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GROMMO, I.D., starshiy naachnyy sotrudmik; KOITENSKAYA, N.P., Sta-raMy nauchnyy sotrudnik,, ROSTOVTSEVA, 6. 9 'S'hly navchn7y sotrudnik A unique collection of soil samples. Izv. TSKRA no-5:228-236 f64. (14IRA 18:5) 1. Pochvenno-agronomicheskiy muzey imeni Villyamsa Moskovskoy ordena Lenina seltvikoknomyaystvennoy akadamli Imani TlmirpAzeva. KOLUMUU,.N.P., starshiy nauchni,7 sotrudnik; ROSTOVTSE7A, O.S., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik. Relation of some soil characteristics in western areas of the Moscow region to parent materials and the geomorphologic structure of the area. Izv. TSKRA no.2:62-71 063. (MIRA 16:10) t 4 1 0 at 1: is it is 14 11 4 is as 11 UnAZIMPAIN&I 11 $4 U 14 S L It L J 4 AL J: A L a 11 p Q N I I so I A I 16 It li J111 4 41 Q 41 $A 0 J1 . . -- - _ ~Y A I A M (X to a AP 00 p"ps,stion *I avistiots lubricitting as by hydroCedatiod. lititkov anal T. 11. K(4prn4k;kya. Ntfly-laief %L A . -)Ill all is - -tv 3W. w i i h i ots app, The hyth 11st lsh~ tt tc 'r , sind NIIIISr. 14 Alool-112- '125" and the caftlyiats wrte "" f zf i 1l f Alta ik,:- fequired 5 to 301 min. in the prrwmv o d f h d Togenatr conaltnt" 41.6-41.7% It. The virld o y - -00 60 while thr vi~jty d- lubdriating asU4 w&. atxmt 95%, ~ ctewed by and the hydrogenated liKht vilt .01111 94 ir ti-quitedarralism(cown.). The vlitia~ity Wk% trac fit d '90 1).-)- ItIO land the rrmns w"r alrw~t eornpletriv rotivelted. so d~- 'rbr pfosarstic% of various Ru-ian nil% ttr2trij in thit man- l ard in ner are talaillaisted land the rxpti. procrdure k ifewri =0 00 firtail. A. A. lkvhtlinxk 00 00 &41 x As AS..$L& NITALLURGOICAL L'ITIRATLIII CLASUPKA1101i - ------ --- ------ so U S AT to As, IV tv tr it ode an Ogg I(Cttt it KLO n An A I as (W 0 it w 61 It 0 !4;449 0090000 0000000 0 0 gee@ g. ***see oweesee coo gas zoo ties too Ee 40 LX KOLPERSKIY, G., starshiy nauchuff setrudalk. The invisible becomes visible In the light of invisible riqs* Tekh.mel.23 Cioe.241 U0,7133-34 J1 156. 1 (MA 919) l.TsesoyuzVy nauchno-iseledovatel'skly goolego-razvedochnff neityanoy institut. (Luminescenca) (Ultraviolet rays) KOLPF,NSJr1Y, G.F. Hethad of fluorescence microscopy used in studying bitumen content in rocks. Ueol. nefti 2 no*6:39-46 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:7) (Fluorescence microscopy) (Kuybyshev Province--Bitumen) ~:KOLRNSKIY, G.P. Using tli;~-atraviolst, microscope to study bitumens in rocks. Trudy VNIGNI no.11:194-210 138. (XIDA 13:1) (Ultraviolet rays-Industrial applications) (Bitumen) GOLDIN, A.S.; Prinimali uchastiyc: KODIENSHY G.P. [decoused]; MR1,1YArEVAj A. A.; YJIO-I~WIR VoGes goolog; PROZOROVSKAYA, MKAYAP A.K.; CHE3-r`11OVA,, 0.; KUDRYAVTSFIA, V. Use of the edaphic-geochemical method of oil and gas prospecting in southwestern Turkmenistan* Zhizn' Zem no.1:146-151 161. (MIRA 15:6) (Turkmenistan-Geochemical prospecting) BIZNYA, V.M., inzh.; K0LFELTUY,_?J.S., inzh.; PAVLUKHIN, 0.1., inzh.; MATYUKOV, V.Ye., inzh.; RODIN, I.M., inzh. Counterflow ventilation system of salient pole synchronous machines. Vest. elektroprom. 33 no.11:23-29 N 162. (MIRA 15:11), (Eloctrie machinery, Synchronous-tooling) 'T Hides and 3kins Fermtntative and thermal control in 1-4ming hid!~s. Le~g. prcm., No. 1, 19752. 9 Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 195j, uncl. . 2 KOLPIKOV, D. I. UA Physiological-Ecological Study of the Water Eupply and of Drought- Resistant Fodder Crops of Fallow and Virgin Lands on an Arid Steppe." Cand Biol Sci, Inst of Plant Physiology imeni K. A. Timiryaze-,,, Acad Sci USSR, 30 Nov 54. (VM, 19 Nov 54) r ,urvey of Scientific andTechnical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SOi Sum. No.521, 2Jun 55 USSR/Meadow Cultivatiou. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 14, 1958, 63250 A-A'.or : n1pikov, D.I. Ipst szvropol lint C I tural Distitute Title Recent Data Coucerning the Water Regime of Forage Plants of Virgiai Soils iii StatTopoll Orir$ Pub Tr. Stavropollsk. s.-kh. in-ta, 1956) vyp. 7, 85-91 Abstract L'I field couditions, there were determired the transpi- ration iuteasity, water co'litent, water deficieicy, resi- doal water, water-exchange coefficient) wa- ter-retaining capacity, osmotic pressure of the cell sap, coribinable water coute!.it, viscosity al,d elasticity of the protoplasm, plant resistai,ce to heat, chanaes i,-, chlorop1hyll cmte:it and durability of its boad with al- burain. It was established that iu steppe drouEait- Card 1/3 USSR/Meadaw Cultivation. L Abs Jour Ret Zhur- Biol., No 14, 1958, 63250 resistant plants, the variabilities of the inte;isity of physiological processes are determined by svddei,. chaages ia climatic, microclivatic and hydroedaphic factors of their.e~iviroiimeatal Pedia. Abroad amplitvde of fluctu-- atioi,% of the ya.ter-excha,.-ae level aucl the vat6r-re,tai_ rI:,C- forces.,--, ia conformity with chmige of the drought factors, under the infl eiice. of the variability of which the relatioiAhip betveea the quantity of combinable water a:ad the. quantity of free water changes quickly - is cha-, racteristilc for the. typical virgiii-,s,oil plauts. Notwith- sta;,dina the presence.of a high transpiration ii,tensity, a larre conte,rit o-f colloido-combinable.water is, noted in theiplants. As a reactioa of the plants to drouGht, changes were. observed in the chlorophyll conteat wad the durability of , its bmid, with albumin, ii. the abilit y to tilize, opportaiiely and more fc1ly, the rain-fall mois- ture and in the ei-durance of protracted excess heat ard Card 2/3 USSR/11cods mad Woed Control Abs Jour Ref V-hur - Biol. , 140 9j 1958, Ho 3959 ,',.uthor Kolpitkova ,',.D., Kolpilwv D.I. Inst Stivropoll Title Waed VaGct~tion in tho F:Lulds of Kurs.--,.vslciy Rvyon of the St--vrolooll, Kr~,.:y ill 1955. OriC; Pub Ti. Stavropol, sk-s.-kh. in-ta, 1956, vY-D. 7, 161-171 ,',botr,ut The cv-1culation of the qwatity of woids covo---in,-, the fields was offQctuntud in tho aroas, accordinG to MalIzov's muthod. Ona hwidred tirenty thzco s---.)CciOr; of wcludc (36.5 percoat 9.9 percent bionirI and 53.6 pcr- cant - annual) -woro --12.-.,=tared in 33 sovia:-3 -if vinter whoat. The moot frociwatly nncountcr,,CL iuc,,d o.2jcios are- on- trni-,ratcd. Variouz; az~tu---.:.l economic con~Utioas of the north- arn, central and noutLlj"i -parts of the r~von rc-flucted by the nature of wcc~. "")read. The lar~;czt s-oread of weeds found in tho sowin-'s- of winter whoat -n th,, northa~rn part wrtr of the ray.'n on the rich chernozQm E;oil irith sufficient Card 1/2 Wsrt / Meadow Cultivation Abs Jour: Ref Zhvr-Biol., Vol 13, 1958; 58428 Authur Kolpilzov, D. 1. Inst Not siven, Title Contvlbu~ion to the Problem of Grasses Prematurely Scorched in Fodder Lands of Stavropols!:aya Oblast's Rayons Affected by Drought. Orig Pub: llaterialy_po izuch. btavropollsir. kraya, vyp. 8, 1955, 345 343 Abstract: A sharp decrease in 'Ube solidity of the bond between chlorophyll and protein in aCed plants is one of the reasons wby grass rapidly turns yellow in t1ine of drouSbt. This process is slower-amonG younger plants in fallow lands than among plants grown on Card 1/2 COUNTRY USSR CATEGORT 'plant Physiology. Water Regimen. 05. 'JOUR, RZhftolop Poo 6 19% No. 24556 jAUMOR Kolpikovt D.I. ,INST. ademy orTaTences, USSR ITI Tu A Comparative Study of Water Regimen and Drought Resistance of Stipaxerophytes RIG. PUB. V ab. % pamyati akBA. II.A. Yaksimova, 1957, 57_~68 BSTRACT In Kamennaya steppe studies were made of character.- istios of reaction to drought of narrow-leavecl grasses on usecl an& virgin soilat Stipa joannis Cal., Stips, copillata L., Pestuca, suloata Haok., Koeleria gracilis Pero. During ontogenesis the degree of irrigatability of the leaf tissues was lower than 6Wi,. The plants of the arid steppe have not only "harmful" but often also "normal" water deficits.. w1iich play a protective role. The content of water in the roots of the Plants compose 36.7-- 25 WNTRY CATMM i ABS, JOUR, MhBiol-,# No. 6 1959j, NO. 24556 AUTHOR 3NST. TITLE ORIG, PUB* ABSTRACT 48-84, of the wet weight. Special water-storing tisva6s'a ,nd. organs in the:rbots..are. not, exposed. Protoplasm of the calls of-the leaf epidermis of.- plants, i#'yjrgin sod used lands in the open:oteppe has gre:a- ter via cositY. -dlaoticity~ -and coagulation 'tO,-npeV6turO,,t.he.n.'thi~t~df -pllanta in the~forest.beltm. During active r6duCtion ofmater retentivity in -the featheir' gii is -a s- (Stipa's) the content not only of b0undy~wator decreases. The presence: Pons iderable ranges of daq-time, 2/3 KOLPIKO,V,-D.I.; TETERIN, P.P. IStudying the intensity absorption and transpiration of water under field conditions by the use of ocales and a hygrometer..Fiziol. rest. .5 no.2:205-208 Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4) l.Stavropollskiy selIskokhozVaystvenny7 institut, Stavropol'. (Botany-Piell work) (Plants--Water requirements) KCLPIKOV, D.I..;- TETERIM, P.P. Method of stydying the ability of plants to endure wilting. Fiziol, rast. 7 no. 5:616..618 16o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Stavropollskiy sellskokhozyaystvanuyy institut i Stavropollskiy pedagogicheekly imetitut. (Plants, Effect of aridity on) (Botanical research) KOLPIKOVI D.I.; ;ETERlNv P.P. Techniqueb used in studY the rd-te of water metabolism (total expenditure Of water by soils and plants) under field and laboratorY conditions. Fiziol. 3Mst. 9 no.1:334-137 161. (MM 140) 1, Stavtopo-L Stkte Pedagogical Institute and Stavropol AgricultuvAl kstitute. (Botanical apparatus) (Plants,Water requirements) New data on expp-i-mental study of the combination of ecological plant elements In a phytocenosis, Bot. zhur. 48 no.11:1660- 1666 N 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Stavropollskly gosudarstvennyy podagogichaskiy institut, Stavropol'. KOLPIKOV,. D.I.- In --tvo observations of soir physiological characteristico of various parts of the leaf surface. Fiziol.rast, 12 no.1:167-169 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:3) lo Kafedra botaniki Stavropoliskogo gosudarsf;vennogo pedagogi- cheskogo instituta. KOLPIKOV, M.V., prof. Immunobiological peculiarities in the embryo and the newborn. Redych. zhur. 16:208-213 147. (MIRA 10:12) 1, L kafedri patofixiologii (sav. prof. M.V.Kolpikov) Krimekogol madichnogo institutu i z viddilu porivnyallnoi patologii (sav. viddilu prof. M.M.Sirotinin) Institutu eksperimentallnoi biologii i patologii Hinisterstva okhoroni zdorov'ra URSR (direktor - eked. O.O.Bogomolatel [deceased] ). (IMMUNITY) I KOLPIKOV, H.V*,; NESTEROV, V.G. professor, retsenzent; RUDZIITSIrIT, Lit --- -- - -- - -- . a *0 . retsenzent; TIMCFEYSV. V.P., redaktor; ARNOLIDOVA. K.S., redaktor; KARMIK, N.P., tekhnicheskiy radaktor [Forestry and dandrolog7l Lesovodstvo a dandrologisi. rzd. 3., dop. i perer. Moskva. Goolosbumizdat, 1954. 495 P. (KMA 7:10) (Tress) (Forests and forestry) MI ussR/Forestry - General Problemse Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biols, No 51 1958, 20101 Author K012ikov, M,Vi:, Inst Title The Lisinakiy Experimental Training Forest and Its S16mi- ficance as a Scientific and Training Bases Orig Pub Tro Leningro lesotekhaj akadi, 19561 VYPO' 730 3-10 The scientific and economic management activity of the Lisinskiy Forest Grounds are characterized for the 150 years of its existence# -The- non-s of the most outstanding fiGpres in the field of forestry are presented. BeGLn- ning with 1958 experimentation is being conducted by the Technological Forestry Acadeqr im. S.M. Kirov on the pro- blems of increasing the prodxictivity and improving the quality of the tree stands in the Siberian Forest zone by means of hydrotechnical melioration) boosting the output Card 1/2 -KOLPIj1Rj,.&jj, doktor biologichaskikh nauk, otvatetvanayy radaktor; KOKSHIIOV, N.Y., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauko rodaktor; UXOTLEV, F.S., kandidat biologichookikh uauk, redaktor; KISHCHENED, T.I., kandidat sellskokhosysyetvansykh nauk. redaktor; SHIMOVIGH, V.T&.. kandidat biologicheakikh nAuk redaktor: TMITINOVA, X.S.takhnichookiy redaktor. 1001:ected articles on investigation results concerning forestry and lumbering in Vae taiga zone sf the Sbornik statei pe resul'tataw iseledoyanii v obla ti lesnogo khosialetva i lesuot promyshlonnosti v taoxhnoi s:na SSSR. Moskva, 1957. 301 P- (HiaA 10:6) 1. Akademits. nauk SSSR.Kar*llskj~ filial. Petrosavodsk* .(Voreslti'and forestry) USSR /Yorestry. Forest Economy K-3 Abs Jour: Rcf Zhur-Biole, '110 13, 1950; 583& Author Kolpikov, 14. V. Inst Leningrad',Technicdl -1.,,ca'demy Title Forestry Problcms -in Conncetion With the Develo- pment of hochanizod Forast Exploitation and of Huforestation-in Clearings Orig Pub: Tr-. Leningr.,Iesotekhn. akad., 1957, vyrr- 819 ch, 2, 3-12 Abstract; The following operations in forest economy are considerud as the most'important at thu present time: the more rational utilization of the fores- tsl the restoration of forests in all nonprodu*c: tive forest areas,-~the quality improvement of the Card 1/2 jQLPMV,JUXWa ~IV dl!mvie4j. TIMOFEYEV, V.P.,, prof., retsenzent; HMITSKIY# I.N., retsenzent; DANILOV,, IC-D.,, red.; SVETLAYEVA, A.S., red.izd-va; SHIBKOVA, R.Ye., tekhn. red. (Forestry]Lesovodstvo. Izd.4.,, dop. i perer. Moskva, Gosles- bumizdat, 1962. 400 p# . I (MIRA 16:3) (Forests and forestry) . KOLPIKOV. K.P. Factors governing sediment accuaLlation in Pliocene basins. lzv~ vre. ucheb. sav.; neft' L gas no.6:17-24 '58- (KIRA 11:9) 1. Gr6suenekly neftyanoy Institut.. (Caucasus. Northern--Sediments (Geology)) 14(5) AUTRORs Kolpikov, K. P. SOT/152-59-3-2/25 -TITLEs on the Problem of Torrigonous-minoralogical Facies voprosu o terrigenno-mineralogicheskikh fatsiyakh) Nr 3, pp 5-10 (USSR) ABSTRAC~s P. Baturin and the Dutchman Edelmann proposed in 1931 a provincial subdivision of terrigenous sedimen;s according to their mineralogical compositio n.'It was assumed herein that within such a torrigej;ous-mine'ralogical province the proportion between the individual kiAds of detrital rooks is almost constant. Later invesitigations, especially by; -L. V. Pust6valov, proved, however$ that within-the zone of, sedim'ent.formation a differentiation takes place. The( causes IQf thid"differentiation'arsi'the different mechanical and chemical resistance and forwarding .capability as well do the a.triicturd~ type of the detrital rocks. Consequently the composition of a bedimentation zone changes according to a specific law of succession. This subdivision of-the ' - terrigenous-minieralogical province was termed by Pustovalov Card 1/2. terrigenous-mineralogical facies. Being new, this tera has not PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uohobnykh zavedeniy. Heft' i gaz, 1959# V-,~, On the Problem of Terrigerious" ineralogical Facies SOV/152-59-3-2/25 yet attained general application'in research work. The present article tries to detect such facies in the Pliooene deposits* of the oil diat#ot of Groznyy by micropetrographical methods. The origin of the sediments under investigation is'situ-at4d in the Caucasusp e&st of the Mt. Elbrus. The differentiation of the d:etrital rook can be'proved distinctly in eastern and northeastern directions sandrdeks diminish in this direction while clay rooka-increases. Above all, the change in- the content of pyroxeneaq hornblende and mica is a typical feature herein. The'p7roxenes which 8 ,0% in the Western part of th'e region investigated disainish temarkably towards the east. There follows a facies where hornblende prevails, and finally the content o'f mica increases simultaneously with tlie content of stable minerals. These changes are plotted in this article and entered ii a map.*Thus three-facies (py-roxenes, iiorableade, mica) were proved in-the reg .ion of sedimentation. There are 5 fig-4res and 6-Soviet refirenoee. ASSOCTATIONt Groznenskiy neftyanoy institut tG4oznyy institute of.Petroleuz), SUBMITTEDi May 31, 1958 Card: 2/2 KOLPIKOV. N.P. Relationship between reservoir properties and petrographic characteristics of terrigenous rocks In the lower section of the Cretaceous system in the Ozek-Suat oil field. Izv.vys. ucheb.sav.; neft' I gaz 2 no-11:3-8 '59. (MIR& 13:4) 1. Grosuenskly neftyanoy instituto (Ozek-,suat region--Rocks--Parmeability) GROSSMAN, R.I., kandidat takhnicheiskikh nauk; KOWIXOT. N.Y., mladshly nauchnyy sotrudnik; SLUTSM, T&J. SUL-48 combined flax and fertilizer drill. Bellkhozaashina no.11: 3-7 N '56. (aU 9: 22) mosaw, R.I.; Implave N.v';' mmormt ra.~. Mounted flax drills, Trakt, I sallkhomahe noOt45-47 Nr '59# WRA 4) (Drill (Agrioultural machinery)) VOLKOV, S.P., inzh.; KOLPIKOV, N.V., insh.; NMTYAN, M.P., inzh. Performance of double-disk fuxrow openers at increa6edspeeds, Mekh. i elek. sots. sellkhoz..-19 no.6:7-9 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1, Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-is9ledovat4tl'skiy institut makhanizataii sel'skogo khozyaystva. (Drill (Agricultural implement)) KUPrAICV, N. V. Xnlpiknv, N- V. "The effect on the organism of physiologically active substances obtained frcm curative Crimea muds (Saki, Moynaki)11, Sbornik nauch. trudov kurorta Saki, Vol. IV, 1948, p. 59-61. So: U-3261, 10 April 1953, (Letopis Murnal Inyk-h Statey, No. 12, 1949). I ~ - I - - ~" .1- 11 7% KOLPIXCV) N. V. V Is - - Kolpikov. N. V. "A Study of the action of mechanism curative mud", Sornik'nauch. trudov kurort-~ Saki,.Vol. IV, 1948P p. 63-65. So: U-3261, 10 April 1953, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No.12, 1949). KOLPIKOV, N. V. Kolpikay? N. V. *On the treatment of bronchial asthma With mud extract", Sbornik nauch. trudob kurorta Saki,, Vol. IV, 1948, p. 163-M. 50t U-3261, 10 April 53, (latopis 1zhurnal IrWkh Statey, No. 12, 1949). KOLPrKOV, N. V. Kolpikov, N. V. and Kokhanovich, M. V. "The treatment of rheumatic polyarthritis with mud extract", Sbornik nauch. trudov kurorta Saki, Vol. RI, 1948, p. 167-72. So; UL-3261, 10 April 1953, (Letopis tZhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 12, 1949). OV, 117. V. "The penetrability of the placenta to todc oubatances and their effect on the fetus," Trudy Krrmsk. mcd. in--'U-a im. Stal-bia, Vol. X11, 1948, p. 83-89. SO'. U-3950. 16 June 53. (Letopie, 'Zhurnal 'nYkh StateY, No. 5, 1949)1/ -Fol-l-likov,- NOV.- - wwmdl~ -- "The :L-imuno-biological features of a fetus and a neu-born organism " Trudy Krymsk. med. in-ita im. StaLina, Vol. XII, 1948, p. 5111-97- SO: U-3950, 16 JvYA 53. (Letopts, 'Zhurml Inykh Statey. No. 5. 1949). KOLPIKOV, N.V. Kolpikov, N.V., Pavlovskiy, N.G. and Chernysheva, V.A. The effect on an organism of a chemically-active substance, extracted from therapeutic muds," Trudy Krymsk. med. in-ta im. Stalina, Vol. XII, 1948, P. 99-100 SO: U-3950, 16 June 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 5, 1949). ns3r*A=j pe I*$ Immovp NO ves, KORWA,4 V* is Trestmot of emmUm In ellldm with aqmem mrA wttmab, Vopro pedist. Us% 1950. tv I" 1. Of the Departaeut of PatAiapWology (ReM.-iftf# No V. Kolpdlww) W of the Depavtmnt of Chil4rml a Diseasoo of the Thavap6atic, Faculty (Head-41rof. P. I. vvinsw4m, Crimm State Medical Institute ImmA 1, V. Stalin. CUM 19P 5D Nav.b 1950 KOLPIKOV, N.V.. professor "Problems In balneology", collection of scient4.fic works, edited by K.M. 'Bykov. Reviewed by N.V. Kolpikov. Vop.kur.fizioter.i lech ;a-Yr f55- (MBA 8:8) (Health resorts, w&tering places, etc.) KOLPIKOV, N.V., prof. (Kishinev) 1xperience with galvanic current therapy of malginant tumors and Its association with other therapeutic factors. Pat.fiziol. ieksp.terap. 3 no.4:44-48 JI-Ag '59. (KIRA 12:12) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologii (sav. - prof. N.V. 101pikov) Kishinevskogo maditainskogo instituta. (SARCOK& experimental) (ELECTRICITY therapy) (COBALT r&dioactive) ZAKHAROV, KURTSER, PJ Effoot w: Putaneous glanil secretio! of ~cAds on various immunological properties of the organillim. Biul. :on. biol. i Med. 49 no,2:65-89 F (MIRA 140) 1. Iz kafedry obshchey biologii (iav. - prof. V.I.Zakharov) t kafedry ps..tologiolieskoy Ciziologii (mav... - doktor moditainakikh nauk Ye.P.Kuchinskiy) Kichinevskago meditsinskogo instituta (dir. zasluzhennyy deyntell nauki prof. N.T.Starostenko)..Fredstavlena deyst,.vitel'nym',chlenom,AIV SSSR V.V.Parinymo KINA-SEGRETIOUS) TOADS) 'ITY) (S (DIMUL USSR / Forestry. Biology and Typoibgy. K_Z Abs Jour: Ref Zhur.Biol,, No 161 1958, 7Z776. Author : Zalaj]i ~vO ~-M Inst : Moscow Agricultural Academy ImenI K. A. Timiryazev. Title : Growth of Young:PIne Tress on Compartment Cuttings and Means of Nutrition, Orig Pub: Dokl-. Mosk. akad. im. H. A. Timiryazeva, 1957, vyp, 31s 320_3Z5, Abstract: Pure 17-year-old pine trees planting on a compart- ment cutting 1935-1936 In the Ural Training-Expert- mental Leskhoz were the object of observations (195Z-1953). They were distributed by biogroups of different thickness, Less amplitude of temper- ature fluctuations was noted in the biogroups with comparatively open areas and "windows," which Is Card 1/Z I I (' "" . -lovi 0. N. ~ ~~~Yields~ quality of larch seeds In the LWulovo Gravef. Bot. shur. -45 no-5:730-732 NY 1600 (KnU 13:7) .1. Lindulovskoye lasnichestvo Leninkradskoy oblasti. . :.(Rashchino re Ion (Leningrad Province)--larch) Vieeds) KOLPIKOV, O.M., aspirant Charaoteristico of conditions for the developmnt and growth of biological groups of pine in outover areas. izV. TSKhA no.21191- 2oo 16o. (MIRA i4:4) (Pine) KOLPIKOV, V.., mayor Recalculation of coordinates.of points from zone to zone. Voen. vast. 41 no.305-79 Mr 162. (MM 1534) (Coordinates) SOKOLOV, Y.S.; SOMITA, I.B.;_EI,PIKOV& V.A.- HRDML70 P.P. Experiment in raising Hallacleum Soonowskyi Mand. as a ~ew silage plant in Leningrad Provirco. Trudy Bot. imst. Ser.6:244-261 $18. (KRA 11:10) (Leningrad Provinde-Cow parsnip) KOLPIKOT, I.--- Some methods of alcrophotogmpby in the petrogmphlc invOsti- gatlon of microsectlons by means of various types of photographic apparatuses, Ixv,".l�*ucheb.xav.; tavet,met, 2 no,4:16-22 159. (MIRA 13:1) Is Beverolmvkazekly- gornometallurglebaskiy institut. Kafedra spetakurnov gornogo dela. (Micropbotography) USS11/11cods: ruid Weed, Control Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., Nb 91 lZ8, 110 3959' .',.i:Lthor -KolpIdtovv. "'.D., R'bloAkov D.I. Inst Stavropol' Allgrictiltuvcl Inotitut-3 Titlo Waud Vo,~otatlon. W:-.thj Koida of I(urs.,.vrIXiy Rlyoa of the Stavropol 1. Krv.~, iii. 1955-. OriC Pub Tr. Stavronol, in-t,%, 1956, vY-D. 7, 161-171 ,-',botract The cp-lculrtion oL-' tho qixmtity of woQds covoi.-in,-.; the fields iias offoctuatad in:tha cx-oorimcatal aroas, accordin3 to lAhl'ZOVIS mat1hod. Ono hundred twunty Varou s-)ccics of woodr, (36.5 percent 9.9 parcant, bloruial z-na 53.6 p,3r-: cont - annual) woro 11, 53 sowin,,j of -.6rinter wlicat. The most fv--,qujnt3.y clicounteraCL it,~~jd are on- tr2orated. Various economic c&ulitioas of the north- orn, central mid GjDuth3.-.,a parts of the rayon aro raflacted by the nature of vaetl s--)rc, A. The larZ;o:3'w c;-.,)vcad of woods vao found in tho sovial.-a o-.L' winter wheat in tha aortharn part of the 3:-,y*n on thi rich chernozor.,i soil with ruffieient Card 1/2 KOIPXKOTA. Mikrio,otvchos6opy. in the diagawle of onychomyooseso Vest. derme I vel. 37'no.IV.6-A,9 J063. (FTIRAL 16210) 1. Iz Leningradskogo kozhno-venerologichesko.-b dispansera blo*14 (glavnyy vrach V.I.Vlasova) (naucbn7y rukovoditell - prof. P*V% Kozhevnikcrr). (VAIM (AIMMY).-DISEASES) (MYCOSIS) KOLPIKOVA, G.V. Severe uscrotIzing orytham caused by bracellosts. Vast, von, i dorm, no.3:48-50 Yq-Je 154. (MM 7:8) 1. Is Respublikanskogo koihno-venerologichaskogo institute. RMR (Ispolumushchly obyezam.-mostl direktors. - kudidst Meditsinaklich nauk A.AoXondratly"a) (BRUGMUSIS, complications, *erythema, necrotic) (AKITHMA, etiology and pathogenesis. *brucellools, ascrotic erythome.) KDLPUOVA, G. T. Use of freezing with ethyl chloride in the removal of the nails in onphomycoses. lest.dermA van. 34 uo.,12M t60 1421) la Iz koshno-dwenerologicheskogo dispanaera 116.14 raningrada Cgiavmy vrach VOL Vlasova) tiWLS-DISSMS) (MMWM) (EMYL mwz 'KOLPn=t No Mo Dissertation: The Effect of DifferptAlignments of Rows of SeedUngs on the Growth of hne Trees." Cand Agr 6ci. inst ~f For6stry. Acad Sci USSR, mascow, Oct-Deec 53., Mestnik Xudemii Nauk, Moscow, Jun 54) SO; SUM 318, 23 Doe 1954 Foreat Cultures. BS - JOUR -Ref Zhur -B-i:o1og's yo, Ylo. 5 1 95~), No. ~LAIIUOR :Kolpikava, 11*m* -U15T, ; In E.Ur Forea y, AS USSR TITLE -The Influence of the Direction Paced by th6 Planting Rowx on the- Grouth of Pi-110 cultvrad* rim.: Tr. In-ta lesa. AN SSSRI 1958, 39P 1-13-145 Thimremearch.was conductod,in 1910-1951 in 12~-13, year: -*.Id-.Vino , 6ulturas in M.Uhnevakly. -&n4 Zvenigprodskiy Les"ozas in Moskovakaya Oblast*' At each lankhos one-laid out-one trial pAtch planted with-pine. rimming in the directiou of the,rovs-frota north to mouth Anti another trial plot*.who -si's, rowara lie in' tho 411roo-tion from~ womi tv east. The we Ith:ad of studying the- tree mtan4 and-condi,tions of-growth.are described in detail. ,The pLnia plantings with the direction of the ROMAN07IGH9 V. M. KOLPINSKAYAI Ye. G.1 SEMENOVAI Z. P.1 NIKITINA, N.A.# glavrqy vrach; DANILEYIIOH, M.G.# professor, nau*hnyy rukovoditell. Characteristics of the present form of scarlet feirer. Vop.pediat. 21 no-32 12-15 w-je 153. (Kft 64) 1. Detskaya infektsionne7a bollnitsa Sverdlovskogo rayona. (Scarlet fever) KCIPINMY, Yu.; TSAGAREILI, I., red.; UMOTA, M.-, 4%.~~- [Through,Oreace and Italy] Po Grotaii i Italii. Koskys, Izd-vo Aked.khadosh.SSSR, 1960. 186 p, (MIRA,14:4) (Greaca-~-Dsscrlptiou and travel) (Italy-Description and travel) KOLPOTOVSKEY 28961 B.A. i papinashvili, k.i. byelVa lunnaya raduga (eap. grueiya. 13 okt. 1948 g.) prirodag 1949p No* 9, ce 60. Kont-yukyevich, N. povyerkhnostnyy -atok na ouglinistykh pochvakh BSSR v usloviyakh lesa i polya.--SM. 29130 Sot Lotopis I No. 34 V, USSR/Organic Chemistry. Theoretical and General E-1 Questions of Organic Chemistry. Abs JDur Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No. 8, 1957~ 26660. Author Kolpovskaya G.A,;- foryganov B.N.i- -Razuvayev Shushunov, ~.A. Inst Title Chain Reaction of Carbon Tetrachloride with Isopropyl Alcohol Initiated by Acetylized and Benzoylated 1-Oxychclohexanone Hydroperoxides. Orig Pub Zh. obshch. khimii,'1956, 26, No. 7., 1981 1986. Abstract Acetylized (1) and benzoylated 1-oxycyulo- hexane hydroperoxide (II) starts a reaction between CC34 and isopropanol at 40 to 500. The basic resulting products are HC1, CHC13 and acetone (M). The influence of the concentration of I and II on the initiation Card 1/2 USSR/Organic Chemistry. Theoretical and General E-1 Questions Of Organic Chemistry. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Rhimiyal NO-81 1957t 26660, of the reaction at 800 was investigated by the study Of the liberation of HCJ CO and III, The chItin mechanism of the r' eaction analogous to the reaction with benzoyl perox- ide i(RZhKhim, 1956, 9361) is proved. At con- centrations Of I less than o.01 9MOl per lit, the length of the chain increases sharply with the decrease of the concentration, it depends little on I in more concentrated so- lutions. The chain lengths computed by HC1 are less for I than for II, and computed by III - arre greater for I than for Il. The curve of the dependence of the liberation Speed of HC1 on the concentration of I at 5)0 is shown. The energy Of the process activation is 25.8 0.5 kcal/mol. Card 212 KOLPOVS M. Olve wide Bupport to the expanBion of comon carTier tran portation, Avtatransp. 39 no.,4.-,1-2,' Ap 1.61o (MIRA 14:5) 1. Zamestitelt predeedatelya ispo~koma Kirovs.kogo oblastnogo ;3~yeta deputatov trudyuhchikbpla. (Tr=sport&Mo%-.. Automotive-Freight) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0'0 0 0 W 1 6; ~*Jo 4, 11 1 1 0 11 14 's )G t? 11 17 )i v 0 A 4 p x 1) J1 V 11 4r. 14.~ 1800 41 41 41 (A 6-,C so IV VN !.09 so A! -00 #0 .60 (166 WhM WOA caerw out with rtoo R4K&13 ctuttahlinit mrtxtn 11kxvit, (VISAV33%, chrumiunt %%,., 7 iwia-1047.: sulphur ")7-4H)lOO,', and ke 1-42 1 0 Ol ?o 41 'Att" ~O I UtM04 lictory F"! t4 0 is C wbeft vet in a Stamitbank mill jhowixt that the so Wow shoulMd be davIly to 1150* V. with min arrmt at 9&~- 9W 0. The mdudloa khouN not exemd 1445%. The mandrel for piocing d=Id be pWtkW in such a way that the fonnaAion too of the hole twura at the point of contact ljct*~~n tim nialtdrel Slid the hillot. no rWW shouki ljo flnLxlk%i at a Irmix-raturr of gas tw-tkur a Mo abouid be followed by nivitui; tho uuw(la ur the goo of tubm in which all defomatim should be finWwd at K50-MI'V. goo The tubcs shoulti tton be annealml at a maximunt tenipeiratitiv of As Inner oAttl autot atafitttw d tubm ppolut-o4l lit (him way trem "Wd~ ry.. goo W- too too ISO woo 0 % PO 0 4 1 of IW 13 in 0 '1 a 0 it 0 It oc a ('r, ft -ate 0 0 O~s 0 4 o o o 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0;0 0 00 ol . . 1 0 :21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 so 910 0 0 o a 0 o 0 a igooi,44 of i - , *~ SaM M-NA KOLPOVSKIY, N.; GBENBERG, YG* increasing the corrosion resistance of piPelineS. PrOm- stroi. i inzh. scor. 4 no*3:1+7-48 MY-Je 162. (MRA 15:7) ~Pipe,, Steel) (Protective coatings) From Plant Laboratories 75970 and Institutes in 1958 At Pipe-Rolling SOV/133-59-10-31/39 Plant imeni Lenin (truboproicatnyy zavod imeni Lenina) for gas pipes stood up well during transportation. In the above plant alone the use of these low-cost sleeves would save over a million rubles per year; (11) E-xperi- mental introduction of MSP-500 butt-welding machines for band coils produced adequate scam quality despite certain shortcomings. Card 2/2 S/137/ti/ooo/006/042/092 AOO6/A1O1 AUTHORS: Gulyayev, G.I., Finkellshteyn, Ya.S., Gulyayev, I.N., ~ ~ysk~i N.M Shkabatur, Osinskly, V.A., Chudnyy, I.G., Bogomazov, M.M., TITLE-. Investigating the operation of a three-roll reduction mill PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 6, 1961, 35, abstract 6D265 ("Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Ukr~ n.-i. trub-n. in-t!', 1959, no. 6 - 7, 48 - 57) - TEXT- The authors studied the operation of an 18-stand three-roll reduo- tion. mill for the purpose of establishing the rolling technology for both seam- less and welded water-gas pipes under conditions of the Plant imeni Lenin. It was established that the combination of the former grooving of the rolls with kinematics of a three-roll reduction mill, makes it possible to obtain the neces- sary elongation only when reducing welded plpA-,s of 2 and 1.~' dikMeter to V dia- meter. In the other cases the wall of the central pipe seftion is, after rol- ling, thialter 'than required by GOST 3262-55. The authors calculated and inves- tigated new calibration of the rolls, for reducing pipes frQm 48 x 3.5 = to Card 1/2 __1. Wz s/o68/62/000/005/002/002 E071/E435 AUTHORS,. Kol Gronberg, Ye.l., Bogdanov, G.U., Sipovich, S.Yu. TITLE: Tubes with a corrosion resistant lining PERIODICAL: Koks i khimiya, no.5, 1962, 48-49 TEXT, Tubes lined withrV inyl and polyethylene plastics (tube diameter 211, thickness of lining about 3.5 min) produced at the- Dnepropetrovsk Tubo-Rolling Mill wore tested in the pyridine and, sulphate plants of the Dnepropetrovsk Coal-Tar Chemical Works, The tubes were used for transportation of corrosive media of,the- following characteristics: acid solutions with various contents'- of sulphuric acid (0-5, 6 to 8, 30 to 40, 70't0 80%), j*L'n some cases crystals of ammonium sulphate were present; weakly alkaline solutions,'containing pyridine bases, hydrogen aulphide, hypo- sulphite, thiocyanides, etc. r The -temperature of, solutions -were up to 500C1 the pressure did not exceed 2 to 3 atm. Tubes, under those conditions have been in operation for two years'and eire. still in service. For comparison, bimetallic (steel-copper) and Card 1/2 BEDA, N.L., inzh.; R7ZHKOV, P.Ya., inzh.; GORYUCHKO, I.G., inzh.; MASHKOVA, A.K., inzh.; Prin4-Ij uchastiye: LIFSHITS, -S.I.; KOTOV? N.K.; KOSHC!Mlr,,,V., A.D.; CHUVIGMINA ~ N.K. L _KOLPMKII,- N M - GOLOVKOI O.F.; r=NSKIY, A.M.; SERBIN, I.V.; IVANOV# I.T.; MEKSEYEVAS N.V.; MENILELISON, N.Ya. Quality of pipe billets and pipes made of killed converter steel. Stall 21 no.9;824-825 3 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Metallurgicheakiy zavod, im. Petrovskogo i Truboprokatnyy zavod im. Lenina. (Pipe# Steel) MDENSKIYt I.M*; IKOLPOVSKIY# N*14*; VDOVIN# V.T*; LAM9 A.B9 Analysis and design of sbapes for hard alloy drawing dipas Stall 22 no.12tlO95-1099 D 162. (HM 15:12) 1. Truboprokatnyy zavod im, Leninae (Draving (Metalwork)-Fquipment and supplies) I VATKIN, Yet. L., I-and. tekhn. nauk; BFJWANSKIY, M. G., Inzh.; BRODSKIYV I, I,, Inzh.; DRUTAN,- V. M.,, inzh.j KOLPCVSM Nlt_~~ )H4- inzh.; KAGARLITSM, A. S.,, Inzh.; LUDENSKIY, A. M., inzh,-- S. Fixed mandrels on automatic mills. Mauch. trud y. DMI no.48: 174-185 '62. (MIRA 15:101 (Pipe M1110) P. V.0 insh.s NOIROVSKIr N. M-, Insh,; ORENBEWs rG- I,, ingh,T SAYNIN) AULANS11r. B.7N-.T-i`n-zh, Skokelese lubrication for pipe roUing on continuous Ming. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.D68-72- -Ta-F 163. (MIU 164) 1. Daepropetrovskiy trubaprokatMy savod imeni Ionina. (Metalworking lubricants) (Pipe Ming) SAVKIN, P.V., inzb.; KOLPOVSK3Yt,,.,#.M.., inzb.; VOLOPER, Yu,D,, inzh,; NIKOLENKO; T., inzh. Use of converter metal for the manufacture of electrically welded pipe. Met. i garnorud. prom. no.5:28-30 S-0 163- r (MM 16:11) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy truboprokatrW zavod imeni Ioenina, SAVKIN, P.V.; XOLPOVSKIY, N.M.; IVANOV, I.P. Influence of the qvalfty of the met-' of a rotind Ingot on the. f ormation of, laps on the outside surface of seamless pipe. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.4:50-51 il-Ag 164. 4~ IMAZW NOW Production of open-hearth dynamo steel at,the Lenin pipe rollirg mill-in Dnepropetrovsk. 143t. i gornorud. prom. no.5t2l-22 S-0 164. MIRAISM , k4,*4, n :;n tLil; SAVKIN, P.V.; KOLFOVSKIY, N.M.; IVANOV, I.P. Reorganization of the .140 tube re-,:Uing mill. Metallurg 9 no.llt2l+-27 N 164. (111RA 18:2) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy truboprokatnyy zavod im. Lenina. ACC Nk. A1.17002747 S OURCE _'COYi 06 /0 0 3 1/0 0 3 3- AUTHOR: Kolpovski Berensh- N. M.; Luden3kiy, 1, M. (Deceased); Shchezoll, T. S.; teyr~, R.P Lamin, B (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG- none TITIX: Anodic-me6,hanical grinding of carbido tubo-drawing dies r SOURCE: Metallurgicheskaya i gornorudnaya promyshlonnost', no. 6, 1966, 31-33 TOPIC TAGS: metal cutting machine tool, electrospark machining, grinding machine, abras ive , die , metal tube E 7 04 1) ON? I-) L U J 10 & ABSTRACT: In order to extend the life of tube drawing dies used at the Lenin works for drawing tubes tip to 50-70 m/min, the ordinary allay steels used Tor making the dios we.-Pe replaced by the hard alloys VK-8, VK-10, and VK-15. Three ano- dic-mechanica), methods were used to machine and polish.the dies: anodic-mechani-. cal, using an~erosion process which~removed large amounts of material but roughened the surface; electroabrasion, using an electrochemical process for cleaning the sur- i face; and abrasion, using the working fluid without electric current. A schematic drawing (see Figure 1) of the technique showed the work (+) and tool (-) kept in con- tact with sodium silicate solution having a specific gravity of 1.23. The operation UDC: 621.789.1 ; 669.27 Card 1/2 2/2 KOLPC)VSKIY.v V. M. Kirov Agric. -InSto Castration Simple castration.knot." Veterinariia 29 No. 10t 195.2. P. 56 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, nocnMiar. -195?/, gJnc I. KOLPY; I. Observations on the distribution and activity of Ixodes ricinus L. in the Warmia-Mazury lake region. Wiadomosci parazyt., 7 no.4/6:915- 918 161. 1. Zaklad Zoologii Wyzszej Szkoly Roiniczej., Olsztyn. (TICKS) (- ~~, - -- Irena . Observations on the distribution and activity of the tick Ixodes ricinus L. in the Mazurian Lakeland area* Viadomosoi parazYt, 7 - no.2:367-369 161. 1. Zaklad Zoologii WSR, Olsztyn. (TICIS) KOLPYK01,11 I.I. V. Dissertation: Gr9d Stud of Groznyy Petrcleu~ Inst -"Petrography of Fliocene Deposits of the Groznyy Oil- Bearing Region." Cand Geol-Min Sci, Azerbavdzhan Tndustrial Tnst Imeni M. Azizbokov, 26 Jun 5A'4, - (Baldnsldy RabochJ.y, Baku, 15 Jun 54) M. Sw 318, 23 Dec. 1954 KOLHUSI J. Photography, cinematography and optics at the third Internal Fair in Brno, Jemna mach opt 6 no.31:350-352 N 161. IT RUS Color photography ary! light. Jemna, mech opt 5 nc,.9:289..2-90 S 160* -..-KoLqUIS, it New photog-raphi-z- and cinematographic camorou in the Gem.= DamocratIc Republic. Jamw mech opt 5 no.1-2:386-)87 D t60. XOTURUS I jo The 2d International Fair in Brno. Jemm moc-11 QPt 5 no.12-337-,392 D 160, KOLRUS Jar. "Taking pictures with the reflex camera Flexaret" by Erich Hinhorn. Reviewed by J. Kolrus. Jemna mech opt 5 no.8:264 Ag 160. M JKOLRUS Z. ___ SOMO neW measuring instruments made in the German Democratic Republic. Jemns mach opt 6 no.3:92-93 Mr 161. j-KOLRUSI J. Outlook for miniature size in Jemna mach tech 6 no. 7t 218-219. J1 161. KOLRUS J. Photographic and cinematographic apparatus at the International l8rno Fair ., 196,2' Temna meoh opt 7 no*n;355-356 P 162. ~, I .- t'k Kor-Ruil", J. Market of photograplhi~ ani cinematographic apparatun. Jemna mmh opt 9 no.5-.158-163 My 164. KOLRUS, Jaroslav , 4 Stereophotograpby. Jemna mech opt 9 no*6tl94-19!f, -Te 164 -Oromus , J. 'Trices in foreign trade." JE~U,IIA 1,1-~NCHAL',I'TKk A OP'I'IK_k, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 4, No. 3, I'larch 1959. Monthly List of East aircpean Accessi,)ns (FFAI), U, Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959. Unclassified. KOLRUS J :1 8=11 electronic microsoopep a now product of German Democratic, Republic.. -Jemna .mach- opt. 6--no.j+x. 110 Ap 1.61. (microscope and microscopy) M I M c'-KOLRUS, J. - -"- - Optical industry and fine mechanics in German Federal Republic. Jemna, mech opt 7 no.1:33-34 Ja 162. KOLRUS, J. Optical industry in Japan. 162. Jemna mach opt 7 no.61l87-188 Jo 1. Meopta, n.p., Prerov. KOLITISCIIA, 11. TECHNOLOGY periodicals: JL-12-1A MIECHAJIIKA A OPTIKA Vol. 3, no.~ 10, Oct. 1958 KOMUSCATAJI V. Blue color of the s~-,-r- P-348 Monthly List of East European Accessions (E7,,,Al) LC Vol. 8. no. 5 I-lay 1959, Unclass. KIRZON, N.V.; KOLIS, O.R.; TSUKMWq A#K~ 1 , , , Further investIgation on the novocaln stimaUting and blocking of nervms coriduction and the products of its disintergration in the orgmism. Vast. khir. 71 no.2:74 IL951. (cum 20:8) KOL IS, 0. R. Dissertation: "Data on the Analysis of th'e Mechanism of the Paradoxical Stage of Parabiosis." Cand Biol Sci., !'ist of.Physiology imeni 1. P. Pavlov, Acad Sci USSR, Moscow., Oct-Dee 53. (Vestnik Akademii Nauk., Moscow., Jun 54) SOt SUM 318, 23 Dee. 1954 - ;to. R. KMOR, N.V.: KOLIS' O.R.; TSUKRM". A.M. StImulatirg effect of novocaine on Interorceptors. TruAy AMU SSSR 24 no.2:82-99 153. 7227) (PROUIM. effects, *on interoceptive appar, of various orgaps in frog)