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;3,.)Kryy G.B.; KUKINA, C,A. X-ray istructvral study vu' potaoolwn trif-h1crootbylere platcato and tribromootnylono platoate. Zhur.o-~_rukt.lcbim. 6 po.5t7O6- 715 .5-0 165. l8il2) 1. Institut obnhrhey i zworganichdskoy Ichimil Irroni N.S. Kurru,kova AN SSSR, Submitted' lime --i0.% 196L. RUKINAj, G.I., Irah. Hotel facilities. Gor.khoz.~bsk- 36 no -4:39-43 Ap 162. 1. Gorodskaya planovaya komissl,-a Moskvy. (MMA 15:8) (Moscow--Hotels, taverns, etc.) YERSHOV, V.A.; KUKMA, L.I. Cholesterol-protein -.omplexas in the cerebrospinal fluid under r4ormal conditions and in certain pathological states. Zhur.nevr.i psikh. 60 no.5:558-561 160. (MIRA 13:9) J- Kafedra nervnykh bolemey (zav. - prof. V.A. Yershov) Stalingrad- skogo meditainakogo inatituta. (momwLE-RoL) (PROTEINS'i (CERMOSPINAL FLUID) I,-,- , 1" , -1 - i , .1-, XUKIM4~!,Jj,~ ~# Opentillonn"yo geetra Holder for ligature material* Ked.sestra 16 n0-7:28-29 Jl 157. (LIGATURR (suRann) (KIRA 10:11) g v- Rapid ntarilization of silk iu autoclave. Ked. sestra., 1:25-26 Jan 19.53. (CLUM 2,14.2) 1. Senior Opsrativ--- Rmyzo. , . I - ~' I a ~ a w 9: a~ lej r~ p ~4 q FP r~ - I - WWWWWOW9094POW996086 I. 0006000 a R v a v 4 104 4A X-v Cowmitive enhwAdo ot Me bWagAti acclam A. A. tholle lambW 4414 md (4 Its adwd f4amtrates. '!Oft " -avitsfairto. 1i I OY4 u1' acki daM 11WI weft m Mf cmcaustem a t% hilt- ittiolkir CrW (At", "rum = ents or 41wir trao.) In dowo eqWv, Ut'rf .. 0 Of t4' ibe atim. Aficr 00 dar, the W4f,4111 b0= FWA 01 WWWY IN V*fkXM Utfiflito- 6 fit its; 4 In 0A 2w vl~p octly IN "t4d 004 9 ow N-'i ON kill . . . I, . 6 a a so Iobe .400 00 0 too s0@ 00 0 coo F) U 9 AT 10 Aft I I a FW 0 0 a I w so 9 1,S0- 0 9 0 111 AN 9 0 0 00 0 0 St a 0 a 0 o 0 0 0 000 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 00 0 old SK2M=VA, A.A.; ]MINA, N.V. Oomparative evaluation of the biological action of synthetic ascorbic acid and its natural concentrates; a summary. Trudy VVIVI 5:176-177 '54. 0G-" 9 -.3) 1. Biologichaskiy otdol Leningradakogo filiala. (ASCOBBIG ACID) 18( 5) SOV/1 28--59-3-25/35 AUTHOR: Shlykov, 140jog Kukinaq R*Aoj Engineers TITLE:. Use of Cherepovets Poundry Pig Iron for Malleable Iron Production PERIODICAL: Liteynoye Proizirodstvog 19599 Nr 5v PP 4o-41 (USSR) ABSTRACT*~ In the Ivanovo Plant imeni G.K. Koroley, the period of cooling when tempering malleable iron should be shor- tened. Cherepovets foundry pig iron type LK2 had to be used. The charge consisted of 20~~/ iron LK2, 37~ cracked steel, and W, recovered stuff. Pig.(1) shows the period of cooling for a standard molten mass of maaleable iron and Fig. (2) the same for a new molten mass, for which a shortening of the period of cooling could be obtained. The table shows the chemical com- position of the various types of iron as well as th.eir mechanical properties. Pig.(3) shows a diagram of the mechanical properties of thermically treated standard malleable iron with and without Cherepovets iron. Card 1/1 There are 3 graphs and 1 table. FUFJ.NA, R.A., RAIRITOV., M.P. Sborten-Ing the annealing cycle in the small-lot production of malleable castings. Ut.proizv. no.7-36-371 JI 164. (MIRA 18:4) KUKINA, R.A. Introducing a nev technology for obtain-Jng malleable iron castings in small-lot produc~tion. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. 18 no.11:4-5 N 165. (MIRA 28:1-2) AUTHOR BOTSCHKAREVA M.A., KUKINA W.P. PA - 2483 TITLE The Tacks to be achieved by the Libraries of the Branches of the Academy of Science of the USSR. (Sadatachi bibliottetsohnoj raboty w filialach akademii nauk B.S.S.R.. Russian.).,' PERIODICAL Vestnik Akadtmii Nauk 1957 Vol 27P Nr 1p PP 115-116* R'eceived: V/1957 Reviewed:' Y/1957 ABSTRACT Prom the 22 to the 31 October 1956 the forth conference of directors of branch libraries &ad directors of other institutes connected wi-th the Academy of Science of the USSR was held at Moscow. In his opening address, A.I. Gorbanew, doctor of technical science and-vioe premident for the-coordinatioA of scientific work performed by the Aaademies-of the Republics of the Soviet Urion-and their branches in the USSR, outlined the tasks to be peefurmed by the Acaaenty of Soience of the USSR and characterizad-the part to be played by the various Academies -and-their branches with raispect to the planning of scientific probleme. He,point*d out thi necessity of improving biblio- G-kaphical workp above all with respect to catalogues. He suggested that a wider scope be given to the exchange of books and microfilms ambag libraries and also that the standard of education librarians be improved. CARD l/ 3 P1 2483 The Tanks to be achieved by the Libraries of the Branches of the Academy of Science of the USSR. (Sadatsohi bibliottetschno.j raboty w filialach akademii nauk S.S.S.R. Russian.;,1 The activity of libraries must be on an equal footing with that of scientific institutes and must be under the direct super- vision of the president of the respective branch library. The report dilivered by W.I. Abramowa, director of the department of special libraries, dealt with the aid to be rendered by libraries to their branches in dealing with scientific problems, The basic stock of books of branch libraries have inors- ased by 113 in the course of 3 years. It is, however, pointed out that in the case of numerous libraries there have not been suffient supplies of now foreign books. Some libraries in the Eastf as eg. in Karelia and else- where, voientifio research institutes andolso the biological institutes of branch libraries in the Ural have stocks which have an yet not bben sufficiently well examined. The systematical and alphabetical catalogues and book lists of nearly all libraries are in sore need of being re-edited. Bibliographical work is not satisfactory, and its level in not up to the CARDS 2/3 FA - 2483 The Tasks to be achieved by the Libraries of the Branches of the Academy of Science of the USSR. (Sadatschi bibliottatechnoj raboty w filialach akademii nauk S.S.S.R. Ruesian.) standards of scientific institutes. There in lack of co- ordination among branch libraries and other institutes of he Academy of Science# public libraries and military libraries. IIn the course of further discussions an increase of sub- ventions for the purchase of now books and a more intense utilization of existing stocks, including foreign stocks, wag demanded. ASSOCIATION: not given PRESENTED BY: - SUBMITTED: - AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 3/3 SVEMLOV, L.M.; KWCHKOVSKIY, Vibration spectra and potential energy constants of balogen derivatives of ethylene [with summry in Xnglish]. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. no.12:43-53 1 58. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Avtodoroshnyy inatitut, go Saratov t VseeoyuzM7 avtodoroshwy gaochM7 institut, go Saratov. (It'hylene-Spectra) AUTF01"IS Sverdlov, L. Y. , Borisov, ~tf. G. , I Klochkovskiy, Yu. V. , Krv.,-..'nov, Ye - P. , Kukina, V. S. , Tarasova, N. V. TITLE: Theory of the Vibration Spectra of Unsaturated Compounds I'Deoriya kolebatelInykh spektrov nepredelInykh goyedineniy) PEB, I OD I C A L Izvestiya Akademiii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1958, Vol 22, Nr 9, pp 1o23 - Io25 OYSSR) ABSTRACT: On the basis of abundant experimental information on unsaturated compounds the authors tried to il,enern-lize the conclusions dravin from it in two directions. The determination of the characteristic freouencies of sorle structural groups with ~sl double bond and the observation of the mutual influence of the structural elements. To solve these problems, normal oscillations and the constants of the potential ener6y were computed by means of the theory of the zmall vibrations of polyatomic molecules (Refs 1-2). Partial results of these computations have been published already before Ca?,d 1 /4 (Ref 3). The basic results_qf_the present PaDer can be condensed Theory of the Vibration Spectra of' Unsaturated Corm-poundis SOV/giB-22-9-3/4o as follows: The substitution of the hydrogen atoms by alkyl radicals in et-hylene leEves the field of -.he remaining ethylene groups as viell as the fiold olf the alkyl, r- 'dicils almo;t unchanaed. The Ceometrical distribution of the alkyl radicals with respect to the double bond plays an essential role with rej~ard to the spectrum. The calculations show that in the-case of two double bond., that are s~_Parated b.. at least two single bonds the fo-r-mer ones exert almost no influence on each other. On the basis of the com- putation of the oscillation frequency of cyclopentene the spectrum of tile molecule combination dispersion was for the first time interpreted with success. The frequencies and the force constants of olme bromine-, chlorine,- and fluorine-subotituento of ethylene were computed theoretically. Because of comprehensive data on the spectra of the deutero-substituted molecules it was possible to carry out an exact coniputz--tion of the force corlatants. Tho good forri-f--ompitt I-t,,twoon t_~Io illjfl tho olloorvod pl-ovt-a tile Cork-octness of Ont'd 2/%j tile whole system of const.-tits. Compared with ti-,P haioLen T"heory of the Vibration Spectrit of U11"lilturar"Od Compound'] sov substituents of saturated hlydrocarbons the stability of the C-Br-, C-Cl-, and C-F-bonds in unsaturated com- pounds is somewhat higher. For the first time 7as computed in the first approximation of the optical valence scheme. On this occasion p and Ii CH C J! had, as expected, the same values for the oscillitions of all types of symmcitry. Thus the calculation has shown that the optical valence scheme only in first approximation is applicable to the computation of the intensities in infrared sDectra. There are 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet." ASSOCIATION: Saratovokiy avtodorozhnyy institnt (Szavatov Ifigilway In- t3titute)jV,qesoyuzn.yy avtodorozhnyy zaochnyy institut (All-Union Highway Institute for Correspondence Courses) Card 3/4 S10 51/60,/009/006/005/018 E201/E191 AfJTH OR S Sverdlo-v, D.M.., ElocAkovskiy, Yu.V.-, Kukina, V.S.. ahd Mezhu, eva, T.57 TITLE: Vibrational Spectra and Potential Energy Constants of Halogenated Ethylenes.A Monochloroethylene, Monofluc)rooth~lene,11,1-dichloroe.thylene, 1,1-dibromoethylene and their Deuterated Derivatives PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskol-dya, 1960~ Vol.9, No.69 PP 728-733 TEXT: Sverdlov, Klochkovskiy and Kukina (Ref.1) showed that the vibrational spectra of halogenated ethylenes can be calculated using the force constants of ethylene (Ref.,2) and halogenated methanes (Ref.3). The present paper extends this work to calculation of normal vibrations and potential energy constants of monoohloroethylene and CIH2==CDC1~ 1,1-dichloroethylenei 1,1-.dibTomoethylene and CBr2==CHDI Ur--=02, monofluor'.)ethylene and its seven deuterated derivatives whose formulae are given in the middle of page 728. For the purpose of this calculation the authors used the force constants of ethylene and halogenated methanes, as well as.the force constants of halogenated ethylenes reported in the earlier paper (Ref.1). The calculations were. Card 1/2 6/051/60/009/006/005/018 E201/El9l Vibrational Spectra and Potential Energy Constants of Halogenated Ethylenes. Monochloroethylenej Monofluoroethylene, 14--dichloroethylene, 1~1--dlbromoethylene and their Deuterated Derivatives. cairied out by the method of Yellyasheifioh and Stepanov (Ref.3). Natural vibrational Coordinates (Figs 11 2) were used. Tablez 1-4 give the calculated frequenoJes and interpretation of the vib-rational spectra of monofluoro ethylene and its seven deuterated derivatives (Table 1.), of monochloroethylene and CH2 *-CDC1 (Table 2 of 1, 1--di bromo ethylene and Its two deuterated derivatives (Table 3) and. of 1 , 1--dichloro ethylene (Table 4). The calculated and experimentally observed f-requenciea agreed quite well., The publishe d interpretations of the vibrational spectra-were either confirmed or L modified. Parameters of the force fields of the halogenated. et-hylenes were calcalated. There are 2 figures, 4 tables and 18 references: 1+ Soviet, 1.0 English., 1 German, I French, 1 international and 1 Japanese. SUBMITTED: 14arr-h 28, 1960 Card. 212) n-OciiKovsKly, Yu.V.; KIRUNA) A V.S.; SVERtDLOV, L.M. spent-r-i &nd cm.-~tanta of the potential nn~-.,rgy of te'l-rafluoroethylene., te t r a c-,ri lrro ethylene , tetirabromoethylene, trifluoroethylene, 191--difluorochloroethylene, 1--fluoro-l- chiorcethylane, cis- and trans-dibrormetkhylene and their cieuterlum-oubstAtu~cd derJvqtJve-i. "'bur. fiz. khim. 39 na.81l%2-192-1- AS 165. (~aKA !8: 9) 1. Saratovsldy politekhrjchesk.-,y InstiLut.0 KOVALEVA, V.P.; KURIA, Ye.D.; KABANOV, V.A.; KARGIN, V.A. Aw-*--,-~--~-, Polymerizat'on Df py-ridine in a complex vith zine chlorJde. Vysokom. soed. 6 no.9:1676-1683 8 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Moskovskiy gOSLidar8tvenW un"versitet Imen-1 lzmonosova. DMITRIYEVSKrYl. V.I., daktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; ETINGOF, M.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; K.UYINOV,. A.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; BEKHEV, V.S., kand. '.1ekhn. nauk; SMTY[JK, A.N., kand. tekhn. nauk Concerning K.F. Shpitallnik's book "Sem!graphieal methods fcr determining the parameters nf air in a centrifugal compressor Btage." Reviewed by V.I. Dmitrievskii and others. Teploenergetika 11 no.M',93-95 0 '&~. IiKRA 1. TSentrallnyy ordena Lenina na-uchno-i dB led ova tell Iskiy Instltb*.It aviatsionnogo motorostroyeniya imen.' P,1. Baranova (for Vmltriyevskiy, Etingof). 2. TSentralln~y aerogidrodinamichenkiy inat~itu-;' imeni N.Ye. Zhukovalcogo (for Kukinov). 3. Moskovskcye vyssheye tekhni- cheskoye uchilishche (for Beknev). 4'. Moskovskiy ordena Lenina energeticheskiy institut (for Sh6rsty"'-). Card -KUKINOV, V.M.; MASOKDJ, V.I.; ZHIURITI, N. Ya.; RODZEVIM), I.T. Hew equipment and progressive technology. Bezop. truda r prom. 8 no. 9:31-33 S 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Nachaltnik Oubkinskoy rayonnoy gornotekhnicheskoy lnspektsii (for Kukinov). 2. Shakhta imeni Gubkina (for ME.sokin, Zhurin, Rodzevillo). KUKINSKI, A. KUKINSKII A. Trends in the development of industrial geography. P. 533. Vol. 28, no. 3, 1956 ATLAS POISKICH STROJOW LUDC)VICH Poland So: East -European Accessiony Vol. 6, No. 5P May 1957 KUKIRSKJY, A.P..z ZIPE13AP T.M.; BIRYTOV, 1,,A. 54 Fine lructure of X-ray 14-absorption edges o~ krypton and N-absorption edges of xenon. Izv, AN SSSR-,Sor.ftz. 28 no, 5: 772-779 my t64. (MIRA 1716) 1. Fizicheskiy fakulltet Leningradskogo gos--darstvennogo universi teta. 1myls, S. I. XUKISJ, S. I. -- "The Introduction of the European Spindle Tree in Altay Region.n Min Higher Education USSR, Lerdngrad Order of lenin Forestry, AcadevV imeni S. M. Kirov, Leningrad, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree I of Candidate in AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES). SO: KNIZHNAYA LETOPIS' (Book Register), No. 42, October 1956, Moscow. jj r Altoy A5z-i(;.. I ns t ') wth r.c.-I --ivity of the Gr, c ~allr-l Cil4ttt4 Producin& N,o-;Iit3r of V-11'. opaal N ,Js.'.T --CT 87-96 If. ba-~, bt~,132 concluded c)f euomlMU5 calture ~tl tile of' jcjy Krov that thil% cul.tllrQ ii prnluiJ unclor acmditiollm of grow~,nz~ using' -,,rari~tul material with irli.ghc-r than 5'A gutta conterit in the ro(AA. Ida r t yba rlr- 0 , I On ',,*M U,3 was nct c.-i' th-o quzLlity a.-; the. E~,trQI)van,, The C-uOnvelli-t Pla'a-t4sAlollo. phould be placed on soil.- with ligbt and mediura mechanical u-)mpc,t~itions , uaing oitly local ,4()e(.i or i o ; and stirrounding the plaritkiLions of fortyst nheltel-I.-olt i~~ prol,kict it. fr ri w th, e c a 1 (1 7*110 0 -t,p)IT, rfot hil;-,-~I. ill )Kr~A.y r-olges 7.1i-, ol: c;l' tiio ut' the uvvh. USSR / Cultivated Plants. P-JaIrt-3 for Technical Use, ,m - 6 SuLar Plants. Abs Jour: FlIef :-,hur-Biol., 1958, No 16, 73U57- Author Kukis, S. 3 Inut N~og)~ven. Title ValuaDle Coitmercial S'hmbs. Orig Pu~): Siblill, No 1, '74-77. A*Ost"ract: TI-.e European spindle trEe does not grow, in the natural conditions of Western Siberia :)u-U observa- tions conducted at stationary plots and plantations established in Altayskiy Kray, confirmed its good capacity for survi-w-a-1 "Ind ability to yield gutta. Flowering and fruit bearing began in 4-5 yea--s. Frost resistance of plants obtained from seeds of lc,zal selection is increased. The possibility is `ar(f. 1/2 3.01 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Plants fcr Technical Use. m-6 I Sugar Plants. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., 19158, No 1", 73057. Q Abstract: confirmed for cultivation of spindle tree in the Altay and its further advancement in the east. 0 Card 2/2 YAKOVLEV, N.N.; Prinimali uchastiye: GURALINIK, H.M. , vrachi_~MKISIIEV, S.P, vrach; KUMETSOV) 14#,M. p vrach- W.'YANOVSKIY) MI., vrach; SELIVABOVA, T.M., vrach; STEPANOVA, Ye.S., vrach; VOL2:CVp V.M.,, shef-pavar Diet for athletes duxing the 17th Dlympic garnes In Rona. Vop. pit. 20 no-3t47-51 V~r-Je 161. (NIRA 14:6) LJS LwdWadskogo nauohno-isslellovatellskogo instituta fizicheskoy kulltury. (ATRUTES-NUTRITION) (RCIE-OLY111PIC GOES) LYU11IVYT, S.D. ; DKISHIT, V.A. Transfer of elevations -at points of t:riangulatione Geod. I kart. no.7:21-22 J1 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1 (Triangulation) (Leveling) XUYISMEVA P '., . F . F Hosiery Packing and marking knit goods and hosiery products. Leg. prom. 12 no. 9, 1952. 1952 9. Monthly List af Russian Accessionz, Library of Congress, Uncl. 'OC S/0~2/60/026,1'012/004/036 B020/BO56 AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, V. I.,,Kuki "heva TITLEt Photometric Determination of Uranium by Means oir the Reagent Arsenazo PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriyal 1960, Vol. 26, No. 12, pp. 1344-1346 TEXTt Among the well-known reagents to uranium (VI), arsenaza, which, with uranium, gives an intensive yellow complex, is the most sensitive. In the present paper, a rapid method of determining uranium in substluices of complex composition is described, which is Oased upon a single extraction of uranium by means of methylethyl ketone and the photometric recording of the uranium complex with arsenazo. As extraoting agents, n-butyl alcohol, ethyl acetate, methylethyl ketone and cyclohexanone, and as desalinating agents, ammonium, magnesium, and calcium nitrates of different con- centrations in 0.5 N HNO_ were investizated-.-Prom saturated Ca(N0 ) - or 3 2 MgCO 3- solutions in 0-5 N HNO 31 uranium is extracted by means of ethyl- acetate, cyclohexanone, and methylethyl ketone with distribution coefficients Card 1/3 Photometric Detormination of Uranium by Means S/032/60/026/012/004/036 of the Reagent Arsenazo B020/BO56 of 170, 230, and 700. The distribution coefficients for Cu, Al, V(IV), and Fe(III) vary between 0-03 and 0-14- When using methylethyl ketone, the concentration coefficient of uranium may be increased to about 23-000, which is further improved by the introduction of complexon III into the solution extracted. Cu, Al, V(IV)' Ti, Fe, and Bi do not disturb at a ratio of UtMe of 1:400, 1000, 'IsM 1:80, 1:600, and It500. Uranyl arsenazate decomposes immediately under the action of H 20 2? whereas the arsenazates of the other elements, with the exception of vanadium and partly also of thorium, remain Unchanged. Titanium does not turn yellow with H20 2 at PHc~:5. The effect produced by a 30-fold excess of zirconium may be removed by precipitation in form of its phosphate with a pH4:t:' 2. Orthophosphoric acid in quantities of UP to 3 g11 exerts no essential influence upon the extractioiL of uranium. During extraction from 0.1-0.2 N HNO 3 in the presence of complexon III, a 200-fold excess of thorium does not disturb. In the case of beryllium excesses of 1;tp to I i 200, th2,jaample must be opened up with a nixture of nitric a.cid and hydrafluorid 'aga'lcid, and must be concentrated by evaporation until it dries. Sulfates, chlorides, phosphates, and fluorides at concentrations of up to Card 2/3 I Photometric Determination of Uranium by Means B/C)32/60/026/012/004/036 of the Reagent Areenazo 13020//B056 5, 15, 3 and 0.5 g11 relative,to free acids do not disturb. The method de- scribed was checked on several samples, which contained differei,,it quantities of uranium. The results are given in a table, There are 1 table and 11 references: 7 Soviet, 2 japane5e, 1 Dutch, and 1US. Card 3/3 :3/075/62/017/004/004/006 1017/1242 AUTHORS: Ku-netoov, V'. I. Ba�~ftrgin, W.N. T.11. TITLE: ihotometric -deteri-a-i-Ation of titaiiium in the, presence of uranium 14sing dichlorochromotropio acid PERIODICAL: Zhurnal an,:tlyticlieskoy khimii, -~i, 17, no. 4t 19#241 457-459 TEXT; A.method is proposed for-the determination of traces of titanium in the precence of large amounts of uranium. The colorimetric properties Of 301LLtions of uranium and titanium dichlorochromotropic complexes were studied a ,~ various pH's. The direct separation is bnsed on the fact that 't. pH 1-2 titanium PL Card 112 S/075/62/017/004/bO4/006 1017/1242 Photometric determination. forms a chArActeristic red'domplex with dichlorochromotropic..-OOid. The selectivity of the dichl7orochromotropic acid is based on the difference in pH's for optimal reactionp the ratio of sensitivities between the titanium -and the, uranium complexing re.,%ctions , '.Ind the differences in the absorption' tapectra. In the determination of 0.01-0.1'lo titanium in ~tr. anium imfte experimental error does nc)t exceed 4~. There are 2 figures and-2"tables. ALSOCIATION; Institu-IG geokhimi-i i analiticheskoy khimii im, V.I. Vernadsko-:-O AN SSSR (Institute of Geochemistry and ~j Analyticnl Chemlistry, im V.I. Veinadijky AS USSR), IvToscow SUBMITTED: September 16, 1961 212 BASARGIN, N.N.; KLIKISIIEVA, T.N.; SOLOVIYEVA, N,,V. Photometric determination of titanium in thb preserme of beryllium. with 2,7-dichlorochromotropic acid. Zhur. anal. khim. 19 no.5;553-555 164. (MIRA 170) 1. institut geclchbniii i alialitichoakoy Ililinii imeni Verzadskogo AN S-SSR, Moskva. & A46MCH NR: AP40_2Z914 s/WT5164/019/05/0553/055 AUTHOR: Basargino N. T. N.; 801*vlyevao N. Vo i: TZTLE: Photometric dateriLtaction ol! titanium In 1%e presence of berylUux using J SOMCE: zhurnal v. 19P no., 5s 1964o 553-555 TOPIC TAGS: titanius titanlum# ber7111unp ebamical analysis, 2,7 dip-Mavrg, rapta %aul ABSTRACT. 'Prw describ#4 imigoi en*les rapid and sufficiently accurate determim. tion of MicrogxW4 quentitiab of WNW --~Icnce of 100000 fold or grez-,ter swunts of berylli=s Tha bucce.%r. of tbli matbod results fnm the fact that I>MlUtz forms a veWx colaAesa caVlexvi,'Ji L1,7-dichlorochromatrapic wid and also beeausai the wyWitma rZ valuta for the Leaction of this reagent vith berA-1 lium, and titavti~-,i w& -Vtbvente -11%9 a11W sompLia vere dissolved U. KC1,* b"tad OIL. a hot pltr.,'~7j V~Va ". 1A vr eme",onted to fWasp tba pE vas adjusted to 100 qmigv,.~n* v"d ead the z)-otio-al ea--nsity of the solution wam, measured WOM wMiti-= of 5 m7. of I siolution or Fbatamstria C f 'lir d -7 "7:77:--*'.-.-'-"--.---""--- I AC=ION U: AF40389141 meumu=ents were conductod vith a green fater (490 =U 1 4-11crow) usIng reagent solution for compmeamo , Tho vakies, for the concentration of TI wers obtained ~'fzam the pmvlomly prepated callbration graph* The time roquired for ona dater iminatim In about 2,5 - 30 mIn* 1xi detendnations, of 10 adcrograms of titanius.1m Ithe presence of lo,OOD-fold excess; of Be,, the standwd deviatica mw 5.6 %*' OA66 b"*. I table wA 2 figtmes ANDWIA"Off'. Inati-tut ge6khUdi i anaUtIcheakcg, kbi=U 1me V I * * AN SSSRO Moskva (Inatituta'af Geochmistry and AWIU4a Madstry the Acsd&V of SoUnces =R) SUWTTED: 17.;W63. am 00 '10 f3w SW*. 005: GoM 0(ft j .;Card ---L 2/2. - L A13GAROWICZ, Anna; GAIAZKA, Artur; MKIZ, Tadeums Vaccines & anti-diphtherl~ ~vMnation In PoInnd dwing 195.5 & 1956. IV. Comparative evaluMion 6f 4 Polish iraccines in laboratavy studies. Przegl. epidem.. Warsz.11 no.4'-357-364 1957- 1. Z Zakladu Rpidemiologiti Panatowego Zakladu Higieny w Warssawie. (DIPHTH3RIA, immnol. vac,--ines, nomparative effoctivenees of 4 vaccines in gulnea pigs (Pol)) KUKIZ, Tadeusz; MIKULSKI, Zbign:Lew Tetanus in Poland in the light of the world sitmatii;n. Pm4,-gl. epidem. 14 no.W17-126 96o. 1. Z Zakladu Epidemiologii Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny Kierownik: prof. dr J.Kostrzewski i Departmentu Sanitarno-Epidemiologictnego Ministerstwa Zdrowia Dyrektor: dr H.Wvo.---*.4a (TETANUS statist) GAMMA, Artur;._KUKIZ, IL'adeuaz-_~~AROWICZ, Anna Use of various methods in an attemp~nd evaluation of the d4-plttbwrlal and tetanic component in 3 diphtheria-tatanue-whooping cough we- eimes of dome-4tie production. Przegl,apidem. 15 no.2:163-178 f6l. 1. Z Zakladu Epidemiologil Panstwowego ZakleAu Higiany w Warazawiv Kierownik: prof. dr J. Kostrzowski. TITANUS imunol) (DIPHTUMA inmunol) w,Hoopmr. couGs imaunol) (vAcems) ~ Mow- ABGAROWICZ Anna, dr; GAU-.7KA, Artur; KLIKIZ, Tadeusz, (Warszawa) Studies on the Imuunizing propertie%i of the tetanus component of enteric tetanus vaccines produced in Poland. Zesz probl nauki Pol 23 241-250 161. A0, -KUKIZ, Tadeu,az Specific prevention of tetanus. Pol. tyg. lek. 1.7 no.18:727-731 30 AP '62. 1. Z Zakladu Epidemiologii PZH w Warazavie5 kierownik: prof. dr Jan Kostrzewski. (TETANUS ilumunol) (VACCINATION) KUKK, E. G. Cand Biol Sci - (diss) "Flora of fresh-water blue-green algae of the Estonian SSR.11 Tartu, 1961. 21 pp; (Inst of Zoology and Botany of the Academy of Sr-.'e:nces Estonian SSR, Tartu State Univ-); 300 CoPies; free; (KLI 5-63_1~~SuPj 184) MU", E. I., Gand D-L' Ar*r1c '])ci -.- W1:3..i) "Pormation and dli.Terenlu-*~.ation of apple blou,~mm buds in Estonian S3R." Tall,in, P-57, '~' 1)r; (Es tonian Scientific Research Institute df Soil Sciences and 1-1011orati0n), 100 COP-4r,,S (KL, 37-57, 104) USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fruits. Berries. m-6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Diol.) No 20) 1958, 91792 Author : Kukk, E. Inst Institute of 'Reclexntign and Utilization of Irr%ptO Land in Polli. Title : The Use of OrGard c Tertilizers in Fruit DcarinG Orchards. Orig Pub : Sotsialistlik Pollumjandus, 13957, 110 3) 122-123- Abstract : In the experiments conducted by t1he Institute of Reclam- tion and Utilization of Irriaated Land in Polli, the ap- plication into I hectare of compost consisting of 200 centners of peat from bottom land bogs, of 100 centners of manure, 3 centners of Pc) 1 centner of Kx and 2 cent- ners of shale ashes produced a Greater fertilizinG effect than 30 tons of mcnure. The placement in early spring or after the bloominC; of the fruit trees of 2-3 pails of Card 1/2 Uvnto Pru-Its , D,--, Abs Jour '-Iof Diol-, V-) Irl, '-958, 39489 Author IcWdz, E. 12"111,5SR) (soic"IttvrX ~Itcsoarch Illsti-tutc of nn ' ' , a. 11A ioration) Title Funntiun ruml ol: "~i' ."iiAL. 12rec Plowers ti tlL! 1'.,;t~)rian ori..'~ ilub ;,1,.r J",3t,C;S:;R, rwr, bloj.., 6, Ni 2, 177-18Y, act Mscrva-,701-.~; of thc -eik.-itific rloscarc!, lnoti:-utc lbstr I- I of A(~Ticlilturo 1110, MU-1o'-'Ition in 1952-1955 sil:)WCL*. -,U, 1u IA-.)1fm-'ioII of U)IM: u ol -o ropuDlic takes place fl7:;:-i t7i~-, assortLIQ'It C.-net of "WIC Up to ..1fJClu 0-1', 4"allpst alia 1n.Sts fol. 70- .LOG, 0.ays. This procusc, occuro carlior with stu-Ir.,,ur, ~,111 0,110. local varioticn wi6,i t"'wic of winter ~Iic. 0-l"Ic", Carcl 1/2 A'U~- -jour 9, :L", 58) J9 1,1:j vc,I)IIs. The forv-ztion o' j'j,)jjer F~-- u rt D;' Estoijij a jo!c7, lny,. oarlier t1han Ii,. n.,)rt,on part. D_)tos Of GjjjjIj*,j,,.. of tj-,s .)I'c D ~; f7 Etly vary ~)n lictu,-)rolc~jcal c,-,nd!ti.-)1,s up to 24 ~!ays - It tis wall co .0 K nfluclicu the coumv L -.I. -0c L, C., 6 .-- I.K. F,-)rtiz,at,~v CarO. 2/2 Ft LW-.K I E Iand utiliza-tion methods In orchards. p/ 177. SOTSTALTSTLTK POLLTIMAJAW!S. Tall-inn, Hungary. Vol.. 13, no. A, Aryr. Monthly List of East -6uroDean Accessions (FEAT), IP,, No. July 195c). Unol. ,,_KUKK, Z. G., Blun-green algae of thn Estonian S.S.R. Bot. mt,Otd.qpor.rast. 12:2'.3-30 Ja 159. (14IRA 112:12) I 0Cutonia-,klgae) E, A C! I II C : TLTURE Pcri-dical* SCTSIALISTLIK PCLLUMAJAMUS. Vol. 14, no. 1, Jan. 1555 KUK) E. flow we are achieving larl-le apple yi-elds. p. 19. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EE-U) LC, Vol. 3, NO'. 5, 1 MaY 1959, Unclass. KALDA, A.; KUKKY E.; MASINGj V.; TRASS, H.; VAGA, A.; LRAK, A., red. (Botany; textbook for schools of higher learning in three parts] Botaanika, bpik k5rgematuele koolidel.e. Tallimn Valgus. Ft.l. 1965,, 428 p, [In Estonian) (MIRA 18:12) G. "The District Cotmell of Klrvarda aul t1w, Libra-r-11-s." 1). '.)g (A lrxrl~,-iLavo~. Vol. -4 I - - 1-1 - ~, 0 no. ~, I ~"jj 19'0~1 Phirlaport.) Vol. 2, no. () SO: Eor.".1dy L:Ls-',- of Bast Euror)caT, Accessions. /Librax7 of Congrecs, Sept 1953, Uncl. KUKK, K. Otganizing the work of tractors on the collective f~5-rm. P. 156. SOTSIALISTLIK POLMMAJANDUS. Tallinn, Hungary. Vol. 13, no. 4, Apr. ~bnthly List of Fast 2bropean Aocesvions (EEAT),' L17" no; Lyncl. KM, K.I., Inzhener. AntivibratIon dampers for overhead lines. A-vtom., telem. I sviaz' no.3:46 Mr 157. (XLRL 10:4) (Electric lines) ;I, - ,r, I I-. -. '1- -11- USTINSIIT, A..A., kandidat takhniohookikh nauki I=# IsIe, inshoner. Hultichannal radio relay systems* Aytomeslon. I svias' no#719-14 J1 '57. (Radio relay systems) (WJA 1018) XUKK' K.I*' inih.; USTINSKIY, A.A., kand.takhn. naWk %i*~ * ' Receiving and transmitting equipment of a radio rela7 linso Avtome, telem. i eviazt 2 n0.5:5-9 MY 158 (MIRA 11:5) (Radio relay systemsi ZRAR, N.R.;-.KU4,, F.,I,-,,vedushchiy konstruktor; FMLI, I.I.,vedushchiy konstruktor Circuit for duplex connection of dial telephones. Avtom.telem. i sviaz' 3 -no.1:14-16 Ja '59. (XIBA 12:1) 1. Nachallnik otdela provodnoy Bvyazi konstruktorskogo byrtro Glavnogo upravleniya signalizateii i evyazi (for Zbar). (Telepho4s, Automatic) 1111AYKOV, Aron Zalmanovich; KUKK, K.I.p otv, red.; KOKORIN, Yu.I., red. -- [Power amplifiers using multicavity klystrons] MoshchrVe usiliteli na mnogorezonatornykh klistronakh. Moskvaj Izd- vo 6.11viazY 1016.1,,. 167 p. (MIRA 17:11) ACC NR, AT70( SOURCE CODE: UR/2807 AUTHORS Kukk, F. L.; Syugis, A. Yu.; Varvas., Yu. A.; Lippaaa, E. 7. ORGI nono TITLE: Investigation of the noise spectrum of polycrystalline cadmium ,sulfide SOURCE: Tallinn. Politekhnicheskiy institut. Trudy. Seriya A. no. 238, 1966. Sbornik statey po khimii i khimicheskoy toklmologij (Collection of articles on chemistry and chemical engineering), no. 15, 3-18 "A, ppA ~4AAA-j A-~A~ TOPIC 'PAGS*. 71)"haouloctric offoot, phoeorosistor, photodiode, photoconductur., cadmium sulfide / S-092 photoresistor ARSTMOT: The noise spectrum of polycryntalline cad-nuum sulfide photoresintor S-092 was investigated. This work supplements the resualts of Yu. A. Varvas and F. L. Kukk TPI, seriya A, No. 230, str. 109, 1965). A brief literature survey of pertinent papers dealing with the theory of experimental determination of noise in CdS photoreuistors is presented, and a schematic of the experimental ine"Illation is included. The cc--perimental results are shown graphically (see Fig. 1). it was found that the noise photocurrent in the resiptor 5-092 may be represented by the expression COME 1P f UDC.- ACC NR, AT7005782 Fig. 1. Noise spectruia. density Si as a funct ion A of the light intensity E. I and of noise frequency f ji Af A? se i.-E-wolumen-; 2-2 -40 lumeri .3 .. F~3.2 luirie-n where U is the imposed voltage, the light density in watts/cm2 and f the frequency of the incident light. It vas found -that the particular position of the measuring electrodes had no noticeable affect on the shape of the noise spectrum. Orige art* has: 8 graphs and 10 equations., SUB CODE: 20/ MH DATEa none/ ORIG Wa 016/ OTH W: OU F-qTM/EW(M)/EWPM up(Q) JD/AT ACC N-11: AT600 37/0243' 3224 SOURCE CODE: Ulf/2'107/64/000/215/02 AUTHORS: Kukk, P. L.; Varvas, Yu. A. ORG: TITLEX On the posuibility of determining the of photooleatrone and the quantum-yield-in-poly-oM tall ine - cadin L tijit- SOURCE.- Tallinn. Politekhnicheskiy institut. Triidy, Seriya A, no. 215, 1964. Sbornik sitatey po khimii i Ehimicheskoy teMnologii (collection of articles on chemistry and chemical engineering), no. 11, 1964, 237-243 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor theory, semiconductor material, photoconductor, photoconductivity, cadmium sulfide, cadmium compound .ABSTRACT.- -Expressions -for the lifetiiaes and the quantum yields of phoboelectrons in polycrystallin e cadmium sulfide were der-ived The investigation ~is an--e-x-t-e-ns=on ~of a previously published work of the authors (Priblizhennyy matod opredeleniya .vremeni zhizni neravnoveW.-h elektronov v sullfide kadmiya. Trudy TPI, seriya At ~No. 210, 257, 1964). The derivation is based on the model in which the crystal is .illuminated by a steady light source of high intensity, 00 . Superimposed on this 'Card 1/ 4 UDC: 537-311-33 L 1e424-" .ACC NR: AT6003224 5 light is a high frequency PJ 10, cy o ght signal having an-shape and of much .1oweIr intensityl 0 . Under these comlitions, the photoconductor io equivalent to the circuit (See Rg. 1). Fig. 1. Equivalent scheme. =U load resistor, R. and Rc-.7 equivalent resistances representing the specime1q,' Uo - applied voltage, ou signal voltage. Card 2/4 r ------- ---- - L I&N-66 ACC NR: AT6003224 Three expressions for-Afie different'relations between R and R are derived in 0 H Ra R07 TR.U. R, TRI, U, il u R,.' RO vbere T is the lifetime of the photoelectrons, T is the period of the interrupted light signal, and R is the additional resistance of the crystal dvie to uninter- co rupted 0.6 Expressing R 0 and Rco iY i terms of the semiconductor parameters d S_ 'P= Rep where 10 is3 the specific resistance of the specimen, d is the interelectrode distance, S is oross-seetional-area of the excited layer, n is the concentration of- free electronal e is.the electronio charge, and 1A the electron mobllity,, the .following expres9iou-.f.or,the quantum yield /S is derived as .Card 3/4 L 1842" ACC, R; ANN3224 -A it Me influence of several effects, e.g., nonlin'ear recombination, diffus Iion "into .deeper crystal layers;-and incomplete ijopulation of the deeper energy levels of the crystal, 'on the lifetime a-0.4- on the quantwun, yield are discussed in an attached note. Orig art- hast 1 ons. _graph and 24~eduati SUB CODE: 20,~07/ SUM:DATEs nonIP/ &RIO Rr.,F: OW OTH REF.- 008 Card 4/4 L 18423: .4fi Mir(J)IEWY( 2WP(t) Jjp(a) JDAT ACC NR: AT600~22.5 SOURCE CODE: Ui/;"307/64/000/,'?I~/0245/024i AUTHORS: Kukk, P. L.; Varvas, Yu. A, 0 02G.- atl lfid TITLE: The,threshold sensitivity of polyorystalline cadmium su e SOURCE.- Tallinn. Politekluticheskiy inntitut. Trudy, Seriya A, no. 215', 1964i Sbornik atatey po khifidtj khimicheakoy tekhnologii (Collection of articles on chemistry and chemical e4i~_'neering)., no. 11, 1964, 245-247 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor theory-f-semiconducting material, photoconductor, photoconductivity# cadmium-sulfide, cadmium compound ABSTRAM: An expression for the photoconductivity in polycrys tal line cadmium sul- fide ic derived as min SI/Y jln~;Tf- The derivation is based on the work. of Yu. A. Varvas and P. L. Kulkk (Tiludy TPI, seriya A, No. 210, 253P 1964), where 00 is the intensity of the steady illumination, min is the intensity of the super-imposed r1 -shaped light signal, T is the period of the superimposed light, impulses, Z is the lifetime of the photocurrent, and ail Card 1/2 UDC: *537-311-33 Z 18423-M ACC NR: AT6003225 the other symbols are taken from the above reference. The expression was tested experimentally by the procedure deticnibed by P. L, Kukk and Yu. A. Varvas /0 vo=ozhnosti opredeloniya vremeni ahizni fotoelektronor i kvantovov vykho,da v polikristallicheskom sullfide kadm-'-Ya, Sm. nast. sbornik, str.). It was found that the predicted threshold sensitivity agreed with the measured sensitivity to within 2* It is concluded that in order to increase the threshold sensitivity one must have #,t 1, a narrow line, i*e*j of small, and a large photosensitive Gurface. Orig* art. hast 8-eqdations. SO CODE; 20/ SM DATE: none/ !ORIG RU. 002/ OTH REF: 015 r43xd, 2/2 MU L 01010-66 Ft1T1m)/W(t)/DWW .17jp(-) UR /005 V65/000/003/0131/061 _iACCESS-1-11 NR: AR5012293 SO URC9.1~ Ref Zh.. Fi iika', AbS. 3EM ~AUTHOR- Varvas Yqt A., Kukk, F. L --- jTITLE: Shot noise in poly talline cadmium sulfide crys linsk.,polite hn. in-t -CIIED SOURCE: Tr. Tal a, v. A, no. 210, 1964, 253-256 iTOPIC TAGS:. c ,admium sulfide, photoconductor, shot noise, thermionics, polycrystal, r isemiconductivity ::TRANSLATION: Hoises were measured 'in polycrystalline CdS at a f requency of 1 -Kc. tPolycrystalline specimens of CdS alloyed with Cu and Cl were used in the form of spressed and sintered tablets 6 mm in diameter and I mm thick. The electrodes were (applied by the vacuum vaporization method. In, Sn and Ga produce "noiseless" ohmic 1, contacts. It'is s1hown that the noises which are measured are shot noises. SUB -CODE:' EC SS ENCL-. 00 Card 1/1 UR/0058/65/000/004/083/083 :ACCESSION NR: AR50141114 iSOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 4E622 ;AUTHOR: Varvas, Yu. Az; Kukk,,K_ L. !TITLE: An approximation method. for determining the lifetime of nonequilibrium elecl*~' !trons in cadmium sulfide PTED SOURCE: Tr. Tallinsk. politeklin. in-ta v. A, no. 210, 1964, 257--266 ;TOPIC TAGS: carrier lifetime, photoSensitivity, cadmium sulfide, electron recombi- ination, polycrystal 1TRANSLATION: The method is-based on'excitation of photoconductivity in the specimen: iby rectangular pulses of light with a period T