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Not Only the traln Lug Program on tWf jo I!Ggulations by also the driver-education program should be reviewed. Avt.-transp. 38 no.11- 51 N 16o. (MIBA 13:11) 1. lachalonik otdela avtopodgotcmki I sporta, TSentrallnogo komitsta Dobrovolinogo obabchestva sodeystviya ardLi, aviateii I flotu SSML (Automobile drivers) KOLPAKOV, 14. Organizations of the Volunteer Society for As.-3istance to the Army, Air Forceatid Navy and training of mechanization specialists. Za 3'vJ. 19 no-5;4 M~r 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Nachallnik oUtela avtomotopodgotovki i sporta TSentraltnogo kamiteta Dobrovol"nogo obshchestva sodeystviya armii,, aviatsii i flotu SSSR. I (Farm mechanization) (Automobile drivers) KQLP Thd busitiess of thel whole party* itfid -;II the people. Za ral..20 n0,5:1-2 MY %21, (MIR& 16-.,4) 1. 7amestitell naelliallnika telUicheskoy podgo- tovki i sporta Uentralsiwgo Dobr-ovollnogo obahcho.stva sodeystviyaarmiij. aviataii i flotu. (Motor Vni, 4.FP TIVPbs, etc.) U66mm al "N. e, 71, �R KOTLIPAKOV m, KOLPAKOV, m. "Concerni ng Certain Antizen. Prozerties of Ityaluronic Acid of the Intercellular Matter o," the Organisni.";Z(Disseritation for Degrees in Science and En7ineerino- Defened at USSR Hizher I'ducqtionql InqtitqItionq.) Kazqkhst!tn State Medical Inst imeni V,, M. MolotoV, Alnn-Ata, 1955 SO; Fnizhnav-i Letopi No. 25, 18 Jun 91 5 For De.-ree of C;mdIdate in Medical Sciences 1K:. It".) K 0 v fri USSR/Genoral Problems of Pathology. Immunity U-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol', No 13, 1958, No 6c)945 Author : Kolpakov M. G4 inst #ov'osibirsk Meacal Institute Title Haptenic Properties of H~aluvonic Acid Oriu, Pub Tr. Novoeibirskogo med. in-ta.. 1957) 27j, 225-123 Abstract The serum of rabbits immunized with an extract of haman, skin (complex tissue antigen consisting of a protein base and re- lated polysaccharides group - hyaluronic acid I), acquired the ability to participate in the reaction of the blood serM3 with the tissue aatigen and with I freed of proteins,, and obtained from a human umbilical cord. An imunization of rab- bits with this compound did not cause a forriation of anti- bodies. Thus, it has been demonstrated that I is a hapten. Card 1.2-7 No. 12 19%, NO. .1;6260 AM-32 I , *, *N,)VoSi1 ~i1 sk Medical institute !TL `I)ie Pafiiopijysio1oLjc,,j sjgjjifij~Lj,-jce 0j iytzbtronic Acid 1-).)7, V, '.Raboits'sensitized With all OXj,-r.,jct of ills,'al) k~in reacted to tijQ da;(6 I:Iter of 11 Close Cao-~,tctl) !A-it!' tin jiscroase in C`A(Ilplitude an6 .10 ' fre(iuency of i-espirati.-,ns ane elevat~ijzl 0t -Cle Wood pressure, fre(1ucnt1..-,- on ;I background (if inotor " 1',)W~itg t-D tliu :~ubjequeij t injection 05-W aio-ites later) of the con;jilete skin antigren. Ufi( due to its properties as a hiyten, 11 elicite(i ellAngee; in Vie reoctivity of tj)v D,. I AMTHOR: Xolpakov, -M.A. SOV/20-121-4-51/54 k-ITLE; The Protein Composition of Blood in the Case of Anaphylaxis of Rabbits (Belkovyy sostay krovi pri anafilakeii. u krolikov) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 11958~ Vol. 121., Nr 4, PP- 759-761 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By means of electrophoretical investigations and the application of labelled atoms it was possible to prove that the proteins of the blood plasm are highly active substances containing anti- bodies, Vitwnines, hormons and catalysts (Refs 6, 8, 10 and others,. It was to be expected that in the case of an "naphylaa- tic shook, in connection with which marked hemodynamic disturla- ances of metabolism occur the amount of ind-iV4dual protein fractions will also be disturbed. The author determined the entire amount of protein and "he single fractions in the Kood of 20 rabbits which had been desensitiYed before the inoculatio3~ cf horse serum and during the anaphylactic shook. The animals were sensitized according to the method of E. Ya. Kladnitskaya (Ref 4). From table 1 can be seen that the protein content in Card 1/3 the blood is hardly at all changed during the shook. The SOV/20-121-4-51/54 The Protein Composition of Blood in the Case of Anaphyla3O~s of Rabbits separation of the animals with respect to reaction variants proved that the average numbers sometimes hide diametrically opposed changes. In the case of 5 rabbits a reaction type was found which the author calls variant A (Table 2 and Fig I A)~ The decrease of the entire amount of blood proteins was characteristic for it. This decrease on the whole took place at the expetse of albumines and 0--glubolines whereas the amount of a- and r-glubolines remained unchanged. All rabbits of this variant remained alive a7though 4 of them suffered fzqm a severe shcck and the blood pressure fell to 60-40 M-M to!'ro The variant B has 2 subdivisions: B, w1th 7 and B 2 w-Ith 8 animals (Table 3 and Fig 1. B). A rapid increase of the glubolines Eaid a slight increase of albumine was a characteristio feature of DV The entire amount of protein even increases somewhat. 11; mainly takes place at the expense of the tr 2_ glubolines 1,Ta*ble 4 and Fig -1 C). 4 animals of the variant B. and 2 of tho variant B died. Thus a dependence letween the 2 Card 2/3 character cJ' change of the protein oontent in the lelood and the, SOV/20-121-4-51/54 The Protein Composition of Kood in the Case of Anaphylaxis of Rabbits development of the anaphylactie'retaction. was suggested. There are 1'figure, 4 tables, and 11 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Novosibirskly gosudarstveAnyy meditsinskiy institut (Novosibirsk State Medical Institute) PRESENTED: April 17, 1958, by N. X. Anichkov; MemUer, Academy of Scialmaea, USSR SUBMITTED., February 26, 1958 Card 3/3 KOLPAKOV, H.G.- ZHDAIIOVA, V.G.# student; SHUSHPAIINIKOVA, O.v., student 'T irak) Effect of heparin on anaphylaxia. Pat.fiziol. I akap.terap. 3 no.2:69 Mr-Ap 159. (MIRA 12:6) 1. lz kafedry patologicheakoy fiziologii (zav. - dotsent G.L. Lyuban) Novasibirikogo moditainakogo instituta. (&LlMr,T, exper. anaphylaxis. eff. of heparin In rabbits (Run)) (HOARIN, eff . on anaphylaxis in rabbits (Rua)) KOIPAKOT, M.G.; FOLYAK, M.G.; TAKOBS(K, G.S. Role of the adrenals in the restoration of vital functions following clinical death. Biul. eksp. biol. i mod. 47 no.3:21-27 Mr 159. (MU 12:7) 1. Iz kafedry patologichookoy f iziologii (zav. - dotsent 0. L 161aban) Novosibirskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - prof. G. S. Zaleaskiy Prodatnvlem deyetviielinym ahlanom AMR SSSR V. X, Oharnigovskim. (PMUSGITATION, etf. of adrenalectomy on restoration of vital funct. after clin. death in exaanguinated anipals (Ras)) (ADR.3jUL3=MY, effects on restoration of vital funct. after clin. death in ex- sanguinated animals (Ras)) -INN KOLPAKOVI MmQ, Work of the third plenary session of the Siberian branch of the-All- Union of Pathopbysiologists. Pat.fisiol.i eksp.tera 4 no 2:90- 91 Mr-Ap 160. 5) (PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAI, SOCIETIES) KCLPAKOV) M.G. Role of the adrenopituitary system in the restoration of vital functions after clinical death. Biul. eksp. biol. i mad. 51 no-4: 32-39 Ap 161. OMIRA 14:8) 1. Xz kursa patologicheskoy fiziologi-i i laboratornoy diagnostiki (zav. - dotsent M;0*Ko1pakov).$talinskr,,.g0 instituta usovershenstwovaniya doystvitellnym ablenom A141 SSSR A.V. Labidinskim. (RESUSCITATION) (FMOCRITNE GIANDS) (DEATH) KOLPAROV, M.G. changes in the grotein composition of blood plwma following clinical death caused by hemorrhage. DokJL*AN SSSR 138 no,4079-981 16 961, (MIRA 140) 1, Sta3lwkiy gosudarstvenun institut usovershenstvovaniya vmchV* Predstavleno akaaamikon-A.K.Bakulel7m. "(Mpf~~ PMkIBS) (DFATH, qFWk) KOLPAKOV; M.G. (Stalinsk) Influence of cortloone and deso2qcortlcosterone an the restoration of vital functions following clinical death caused by rapid az;d slow hemorrhage. Pat, fi2iol..i eksp. terap. 5 no.4:l6.a9 JI-Ag 161. (KM 14:9) 1. Kurs patofiziol i laboratornoy diagnostiki (sav. - dotsent oeui M.G Kolpako~r) Inst, Ut usovershenstvavaniya vrachey. ACORTISONE) (CORTICOSTERONE) (HEMORRHAGE) (DFATH) (METABOLISM) WO M.G.; FEW OV$ V.I.; SHUSHPAIMINOVA, O.V. (Novokusnetsk) Pathogenesis of the eosiropenic reaction of termirAl states. Wort lool, Probl*endok.i gorm. no-4tl9-23 162* OMRA 15*-1-1) 1. Iz kurva patofiziologii i laboratornoy fta~postW (2av. - dotsent M.G. Kolpakov) Novokumnatskogo inatituta, usovershenst- vovaniya vrachey (dir. dotaent G.L. Starkov). (WSINbPHI=) (HIPOMSECTORY) (DEATH, APPARENT) KOLPAKOV, M.G.; POTEKHIN9 X.G.; FEDENKOV, V.I. Mechanism of the eosinopenic reaction in terminal states. Biul, eksp.biol.i med. 54 no.11:36-39 N 162. (MIRA 15*.12) 1. Iz kursa patologicheakoy fizologii i laboratornoy diagnostiki (zav. - dotsent H.G.Kolpakov) Novokuznetskogo instituta usover- shenstvova,niya vrachey. Predstavlena akademikom V.N.Chernigovskim. (EOSIKOPHILES) (DEATH, APPARENT) KOLFAKOV, ~iikhail Grigorlyevich; SHAPIRO, V.14., red. -1~~~-~~-,~~z~~,i:-~~~3-1"~~e;--.t.,.~,i.1'~~"-,~ ~-.-"--'-!-,-.I- [Adrenal glands ancl reanima-tion] Nadpochectiniki i reani- tratsiia. Moskva, Moditsina, 1964. 159 p. 0,41HA 17:8) KOLPAEDV, M.I. Extending self-active automobile and motorcycle clubs, Z.a . rul. 16 no.11:4-5 N 158. (KIRA 12:1) l.Nachallnik otdola avtomotopodgotovki i oporta Upravlonlya Protivovozduohnoy oborony itekhnicheakoy ppdgotovid TSentrallnoge komiteta Bobrovellnogo obahchostva sodeystyiya armii, aviateli i flotu SSSR. (Auto'100biles-Socleties, ptc (Notorcycles-Socisties, Otc:) SOV-120-58-1-8/43 AUTHORS:Zhdanov, A.P., KolPakOv, M-I ., Kuzimin, V.N.5 Raguzin, R.M., Fedotov, TITLE: An Instrument for Measuring the Gap Lengths in the Tracks for Particles in Photo-Emulsions (Pribor dlya izmereniya prosvetov v trekakh chastits v fotoemullsiyakh) PERIODICAL: Pribory i Telchnika Eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 1, pp 46-47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The instrument is in the form of an eye-piece in whose field of view one sees a scale, a pair of parallel lines and the usual crosswire. The cross wire is set parallel to the track and the gap defined by the two parallel wires is moved along the tracic. This motion is achieved by means of the two micrometers shown in Fig.2. The motion of the two micrometers is independent of each other. There are 2 diagrams, no tables and 3 references, one of which is English Card 1/2 SOV-120-58-1-8/43 An Instrument for Measuring the Gap Lengths in the 15.1racks for Particles in Photo-Emulsions. and 2 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy institut, AN SSSR (Radium Institute of the. Academy of Sciences )USSR) SUBMITTED: June 221 1957. 1. Particles--Photographic runalysis 2. Particles--Penetration 3. Measarement 4. optical 'inistruments--Applications Card 2/2 1. KOLPAKOV, N. A. , Eng. 2. usj3ia (6co) 4. Radiators Testing 7. Installation for asuembly and pressure te5ting of radiators. Kul. stroi. tekh. 10, No. 7, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congreas, April -1953, Uncl. KOLPAKOV N D Correlation apuplings-in nonlinear circuits with fluctuating parameters. Radiotekh. i elektron. 8 no.9:1499-1505 S 163a (MIRA 16*-9) (Electric networks) (Automatic control) MEMO Al. In - 28942 N. mo i orlovap ae v. tri eanqechatyellnykh karstovykh istochnika khryebta karatau v yuzhnom kaealdistanye. Priroda, 1949, No. 9, c. 47-50. So: latopist No. 34 KOLPAKOVI 11,M,, inzh, Us:Ing calculating machines in controlling and managing .production processes, Makh.i avtom.proizv. 16 no.10,.51-53 o 162. (MMA 15: U) (InduIstrial management) (Calculating machines) ACCESSION NRS AP4041923 S/0057/64/034/008/138711391 AVTHOR i Kolpakov, 06 Aej Kotov, V. Is TITLti RadLatLon 9f a charge,passLng through k cylindrical resonator ilai- t a kLO-vs -34, no. 8* 1964, 1387-1391' 1-7-SOUM: ~,Zhvt ekbutch *k*y---1LXL J I -b ttislC di t -~z-e lie etriiiiz, a 'TAG -9 06 to r agnet c resons ABSTRACT: The radiation of separate waves and the- total radiation'- generated by a charged particle passing through a cylindrical reso~ nator with inlet and exit openings have been evaluated. The evalu~-: aftan was based on determination of the energy of the electromagnetic field appearing during the passage of a, charxed beam through a cylindrical resonator* From a geometrical point of view, the beam was assumed to be a charged filament, its axis and direction of motion coinciding with the axLs-of the resonator. The velocity of - the beam was assumed to be constant' and the resonator to be electrically insulated from the outside space* Vhen a beaw of Cardl/2 - - - - - - - - - - - ACCESSION NRt AP4042923 charged particles passes through a resonator, waves of all harmonies. are generated, In the relativistic tase, the.contributions of higher harmonics may be essential. The induced field was found by solving ~ - inhomogeneous wave equations by means of a method presented by V.,H,_ Lopukhin (Yozbuthdeniye elektromagnitnykh kolebaniy i voln elektron-~ nymi potokami. Gostekhizdat, Me, 1953), Dnestrovskiy and Kostomarov'. obtained a formula for determining the radiation due* to flight of a - . . charge through an opening in an infinite screen, The authors present a simpler way for obtaining like results6 The authors express grati-.' tude to Be He BolotovskLy for a series of useful suggestions ! I expressed during discusaLon of the'worke Orig, art, has: 18 formula961 ASSOCIATIONt -None SUBHITTED: 27Jul63 ATD PRESSt 3090 ENCLI 06 SUB CODE: NPIEG :R0 RZF SOVI 006 OTHERS 000 I _CarL .2/.; 4 !-',1 N VR; AP3003232 ~aicoa, O.A-./,' Kotov V.I./ Om-San-kha tokhrilcheskoy fiziki, v.35, no. 2 4 mathemati-al physics, dispersion e;-ctrnmagnetic wave emis- iris waveguide, slotted wavegljidie The dispersion equation is derived tfur Pr-;-~i-,it, ),- :~f long Wave- ~i waves in a periodic waveguide of circala:- 7r~.,. longitudi of the Waveguide discussed 'k-3 ghown 1ji *.-~c f, gur,, (Fnic'IoEure 01) . ~he ~-t-d by -a charged particle mcm Ing on th,~ i~i~5 '_he Ravogiide is also The dispersJon equation is obtained 1r. -.f ar, iniinite series when thp wavelength is long comp4,.r-,1, ~!,,:mtity (see the fi- i,,R simplifled for the caaes of an trl.~, i v f, K,,: (D . d , a > d) and a oupled resonators (D a d , a