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SOV/112-59-2-2326 Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Over a Periodic Structure of Conducting detetmined by superposing plane waves whose arnplitudes are periodic functions of two coordinates. The dispersion equation set up in the article is solved graphically. Plots are presented of propagation and attenuation constants against the wavelength-to-structure -period ratio and also against the plate 'resistance per unit area. V. Ye. B. Card 212 MLPAWV. T.V. I Propagation of electromagnetic waves In a periodic otructure of conducting plates. Ixrvys.ucheb,z&v.; radtofts. 1 -no*2:2-7 158 (MIRA U:U$ 1. Sibirakiy, fiziko-tekhnicheekly institut pri Tonskom universitetee (Radio waves) MZPAM-Y,Y.Y, Refloction of plans electrompetto waves form a periodic structure of conduction plates* I%v.vys*ucheb.zav*; radlofts. 1 no,2:8-12 158. (KIRA 1101) 1, Sibirskly fisiko-takhnicheek1y Inatitut pri Tomakom universitstso (Radio waves) S/194/62/000/005/108/157, D230/D306 AUTTH OR: TITL13: Reflection of plane electromagnetic waves from a semi- limited periodic structure consisting of conducting plates PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika-i radioelektronikap no. 5, 1962, 24, abstract 5zh177 (Tr. Sibirek. fiz.- tekhn. in-ta pri Tomskom un-tet 1960,,,no. 39# 25-33) TEXT; A study of the reflection of a plane monochromatic eomo wave rrcm a semi-restricted periodic structure consisting of thin plates laith ;inite conductivityi The problem is solved using approximate bounAry conditions for thin plates. LAbstractor's note; CompIte translationj. Card 1/1 29311 S/109/61/006/010/009/027 D201/D302 AUTHOR: Kolpakovp -V.v. TITLE:-, Mffrac~.,~iorr, 'f e 0 _iurface electromagnetic waves at the lmpedan6e dis ontinuity of a circular cylinder PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i'dlektronika, v. 6, no. 100 1961, 1664 TEXT: The author analyzes the problem of diffraction of electro- magnetic surface waves at the impedance discontinuity of an infini- te impedance cylinder, Since. this cylindrical system finds appli- cation in surface wave propagation systems, the solution of this problem is both of technical and practical interest. The problem consists of integrating the differential symmetric TM-wave for the sole component boundary conditions Ez ZH,,, at the surface of the impedance cylinder Card 1/6 equation of an axially of its magnetic field with and with conditions at in- 29311 3,/109/61/006/010/009/027 Diffraction of surface D201/D302 finity. In the plane z 0 iQ for z-L-0 Z = 1 (2) (.Z2 JQ2for z 0 and thus ivithlk w1c 2PIA, the inhomogeneous Yliener-Hopf inte- gral equation 00 ihlz H(a, z) H(l)(av )e + 21Tak(Q. Ql) G(al at z, z') 0 (9) H(a, zl)dzl, is obtained which is solved in the complex variable plane by the usual methods and,results in H (p, H(l) (pzL) eihz + k(Q*- Q1) (PV) dw + 2jil t" (av) + kQjH(1) (w.+hj)1Fs(w)(&,.q,t Card 2/6 2933a Diffraction of S/109/61/oo6/010/009/027 -ice D201/D302 which can be foaRRM processed and gives ih].Z h h 11(pt Z) H(l) 1 2 -ih z + - exp M(h H(l) _+~h - (pvl)e 2 z < 0 (19a) the first term of wilich represents an incident ot the discontinu'i- ty surface wave, t~e% second term. representing the reflected wave@ The field of the r^.smitted surface wave is derived as H 2ht (Hill, OVI)II-Mil- (PI 2) - - 21.1 T-4 x (19b) X exp 2 "'t'] F1 Ih,, Af (h,) 'HIM (PI") em" 2 ~1_2 > The power reflection*coefficient-R and-tran .smi Ission coefficient T are determined by 2 R P-1 ~r_2 exp 2X(Pl), Card 3/6 + 02 (20) N, 40 29311 3/109/61/006/010/009/027 Diffraction of surface ... D201/D302 T 401P2 exp I)L(P (20) 01 + P2) 1) - X(102)lt in which 9, hi/K and P. = h2/k~ .- the delay factors at both sides of the impedance discontinuity. Prom the analysis of graphs of-re- levant expressions it is shown-that Rf T and .1e, depend on a/X only for small values of a/~,. - For a/,,I, 1, R/Roo I ~f/T an d f ?/,,,I di:ffer 00 1 ~00 little from unity and for the above values of a// the coefficients R, T and may be evaluated from the approximate formulae I? OXP 01, (Pt + PI)s (02 - (22) 4 Y 01=1 R=1 jrP_f::7DI T = Iexp -Rp-h, (P 1) (g2 - j) + For a/~, 0, the function X(u) is zero and coefficients R, T and Card'4/6 29311 S/109/61/006/010/009/027 Diffraction of surfac D201/D302 tend to R tP, P2 2 40102 Y, 'to :: 0. 0 7 ~Tl + P2- 10 01 + 02) the radiation field resulting from the diffraction of a surface wave at the impedance dJBmntinuity is determined by going over to the new variabe Tt w = k Cos, To V k sin T, and to the spherical system of coordinates and by evaluating the integral .of Eq. (18) for large values of kT (saddle point T = 3f 6). Thus H 0) x h, (hi hi) AI(h,)IX. 2(Qs-Qj)k,(hj A ([HI"' (av,)]' 111.11 (av~) H"~ (av,)) exFI 2 (h.)l X.. 2 + 2 j -X (23) Ylsin OH(I) (ak sin 0) + QtIlf') (ak sin O)j join OH(I) (ak sin 0) + QW(I) (ak sin 0)] 0 0 k + ho) x -O:ip (23) 0- - hP (V Cost 0- h.I) Card 5/6 29311 S/109/61/006/010/009/027 Diffraction of surface .4"0 D201/D302 is found. The solution for a TE-wave is not given since all formu- lae as.obtained for a TM-'wave remain valid for a TE-wa'veq provided H is substituted by BY; :E~ by - E by - H. and Z by 17Z. There CF P, z are 5 figures and* 5 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet- bloc. The reference to~ tlie-English-language publication reacb as follows: A.F., Kayp Scattering of a surface a discontinuity on reactance, IREp IRE, Trans. 1959t' AP-7, 1, 22. SUBYITTED: January 18p 1961 -Card 6/6 8/194/62/000/007/105/160 D271/D308 AUTHOR: Kolpakovp V,,V. TITLE: Approximate boundary conditions for conducting plate PERIOM CAL: Referativn yy zhurnal., Avtomatika i radioelektronikap no* 7P 19152t-abstract 7zh2O8.(Tr. Sibirsk, fizo-tekhn;- in-ta pri Tomakonk ~n-te,.1960, n*o. 39t 16-24) TEXT: Approximate; tial components .Vundary relations between tangen o; eleotric and,magiotic fields are derived for an infinite plate wt'~h a finite condub%nce. In a particular coiLse when plate thick- ness is smaller thann,that of the skin layert the *-approxiiate boun--_,/4. dary conditions assuqe an especially simple form* The problem of reflection of a plaAW- wave from a conducting film' is considered as!~_ an example of applic4ion of the approximate boundary conditions* [Abstracter's notes Complete translational Card PA 2,~tW- Nl A- a AP51015168 'G038/GO38 Meta"urg-ya, Abs. 5 C226 B, T.,. Lebt deva, L. P. -)n tecl nolo&v of manufacl,,wri.,mi 1 -o -f ~.lon 7 brind FMK-11 -r'~mnZiator L khn. _~VBeG. Lauchno-t4e k nfe r- r, --7 iaterlal, ~rlctllpq r- n y c3 icn-1 pr-cperty, Imi, rcwler nr um c I/ has beon .2.1 uf3e )f I the 0. 1u. IN AR5015168 in ssin K pressu-t- , the v--~ar a st -Iron Gp~~Jxum DI !ssing pnes sur-z 1", tc, 311tluwus ng' t chno1og, the pro,~ear- 1~~, avoid -3verbaking of disics, a e pnint ~(22-241 black &rapbitc-,-'jL.-p- r-emakider vat-ar). Me paint ia i. ~U;3kn 7 n~s -4,1 tbout '37:.-Cial Mpcwetior, or t~y, SUB OODE4 ~2=.- 00 v AIP~C_1737 ''DI'-8/0119 p,, T ko. M K ry s I r :4 rd rnov V A. 7 no - fn M . M. ; Ede". 'man, M I for ~rOUJL cing friction parte Crorr,_S_,wier cQmponents. 171702 -ten' I -z,)!: r--~teniy i -A ;4~ t r a I, ri k e r i c 1~ i on F. r C e c a e :i a s r~ ~-arts_-f P r a, -u n redu e v e a r 'I c 'T, I X b irium a u I f at e 0% --~xfde. The mixture ts a intere at P, temnerat%ire r-esaure ~f JjB A--5()lT8T; non e 6 3 E-H CL OTHER: 000 ATP Pit&niat V L 00599-66 Ewpfa i~~(CWEPU)IWA EF ACCESSMUMe- -ARS018950 Ull/0276165l0WlW7lV47lBW tiimivv,-nmshln6at=yeni3?&. Ovadnyy tou4 Abs. 7W3 SOURCE: ROW oh., Telchm fA .3' T P I M-tOV Tiv ff. Kai a.: -den opmatc Akt' a -3, J~'t: Cr fm - 90MC&I yr. M-41kilt.;,ogi~i64A :~216iill olj~ A .T 143PIC TAM. friction -i*X-Mt ::oxidized Zetal, PWdei,-- Orotaba.l. factor effectiantlecorcit FK-ll carmat TRANSLATION: Tha,authorg aterfas .0,Vk08.A6tor8i the: fi~;Lci hanical aiid fri at -Coq~gctla& on a 0-mec ctioa Properties. of ~ M-41rcarm t&VI-lit-Ja -.shown -that- us& of oxidfted re and Cd povderi,--l~- atq?l1fies- th-0-t-eclualogliall procoq# (Loa eliminates; reduction and crushing, jdperations), reduces the mitnhoura required and decreases the cost of a finished ithout lowering qualLo, The carmet La characterized by bigh strength -Onevess ae,,4mitt:veat--*hen.compacted, at a pressure of,awut 6 tf = T, ~7 FACCESSIM MR; AR50 ,j Arl effective pressure of 20 25 kg/cm2 is optinal for the sintering process. The. stnter~ng period was reduced from 7 to 4.5 - 5.0 hours when temperature was in- creased steadily to assigmed levels. The period required to preheat the workpiece. to an assigned temeratura was reduced from 4.5 to 2.0 - 2.5 hours. The authorts recommend the use of an aixtiscorch coating composed of 22 - 24% black graphite 3. _~.:E 14 - 16% quartz sand, 9- 10% refractory clay anti the balance in water. Use of. .. ... L ~:' f the coating factlitatea Automiatica of the coating aprjT-Lcation process and an -proved Induatzial hygiene enviro, nment. :Two illuatrac~_Gns and 7 tabLea. ENCL-. iet a"'I J;- T -7 7 U. V 4, ~q7 2h _7 K7 77 Card- V2 - - - - - - all, M~f I It 4 1 4 1 6 1 14 it IV W 0 14 t) 0 it it AS Is Al 4'.4 'oil VU ids her rejoijV4 jjtjapatpo A I a Poorest it 4.0 Cr Aracdiiii oilAk"ii tad Pkk I== the eriatedpaint a( couIrreed, th 1. V. Kolpakov. 1. xv;d.. r -1337.4tr Sort Ukr RjLq�ffM' in Eaglih. 3!tUg; 3 32 M * OR 1310-1)(IM.-As atumpt was made to discover if tht theiery of Alantoter mW Pkk he gnereelly applicable to 06 Caruj%vra. it the mechsalwo is necessarily ccianected with see I intozi of feeding ated it the theory may be applied to man. Thr sudden detention of blood Its the liver durins hisumine, Peptone or anaphyWic shocit is touted ist wolves and W fax". as well as dort; it is probably clutracteristic of 00 Catthiae, The Hm vol. decease in such slWa. not Cvi. Poe dcut in doet% is found bz cab, piew. oppomns and wnc- .grho rats. guinea jOss and gwis firvel rawtv. JU4 Fk 11:2 do not give any marked Utw reution, is Stitt to hingminc - r sanatphyttexis (goats. Plaft DW). Not An Ifuleivors N to histamine with vasoconstrictim OW hypertention, MAN as is generally believed; the lintel respotids with hypo- t tetition. Likewise, the vascular reaction of the liver to tuVenaline is" III terWc of Carnivoret but ii goo also found (decree=14= in rabbits, pisi, rams and ciao guors. The blood pressure drops during hittantine or atophylactic aback in raranus (lizard); the liver is re- A fra..-tory. Pinchack MOO ASSI-SLA Stlr&LLURWALLITgnatlar-LASWICAII" _U a AV to 3 00 M to Sa IS ar al a .4 It a Itt ta ot tt U a to ado is 0 llrasad'31 I m n is v IS a 41 11 a Ok4 I, A r 1 -2 AS AM MF AM 09 g wt 466 040064tl$ Wwea sea so it 0,3 U MOW leftla. 000 Kudos w aNd .3 404 IS 4WAW it WSS deftwd roo JjLjj ago 914M NOW&MV 00 444 431121 OK QWV &It a, ,I In ell, t", #A S U 4 1 it 3 1 v am Is orJOA :10 0. 0 0 a 04 0.0-0 0 6600*4040694*0606*6*600 Mfg ..,~oktor biol.nauk KOLPIKOI. Ye .4y Comparative otud'7 of muscular sphincters of the hepatic veins. Madych.zhur. 19 no.2:14-30 149. (MIRA 10:12) 1. & viddilm oL4v"AV-nAj patologii (zav, viddilu - chlen-kor. AN URSR H.M.3-irotinin) Institutu klinichnol fiziologii im. akad. O.O.Bogomolltsya AN URSR (direktor - chlen-kor. AN URSR P.Ye.KRvets'- kiy) . (HRPATIC VNINS) - K0LPAKCV , - Y7, V.- -- -- - - . - . -- -- - I -- -- - --- - - - - -- - 25957. - Kclpakov, Ye. N. SraNmi.tellnoye issledovaniye myshechnykh shly-uzcrv pechen I cchny'xh Med. zhurnal, T. X-'X, Vyp. 2, 1954, s. 14-30.---Na ukx. yaz.---Rezyum,.e na rus. yaz- Bib-- iogT: 16 ntLzv. SO: Knizimaya Letopis', Vol. 1, 1955 KOIFAKOV, Ye.V.; RAYZ?,3'K&, H.P. xrrone"ous views on. the mechanism which regulates blood circulation In the liver. Medych.zhur. 22 no.6:73-82 152. (MT-RA 6:10) 1. Instytut klinichnoyi fisiologiyi im. O.O.Bohomolitaya Akademiyi nauk UFSR. (Liver) (Blood-Circulation) KOLFAKOV RLAUXI, N.V. t!~ ~T_ * - -1 .- - - Effect of.experimental hepatic insufficiency on conditioned reflex activity in dogs. Top. fiziol. no.10:44-57 '54 (RLU 10: 5) 1. Institut fiziologii Im. A.A. Bogomolltsa Akademii nauk USSR. (LIM..-DISEASES) (CONDITIONED RXSPONSR) AC ~"d6t?i VRailty YurilyevIch; BABSKIT, Ye.B., akademik, otvatetvannyy reasktor; XAMSKIY, R.Ye.,. akademik~*redaktor; 10 profeasor, radaktor; HANARCHINKO, A.F., radaktor; SORT, YU.T., akademik, redaktar-, SMMHIN, K I., radaktor izdatelletya; KOLCKIYCHUX, V.A., takhnichaski; redaktor. [Selected worka; in one volume) Isbrannys trudy; v odnos tome. Kiev, Isd-vo Akad.nauk USSR, 1957. 513 P. (MIRA 10: U) 1. Akademiya nauk USSR (for Babskly, Kavetskiy, Follbort). 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademli nauk USSR (for Makarchenko). (Blectrophysiology) KOLPAI-07, Ye of, M.; 0 -5* ax --" x~ , ~`T. .'r Nikolay Nikolayevich Sirottain; on his 60th birthday.11stolahur [Ukr.] 3 no.lil2-15 Je-IF 057- (KLRA 10:i) (SIROTININ, NIZOLAX NIKOIAIVICH, 1896- ) [Kolpakov. IN.V91 Vascular reflexes of Aa-he liver as related to the action of the sphincters of liver veins., Fissiolahur. [Uk=.] 5 no-3:322-328 Mv~e '59. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Institut fiziologii '-im.-O.O.Bogomoiltaya AN URSR, laborato- riyu orivnyal'noi I Ik", KO-qLf iziologii. KOLPAKOV, Ye.vq ~Kol ~ukov, IS.V. Charles Darwin-, on the 150th anniversary of his birth. liziol. zhur. Eukr.] 5 no.3:295-300 Yly-Je 159. (Hiu 12: 10) (D&RWIN, CHAR S ROMT, 1809-1882) KMPAKOV, T4~3~yt-,Lzolpakov. II-1-1 On the methodology used in creating an B&-PavloT fistula. risiolisbui, .6 no,ltl25-130 Ja-I 160. (MMA 13:5) 1. Institut fiziologit Im. A.A. Bogamolitsa AN USSR. KOLPAKOVI Ye.V. (Kolpakov.. IE.V.] Comparative phyoiologY of blood circulation In the liver. Fiziol. zhur. (Ukr,-] 7 no.31395-408 MY-Je '61. (MIRA 14:5), 1. liboratoiiya ardvnitellnoy i voirastnoy fiziologii Instituta. fiziologii im, A A.Bogomolltsa AN USSR, Kiyev. iLIVER-BLOOD SUPPLY) MAKARCHEIIKO, A.F., akademik, otv. red.; SIROTIMIll U.N., zam* otvo redo; KqLPAKOVI-14~j,. .-prof., rt-d.; IAUER, N.V., doktor mod. nauki red.; GUREVICH, M.I., doktor m-~d. nauk, red.; KOLCHINSKAYA, A.Z., kand. med. nauk, red.; YANKOVSKAYA, Z.B., red.-izd-va; BEREZOVSKAYA, D.N., tekhn. red. "Oxygen deficiency; hypoxia and adaptation to it] Kislorod- naia nedostatochnost'; gipokaiia i adaptatsiia k nei. Kiev, Izd-vo AN USSR, 1963. 609 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. Instytnt fiziologii. 2. Akademiya nauk Ukr. SSR (for Makarchenko). 3. Deystvitelfnyy chlen AM SSSR (for Sirotinin)-. KOLPAKOV.. Ye.V. [Kolpakov, IE.V.] VolocVxyr Ivanovich Vernadolkii; on the 100th anniversary of his birth. Flziol.zhur.[Ukr.1 9 no.1:3-5 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 18:5) LEBEDEVA, L.P.; KRYSIN, B.T.;,EQ~,4~A IGNATOV, L.N.; MIKUYLDVSKIYI V.A.; SHIRROV, G,G.; TUTSEINKO, M.V. Expertments.1-production of iron-base friction ceramic metqls. Porosh.-Met. 5 no.8:96-102 Ag 165. (MRA 18:9) GOLYSHEVO A.B., kand. takim. natdc; POI-I~-"HGOIHU,~'. Vora) inzIl.;_~OLPtiLKLI, Yu.A.., inzh. Solving a relaxation Droblem during the calculation of contirmous co,rfoined structures I'01- the settling of supports. Sbor. trud. lnzh-.- stroi. fak. Chol. politeU., inst, no.301-4.1 163. OMU 17:9) 1. Urallsldy fJ] Akademii stroital'st-va i arkhitektury 333R. BUSAW, A,P.91 kand9takha.naaIq-_MOLPAKOT, Tu.D., inshe Determining the moistmrs content of wood bv its dielectric parmea- bility. Dereprome 9 nosIU13+14 -B 160. (MIRA 13:12) (WQod--R*iptura) S/081/6-1/000/024/010/086 B138/BI02 AUTHORS: Skripov, V. P., Kolpakov, Yu. D. TITLE: Scattering of light in carbonic acid along sub- and trans- critical isotherms PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 24, 1961, 73, abstract 24B522(Sb. "Kritich. yavleni a i flyuktuatsii v rastvorakh". M., AN SSSR, 1960, 126 _ IM TEXT: The sca8tering of light on carbonic acid is studied for five sub- (19-98 - 30.67 C) and five transcritical (31.20 - 49.90 0C) isotherms. Intensity of scattered I' and of transmitted light I are measured for three lines of the mercury spectrum (5461, 4350 and 4060 A). The measurements were made with high pressures (50 - 125 aty-in the system. The extremum values of If increase on approaching critical temperature, and the difference between If for the liquid and the vapor becomes less. On the transcritical isotherms I' peaks are observed, which also increase on approaching critical point. With variable p - t, points for the I' peaks of transcritical isotherms plot very well into a straight line, merging Card 1/2 S/081/61/000/024/010/086 Scattering of light in carbonic ... B138/B102 with the saturated vapor pressu 9e curve at critical DOint. The coordinates of the critical point are 31-00 C and 73.2 t 0.5 at.' The results are in good agreement with the Rayleigh acatteging law 11 a 11A.4, with the exception of the.isot~?jm ptak at 31.20 , which is closer to critical point, where It I/A tAbstraoter's note: Complete translation. Card 2/2 b0VQZn0nAnIye PO Krivionenicim yavtcnLriTa i riywcruavj3iyam v rastwralch. Moscow, 1960. Kriticheakiye yavlenlya I flyulctuat3ii v rastvoraldi; trudy ZVA-~sbchmi)-a, yanva5~1 1960 g. (Critical Phanomana and Plus- tuati-ins in Solutio0s; Transac~tiona~of the Conreronco, January 1960) Moscow, Izd-vo M SSSR, 1960. 190 p. 2,500 copie.i printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Akademlya ~auk SSSR. Otdelcniye Mimi- cheskikh nauk. Moslcovskiy goaudarstvennyy universitot im. M. V.,Lomonosova. Milmichaskiy fakulltet. Responsible Ed.: M. I. Shakhparonov, Doctor of Chemical Sciennes, Prore6sor; Ed. of Publishinj Houset E. S. Dragunov; Tech. Ed.: S. 0. TlkhomlroVa. PURPOSE I This collection of articles is intended for scienUfic - sonnol concerned with chemistry, physics, and heat powor er p engineering. Card 1/9 Critioal Phenomtna and Fluotuationz SO'1/5469 COVF'IAGr:,I' The book contaira 24 of the 26 reports read at the Conference on Critical Pheno-mona and Fluctuations In Solutions t-rganlzed by the Chemical Division or Moscow State Univernity, January 26-28, 1960. The reporto contain rainulto of inveatl- .Sationa carried out In rocant years by Soviet physiciato, chemists, and heat power engineers. 91ie Organizing Co-67-.dttee of 'he Conference was compoued of Professor Kh. I. Amirlthanov, A. Z. Golik, 1. R. Krichevokiy (Chairman) V. K. Scmenchon1to, A. V. Storonkin, I. Z. Fisher, and M. I. Ahakhparonov (Deputy Chairman). References accompany individual articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 AmIrkhanov, Kh.1 A. M. Korimov and B. G.-Alibekov [Lab- oratoriya molekui~arnoy fiziki, Da'gestanskiy filial All SSSR Laboratory of kiblecular Physics, Dagestan Branch, AS USSR). Thermophysical Properties,bf Matter at Critical Temperature 5 Card 2/9 .3a Critical Phenomena and Pluatuations sov/5469 Alchadov, Yn. Yu., and 11. 1. Shalthnnronov (Laboratorlya fizilco-* ]&.Imii raztvorov, Khimi~~i~;Idji~ 11-onkovokiy SoGudarst- venyy universitat im. M. V. Lomonocova -- Laboratory of tho Physical Chemistry of S61utiona, Chemistry Division, Iloscow State University imeni 214. V. Lomonooov]. Dielectric Properties of Solutions in a Superhigh Prequanoy Fleldt~-.,l Concentration Ylu-ztuations i4 Beridzo, D. K., and 11. 1. Shalchnaronov [Laboratory of Phyni- cal Chemistry of Sol-u'fi-ons, dhRh,7I-sY-x-j- Division, Moscow 'State Univer3ity imeni M. V. Lomononov]. Light Scattering in Solu- tion3 Having a Critical Stratification Point 21 Vuks, M. F.,-and L. I. Lianyanakiy (Laboratoriya molokulyarnoy optiki, Fizicheskiy fakulltet, Leningradokiy*gonudarstvannyy universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova -- Laboratory of Molecular Optics, Physics Division, Leningrad'3tate University Imeni A. A. ZhJanov]. Intermolecular Interaction and Light Seat- tering ip Solutions or Pyridine andc(- Picoline In Water 27 Card 3/9 '9"/3z 59 Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations Zat3epina, L. P., and PI. I. Shakhy)aronov (Laboratory of the Physical C4e-aistry of So lutiona~,dn-EHfs-trj Division, Moscow State Un:~vcrsity imeni M. V. Lo-monosov]. Rayleigh 14ght Scattering In Nitrobenzene Cyclohoxane and Ethyl Alchol Diethylamine Solutions 32 Kanimov, R. H. , and M. 1. Shalchparonov [Laboratory of the Physical Chemistry ol-So_Mfo-na, eiiifstry Division, moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomononov]. Dielectric Proper- ties of Solutions in Eleotrom2gnotie Fields of the Rillimetric Band and Concentration Fluctuations 37 FrIchevakiy, I.-R., and N. Ye.,Khazanova [Laboratoriya vyaokikh davlenly GIA? --- Laboratory of High-Preosure [Studiez)i Mos- cow Statj Design and Flanning-Scientitic Research Institute of the Nitrogen Industry]. Diffusion of Liquid,and Gdoeous Solu- tions In the Critical Region 45 Krichevskiy, I. R., and Yu. V. Teekhanakaya (Laboratory of Card 4/9 0 Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations Sov/5469 High-Prossure [Studiouls OIAP], Kinetics of Heterogeneous Processes In the Critical HoSion 54. Krichevskiy, 1. R;# N Ye Khazanova, and L. R. Lin6Uts [Lab- oratory or High P ess~ro (Studlooj,"GIAP]. Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium in the Critical Region of Liquid-Systcm Strati- 61 fication Lomova, N. N, and M I Shakhnaronoy [R~ibor#oryof the Physical Chcmist;~-:~of~-OiiWZM, Chcmiatry Division, Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lononosov]. Pormittivity and Molecular Structure of Solutions 73 Lanshina, L. V., and M.*I. Sha-khoaronov (Laborator7 of the Physical Chemistry. of-MIR-fo-na, -- ChaiH-str7 Division, Moscow State University Imoni H. V. Lomononov]. Thin Structure of tho Lino of Rayleigh Light Scattering in Solutions 77 Makhov, N. V., jand Ya. M. Lablcovskly [Kafedra daporimentallnoy riziki Dnopropetrovokly gosudarntvanrW unlvorsitet Depart- Card ~/q 10 Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations S OV/541 6 9 men, of.Ll-perimental Physics, rnopropotrovok Stato UhIvoralty]. L' InvQdtigation of Dmsity FlUCtUatiOnG in Ethor and Benzene Baaad on X-Ray Scatterins at Narrow Anglea I 81 i 1,101shovil N. V., and 1. V. Kirsh (D~parLmnt or 1,7"-morimmtal Phycics, Dnepropetrovsk State Univomityj Variation In the Sizes of Concentration Fluctuationa In Rolationnhip to Tom- poraturo and Concentration in Dinarl Liquid Syatcmw Havine an Upper Critical Dissolving Tcmyoraturo 89 Nozdrov, V. F., B. 1. Xal~yehov and N. 0. ShIrl-ovich [Momkov- DIUy oblaotnoy pada-vogichnCdy inatitut -- Pedagogical Inati- tuto of the '.Tc3o6w Oblast]. Hyporoonia InvootiGatior.:. In Organic Liquids at Con'stant Dansity In the Vialnity of the Critical State 93 Rottj L. A. Eminakiv lonotolchnIchoakly institut --.; Minsk' Forestry Enginooring Institute]. Concerning tho Diffusion in- - the Critical Stratification Region 102 Card 6/9 30 Critical Phenomena and Fluctuauons, sov/5469 Roohohina, 0. P. [Laboratoriya molelculyarnoy fiziki, Fizi- cheokiy fakulltet, Kiyevskly gooudarstvannyy univercitot in. T. G. Shevchenko Laboratory of Molecular Physics Divi-~ sion of Physics, Kiyev State University imeni T. G. Shov.honko] Invootigation of Fluctuations in Solutions by the Nothad or Lie;it Scattering log Skripov, V. P. [Laboratoriya molelculyarnoy fizi1ci,Uraltt;kiy' polito1dinichookiy inatItut im. S. N. Kirova -- Laboratory of Molecular Physics, Ural Polytechnic Inatituto imeni S. M. kirov]. Special Structural Fcaturo3.of Tlattor in tho Vioin- ity of the Critical Point and Transfer Phenomena 117 Skripov, V. P., and Yu. D. Kolpalcov [Laboratory of Molecular Physics, Ural Polytothnio iff"Ytituto Im-ani S. N. Kirov, and the Laboratoriya teplofizik:~,Urallskiy filial AN SSSR ThormophysIca Laboratory, Ural Branch, AS USSR]. Light Seat- In Carbon Dioxide along Pro- and Post-Critical Isotherms 126 Smirnolv B. A. (Institut neftekhimichookogo sinteza All SSSR Card i79 30 Critical Phonomona and Fluctuations SOV/5469 Visual Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, AS USSR (Moscowl) Obc;ervationa In the Critical Region 237 Fisher, I. Z., and V. K. Prokhoronko. Concerning the Fluct- uations of Coordination Numbers in Liquids 142 Fiahor, 1. Z. [Belozru=k~F L7-,-audarstvennyy Univer.,dtet -- Belo- rusaian State University (Minsk)) correlation Analysis of the Critical Point 148 _Shakhpai~onov, H I (L-bcratcx7 of thts RVIw1 Chemii3try of tolu.- Tivialon, Moscow State University imeni M. V. tions, Chemistry Lomonosdv]. Fluatuatiozin in Solutions 151 Shimanskaya, Ye. T., and A. Z.*Golik [Laboratory of Molecular Physics, Physics Division, Kiyev State University imeni T. G. Shevchenko). Investigation of the Critical State, Liquid- Vapor, of Solutions by Teplerla Method 161 Card 819 ..... .. ... 'Critical Fhenomena and Fluotuatlon3 SOV15469 Shimanskaya, Ye. T., Yu. 1; Shimanalciy, and A. Z. Golik [Labs oratonj of 1,11olecular Phjoica, Divivion of Phynica,.Kiyev State Univeraity imeni'T. G. Shevehenkol. Investigation of the Critical State or Pure Sub3tanoon by Topler's Method 171 of the Conference on Critical Phenomena and Flue- tuations In Solutions 189 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (0545.S73) ,;P/dflc If 10-2V-91 Card 919 80284 3/1 7Y60/003/04/05/027 B007 B 102 AUTHQRS: Skripovq V.P.9 Kolpakov, Yu.D. TITLE: An Investigation of the rnri-roass-region, Transition in Carbonic Acid From Light Scattering PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizichookiy zhurnalp 19609 Vol- 3t go- 4, PP- 310-36 TEXT: In this paper experiments are described in which scattered as well as transmitted light was observed during isothermal change of the state of the substance. The experiments were m%de.with carbonic acid. A section through the test chamber is shown in Fig. 1. The experimental arrangement consisted of this chamberg of a system for-refilling the device with carbonic acid, a thermal pressure control and an optical system. The-devioe is briefly described. Eight isothermal curves (6 transcritical and 2 ouboritical) of the intensity of scattered and of transmitted light as depending on carbonic-acid pressure were taken. The entire temperature range of the measuremento was 800. The dependence of height and position of the maxima of I' (intensity of scattered light) on the magnitude of the difference 4T between testing temperature and critical temperature is very conspicuous in these curves (Fig. 2). The intensity rise of Card 1/3 80984 -An iu'vestigation of the Interphase-region Transition S/17Y60/003/04/05/027 in Carbonic Acid From Light Scattering B007 B102 scattered light becomes weaker with growing distance from To (critical temperature). Vertical lines mark the points of condensation in the below-oritical, isothermal lines. Fig. 3 shows the dependence of the 11-maxima on A T for three spectral lines.- The maximum of light. -scattering shifts towards higher pressure with rising temperature (Fig. 2). The relation between temperature and pressure at the V-maxima is, near the critical pointp a straight line with the inclina- dp/d2--- - -1. 50 - at/deg- -or, -in-reduoed -quantitieSt- -di/dv - -6. 2. --The -lat ter---- value is almost equal to that obtained by N.G. Kaganer (Ref. 6) for the critical isochoric curve of various nonpolar gases (dx/dr - 6.0). In the experiments described also the intensity I of the transmitted light was measured. The minima of tranamittent light were obtained in the range of the scattering maxima. The results of earlier measurements made by one of the authors (V.P. Skripov) and G.P. Nikolayev (Ref. 11) have already been given. The qualitative dependence of light scatter on wavelength'is. shown in table I and Fig. 3. The light soattering observed had the character of a Raylei h scattering, i.e. I"Wi/,k 4. The data of light scatter and formula (3) (Ref. 81 may be used for calculating elasticity -(dp/dv )T Or compressibility _V! (dv/dP)T Of the substance Card 2/3 NOLPANOV,p Yu,Do* SMUWVO V'.F*; GORM40VAp B.N. Scattering of light in carbonic acid and its relation to the equation of state* Mwdiz.zhure 7 no.7t787-79Z Jl 162. (MM& 12:15) l.'Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut i Urallsk.iy filial AN SSSR.9 go fterdlovok. (Light-Scattering) (Carbonic acid) (Equation of state) ACC NRs A7,0M$63 -SOME -CODE: UWOO.51/65/0191003/0"2/0402 AUMOR: Skripoy,, Vi P. Xolivtkay Yu. D. ORO: none TITO: M&ht sc;Aering In the vicinity of -the, =itical liq7dd-vapor pointe- I& _-Ap- paratus. Experiments with carbon dioxide and suLfur hexafluoride SOURCE: Optilm I.- 02 TOPIC_,-TAGS_-.__- c~.14:di des-.-i-su1fur-:com* __11 1~A~ ~phafle critical. point -AwTRACT: This is a contiftuat on, of . earlier--work by the authors (Ukr. fiz zh-. ~v- 7i 71n P_: 11~62 And earlier) # Yher6 barti6ular atte .ntion %4as paid to the cannection, betweeh scattered light and the natuie.of,supercritical transitions in carbon dioxide. In the present investigation iinpraved equipment was uzed, and greater attention vas paid to methods of investigating opaleacences In additianp measurements were, made for- thle first time,on sulfur hexafluoride. . The light scattering was determined from the iso-- 4 5~ - - I __ - Ala, broad region near-the critical i the points of CQL. and SF13 using a pressured regulated thermostatic chamber. -)7 , 546,19 4358.. and 4o46 I from the mer--. The lines 60 spect -and the -transir-itted'(Watlarized) and sca:ttere i cury rum were used as - sazrcesJ light was recorded photaelect'ricaI4, The apparatus and procedure are describ6d in detail. 1he critical parameters of the carbon dioxide and sulfur hexafluoride were found to be 31-06 and 45.550 (Pritical temperature) and 73.1 and 37.7 atmi(eritical Card V2 uDe: 535.36 -I"OOLFAKOv, YU 0 Kolpakov, III, G. "Track automobile roads of constant type (Investigation of the operation of the thoro--irhfare portion of automobile roads)." Min Higher Education Ukrainian SSR. Kiev Automobile and Road Inst. Kiev, 1950'. (Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate 'In Technical Science) So: Knizhnaya letopis', 'No. 27, 19505- 110scow. Papes 94-109; 111. KOLPAKOV, Yu.G. -,-kand.tekhn.nauk , i , Using granite chippings from stone quarries for bituminous 'pavements. Avt.dor.i dor.titroi. no.l*.185-192 t65. (MIRA 18:11) S/076/60/005/05/27/037 .2 0 (A) BO04/B016 AUTHORS: 11eilinov, F. N.I(Deoeased)I.Tekster, Ye. N., Kolvakova, A. kot Panteleyevap Ye. P. TITLEt Investigation of .the Solubility of Thorium, P rophosph&Al in Acids, and Investigation of the Equilibrium Between Solid Phase and Solution in the Systems ThP 0 - H 0 and ThP 0 Th(NO, 2 7 - '4P207 2 2 7 3)4- H20 PERIODICALi Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii# 1960s Vol- 51 No- 51 PP- 1149 - 1156 TEXTs The solubility of ThP 20Twas studied in HC1, HNO 3 Pand H2S04 in the concen- t.ration range 0.1 - 0-5 N by means.of the radiochemical indicator Ux,. The method is described in a paper by F. M. Filinov and V. F. Budanova (Ref. I . The activity of the solutions was measured on the B-apparatus by means of a B- 1 ~-counter. Fig. I shows the vessel applied. Data on solubility are presented in Fig. 2, and for comparison, also the data of Ref. 8 are given. The solubility of ThP 0 in 2 7 solutions of Na4P207 in the concentrations range 0.02 - 0.2 K was also determined Card 1~1! Ap~,w-c64 3 .kr ~.F_,k o%m. A. A. M%rkovakiy, L. YP_. lAxtrilneeCent, 2rVpertiO of Ba.1-510 sub 2 sy-stmis activated by cerium and Zhu_-n&I pri)kladnoy khimil, v. 36, no. 3, 1963, 5N-536 manganese, luminescence, ltminophores A3S: Ba-eilicates, cerit=,, A~17 An investigation of the luminescent properties of Ba silicat'so activated _~=-_':ied action of trivalent Ce and Mo ohowed luminescence deT~endent ur3r -ng :)!-' 1-h-a ell-licate. Ba sub j 3-40 sl_ih 5 ~Ln~! ~~a 5,:t- 2sub 4 axe Ba sub 5 SiO aub 5 haz a6 very weak, and Ba sub 2 81 sub 3 0 sub 8 '-,!Fht blue, Lambda = 4-40-millimicron emission; &nd Ba5i au" 2 0 sub 5 &0d 7ichdr ta SiO sub 2 (BaS4. sub 2 0 sub 5 3.dulxed vI th SiO 9,.ib 2) Pr' -re a `=' 'zn --- - X-rays Inoolity, !Ambda m 4.W and I _b(IL were-_ form-ed. ::i ::,a-sets f7c= Ba 9-ub -J to BaSi owub 2 0 sub 5 vbAre x-mys is-nowed su~ 2 0 sub I .-_Inoelty prevv.Ued; this vez explained Ity the S:reater tntensity of ;y traceo, not. datented by x-rays of Ba inib 2 Si Erub 3 0 Bub 8 - Ce, ,~tTi. ns confIrn--d by mechanical mixtures o~' the former with 5-10% of the latter Card '-/ 2 75--63 XC~_QS' TON MR: AP3ooo643 i4licate. Mctensive study van made to determine the optimm routing temperature, 4tfect of BaF sub 3 and BaCI sub 2 as flux, and concentration of activators for the Nreparation of these luminophores-, 1100* vIth 3% BaC12 flux &nd 10% CeOp plus 1.4% 6~ub 8 - Ce, Mn is not mom The emission of the 1=inophore Ba sub 2 Si sub 3 0 than amssion from MS - Ag and 30% greater than fr(M MgWO sub 4. In con 'he authors express their appreciation !x _KQuAtP_&beY for conducting of test specimers. Orig. art. has: 3 tables, 6 fisw-es, ASSOCIATMU; Gosudar6tvenny*y institut prikladnoy khlmli state D29titute *f _A - pplied Chemistry sbat=: 27 ju62 aum AcQ: 12j=63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OR NO MT SOV: OOT 0='. 013 ca'd 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4044998 S/3110/64/000/051/0102/0106 AUTHOR: Kolpakova. A.A., Markovoldy, 1;. Ya. TITLE: Luminescent properties of the magnesium silicate system after activation with cerium and manganese SOURCE- Leningrad. Gosudarstvenny*y institut prilrdadnoy khtmii. Trudy*, no. 51, 1964. KhImiya. I tekhnologiya lyuminoforov (Chemistry and technology of luminophors), '102-106 TOPIC TAGS: luminophor, magnesium silicate, activated magnesium silicate, silicate luminescence, cerium, manganese, luminescence spectrum, absorption spectrum ABSTRACT: The phase composition of the MgO-SiO system which Is important in the manufacture of ceramics and refractory materials, Eas been istudied in detail, but its. luminescent properties are Insufficiently understood, The authors therefore studied the relationship between phase composition and luminescence In the Nigo-Sio. system after activation.with Ce02 (5 wt.%) and/or MnCI.2*4 1120 ("~ by x-ray and speciroscopic analysis of samples with varying composition (in steps of 5 mot. %). In order to achieve equilibrium, the luminophor was heated for 20 firs. at 1200C in the presence of MgI`2 Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4044998 before activation. The effect of the activating elements an the luminescence and absorption spectra are shown in Fig. I of the Enclosure. The experimental data show that the Mg2SiO4 phase does not show luminescence when activated with Cc alone, and produces only a very faint dark-red light in the presence of Mn. The MgS103 phase also produces very faint luminescence when activated with either Mn (red light) or Cc (blue light) alone, but in the presence of both Mn mid Cc the luminescence shows two peaks (390 and 670 mp). The strongest luminescence was produced by activated lumino- phors containing excess S102, which apparently facilitates the formation and activation of protoenstatite. "Yu. D. Kondrashav participated In the x-ray studies. " Orig. art. has: 1 table and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvenny*y institut prikladnoy khimli, Leningrad'(State Institute of Applied Chemistry) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL:- 0 1 SUB CODE: IC NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER; 010 Card 2/63 A.A.1 MKERVIAN, F.M. KO,UAL(,)V A tuminophors with a silicate base and radiation in the ultra-violet band of the spectr=. (Trudy] GIPKH no.5lg88-96 164. (MIRA 180) Ar5017771 T R/0000/ C, 53 5. 31' .,kpakova, A. A.; Markovskiy, prope -, L ies' -of c11,- ~-,ri' iacinoy khimij, v. ~tiu- sillcate, i--n n t, a whicish-l.. i: 'u r ,-.,Ollt ne -v r ui--. ar, d -)n va D', rS ' 0 3 'jm e L 1 ke s fl '0 h1up gLcr4 f c GO Ili x 4 -nc V. to a I d w 2::1! flophorg f n 6 c t he a, 1%, a r e arid i-Stat gures arid 2 tables. ',-TnV -cy) 6 3 )04 KOLPAKOVA. A.A ; MARKOVSKIY, L.Ya. Luminescent properties of the M-,O-SiO 2 system case of its activa- tion by cerium and manganese. rudy] GIPKH no.51.102-106 164. ~ I :II-17 '2885) (KRA: L16792-66 EwTM ijp(c) Acc iva.- AP6002534 SOME GODEt UR/0286/65/000/023/-0037/0037 AUTHORS: Kolpakova, A. A.; Markovskiy, L. Ya. ORG: none TITIS A method-for ob aining a luminophor ba3ed on strontiun orthosilicate* 't Class 21, No. 176651 famounced by State'Institute of Applied Chemistry_ (GosudarstvenrW institut prikladnoi kidmi. SOUPM.- Byullaten' izobrateniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 23, 1965, 37 TOPIC TAGS-. luminophor.. strontium compound, cerium ABSTRACT: This Author Certiticate resents a.mabhod~-for obtaining a lumindphar P based on strontium orthosilicats., The prodew calls for the use of an activator and for heating the charge. To obtain a luminophor radiating in the violet region of the spectrum and with a high temperature resistance of radiation, t-rivalent cerium is used as the aotivator, SIUB GODEt 07/ SUBM DAM 20ktaiO Card 1A 6W umt 621.3.032-35661-84-~- ACCNR; AV7007 595 SOURCE CODr: UR/0104/66/000/008/09W0096 AUTHOR: Chuprakov. 11. M.; Borovoy, A. A.; Postnikov, 11. A.; I-Vilychev, A. A.; ~'.a~,Idaon S - IN , SInIchugov, F. 1.; ZoyLldzon, Yo. D.; Barchaninov, G. S.; ' io~ '? .j Y en.* nko, V. 1M.; Vasilyov, A. A.; tokolov,-N. I.; Mlyanovo A. S.; Fedoroyev, A. M.; Sarkisov, % A.; Rokotyan, S. S.; Azartyev. D. I.*.*Axson. G. S.; Dub1n:;kiy, L. A~; Zhulin, 1. Antoshin, N. N. KrIkunch1k, A. B.; Xuchkin, I.I. D.; Proobrazhonskiy, N. Ya.j Rout, M. A.; Khayfits, M. E.; Sharov,,A. N.; Yokub, Yu. A.; Gorbunov, N. I.; ShumukhInq V. A.; Beschinskly, A. A. ORG: no-no TITL-P:. Boris Sargnyovich Uspenskiy (an his 60th birthdaY) SOURCE: Elektrichcakiya stantsil, no. 6, 1966, 95-96 TOPIC TAGSt hydrooloctric power pLant, electric anainaering personnel. SUa CODSt 10 A3ST,%%CT: 3i S. Uspenskiy was born In Juno 1906. He graduated fron tho" State Electric MachinoBuilding In:;tituto in 1928 as an electric Installation on.,1naor. He worked In the State Eloctro-Tochnical Tru~nt .1 for four years, then in the All-Union ElectroTochnical Union, whore he planned power construction urtit3. Plans which he made up at that time for the electrical portion of electrical stations and sub-stations are still being uocd. He was InvovIed An pl=knZ and installation of the electrical portion of hydro-olectric.povor stations and powerful pumping stacLonz in the Youcow-Volea Canaf; During the wart ha was in charge in installation of the KrAsnogroskrya Heat and Electric Power Station, the Planning of the Urals Hydro-ElectrIc Power Station and other projects. He Card STEPANOVAx Ye.I.; KOLPAKOVA,, A.S.; SOKOLOTA, G.A. Using the phage titer growth reaction for the check of dis- c infection effectiveness* Report Vo.l. Zhuro mikrobiol.p epide i immun. 33 no*l2slO7-U2 D.162 , (HMA 1625) lo Iz TSentrallnoy kontrollno-issledovatellskoy laboratorii Moskovskoy gorodskoy dezinfektsionnoy stantsii. (Dysm"TEU) (BACTERIOPHAGE) and "Recovery Voltages During F-Ut Clearing on Long Transmission Lines With Series Capacitors", paper presented at International Conference on Large Electric Svetems (CIGRE), 16th Session, Paris, 30 114ay-9 June 195" V .1 0. KOLPA.KOVA,_A.j.j BOGD1010VA, N. B.0 01111M) A. K. ) MOZANOV) N. P.; MUMVICN: I. M*f- POPKOV, V. I., SOVALOV, S. A., and SLOTT, G. A. Results of Some Researches, Carried out in the USSR on 600 kV long-distance Power TTansmissions. paper submitted for presentation at the Intl. Conf. on Lovae Electric Systems (CIGRE) 17th Biennial Session, Paris, France, 4-14 June 1956. Electra No. 30, 11ov 57, periodical news letter issued by the CIGRE, Paris France. ACC NRi JW6035702 SOUICE CODE: ult/0413/66/000/019/00 4WOo INVEMORS: Azortsev, A. A.; Bolkhovitinov, V. K.; . Ivanovap V. A.; Kolp akova, G. A.; Kyunj Ye,, V#,, Savellyev$ Yus Fq Drozdov) A. I.; Byunauj A. E; ORG.- none TITLE: A device for automatically control-ling the moverment of ship models on deeply .immersed undervater vanes. Class 21) No. 186547 1(,a-nnounced by Central Scientific .Research Iastitute imeni Academian A. N. Krylov (Toontrallrqy nauchno-isaledovatelle in3titut17 SOURCE: Izobieterd lennyye obraztsy) tovarnyye znaki., no, 19, 1966Y 48 ya, promysh TOPIC TAGS: shipbuilding engineering., model test, simalation test facility,, automatic control system ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate. presents a device for automatically contro1ling the movement of ship models on deeply immersed underwater vanes, with the use of a tow device -Aw~ of a measuring arm. .;The design.makes it possible to accomplish the 'programmed changes of the modelj, conforming to angles of trim difference) of heeling, and of yaw. It also malces'it pos,%ible to measure the instantaneous values of all these 'angles and the magnitudes of the vertical displacement of the model. The lower end of the measuring farm. is mounted on a Cardan ball joint. The upper end of the arm is set in a control housing which is the innerfrpme of a second Cardan joint. Card 1/2 oca. 621-501-72:629.12.ol4.5 ~a!: LASTOVSKIY, R.P.; KOLPAKOVA, I.D.; IVANOVA, N.I. Cyclohexylamine-N,,N-diacatic acid. YAt. poluch. khim. reak. i prepar. no.6:60-62 162. Benzylamine-N,N-acetoacetic aoid. Ibid,s62-63 (WRA 17:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut khimicheskikh reaktivov i osobo chistykh khimichaskikh vethchestv. LASTOV=I,jL2.,-Aokta-r,~kk&W*h.Ugi*;,IWM.AKOVAO,_I,D.p kand.khimich, nauk; DYATOLOVA, NX, kdnd;khimich;nauk; 'TEMKINA, V.Yi., kand.khimich. nauk U66-o-k-complexons in analytical chemistry. Zhur.VKHO 9 no. 2s 138-145 164. (MIRA 17:9) LASTOVSKIY, R.P.; KOLPAKOVA, I.D.; MIRONOVA, Ye.I. Benzhydrylamine-N,N-diacetic acid. Met. poluch. khim. reak. i prepar. no.6:63-65 162. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khimicheskikh reaktivov i osobo chistykh khimicheakikh veshchestv. imam 'LASMVSKIY*, R.P.; KOLPAKOVA, I.D.; KOZHELENKO, L.I. Aniline-N-N-diacetic-o-arsonic acid. Met. poiluch. khim. reak. i prepar. no.6-.65-67 162. (MIRA 17-5) 1. Voesoyuznyy natichno-losledovatellskiy institut khimicheskikh reaktivov i osobo chistykh khimicheskikh veshchestv. LASTOVSKIY, R.F.- KOLPAKOVA,L I.D.; IVANOVA, N.I. v---------- _ m-Phenylenediamino-N,N,N', Hl-trtraacettio acid. Met. poluch. khim. realc. i prepar. no.6-.72-73 t62. (MIRA 17:5) l.- Vsesovuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khlimi~cheskikch reaktivov i osobo chistykh khimicheskAkh vashchestv. BYKOVP A.M.; TOTSKTYO A.?,f.;,KPLPAKOVAp_ L.-D. Vibratory burr removal from machine parta, Mashinostroitell no.7tl4-15 JI 16~4. (MIRA l7tS) LASTOVSKIY, R.P.; KOLPAKOVA I.D. . 1. apa'all-Triamine~libenzyldiphenylmethart.e-N,N,Nt, N"Pfl"- hexaacetic acid. Met. poluch. khj.&, reak. i prepar. no.6:73-74 162. (MIRA 17--5) 1. Veesoyuznyy viauchno-issledovatellskJ.y institut khimicheskikh reaktivov i osobo chistykh khimicheskikh veshchestv. AUTHORS: Lastovskiy, R. P., Vaynshteyng Yu. 1., 75-1-4126 Dyatlova, N. Lt., Kolpakova, 1. D. TITLE: New Complexons, (Novyye kOMDleksony), Information 3.,Benzylaminadiacetic Acid and -Triamiiiolibenzyldiphenylmetlianehexaacetic Acid (Soobsticheniye 3. Benzilamindiukousnaya kielota i atalia"- Triandnq)dibenzildifenilmetangeksauksuanaya kislota) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Analiticheskoy Khimi:L, 19581 Vol. 13# Nr 1g PP- 31-35 (USSR) A13STRACT: With the examples of methylaininediacetic acid (1), benzyla:ninediacetic acid (2) and benzhydrilaminediao~stic acid (3) the influence exerted by the modification ofithe molecular weight upon the complex-forming properties ot some complexones was determined. CH311(CH2COOH) 2 ~D-CH21'(C,12000H)2 -CU- it (CH2 COOH)2 (2) (3) 4ft4=*94- The investigation of the properties of these new compounds New Complexono - 75-1-4/26 information 3. Benzylaminodiacetic Acid and a,a1,a"-Triaminodibenzy1- diphenylmethanehexaacetic Acid was.carried.out polarographically. The displacement of tho half-wave potentials for a number of cations at different PH were also determined. In this connection it was found t4~ benzyla~inediacetio acid at PEI 2,5 forms complex compounds with the ions Cu 2+ ~ Bi 3+1 Ni 2+ and Sb 3+ , at PH 4,4 with the ions Ou 2+ , CO 2+ and 140(y), at PH 9,35 with the ions Pb 2+, La(III) and at 2+ 3+ PH 12,42with the ions Cu , La(III) and Bb A comparison between methylamine-, benzylamine- and benzhydril amino-diaoetio acid chowod that an increase in molecular weight under certain conditiona causes an increase in the complex-forming properties. The polarographic investi- gation of a,a-L,all-triaminedibenzyldiphenylmethanehexaacetic acid (4) showed that this compound at P11 2,5 forms complex compounds with the ions 2+ 2+ ' 2+ 2+ Pb , CILL , As(III), Ili , Cc and Mo(VI), at p H 4,4 with G"&_~ the ione, qo 2+ $ 110(yi), Fe 3+ , at pH9,35 with the ions Pb 2+ MEN New Complexons.. Information !" Jenzylaminoliacetic Acid and -Triaminodlbenzyldiphenyliai)thanehexaacetic Acid 75-1-4/26 Bi 3+ Ili 2+ ,.Cd2+, Mn 2+ 1 Cr 3+ and La(III) and at pH12,4 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ with the ions Cu , Ili , Co and Al -911- -CH- (4) TT(C.Tj cobH ~(Cli OON 2 )2 2C' j )2 '1(C'12COOH)2 The formation of a number of complex compounds with this, complexone is dependent on time. Thiis, cog#, at P11 9,35 the half-wave potential of cadmium amounts to from -016 to -0,76V, in this connection the heiCht of the wave decreases from 16 to 11 mm and a second wave forms. The existence of two waves can here nnt be caus,-4 by a stepwise reduction, as cadmium does not show any intermediate stages in the oxidation number.-The formation of two waves may be explained, Py thelormation of differant complex compourds .so slowly~Aipasslng over into one another that each of*thoa is capabli-,of.forming its own.uave. After 15 days standinG the second wave disappears and the reduction potential of cadmium amounts to -0,7 V- On further standing no change liew Complexonse 75-1-4/26 Information 3- Benzylaminodlacetic Acid and alultal- -Triaminodibenzyldiphanyli,.u,;Iianehexaacetic Acid any more occurs-This phenomenon may be explained by the presence of 3 oomplex-forming g-roups ii u,al,all-triamine- dibeiizyldiphenylmethanehexaacetic acid which form intermediary complexes which one after another enter into the reaction. For a more complete characterization of the investigated new complexones the dissociation constants of the form,ed complexcompounds were determined in a polarogrphic way. For benzylaminediacetic acid the dissocia- tion constants of the complexes iwith copper and bismuth were determined, for the disodium salt of benzhydrilaminediacetio acid the dissociation constants of the complexes with copper, cobalt, nickel, lanthanum and cadmium, and for a,al,afi_ -triaminedi.'benzyldiphenylmethanellexaacetic acid the dissockticn constants of the complexes with copper, lanthanua and cadmium. The results of the polaro~;raphic investigations of ,the disodium salt of benzhydrilaninediacetic acid had already been published previously (ref. 1). The synthesis of benzylamineiiiacetic acid and a,al',all-triaminedibenzy1di- phenylmethanehexaacetic acid are accurately described. There _=Mrn;?4 are 2 tablea, and 3 references, all of which are Slavic. S,J,075/60/015/004/009/030/XX B020/BO64 AUTHORSs Lastovskiy, R. P., Kolpakova, I. D., and Dyatlova, N. M. TITLEt New Co.mplexonsi Information 4. Synthesis and Study of the Comp!-67~5-H-557-rhe TriazinelSeries PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 419 - 423 TEXTt Continuing their study of the synthesis of new complexons (Refs. 1-3), the authors investigate here the effect of nitrogen in the triazine cycle upon its capability of forming complex,compounds. The introduction of atoms capable of coordinating with metals into the complexon molecule increases its capability of forming complexes and, in many cases, inareases the selectivity of complexons for several metal cations. It was of interest to study the effect of heteroatoms in cyclic compounds. For this purpose, the following complexons containing a 1,3,5..triazine cycle were prepareds 2-OxY-4,6-diamino-43,3,5-triazine- N,N,Nt,N'-tetraacetic acid (I) and 2,4,6-triamino.-1,3,5-triazine- N, N,N',N',N-',N'1-hexaacetic acid (II) by condensing cyanur chloride with Card 1/3 New Complexons. Information 4. Synthesis and S/0'15/60/015/004/009/030/XX Study of the Complexons of the Triazine Series B020/BO64 imino diacetic acid. The complex-forming propertios of the new compounds were polarographically studied by shifting the half-wave potential and determining the instability constants of-'the complexes of a number of cations. Table 1 indicates that the synthesized complexons f orm a number of compounds with metal ions, among which the following are of special 4. 2+ 2+ 3+ 2+ 2+ VI ihteresti At pH 2-5, 1 reacts with Pb , Cu , Bi , Cd , Ni , MO , and Ti IV at PH 4.4, apart froya these ions, with As III and Un 2+ ; at PH 9.35 + 2+ 2+ 111 2+ VI 2+ 2+ with Pb , CU , Cd As Co , and Mo ; and at pH 12 with Cu ,Cd 2+ 2+ 3+ 2+. 2+ 2+ VI Zn Ni , and Bi At PH 4.4, 11 reacts with Pb CU Mn , MO IV 'I, from these ions, with 2+ and Ti ; at PH 2.5, apar. La T1 and Zn 2+ 2+ 111 2+ VI III at PH 9.3 with Fb , Cu , As Mn , MO , and La and at PH 12 with 2+ 2+ 2+ VI CU , Cd 1, Ni , and MO . To determine the influence of nitrogen atoms in the hetero-cycle upon the stability of the complexes '.being formed, the properties of compounds I and II were compared with one another and with m-phenylene diamine-NqNjN1,N1-tetraacetio acid, which were synthesized and Card 2/3 New Complexons. Information 4. Synthesis and E;/075/60/015/004/009/030/XX Study of the Complexons of the Triazine Series B020/B064 polarographically examined for the purpose. The instability constants of some complexes formed by the complexons examined with several metals were determined polarographically (Table 2)~ The half-wave potential shifts of the ion complexes with I and II are in all cases greater than with III, while the tendency toward forming stable complexes with I is greater than with II. I and II are characterized by the presence of the same group capable of forming complexes with metal cations, i.e.~ (HOOC-CH 2)2N - C - N - C - N(CH 2COOH)2 . The increased capability of II of forming,complexes may be ascribed to the presence of a symmetrical molecule (three iminodiacetic acid,groups). Pinally, the synthesis of I and II is described in detail. There are 2 tables and 6 references: 4 Soviet, 1 Swiss, and 1 German. V ASSOCIATION: Veesoyuznvy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut khimicheskikh reaktivov, Me)skva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for..Qhem-ical Reagents, Moscow) SUBMITTED: April 14, 1959 Card 3/3 KOLPAKOVAI I. D. Cand Chem Sci - (dies) "Synthesis of several new complexes and a study of their properl'.4es as a function of structure." Moscow, 1961. 7 PP; (Ministry cf Higher and Secondary Specialist Educa- tion RSFSR, Moscow Order of Lenin Chemical Technology Inst imeni D. I. Mendeleyev.); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 198) LASTOVSKIY, R.P. (Moscow, Bogorodskiy val.d.3); DYATLOVA, N.M. (Moscow, Bogorodiskiy vaLd 3); WLPAKqA I.D.-(Hoscow, Bogerodskiy j , FL~~ val.d.3); TEWINA: V.Ta. (Moscow, Bogorodskiy val.d.3); LAVROVA,, O~.Yu. (Moscow,*Bogorodskiy val.d.3) Now complexones and possibilities of their application in analytical chemistry. ~cta chimica. Hung 32 no.2-.229-230 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatelskly institut khimicheakilch reaktivov. KOLPAKOVA L.L, Ghanges in-the- plaaia& volume and- protein- amaposition zf the blood seruin in late-pregnancy. -tozemias.. Almah. i in. 130-133 t65. IMIRA 18: 10) 1. Kafedra'akusherstva i ginekologii (zav.- prof. A.M. Mazhbits) Novokuznetskogo instituta usoversheristvovmiiya vrachey. KO MSVAIJLP. Some problems in the theory of controlled systems. Priborostroenia no.10-11 Ja 164, (MIRA 17%2) AT5006 116 '0!~~ N. P. ~3 SYS teMl Wit 1 30Ve--l ;.A~ A"! '.5, -illn'Ve soveshchanije teorli i n v;i i ;a r. r, %.eye p imE entyu v lth. 9~3~emakh, Uev, 19t)2. re(~ i - _!i: no g t i i s t MaM 'go (The)ry of invarianc(, i n i u, r. t v o I systems); Mozco-w, lxd- o Nauka, 1964, 14f. I 1 8 Vq, --trol sy';tem, con t 70 1 thiorX qvstem, rian~ system, con'.ected system oregent ,cork treati a variet,, c., q, i, P -7~ i i, i th po '9 C-f a svs',em whi:h aiakv ils t' h a n n e ~v~: and invariant. impinge oi improperly re~u at, or ir which ornections are c il I.ed "connec t ed P-,i 1 cona ijero -with connect'Lo, i.made accordi:iR I Ll 1 q t EA Co - 2 coiisid-ers cruz ~ -conn ec r el n n e ~M~ In Each case, F p between the sys , nt. being autnrom(-,~ i t t is 5tulled, .1 v9 t emR wl ti, m.nv Aians accordifliz t" :-S Part 4 con- AT 5004 L 16 t ity properties of connected sy, tmins . PArt ~, ~xamfnes tht de e character of a dYr,1MiC connection cri ~he proper-le,; of thf re 3nd on the quality of the transition pr,-legies in each of the Part 6 considers the probleir of the Rvnr,;esI, :-[ systma with itattte coordinates. Orig, art. has: 4 fig 331 formulas. gures ind e p 6 4 W-M., 00 OT IER 0010 SUB COD-3: DF IE KOLPAKOVA, N.P., kand. teklui. nauk Choice of the structure of coupled control systems. Trudy MAI No. 155:21-56 164. (IMA 17:11) ROGATINJ~ Nina Prokof Iyevna; FOPOVA, Zinaida Fedorovna; ARVANISp Stella Andreyevna; MELINIKOVA, Nina Ivanovua; AVDEYEVA Yekaterina Semenovua; KUZUETSOVA, Irina Pavlovna; ZHMEBINA, Anna Semenovn~; VOYEVODIVA, _SOLPAKOV-A7---Uinelt-aeygrafovna; KHAYEVA, Aleksandra Dmitriyevna; I Aleksandra Afanaslyevni; DUNDUKOVA, Valentina Petrovna;LAUSTEN, A.G.., nauch. red.; GABOVA, D.M., red.; VINOGRADOVA, G.A., tekhn. red* [Women's and children's light dress] Zhenskoe i detskoe legkoe platle. Moskvap Gostekhizdat,, 1962. 493 (KIRA 15:7) (Dressmaking?o OT PAKOVA K ~ j O.Ve 36-966 . Kozhnyye sosudistyye reaktsii u bollnykh s sindromom boley v oblasti serdtsa raelichnogo proiskhozhdeniya. Trudy H-ad. in-ta (Izhev. gos. Med. in-t t. IX, 1949, s. 233-41 SO: Letopial Zhurnal'Nykh Statley, Vol. 50, Moskra, 1949 -- ----- MMM22231 90CM 1, KOLPAKOVA, P. V. -2.-1 btsi~6oo) 4. Fire Clay-Charysh Region. 7o Geolo&7 and mineral resources of the eroded surface of the Charysh region in the Altai Territory. Izv. Glav. upr. geol. fon. no* 2 1947, 9. MonthIj List of Russian -Acgessio Library of Congress, Ige _,.h 1953o Unclaseified4 BREGETOVA, N.G.. KOLPAKOTA, S*A# Gamooldea, parasites of the water rat (Arvicols, terrestris L.) and In- habitants of ita nests in the Volga delta. Paxas.sbor. 14:56-70 '52- (mT,RA 6:6) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut Akadamii Nauk SSSR. Saratovskiy institut *Ki- krob.0 (Parasites--Water rats) (Volga Delta--Kites) R=RrOVA, R.G. KOLFAEDVA S.A. Gamasid mites (Parasitiformes, Gamanoidea), parasites of smalk murine rodents and inhabitants of their nests in the Volga Dolt%. Prarazit.Abor.16:184-197 156. (HLRA 9:7) 1.Zoologicheakiy inotitut Akademli nank SSM i Saratovskiy inGtItut wHicrob". (Tolga Delta--Kites) (?arasites--Rodentia) UFT)B/ZooparasitIology - Acar-;na an d Insect-Vectors oil' PathoCens. Abs Jour Ref "hur - Mal., ITO 5, 1958, j.96,(o A:ut- 11 o r KoInakova, S.A. Inst Title Ecology of Fleas Ceratophyllus (Ilosopsyllus) 1'-Mxnecl~yi .. M, Wa Orig, Pub Iriaterialy k i3oznaniyu fauny i flory S,!')SI'., Md. -001., 1956, 110 34(49), 110 3, 149-161 Abstract In the Volga bottom lands and delta and in the hillocl: sands il,606 fleas were collected fron; 5567 rodents (chiefly i1ouse mice) and 1133 nest5. On house and field mice, on coLwin field mice, and in nests, C. moki-cckyi predomiina~ed. The abundance of flezm-- on anivi'a-In. and in ncota wt.5 increased in the fall (which correspondQd. with the growth of aniwa numbero), reirr- Ined hifji tuitii the beCudinninu- of spring, and marked-ly decreased in --w;ver. Card 1/2 "Certain Conditions of Formation of Nuclei in Bacteria," Arkhiv biol. nauk (Archives of the Biological Sciences), 25, 1-3) 1CO-110x 1545 P~MQYA,__T.A~; GOLIYENBIYEVSKAYA, Z.I.; SHEVTSOVA, N.I.; RYBINAJ, M.I.; I NIKITINA, N.N.; RYBAKOTA, L.F.; SHIPSHINAp N.D.; KORN, A.N.; KO ROVKIN, B.F.; KOSYAKOV, K.S.; STEPNAYA, A.A. Suggestions made at the September 29, 1963, conference of "La- boratornoe delo" readers, members of the Leningrad.Socioty of Phy- sicians and L~,boratorians. Lab. dalo-10 no.4:256 164. (MIRA 17%5) 1. PredsedatAll~pravleniya Leningradskogo obshchestva vraelwy-la- borantov (for Kolpakova). 2. Chleny pravleniya Leningradskogo ob- shchestva vrachey-laborantov (for all except Kolpakova). I., .-KOLPSLKM., T.A.; SMAKOV, V.P.- HYdraulic turbopump units for machine irrigation. Trudy TIIMMi no.8:3-15 157. (MIRA 15:5) (Soviet Central Asia-Irrigation) (Pumping machinery) S/064/60/000/007/008/010 B02O/BO54 AUTHORS: Kolpakova~ T. D. and Barannik~_V. P. TITLE: Improvementof t-he--Troperties of n~ (PB) Corrosion Inhibitors 4 PERIODICAL: Khimicheakaya promyshlennost', 1960, No, 7, pp. 68 - 70 TEXT: The authors describe the shortcomings of the PB--5 inhibitor which consists of water-soluble condensation products ofailine and has a , molecular weight of about 400-600; its most important shor comings are the low stability of acid solutions of the inhibitor in the presence of Fe3+,and its pure solubility in dilute HC1. Instead of aniline, the in- hibitor P6-8 (PB-8) contains ethanol &min whiah is soluble In dilute acids, water, and lyes, but ~ae a mue low r protective action against_ strong HCl than the inhibitor PB-5. The authors investigated the proper- tieA of inhibitors formed with partial substitution of aniline by othanol amine, i.e.# which contained phenyl and ethanol groups alter- natingly. They made nine preparations with aniline contents decreasing Card 1/3