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88401 S/020 1611 136/0 04 00 7/ 026 B019/BO56 Card 4/4 23806. 3/020/61/138/001/lolo/b23 to, ROD() 112, 1, 1 !TO 2, B104/3201 AUT' HOR Skrinkin, V. A. TITLE:.' Exact solution of equations of one-dimensional relativistic hydrodynamics vith A jump in''the transformation of the residual mass of substance PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nhuk SSSR, v. 138, no. 1, 1961, 61-83 TEXT: In a previous paper (DAN, 127, no. 2, 1959) the author has rr--itten the algebraic integral of the relativis'Li.c equations of motion of an ideal. continuous medium: a & + P) U"Lk - 81"P]- 0, V Vh (puk) = 0 (i, k = 0, 1. 2, 3), Here ~ denotes the internal rest energy.of the unit volume of the medium, p is the pressured, ? the res*idual rest density, and u1 the four-velobity of the particles., The plane~one-dimensional motion is examined,an'd Card 1/8 23606 -3/020 61/138/001/010/023 Exact solution of equations of ... 3104/B201 p ar-'R p = ac'r'P (7.), dr ==V CY (k), ;L d is obtained in accordance with the general theory of dimensions. Here, R, P, and V are dimensionless functions,. r being the distance from the origin. In the case concerned there are tx,nree integrals giving a general. solution of the plane problem of a progressive motion. If, in .& 2 lact, the equation of statt- has the form 6 = ob + P/(Y -1), 7 = 6 /Cvj p the abovementioned integrals will have the forms: massintegral R(V-;L)I% V-l.-Vl=a,; (2) energy integral R P + 2L (I V2)1 7, (1 VI) =.a,;' 10i Card 2-/ 8 23806 S/O~ 61/136/001/010/023 Exact solution of equations of... 3104Y3201 and momentum integral 1(( R T p _F + 7-1 )V(,% _V) I + V21 X (I -V-) = a,, (4) Here, al, a 27 and a 3 are dimensi onless constant s. From (2) -(4) the author obtains: R a,.% V1 -V'/(V-)6); (5) P=O -7, v (I + b, if F --V,-) (T + (6) V~ (I --r)yl --v'+ NO -T-V%) -L b,!V- (7) v Yf---vt + b3 I (T - 1) V11 + 1b,.I-rV Where b 2 =a2/al, b 3 ~ a3/a 1 If X=cO (t=O),V=O, R,-11 -'P=1 (8) are taken as initial conditions, the b 0, a -1 , b a 3 .2 2 a 0, and the solution'assumes near X =oo(region I) the form 3 A~ nard 3/8 "-I Y~UO S/020/61/138/001/010/023 Ezact Solution of equations of... R=% V-l-V21(% -V); (9) Y1 --V-A Y-I --V- - 1) (10) =T(T-1)+-fV2-(T-I)2Y'-V' -r2V - ft - I)-, V Ifi --V% This solution does not extend continuously As far*as the symmetry center, To obtain the curve passing through the points ;~ =O-and V =0 from the aenera-l solution it is necessary to put b =- 1 in (7). It can be easily 0 2 sh'own that the constants al, a an~ a in integrals (2) -(4) denote the 21 3 flux of the recidual mass, energy, and momentum through a discontinuity .surface. Proceedin- from relation pt (vi - D) pz(u,-D) + q, (12) if I- - -0/0 r, ---!1C, t. U where D denotes the pro-jagation ra'e of the discontinuity surface, and q L> Card 4/ a 2 8Q6 '61/138/001/010/023 8/020j , Vcact solution of equatione'of... 3104/kOl is a physical characteriatio-of th-b process; (12) ia*written in reduce.d. variables 6 W V 16 Re( t- M (13 aX ~,Q ov) 7 where e is ihe value of % in the jum -and pq R PURI PQ (14). holds. 'If the motion is adiabatip on either Ode of the.jumpt then R (V (X1 ~~V I - V21 where ot is an integration constant.-. By 2 2 2 1 substituting alp 02 = a2/al 1 03 = a,/Ccl for. t,he constants alp b2, and b 3 resteqtivel th uthor- obtairis on the basis of (13) 0:1 -a I QO~ Y a 1 .2 *i fol:ws t from where t hat A all cl 7-1 06 se~ 0' -(15) -lay+ pq -7 7 Card .5/8 23806 S/020/61/138/001/010/023' Exact,solution of equations of... B104/B201 If-the gas properties.ohgnge after passing through the discontinuity, then yj/ y must be sube'tituted.f6r .y in (7). Then, the following relations hold on the other side of the discontinuity (region 11): JR (16) 1) th V) P (T - 1) P6 (y, - 1) V, - TIV + ).j + Vt V ITI - (TI The velocity e'of the disoon tinuity surface can be determined from 64)t taking 0 5) into account: 7 + 1)f (P R The functions V MV(X), P -P(X), and R -h(A) presente'd-*.in Pi a. 1aild 2for 1M7/5 and M 6) -08). The -5/3 hake been calculated'with formulas - (I I) and (1 solution obtaineo here corresponds, in nonrelativiatic hydrodyranice to the.folloving exact solutions of Euler equations: Card 6/8. 23806 S/020/61/138/001/010/023 Exact solution of equations of ... 3104/3201 V b jr%- ~2(-r + 1)), p a). Or + 0~ P= av 'r + rx + if T, 7-2 (T + 1) in region I, and 2 r + 1) 2ar -+I t- I P (TI - i) rp + 1) t,, . (20i in region II.. There are 2 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Matematicheskiy institut im. V. A. Steklova Alkademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Mathematics imeni V. A. Stelklov, Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: November 1, 1960, by L. I. Sedov, Academician 3UBP~=TED: November 1, 1960 Card 7/.6 S/040/63/027/001/012/027 XTHOR: Skripkin V. A. ;TITLE: On a model of a dynamically strengrthened continuous':,.-' medium in the Mises-Reiss theory of,.plasticity PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematika i melthanika, v. 27, no. 1, 1963, 109-115 T I -!'&L A paramate':i7 X.. is .4,do-pted to describe the dynamic strengthening of the medium. A Cartesian coordinate sys-Len, is em-, ployed in the Euler sense and working with the variables I, %, T a singular solution of Vthe 1120aff ian -is obtained, Maich is 0'2 the envelope of a family. of surfaces o-1 where ;4* is the 2 parancter of the family. If A(-X) Mad LOX) are-such that u is every-: where non-zero and Lmonoton,ically increasing, it is evident that the medium described exhibits dynamic 'Strengthening, and therefore, that" in the plane of.c,-- thar6 exist an-infinite nvmber`0:f Mises neigh- borhoods dependeni on T. V and A Simplified relationship be- tween yield point-and speed of deformation is sought. For the elas-L., C ard 1/2 S/040/63/027/001/012/027 On a model of D251/D308 ~;J tic.region, to:the precision of a tactor 1/PV 90~1 (I 2,j~ a' c + 1)) f (CO. PO 'where E is Young's modulus, V. is Poisson's coefficient,+ and F is the initial density of -the materials: For the plastlic region, Follow- ing Reiss's thtdryj a set of equations is given but:n'ot solved. Using the second laii' of thermodynamics f or: reversible and Irreversible me-,*,,. dia respectively, the internal energy is shoini to be, for the elastic region :(T) (T) (2.4) a, f do, + aa-T +; ~P (T) (T) TI U O*ij ii 3 2 vvhere T is ark arbitrary. function jr=7T(T), and for the plastic re-,:-,:. gion U cWX.Tj~*) + f I 6-)d(T + (T) + (Y cc T T 3- [T(A, T) UO I T) 3T. 2 3~ (2.14) ies o- in the e ion for the where ~OL is the!'~actor which multipl- entropy. I SUB14ITTED: Itetober 31, 1962 Card 2/2 L- 4AP06-65 JXT (BF ACCESSION NR: AP5007Z51 S/0280/65/000/001/0058/0064 i'AUTHOR: Gorelik, A. L. (Moscow)l Skripkin, V. A. (Moscow) method of solving the problem of classification of objects or 46~ TITLE: One phenomena SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Tekhnicheskaya kibernettka, no. .1, 1965, 56-6C TOPIC TAGS: classification of objects ABSTRACT: Indicants of objects or phenomena are expressed as an ordered set of , definitive parameters; the latter vary. either continuously or . discretely,' from one object to another, depending*on the nature of the objects. Breaking up the objects'into ni clasiges is equivalent to singling out m regions in a A +-(b,% space. Successive statistical decisions, with an in-creasing number of indicants, are considered, and convergence of such a procedure is proven. Also, a suggested for evaluating the indicants of the Items to be classified. More divisive Card /Z L 2678-66 Evat d)/EPF(n)_2/EVLP(1) IJP(c) VP,'I/BC ACCESSION NR: AP5021855 UR/0280/65/000/004/0119/0125 -AUTHOR; Levitin, V. F. (Moscow); Skripkin, V. A. (Moscow) _qJ TITLE: The synthesis of correcting devices of linear systems for a given accuracy at a fixed instant of time SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika, no. 4, 1965, 119-1L3 TOPIC TAGS: linear automatic control syste linear system, linear control system,, control system stability ABSTRACT: In the majority of cases the structure of the system under design and the distribution of its known loops as well as of the correcting ones (the para- meters of which have to be determined) are given in advance. The authors show that for systems the accuracy of which is essential only at fixed instants of time, stationary circuits may be used as correcting loops securing the agreement of the characteristics of the projected system with their optimum values. The notion of equivalent systems having equal accuracies at a fixed instant of time is introduced, and the properties of such equivalent systems are studied. Formulas for the determination of the transfer functions of stationary correcting loops are also derived. Orig. art. has: 33 formulas and 3 figures. I_Card____l/2._ L 2678-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5021855 ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 24Mar64 NO REF SOV: 002 Card-.2/ 2 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 002 SUB-CODE: DP, IE E.:T 4H! O-La' L ACC NRt AP600~048 OURCE CODE: GE/0030/65/012/002/KO93/KO95 S AUTHOR: Emelyanenko, 0. V.; Nasledov, D. N ; Sidorov, V. G.; __j Skripkin, V. A.; Talalakin, G. N. ORG: Physico-Technical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe, Academy of Sciences SSSR, Leningrad V1 i TITLE: Effective mass of electrons in n-GaAs SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 12, no. 2, 1965, K93-K95 TOPIC TAGS: effective mass, Hall coefficient, thermoelectric power, gallium arsenide, semiconductor ABSTRACT: In order to determine directly the effective mass m* of electron charge carriers, the authors made measurements of the Hall coefficient R. and of the thermoelectric power L.. of semiconductors in strong magnetic fields 11 without quantization effect. In all four n-GaAs samples up to the fields 31 kg (0 < uH/c < 3) were measured. The Hall coefficient was found to be field-independent 02), The thermoelectric power L'increased or decreased with H (the magnetic field strength). The calculation was made with the aid of the formula L(H) - L(O) - L(H) AH2 1 + BH2. Card ACC NR: AP6002048 The effective mass of electrons is 0.072 mo at the bottom of the band (pure samples 1 and 2 at low temperatures). For a deviation from the band from the parabolic shape, the effective mass of samples 1 and 2 (at all temperatures) m* = (0.070 ' 0.002) m0 at the bottom of the band, being equal to effective masses obtained by other methods (Palik, E. D., Stevenson, J. R., and Wallis, R. F., Phys. Rev. 124, 7011 1961). The slightly higher value of m* in more impure samples 3 and 4 may be due to the effect of the impurity band. The author presents tabulated data on effective mass values attained at various temperatures, Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 1 formula, I table. ILD] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBH DATE: 230ct65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 001 Cdrd ZOROKHOVI(;H, Aleksandr Yefimovich, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; KOWKOLOV, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich. inzhener; SKRIPKIY. Viktor Vasil'Zqvi-h inz.hener; OSADCHUX, G.I., inzhener, red.G-or~.-- 1~-Z. 4t!'=khni- cheakiy redaktor [Traino refrigerated by machinery] Poezda a mashinnym okhlozhdeniam; ustroistvo i ekspluatatsila. Hoakva, Goo. transp. zhel-dor. izd-vo. 1956, 347 P~ (MLRA 10:3) (Refrigerator cars) RUTM. Semen Veniaminovich; OSADCHUK, Grigoriy Ivanovich; SKBIPKIN. Viktor Vasillyevich; TSARENKO, A.P., red.; BOBROU, Ye.N., [Experience in transporting perishable freight; practices of the depot of refrigerated trains in the Moscow suburban station] Opyt peTevozki skoroportiashchikhoia gruzov; iz praktiki depo refrizheratornykh poezdov stantaii Podmoskovnaia. Moskva, Goa. tranap.zhel.-dor.izd-vo, 1959. 96 p. (KIRA 12:6) (Railroads--Freight) ZOROKHOVICH, Aleksandr Yefimovich; KOLOKOWV) Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; OSADCHUK, Grigoriy Ivanovichy inzh.; S011~40, Vikto --Vag ILly vich; SELIMOV, V.I., inzh., retsenzent; KEITROV, P.A.) tekhn,, -~e (Trains with mechanical refrigerationi construction, operation, maintenance, and repair] Poezda s mashimiym okhlazhdeniem; ustroi- stvo, ekspluatatsila i remont. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Vses. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenie M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1961. 371 p. (Railrvado-Electric. equipment) (MIRA 34:11) SK1UPKIN, VikAo'r yg�., ic _~l1yevL_h-_jEKRUTMANj Semen Veniaminovich; BBLYASOVA, L.P., inzh., retf3enzent; LYSENKO, FaYees inzhol retsenzent; BjUCQX=- , Yu.M.., inzh.; retsenzent; SARANTSEVy Yu.s., inzh., red.;USENKO, L.A., tekhn. red. (Electric equipment of refrigerator cars]Elektrooborudo- vanie izotermicheskogo podvizhnogo sostava. Moskva2 Trans- zheldorizdat, 1962. 294 p. (MIRA 15:9) (Refrigerator cars-Electric equipment) ANIKIN, S-V.; KRAYNOV, B.P.; KHRAMOV, V.I.; .�K~IPKIN, V.V., inzh., retsenzent; BRAYYLOVSKlY, N.G., inzh., red.; BOBROVA, Ye.N., tekhn. red. [Handbook for the mechanic of trains and multiple-unit cars with machine refrigeration] Spravochnik mekhanika poezdov i sektsii s mashinnym okhlazhdeniem. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1963. 365 P. (MIRA 17:1) 1 ACC NRz A1170uouZ6 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062A6/OOC,/007/1292/1292, AUTHM : Nesmeyanov, A. N.; Anisimov, K. N.; Kolobova, N. Ye.; Skripkin, V. V. O.RG: institute of Heteroorganic Compounds, Academy of Sciences USSR (Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR) TITLE: Bi- and polymetallic compounds with a Fe-Sn bond and their derivatives SOURCE: AN SSSR. izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 7, 1966, 1292 TOPIC TAGS: organotin compound, organoiron compound ABSTIMT: Tho reaction of &iCl C H aiCl , and (C 11 ) ~Ml 4# 6 5 3 6 5 Z 2 "rith j NaFe(CO),C H in tetraly~~rofuran yielded (pi-C H Fe(GO) 5 5 5 5 .14an (1) r H Fe(00) Sn (11 (U), and[pi-C H Fe(CO) In Lpi-C I H )2 5 5 213 6 5 5 5 212 ('6~5 uYdrochlorination cf (!I) and (1II) in carbon tetra-chloride yielded the knoun [pi-C a Fe(W) -1 Sal The latter was used to prepare a series. 5 5 2j 2 2* of compounds with various functional groups on tha tin atom, These I 1,bst were obtained in high or colored compounds were characterized,, quantitative yields. Orig. art. has: 1 table. [JPRS: 38)9671 SUB CODE: 1 07 SUB14 DATE: 05May66 OTH REF:. 001, Card 1/1 UDC! 547-13 + 546.72 + 546.81 0 9 X 70 A-1-3. 'i F rl C, U~! f ~ r. t ! R 1 P E , f 4, YLI.E.Y Ralp of disorders of the gluc,,cortlc--.Ja cf t~,-- adrenal cortex in the pathogenesis of neuroderr~~-z-i-,-ir. Vest-derm. i ven. 38 no.5:10-15 My 164. (MIRA 18: U) 1. Kafedra kozlinykh i vener-leheskikh bolezney (zav. - Prof. M.M.Zheltakov) II Moskovskogo meditsinskowo institutan imeni Firo.-ova. Submitted Sept. 7, 1963. S&UrfUNJI lul &.1 hlubA~r M.-u Sta - k,-aus) "Txe treatment of certain types of derma- wsis by krpnotlic succession m-d the conclitioned-reflex methods.n 61,.oucow, LV5'1,, .L5 pp, (E-econd blocoor, Eta~,c Mcd Inst im. 14. 1. Pizroeov~ , 20D copies (K1.,., N'u 3L), -L,-)57, 97) ZHEITAKOV, M.M.; ISATEVA, L.D.; SKRIPKIN. Tu.K. Effect of suggestion in hypnos 9 on arte al pre 21 no-5:100-103 )1y '57. (KIRA 10:7) 1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh t venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. N.M. Zheltakov) II Moskovskogo maditsinskogo institute imeni I.V.Stalina. (BLOCID PRESSME, eff. of suggestion in hypnotized patients (Rue)) (HYPNOSIS, eff. of suggestion on arterial pressure in hypnotized patients (Rua)) Zjjp,,j,'j'jd~0V, M.M., prof.; V111OKUROV, I.N.. lignintent; SICII.PKIN. YU.K., ansistent; SOMOV, B.A., assistant '11-1-- -- --4~ ;' ~' ~- -:-- lly-motic suggestion associated with electronarcosis in certain dermatoses. Vest. derm. i ven, 33 no.2:28-31 Mr-Ap 159. (NIRA 12:7) 1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. M.N. Zheltakov) Il Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. (SUGGESTION, ther. use. skin die., hypnotic suggestion with electronarcosis (Rua)) (3ILWTROI"OSIS, in var. dis. skin die., with hypnotic suggestion (--?no)) (SKIN DISEASM, ther. hy-Dnotic suggestion with electronarcosis (Rua)) ZIEMKOV, II.F., prof.;.-SKUPKIII, _YuK-; TISHCHEITKO, L.D. Treatment of organic neurodemttitis and prurigo nodularis with intradermal injections of met]Wlene blue solution in novocaine. Vest.derm,i vens no.7:33-37 161, (KIRA 15:5) 1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo imstituta, imeni N.I. Pirogova (zav. - prof. M.M. Zheltakov). (METHYLENE BLUE--THEWEUTIC USE) (NOVOCAINE) (SKII.-DISEASES) GAVRILOVA, VJI.; PKRIPKIN, Yu.K.-,-SOMMr, B.A.; ABRAMOVA, Ye.I. Selenium d-isulfide in the treatment of seborrhea. Vest.derm.i ven. no.7:45-49 161. (MM, 15:5) 1. Kz kafedry kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney II Moskovskogo moditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova (zav. - prof. M.M. Zholtakov). (SEBACEOUS GLANDS-DISEASES) (SEIMIUM SULFIDE-THERAPEUTIC USE) STUIDENIKIN9 M.Ya.; SlajFIIN+-YuK-5--- Erythromelalgia in children. Vop. okh. mat. i det. 6 no. 2:85-87 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Iz kliniki detskikh bolezney (zav. - zasluzhonnyy deyatell nauki RSFSR prof. N.I. Osinovskiy [deceased])-, -I-jcliiUk-l-kuzhffykIF- i kliniki kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. M.M. Zheltakov) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova (dir. - dotsent, M.G. Sirotkina). (ERYTHROMIELALGIA) SKRIPKIN, Yu.K,; SOMOV, B.A.; VEDRCYVA, I.N. Treatment of verruca plantaris, plana and vulgaris with Gordeev's paste. Sov. med.. 25 no.5:151-153 MY 161. (KM& 14:6) 1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. M.M. Zheltakov) II lloskovskoge-me-ditsinskogo instituta imeni II.I.Firogova (dir. - dotsent M.O.Sirottina). (FOOT--TUMORS) (CYTOTOXIC DRUGS) ZHELTAKOV, M.M... prof.; SHARAPOVA, G.Ya.,, assistent; SKRMO, Yu.K. Effect of hypnotherapy an the excretion of 17-ketosteroids in patients with diffuse neurodematitis. Yest.derm.i ven. 35 no.1%13-17 Ja 061. (MIU 140) lo Iz kafedry kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. M.K. Zheltakov) 11 Moskavskogo gosudarstv~eimogo-zsditinakogo instituta. (HMOTISM-ThMLAPEUTIC USE) (SKIII-DISEMES-PSYCHOS(HATIC ASPEGTS) SKRIPKIN, Yu.K., assistent External use of corticosteroid. hormones in treating circumscribed neurodermatitis and eczema. 25 no.1:1-10-1-15 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I.Pirogova (zav. -, prof. 14.11-1.Zheltakov) (ADRENOCORTICAL HORMONES) (ECZENU) (LIGMN PLANUS) ZfIELTAKOV, f-likhail 14itrofanovich-, SKRIPKIN, Y~tF~y Konstantinovich-, SOVOV, Boris Aleksnndrovi7c~b-;--'-A"'3;-T'A-TS'ATuf~*,;V,- K ..,R. .. 1. re.d..; - " PARAKHINA, N.L.) tekhn. red.; [Electronarcosis and hypnosis in dermatology] Elektroson i gipnoz v dermatologii. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 307 p. (MIRA 16:9) (DERMATOLOGY) (SLEEP THERAPY) (HYPNOTISM--THERAPEUTIC USE) ZHELTAKOV., M.M., prof.; SKRIPKD4, Yu.K., dotsent; SCR40V, B.A. Complex treatmezt of patients suffering from neurodermatitis, eczeina and other dermatosis vith hyFnosis, electric sleep and corticosteroid preparatione. Sovet. med. 27 no.9- -63 S163 (;I~irl7:2) 1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney ( zav. - prof. M.i4.Zhe1tak-o%,) IT Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N. I.Pirogoira. SKRIPM-, Yu.K.; GOL3DBERG, D.M.; SHMMAUM.E.7a. Treatment of trichomoniasis with trichomoacid. Med.paraz. i paraz. bol. 32 no.1'.87--88 Ja-F'63. (~Mu :L6:10) SKRIPKD-,,Yu.K.; SFIARAPOVA, G.Ya. I VEDPDVA, I.N. Treatment of trophic ulcers with cygerol. Vest.derm. i ven. 37 no.lt77-78 J063. (MIRA 16:10) 1. 1z kafedr-y kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. M.M.Zheltakov) II Mioskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni 1',.I.Pirogova. (ULCEP,S) (ACETIC ACID-THERAPEUTIC USE) K I I i 37 n- .'rs? w2kogw~ L:3in,.-kc)a-.o insm! tut., I.L ~o NT. 1. li.rogriva. SKIRIPKIN, Yu.K., dotserit, Treatment of some dermatoses. Sov. Med. 26 no.9.82-87 S 162. (MIRA .17.4) 1. lz kafedry kozhnykh i venericheskilh bolezney (zav. - prof. M.14. Zheltak-ov) 11 Moskovskogo meditsinskogo inst-ituta imeni 11.1. Pirogova. Lc)jlif V, In-at.:;1ent. of c-f rned. 27 1. Fafedra kczlinykh i venerich-skilkh bolezn~iy (Zav. - prcf. ZheltaL-ov) I'! %lookovskol-o med-, usinskorro instituta imeni Fir-oo-ova, SKR:.'?Klli, Yu.K.; KH1011')VA, (). Ye. Treatment of g--anul,,.-.ia annulare Irj ethyl c~-loride ix-rigation. Vest. derm. i ven. 37 no.!-1s67-68 D 163 (MIRA 181l) 1. Kafedra kozhny'kh bolez-ney (zav. - prof. M.M. Zheltakov) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova o Moskovskiy gorodsk k 0zlmc-venerologicheskiy dispanser (gla-.-nyy 0 ' vra(;h A.S. Obukhova~. K f -'K N K h n clea Ve s t .l~rrr~ no. Ag 1, Kafedra kozhnyki-, ven-r --",e-= k-i kh (za-v, prr-l' Mi.M. Zheltakcv, 1 -' 1.1g5knv-4k.:~go rred4; t--i piregova. GURIYEVY A.N.,; LISOVSKAYA, N.D.,; SKRIPKIN, Yu.K.; SOMOVIO B.A.; GOLIDBERG, D.M.; LEBEDEV, B.M. New drugs. Vest. derm. i ven. 38 no.9:78-79 S 164. (~9RA .18:4) SHARAPOVA, G:.Ya.; SKRIPKIN, Yu.K. Ccmparative data on the functional state of the adrenal cortex in eczeina and neurodermatitis patients. Vest. derm. i ven. no.3:14-19 165. (MIRA 18-~Il) 1. Kafedrra koOnykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. R.M. Zheltakov) II Moskovskogo maditsin3kogo instituts. im-eni N.I. Pirogova. 3 U -'~ P K 1 N) Yu,K.; RASSOISKAYA, Z.Ye. 11 -- 1. . . - --- I -, ~ f Treatment of restricted neurodermit-19 wi-th Buck)-'s rays. Sov. med. 28 no.10:139-142 0 165. (MIFA 18:11) 1. Kafedra kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav.- prof. M.M. Zheltakov) Il Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Pirogova i polikliniki Imeni Semashko (glavnyy vrach T.A. Smirnova). .-J Hic T lin ll-cai=ie 1 c RESHETITYAK, V.Z., dekttr veterizarsykh mauk; PAKH%IOVA, B.G., vetorizarW vrach; LTUTOV, N.F., voterinarzyy vrach; SKRrPKINA, N.A., voterimarW Trach. The tick Hyalomma scupexs* a vector of the pathogen of ana-plasmosis in cattle. Voterinariia 33 Lo.9:39-40 S 156. (MLRA 9:10) l.Nevocherkanskly zoov*torinarW institut. (AnsplASM0818) (Tirks w carriers of disease) RLSIIETIFY,U.) V.Z., prof.; FjWOMOVA, N.G., voterinarnyy vrach; SY'RIPKIIIA; , vaterinarnyy vrach Trichomoniusis in poultry. Voterinarlia 37 no.9:414+1~ s 16o. (MIPA 14:11) 1. Novocherkasskiy zooveterinarnyy institut. (Trichomoniasis) (Iloultry-Diseases and pests) . SUIPKIINIA) T. 1. "The cst8~,)l-.GhnIC'.'t of .3-Isti--j-,,atTc library catalopues" report, presented at a CorSe'-I*e!Ice oa LibrarY Ca--aopling, Lcaing=d, LibrarY Of tz us:n, I 24-1->6 Apr 11,358 SMIPMA, Z. G. "Biochemical Properties of Toxic 1,1illet,11 Biokhim., 10, No. 4, 1945. Nbr., Inst. Biochemistry im. A. N. Bakh, Dept. Biol. Sci., Acad. Sci., -lgkL5-. Mir., All-Union Inst. Grain Research, Moscos, -1945-. "A Method for Diagnosing Grain Toxicity as a Result of Its Having, Overwintered in the Field," Do1c. A1,1, 47, No- 5, 1945. !,I I J,~5 -1-ocherdstr-.7 havint;-- Clver-win,-,cred 7~; c --a LDxic z3 2 ~~ts-~, TIA L- u I - - - )I C, k n '~ht: ~- SHUMILOVSKIY, N.R.) SKRIPKO, A.L. Physical principles of amplitude-type nuclear magnetic resonance devices. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 4 no.8:5-30 ,62. (MM 16:6) (Nucleftr magnetic resonance) BELYKH, L.G.; KUROLETII, O.A.; SKRIPKO, A.L. Measurement of the moisture of a coal char,-e by the method of nucIr.-a.- magnetic resonance. Zalr.lab. 29 no.2:1.6s..172 1,53. (MI,11 16:5) lo lbskovskiy energetichoskiy institut. (Coal) (Moisture) (Nuclear no-EniAic resonance and relaxaLion.) V 45388-65 Erjr(j) /EEr JLCCEMON MRs AP503M43 Go V. V, AUTHORSs SkrIpko A, 1,,j Norol, S.; 121!~~ TITLEs Protron resonance hygrometer* Class 42, Noe 169871 SOUJWEs Byulleten' izobreteniyitovarnykhznikovs no. 7,9 19651o 220 TOPIr, TAGS: moisture measurewnts proton resonance ABSrRAM This Author Certificate presents.-a proton resonance hyVometer con- taining a permanent magnets a nuclear magnetic resonance bridge detectors two. nearrottf-band amplifiers tuned to discriminate the first and second harmonica of the NMR signals and pointer type instruments, To inerease the accuracy of Measure~ mantas the operating circuit of the amplitude bridge has a tri=er capacitoridth. a scale and a high-Q regenerator made according to the circuit of an underdrivea generator. The generator scale determines the amount.of negative resistance introduced into the circuits which maintains the constant operation of the detector with chanige, of the samples* To decrease the inherent noise in the &V31tude bridge,, two tuned amplifiers are connected at the inputs of the comparison circuit (see Fig, I an the Enclosure)* One azpWier ia connected in the voltage circuit of the operating circuit, end the second is comected in ----------- -L 46744-66 ACC NR: AR601.1+095 SOURCE CODE: UR/c272A5/000/0n/0085/0086 AUTHOR: SkriT)ko, A, Lo B TITLE: Theory of an amplitude NMR-converter SOURCEt Ref. zh. Metrologiya I izmeriteltnaya tekhnika, Abs. l1.32.705 REF SOURCE: Sb. Fiz.-metody rv-tomat. kontrolya. Frunze, Ilim, 1964, 24-38 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear magnetic resonance, moisture measurement ABSTPJiGT: The theory of an NMR-converter, the basic element of which is an induc- tion coil with the investigated substance placed Inside it, is considered. A vector diagram is presented, allowing the interrelationship between the different, coil parameters to be traced graphically. It follows from the diagram, in par- ticular, that the effect of the emf developed at resonance is equivalent to the corresponding change in resistance. The method for constructing the circular diagram is used to investigate the dependence of the complex voltage drop at the coupled impedance on detuning from the resonance condition. Analysis of the pro- cedural errors is carried out, and recommendations for increasing the accuracy Card 1/2 UDC: 389:538.69.083.2:543.275.1.08 T. .,71di -66 ACC 0: AR601/+095 of measurements are given. The requirements imposed on the measuring circuit are analyzed. The theory of an MIR-converter as applied to NNR-hygrometer.s is con- sidered. J)'Franslation of abstrac2t SUB CODE.* 20J Or/ 1~7 i Card 212 SKRIPKO, A.Ya. Tu M, re- 5-19 I~.-nals for locomotive switching. Avtomo, telem. i mviazI no.4:29-30 AP 157. (MLRL 10:5) 1. Glavnyy Inzhaner sluzbby signalizateii I svyazi GorIkovskoy dorogi. (Railroads--Switching) SKEUPKO, F. "l-, Feeding swinso fromfself-feeders. Mias.ind.27 no.6:31-33 '56. (KM 10:2) 1. Upravlyayushchly Ilurganskoy oblastnoy skotozagotovitallnoy kont4orov. (Swin-b-Foeding and feeding stuffs) SKRIPKO, F. , Work of procurement aennts is improving. Miam. ind. SSSR 29 no.5,37-39 158. (14IR& 11-10) 1. Kurganskava oblastnaya skotozagorovitellnaya kontora. (Kurgan Province--~%at industry) SKRIFKO F.--- Use of antibiotics in the feeding of awine. Miaa.ind.SSSR 31 no.1:37 '60. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Xurganskaya zagotovitellno-otkormochnaya kontora. (.Kurganak Province-Swine-Feeding and feeds) (Antibiotics) 3 In t, L c~~ttjng Clitt ni! ~rr;lm. :31 w- ~h ~.Iashinos :31-32- C; (IMTRA 17: 11) SKRIFKOJq G. ya. Arterial blood transfusion in some pathologicall states in children. Vop. okh. mat. i det. 6 no.8:35-37 Ag'61. (PIRA 15:1) 1. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. G.YA.Skripko) Detskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (gl&vnyy vrach Ye.G. Krupko, nauchnyy rukovoditell raboty - prof. S.Ya.Doletskiy) g. GorIkogo. (BLOOD-TRAVSFUSION) (CHILDREN-DISEASES) SKRIPKO, G.Ya... Treatment of suppurative pericarditis in children. Vop.okh.mat.i det. 7 no.8:83-85 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Iz kafedry khirurgii detskogo vozrasta (zav. - prof. A.A.Dikova) GorIkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni S.M.Kirova (rektor- dotsent I.F.Matyushin) J Gorodskoy detskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach Ye.G.Krupko). (PERICARDITIS) BAKULI, V.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; ABRAMOV A.S., inzh.; kLRI~Kq,-G.F., inzh. Y . 1. --. Diamond consumption in machining various brands of hard alloys. Mashinostroenie no.1:97-99 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Diamonds, Industrial) ()%tal cutting) GUTKINJ, Ye.S.LIKRIFKO, I.L. X-ray method of determining the quantitative ratio of aluminum monoh~drate& in Devonian bauxites. Sov. geol. 6 no.5:133-138 My 163. (MIRA 16--6) 1. Severourallskaya kompleksnayn goologorazvedoohnaya ekspeditsiya. (Alminum oxide) (Bauxite) SIMIPKO, I.H. Incomplete rupture of the uterus during the 32d week of pregnancV. Akush. i gin- 32 no.6:79 11-D 156, (KIRA 10:11) 1. Iz akushersko-ginekologicheakogo otdeleni7a (zav. I.M.Skripko) Shoetkinskoy gorodakoy bollnits7. (UTERUS-RUPTURE) A case of spontaneous healing of a vasicovaginal fistula in rupture of the uterus. Akush. i gin. 34 no-3:105 VT-Je f58. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Iz akushersko-ginekologicheskego otdelenJya ~zav. I.M.Skripko) Shostkinskoy gorodskoy bollnitay No.1 Sumskoy oblasti. (UTIMUS. rupt. in labor postop. vesicovaginal fistula with spontaneous healing Ks)) (LABOR. compl. uterus rupt., postop. vesicovaginal fistula with spontaneous healing (Rus)) (YISTUIA, VESICOVAGINAL. case reports postop. after uterus rupt. in labor, spontaneous healing (Rus)) KUKIBNYY,A.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SKRIPKO,I.S., assistent; SPITSYN,NA.A, professor, doktor tekhnicKiikiUi-n'auA; IVANOV,Ye.A., kandidat tel-hnicheskikh nauk "Machine parts." V.S.Poliakov and others. Reviewed by A.A.Kukibnyi and others. Vest.mash-35 no.8:86-89 Ag'55. (MIRA 8:10) (Machinery) (Pollakov,V.S.) (Kudriavtsev,V.N.) 3-5-9/38 AUTHORS: BortnQvskiy, K.A., Broydo, B.Ye. , Kukibnyy, A.A., Candidates of Technical Sciences, Dotsents, and Skripko, I.S., Assistant TITLE: Questions of Instruction Relating to Courses on "Machine Parts" (Voprosy prepodavaniya kursa "detali mashin") PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1957, Nr5, PP 31-32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The actual program for courses relating to machine parts for machine building and mechanical specialities provides a correct list of questions to be studied. The author pro- poses, however, to exclude from the program various sections, which may be studied in special courses. Some of the part- icipants of thediscussion pointed out that various questions have already been treated in the courses such as "Strength of Materials", "The Theory of Mechanisms and Machines" and "The Technology of Metals". As to the importance of a qualified teaching staff, the author states that assistants occupied with the practical and laboratory work and with courses of planning have as important a part as the lecturers. It is an error to believe Card 1/3 that any engineer with some industrial practice, may hold the 3-5-9/58 Questions of Instruction Realting to Courses on "Machine Parts" ASSOCIATION: The Kiyev Technological Institute of Food Industry imeni A.I. Mikoyan (Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti imeni A.I. Mikoyana) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 SKRIPKOY I.S.; POPOV, V.D. Equation for calculating the time o--:' crysta-llizaLion in a vacuum apparatus@ Sakhoprom. 37 no.11:24-28 N 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Kiyevskly takhnologichoskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti im. Rikoyana. SKRIPKO, I. S. Calculating the technological indices of sugar crystallization In vacuwn apparatus. Izv.vys.ucheb-zav.; 2: 130-133 '64. (MIRA 170) VOLKOVA, A..,',I.; SKMPF,01 K.A.; VISHII-EVSKlY, L.Kh. Bauxites in 'the k--rs'. of the Moscow rejTion. I., t. i ~~Cl. 4 skop. no.6:108-112 N-D 162- (1-11RA 18:3) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universiteet. P. DY K(ATA, L. SKPTFKO, L.A.; FEVZN'E'lR Differentiated determining of diamines used as :-:ji,ber wLt~- the meQod of titration in nonaqueous jolutic-nn. Kfiu~:h. 1. rez. 23 no.12,47-50 D 164- 28-2) 1. Mnskovskiy khindko-tekhnologicheskiy insrituz. 4-,;. D.1. Mendeleytiva I Nftuchnc-issledovatell.~kiy inz-,Utuu~, Irl-himikatov d I limernykh materialov. Jya po - NEYMAN, M.B.; MEDMIDOV, A.A.; ROZANTSEV, E.G., SKRIPKO, L.A. New reaction for forming stable WUrster salts. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.2-387-390 Ja'64. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.A. Balandinym. L 55236-65 EWT(m)/EPF(c)/EWP(J)/EWA(0-_ Pq--41 Rp~ AMMION a 7000/0W/0 14R: 286% AP5015565 DR/0 144/0144;. AUTHORS: Skripko, L. A.; Gjjadelova, V. G. TITLE- A method for obtaining NtNl-.-di-(C C )-allgl-n-phenylenediamines- Class 14 7 9 ~No- 150521 :SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znalkovp no. 8, 1965P 144 'TOPIC TAGS: pherjylenediamine, alkylation, catalyst, aliphatic alcohol, fuel# ;Polyethylene, inhibitor, rubber ABSTRACT.- This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining NfN1-di-(C 7 1Cq)-alkyl-n-phenylenediamine by allWlating H-phe-nylenediandne at a high :temperature in the presence of a catalyst. To simplify the chnique of the processi ~a mixture of aliphatic alcohols C - C of normal structure is used as thealkylat-` 7 8 t:hig agont, and Ni-rhenium as the catalyst. The product obtainefZby the above me .tho& 'f a low-pressure May be used as a motor fuel stabilizerl as the t ipolyethylenej d as an inhibitor of the nitrogen aging of rubber. ASSOCIATION: none Card 1/2 I L 1196-66 -!EWT(tq)j (p) ACCESSION NR: APS022936 UR/0062/65/000/008/1481/1483 541.6+5 2.943 AUTHORs Yasina, L. L.; Miller, V. D.; Shlyapnikov, Yueql~; Skripkog L. A4 on by TITLE: Mechanism for the inhibiti of the polyproRylgqetki~a!-ion roxide Itetrametho ighenylnit SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. SLya kh icheskaya, no. 8, 1965, 148'1-1483 TOPIC TAGS: polypropylene plastic.. oxidation, inhibitor ABSTRACT: The mechanism of inhibition of polypropylene oxidation by 2,21,4,41-tetramethoxydiphenylnitroxid--, (CH30)2C6H3-NO-C6H3(OCH3)2, was studied atl 2000C and 300 mm Hg of oxygen pressure. The object of the study was to define the active oxidation inhibiting species. The polypropylene used had a characteristic viscosity n = 3.8 and a molecular weight equal to 150,000. The dependence of the Jinduction period of polypropylene oxidation upon inhibitor concentration is shown n fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The UV absorption spectra are shown in fig. 2'of the Enclosure. The changes in induction period and UV absorption spectra indicate that, card .1/4 L n26-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5022936 Card! /kg ENCLOSURE: 01 L 1126-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5022936 4J 0 0 MR: 6005518 LTR/0080/66/039/001/0200/0203 AP SOURCE CODE: At-ITHOR: Kreshkov, A. P.; Bykova, L. N.; Pevzner, I. D.: Skripko, L. A.___ ORG: __ acow-Chemical-Jeghnology Institute im. D. I. Mendeleyev (Moskovskiy khilAko- tekhnologicheskiy instituti; Scientific Research Institute of Chemicals for Polymeric _Ug ~ (Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut khimikatov dlya polimernykh materiialov) trials TITLE: Synthesis and analysis of secondary aromatic diamines used as stabilizers of polymeric materials SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 39, no.1, 1966, 200-203 TOPIC TAGS: stabilizer additive, fuel additive, lubricant additive, quantitative analysis ABSTRACT: A preparative method has been developed for synthesizing p-phenylenediamii derivatives from N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine. It is noted t -~ such derivatives are r fuels' -nd lubicatinf suitable as stabilizers for polymeric materials, moto , oilsJj~ N-heptyl-, N-octyl-, and N-nonyl-NLphenyl-p-phenylenediamine were prepared by alky-1 lation of N-phenyl.-p-phenylenediamine with the appropriate alcohol in the presence of Raiicy nickel catalyst at 130-156C in 95.8-97.8% yields O)ased on the amine). Meltii points after recrystallization were 49-50, 52-53, and 54-55C, respectively. A method of analysis wa.9 also developed -for intermediate products containing mixtures N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine and N-alkyl-N'-phenyl-p-phenylenediamines. The method Card 1/2 UDC: 547.553.1/.2 L 11883-66 ACC NR, AP6005518 involves determination of primary and secondary amino groups of aromatic amines by titration after treatment with salicylaldehyde in a medium such as alcohols, ketones, or a 4/1 chloroform-methyl ethyl ketone mixture. The method is based"on the fact that reaction products of primary amino groups with dalicylaldehyd6 are less alkaline than the secondary amino-group reaction products. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ISM] SUB CODE: cW SUBM DATE: 18Dec64/- ORIEG REF: 004/ OM-REF: 009/ ATD PRESS: 4 ~V#A4"MAMH E3 I R PO .SKRIPKOJ,-I.,, marshal aviataii Flight under difficult meteorological conditions. Av,i kosm, 45 no.2:6-13 T 163, (MM 16:2) (Aeronautics-Flight) (Meteorology in aeronautioff) KOZIRI19, X.I.. SKRIFKO, S.A. Chemically softened vater to be used In silvering glass. Stek. I ker. 17 no.6:39-41 Je 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Mirrors) (Water, Distilled) USSR/Pharmacology - Toxicology - Chelating Agents. V Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 4, 1959, 18642 Author : -Sk4pko, T.V. Inst : Gorkiy Medical Institute Title : Massive Doses of Vitamin B12 in Complex Treatment of the Acute Phase of Poliomyelitis. Orig Pub Tr. Kliniki nervn. bolezney, Gor1kovsk. med. in-t, 1958, VYP- 1, 21-25 Abstract Of 24 children from 5 months - 15 years with various forms of poliomyell-tia, who received vitamin B12 (12-15 injections of 1000 gamma each daily independent of age) complete recovery took place in 11 and considerable im- provement in 11. It was noted that in the indicated doses, B12 arrests the development of paralysis, limits the development of atrophies and manifests an analgesic Card 1/2 SKRIPKO, T. V., Candidate Med Sci (diss) -- "The clinical aspects and treatment of poliomyelitis in the acute period". Gorlkiy, 1959. 12 pp (GorIkiy StItte Med Inst im S. M. Kirov), 200 copies (KL, No 24, 1959, 152) SHUMHMKAYA, N. Ya.l_.SKRIPKO, T. V.___ .- Congenital leucosis. Probl. gemat. i perel. I=ovi no.10:57-58 1,61. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy- pediatrii (zav. - Prof. D. I. Gurvich) Gor:kovskogo meditsinskogo instituta i detskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bol nitsy kglavnyy vrach Ye. G. Krupko) (LEUCOSIS) (INFANTS(MMORN)-DISEASES) SFNI~ Z.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; LUGHKA, M.Kh.y SKFLIPKO, V.Ya. [Skr-ypko, V.IA.] Use of liquid fuels in the firing of porcelain. Leh.prom. no.1%66-70 Ja-Mr 164. (MIRA 66-70) SKRIPKO Ye~ygeniyj4oylevich [Protecting the rights of innovators in the U.S.S.R.] Okhrana prava ratsionalizatorov v SSSR. Minsk, In-t nauchno-tekhn. informatsii i propagandy, 1964. 29 p. (MIRA 18:10) CK; ll 11 K Ov A, V. A.N. S , . Sli K I y ~ .1 Prodlu(%~ng fang wealia or. the Mods! F,I-a C as3 1 -1 '~'~ntley Cotton" L aiiUlng rrja,~;hiile. Lph. pron, . nn.!,. ..7-28 C).-D 16' I b 1, 1 4 r (M-111A 18.-l) SKRIPOVSKFY, A&Vv (Skrypkavalkyl, A.V.] G'nacacteristica of the nBentle3r-Cotton" make knitting machines for 'he manufacture of outer knitwear, Leh,prom, no,200-32 ApJe 165, (NIPA- 18l:LO) LErNACHUK, Ye.I., [Leinachuk, IE.I.I, kand.tekhn.nauk;,SKRIPKOVSKIY, O.M-.-- [SkxypkovB'kyi, O.M.], inzh. Restoration of engine valves by automatic built-up welding in carbon dioxide. Mekh.sil'.hospe 11 no-3:22-23 Mr 6o (MIRL 13:6; (Tractors-.Engines--Valves) (Blectric welding) KARTASHOV, A.K.,-_~KRIPLE~, V.A.- CHERNENKO, V.A. Manufacture of filtering powder from Tripoli. Sakh.prom. 37 no.6:20-23 Je t63. lkm~RA 16:5) 1. %pentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy ins*ut sakharnoy promyshlennosti. (Tripoli (Mineral)) (Filters and filtration) V~ye. [Yiltration nowcers anri their -use in sugar manufacture) Fil'truiushchie porooh&i J. Ah isFolIzovanie 7 sakhamor; proizvodstve. Moskva, Tqerit,,. in--t nauchno-tekhn. in- I rorrnatsii pishc~evoi promyshl., 1963. 0 P. (MIRA 17:7) MOYSEYENKO, V.I. (Maiecieriko, dotsent; SKRIPPICHENKO, A.I. [Skrypnychenko,, A.I,--. agronom Using organic-mineral fertilizers for corn. flauk. pratsi UASIUI 17 no.12.-40-43 160. (MIRA 16-.7) (Corn (Maize)--Fertilizers and manures) KONOVALOV, Ye.G.; SKRIPNICHENKO, A.L. ~z -- Effect of cyclic loading of an ultrasonic frequency on the static mechanical characteristict; of copper. Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no.12:817-820 D 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN BSSR. Predstavleno aka- demikom &I BSSR V.P. Severdenko.