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TITKOV, V.I.; BELINSKIY, M.L.; BUNCHUK, V.A.; BUT, P.P.; VINOGRADOV, A.F.; '", MATSKIN, L.A.; MOSMIKGT, I.I.; KOFKAH, S.R.;_Wfijj_t;W A,,AJ MISHIN, B.V.; NADEZHDIN, M.D.; CL&W, N.M.; ROZHN. S.N.; NOVIKOVA, vedushchiy red.; TROFIMOV, A.V., Clinndbook on oil tank equipment] Spravochnik po oborudovaniiu neftabaz. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-taklui.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1959. 463 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Petroleum--Storage) M-_ KU19JSHKINAI T. Concern a7er a yotmg worker. Sov. profsoiuzy 20 no.4:3G-31 F 164. WIRA 17:3) 1. Sekretar2 komitata komsomola tsekha sborki i ispyt&niya motorov Yaroslavskogo motornogo zavoda. I- - KUKUSHKIN&, T. 1. Determination of the absolute viscosity and limiting abearing strain of bighly concentrated tomato products,, Kona.i ov.prom. 15 no-7:34-35 J1 160. (MIR& UtO 1. Odeaskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevqr i kholodillnoy promyshlennostis (Tomatoes) (Viscosity) - KUKUSHKINA, T.I. Using theomrs of tin containers as pickups in air leakage testing. Izv.vys.uehab.zav.; pishch.tekh. no.1:146-148 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Odeaskiy tekhnologioheskiy inatitut pishchevoy i kholodillnoy promyshlennosti, kafedra tekhnologicheak6go oborudovaniya p~shchevykh proizvodstv. (Fo4, .. -Canned-Testing) Herme-tical sealing action exerted by the packing paste during the sterilizatiAn of nonhermetic tin containers. Eons. i ova prom* no* 7:22-24 JI '63. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Odaaakiy tekhnolcaicbeskiy Institut piabehevoy i kholedillnoy promyshlennosti. JA arir~ V A ug -/S;ine Indexes at the lirotels metabolism and them func-- on 11 state, of liver in - pitients suffering (roan ccrebral r 1t,13,11111. L. % Clwrku&ova, P. D. Kok1ol)Aay:-.' V, A. KqkUJik1au:. und R. 1, Slmy;ik - (lust. Phy-gioL, Acud. set. White Rwisian ItzrSt. Akad, Na'uk-C Bebruss. S.S.R., JUSS. No. 3. 127-Ain Rus!.iws).--V-ta utill, fibrinogen. gull the PrOtOu ludex; the activilk.; of the P"O'colyfle and aminolytic etwynae; and the, amt. of utHino .c. u(nas. %) polypeptide and urca N fractions 01 tile - blood In 21 paticut-1 suffering from cezebral tumom. Nou- protein N increases during the illness, the increase- being date to the accumulation of polypeptides, since the aints. of f-rce amino acids and urea, remain nearly unchanged.. The normal proportion of albumin to globulin is disturbed and the 6 enzyMeactivities lowered; the detoxicAtiog capacitIt of the liver (Quick-Pytel inethad) Is also greatly dccrtawd ii a re- suit of the MUM. e~. I iv f"t CHEIIKASOVA, V.A.; MIRONOVA, T.Y.; RIKBXRGIM, V.G.; FOMICMKO, K.V-. Effect of maahanical stimulation of gastric receptors on metabolism. Trudy Inst. fiziol. AN BSSR 1,:88-98 '56 (MLRA 10:5) 1. Liboratoriya biokhimii. (STOMACH-- INMMVATION) (19TABOLISY) Mzffimw~ I I Y-11- K USSRtRumm and Animal physiology. DigOstion.- 8, 1958, 36546- ,ef zhur-Biol-, No Val Abe jour: p I:iirono Author ChcrIcasoval 1-6-michenllco) Rainborgor. Y, 0 .1 ISR -.- 10109Y DS f Gastric Inst Institute of PhY3 hanial Stimulation 0 Conditiono The Effect Of MCC jnder Title Receptors on 1,jetabolic Proco f the Brain Cortex- of Exclusion of Certain Areas 0 OriS pub: Tr. in-taVlziol- AN BSSR 1956, 1, 180-193. ad Vol (G) in aO,".9 increas- Ab The fasting gluc Oso blood 10 mo tor area of the cortex stract. following removal of the pretension of the stomach of the left hemisphere. Dis L13ting G level prior to tho OPorfttiOn lo"'o"od tho fr' , ,mewhat after during the first 15 min and rai3Od it a produced MinutUS) following th~, operation, thi 30-45 Card 1/2 -'n Th d o-C 2e a s 0 all c of the 1L thl'r Porsisted '701 in the f- mOntarY hyporglycomi. non much longer . .1 foll -Irst Provont,--dopt,ratcd dogs III t--J~ owi,16 feed.. 0 Y arid g. . - OPerated than 1. glycemia 11PPOaranc SrrjC di 4. . The r 0 Of tj sj~ension also Co-tox of b OmOval of th lc MaXim... of Oth 0 '?n ralso of glycogen holnisphere . Dtor area of In"Iscle t- the 1* S In r'. t the IssUe Iver and " s produ and pro Content of a I'larked i ced t orag, creat organic P. th creatir-ph tcre.aso I Inpb e Conte n Mainod 'Osphoric nt OSPhoric of t qUot, in the br acid he Iont , Sam i t 0, th') nzu ain ti Cal Stimulation n onsit'y scle t- UC of opera tod of +he r ThO ren 4-- 13stle re- rat C LI On -non-operateds and rabbit OcOPtor . to mecha s s Of the stomach n animals. remained the s in Card 212 aL-e as in 59 USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Metabolism. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 40974. Author Inst : Physiological Institute, AS BSSR. - Title :The Effect of Disturbances of the Structure and Function of Three Analyzers on Sotne Indices of the Carbohydrate Metabolism. Orig Pub: Tr. in-ta fiziol. AN BSSR, 1956, 1, 208-213. Abstract: The integrity of three analyzers- the auditory, opthalmic and olfactory in dogs - was disturbed. Two, 4, 6j 8 and 12 months after the operation, the blood sugar in the dogs remained unchanged, but a marked slow down in the return of glucose Card 1/2 KUKUSHKINA, V.A., Gand Biol ScikWXHXkx--- (diss) "Effect of disorders of structure and function of the three .Z~e ).~.xv\ analywrs M carbohydrate metabolism-" Vinsk, 1958, 15 PP (Acad sci Belorussian SSR. Inst of Biology ) 100 copies (KL, 29-581 130) _ 32 - KUKUSHKM, V.A. Iffect of a modified functional etate of the cerebral cortex on some agpects of carbohydrate metabDIiam. Trudy Inst.fiziol. AN BssR 3.-162-168 r5g. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Inboratoriya biokhimii Instituta fisiologii AN ESSR. (UMOHMMTN KHTABOLISM) (1-1 ' 'RA GOB=) RkLl i3l iK!) ~V. I., IAD, TU "'Ene., ~atlc StlTI-,r of,Oarlboh, -Irate 'Ietabolism )uriw~ Single end i'racionatoa Go-) Irrad-iat'Lorl." sunted tile 5th IfIt". b pre. Aoclmmistr~v :31--m!n-os KUYUSHKINA, V.A. Changes in the respiration intensity of brain tisEues in rabbits following fracti-mal gamma irradiation. Dokl. AN BSSR .1 no.lZ: 57Z-574 D 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Institut fiziologii AN BSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR V.A.Leonovym. (BRAIN) (RESPIRATION) (GAT191 RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) KUKUSHKINA, V. Students' work with educationaLly neglected children. Vop. paikhol. 8 no-4:148-150 Jl-Ag 162. (KRA 16sl~, I .., 1. Pedagogicheskiy institut, Vladimir. (Mentally handicapped children-Educatio.n) PHASE I BOOK EXPLO[TATION SOV/6156 Cherkasova, L. S., K. V. Fomichenko, T. M. Mironova, F. D. Koldobskaya, V. A. Kukushkina, V. G. Remberger Ioniziruyushcheye izlucheniye i obmen veshchestv (Ionizing Radiation and Metabolism). Minsk, Izd-vo AN BSSR, 1962, 152 p. Errata slip inserted. 2, 200 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Delorusskoy SSR. Institut fiziologii. Resp. Ed.: L. S. Cherkasova; Ed. of Publishing House: T. Zaytseva; Tech. Ed.: A. Atlas. PURPOSE: This book is intended for physicians, biologists, biochemists, radiologists, and students of medical institutes. COVERAGE: This monograph summarizeti. the results of the most recent in- vestigations in the field of radiation biochemistry. Attention has been Card 1/8 Ionizing Radiation and Metabolism SOV/6156 focused mainly on problems of changes and disturbances in metabolic processes in the central nervous system, the endocrine system, the gastrointestinal tract, and the liver and muscles after irradiation of the animal organism with ionizing radiation. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 1. Mechanism of Biological Reaction to Irradiation 5 J I. Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Central Nervous System 22 III, Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Endocrine System 74 IV. Effect of IorLiAng Radiation on Metabolism in Liver 81 V. Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Biochemical Changes in 114 Gastrointestinal Tract Card 2 102 L 298~,5-66 EWT W 1: ACC NIL- -7e 18 AF60t2873 SOURCE CODE: UR/0205/66/006/002,101,79/0 4' AUTHOR: Cherkasova, L. S.; Koldobskaya, F. D.; Kukushkina; V. A._; Mironova, T. M.; Remberger-,-V. G.; Tayts, W. Yu.; Fomichenko, i %JRG: Institute of Physiology, AN BSSR, Minsk (Institut fiziologit AN BSSR) TITLE: Effect of neutron irradiation.on tiesue metabolism processes SOURCE: Radlobiologlya, v. 6, no. 2, 1966, 179-184 TOPIC TAGS: neutron irradiation, radiation biologic effect, tissue phystolou, ard=aAr iABSTRACT:- In order to clarify the effect of neutron bombardmenton carbohydrate, energy,', and protein metabolism at relatively low doses, the changes in free and bound glycogen, I - glucose- I -phosphate, glucose-6-phosphate, fructose-1, 6-diphosphate, triose-phosphate, pboaphopyruvato, ATP, creatine phosphate, phosphorylase, amylase, succinic dehydro- genase, respiratory quotient, and protein content were determined In the central nervous system, skeletal muscle, and liver of adult white rate 15 - 30 days fiftor total body Irradla- 1 tion with neutrons having energies of 0. 04 - 1. 3 5 Mes- (total dose of about 13 rad in 60 m1n). Card 1/2 UDC: 577.391.,539.125.5 L 29835-66 'ACC NR: AP6012873 While the glycogen content of the brain Increased temporarily at 15 days and then decreased progressively, that of muscle decreased only at 15 days. The synthesis of bound glycogen was definitely inhibited 30 days after irradiation, and disruption of the coordination of glycogen metabolism was shown by the phosphorylase and amylase values. There were no significant changes In the phosphorylated intermediates of carbohydrate metabolism, but the reactions from glucose-6-phosphate through fructose-1, 6-diphosphate to trios e-phosphate seemed to be inhibited in the brain, while that from glucose- I -phosphate to glucose-6-phosphate was accelerated in ekeletal muscle. The levels of ATP and creatine phosphate were unchanged in the brain and somewhat increased in muscle. Al- though the changes in succinic dehydrogenaBe and QO, were insignificant, there was some increase in protein synthesis 30 days after Irradiation. The neutron flux was'measured b L. N. Uspenskiy and 1. V. Filyushin. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 5 tables. [08T SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM D ATE: l4Kov64,/ ORIG REP.- 006 OTH REF: 004 ATD PRESS: 6-a 13 Card 2/2 MUSUINA. V. P. lxp~rimental research on the blood supply of the striate system. Vopr. neirokhir. 20 no.1:14-23 Ja-F 156 (MK 9:6) 1. Tz laboratorii eksperimontallnoy patofiziologii vysehey nervnoy doyatelinosti Institute, nevrologii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. (BRAIN, blood supply striate system arteries of dogs, anat. & hastol.) XLOSOVSKIY. B.N.; VOLZRINA. U.S.- KUKUSRXIMA,. V.P. Two methods of isolated bilateral destruction of subcortical structures including nucleus caudatue and putamon Evith summary In English]. Biul. ekspabiol. I mod. 43 no.3:115-118 Mr 057. (MIRA 10:7) 1. Iz Institute pediatrii AMU SSSR (dir. - chlen-korrespoudent ANN SSSR prof. O.D.Sokoloval4onomareva) I Inatituta;ne6vrologii AMR SSSa (dir. - deyetvitel'W chlen AMU SSSR prof. H.V.Konovalov). Predstavlons deyetvitelinym chlenom AMN SSSR S.A.Sarkisovym. (BASAL GANGLIA, surg. globus pallidus, nucleus caudatuB & globus pallidus, isolation in animals, technic (Rua)) K=SBKIYA V.P.; BIRGINIR, Y.M. Affect of intravenous supbylline insection pis meter, on general blood pressure, and and arteriosclerotic rabbits.Evith summary i paikho 57 no-8:995-IODO '57. on the vessels of the on respiration in normal in French]. 2hur.nevr* (MIRA 10:11) 1. leboratorlya skeperimentallnoy patofiziologil (zav. prof. B.N.Klosovskiy) i 1-ye klinicheakoys otdeleniye (zav. prof. L.G.Ohlonov) Instituts nevrologii ANN SSSR, Moskva. (AKINOPHUL114, effects, on blood pressure, on pis mater blood vessels & on reap. in normal & arteriosclerotic rabbits (RUB)) (PIA HATER. blond supply, vase. system, eff9 of aminapbylline in normal & arteriosclerotic rabbits (Rue)) (BMW MSSURA, effect of drugs on, amiziopkVlline in normal & arteriosclerotic rabbits (Rua)) (RIWIRATION6 affect of drugs on, same) (ARMIOSCII[ROSIS. experimental, eff. of aminopbylline on blood pressure. on pis mater blood vessels & an rasp. in normal & arteriosclerotic rabbits (Rus)) BERGINER9 V.M.; KUKUSHKINAp V.P.; LEBEDEVA, N.V. Some data on the influence of intravenous use of euph.Y11in an cerebral blood oiroulationp arterial prosaure, and reapiration following acute insult and under experimental conditions. Trudy Gos. nauch.-issl. paikhonevr. inst. no.16;303-310 159. (mIRA 1. Institut nevrologii AMN SSSRq Moskva. (AMINOPHYLLINIE) (BRAIN.-DISEASES) (BLOOD PRESSURE) (RESPIRATION) I DRUZHI Vi ILN. 1. F. i lrkutsly.~; K'ONUVALENKO, A, V.P. (-'rrku-tsk); F-RAI-IYAINOVe". N.V. Modelilng cf hydrol.ogic sories,, 17v. I'di Slk'iR. Erli3rg, itransP- 10-5:636- 6,1,3 -0-0 '64- (MIRAI 17:12) 11MR/Radio - Exhibitions Mar 51 f'Sverdlavsk Exhibition of Radio Amateur Talent," N. Kukuts "Radio" 110 3, p 12 About 60 exhibits were shown, including radios, radio-phonographs, measizing instruments, etc. Special mention was given to portable receiver with push-button tuning and device for 6ound re- cording an celluloid plate. Radio anatevars of Nj.zliniy Tagil also participated in the exibition. 188T104 NUKU T, A. Continuous production line for the processing of adipose tingue from the IntestineIa of cattle. Mias.1nd* SM 24 no.6.21-23 053. (MA 6:12) 1. LeninVadskiy myasokombinat. (Oils and fate) (Packing-house products) V.f.; LUK#YANENKO, L.P.; XUYUTj .D.M- MITSEV, wimetric determination of aluminum in Rapid photOcOlc lab. 27 no.7:807-808 '61hRA 1W) copper-zinc alloys. Zav- 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel*skiy trubnyy institut- (Aluminum-Analysis) (Copper.zinc alloys) KuKTzAzSH07iY~ TV. Lightning Arresters Exverlence gained in repairing tube arresters RT 110-35 KV. Rab. energ. 2, N~. 6, 19521- Unclassified. Monthly List of russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Deeember, 1952. Phenomena Crej;accoua 160. d redf3position at rocks In thn UPPOT' of the erosion an ucll.zap- mu 743107-108 disloantions near 5aratov. MRA 15.,1) (Saratov regloll-ErOsion) 091tion) (Saratov region-Sedimentation and dep KUKIJYEV 9 A. L_ ocks. Uchaap~ SGU 74t Vollsk land phosphate r Genesis of the (mmk 15-7) 2431--244 '6o. (Vollsk r6gion-Phosphates) KtJKIM.V, L. A. 361M. PriorltA rur-olm-0 UCIIPM-0- ('Metod 7,amorazhivaniva tkinny dlya m7istol- J-,7uc',h.pniy,a, pre(ilo,,.h. F. V. Rudanovskim v lPA)5 (It.) Vfvrropvtolovi'~Ia 1 PsikhilrltriYa, -tglp, No. 5. S. 67-68 KVKUUV, L. A. I SN-!;SAUV, P. T4. SO: I-etopis' Zhurnillnykh Statey, Tin. ",9, 3.91-19 USSR/Medic Ine - Scientif le raeology Jan/Feb 40, Brain Studies "Conference of the Council of the Brain Inati- tutle," L. A. Kukuyev, N. S. Prebbrazhenskaya, 6 pp Nevropatol i Psikhiat" Vol XVIII, No 1 Three sessions in Sep and Oct 48 vere devoted to a report by Acad T. D. Lysenko, "On the State of Biological Science,". stating basis of MIchurin- Lysen't doctrines and need to destroy bourgeois Ideas. Professors V. S. Rusinov, S. 1K. Blinkov.* ~k G~ I. Polyakov, and others i=luding the chairman,. lk9TT3 USSR/Medicine Scientific Ideology Jan/Feb 49 (Coutd) Prof S. A. Sarkisov, Active Mem, Acad Sci USSR, made reports on the same theme. .'-149T73 KUKUYEV, L.A. SHmarlian's "Brain pathology and psychiatry" and certain aspecte of cyto-architectonics. Nevropat. paikhiat., Moskva 20 no.2:78-82 Mar-Apr 1951. (CLML 20:9) KUKUUV, L. A. I . 1. .~ I '~, Evolution of the nervous system. Zh. nevropat. psikhiat., Moskva 52 no.4:12-20 Apr 1952. (CLML 22:2) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences. 2. Of the Institute of the Brain. Ministry of Public Health USSR (Director -- S. A. Sarkisov, Active Member,of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR). KUKUYEV, L.A. ~_ Evolution of the nucleus of the motor analysor and of sub- cortical ganglia. Zhur.vys.nerv.deiat.3 no.5:765-773 .'-0 '53. (MMA 7:2) 1. Institut mozga Ministerstva zdravookhrananiya SSSR. (Nervous system) 1. KUXIJYEV, L. A.. 2. USSR (600) 4. Nerves 7. Synapses and reversible changes in nerve cells. A. D. Zurabashvili. Reviewed by L. A. Kukuyev. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 30, No. 1, 1953. 9. Monthl Lis t ol.' Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -April 1953, Uncl. -L 'it I, WYE-11, L. A. K "The Accomplishment of the Resolutions on Neurolofg Reached at Mleeting of the Acadeirg of Sciences and the Academy of N--dical. Sciences of the USSR," Zhurn. rievropat, i. psikh., Mosemr, Vol 53 (1953), No T, pp 491-494 (2 lit.). Abstract, M-670, 27 Jul 55 . - !,-' , .,-I. KUXUYI / KUKMV, L.A,,; ABOVYAN, V.A. Critical reimrks on certain views on the localization of consious- nose I:Braiu,, 1953) Zhur.nevr.i psikh. 54 no.4:362-363 Ap '54. (MA 7:5) (CONSCIOUSUSS, Olocalization ~;Z centers in brain) (BRAIR. physiology, 101ocalization of consciousness centers) 17 SARKISOV, Semen Aleksandrovich; FILIMONOVA, I.N., rodaktor; KONONOVA, Te.P., redaktor; PRF,01)RAZHEIISKATA, N.S., redaktor; KUKUY;Pyjt, L.A., redaktor; ZAMBIUMITSKILY, I A. , redaktor; GABERLAND, k.t 7*~,;"-~t~6:~l~-hlif,c,h~'-a~ikiy radakl;or. ~Atlao of the cyto-architactonice of the human cerebral cortax] Atlas taitoarkhitektoniki kory bol'shogo mozga cheloveka. Pod red. S.A.Sarkisova, i dr. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo meditainskoi lit-ry. 1955. 276 p.-- Supplement, 203 plates. NLRA 9:1) 1. Alvidemiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. Institut mozga. (CERMIRAL CORTEX) - - - - - KMTYD, V, L. A a 5~y~ I-= Journal on the otudy of the brain. ("Journal fuer Hirnforachung," Academie - Verlag, Berlin. Reviewed by L.A.Kukuev). Zhur.nevr.i psikh, 55 no-3:230-234 155. (MLRA 8:7) (MAIN) KUKMV. L.A., kiandidat moditsinakikh nank. Zvolution of the nervous system. Nauka i zhiznl.23 no-3:43-46 Mr '56. (IORVOUS SYSTEK) (MMA 9:7) KUKUYXV, L.A..; IMCHAWRYAN, A.A. - 00onatiquences of prefrontal leukotomy in Bchizophronia? M.G. Shevchenko. Reviewed by L.A. rulmev, A.A. Miachaturtan. Zhur. nevr. i poikh. 56 no.1:56~57 156. (MLRA 9-4) (SCHIZOPEMIA) (IBRAM-MORY) (SHEYCHMIKO, IU.G.) KUMFCV. L.A. (Xoskva) -."- -Morres"Tarwin, 18()9-188?. Zhur.nevr.i psikh. 54 no.4.438-442 157. (DARWIN, CHARJAS..1809-1882) (HLRA 10:7) 0'. "j, - t,~ -1 KUKUYEV, IX.L.A., Doe Med Sci -- (diss) "Rele4-4-on of the cortical nucleus of the motor ana y zor and-oP the adiacent 1. A subcortex in the nrccess ot~/~d~velonment -inavan. 11 "os, l9q, ;.:!, I - (Acad Med Sci USSR) 200 copies (KL, 10-58, 117) - 5h - CHERNOVA, Aanp Dmitriyevna, spetsialint-defektolog; KUKUM, ~.A,, red,; BULIDUT", N.A., tel",red. (Rostoration of speech in 'brain diseases] Voestanovlenie rechi prl zabolevaniiakh golovnogo mosga. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry Kedgis, 1958. 116 (MIRA 13il) (BRAIN--DIS3AQ* (SMOH TIU"T) RUSETSKIT, Iosif Iosifovich; KUKUYEV, L.A., red.; ZUYEVA, U.K., -l----- --- -... ... - " - (Vegetative nerve disorders] Vegotativnye normyo nnrushenlin. Moslcva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry, 1958. 351 p. (MIRA 13:4) (NERVOUS SYSTEM, AUTONOMIG--DISMASES) KUKUYXV, L.A. "19rain and hyman behavior" [in English]. Reviewed by L.A. Kukuev. Zhur,.nevr. i psikh- 59 no.2:244-247 159- (MIRA 12:4) (13RAIff ) , (HURAN BEHAVIOR) KVKUXq!_ 'ABOVYAN, V. A Use of aminazine In spastic paralysis following insultus [with summary In French]. Zhur.nevr. I paikh. 59 no.2:182-184 '590 (MIRA 12:4) 1. Laboratoriya patologii nervnoy sisteaW cheloveka (zav. L.A. KukLVev) Institute. mozga AMN SSSR I nevrologichakoye otdeleniye (zaN-. 11-V. Palltsveyg) bollnitsy No. 2", imo Medeantrud, Moskva. (CHLCRPROMA%IDIE ther use, I (Rua)) spastic paralysi; (PARALYSIS, ther. chlorpromazine in spastic paralysis (Rus)) .KTJKLP,rEV, LJ, ~ Vel "ITerwous disennes and social relations* [in German] by Ch. Astrup. I ,%Vlew8d bv L.A. -XLMuev,. Zh1ir. nov-,-. i -Onikh 59 no-5:631-632 159'. (MENTAL ILLNESS) (ASTRup, CH.) (MIRA 12:7) SARKISOV, cl.A,, prof., red.; FILM1011OV, I.N., red - KUIWYLT., L.A., doktor med.. nauk, red.; SOVETOV, A.U., red.; .1 . ., Tekhn. red. [Some theoretical problems of the stiucture and activity of the braln) Neiwtorye teoretichoskie voproU, stroeniia i deiatellnosti mog;ga. Moskva, Medgiz., 1960. 177 p. (14:12) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademiy meditsinakikh nauk SSSR (for Sarki- SON", Filimonov). (BRAIN) BOGCLEFOY, N.K., prof., red.;.KUKUYEV. L.A.. red.; ROMAITOVA, %.A.. ('Disability evaluation in nervous and mental diseased Ekspertize, trudosponobnosti. pri nervnykh i paikhichookikh stabolevaniiakh. Koskva. Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry. 1960. 343 P. (MIRA 13:5) (MMVOUS STSTNK-DISEASES) (KKNTAL IT-1 (DISABILITY I TION) I~ A.; MATVEYEVA, T. S.; ABOVYAN, V. A. Two types of disorders in focal vascular lesions of the brain beyond the limits of the principal focus. Nauch trudy Inst. nevr. AMN SSSR no.1:1,50-456 16o. iMIRA 15;7) 1. laboratoriya, patologii nervnoy sistemy cheloveka Instituta. mozga AMN SSSR, direktor - prof. S. A. Sarkisov. (CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE) KUEUYEV, L.A., doktor med.nauk I-- --- Peripheral nervous system. Zdorov'e 6 no.7:9-10 A 16o. (MMVOUS SYSTM) (KM 13 t7) p -A- t KUKUL1, L.A,.; 11ATVEEVAj T.S.; ABOVYAN, V.A. Pyramidal tract in the system of the motor analyzer. Zhur. nerv. i paikh. 60 no. 2:129-1~4 160. (I-MiA 14:4) lo Laboratoriya patologii nervnoy sistemy chekova-'sa (zav. L.A. Kukayev) Instituta mozga (dir. - prof. S.A. Earkisov) INN SSSR9 (PMUMDAL TRACT) (MOVEIENT (PHYSIOLOGY)) - KUKUYEV, L. - "Human neuroanatomy" by Strong and Elwyns. Reviewed by L.Kukuev. Zhur. nevr. i paikh. 60 no.3:376-377 160. (~aRA 14,-5) (NERVOUS SYSTE14) (STRONG) (ELWYNS) 6111111IDT, Yo.V.; rod.; TKAGIEV, R.A.0 rod.; hUU1YEV, L.A.j, red.; MEONOVA, A.M., tekhn. red. [Problems in the clinical aspects and pathophysiology of aphasiallnstitut nevrologii. Voprosy kliniki i patofizio- locii afazii. Pod red. E.V.Slmidta i R.A.Tkacheva. 1,-o- skva, Nedgiz, 1961. 175 p. (MIRA 15:1-10) 1. Akadoriya maditainskikh rcAulc SSSR, Moscow. histitut nevro- logii. (APHASIA) SARKISOV, S.A., red.; I red.; POLYAKOV, G.I., rad.; PREODILAMENSKAYA, N.S., red.; STMEVICH, I.A., red.; TROFIMOV, L.G.., red.; ARKHMIGELISYM, Yu.V., red.; UKUDY017SKAYA, N.I., tekhn. red. [structure and function of the analysors of man in antogenesis] Struktura i funktsiia annlimitorov cholovelca v (?ntogeneze; tru- dy. Pod obshchei red. S.A.Sarkisova. Moskva, Medgiz, 1961. 296 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Rasshirermaya nauchnaya konferents-lya instituta mozga, 1959. 2. Deystvitellryy chlen Akadeviii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Sarkisov). 3. Institut mozga Akaderdi. medtisinskikh nalk SSSR, Moskva. (for Polyakov, Kukuyev). (SENSE-ORGANS) (011TOGEITY) KUKUYEVi L.A. "Principles of neuropatholOW L.A* Kukev, bY S-Se Liapidevskii. Revieved by Zhur. nerv, i Psikh. 61. no. 1:153 t61. (MIRA 14:4) (NMVOUS SYSTEM-DISEAsEs) (LWIDEVSYIip S.S.) BEYN, E.S.; GERTSENSHTEYN) E.N.; RUDE1,11KO, Z.Ya.; TAPTAr-OVA, S.L.; CHWIOVA) A.D.; S110191OR-TROTSKAYA, 14'.K.; ITIWYEV) L.A., rod.; KUZllt,lNA, V.S., tokhn. rod. (Handbook on the recovery of speech by persons affected with aphasia] Posobie po, vosstanovleniiu rechi u bollrykh afaziei. Pod rod. E.S.Bein. Moskva, Nedgiz, 1962. 335 p. 0 111IRA 15 - 5) (APHASIA) (SPEECH THEfL9-Y) -- ----- KUKUM,, L.A. uDiabetic neuropathym by A. Bischoff. Reviewed by L.A. Kukuev. I ZItur. nevr. i paikh. 64 no.3:1+76 164. (MIRA 170) i KU FU UV I-, L. A. Conference on the topic "Motor analyzer and its connections in morphological, physiological, and clinic.q! aspects," Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 65 no.8:1274-1276 i65- (MIRA 18:8) YWIMOV, V.F.; FLIORIN, B.S.,; VALKNTINOV, A,M,, red.; ABRA14YAN, A.A., red.; KISELEV, N.A., red.; KEMIN, V.A., red.; ANJIUMV, G., (Handbook with nomenclature and prices for materials and equipment used in the coal industry] Nomenklaturnyi spravochnik i tseny na materialy i oborudovanie, primeniaele v ugollnoi pronVehlennosti. Moskva. Group 2. (Nonferrous metal a TSvetaye metally. 1950. 275 P. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Russia (1923-' U.S.S.R.) MiniBterstvo ugollnoy promyshlonnosti. (Nonferrous metals) (Coal mines and mining-Equipment and supplies) KUKMVITSLk':A, As Result of work on health education in schools of the Pecherenk District in Kiev. Pediatriia 36 no.10:62-64 0 '58 (MIn 11;.U) 1. 1z detskoy bollnitsy Pecherskogo rnyona Kieyva (glavr*7 vrach Ae BakWevitskaya). (HMIIOH EDUGATION, in Russia (Rus)) - - - --V, 1 . rmmvnsfay~ 2. USSR (600) 4. Automobiles - X3tors 7. Friction losses in automobile engines equipped with carburators. Avt. trakt. prom. no. 10, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. MM,,Y 7mr3l"IT, V. A * I GIRF, S.; XlXMVITSKIT, T. Repairing tappet gaides on the GAS-51 engine. Avt.transp. 32. no. 5:32 my 154. OURA 7:7) 1. Ukr4LIukiv doroahno-transportnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy ins t itut. (Ose and oil engines--Repairing) I- - - -- - - - - -- -- - - nMI'V4 T V. RT-679 ffransient process at a sudden short circuit of a shunt enerator -a 7 Perekhodniji protsess pri vnezapnom korotkom zarZrkanii shuntovoggo f-eneratora. Vestnik 'Eliktronrom,,,shlennosti, (9): 32-34, 1940. WM#1e otr ic itwy Apr motors.. Direct current Mathematics Applied "ftrid Decrease of Speed of a DO Motor Dda to, Sudd-enly Applied. Londe," T. V. MLkva, EngT, VEI,, 2: IT y,*et Blektro-Prom" No diocussion of the obange in mmentus, vhIch occurs in any type of electric motor when - there is a evAden change of.load. The basic fOr:=1&. '~l -,- C- Culant-4-15 thie C12anet -10'a A*fA3 -mdis the &Ifference,of the moment of tb,3 1UWrIectricity (C=td)~ Apr 1947L Ina re,volution, =&M, the external force) an& UP mcment *of inertia of the moving mass. Has. .!three graphs which show the change of speeds for. L -varlous perlocls of. time. RUC,141 L.fl, A.3c~Lri.arits In Ziporozhlye Province and means for its eradication. Med.paraz.l paraz.bol- 33 no.4-'447-452 JI-Ag 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Zaporo7,hsTcrjy7j oblas"naya stantsiya. BELIKOV, V.G.; WKIYANCMOVA, G.I.; BERIShTMI, V.N.; KULI.,I.Ya. New qualitative rbactions for apressine. Aptech. delo 12 no.3t 60-62 My-.,,Te 163 (MM 17:2) 1. Pyatigorskiy famatsewticheakiy institut, ~7ome -,h,.rs Lcal and mec'lanical r-roi erties of Carboniferous rocks in Urrer Silesia. P. 473 A list of state standards. p. 4P0 No. 10, Oct. 1955 .AD Grl)L-OGICZ'.'Y FjjZFGT 1Jarszawa 20'URCT,,': IF4st Eum-ean Accessions List (EF-AL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 2, IFeb. 1956 MUSIL, Ftantisek, doe,,, inz.; KUIA, Bohbmir , ~ -, I-- Problems of the quality of G-type panel constructions. Poz stavby U no.5:229 163, KJJLA) Bobumir Urgent tasks of pawl house construction research. Poz stavby 12 no.5-.285-286 163. 1. Vyzkwany ustav atavabni, Gottwaldov. MUSIL, F., doe., inz.;__K,ULA,-, Bohumir Surface treatment anfl finishing work in panel lumsebuilding. Poz stavby 11 no. 6:328 163. 1. Vyzk-umny ustav stavabni Gottvaldov. m KLTL'A' J. The forenan of furnacemen must be ever~n-fiiere; an opinion in the discussion on resolutions for the Con.gress. p. 63. (ITIAWI-MCI HRITNICZEE, Vol. 10, lio. 3. Mar. 1954, Stalinogrod, Poland) SO: YonthIj List of East European Accessions, (EEILL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec- lq~,4, Uncl. NULA, Jaroslav Device for measuring earth contents in suction dred4ers. Jaderna energie 6 no.5i168 14Y 160. 1. Tesla Liborac, Vyzkumny ustav v Premysleni. u Prahy. 1,; - -, - , J., "-L- ~;, -11. New flow sheet for treating naphthplene and ~)henol oils. P. 33 (Koks, Smola, Gaz. Vol. 1, no. 1, Jan,141nr. 195,6. Notowice, Polond) Monthly Index of East D-iropean Accessions (EEA!) LC. Vol. 7, no. '2., February 11058 POLAND GbeM4 cal Ind Their IA Fart- 3 Treatmbnt -0~r sond. -')mbustible Applicat MineraI13~.,'' Abs Jour Ref. Zhur. Khtniyu, No 4, 1958, 12455. Author Jozef Wula 0Iswald Wieczcrek, Inst Not given. Title Chlorine in Tar z:nd in I 'A Distillation Products. Orig Pub :Koks, smole, gaz, 1957, 2., No 1) 32 - 33. Abstract :The analytical determination of CI contents in samples H-21 of raw tar from Polish by-product-coke works and in products of fractional distillation of these tars was carried out; a tentative balance of a distribution among the distilla- tion products was made and it was shown that only 113 to 2/3 of chlorine contained in tar passed into pitch and that the Card 1/2 20868 P/013/60/000/005/002/004 oc) B130/B220 AUTHOR% Kulap Jozef, Engineer TITLE: Prciuction of 1,3,5-,&ylenol PERIODICALt Chemik, no. 5, 1960, 208 TEXT: The author describes the isolation of the 1,315-xylenol isomer (I) from a xylenol (II) fraction boiling between 216 and 2230C. The xylenol fraction with slight admixtures of m- and p-cresol has been used in the industry up to the preseht for the production of plastics, adhesives, and bakelite, since it forms resins with formaldehyde. Moreover, (N) is used for disinfection purposes, impregnation of wood, and selective refining. Several isomers are used for special purposes, e.g., for light stabilizers, special plastics, intermediate products for dyes, etc. The pharmaceutical team in Warsaw has synthesized a new disinfectant based on II). The necessity arose of working out a method for the isolation of ) from the xylenol fraction. A selective extraction with NaOH was used. R , stoichiometric volume of 25% KaOH corresponding to 30% (1) was added to Card 1/2 20868 P/013/60/000/005/002/0(,4 Production of 1,3,5-xylenol B130/B220 (II) which contained 18% (1). Then the mixture was heated and after stirring cooled to the lowest possible temperature (10-200C). The cryotala were aucked off and centrifugedf washed with NaOH and recrystallized, separated by 30% HC1 or H2so 49 and neutralized with soda. The xylenol was distilled off. The main fraction contained 90% 1,3,5-xylenol. The yield amounted to 42%. The product was used for the preparation of 4-chloro-3,5-dimethyl phenol. There are 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Laboratorium Z.K. "Hajduki" Card 2/2 KUIA, Jozef; DESOL, Romn -~, Chromatographic analysis as applied to coal tar derivative products. Koks 8 no-5:164-170 S-0 163,- 1. Zaklady Koksochemiczne llajduki,, Katowice. KTJLA,, Konrad., inz. - ow Mechanization of the oonstruction and repair of railroad tracks, in industrial plants and access lines. Xiad hut 16 no.6:195-- 190 Je 860, S,., az; a v I'll, cnich r,, 61-2c;J' -) 2 -N cz~xc,~ ard Evalut--~.i on- cf C-c:-,a cy-~,Cc* GPQ 9614,43 KULA, 0. Czechoslovakia Military Institute for Diseases of the Lungs -- NovA Polianka (Voj'enskv i'istav pre choroby pll~ic -- NovA Polianka.).; Director: 0. HAL-4K, MD Bratislava RvaSuQ, LekArsky Qbzor, No 11, 1962, pp 633-638 "Changes in the Biochemical Properties of Myco- bacterium Tuberculosis Due to Isoniazide Treat- ment." CEMINA, A. .4 U.S15. A, ~. SKODS, V.,; TILAKS, S. ; ITNTATTIS', KELPIS, E,.,- SAU,Z15, A,-, 'Ejt;TY~OVS, 1,: ABOLINS, J. KULA , P.-, TDIZANS, S. KIAVINS., E. p -red6 [Overall mei!haalzazlion s-)f daii7 f&rms] Piona lopu farma kompleksa mehenizaclja. Aiga., Latvijas Valsts j.zdev- nieciba,, 1964, 309 P. [In Latvian] (MIRA 18.7) C__ Category: USSR Yam Animal Diseases Caused by Bacteria an& V-2 Abe Jour: Refer. Zhur-Biologlya, No 16, 1957, 72292 Author : Lysenko, Tsymbal, Kulitbachnaya Inst : Not given Title : The Study of Preventive and Healing Properties of Divalent Immune Sera of Paratyphoid and B. Coli in Calves, Prepared by Different Methods, as Applied to Calves. Orig Pub: Nauch. Tr. Ukr. In-t Experim. Vet., 1956, 23, 205-215 Abstract: In thorou& tests with calves it was found that the antiparatyphoid and Anti- B. Coli sera, prepared by the "UIEV method, in its pro- phylaxis and treatment surpasses the serum prepared by the method of "GNKI" in the treatment of calves. The latter, with its preven- tive effect, posesses the property of complicating in a number of cases the specific infectious process. Card 1/1 -12- XUIABMOVI 0., mayor, kand. telchn. muk. mmet be known about concreting. Tankist no.4:57 Ap 158. (conarete) (MIR& 1115) KULABUKHOw',- 0., kand.tekhn.nauk, podpolkovnik Organizati-)r-5 of a medical post. Tyl i snab. Sov. Vo-r. Sil 21 no.?.-33-37 J1 161. (FURA 14:8) (Hospitals, Militaz7) M016S58 BOCK EMOITATIOU S/ Kulabukhov, Oleg Dmitr*vvich (Lieuterent colonel., Candidate, of Technicaj Sclences) Frafabricated reinforced-concrete fortifications (Sborny*ye zhel6zobetonnY*7e f ortif ikataionnMa aoonjzheniya) roscow. , Vcqanlzdat,, 1963, 109 p, Muir, 4500 copies printed* Editort Mashevskiy, V. F. (Colonel); Technical editors Chapayeva, Re 1.1 Proofreader: Komarava, L. P. TOPID TAGSt prefabricated structure, reinforced concrete structure, concrete' cokposition, military Installations, camouflage,, fortification FURFOSE AND COVERAGE: This brochure is intended for soldiers and both commls-0 jioned and noncommissioned officers, as well an for military studeats, The purpose of the booklet is to acquaint the militar7 reader with deaIgns of pre- fabricated reinforced-concrete fortifications and the methods of their manufac- ture and use when erected In position. The brochure also contains mazW recom- mendations that =y be useful to troops when erecting different structures iade of prers-ariuted reinforced-coacreta elementse Cardl/4 AM4016858 TABIS OF CONUUMs Introduction - - 3- Cho L Construction .%nd internal -equipant of prefabricated reInfavvW0406wets fortifications 5 Installation for oboervatlon through a periscope Metal sheeting - - 16 Installation made of arched element3 19 USB installation - - 26 SBK installation - - 30 Wooden protective door - 35 Ustallic protective door - 37 Ventilating-filter complex - 38 Field heater complex CKP 40 Cho 1L Uawfacture of prefabariwAted reinforced-concrote installatlons m 43 The concrete - -- 43 The rainforcoment .,a 49 Selection of concrete ocuiposition d. 50 Card 2/4 AM4016858 'Engineering ourvey f or opovIng a 'cement plant -54 Preparation of inaterIals 35 Preparation of the cone.rete mixti-re - - 57 Manufacture of reinforcl-rig frames 60 Treating with concrete 66 Ch. 111. Raising the structures 78 Setting up the inistallation - - IM Laying out (tracing) the foundation 79 bxcavat:Lig the foundation 81 81 Transp"ting the elements Assembling the installation 84 Installing the Iluternal equipment - - 90 Covering the installation with dirt - - 95 Camouflaging the Imtallation 96 Safety technology . .201 Dismantling the installation 102 Ch. -IV. The use of rainforced-concrete parts froa aivillan oonstruct-lon In a I region of military activity 103 Card 3/4 ~_Mlm Tww_ 4=I6858 B CCW3 AD# Uk .3m i 22jan63 MR W SMI 00 u s acme 00 DM AM 2CDvA3 4/4 S/0274/64/000/001/AO82./Aoa ACCUJ;SJON NRs AR4023768 SOURCE: RZh. Radiotekhnika.i elektrosvyazt, Abe. IA541 AUTHOR: Timokbinr L. A.s Trubinkov, V. R.; Kulabukhov, Yu. So te TITLE: Recording system of 6 pulse height wnalyzer with ferri core memory CITED SOURCE: Tr- 5-y Nauchnc~tekhn- konferentsii po yadern. radio-,', elektronike. To 2o Ch. 2. M., Gosatomizdat, 1963, 47-52 tOPIC TAGS: pulse heigbtl- analyzer, analyzer recorder, analyzer memory, ferrite core mesiory, current coincidence circuit, transfor, meriess matrix drive TRANSLATION: The memory of the described apparatus for the recordi of a pulsc-beight analyzer signal employed a current coincidence system. -To elJydnate -the dependence of the reading and writing cur- NNN iACCESSION NR: AR4023768 ~rents on the information in tbe cbarnel, a transformerless matrix drive is used (the generator currents are fed directly to the go- iordinate buses of the matrix). The coding system is binary-decimal; the address unit is made of vacuum tW,se flipflope. The address 'circuit makes it possible to scan the channels in the forward and lbackward directions. The data can be read out on an oscilloscope, i on neon indicators, or on a number-arinti7ig mechanism. Syste~as xo ;128 and 256 channels with capacities 105 and 106 respectively, have been developed. The'block diagram of the recorder and the circuit ;of the matrix drive and other units are presented. Bibliographyj S. titles. ,DATE ACO: 03Mar64 ENCLS 00 SUB CODSs Fill. SD -2/2 N WA ............ -Z, .07 6 5 VeKr ACC~Ng-'.AL060mi ~'2k SOURC 1612~/66/000/0011qo~93 Z.: COPE, -A Kot o' I nWv G. 1 AUTHOR: At 0 V. B 'I -.Nvk. zin, B. V.: ',T Kulabukhg" TlicokM L. A J,t ORG: Institute of Fbyaica and,fower. Engineering'P, GKU (Fizlko-~nergeticlleakv TITLE: Neutron.transit-time ir~octrcneter* , 47 SOURCE: Pribory -i tekhnika eksperimenta,:'no. 1, 1966, 5,7~- 61 TOIDE TAGS: spectrome ter I" neutron -speetrometar ABSTRACT. Anew fast-neutron 'tral It-*tine ~ sp2ctro !,tv -cribed whic.' me r is. d ea h. can, measure a neutron spcatrtm fraift 100 kov'to 14 Mov. Mono. chrormalle 14-Me v neuLrol-O ire produced by a T3 (d, n)HO4 , reaction; douteron onergy, 250 kovi dauteron-pulse a -i errup i before acce'LeraLion is duration, 7ns a; beam nt tiol iised (ska-,ch .3upplled)... The neutron detector an& alectronia equipment'. are,briefly descrAlied, -The'speGtm- me%er resolution determined, from a",&_Peall is 4 nsectm; chvmel wid"Al, 2.12 P_Veoj~ integral nonlinearity, 0.2,P~C. From a't1ze-tR-pv1.,;e-ha1ght con-vorter, the 81 gn fed to a 256-channel indyzer.. Tho resolutSpn t3xte+As 8 nueal transtt base's 2 m; Unk-ar dynamia rwiga, 400 nace.'Tho photorwltiplif3r is equipped vill-III a noise- elimination devicog and the detector'is well p~roteated i~rom the background no~av%* 1,Cord 19 ANUFFMNKO, V.B.; DEVKIN, B.V.; KOTELINIKOVA, G.V.; KULABUKHOV, Y'4.S.; iiidi id kOV,- "r.-P- ; LOVCHI1XOVAq G.N.; SALIKKOV, O.A.; TIMOKHINP L.,Cj FETISOV, N6I, Inelastic scattering of 34 Wv. neutrons and the nuclear level density. I'Ad. fiz. 2 no.5:826-838 N 165o (MIRA l8s12) A. A.. Ful imokbin, L. A. T TIL'I L 1-,~Aoonvert e-r of shorL tine intervals with increased linearity, SO-LjiW!`:: V. Ji. 1-1zil-ut, A"-),-,. VA10 -Y Plauchno-teklin. hotiferentusli pCI yadern. radioclektror. T. 2. N., nnel `1701~5C 'JY6'o: analog t1laital converter, pulse code modulation, trigger circuit, tIL d! od~" I ADSTi4iCT: Thr. authors, describe a converter of short time intervals into a digital Code " ensuring, Ful increassed Ainearity and at- the same time sufficiently cimple eir- cuit C"r. 71rie has no prior "rtretching" of short time intervalr,. The time intef'.,;d is rivasured directly by comparit~on with a number of cycles of oscillationa. of a known frr!queriey. This irethod is widely used in microsecond devicer '. but owiiv, to the DLckl of reliable high-rpeed trif.-,ger circuits, counting devices, etc.' it could not be adoj-Ac!d for the nanosecond region. Such a possibility has been uncovered I)i the appearance of tunnel diodes vith svfficiently high speed. The reference frequen- CY 1s chosen to be 100 Mcs. To reduce a time channel up to 5 nsec by a factor of 2 compare(I with the Deriod of the reference series, a special additional device is in- troduced inx, o 4% Ane converter circuit. The complete schematic diagram of the converter ar'd different time diaggrams illustrating its operation are presented. L. S. (Trans- lation of abstract] C, SUB CODE: M2 '9 Cord I/I