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S/058/62/000/003/008/092 A061/A10l AUTHORS: Veysbrut, A. D., Koltik, Ye. D. TITLE: The use of Lissajous figures for obtaining out-of-phase voltages PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 3, 1962, 12, abstract 3AI27 ("Tr. in-tov Kom-ta ztandartov, mer i izmerit. priborov pri Sov. Min. SSSR, 1961, no. 52(112), 123-127) `TF4T: Voltages of two frequencies - one produced by a generator, and the other reduced by n times with a frequency divider - are fed to an electron oscilloscope. A phase shifter connected to the channel of the latter voltage is 0 capable of shifting its phase from 0 to 3600. Starting from the "open" Lissa- jous figure,. it is possible to establish among the voltages the precisely kndwn phase shift angles, the periodicity of which is 3600/(2 n). The error of the n-dependent precision exceeds 0 0 .03 at an 128. The realization of the method in the practice and actual diagrams of the system components are -considered. K. Shirokov (Abstracter's note- Complete translation] Card 1/1 ---------- 390517 S/115/62/000/006/005/005 E032/E514 AUT11ORS--:~"-"-" Grovin, U.N., Gaiakhovn, O.k,. arid Koltik. Ye.D.- TITLE: A~oUic;~"tion of thermal converters at infra-low frequencie~s PERIODICALi lziiieritellnaya tplehnika. no.6, 1.9620, 31-34 T E:~T Possible -applications of thermoelectric devices at frequencie's below 0.5 cps have not been adequately explored. The authors*tl~erefore discuss the use of thermal converters at 'these' frequencie'S'. Circuits cire sugtzge,;ted for; 1) the determination of a phase dIfference beti%een two alternating currents, 2) the indicationldf the fact that two currents are exactly in phase, and 3) deterutl4Ation of the current and voltage-amplitudes. These circuits Ote resiiectivaly zhown in Figs. 1, 2 and 3. in the first case the signal recortled by n contains an alternating component. whose n"111)JI-tude i3 proportional to the difference from the 900 pjja.qc-sjjjft4 1)otwoon tho currents ii and io. The analysis is- particularl: when the two convortoFs are identic.-kl. lfhen they are not identical, one of thent has to be suitably shunted. In t1- e 5nnd',ctise the two elements are connected in opposition and Card r1/3 Applicatlofi-icf thermal-converters ... S/n5/62/000/oo6/oo5/005 i E032/E514 when t-ne twd -bignals are not exactly in phase the indicator shows a variable reading. In both cases it is important that the volt- .ere. charla~c Z-mr 'ieristics should follow the square law. Finally, Fig.3 show!~ an arrarigement which may be used 'Go determine the current an voita,L.-~! amplitudes. In this figure ~6 is a #vnse shifting device, R is a resist'or qsed to adjust the current (voltage) and rl is an indicating m4ter calibrated in the preliminary d.c. experiment. This device was built at VNIINA and in-being us*ed as an indicator of the output voltage of infra-low frequency generators. These to produce two equal sinusoidal signals shifted by 900 in'phase. There~are 3 figures. KOLTIK, Ye.D. - 0 New method for measuring 90 phase shift, Trudy inst. Kom stand. mar. i izm. prib. no.67:50-56 162. iMRA .17sll) 1. Vsosoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut metrologii imeni Mendeleyeva. NOLTIKS Ye,D, Nev application of the Hall effect to semiconductorso Priborootroenie no 44-5 AP 161, (MIRA 16SO (Hall effect) (Semiconductors) a- AR4046130 S J'j 12 -clogiya i izmer f, D. t'rlalltlell phLso. cahbrazmg uilvi"e ;;i-tov Koni-ta n 'r, phase shjflf. error, u r Li c le do s cr ibe se v, 7wiging up a cahbrating phase c~-,art"U- IQ ~roic 0 to 360', and succ(::-~6i-vv i,) ;u ps I, by 360* at a frequigic; Of a', ~')o C, -r.l. if) ~---Ialo kiDift road~ngs, ro"F. ~i' 0 to !/36th. matle of irrogulaxitibs t~n :~ .c r~,t.arv rheostat A.1"1404 6130 c- u-,c vaariition in otitput aimpiit"Idlu is '.)rc),juc,--d by line voltage induction (-,n e given of the circuitry and constructioc. -,v; -,j-. -~u',puL 'requencies (--Pu. Triggers in Seal-er circu,:L.~3 JS ~S(-)IatLng the requirad fre.-querici(,,i r! of experimanW teiits of the nts u un-, e: ENCL; KOLTIK, Ye.D. Increasing th e precision of ciraular phaue shift-era. Nov.nauch.- isslrab.po metro VN13M no,4215-16 164- (MIRA 1883) ,L 41403-66 WT (d)/ ACCESSION n: APS024168 UR/0115/6510001008/002510027 I 621.317.772.029.51 AUMOR: Koltik. Ye. D.; Taube, B. S..' Kulemin. A. A. TITLE: The F-200 phasometric device SOURCE: lzmeritellnaya tekhnika, no. 8, 1965, 25-27 t TOPIC TAGS: phase shift analyaLg, instrument calibration equipment, phasel meters to.7 ABSTRACT: Research done at the VKIK im. D. 1. Mendeleyeva 'on precise methods of reproducing phase shifts between two variables showed that for an accuracy of cathode-ray tubes (0.1-0. V) the frequency range of phase calibrators w can be expanded to 2C0-300 kc without frequency convercLon. The basic circuit of the proposed F-200 phasometric device is given and its operation is described. device can be used not only for calibrating or checking phase meters within but also for testing passive and active electric networks. In the of a Frequency converter, the tnput voitagez can be converted to an _'ic, frequency range. Orig. art, has: I figure. (08] ASSOCIATION: none C'rd 1 14- L hhOl-E6 ACCESSION MR: AP5024169 :SUBMITTED: 00 AO REF SOV: 000 ENCL., 00 OTHER.* 000 A" Corel -212~ A 1; -5 tDI 7 37 U 4 T~ "t -71 -14!~ :10-lice f r 7Eir-f 1.31W -zobreteniy i tovartiykh zn~ak.(~v, verv I-ow frxj~]Uqnc~ 3 n A-thor ~;ertlfjxate r)res-:,,n'-j P- low ~-Ont-alns a qupartz oscil.2-ator, a cn-03,3 shap- an amplitude limiter, a ,phaso shifter, and ou t pt t iLm, .:io .nCLO- Szlu3oidal forr, of, 4-Ine -arform t;,ri f-unc-:1- 3 ~ serted to p 3-ts of I.vm integrator.-:) fuld a 'ae~ba,-k d aa n i gram. ~X ENCL; 01 ~V : ;T OTIER , 000 A.K016737 Ly o,-- La t~o r2 - h i ~gh frixi 1 in ncy ~rcult; 4- amDli'u-,;e increment; 6- phasp, sh!4~,o: !a:~, analog calctdating :e ~nver ter 'L 31, tz KOLTIK, Ys.D. Two-channel phase calibrator. Trudy inst. Kom. stand., mer, i izm. prib. no.74:76-89- 163. (MIRA 18110) 1. Vsesoyussrqy nauchno-issladovateltakiy institut metrologii im* D.I.Mandeleyeva, L 42786-66- -JXT(CZ -ACC NR# AR6017186 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/65/000/012/A028/AO28 AUTHOR: Koltik, Ye. D. 49 ORG: nonel< 45. TITLE: Studies at the VNIIM in the field of phase measurements SOURCE: Ref. zh.-Fizika, Abs. 12A282 REF SOURCE: Tr. in-tov Gos. kom-ta standartov, mer i izmerit. priborov SSSR, vyp. 76(136), 1965, 83-91 TOPIC TAGS: phase measurement, phase meter, electronic equipment ADSTRACT: Precise methods and standard equipment are being developed for checking highly accurate single-phase phase meters at the VNIIM JAU-Unton Scientific -Research Institute of Metrology]. The' development of the first phase meters is being carried out in two directions: the development of standard units of measure and of highly accurate phase meters. A method is being developed for L-C-a,d 1/2 LTP(C')'~ Cc', XP6035665 souild oou_~: U11, ./0413/66/000/020/0077/00'17 INWHTOR: Gravin, 0. N.; Koltik, Ye. D.; Kravchenko, S.'A. ORG: none TITL:,~ Addition and subtraction pbq~Le rf az;ed -frqq~jengy Class 21, r f r No. 187148 (announced by the All-Union Sci;~~Ei_flq. Re'pe,o.Xch Institute of 14atralopnr Yjandeleyev (Vsesoyusnjj _naii_ci;~_~-_I~-~ledo ogii)) im. D. I. vatol.lq~~,y institut metrol SOURCE: Izobreteniya, pronVshlennyye obrattay, to.VamW,e:-znaki, no. 20, 1966, 77 MPIC TAGS; phaae meacurement, electric te-st* equipmeht-, ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been iss-ued fpr -an addition and subtraction ph au e me t efor infrared frequenSX waves whi`ch'inp14tp dtt.eniiatorr, for both teated and Fig. 1. Infrared phasereter 4 10 3 Mcilsuring .converter; 2 - rectifier diode, Vol I _:f I I; II:, ____4 --- I"". I , 3 -con verte r '.channels; current integrator,- --- ----- 1 5 --threshold 'element I z; 6 recording device; trigger; 8 - measurement time T-bistable controller, 9-Qummator; U - reference IL n voltaqe; Vtip tested vol~_age Cc 112 UDC: 621 1-7.772 J. L 09942---67-- 4CC NR~ AP6035865 referenced 'ifoltage. The, attenuators are conndcted;*at the 'suvmmttor input, and the' surmtor oAput is coupled to a r-easuring'converte'r 4h~-ch'-in turns is loaded by a iecording unit. To increase accuracy nnd to reduce'zeezurement time, the circ,4it Bhown in Fig. 1is proposed. Origi art. lim --:-A Pigure. SUB CODE: 14/ SUBm DATE: 27Aug65/ ATD PRESS: Card ACC NR, AP7000326 A) SOURCE CODE UR/0413/66/000/022/006610066 BVENMIt Koltik, Ye. D.; Kravchenkop S. A. ORG: none TITLE: Phase-shift calibrator for extremely low frequencies. Class 21, No. 188584. -ifannouaced by All-Union,Scientific Research Institute of Metrology im. D. 1. -ndeleyev. (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issltdovatel'skiy institut metrologii)) SOURCE:- Izobreteniya, promyshleanyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no.122, 1966, 66- TOPIC TAGS: phase measurement, instrument calibration equipment ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a phase-shift calibrator for .extremely low frequencies. The device includes an extremely low-frequency oscillato -r- - with two phase sh.ifters and an indicator of phase-shift increment. To increase Card 1/2 UDC: 621.317.727 :ACC. NRt Ap70003i6 Fig. 1. Calibrator I Extremely low-frequency multiplier; 2 amplitude limiter; 3 - multiplying circuit; 4 - quadrature amplifier; 5 - phase-inverting stage; 6 - phase- 4 shift increment indicator; 7 - extremely. low frequency oscillator; 8 - auxiliary h phase shifter;.9 base D ase shifter L accuracy at a given phase shift, the circuit shown in'Fig. 'l is proposed.- Orig.- art. has; 1 figure. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 16Jul65/ ATD~PRESS:- 5103 Card 2/2 ACC NR AR7000830 SOURCE CODE: UR/0272/66/000/010/0123/0123 Kravchenko, S. A. AUTHOR: Koltik, Ye. D TITLE: Precision phase-shifting devices for the extreme 1-f range SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metrologiya i izmeritelinaya tekhnika, Abs. 10. 32. 886 REF SOURCE: Tr. in-tov Goa. kom-ta standartov, mer t izme.rit. priborov SSSR, vyp. 82(142), 1965, 67-82 TOPIC TAGS: phase shifter, extreme low frequency., e4AI--de ABSTRACT: A method of reproducing the phase shifts between two extreme 1-f i voltages (0. 001-100 cps) with an error of not over a few tenths of one degree is investigated. The theory of the method is explained. Two types of new phase- shifting devices based on the use of electronic and optic al-mechanical devices Pre described. The schematic diagrams of the basic units of the phase-shifting devices and the results of their investigation are giveru There axe eleven illustrations ~ 11 and a bibliography of 3 titles. . P. Agaletskiy. (Translation of abstract] (DW); SUB CODE: 091 Card 1/1 UDC: 621.317.77.084 I* is w tf, 16 -W I AW a a 11 *1 .0 9 x 9 w x a a d a a oico a IF r 02 IKE r, I To mve lee -0 it Appuands for 444tvdutlo detallutim of COPW III croto '14 Af Is " o0o 60 a K~jttp!!k Mud. Lab., 1937. 6. 965-469) -Apparatus is described. R. T. 00.- 00 goo ro x COO It not XGO fo r;j'jL ~ j!&kVRSC&L tfftXW oleo 11"olkTA N. gl~Vl. q4&3va--A . G" v i i I i-I 6w-&W -; I I lee U 0 &T W &S a Md 0 $0 9 1 w so I a c1 3 a T a a lot 'a 2, Ic a 0*16 0 0. 0_ e kC_ E-N- R__j AZOI 0598 Koltnov) Valentin Sermevich Ynno&Taph UR/ Kinetics of reduction-oxidation reactions of uranium, neptunium and plutonium in aqueous solution (KInctika okislitellno-vonstanovitellrwkh reaktsiy urana., nep. -buniya, plutoniya v vodnom. rastvare) 1463cow, Atomizdat., i 965P 3 16 P- biblio. 2300 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: chemical reaction., oxidation reduction reaetion,, uranium, plutonium, neptunium, ion, reaction rate, reaction mechanism PURPOSE AND COVIMAGE: This book reviews'vorks published up through 1964 on the kinetics of - reduction-oxidation reactions of uranium, neptunium wA plutonlum, A description is given of the reactions of thec-o olemnta vith ions of iron, vmiuUum, Utrwdum, corim., thallium,, tin 'willi 0.vgen, lWdrogen percxide, hydrazine, nitric and nitrous acid,, with persulfate,, chlorate and others. Special attchtion in given to the reaction between almilar Ions of uxaniumj plutonium and neptunium inclix1ing the reaction of disproportionalIzatlon. and reproportionalization. Over forty re- actions are included. The book alzo gives data on the sequence of reactions, spec4 constants., activation energy,, as wll as on the effect of cstalyzera,, inhibitors and Ionic strength upm the speed of reactions, Also* therwdynamic degrees of activation are showns and more protable mchaniams of reactions are considered* Ws book can, be useM to engineers in atexle industry,, to university teachers ancl 1/2 :ord - - TJDC.-541,8 s46.791-3/4-46.799,3/.4 A145010598 TABIE CF CMVENTS (abridge): Preface --3 Ch. I . Generai reduction-cocidation properties of the ions of U,, Hp and Pu 5 Ch. II.. Sore reactions of the reduction of NIV) vp to the trivalent state -- 18 Ch, Me Disproportionalization ed' Pu(lV). Wdation, of UUV) and NP (IV) -- 64 Ch. IV,- Reactions reversing the d1sproportionalization of Np(lV) and Pu (IV) .. 97 Ch. V. Disproportionalizaltion. of 11 JV~,$ Np JV~ and Pu ~'V) - 117 Ch. VI, Repropcwtignalization of U V , Np V and Pu V), Reduction of Pu (VI) and Hp (VI) up to the pentavalent state -- 136 ,Ch. VIL Reduction of the hexa- a:A pentavalent ions -up the quatravalent state 173 Ch. VIII. Reactions with o.Vgen wA bydrogen percodde - 194 Ch. IX. Oxidation vith oxygen acid and balogens - 221 Ch, X, Comparison of speed md ue&wAsm of reducti.on-caddation reactions of U., Np Md Pu .. 265 Biblioexapby --313 suB caDE: 07/ StSM DATE: 0l0ct65/'0RIGIRE7:. 019/ GM RIM 122/ Card BAISIEW, Saktagan Baishevichs- KOLTOCIUIIK, N.I., red.; AUTIZOVA., tekhn. red. [Theoretical and historical studies concernir.,a the triumph of socialism in Kazakhstan] Pobeda sotsializma v Kazakhatane; ocherki po teorii I istorii voprosa, Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kazakhskoi SSR 1961. 325 P. (MIRA I/, t 12) (Kdzakhstan-Economic conditions) (Commnism) ARYKOTA, Amilya Idrisovna; MUM. Rakhmat Zhangazovich-, KOLTOML red.; RbROKIYA,Z.PoO tokbn,reC EInproved type of water intake with a screened bottom gal- lery] Muchabannyi tip vodozabora a donnoi reshetchatoi ga- lereei. Alma-Ata, lzd-vo* Akad.nauk Kazakhakoi SSR, 1961. 79 P. (MIRA 14:5) (Water-supply engineering) CHULANOV, Gabdulla Chulanovich; ISIk"'XIOWEDOV, Bukenbay Mergaliyevich; CIIECHELEVA, Tatlyana Vasillyevna; ZIIUBMIUVA2 Zarya Galimovna; KOLTOCMIIKP N.L., red.; ROROKnIA, Z.P., tekhn. red. (Studies on the history of the national econoqr of the Kazakh SoS.R.1 Ocherki istorii narodnogo khosiaistva Ka2akbskoi SSR. [Byl G.Ch.Chulanov i dr. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kazakh- skoi SSR. Vol.2.(From 1926 to June 1941-1 1928 god - iiun' 1941 goda. 1962.. 374 p. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SM, Alma-Ata. Institut ekonomiki. (Kazakhstan-Economic conditions) "The effect of various types Of KQLTQMQyA,-H.-D-.:. t;p~er Me& Sci (aiss) -- stimulating therapy on the protein content of blood in chronic mtrition disorders of young children". Novosibirsk) 1958. 18 pp (Tomsk State Me& Inst), 220 copies (KL, NO 1, 1959, 123) q too '11- U a -30 r a n-i-g L a a td 0 tl;, I 004 A 1762. PROPSMR TYPE WATER TURBINES. 101taus As Yu- (Kotloturbostroonte -40 (Boiler and Turbine VanUf.), Sept.-Oot. 1948, (5), 12-16)~ The 9# author examines problem or water flow arisine from the substitutica we* 90 of propeller tM turbines for the normal type, reexamines the -00 09t assuiSptions which are camonly made in calculating turbine rumors voe and Ives r"sults of experiment,, on models of propeller tno turUnos4 000 C410 04 00 awe jiL A - I L A AfTALUIRCKAL LIM44*1 CLAISN'KAYMP age sit., vg 4~ I.;.*j .$# G~. Cal eli-lii'~Q act U AD L J I ; IN FWD it 011C64*10 4 1 0 11 KM 11 K= a a YA 0 0 a 0.0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * a * 0 0 be 9, 0" 0 0 0 * 0 00 00 0 0000 to 0-9 0 OJ2-0 9 0 0 6 * 0 0 0 0 O's : : :1 ~- ,-PI12099. _AOTU I kand. tekhn. nauk; ZTMAW. 7*2., kand. tekhn. nauk. Investigation and development of a high-speed adj-astable-blada rw=r* Eftudyl rM no*4t5m18 057. (KUL 11M (4draulic turbines) 124-58-6-6686 Translation froni: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 6, p 54 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kolto A. U., Kuzminskiy, S.S. TITLE: On the Selection of Basic Parameters for Curved Draft Tubes of Variable -pitch-blade Water Turbines (K voprosu o vybore osnovnykh parametrov izoghutykh-atsasyvayushchikh trub povorotnolopastnykh gidroturbin) PERIODICAL: V sb., Gidroturbostroveniye. Vbl-4., Moscow- Leningrad, Mashgiz, 1957, pp 37-42 ABSTRACT: The results of experiments on a series of turbines of different, specific-speeds equipped with geometrically similar draft tubes of different heights are given. The- relationship between the efficiency of a turbine and its height is determined. A turbine equipped with a curved draft tube is found,to be less efficient than one equipped with'a straight tube. The use of tubes with a variable angle of divergence appreciably increases the efficiency of a turbine as compared to tubes with a constant angle of divergence. This angle must be considerably greater in the inlet portion of the tube than in the outlet portion. Practical recommendations are advanced for the construction of. Card 1/1 hydroelectric power plants. B. V. Aronov 1. Turbines--Design 2. Turbines--Performance 3. Turbines--Equipment AW 7? 1~t I 14).X42, I 1.11 ARORSONO A.Ya.,. Inzh'; KCWCN, A.Tu kand. takhn. nauk. 7 --- ' --"' Study of the dynamics of turbine o ration. during dropping of I aoreene mounted In the draft tubeWadyl ZMZ no*'4.-259-272 157, (Ardraulic turbines) (MM IltO 25(2); 10(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/1421 Kolton, Abram Yudovich, and Isaak Ellyevich Etinberg 08novy teorii i gidrodinamicheakogo rascheta vodyanykh turbin (Prin- ciples of Theory and Hydrodynamic Design of Hydraulic Turbines) Moscow, Mashgizo 1958. 357 P. 3,000 copies printed. Reviewer: L.A. Simonov, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Ed.: V.P. Gurlyev, Candioate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: Ye.K. Gofman; Tech. Ed.: R.G. Pollskaya; Manafing Ed. for Litera- ture on the Design and Operation of Machinery Leningrad Division, Mashgiz): F.I. Fet18OV. PURPOSE: This book is intended for designers and researchers in the field of hydraulic machinery building and may also be used by Stu- dents specializing in power-machinery building. COVERAGE: The book dea18 with problems of hydrodynamics related to hydraulic reaction turbines. Basic theoretical principles and modern methods of hydrodynamic design for various types of turbines are presented. In preparing the material the authors utilized the valuable experience of Ua (Leningrad Metal Works) and followed, Card 1/8 Principles of Theory (cont.) SOV/1421 in general, the approach developed by I.N. Voznesenskiy, A.F. Lesokh1n, and L.A. Simonov. Use was made of exiDerimental work, done by -the 4ydraulic turbine laboratory of the' Leningrad Metal Works and research done by VIGM (All-Union Institute of Hydrau- lie-machinery Building).,the Leningrad-Polytechnic Institute imeni Kalinin and the Moscow Higher Technical School imeni N.Ye. Bau- man. CAapters 1,VVI, and VIII were written by'I.E. Etinberg, and Chapters II,IIIOIVOVII and IX by A.Yu. Kolton. The authors thank personnel of the design department and laboratory of the Leningrad Metal Works and their supervisor N.N. Kovalev, Corresponding Mem- ber of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, for valuable assistance in preparing the book. There are 40 references, 39 of which are Soviet, and 1 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. I. Purpose of Hydromechanloal Design and Principles for Nodel Testing Hydraulic Turbines 5 1. General-premises 5 card 2/8 Principles of Theory (Cont.) SOV/1421 2. Principles for model testing hydraulic turbines 7 3. Cavitation phenomena in hydraulic turbines and the cavita- tion coefficient- 15 Ch. 11. Hydromechanical Principles of Hydraulic Reaction Tur- bines 19 4. Basic concepts 19 5. Axially-symmetrical flow 20 6. Graphical-analytical method of plotting meridional axially-symmetrical potential flow 26 7. Basic assumptions on the form of flow In various types of turbines 32 8. The basic turbine equation 34 Ch. III. Application of the Profile-grid Theory to the Design of Axial-flow Turbine Runner Wheels 37 9. Basic concepts 37 10. Zhukovskiy ['Jo'ukowski] theorem of lift 41 11. Determination of forces acting on the grid profile during plane-parallel flow of an ideal fluid 43 12. Relationship between circulation and the direction of Card 3/8 Principles of Theory (Cont.) SOV/1421 inflow 46 13. Derivation of the relationship between velocities ahead of wd behind the grid 48 14. Determination of axial-turbine shaft torque 53 15. The lift method 54 16. Basic methods of calculation for plane potential flow through straight profile grids 57 17. Use of the method of particularities Jn~sdlvin& the problem, of flow around a body 61 18. Calculation of flow around a thin and slightly-eranked wing 73 19. Leubkhin-Simonov method of designing profile'grids of Infinitely small thickness atagtven distftbution of vortexes 81 20. Method of calculating a flow around the grids of infini- tely thin profiles of a given form 88 Electrohydrodynamic analogy method (EGDA) 91 Ch. IV. Spiral Casings 100 22. Form of flow in a spiral casing 100 23. Design of tee mms section spiral casings 103 Card 4/8 Principles of Theory (Cont.) SOV/1421 24. Design of circular cross section spiral casings 108 25. Effect of spiral casing on the general characteristics of a turbine 110 26. Design of stay-ring profiles 119 Ch. V. Guide Apparatus 121 27. Purpose of the guide apparatus 121 28. Geometricparameters and basic problem of the hydraulics of radial guide apparatus 123 29. Flow formed by the radial guide apparatus 128 30. Height and maximum opening of guide apparatus for tur- bines of different speed ratings 133 31. Head losses in the radial guide apparatus and the effect of vane profile form on the magnitude of losses 135 32. Determination of hydrodynamic forces acting on guide- apparatus vanes 145 Ch. VI. The Axial-flow Turbine Runner-wheel 159 33. Relationship of an axial-flow turbine's handling capa- city to the geometry of the runner wheel and its casing 159 Card 5/8 Principles of Theory (Cont.) SOV/1421 34. Twist of flow"at the,exit of a runner wheel and the axial-flow regime 167 35. Relationship of angle of attack and lift coefficients to the operating regimes of a turbine 36. Energy losses in a runner wheel and propeller character- 171 Istics IL73 37. Analysis of combined characteristics and the relation ship between axial-fiow turbine speeds and the geometry of a runner wheel 176 38o TlWist of axial runner-wheel vanes 181 39. Type Of flcw through runner-Wheel passages at nonrated regimes 190 40 Selection of runner-wheel design regimes 195 41. The axial-flow turbine cavitation coefficient 196 42. Relationship between the axial-flow turbine cavitation coefficient and the geometric parameters of runner-wheel 43. vanes 202 Relatioship between cavitation coefficient and turbine 44. operating regimes 215 Determination of hydrodynamic forces acting on &xIaI Card 6/ 8 Principles of Theory (cont.) ~ov/1421 54. Experimental modifications of the radial-axial runner- wheel 294 55. Determination of axial forces acting on the runner-wheel of an axial-radial turbine 297 Ch. VIII. Draft Tubes 304 56. Basic information on draft tubes 304 57. Straight draft tubes 312 58. Elbow-type draft tubes 321 Ch. IX. Special Hydrodynamic Feature& of Axial-flow Reaction Turbines With Axial Guide Apparatus 335 59. Form of flow in axial guide apparatus 335 60. Design of the axial guide apparatus 341 61. Approximate determination of kinematic characteristics of flow in an axial-flow turbine with axial guide ap- aratus 346 62. Flow around the runner-wheel vanes of an axial-flow tur- bine (with axtal Silde q*amtus),under prqpeller and omtdmd r%tnm 350 Bibliography AVAILABLEi Library. of Congress GolefM Card 8/8 5-8-59 ORGOP V,M,, kand.teklin.nauk; KOLTON,, A.Yu.., kand.tekhn.nauk Fields of application and efficient operation of various types ot horizdntal hyilraulic turbines. Energomashinostroenia 7 no,10:5-9 0 161. OUU 14: 10) (Hydraulic turbines) rj KOLIX)LIJ, A Yu. , kLinn . tP-k~n, nruk 9& tTVjKtj1,' P I N . y in-,? h . j 9Tt. J3FFG , I . E I -,c-khr. nauk. I .~aalo prinolples of thn estflblkhmorit of new nomenclature on large Kaplan and Francin-typo hydraulic turbines. [ T rudy ] U4Z no.1009-52 164. (MIRA M12) KO u., kand. tekbn. nauk, NFVSKIYj D.Yu., inzh. ~. ! 2 1L~T 0~., Y Y Development and, study of the runners of the turbines of the Krasnoyarsk Hydrolectric Power Station. (Trudy] LMZ no.10:53-79 164. (MIRA l8sl2) KOLTON, A.Yu., kand. tekhn. nauk; KVI, A.V., inzh. Construction of a meridional flow with consideration of the blade constrainment. (Trudy] LMZ no.10:96-104 164. (MIRA 18:12) 'K -'R,,,oo5864 Mekhanlka, Abs, LIBILP n, 05. A. Flxl r Y- of raillation In pr(blew of 'L~ :Lu ix strema ap. Ueaingz. gorn. in-ta, v. 44, vao, ersonic flow, gas 'vuami~.S' YE%~ I!, :Qr p A syste-m of gasdymnam.cs equations, waLch account T4- 4 _gt the emrV 4eislty n~~, pt---kaA -h t grg density by thle risc-D-ity &r'~. ".I--Cf Rcc- of the lc~~ i s tbc,,--ma*;.!y ilnc-O -A e ly b 11 a c k n ,,f the problem I g t 1.e'' gh R it~rilca In pc"ra of c OnlY to imflnite ccmpr-~Vsloll tx-" tz,~.knn A" ang the pr--Nb--', em reduce: to tiie go Lut 1 jr, ~i Inem- 11 -..egr a I- --.qua - -!rm Ination of tha entiiA-Lpy- ll.~? ga,- temperata p ro -1 -2- ne ~,)r i; n a ap, r, e. rp~ .Jer problen=i the emp p- r a t,,u-- r e j-i,,i I n.rtaa~naxlEei in h e wil i rAt the qhOck layer with the Lsxcerl iof~ e vlf,tnity 01 wiLl -~h tl--,e floa tates place, orherl~ ~,e 1!1 quite b)/Fe )/PC S I, k) _4 S A0 3: tj -a;~090 /00 3 10 103 10 109 G A, t.-oun radiattve gas f IQW near the -4 t 3g5.a~ inn point of a r a d Un ive i-aitet, VaotnLlk. e ma c e tza c t 8 t r,--. n omi n o . 3 , 19 6 4 P e r z on ic -- f 1.3w h t. a t conti -.1 7, raji ative gas 9 tagnati~n point 1 g v i a C Qua F r eaman -Che ruy me thod L r rI,,:,: radlatfve g-ag a c. a n ri r, n t o y D I a s i p a t i on , ul a n. v e v~-.e Y,~y , r ad i - S;.Irtl and tho effect of r.! q m f o w The metho~i n a %j t . o n oa tieglected. rhe ~av inthalpy. OTI XnteRldL eQj.-L. i-h!~ 3,,-~IutiOn of a ;phere is ht by sucressiva *pprox"ma*-,c-;;. as an axample. The me tnod -.1 ~-, a ., q? ,, . ,ponatt~12 to deter- AP4044460 Ii "no .11 r a tu re d i a t r I.bu t i on i n a si( I a T!? v a;- a r t b e i t a gna tion r t h a a t 14 formulas. none y 6 3 ATD PRESSt 309' F, tic: L 00 "its, AS 40 RZF SOVI 00 OTHER 1 001 w1sim(O-11 W- iV t__W, (71 v-5bf-4/Pub W iA (c) Pd 4 AP501213h UR/r,(34 10~5 /c"O-12/0118/0126 flov of inviBeid radiating gns patit 4 --onr i. 1--bivreeraltet. Ves~~Iik. me~haniltl i ~v -ypersonic lric?V4 iwvi_scid gas, ru,'-~'O'Iriz ',I; .n, abc-rption oefficient, red'-at z: ir~ i --t v- Wemonic ent"m1py "e - .)F radi--ticr. on Cnal-q gam f1:)v -or, s, i dere d. A Sys tene f ~~q-up_! -,Ilh rp_dati:-n ,int. is writteft an~ i-a reduced -a equa~,.'on for i n g tne "bo,,-m dary I aye r " me ~ roc) J rn!,y -rid -3thera, 0101V a 1 jmjttj-~;~ so! S ml i d :-_rsi,,)n of the gas tehind a z3.1,ot_-x -4av~ 0. 7he flow of racii-ating gas p&s! a 0 -_,0n a i de re d tig cases : 1) "Otal Ion of a with A semiapex -nd 25 km iu az -n-i -As- x ~zq_ x, c - t: e as ~4 nii, an n o I m"Emi Mllm _ m _ _ !RF~ AP5012134 -w-Ln absorption coefficient of the gaz dep-a,,~dq on the lezverat-arr- Iaa 3LioA wave at the tip of the clone 'a an e.-V-~)M~sLon 1 E; ho 3hock waye cur-vat am w i t h 1 S~4 '.bated gas b,-hind m shcc3c vavr- influers- i-ie heat ~%pa-ity, lad t4a. tha.~W."MiQR of ukaiwii~e ~"&f 6-&-w- dzwtA wave aw teqmraturea ast the vall snd it the t-;,,,, o," 'he cone. Tiis oo- extended to by"rcoaic fow past a sharp-noge of r-evoLlition rhaDe. Orig. art. his: 17 fo rmu I as AB) ENCT,; 0C. 0) DES T ~ );-,: IqF---~~ 324%, r,7,C. TO AISW IA/, ------ Kama= V "Possibility and Extent of Applied Ultrasonic Methods to the Study of Ores" Byull. Polskoy Akad. Nauk. OtAl. 4s No 3j 1953s pp 125-128 ,�ras , lime- Velocity and ab3orption of uli~ ound in various ores (anhydride, salt stone,, coal,, sand) were stucKed in laboratory conditions in the frequency range of 30-150 ko- It was f(mnd that absorption slightly rises in the fre- quency range of 30-80 kc and imereases ravidly over 80 kc. Velocities were measured on cylindrical specimens by means of the standing wave. Longitudinal waves moved at a 4000 meters/sec velocity in salt. Authors consider this method useful for study of ont structure. (RViFizs No 11, 1954) SO: W-311879 8 Mar 55 KOLTONSKII W. "Synthesis of Plane and Achievements of Modern Electroacous ties") p 334., (TIZECILAD TELEY0YUITIKAGYJNYp Vol. 27, No. 11, Nov. 1954, Warszava, i1oland) SO: Monthly List of East D.iropean Accessions, (EEAL), IrI9 Vol. 41 tro. 51 May 1955, Uncl. KOLTO-SKI) 1-.alecki, L. Using ultrasonics in research on the 5trticture of homogenous geologic deposita. P- 157- A RCHII-MIM 0011INICT;J'A IHUTINICNIA, Waruzawk, Vol. 3, no. 2, 10155- S(): Monthly List of Ea3t Europep.~n Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol, 4, no. 10, Oct, 1955) Uncl. KOITOINSKI~ W. "Few Possibilities for Applying Supersonic Waves", p. 41, (PRZEGLAD TELEKOMUITIHACUITY, Vol. 28, No., 2, Feb. 1955, Warszam, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East Ettropean Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. --A PoLtM/AcouBties Ultrasonics j-4 Abs Jour Hof Zhur Fizika, No 41 1959, No 6585 ;.uthor Koltonski Vaclaw _M_ Inst siltute-o-r-Ne-ra-Mchnical Problems, Poland Title t Investigation of~Hock and Paw Materials of,Rock by Mwms of Ultrasonics Orig Pub : Proc. II conf. ultrason., 1956. Warozaim, FW', 1957, 155-161 Abstract : The author reports the results of an investigation of the pos- sibility of using ultrasonics in mining, for the investiga- tion of rocks aml the commercial raw material obtained from rocks. An investigation of the absorption of ultrasound makes it possible to &Dtect deposits of limestone and sandstone with desired meahanio:Ll properties, and also to classify rapidly felspars as a fuiction of their SiO content. A study of the propagation of ultrasonic pulsA at the deposit of noun- tain rocks makes 'it possible to observe the presence of cracks, various discontinuities, and stratification of gran- ites and basalts. A possibility is indicated of defecto- Card 1/2 KOLTONSKI, WAGLAW ' "outlines of the theory of transmiasion and reproduction of sterophonic sounds" p. 57 (PanstwoweWydawn. Naukowa, 1958s Warsaw, Poland) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Tol. 8, No. 1., Jan. 50. A-01-rOlVS,o~-IWACLAW PITASS I BCOX E"LOITATION FOL/5981 SYmPosium an RisatranAouatili Transducers. KrynIca, 195$ Proceedings of the Srpooluift on Eloctroacaustic Trazeducors [held in] Vxyniod, 17-26 September, 1958. hlnranw, Panstuowo Wydawnictwo Naukows, 1961. 442 p. Errata slip innartod. 610 ooplon printed. Sponnoring Agencyl Pollsh,AaadwV of Saiencen. Institute of Basic Technical Problems. FA. In Mori Janusz1acp;,"ovski, Doctor of Sol-inecal Editing Cormittost Ignacy Halecki, Profes3or, Doctor or Soloncon; Vinconty Pajowoki, Notor; and Jorz7 Wahr, Master or Scienceii; Socrotaryt Juliuaz Hierzolovoki. FURPOSEs, This book Is 133tonded for plWaloicts and acoustical engineers. COVEWSs The book in a colloction of -detailed research papers constituting the proceedings of a conference hold in Krynica rrom 17 to 26 Soptetbor 1958 under ,the auspioeA of the In,DtAtute or Taobnical Problems, Polith Acadomy of Scievoes. Card 2/8 Symposium on Electroacoustic Trwisducers POL/5981 Ch. 3. Design and Properties of Electroacoustic Transducers 28. 'Intermodulation distortion in loudspeakets. Joseph Merhaut 29. On the behavior of second-order gradient microphones In the near field. Carl Feik 30. Certain problems of loudspeakers In stereophony and pseudo- stereophony. Waclaw K olt',buski 31. Fossibilities Of efficiency of electromechanical transducers applied to elimtrodynamic loudspeakers. Zoltan Barat 32. Methods for mechanical dataping of dynamic loudspeakers by the application of porous materials. L. Keibs 33. Combined slectroacoustic transducers with the directivity charac- - teristic rotating azimuthally. Jerzy K. Skrzela 34. Experimental research on the radial ultrasonic field of the cylindrical barium titanate transducer. T. Tarnoczy and A. Illenyl, 35. Construction of up-to-date electroacoustic transducers. Stevan Milosavljevia Card 6/8 275 335 313 327 337 345 Symposium on Electroactoustic Transducers POL/5981 Wide-band loudspeaker with a variable angle diaphragm cone. Vaclaw Kd1t 45, pp cation of metallized plastics to diaphragms of con- denser microphones. Jan Ryll.-Nardzewski 46. Application of tran4etoA-caverters to the polarization of condenser transducers. Jan-ty.11-Nardiewski. 1+7. Bleo-trocapillary transducer. Bogm.Marner,, Saturnina Woszczerowigsp-.gW"Z4ieczyslati Kowalski- AVAILABLE: Librsx7.of Congress SUB=T. r Blectric.Power (Electronials) 415 4W 421 435 SK/dmp/"gmp 7-5-62 KOLTONSKI, Waclaw The petroscope., an ultrasonic apparatus for testing building rocks* Przegl geol 10 no.10-.4,34--536 0 162. 1. Instytut Podstawowych Froblemow Tecbnjldg Folska Akademia Ifauks Warazawa, KOLTONSKI. Aeldw dr inz. Objective method of stereophonic effect control. Przegl telekom [i.e. 361 no.1:1-3 A 163. KOLTONSKI Vaclaw Optim= listening conditions for stereo and its objective control. Rozpr elektrotechn, 9 nool/?:117-136 163. 1. Instytut Podstawowych Problemow Techniki, Polska kkademia Nauk, Zaklad Badania, Drgan, Warapawa. KOLTOISKI, Waclaw, dr.; LMOWSKI, Jan, mgr inz.; Influence of ultrasound on activation of chemical processes, Frzegl telekom 35 [i.e. 36) no. 9:253-258 163. 1. Zaklad Elektroakustyki, Politechnika, Warszawa. KOLTODISKII Waclaw Testing some properties of a rock mass by the acoustic method. Rozpr inz PAN 13 no.1:147-186 165. 1. Department of Vibrations of the Institute of Basic Technical Problems of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Submitted IMay 8, 1964. KOLTOITR., A. N. - I .--I Davydovskiy, I. V. and Koltover, A. N. "On the morrholo&7 and mechanism of develop- ment of brain apoplexy in hypertonic diseasoll, Trudy Chetvertoy sessii Akad. red. nauk SSSR, M.scow, 19L8, p. 30-33- 3O: U-28882 12 Feb. 53., (Letopis' Zhurnal IrWkh Statety, No. 2, 1949). TOLTOM, Lungs - Tumors Pulmonary adenomatosts in wan. Arkhiv pat. 13 no. 6. 1951. (Voekva) Iz Kafedry patologieheskoy anatomii (zav.-prof. 1. V. Davydovekty) lechebnogo fokulltata 2-go Moskovskogo gO#udaratvennogo.meditsinL;kogo instituta Imeni 1. V Stalina. rcd.. 6 Decmeber 1950. so: Mo List of Russian Accessiona Library of Congress,, April 1952 J$*1 Uncl. 1OM,-AZ!t (Kgekva.) Gastrointestinal changes in hypertension; gastrointestinal crisis in bypertensions Arkhpet, 18 no.8:30-39 156. Wa 10: 2) 1. Is kafedry patologichaskoy anatomiL (say. - daystvitellnyy chlan AkM SSSR I.V.Pavydovskiy) It Moskovskogo' gosudaretvannogo meditsin- skogo instituta imeni Stalina, (GASTRUMST-IRiL SYSTSK, in various diseases. hypertension Uua)) (HYPOTINSIM. pathol' W-e gastrointestinal system (Rus)) -7 7. iXCERPTA MEDICA SeC 5 Vol 12/10 General Path Oct 59 3044. THE MO[WHOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS OF HYPERTENSIVE CRISES (Russian text) - K o I t o v e r A. N. Dept of Pathol. Anat.. 11 Med. Inst.. Moscow - ARKH.PATUE. 21/3 (15-21) In hypertension the increase in blood pressure is less dangerous than the crises which are observed in this disease. 'I'lie organs of 40 patients with hypertension and 5 subjects who had died from t-hronic renal diseases accompanied by urnemia were examined, Two kinds of changes were observed in lite vessels: (1) compen- satury-adaptive processes such as hyperclastosis, muscular hypertrophy and elastofibrosis and (2) acute changes developing during the crisis - plasmatic imbibition of lite vascular wall, necroscB. aneurysms with rupturt, -,Ii#A stasis. Vascular spasins with paralysis of the vascular wall. and capillary and vvnuus stasis %%ere to be seen. Three degrees of severity of a trisis are dist'liguished; (1) rapidly disappearing plasmatic-haemorrhagic parietai imbibition, sometimes below the subendothelial layev, (2) deep damage of all parietal layers by protein masses and blood with necroses, small thrombi and miliary aneurystils: (3) vascul- ar ruptures with haemorrhages (apoplexies). Sometimes the criiies show no clinical signs though anatomical changes are present. they may have a limited loi~ali4ation but also may devclo~ simultaneously in many vascular regions and organs. In order of frequency the pancreas comes first, followed by the brain, kidneys and gastru- intestinal tract. In the hrain the crises are often at!compaiiicd by havinorrhages and ischaemic necroses; microancurysms are also formed. which is only ex- tremely rarely observed in the kidneys. Perivascular infiltrations are very fre- quent.alon the ve.-:sels of the gastrn-intestinal tract. Brandt - Berlin g. KOLTOVER9 A.N.; FIDMINA~ I.GQj*, GARMSHKINAl I.V* Features of brain damge iii thrombosis of -the internal carotid artery at different levels. Arkh. pat. 22 no. 11:72-78 160. (MIRA 14:1) (BRAIN-.-BLOOD VESSELS) KOLTOVER, A.N.; GAMJUSHKINA, I.Y.; LYUDKOVSKAYA, I.G. So-called oblit6rating endarteritis of the cerebral vessels in thrombalio of the internal carotid artery. Zhxw.. nevr. i psikhio 61 no.5:637-664 1161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Laboratoriya patomorfologii nervnoy sistemy (zav., -dotsent A.N. Koltover) Inatituta nevrologii (dir. - prof. N.V.Konovilov) AM SSSR, (THRO14BOSIS) (ARTERIES-ZISEASES) . (BRAIN-BLOOD SUPPLY) KOLTOVER, A.N.; LYUDKOVSKAYA, I.G. Morphological changes. in. the brain following rupt*G of an anewrysm of the system of anterior cerebral arteries. Zhur. nevr. i psiklL.61-no.8:1182-1186 161. (I-MU 15:3) 1. Laboratoriya pat .omorfologii norvnoy sistamy (zav. - dotsent A.N. Koltover) Instituta. nevrologii (dir. - prof. H.V. Konovalov) AMN SSSR,, Moskva. q (BRAIN) (INTRACHANIAL ANEURYSMS) KOLTOVER, A.N.; LYUMOVSKAYAp I.G.- Mmina); VERESHCHAGINI K.V. (Hoskn) Pathogenesis and morphology of disorders of cerebral blood circu- lation in diseases of the carotid and vertebral arteries. Arkh. Pate 24 no*8al8-26 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz laboratorii patomorfologii nervnoy sisterq (zav. - dotsent A.F. Koltover) Instituta nevrologii AMN SSSR (dir. - prof. N.V. Konovalov). (CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE) (CAROTID ARTEPY-DISEASES) (TMMBRAL ARTERY-DISEASES) KOIPTOVER A N LEBEDEVA, N. V. Acuto3,v developing foci.of gray softening in the brain. Nauch. trudy Inst. nevr. AMU SSSR no.D474-485 16o. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut nevrologii ANN SSSR. (BRAIN--SMrMING) (APOP=) (GEMM ARTERIOSC=OSIS) KMTOVER, A. N.; GANNSHNINAj 1. V. ; MINA, I. G. Morphological obanges in the brain in thrombosis of the internal carotid artery. Report No. 1. flauch. trudy Inst. nevr. AMN SSst no.i:486-498 16o. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut nevrologii AHN SSSR. (TBROMSIS) (CAROTID ARTERY--DISEASES) (GEMRAL ARTLUOSOLEROSIS) SM4IDT, Ye.V.; VERESHCHAGIN, N.V.,*p KOLTOVER,, A.N.I_BRAGINAP LAO Role of the pathological sinuosity of the carotid and vertebral arteries in disorders of cerebral ciruclation. Zhur.nevr.i psikh. 62 no.&1149-1159 Ag 162. (KIRA 15212) 1. Institut nevrologii (dlr. - prof. N.V.Konovalov) AHN SSSR, Moskva. (CMMROVASCUIAR DISEASE) (VERTEERAL'AhTERY-DISEASES) (CAROTID ARTERY-DISEASES) KOLTOVER, A.U.; LYTJDKOVSKAYA, I.G.; GANIAMPKINA, I.V. I: Morphological changes in the brain in various localizations of the thrombus in the internal carotid artery. Nauch. inform. Otdo nauche med. infoxm. A144 SSSR nool;56-58 161. (MITU 16:11) 1. Institut nevrologii (direktor- deystviteltnyy chlen AHN SSSR prof. N.N. Konovalov) AM SSSR, Moskva. S "254/63/000/002/002/003 I L I%-lr%. i~Gltcvoy, B. 17 LE: The planet of riddles - Nauka i zhyttya, no. 2, 1963, 28-29 A popular review d-;, icu6qJ,,,, 1-ities of -arS, There is I. figure. ZIIITCA4IRSKIY,- V.K* -[tr-a--n-s-l-at-o-r-].,-KOLTO~YYB, [translator]; UZEIK., G.V.-- prof.., red.; SIDOFDV, V.Ya.., red.; BELEVA., M.A., tekhn. red. (High temperatures in aircraft structures; articles translated from the English] Problemy vysokikh temperatur v aviatsionnykh konstruktsi- iakh; sbornik statei. Moskva., Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, .1961. 595 P. (High temperatures) Tbermal stresses) (Airplanes) (113RA 14:12) WUSIKA, Paj4el; AROINSKI, Antoni; KOLTOWSKI, IVszard General anesthesia in remcrring foreign bodies from the esophagus. with the aid of esophagoseopy. Polski przegl. chir. 33 no.7/9: 1066-1068 161. 1. Z 11 Kliniki Chirurgicmaj AM we Wroolawiu Kierownik: prof; dr W. Bross. (ESOPHAGUS for bodies) (AMMIMIA GENERAL) BROSS, W,; KU6TRZYCKI, A.; DEC, L.; _~O~LTOWSK~IR-;~_BHOSS, T. Electrocardiographic studies In cases of defects in the inteauricular septum. Kardiol. Pol. 5 no.1;13-18 162. 1. z ii K-liniki Chi-rurgieznej Kierownik: prof. dr W. Bross I z Kliniki Nafrologicznej A14'we Wroolawiu Kicrownik: prof. dr. Z-Wilctot. (MART SiMUM abnorm) (ilECTROMILDIOGWHY) SOKOLOVI Ye.Ya., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. LLOLTS, George, inzh. "Engineering and economic principles of heating from central stations" by I.D,Stenchesku. Reviewed by E.IA.Sokolov. Teploenergetika 9 no 12:89 D 162. (MIRA 16sX) (Heating irom central stations) (Stenchesku, I.D.) KOLTS, George,, kand. tekhn. nauk Optimim value of the caloulatimml hourly oentral heatinir coeffioient in M syrtem. Izv. vyB. uche% wr,; energe 7 no,6t6l-69 Je 164 MIRI 17 38) 1. Moskovskiy ordena Unina onergeticheskiy institut. Pred- stavlana kafedroy toploanergoanabzheniya promyshlennykh predpriyatiy. XMITIS, Ye. Gytologic classification of myeloma. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi no,W8-31 165* (MIRA 181' 1 Is 3-ya kafedra terapii (zav. - deystviteltrqy chlen 9IN SSSR prof. I.A.Kassirskiy) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vraohey, Mosk7a. .IM IA I Furnaces Conve er lrurnncf~ fox, t,~mlcring linavy- steel shef-t,- Vest. mmsh., '72, Nc. 2, 195". 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October -1951, Uncl. 2 MIRSKIY, Yu,-A.; KOLTSA, N.T. Compartment-type furnaces for chemical and heat treatment. Metalloved. i term. obr. met, no.9:8-9 S 164. (MIRA 17:11) ~ 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut alektrotermicheakogo oborudovaniya i institut "Teploproyakt". oaf I 1 0 4 5 1 A 00 A as 00 64 00 90 00 00 So 3 oew 00 ij; 1 is is m is -00 .04D .00 goo zoo coo Coo 4:99 IF at if 1.1 m 4 % AV 10 _iT~ so 00 010 0 0 9-0 41 0 0 0 0.0 0 000 ifa r__Q, R, bit k-,e -tie Goitiomm isdiVAce (at synthaticia benzine. V_ V. KtA*txcv. U,S,S&. 66,08, July 31, INfl. h(cITUS, 7mf Stad the C il Fatifird with the alid of Stegul. 11111R Witter 0% iq "mulvinell With III, 11"l-Atv 00 NI, 11-ch 1-00 Cleo KOLITSLif V. 14. and K. G. CMIAYCV. Tekhnicheskoe normirovanie f omovochriykh rabot. Moskva, Ylashgiz, 19148. 282 p. diagrs. Technical rating of molding work. DLC: TS230-C45 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. WOLITSOVI t. D. - - - -- . I - . - - -- Kol"vsov, ~. D. -, "0a wn experiment of the orgi~.niz;~.tiozi of ---o1*11: of section. w.eranomiv.7- in line iith the a6ro-tecmAcw-I servicinE of the koDchozes, 11 T-n sy---:.osjum.: I)r;k1-;;-eq 2-7 Resp. kinf-tsil Uariysk. ASSR, KozmodemlyiMsk, 1~48, P. 30-52 SO: U-3600, 10 JalY 53, (Letopia tZhurnal InyYn StiIey, No. 05, 1949). IMITSOTO Ffktural plant growing exhibits. Maulm i pered.op.v sellkhos. 7 no.6:8-10 Jo 157. (MM 10:7) 1'. Machallnik upravlenlya propa&udy I oformlonlya Toesoyuzuoy Sel'okokhozyaystvennoy' vyatsvkI. (Field,crops-Exhibitions) 'iAKNOVSKIT, red.; BILYAYNT, B.I., red.; VOLNYANSKIY, A.Kov red.; KAKINSKIY. D 9:: red KOLITS OVSYANKIN, V:I red:! red.; KUMMO N.M., red.; , PRIVALOV, U.N., red.; KHRAHUSHIgo A.Mot red.; MISTOV. V.S., red.; UDOD. T.Ya., red.1zd-va; TXHKIVA. [Papers and rarorts of the section on industrial construction. assembling and specialized work of the All-Union Conference on Construction) Doklady i soobahchaniia. Koskya, Gos.izd-,fv lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1958. 438 p. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Voesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po stroitel'stvu. Moscow, 1958. Sektsiya promyshlonnogo stroitel'stva, montazhnykh i spetsializi- rovannykh rabot. (Building) J2 pMUV -ct c,,? --,JL TK I-A v I)ISC Of efj "I"Lluc UI-N WAWX OiRio, M5, S,;- i~ & Mo considora the ttw flux SrA am tnjc,:,Id c urr etfr ~E Z~: cuopt for m s".on&r iw ~W ~Vl 7 lt~ t f cla"Ilics 41 oc -Q-4 rcs~;!s fcrz*3. 2~-e~ ~11-n- 103-19-3-919 AUTHORSs Kolltsov, A. A. Kulikovskiy, L. F. (Kuybyshev) TITM A Telemetering Compensation Device for Linear Displacements (Telemetricheskoye kompensatsionnoye ustroystvo lineynykh peremeshcheniy) PERIODICALa Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 1958,Vol.19,Nr 39pp.280-264(USSR) ABSTRACT: One of the many possibilities, for the use of a ferrod~mamic measuring mechanism with independent excitation and recti- linear displacement of the mobile part is the application of two such measuring mechanisms in one set. This set is a telemetering apparatus for the peasurement of small and large displacements or of other'quantlties convertible into these displacenents. An induction servosystem of linear dis- placements is investigated here which can be used in *auto- mation and in remote control. The measuring mechanism was zuggcoted by L. P. Kulikovskiy and A. A. Kol*tsov and worked out The test sample was produced in the Laboratory of the Chair for "Automatiev Remotely Controlled and Measuring Instruments and Devices" in the Institute of the Industry, Card 1/2 Kuybyshev@ A.short theory of the system and the technical 103-19-3-9/9 A Tele~etering Compensation Device for Linear Displacements data of the conetrwtion are given. The experiments on the model of the apparatus,showed high efficiency of the magnetic circuit. The factor of uti'-'ization of the mag- netic flow was equal to 0,7. There are 7 figures and I reference ubich is Soviet. SUBMITTEDt May 31, 1957 Card 2/2 USCOM-M-6o6oa 11 Y, 14(5)p 28(l) SOV/152-59-1-27/'31 AUTHORS: Kulikovskiy, L.F., Kolltsov, A. A., Tsiber, A. L. TITLE: Automatic Recording of the Prodtict-volum-e in the Distillation of Light Petroleum Products (Avtonntich:)skaya re(1-istrantsiya ob"yema produkta razgonki svetly'kh nefteproduktov) - PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uc--,ebnykh zavedeniy. Neftj i eaz, 1959, Nr 1, PP 105 - ill (Ussrl) ADS2,i*~'ACT: The researchers )f the Kuybyshevskiy neftepererabatyvay- ushchiy zavod (Kuybyshev Petroleum Refinery) (rwf 1) con- str-,.icted an apparatus for the automatic and accelerated distillation of light oil products. Thio ap.naratue dr--rs samples in presc:ribed in'turvals, distils and records the temperature preva-i'ling dur-JnE; steam generation as a function of tire. Thr researchers of the chair for Avtomatic~cskiyeq telemokhanichookiye i izmo-.i'%.el1nyyo pribory i uitroyatva (Automatict Telemochanic and l'-Xnriii- ~nstrumorits and Devices of the Kuybyshe- tndustrial Lwtitate) developed a device for automatic measuring and recording of volume of distillation Card 1/3 products as a function of temperature. This.device is used Automatic RecordinG of the Product-volume in the SOY/152-c5-1-27/31 Distillation of Light Petroleum Products Card 2/3 in conjunction with the apparatus for an accelerated distilla- tion. An a!.Taratus equipped with such a device is located directly at the place of 3ami~le lual:inU where it makes a perfect automation of the crude benzine quality control poesible, This apparatus reduces the time required for in- spection and inc:.-eases the accuracy of control. In addition, the number of persons required for operating can be reduced. Based on fiGure 1, operation of the device is illustrated and a detailed description is given. An insI)ection carried out under operating conditions gave prcof of its reliability during operation. The advanta.-e of this device is the fact that, when used in conjunction with an automatic electronic pottritiometer, the latter will not have to be rebuilt, Other- compliances constructed for similar purposes by other organiza- tions (Refs 2,3) do not offer this advanta--e. The'device can be employed also whenever an other quantity, (apart from temperature), which is also a function of temperature is to be recorded. There are 7 figures and Soviet references. Automatic Recording of the Product-volume in the SOV/152-59-1-27/31 Distillation of Light Petroleum Products ASSOCIATIOU: Kuybyshevskiy iridustrialln,-.vy institut im. V. V. Kuybysh .eva (KuybysheN Ia&strial Institute _ Iracni V. V. Kuybyshev) SUBMITTED: September 26, 1958 Card 3/3 S/004/60/000/02/03/006 AUTHOR3 Kolttsov. A. ,TITLE: Atomic Radio PERIODICAL% Znaniye-gila, 1960,pNo 2, pp 22 24 TEXT: The use of'smaller and morA economical semiconductor crystals and even of molecules instead of_j!~ ~e^s discussed. Basing their re- search on the principle of energy~?xohange betweAn active and passive atone or on the emission and absorption of radio waveavin molecules, Lenin PriZe Winners N.G. Basov-and A.M. Prokhorov of the Fizicheskiy institut imen-4 P.N. Lebedeva, Akademii nauk-SSSRA14stitu e of Physics imeni P.R. Lebed9v of the Academy of Sciences of the USS~) decided to utilize this process for tech- nical purposes,, There were two problems: to obtain active molecules and to induce them to emit radio,waves. After a number of not quji ,te satisfactory tests the'scientists decided to use paramagnetic crystalsP To induce all active molecules to emit radio waves the former were placed in a resonator constructed similar to a radio receiver which could be adjusted to the re- quired frequency. Because of this feature the resonator also serves as an amplifier of radio signals. Its amplifying capacity is 100-1,000 times Card 1/2 -KXI 'C02/D04/004 New electromechanical converter Elektromekhanika, no. 2, 1963, 252 2-2 TE= The author describes an electromechanical conver-ter with a rnovable 11) designed bTT him and M.F. Zaripov (Author's Certificate 125168). - e.- ' s 1~ende f-,; r che -,k 1 ng az~,~ c on a.:-. Y a:~ i e S tha t car. .:7-, s-I a~~ements a 3 r, h S:.~, ca.-; flux T e "lux linkage Ms does not cross the rwasiiring winding. h I -reasuring winding, conditioned by not depend )z the 1 31' the movable core, but tnf, by 1)MI I Va-13 determined by this coom-nato. Tne and Card 1/3 s/ i 4/b,3/ow/c-oVco4/004 New elecLromechanical converter A055/A126 p,- on~, ,ralue Df the other fluxes -sitilon oil the movable c b,-i t e -,~-,e converler E2 E0 + 3 kl where E. is the initial emf of the secondary winding, k L (5) and Lff - L 2n (9) that the converter characteristic Is a straight line. A formula is '-:~r E- In load condition, the dependencE -f T~he load current on C inate is also Llnear. of T-he mag oord tne coriverl~exr is -.-e e a C) t y . C C'm, - a r ng -~-ans--3:-.ductance of tae ka, no. 3, nJ 1. ng s ar-ea ax r .- ~'eK."ar' 1 a fic-- f ",ads 7-- -, the tra-r.--cond a 3/144/63/OOO/OOZ/D,')4./004 ~~-,---tnj:rechanical converter A055/4126 with -Povable core can-not be rendered hIgher than 1,~-.a-. of -.he corrver-ter The =verter al,!.n r,lvablp C .~izaLion factor Is se,i,~ra-' tL7,~.; sra--'er; i,~S we -'-t ~---iae a.,e greater and its copper consumption is nigher. 30me experimental- characteristics are reprodLced; they con"Irm sufficiently the cal- -,a S'l, I'here are 0 f1gures and I table. june 8, 1961 4 L Figure I a eo 4% twit 13 'I~j MFO 3 2 2 Card 3/3 -KOLITSOV,.A-A. ; KARABANOV, D . N. Designing measuring circuits of automat.ic balanced electronic bridges. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; prib. 7 no.2:39-45 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1, Ufimskiy neftyanoy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy avtomatizats1i proizvodstvennykh protsessov. 18 6 94 ~4 A.; Karabanov: N. ba-lance b rj t an rmii t Certif'cat* trospi-itn 'i of swi ~c~ t crt..i:: t Milk, "'(Dwer -,:~tpmcee to be measu; ed a~c- Bonn f-ur-branch th h h ax;-, a I ta rms t, 1~, c~omn e f~ t, r e i-n,! b7 the measuring d -aO)rals to 'he g. .)n the axt. h"i 1 diag-a-m. ncma KN , L SUB ~,CDE.. Ec