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Publication Date: 
December 31, 1967
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71XMI 1,; NMa Gy.;, KIXBBMO J.; ABBAMM, 3. Coamlomqnt t1tron in subject# with differing uptake* of dietary protein, with special reference to antibody formation in dependence an diet. Acta. microb. tmng. 4 no.4t4O5-411 1957. 1. State Institute of rood Research and Watrit'2.3n, Buftpost. (COMPUMT titers, off, of dietary protein uptake) (PROTHINS, off. dietary protsin uptake an complement titers.) B03MMINY1, MWoa, dr. 1 1UHUT, l^salo, dr.; SCIACIGIZIl Otto, dr.1 UNITZ, Sys, IF, Detemination or tho entent of minor tuberculoals. A,; :6-.. 1. As Drosagos horW' Tbe -mcalc froorry., t! dr. kan,111stv, WdamAnyre lgr4sgate* Fell-s Ir. kaj",' "Al i~ a X. kar. Tbc Cwiloso I.,tew. (1-ps. foomcps i,innal lAptlo Ir.) koulm-.anyo. kT*013'~CUM11-13, MW,AV) FUFCZT, LAsslo, dr 2 ;-ALftWl trilsobst# dr.. G4Wp&*.'AtlTV #tU?Alt& Of MUM Oh#*t X-.'*y WL4Al'nMUVn# ;Vrf#rA*4 th W)o -rillago *~ Qy&%VrS, t%uW*ry, in V)-.1 and IWO. 16 naji6O--,*A Xr 16). 1. LN.'m Ps I kar. T*fw4.t4 TAC 4V.P~U% I-Volralolvat k'V00014 f-vivr4t furest koll4ref"J"s. (KLSJ CUT I-MT) M';X-rA,-1k` (Nmiciulliall; IN A5RAR,`-,;. 1. A coriveyer in mesting rumaco.t of tho Slovm~ Aron Oro YIrws,. p. 11. (RI)I.Y. Vol. 5, Ni-. 1. Jon In,57, Praha, -4g Irvel. SW 14::~ntbly List of Fast 11-umpean )MCO.43ions (IT14. ) V,. Vel . f . .4 '). P, A t I /a ', 7/%.; ,6 AUTHORS palyi, T. and Ab~-.Oukm, TITLE Delayed cemic and _i;; tor on/off t;wllch ?_--'R1OD:'GAL: Referativnyy zhu:mul, no. 2, 1962, tibutract uculo ;Lutomata. 31 .05-ISO. Avtom"~tlka i 2-211-Itir pat. , k I c , ro) . 14 T ZE X T . Ulhe wir I d I I I g of '4110 ml e,- I I Ot 'A. -zin, re I ay I u In, t v r 11c w I t h d.a. a-upply and. in parullLI with the IRC ci.rc;.itt (E;(o f44-urr;,). The 'lay time oporp-ticr. ic controlled by 'ho rerutatan(u t);e e. A v A t1j:ae delay. The re'.ay is clotied by a key a1ded by %he ca,~acltur. / Abstractorla notu: Complete tranalation._7 rCard 1/2 '000/00 7/0'; 6 Delayed vomiconduator on/off awitch D2 3 0,1 D 5 0 - - P~~ - J. - c c, Card 2/2 ABRIMI istvan, dr. 7 years of neuropsyehia trio clinloal work In the Coongrad arse, Ideggyogy. asWe 14 no.6tl?9-187 -to 161. 1. Ho&wzov&s&rbsW Heusi Ideggondoto Intexet, (PUMUATfa) (NMMOLOGY) ,--ftstflu Tqtvan ,ujktk~-., . Digs tal electronic coaculating rAchim#. (To t* rorM.)~ IW otecbmIkA 12 na-11sW-J60, N '&. AW.M.,el, ;'&tY* d iA4"I. *x%Gejvwr ear)%uti. (% be 0*4U.1 ~*AuUd*lklt I'l m.141.11 .%* tO, I - -- Pp~ - - - - - - - C". am Wi - - w6iul .**.. VOW.1t,AFI. 41.9 t* totu".) ;, ~. 13 io,l0b ir t0l. ABRAHAM, Istran DigAtal sloctroato *lie-*j4%jv4 .,, %% ---A padiatoc"MIkii 1; P . f $,:, ,I '. ;, - 1~ 'i,I .~ 4, ,, 't ~ ` i,~" ,, .. .1 ~ I%. - I I *