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HUB, G 171 --1.- Observations of lunar occultations of stare at the Irkutsk Rqnwtio Ionospheric Station* Astrono tair. no.215-32 0 160. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Irkutsk~ya magni~no-ionosfernaya stantsi:ya. (Occulations) KUKLIN , G.V. ; KWZHIN p A. G. ObservaUons of lunar- occultations of Venue in Daliny. Astron. tsir. no.215:32-33 0 160. (MIRA 14:3) (Occu#ations) XUKUN 9 G.V. Aurora borealis. alatronn.tsir. =4216:33 D 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1 1. SibIZKIR- (Auroras) 8/035/62/000/005/0116/o98 A055/A101 AIrLHOR: Kuklin, G. V. TITLE: On the Wilson effect asymmetry PERIODICAL. RefLerativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 5, 1962, 50, abstract 5A375 ("Solnechnyye dannyye", 1961, no. 3, 59 - 6o) M~D(T: Starting from the assumption that the Wilson effect is caused by -the inclination of the spot-axis towards the west with respect to the photosphere sur- face, the author calculateG the ratio of probabilities of the observation of this effect on the western and the eastern limb. The results are in good agreement with the data on the frequencies of the emergence of the Wilson effect on the western and eastern limbs, published by W. Sandner for the period extending over the years 1925 to 1960. These frequencies are essentially different, which confirms the asyrinetry of the effect. The results of the observations of the opposite ef- fect show that both the direct,and the opposite effect can be explained also by the anomalous refraction in the atmosphere of the Sun-over the spot. T. Mandrykina [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 S10351611000101210 29/04_3 AOO1/AIOI AUTHOR: Kuklin, ON, TITLEt The contour of the Earth's umbra during the partial lunar eclipse on May 24, 1956 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no, 12, 1961~ '14, abstract 12A610 ("Byul. Vses. astron.-geod, o-va", 1961, no, 29, .30 - 38) TEXT: To obtain the contour of the umbra, the author made use of the ob- servations by A.A. Kaverin, V.G. Fesenkov and V.G., Teyfel.' In addition to hl,', own. Processing of the data was performed by the S.M. Kozik method. The follow. Ing information is given in the tables~ the moments used, selenographical coor- dinates of the objects observed, corresponding to those moments, coordinates of the points of the umbra contour at contact moments, and the values of umbra rarl-Ju;, r and position angle T . The umbra contour obtained was reduced to the plane z--62,400. The results of cal.culations,.-expre3sed in the form of differences and A r for each object, are also tabulated and presented graphically, Spectfi,_~ features of the contour obtained are discussed In detail., Some of feaLuro!'. (ard 1/2 S103516 I IOCY-10 12/0;-1,9/04 The contour of the Earth's umbra A001/AIOI (e.g., correlation between A z and L\ r) di,--appear after a more rigorouz analy4;i~, of the data. What remains are; a depression be,.ween 4= -250 and IV _4C)O 3n,J a protrusion between _4oo and -V = -650 wh4 eh have dimensions 0.0!) H~e average scatter of points being 0,0~30, The author holds these featuret~ rtl ce real and ext)lains -them by the presence in the lipper jayer-; of the Farth'_-- sphere of a meteor dw;t cloud near 'Lhe terminator, A fine str)_iot.u_,e of t-he umblr- border is also noted, which arises apparently due to the preience a% title I-IM -a border of -two boundaries-- the line of maximum gradient dnd the _Dine of transition of the umbra into its margin, There are 6 referen-e~,, [Abstracter's note. Compllet.e txansla'.Ionj Card 2/2 IWKLIN, G.V.~ TYAGUN,, N.F. Obsorvationa of lunar occultations of stars at the SibIZM. Astron.tsir. no.224335-36 Ag 161. (MIRA 16a1) 1. SibIZMIR. (Oocultations) KUKLINJ G.V.; TUGUIT, INT.F. Observations of limar occultatiors of stars kn Irkutsk. Astron.tsir. no.221:13-14 Ap 161. (k'P.A 24:11) 1. SibIZI,',!R. (L)cciLltatic.n.q) KUKLIN, G.V. Elements of soma variable stars. Astron.tair. no.222*25-26 yq 61. (MIRA 1514) 1. Sib IZMIR. (Stars, Variable) KUKLIN, G.V. Interpretation of a peculiarity of the partial lunar eclipse of May 24, 1956. Astron.tsir. no.223:7-8 J1 '61. OURA 15:3) 1. Sib IZMIR, Irkutsk. (Eclipse, Lunar--1956) KUXLIN, G.V. Observations of lunar occultations of stars in SibIZMIR. Astron. tair. no.226314-15 0 161. (MIRA 16:1) 1. MUM. (occultations) S/214[621000/00110021002 1023/1223 AUTHOR: TITLE: High-latitude groups and active longitudes PERIODICAL: SolnechnyyeDannyye,no.1,1962,72-74 TEXT: The purpose of the present work is to find a correlation between the longitudinal distribution of high-attitude groups and the active longitudes. The investigation is based on the vcatalogue compiled by M. Kopetskiy (1959) and the bulletin "Solnechnyye Dannyye" (Solar Data) for the years 1954-60. In cycle no. 18 only 18 high latitude groups were observed, a number too small to reveal any correlation. Dut ing cycle no. 19, 41 groups were observed, 28 in the northern hemisphere and 13 in the southern. From the distribution of the Sun spots and excessive activity was found at 15' and 185' longitude in the southern hemisphere, and a clear peak at 100* and a slight rise around 330* in the northern hemisphere. Because of the small number of groups the choice of (lie size of longitude intervals can influence the result. Therefore intervals of 20" 30* and 400 were taken. The calculated probabilities were checked by the chi-test and Kalmogorov's test. The tests show that the maxima of the longitudinal distribution of high latitude groups are not connected with the maxima of the longitudinal distribution of Sun spots. There arc 3 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery i rasprostraiieniya radiovolu Sibirskogo Ot.-Jele- niya Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio- wave Propagation, Sibirian Section, Academy of Sciences USSR) Card 1/1 KUZIMINJ, A.I.; UKLIj,-fjV.)- SERGEYEV, A.V.; SKRIPIN, G.V.; CHIRKOV, N.~-; SHAFER, G.V. Flare-up of cosmic ra-I intensity on May 4, 1960. Trudy IAPAN SSSR. Ser. fiz. no.4!132-137 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Cosmic rays) WKLIN G.V. -- Zie menta of owe variable stard. ABtron. tair. no .228325-26 Ap 162, (MIRA 16s6) 1 1. SibIZMIR. (Stars~ Variable) KMINI G.V.; TrAGUN, N.F. d6ervations of lunar,oocultations of stare in Irkutsk, Astron. tair. no.229*5 Je 062. (MIRA 16.-6) L SibEWM Sibirokoizo otdol6niya AN SSSR. (Occultations) X,. KUKLINP G-V-; TIAGUN, N.F. I Observations of lunar occulttationo of stare in Irkutsk, Astron.tair. no.231:26-27 N q , *91 (MIRL 16s4) lo SIBIZMIR. I I (Occ tatiobs) ul ACCESSION XRt AP4007513 S/0214/63/000/001/0055/0067 AUTHOR: Kuklin, G. V.; Stepanov, V. Ye. TITLE: Motion of gas and magnetic field in a sunspot SOURCE: Solnechny*ye danny*ye, no. 1, 1963. 55-67 TOPIC TAGS: gas velocity field, magnetic field, magnetic field con- figuration, sunspot, penumbra, umbra, effective mass rotation, rotation templet, magnetic force line, sunspot photograph, chromosphere, spectral line, magnetic force tube ABSTRACT: The rotational motion of gas masses in a large sunspot was studied by means of several maps drawn each day, with time intervals of 30 min to 1.5 hr. Radial velocities of gas motion changed from day to day. The effective rotation of gas was computed from mean radial velocities for the umbra, the penumbra, and the whole spot. The rotation is clockwise, with a mean velocity of 179 148 m/sec for the whole spot. The angular velocity of gas rotation in the umbra is twice that in the penumbra. The direction of rotation of gas Masses in the spot coincides with twists in the magnetic force lines. The Card 1/2 * ACCESSION NR: AP4007513 vertical motion of gas is unstable, with rapid changes of direction. The mean lifting velocity is -150 m/sec and the sinking velocity, +120 m/sec. The spiral structure of the penumbra is surprisingly similar to the spiral form of magnetic force lines. Kuklin and Stepanov conclude that streams of gas f lowing from a sunspot follow along magnetic force lines, pass through the photospheric layer, and go into the chromosphere. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Inititut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery* i raeprostra ne- niya radiovoln Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Fropa~ation of Radio Wavest Siberian Delpart- m e n t 9 AN SSSR SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 21Jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEt AS NO REF SOVt 006 OTHERs Oll Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4007531 S/0214/63/000/002/0043/0(150 AUTHOR: Kuklinp G. V.; Stepanov, V. S. TITLE: Motion of gas and magnetic field in a sunspot SOURCEt Solnechny*ye danny*ye, no, 2, 1963, 43-50 TOPIC TAGS: sunspot, velocity vector, magnetic force line, solar surface curvature, sunspot ra6ius, penumbra, photosphere ABSTRACT: Four kinds of motion vectors in a sunspot are studied: v1, the rotation velocity about the Spot axis; V2, the vClOcitV Of the vertical motion of gas masses; V3, the velocity of horizontal dilatation; and V4, the velocity of the jet outflow of gas nasses. The functional correlation between the observed radial velocities and the four vectors is given by a formula whIch is applied to the deternination of vectors under certain assumptions about the nannetic field and the shape of the spot. The magnetic field is assuned to be totally connected with the gas, and the spot is assumed to be radially symmetric. The-I-reaults, obtained for.radial velocities fat different r values are represented graphically in order to find the Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4007531 vector dependence upon the radial velocity. The velocity vectors were determined by a special templet. These preliminary investiga- tions detected the rotational motion of the magnetic field, the dilatation of the magn-etic field, and the vertical motion of gas masses and their outflow from the spot penumbra. The angular velocity .of the magnetic field rotation is different in various parts of the spot: The period of rotation at the border of the whole spot is 3.7 days, and at the border of the umbra it is 1.3 days. Orig. arc. has; 6 figure3 and 5 formulas. ASSOCIATIONt Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery* i ras pros traneniya radiovoln Sibirskogo'otdelaniya AN SSSR (Institute of Terrestrial Mag- netism, tonoaphece, and Propagation of Radio Waves, Siberian Departments AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 213an64 ENCL: OD SUB CODE: AS NO REP SOVt 002 OTHERs 001 Car4i 2/2 KUKLIKP G,V. Precision in the deterDtinatiorr of the shape of the earth's shadow during lunar eclipses. Biul. VAGO no.33:27-32 163, - (min 16 :4) 1. IrkutskM otdelenlye Vseaoyuznogo antronomo-goodazichaskogo obahchestva. (Eclipses, Lunar) ,KUKLIN,.G.V.; LUZOV, A.A. Existence of a semidiurnal variation of cosmic ray intensity in a disturbed period. Geomag. i aer. 4 no.1:171-174 JO-P64. (MM 17s2) 1. Instit-lat zemnogo magnetizmff, ionosfery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. zt iiii!A TAGS: signal noise z-atio, gecriiyEtca! Tp 7he Gpecial charact--ristics cf mp~,c, ---weel fDr the m t t: tr-J In hema C, P Aq4-R .LnOar, e -a c tc of 0r rIv j3 uru Grucueo-, Pie w" cf r r) -~7, rill .9 fryl r)oi F p 104 1, ?4199--65 RH .R1 is mad* of. t1m "Cumd om~ [(I) Uw f(t) dl. where It is required that 00--te steady and contaiv no secular variatioto This meths waa used to ans3,1ze- the counde-ray burst' of W 4, 1960. "Me duthora tba& IM T ?4. ". 111--atonov for bim valuab le advice Ori_g- axt. hArti figuree, and 42 ---- --------- sLa-an-to: 25Ap64 EHCL 1 00 60 ODDE., ES, HA ND REF SOVt Grj omm 1 004 Card 2/2 M gtt t aclar-Cotpu5cuLur tion, cosmic,, ray., neutran.-~-5~~u 47 1964 innQ ;4nd have pjC.9enLllu' a nl,!:~!~:--7 or, th6 Forbush decrease. IC Ls 13-w- t_he character card rhp diurnai variations ef the 1 TIF -1 !Ent' LWU-i.,U~ lad pi4za characterl ~-,ticsof the intensity values- The -uualvdiis~ o- nt, -rit tar the atorm af 21 Octalj-6-r ;,,;I vf nthe -:!Osn, ic ray -,titf6n om. ne coln~i?s. ini-s ;:at~i tw t!go f f-iiii ml~-ntiunvd rn--no-- cleiirly c, 7717777r77777-1 -UP ~-"ASSOGMTIOR: Lnstitu't,.I;zdmno&o-ma&u( SO A-11 SSSR (Institute of terro-atti4l -Siberian division, M-SSSI yb-i ~~j REF 006 7 ~onosf(!r---'i:r-a't;prosticanehiya:-r,a( y iam. the torto-a-phe'r-e OT"R: Ok~4 A-A G.V.; LUZOV, A.A. Dynamical frequency spectra of short-period variations In cosmic ray intensity. Geomag. I aer. 5 no.3:384-391 My-Je 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetizma ionosfery I rasprostraneniya radiovoln Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. '.1w I'd une -~-rrM--Ufz- AP50IU100 Peb/pj-4 (11 w UR/0203/65/005/00310392/OhOO 4'~ vA A K uk i n V. -y, Fourier series. harmonic ~-nalysls, rRy intpnsit- filter method, -s4tion ~lr d1urnal variations. A n1ter rner-noa wa-- usea, consi5ting, uf Wke aepa- of the diurnni var,-.t'l (nve-st"I.zq"'?!. FII-r ~hararteri sties C13rd 1 f~ 2 AM NR; AP602G461 SOURCE CODE: CZ/1)0(~)2/6f3/017/002/0045/0057 M. Kuklin G. V. AUTHOR: I~U~~c~y OFIG: Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Acadeinv of Sciences. ()ndreiov TITLE: The decay time of _�Li~ot magnetic fields \It~/ SOURCE: CSAV. Byul astron inst Chekhoslov, v. 17, no. 2, 1966, 45-57 TOPIC TAGS: sunspot, solar plasma, electric conductivity, hydrogen ion, sunspot magnetic field, plasma decay ABSTRACT: On the basis of previous works, the authors compare the lifetime of observed sunspots and the theor etic ally estimated plasina decayAime of sunspot magnetic fields, assuming that the dissipation is that of Joule. They discuss the different types of for-mulas used to calculate the electrical conductivity o1"' solar plasma, The values of the electvical condLICI.MLY, the anisotropy cocfficienti3, and the decay time are calculated for some sunspot models of different areas. The authors show that the influence of negative hydrogen ions H and positive hydrogen ICard 1 / 2 1, 45366-66- ACC NR: AP6026461 ions may be disregarded. The authors also consider the determination of' the magnetic field dissipation tirne and show that ca1t_tijjj,iojj,-:.1ead 1()adlecay thyte longer - than that obtained' bY Schroter in another work [Schroter, r. 11. , 196-1, Reprint irom "Convegno sulle Macchie Solari, " Firenze) and discui3s some possible causes of these discrepancies. The "effective" optical depth corresponding to the observed decay time is estimated for some sunspot models. The discussion of the results without considering the fine structure of the sunspot, shows that the con- ception of the gasokinetic electrical conductivity in hydrodynamic approximation may hot be applicable in the case of sunspots. It is stated in ccnclusion that the solution of the problem of magnetic field dissipation given in the article if; incom- plete. The authors are greatly indebted to Dr. V. Bumba for a number of useful discussions. One of the authors (G. V., Kuklin) is grateful to the Czechoslovakia Academy of Sciences and to the staff of the Astronomical Institute for the oppor- I tunity to work on this problem. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 24 formulas, and 8 tables. [GCI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 28Jul(35/ ORIG REF: 002/ SOV REF: ID081 OTH REF: 020/ Card 2/2 6t-,"(PLI/ 1, 4-365-66 ACC NR- AP6026462 SOURCE CODE: CZ/"0092/6C)/017/002/0057/OC,64 AUTHOR: Bumba, V. Kopecky, M.; Kuklin, G. V. ORG.- [Bumba, Kopecky, Kuklinj The Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Acaqc:p-i. o �ciences, Ondrjpv. [Kulilinj theSibet-ian Instituteof Terrestrial Maj~netism, Ionosphere, and Radiowa-ve Propagation,, Academy of Scienc es, Irkutsk, SSSR TITLE: Some aspects of a theoretical study of sunspots\ SOURCE: CSAV. Byul astron inst Cheldioslov, v. 17, no. 2, 1966, 57-64 TOPIC TAGS: sunspot, umba, penurnbra, sunspot magnetic field, photosphere, sunspot velocity field, intergranular iipace ABSTRACT: The authors discuss some theore'ical aspects of the dynarnics of evolution of basic elements in the fine structure of sunspots at various stages of I their evolution and organization. They also discuss their relation to the, magnetic field structure. The close relation of "pores" to intergranular space is emphasized t'A and it is shown that sunspots are orgELnized systems of structural and fiEdd elemehtEl.'.- Card I / 2 i~ 455/365-66 FACC---NR:--' AP6026462 The authors also discuss the relation of penumbral structures to the structure of- the photokiphere, the part played by the magnetic field configuration, and the consequences of the above observations for theoretical cons id crations. Some criteria and estimates of the applicability of the equation for changes of the magnetic field in sunspots are discussed. The role of fine structure in duissipation and the turbulent electroconductivity used by Rubasev in another work [Rubasev, 13. M. , 1958, Izv. Pulkovo XrXI. , vyl). 3, No. 162, p. 391 are mentioned. The authors conclude that more detailed information is needed on all stages of the development of photospheric features of regular sunspots, for which detailed spectrographic observations of magnotic and velocity fields are not available. More information is also needed on dark nuclei and bright points in umbra. Mbre attention should also be given to problems of the stability of magnetic fields' configurations and organization as influenced by material motion. One of the authors (A. V. K. ) would like to thank the Astronomical Institute of the Czecho- slovak Academy of Sciences for making his gta~y at Ondrejov Observatory possible. Orig. art. has: 14 formulas, and 4 tables. [GC] SUB CODE: 03, 20/ SUBM DATE: 08Oct65/ ORIG REF: 008/ SOV REF: 003/ OTH REF: 017/ 2/2 eU6t-I"L--" KUKLIN, I.S., kand. tekhn. nauk. ,-"%,. I - --- - relation between longwall length and labor productivity. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.,- gor. shur. no.8:11-15 '58. (MIRA 12:5) 1.Sverdlovskiy gorny7 institut. (Coal m1nes and mining-4abor productivity) MKLIN, I.S. .- ---- Effect of longwall length on the labor productivity of underground miners. Trudy Gor.-geol, in8t, UFAN SSSR no-31:31-43 '58. (MIRA 12:9) (Coal mines and mining--Iebor productivity) KUKLIN, I.S., kand.tekhn.Dauk Rfficlent loingth of longwalls for flat and inclined oeams In Kizol Basin. 1zv.vys.uchnb.zav.; gor.zhur. no.3-36-42 158. (14I.Rk 12*8) 1. Sverdlovskiy gorMT institut. (Kizal Basin-Coal mines and Tlining) KMIU, 1.5.-, kand.tekhn.naWC: MILIKOV, G.S., in7h. Main drawbacks in the use of the variation method for solving problems of baring coal deposits. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; gor. zhur. no.10:13-19 '58. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Sverdlovskly gornyy institut. (Coal nines and mining) .P.., kand.iekhn.nauk FMIIT~J. ,e_- Economic evaluation of losses of coal in mines. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. no-11:41-45 1959. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Ural'skiy filial Akademii nauk. (Mine valuation) (Coal mines and mining) KIMLIN, I.S. FTficient length of longwalle in steeply, pitching seams of the Kizel Basin. Tridy Gor.-geol.inst.UFAN SSSR no.41:99-104 '59- (RIU 13:5) (Kizel Basin--Coal mines and mining) __ KUKLIN, I.S., kand.tekhn.nauk Response to A.L. Maleta's article "Characteristics of the relationship between the length of the face and the worker's labor productivity." Ugoll 36 no.10:48 0 161. MIRA 14:12) (Coal mines and mining-Labor productivity) (Malots, A.L.) m KUKLIN, I.S. Some problerms in scientific studien in the field of hydrealic rock breaking. Trudy Inst. d I UFAN SSSR no-3:3-7 162. (MM 16:3) (Hydraulic= jort e a . (Rocks-Testing) ZRRUSHCHEN, G.N.;.ftp, I.S ,jI Stady ot the efficiency of thehydraulic breaking of hard coalowider laboratory conditions. Trudy Imt. gor. dela. UFAN SSSR no-3:9-18 162. (MM 16:3) (Hydraulic mining) (Coal-Tuting) SIDOROV, I.N.; KUKLIN, I.S.; KHRUSHCHEV, G.N.; SHTUKATUROV, K.M.7; ROZOV, B.V.; DnKOT,__V_.Ye-.; VXIYUSFIN, N.M.; GICHKO, V.A.; SUMDI, A.A. Hydraulic breaking of bards in the Kizel Basin coal mines. Ugol' 37 no.3:16-18 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Gornogeologicbeskiy institut Ural'sk o filiala AN SSSR (for Sidorov, Kuklin, Xhurshchev, ShtukaturoVO5. 2. Kombinat Kizelugol' (for Rozov, Budkov, Vanyushin, Gichko, Sumin). (Kizel Basin.-Hydraulic mining) ORUSHCHEV, I.S.1 SIDOROV,, I.N. Study of the hydraulic brealling of coal In a stope and the paramezers of the mi0ing system for a ate#p seam. Trudy Inst. gor, dalk, UFAN SSSR no,,3:296-38 162, 01111"A 16-13) (Kizel Basin-Hydraulic mining) --MMOROVA, G.G.; KUKL IMUSHCM, G.N. Effect of some physicoohemical factors on the brealang of coal in a laboratory experiment. Trudy Inst. gor.dela UFAN SSSR no.3:45-47 162. (MRA 16:3) (Coal-Testing) I.S.; OSKOLKOV, Yu.N.; PADUCHEVA$ A.V. j~y-. 2i~o of the eroding-away of Orenaceop-argillacooup opeo ne vith two interacting jets Trudy. Inst. goi~j dele. UFAN SWR no 0:49-51 9,62. 1623) (Hydraulic mining) veQ KUKLINP I.S. Bewaic problems in the enigineering theory of a. hydraulic giant jet. Tx,dy Inst. gor, dela. UFM SSSR no-3453-61 162. OIDIA "6:3) 'Hydraulic mining-Equipment and supplies) (jets) KUKLIN I.S.- SHTUKATUROVI K.M. P . Recent developments in wthods of studying the structure of hydrmlio giant OP to. Trudy Inst. gor. dela UFAN SSSR no.3:63-69 162. -1 - (MIIftA &3) (Hydraulic mining-Equipment and supplies) - (Jets) A SHTUKATUROV) K.M.;-j9!KLI1I,,1,~t I t gor. dels Basic parameters and bretikdng capaoity of a je~~,. Tl,udv Ins . .1 UFAN SSR no.3:71-81 162. (MUv, 16-3) .(Hydraulic mining-Equipment afLd supplies) (Jets-Fluid dynamics) 1.6. , KULIKOV, G.S.; PADUOUVA, 4'L.V. Pressure of a hydraulic giant jet on a flat wall. Trudy Imt, gor. dela UFAN SSSR no.3:87-90 162. (MIRA 1633) (Hydraulic mining-Equipment and supplies) (Jets--Fluid dyntimit(ts) 11toposal. on teminolng-y inftfield of hydraulic rock breaking. Trudy -TAmt. goro dela UFAN SSSR n0.3191-93 162. (MIRA 16:3) 1HYdraulic mining-Terminolo-y) i L. G. Y'Lly'LI-) KbK!Jl,I,p L. G.z "The denordence of thf. do-,Lfilltion of the surfacr. lanyer and thr~z U Sverdlovsk 1955. Ein .iear resistance of steel par's on cutting. condditions.11 t Higher Education USM. Ural Polytechnic Inst ineml S. 114'. Kirov. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences) SO: Knizhnava Leto-Is' No', 47, 19 Vovember 1055. Moscow. KMIN. L.G.- PEMIL1717, G.L. 1~1 ~__ Method for measuring redidual stressea in the surface layer of parts formed by milling. Zav.lab.22 no.11:1350-1352 '56. (MLRA 110:2) 1. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M.Kirova. (Straine and stresses) (Metals--Testing) ,KUKLIN, L.G., kandidat tekhnicbeakikh nauk. Temperature of workpiece surface layers during grinding. Trudy Ural.politekh.inst. no.63:70-81 '56. (MMA 10:2) (Grinding mA.poliabing) (Tbermometry) '~j r-, op PHASE I BOOK ECEWITATION 882 Nauchno-tekhniabeakoye obahchestvo mashinostroitelinoy Pr0BY8h1e=o$ti,, Sverdlovskoye otdeleniye Povysheniye kachestva i ekonomichnosti Ympthin (Increasing the Quality and Efficiency of Machinery) YDscoW., Mashgizv 1957* 626 P* -5j.OOO copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agency: Ural'skiy dom tekhniki. Eds.: Pallmov., Ye. V.,, Doctor of Technical Sciences, 1.3okolovsk:Ly, V. I.., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Revievers: Bogachev,. I. N.., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Gorshkov, A. A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Zhukov, P. A.., Candidate of Economic Sciences; Tech. Ed.: Sexafannikova,, G. A.; Managing Ed. (Ural-Siberian Division of Mashgiz): Sastavov, M. I., Engineer. PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineering and technical personnel. COVERAGE: The book generalizes and synthesizes experience accumulated by.the Ural plants and to some extent that of the Siberian plants in improving the technical and economic features of manufactured machines and in improving their quality. Data are also presented on attempts to lower the cost and to increase the quality of machines during the designing and production',r-tages. The author Card 1115 Increasing the Quality (Cont.) 882 describes the shortening of the production cycle, reducing weight and dimensions along with improvement of operational qualities, increase in durability', and finally improvements in the external appearance of machines. There are 98 references of which 95 are Soviet.. 2 German., and 1 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Ebreword 9 Ways of Increasing the Quality and Economic Efficiency of Machines (Pal,mv., Ye. V., Doctor of Technical Sciences) 3.1 Ch. 1. Present Trends in Machine Design 30 1. Improvements in the Operational Features of New Machines (Berenov, D# I.,, Engineer) 30 Choice of plan for a new machine 32 Selection of a drive 34 Mechanization and automation 4! Choice of materials and allowable stresses 43 Life of the machine 45 Card 2/15 Increasing the Quality (Cont.) 882 2. Automation and Mechanization in Yodern machines (Petukhov, P. A., Doctor of Technical Sciences) 46 Elements of automation of work and control 47 Ebmmples of automation devices 48 Automatic regulation 52 Tools of automation 5,16 mechanical production lines 57 3. Introduction of Durable Materials Into Production Ooildshtsyn., Ya. Ye.., Candidate of Technical Sciences) 64 New microalloyed steels 64 Increasing the qualitor of hi~ft-grade pig iron 72 Increasing the plasticity and viscosity Of steel 74 Effect of bismuth on the wear-resistance of pig iron 77 4. Effect of Mechanical Working on the Quality of Parts (Kuklin., L. G., Candidate of Technical Sciences) 82 Roughness of the surface layer 83 Cold hammering of the surface layer 86 Residual stresses in the surface layer P3. 5. Use of Combined Designs (Mikhaqlov, G, P,, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Sergachev, M. P., Engineer; and Grigorlyev, L. N., Engineer) 97 Combining different materials 98 Combixting teshnological processes 100 Card 3/15 Increasing the Quality (Cont.) 882 Segmentizing structures 101 combinin materials and technological processes 105 6. Examples Showing the Effect of Technological Processes on the Quality and Economic Efficiency of Machined'(Zameshayev, V. S., Engineer) 107 Vacuum casting of steel and the quality of forgings 107 Induction hardening of carts 116 Chemical hardening of molds and cores 123 7- External Finishing of Machines and QualJty Control (Kozlov., K. G*j Engineer) 132 Effect of design on the external appearance of a machine 133 External appearance of cast parts and metal structures 137 Mechanical finishing and assemMly of parts 141 Finishing and storing Wts 142 Qxa3ity control of machines 145 Technological discipline and quality control 14 ~ Experimental parts and testing of machines 1 Card V15 Increasing the quality (Cont.) 882 b. Safety Engineering Requirements (Makurin, P. I.., Candidate of Technical Sciences) 15.1 Safety engineering for lifting and conveying equipment 153 Wety engineering in building excavators 154 Increasing work safety on metal-cutting machine tools 156 Safety devices for press-forging equipment 157 Safety engineering applied to other mchine designs 157 Basic requirements for designers 159 Ch. II. Basic Data Revealing Economic Effectiveness of Machines and Equipment 163 1, Economic Effectiveness of New Designs (Smirnitsuy, Ye. N,,, Candidate of Economic Sciences) 163 Cost of new designs 164 Effectiveness of a new design in oparation 165 Capital expenditures 165 Supplementary indicators of economic effectiveness j.66 Ways of increasing the economic effectiveness of machines 163 2. Economic Effectiveness of Improved Technological Processes (Bauman, N. Ya., Engineer and Ganshtalk, V. L., Candidate of Economic Sciences) 176 Technology and economics 1% EconomIc analysis of technological methods 179 Card 5i15 Increasing the Quality (Cont,) 882 Advanced technology and economic efficiency of machines 183 Economic leverage for improving designs and technology 201 .3. ~'Metal Content and WaVs fbr Reducing It"(Fridman,, Yu. M., Engineer) 205 Metal content within design 204 Technological metal- content 206 Ways of reducing machine weights L:) 0. r Metal content and evaluation of the technological process 212 4.'~Standardization of Machine Assemblies and Parts"(Gedyk, P. K*, Ragineer) 217 Examples of standardization of crane parts 218 Unification of standard parts 223 Standardization of widely used and special asaemblies and parts 223 Increasing the quality of standardized assemblies and parts 2M Organizational work in standardization 233 5.. Shortening of the Production Cycle and the Economic Effectivenesa of YAchines (Rozenberg, I. A.,. Candidate of Economic Sciences) 239 Structure of the production cycle 241 Formixg of parts during the preparatory phasa of production 243 Transition of the unitized: assembly proceas into a group assembly system 245 Card 6/15 Increasing the Quality (Cont.) 882 Using flow methods of production 246 Complex mechanization and automation of production processes 247 organizational trends in reducing the production cycle 2)tg Ch. III. Preparation of Basic Date for Designing Map-hines 253 1. Determining Strains and Stresses in Parts of Operating Machines (Sokolovskiy, V. I.,, Candidate of Technical Sciences) 253 Determining strains and stresses in a sheet rooling mill 255 Experimental investigation of a pipe-rolling min 257 Determining residual and initial stresses 264 2. Experimental Determination o4! Trajectories of Moving Machine Parts (Shabashov, 'A. P.., Candidate of Technical Sciences and KazheWakin,, A. S., Engineer) 266 Determining trajectories of a scraper bucket's tooth 266 Determining strains in a dragline 2T- 3. Some Results of Tensometric Studies (Kazak, S. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences) 273 Possibilities for improving charging machines Strains and stresses in parts of a shaft hoist 276 Mdernization of parts and assemblies of crane mechani=s 27 Exposing causes of breakdowns in various hines 281 Card 7/15 Increasing the Quality (Cont.) 882 4. The Role of the Plant Laboratory in Modernizing Machines and EcpUpment (Flotnikov, I. M.., Engineer) 284 Corrosion and plating laboratory 284 Physical metallurgy and thermal working laboratory 286 Welding laboratory 288 Casting laboratories 289 5, Calculation of Containers According to the Limiting State (TarlinskLy, I. B.,, rngineer) 293 Theoretical basis for the calculation 293 Experimental verification of the theory 295 6. on the Interchangeability of Parts with bbltiple Threads (Byh-hovskiy, L. B.., Engineer) 298 ..Additional elements and defects of multiple threads 298 Investigation of multiple thread defects 303 Results of experimental investigations 307 Ch. IV. Quality of Materlale and Reductioa of the MacIdne Weight 313 1. Reduction of Specific Metal Expenditures in Tractor Manufacturing (Konlkov, A. S., Engineer) 313 Ways of reducing specific expenditure of metal 315 Reduction of technological losses of metal 320 Card 8/15 Increasing the Quality (Cont.) 2. 3# 4. 5. 6. Card 882 Rational Kinds of Shaped Rolled Xetal (Kouba, YU. F,,, Engineer) 329 Rational form of rolled melal profiles 330 Improvement in the azzortmmt of rolled metal 337 Use of Plasties in Machinery Mmufactur~ng (Bushuyev, K. N.) Engineer) Advantages of plastics 340 Exwm_les showing the use of plastics in. new machines 342 Increase of Machine Parameters With a 8-4-21taneous Dw.::aezd of Vaight and Bize (Neyman, Z. B., Engineer) ',~46 Increase of speed and power of machines 349 Modernization of design to reduce weight 352 Unification of assemblies anA parts -556 Widening possibilities for the Use of Stamping in Manufacturing X%ahine parts (Ganago, D. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences) 357 St,=ping of nall and m-c