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MFKliTiYFV, oh.F.; :.L, ill. A,Kh.; AI-YFIV, ~3.A.; Y F., bpt,z!r-:n- 4-r-at ion .-f ~f L4, ~J z~ .L - 21 Tic .2 :44-47 ristitut veL.' ~-i-i i I i t-A ne'ti ; kh" 4 4 Z, 4ns t d - b .,zprbayd7,har,,skiy nau-1-r.;-issledovatel nof 1, i . ACCESSION NR: AP4019335 8/0152/6410001002/0049/0054 AUTHOR: Alkhazov, T. G.; Belen'My. BL S.; Motyako". R. L; Khiteyeva,V.3L TITLE: A study of catalytic butylene oxidation into divinyl SOURCE: IVUZ. Neft' i gaz. Z;. 2, 1964s' 49-54 TOPIC TAGS: butylene fast oxidation, catalytic butylene oxidation, divinyl, bu- tylene, C02 ABSTRACT: The new methods of oxidizing dehydrogenation of olefines at high rates is the subject of some U. S. A. and British patents. Notwithstanding gener-. al interest, very little is known about these processes. The purpose of the au- thors was a detailed study of how various parameters influence butylene oxida- tion by air. They undertook tests over a fixed catalyst bed (catalyst not speci- fied). Other conditions were: tempera!lre 450-500C, volumetric velocity re- duced to room conditions 1800-9000 hr- , butylene/air ratio 1:6 to 1:1. In the gaseous reaction products, only divinyl, carbon dioxide and unreacted butylene were found (traces of carbon monoxide and nitrogen enrielted air). At a volume-. cam 1/ 2 ACCESSION NR: AP4019335 tric velocity of 9000 hr- 1, the increase of butylene content by 3. 8x results in decreased butylene oxidation into divinyl and carbon dioxide ( at 450C), with the proportion of decrease being 5. 4 and 2. 1. respectively. Changes in the initial composition have a different influence on complete and soft oxidation. The max- Imum productivity is achieved at a volumetric velocity of 9000 hr-1, a tempera- ture of 550C, and butylene/air ratio 1:2. The yield is then 1. 6 kg divinyl over one liter of catalyst. The ratio of divinyl/CO2 yield is then 10 which is the max- imum achieved during these tests. Increasing the temperature results in a high- er percentage of oxidation and higher effectiveness of the catalyst. This trend I continues until the oxygen content reaches a certain minimum when the reaction slows down and secondary reactions (polymerization) set In. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, I table. ASSOCIATION: Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i Ithim" im. X Azisbekov& (Aaarbiddshial- Petroleum and Chemical Institute) SUBMITTED.~\22MY63 DATE ACQ: 2TMar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH NO REF 90V.6 003 OTHER: 005 I CWd 212 6 31stlasts. A. To.. O&adld^%. of Sol/3-59-1-t6157 111mormalogLool Jklonoes f1mz Coodgress, of Geologists or the Carpathians ead 161knos (3*"&& fftlog*V buTstakIM I Ulsamakikh tr") PMDD=AL: Westalk Akadmil seek 53U. 1959, Ir 1. pp 05 - 89 (UM) LASTUM S%a 4th of the A.S..t.tion -took Plans to "T Was L'aw 0. O.Pt..b.r 16-29. 195a. 2150 delegates UUM man. members a tn* Association Are puldsrl.. 1-9-Y. ftle". Nemesis. the 93n. -4 J.s-1-in- Th. rop"to Also"864 I*ctoulas of the Carpathians and their cratc,al felAttm"lp with the 31alkauldes. the stratigraphy tad ;als- geography of the -al.anlaity 1. ch. Carpathian., a" she formation of different si-ral in the.. 0. S. TO"-. an behalf of the organts4ag commUttem of the omagrooso repariat sm, questions or tootoblas of the 3owlet Sees Carpathians. R. Ragel reported on tectonic in-sligatleas is the Ces ral vast C&rFsxL.Qm by Chonboal-ok = mas mang" and Anneal" Investigators P. 3.ot..U. jk~~nkl. lauattr,. jncj~, r.11. "P0,114 on 111, on-h-, of the Meath Carpathians. Th. D.1garLan sal-ti.t T.. B mtll"4 the ontal rel.tia..hiq hot..$. S&L-do*. The Polish resarubgra 0. &idall.kl ..pp.,%.;l she bZpasbasis sm tn. deposit stru.irre ~af%ho ~ovt CarpathIta'. .-I.). M. W,141-1c. 'Poland) A report" an Oasstlans of strati -b. Seftetoommorebers , M S. T-6074'i.h. 0. S. ly.l.1) max"Pe &1sat Sbe formation of flynch deposits In the Carpathians to ~*.C$Ated c1ith th. "at "bil* 90A.8 of Ina earth's am41. 2. a T %b 1 4 *rIat at Staryy Sanner D ; :u ! of & fare $1 fli-11 layers I. the 3-1-4 4 the Naffft last C.Spathimna. Report. by a. Kard-h-Mad.t.kir (mun.-J), -d Sori.t to ... tig.t.- T.. X. L-- ::* (Raa.1 ) %h , ~ . rod q.: 1. rulannialty "d a..diti... of ; formettles, of ats, deposits. fto Congress amph-L-4 tn% nece,etty at sarryIng an cannot Lovestigationa In different br-bas or *lady. Par . coordination of these Par- 0"!:* ooml*oiou. .." for .%I.ti- Srs;bF. pmaongs.graphy end paleonSolodyj -&-tims and p*trala,,. card 2/3 gooskmati.try sed .i .... I.Cj hydrago.logy sad for tectonic maps . ;. The St1k dandr.8 of to. A. 1. sm%I.Ip.t.4 far 1961 In LIVOVt G.K.; MOTYAMEV, V.I. Kinetics of the dissolving of carbon and the recrystallization of commercial iron. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.8:128-131 163. (MIM 16:11) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. CZECHOSLOVAKIA MOTYCKA, A.9 MD Internal Medicine Ward ZUNZ-SOITP (Interni oddeleni ZUNZ- SONP), Kladno Prague, Prakticky lekar,, No 3, 1963, pp 106-107 "Atypical Anamnesis of Infarction of the Myocardium.11 -- MOTYCII~A, I., kand. tekhn. nauk Binding of rough surfaces caused by loading. Vest. mashini-Etr. 45 no.4:38-39 Ap 165. (KRA 1.8:r' MOTYCHKO. V.F. Garbonatites of the Odikhincha massif and their genesis. Trudy NIIGA 107:23-41 '59 OGRA 13:3) (Kotuy Valley--Limes tone) I MOTYCKA, J.0 inzip Csc. Disadjus~ent of optical instnments dto to mechanical istress. Jemna mech opt 8 no*9:277-281 S163. 1. Cooke vysoke uceni technicke, Praha. .1-SR5 7 d -A Ohn to automattle fractiou coltector~: 7-,Xbtfisek~ fldbi-mw T. Czec ~ dest n6 5~i-A d k~g ~Ign kn collector Itai bccn g 4-7 lonad 5 (met Ilifu -1% Tht automatization fs bamd o L 4metionation' m:vol : . . chatigrd ta time fmaimiatkm which Imt.caff ansiff be hf.'Thtdlicli~f; p W~w --I PION SOUCEK, J.; SLAVIK K.; JIRASEK, J.-; J145gr*,,A.;, Technipal "Alstancet. SWTAMOVA:i R*;,_ FWTOVA, L.; SXWWVA, A. The treatment of experimental mouse hemoblastosis. I. The effect of some new folic acid antimetabolites on cell transplanted leu- kemia in mice of the AKR strain. Neoplasma (Bratisl.) 11 no.4: 389-397 164. 1. Institute of hematology and blood transfusion, Prague, labora- tory of protein metabolism and proteosynthesis, Charles University, Prague, I-st pathological-anatomical institute, Charles University, Pregue, Czechoslovakia. As q IS 'IALn c-' Te C 11 -he treatment Of c he f ong-term admi r-,-* s ratiOr, Cf UP 0 m of the ma c tin, I raf inst; ttite 1 -rot(- ir. me, tab C-" f' 0 Z'lzpcho" 10vak; ~i. SOBASIAVSKT, G.;SOCHKAN. J.;MGTTGXA, K. Iffect of certain benzoquinone-etbyleneimino derivatiTes on experimental mouse leukemia. Neoplasma, Bratiel. 6 ao-3:268-274 1959. 1. Institut fur Hamatologle und Bluttransfusion, Prag. (LAUKOIA exper. ) QUINONXS pharmacoi. ) (ANTIVIOPLASTIG AGATS pharmacol. ) NDTrCK&t K.; SOCHM, J.; SIAVIKOVA, V.; SLAVIK, K. The difference in mechaidem of action of aainopterin and some of its derivatives. ftsiol. Bohemoslov. 11 no.2:101-106 '62. 1. Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, and laboratory of Protein Metabolism, Charles University, Prages. (AMINOPTERIN pharwool) C ZENEOS-"OVAY, I A SOUCEEK, J; MOTYCKA, K; S-UAVII,, K; ~;JCIIIAN, J. 1. Institute of Haemato] ~.- _y and Blood Transfusion, Prague; 2. Laboratory for !IT-Dte-n Metabolism and Synthesis, Pragua Prague, Collection of -'zec:ioslovak Chemical Communications, /Vol 6, lj63, pp "Metabolism of Folic !V. Mechanism of Biochemical Action of Some Fo-c Acid kntimetabolites in vivo." SOUGEK? J.; M_ SLAVIK,, K.; SOCHIWO J. Metabolism of folic acid. Pt.q. Coll Cz Chem 28 no.8:2222-2226 Ag 163. 1. Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague, and Laboratory for Protein Metabolism and Synthesis, Prague. DONNERj L.; M07YCKA, X. rwir=oscmes in typontaneous and in transplanted 17mphadenosie of the AlM mice. A-eta univ. Carol. (med] (Praha)l Suppl 18; 3.25-129 164. 1. Ustav obeane biologie fakulty vseobeccneho lekarst-91 Uni- versity Urlovy v Praza (prednosta tprof. dr. B. Sekla) a Ustav hematologie a krevid transfuse (reditel: prof. dr. J, Horejai), SOIUCEK, J.; SOCHMAN, T.; M07YCKA, F.-, NOVWITNA, r-.; SLAV',?., K. The treatment of expe rimer. !~a mo-~,se nezcblas--~F.'s. '-I, Neoplasma 'kBratisl., 12 no.4 41-4 3 165. 1. Institute of Hematology aLnj Blood Transfi~sion, Laborat,iry of Protein Metaboi sm, Charles !'niversity, -,~rat-ue, CzPchcsk.- vakia. Submitted June 13, 19b4- COUNTRY Czechoslovakia .1-35 r OATZGORY AB-3. JOUR. ARM'.-Il., L.O. 21 195), '104 77151 Koke6. D. and Motycka, KcL~ lkt givtrl T IL.,," A New Method for the Determination of tne lliding Power of Surface Coatings and Powdered Pigments osed in the Leather Industry OR IG .PUB. : Veda a Vyzk v Prumys! Koredeln, 4, 65-76 (1958) L IN r RA C T! Two photometric methods have been developed for the determination of the hiding po~xer- of surfaco coiitings and powdered pigmenta usei In the leather industry. The first method consists in the meas- urement of the tranblucence of 0.1% dispersions of the Pigments as a function of the volume (in ml)z the accuracy of this method is +2%. The second sethod consists in measuremenTs ot the translucence [transmittance] of dry paint filins and dry pigment films as a function of weight CAPD: 1/1 Leather measurement by ionizing radiation absorption, Kozarstvi 13 no.3 -.S&-87 Mr 163. 1. Vyzkumny ustar kozedelnyp Otrokovico. HCODRY R.; STEFAN, H.; PEREGRINOVA, A.; WiTYCKA, M. 09*eomye'Litis in newborn and older infants. Cesk. pedia- 2~-' no.8:676-683 Ag 165. 1. Detska klinika (prednosta prof. dr. J. Blecha, DrSc.) a cblrurgickn klinika (predr;Gsta prof. dr. .1. Prochaz'~'a, Dr-C.) lekarske fakulty Karlovy f'nivernity v Hradcl Kralove. MOTYGKA, Stefan, Inz. We put the results of scientific research Into practice. Vestnik CSAZV 7 no.4s220-221 060. (EW 9:9) (Czechoslovakia--Agriculture) / A119 ~3, 4,~_ Subject : USSR/Electricity AID P - 613 Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 17/35 A~thors Motyalm.-S. A., Eng., and Belichenko, G. F., Eng., Title I. A. Syromyatnikov's article: "Requirements for Syn- chronous Motors and their Control and Protection Circuits", in Elektrichestvo, #5, 1953, (Discussion). Periodical Elektrichestvo, 8, 73-75, Ag 1954 Abstract I. A. Syromyatnikov in his article proposed great simpli- fication of the protection of synchronous motors and theIr start by a permanently-adjusted exciter. The authors pre- sent the results of their experiments with two large centr1fugal water pumps driven by synchronous motors with exciters permanently connected. The experiments proved satisfactory. Six drawings. Institution : Not given Submitted : No date AID P - 1531 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 27/36 Author : Motygina, S. A., Eng. Title : Raising the Insulation level of an 30-kv Indoor distributing substation Periodical : Elek. sta., 3. 56-57, Mr 1955 Abstract The author describes a 30-kv distributing substation with electrical equipment produced by the German f1m AEG. The unsatisfactory condition of the insulation was revealed in operation. The author describes de- tails of the improvements performed. Two drawings Institution: None Submitted : No date MMYGINA, S.A., inzhoner (g.Angarok); SOLISZIT, T.L., Inzhomr (g.Angarsk) No,gymcbronsus c*mectIon of electric power stati*as. Blaktrichostvo ae.4:eo-.82 AP 156. (MLVA 9:7) (Blectric power plants) LO-1 ~-~ ~JL, S. ~., Gana Tdc,~- z)ci - !-': ';-~ !- '- -'- --- :: Z ~". : -~ r I I - , ~,rial 1~a _LIE juljc',i -i'll 'L r~ , u k , ,9 , . ') ~: -, 0 V, ~ ), - " - ~ , '.- ': e ! ~ i, - ( ,L, 3,7-w, i'l" KARMI, Ta.D.; MOTYGINA. S.A. Use of s7uchronous motors in petroleum chemistry. Prom. (Petroleum industr7--Zlectric equipment) (Ilectric motors, Synchronous) the petroleum refining induatr7 and in energ. 15 no.9:23-25 3 160. (MIRA 13:10) NOTYGIMk, S.A., Insh. Operating conditiotis of power eystems and itatic load characteristics. Blek-sta. 31 no.2:56-59 F 16o. (KRA 13-' 5) (Power engineering) MOTYGINA, S.A., inzh. Operation of ar"uenching coils of a 30 kv. cable network. glek. sta. 32 no.2:81-84 F '61. (MIRA 16,7) (Electric networks) (Electric protection) OLCZAKCWSKI, WlaOyslaw, Prof. xgr. Inz.; GARLICKI, F~rszard, agr Inr.; MOTYKA, Ignacy, ngr inz Ionite dexineralizing of feed water. Knergetyka Pol 14 no.9:264-271 s #6o. (EXAI 10:1) (Feed water) MOTYKA, Ignacy, mgr inz. Characteristics of the sodium exchanger. Energetyka Pol 14 no.10; 309-313 0 160. (ERAI 10:3) (salt) (Sodium chloride) ,norzej , mp I . 1.jj(!rjAIIY I I - r Inz. WjTYi(A,- Ignacy, Mg-r ~ ,,,t,iaj sewages. COsp wodna Utilization of mi"raliz--l in 23 ,. 10:1,74-3'6 0 1. Central Mining Ins*Iii,ut,Fw, Vf1t.owiCe. OLOZAKOWSKI, Vladyslaw, prof. mgrAnz.; MOTY k rgaacy, mgr inz. LL-=k=ZLEl Desalting pit water in the Rybnik Coal Basin. Gosp wodnaZ340-2:49- 52 F 163. , 1. Glowny Instytut Gomictwa,, Katowice. ty I OLCUKOWERFJ, O-adpaawg prof. mgr Inz.; C IIRZIti 71C 1-11 , Jerzy; MOTYKA, Ignacy, mgr inz.; Strff, Marian; STDANG, Zofla, mgr Desalting brown coal by the ion exchar-ge metnod. Glow '.nst gorm prace no.33941-28 164. 1, Central Mizing Institut", Katowiue. MOTYKA,Ignacy, mgr inz.; TYMIENIECKI, Andrezej, mgr inz. Economic evaluation of steam coal. Gosp pal1w 12 no.7:221-226 il 164. 1. Main Mining Institute,, Central Office for Coal Sale, Katowice. I li~lz, T / x,~Z, /, -7- l STWIN, W.;CHARILL, N.;ROiTKA. 1. Z. Psychotic oenlomotor attacks and Pavlovs nouro-dynagde localization theory. Polski tygod. lek. ? no. 5-6:113-120 4 Yeb 1952. (CLNL 22:4) 1. Of the Departuents of Nervous Disorders (Hmd--Lt. Col. Wl. Stain. M. D.) of Military Clinical Hospital In Lads and of locMnowks State Psychiatric Hospital (Head-L. Prusak, R. D.) near Lodz. KrFYKA, J. "How I Increase the Fertility of Light Soils." p. 19 (no-n, Vol. 51 No. 2, Feb. 1954, Idarazawa) East Fawopean Vol. 3, No. 6 19% 50; Month List of XM5WLW Accessions/ Library of Congress, - June TM Uncl. -- MOTYKA,IJadwiga Effects of acoustic stimuli on the ovaries. Pat. Pol. 16 no-31 309-312 ji-S 165. 1. Z Sakladu Patologit Ogolnej i Doewiadezalnej AM w Kmkowie (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. B. Giedosz). MOTYCKA, K.; SCUCEK, J. The treatment of experimental mouse hemoblastcois . Part 4. Neoplasm (Bratisl.) 12 no.5017-524 165. 1. Institute of Hematology and EloodTran5fusion , Prague, Gzed,oalovakia. Submitted November 13, 1964. -OT'ri", K. Saf,nty In ~!JnJotors,vo hutrtv~--) rnui -s-., rudn,rch bani a Ministcrs'vo r,-)~ :r.;v.,i. Vol. ~3 t Eurwpo:m Ac-.-asl ) s ids t, Vol i,l MOTYKA, Luc~an he role of the Industry of the Krakow Voivodeship in the national economy. Przegl mech 21 no.9/lOs257-258. 10-25 1,~y 762. 1. 1. Sekretprz Komitetu Wojwodzkiego Folskie Zjednoczonej Partii Itobotniczej, Krakow. MOTYKA, Witold Reconditioning by padding spar6 parta '-r netal',urgic industry. Problemy pro] hut muezym 1-1 rc-,114347-352 N '63. 1. Biprostal, Krakow. MOTYKO A1ek9ftWr Stepanovich.-OSTROVSKIY, Isaak Davidovich; RIKHTER, .7 * ~,nzl~,-,t,-~06~ezent; KHOMUTOV, K.M. # kand. tekhn. nauki, dots., re4.; CHFAS, N.A., red. izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F., tekhn. red, [Developed sheet product surfaces] Razvertki poverkbnostei listovykh izdelii. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo mshi- noutroit. lit-ry, 1961. 94 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Sheet-metal work) (Surfaces (Technology)) YEGOROV, A.D.; KRYMCHANSKIY, I.A.; MOTYLI, N.N.; KOVALEV, M.K. New design for drill collars. Hash. i neft. obor. no.2:25-27 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. TSentral*noye konstruktorskoye byuro Ministerstva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR. OSTROFSKrT, Isaak Davideviah; KMTL' Tasilly VladWrovich; STOLYARSKIY, LA., r*4&ktor; redakt*r. Efterimeat Is, use of block units In asking superstructures for tankers of the "Leningrad' type) Opyt Isg0owlealla-aadatrook blekant dlia tankerow tips OLealagradO. Leningrad. Oes.selusms* tad-we suds- streit.pronyahl.. 1955.61 p. (MA 9:5) (Shipbuilding) (Task vessels) MoryJAMOK. Ye. Increase the capacity of Kuban mat combines, Hias. ind. SSSR 28 no.6: 1-3 'Y?. (MIRA IT-W 1. Krasnodarskly sovnarkhoz. Muban--wat industry) MOTYLEV, A., ' Communal property. Sov. profsoiuzy 19 no.lrb:32-35 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:10) MOTYIEV".,J_M konom.nauk Wages according to the labor involved. Sov. profsoiuzy 19 no.11:22-23 Je 163. (Wage payment systems) (MIRA 16:8) KOTYLAV, Alelcmandr Seniiloytohs,,.kand.okonom.nauk; HOGATYRANKO, Z.S., w0cf-MM1100w, 1-.N., tokhn.rod. Uverything for man- rise in the living standards of the Soviet people in 1959-19651 Vas dlia cheloveks; pod"em zhiznannogo urovnia movetskogo naroda v 1959-1965 gg. Koskya, Izd-vo *Znania," 1959. 31 P. (Vassoiuznoe obahohestvo po raspro- streneniiu politicheekikh i nouchAykh znanil. Bar.). Bkonomika. no.7) (KIRA 12:8) (Cost and standard of living) MDTYLEV, Kh'Sh. I Need for an improvement of the design of adjustable pulleys. Bum. prom.-38 no.11:27 N 163. (MIRA 17.1) 1. Glavnyy mekhanik Yauntsiyemskoy bumazhnoy fabriki. KOTYIZVI L, A matter of great state importance. Fin. 9M 23 no.12:30-34 D 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Finance-Auditing and inspection) "The Axchtiev'.urc ,f Soviet -jencral Eclu,~n!,J-n Sc`x-,~15 in I..e Cand Al-rch Sc-., Chair of Arc~.-it-c~--.ral Plam'.54- ~ y Sr~ecilallty, Fac:.,- I-' v: c e,; Architecture, .',osco,,., A. c, 'r Ist, joscow, (.-L, -o 12 :-,;j r -chitc tur _i So: Sxr-,. ~:o 70, 2-) Sc~ S-I!rvey of l'J'c-icpt-'-Cic miu -echnical :ds Defended at USJR H`.:,her Educati ial Inst; tulU -is 1,)') 1111YL11V iA DJ43 USS/Gases, Polamous IWO= 1947 Medicine - Gas,Warfare "The Iafluence of Hypodermic Cxygen Administration on the Course and Issu of Diphosgen Poisoning," rU. hm4, or V. 0. Mot ylev, 3 PP U g ~.4. "Farmakol I Tokeikol" Vol X, No 3 Results given of subcutaneous injections in cate. It Is concluded, among other points, that the Weetion does not have a favorable effect upon the result of poisoning cats with diphosgen. 14T23 NOTILEV, Volof yeynovilbo prof.; prinimll uebastlye: LZMSVSKIY9 A.I.g kand. skon. nauk; PAVIAW, V.I.,, kaW. istor. nauki kad, skon, nauko datsent; ZWAMW,, A.Z.v kud. dotsentl CHMUTOVA9 V., rod.; M=PZTOVAt W.9 uladeMy red.; KO- SIVINA,, R.r tokbn. red. (Economic history of foreign countries; epoch of premonopollatic capitalism) Hkonamichaskala istorila sambezhzWkh stran; epokba damonopolletichealwga kapitali~j kurs laktall. Noakwag lad-vo sotsiallno-ekon. lit-ryt 1961., 399 P, (KMA 1-4:9) (Economic history) MOTYLU, T.Ye.. prof.; KADYSHRV, L.A., red.; TIMOXHIS, S., [Economic motives and consequences of great geographical discoveries; lectures In a course on the 'History of the national economy of foreign countries."] Skonomicheakis prichiny I pooledstvila velikikh geograficheakikh otkrytit; laktall po kureu "Istortia narodnogo khoziaistva sarubashnykh stran." Moskva, X-vo vyashego obrazovantia SSSR. 1957. 21 p- (KIRA 11:1) (Discoveries (in geography)) KQTUA7,,j(.Te.. prof.; POGMINGKIT. A.. (Hational economy of the U.S.S.R. during the period of putting the third five-year plan into practice; lectures on the history of tho national econoar of the U.S.S.R.] Narodnoe khoziaistvo SM v period osushchastvIenila tratlego piatiletnewo plane-. lektali po iatorti narodnogo khosisistva SSSR. Koskva, Moak. finansovyi In-t, 1959. 30 P. (KIRA 13:5) (Russla--Bconomic conditions) . Tollf Tevnovich. prof.; IM119, P.. red.; KOSKVINA. G.. KM - Crinance, capital and its forms of organization] Finansovyl kapital i ago organizatsionnys formy. Moskva. Izd-vo sots.- Skon-lit-rY, 1959. 451 p. (NIELA 12:7) (rinance) (capital) MOTILEV,jVoll "-XmQAOt__jvof.; Mnitoll uabastiye: IZMSVSKlYp A.I.9 iiiii. ekon. nauk; PAVIM, V.I., blind. istor. nauk; MYLZVgV.V., blind. skon. wwk, dotsent; ZMAM9 Aelat kilvd* alasbo naukt doteent; CIMKHUTOVA9 T., red.; SINSPITOVA9 N,t m2adshly red.; MO- SUINA9 R.p tekbu. red. [Zoonamic history of foreign countries; epoch of premonopolistie capitalim] Zkonmicheskala istortU sarubezbziykh stran; eLpokba ComonopoUstiobaskoga kapitaUisms; kurs laktalA. Mookwat lsd-vo sotsiallno-skon. lit-ryp 1961s 399 p. (HIRA 14:9) (Economic bistory) BSMIX, T.H.; KOTYLEV, Yu.L.; (MOT. A.1.-. ZMAMOSOY. A.Z.; IZRUSA-LrMSKAYA, H.P.; 6 MWW A.T., redaktor; KOVALINHINA. M.P.. takhni- chemkiy redaktor [Building roads on saline soils and shifting sands] Strottelletvo dorog na vasolennykh gruntakh I podvi2hnykh paskakh. lfoskva. Avtotranst2d&t. 1953. 202 p. (KLRA 7:6) 1. Moscow. Dorozhnyy nauchno-looledovatellakly institut. .. (Road construction) Korawl, Ili. L. *RT-34 (On the creep of so:U.) . K voprosu ob opisardi polzuchesti grunta. Doklady Akademii Naulc SSSR, 880): 441-443, 1953. KONUV, Yu.L., redaktor; KALIKOVA. N.V., teklinichaskly redaktor. -Ii,. [Determination of the modulus of soil deformation; a collection of articlesj Opredelenie modulia deformatsii gruntov; sbornik statel. Moskva, Nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo avto-transp. lit-ry 1955. 80 P. (MLR- 8--6 (Soil mechanics) IVAKOV. Mikolay Nikolayevich; ZASWHRPIN.Aleksey Hikitich; KCRMSKIY. Mark Borlsovich; x TM pg~lr laz&rovich; PUZMGW, Nikol&y lAk Antouovich; 204 HIP"Iftv2svich-, UNCV,T.F., redaktor; GAZAKTICKOVAJO.B., tekkmlcheekiy red&ktor (Manning the surfacing of roads] Proaktirovants doroahnykh odeshd. Moskva, Nauchno-takhn. tatmvo aytotransp. lit-ry. 1955. 249 p. (NLRA 9:3) (Road construction) 11MYMM"I.Yu.L., kandidat te!chnicheakikh nauk Characteristics of roadbed design in irrigAted regions. Avt.dor. 18 no.4:15-17 Jl-A.155- MLRA 8:11) (Road constniction) BABKOV. Talarty Fedorovtch; GIRBURT-4ZYBOVICH, Andrey Vladimirovich; WTTL97, Yu.Lo,, redaktor; KALIKOVA, N.V., tekhaicheskiy re4aktor [Principles of soil engineering and soil mechanics] 0snovy gruntovedeniia i mekMniki gruntoy. Koskwa. Nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo avtotranspolit-ry, 1956. 307 P. (KIRA 9:9) (boil mecbanics) (Soils (Ingineering)) . 40TTLE7. T21L., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. 1q),erience with solidifying saline clayny soils. Avt. dor. 19 no. 6:6-8 Je 156. (KW 9:9) (Soil stabilization) 0 - U . L, . PUSHUM, Petr Ivanovich.- MOTYTJT, Tu.L., redaktor; C-AIAKTIOMOTA, Te.M., takhnicheekly m"'PFIP .. oftm""16~' [Roodbuildinc mtertals) Dorozhnostroitellnys mterialy. Koskva, Nauchno-tekhn. ltd-vo avtotranap.lit-ry, 1957- 76 P. (KLRA 10:9) ~Rmok mtbTia"IS) KOTYL9V, Tu.L., redaktor; KALIKOVA. N.V.. tekhnicheski7 redaktor. [The Tenth International Road Congress] X Mezhdunarodnjri dorozhnri kongrese. Moskva. NauchnoOtekhnAzd-vo avtotranap.lit-ry, 1957. 363 P- (KLBA 10:5) (?win -Roads-Congre sees ) mcnizv" YU. L. KRIVISSKIY, A.K., kandidat takhnicheskikh naukZ KORSUHSKIY. M.B., kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk. HOTTLEV, Tu.L., kandidat takhnichesldkh nauk. OWN Causes of deformations of flexible pavements. Avt.dor. 20 no.3-.6-8 Mr '57. (MLRA 10:5) (Pavementis) MOTYLV. YU.L.. kand.teldm.nauk Specify standards for soil stability. Avt.dor. 20 no,8:25-26 Ag 157. (MIRA 12:4) (Soil stabilization-Standards) HONOV, Yu.L., kand.tekhn.nnuk. I Durmbility of ppvpments under conditlong of Northern llpzp"-stpn. Avt.dor. 21 no.1:6-8 Mr '59. (MIRA 11:1) (Kainkhatnn-Pnvements) L.-, kend. tekhn. nauk; ZALESSKIY, Ye.P.p prof.; KALYUZEM, I.S.p kand. sellkhoz. nauk; AZIZOV, A.A., mlad. nauchMy sotr.; FOLETAYEV, A.V., kand. khim. nauk; ABRUTSKAYA, Ye.G., m1ad. nauchwfy sotr. Prinimali uchastiye: BUTLITSKI7, Yu.V., mlad. nauchnyy sotr.,- FEDOSEYEVA, T.I., mled. nauchryy sotr.; BIRULI,A.K.., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ZVERINSKIY, G.I., inzh., retsenzent; KOVALEV,T.G., inzh., retsenzent; BAS111,M.M.,inzh., re- tsenzent; DEBERDEYEV, B.S., red.; DOVSKAYA, G.D., tekhn. red. (Stability of earth roadbed and road mate ia regions with arti- ficial irrigation] Ustoichivost' zemlianogo polotna i dorozhrqkh odezhd v raionakh iskusstvemogo orosheniia. [By] N.L.Motylev i dr. 1.'.oskva, Nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo 14-va avtoroLdllno-o Lransp.i shos. dorog RSFSRp 1961. 178 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Uzbekistan-Road construction) (Uzbekistan-Irrigation) moTnzv, xu*L*, kandotokho.nauk I RoM In shLfting mande Avt*dor. #A no.6t7-9 A 161. (MIFA 14:7) (Roads--MLtntewmd4 aw repair) SHULIGIIIA, V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; STUPAKOVA, L.F.; MOTYLEV, Yu.L., kand.tekhn.nauk Laying roadbeds of gypsumed soilz. Avt.dor. 25 no.4:14 "P '62. (MIRA 15: 5) (Road construction) MOTYLEV Yu L kand. tekhn.nauk; BUTLITSKIY, Yu.V.,mlad. nauchn. sotr.; STUPAKOVA, L.F., ml. nauchn. sotr.; FEDOSEYEVA, T.I., ml. nauchn. sotr.; SHULIGINA, V.P., kand. tekhn.nauk; IVANOVV N.M., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; BEZRUK, V.M., doktor geol.-miner. nauk, retsenzent; KCVRIZHffY-KH, L.P., red.; BODANOVA, A.P., tekhn. red. [Investigattg the stability of a saline-soil roadbed] Is- eledovaniia ustoichivosti zemlianogo polotna iz zasolennykh gruntov. Moskva, Avtotransizdat, 1963. 115 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Road construction) (Soil mechanics) IVANOV, Nikolay Nikolayevich, dok-tor tekhn. nauko proL . MOGILEVICH, Valentin Mikhaylovicho prof.; MAYBORODA, Gera:3im Illich, dots.; BARZDO, Vladimir Ivanovich, dots.; ANDRULIONIS, Yevgenly Fetrovichp assiBtent; P LEV Yu.L.# red.; TOPOJJINITSKAYA, L.P., red. izd-va; R.A. , tekhn. red. [Hi hway construction] Stroitellstvo av-tomobil'rWkh dorog. [Burl N.N.Ivanov i dr. Moskva# Av-totransizdat. Pt.l. [itais- ing of the earth bedp construction of simple pavements and foundations] Vozvedenie zemlianogo polotna, ustroistvo po- kx7tii prosteishilch tipov i osnovanii. 1963. 463 p. (MIRA 17:2) KUDRYAVTSEV, Mikhail Nikolayevicho prof.; MOTYLEV.. Yu.L.1, red. [Design of earth roadbed for highways in wooded marsh- land] Prnektirovanie zemlianogo polotna avtomobillnykh dorog v lesioto-bolotistoi mestnosti. Moskva, Trans- portp 1965. 183 p. (MIRA 18:8) of. A or gou r,(; r. r~aklk gor 3t",eT~noy ii I! IC- 1'... P Vu 1-V "ur, UV - KOTMVA, T.16., doktor filologichaskikh nauk. A great Auslan author; on the 125th anniversary of L.K.Tolatoils birth. Naalm I shisn' 20 no-9:5-8 3 '51. (KLRA 6:11) (Tolatol, Lev Nikolaevioh. 1828-1910) MOTYLIN.SKAYAP T.A. Salekhard and Kazantseva diatoms of the Tax Peninsula. Trudy VNIGRI no.239t247-258 165. (MRA ISr7) '.- T -0 1 nDISKI, S. Recent methods of breaking In new motors. p. 109. (TEMMIKA I-'OTO.RYZA-'YJ;A. Vol. 4, No. 4, Apr. 1954, Warszaira, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (-EEAL), LO. Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. MYrYLINSKI, S. london Automobile Fyhibition, ~. 326 10TORYZAUA, Vol. 11, No. 12, 1956; the situation of the British automobile industry. Dec. 1956, Warsaw, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) M, Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 1957, Uncl. 1",/I D'V L- 1 t,4 POUND Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and H Their Application, Part 3. - Treatment of Natural Gases and Mineral 011, Motor and Rocket Fuel, Lubricants. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 18, 1958, 62262. Author : ta n i alaw W 113 ski- Inst :Not given. Title :Octane Numbers of Fuels. Orig Pub: Techn. motoryz., 1958, 8, No 1, 26 - 31. Abstract: The following is discussed: the nature of de- tonation phenomena in motors, the dependence of detonations on motor construction and on its conditions of work, the effect of tempera- ture, moisture and 02 concentration in the air on the detonations and the importance of the octane number of the fuel. Card 1/1 78 HOTYLIKOV, A.I., polkovnik We need a unified concept of motlichnike 1) Vest.protivovosd.obor. no.3s7O.-71 Hr 161. (MMA 14--7) (Military education) LTSHTIM, S.F.; SERKOVA, R.I. (Sierkova, R.I.); MDTYLOVA, A., studentk-a Renewal of the phosphorus of phosphoproteins in functionally different muscles. Mr. biokhim. zhur. 33 no.6:823-832 161. 1. Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S S R. Kiyev. (56ip&Houellis) (MUSCLE) KOVAC, L.; MOTYLOVA, A. Studies on succinic dehydrogenase. Part 4: Transport of succluate into cells of the Escherichia coli. Coll Cz Chem 27 no.7:1608-1913 -Ti 162. 1. Department of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Komensky University, Bratislava. '. ~F' - I -_i I k . ). 4- 4 Ir. 22021 MotylyanskaFa, R Ye i Letunov, C Funktsion.11 nc-diai~-rcsticnesl-cna zuhchenii otritsatellnogo zubtsa Tu Sh otvedenii. qrudy Gos. Tsertr. Al.'aucn- iseted. in-ta - iz. Kul Itury, t. VI, 1-949, .. 15-42. -- bilA icirr: 22 fiazv S' C :Letopis' Zhurnallnykh ~;tatey, Ec. 29, filos~va, 1949. ozruitnv~h ismrnor."y Z.1111 sosuri4vtoy r,~VU-Jply i,ul 'tury, t. 71, !~~4c I c-trr.-s' Lhurnal Inykh :Aatey, ',o. :~csl-va, 1':4' ~ (, ~, YJ "I 'L;': I , r 7 - .. 1- - ~J~. I 'I I . , . Lf.. ' 211 -. 1.'.o tirl i Letuncv, S.P. :~ ~. curosu, c tLl~ raz- va%-E:r:.-:- I '~-)ort:vncr yariskaya, a. Ye. . - I S e rd t se I I 'Midy Or, s Ts e r. tr. Nau c h -- i -- S I ed , I n- ' a F ~` . i, u1 I tur-: , ' , .- , 71' -,' ) s 3( Nazv 5C.' ~,hiirnal' ryHi No. 'orkva, Ill'i 1". OlFil.IJIA ye I Vctylyar--~-a-~-a, Yc. i !x ~Orlrll ashch -,er.,vc. S: I -E'ra 7(7-zi.d"L SC : letc7is' Zht,--na-llr;y',.'.,i --,aTe,,,, c. c-,L-*.,a, "C"r- 1~ : 1. ft " 1, zi Y ~ !-S - ~ Y.q , ... Yc- . 22112 ,!o t "?-. ylyanokaya, H. Ye. -.rubctE ' . , : c,-' 'vncy Lh'~c,' ( . ~( :, "S~ I: '(4( S 1 ( --.'22 Nauc~--isslec'. -n-t.,-. i1,"- ' -~ r'Tj '. ~' I - , I SC : 'etc-is' Zhurnallnv~-h ',taccy, 'ic. -c, 'osk"ia, I- LWMIOV. S.F.; 140TYLYAIISXA.YA, R.Ye of" I 714V~-- I , ,C- -4r ~Yr--MVV-, - -, " Determining the optimum athletic condition for middle distance runnere throngh medical supervision. Probl.vrach.kontr. no.3: 274-295 '55. (MMA 12: 9) (RIJIMING-HYGINNIC ASIINCTS) MOrTLUNSKAU.9. Ye. It., ONNOWNWxw, (sporteand age] Sport t vozrast. Mosirva. Meogiz. 1956. 301 P. (AGN) (SPOWS) (KLRA 9:10) MOTYLYA113FAYA, II.Ye.- KAATYIIOVA. A.V. 11 ..... . - AML-~ Hethod for determining the training level of athletes under repeated stress. Probl.vrach.kontr. no.4:87-122 '58. (IIIRA 12: Q) (3-PORTS-ifTGUNIC ASMCTS) (STOSS (PIMIOLOGT)) MUUMUU, R.Ye.; PULIKINA9 I.Ye.; STOGOVA, L.I.; SURKINA, I.D.; FATYUGOVA, L.N.; IVANOVAt M.P. Comparative analysis of the reaction to repeated specific and nonspecific stresses in weight lifters. Probl. vrach kontr. no.5: 160-175 160. (MIRA 14:3) (WEIGHT LIFTIljG) '----,_MOTYLYANSKAYA, R.Ye. Investigation of the health, physical development, and functional possibilities of 7mtba trained In forms of sport which develop chiefly strengthp speedq and andw.*ance. Probl. vmch kcotr. no.5: 201-227 1600 (MIRA 149) (PHISIGAL EDUGATION ARD MINING) LETMM., Serafim Petrovich; 14=IZAIISK&A Rakhill -Ullmovnia; MZIWq A.A., red.; [Sports and the heart] Sport J gerdtas. Vloskval, Izd-wo wFi2amiltura i sportjn 1961. 39 P. (EMU 15 14) (SPMTS MWICINE) LETUNGVt Serafim Petrovich,, prof.; MMLYAFZKMA# Rakhill Yefimovna; MAMSKOA,, Nina Daniloym-,-M=MSKffW,--r.A.,, S I ORtWAp Ye.l.,O tekbnred. ENethods for the obserwation of athletes in connection with the trainIM of doctors; a textbook for doctors] Metodika vrachatmo-podagogichaskikh nabliudenii za sportmeymmi; posobie dlia vrachei. Pod obshchei red. S.P.Ietunorva. Moskvaj, Izd-vo OTizkulttura i sportm 1962o 399 P. (MRA 15:5) (SFMTS MEDICINE)