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ZOUBEX, Ratmir; FOLASEK, Jaroalav; technika spoluprace FWAX, Vladimi Anequidistance glasses-corrention for binocular vision in unilateral aphakia. I. Sborn. ved. prao. lek. fak. Karlov. univ. (11rad Kral) 5 no.1:73-86 '&'. 1. Ocni klinika; prednosta prof. MUDr. M. Klima VUZORT Praha; reditel RNDr. M. Jahoda. (LENS CRYSTALLINE) (EYEGLASSES) ZOUBEK, Ratmir; SVEW, Jaronir. Early diagnosis and therapy of 14 no.4:331-334 5 Apr 59. dacryocystitto In children. Cook, pediat. 1. Ocni klinika liek. Fakulty E9, prednoota prof,. MUDr. Milou Klitao Hradec Kralove. Re Z. Hradec Kralove, Sturova 5. (DACRYOGYSTITIS, in Inf. & child, early diag. & ther. (Oz)) ZOUBEK, Thtmir; KOWAVA, Miroslav Penicillin & neor,7cin levels in the conjunctival ime. Ceck. afth. 14 no-5:159-364 Oct 58. 1. Ocni, klinika, prednouta prof. MUDr. Hilos Klim).,, Ustradni rdikro- biologicka Inborator, prednosta Mr. F~rantiaek T:rmola, VYA J. Ir. P. v Hradcl Kralove. (CONJUNCTIVA, matab. p6nicillin & neomycin levels in coNanctival sac (On)) (MICILLIN, metab. conjunctival sac (Gs)) (130HYGIN, metab. came) VICKO. Jaroolay; KLIMA, Milos k_ZCKJB,MK, Ratmir Anesthesia in ophthalmological surgery. Cetik.offli.17 vo.1:35-38 ja 161. 1. Anesteziologicke oddeleni, prednosta MUDr. Jaroslax V ecko, ocni klinika, prednosta prof. WMr. Milos Klima, TUNZ - fakultni nemocnice v Hradci Kralove. (OPHTRAINOLOGY aneeth & analg) ZOUBEK, Ratmir; POLASEK, Jaroslavj HAMAK, Vladimir Anequidistant spectacles - correstion for binocular vision in unilateral a hakia. II. Sborn oved.prac.lek.fak. Karlov.Univ. (Hrad. Krall 6 no.4t Supplemer~tt523-538 163. 1. Ocni klinika; (prednostat prof# MUDr.M,Klima) Karlov. Uaiv. v Hradoi Kralove a Vyzkumny ustav zvukove, abrazoye a reprodukeni techniky, Praha (reditelt RNDr.M.Jahoda), POLEDNIKOVA, Lanka; ZOU&K, Ratmir Our experiences with the treatva,mt of exc-t-r1r, elxatlon. 3LXjrn. ved. prac. lak. fak. Narlov. urLiv. (Hrad Kt-al) 4. no.2;U3-253 161. 1. Ocn! klinika; pradnosta prof. MUDr. M. Kli-.,a. (STUBISMUS therapy) , ! I I I - . - I 1 11 11 .. II I I I - I ~ I I . I ; ~ 1 1 , - I , I " - - , I " " . . , . ! - , , LAMAC, Jiri, inze; ZOUBEK, Richard Speed and position controllers vLth small two-pluise servomotors. Automatizace 6 no.l2z30t4,jW )) 14)3# 1. Zavody prwiyslove L-Llt(ffliatizace, Vlakimy a vyliojovy ustavp Praha. RYSLINK, Hiroslav, inz.; ZOUBEK, Stanislav.-inz. Problems of industrial safety in underground mines of the North Bohemian Lignite Basin. Uhli 4 no.7s231-233 JI 162. 1. Dal Centrum, Dolni Jiretin, Severocesky hnedotihelny revir. 0 0 0 0 111 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1, Ad is lot it to IVaAt 41.1 0 a p Al " 0 it It 13 Ito Is. 4 If m III c if Q41 it VI '11; . Aaf. 2 -A-j li~ p aI I I A Y 1, PA 14 IV It P. 4 o 00 00 C"Iffidi'll"i"I Off SOMO UYQUIURO Alld mpaq# 00A ft*m o2oft l4bw of the cadgwmrtks of me wrolwo %, s ca ;P O so - A T*, Zr j&pa Ay JJA Ull 0 , . (jWjj; Nrwo jahrif. mcildrd. [I. Ul 3 : 0 . of 00 40 00 40 00 1.00 -010 ..O0 .00 110 111 =00 ago - 0 zoo !-00 0 00 .1. 7~ 6 .--0o 001 MlfAl.;,Ur(,ICsL LPTER&ILME CLAWFICATPUPI ISO we 0 U (I Yi IS III, AV ;6-11 It 01if 04 Ail IV ;I K If tt It IS 0 liseoA 00 *0 o0900 0 0 00 000 0111 a 111 00604es q)a ; Sees*** 19 , Waso *fee t 4*0 00 #41 03 1 1 1 4 1 4 p I t 13 it a is 14 11 V, U bil N a 4I U P fj -14 17 Z 0 qz M ft b x 1 00 1& A A. 1 -9-4 -x -AL- A. x s . 1, _ 1 to. 0, imp ot'-ft ' rwt? ftatt* of mot III, ' moth"& rated N1,11,41itit. -00 10-4. .1'.1 1, ItOwArble , i.1111 bkj%il hdrill. 11", 1--, 11 -00 -.111 .1.14, M %It. I Ipimf,ir, And -00 90 -00 so .00 00 00 it 00 c 00 a 10 0 : 09 21 so*! it** .190 ee tie* I to 1.1114,11"At 't.witithilcii &0 It lee W3 v ii L 1. 0 m4 a A w I v IN to a I I 4xn A A , l ^j 009 10; 0*00609 000000,6400000 0 0 0 00 00 0,0 0 0 0000 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *!*~O * 6 IN 0 0 0 11 rel im -rn ry rerort rn the winrk (,(,nc! cm the i-r)clc:j core r%.I' Om part Of the Mw Tr..tra Nonntaing. p-107. ""I"'ll"ly 1'O 0 1~ E !~R!CE; (,,t,&(:irl.ovnkisk Monthly 1. ~ -st of "a5f. J~CCeS!]j.(jjq (IL":'~,"' ) LG, Vol. no. 12, Lecenber 19-i-7. Incl. qor a ~n Outlirle CooloCic ,,~,jp of Czec, 10,1, lci;j Jarsaw. p. 22-1 (Vestinik) Vol 3Z, 110. 4, 19,57. Praha, ('Cho slovalf. i~l , L30: -'-'onj-.-hly Index of East European Accessions (EE."J.) LC, Vol '~, no. .1, J;-,n 1915a I!IUBIP~, V. GEOGRAPHY & GEOLOGY Periodicals:CASOPIS PRO MINERA10GII A GEOIMII. Vol. 3, nio, 2, 1958 ZOUBEK., V. Crystalline rocks in Western Bohemia. p, 136 Mobthly List of East European Acesssions (EM) LCI Vol. 8v No. 5, May 1959, Unclass. IiI I fl:-, lillpi~: IVT,][11;T fil 1111h 11111[ 111:1 U111111,11 1:-ilil: ZOUBEK, Vladimir OUXLUE (in capa); Gf,~;n Named Co,-intry: Czechoslovakia Academic De U-eea: /not given/ A~'fillution: /not ~,iven/ Source: Prague, Vestnik Ustredniho Ustavu Greolo-TiLr,1E.'Lo, Vol .r No 4, 1961, pp 249-2-'*0. Data: "New Complex Map Of Czechoglovakia, 1:200,000.11 17 r0 tA A 7. ZMEKY Vladimir., akadem1k; KARNIK, V.,- KASPAR, Jo; MASKA, If,; .-1-"",:-VACHTL, J.; ZATOPEK.. A. Research on the deep earth layers a-nd its place in the research on Inorganic nature. Vestnik CSAV '72 no-3:327-332 10. f r .., Lt'i a it! (, con tro I .,:T vr)!. -,v). 5, Knt IW-!, 1, ri SO: Ll-it Ea~;L Euwo!),rin Vol- ', No. 11, 1?5-, Uncl. I I - I ii I III " Ilk! ii El", -fil IH 11' Ii E-ii Illi IlH V,11RI ,ZOUBSK, Zkaa~~oc.) inz., kandidat technickyah ved Frequency characteristics of synchronous machInen. KI tech obzor 52 no.3:154 Mr 163. - I . 1. Ceske vysoke uceni technicke, Praha. ZOUBFK, Zdansk, doc . inz. CS(l. , ., Freqiiancy characteristics of. synchronous machinea. El tech obzor 53 no. 2f6542 F 1641. ZOUBEK, Zdenek, inz., kandidat technickyah ved __ -- ''' -'Influe-nce -of the ipagatle and electric alloymetry on Ur-.1 operation of an asynchronous motor. El tech obzor 51 n:0036-339 Jl ,62. 1. Ceske vysoke uceni, technicke, Praha. 41092, SIMI.T-CIRCIM' ON A D.C. SIMIHII JWC=M Elektrotech, Obl4r, Vol. 41, Na. 6, (1458). tA An aralysts ct tratiMonti for the c4RQ A terml,1310 Cd a d.f,. series awter. It 14 11.4cumed ftl that 1114til Mc rim to directly picNartloval to the ro,mj.; L, currents Is reproieated by R, L and 14 In thit equivattvit c1rj:ujjj, Accord!rg Vj analysts, cu.-Tent peaks of tf* tmnalenl ~.Azl rquall values sewral times hirhor th2n the ttilittly-irtite value Whirli t4s 4 short-circuit. Waaution;mts on an older tyf," tric.11011 MOVIV,~ resultcd in p ".4 Wile titnea "A $teddy-Eta it, MIU"_ ~Lltldt. v Z. ~00~~ 'rsCIRIOLOGY zoTTREEK) Z. Use of asyndironous 7cnerators ror orial-I r statione. p. 654. /It Vol. 47, rio. 4, Aug. 195 MonthlY List of Fast European Aocensiozin (7-MAI) LC, Vol.. fl, rio. 5; I'lay 1959, Unelms.,i. PHM I IMIK EXPLOMTION c2mcH/4388 Dwfla, Jan, Profesoor, Knaineer$ Dactorp Voj+Ach Kulda,, Engineer, Zdenvek Zoubek, Engineer, Jan Kbpe&k, Engineer, Zby4k V]Agek, Engineer, DedR~TIWiW--* if Engineer, Miroslav Kandr, Engineer, Milovs Fr~dl, and JiTr KWA&, Engineerp r-,A na elektrial4ch stroj~ch. Isv.] 2: Wrven~ na trwafozidttorech -,j--nts of Electric Machines. v.21 Measurements of Transforwro) Pmow, STNTTL, 1959. 247 p. 2,700 copies printed. Rev-Lever: Vladimir Hrbek, Engineer) Resp. Fd.: Wielav Unisek, &gineer; v Chief Ed.: Frantisek KaSpar, Engineer,, Doctorj Tbch. Wt.: Mrie KAlovA. PURPOM: This book is intended for electrical engineers concerned with transfor~T~- problems. COVERAGE: The book constitutes the second part of a coLlective work on measuri~- ments of electrical machines. It contains a list of pmliminary operations in besting transformers and on wasuring individual quantities: mechanical, W!,",xmments of Electric (Cont. ) CZECH/088 eInctric, magnetic, and thermsa. TpAtinv procedures for special transformer3, transducers The equiymnt 11 A razators)And ahob coils are also treated. x .Ui test roomsi the testing methods, s4d the propamtIon of tjie results of n.L-,.,-3u--emen-t!3 ftn:! EntVmeer Vojt~ch Kilda. wiN*Ae root of 1-11, X1111, 1U, X)CL, ca~rmte-d In writing Ghw-g-k-rij 11, VII, VIII, TLX, X~, K11, XIV, XX, XXIV., fvirl contributed to Chapters IV, Vp V1, XYO and XV1. E~n,ginner Wenft Znubak wrote M03t of Chanters XV, V, V1, 1111, TX, X , XM. 1, ~,rx,-,perated in writing Chapters II, VIII, X1, XIT, XXIV, mud contribate-d to Chr-ptk-rs I and XVX. Professor Engineer Doctor Jhn BavftL wrote most of Clapteri X111, XV1, =, cooperated in writing Chaptera V711., XE19 X1Vp X"111, wid contributpd to Chap-toc" XV, XVT-T!: and 2M Engineer Jan Dpe'('c.,k v2~",t. most of Cliapters XV and XX., cooperated in writing Chapt*rs VXXT., XEIJ XV ra.-I VII, and coatritrated to Chapters I and XVI. Engineer De4Yich Faderta cooperated in writing Chapter I and contributed to Chapters 11, 111, IVO V1, VII, VITI, X1, X11, XV, XVI,, XIX and XX. Engineer Zbyno"k VIA'S"ek cooperat.--- In WrIting Chapters 1, XV3:1 and XUV, and contributed *to Chapters TV, '1T11 and X3:1. Engineer Kiroslav Kondr cooperated iq writing Chaptprs XJV =11 Xio 1 " Fr~dl wrote Chapter XVIII. 4-1100 Engineer JIH Milds, cooperated in willtLrit~ Chapter XIV and contributed to Chapter XV. The editors thank Engimer Doc-tor Ji~i lammeraner, Corresponding Member of the Czeekaslovak AcadaW o.,' ScAences and Engineer V. Hrbek. References 'TbUov each chapter. Gmq-?A'~- ZOUFALY, M. Protection of Industrial entorprimais from firo cautsad by elcatri(-, installations. Elektrotechnik 20 no.2.-51 F 165. 1. Centroprojekt, Gottwaldov. ZOUFALY, Miroalav A fatal accident, a consequence of the chain of defects. Elaktrotechnik 20 no.4ill5 Ap 165. I i 1. 1 1 H. H 1i ~ liN ''P111111; 11111]11'! 1 "IN'RHIVIIIII, PI 1 ['1111,11 Nk; IN., 1 - 1. ZOUFALY, Miroolav The problem of oversized eleatromotora. Energatika Qa 11 no.6j290- 292 Je 161. ZOUFALY, M. From the exhibition of electric equipment in Lanion. Elektrotechnik 17 no.10:294-296 0 IQ . 1. Centroprojekt, Gottwaldov. ZOVAIJ, Miroulav . -- --- I' ~, -I -,. - .1 - Typification of electric power diatribution stations, Smergotilm Cz 13 no*5:258--263 My 163, 1. Centroprojekt, Gottwaldav. ZOUFALY Miroalav . -.. , " - .-. Artificial, lightine, of induotrial ImIls by roar lights, Mektrote6hAIX 18 no*9:260-264 8163. Is Centroprojekt Gottwaldcv. WUFALY, Miroslav - ------ Lighting of windowless industrial halls. Elektrotechnik 18 no7,10-13 Ja 163. 1. Gentroprojekt, Gottwaldov. ZOUFALYt M. ------ A now industrial lighting device, Elektrotechvik 17 no.5:152 My 162o 1. Controprojektp Gottwaldcw. 1_~s NO I!, Arl,:"il4y A. E-n, I= -'is Case bi-itorle-i cl' a = af tilt (PjTc!7ia,t,~ic?* lvlka =) B-zat.11-Z-1; pp C2,,lal U. -,-Are of Of the Cbs-Al P_Z77.- of Direct,-- la,borstar) nartln;-;~~ 9PLA=:t t4-al sn! lzm*,7rin pfl-r G7n_a,~,,.o0c Surioryt Z. J. 1'l -I,--,' Vic, mo;, .0;!=" kzt pp T12-7=. is. wprocanctrCsis in C*--, t� katodro) S 14. aU*'It Problems Of Crnntzr or tle Crol ra,71-7w Director (PreAlnosta 15. RX-PAY A"c*s of Fodo3losls Carrftl--I-d wlth the ~AU t cz- Banign Mdarjvln~ Fcz-j :Istase- A. -1-1-T, glelce am-wfza) SU:L; pp 7N-%j. 16. vProblets of Psorlasis As pc~qzjej t~ Throe years obse.-vatl= ?er*-(>dl L. (Pra:incstt), R!2_Ar'-"mt of r~rmfl~tjv_-- Z;r (Do-._ztovcne=c_c 2/3 - ZOTJHARO_. A,. EpJlepsy with features of myoclonlis. Cesk. -neuml. 27 no.lz 48-52 Ja164- 1. Veurologicka katedra . (vedoucit IIJDr. K.Tralmik) SUDL v Trencire (reditel. doo,dr., D.Dieska). L 32995-66 Arr-Mrl--AP0021,087 CODBI (lz/ool!2/06/(~10(1/(,K)I/()013/(,N.')41 AUH10H. Nnvrtal. fit ZQWLU-*.AA- ORU: Departmont of by Prol'awtoro N~Clor 3U-1Uk!1j- ,fxkc fyziolOgte Doctor ef cc.iPncos/, Ubdical Faculty,-!Lfj~jP, Eric) C atedra pabolog lekarske f'akulty U,Jl,,vP); NeuroloFleal, Clinic/twaded by Froferwor, Doctor K. Pqok/ Medical Faculty, UJEWP, Brno (Neurologicka klinika lek.-Irske Takulty UJEvP'Y- TITLE: Rheoencephalography 1~v SOMICE: Cookonlovonskn nourologle, no. 1, 1966, 1,3-41 TOPIC TAGS: encephalologyj diagnostic medicinev EOG, neurologic nw,garyt cantral nervous system, blood circulation, nervous system disease, rbeoencephalography ABSTRACT: Development of rhooone6phalography In described* The basis or the method in discussed; differences betsteen the blood circulation In the brain and other body parts are ovalmated* Booti conditions for rogistering the rheoentephalographe are discussed, Characteristic curves found by encephalography are described and ,their evaluation discussed* The use of rheoencophalo raphy in . diagnosis of some diseases in described, Rhoooncephafography can be used to study the changes in hemodynamion of the brain in In- -'flammationst and in blood vessel and tumorous diseases of the ON3.0' ,It'can be. combined.with EM in hourological Glad nouranurgical worke'' Drig. art. has: 4 figures. [JPRSI SUB COE)Et 06 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG RM 003 / SAV REIrl 001 / (Yrit RF.F: o30 Card 1/1 C Z EC j 10, -31 , 0 VA ':-: I A. ZOUHAR, A.; H01.10LA, D.; SMINOVA, V.; Nwirolopical Clinic (Neuro- Hoad (prodnosta) Prof Dr K. POPOX; 3rd Internal Clinic (ITI. Intarni Klinika) Head (Prednosta) Prof Dr J. POJF-R, 11 (' 1 1 1 T 1' '(jiml '~ftcu)A- --v. Fur)- t Univor"Jity (Lalmrzflu.). Falzulto, "Parr).,.-,roriml ;---'ac[iyc,,vdL,--t in thr ED,r'." Nourologio Vol 29, NO 3, Xay 66, p-p 9 n-l'--l-ish sunnriar,r modified,/: 1~1 lWalont'i s"Ir- f, rinurolo-;iunal :t'~ uell aa -f! of a t-11-1-it 1, p w activity, -ind in the t. Ha,c-le rj).tring p-aroxysm the abnorimilil.y -,loo, mori~ r C' no-unC('d. ~.'L'h V-1 :3t'rU(,'t111r03 Of ti-10 t(1111n1Orjl JC)bo C011trib'I'te to 1;1riz) 1, dopa t i c p arox, -aal. i. r-"'. y si ic I cardia. Trr,,ittmient or t, WeoLovu, 2 Gzocii di:!cussod. LL pi"uros' ve c eived 14 Jun 65). 82 - TRAVI.,IK,K.; BEDNAR,B.;.ZOUMRA. Atypical course of sclernnIng leukoermeplialit'Ji (van Bogaee"). Gesk. neurol., 27 no,'IC61.-66 J06,41. 1. Feurologi^lka kaled~-a (bedon,%I., MUDr.K.Tra,~-,,Ik) SUDL,,- Trencine (riaditelt doe.dr. D.Dkiska) a 1.#a-Lologio~o- anatomicky ustav f6,-uif.--,,r v;-,-!nobe.:,neho lekaroi;-'. KU v Praztv (prednosta: prof.dr. B.Bef"Tia:r., DrSI.). CIGANEK, L,,; ZOUHAR, A.; GRUNERT, V. So" peculiarities of sleep activity in the MI'I in dhildrem Cqmki neur.*24 no.3.'166-171 My 161. 1. Oddelenle klinickaj elaktrofyziologie (vedabl cUn koreirp. SAT prof. dr. J. Cernacak) Ustavu experimentalnej madiciny SAV -v Bratisla" (riaditel clen koreap. SAV prof. dr. -T. Antal) Ifeurologidis katodra (,mduci prim. dr, K. Travnik) Slovenskeho unta,vu pre doskolov*mlo- lakarov v Trancine (riadital doo. dr. D. Dioakitt) Klinike pre d-atoku a mozgovu chirurgiu KU v Bratislava (prednanta doo. dr. J. Zucha) (ELECTROENCEMUGHAPHY in Inf & child) (SIM? Obymiol) 6. t- tL! L.- A- .-i - ------ L 12!329-66 KC(f AP6005723 Cbrir.--- 39 A UT HOR: -"- Zou-har,,.A.; Nfevrtal, M. ORt;: Neurological Clinic, 96.jieal. Fricii.1ty, .7. Ev. Puriqyne J~rna (N-arolof..Iicka klinike lekar5ke 11J:~Ivr" '~j TITLE: cleans of using reooricephalography 1.ri [Thtv, papir -wi!:. pr-3.9imted at the meeting of 51ovak at. 11~~dvl-lilvlioriia, .25-2" June 64.. 1 SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska neuroloqlic, r'(-,. 3, 1.965, 239 TOPIC TAGS: neurology, encephalologjr, br:ain, nerVOUS diSC-.1,1211, C1.rC111,11,0r'Y system disease, clinical mediciTie ABSTRACT: Reoercephalography (13.1-!Xi) J.!~ a si-raple nLethnd tLat (:Xfer-,-j an eitamination 1-.C-thOd Tiot'burdening the D, ziui.tabi~i for -:T t,!-,e Of ',h.- 'U;;C; ffil:r ad'vlx.tsages. -'e-, ~:-i' p--t it!nts were by th. me - 0 "~ 11 ( T-- ~ 1, ~Lre Sc'~:~ ~i~" r'. z :1 f' ',)o bra. i!vntl r h ft -,,rii i n - wapp I.Yi. rkv, arleriaf-- can be diagnngei IL,y 13UB COUE: 06 / SUB14 DUE,. card 14q bj HI I HA-1 11NAT.11111 NEVRTAL, M.; ZOTjfLlR A. RheoencephalalTraphy. Cei5k. nourol. 29 no.l.:3.*,,-41 Jrl 16(,%. 1. Katedra patologicke fyziologie (vedadci prof. (j:,-. J. Vagkii, DrSc.) a nourologicka klinika (predncjat!t pro!", dr. K. Papnk) lokarske fak-ilty UnLverfltv Purlcyi- v '~rtw~ "IT 7 L17, 7- lmnrov~r~erit of thc. ounlit, ir, clesir,ninir termin reliefs rrom the r:)-p"olo~ic .:-,t p. lr~~S. ((;i,,: LTINYh nol Prahn, e -)nt"-' yiq t o t i!.iironc,in 1'.ccprs Lons L) I V 1,-o. 12, -ec 1957 . Uncl. 2) e EXCERhA I-I'MlCA Sec.7 Vol-11/3 Fediatries Mar 57 6:16, ZOULA J. Pralia-Podali. *Vylu?!()vdnf amino n IAN parenter.11ni'm kar,tqnovTvh hydrolysM6. T h c e x c r e t i o n o f a m I n o - it c I d n i I r o g e n following parenteral 6dininistration of casein hydrolysate 61iL.PEDIAT. 1955, 10/4(281-286)(;raplisi Casein hydrolysate was administered parenterally by Lv. Infusion (4-6 dropti/mim) to 6 children - 3 with gastroenteritis and 3 premature infants - in a total amount of 100-400 nil. (i.e. 5-20 g. of dry preparation), according to the weight of the child. ,ne levels or free amino nitrogen, urea and uric acid in urine and thu charges in protein fractions of blood serum by filter paper clectrophoresis were invemigated. A portion of administered nitrogen (10-1574) was excreted in the urine in the form of amino nitrogen. The highest levels of amino nitrogen were observed during the infusion, and 2 to 4 hr. later felt to normal again. Parallel with this the levels of urea and uric acid rose, but their return to normal levels was 8lowar (in 1.1-20 hr. Qualitative alteration in excreted amino-acids was observed only during the infusion. After the Infusion all amino-acids not normally found in the urine rapidly disappeared. It was found that infusion of casein has no significant influence on serum proteLn frac- tions. 'i . !!~ i! .1 ~ I I HAI Nil 111 11111-Vilildh 1111-i 1111i'd 11 1.11: ~~ I'l I III: i i,!., I ~ I 11 ~ ~,~ ZOULA, J. --.--NWMNNW No translation. Rev. Czech. M- 3 n0-1:51-57 1957. 1. Institute for the Care of Mother and Child, Prague. Director: Prof. J. Trapl, Head of the Infants' Depa.Ttment: Doe. K. Kubat. (PROTICINS, metab. retention from human milk & dried cowls buttermilk In premature inf. during first week* of 1-ife) (MILK protein retention from dried cowls buttermilk in premature inf. during girst weeks of life) (MILK, HUMAN protein retention In premature inf. dur1q; first weeks of life) (,NFAMr, PREMATIME, metab. protein retention from human milk & dried cowls buttermilk during first wooks of life) ZOULA, Jaroslav, MUDr 3kciation of amino acid nitrogen after parenteral administration of casmin hydrolyRate. Cask.pediat. 10 no.4:2ft-286 N, 55- 1. UPMD, Praha-Podoli, Reditel prof. Dr. J.Tropl - Vedouci ped. oak-toru doc. Dr. K.Kubat. (NITROGIM, metabolism. amino acid nitrogen excretion after caseln Npdrolysate admin.) (CM IN. bydrolyeate, eff. on amino acid ittrogoin exerstion) (URINE, amino acid nitrogen excretion after casein bardrolyisate admin.) A ZOULA., Jarolav, inz..._ Convereion apparatua with an elootronic contrant campewation" Good kart obzor 8 no.8:157-158 Ag 162. 1. Goodeticky a topografley ustav,, Praha. ITIF1 11 1. lrr-111~11~i--11-11 I III T~i I 70ULA, V. Present problems in usin,, pan furnaces. P-136, (Sklar A KeramiR, Vol. 7, NO. 5, May 1957, Praha, C-,ecboilovakla) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) IC. Vol. 6, No. 91 Sept. 1957. Uncl. ZOULA, V - Current problems of pan furnaces. IV. p.16,.,,. (Sklar A Kermi1c, Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (I'KEAL) L0. Vol. 6, No, 9, Sept. 19F7. Uncl. ji ; ; !i,r, I,: [~:I A *~ 1111-1,11111]" fli 11"Ih III!'T F 111 ~ t , d, ;. i Ill ; I , ., j I ~. 1 ~ .1. CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technology. Chemical Prod- PI-13 ucts and Their Application. Ceramics. Glass. Binding Materials. Concrete#, Abs jour: Ref Zhur-j~hjmiya, No 1, 1959, 2071. Author r Uv,'~ A , ~.n Inst Not given. ning the FXploitatiDn and Title A Discussion Concer Life of Pot lFurnaces. Orig Pub: Sklar a keramik, 3_958, 8, 140 4, 117-11B. Abstract: it is pointed out that most frequent cause in disrupted operation of pot furnaceB Is the des- struction of burners - the most strained part of tl,a fire-box. The results of temperature measure- mants in various sections of a twelve-pot furnace are given as well as the analysis of the mixture of generator and heating gases fed to the burner. Card L/2 'KIA / Chemical Technolog ucts and Their Appy' Chemical Proa- Glass. lication. Cera H-13 Binding Materials. mica. Abs XOur; Ref Zhur-KI,imiya , No 1, 1959, 2071. COnOrete. Abstract: The temperature Of a bUner %rall represents a. actual heat strain of refractory material. It is essential to have the burner under observation and when it is slightly damaged, to re air it immediately. See also R. Zh. Kh M. p - L. Sedov. 1 1958, 51068, Card 2/2 40 Their Application. CcrarAcsb Glass. Binding Materials. Concretes. Xbs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 17, 1958, 58185 of the kiln. Various methods are doscrobed for firing the batch (manual and semiautomatic). 'The composition of the firing gases and their caloricity, is cited as well as data concerning the temperature and its dis- tribution in the kiln space, and inspection of the thermal. condition and draft of the tiln, IV. An investigation of kilns was conducted from the point of view of their capacity; Lhat Is, the volume of the vessel and of the area of.' the kiLi hcarth corresponding to it. Six types of potterP kilns of the Simens system and one of the type of the Knoblaukh systws are established. The following clains are mde for these types of potters' kilns: uniform technical and economic indiccG; minimun expense in the construc- tion and reconstruction of kilns; somplification of Catd 2/3 - 31 - SHABATA, V. [Sabataq Vajq~ GFMSKMI, T; [Hertzman, Jej, ZOUU, T. [Zoula, Jej Study of blood proteins in pregnnncyt [with uummary in znglighl Akush, i gin, 34 noo*5:3-7 S-0 158 (MIRA 11110) 1 Iz Inatituta okroxq materl i rebenka v Prage (dirt - laureat ;;dena respubliki prof. T. Trapl.); (MMICT, blood in proteins (Hus)) (BLOOD PROTEINS, in pregn. (Rua)) CZECHOSLOV,hKIA/Hunan and Wml Physiology. Metabolism. Nutrition. T-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958, 553o4. Author ;..Zoula, Ya. Inst Title Differences in Retaining Human Milk, Protein and Dry Buttermilk Protein by the Organism of Prerinture Babies During Their First Weeks of Life. Orig Pub: Czechosl. med. obozreniye, 1957, 3, t1o 1, 56-64- Abstract: When babies were fed huLmn milk (natural and en- riched by dry human milk) and dry buttertailk Olacton), it was proved that they assimilate hwzn rIlk better than buttermilk. When only buttermilk was fed to them, or when buttermillt was used in addition to Card 1/2 1,1.fFEF.f i3,1111A, R.; L-Uilflj~, D. I reatmerit Qf annyl c s. tual s -aras t i. i I i! dna:! wl h bcpht~niun hydrox-paphtriate. 1xilt. n9k. 103 ;tredislo pro nL"ha '11) ZOULEK, D., SOUKUPOVA, K.; WDSTAN, J.; HRABA11E. J.; ]MINIS, Z. L*nidemialogical studion on health conditiom; in rural population of a mountain village with regard to atheroscloroeis. Sborn. lek. 61 no.11-12:339-344 Nov 59. 1. Iv. interni klinika fakulty vaeobeeneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. M. 7ucik. (ARTHERIOSCIW%5IS, statist. (RURAL IMIMI) 76ULE)~, A RZINIS, Z; NTMN, J,- ZOULSK, D. Effect of long distance running on cardiovascular system. Cas. lak. cesk. 89 no.46:1281-1288 17 Nov 50. (CJXL 20:4) 1. Of the Fourth Internal Clinic (flead--Prof. B. Frus1k, M.D.). YRCTLEX, A.; XRCILKOVA, M.; ZOTJTAMK, 1). ;-.' `- . I Electrocardiographic mod lficl~ "I ons following therapy of scarlet fever. Cas. lek. cesk. 90 no.23:,")"--709 ~ June 19-1- 1. (CIJG -,0: 9) 1. Of the Infirmary for Ilaart Diseasos, Prague XII. L.; RMDL, -."0.; ZOARK, Do 2206 Successful mg. strychnine therapy of a barbituate poloonimS cameo Orv. Hetil. Budap, 92 no*29:942-944 22 Aay 1951, 0114L 20:11) 1. Doctors. 20' Yourth Internil,Diseases Clinic (Read Physician Prof. Dr. B.'Prupik). Charles tniversity, Prague4 M,INIS, Zd.; KONRAD, J.; MESTA11, J. - 111LkBA11--; I J. .Z~WL"Y' P Role of ischemic disease of the heart in the flpide--,-1oloFy of atherosclerosis. Acta univ. carol. [mod.] Suppl. 14:469-,136 161. 1. IV. interni klinika fakulty vaeobeeneho lekaratvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. M. Fucik Fakaltni neinocnice v Prazo - Vinohrady Interni oddeleni nemocnice v Turnove Ustredni laboratore fakultni nemocnice v Prazo 2. prednasta dr. J. Hrabana. (CORONARY DISEASE apidemiol) REINIS. Z.; ZOULEK, D._i MESTAN, JT.; SOUKUPOVA, K.; KRARAII& T. KONRAD, J. ~ P Epidemiology of atheroselerosia. Cas.lek.cesk. 99 nO.7/8:231-241 19 7 16o. 1, Kardiovaskularni laborator IV.-interni kliniky KU v Praze, pred- nosta prof.dr. M. rusik. Interni oddeleni CUNZ v Twmove, prednosta MUDr. J. Konrad. (IRTERIOSCIEROSIS epidemiol.) CZECE'OSLOVAJUA DUPEKI M., MD; BIS, J., MD; IICALIVODA, R., lill); SOULEK, D., MD. Association for Foreign Diseases (Stre,liskD pro cizo- kr,--jne choroby), Pra,,,,ue (for al!) Prague, Prakticky 14kar, No 10, 1963, :1,,1) 3Bl-3FJI) "The New Treatment of flelminthosis." j. il Ni'. il~l:,Illl,i~*;It~llili~ll~illili!~lil'ililil:lll,lli~!111~I , . ~! . -:I ;V I; :.: I!!; I V I I F! 1 .1 1 W I I MCHOSLOVAKIA ZOULEK, D., MD; KALIVODA, R., MD; DUPEK, M., MD; E13, J., UD. Association for Foreign Diseases (Strediuko pro cizo- krajne choroby), Prague (for all) Prague, Prakticky lekar, No 10, 1963, PP 388-390 "Appraisal of Health Faculties in Practice in Climatically and Hygienically Difficult Rogiona.11 DU.TEK, R.; DLAHA, P.; KALIVODA, P. ; FILOUSKOVA, A.; STENUM, S.; ZOULF-K, 0. Pyrvinium emboate (vanquine) therapy of enterobiosin. Cesk. pediat. 20 no.11t1013-1014 N 165. 1. Stredisko pro cizokrajne choroby falcultmi nemocnico v Praso 10 (vedouci WDr. R. Kalivoda). POKORNT, J.; MUM, D.; BAR350VA. M. Generalized thromboangiitiq obliterang A nrterlosclerosis oblitersus & their manifestationa in the arms. Sborn. lek. 59 n*.4:129-133 Apr 58. 1. IV. Interni klinikn falculty vaeobecneho lekiLratvi larlovy univerait7 v Praze, prednosta prof. Dr B. Prusik. J. P., 14ecislavoya 18, Praha- Nusle. (THROMANGHTIS" 013LITMURS, nanifest. arm ON )) (ARTICRIOSCLIROSL4; OBLITINAIZ, manifent. arm (oz)) ZOU131, D.; POKORNY, J.; BATMOVA, M. Thrombosngiitis obliterans & arteriosclerosis obliterans in women. Sborn. lek. 59 no.4:134-138 Apr 58. 1. IT. Interni klinika fakulty vaeobecneho lelcaratvi Karlovy univeroity v Praze, prednootit prof. Dr. B. Prunik. J. P.j Heciolinvova 18, Prahn 14. (THROMBOANGIITIS 03LITAIIANS in women 0:0) (ARTMIOSCIJROSIS OBLITIMUS in women (CZ)) RZINIS, Z.; HHABANE, J.; ."UOU=, D. ', SOUKUPOVA, L; NUMAN, J.; XONRLD, J Studios on epidemiological factore of field investigation of athero- sclerosis. Sborn. le1c. 60 no.10:285-298 Oct 58. 1. IV. interni klinikEx fakulty vaeobeenalio ltkarstvi Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta prof. dr Bohwail Prusik. 0krouni uotav naradnibo zdravi v Turnove, interni luskove oddeleal, Primr dr. Jan Uumd. (ARTIRIOSCUROGM, epidamiol. Wz)) mm. Ti ZOUIJK, DimitriJ. As. dr. Pain of the upper extremitia~-. of vaeomotor origin. Frakt, Isk, 34 no.13:297-299 JJv '54. 1. IV, Interni klinlkG Karlovy university v Praze. (PAIN, *arms, vasomotor atiol.) (ARKe d-iseaaes, *pain, vasomotor atiol.) I J. 11111 lll~ 11T IT 711111PIFI'll ~l L- rN POKORNT, Josef. MUDr; ZOULIK, Dluitrij, Significance of pain in differeamial of the lower extremitleas Prakto MUDr 4tagnosis of vmcular disor4ers leks, Praha 35 no.4.-86-88 20 Fab 55 1. V int. klin., prodn. prof. dr. P.Prusik (PAIN, in various diseases vases disord.0 of legg significance in differ@ diage) (T,3 G, blood supp3,y vaso. disord., differ* diag., significance of pain) KLA]2;pM.; ZOULKOVA, J. , - . .. ... Transfusion and hematological problems in extracolTweal cir- culation. Gas. lek. gesk. 102 no.50,1374P.1380 13 D'63- 1. Ustav klinicke a experimentalni)chirurgle, Praha--Kre (reditelt prof.dr. BeSpacelt, DrSc. a Transfumi stanice Thomayerovy remoonicej Praha - Kre (vedcucit Mr. J. Zoulkova). 14- 19'-i4. 7's.3 ill 2,1 3M. (?CTI --,r)() EKL 2r 5 K.- Obl. A-trt,. -e,jI,-e-znn F. 5 3 Knizlinnyn, Lotopis, V,-)I. 1, l,-~55 L 36115-66 ACC NR' AT6016647 AUTHORS: ORG: MID, SOURCE CODE., CZ/2512/641012/000/0199/022 Beranekq'iBretislav; Zounkova, Milada National Enterprise, Geophysical Works, Brno TITLE: Borehole refraction method SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. Geofysikalni ustav. abornik, v. 12, 1964. Prague, 1965, Prace, no. 196-214, TOPIC TAGS: seismic prospecting, refracted wave, seismic borehole logging., o9cous-rlc- ze/ism~(.' GcofyE;ikaln1 199-224 logging co'.7,je 1, ABSTRACT: The paper presents a method of interpreting measurements using a geophone located in a borehole below the refraction interface for recording waves excited on the surface. For the sake of brevity, this was called borehole refraction method* The paper deals primarily with numerical methods permitting,the coordinates of the corresponding refraction point on the interface to be calculated from the field of ray times. Both the direct and the inverse problem were solved."for a plane interface with inclination 0, as well as some methode of calculat- Ing the relative elevations with respect to the comparative horizontall I Card 1/3 -1_36 -i- ACC NR115;~611 664-f 10 level. These methods give only approximate results. The calculation of the depth correctionsand corrections for the displavement of the point (vector displacement) is intended primarily ror relatively small elevations from the comparative level. An exemplified on models in the paper, even when the elevations are large, relatively satifactory ~2 2) 0] results are obtained by using relations (P - (z0 - Az)v,/V (; - V, (Az = At . K.). These methods are intended for quick evaluation of thi results during the actual work so that the measurements can be supple- mented where required. For the final treatment of the results, it numerical method is elaborated which permits the calculation of the coordinates of the refraction point if the ray time, the values of the apparent velocity, and the slope of the displacement vector (normal to isochrone) are known. The appropriate values are best obtained from the ray-time field by usine a square network of points. The method is analogous to the graphical method of solving this problem according to L. M. Gardner: (Seismograph Determination of Salt-Dome Boundary Deep on the Dome Flank. Geophysics, 14 (1949), 291. The advantage of this method is that it eliminates the necessity for three-dimensionality. A disadvantage is that in the first medium the velocity ~s considered to be constant and not variable with depth z. The three-dimensional solu. tion by the graphical method using A. W. Musgrave, V. C. Wodley I H.Ora~ [Outlining Salt Masses by hefraction Methods. Geophysics, 25 (1960), 1411 , permits ACC NRsAT6ol6647 the use of wavefront charts which consider given velocity conditiona. When interpreting the travel-time curves construct:i.-d from ray times, we consider only the first arrival. Thp type of recorded is not known exactly. The inver'se problem will be difficult, particularly by the diffracted waves appearing in arrivals. The effect of the irregular configural-Jon of the on the type of travel-time curves of the different wav(,u was on several modela representing a horst and a graben. Xt in the inverse problems that the occurrence of diffracted rayn interferes with continuous study of the interfaces The data diffracted obtained from the models wiivt, maue more the firsti interface studied clear from! greatly on waves studied can then be applied in real measurements. For a more detailed study it would be more advantageous to carry out laboratory model measurements for different types of interface configuration. This would permit a study not only of the kinematic but also of the dynamic characteristics for distin- guishing different types of waves. Better interpretation would contri~ bute to the study of later wave arrivals. Orig. art. has: 15 figures and 12 formulas. (Author's abstract] CKSI SUB CODE: o8/ SUBM DATE: 07Apr64/ OTH REF: 002/ SOV REP: 002 AUTHORS: TITLE: I h1928 8/194/62/000/009/014/100 D201/008 V Cern~, Josef and Zoup1na,_jUlE~n A contactlese*pol'arized relay PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioclelctronika, no. 9, 1962, abstract 9-2-18 d (Ozech. pat., cl. 21 gq 4/05, no. 99014, March 15, 1961) TEXT: The patented circuit of a trans istorized contactless relay has two transistors \connected in series to the supply voltage, each base bein:, conriected through a resistor to the; collector of the ? opposite transistor. The input signal is applied to the bases of the transistors and the output is taken b6tween the mid-point of the supply source and the junction point of the -transistors. Reveiw 4 b iassed Zener diodes are connected in series with the load. 2 fiv ~-ures. /-Abstracter's note: Complete translation- 7 C6rd 1/1 PAZDERKAO BUKOVSKAp A. Electrical aerosol apparatus --vour experiences with treatment of ENT diseases. Gesk. otolaryng. 12 no.1:31-37 F 162. 1. ORL oddeleni OUNZ v Pribrami, prednosta MUDa,. Z. Pazderka. (AEROSOLS) (C)TOPINOLARYNGOLOGY) (EQUIPWIT AND SUPPLIES) I I ZOURAURY, As M. I , , , I . I I . I1 11 11 . , A 11 It I'l- -,- 11 111 - I ?". - . 1 11 ! *Sur la, question de 11importance du cation et de I'anion dans los procedes de la solvation. de do la dissolvation dans 11-moniac liquide". VasailJoy. J-3A- B. Egrttoy. X. A.~ Zgurallev, AN& (p. 65) 50:. JoXMI of General Chemistry j2hurnal Obahchei Xhimii) 1939. Volume 9, #1 Uuravlev, D. 1. I , --l" "'. . 1 11 " , '-I. .'' I'll- .-1.- 11 ". . . . . . . I "Sur la solubilite du chlorure de potassium dans le trichloruro c1lantimoine." ZouraXley, 1). 1. (P- 769) SO: Journal of General Phemipt, (Zhurnal Obehehei Khimii) 1939,, VOlume 9. #9 ZC!-MAV], I T-:,. r. "Sur les rel-tlin3 entrn 11 oleo t. r.,)c,)rv1 vic t; bilite dcs systeino birnii-a:3 lia-dTic et. s-A,ibill-itc d,-,n3 un trAsieme C-statuant". P.. 11. ctjI F. (p - 0-1) SO- Jol-trn-j -,-~f G,2nr-r:,'! Chrit3t,*y (Zh,.waal Obohichoi KhimLi) 1938, VA. 8, No. 7 ZOURAVLEV) E. F. "Division an couches dans. les systems a "trois constituants fonnes pxr 110ther allylique d e 11 acide isorhodanique, 1e saufre et les amines". Zouravlev.- E. F. (p., 1926) SO: Journal of General Cherdstx7 (Zhurnal Obshchei Khinii) 1!)110, Vol=e 10, no. 19-20, ZOURAVIEV., E. F. "Division en couches dans les systemen a trois constituants formes par Ilether allylique de 11 acido isorhodanique, le scufre at lee arrdnes". E. F., Zouraviev. (p. 1926) SO: Jourpal of General Chemistry (Zhumal Obahchei Khimli) 19210,, Voluine 10, no. 22# ZOUREK, Jaroleav Codification of consular law, Vestnik CSAV 71 no.1:104-107 162, ZOURICHI L. 0. "Vinblil acetylene come produit primalre do I& conden3ation de Ifacetylone on corditiona differante3l'. Zouricht L. G., 3fromowa, Z. X., Bartaschww, W. A. at Janitz, J. C1. (p. 197) SO: Journal of General Chemistry (Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii) 1936, 701mile, 6, No. 2 ZOMCH j L. 0. III-Dibrombuthano obtanu on partant, du divinale". ~*urlch# L, 0. at RatAnberg, 1. A. (p. 203) SO: Journal of General MMistry (Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii) 1?36, Volme 6, No. 2 0 0 0 0 0 .40 0 *Oeooooo*ooo 000000610 0 * 0 0 9 0 0 w0 a*** U a 31 111 x 0 0 )1 4) Au ad 41 c 61 -1! f. m $1- -1 ...s. A. -ft 0. s I IN 04 V 10-06 ~4*0,k, 00 es 60 0o Or Oe 00 99 It'll P. 0 *e 111K all Im"WO it, M44q3yq1 'fill" 1140. Pawbillial to rate pug .4114, III q" 14fill sum offs it 00 oURA jivid iml CIMIRM3 00 .11tv aqjahAk. jjwP1 -Ito rI iq a I UO -M 1. a bqqn-r* lip" mil IIIIIII P Awfull a4l 'piripliwul If suplifilf, 0. '4x6I)jjjA 00) Puill 'a" b.Dz 00 66- I'm Ilan IMWW aw me J9411 00, r 90 -1 *1; kV a it 11 if If PI I a so 0 0 00 0 0 0 6 00 :ZMOLKIVA, Z. USSR/Chemistry - Analysis Chemistry - Oxidation Ffrib 1948 "The Kinetic Hethod of Physical and Chemicall Anf~Lysi3j Vo" V. A, SK~iilhl.,nuv, Z, Zouvlkva, Chair of Phys Chem, Gorlkiy State U, 4 PP "Zhur Fiz Khim" Vol MI, No 2 Determined that the speed of the reaction of oxidizing liqAd mixtures of organic compounds by air depends on the nature of the mi2tiire, fliire compounds vaixe foluld -to oxi(uze 1,,Iuch slower than their mixture for-as. Oho-.,; that molecular compound:~ form-~d. in binary systems are all satisfied by single point on the graph curve repreoenting thr..) Induction period. y systenrs were studied. Seven compounds repre5enting three binar Submitted 27 I-lay 1947 PA 64T22 Z(TAT!T, 1. odel bylaws for collectIvo. p. 6). Vol 10, no. 12, Dec. 1955. The plv-1 1"*,r 1.")5,j. p. I.. TA-7?7?,-1AL- 9.1r,YL!,,. T1 Budapest, 'Tungnry. So: 7astern European Accession. Vol 5, no. 4, April 1?1)') q 11 1 31 1 M11 1 11"] di 11,1:: 41111111,11, i 1111:1i, III! Ifl! ZOVAYEVA, N. N., DERYAGIN, B. V., MELNIKOVA~ M. K., and 112111FIN, S. V. (USSR) "Theory of equilibrium and migration of sjl mo:1.3turt*i at YUrIour, mointure contents." report ri bmitted for "Lie 6th latl. Cont~p:'.~Ckl M- paris, -!.-ancc 28 Aug;: it 195e. I ITIIIIIIJIIII!!~ llff, IkIll --Loggo Imricho dr, Possibility of shortening.the production cycle in furniture finishing. Drevo la nO,*5z179-ItI My 963, 1. Statny Orevarsky vyzkumny ustoy, Bratislava. t 000000 99v Will W W W W W or to 11 '%'r W. It it .11 'M 1. AA AL'. 00 1,533. ,itivnji '; uom-j 'ro nx Kip. uumj alps. (UCC11, Lisa. 00 A! 2-OZZ). An experiment, doeiMod to invost-igmaj the podsibility oil of increasing loadir.4 tfricienoy by the use of tkips in ftn inolirAsd 00 road was made in the "SoCia" sean (thickness I nngle ot dip, 004 10-160) at tha "KapitAlrAla" mint). The y conaitis ol* a rsol.Rngular 004 iron box. Its front end beint, open (ind o-at off at itm iuiClm to Uis 904, horitontal. The wheels of the ustIal mine car type, are so% loosely 40 on pers r,stsned to the eirle walls. The linulare r4opt? to stt-,Rched to so a frum const.-iting of 2 drawinr bars fastened to tho aidtot wall 00 Uolts nonr t1to back wheels. The skip which is 1.7 m. lcr2,,. 1.06 it,* 0* a, wide and 0.5 m. III&)%, weiGht 600 k.g. and Is crArable of liftinf, so- , 1200 k.C. of' motterial. The rear whoels are spaced Turthor uport .00"I titan tlie front wheels. and corrospolidingly. thern nrdo two sots of Am.! rails. The truior met r1ottens out on the disaharj;o ,latform, U14 "Ad widor set starting at the to-me roint. Thus orlion tht~ front whosols r-An la,.lDl on tha discharrine rlatform. the baok whriflit nuat follow 0, 7!4 i-00 !-so '*6 .00 00 ~40 '040 400 :** 00 00 1~ 100 ~446 goo IN* 0 00 so Ives the inolinad rails, and in ihis way Ril tl.e contento or the skip arto dlsci~argad into~ the m1ne car. In order to stop Me -advihnee of Me d skip the ends of the inclined rails are bent upwardn aboviv the centro W ~M of the platform. The level of -the ~8~t4r I s -.1 oi 6 ott. plbovo. t0-is floor Alto ILA OTAI'LOGICAL W14AILO CL MWICATIMO 1 tillubl, .111 ONV -jot 44. A: . q r, _j - _W- J, 1111-11-1.1- Is 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6:0000!*00060::0006000; [! 0 0 0 0 *10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 41 6 0 0 0 a 4 40 ZOVIC, Imrich, dr.; promovany ekonom; DERER, Miroslav, J-nT,4 Wood conswiption and.its proportion to the grovth of the national product in Eurdpa. Drevo 18 no. 12: 4515-458 D 163. 1. Statny drevarsky Tiskumny ustav, Bratislatm. LA vi4 r i:, r-' I" -Z- chok ow"Ifid" SMOJdl" jjbojnuft~~ L.JXNltovA Z41"Ay. at. Cwp (ILp. Cj~,3n, 22,)1~4& CvKhW6v. 22.12:01).- ~ AN ppustme is iored dod cwfned. F. R. HA40-91 . I mgr inz.; IWASZCZUK, Danuta, mgr Fillers for smoothing off cement undercoato under thin floor finiah. Inat tech budow biul inf no.1006-&~ 162. 1. Zaklad Robot Wykonozeniowych, Instytut Teolmiki Budowlanej, Warszawa. v 111! ~ I!-, ] .. I i ,, 1.~ ; ii t II P N lfl ~ 11,111. 111;11111 -111,1111 1h Hill V-1111,UIHOH lt,~; W-11,11, A. "Bibiminous Mmulsion Paste for Fastening Floor Plates a' the "Grolvetten" type." P. 219. (PRZEGLAD PUMMAIM Vol. 26, No. 7, Julir 1954. Wamawa, Poland) SO; MonthLy List. of East European Accessions, (EEAL), W, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 1955 Uncl. --- 1. . .1 ~. ". 1'. ~-:' ! ; ;;-,''. I I. ... I I I :': :' LL Distrz Ttf Id rogioth; ii0j'and its- pie-waililon-.7- p t. ~*orl Sn vvjwav;~- , 4 M.,I~oydroxy- -imgm I lie varlotts intch(mis d,,.- A scribed ii. the literature are dis-emsed and it is luou/I that tile methlid d Martin (C.4. 40, 75,10h) i5 the olie lirtferriA. whcre tile I itj prepd. Ist as Lite Na taft. Pt"m thin salt with Milli, of HjWj, ketphig the plf askily at 7, vilthaddii. of Moll ill the later p;lrt,A 1111" prelill'. tile I Illay Ix., rel)(1. ill 60%yidd. Tile wfibk- react kils,stirliolf with aurlIC190, lnjY be flosic in one reactiois vesiA if afkr Ow hwd id the d 94 tk i 11CHO i i IISO d N con easu a t lc eutis s remove w th A j. P/ 22 refertmes. Werner Ju,:GljsofL- j T ",;I 00 c0 0 u - i Z. 1 M no UUM , to .,a a a a 0 , t, H ir -i-4 - 1 -W I - 3 1- 0 :S c mof 004 A la a :9 3 IM WPM I Poland 4-29 CATFP-CRY t ABS, i0m, : RZKhlm,,,- Noo 5 1960,, VO* 20046 AU ni, OR 1 "Zowall, H. J IMT, , I --,'Tot 'given FTLE I A Method for the investigation of Phenolic Resins I ORIG* PUB, I Tworzywa Cums. Lakiery, 3, No 9-10, 215-21? (1953) ArISMACT I Basic methods for the analysis of phenolic resins listed: determination of free phenol content, are free formaldehyde, hydroxyl groups, ar-d methylol groups. The ebulliometric method is used for molecular wt determinations. L. SedoT COD 1/1 WALL H.; POCINALSKI, J. Chemical research on the condensation of phenol formaldeh,7de rvIns. P. 340. (PRZ&MYSL CFMCZNY, Vol. 10, 'No. 7, JulY 1954, 'Warazwk,Poland) SO; Monthly List of EAst European Accessions, (EUL), W, Vol, :), No. 12, Doe, 1954, Uncl. i . . 1.~ - I I I I I HI ~ Ilil!A-1:111111 ifilli'll'; ": : i : 1 1 ..;~ ; i I li ~ I I ni I - i 1 i hl 1, ~