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KOTOV, P.A.. doktor tokhatchookikh tauk.
Determining the correction capacity of the Bdudet apparatus.
Vast. eviazi 7 zo.8:11-14 Ag 147. (WRA 9: 1)
(Telegraph-Autouatle systems)
Telegraphy - High Speed
Telegraphy - Squipment
Increasing the Rectifying Characteristics of the
Bodo Apparatus," P. A. Kotov, Dr Tech Sci, 21 pp
19.Vest Sv7azi, Xlektro-Svyaz11' No 1 (94)
In "Vestnik Svyazi, Slektro-Svyazl" No 8, 1947, ap-
ppewed an article discussing several formulas for cal-~
,manting rectification during nor=al operation of'the
Bodo apparatus. Kotov discusses several other aspects
q~r this rectification. Explains effect of correction
contact an -the rectifying characteriotic of the ap-
a system of correotlon when -ased vith
shortened ecntacts cf the Bodo apparatus, practical
mthod of detex ining the degree of displacement of
the correction contact, and interrelationehip of
contacts of rings I andn onforering
.4 C\
T k
0 04~
,d P4
FEDORTSOV, Boris Fedorovich; KOTOT, P.A., prof., retsenzent; ZRLIGER,
~ -' ^P.Ta., red.; SOBOLEVA,
H.B., prof., retsenzent-~
LPhototellegraphyl Yototelegrafiia. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo,
ig6o. 354 p. (MIRA 13:5)
DBvices for Inveatigating tolegraph channele. Slektroaviazi 14
no-5:6o-66 my ,6o. (MIRA 13:8)
P/_1 0616110001-01 2/,007Y9 10
73 ,WI 13.9-9) A055/A127
TITLE-s Start-stop reception sys. operating without interruption of.the
oscillations of t-he control pualse generator
PERIODICAL: ElektrosvyazI, no. 12, 1961, 50 - 55
TMEM1. Tne well-known transistorized (or,eleqt~ron.tub~) staristop receptlon
systems use a generator 6f c6ntr6i pulses, Xnese oscillations cease'during the
3~op period. The start-stop..reception systems described in this article can ope.7
rate.without any i~.terruption of the control pulse generator oscillations. The
system shown in Fig. I operates as follows; In the stop position, the control
triggers T6 and T7 and all the triggers of the frequency divider occupy the pasi-
tion at which the high voltage comes from B. During the stop-signal reception
period, the pulse from the "stop" contact of the distributor is applied to the
input of T This trigger lips over, and high voltage from its output B reaches
cell I,. ~tl the reception of the stop signal, the reed of the reception relay is
at its right-hand contact; high voltage is therefore applied also to the second
input of I,. From the output of I,, high voltage gets to the input B of T7, which
Card 1/4 ~7
31 03
Start-stop reception systems operating withaut... A055/A127
tips over and supplies hig7h voltage from the output B and low voltage from the out-
put A. When there is no high voltage at the output A of T the generator pulses
will not pass through the cell I , and the pulse y receiv;~'from the output B of
T7, will set all the triggers of ?he divider into the position shown in Fig. I (in
this position, high voltage exists at the outputs B of theae triggers), The system
will remain in this position until the reception of the start pulse. -At the re-
ception of thin pulse, the read of the relay will move away from the right-hand
contact, and high voltage will cease to be applied to the input B of T 7. Then,
the reed touching the left-hand contact, a pulse will be applied to ttie input A of
T , and this trigger will Up over into the other' position; high voltage from
~zs output A will then be applied to 12. From this moment on, the control pulses
from the generator will be able to pa4a through 12 and reach the input of the di-
vider. The first control pulse will set all the.divider triggers into the position
at which. high voltage will come from the A outputs. The operation of the start-
stop reception system will begin. At the 'moment of the reception of the middle
part of the start pulse, a pulse will be sent from the output B of T # and this
pulse will set the distributor into the next steady position; . at t~?s moment,,- a
Shok pulse from'the "Start" contact of the distributor will be applied to the in-
Card 2/4 1*'~
.:.,_ KOTOV , P.A.
Teletype repsiving devices with control pulse generators in
continuous operation. Elektrosviazl 15 no.12:50-55 D 161.
(19RA 14:22)
(Telegraph.-Automatic systems)
AUTHOR: Kotov, P. A.
TITLE: Traffic capacity of transmission systems with automatic error
challenging In binary signals
SOURCE: Elaktroovyaz', no. 2, 1964, 1-7
TOPIC TAGS: signal transmission, signal transmission system capacity,
automatic error challenging, automatic error correction, TOR system
ABSTRACT: A theoretical analysis is submitted of a binary-code tranumission
system in which errors are corrected by the sender upon an automatic challenge
from the receiver. The system it; similar to that described by Dupont
(Teleprinting over radio circuits, Ltonde Electrique, May. 1954). The traffic
carrying capacity of such asystem is given by:
-0 -q,
+ 11n) PW
Card 1/2
where jio= V uj is the length of all line segments containing errors numerically
equal to the total number of elements; I,- It to the length of all segments
without errors; L=iio+to is the total number o! trans mitted ele ments; R K Is the
error-detecting code capacity; subscript i means the i-th section of the trans -
rtiission line. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 8 formulas.
ENCL: 00
OTHER: 00-1
Card 2/2
ACC NR:AMbOl43114
Ch.VI. Systems Usinq.: Repetition of Information Transmission by Error-
Correcting Codes (SPP-OKP)
1, Frinciple of SPP-OKP systems operation -- 83
2. Transmission systems using series substitution of erroneously
received code combinations (SPP-OKP) -- 85
3. T7-ansmission systems using a code-combination selection based
on a'majority criterion (SPP-OKB) 94
4. Transmission rate of SPP-OK systems -- 101
Ch.VII.Systems Using Repetition of Information Transmission by Error-
Correcting Codes TSPP-IK)
1. Principle of CPP-IK systems operation -- 102
2. Error probability of first checking -- 103
3. Error probability with multiple checking -- 105
4. Effective means of error decorrelation -- 112
5. Transmission rate in SPP-IK systems -- 113
SECTION III. Transmission Systems With Information Feedback (OIS)
Ch.VIII. Transmission Systems Using Feedback Checking and Repetition
1. Principle of OPP systems opefttion and their classification- 117
Card 4/6
2. Logic of OPP operation with checking per sign -- 118
3, Transmission systems with reverse per-sign checking and repetitio
by simple code (OPP-PK) -- 120
4. OPP-PK transmission system with group checking and repetition by-
simple code -- 131
5. Transmission systems with reverse checking and repetition errors
detected by code (OPP-OK) -- 134
6. Block diagram of OPP_:0K systems '-- 137
7. Calculation of follower capacitance in OPP-OK systems -- 13Y
8. Transmission rate in OPP-OK systems -- 141
Ch.IX. Transmission Systems With Reinterrrogation (AZO)
1. Principle of operation and classification of AZO systems -- 143
2. Block diagram of an AZO-E system with per-element (per-signal)
checking -- 145
3. Calculation of fbllower capacitance in AZO-E systems -- 151
4. Error probability of code combination in AZO-E systems -- 154
5. Transmission rate in AZO-B systems -- 157
Ch.X. Systems With Interrogation and Repetition of Code Combinations
1. Block diagram of AZO-K systems' -- 16o
2. Calculation of follower capacitance in AZO-K systems -- 162
ACC NR: A146014344
3. Error probability of code combination in AZO-K systems --.164
4. Transmission rate in AZO-K Systems -- 169
Ch.XI. Systems Using Error Correcting and Detecting Codes (AZO-IK)
1. principle of operation of AZO-IK systems -- 178
2. Error probability of code combination in AZO-IK systems -- 178
3. Transmission rate in AZO-IK systems -- 181
Bibliography -- 183
Appendix 1 Table of binomial c X coefficients (insert)
Appendix 2 Table of expansions n 2n, (insert) ymbol, code (insert)
Appendix 3 Matrix Of code spaces,in a simple S-s
STjB.CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE:,12Jan66/ ORIG REF: 030/ ()TH REF: 024
Feedin.a and Feeding Stuffs
Green fodder plan in the "Kamennaya" Steppe. Korm. baza 3 no. 7, 1952.
Monthl List of Russian Acca:-sions, Library of Con-ress) Feptember 1952. UMIJASSIFIED.
2. UIejSR (690)
4. Cattle; Pastures
7. 3umier pasturing of cattle in the Karmen' steppe. as Part of the F, reen
fodder n1an. Sove zootekh. 7 no. 6 (1952)
Institut Zem-ledeliya Tsentrallnoy Chernoz4erinoy Polosy imeni Prof.
V. V. Dokuchayeva
9. 11,11onthlyList of Russian Accessions, Library of Conf-rens, Auguot 1952.
Sowing of fodder by field siations Moskva, Gos. izd-vo sollkhoz. lit-ry, 1953. 116P. (54-
7TF7LwT,*' -".j P.,
Foraga "lant's
Permanent food su,),Iy is 'uh~', basis for dev-alooint- communal sto-kbr--~edin,-. Kolkh. )roi7,v.
';o I
- 3, 1;,)53-
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, awne 1953. Unclassified.
Silage crops in the Chemotem region. Moskva, Gos. Izd-vo sellkl-oz. lit-ry,
1954. 62 p.
Stubble sowin7 of fodder crops izd. 2. Moskva, Gos. Izd-vo sellkhoz.
lit-ry, 1954. 110 D. (54-4Z772)
S603.K67 1954
USSR/Farm AlLiPMIS - Swine
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., 110 15, 1958; 69361
Author : Guseva, K.M., Ymyazev, G.A., ~Ztov~_P.F.
List : Scientific Research Listitute of Agriculture of the
Central Chernozem Belt
Title Green Fodder for Swine
Orig Pub Byol. nauchno-tekhn. inform. P-.-i. inta s.-kh. TsChP,
1956, No 1, 41-42
Abstract No abstract.
Card 1/1
- 45 -
TOMM, L., kandidat eel 'skokhosyaystvenrqkh nauk; PANOVA, Ye. , .
Using corn for fattening cattle. Mias. ind. SSSR 27 no.4:
40~41 '56. OIMHA 9. 10)
1. Starshiy zootekhnik sovkhoza "Khutorok" (for Kotov).
(Corn (Maize)) (Feeding and feeding stuffs)
-f ~-4V~ P.
Fattening cattle with corn silage. Ki-%s.ind.SSSR 21 no.4:48-50 '57.
NIA 10: 7)
1. Vuesoyutrqy nAuchno-issledovatel'skiy inatitut :jynanoy promysh-
(Cattle--Feeding and feeding stuffs) (Corti (Maize))
KOTOV Aft-ia~nd. dsl'Skokhozvaystvennykh nauk; kOWMT. T-. kand. Sol I-
7 -*
iskoldioxyaystyannykh tmuk; KOTOVAI a-, kAnd, 981'sk0khOZY878tyOnDYM
71stablishing an ever normal food oupply in the Gentrrjl Black ]JIrth
region. Tauka I pored, op, v sellkhos. 18 no.2:10-13 1 158,
(central Black Barth region-yeedIvg and feeding at-affg)(MM lls.3)
_KOTOKLP.Y.. Imnd.sellskokhoz.nauk. g1win red.; ALSKSAIMHOYI H.P.0
kand.sellokokhoz.nDuk. red,,; KARPEEKO, Y.P., red.; XTASNIKOY,
Y.Y., prof., doktor selIskokfioz.nauk, red.; KORCLIXOT, Y.I.,
prof., red.; PODGORNYY, P.Isy prof*, red.; SKACHKOT, I.A.,
kand.sellskokhos.nauk, red.'; ZAPIYAKHIN, A.I., red.; KALAGIINIKOYA,
T.S., red.; GURAYICH, U.K.,
(Yerm management system in the Central Block Earth Region)
Siatema vedeniia sallskogo khoslaistva v TSontrallno-cherno-
zemnoi polose. Koskva, Goo.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry. 1961.
47o p. (MIRA 14.~4)
1. Tsesoyusnaya skademiya sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk imeni
T.I.Lanins. 2. Xamestitell direkto'ra Instituta sellskogo kho-
zya,vatva imeni T.Y.Dokuchayeva (for Kotov). 3. Direktor filisla
po TSentrallno-chernosemnoy polose Tsesoyu.-nogo nauchno-iseledova-
tel'okogo instituta ekonomiki sallskogo khozyaystva (for Aleksandrov).
4. Chlea-korrespondent Yeasoyusnoy akadem'ii sellskokhozyaystvennykh
nauk im. Y.I.Lenins (for Nvannikov). 5. Toronezhakiy zoovetinstitut
(for Xorol'kov). 6. Torongshakiytsellakokhozyaystyennyy institut
(for Podgornyy). 7. Dfrektor Nauchno-15131edovatellskogo inttituta
sel'skogo khozyayotva ~Sentrallno-chernozemnoy polosy iment I.T.
Dokuchayeva (for &achkov).
(Central Black Earth Region--Agriculture)
KOTOVp P.F., kand,s9lskokbozyaystvennykh nat;k; OLEYNIK, P.P.
Aftermath and capacity of shoot reproduction of sweet sorghum.
Agrobiologiia no,5091-793 S-0 162. (MIRA 15:11)
1. Nauchno-inaledovatellskiy institut sellskogo khozyaystva
TSentrallno-chernozemnoy polosy imeni V.V.Dokuchayeva,
Voronezhskaqa oblast'. (Sorghum)
NOTOV? F.F. . kand.sel takokhoWyBtverjqkh nauk; ONUFRIYEV, A.F.., -aspirant
Cultivation practices in growing Jerusalem artichoke.
Zhivotnovodetvo, 23 no.gs63-65 Ag 161. (MA 16:2)
1. Nauchno-isoledovateliskiy institut sel'skogo khozyaystva
TSentrallno-Chernozemnoy polosy imeni V.V.Dokuchayeva.
(Jerusalem artichoke)
12121L 21 Fili vich kand. sellkhoz. nauk,- KOTOVA, Galina
Petrovna, kand. sellkhos. nauk; ADELIFINSKAYA, Ye.N.,
red.; SHWHUEUO E.A.', tekhn. red.
(Growing corn for grain in the Central Chernozem Region]
Kukuruza na speloe zemo v TSentrallno-cherno:!emnoi poloae.
Moskva, Izd-vo YZn RSFOR, 1963. 69 p. (MIRA 16:7)
1. Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut sel'skogo khozyayistva
TSentrallno-chernozemnoy polosy im. V.V.Dokuchayeva (for
Kotov, Kotova),
(Ogntral Chernozem Region-Com (Maize))
KOTOV, P,F.p kand. sellkhi~,z. nauk.,
kand. sellkhoz. nauk2 naut~hn. fjp~ T K
V , I
VIIIAROKOV, M.I.; BOGDANOV, V,M,,~ prolf.; iIr-ji:DAF(,V) Nolt.~
kand. sellkhoz. rauk; i3OBYLEV-, V.S., -:Pn(;. se-11khoz.
nauk; ITUNINA, R.G., red.
[Improvement of natural pastm-oi .1-lvpes) UluAshenie
estestvenzWki., pastbish~-h na sklorut-kn. Vorunozh~
TS*ntrallno-ChernvzejT,nca knizlm,)e "Z-3-va3 1964. 85 P.
1. Institut sellsklogo khozyay.3tva TI,,)ntra'.I'n---ChGrnozo=oy
polosy im. V.V.Dokw~hayeva (fcr K3tov, Kojmodov).
2. Nauchriyy rukovoditell Pavlo~iskogo opytnaga lugovogo po-
lya (for N-naradov). 3. Zavoduyush~;hiy opmym punktom
Institut& seltskogro khozpa.,r--twa TSentrallno-Chernozei-anoy
polosy im. V,V.Dokucba)reva v kollkhoze 1411assvet" Ostrr-
gozhskogo rayona Voronezliskoy obIaoti (for OvAimikov).
4. Knrskiy Sell skokhozjwjstveWy insLit-it ~for Bogdamv).
Translation from.; Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 7, p 111 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Xotov, P. G
TITLE: Automatic Starting of Electric Motors Driving Deep Oil-Pumping Stations
(Avtomaticheakiy zapusk elektradvigateley stankov-kachalok)
PERIODICAL: Novo,sti neft. tekhn. Neftepromysl. delo (News of Oil Technology.
Oil Industry), 1956, Nr 4. pp 28-29
ABSTRACT: A description and a circuit diagram of self-starting electric motors,
designed to drive deep oil-pumping stations after an interruption in power -
supply, are presented. A mercury time relay is used that was built on an effi-
ciency suggestion by workers of the Tuymazaneft' Oil Industry Administration.
The relay comprises a glass tube with cemented ends and a metal tube with
mercury placed inside a type VS resistor. The relay is mounted in the
magnetic -starter housing and is connected in series with the atarter's coil.
On voltage reappearance, the current passies the VS resistor and heats the
mercury, which expands and closes the magnetic -starter coil circuit, at the
Card 112
AUTHORS: Serensen, S. V., Kotov, P. I. SOV/32-24-9-23/53
TITLE: On the question of the Technique for the Performance of Thermal
Fatigue Tests (K voprosu o metodike provedeniya ispytaniy na
termicheskuyu ustalost') Survey (Obzor)
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 9, PP 1097-11406
ABSTRACT: The Russian scientist D. K. Chernov (Ref 1) was the first to
point to the phenomenon of thermal fatigue. The paper under
discussion describes the deformation Drocess in thermal fatigue
and, by way of illustration, gives a aiagram of the amplitude
change in the plastic deformation of austenite steels, as
obtained by Forrest (Ref 2). With regard to the question of the
influence of various factors on the size and distribution of
non-stationary thermal stresses, the papers by S. P. Timoshanko
(Ref 9), Yu. N. TaytB (Ref 10), and Jaeger (Yager) (Ref 11) are
mentioned, as are those by V. A. Lomakin (Refs 5-7). The
deformation rate in cyclic heating is explained in connexion
with the investigations made by F. F. Vitman and N. A. Zlatin
(Refe,12,13) and Nadaj (Nadai) (Ref 14). In the section on the
Card 1/3 role of stresses of the second type (thermostructural), the
On the Question of the Technique for the Performance of Thermal Fatigue Tests.
experiments made by Boas and Honeycombe (Boas and Khonekomb)
(Ref 15) are given, as are the papers by V. I. Arkharov and
A. I. Semenova (Ref 18) and K. Chizuik and R. Kellman (Ref 17)-
With regard to the investigations of the influence, on the
properties of the material, of a cyclic temperature change
(without thermal stress), the data obtained by R. N. Sizova
and N. Ya. Nikolenko are presented, the corresponding alloys
being specified. The growth of the fissures has been investi-
gated, inter alia, by L. A. Glikman (Ref 29). In connexion with
the current methods for the determination of thermal fatigue
resistance in materials, the data obtained by A. A. 3ochvar
Ref 32)9 experiments conducted by Beutele and Lowthian
eutele and Lovtian) (Ref 35), and by A. A. Klypin_(Ref 25),
and investigations made by Coffin (Koffin) (Refs 37 39), V. N.
Kuznetsb,r (Ref 40), and A. V. Ratner (Refs 26,36) are given,
together with the corresponding explanations. By way of con-
clusion, the reproducibility of the process of thermal fatigue
is discussed, and a detailed conclusion is given.
There are 13 figures, I table, and 40 references, 29 of which
Card 2/3 are Soviet.
Card 1/2
Serenson, S. V., Kotov, P. I.
Tests by Periodic Thermal Stress of Variable Intensity in
Connection With the Investigation of Thermal Fatigue
Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 19599 Vol 259 Hr 10, pp 1216-1223
To rate the stroDoes under n6notationary thermal conditions for
a massive cylinder of the EI 437B alloy (diameter 10 mm)t the
stresses and deformations (within the elasticity limits)
appearing at periodic temperature variations on the surface at a
rate of 1000/sec (heating from 0 to 6000 and coolingfrom. 600 to
00) were determined. The computations of the measurement results
(Fig 1) show that considerable thermal stresses exceeding the
flow limit as well as considerable plastic-elastic deformations
(about 0.5 - 0.7%).develop. To investigate the resistance to
destruction of alloys on periodic appearance of such deformations,
a device like that by Coffin (Ref 3) may be used as has been
done in the present case (Fig 2). The CirC%Lit scheme (Pig 3) of
the device ensures the temperature conditions desiredy one of the
three thermocouples attached to the sample being connected to a
IVCHNKO, D.F.. insh ;KOTOR, P.-I!, aspirant
Optical strain gauge. Izv.vysoucheb,zav.; mashinoetr. n0-7:51-54
1590 (MIR& 1.3:6)
1. Moskovskiy aviatsionno-tokhnologicheekly institut.
(Strain gauges)
s/1 45/60/000/005/007/010
The Bauschinger effect in ... 1)221/D301
a somewhat smaller decrease of elastic and yield limits in the compre-
ssion stage. The Bauschinger effect appears also at high temperatures,
its stabilization at 7000C is reached in the fourth cycle. The elastic
limits for tension and compression decreased by 34 and 41 % respective-
ly for a temperature of 8000C. There is a marked difference in the
characteristics when comparing the steady state with the first load
cycle at various temperatures. There is a slight increase of yield
point at 7000C in the period of stabilization. From the data it is
possible to see that the limits of elasticity and yield at 20 and
8000C for tension exceed those due to compression. The reverse is
valid for 7000C. The cyclic deformation with amplitudes of 1 % marks
a significant drop in the elastic and proportionality limits, and a
less significant one in the yield point. At 8000C there is a more
pronounced drop in the characteristics. The'Bauschinger effect incre-
ased with lower residual deformation. There are 7 figures, I table
and 7 references; 4 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc.-The referen-
ces to the English-language publications read as follows: R.L. Wolley,
The Bauschinger effect in some face-centred and body-centred cubic
Card 3/4
3 2 012~0
S/14 60/0001005 07/010
The Bauschinger effect in ... D221YD301
metals, J. of theoretical, experimental and applied physics, v. 44,
no. 363, 1953; L. Bairstow, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., v. A, 1910, 210-
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy teklinologicheskiy institut
(Aviation Technological Institute, Moscow)
SU1314ITTED: November 14, 1959
Card 4/4
V.00 E194/E484
AUTHORS2 Serensen, S.V., Academician and
Kotoy,~ Engineer
..&A L., JLStraiti of' Alloy
LITLE. The Process of Elastic-Plastic
Due to Thermal FatTgue
PERIODICAL.-Teploener-getika, 1960. Nr 8, pp 6o-66 (USSR)
ABSTRACT, To assess numerically the resistance tc thermal fatigue
of materials that operate under rapidly varying
temperatura conditions it is important to study the
process of elastle-plastic strain but in this respect
insufficient attention has -yet been paid to strain in th(2
initial stages and after a number cf temperature cycles.
Elastic-plastic strain of constant amplitude at given
temperature is first considered. Since alloy EI-43?B
loses much of its strength at temperatures above 700 C
the tests were made at temperatures of 20, 700 and 800*C
with a few at 600~C. The amplitudes of the elastic,--
plastic strains ranged from 0.3 to 15'a. By way of
example, Fig 2 illustrates the process of elastic-plastic
strain with an amplitude of 1% at temperatures of 20~.
Ca r d 1/5 700 and 800"C. With cyc~li-. loading the, strain process
The Process of Elastic-Plastic Strain of Alloy EI-A37B Due to
Thermal Fatigue
becomes stabilized at all temperatures and so the
shape and size of the hysteresis loop is stabilized.
In the first cycles there is a considerable decrease
of the elastic limit and also of the yield point. A
number of secondary factors were studied such as the
influence of holding for eight hours under stress in
the hot condition, preliminary cyclic straining, and
transition from one test temperature to another at
various ratesi but these were found to have little
influence on the strain process and the conditions of
stabilization at the test temperatures used. For alloy
EI-437B there are two regions of stabilization, one
from 20 to 700*C and the other over 7000C. The
differences between them are briefly discussed and
graphs of changes in the remanent strain for a
stabilized cycle at various test temperatures are given
in Fig 4. Graphs showing the relationship between the
remanent strain and the elastic-plastic strain
Card 2/5 amplitude are plotted in Fig 5 and are approximately
The Process of Elastic-Plastic Strain of Alloy EI-437B Due to
Thermal Fatigue
linear irrespective of temperature. The precess of
elastic-plastic strain of given amplitude with varying
temperature is then-considered on a theoretical basis
and a diagram of the process is given in Fig 6. The
different behaviour of the material at temperatures
below and above 7000C is discussed. At temperatures
below 700*C stabtlizatIon occurs rapidly. At temperatures
above 7004-C the mechanical strength of the material is
lower when it is hot than when it is cool and so the
process is asymmetrical. This has the effect of
increasing the remanent strain. The process of elastic.-
plastic strain during thermal fatigue is then considered.
This process takes place at variable temperature2 the
cyclic loading resulting from thermal expansion and
contraction of the materials The process is described
.with reference to the theoretical cycli-_ strain diagram
of Fig 7- The sample is represented as a combination
Card 3/5 of rigid and elastic elements, The approximate analys 1'9~
Vic Process of Elastic-Plastic Strain of Alloy EI--437B Due to
Thermal Fatigue
of cycles and at suitable temperatures. These
diagrams can be obtained by the procedure described
in the first part of the article. There are 9 figures
and 8 references, 5 of which are Soviet and 3 English.
Card 5/5
3/1 4Y60/OOO/O12/004/OO8
D221 D3 01
AUTHORS: Serensen, S. V., Doctor of Technical Sciencee, Pro-
fessor, and1_1.(ot0V.P1_;,, Engineer
TITLE: Investigating the process of elastic and plastic de-
formation of the 3W-4376 (EI-437B) alloy during cy~_-
lic loading
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Mashinostro-
yeniye, no. 12, 1960, 110-126
TEXT: The amplitudes of deformation were 0.3, 0.59 0.8 and 1.0%
and the temperature levels 200, 7000 and 8000G. Methods of test-
ing and equipment were described in previous papers. The analysis
of data obtained shows rapid stabilization of the process (after
3rd - 5th cycle). There is a marked influence of the Bauschinger
effect on the sacond and subsequent cycles. At temperatures of 20
and 7000C an insignificant increase of the maximum stress due to
compression and tension is noticed. At BOOOC there is an inverse
phenomenon of reduced maximum stress as compared to the first
Card 1/3
Investigating the procese D221/D301
fore and after the pause. There are 14 figures and 6 references-,
4 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc.-The references to the Eng,
lish-language publications read as follows: E, E. Balwin, G. !~
Sokol and L. F. Goffin, American Society for Testing Materia1e,
Proceedings, v. 57, 1957, 567-586; H. Majors, Trans, of Ameriran
Society for Metals, v. 51, 1959, 1121-437.
SUBMITTED: March 26, 1960
Card 3/3
Method and the set-up for investigating the process of elaoto-
plastic deformation under tension and compression. Zav.lab. 26
no.3#-332-335 '60. (KIRA 13;6)
(Strength of materials) (Testing machines)
AUTHORS: Serensen, S. V. and Kotov, P. I.
TITLE: Reproduction of the Process of Elastoplastic Deform
in Thermal Fatigue
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1960, Vol. 26, No. 10, pp. 1133-1136
TEXT: The authors discuss the process of destruction of workpieces by
thermal fatigue due to cyclic thermal stresses in turbo-engines. Fig. 1
schematically shows a simulation of elastoplastic deformation in thermal
fatigue. The authors derive the deformation equations for different tem-
perature cycles. By means of these, the values for rigidity, and the
cyclograms of deformation at constant, but different, temperatures which
are sufficiently close together, it is possible to characterize the de-
formation process 6, = f(-c) of a sample under cyclic stress, which
simulates the process of elastoplastic deformation in thermal fatigue.
The authors stress the fact that the reproduction of thermal fatigue in-
volves considerable difficulties. Apart from the fact that the apparatus
Card 1/2
Reproduction of the Process of Elastoplastic S/032/60/026/010/015/035
Deformation in Thermal Fatigue B016/BO54
with preset thermal conditions and a corresponding stress is very com-
plicated, several experiments must be carried out before to determine the
law 61 - f(,r) (as well as 1T_ F(,r)) (in order to establish deformation
diagrams). This must be done for different constant temperatures within
the respective temperature range of the thermal cycle. At the same time,
the investigation of elastoplastic deformation (e.g., according to
L. Coffin, Ref- 4, or the authors' paper of Ref. 5) is rendered dif-
ficult by several circumstances. For these reasons, the &imulating tests
described would offer - in spite of the difficulties mentioned - better
possibilities of investigating elastoplastic deformation. Further, this
method will be of particular importance in studying the characteristic
features of the accumulation of plastic deformations, and, what is more,
in studying the conditions of destruction by thermal fatigue. There are
3 figures and 6 references: 4 Soviet and 2 US.
-uara- Vl--
KOTWI,P. 1. Cand Tech Sei -- "Resistance of heat-proof alloys to repeated
plasto-elastic deformations in connection with thermixI fatigue." Vloa, 1961
NOS TIhX.!_)Efig'in'e_er-iiij~ Inst). (KL, 4-61, 197)
1'~ 2
Kotov, P, I., Assistent
Cyclic resilient-plastic deformation ofqM-437B
(-'-'I-437B) alloy in connection with loading and heat-
ing conditions
Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashino-
stroyeniye, no. 1, 1961, 123-138
TEXT. In this article the process of deformation of BI-437B al-
loy, with cyclic loading beyond the 14-mit of resilience, at con-
stant, but different temperatures (also at hi,,h ones), is analyzed.
Quick stabilization of the cyclic resilient-plastic deformation
process is described, when deformation changee according to sym--
metric and pulsating cycles at all temperature levels. Pirst, this
applies to stationary gas turbines. Analysis of deformation condi-
tions in metal shows that several cases of such deformation are
possible. The author investigates 4 cases of deformation and gives
pertinent graphs. The article particularly analyzes the process
Card 1/2
Cyclic resilient-plastic ... D294/D303
of resilient-plastic deformation under symmetri-cal and pulsating
cycles. Research was carried out using deformation amplitudes
equal to 0 5 and 0,.8%, at temperatures of 20, 700 , OOOC. Ana-
and 8
lysis of graphs shows that the manifestation of Bauschinger's ef-
fect is practically the same as in cases when deformation takes
place beyond the resilience limit, or when it is performed under,
the action of repeated outside forces without restriction of de-
formation limits. It was established that at 7000C the maximum
stresses increase and the hysteresis loop somewhat decreases,
while at 8000C the maximum stresses decrease and the hysteresis
I - 1.M:'. For amplitudes of
Joop correspondingly expands by 0.08 ,a
resilient-plastic deformation equal to 0.5 - 0,.85, the maximum
stresses duriuig the period of stabilization increase by approxi
matelY 5 kg/cm~ for both expansion and compression. There are 11
figures, I table and 3 Soviet-bloc references.
ASSOCIAOTOLTg Moskovskiy aviatsionnc-tekhrologicheskiy institut
(Moscow Aviation Engineering Institute)
SUBMITTED, September 9, 1960
Card 2/2
n 28172
V" S/i45/61/000/005/006/009
AUTHORS: Serensen, S~V., Doctor of Techn4cal Sciences, Pro-
fessor, and Kotovq P.I,, AsDirant
TITLE. Approximation of deformation graphs during c--ciic
loading of alloy, 2)N-4376(EI--437B) bevon(~ tl:v 'iiri4
. .. L
of elasticity and within a w-.1de rangc' ol iemali!ratures
PERIODICAL: T_?.,restiya vysshykh uchebnykh zavecten.i. Mashinostroy-
enaye; no, 5, 1961, 60 - -t-)
TEXT.- The arti-cle discusses the problem of anDroximation of cDr-
vea of cyclic elastic-plastic deformat 'i-,n --~r EI-437B ailoy at tem-
peratUres of 20, 700 and 8000C. T~ie _Ln,.resti.gation demonstrated that
there is a rapid stabilization of `Li.:~ proocss, The limJ t of strerg-th
and the yield point on compression as well as on tension drop prior
to stabilizationg and two temperature zones are noticed~ Concur-
rentlyq the modulus of elastLcity changes with 'lie number of cy-
cles. The most widely used method of approximation is the polyzon-
al relationship (Fig. 3a) and the parabolic procedure of Fig. 3b.
Card 1/8
2 81-71
Approximation Of deformation D221/1)306
For the section of uniform plastic deformations use is made of
stepped (Pig, 3c) and partial linear relationships, that are des
cribed by G,.!, Dikman (Ref. 8; 0 kr-Lvykh povtornoy plas I
I prochnost, detaley aviatc-ionnogo dvigatelyaq Sb~ sta-
defcrmats i, icate that tensjLon at 200C
-,,ey, no~ 24, Oborongiz, 1957)~ Data ind he eiastlc limit and
is characterioed by I inear behavior beyond
E x (l
4.9 proposed as an approximation. The graph at 7000C reveals a cur-
p-.--Jiminary ana-4sis indicates ihe poss,
vilinear character. ,
of using + 00"
0`0 C
Ir. ~, 1 -. (4)
(2)~ 2 E-M
for the deformations at the start of linear c,~.iangeS, In abow, equa-
tions (inciuding Eq, 1) d is the deformlatlon i_,t the sTal*t Of.
stressing [Abstractor's n8te% No expianation given about r0mairl-11119
Card 2/8
2 8 3.
Approximation of deformation
designations]~ a' is the stress of :-3Rximum deformation E The
m m
stress parameter A-is determined by interpolating the stress modu-
lus E1 at temperature " 1 on the basis of data for 20 and 7000C,
The large errors involved with the use of poly.:-mal approximation
inakes it unsuitable for graphs of cyclic deforr',ations. In problems
where the curvilinear sectioi, :.- important, then the deformation
,graph is presented in three sections as in Pig. 3b, where the cur-
ved part can be approximated by a parabola with a as an exponent.
In this case
G T - ei (5)
O~i =_ CT - B"(ET a--!
r- - SP-)
1'3 Ell
a - -D, Bit (6)
are used. The boundary of the curvilinear section can be formed by
-the limit of proportionality and the condit-Lon- yield point, and
Card 3/8 1
2 611,72
Approximation of deformation D221/D306
the approximation is ensured by taking into account the Bauschin-
ger effect for cyclic deformation. Comparison of experimental data
with results of parabolic approximation Is given. The deformation
,graphs for some materials are quite we.1-1 aprroximated by the step
funrtion of
when beyond the iimit of elastic deformations (Pig. 3c). In the
above A and a are some coefficients determined by experiments from
two limit points. Analysis of deforinat.-:. ~;ranhs for a211 tempera-
tures revealed two characteristic zoneB, where tne step approxima-
tion is def'ined by various parameters A and a,, The variants of
approx-JL-;,-n suffer from~d-,sadvantages, in particular as it is
necessaiY Lo deal with three sections of de-format-ion, The use of
partial linear approxi.mation given by
F_- + Y
Card 4/,q
_L it
Approximation of deformation D221/D306
where aq P and y are parameters, avoids these difficulties. Calcu-
lations demonstrated that there is a good agreement at all tempe-
ratures of deformation for EI-437B alloy except for the first cy-
cle of tension at 200C. To plot deformation graphs for any tempe-
rature between 20 and 8000C, it is not enough to employ interDOla-
tion coefficients a, 0 and y only as this may lead to significarit
errors at boundary points 1, 2 and 3. The carrying capacity is
approximately determined by
0', = m - ne-pei, (13)
where mg n and p are constants~ As in the case of the fractional
linear function, this approximation is obtained by coincidence of
three points, of which ol and S, correspond to the limit of pro-
portionality and ci~ and F_ to the specified and whereas a
3 3 "m m 2
is found from the graph for the preliminarily calculated E 20 The
remaining coefficients are derived from linear relationship in se-
milog coordinates,
Card 5/8 A
! 61714
Approximation of deformation
S/14 61/000/005/006/009
lg(m - o1j) lg n - (p lg e)EI.
The accuracy is adequateg especially when there is a maximum elas-
tic-plastic deformation of 1 4,~ investigations of V,S, Seret-i-:n
and P.I. Kotov (Ref. 12; Issledovaniye protsessa urnugo-plastiches-
kogo deformirovaniya splava EI-437B pri tsiklichnom nagruz-henii.
"Izvestiya Yuzov. Masbinostroyentyelf, no, 10, 1960) Lndicatee
amplitudes of elastic-plastic deformations have an imp',,rtant
effect on features of the deformation process and condicions c-'
stabilization. The following conclusions are drawn., It is nece5sa-
ry to consider two zones of temperatures for approximation: Linear,
stressing for the first cycle at t i --c--7000C, when the polygonal re-
lat-~onship is adequate. The second is in the case of unilorm and
continuous stressing over the entire stage of iiniform, plastic de--
formations, when fractional linear and exponential functions arn
the best approximations. Experimental data obtained at T"Ire-_ te-~-
oeratures for EI-437B alloy suffice for plotting a delforma_tJon
graph at any temperature. There are 9 figures, 3 table~3 and 12
Card 6/8
98, 7�
Approximation Of deformation ... 31145V6'1000100510061oog
SOviet-bloc references. D2211 T, 306
ASSOCIATION: VoskoVSkiy aviat,9ionnyy teklinologiche sk
(11108COW Aviation Technological Inst,tut-1 Inatitut
SUBMITTED: December 26, 1960 e
3. Schemes Of approximation for deforjration curves:
a)g~olygonal graDh of tension; b) graph of tension vlh~ch has a
uiOn of elasiic section and straight line Of strelsing on a
parabola; C) ar h f tension described
ay go
sOction 1 - 3; d raph of tension descr by a step funs
ibed b ctiOn for
function for section 1 - 3. .y fractional linear
Card 7/8
AUTHORS: Serensen, S. V.,and Kotov, P., I-
TITLE: :,:ethod of recording cyclically changing temipc-ratures and
stresses in thermal fatigue tests
PFRIODICAL- Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v, 27, no~ 6, ~96~, ~015 - 1018
TEXT: The present paper gives some hints for maasurinE the temperature
field and the elastoplastic properties in zz-hermal fatigue 'esta Only tile
methods are discussed; experimental re:3u]ts had been earlier reported
(S. V. Serensen and P. I. Kotov, Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v 25. no. 10
(1959))- Chromel-Alumel thermocouples were used for temperature measurements
up to 1000 0 C. In preliminary tests, 0-5 mm dlalnet-~r tl-ermc-,~,upI03, as
compared with those of 0.2 mm. diameter, showed inertia, i, e.,
of 40 - 60 OC at temperature fluctuations of 50 - 100 0C/se,~ - The inertia of
0.2 mm diameter thermocouples was compared with a thermc,,_-ouple made cf
thinly rolled (0.08 - 0.05 mm) Chromel and Alumel fuils. The 0 2 mm
thermocouples showed practically no inertia. Both typos were used for the
Card 1/3
Method of recording cyclically...
3' /0!;21611027/006/0',41020
tests: 0.5 mm for controlling the -)R1-47(ERY-47) thermoregulaTor, and the
less heat-resistant 0.2 mm thermocouples for izidicat,.ons on a portable
potentiometer. The -)TTF-C9(EPP-09) potentiomatel. is recommendQd l'or 1"ecording.
Thus, the temperature distribution in the workpiece can be measured. It is
shown to be irregular and asymmetrical due to the coolin6 air currents For
measuring the deformation, rods were used as dynamometers connecting the
fixing washers with an especially calculated dynamometer part,, For measuring
the load, resistance strain gauges attached to the dynamometer part were
used such as electronic strain gauges made by the TsAGI.. In fatigue tests,
the temperature in the dynamometer rods may rise arid bring "he 7-'heatstone
bridge out of equilibrium. Therefore. the rods MU3t be coojed, and the
bridge equilibrium should be controlled reE,-ulariy, To observe the process
of elast0plastic deformation at cyclic temperature variations, An osoil-
loscope with wide strip chart is recommended~ Satisfactory results were
obtained with a K-12(K-12) oscillcgraph. A type VII measuring loop was used
for recording the temperature cycle. The indication greatly dep'ends on the
resistance of thermocouples; a family of calibration curves for thermo-
couples of different resistances are required for the evaluation, At the
same time, the stresses are recorded with a typa V measur-,ng loop. The
Card 2/3
Method of recording cyclically ... B10-,/B203
sensitivity of the measuring loop, however, is too low; therefore, the
signal has to be amplified. There are 5 figures and 5 referencesz 2 Soviet-
bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc.
C-trd 3/3
V, 5,
-ucbAbt0kh-:. zairedeh:W; Has hinb-atri,'
7 7
Al t one uslbtlii_~Jbdiid
Oi4a -,an 79
0'=' thii ie~i6- liiir,mal;
C_ A43~Ablj--~"ozl 1` of;-t
quat on q 'the, t ekimAt fat
t one'
rma on,
ud _*d' elaatic~.Ol a efo
AUTUORSi Serensent S.- V., and Kotovq P, I,
TITLEt Estimation of the thermhl fatigue strength by the method of
variable-lead rigidity.
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. .10, 1962, 1233 - 1238
TEXT: The thermal fatigue strengths of the.heat-resistant alloys 304376
(E1437B) and _N667 (EI867) were tested at given temperatures (minimum con-
700 d 10000C) and
stant at 1000C; maximum variable in succession between an
under variable load rigidity conditions (3.28-.1o5 - o.9-105 kg/cm). The
special testing device used for this purpose was described by S. V. Seren-
sen and P. I. Kotov in Zavodskaya laborato-riyd, XXV, 10, 1216 (1959) and
XXVII, 8, 1013 (1961). Experimental results were first plotted in load
rigidity versus fatigue curves and secondly, for convenience, in relative
.,coordinates, &p/et and Np/Ut (6 - combined elastic and plastic or
plastic deformation; N - corresponding number of cycles), which are then
related* to the thermal deformation and to the number of cycles corresponding
to the fatigue curve with maximum load rigidity (att Nt). Here, a is the
Card 1/2
Estimation of the thermal fatigue ... B117/B186
combined elastic and plastic deformation, and N p is the corresponding
number of cycles applied until the sample is destroyed. The experimental
results processed in this way for the alloys under consideration fit a
straight line. The fatigue ourvea obtained in relative coordinatoo can be
- I-F
approximated by a relation of the type 11 - A where A is a coefficient
which for the E1437B 4
alloy is 1.161-10 , and for EI667 is 1.014-10
Oxidation caused by cyclic thermal loading affects the surface of E1437Bt
particularly in the high-temperature rangeq more severely than that of
EI867 which shows superior resistance to thermal cyclic e'tresses, As
E1437B may become unstable above 9000C, this alloy should not be subjected
to cyclic thermal stre8see-under rigid conditions above this temperature.
There are 6 figures.
ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy inzhenerno-fizioheskiy inatitut (Moscow
Engineering Physics Institute)
Card 2/2
Evaluating the resistance to thermal stress fatigue by the
method of varying rigidity of loading. 7&v.labe 28 no*10:
1233-1238 162 (MIRA 15:10)
(Heat resistant alloyo-Testing) (Metals-Fatigue)
. (Deformations 0 lechanics) )
Machines for continuous harvesting of common cabbage. Trakt. i
sellkhozmash. 33 no.8:36-37 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut sel'3kokhozyayst-
vennogo mashinostro4. niyao
(C i,.
- /.
, KUDYMOV, ek;,Y14
Comparative analysis of induced polarization of sedimentary rocks.
Prikl. goofis. no.16:213-226 157. (HLRK NO)
(Rocks, Sedimentary)
KCCFf OV, 1. T.
With Kiidymov, B. Ya. "The Nature of the Z-ectr~cal Polarizaticn In
Serllmenta:y I'llocks.
PO 'u book APPIled Geophysics; Collection off Artleles, No., up, moscow
acstopt-cidlizdat7, 1-9513, 267P.
Th--Ze articles are concerned vith the methodology of interpreting the rewalta of
gzuTitsatric.. soiBmIc and electrical aurveya7 Seviev tha colleCtA12S prOperties of
rocke on the basis of data obta~ed from realstcmters and the application of charged
wxtlcle acceleratorc In vell loSging.
Nature of induced polarization in sedimentnry rocks. Prikl. geof Iz.
n0.20:134-140 '58 iPolarization (Electricity)) (MIRA 11:11)
(Prospecting-Geophysical methods)
Eiectrical resistivity of rocks containing emulsions. Prikl.
geofiz. no.39tl79-196 164. (14IRA 170)
Determining the permeabilltv of beds form induced p-c',enti-As.
Prikl. geofiz. no-40c163-173 t64 xl%llRk 18:1)
GRUDEV, D.I., doktor sel'skokhoz. nauk; SADOVNIKOVA,, N.V., starshly
nauchnyy sotrudnik; SMIRNITSKAYA, N.Ye.; KARAVAYEVA, S.G.;
~.,Ya.; RODIONOVSKIY, M.S.; KRYLOVA,, N.N., kand. biol.
nauk; tWiSILINIKOVA, T.F., inzhener-khimik; SOIIITSEVA, G.L.,
aspirant; KIJZNETSOVA, V.V., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik;
Prinimal-i uchastiye: BAZAROVA, K.I.; MALYGINA, M.I.; BUDINSKAYA,
Comparative evaluation of the fattening and slaughtering
characteristics of Shorthorn and Kalmyk steers and physico-
chemical indices of their meat. Trudy VNIIMP no.16:5-23 164.
(MIRA 18:11)
KOTOV, P.Ya.; GORDON, NoMay otv, za vyp,
[mechanization and automation of assembling in the tractor
and agricultural machinery industry;,bibliographical index
of Soviet and foreign literature for 3957-19621 Mekhaniza-
taiia i avtomatizatsiia oborki v,avtotraktorn= i selleko-
khoziaistvennom. mashinostroenii; bibliograficheskii spisok
otechestvennoi i inostram"i literatury za 1957-1962
Moskva) 1963. 64 p. (MIRA 17:3
1. TSentralInaya otraslevaya. nauchno-takhnichoskeya biblio-
teka. mashinostroyeniya.
GRIMEN, D.I., dokt.or sellskokhoz. , quk;_ ~OTOV, Pja, wmo~,myy tjotmInik,
RODIWIMSKIY9 nauchnyy sotru~nik; ---
Ye A., nauchnyy sotrudnik; LTINANOV, G.S., naushnyj sotrNdnik
Use of the tissue preparation VNIPAP-3 in the fatzening of
swines. Trudy VNIRT no.19-13-1) 163. (IMIRA 17; 5)
SOKOLOV, A.V., prof.; LYASKOVSKAYA, Yu.N., '"and. tekhn. nauk; UNANOV, G.S.,
.starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KARAVAYEVA, S.G., mladshiy nauchny-y
sotrudnik; TALAYEVA, M.I., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KRASILINIKOVA,
T.F., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; LAVROVA, G.M., mladshiy nauchnyy
sotrudnik- KOTIOV, P.Ya., m1adshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; VASILICHFNKO,
I s
T.A., mla otrudnik
Effect of the breed and feeding of swines on the quality of
pork meat. Trudy VNIIMP no.12;3-29 162. (MIRA 18:2)
TSYGANKOV, A._;_KOTOV,..R,, agronom po zashchito rasteniy; NEYPERT, Tu.
Model plant protection farmo. Zanhch. rant. ot vred. i bol. 10
no.3:11-15 165. (MIRA 1(): 1)
1. Nachallnik Bryanskoy stantsii zashchity rastaniy (for TSygankov).
2. Sovkhoz "Martinskiy", Brasovskogo, rayona (for Kotov).
KOTOV, R. G. Noscow)
"Linguistic Statistics of Texts of the Russian Language."
Theses - Conference on Machine Translations, i2 15-21 May 1958) Moscows
& C. I-, tCWA)
A IL rr-...p
L L C-O"
(c 10 Is
0. &"~
rev=,% sle"Ift4 rw "m CAMIGMIAL antlas ot U. ftltLm facholosiftl owlety ct
MDUA M~Ctm-tmf -4 SZGG%rU&t C40MMOOlma in. A. 4. ftp,,, (V==),
IL rpw"%.k
L IL F--
L L M,"-
18 22
JL 0. sw~
..9 .7. ~.-
Our cultural center. Sov. profsoiuzY 7 no.17:27-28 S 159.
(MIRk 12: 11)
l.Predeedatell pravlanip Dvortan kulltury Urallskogo alyuminiyevogo
(Vocational education)
KOTCV, S., red.
t. ---
(Contribution of the chemical workers of the Crimea to
the national econonW; a collection) Khimiki Kryma -
narodnomu khoziaistvu; sbornik. Simizdat, 1963. 86 p.
(MIRA 17:6)
BOIU.IOTOVP P.N.. imh.; oRISIIIII, S.S.; ANTIPOV, Yu.; VIVUK, E.V.. inzh.j
M.A. y Ukhta)
,, gornospasatell (Komi ASSR, g.
On P.11. Solvevtovis article *Improve the design of the SP-551A self-
rescuers." Bezop.truda v prom. 6 no.7:9-2.1 J:L 162. WIM 15:7)
1. Teklmichoskor upravleniye Kombinata ugolinykh redpriyutiy
Kuznetskogo kamennougollnogo basseyna (for DormotoX 2. Master
shakhty im. Lenina Makeyevskogo tresta ugollnoy promyshlonnosti Donbassa
(for Grishin). 3. Komandir vzvoda voyenizirovannoy gornospassatellnoy
chasti, pos.Zarubino, Novgorodskoy oblasti (for Antipov)o 4* Shakhta.
No.24p Lubanslmya oblastl (for Vitrik). 5. Zaveduyushchiy gornymi,
rabotammi Nikitovskogo dolomitnogo kombinata (for Kos~xev). 6, Komandir
otdeler-,Iya 116.8 VGSOp g. Sh,;-d,-hty, Rostovskaya obl. (for Nekboroshev).
7. Kom`and.E~'dornospasatellnogo otdolonlya, g. Shakhtersk., Donetskaya
obl. (for Ryabtsev). 8. Zamestitell glavnogo inzh. shakhty No.29
"Kapitallnaya* Chelyabinskogo kombinata ugoltnykh predPriyatly
Ministerstva ugollnoy promyshlennosti SSSR (for Kotov
(Respirators) (Solovev,, P.M.)
KOTOV;_,q! G, 0 - inzh.
Effect of work conditions of the rolling stock of electric
railroads on the realization of adhesion forcos. Tnidy MITIT
no.207:104-112 165. (,LIRA 19:1)
Y, ~-, -~- C, V )S . _X__, .
KOTOY, S.I. (Orel).
Change the design of crossing joints. Put' i put.khoz. no.9.144
S 157. (MIRA 10:10)
1. Zemestitell nachallnika Orlovskoy distantaii.
Ifeat track and waysides. Pat I i put.khoz. 4 no.1:10-12
Ja l6o. (1411U, 13:5)
1. Zamostitell nachallnika Orlovskoy distantnii.
(Orol District--Railroada--14aintenance and rnixir)
KRUNISt Zosim Ioeybovich; I=OV-$,-Sarge~-Ivawvich;,,-I-.VANOVp Anatoliy Petro-
vich; POTOTSKIY v Go- I. v inzh. v red.; KOMEVA9 M.A. p tekhn. red.
(Commumist labor railroad division; experience of the Orlovskaya -1.
division Of the Moscov Railroad) Distantsiia puti ko=lni stiche-
skogo truda; opyt Orlovskoi distantsii Moskovskoi dorogi.- HosWav
Vses. izdatellsko-,~oligr. obwedinenie M-va putei scobshcheniia,
1961. 60 p. (MIRA 14:7)
(Railroads-Maintenance and repair)
KOTOVj 8.1 - MYNIS, Z.L. , inzh.
Use of hydraulic equipment for track alignmeht. Put' i put.
khoz. 5 no.7;14-15 JI 161. (MIRA 14:8)
1. Stantaiya Orel, Moskovskoy dorogi. 2. Zamestitell nachaltnika
Orlovskoy distantaiis Mookovokoy dorogi (for Kotov).
(RaiIroads-Hydraulic equipment)
Establishing ?Anifom tra'Lfj.c r~-peed rates on runs and in
stations. Putt i put. JIhnz. 8 no. 5;5--7 My 164.
. (MIRA 17:6)
1. Zamestitell nachallnika Orlovskoy distantsii Moskovskoy
docLogi. %
Five kolometer of rapair work achieved in th-ree, hours. Putl i put.
khoz. 8 no.9:5-7 164. (AURA 17:1-1)
1. Zamestitelf nachallnika otdaleniya dorogi, stantsiya Orel, Moskov-
skoy dorogi (for Gerasimov). 2. Nachallnik Orlovskoy distantsii puti
Moskovskoy dorogi (for Nevzgodin) - 3. Zamestitrl I nachal 'r.!k-q Orlcv-
skoy dlstant,3il putl Moskovskoy dorog! (for Kotov).
XSU/Uedicfta (Veterinary) - Virus 816P 51
"Canine Plague (Febris Catarrhalis et Nervosa,
ftrum)," Docent S. S., Kotov, Moscow Vet Aced
VeteriDariya" Vol XrVIII, No 9, pp
v= that the disease is caused primarily by~tbe
while Bac. bronchisepticus plays secondary
role. Erm rates methods of treatment: therapy
vIth normal horse serum and sera of teconvales-
ceents or hyperimmune dogs; innoculation with anti-
serum plus virus (very effective). Passage of
virus throu&%a ferreto,.50 times repults in fixation
'MR/i4ediCine (Veterinary) -Virus Sep* 51
Diseases (Contd)
sizaar to that'of virus of rabies: virus becoms
n6re pathogenic to ferrets, which die 1 vk ea~lief,
but,has veakened effect on dogs and can be used for
pMentive.innoculation. G. L. Radzivilovskiy~jro-
posed effective method of inhoculation with pheno-
lized blood of ple',gue -infected animals (1%) tpl-
love~d by injection of live virus to reinforce
7,10V, 3!~rgey Stepanovirb
("'o--cov llet,=Inary Acad cl-.~rrcc o' IT'oc+or of Veti-rTnary
Basel on his 0,~ftnise, 2,~ Fcbrunry 1955, ill th ~ Council
of tl,,~ l,oqcol.: Technolo,c--ical Inqt or th- Ment an' Ilairy Lwlustry of
h-*!s dissertation entitln(l: ll'~rorhl.-Iactic M-amres en~', the Treat-
U.ent of Forses Afflicted Storach an-~ int.--stinal Disoasos vith
Syr.TtoTr~~ of Cholic (basr~,l on sturly o;, ('11nical -10
an(' oth-ir in,"*,c,s of th,
Aca6e-ic d:~rrse and/o-.- titl--~.- Docior of Scl-lem-s-
SO: Decisio.- of VAY, List no. 27, 24 Bee 55, Byullitin' "'Ll S7-9F,
JPP'./NY 548
KOTOV, S.S., doktor vet. nauk
Etiology of colic In horses. Veterinarila 36 no.11:49-50 N '59
(MIR& 13:3)
1. MoBkovskaya veterinarnaya akademiya.
(Horses--Diseases) (Colic)
"Biochinolotherapy of dogs iafected 'with nWelitis.11
Veterina iya, Vol- 371 NO- 71 19601 P, 44
'k.Vtl . Yc_(' N"Cnj 'Vj-- le-" ~
-KOTOV, S. S. and POLYAKIN, V. V. (Doctor of Veterinary Sciences and
Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Moscow Veterinary Academy)
"Dispensary service is an important factor in raising healthy herds"
Veterinariya, Vol. 38, no. 10, October 1961, pp. 36
KOTOVI S.S.j doktor veterin.namk
Treatment with biochinol of dogs infected with myelitis
Yeterinariia 37 no.7144 J1 160. jMIRA 16s2)
lo Moskovokaya vaterinamaya akademiyas
(Spinal cord-Linamation) (Dogs-Diseases and pests)
KOTOV S.S. doktor veterinarnykh,nauk; POLYAKINI V.V.., kand.veterinarnykh
Disfinsary treatment as the-soat important factor in raising
heal*-hy livestock. Veterinariia 38 no.1006-37 0 161.
(MIRA 16t2)
1. Moskovskaya veterinarnaya Pademlya.
(Lyubertsy Diatrf bt--Veterinary medicine)
-,!WTO'v S.S. (-I O'K---X --Tz~ t 7- :;'. - HOKOI,'lll A .1 . , ord"ri-itc-
- ~-j- .--I ~ y
, PLIOIC fr~i':! Voter.irtirlia 41 no.5::)) I tl/, .
(MIRA 18:3)
1. --:-~!-I'Anarnaya a"fl-ademiya.
IMIKIN, A.Yo.; XOTOL T.F, Otarshiy elektromakhazilk
Camunication between 14SS stands using a two-lino audio fre-
quoncy channel. Avtom.2 telem. i Bviaz' 5 no.604-35 Jo 16a.
(MIRA 14:9)
1. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela sluzhby siGnalizatsii i
svyazi Yugo-Vostoolinoy r1orofyi, vneslitatny-.f korrespondent
zhurnals. "Avtomatika,1431smekhanika i svyazt* (for Mynkin).
Za Voroneznskaya distantsiya signalizatsii I svyazi Yugo-Vosto-
c1moy dorogi (for Kotov).
(Railroads-Comrimnication systems)
KOTOVP V., polkovnik
Greater effectiveness of 'he struggle for military discipline.
Konar. Vooruzh. Sil 5 no.19:17-22 0 16-1.
(MlIbk 17:12)
A lottery with cash and other prizes should be run annuall7.
Fin. SSSR 19 nool:78-79 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:2)
1.Zaveduyushchiy teentrallnoy oberegatellnoy kasso7 Roshchinskogo
rayona Leningradekoy oblasti.
Urgent probleas of finance and credit in industry of regional
economic councils. DenA krad. 17 no,9t26-33 8 159-
(MIRA 12:12)
1. Naeballnik finansovogo otdola Tullskogo sovnn khoza.
(Tula Province-Finance)
Improving financial planning In regional economic councils.
Fin.SSSR 21 no.4:40-48 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:4)
1. Nachal'nik finansovogo otdols Tul'okogo eovnarkhoza.
(Tula Province--Finance)
The neoliberal trend in modern bourgeois political economy.
Vop. ekon. no.4;45~58 Ap 161. (MA 14,3)
~Myl ... V~-
Improve planning for costs and accitmulation3. Fin. SSSR 38 no.li48-54
Ja 164. (MIRA 1732)
1. Zamastitall nachallnika otdala finansov i sebastoimosti Gosplana
I _AO-TOV-1-i". general-laytenant tankovykh voyak
At the center of attention io the education of the qdt;catore.
Voen. vest. 42 n0-4:55-58 Ap '63. (KMA 17:1)
dits bairdii Stejneger. Priroda 47 no.8:119 Ag 158. (MIRA 1129)
1,Kavkazaki7 gosudarstvenny7 zapovednik, MaykoP.
(Kronotskri Gulf-Whales)
In the mountains of the Caucasus. Priroda 54 ro.9:80-8.J+ S 165.
(RIRA 18: 9)
1. Kavkazskiy gosudarstvennyy zapovednik.
< KOTOV, V.A. -
Turs and chamois in the Caucasus Preserve. Friroda 49 no-10:113,0
l6o. .(MIRA 13:10)
1. Kavkazakiy gosudarstvenny7 napovednik.
(Caucasus Preeerve-UnCulata)
KMV y V. A.
Catching and marking of turn (Capra caucasica) in the western
Caucasus. Biul.MOIP.Otd.biol. 69 no.2:54-60 Mr-Ap 164.
OURA 17 14)
L 46920-66 Drr(l) GW
1 ACC NR. AR66i-~-2-2"2'------S'-'O-'U-R'-C-E--C--OD-E-: -~fi-/0-26~-/6-57o-6-o7i6i2-/66-5-6/(56- 6___
AUTHOR: Chertoprud, V. Y .; Xotov, V. A.
TITLE: A study of the characteristics of the Solar activity cycle
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 12-51.425
REF SOURCE: Astron. tsirkulyar, no. 318, marta 8, 1965, 1-4
TOPIC TAGS: Solar activity, solar activity cycle, solar cycle
ABSTRACT,. The solar activity cycle was studied as a process which
occurs in a natural oscillatory dynamic system of the second order,
subject to the effect of briefly correlated fluctuations. Regard-
less of several differences in the processing of the observed atimal.
material, the results of the calculation of the position of the
limIting cycle and the course of rigidity corresponds qualitatively
to the results obtained earlier (RZhAstr, 1963, 3.51. 450; 1965,
5.51,376). The basic parameters of the obtained limit cycle are:
To = 11.2 + 0.25 Y.; Xo min = 6 4; Xo max = 105-0; Yo min = 2540)
Yo max ='4C.O. As in the earlier study, in the phase Interval
0 = 9.0 to 10.5 there is a burst of rigidity. A conclusion was made
UDC: 523-746.
L 46920-66
that the presence of slow and varying fluctuations does not add any
ions-to the calculation of the limit cycle a~d
basic distort sufficiently stab e
haracteriatics are
Igidity and that thesed t
Granslation of abstrac
S,UB CODE: 03/
2/. fv
Statistical method for determining the optimum conditions of
mineral dressing. Dokl. AN Tadzh. SSR 6 no.2%21-25 163.
(MMA 17: 4)
1. Institut khimii AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. PredstavIBno akademikom
AN Tadzhikskoy SSR K.T.Poroshinym.
ATIFILOV, A.A., inzh ; BAKALEYNIK, Ya.M., Inzh.! t3IRrjFJ(, G.I.,
inzh.; BRUK, B.S., inzh.; BUROV, A.I.,, inzh.~ (U.':ZBUillG, V.L.p
.Lnzh.; ZABELITI, V.L.- inzh.,- ZAPLECINlY, Ye.G.. inzh.,ISAYEV,
D.V.. inzh.; KLIMOVITSKIYI A.M.,. inzh.; KRYUCHROV, V.V., inzh.;
KOT6 J.A., Inzh. - _i~YDERW, A.Ye., nzh.; FODGOYLTSKIY,
SAZIHAYEV, V.G., inzh.j ~EVASTJYANOV, V.V., inzh.,-
FILIPPOV, S.F.2 inzh.; MOMBERG, A.B., inzh.; STIEYEROV, M.S.,
inzh.; MLIKII., G.N.p inzh., VERKHO','SKIY, B.I., red.; ZUBKOV,
G.A.: red.-, KARKLINA, T.O.,, red.; OVCHARIENKO, Ye.Ya., red.;
tuNTONOV, B.I... ved. red.
New means of automatic and centralized control for nonfer-
rous metal mines] Novye sredstva avtomatizatsii i dispetcher-
skogo upravleniia dlia rudt:ikcv tsvetnoi metallurgii. Moskva,
Nedra, 1965. 93 P. (MIRA 18:4)
Selecting the sold strains for the distilling indust Spirt.
prom. 29 no.3:7-13 '63. (miRA 16:47'
1, Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut fermentncv
i opirtovoy promyshlennosti.
(Molds(Botany)) (Distillation)
1101TOV I V. B.
Selection of 'ispergillus ujam- Ir., u-,,nlr rcutdpeni,-, factors.
Mikrobiologiia )2 no.2;:~~6-271 'I.
UURA 17-9)
1. Vset3aywnyy
Spirtovoy pronWohlermotiti.
Activity of the hydrolytic enzymes of Aspergillus usamii
)758/45 mutant obtained by the action of ultraviolet irradiation
and othylenimins. Form. i spirt, prom, 30 noJsl5-17 164.
OGRA 18 12)
1. Vessoyusnyy nauohno-issledovatellskiy institut fermentnoy i
spirtovoy proiVehlennostis
Kom ~ -A. , ,
A simple instrument for cauterisation of warts. Feldsher & akush.
no.11:53~-54 Noy 1933. (OM 230)
1,, Avdayovka, Stalin* Oblast.
Kom. Vs.
Incident in a laboratory. Hed.sestra 17 no.1:41-42 Ja '58.
KOSHEVNIKOV, Georgiy Antonovich, akademik; YJL41,aDOV, Aslam, kand.
tekhn. nauk; KOTOV: Vladtdr_Fedorovich; GEUSI14OV, Mikhail
Fedorovich; -RX=IC--H--ILe--v Yefii~v-ic-h; BUTEGI, Alekgandr
Vasillyevich; RAYEV, Boric; Grigorlyevich; BOVIDAU-NIKO, M., red.;
SALAIGIUTD1110VA, A., tekhr.. red.
[Yachinery for cultivating cotton] MashiiV dlia vozdelyvaniia
'chlopchatnika. Tashkent., Gosizzdat UzSM, 1961. 1C-2 p.
WIRA 15 -.7)
1. Nachallnik otdela Gosuftratvannogo speti3ivllnogo konstruk-
torskogo by-aro (for Kotov). 2. Rukovoditoll grappy gcsudar-
st,4ennogo spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro po IdLlopku (for
Easevich, Rayev).
(Cotton machinez7)