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KOTT2 S.A. Binlcgy of yellow rocket. Bot. zhur. 48 no.11-1648-1652 N 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Vs-3soyuznyy nauchno-Issledovatil'shy in8titnt soll3kokho- zayatvennoy mikrobiologii, Moskva. KOTT, S.A. Stability of the biological typno of sornie w(:eds. Bot.zhur. 50 no.]-ltl589-1595 N 165. (MIRA 191l) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut sel'sko- khozyaystvennoy mikrobiologii, Moskovskoye otdeleniye. Submitted January 31, 1964. KOTTS V. Ultra short-wave oscillators,, Tr. from the Czech, (To be contd.) p. 186" RADIOTECHNIKA,, (Magyar Onkentes Honvedelmi Szovetseg) Budapest, Vol. 6,, No. 8. Aug. 1956 SOURCE: East Europem Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress., Vol- 5., flo. 11, Novezaber 1956 KOTT, Vaclav, KUDr ~ District physician and school hygiene. Prakt.lek., Praha 35 no-8: 181-183 20 Apr 55. 1. Obvodni lekar v Mimoni. (PUSICLA11S, district, role in school hygiene in Czech.) (SCHOOLS, hyg., role of district physicians in Czech.) Didtibutim *Ad movements ot the vitarm" C to cauh. dower. .17-Katt-1kewarch Iri~t. 'it ink.try F'..I In.l.. 11rutw). C,4-1,w AW. 7,rm)J11tk# 14, .141 M ( 1s)."I"--,r." V.rWtk- .. m -R. It. lot mid "Fifutl Stmit"t.- t.-A%,qWe -icW "Ilh-if dAvOm aw-tittlic AM %v4% if,td. 1,v Filhimm, titiatwo vurth,-I tit -*- juxts tif Sbc cilifibMict bt-4d, At 11110*11 in 3 11149fain), firSt A OW CUd 61 the VC9flAtIOn I"RXI, k 9. full ri1vticts, theft Atef sictiAlImS 4S isild INS1 fit. m 2' And 70"; it lalt~r hit. "Mity .".I mit 2.5* A"'I tit,";, fri.fl.0 hillimbiv, JIM the" J11AI" 1141.1rC the ulvw Omiar --Oito- Nit 1- ,in4fv,i, "rm 1.1itif "1(,( 1.4 -4 1~111 W. I t. ...... . 14,-t k.1 111C L-4-Atilfille' Aellij tit %.4flkiell 11.1114 W OW k-Alklid-l"tt .A% eqvviAlly t1s.irked At :.'.I* mij Wl.j. "ttli,e huttvu!it~ Are 72 hirs itor-Alpe tittte. 1111cf1--c t"Clett. ".4, tmuld tit it), vicinity tit the cut autfac" on the cavilill-rr he-1. L. A. 114iii,li XOTT V. Chemical Abet. V01. 48 No- 8 Apr. 25 # 1954 Biological Chemistry &Tars its X~ V tech*,P 11 Vid 4 M ).-Nrfnc vetv"don ascorbic (1) content was detd. In Uerale Hcr~ COO* e Dkmce Prtcoce, T , ead IUM c , sour cherries, Yellow Transpahist. and Fond2nte de Charneu and I W-tktt Pears. I to fruits Was the highest In the Initial phases of th*'".kq- ment when the seeds were soft gnd undevelapa _Axtw this time the d -namks of I content decreased very-hVAy. The max. of Ye small Incre-am was attained at the of the physiol. maturity. In overripe fruits I There is a direct relation bet"en the physiol. chances of OW kern--Is. In the pulp and 1xvi of the frults, vA the sceftmals- tion of I In the fruits. The greatest diffemce at I conteat bet*een the peal and pulp Wa3 In the early staM of de- vOopment In the apples, While In pears the grutest differ- en'M was at the last staas d thetr ripening. K KOTT, V. Best temperature for long storage of .i;),)les aned pe~irs. in. 4(,'~' . -TAYSL '-OTRA71N. Praha. Vol. 6, no. 3, 1955. SOURCE: Eaat European Accessions Ust (EEAL), 1,,, Vol. 5, no. 3, March 1956. CZECHOSLovAK14cultivated plants - FrAts. Berries. M Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 18, 1958, 82503 A;-.t'ior Kott) 11. Title The Infl,ence of Koporcchka Pear on Solanka Pear. Orig Pub Ovocnar. a zelinar.) 1956) 4, No 11, 322-324 Abstract Solanka is the principal pear variety iii Czechosiovakia. In Ustetskaya Oblast' i20 troes of Soianka pear were grafted on Koporechka. Controls were Solanka tree graf- ted oil a wildint, and Koporachka tree grafted oil Solanka existing in similar conditions. For the convenience in the StUdy; three types designated with letters A, B and C were separated from the entire m~liltiformity of Type C differs most from the typical fr7-it of Solanka but for the past 5 years it ha~; represented 4G% of the c,itirc crop of Solanka. In the st,~.dy of Solanka ia Untatokaya, oblaot' ill 1952-1954, 24 of tn)a A wau Card 1/2 Fri-i-;s. Berries, M Abs Joar Ref Zhur Biol., No 18, 1"58, 32503 'was focnd: B 39%, C 33%. Tape A corresponds most to the description of Soianka relating to the middle Of XIX cen- t~-ry (a lonG or elo;Lcated frdt)- EsPccially great dif- ferences between luypes C and A, B are noted in the s'rL!Ct- ure,;of the central body and the small lower depression. On the basis of a detailed st,,.dy of the structure of the fruit, it was determined that the fruit bf t,-pe C has sharp deviations from the characteristics of the fruit of authentic Solanka. In graftine Solanka on wildings, fr-,At!of type A and B predominate. Type C predominates in the fruit Of Solanka grafted On Koporechka. Solanka grafted on Koporechka is subject to a strong inflience of the latter, Measures are recommended for the preser- vation of the valuable Solanka pear variety known since the beginninS of the EiGhtcanth MtUry, -- T.V.Golab.. tsova Card 2/2 122 - CZECROSLOVIUM/Cultivated Pl=ts - Medicinal. Essential Oil- H DearinG. Toxins Abs Jour Hof Zhur - Diol.) No 12) 1958) 53879 23, 1958 110. Al 7-r-.ort tt t ;"At~xx- a ('~P T G. C AM) 151 MIT, Vladimirp inzedr., Transportation of green peas to the Processing enterprises in tank trucks. Prum POtrav-in 14 no.UO70-672 N163. :L- VYmktmlrY ustaV'Iihovarskeho a konzervatenskeho pru- mYslu, Praha. E' -ACC NRt AT602b9ol SOURCE OODE: UR/3175/66/000/028/0189/0195 Fott' Yu. P. Daep-Gea geophone Sc'u7-ilCE: Gosudarstvenny,. geologidlacGkiy komitet. Osoboye konstruktor6toye Uy-,jro. G-2ofizic*-cokaya apparatura, no. 28, 1966, i89-195 'Xi P 10 G3 -. eart'n science instrument, geophysic instrum=t, seisri3logic instrament, oc,.)P1-.ogra-.hic insLrument, underwater sound equipment, geophone, ocean acousl%,l'CG ABSTRACI': T'he author describes a deep-sea geophone housed in a container described Previously (IN: USSR. Gosudarstvennrj geologicheskiy komitet. Osoboye konstruktor- GXoye byuro. GeofizicheGkaja apparatura, no, 28, 19606, i1,4-154), in 'Whicn noise roduction is achieved by the selection oil the optimum frequency characteristics in deep submergence. The acoustic converter, t~e -ower frequency range and by very a .-Iollow barium titanate cylinder, is rounted or, the outside bottom of the container. The cylinder and electrical leads are enclosed in a plexiglass box filled with castor oil. The receiver amplifier consists of a tube~type unit and a transistorizeCk'I unit, the former having a high input impedance and an amplificati-on factor varying from 14 to 80. Between the converter and the first stage of the tube-type a_-Plifier,~. there 'is a two-section high-pass filter for suppressing infralow-frequency ocean Card 1/2 ACC NR~ AT60206961 sounds. Using the resistances and capacitances given for the tube-type amplifier, i a formula presented in the article yields a noise voltag of 17 pv in the 20-10,000-cps frequency band. This corresponds to a noise Pressure of 0.34 bar for an acoustic-converter sensitivity of 50 pv/bar. The transistorized output stage of the a-m-alifier 1:ransmits signals to the deck through a 3500-m-long KOBD-4 cable. Circuit diagrams are given for the tube -type aimlifier, the transiatorized output stage, and the remote-control unit; the operating principle of systc,-a is reviewed I 4 ii. A. 4. _.r, detail. ~t is shown that the minimum soundpressure registered by the receiver is approdmately equal to the rdnimum level of ocean noise calculated for the ampli"er pass band. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 1 table. 1WA-067-31 SUB CODE: 08, 09/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 007 Card 212 L 06540-67 EW*r(1)AWT(m) /LVP( j) ACC NRs AT6026959 IJP(c) R"VGW SOURCE CODE: UR/3175/66/000/028/0144/0154 AUTHOR: _~o~.tu. P.- Lapkin, Yu. P.: Nikiforov,-A. G. ORG: Institute of Acoustics (AlcusticheGIdy institut) TITLE: Digital deep-sea thermometer SOURCE: USSR. Cosudarstvennyy geologi cheakiy komitet. Osoboye konstruktorskoye byuro. Geofizicheskaya apparatura, no.,28, 1966. 144-154 TOPIC TAGS: ~c~atjoG.KapljLc mcn~t~~o~eanographic instrument, data recording, _2.q~ recording equipment, parametric converter, digital analog converter, binary code, pulse coding, computer coding, telemetry, telemetry equipment, telemetry system, telemetry technique ABSTRACT: The authors enumerate some of the shortcomings of various underwater data encoding and transmission systems and describe a fully transistorized experimental deep-sea instrument package~((see.Fig. 1) for recording temperature and pressure (depth) to 2000 m. The foliowing are the unit's characteristics: 1) depth-measure- ment range, 0-2023 m; 2) depth transducer measurement error 0.8%; 3) temperature- measurement range, -0.594 to +28.97C; 4) temperature-transducer time constant, 3 sec; 5) container weight, 11,100 kg; 6) length of cable on winch drum, 3.5 km; 7) measuref' ment time for one parameter, 3 sec; 8) scale resolution, temperature, 0,0289C; 9) scale resolution, depthi 1.99 m. Measurement results are put into a ten-bit Card 1/3 L 06540-67 ACC NRt AT6026959 7. !Fig. 1. Deep-sea in- strument package -1 - Cable coupling; 2 & 7 - electrical r 3 - casing; :4 - storage battery; 5 - rubber scaling gas ket; 6 - digital meas- uring system; pres sure transducer; rubber diaphragm; 9 G ZZ 10 - oil cavity; 11 - oil7filled p2jX= ethylenePtubes; 12 - resisEance thermometa J, * 9 It lo 1 t 0 a 0 a v a 1, !01!01 a a A A A DdUWWGM 41 Wed by a &I WOW. 16&ftf 0t A SkAd MW "d". Macw C"- raydvmi m C Fb MI PbA Pb b 9r - CROMA C. j~_ A A. . % P . $4, "(Io III Off 4011 M TIMMICA110 C44 IN IV"dtftO SM- bf W 00 il k 4 to d6 M%k Nall* h to a Im" "W". Tke cadua%x it Wt*f Ix hot Watt. k( diter. its :7d thtmab glaim yAami =2 hc~X -1 the V :0 ; i stvia FfnVy mid h 0 00 00 Is 6*0 1 400 460 'j: Ova, ! too .1 ~ IF Oki, jl~_AIM-SILA &TALL"( CAL UTU14T Wit CL ASSIPICS7100 ff-f- 0 o is w UV#, A? 1 0 'w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 40 0 sees 0 0 0 9 * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 l i ! q C- A -L-J. I t. to u if u 0 R L A-A-P.A off 16 of a 1114 1 P a 9 If v 1111 A -1 ?i2~0 000 04111 A (Or tke det"I"tim al Winto stumbels by reverdblo eitidatim-cedectim IndIcAtam jAiv( K'M (Chem. S-md InytsligAting InAt , llndAjw~t I l A 'Re i- ry). Alepotr Kim. Lopli 2, '24A-12111)47).-ii~ t Missi inethod of Kaufmanti-Funke W-4. 34. 4N10) was ma-li. tied. Threitcesi Brit houncl c4 Arvolklais " gild the cxcr~li cd the lut" il b4ck-titt'lltv'l by K twooliate. Selenioui acM. or imethyl aranjov Is uAcd As IndicAlor. 111"trad 4 lbv -411, 00 jKcnxKvf by Kaultuann a snitt. of N*aQBr and. in%temil 4 espensive McOlf, %&Oil are also miitabW N'&Ollr can he replaced by NaOCJ, but the latter must be kept In x \ Alm, Ptepn.olbypocidoriie%istc4lious. the"forcills, tiv of ch1cramine Is propowd, but this muit x1sn he kept 411 In the &rk and in a N win. The imults affirm the ~uih- 00 Wity of this twhod In analyting c"Car M. wisdower tKil, 0 14 l alml linseed oil, bog fat, etc. 16 refrovtir". luvin Finklir fox x v 0 a a a it t A 14 - I L A 14TAL1,481164CAs. L41o[4AjoAj CLfjUF AfsQ* .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 wee -000 "00 r Ice* 111100, q ties tA too 0 a u a it 10 All; 8 fill a Al a I w a 9 a 4 v 0 0 0 01* 0 0 is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 4114 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 411 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4` 0 C16116 0-00600 0 a 0 0 0 0 111 0 4 0 0 0 s, *o0***o*0**Oeoe**o* 'WW e: f~'Wo 060000000tooeoe ' . ; , M 6 9 to It fl ft it 66 f? If to ax IVa L Itullusku"100414141 w a 110 A " ,1, 4 T- to Et I", -.lot ..490 0o -0 0 o FIM MEZESI IPM MD INDOMY -00 VOL. V. -1951 -00 It* 3, Feb. - '80o coo 00 see 00 ;to 0 00 " ,goo -00 goo too --40 GIVALL606KAL U1144101 CLAIIIVKA110k I I N 41 , ll " 0 0 ~ - e 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 40 0 4 * 0 1 0 0 0 : i : A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 0 0 00 O's 4 0 0 0 : : : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0l KOTTASZ, J-. "Rapid detection of water addi-I to mlxed brandies." Elelrieze3i IF;jr, Mapest, Vol. 8, No. 2. Feb. 1954, p. 60. SO: Eastern E-European Ac,,~essions List, Vol. 3, No. 11, Nov. 1954, L.C. _-~ j , - . L '.,,I. De'%erminati-.)n of the fl~Avor (:-itensity) of ar-xj~lic ice creava. n. 171). (ELFL%'F-17E.~T T ~.-' . Vol. cl, 110. 6, June 1955. Pild. x1l ) -i .,L). -,(-. vk m ~ ~, , -,,. : I :o V. 11)5,~ ~ ncl. '~O: ',!ont~,.I-.- Li-t of atst Europeun Ac-eosloh. 0~ .., ; , 'l ~ " Kurvisz , j. car*.onic acid `ro.--,~ (,ar*,-,Oq-,C driji!:,; 35' Vol. 5, I:u. 11, 1.-ov. 195' Buda-.est, Hun-,ai- .D SO 11.onthly List j .--' Last "Europcan Acce ssions, L,~ , VLIL. L,0. 3, Earch, 1956 KCTTA,';Z, J. KCTT!,EZ, J. Removpl of carbon dioxide from bevera,es by centrifugation. P. 51. Vol. 10, no. 2, Feb. 1956. Budapest, Hungary. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Vol. 6, No. 4--April 1957 li-L7 MY A N. ,r, 1 C, R -71 -!m! A! cGin-311C i"WVE rjf*(--s kc)zl, Listilig of the contents cIr vi~duljns (C, A, D, etc.) 'in Various -lique-kirs a base. cacao ('Mlllsion liquel -irs ?1CC41tairilng C.-C-,;M, cc,-;! a., f? r-isr, d3t the economic inaj;,ror-ri- a "howin- -f "v1t--mJn enrlok,.rilentll of tllcch~~.,,!Jc TORBAGYI TIOVAK, Iaszlo; KISMIART011', Karroly; KOTTASZ, Jozsef Improvement of the methods for technical control in the food industry. Elelm. ipar 13 no.1:15-16 Ja 159. 1. Magyar Szab-,ranyugyi Hivatal (for Torbagyi 1,11ovak). 2. Muszaki Egyetem, (for Kismarton). 3. Fovarosi Vegyeszeti Intezet (for Kottasz). -KOTTELI, V. First steps. Sov.profsoiuzY 3 no.4:61-63 Ap '55, (MIRA 8:5) 1. Predeadatelf komitsts, profsoyusa shakhty NO.5 treat& *Resvetay- antratsit*, Donbass. (Donets Basin-Coal mines and mining) (Donate Basin- Trade unions) ~XOTTELI, Tu.; METKIN, A.; ANISIMOV, K. This is what conveyers contribute. Prom.koopo 14 no.7:6-7 Jl 160. (MIRA 13--8) 1. Tekhnoruk arteli i'Kultkhim," Kiyev(for Kottell). 2. Tekhnoruk arteli invalidov nKollektivWy trud,' g.Kimry, Kalininskoy oblasti, (for Hetkin). 3. Predeedatelt pravleniya arteli invalidov "Kartonasb.0 Leningrad (for Anisimov). Wev-Pi,ments) (Kizwy-Shoe induatz7) Zl~ningrad--Phper box induatrf) KOTTI, Ye.P., assistent Some comparative anatomic data on the jaw joint. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inst. l2tl34-135 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kafedra normallnoy anatomii (zav. prof. A.G. Korotkov) Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. K C; 71, L ARA TSC ~':N' LOGY Per-iodicals: =-IAL'MC.IA ST C(!~STI7,CTT,', T)17 Vol. .101, no. 5, 'M 1956 zy KO'L'LLR, A. Ach-ievenents Ln the fl-eld of -,-mlding in Ru-nania. n. '!~.~7 1 .Nont'-ly List of East, Euron~?an Accessionv (EEA1) LC, Vol. No. 2, Fe'r)ruar.,- inclass. FAIBIS, A.; WAWMIIA, R.j KOTTLAR-CRAINIC, Karin Functional topography of the bulbar structures Invol-ed in regulation of circulation. Stud. corcot. do fiziol. 10 no. 2: 193-202 1 65. i~cj II L", ~'.'L ),.r. "Hydrolysis of cellulo3e parts of vpcod." Che-rdick-e i~ratisla-va, vol 6, ".0 3/4, l-.'a:-./.,pr. 1952, P. :3,): , -xces5iono List, Vol 3) ,*o 10) Oct lk,~,54, ld',~ of COTI,!:ress KOTTLER3, V. "Destruction of cells and homogeneity of Cellulose in heterogenic hydrolysis. " p. 216. (fanjZ A Celulosa. Vol. 8, no. 10, Dec. 1953- Praha.) SO: Monthlv List of Fast LuropeLin Accessiong Vol. 3, no. 6, Library of Congress, June 1954. Uncl. KOTTMAN., J. iMAL - ,I L~ * czzclr_cjm..k(l& Prof. IN17r, Brw VaterinarsM& No 32., Nov 62, pp 329-331. "Contribution to flio StarMzatlon of lhlas by tho z'ajlAn-tcjan Yzthod" Cd-aewhort KO? "M I .Li~ . J., LWM-.~. 13-mo ;TT17:71T., V. "Dw,o Dcs-irns for an Electric Solder-inf, iron. Tr. fro77 41-.v HiinLmrian." r. 247, 1"FACA, Vol. 6, No. r. -7tntlif-da-va Cze&oslovakla) SO: Von,"lly I.i--t of Last Eurorcan LCY Vol. 4, j.'o. 1, JIET.,. l0r~,, jTncl, KOTTMAN. Yan_ [Kottman, J. I Penetration of chlortetracycline into the synovial fluid of a normal (healthy) joint in cattle. Antibiotiki 10 no.6t534-537 J's 165. (MIRA l8v7) 1. Kafedra khirurgii, ortopedii i rentgenologii (zav. - prof. E.Kral) veterinarnogt fakullteta Sallskokhozynystvennogo Instituta v Brno, Chakhoslovnkiya. I- --KO7QVA,A,,-~ BRADACOVA,M. Corticoids in 40 cases of variceUa. Gesk. pediat. 19 no-4t 306-310 Apt64. 1. Infekcni klinika fakulty detskeho lekarstvi KU v Praze; prednosta: prof.dr. J.Prochazka, DrSo. ,)k KOWOVA , Amia RAMOVA, NaAa, KUDr; XOTTOVA, Anna, NUDr Occurence of death of whooping cough in 1951 and 1952 at the infection ward of Bulovka hospital. Prakt. lek. 34 no,10'-231- 232 Ap 154. 1. Klinika infakenich chorob n& Bulovee, preduosta prof, Mr. Jaroslav Prochazkn. (WHOOPM COUGH, statist. *Czech. hosp.) BRADACOVAr M.; KOTTOVA, A.; RTM , M.; VIKLICKY, J. Varicella congenita. Cesk. pediat. 20 no.9:793-797 S 165. 1. -Infekcni klinika (prednosta prof. dr. J. Prochazka) a patologicko-anatomicke oddPleni (vedoucl doc. dr. J. Viklicky) nemocnice v Praze 8 n& Bulovce. Konou. V. Organization of wards for newborn; umbilical cord and its detachment. Pediat. listy 6 no-3:181-182 May-June 1951. (CINL 20:11) 1. Of the Institute of Care for Mother and Child in Prague- Podole (Director -- Prof. J. Trapl), Head of the Pediatric Division Docent X. Kubat, M.D. . HOSTCKSKA, L., dr.; KOMCKY, A., dr.; KOTTOVA, V., dr. Determination of changes in sermu cholesterol and alkaline phosphatase levels in the diagnosis and during treatment of hypothyroidism in children. Cesk.pediat. 11 no.2-3:123-127 Mar 56. 1. Z II. deteek klinfiq fakulty detakeho lakarstvi v Praze, prednoeta prof. Dr. J.Housek. Z detakeho oddeleni KUNZ v Praze, prim. Dr. D.Srbova. (HYPOMYROIDISH, in inf. and child cholesterol' & alkaline phosphatase level in blood) (CHOLES M OL, in blood determ. in hypothyroidism in child) (BWCD cholesterol & alkaline phosphatase daterm. In hypothyroidism in child.) (PHOSPHATASSS alkaline, determ. in bloQd in hypothyroidism in child) HOSTOMKA, L.. Dr.: KOPMKY, A., Dr.: KOTTOVA, V., Dr.; RALT, Dr., anistent. 11--.- -, . I WIR values in most frequent cbildrmns diseases In endocrinological practice. Cask. pediat. ii no.8:616-620 Aug 56. 1. If. detaka klin. prof. Dr. J. Honstl~a'.,,Detskm oddelant KUNZ, primarka Dr. D. Srbova. Ustav pro organia'aci tdravotnictvi v Praze, predn. prof. V. Prosek. (BASAL MMABOLIS11, determ. in thyroid die. in child (Cz)) (THvR)ID GUND, die. basal metab. daterm. in child (Cz)) CZECHOSLOMM/Hulmn and Animl Physiol,:).~,7. Litcrnal Secretio." T-8 Abs Jbur : Ref 7-hur - Biol.., 11o 14, 1953, i,,o 65415 Author : H-ostouska L., Kottova V. Sobova Inst : - Title A Comjarison of the linabolic Effect of Testosterone anC. ilcthylanCrostendiol on Proteins ia Cases of Grlirth Rctarcla- ti)II in ChildhocKi. Oric; Pub Vnitrid lelarqtvi, 1957, 3, 1-1:1 7, 620-630 0 go rt -1 0 Abstract A stucly was perfomed )n 03 c1l, -; 10-rca whos ,, i Ii w, s r - tarJed. Forly-nine chilCxcn roccived 10-20 n6 of nothyl- "estosterane ror a purioc! L).f r..onths with a subsequent !-,ix--.Ionth interruption. The cvcra,,,-O cluratim of treatric-lit was 3-k years. The remaia:'n--: ci-Ile-ren reccivm! 25 T-~; of T.10thylanOxosten(liol daily until reachinrj the ossification arre- The i-rowth rctarOztio~ level (-- lyear, on the avera-,c). k, .1 111 chilOxen was associatce. with hyiopituit, isi.,,, Tunica-'s ar uyn~lromc, chonftro('Iystraj~hy anO. othm nauses. N,) subs'u-natial Carc! 1/2 CZECHW- LOVAKIA/Ifiman anc! Animl Phy~;-.L*A -)-ry. Internal Secrotlan T-8 Abs Jour .-Rof Zhur - Biol., tio 14, 1953, ito 65415 clifforence iras detectetl botwcon th-c mabolic ef fects of the two substances on proteim, bivt vehon r.~a-thylandr,)stencl-ol was prui.zturc OUJ uAt occur. -- V.V. Yazvilo,,r Car(I 2/2 69 tl TIWIT~, V HOSTO;~L, ,L., Dr.: STRAKDVA, 14-, Dr.; KOTWVA.-Y . Dr. Further experieness with Congenital adranogenital syndrome in childhood. Cesk. pediato 12 no*5-6:458-472 Kay-June 57. 1* 11. Detska klinika prof. J. Houstka, v Praze. (ADR.MMGXMTAL SYIIDRomg, case reports congen. (Cz)) TOSOVSKT, Vaclav.;BRACHnLl)# Karel.; PISKAGOVA, Amia.-,KMOVA, Vera. Comgealtal skin sinuses in children. Gas. lek. cook. 96 no.27-28: 885-887 5 JUIY 57. 1. Oddeleni 4etske chirargie DFU v Praze, primar doe. XURr, Taclav TosovsIq 11. detska, klinWa KUv Praze. prednosta prof. Ik. Josef Houstek. (MIN, fistula congen. surgo (CE)) KOPZCKr, A.; XOTTOVA, V. Ion exchange in clinical nedicine. Cesk. pediat. 13 ao.9:831-835 5 Oct 58. 1. 11. detalm klinika Praha, prednosta prof. Dr. J. Houstak . L. K, Praha 110 Belehradska 47. (ION TRANSM ion exchange, clin. value, review (Cz)) HOSTQMSKA,L.; KOTTOVAO V. Certaia methodological criteria in thediagnoois and therapy of retarded growth in childhood. Ceek.pedlat. 15 no.8:691-695 Ag 10. 1. Katedra fakultni pediatris fakulty detakeho lekaretvi, vedouct T)rof. MUDr. J.Houstek. (GROWTH) KOTTOVA, Vera; VOKAC, Zdenek Change of respiratory parameters in children under the influence of work load. Cesk. pediat. 17 no.5/6:395-400 Je '62. 1. Katedra fakultni peliatrie a Ustav vyzkumu vyvoje ditete fakulty detakeho lekarstvi University Kar1ov7 v Praze, vedouci prof. MUDr. J. Houstek. (RESPIRATION in inf & child) (EXERTION in inf & child) HOUSTEK, Josef; BEIFESOVA, D.; KOTTOVA, V. -L-- Tubular disorders in children. Cask. podiat. 17 no.7/8:726-732 Ag 162. 1. 11. detska klinika fakulty detskeho lekarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof.'dr. J. Houstek Ustav patologicke anatomie fakulty dotskeho lekarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta doc. dr. D. Benesova. (KIDNEY DISEAS-1-S) 110SMISKA, L.; KOTTOVA, V. Kidneys in diabPtes J-n Childron and adolescents. Cesk. pediat. 17 no.9080-786 S 162. 1. Katedra pediatrie fakulty detskeho lekaratvi Uni-versity Karlorr v Praze, vedouci prof. dr. J. Howtek, DrSc. (DIAB:,T-'-*S MELLI,'US) (KIDNEY DIS;7_-:AS'-Js) MASOPUST, J.; KOTTOVA, V.; RASKA, B. Los3 of plasma proteins through the digestive tract. Co3k. pediat. 17 no.10:865-8?3 0 162. 1. Ustav vyzkumu vjvoje ditete pri fakulte detskeho lekarstvi KU v Praze, reditel prof. dr. J. Houstek Katedra fakultni rediatrie KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Hountek Katedra nemocniemi ~Vdlatrie KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Svejcar. .BLOOD PROTEDI ELECTqOPIIO-qZSIS) (FECES) (DIRRIOE-LECTROPHORESIS) (GASTROENTEROLOGY) ORT, M.; IWIAK, J.;_.FOTTOVA~ V.; REZNIK, Z. Diagnosis and therapy of acute pyelonephritis in 279 children. Cesk. pediat. 17 no.~/8:685-690 Ag 162. 1. 1. detska klinika fakulty detskeho lokarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dre J. Svejear. (PYELONEPHRITIS) jP112a=vA, A., MUDr.; PFLUGOVA-PROCWKOVA, E.. Mr.; KOTT. B., KMr. - - wbw"~~' Heart complications in whooping cough. Cesk. pediat. 11 no.9: 674-677 Sept 56. 1. Infekcni klinika na Bulovce v Fraze. (MOPING COUGH, compl. cardiac (Cs)) (nua, in various die. whooping cough (Cz)) KO-1111%, R. Some practical problems of X-ray examination of steel castligs. P. 197 Vol 6, no. 9, ONITOD-E, Section. KOHASZATI IAPOK. Budapest, Hungary. SO: Eastern European Accession. Vol 5, no. 4, April 1956 KOTTRELI, A. M. Metallography Theory of locklng In a crystal lattice. Usp. fix. nauk 46 no. 2, 1952. Monthl List of Ru ssian-Access ions, Library of Congress, August, 1952. UNCIASSIFIED. - 0 KOTTS. A. I inzh I Conatcuetion cf the inclined part of tha slip from precact reinforned conure'v~ on a vibmted sand foundation. Rec.,h. 'hianap. 24 no.8:43-45 1105. (MIRA 18:9) KOTTSEN, I.Te., Whenar. . Devica for heating the bodies of dump trucks. Transp. strei. 5 no.9:26-27 N 155. (MLRA 9:2) (Dump tracks) S/149/62/000/001/007/001:~ AOO6/A10l AUTEORS- Shevtsova, Z. N.,. Kottser, L. A., Korshunov, B. G. TITLE: On the interaction of neodymium chloride with sodium and potassium chlorides in melts PERIODICAL: Izvestiya ipysshikh uchebn.vkh zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, no. 1, 1962, 121 - 126 TEXT,. The authors studied the interaction of neodymium, sodium and potas- sium chlorides during the joint crystallization of their melts. The interaction of components in a NdCl 3-rNaCl-KC1 system was investigated by the fusibility meth- od, Cooling curves were recorded with the Kurnakov pyrometer. Six internal sec- tions of the system were studied. Their orientation was determined mainly by the location of non-variable equilibrium points on lateral double diagrams. Section (K3NdC'6-NaCl) is stable and divides the diagram into two partial diagrams cor- responding to systems NdCl3 -NaCl-K 3NdCl6 and K3NdC'6-NaCl-KC1. The eutectic point of the section (Figure 7) (Van Rheyn point) corresponds to the following comoosition in mol. %: 17.6 NdCl 3' 29.6 NaC1, 52.8 KC1 and 538�20C melting tem- perature. The horizontal, marked on the diagram, corresponds at 11200C to the Card 14 On the interaction of... S/149/62/000/01/007/009 A006/AIOI polymorphous transformation of the chemical compound K 3'1dCl6- On the basis of data obtaineda fusibility diagram of the ternary system was plotted. The liq- uidus-surface of the system consists of five fields of initial crystallization corresponding to the separation of NdC 13 , NaCl, KC1, KNdC1 and K3NdCl6A from the melt. There are 7 figures, I table and 16 referen'c'es, ;'SovieZ-bloc nd 7 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSCCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii (Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology) Kafedra teklinologii redkikh i rasse- yannykh elementov (Department of the Technology of Rare and Dispersed Elements) SUFJ,lITTED; March 27, 1961 C ard 2/6 SHEMOVA., Z.N.L KOTTSER, L.A.; KORSHUNOV, B,G. Interaction of neodymium, chloride with molten sodium and potassium chlorides. Izv.vys.uch+zav.; tsvet.met. 5 no.1:121-126 162. WIRA 15:2) 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii, kafedra tekhnologii rodkikh i rasseywinykh elementov, (Neodymium chloride) (Sodium chloride) (Potassium chloride) 9 (4) SOV/107-59-3-48/52 AUTHOR: Kottsov, P.(Arkhangellsk) TITLE: A Device for Checking Electron-Beam Tubes (Pribor dlya proverki elektronno-luchevykh trubok) PERIODICALt Radio, 1959, Nr 3, p 63 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The instrument serves fir testing the insulation be- tween the cathode and -'.,he filament, the cathode emission, and the insulation between the cathode and the modulator of electron-beam tubes with magnetic focussing of the beam. The circuits of the acceleration electrode and the first anode of the new tetrode kine- scope cannot be checked with this instrument, but this is unessential since defects in these circuits are rarely found. A neon tube LDT-7 is used as an indica- tor in the device and it receives power from ac mains. Figure 1 shows the circuit diagram. The glowing of the neon tube indicates various defects as compiled in table 1, There are 1 table and I circuit diagram. Card 1/1 XOTUG-4 Jan., inz. The House of Technology p_83istine welders. Zvaranie 1.1 nO-8:225 Ag 162. 1. D-om tachniky, Bratislava. KOTUC, Jan, im; TESAR, Karol, inz, Electricians-innovators are solving the problems of automation. Tech praca 14 no.6t439-442 is 162. 1. Dom technikyo Bratislava. KOTUC, Jan Marking and cutting devices for designing tube penetrations. Gepgyartastechn 2 no.9:334-339 S 162, 1. Hegentestechnikai Kutato Intezet, Bratislava. KOTUKH, YAKSHEVIGH, To. Some recommendations on the use of the Pallma overlay on maps. Mor.flot 19 n0-10:37 0 159. 04IRA 13:2) 1. Starshiye inzhonery Gidrograficheakogo predpriyatiya. (Radar) Naps) KOTUMOVI 'M. P. Geography P- Geology Great feat; discovery of Antarctica, Moskva, Voenno-morskoe izd-vo, "951. Mlonthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 1952. UITCLASE"IFIEED. KOTUL~~l Pbtrovich; KUKKES. S.N., radaktor; HALICHEYSICIT. G.R.. W-00 redaktor kart ; RIVINA. 1.N., takhnicheakiy redaktor (Great exploit; discovery of the Antarctic regional Telikil podvig; otkrytie Antarktidy. Moskva. Goa. Izd-vo geograficheskoi lit-ry. 1955. 124 p. (MLRA 8:3) (Antarctic regio'ns) (Ball1whausen. Faddei Faddeavich. 1779-1852) (Lazarev, Mikhail Petrovich. 1788-1851) MTUKROV, Tu.A. Popular medical plants of the Rudny7 Altai. , no-36:53-55 160. (MIRA 13:,r) l.AltEqskiy botanichookiy sad Institute, botaniki Akademii nauk Kazakhsko3r SSR, LeningrAd. (Alta"i Mounialne-BOW, Medioal) 1 7 ~,- I j YU rf the qottli,ical Clarfien. Ail ARKHMOV, V. I.; KOTMIOVA, Ye. I.; ITIM-KIM, E. I. The Effect of Electrolytic Sediments of Chrmii~m and Irickel on the Oxidation of Iron at High Temperatures zii,i!F lo, 121o, ig4o KOTUKOV, GON. Obtaining Inters-pecific hybrids in the genus Digitalis. Bot.zhur. 38 no. ):414-4)8 15). (nU 6:6 (Foxglove) FaT2, Ani=25, The Honeybee. A't)3~ Jotir : RZBioloq No* 4$ 1959, 50. 16764 ik u tiio r ! F.0tukov, G, N, lu'ltltu-Lu. ~-= -- It I Ln~velicv. [Ax4,e'1jca aZeIiarigal-ical, Orlrr aib, PChe10Vods-'UV0) 19539 No 0t 41-43 Abs, t r a c t Angelic a' ntT! c inalis RkifN. blooms in July- August aud 'O,,e be-~-a gl%thFir frvr, it up to 2.3 best bed ke, of OaUy, Thr foi- une i)1mt Is 60 x 60 aad 60 x 41) cm. a KOTUKOV, G.H. Introduction of the foxglove and mandrake. Trudy Bot.inst.ser.6 no.7:337 '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Finansovo-skonomicheakiy inatitut, Kiyev. (Kiev--DSZita1is) (Kiev-11andrake) 1, 09185-67 E7,lp(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD/JG ACC NR' A117002753 SOURCE C ODE Po/ 001.6A6/011/005 10345103 48 AUTHOR: Kotula Edward- Schroeder, jLqrzy:_~hrc~cr, Yu 7, r Kai , t1al Industrial Departments R-1, Kowary (Zaklady Przemyslowe R-1); L6C.Irocderj :',~,,Nirtmnt of Inorr,.-mic- Technology, Polytechnic Institu"j_Lri~qlaw k'*) (Natedra Tuchnologii nicorganicznej, PolitechnM Wr ciaws a IL I MIS: Investigations on the possibility of reduction in consumption of chemicals during the uranium ore leaching process SOURCE: Nukleoni v. 11, no- 5, 1966, 345-348 T LOPIC TAGS: uranium ore, sulfuric acid ABSTRACT: The digestion of some sifting fractions of granite uranium ore with sulfuric acid was investigated. The data obtained allowed new and more economical leaching circuit with lower chemical consumption to be proposed where uranium ore _s divided into two fractions. Orig. art. has; 2 figures and I tables (NA3 ,;SUB CODE: 08 SUB14 DATE: 20Sep65 ORM REF: 003 SOV W 001 GTH MT: 002 C.~d 1/1 nst KOTULk, buciwik, Inz. Rer-Ord ad,.--nCeS of the plonc. -a"; '~ Ir. the , '!"~ - -- ,lc)rzl 16 n, . !:42--45 F 1~5. - . - i a ~ C-,.. Given U COIL-Itz-j: C,,ec~osiova.~:ia `-.cad--7dc Degrees: U Affiliation:, - ~--'ttu-e 1~0-r--tiie AdLivanced ~.-'raiiiini-~--of-_pily~s_ic_i_.ans (Ustav pre a-001~'cjlovanie leir"arov), i4-rH1Ui-s1'-a-v-a---- Sot=ce: Bratislava I j, Vol V111) NO 7y 1961, PP 416-419. DdtA I 11-f'ova GPO 94164) KOTUIA.. Rudolf ca WPM -A 'a t; 9 C;~ E., -E . . -r-4 . ,L L; F, 9 r, -7m) o c a 7V, cam Lamaj, J., xmu, R., IACZO C. SUM Stomfto tislams (Stontologicia kat4dm SUM4 director do%ctalllrt~=o Prague, Cesko alovervika Stocatologlo# Vo 1, 1963, Vp 36-40 OInfluence of Fbm-kw %dtol&+Aom on the Dentition of the CbWA PopwAtion in the VioWty of an Almdzm PlantO CZECINOSLOVAmik 3 ololeal Chair SOL (Sto=ltologiaa katedra SUM), Bratislava Praduc, Coskonlovoncka otoaatolO-7,10p If* 4# 1963v YP id ,alum Case of PatholAgical. Aboori Uou of Dentluel CZECHOSLOVAKIA KOTULA, R. Stomatolo gical Chair o_-IC the Slovak Institute of Pre- MLedicine (Stomatoloricka katedra Slovensl.-eho uotavu r~ - pre doskolova-nie lekarov), Bratislava Bratislava, Lekarsky obzo , 110 8, 19063, pp 483-487 "Biological Procedure in Treating Partial Tooth Pulp Inflammation." ZVARA, V.; _EgBU,4-V.; ZVOLRISKY, M. Ureterocele and its clinical significance. Cask. radiol. 19 no.2:130-136 Mr 165. 1. Urologicka klinika (Prednostat MUDr.F.Jakes); II. detska klinika (prednostat prof. dr. J. Michalickova) Lekarskej fakulty University Karlovy v Bratislave. KOTUIA,, Zdenek, in%. (Oatrava) Influence of mine fires on the ventilation system In inclined works. Uhli 5 no.8t263-266 Ag 163. KOTUIA; Z. Synovlcd~~ki, Z, Elsner J., Bolaek, Cz., Plebanski, T., Kotula, Z., C,.4a!foszyfski I-Xlof~ff Crystalline Procaine Penicil-lin eor Intrawu6cular Injection in Water Suspension. Krystaliczna penicylina prokainm-a do zastrzykow domiesnicv~ch w a zwriesinie vcdnej' Frzemysi Chemiczny. 110, 51 1954, pp. 269-273, 7, figs., 1-0 tabs. The aime of 'he experiments here described was to work out an economic method of obtaining -orocaine penicillin frorL N-ethylpiperidina salt and from -postassium- salt of -penicillin. The course of the process is given together -Ath the influence of differene param.aters on the yeild. The properties of the procaine penicillin obtained vere irr;estuigated The efficacy of the prcduct 6-as established In a number of clinical tests. This TreVnod of 'Manufacture -im3 notified to industry in the year 1953. K MIU, Z. "I:3olaticn of Streoterrycin frum Fernentatd-)n Brot"'i and its Purification. 'I F. ~02. (PF~Z-IrCSL Vol. 10, No. 6, June, 191514, Poland) SO: I'onthly List of Z,,st Eurorean Accessicnz, (LI--'AL), IP,, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 10,55 Uncl. KOTULA, Z. "Fractic,al Experience in the llunrarian People's llei-ublic", P. 510, (P?.Zl.."YSL C',,'VI'TGZ?7 Pol-.nd) - - .1y, 1101. 10, IT0. 10, Oct. 1954, 11arlzr_',TIi, SO: Yonthly Liot of East Europenn Accenriono, (E-',";'.L)j 11C, %101. 1" 1,10. 151 l,'E-.y 195r,,, ['~ C, -r- Lx- L- -,\-%--L- . KCT UIA' Z. StreptovVeins and their salts. P. 383 Madomosci Chemiczne) Vol- 3-1, no. 7, JUlY 1957, Wroclaw, Poland SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST HUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC, VOL- 7. NO. 1. JAN- 1958 KOTUIA, Zbigniew (Warl=Wa, Ul. Zumwia 6. ) Structure of marol idea ,Pnotepy. hi4.. nod. - donw. 12 no.5:491-514. 1958, 1. Instvtut Antybiotykov. - (ANTIMOTESO .m.crolides, review (Pol)) FOLUTD/Cho:Acal Tochniho-~y - C7'ienicaL Prliductq nad Mcir if. ~,pplica tion. Sptlictic and ITattiral Medici:,.al Subs- tances. Galelicals Mid Mediciaal Forris. 'Vos Jour : Ref 2hw - E:ioiyn, No 10, 1959, 36oog AALUthor : Kotula, Zb., Hoetran, H., Rzounis, Kr. Inst Title The Solubility of Streptomycin Hydrochloride in a ILixtura of Mothyl Alcolloi nnd Acetone. OriG Pub Acta poloa. pharmac., 1958, 15, ITO 11, 295-296. Abstract There were deternined the i-Axture solubilities of 90, 85, 80, 75, 70, 65, 50 aad 40% acetone and the correspondinc.; 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 50 ana 6o~ methyl alcohol. The data, represented 3Taphically by trColes and curves, my be utilized in the establishment -if the nost favorable conditions for the extraction of streptomycin hydrochlo- ride from nothano! s,.)lutions. -- I. Fodiman Card 1/1 KOTULA, Zbipiew; HERMAN* HalinA Removal of nickel from dibydrostreptom7cin solutions with the aid of an ion-exchange resin amberlit IR-4B. Med.dogw.eikrob. 12 n0.2:183-187 160. 1. Instytut Antybiotykow, Zaklad Technologiczny- (STFM3TOMIN rel.cpda.) ION EXCHANGE RESIVS) NICKZL chem.) ~ -KOTUIA, Zbigniew; KONMKAp Wanda Colorimetric determination of dihydrostreptcMcin in the presence of sodium sulfate and sodium borats. Yed.dosw.mikrob. 13 no.3:303-306 161. 1. Z Zakladu Technologicznego Insty-tutu Antybiotykow. (STREPTONYGIN rel cpds) (SODIMI) KOTUIA, Zbigniew,, mgr inz. Achievements and development prospects of the Instituto of Antibiotics. Farmacja Fol 18 no.17/18:49-420 3 162. 1. I-~otytvut Antybiotykow) Wars".awa& IMTULA, Zbigniew, mgr. inz., adiunkt Ion exchange in the technology of antibiotics. Wiad cbem 17 no. 4: 211-229 Ap 163. 1. Zaklad Tachnologiczny, Instytut Antybioltykow) War3zawao KOTUIA, ZbIgniew; KOTIUSZKO, Danuta Studies on the pigments present In neomycin eluates. Med. dosw. mikrobiol. 17 no.2:163-172 165. 1. Z Instytutu Antybiotykow w Warszawie. KOVJLAK, Auarde, KUDr. I., - -.- - Method of work at the tuberculosis ward of a polyclinic. Cook. sdravot. 4 no. 1:24-27 Feb 56. I.Vedouci lakar plLcniho oddeleni OUNX v Gottvaldove. (HOSPITALS, polyclinic. tubere. ward. (0-z)) (TUBIMCULOSIS, tubeft. ward of polyclinic (Oz)) A0 -IT_1Z_1)A11_ ~T' TOTOVAV Y L. - Bacterial air pollution; preliminary 8 no.23:557-559 1 Dee 1953. communication. I4k, listy, Brno (CLM~ 25:5) 1, Of the Institute of Microbiology (Head--Prof. V. Tomasek, M.D.) of Masaryk University, Brno. KOTULQI,J.; JAROS,M. Some hygienic problems of shift education. I.The influencing of the dail-y regime of children. Cesk. hyg. 9 no.32169-1715 Apf64- 1. Katedra hygieny a epideriologie a katedra psychiatire lekarske fakulty UJEvPp Brft. S KOTUM,I, J.; JAROS,M. P,-,- ~wirr,4pnjr r'blems of shift education. Ir.-'OdmtA%Um to the-~~iiW& of psychical output oIf children in the forenoon and afteimom classes. Cesk. hyg. 9 no-0202-208 My164- 1. Katedra hygieny a epidemiologie a katedra Foychiatrie lekarske fakulty UJE;vP [ University J.E.Purkpe], Bmo. of ),,jZICnj), Vol 7, 517 t of =.I I.zl .4 St'd-, .3 of , 7- z t1.; a. a 7. rpidt.101ozic.1 S.-d-laa of zm.. tit Ca -a~;*,h of 'Ca tho Pro31ci of Cbj*cLivg IYAI~tlcn of ;IQc"ItIv* Effect of a Picuor Youth C&Ap,* Source# PAJO 517. &xet a: !: -dlzlrj of ;nI Zpd~l-oloZlcal St~diac a.' F, Is UhQ e4r.: hfZI--~' ef *V., *~Cm:t nd *,>1d=1oIcZIc.I st.tiod ir. :%rtl '"ctcr of Y.zd at t1l.* Ir-tittsw at 1~,Clenl* eM Zjid-Lalo,;Ical 3tdlsm of Me X441CAl 74OAty, Zma. CZEC"OSLOV.A.KIA HOTUUN, J Chair of 111Y.--3-iene and E-,Ademiology oi" the !Jedical Faculty Uj,ErP (Xatedra hy~~ieny a ei:idemiolo--ie lckkars'rke fak.ulty UJEP), Brno Prabrue, Cesicoslovenska hy,,-,-iena, 110 7, 19063, pp 394-402 "On Problenas of Trainin- in Hy,,~ieiie in the Facult,"Les of General '.iedicine.11 KOTULAN, J. On problems of training of bygiene at faculties of general medicine. Cesk. byg. 8 no.7:394-403 Ag 163. 1, Katedra hygieny a epidemiologie leltarske fakulty UJEP v Brne. (HYGIENE) (EDUCATION, MEDICALP POSTGRADUATE) (SCHOOLS, PUBLIC HEALTH) JAROS,M.; KOTULAII,J. Rental efficiency in schoolchildren in shift lessons. Activ. nerv. sup. 6 no.lt96 t64. *, VLCHY R.; KOTITLAN, J. ------- Some problemB of children's daily regime In South Moravia region. Cesk. hyg. 9 no-9:542-550 0 164. 1. Oddeleni hygieny deti a dorostu Krajskaj hygienicko-opidemio- logickej stanicy JIhomoravskeho Krujakeho narodniho vybory, Brno; Katedra hygieny a epidemiologie lokarske fakulty University J.E. Purkyne, Brno. KOTUIAN', J,, Sme experiences gained on the teaching of preventive specialities abroad. Cesk. hyg. 10 no.8:460-468 S 165. 1. Hatedra hygiany a epidemiologie lekarske fakulty University J.E. Ilurkyne, Brno. 7, "N' TE J. C~ CZEG"HOSLOVAIM J.-J4; Psychiatric Clinic, Medical BOUCHAL, PI.; JAROSO M,; KQ~'ZUW Faculty,, J.Ev. Purkyne UnIversity (Psychiatricka Klinika Lek. Fak, UJEvP), Brno; Chnir of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Modical Faculty, J. Ev. Purkyno University (Katedra HyFieny a Epidemio- lor~ie Lek. Fak. UJEvP), Brno. "Living Conditions and Neuroticism of University Students." Prague, Cesicoslovenska Psychiatrie, Vol 62, lio 4, Aug 66, pp 229 - 236 Abstract /Authors' English summary modifieL7: 201 coliege students in theiV~rd year of studies were investigated in 1963; in 1965 188 students in their 5th year of studies were again investigated by the same method. Eysenk's neurosis test (1414Q), Taylor's anxiety test, Knobloch s N5 test, and authors' S test were used. Eating and sleeping hAbits improved in the 2 years, study exertion decreas- ed, cultural interests widened Sports activity decreased. Steady datin increased from 25% to 6i%, regular sexual life was reported by IN men and 2% women in 1963, and in 1965 by 73 and 61%. Drink- ing of coffee and alcohol and smoking increased. Taking of drugs rose from 5 to 22%. Neurosis rose from 6 and 23% to 21% of 1/1 men and 36% of women. 3 Tables, 11 Western, 19 Czech refs. - 71 - HUM, R.1 FI?ITAJSLOVA, 0.; HABANEC, B.; KOTULEK, M. Cytomegaly in newborn infant$,, Cesk, pediat. 18 no.8:683-W Ag 163- 1. 11 detska klinika lekarske fakulty UJEvP v Brne, prednob-ts prof. dr. M. Toman II patologickoanatomicky ustav lekarske fakulty UJEvP v Bme, prednosta prof. dr. M. Dluhos Kojenecky ustav v Kyjove, vedouci MUDr. M. Kotulek. (CYTOMEGALIC INCLUSION DISEASE) (MATERNAL-FETAL EXCHANGE) (BLOOD SEDIMENTATION) (BRAIN DAMAGE, CHRONIC) (FETAL DISEASES) BROZMAN, B.;VUBAK, q.;KOTULIAK, V.;NAW, R. liffect of unconditionally and conditionally applied low pressure on certain physiological functions. Ceak. f7aiol. 8 no-5095-396 S 159 1. Fysiologicke oddelenie Ustavu pre vyokum vyzivy ludu, Bratislava, I~ziologicky ustav Ukarskej fakulty UK, Bratislavu. (ATMOSPMIG PRESSURA ef f. (RIF= CONDITIMM) BROZMAN, B.;DIBAK, O.;KOT.ULIA.K. V.;NEM, R. Changes of carbohydrate metabolism in conditionally and unconditiomlly applied low pressure. Cesk. fysiol. 9 no.1:4-6 Ja 60. 1. Fyziologicke oddelenis Ustavu pre vyskum vyzivy luda. J~ziologicky ustav Lek. fak. UK Bratislava. (kNGXIL exper.) (CARBOHYDRATIS metab.)