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4 4 AOICESSION -urfaco f Aeyd! opmen ~ --- --- -- , - - - '-Gresb4iiih~hi kh k - - e-M- ii [-k-lCUk-S3GR---: Tati.-'tit ii-,6iiii~~a ent a d laces SU B.COM OC `- ~ OTHiK ,~ so T R 005 D, Tftzs . 7: 31 in KTTlQ;AlU-,'~IAYA, E.Ve; SKORIK, Yu.l.; GILEVA, K.G. - -- -': ..... . Chloro derivatives of kao3ln and chrysotile asbe-stoo, Dckl. 40 SSSR 158 ml,2:1~193-396 S 164. (MIRA 17z10) 1. lr:,j,,,ltuL klAmU silikutov Im. I.V.0reben6hchikolra AN SSSF, Pmd- st,8,w-.'i.enc> akademikom I.V.Tananayevym. 48579Z5 -1: Ar "=STorl, NP.-I" .... -- - -- ---- j .4W. em;.-;!, -f --abou i6a t6 ~d 'td fins- rf- -arn 'Ut~ fo~ -WAs et, e' #rat or q-0.,cr -an li h bf th ers. -Itial aiid modifie; tensile, strb e hiined bothlor, in Iz. 48370~55~ &by- ioair- e Ahi~ th a orr, oil -.4 otvor.~ma- eaw [a.- y lhilbAj~q: of art,,. oxygel The: P?S%Iibi4t.Y,0f--,-9Qrm attbb,.:-Of-, ~ii,i4twea.-IOOF~04n-*, evi 'codfty..,dU h6.466 An -r llg~ in thd ~ V ,FFJXI-,-~~FYL~,,, &-D~i KLIMOVA7 SKORIKv YU-14 "KHARSK&YA, E.V., K, P. Yodification of chrystile a9babLos w-I th orgaropolysiloxants 3 in &n acoustic field* ""hur. prikl. Uirn. 38 no,,3,,510-f)15 ~~ 165, MRA 18g11) 1. Institut khimli silikatav !,MRni Grobstishchikova AN SSqR. Submitted June 22, 1964.) BROK, Y.A., kand.googr.nauk; KOVAIJffA, T.Te.,. inmh.; EMICIff.SKATA, L.S., starshi,7 inzhaner; IZXAIE6%ATA, I.A,,, starnhiy izzhBner; SKAU_ V.L,; PAK -TICH, K.P., inzh.; DTMOTICH, Tu.L.. inzh.; TGROBITATA, T.P., insh.; RAKIINSFICH, S.Ya.9; LEONTOTICH, B.T.. nauchno-takhn.rod.,; USUKOVA, T.Y., red.; URGRAY, A.H., tokhnered, CAgroclimatic reference book on Kewrovo Provincel.Agroklima- ticheskii apravochnik po Kemerovskoi oblasti. Leningrad, Gidro- mateor.izd-vo, 1959. 135 P. (MIRA 13t-2) 1. Novosibirsk. Gidrometeorologicheekays observatoriya. 2. Novosibirskays gidrometeorologicheakaya observatoriya (for Brok, Kovaleva, Kellchavskaya, Iznairskaya, Kukharskaya, K.P. Fakhnevich, Dymovich, Torob'Yeva). 3. Direktor Novosibirskoy gidrometeorologichaskoy observatorii (for Leontovich). (Kemerovo Province-Crops and climate) S/181/60/002/011/007/'042 B006/BO56 A.UTHORSz Subaahiyev, V. K., Landainan, A. P., and Kukhaxakiy- A T IT UP Distribution of Phosphorus Atoms During the Diffusion in Silieon 6 2 PBRIODICAL~ Fizika tvardogo tela, 19')0, Vol,. 2, No. 11, pp. 2703 - 709 TEM The authors describe investigations they carried out to determine the depth distribution of the co.noentration of phosphorus impurities in silicon by removing t-nir lalrezs by etching (with a KOH solution) or grinding. Nine speeim for the purpose. In six cases, a com- parison of experimenta ttical results was found to be impossible, and in thre experimental results were so inaccurate that no unambiguous ao- d be drawn from them. Extrapolation ef.the experimental ~to showed that n0 is always equal 20 -3. This v-, to 5-10 cm th the solubility limit of, phospho .,h4,e diffusion took place). The rus in silicon t, ir three most characterist:- .-d depth distribution of concentration (as shown in Figs.2-4) are inveitigated. Yrom a theoretical point of viewt Card 1/3 Distribution of Phospborus Atoms During the Diffusion in Silicon S/181/60/002/011/007/042 B006/13056 an anomalous course of the depth distribution curves is found, i.e., they are not linear and at greater depths the concertration decreases more rapidly than linearly. The curves fit well. into the obtuse angle of two intersecting straight lines. The attempt is made to explain this anomaly by the following assumptionat 1) The original specimen was inhomogeneous. 2) There exists a reactive diffusion, i.e,, the diffusion is accompanied by a reaction between P and Sig and a P-Si compound is formed. 3) The diffusion coefficient depends on the concentration of the diffusing phosphorus. This assumption is the least probable. The first two assumptions are briefly discussed. Siimming up3 1) The distribution of the phosphorus concentration as a result of its diffusion in p-type silicon sheets was studied, 2) It was found that the concentratio.-, values calculated from data on the electrical conductivity and from the curve np,-f/n) agree fairly well with the values resulting from measurements of electrical cond,,ctivity and Hall effect. This indicates that the con- centration of compensatad impurities is small compared to that of uncom- pensated impurities. 3) The carrier concentration distribution according to the depth does not follow the se~2ond Pick law. Indeed, the p-n junction, which is formed in the diffusion of' phosphorus in p-type Si is only half Card 2/3 Distribution of Phosphoru3 Atoms During thr. Diffusion in Silicon 8 j423 3/181/60/002,/011/007/042 B006/BO56 as deep as would follow from the Fick formula,. .4) The phosphorus concentra- tion in the surface layer (at a temperature oJ. ' difftsion heating of 1200 - 125000) is approximately equal to the volubility limit of P in Si. There are 4 figures and 5 refereneest 3 Soviet, I US, and 1 German. ASSOCIATIONt Institut poluproyodnikov AN USR Leningrad (Inatitute of Semiconductors of the AS USSR, Leiningrad) SUBMITTEDR May 16, 1960 Card 3/3 TI i ci '141 IN NR: AP4028433 S/6181,464/006/004A078/1081 Subashiyev, V. K.; Dubrovskiy, 0. B.j- Kukharskiy, A. A. Determining the optical constants:and concentrations of free current i in strongly doped oemiconlucting materials by LAe reflection coefficienb Fizika tve.-dogo-tela 1964, 1078-1081 Ve 16, no. 4 reaection TOPIC TAGS: optical constantip ctirrent carrier) doped semiconductor, coefficient )ABSTRACT: The authors describe a,:%ethod of determining the indices of refraction; ,absorption, and concentration of free current carriers in semiconducting materialp .1by the spectral behavior of the reflection coefficient of nonpolarized 3-ight at normal incidence. Beginning with the ordinary relations of rafloution, refractionp !and absorption for normal incidence, the authors express the effective part of the dielectric constant by refractive index and absorption coofficiento It follows thn the difference in dielectric constant (for pure and doped semicond"ctor) depends linearly on the square of the wavelength. A graph may be drawn of thie'dopendenco for standard,bamplos with various carrior concentrations. The slope of this curve Card tat ~ACCESSION N R: AP4026433 is determined and extrapolated through a wide ran&-e of frequencies.. thus extrapolating the values of dielectric constant. This permits determination of refractive index and absorption coefficient. &jxirimental teats were made on Si) and the indices of refraction and absorption were found to exhibit spectral depend- .ience in the infrared region on -the edge of inbrinvic absorption. The authors 'conclude that the method proposed is especially effective for small, highly doped samples and also for rods with e~.Ataxial films and p-n structures, A drop in refractive index is observed-wilh decrease in wave length., and this is due to eXcitation of plasma vibrations in the electron gtas. The natural frequ enciec of these vibrations are proportional to the square mot of the carrier concentration. IT'Misj by determining the frequency trcn the behairlor of the reflection coefficient I(according to wavelength)j the ca)Tier concentration can be determined. Orig.*art !has: 4 figaros and 9 formulas, ASSOCYLATION: Institut poluprovodnikov M SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semicondue. tors AN SSSR) (SUBMITTEDs i6oct63'- DAT3 ACQi .27APi-64 ENOLi 00 Card 2/3 'j -N NR:"AP4028433 ACCESSIC SUB. COD&' EC#,. NO REF S OVS 003 OUIER*'-'~. 009 t a S", C d 343 or L 23030-66 n)4jDJrJ(.-0/'J _HIA(h) 1JF1_ 7~ ACC NR: AP60o9656- -:_S0U7--1CE CODE:. un/6181/66AC6,76o3/070/0757 V. K. AUTHORS: Kulchdrskjy~~ -Suba," ORG., Iristitute*-of Semiconductors AN SSSR, LeninF ~d r _(Institut -6anikov A poluprov TITLE: Zetermination,of certain para", terq of strongly doped semi- ',conductors from the. pectral 'varia:tion of the reflection coeffioient SOURCE, rdog, Fiz'ika tve o tela, v. B, -no. 3 1966, 753.-7-7 TOPIC TAGS: semiconduc for impurity, light transmission, light re- flection, dielectric constant, spe.ptral-distribution, crystal lattiae~ defect, Ir spectrum, absorption edge, relaxation process, plasma: resonance -carrier density j, AB,'~MkCT: :-With an-,aiin at. ell-minating some ofthe difficulties en- colintered -,Ln :the Interpretation"Of the results of~ pieasurements,-'of the t t _Q lala lee tion and ranq -Ali=_(.10 ff',c',~grits _f A an!'L'- epitaxial films by optical met'hods, the authors show thatAhe iseiniclassicai expre's for--the:-real -and- of the L 2303o46 A AM P6oo9656 c ti ~,,c -'cons tants ..:can be -'pped- suo'cessfully--to -calculate,-the die 1e -t ri aii-w~tj.Aat. on- .~ck a e of Alght _fr6m_:__th, '1036, e of ih4: rb :16C on i n of:a semiconductor in.- the. Anf 4Xa`red:~ rogi~n, be3fond the edge-of-An- trinsib absorption~i_: -It Js shown: in-, paPtioular tha t the.. upeotml vari.ation does not depend in Cirst approximation on the thermal motion s -no7excesAve -and On -the -.-1attice--defe6t-- -so'--that--1t s--neglect introduce error. The dependence:.of the.. reflection coefficient on a,. single, parameter velaxittion time and on the dimensionle connected With -the Ss frequency J, s,obtained f-methdd is,proposed for determinink th e. f= quenoy of the plasma Atonance and of the dimensionless parame ter-. Te-ntiFl reflectio curvei-,an(t formuias are given forthe~cal_ -experl, oulation of oarrier mo, 111tyj I the o9nduotivityj Oe relaxatlon.tIMOA, itM. lllie~ expeftmental lata wore obtained,with and the carfter dens t ter (UR-10) provided witH an attachmen-t. foi-_-,-~ Zeiss infrared spec rome hb r 25~ automatically recordin eflection spectra in the 2 ~L ran The results of the. spee tral.miasurements are 'in. good agreement with de'laithwldc. Orig. aft. hast 4 figures, the control experimentj Ma 12 formPlAs., and, 1 tab SuB CODLA,.-.20/ SU13M DITE6. l9jTul65/' ORIG REFZ 001/1 OTH REP: 007 2 /2 KUKRA&CIKIYP A,M., mashinist-instruktor Setving of oand on locomotives, laekoi toPlatiaga 5 no.4:42 Ap 161. (MIRA 14;6) 1, Depo Kwdalaksba Oktyabr1okoy dorogi. (Diesel locomotdveo-Fquipment and supplies) C-7 KUKHARSKIY, M,[Kuchavski~, M.J. ed.; LINDDIIIAN, Yn.. r,~d.; -- MIALICIIEVSKIY, Ya.1I,.aIcze,wski,, J.1, red.; RA.My TO red.; SEDOV L.N.[tranBiator]; FILIPOENKO, L.K. [translatorl; DANILEVICII, T.A., red. (Laboratory work in the chandotry and techn-olotv of polymeric materials. Translated f:~-om the Polish] Labe--f--nve raboty p0 khimii i telchnologil polimern~vkh materialo-.. Moskvay Khimiiay 1965. 393 P. (MIRA 18;7) K'UKHARS.KIY M.-P., gornyy inzh.; GERASHCHENKO, Yu.N., gornyy inzh. =1-1 Descentional ventilation of workings in hydraulic mines. U9011 38 no.1209-41 "63. (MIRA 170) KLEBANOV, F.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; ROSSOCHINSKIY, V.I., inzh..- 14YASNI.KOV., A.A., kand. tekhn.nauk; BARATOV, F.I., kand. tekbr..nauk; MALLSHERKO, E.N., imsh.; KOREPANOV, K.A.J. kand. tekhn. nauk; SKLYAROV, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; SYROYEZHKIN, P.V inzh - KUKHARSKIY M.P., inzh.; VORONINA, L.D., otv. r;'.-L; BERG~UT -WGE, ~reiz-va; DOROKHINA, I.N., tekhn,, red. (Improving mine ventilation methods in hydraulic mining] Sovershenstvovanie SP013obov proveteriv-aiiia vyrabotok gidroshakht. (By] F.S.Klebanov i dr. Moskv,-, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 156 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Mine ventilation) (Hydraulic mining) W;OLARSKIY, M.P.,gpornyy inzh. I.M. Pef,,hukle "theory of gas removnl from aecondnr"I minerals" and its Justification. Ugol' 33 no.4-46-48 AD 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1 1. Vontochrwy nauchno-is-sledovatellskiv institut. Wine gases) B:UKMRSKIY M P.; SVETIAKOV, Yu,,V. Gas removal from seams s~bovo which taining operatiou separated by thick iaterlayers, are 6arried on. U903.1 36 no./+:4.3-41+ Ap 161. (MIRA 1415) (Kuzneteik Basizi-mille gases) IIUKHARSKIYI M.P. Mathads of evaluatiig the afficaelty of ga8 remdval through interstices. Ugoll :37 no.807 Ag 162. (KRA 15-- 9) (mine gas-38) -11,N -1 Posoibility of substituting ACTH with acupuncture in special points of the ear during a treatment of rheumatic fever. Sbor. trud. WE no.9:101-103 162. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Kafedra, gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - Prof. V.G. Vogralik) Gortkovskogo meditsinSkogo instituta. KUKHARSKff, Fetr Fedorovich "'~. I 1. . [Present atage W- ~ the laternatio"I labor movement) Kezhdunarodoe rabochas dvizhenie na sovrl3mennom etape. Leningrad. Vnes. ob. po resprostraneniiu polit. i nauchn. 2:nanli, 1935 31 P. (HLU 10:4) (Trade union") FMKAp B., prof.; KUKIVMH L GOLESHOVSKI, S. Protection Of the De:LVi!-. organs during X-ra7 tt.~~Alation of the coxofenoral joint in ch!161drl&n# Ortope, tram i protez. no.11: 63-66 161. , (MIRA 1/,: 12) 1. Iz ortopedicheskoy Kinik! z~niversitota Ya. Ye, Purkin1r, g. Brno. Adres avtorovs G. Binc,, Ghekhou..--vakiya, Pekarskaya --al., d. 53.. Ortopedicbeslaya, k1l.nika. (HIP JOINT-.~RADI:OG~--.,.':-~l*,'!') (RADIATION PROTECTION) 11- zUk I I UEL-v~,,. , DIOGRAPHY) MULLP.M., VAlan [Kuohar,, M.I., bizh. Hof otem is a foamy inBulating material. Stroi. mat. 9 no.2;37-38 F 163. (MIRA 16:2) (Resins, Synjhc'~ic) (Insulating materials) ,Y,P.T.,_ red. KHOVANSKIY, Dmitriy Petrovich; UFTLY-E (Dimtelbution of aurplas value waong the various groups of capLWistol Raspmlelanie pribavochnoi stoimosti i messlidu razI.ahny%i gru3 ami kapitalistov. Moskva, Izd-vo .. P VPSh i AON ~)ri ~aK KPS,3t 1963. 75 pe (MI RA 16: 5) (Value) F~Ab7L:1,0 11"32' rrIT,'j" -1.1trAtion in a consolidated rural district. Zdx-w,-, no"'* Fcde-~~# 7 no.,W4-16 Ag'63. (MIRA 16:10) ja'I'Yevogo otdela ZdraVookhraneniya. (!'JALIC DEALT11, RURAL) I UIA1,02ZO RX I.Ilp kand.tekhn.nauk Deoign oe velocity-regulating grids. Gidro i stroi. 30 no,508-38 ?.,.y 160, (Hydraulic structures) (MIRA 140) K"1171LOV, 1'. G. inzh.-, KUKHLLIV',' )KATA,-Y -,..A-:--YUSKgVICH, T. I. Storage of sunflowor need msal in allo-type warebouses. Masl.- zhir.prom. 25 no.4:5--7 '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1. T'Santral'naya laboratoriya upravleniya manloshirovay prowqohlenno- ati Krannodarakogo scmnarkhava kfor lCirillov, Kukhlevnkaya). 2. Krasnodarskiy maslozhirovoy kombinat (for Yuskovich). (Sunflower need meal--Storagpe) WMLEVSUYA, V.A., inzh. Problem of additional linacco".TAM losses of ooy-boan oil incurred -at the expense of phosphoruB-containing compounds. Mael.-zhir. prom. 26 n0-3:6-8 Ni- 160. NIRA 13-6) l. TSontrallnaya khimicheskaya laboratoriYa Upravleniya pishchevoy promyshlennosti Krasnodaralcogo sovnarkhoza. (Boy-bean oil) (Phosphatiden) KIRIIIOV, F.G.# inzh.; KUKRIMrSKAUt V.A., Simplified method for determining the,,acid number of oil in seeds, IWL-zhirsprom. 27 no.1:19-11 Ja %i. (MIM 14; 1) I. TSentraltnaya kh'-'aheakaya laboratoriya Upravleniya pishchevoy pro*shlennosti Krasnolarokogo sovnarkhoza. (SuAP*wer seed oil) - KUKHLEY, A.D.; SERDYUK, N.M. Changing the electric driving control system for sbears. Sbor,.rats.pred1.vnedr.v proizv. no.1:18-19 '61. (MIRA 14-7) 1. M.-keyevskiy metallurgicheskly zavod. (Shears (Machine tools)-Electric driving) C, kvjtitute !-vocetiaea Un tl~,! ;6, jj -r nq tj.. .-je 1,7, by Thai ur%nometric matLoC' o.f N'Ovoc~'Iic (1; 0.2, ) inhibited respiration of a ssomo,iyenate of ret brain hY 231'~ 6uril,g tile first ,iour of ineubationt by chirjti~~ tile mccond. by calrial-I thv TIrst-hour of i"Cubatioll, lau., ithe see '116 hum'. Too valac~s Cur dicuithe were Y -r. Ulf.- and 100- rei;pective! prusezico of I thcre vias intonL-Ificatio~i of' glyco- lytdfi- I doeS LIC-t i;upprosr, oxioatioD uf wuccinic acid iind exerts rio substantial irfluence oil the 1, BABKOV, K. V.. XbMR4AZQV, U. A. 2. USSR (6oc)) 4. Mastodon - Tajik Depression 7. Remains of a mastodon in the Tajik: depression. Soob TFAN SSSR No. 26 195o 9. IA~hl List of Rus.slan Accessions, Ilbrary of Congress, -April 1953.- Uncl. YCLIKIT11KOVA, L.S., Cand Taoli Sci -(di.---) I'Sulfnte bcij-img C)~, lipin. 151 PP (L"'U,-of Ifichor "ducation USSR. Lon Order oi' Pwt zv& - Zr~': Lenin Aw'-daviy -In S.T-Kiwov)s 150 ccPioo (UT43-53, 1161) KUKHNIBOVA R.S.- : . 2 -- Alkali-nitrobenzene oxicbtti= of lighz4n periodate. Trudy Sib, - tekh.inst..., no 2345-47 1,59. (MIRA 14: 4) iLigain) (Periodates) ~-,. MUM ~~VA ) MIS'..-.. Production of lignin periodate. Trudy 6ib.takh.inst. no.23:48-50 159. (MIM 1494% (Lignin) (Periodates) Oe ACC NN AP6006553 CAT- SOURCE CODE; &1-0733,~~ic~ AUTHCR.- Kukhl E. (Doctor) ORG: Scientific Research Institute of the Meat Industry, Magdeburg, GM (Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut nyasnoy promyshlennosti) TITLEs Effect of microflora on the ageing of smoked sausage SOURCE: 1~rasnaya industriya SSSR. no. 5. 1965, 8-10 TOPIC TAGS: food processing, microorganism contamination, biochemistry ABSTRACT: The article is an abridged translation of a German literature survey dealing with the microflora and biochemical processes of smoked meit ageing. During ageing the pH value of sausage drops to 5.5 and lower under the influence of lactic acid formation. This inhibits the growth of' common causative agents of decay which grow best at PH 7.0 to 7.4. For example, mtLltiplication of Bacillus meson-ttlericus is retarded or stoPs at PH 5.2 to 5.4 and that of proteus at pH 4.0 to 4.1. However, the lower pH values are favorable for growth of yeists. Concentration of 'Lactic acid is 0.15 to 0.73~ in fresh meat and Is 1.61; in meat stored for 10 days. Zia actions of nitrate and nitrite An ageing of sausage are closely rel,%ted to its salt content. During nitrate reduction the oxidation-reduation potential increases giving rise to anaerobic conditions and growth of anaorobic bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria are 1/2 - ACC NR, AP6006553 particularly sensitivit to smoke, staphylbeocci are more resistant, and baoilli sporps proved most resistant. "Unpleasant tastes and smells fo=ed during the ageing process are largely. attributed to cocci of the Coli-Aorogenos group, proteus variants, and bacilli of the Hasentoricus sub-tilis group. No conclusions are drawn. Orig. art. has none, SUB CoDE, o6/ MM DATS& none n,-, T, - E I D. Authort _A. Tiblet Auforaatic electrIcal cq^---,uctdr of Ow breakling aggragato. (.AvtOm--tlz- U~ovannld clektroproprind cgregata.) 29 P. MOSCOW 1"Olioh,xi - Sta" Soientif io, and TvchniQal Publication af Liffint IndulatiTt catet 1950 Avallablot llbrari of C-on~-7,mtsa zourcat ~klonthly TAPI, of V, 1j., No. ?j may 19.q>p p. :99 . '. z,.,,-,,,, Z- - --- -- KMNOV, -D. A* *Aml7vis anfi- Some Problem of tie Calculation of ielemiering Device-s- for Low and Hadium Tariperatures" Sub 18 Jun 51, Moscow Order of the Labor Red Bannar Higher Technical School Imni Balaomn DiceeTtations presented for science and engineering, dpgrees, In Moscow during 1951. SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 My 53 KUKHNOV. Dmitriv AleksarArorich; WVYR]ff , S.S., ret eenzent; ICOFZWICH, Te. I., ,--, -- -- ~ - - red 0 0 0 0 [Automatta electric drive for combined picker-opener units] Ayto- matizirwraWi elektropilvod razrykhlitel'no-trepr,,l'nykh agregatov, Moskva, Goa. nauchno-telrhn. ix-1-vo lit-ry po leghji promyshl., 1958. 42 p. (Cotton gins and ginning) (MM 111:7) LESIICWKOI Vasiliy Genumovich; MLIM, Yakov Vladimirovich; D 10 -D.A.4-kand. tekhn. nauk, retnenzontl KUBAREV, V.1.9 inzh., red.; TAIROVA, A.L., red, izd-ve.; ~OIIDEIEV~ L.P., tekhno red, (Pneumatic systems for textile macUnery] Pneviraticheskie ustroistva tekstillnyldi mashin. Moskva, Mashgiz~ 1962- 150 P. (Textile macidnery) (Pneumatic Diachinery) -15:4) Kmio.awmj K Shchegolyutin, M. Ye., Ryabikov) 0. G., Kuldiorenko, K. G., Chukain, Yu* V., Korotkcrv, V. K., Works completed on the SET-1 102 "Alazeya" during the second expedition in the middle part of the Atlantic Ocean, Byul. tekha.-ekon. inforz. Sr--.-narkhoz. Kaliningradsk. edon. adm. r-na (BtLUetin 7 Technical aml Economic Information of the Sovnaiidioz of Kaliningrad Econoinic Administrative Region), No 3-4, 1958, p 22-25; (Ft'Geog 11/59-31841) XUKtIOUV, A.I., inzhener. Regularity in the elastic increase of a stee' roil diameter in cold drawing. Stal' 16 no.2:1.82 F '56. (MLU 9:5) 1. Zlatouatovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Elastic rods and wires) (Metal drawing) 18 ~'((joo 78135 SO~/129-6o-3-121/10 AUTHOR- Kukhorev, A. 1. (En;,rineer from Zlatoust) TIT-TE.- Exchange of Opinions. Concerning an Article by Engineer P. T. Basko,, "Investigation of Wear Resistance of Steel When Rubbing it With Caprone Thread." PERIOMSI-AL: Metallovedenive i termicheskaya. obrabo7;ka. metallov, 196o, Nr 3, p.6o (USSR) ABSTRACT: Commenting on the above article (this journal,Nr 12, .1958) the author disagrees with the expressed conclusions. He believes that the wear resistance of steel subjected to tests (IJ12A, IIIOA, U`8A, 50, and ShKhl5) depends on the hardne:3s and microstructure of the specimen and miaumes that the wear resistance of hardened steel U12A (which has more cka-mentite than "the other, steels) is wperior to that of steel UIOA. This is a view contrary to that of P. T. Basko. The author feels that the heal'. treatment has not been p,operly Card 1/2 !- s' conducted, thus, leading to erroneous resulL. Exchatge of Opinions. Conce)r.,.ning an 78135 Article by Engineer F, T. Basko; * SOV/129-6o-3-14/16 "Investigation of Wear Resistance of Steel When Rubbing It 'With Caprone Thread.(I Steel ShKhl5 has a chromium-alloyed martensite and edmentite structure after regu-j:lr hardening, con- -,equently, itq wear resistance should be superior to both U10A and U12A steels, Card 2/2 KMOVfiJW- NKO, 13. 1. ; PAPLTW, M. 1. Mechanization of the conveying of cylinder blocks. Avt.prom. no.1:38-39 Ja '60. (14M 31-3:5) 1. Gorlkavskly avtozavod. (Gorkiy-Automobile industry) (Conveying rachinery) PAFMY, M.I., inzh.; KUKROVARrMo.- 11j,-, in-zh. Oiiar-all mechani.:,ation of the conveying of cylinder blocks. Mashinostroitell no.4:15-16 Ap 160. (MIRA 1.3t6) (Conveying machinery-Technological innovations) TTURTAKOV. A.F.;c~KUICHRAUQVA,,G.M.; I.G.; ZABBLYSHINSKLY, I.M.; DEWXNOVA. A.-A.; KLNTBXR"I, D-~~-z I Results of admiMetrative and economic. activity in nonferrous metal industries in 1957; f rom annual reports. Biul. TSIIII tevet. met. no. 7:30-36 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Notifox-rous metal industries) k\wj!) ~ " - 6, ~ V. XHASNOVSM. A.A.; SmWUm&rww4V$& NOVOSPUSKIT, V., redaktor; X72&AMVA, X., tekhnichedldy redaktor. [Labor hyg.'-meel Giciena truda. lzd. 2-e, i8pr. i dop. [Moskva] Izct-vo YNSSS Profizdat, 1-954.162 p. (MLRA 8:3) (OcmVatiowa diseases)(Induatrial hygiene) KUHIRINKOVA, N.V._. Davalts of the TunkA deprosal.)n system. Trudy Vost--Sib.fil. AN SSSR no.1601-92 161. (MIRA 1417) (TunkaDepression-Basalt) U.S.3.R. human and Animal Physiology'. Nervous Sys- T tem, Subcortioal Nuclei. Abe aour! Ref Zhur-Biol.j No 60 19581 22616.. Author Klosovnky, N.j Volzhinina, N. S. Kukhsh- kinal-Y., P. Inst :Not en.~ Title :Two Methods of Isolated Bilateral Destru6tion of Subcortioal Structures, Nuoleus Caudatus, Putamen, Drig Pub: Bul.~eks'perim biol. i,me,(I.it9Inyj 1957, 43, 115-11G.. Abstract: The extirpation-o fi a nuo-l,e'us C*audatus in.dogs was carried.6at.",hrough twpaniation in thlearea of the lower~,V-66~~,rxsinus. -The hemispheres Were pushed away and through an incision in the oor- Card 1/2 PLOTNIKOV, N.N.; OZEUTSKOVSKAYA, N.N.; KARNAUKHOV, V.K.; ZALINOVA, N.S.; PAYBUS-OVICH, G.M.; KUKTITA, G.I.; A1F,,K,9T,,'YEVP1 M.I. Specific therapy of opisthorchosis in man by means of hexachloro- paraxylene; preliminary report. Med. raraz. i paraz. bol. 33 no.6: 67&-681- N-D 64. (MIRA 18:6) 1. X11nicheskiy Wel Inetituta meditsinskoy parazitologii i tropicheakoy meditsiny imeni Martsinovskogo 1-Unisterstva zdravo- okhraneniya SSSR. 69766 ^16 50 3/155/59/000/02/007/036 AUTHOR: Kukhta, G.P. TITLEt 0 the Applicationof the Method of S.A. Chaplygin to Hyperbolic Equations %X' PERIODICALs Nauchnyye doklady vyishey shkoly. Firiko-matematioheskiye nauki, 1959, No. 2, pp. 43-45 TfNiXTt Let the equation (1) s - f(x,y,uip,q) with-continuouB-f and (2) f f , f 0 U q (p - ux I q - ity, a - Uxy) be adnai-dered in -the rectangular -domain D which iv formed loy two pairs of characteristics. The characteristion pass through the end points of a con- tinizous,smooth curve I on which the values UJI I P11 , qIl are prescribed. Let the continuous function v(x:,y') with continuous first Card 1/3 Vr 69766 On the Application of the Method of S.A. Chaplygin S/155/59/000/02/007/036 to Hyperbolic Equations mixed second derivatives satisfy (3) and (4) v >.- 1'('XPYF*7tv- 'T xy X y in G (G is the.part of D lying above 1). Let the sequence fy n I be Wined as follows- v n+1 -satial'ies-the ii4itial conditions (3) and the equation (5) sn+1 f(x9y9vn9pn0qn) 2 - ;' Ir v V 0 a . rk+1 t qn n nfi Y, n "4xt j Y' It holds the theorem t If v 1- v satisfies the inequalities v, >'. U9 Pl>,Pt qj> q in the whole domain G, then the functiona v with even (odd) numbers n are. continuous, possess continuous- first and second mixed derivatives and sa- tisfy the inequalities v nZ!E- U, Pn :!~ p 9 q n--- q ( vn>-u , Pn qn>,q) Ll( Card 2/3 69766 On the Application of the Method of S.A. Chaplygin 3/155/59/000/02/007/G36 to Hyperbolic Equations 8n :!5 f(x,ytvnlpngqn) (B n'>, f(xjyfvn9pn9qn)) also in the whole domain G. The convergonoe of t'he funotions vn to the solution of (1), (3) is guaranteedp if the process of successive approximations converges. A modificat4on of the! method which also holds in the case f', f , f 0 n P q io-seittioned in a fem, words. There are 5 Soviet reiferences. ASSOCIATIONS., Kisheneivskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kisheney State UniveraitZ) SUBMITTEDt March 9, 1959 Card 3/3 KUKHTA, G.P., Applicability of the Chaplygin method to hyperbolic equations. X&ucb.dokl.irys.shkoly; fiz.--mat.nauki no.3:42-44 '59. (MIRA 13.-6) 1. Kishineviskiy gosudarstvenW universitet. (Differential equations, Partial) t KUKHTA. G.F. One sufficient condition for applicability of the Chaplygin method to tVperbolic equations. Nauch.dokl.vys.shkoly; fiz.- mat.nauk.i no.3.*45-47 159. (MIU 13:6) 1. Kishinevskiy goeudaretvewWy, universitet, (Differential equations. Partial) 88869 3/044/60/000/007!/023/058 /4-3po CIII/C222 AUTHORt TITLEt A theorem on differential inequalities for equations of parabolic type PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no-7, 1960, 110. Abstract no-7673- Uch.zap.Kishenevsk.un-t, 1959, 39,247-248 TEXTs The sufficient condition for the superparabolicity which is known for the case of the heat conduction equation is transferred to more general eo--.ations. [Abstracter's note: The above text is a full translation of the original Soviet abstract.1 Card 1/1 KU,KhTA, G. P. Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "To tle Question on the Approximate Integration by the Method of Acade-miClIM S. A. Chaplygin," Odessa, 1960~ 6 pp, 200 copies (Od(.,.,sa State U. bn 1. 1. Mechnikov) (KL, 47/60, 97) -- -- - - -- - -- - -- - -4 - --- - - -- .1 . --- i A--- ,-~ ~ --.- - - --h. W-6 1 J P W-M/M ACC NR ~SOURCE COM UR/0021/66 t /000/002/0151/004 93 'A OR: Ia. UTH Kukhta,,. i K ~43'~ -ORG: Listitut4 of MathematiSp.,LANI~ESSit.(Instytut matematyky AN ufo~mi TI% Cqnvergence of the approximate.~natural frequenci e!: ral the oscillations of a free -team with. variable paratfiete rs, to the:-En!= ncies of the prot-lem 4. SOURCE:. ~ k4.UkrRSR. Dopovidij-no..2 --1966, 151-154 TOPIG TAGS:' Litegral. equations differential equations eigenval f Hilbert spce# U0 mathematic operator. :ASSTRACT.--~ On;the-basie of the theory of integral equationep the proof ot -',the -establilhed.for the natural bending oscil I a' convergence ofthe frequencies a ions of --the beam. appU'es for ~-torsioniil oucillatiofis, as well. In the method proposedo the: determinatl6w1*0f the natural frequencies and-Ta - -of or h rma. eiliA tions of t e beam is reduced t6- a solution -of differential 6quations-with variable coefficients uhich- can,notibe solved (except for social -bases) -in closed.form. The variable parameters- ~of the beam.(mass, rigidity-), which are assumed to vary smoothly over'the.conditional ~.seotion under considerations are averaged band differential equations with onstant coefficients . are derived. Ibe natural frequencies of the problem art Actermined. by -Fredholmts theory of-ifitegral equations~~ tbe.solution of theso.equationa.. By applying with 4 -syr=etr-,Jca1 kernel, and Weilts theoremor the eigenvalues of complete continuow in -Hilber~ t a spaces -the authur- proves ~that the..-approdmte frequencies will tend'.toward exact~l, frecjuencia~ when the number of divicions of the -~.becVft into conditional' sections increason withoutAimit. This paper w.W-,presented-bF-. -Academician AN: UkrSSII.7 Yu.~,O.cM ro~ultptlq~. Ori' lo %Yt g. eart. -,has; 19. rmulas.. OPUS) SUB-OODE: ill DATE I-.: -:30A OUG J~T OPT-.- M L-27120 6" EWTWLZ!,~, ~MWE0(W)/1'*(1VEwPtk)/ETC( 6 IJP(c) .ACCNR%AP6016878-, SOURCE CODE; UR/0021 6/000/003/0312/0315. AUTHOR*.' ~~aj, Ke Le 4et- ORGI Institute of. Mai~'Nenatlcsi -' JjwSSR (Institilt matematiki AN U16MR) _ TITLE Determining th~�, nat%=A ftiequenaieE_a_,-=z&-fdrm9 of the longitudinal -oscillations of a -Treo~,.~eamcf variabli.-Juass- with concentrated loads SOURCE: A N fJkrRSR. Doj)ovidi no 3 1161 312-315 TOPIC TAGS: Afferentillial equation, cOPpA3r ABSTRACT: This articli~i, presented by Ulwainian Academy member Yu. A. Mitropoltski suggests a method for ~.solvin& the problea with the aid of a computer. At the points of application of the 6oncentrk,-;ed loads,, %be - beam is divided into arbitrary,sections, ~__the Variable param6ter4i~ of thii,-beam.: ort tl~eo ~sections are averaged, and:the diff6r-m- f the: ential equation:o '~longltudifial osefNIations of the ith section of the Am= kith' I constant coefficients is considered4-: 'k nonnal fundamental system of siolutions"of used1 to dwrive recurre!nt:-:formu1_-s fol. calculating the natural--' equations is these I , frequencies and,forms of the longitudinA oscillations. The -calculation is - easily; ' : programmed for a computer, f01,- any large 1i*__!*r of arbitrary sections of the beam- The mathematical treatment wats reported iarli er by -the author in Prikladnaya- mekhanikE Vol 1i no a 5 s 1965 ~ and.. DAN URSR 715 ls,65 .-, Th Academician -6 pAver wasiDresented by Yu. 0. Mitropoltski y art,, has s 12 formulas.. fim-7 SUB CODE: -.12 SUBM'~b=: 300ct65~ f OR ru- 10 80V REF.0 001 Card 1/i L 4_ -Elff (T-Q~EIE(w) ZENE Cut) /E /L _ZL 44-6!~,. -TC(m)-( ii (c) ~, z ACC NR: AF06007805 '4 SOURCE CODE: UR/0021/66/ooO/002/0151/0154 AUTHOR: _J1 Kukhta, ORG: Institute. of Mathematics, Mlul,'Sli (Instytut matematyky AN URSR)_ TITLE: The convergenoz, of Yof.a.'free appiojximat6 n~~-.ural-frequencies of vibrations, f. -beam with veria~ble parameters. to: -the, ei(act natural frequencies of the beam SOURCE: A11 .-Dopovidi, no. 2 '1966 151-151, UkrRSR. TOPIC TAGS: Iflexurca vibi~ation, torslonai Vibration, vibration frequency, natural- frequency, Fredholm integr~d equation ABSTRACT: The.Droblem of dete%inivit~ -the. natural: frequencies of f lexural and torsional vibrationd,of a beam. thirq.cizLb3,e.hPd with~crjncentrated loads is an4lyzed.' The essense of-~tbe method ]Froposed' con3iiitii, i-ii partitioning the beam. into a certain number of.segments in which itis-:assuiaed that variation of parameters is smoothi. To determine the modes of vibrations sjj.-idL tlie natural frequericies in each,'segment, differential e-juations with constant c!Def f icients obtained by averaging variable parameters are Liet tip yhose solutions can be obtained by means of electronic computers. By.applying the theor of Fredholm integral equations with a Symmetrical y kernel and the Weil theorem concerning the:: eigenvalues of completely continuous self-adjoint operators in Hilbert space it! Is prover, that approximate natural rd 1/2 a C KUIUITA, K. Ya. Determining the nature.1 frequencies and forms of transverse vib,raticns of a beam of variable mass and rigidity under concentrated loads under certain boundary conditions. Dop. AN URSR no.11:1446-W.9 165. (MI RA 18: 12) 1. Institut matematild. P11 Uk-rSSR. KUKHTA, K.Ya. Ntermihing deflections of rAtural vibrations of a beam of variable mass and rigidity and -with concentrated loads. Prilcl. makh. 1 no.6s 56-62 165. (KRA 18:7) 1. Institut matematiki -AN''13.TSSR. KUKHTA K.Ya. Determining the frequencies and fornas of fr,,-) tcr~4 cmal vibrallms of a bem of variable TriAss a-lid rigicliky with (.Oncan,'-rated loads. Doi). AN URSR no.~6:71&-722 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Instiluut matematiki All UkrSSR. p p 36 a laborqtorr,,-,- o.--)Fti(-, animals) KOLABSKIY., N.A.; Krapivner, L.M.; :KUKHTA, P.P. .1~ In the S~viat Union, Teterlnariia 37 no*7:92-96 JI 160, (MMA 16:2) .1 Obterinary medicine) ,KOVALEV, A.F., kand. tekbr. nauk; LINNIK, G.F~, kand. tekhn. nauk; BELASH, A.S.; SHKUTA, E.I.; LUBEINETS, V.A.~! 0v. Advantagos of using hardening fillIng In Krivoy Rog Bftein mines. Met. i gomorud. prom. no.106-59 Jet-F 164. (MIRA 17tlO) DYADETIMIN, N.I.s, gom)7 inzh.; SX)OVOY, I.P., gornyy inah.; NNOMAREM, K.F., gornyy inzh.;-.-.Y". -.P.Z.,, gomyy Irzh. .~ . -- Short-delay blasting in inedium hardness oren with fan distriLution of the boreholes. Gor. zhur. no.509-40 Yv 64. (MDA 17t6) 1. Krivorozhakly gornorminyy Institut (for Dvadochkin, Sadovoy, Ponomarenko). 2. Rudoupravleniye im. Korintarna, KrIvoy Rog (for Kukhta). DYADECIIKR-I, N.I.; SADjVOY, I.P.; PCEMAROW), K.F.:: KUKHTA, P.Z. Overpackim~ explosive in boreholes In shor-delay blasting. Sbor. nauch. trad. KGRT no.23".40-41 1631 (Ilalk 17:8) BORISMIKO, S.G., dotqer~t-; KUKHrA, P.Z. Change of block.,and chadber sizes in increasing the depth of mining. Gor. zhar. no. 11:39-42 N 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gorr4ry inatitut (for -Borisenko). 2. Ilachallnik tekhnichao'lcogo otdola rudnika im. Komiyxterna (for l4khta). (Mining engineering) TYK~g&_~ ~ ; BANDARIN, V.A. I, " --- Hyaluronidase of the blood in some diseases. Zdrav. Belor- 5 no.9: 44-~ 3 149. (MIRA 12:12) 1. 1z Icafedry obahchey khImii (zaved-ayushchiy - dotsent V.A. Bandarin) Minskogo moditaluckogo instituta. (HUMONIDASE) - KU YTTA V. ri. Content of mucopolysacchar-ides In ths, b1ciod ae-rum in carc,3r and precancerous diseases of the gastroir,testinal trF-ct. Vop. med. khi.m. 1.0 no.1:15-20 Ja.-F 1614. (14IRA 17-.12) ya. labare.toriya Pau;-,hno.-:Lsn*;P-dcvat-ell-kogo insti- 1. Blokhlinichoska, tuta ordolugil i meditsinskoy rad-Jologil. Rinister,-:tva zdravookhra- i.leniya BSSR 1 kafeddra ob-shchey khLruli M'iskogo meditsinskcgo insti.- Uuta. KUKHrA1 V.K. Wuron-44ase activity of the blood In leukosio, lymphogranulo- matosis,, and cancer. Probl.gemat.i perel.krovi 6 no.4:33-37 Ap 161. (MM 14t6) 1. Iz Wledry obshchoy'khimii (zav. - dotsnet V.A. Bandarin) Minskogo meditsimkogo instituta. (HYALI)RON.IDASE) (M=A) (CANCER) (HODGKINtS DISLUE) KUKHTA, V.K.- .. ~ Blood mucopolysaccharides in cancer of Lhe gastrointestinal tract,. Zdrav. Bel. 9 no.60.0-12 Je 163. (MIIU~ 17: 5) 1. Iz biokhirrdchoskoy litboratorii Ntiucl)jio-issladi)vatol'31'.CgO intitituta onkologii i ipoditi3lnskoy radiologil Ministerstira zdravookhrt- neniya MOR (diraktor - prof. N.N. Aleksandrov) I kafodry obahchey - khimii (zaveduyuslichty .- dotsent V.A. Bandarin) HInskogo meditsinskogo instituta. z KOIJ3, V. G.; r=~TAI_ V. K. Activity of iValuronidaso and antihyaluronidase in the blood in pubaonary tubermilosia. Probl. tnb. 40 no.5!83-87 162. (HIRA 15:7) 1. Iz *,biokhimicheskogo otdola (zav. - kandidat meditsinFikikh nauk V. G. Kolb) Belorusal-ogo nauchno-issledovatellskogci insti- tuta taberkuleza i kafed:ry obshchey khimii (zav. - dotsent V. A~ 'Bandarin) MITISkOgO Tneditainskogo institrta. (TUBERGULOSIS) (HYALURONIDASE) (ANTIHYALURONIDASE) KUKITTA, V.P. AutomaticaUy controlled lidu Of uoLdcing pits in bloo.,'Ling rid-Us. MetaUurt~ 9 iio.6:27-28 Jo 164. (I-IIRA 17:9) 1. Stllr3hiy elektrilc blimminga Makoyavsko~;o intallurgich-askogo zavoda. ACCESSION NR: AP4045026 S/0191/64/000/009/0058/0059 AUTHOR: Forostyan, Yu. N., Kukhta, Ye. P. TITLE: New hardener for epoxide resins SOURCE- Plasticheskiye mass3,*, no. 1), 1964, 58-69 TOPIC TAGS: epokide resin, pyridine, hydrogenated pyridine, Cheremkhovo Coal, hardener, ED-6 resin, dibutyl- plithalate, hexamethylene diamine ABSTRACT: Hydrogenated pyridine bases obtained by the low-tomperature carbonization of Cheremkhovo co.,ds were investigated as hardeners for epoxide resin compositions. These bases consis'; essentially of derivatives of pyridine, aniline, pyrrol, quinoline, isoquinoline and ogier nitrogen compounds. The isolation and purification of a broad fraction of pyridine bases is described. A fraction boiling at 90-3 10C, n 20 - 1. .5610 D was chosen for further investigation. After catalytic hy&ogenafion with hydrogen and Rarey Ni, a fraction (135 - Z77 C) of the hydrogenated bases was talron for experiments on hardening of epoxide compositions made from ED-6 resin, dibutylphthalate and fillers such as aluminum oxide; these compositions were applied to 60 x 10 x 2 min plates, using 15 parts by weight of dibutylphthalate and varying amounts of hydrogenated pyridlne 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP40450Z8 bases per 100 parts by weight of B D-6 resin. !Ile composition was hardened at 40 - 100C, for 16 hours and at 90 - 100 C for 6 hours. Strength values as a function of tile hardener content are given for both to.-nporature ranges. With prolongod heating, the composition with 30 parts by weight of hydrogenated pyridine bases had the highest strength. For the reduced hardening thne, the composition, with 24-28 parts by weight of hydrogenated pyridine bases gave the best results. Vie use of hexamethylone diamine gave better results than the pyricline bases, but it is concluded that the broad fraction of hydrogenated pyridine bases is a siii"le hardener foT epoxide resins and an excellent inhibitor against corrosion due, to oxyg'en. ASSOCIATION. None, SUBTaTTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUD CODE: MT NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 002 2 FORCSTYARAYu.114, kand. khim. nauk; GOL19BOVA, A.I., kand. kilrp. nawk; KUKHTA, -Ye*P*q inzho I ., _.;,.-~ -11 - - -~ - .1 Coating metalls with Teflon. Ehim. i neft. mashinost%,. no62e43 Ag 064~ (MIRA 18a1) _EKHT~,_~eop., Snzh.; FOROSTYAN, Yu.N., kand.khim. nauk I-- I-, - Sectional mold for the polymerization of styrene. Khim.mashinostr. no.4:35 J1-Ag -163. (Plastics-Molding) (MIRA 16:9). 5i rllil Card.::1/2 "T Co ubdva iY xesilts _ppo Arje~; -,agent~---mrsin hardelfter,- arabasirie. nidtie i b ti t-'- t a atof dfi; t rcisin zl esive Ist , h _rqng_ colnm~ the-, obta, inedl rag b~7 Ifi~j tion of. the miat',itaiis., 6f ~-this blk L16~E~l 'co atained.. in IA . lff,-Kaia -stan,- ftbelt,lltalii"Iur en a aaj.-a-dd-t 30VSAQH-,~ms-Addo -to cmvncraii anqbasi4~, ~ultiti b nzene,, vere, di -gwebua aolutlon: dt e .comtkin 'a- i!Lba.i on fig IM' I a nd And i,15 lid and a -2Y -_i :an -adhefii~ MCA SVETLIKOV., Anatoliy Alekseyevich; ~9~9~yAi.Evlp Pqvlovich; KOSTINA, T., rea. [A courtn, where people live in arudety] Stm;ia, gde zhi- vut nespokoino. Mloskva, Yolcdala E.-vardiia,, :.964. 1:10 p. (M-TIA 17:9) PHABE I IWK EXPLOITATION 3"OV/4572 Kukhtarov) Vladimir Ivanovich, and oleg Vladimirovich Kvkhtarov Shtampy dlya kholodnoy listovoy shtampovki (Dies for Cold Stamping) Moscow, Mashgiz,, 1960. 320 p. 8,000 copies printed. Reviewer: A.D. Tomle"-ov,, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Y,;d,: 11,F, Zvoronop Candidate of Technical Sciesie-cet Managing Ed, for LtUrtrature., on Heavy Machine Building (Mashgiz): S. Ya. Golovin., Engineer; Ed. or Publidaing House: L.A. Osipova; Tech. Ed.: B.I. Nodell. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for process engineers working in the field of cold stamping. It can also "-,A used by students at schools of higher technical education and tekhnikums . COVERAGE: The author discusses the easy manufacturability of jarts to be processed by cold stamping, and considern the design) manufactwe) setting, and use of dies in the automobile industrj. Two appendices are inclu&id; the first 611'~Vs the mechanical properties of a-tamped materials; the i3econd deals with the allowable width and thic)mess deviations of sheet., strip, and band. No personalities are mentioned. There are 12 referances, all Soviet. 2/102/62/000/004/006/006 D050/D113 Kukhtarov, O.V. TITLE: Mln-ed mechanical arm for romovin- parf-.u fro.'i the effocl.-ive L, L, aroa of the prooo P 10; D I C2. L: proizvodst,,ro, no. L, 1962, 4,2-45 The arm deci-ned Ir, 'the dio desion office of Ine avtozavod im. Li-'--hacheva (Automobilc Plnnt im. Likhachev) ic vtorkk;- on !;It-, production line wherc modium-oized shect metal -narts for the (Z~IL-130)~ and .30A -131 (ZIL-131) light trucks ore stamped. The arm consists of the -pollo-,-rin- narts: (1) grab and romoval mechanions; a moihanio:ii for lii"Uin~,,r and removInG otaiaperl parto from the preso ol.-;npinc, area; and 0) a unit for fast-ening the machine to the nress. The avi pivoto:o. at an an~;le of ?00, travels 600 nm sidertays and 110 am dovmwardo, and'has -L 200 k,- jr-ip-,)in,- capacity. An eloo Lro-pnouma tic iralve, in~;talled on -,-IiL- rcos u1 13 and Card 112 3/1 -) 16 2/C--0-0/004/C)OQ,'/COr; Hinged mechanical arrm for ro.-,qovin,ri, parts ... D038 I -w) A .13 controllod by aii electric oij!;nal from the press maote,!:? systcm, synchronizes the operatiOln3. The press can work only when the C;r,.b mechanism is in the initial position, i.e. outside tha press. There are 4 fibures. Card 212 "UMMIAROV, -- V.-- 1. - --- - -- - -- - - -- --- - --- - - ----K T "Production of Pimchers by Cold Forging, " 1951, 370 P. ) Sovetskaya I'miga (SwIlet r PUbj. "0L1 Books), 128 p., Pravr1a 1. -qe. 1952. KUKH Y-I - MROUff, A.V., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk, reteenzent; i m mvVO*V-ADR*S*.. kandidat takhnichookikh nauk, rateenzent; TONMOV,L.D., kandidat tokhnichaskildi nauk, redaktor. [Work :practice of fittisr A.P.Rookovskii in arking dies] Opyt raboty slosarla A.P.Mo4ko-vokog6 ;-- l;gatovl9niiu shtampov. Moskva, Goo. ruiuchno-takhn. izil-vo Kashinostroitellma i sudostroitallnoi lit-ry, 1954. 73 p. (KLU 7: 8) (Dies (Metalworking)) KVMAROV Vladimir Ivanovich; TOMIMOV. A.D.. dok,tor tekhnicheakikh T.F., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Cold preseforming] Tholodnaia shtampovIc-i. Moskva. Goo. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo maebinoetroit. lit-ry, 1956. 175 P. (KLRA 9:9) (Sheet-metal work)