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Transactions of the 3rd All-Union (Cont.) SOV/2440 U'aacade 377 Rymsha, V.A. [Candidate of Technical Sciences, GGI Leningrad] Studying the Conditions of Ice Development on Rivers Carrying Sludge Ice 382 Donchenko, R.V. [Candidate of Technical Sciences, GGI Leningrad] Experimental Studies of the Physical Properties of Sludge Ice 391 Berdenikov, V.P. (Candidate of Technical Sciences, GGI Leningrad) Methods for Studying the Formation of Sludge Jams 394 Kravchenko, N.A# [Engineer, UGMS Moldavia, Kishinev] Formation of Ice Blocking on the Dniester River and Methods of Studying Them 401 Bezuglov, A*A, [Director of the Observatory, UGMS Lithuanian SSR] Reasons and Medhanics of Ice Blocking on the Nyeman River, Pre- vention and Control 406 Piotrovich),V,V. [Candidate of Technical Sciences, TsIP Moscow] Results of Studying the MeltifigIce Cover on the Klyazlminskoye Reservoir 41,4 card 12/1~ Transactions of the 3rd All-Union Our.';.) SOV/2440 Butyagin, I.P. [Candidate of Technical Sciences) Changes in the Thickness, Structure and Strength of the Ice Cover of the Western Siberian Rivers During the Spring (as Exemplified by the Ob' River)419 Kolesnikov, A.G.(Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences), V.I. Belyayev (Aspirant), and L.A. Bukina (Junior Scientific Worker) The Rate of Sludge-Ice Formation 426 Sokollnikov, V.M. (Candidate of Technical Sciences] Specific Features in the Formation, Growth, and Destruction of the Ice Cover on Lake Baykal 435 Medres, P.L. (Engineer, SZ U014S Leningrad] Practical Experience in Collecting and Consolidating Datas Provided by Aerial Surveys of Ice on Lake Ladoga 443 Minutes of the Meetings Card 13/14 Transactions of the 3rd All-Union (Cont.) SOV/244o Resolutions of the Snow and Ice Subsection, Hydrophysics Section 467 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress MM/bg Card 14/14, 10-15-59 BWJDOTo P.S., prof,* doktor biologichookikh nauk:; KIRILWYA, T.T.j aspirentIm ~ .-I--,---- Wnamics of the secretion of substances as an indication of the heat resistance of plant tissuso Ixv#TWLhA uo*6:7-18 159o OURA 1316) (Plants, Iffect of temperature on) KIRILI OVA, T. V. 'Radiation Balance of Water Surface.' [Institute of Oceanolofnj, Academy of Sciences USSR] report to te presented at the 12th General Assembly or tiie interr-ational Union of Geodesy and Geophysicn, Helsinki, Finland, 25 Jul- 6 Aug 19,63. YCHONTSOV, P.A.; MMCHIRSKAU. A.T.; SILIZMA, U.S.; CEIZEMYA, I.I.; ATNBUND, M.M.;JCJA~A ~Tj I hISM, L.T.; OGMA, T.A.; MOTAj R.T.1 TIMMIN, M.P., kand.fiz.-mst.nauk; IAWOTAO LePop red.; ERATHM, M.I., [Meteorological regime of Lake Sevan3 gateorologichaskii reshis ozera Seven. Pod red. H.P.Timofeeva. Leningrad, Gidromsteor. izd-vo, 1960. 310 p. (KIEtA 14:3) 1. Leningrad. Olavusys geofizichaskeya observatorlya. (Seven Lake region-Meteorology) BELIKOV, P.S.,doktor biologicheakikii aAuk, prof 'cj--XLjj;kOVA. T.T., aspirantIrA Effect of thermal stioult on the viscosity of -,,rotopplasm (vith summary In English). Izv. TM;, no-5:35-44 160. (MtRA 13:11) (MUT-PHYSIOLOGICkL XRECT) (PROMPIASH) 3732C 3/169/r2/000/004/024/103 3,2 Y3 0 D228/D302 AU2HOa: Kirillova. T. V. T 1 Calculating the effoctive radiatJon Jr, "k~nzral Arct4c V rogiona P _-. !ODIIIL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 1962, 15, ab- R V stract 4B112 (V ob. Aktinometriya i at=sfurn. oPtika, L., Gidrometeoizdat-, 19061, 72-79) TEM: Under Arctic conditions the usual methods of calculating long-wave radiation flows may result I-, consi-derable errors, since tl,e empirical formulas and the radiation graph are constructed o'n assumption that -the temperature decreases linearly, and the hwAm-idity diminishes exponentially with altitude. .7n Arctic en- vironments the atmosphere's stratification is anomalous bo-~h in summer and winter; more precise speoiftca-,,ions have, therefore, to be introduced into the computation scheme that is acciUrate for middle latitudes. The values of the temperature gradien~;s in lay- ers and of the coefficient A h in the formula for the humidi-.y Card 1/ 3 S/169/62/000/004/024/103 Calcula-,ing the effective ... D228/D302 qh :-- q0A 11 (here q01 (1his the opecific humidity at ground level = e_Yh.po.p~' -1 , where p ph is ".-he pros- and altitude h; and A h sure, and (il is the temperature gradient) -- were determined for summa.- and winter from the mean data of aerologic so,.inding at sta- tions (SP-4) and "-J-5~(SP-5). Por 50 cases in the surner and the winter periods calculations of the effective radiation cand t-he counter-radiation were made from N. F. Shekhter's nomogram for set temperature and humidity values at the ground surface; graphs were a'-so constructed to calculate the radiation flows according to ground data for May-September and October-April. lt~ is shown .Lrom the data of cloud diagram at latitude 600 and from mean counter-radiation values at the time of clear skies or con~~inuous cloud that for the Arctic the counter-radiation'~; dependence on the degree of cloudiness is nearly linear. The values of the co- ef'ficients k in the known formula ri n,(1 + kn) were calculated for -,.he Arctic from the average clouR he i hts I the -Uarmperature re- lationship of the radiating capacity of clouds (according to X.S. I-larshunova), and the data of aerologic soundings. The comparison Card 2/3 3/169/62/000/004/024/103 Calculating the effective ... D228/D302 of the exDerimental data with those obtained by means -of new 6raphs, showed the good convergence of the results. / Abstracter's note: Complete translation.-7 x Card 3/3 S/169/62/000/007/096/149 3, S~//o D226/D307 AUTHORS; Vorontsov, P. A. and Kirillova, T. V. TITLE: Relation of the radiation balance to the boundary lay- er stratification PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizilta, no. 7, 1~962, 22, abz stract 7B128 (V ob. Aktinometriya i atmosfern. optika, L., Gidrometeoizdatp 1)61, 32-36) TEXT: The relation between the radiant energy balance in the at- mosphere's lower layer and the vertical temperature profile is in- vestigated. The results of measurements of the radiation balance and the temperature gradient on clear, cloudy, and overcast days are'used for this purpose. It was established that the ratio for the long-wave radiation balance (B1) to the radiation of the under- lyin.- surface (oT4), which is considered as a black body when the .1 n surface temierature is Tnv is related to the temperature gradient. in the layer 0 - 100 m. In equilibrium conditions Bl/dT 4~O. 2. n Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/007/096/149 Relation of the ... D228/D307 In case of~ inversions AB.,/Ax- 0.01 in the event of superadiabatic gradients this ratio equLs').05 continuous cloud Bl' does-not obtained too, for the ratio (E a) to ~T4 (T~being the air Complete translation.-7 2 cal/cm . min'-dog. For conditions of depend ond,. Analogous relations were of long-wave atmooDheric radiation temperature). Z-Abstracter's notc: ,Card 2/2 KIRILLOVA, T.V. I NESINA, L.V. Calculation of the components of the thermal balance of riservoirs. Trudy GGO no.95sl3-18 163. (MRA 160) (Water-Thermal properties) KIRILLOVA', T.V.; TERVINSKIY, V.N.; CHESTNAYA, I.I. Cloud observations above reservoirs. Trudy GGO no.95-.30-32 163. (MIRA 160) (ClOUCIB) ACCESSION NR: AT4004730 S/2922/63/007/000/0240/0248 AUTHOR: Kirillova, T. V. TITLE: The forming of the radiation balance of the underlying surface SOURCE: Vses. nauchn. meteorologich. soveshch. Trudy*, v. * 7. Mika prizemnogo sloy;k. LcI4~nto, 1963, 240-248 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, radiation balance, ground radiation, boundary layer, beat i balance, actinometry, actinometric obrervation, Arctic radiation, atmospherid bound- ary layer, surface albedo, radiation scattering, radiation ABSTRACT: There are two groups of factors which deternitne the value of tna radiation balance. Investigation of the Influence of factors of the first group, based upon astro- nomical and geodetic variables, leads to the establishment of the correlation B - aQ+b where Q = total radiation, B -radiation balance, and a and b are coefficients. Factors of the second group, based on the properties of the underlying surfaced lead to the con- elusion that coefficients a & b are significantly different for different types of under- lying surfaces, seasons, and even for certain times of the day. Tabulated data are included for Lake Sevan and the Tsimlyanskoye reservoir. It Is concluded that the supposition of the equality of atmospheric radiation in adjacent regions with different 1/2 Card KIRMMVA) T. V.; MALEVSKIY-MALEVICHO S. P, "The Influence of inhomogenitles of an underlying surface on heat transfer In the lower layer of the atraonphere." reporot presented at the Atmospheric Radiation Sympp Leningrad, 5-12 Aug 64. KIRILLOVAI T. V.; ROSS, Yu. K.; SULEVI M. A. 'I Comparison of net radiometers. ft report presented at the Atmospheric Radiation S~mp, Leningrad, 5-12 Aug 64. KIRILLOVA, T.V. (Moskva) Exudation of water-soluble substances by plant tissues* USPO sovr, biole 57 no.3s463-476 MY-Ja 164. (MIRA 17t6) KIRRLOVA, T.V.1 MAlY.VSKIY-MALEVICH, S.F,. Measuring the albedo of the sea from a holicoptor. Trudy GGO n0.1501120-124 164. (MIRA 170) K ; i~ 1.~! I I,( T'. , T.V. ; -. 1,.' -1, , ..Y'1. ?e Lz 1A i i on trie reiin-ti,;m ri ,no rr.[,I.-)n r~f Black Son. Trudy CCf I n,. I (,,'! ~ t ~)' -,. - ~ '4., 1 c-,/,. .1 I ill?) A, "0 YO!'J.DRATIYFV,, Kirill Yakovlevlcbj ~IBILWVA, T.V.., otv. red.; BELENIMA, L.L., red. (Actinoti.atryl Aktinometrila. Leningrad, Gldromolooizdat, 1965. 690 p. (MIRA 18:r~) KIRILLOVA, T.V., kmd, fls,-satem, naukj MALEVSXH-MALEVICH~ S.P. One error In the calculation of long-wave radiation balance. Meteor. I gidrol. no.106-38 Ja 165. (MIRA 18s2) 1. Glavnaya geofisicheskaya observatoriya Im. Voyeykova. k KIRILLOVAp T,V, )(mment of the protordasm of barl.ey colsoptile calls at sublethal temperatures. Fiziol. rast. 12 no.3:4c)4-499 My--Ja 165. (MIRA 18.1C) 1. Wedra. fizidogii rastaniy sel'skokhomyntyenncy akadenii imeni K.A. Timiryazeva,, Moskva. KIF.ILLO'-;A, -1 V. Rviiation balance for bodler, of water of various (-e-)th an"d dj,ieti,,~Ions. Trudly GGO no.16,':134-13? '65. 1,):I) obse 'M "k-leservoir-~by a helicopter -in, hortw ..tion ,.wave ad sbove-.Tsivilyi Xonts -and 200 = uz;inx~& hat4fiti,-of. l0i~40,`_30 SOF`a 100 Tadii~ioter irith 'a- germanium, fiLters- on the- basis :of these'seasure- manid,~ -Autc ilas tion rjr drawn chirac tort sing "the -,energy,- distribution with :hoightd Nro"files obtained -from direct assure ' ots o' p&," d'wlth those -computed thoor*tL- me "Card., _1/2_ i 4 1 Card 2 /2 17. V' L 08301-67 EWT (1) -' OW ACC NR1 AT6031975 S-O,-U-,R-C-E,-C--O,D-91--U"R-/-3,*l**9,9,/,6-6-/-O-0,0,/*015"/O080 1008f .AUT110R: KirillQva,-Zq,..V- (Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences); llalevskiy-Malevlch, So P, 'ORG: none JITLE: Evaluation of random errors of the Laykhtmon-Kucherov differen- itial pyrogeometer SOURCE3 ..AN SSSR. Hathduvedometvannyy geofiticheskiy komitet. lleteorolo'g-iche-skiye- issleidoivainiyap no."150' 19669 '80-82 I TOPIC TAGS: differential pyrgoometer, radiation flux, sun shadow methodp ,random error , Pgo?,arnerdV, f " 6 rg-oeo,- o 6r C_ 1AJ -S r..? U fn EA., r. 4F#9 C. TH Al A 0011T/ ABSTRACT: The Laykhtman - Kucherov differential pyrgeometer is an instrument with an operating principle different from most other instru- iments for measuring radiation fluxes. Therefore, a more careful statis- tical analysis is necessary to estimate the values of random instru- mental errors. Calculations, show that a method offered by the instru- ment denigners for the procensing data to undoubtedly preferred. The accuracy of measuring radiation fluxegyat night and the low reliability daytit--q made meaauremen-t-s'-v-i--t-h- -tha--u-nahaded receiver are evaluated, It L is concluded that the conversion factor obtained by the sun-shadov Card 1 /7 1 L 083o1-67 AC-C--NR------- I AT6031975 0 method is not sufficiently accurate and that it is necessary to cali- brate the instrument by other mathods. When comparinp, the values of random errors of the differential pyrgoometer with the errors of some other instruments, it is necessary to take into account the technical specifications of the instrument according to the number of measurements for a certain period of time and to compare random errors of different instruments for an equal number of readingso Origo art, hasi 2 for- mulas& SUB CODE: 04/ SUBH DATEt none/ ORIG REFt 002 net A R5 COE: UR/0299/65 15 039/90W 041790 SOURCE /000/0 0 4AMOR AUTHOR: Belyakovp-p. M.19; ydrillova T.V Dmitriy6va 01.10: none TITIE ftsi6logical and biochemical characteristic of vegetable cell "reopme re- actions under the sustained Influence of hightemperatures SOURCE: not. th. Bioloaiyao: Abe ~8062 REP SOME t Sb. Kletka L temperature srsdV-.M*-L*, Nauka.. 1964, 194-196 TOPIC TAGS% call "lology; high temperature effect,, biology TRAMIATION: Barley sprouts or trapente of coleoptile vere removed from their, optimal temperatures (3.7-3.8*) to a medium. vith a 440 temperature. The ftsiologicoll processes were studied from, the starting moment of thermal effectiD the momout of ,complete destruction of the.cells. By using a comparatively sipple viscous,wass for -changing the permability of the protoplasm (P)., it vas established that'both at3:the beginning and at the end of the thermal effect, P had a veak pover for the retentiow, of vater-soluble matter,, such as monosaacharides,, amino acids and cells. A descrip- tion is given of the "history of thermal disease." The double-phase and vave-like .changes vith time in P under the thermal effect were clarified. Under the effect of Card 3,12 WOt 577.3 02 KIRILLOVA, T. V. Cand Biol Sci - (diss) "Effect of damaging agents on the temporal course of the release of substances by plant tissues." Moscow, 1961. 18 pp; with diagrams; (Academy of Sciences USSR, Inst of Plant Physiology imeni K. A. Timiryazev); 200 Copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 20?) BELIKOV, F.S.p doftor biolog. naukp prof.1 KIRILLOVA Tj kand, biolog. us* a ~:? Dynamics of the excretion of some aubstances from barley colaoptiles under the influence of heat. Izv. TSKRA no.6s 61-68 162, (MIRA 16%6) (Barley) Planto., Effect of temperature on) kdation(Botany)) YBYRKMOT, G.L.; KIRILLOVA, T,Ya, Yeldspar-froo glaze with a short melting interval. Staklo I Xeram* 9. No.l. 17-20 052. (Iff-RA 4:12) (CA 47 no.19:10193 '53) KIRILWYA, V. 1. let's push to the front rankal Prow.koop. 14 no.1:13 Ja '60* (MIRA 13:5) 1. Naohallnik tookha NO-7 artell *1011ektivnYY trud,4 lalinin. (Kalinin-Clothins industry) 'At 6 SR )25 6/019 ~4 4 .4 Mz-. t ova ,q., Rob TIM ~"thosio of at amids- Or sphini 0 &aid esters Plantichooldye manart; no* 49 V; 59M0 TOPIC UGSt estq~r j-other f* s9hinio soid i - polmrs monomer AU71pho -to i ABSTRACT i Thin 'effort ocTand .-the --resulti'alitained by V. -8. Abram ov imid A&' 131 Kaputina (2010i -and tudied at-exid ot t 27v 173 i 95 a 0. Turyrphoupbinim, add -:entere - hatirb4olip p and aromatic radicaXe-0* The reactions lm;V-diho~*I~ss -diootyl-t, dindsWl-j Aideo$l- .I ditetr&bydrofur#1-!i and dithenrl~hdiA'Lleo wiw6lnve tiga edo All -the entire (except the or7stalline dijiit*1-6i'ti0-.4ei9 yonowt, viscount nondistillabli Percentage ~ content of byti*l,: gVoUps JoditWhumbere -were deteritinodAn an eiters,thelbrat one by_the-&oth6d:_disoiibod *br~je, P. Loney and 0. Ya. Fedotove, P-0 kbljdi, i 7~8*6pol!"r` Goolchimi 9 1962t 93)p (~raktikun soy second by -the, method of wri bromide#,.,,~. 2ho'exp&rimental prooodwee used In prodpoing dimetWI.-PI.-oxide- of -fax7lphoophinaii In an atmosphere of ialfar other' dihWl- ct -oxide- cf.. sphinatopifind dito CC -oxide- A -furylyhp Card 41.4 L 2262-66 _ACC& W101Fi1fR1 05M325~:, are presented in detail*-,, AfsbJ4 0( oxide-' 0(4=71phosphinio acl 4V none Z4 00 N 4 ...... k-W, AX- k 2 C0111 _ 4 - 1P Ahe1holbsum''~,shows US dw ateristias- of formAl" and-1.1-4ablo'' 1V T, A & J,% 7, _f N~R ~Aw 1N, N't APM wcu)otyaxf,.~~ 01 table 0 add *stm ti Rol m g Ester 20 SUIP, I 0 1 oci" AD 4 " t,--Dim9tbrI'(At, 1A summ 62-63 -1-4682 -Di-n-haptyl Di~-n-oo 4686 1#4678 14671 DitetralWdrofur7l (TSTY 1'04994 -visooms) ' Diphawl- . (very visoons) 1 5665 1,0563 140317 1-0191 'ti~ xOM19 -NP L 2262-66 ACCESSION -MRs AP3009 25~ pf 'determ let aotem oua~, 4i 1 15-04 So 25 '14-34 8 2 5 14.21 91.0 9 1 . 61 '91 .8 100-14 1004684 VL 8.0 109.5 110608 T'r'-'4908 12 ~ 0 .119 a 08 ligo '% J 3 0.97 33:'~ . 08 128 549 S 8 2 Ii A lot 9- -41K -M. 0. ";1. -f ~v- '-f-t"EM, ot t~~ -52 ~-p 741 638 M- --JD. ACC NRs TLP6007010 '40URCE COD91 UR/0051166/020/002/0337/0339.~.11~ AUTHORt xirillov&Lv~.;~&S'Aot ovs~~40 Ife ORGs none: TITLEt Absorption-'sp6atrus in! the near infrared region of -neutlrol&~.v_ --irradiated $11iton SOURM Optika L~spektroskoplya 209 no* 29 1966p 337-339 .0 Vs. TOPIC TAGSs silicon,'IR absorption, Absorption spectrump neutron irradiation ABSTRACTs The authors', tudied-the.infiared absorption spectra of, neutron-itradiated,singla.-:crystali-of silicon in the 0.7-147 v -range& The specimens vero Arradiated-'vi-th doses of 1017-1019 fast Usutroins/ew. )"'l, The specimens were plane-parillel polished plates with thicknesses.~f 0 and varied with ~rtap,act to -conducti-fity type, dopant.concen- tration. and ~rsdLatioi. dose'o '.The '.spectra vere taken at room tIampera!.1 turee An analysis'*of..the spectrograms shown that the threshold'foi a a sorp tIonA the 0,7-1 y*rangs to the sis r"both b ~sharp incrosma In n efo irradiated and nouirradiatied samples. The irradiated specinens show absorption uaxiua it~1#039 1-23,, 1.4, and 1.5 is. The intensity of these bands is proportional io .:the radiation dose and decreases :91 Card 12 1UDCs 535934-15 1 546.28 ACC NRa AP6007010 I -a as,radistion defect# the specimens are heated, a as are destroy* d - Hosting of ths~irradiated spaicimons-for several hours at 220C destroys: ~ ji ,all these bandos A,mod*1 proposed for the electro ." n transitions between the vAlenevand conduct'Lon'bands to explain t heabsorption maxima. The authors :&r a sincerely grateful to No N. r Sobol*v fo interest in this worke. Orige art,, h as 2 f igires, SUB CODES 20/, SU3W DAIR I": 43Apv65/ ORIG RBV!j 001/ OTH RIFj- 004 ATD PRESSo 4,01f :7~ i* S. -i I': 7r;_ d 212- SIYATEV, H.H.. inzhoner; KIRILLOVA, Y.M., inthener; Redesign of a pressure-vacuum pipe still. Neftianik 1 no.10:4-6 0 156. (XLHA 9:11) 1, Ufimekiy neftepererabatyvayushchly zavod. (Petroleum-Refining) S.p.; GORODISKly, v.j.; VESET-AYA I.V.; KIRILLOVAs V-So SIZFNKO, Study of the antiblastic properties of polythionates. Uch. zap. YMOI 7SI92-197161. (ML4 16:8) (C7TOTMIC DRUGS) (TIIIONATE&-THERLPELITIC USE) 137-58-4-6749 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4. p 64 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kirillova, V.V. (Compiler) TITLE-. Continuous Steel Casting at the "Krasnoye Sorrnovo" Plant ( Nepreryvnaya razlivka stali na zavode "Krasnoye Sortnovo` Rec unime tided List of References (Rekoniend. spisok lit PERIODICAL: Gor'kovsk, obt. b-ka. Gor'kiy, 1957. 11 pp A BSTR A CT -Bibliographic entry I Metallurey-tI&S-F 2 S tee !- -Ca;3 t, I nj_,--1-~,vJ ,tc t lon Card 1/1 "!,a "LlVA, Ye. G. liflL-),-)t crops under the cnnditionu ~if t ;o t.lf~h rnuntslly-nus Fituir region." 1 Acad "ei Tmdzliik j6R. DapartrPnt of listural .*~cleiices. ~Italln I-sd D56. (Dis~,.:'e"rtation for tI)a Degree of Candidate in Agr'cultural J--J.erce.~ .),): FnizhnPya Lotopls', 11o. 18, 1956 KlRlLWVA,,-YqvgenIya Grigorlyevna; OYCHIMKOV, P-Na. otv,rod*; ZZW# G.O., red.; NOTS"XNKO, Ye.G., red.izd-va; FROLOV, P.M.,, (Root crops In the high Pamirs) Kornoplodrqa kulltury v uslovilakh vyaokogorti Pamiras Stalinabad, 19590 86 p. (Akadealla nauk Tatshikskoi SSR. Stalinabad. Trudy. vol- 91). (HIRL 13:2) (Panirs-Root crops) Y;i r", v,~ ~ n -o,,r, I r.- "'-l~ti Para. b~.r, Ir"R!, I "V Y- .,-. ' ' rill if) tl,e Firatro. P I , . . L !' ', ri'l 1~ 0 "t' fir 1 fl I :)r '. - -; , i) ~. - :7, ( MI Fol 17 y '-i (!) r I -_ J.~ ..,T,. l'i"). vt~!. .~ 7 1- - -y'! , r J 3,06-35 ~124/B180 iril I ova, 1-,. 1. . lilt voyev a I ye. Zavitayeva, 'AU 1 4 ---F.---Cbo' Iyaninova, N. A. 21 as t'. che s'sl-.iy e mas Sy , no C-1 96 2 , 1 -10 a -4.1,; of Styrene - acrylonitrilt: copolv::ers -10 (z:,-l C" (1 0.3,J acrylollitrile groups) , C~.-20 (Sll,-20) (20.15 Liad 21 acr:~Icnitrile 113,000 and 119,000 ~170u:"3 I. Z.0 cul.;;: ), and aloo -2~ - Z~ -L' 26.~, Ln"d 27.7,;-, i:crYloritrila Crou-ju, wi~--;C;&It 166,CC3, !20,~=, and 132,,~UO) 'zias Inve-stirLLted on chick 0 1,10 and 13C C, and co.-.pared with that of polyatymne films. ?or t, e copoly=ers, dichloro ethane was used as solvent and petrcle*uz. other as nracipitan-., with benzene and ethyl alcohol for polyatyrenc. -2he -oleculur wei-lit.- aere calculated from the vis=;4.,.-.e-~r--c '-'Utc. of Vaze! oviikaya. Tne de,;I-ree of aoin.- was basir, Of .-leasurad intrinsic viscosity, the nitrooen content, t'ne carbonyl Zrcup Card 1/3 SO 91 /~',2/C -~;inc Of Polystyrene plastico. detrurz-,ine" by 'orP t ")n J, OctrO:.;ctx~'. '2he ra,.e o-4' for- ()xY!;tm-ccntainin6 Croups falls Ls th, of 11 acr.7loni-.r4le cc,,Ite,-.t in t,- ,o copoly.mer rises, and -,!:;o -,vith its L,.olecul~, 0_,~h-. 17i~. u). It k;reater in than in the 'jN-2i ~z O=u th; o s with one Cir Croup ward el"'fective Otabilizera 4n Ort~ & ho- a.-.d :pLru-)oL;_4ti.1n in aniline and one NH "roup in paXa-pozition onl-j. 2 ..zom,~thine obtainad by in--zoducin, t~.& ;,roup (Cir 3)2" in benzaldehyde -irove'! to be ineffic4ent t-e ja,7.c Com, o.-,o C11 Lrour 4n h i I,' offect'vo based 0.". I"I_Jc,;'. uldehydL- Ln r,.f I ro..:y ar._41:no are also ZOO I 'A Ztc~.~ilizezz;. ,-' 1 uzomet:iinuo discolor thc.. Product and z_rc 0r.1, recoz...,,rded for bl"-cz: 3ro"-,Uc,.S. _.,ffCc%ivC L~:-o henyl o-, -.;ro,)--ne, -nhenvl izo7)ro-~yl re3orcin, yrocatec,nin, 3-_-~eth:rl-Ar -phenyl -Dv I Cnol, b-jtfl 4;alla-.e, -;..ethane. ca. .0 -xtenzion of the chk4r. t-.-.,o bQnzena r-,*:-.Cs 0 a t 1 Y a _` f u c t t C s t a b i 1 i z -4 r,,,- e f f L. c e t i e t t e r 4- S* c r e s c! d i r t r o d u c in I the baizeroq rir,; 4n t*-e case of 3 oheryl-p-cresol and dicresylol pront-ne . There are 11 fi,~,,:rer 2/3 C/C 0, a /c;-. I I . Of Polys tyrone -olas cs 3124/3 -'60 tabl~-s- The three references zire: :.:adcrz;,y, Did. Chom. 1110, 811TO (1948); 1. '!. G. ':.-iiinek, J. Polymer z;c_, I 9"r, A , NO - I 9491; :,;. j. Heiney, -"rton, B. G. -Zes. I . . Dua . S, a r", . 51 No - 5 5 C an~;,a o f Aecul4r 2 o .,e, hrs. 80 4,0 0 Card OAAWco~ vac- KVZNETSOVA, T.I., kand.takhn.nauk; KIRILLOVA, Ye.l. )bthod for evaluating cleansing preparations by their detergency. Trudy NITXHI no.1:106-112 162. (MIRA 17:4) BLINOVp L.K.p nauchW sotrudnik; TSURIKOVAt L.K.p nauchrWy sotrudnik; PAKROMOVA9 A.Soy nauchnyy sotrudnik; SOPACH9 E.D.9 naucbM7 sotrudnik. Prinimali uchastiye: PONSOVp A.G.; KLLASHNIKOVAt V.V.j -WILWVAvJe--9Pj-LOS', B.M.; LEBEDEVA, G.V.. KORNIMKO,, V.S.p red.1 ZEMTSOVA# T*Ye.p (Manual of marine bydroebomical investigations for kqdro- meteorological observatories and marine bydrometeorological stations] Rukovodstvo po morskim gidrokhimicheskim issledo- vaniiam; dlia gidrometeorologicheakikh obaervatorii i morskilch gidrometeorologichookikh stantaii. Pod red. L.K.Blinova. Moskva, Gidrometeor.izd-vo (otd-nie)p 1959. 255 P. (HIU 24s6) 1. Moscov. GosudarstvenzWy okeanografichesIdy institut. 2. Labo- ratoriya khimli morya Gosudaretvennogo okeanograficheskogo instituta (for Blinovt TSurikova, Pakhomova, Sopach). (Water-Analysis) S/277/63/000/001/004/017 AQ52/A126 AUTHORS: Kirillova, Ye. P., Asovskaya, Z. N. TITLE: Friction materials paired with low-carbon steel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk, 48. Mashinostroitellnyye materialy, konstruktsii i raschet detaley mashin, no. 1. 1963, 5, abstract 1.48.28 ("Vestn. tekhn. i ekon. inform. N.-i. in-t tekhn.- ekon. issled. Gos. kom-ta Sov. Min. SSSR po kh1mii", no. 3, 196;2, 30 - 32) TEXT: Friction properties of woven, cast, pressed and rolled materials paired with CtI15-32 (SCh 15-32) cast iron and CT-35 (st-35) steel were in- vestigated. 22 x 27 x 6 mm samples were tested on a unified onstant friction machine at 100 - 1200C, 7.5 m1sec sliding speed and 2.7 kg/cm specific pres- sure. The results of the tests are summarized in a table. It is established that woven and rolled bands cannot work at elevated temperatures since at 200 2400C the coefficient of friction decreases. Cast material OK -24a (FK-24a) at 100 - 1200C has a lower coefficient of friction than woven and rolled bands, Card 1/2 0/0 0/~77/63/000/001/004/017 If Friction materials paired with low-carbon steel A052/A126 but at a higher temperature has a stable coefficient of friction and a good wear resistance. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 K Liz I, I- R-igim-, of chlorinc,, alkallrilty, and oxygen In the moLth of the I lJouthern bug. Trudy GOIN no-83t158-171 165. (MIRA 18:9) KIRILLOVA, Ye.Ye. . Mon4MAing TX-190 slubbing machine eccentrics. Obm.tekh. opyto [MIX] no.l6t72-73 156. (MIRA 11:11) Opluning whinery-Haintenonce and repair) CA TITLE i ldddifii~ f PZRIODiCAL%'~ v "hik 5 1 ;A _i~*djrisii6',O1ft1 TEXT. By i ~'t sms o pum, ps,,,:'a*ntr uSO64,~;'an and'othtt ~: vold'e"I' yp eistiQn -of-'4i P- S. lon" -_~'qf,; aiyatan WLth hydrod r& wupl ngs ara. Oidely useed in -driiii vA pfia4~4:eq'ipisat. and4ri.transaiss ~24 u "Vit', of hydraulLe ut a iw thtlarge'Aiments-of an'tr __wL nisuic'baiLdftis' the dato It U.. PertiLaing t*'.:thL*i - Ahe drivi " WAq:ari Oonw loc'salks" also gallows one: to datermus, G': L3224-63 Lbulation of FAR 6310010MI0021006. Ial raU ig--~CIUAC LIM 'the'! tim of diagessa of 'a ~drivs "'chi ~ptmm 04 z hotsi and M the &nSu &r;. moliint-,' 6e, 14%. ls~ - 69 6,1 drivinj4srt-`~-b V fiit viiI6Aty'.-Afi`d - ry~,A '51 hi -41 nd4ti ~!:i- -thi~)66iefit of'snargy of the dipeMi~i id::i4l'i jitt-bkthi, sbAtt..,: The Orocess-ot periodi'(11."It, 7- I ~-7eage _into three r"A'atsAitict',of the elimin't's-, 644'.001A g ropilicall suom for~thi-jicitor" t~psi~of dimansi6ritiss" The a q- 'A b -Ur g.,-ac;a '11 "1 -- th it -g- a60 at on -: of ' a working, pa of ;,a 0 I Y~Prsseute -'Os II as thmi~, a we n and,`ft ort A, method of a Lmpl Lf Lid' catialit'Lou fojl,~ t 6: C' o"r- --, -.V, . - I h' It' 6 With d dyn~mj icant Y:41 044 10' no tL; mora, 4~. n',, ii. cable foj-th I it j~~ ;4 T6re are :9, f 1j" aM: 2 "-n'- o-n! 41 J F~, rd 3/3 Tt -R~ 7i 9'tO tL" uting 4icel eratLon t ur a ep order"of, al culstidn` L - -* c a'. lioaftLes an4 t 9* momen S* 0 as* f an assembli~. of ~a *ro- t reduced.and the startm-lv "is... r4uIL I uj6t6r woe a utch the ki in 44: Z1, b-i IW,~ Ut with a hydr4uIii,c Ad',with:4w- 11 ,V~6dlf Uatio' ns Cat oh'-*Of-A systea 4 tor Iqua, cop .*rte,ri L I , ,, ,, .1 SWAP arenceg., ,17 kz: 1. ilk-AW 'xw I 0 'w" 7. Adhi na ure ...PeriodIcal Dold M IM;,V Abstract thodibf'& i~ A' I 'N acie', diiiiiij,.6of - a ah the --a"Ca -B, -inti Instl+ On 6mittid ~'t It -f4 '%Z~ ?t ~gw 'o ~`Acad Krotova~mli, , of $a 4.001+4c, ump -S,~0 es and, its dependence upop Wr j did, _S gii:joed um~ u17 21m.1954 -1 - . - aur ng" so gaps:, WAL harge-potential, dLacWge and dit, itudying' the polytior-IiWo~-&dhe W Pro esurs" MA. nature of- tbi ap -.,the, so it - 'it ~-:is: posaible, to, make Crt idnal polMro MA form forenceni Graphs. - sidal-Chemistry KROTOVA, N.A.; KARASKV. V.V.; KIRILIDYA. Tu.M. ------- Study of adhesion. Trudy Inst. fiz. khIm. no.6:111-122 157. (Adhesion) (MIRA 11:10) KIRILIA)VA, Z. A. USSR/Medicine - Electricity Medicine - Sleep Jun 48 "The Problem of Sleep, Narcosis and Letharp-j Induced by Electricity," Prof V. A. GilyarovsIdy, Prof I. F. Sluchevskiy, 14. 1-1. Liventsev, Z. A.. Kirillova, Inst Phychiatryf Acad Mled Sci, 5 3/4 PP "Klin &.;Cd" Vol XXVI, No 6 Describes induction of narcosis and letliar,7 in dops and hwnan beinr%s by alternating currents. Gives details of surgical operations performd under such conditions. PA lh-A9758 KIRILLOVII, GILYAROVSKIY, Vasiliy Aleksoyevich, 1875- ; LIVMMZV, N.M.; SZGAL" TU.I.; KIRIUMA, Z.A. [Ilectric sloop; olinical and phyniological study] Zlektroson; kliniko- fisiologichookoe Iveledovanie. Mokova, Medgis, 19530 125 P, (MI-RA 611l) (Zleotrotherapautice) (sleep) KI Ow VA, Z.A., nauchnyy sotrudnik; MORGANOVA. A.N., kandidAt meditsinskikh "I 'IN', I.Ta., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; rIMOV, D.D., do- :-, KU n teent, direktor; SIMSOM, T.P., professor, zaveduyushchty detakim otdolom Gilyarovskiy, V.A., daystvitelln" chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk, SSSR nauchnyy rukovoditell. Results of electric sleep therapy in a children's psychiatric clinic. Vop. pediut. 21 no.2:18-21 Mr-Ap 153. (9LRA 6:6) 1. Akademiya moditainskikh nauk SSSR (for Gilyarovskiy). 2. Nauchno-ii- oledovittellskiy institut pRikhtatrii Hinisterstva %dravookhraneniya SSSH. (sleep) (Nychoses) KIRILLOVAI Z. A. 1), 5 ases Dissertation: "Electrosleep Combined with Insulin in the Treatment of Yental . e Cand Mled Sci, Second Moscow State Medical Inst imeni. 1. V. Stalin, Moscow, 25 Jun 54. (Meditsinskiy iabotnik, Moscow, 15 Jun 54) SO: SUM 318, 23 Doc 1954 LIVUTSIT, HikoW. Mitrofanovich; ABRIKOSOTO Ivan Alekseyevich: KIRUJOICA - 1711" &A-Akek"yevua; AVJMWM, KA., red.; POPRTAMMIN, K.A., takhn. red. Ex otricit in the serrics, of health-, treatment by light wA eleNrIoltyr1i Ilektrichestyo na slushbe sdorory'la; o loobaidi avatom i slaktrichestyom. MoRkra. Goa. isd-vo mod. lit-ry, 1956. 59 P. (BLICTROTMMLPZUTICS) (MINA 12t7) Inaida Aiekae gyna; RABICHEVp IVANOVA, Tat'yana Ivanovna;-KMLIDYA,--Z --- - - - -Y Lev Yakavlevich; SKORBILIVA, T.N. , red.; POGOSKINA, M.V.., tekhn. red. [Insomnia; treatment and prevention] BesBonnitsa; lechenie i preduprezhdenie. Moakra.9 Medgizp 1960. 36 p. (MIRA 15:1) (111SWIA) i I P" , I M 1w ORI Nall. fit MIg !Q S i a:- H 110.1g, fill ri Ft IV ul I I I I 10, 1 "1 ~ I ,ill a r Va 9 I I I iris it f 1 .111 S , I sill; j if RINE %I n I 41 i F1 Ill Will P. SOTSKOV. B.S.: USOV, V.T.; KMNETSOV, R.S.; DICUBRUN. I.Ye.; VORONINP K.P., (Ilectric contacts; proceedings of the conference, November 26-28, 19563 Elektrichaskis kontakty: trudy noveshchaniia. 26-28 noiabria 1956 g. Rod. kollegila: B.S. Sotskov I dr. Moskva, Gos. energ. izd-vo 1958. 103 P. OURA 12:2) 1. Soveshchanlye po alektrichaskim kontaktam. Moscov, 1956. (Ilectric contactors) SOTSKOV, B.S.,; USOV, V.V., red.; 1UZNVTSOVj R.S., red.; ZOLOTTKH, B.N., red.; DZXABRUN, I.Te., red.; ~I )VA, ZtS~ red.; VORONIN, K,P., [Blectrical contacts; transactions of the All-Union Conference on Zleotrical Contacts and Materials for them] Ilektrichaskie kontak-ty. Trudy Vadsoiuznogo soveshchaniia po alaktrichaskim kontaktam i kontaktnym materialam. Red.kollegiia: B.S.Sotskov i dr. Moskva. Goo.anarg.izd-vo. 1960. 423 P. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Veasoyuznoys sovashchaniye po slaktrichaskim kontaktas i kontaktnym matarialam. 2d, Moscow, 1959. (Blectric contactors) USOV, Vladimir Vasillyeviah(doceased]; DEKABRUNI I.Ye., red.; JURJLLOV~ Z 3 red.; POVOWMKAYA, M.D., red.; LARIONOV,, ' 4d. G.Te.0 NW.- (metals for electrical contacts] Metallovedenia elektriche- skikh kontaktov. Moskva, Gosenergoisdat, 1963. 207 p. (HIRA 16-.6) (Electric contactors) 13.3., reJ.; DEK.TPUN, I.Ye., rei.; V , -I . Sy. , red K IF-,. I 11OV". pZ Yu.P., red. [Flectric contactors; transactionel, hlo;Ari,~he:kie krai- ttikt- 'rudy Red. koll. ~- .1 0 j . I Dlorel n, 19U.- 502 P. .1 . ': s e.,; --~ ~uznoye sovoohchanip, po I k".)ntaktriyri materi:dam. 31, Losoica, tc S/08IJ61/000/021/050/094 B110/BiOl AUTHORt Kirilloya"Georgiyova, D. TITLEs Swelling cement based on high-alumina clays PERIODICALs Reforativnyy zhu~mal. Xhimi7ag no. 21, 1961, 311, abstract 21K308 (Tsementj-&o. 1, 1961, 9 - 13) TEXTt A swelling cement (SC) has been obtained in Bulgaria on the base of Portland cement clinker, and expanding additive consisting of three basic oomponentes calcined high-alumina clayp air-slaked lime# and gypaus. The clinkerrto-additive ratio was 70 -00. The volume of SC is increased by storing in water, moist air, and air.~- The degree of expansion depends on the composition of the solution and on the storing conditions. The strength of SC tested in solution of great consistency while being lower than that of initial cement in the first days of hardeningt becomes equal to it after six months. The strength of SC in plastic solutions io,con- siderably lower than that of initial cement (50-60% after 28 days, 85% after 15 months). SC samples subjected to 150 freezing-and-thawing cycles had a greater compressive strength than before freezing. SC proved to be Card 1/2 S/08IJ61/000/021/050/094 Swelling cement based on high alumina clays B1IO/BIOI stable against megnesia and sulfate corrosion (except for 1% Na2so4 solution). SC is normally impervious to water and more strongly bound to the reinforcement. The strength of SC concrete with a cement consumption of 400 kg/m3 attained 50% of the initial cement strength during the early time of hardeningy and rose to 93% after three months. QLbstracter's note: Complete translation.] V~ Card 2/2 I KIRILLOVICH) 14. "I'll Works of the 1-Union Peat Inatituto. (Min of Agri. RSFSR), Number 4, 1933, 111 pages, A Campendium of Instruction on the Study of peat and Peat Beds: Part 1. The Goobotanical Analysis of Pe3t. "Instructions for Deternining the Botanical Ccmpositlon of Peat." by Korotkins, M. Ya, and Kirillovich, 4. 14. SO: Botanicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol XXXV, No 1, po 100-110, Jan-Feb 1950, Russian bimo per, Moscow/Leningrad (U-5511, 12 Feb 1954) KIRILLOVSKIT, G. S. 7682. KIRILLUVSKIY, G. S. -- Otdolks obuvu. kiyev, Oootakhizdat USSR, 195j. 99. c. c ill. 20 nm. 1.500 ekz. 21t. 40R. Bibliorr. v kontse k it-i--(55-3933)P 685.31.02t(ol6.3) SO; XnIzhv4.y Letopsial, Vol. 7, 1955 KIRILLOVSKIT, G. "Technology of footwear" by E. M. Ostrovitianov, B. I.Aq Ivanov. Reviewed by G. Kirillovek:11. Legeprom. 17 no-8:50-51 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Shoe Industry) XATS, S.A.1 KIR TSKITj Go$,; OHARKAMITp $#A& Orgliffoe a conv=~~rlsystsm in the punching shop of the Kier &4" Fuctory No.6. log. prom. 18 no.l0Q-45 Ja 158. (MIRA 1:.t2) (Assembly line methods) (Pmching mehinery) OSTROVSKIY, Ya.M. [Datrovalkyi, IA.M.); SERDYUKOV, I.I.; XATS,i-M.; KOZACHUKI A.I.j TURZHANSKIT, Tu.V. [Turzhanalkyi, IU.V.); SNIGUR'j LL [Snihur.I.I.); KIRIL VSKIY. G 5 (Kyrylloviokyi, H.S.]; BRONO S.S.;.PESIS, Ya.I. SIRILIGA, A.M. (Shullha,AdM.) Proposals of efficiency promoters. Lah.prom. no. 4:81-88 O-D 163. 1 (MIRA 17-5) 1. Kharikovskaya obuvnaya fabrika (for Ost'rovskiy., Serdyukov, Kats). 2. Zhitomirskaya ~buv*ya fabrika (for Korachuk, Aurzhanskiy., SnIgur), '3o'Kiyevskaya obuvnaya fabrika No. 6 (for Kirillovskiy, Bron,'Pesib, Shullga). RO-MMSTVUSIly, kandidat takhaichookikb inzhoner; KIRILLOYS11Y, Yu.L., inzhenar. Accelerated motion of rotating bodies in speeds. (Trudy] MM no-18:59-68 153. (Disks, Rotating) (Hydrodynamics) nauk; SIMBFIRMI, ru.I., viscous fluids at law (MLRA 7:12) 1.24 -11-12727 Translation from: Refe.rativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, N r 11. pw 57 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kirillovskiy, Yu, L. TITLE: The Energy Balance and Calculation of Water-Jet Devices. I(Balans energii i raschet vodostruynykh apparatov) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry of the A. I a Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. Moscow Technical College (Mosk.vyssh.tekhn. uch-shche) Moscow, 1957. ASSOCIATION: Moscow Technical College, ( Mosk.vyssh.tekhn. uch-shche) Moscow, 1957 Card 1/1 ki~?I;.LoV.510 V 124-58-6-6682 Translation from: Referativnyf zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 6. p 54 (USSR) AUTHORS: Podvidz, L. G. , KiriIlovs!qy,4_L.1_. TITLE: On the Designof Jet Devices for Pumping Water out of Artesian Wells (K voprosu o raschete struynykh apparatov dlya pod"yema vody iz artezianskikh skvazhin) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Gidromashinostroyeniye. (MVTU, Vol 71~ Moscow, 1957, pp 3-14 ABSTRACT: Water-lifting devices for artesian wells of medium depth (about 60-70 meters) consisting of a centrifugal pump on the surface and a water-jet apparatus located in the well and fed by the surface pump are discussed. Twp achematic arrangements of such water- lifting devices are given,'which differ in the location of the water- jet apparatus (upstream and downstream of the pump). The pro- cedure of matching the pumps and the water-jet apparatus is des- cribed with a view of obtdining the greatest possible efficiency for the water-lifting installation; graphical methods for the design analysis of a complete insiall-ation including the piping are pro- vided for varying conditions of the hydraulic operation. Card 1/1 1. Jet pumps--Design 2. Centrifugal pumps-- V. A. Arkhargel' skiy Applications PODTIM, L.G., kand.takhnimauk; MILLOVSKIT, Tu.L.t kandetekhneriauk; XASHMV, L.U., Inshener . Theoretical princil-las of designing jet apparatus for pumping water from deep wells. Nauch. trudy VIISKH 6:5-27 t59. (MIRA 13:12) (J8 t pumps ) EMILLOVSKIi, Yu.L., kand.tekhnonank; YAR.OENKU, O.V., inzh. Calculating the spe,,ding-up of a system with a hydrodynamic clutch. Vestomaphinostr. 43 no,4-.9-14 Ap 163. (MIIA 16:4) (Mechanical movements) 3332o. 'Ala Ocnuvakh koy I'lauli, o a lodov~~ Ito '2d. OV, 19, No. 5 C. 22-25. -:91 SO: Vol. LUGOVAYA, L.Y.1 SALINIKOVA, G.P.; KIRILLYUK, N.L.-, SHAPIRO. S.L. Investigating the toxiganicity of the diphtheria bacillus by the biological method and In vitro. lAb.dalo 2 no.4:23-25 J1-Ag 156. (KISA 9:10) 1. 1z otdolentya spidemiologichookoy bairteriologii Moskovskor gorod- skoy sanitarno-apidemiologichookoy stantsii (glava" vrach M.S. Sokolovskiy) (DIPETMIA-BACTIRIOLOGY) (TOXISS AND AXTITOXINS) KIRI,-4,GV.9_,Pf.j inzh.; PETROV, IV., lnzh.; JABLIN I - inzh_. , Iu.p inzh.; KHAIDUKOV, P., The TFS-0/20 televiiiion relay. Radio i 339 162. tOl8viziia 11 no-111335- KIRILOV, K. Dimitur Mitev, the rationalizer. p. 85. TRANSPORTNO DEW. Vol. 8, no. 4, 1956 P Sofiia, Bulgaria SOURCE: East European Accessions List (ZEAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1. January 10,57 KIRIIDV, nro, tekhe Processing iron articles after ssmdblast cleaning. Tekh delo 5011-2, 30 N '63. SINEVICH, Ye.Ye.; KrRILOV L.Yao, .- - I - Clinical significance of the so-called relaxation of the diaphragm. Klin. khir. no,102-75 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Leningradekly okruzhnoy voyennyy gospitall. I- KIRILOVJ. L.Ya., kand. med. nauk; SINEVICII, Ye.Ye. (L-,ningrad) Case of dextrolateral traumatic diaphragmatic hernia with isolated liver p~.-olapse. Vest. rent. i red. 39 no.1:62-63 Ja-F 164. (MPA 18;2) W=jr-,- KIRI10OV, g I------- Purifioation of drimicing water with ultraviolet rayi, Khidr*Ukh J melior 7 no.S.M5406.162, 5 (3) OTHORSs Lutsonko, I. F.v SOV/20-128-1-23/58 TITLEs Phoaphorylated Chlorovinyl Ketones. Production of Pboaphorylated Chlorovinyl Ketones Trom Vinyl Acetate and Isopropenyl Acetate PERIODICALs Doklady Akademli nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 1, pp 89-91 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper gives the results obtained by investigation of the reaction of phosphoras pentaehloride with enol "*totes - vinyl acetates ana isopropenyl acetates. By peans of this reaction whiob readily takes placep the first representatives of a now group of phosphor-organic compounds - the phosphorylated A-ehlorovinylketones - were obtained. The following were prepareds ot-acstyl-ps(3-dichloro ethyl phosphinio aci4 chloride, diethyl aster of the cL-acetyl ~,P-dichloro ethyl phosphinio acid in the presence of a bas; sad pyridine, diethyl eater of the OL-acetyl-p-chlorovimyl phosphinio acid, OL-acetyl-p-chloro propenyl phosphialc acid chloride, and diethyl aster of the cc-svetyl-p-ohloropropenyl phospbinic acid. The newly obtained kinds of phosphoric-organic compounds will be used for various syntheses characteristic of P-ohlorovinyl ketones. In the first place# however, they vill be employed for the production of Card 1/2 phosphorylated heterocyclic compounds of the pyrazole-, Phosphorylated Chloravinyl Ketones. Production of BOV/20-128.Ll-23/58 Phosphorylated Chlorovinyl Ketones Yrom Vinyl Acetate and Ihopropenyl Acetate isoxazole-p and pyridine series. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomozosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTEDs April 24, 1959, by A. N. Nesmeyanov, Academiq wi SUBMITTED: April 22, 1959 Card 2/2