulfate$ up to I g of sodium nitrite# and up to 100 mg of hydrazine- or hydroxyl- amine sulfate do not interfere in the determination of 2 - 115 mg of uranium. Th4+t SC3+, In3+1 Zr4+ 4+ 3- - 2- interfere. I Hf , P04 # F , a:nd C204 The authors thank V. A. Golovnya and G, T. Bolotova for supplying data Card 2/3 88585 Complexonometric Determination of Tetravalent S/075/61/016/001/018/019 Uranium Using Arsenazo I as Indicator t' B01 3kB055 on the properties of, formamidine sulfinic. acid and or; the experimental conditions of uranium reduction. There are 2 tables and 6 referenc,es3 3 Soviet, I Swiss, 1 German# and 2 US. SUBMITTED: January 15, 1960 Card 3/3 4 KLYGINI A.Ye.; KOLYADA, NOS.# ZAVRAZHNOVAO D.M. Reaction of pentavalent molybdemm with (etlaylenediamino) tetraacetic acid. zhur. anal. khim. '16 no. /,:IA.2-447 ji-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Holybdemm) (Adetic acid) 8/032/61/027/001/004/037 B017/BO54 AUTHORS: Klygin# A. Ye.., and Kolyada, N6 St - --------- Ewa* TITLE: Complexometric Method of Determining Zirconium With Xylenol Orange as Indicator PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1961# Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 23-24 TEXT: The titration of zirconium with Complexon using xylenol orange as indicator is very accurate. A 0.25 molar sulfuric acid solution is the optimum. A figure shows the optimum density of the zirconium complex with xylenol orange as dependent on the sulfuric acid concentration. Excess Na so favors a rapid color change in the point of equivalence. The 2 4 authors give the accurate course of zirconium determination in alloys. The zirconium alloy is decomposed either by concentrated qdrochlorio acid in the presence of H 202 or by sodium bisulfate at 600-800 C. An aliquot part (2-20 mg of zirconium) is mixed in a 250 ml flask with 50 mi of 1 N sulfuric acid and subsequently with 1-5 9 of sodium sulfate and 80 ml of water, and the sample is boiled. 1 ml of 0-05% xylenol orange solution is Card 1/2 Complexometrio Method of Determining 3/032/61/027/001/004/037 Zirconium With Xylenol Orange as Indicator B017/BO54 added to the hot solution, and titration is conducted with a 2 10-2 molar Trilon B solution until the cherry-red color turns to yellow. Table I shows the results of determination of zirconium in solutions prepared from zirconium salt in the presence of uranium, aluminum, and iron. The method permits a determination of 1-5 - 20 mg of zirconium in the presence of 200 mg of uranium, 200 mg of aluminum, and 5 mg of iron. The zirconium determination is not disturbed by the following cations: Pe, In, Be, Th, Y, Ni, Co, Al, La, Ce, Zn, Cd, Mn, Mg. The ions Po3-9 2- F1 3+ _r C204 1 , and Bi disturb. There are 1 figure, 2 tablest and 3 references: I Soviet, 1 US, and,1 Czechoslovakian. Card 2/2 VOLIFOVSKAY.A. R.N.,; OSIFOV, Yu.A.,; KULIKOVSKAYA, Ye.L.; ASANOVA, T.P.; SHCHEGLOVA, A.V., med.nauk Combined effect of a high-frequoncy field and X-rays under industrial conditions. Gig. i san. 26 no.5%18-23 My 161. (14IRA 15`4) 1. Iz Leningradakogo instituta gigiyeny truda i professionallnykh zabolevani.y. (ELECTRICITY--PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (X RAYS--PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (ELECTRONIC IKDUSTRIES-HYGIENIC ASPECTS) KOLYADA V. imho Consitruotion oupply center beyond the Arctio Circle. Na stroi. Ros. 3 no.10:17 0 162. (MIRA 16:6) (Bussiao.Northern-Building materials industry) KOLYADA, V.F. %n-stroke d-'aphragm pump with a pneumatic drive for pumping paints and enamels. Blul.tekh.-Gkon.itifomoGos.nauch.-issl.inst.naueb.i tekh.inform. 17 no.7.122-24 JJL 264- (MIRA IWO SOURCE: Atamnaya energiya, v. 19, no. 1, 1965, 7k-T5 TOPIC TAGS: Ionizing radiation,, nuclear reactor characteristic, rLdj&ti=~- metry calorimetry/ WR M.. RFT ~~aTt The authors pole. out that earlier calorimetric methods could not be used in high intensity water-moderated water-cooled reactors (such as WR-M e- cause of the excessive heat released In the samples. The method proposed makes possible high-accuracy measurements of high power absorbed doses without in- volving the thermophysical constants of the substances. It is Tjased on compen~- sating electrically for the heat released in the inwestigated sample. A diagram of the calorimeter is ehown in Fig. I of the Enclosure. In the absence of the samle, the energy, of the ionizing radiation is equal to the electric power of the calorimeter heating if the calorimeter surface temperature Is the Bame with ezd without the sample. The ave'"We experimental accuracy of the calorimeter at oper- ating temperatures was Q 18 ;w The accuracy ciaimed ror this method is 7W Card 113 j .7 SUEMTTED: 15JU& SWU 01 RR REF BOV: 000 OTHERt 000 on CmEt NP q L 6468..,(6 ACCSSSI oil Wir AP5019818 la. Fi Ala of calorimater~.. 9m I - Therimoouples 2 - samp3p- lvateri z em- -Card 3/3 M L28~388-~66 M(M) ACC M AP6001797 'SOURCZ CODE: Ab"MOR: Kolyada,, V. It. Karasev.-V. ORG: None TITIE: Calorimetric dosimetry of TJR/OOt3g/65/019/006/053p-/O-r-32 gamma radiations from nuclear reactor SOURCE: Atomnaya eneigiya, V.~lcjj noo 61 1965, 532 TOPIC TAGS: -nuclear reaotort' gamma detection, radiation dosimetry, oalorimetry ABSTRACT: An- abbreviated version, of the original paper is presented- dealing with the application-of calorimetric method to measurements of,-. gamma-ray doses* The studY was related to the doses absorbed by, various samples mad-a of heavy materials such as-leadg tin and tungsten., The energy spectruim-of gamma radiations from a 10 Mw reactor of VVR-U type was measured in the energy range of 0 to 1.5 Mev and graphically illu- strated. The mass absorption coefficient was then calculated and plott. .ed against atomid numbers (from 5 to 85).- This method permitted deter- mination of the absorbed gamdia-ray doses with a precision lower than 10%,, Orig. art,-has'. 2 diagrams. SUB CODE: 18 SUBM DATE: 29 JTuly65 OFaG REP: 000 OTH REF:. 000-'- Card 1/1 tU I ACC NR# ArSO343.00 SOURCE CODE: UP/0089/66/021/004/0294/0294 IAUTHOR: 'Kolyadas V. M.- KaraseVj, V. S. Onr none TLE: imetric dosimetry In a nuclear reactor TI SOURCE: Atomnaya, energiyap ve 21,, no. 4., 1966.. 294 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear.radiationp thermal radiation detectorp calnrimetryp radiation dosimetryp nuclear reactor technology STRACT: This is a summaa7 of article No. 1081368T.- submitted to the editor and file ut not published in full. The authors point out the limitations of the use of ioniza- ionP chemical scintillation.. and other dosimetry methods for intense radiation fluxeap and the advantages inherent in recently developed calorimetric means. They therefore review briefly methods and instruments for calorimetric dosimetry. These methods are subdivided., depending on the method of aetermining the absorbed enerr'Y., into three groups - adiabatic, kinetic, and isothermal. An attempt is made to compare the de- Iscribed calorimetric methods and instruments, to disclose their advantages and dis- advantages., and to determine their field of application. The materials In the paper Q-1 help scientific-technical workers engaged in reactor research to estimate the .6ossibility of calorimetric instruments for use or for their further perfection. CODE: 18/ Sum DATE: 15Apr66 Card 3/1 uDc_:____614.8: 539.32.08.- 621.039.5 "The Problem of the Trpatme,it of -',erol( gicall~ aPE-istalit ph-ilis .dth 01--ranic Pi-cparations of Phosphorous." V(,.,ttr,i.k vcrrrolvl~ii i do-n-:,z I (11"llel-Ill Of Ve:~!-1'010:7 DPMZ'0304~)~ Itologi. ;.,0 1, Jantiary-F-115ruar, 195L', ~IAOEIDer), L'.osco-.-,,. NO PASHCHMO I -'dBjL.; SYCHEVO M.,, red.; PODOR07MAIA, Vop IZADMMI Go - 4; Fe~. r;d. [Lvgatwk Province; reference-guide book on the notewortby places of Luganak Province] Luganshabina; spravocbnik-putevoditell po zname- natellaym mestam Luganakoi oblasti. Lugansk, Luganskoe oblastnoe lzd- vo, 196o. 163 p. (MIU 14:U) (Lugansk Province-Guidebooks) M.r. [Bosyi, M.K.]; DRAGUN, G.D. (Drahun, ff.D.1; KOVTUN. A.P.; jW4UIW=OQ.I. [Koliadenko H.I.]; DAVIDENK0. 1.M. [Davydanko. I.H.] MAXARUK, G.I. [Ketkarulc, H~14j Studying the consecutive inhibition of a single and summed effect of differentiated inhibition in dogs---bv the conditioned reflex method, Report No.4. Nauk.zap. ChJ1P1 8:27-39 '56. (MIR& 11:2) '~INHIBMOIO '(CONDITIONSD RESPOM) W G.J. [KoIjadenko, H.I.); _ying the aftikeffect of conditioned Inhibition by the conditioned reflex method, Vauk. zap. ChBPI 8:93-104 156. Mu 11: 2) ONED _WPONO USSR/Imm.n and ;,niml Ifervous Systarl. T Systaiii. Dehavior. ;&bs Jour: Rof Zhui-Diol., NO'20j 1958,, 93659. Author Dosyy,--PI.K.,- Koly-ndenko.GZ.- Inst Cherlmsk Distitutc. Title ChnnGa in ;Xter-Effects with Protractcd Application of Inhibitory Stimili. Ori(; Pub: 'Ifauk. zap. Cherkmalk. dcszh. ped. in-t, 1957, 11, 319-32~- Abstract: The protracted (15 rdn) effect of difforentiation-s in dods mUaa forth a dcapaninG, of inhibition of the cortex and a continuous syste-mtic inhibition or a release of traces of inlifoitory stimli (phase chr-rac- ter of successive inhibition). In further experimits Card 1/2