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PINMV, V.S.; KDTLTAR, Ta.H., redaktor; RTSHKDVSKIY, N.N., takhrodaktor. [Aircraft engine] Ariatsionnyi Avi&Ltell. Mosk7a, Izd-7o Dozamm. 1951. 82 p; (KMA 8:5 )- (Airplanes-Engines) BOTKOVO B.T.; KOTLTARs Ta.M., redaktor; GRIGORIYEVA, A.I., vedushchiy redaktorr,-9HM-TTXr,"'X'-'S., takhnichaskly re4aktor [Airplane engines] Avlatsionnye tylgateli. Koskva. Izd-vo DOSAAT 1954a 175 P- [Microfilm] (HLRA 7:9) (Airplanes-Ingines) Al r L OR) /V"' /,/, INOZEWSEV,Nikolay Viktorovich; SOKOLOV.A.I., inzhener, redaktor; BOGO- MOL(YVA,M.F.. redaktor; KOTLTAR.Ya.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nwak. redaktor; XAMNNIKOV, ins koy, premii, professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, retsenzentu; GLADKIKH,N.N., tekhnicheak-iy redaktor. [Gas turbine aviation engines; theory and practical operation] Aviatsioanye gazoturbinnve dvigateli; teoriia i rabochii protsess. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo obor. promysh., 1955. 352 P. (KIRA 9!1) (Airplanes--Turbojet engines) ARZUNIKOV. Nikolay Sergeyevich; MALITSEVO Vladimir Nikolayevich; BURAGO, G.F., doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, professoi. retaensent; V07TAXOT. V.D., knadidat tekhaichookikh aauk. doteent, reteenzent; SHUMYATSKIT. B.Ya., kandidat takhaicheakikh nauk, reteenzent; KOTLYAR, Ta4& kandidat tokhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; PITROVA, radaktor; GLADKIKH, R.N., tekhnicheskikh redaktor [Aerodynamical Aerodinamika. Izd. 2-oo. Hoskva, Goo. izd-vo obor. promyehl.. 1956. 483 p. (KLRA 9:11) (Aerodynamics) 0 T141 Y/I AUI'_7_017~. TIT`IL~: /C ~Ilq Xo)'Ul-jrai-, Y_--:1. M. (Moscow) _2L-10-2126 Flow of a viscous ~as in a slot between two co-axial cylinders. (Techeniye vyazko-o [Gaza v ;~azore aezhdu dvumya koak-sial'nTai tsilindrami). PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 10,5?, No.101 pp. 12-18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The three-dimensional flow is considered of a compressed viscous gas in the Sap between two co-axial circular cylinders,assmiing the gap very small compared to the linear dimensions of the cylinders and also that the gas is fed from a container under constanL pressure through s.mall inflow holes which are uniformly distributed about the circles located at the lateral surface of the external cylinder, the planes of ahich are perpendicular to the 2'eneral ax-is of -ulie cylinders. The outflow of Che gas is throu--h two outflow openings distributed in -the centres of 0 0 !-he bottor:i and top faces of the external cylinder. In the U, gas notion equations, t1ie terms rolatin- to inertia are disre6arded as co;,,ipared to the terjus rolatin~; to viscosity. Only those main viscosity terms of the motion equations are conserved, the order of which is much higher than of Card .1/3 '11~ others; owing:, to the assumed small size of the gaps U IZ) 24-10-2/26 Flow of a viscous gas in a slot between two co-axial cylinders. between the cylinders, such main terms Will be those for which the second derivatives are perpendicular either to the genamtrices of the cylinders or to their faces. Agaii_,, in view of the small size of the gaps, it is further assumed that 'the pressure across the gap is constant. The main assumptions indicate that the problem under consideca- tion is solved accordinG to the Imovin Reyuolds formulation. Only -the barotropic movement of the Sas is considered fot- which the relation between -the spe(;ific gravity of thi. Gas y and the pressure p is expressed by a function of the ty,pe y = f(p) which is assliued known and it is also assumed that the chanGes in the viscosity coefficient IL are insi,:,--n_J'Li:]_'- cant. Taking into consideration that the radius of bhe cylinders is rauch larger than the size of the lateral -aT) HI - the f low of the gas In the lateral gap is not solved directly on the cylinders but on the development of the cylinder in a plane, i.e. investigation of -the gas flow in the lateral gap is substituted by investisating the Gas flow between two parallel plates with a constant Sap, This corresponds to such a selection of the coordinate system at ,uhich the origin is placed at a point of the lateral :z.urface Card 2/3 of the cylinder; the x-axis is the directional of t-he AUTHOR: Kotlyar Ya M (Moscow) 30'1/24-58-5-6/31 TITLE: Some Examples of Motion of a Viscous Gas in a Narrow Gap of Variable Thickness (Nekotoryye primery dvizheniya vyazkogo gaza v uzkom zazore peremennoy tolshchiny) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya AkadeiAi Nauk SSSR Otdelen-*ye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk 34-39 (US' 1 19589 Nr 5, pp SR ABSTRACT: The gap throu h which the gas is flowing is formed by a plane at z=O %g.l) and a surface given by h=h(x,y). it is well known that for barotropic gas motion through a narrow gap in the case of small Reynolds numbers and small temperature changes (so that the viscosity is approximately constant) the pressure function P - S Y (P) dp satisfies the Reynolds equation a (,3 aP) , J- , (h3 ZP) = 0 (1.2) TX '67 FY where y is the specific weight of the gas, Card 1/5 P=p(x,y) is the pressure. SOV/24-58-5-6/31 Some Examples of Motion of a Viscous Gas in a Narrow Gap of Variable Thickness JVher, h is constant Eq.(1.2) becomes identical with the Laplace equation whose solutions under specific boundary conditions are well known. It is known that if h3/2 is a harmonic function, then Eq.(1.2) reduces to the Laplace equation AU = 0, u = h3/2p (1-3) and this case is considered in the present paper. The harmonic function u may be looked upon as the real part of a certain complex potential W(~) = U/X,Y) +iv(x,y). In the presence of sources (or sinks) in the current, placed at points given by ~i = Xi + iy,, the complex potential W is of the form W(~) = ao ln (~ - ~ i) + f (1.4) where f(~) is a regular function in the region of flow and is de ermined by the boundary conditions and the Card 2/5 constant a0 is associated with the output o1 gas G at SOT[/24-58-5-6/31 .Some Examples of Motion of a Viscous Gas in a Narrow Gap of Variable Thickness the source (sink). In order to find the relation between m and G the case is considered where the gas flows t9rough a circular cylinder of radius r so that in polar co-ordinates Of h G = Yv rd Odz 1 ~ z (z - h) r "r M 71-L Pr 0 0 and 21T G = r 0 d9 (1-5) - 174- 57 so that substituting for P we have r 2 ly 3/2 3/2 G ~ (~~ u h ,u a E) (1-6) r Fr) Card 3/5 The functions u may be expanded into a series in the SOV/24-58-5-6/31 Some Examples of Motion of a Viscous Gas in a Narrow Gap of Variable Thickness neighbourhood of the source so that ft k U = OL, ln r + ao + Z r (ak Cos 0 + bk sin k G) (1.7) k=1 h3/2 = C + rk (c cos 0 + d sin k 0 k k=1 k Using (1-7 to 1.8) the in tegral (1.6) may be evaluated and is found t o be equal to - 2^tra 000/r so that G ITC(o CO (1-9) 61L and since co h3/2 (Xi, yi) one finds that CI-0 6ILG h-3/2 (Xi 'Y ) (1.10) IY i Card 4/5 This formalism is applied to the following special cases: SOV/24-58-5-6/31 Some Examples of Motion of a Viscous Gas in a Narrow Gap of Variable ThicImess 1. Source on a ring between two planes. 2. Source on a band between two planes. 3. A chain of sources on a strip of a special form. Analytical expressions are derived for these three cases. There are 4 figures and 5 references, all of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Moscow Aviation Institute) SUBMITTED: January 13, 1958 Card 5/5 AUTHOR: Kotlyar Y.a...1,11. (Mescow/ T ITLE; Contrilration to the TheorY of T,~'Pe A!r hi~aring PERIODICAL: lzvostlya Aluadefaii nauX SSSR.Ot,',doleitiya nauk, 1-1-31(hanika i 16"q pp 2i-26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An approxiviaj~.-'-Jon method is used to solve, the HoynDld.' 0,luation of the hydrodynamic ~Ii(,-:)ry o-LC vh-~.da permits taking ac~~()uilt pressure varlations loclu-11 in Zenith. and 4zimuth, 'r he Reyno-Ito; is set lip Jr, spheric-'al coardiriates and applied -to th~! A bet*ween a floating scolid and a wilic"I j..:-; -DIat-i2n to "Iie, 'no!.--Ir',w spbere :L~i slightly eccantric in r, the direction of the bearing The crasE, irt i,(rlich the fluid is supplied a hole, so that the pressuro is J.-ndoPoIldsn't of azi=th) can be easily an.-A previou.,ly brjon ~ull'Y treated. The more ~;cneral ca'-le -a"non "'ne. f.')-Ilid Is C. d supplied thrcuah sev~-ral h-,Ieo ncoi: underri-aty, the floatin- solid s-rhare han ),-;oil 'Ti 1/3 the small parar-,lclrler method' !.)f !-,ho Spherical "Dearing, by Loytsyansk-i-y L.C-. and, Contrib-ation to the Theory of Tyf- X'v &aar,ing;, Stepanyants L.G., Trudy,rad Wr 198, 1958). Lri, t"he prGsonl, 14-,Lie ox-rt(,.t functLon exprcssing ti--- variation ii~C 't'-Ji c.'cavance L - ,I L thickness is repla,3ed by a ou us t-*L on so constructed that the Reynoldi eq-jation has a general solution in the -Coriii of an --r'ii ~-ra-. y harmo-,11c function, namely a -substitution wLJch the Ri-yn,7~lds equation -JP.Lo a Laplace equatic.)n (-J.- Opneri.~a- When uhta s,.1b-r:t4.tut_-,c)n -i,3 so chat the true and the smbstituvte C,,:~incide ill thickness at zanj.~h oi~ 500, n t1h a.~ Ic d ifference s are though t to be n~) g1j.,:- J.1b] oBy tIj.-s Tnet-L*I~)';*7 5he pres5urc distribution i:s fountt cle,-arance and several spocial ca:~es be con~,idetod. such as a clearanco of constant thiclioesz; and the supply of air to u slngle central lic.2--e. Tjl--o -,.Iii-rnigoflow o--.' ai"'.. is related to the oi' the bo.-Iirin,(7 3ri ijiit 111han ijard the thloughfLow is kriewn the pre~-bur~) in the be,, cali b,~~ faund,,, 11' t'-w thv-,-,-,uf` "'I 0~ hi-cw iz, n t. it can be determirtcd, togeti-,or rith Ule p r c. z, z; u r c, d , from i,.he PreS~-UTe Jn tliir! ch the Contributjo,j the Tin(-,~;ry- c, -7p.. A v SuDplied- Tlit~ of the carryi.r.,;! fnn~e, Ls also applicablQ -!v -T u- Sovi~'rai of sma~ I a of lie carJ the case o' a (assumin.- satisfactory T'(-,e7e a-r..) 4 fi-.-Ur~- ASSOCIATION: c) s t~ ovT SUBM'ITTED- 10(2) SOY/2o-127-1-15/65 AUTHOR: Xotlyar, Ya. M. TITLE: One Possibility of Obtaining in a Closed Form the Exact Integrals of the Equation of Reynolds (Ob odnoy vozmothnosti polucheniya v zamknutoy forme tochnykh integralov uravneniya Reynolldsa) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 1, pp 59-62 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the case of slow steady barotropic motions of a viscous gas in the narrow space h between the plane Oxy and the cylinder surface h - h(x), gas pressure is determined by means of the Reynolds equation ' (h' 'F) + (0 'p). ax ax ay ay The function P(x,y) is connected with the Pre sure p by muans of the specific weight y by the relation P y(p)dp. Dyna:..ic viscosity during the motion is assurriod to vary only little ~i - const). The above equation formally corresponds to the equation for the flow function ofthe plane eddy-less subsonic Card 1/4 flow of a perfect -as U SOV/20-127-1-15/65 One Fossibility of Obtainin.- in a Closed Form the Exact Integrals of the Equation of Reynolds ' (-FK + -L (-FK 0. Flare F = K(s) denotes the 7 S as ao A Chaplygin-function, s - a certain function of the velocity modulus, 9 - the angle characterizing 'lie direction of the _, U velocity vector. It is therefore possible to use certain methods for integration, which were developed in the theory of the plane motions of a perfect gas. According to L. I. Sedov (Rof 3) one of the possible methods of solving the boundary problems for the equation just written down consists in de- termining the connection between this and a more simple equa- tion (e.g. the Laplace equation), for which the boundary problem concerned may be solved in an effective (especially in a closed) form. Such a connection can be established only at certain values of the coefficient K(s). The exact nolu- tion of the last equation written down with an approximating (theoretical) coefficient K (a) may be considered to be the approximated solution of thTs equation with a .-iven coeffi- cient K(s). Short reference is made to further solution Card 2/4 methods. For the hydrodynamical thoo~~y, the cace is of special SOVI'20-127-1-15/65 One Possibili'y of Obtaining in a Closed Form the Exact Integrals of the Equation of Reynolds interest in which the Reynolds equation written down at the beginning of this abstract containe the periodic coefficient h - 6(1 - e cos x), where 6 and E are constants; herefrom there results the problem of determining such an approximated coefficient of the Reynolds equation, in the case of which the solution of the problera is reduced to solving the Laplace equation. The author therefore confines himself to giving the final result, the validity of which may easily be chocked by substitution: If the periodic coefficient of the initially written down Reynolds equation has the form hT - 26*(l + 3 ctg2(x/2 ))-3/2 (where 6* is an arbitrary con- stant), the general solution of this Reynolds equation is expressed by an arbitrary harmonic function T as follors: 3 cos ?E cos x a2 P 2 a (P + 2 + cos x 2 sin 3 x ax sin 2 x ax2 Card .3/4 SOV/2o-127-1-15/65 One Possibility of Obtainin-, in a Closed Form the Exact Intearals of the Equation of Reynolas Finally, the determination of the harmonic function 4) is discussed. There are 2 figuron and 7 Soviot reforenoev. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze (Moscow Aviation Institute imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze) PRESENTED: March 25, 1959, by L. I. Sedov, Academician SUBMITTED: 11-larch 5, 1959 Card 4/4 KOTLTAR, L. 14, - Now solar magnstograph flat the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Academy )f Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Aetron.teir. no.203: 5-7 Je 15' - (MIRA 13:4) 1. GlavrAya astronomichaskaya observatariya AN SSSR, Pulkovo. (Astronomical instruments) VObTRIKOV, S-I-; ZUTIV, A-N-; KUZWSOV, V.I.; KALMMIM, N.A.; HESPELA, A.B.; P3LISHMO. V.A.; TOKKAKOV, A.I.; FILIN. A.M.; KATZELI, Yu.M., kandotakhnonaukg rateensent-,_XOTLYAR, IOVOO kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; PISARZV, K.S.. inzh.-polkovnik Sapasa, red.; KTASHIKOVA, T.1r., (Theory of airplane engines] Teoriia aviatsionnykh dvigatelei. Pod red. I.V.Iotliara. Koakva. Voon.izd-vo M-va obor.SSM. Pt.2. (Theory of jet engines] Teoriia reaktivnykh dvigatelai. 196o. 281 P. (HIM 13:7) (Airplanea--Jet propjlaion) KOTLYAR)-Ya. M., (moscov) "On the Motion of Liquids and Gases in the Gap of a Cylindrical ~t or Spherical Bearing." report presented at the First All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 27 Jan - 3 Feb 1960. TRRMIAYHV. V.L.; KOTLYAR. I.P.; SVITASM, K.K. Internal conversion from the fluorescent to the phosphorescent level in naphthalene derivatives. Izv.AII SSSR.Sardiz. 24 no-5:492-495 NJ 160. (MM- 13:5) - (Naphthalene-Optical properties) (Liumin-jacence) / 0. Z/ 000 4_e~ 67917 AUTHOR: Kotlyarj_ Ya. M. SOV120-130-1-10169 TITLE: On the Approximation of.Reynoldst Equation PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 130, Nr 1, pp 41 - 44 ('USSR) ABSTRACT: The solution of various hydrodynamic problems leads to the equa- tion -p- (Q 2 IP ,. ~L (q2 9P) . 0, where P.P(XIY) denotes the de- ax ax cly TY aired function, Q - the given function (frequently only of one variable q - CA(x)). One of the methods for solving the boundary problems of this equation consists in the approximation of the coefficient Q(x) by such functions for which the solution of the above equation can ,'.,;e expressed by the solution of a simpler equation whose bour.6ary problem can be solved in an effective manner. Since the method described here for the determination of these approximations is suited also for hyperbolic equations, the equation Q AP + 2q'Px - 0, A .'xx+P yy is here investigated. If the latter is elliptical it is identical with the above equa- tion. The author then investigates a sequence of equations Card 1/3 QkAPk + 2%(Pk)Y, ' 0, k - 0,1,2,.... which differ by their q1 - "I -, ! On th,~~ Approximation of Reynolds' Equation SOV/210- 130-1-10169 The author then gives a aueond thi.-orem: If the c!)efficient of the initially writter, equation D D-1 k - 2,3te-ey k,-, k - 1 the general solution of this equation is :-Ypressad by the general solution of a certain equation A,_,~ = fofE by means of I the recurrence formula given here- Pk--1 - pk-.2 + Qk-2Q~11(pk-2)x' k where P Q_ I(A,~ + 6 ), A, r,)'. D de- I I ~x k n-Itas Wronskils determinant compoapd of the functions 71 1 ~7129 ... 'Wk- In conclusion, twoexamplas are discussod. There are 10 r,2ferences, 0 of which are Soviet. ASSMATION: Moskovskly aviatsionnyy inatitut in, Stirgo Ord7lionikldze (Mos-aqw- Institute of Aviation im,%n! Sei:aa qrd~_Li2rjkidzj~ P R ES EMI LT AuCust 19, 1959, ICY L- 1. Sedov, Academician SUBI-HTTM: June 2, 1959 Ca'l'd 3/3 OSSTOSLAVSKIY, Ivan Vasillyevich; STRAZHEVA, Irina Viktorovna; KURSHEV, 1.'.V.p prof., retsenzent; TKACHENKO, Ya.Ye., prof.y retsenzent; KOTLYAR, Ya.14., dots., red.; KURSHEV, V.V., prof.., retsenzent; TKACMIKO, Ya.Ye., prof., retsenzent; KOTLYAR, Ya.M., dots., red.; BOOOMOLOVA) I.I.F., MISTMIUA, V.I., (Flight dynamics. Aircraft trajectories] Dinamika poleta. Traektorii letatoltzWkh apparatov. Moskva, Oborongiz 1963. 430 p. (L-IIHA 17: Ii OSTOSIXVSKIY, Ivan Vasillyevich; STRAZEDIA, Irina Viktorowma; Mi SHEV, 11U., prof., retsenzent; TKACFEIKO, Ya.Ye., prof., re~senzent; .dots.., red.; KURSHEV, N.V., prof., retsenzent; TKACHENKO, Ya.Ye.p prof., retsenzent; KOTLYAR, Ya.M., dots., red., BOGOY,OLOVA$ M.F., red.izd-va; ORESHYdNA, V.I., (Flight dynamics. Aircraft trajectories] Dinamika poleta. Tracktorii letatol'rWkh apparatov. I-,oskva, Oborongiz 1963. 430 p. (PIKA 17:11 KRAMIOV, Mkolay Fedorovich; AIIZIIANIKOV, II.S., prof., retsenzent; KOTLYAR, Ya.M., dots., red. [Aerodynamics of bodies of revolution] AerodinamikP tel vra.9helioniia. Izd.2., I:arer. i dop. Mo.Avn, Ma.,,h1ro:stro- onic, 1964. 572 p. (MIRA 17:10) !;VUd"HVVA, [rtna V.Ikt.')rtYvna, V. t s e r; T K I LN K 01 , Y a Ye .vo prcl., ru p ~i3',.j dots., [Cllght dynaml-q; stability ard 131rcraft] UL?i,ul~lka prile a) ustalchivost' 4- upr~ivliunmost.' le~-,:ell- zVkh upparatk-,w. Moskva. 67 p 0 18:11) KOTLYAR, Ye.D., kandidat meditsinakikh nauk. "Regenerator" therapy of trigeminal neuralgia. Stomatologiia no.1:46-48 Ja-F 154. (MLRA 7:1) 1. Iz Moskovskogo gorodskogo gospita3ya d1ya invalidov Otechost- vennoy voyny (nachallnik A.A.Kovner, nauchnyy rukovoditall - professor it.Ye.Verlotskiy). (Neuralgia, Facial) KOTLTAR, Te.D. Yourogenic affections of the tongue. Stomatologila no.4:64 Jl-Aq 155- (MLRA 8:10) 1. Iz Moskovskogo gorodskogo gospitalya No.I(Nach.-podpolkoynik meditsinskioy slushby A.A.Kovner) dlya Invalidov Otechastvannoy voyny. (TONGU3--DISMASSS) Aui-"Llor: RuDzia (1923 - ';-tM) C5nutruction lb-nist on Entcrprizt,6 in Tit,lv: Tochnical Crntrol. Irstmetions or, toe lianufacutring of r1yeted zteal const.-rixtiorns E. P. Xotli-)- -~Illzkylch l(on.-Artkall) (InstrLik"'SlIA po izgatovlanUu klcpaiVkh a Cityl Pt7CM-cher. State PublichLig Houne of Corzt.7retivn Literatuve Date: 37 pp A-.-P,il--blc; Llb:--ary of Uongrr-ous Montilly 0-~ .,c;r-.;t 1011, P. tekhnicheskikh nauk. Assembly joints of precast reinforced concrete elements in one- story industrial buildings. Gp7t stroi. n0-7:61-68 '56. (MLRA 10:4) (Girders) (Columns, Concrete) jjLML_Y_A& re 7 ~.kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, nauchny-y- radaktor; UDOD, V.T&O radaktor izdatellstva; STEPANOVA, Z.S.. tekhnicheaki3r redaktar. [Causes of damage to building strup'turej Prichiny povrashdanii 11 troitalluykh konstruktaii. Moskva, Gqs.Izd-vo lit-ry po attolt. , arkhit. , 1957. 58 ps NLRA 1o:6) l.AkxAemiya 4troitellstva i arkhitaktur]r SSSR, Mos~ow. TSentrall- nyy institut nauchnot informataii po stroitel'stvu i arkhitakture. (Building--Repair and reconstructioa) 07-,~Ivl~?te ,41 137-58-5-9518 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 101 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kotlyar, Ye. F. TITLE: New Steel Shapes and the Use of Low-alloy Steel for Structural Purposes (a Survey) [ Novyye stallnyye profili i nizkolegirovan- naya stall v stroitellstve (Obzor)] PERIODICAL: V sb.: Opyt str-va. Nr 8. Moscow, Gos. izd-vo lit. po str-vu i arkhitekt. , 1957, pp 96-118 ABSTRACT: In an effort to develop shapes (S) having higher resisting mo- ments for a given weight, new standards for I-beams (GOST 8239-56), channels (GOST 8240-56), window and skylight casements (GOST 7511-55). and bent shapes (GOST 8275-57 & 8283-57) have been designed and approved. This will result in a relative saving of 5-15 percent of metal when the new beams, channels, and vari- ous casements are used, and of 3-4 percent in the case of thin- flanged angles. In addition, bent S of any desired form can be made on bending rolls. The metal constituting these S is distri- buted rationally throughout the cross section of the article, thus affording a maximum saving of steel. With a total requirement of -500,000 tons of bent S for all branches of industry in the USSR, M. z Card 1/1 rv150,000 tons may be saved. 1. Beams--Design 2. Beams--- Prod u,c t ion 3. Steel--Applications KOTLYAR, Ye F kand. takh. nauk. __LV4F_A 11 NU low-alloy steel structural components welded at the Dnepro- petrovsk Steelworks. Rul. Btroi. takh. 14 no.6tlG-15 Ag 157. (Kin 101i1) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut stroitalletva Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. (Steel, Structural) KOTLYAR, Te.F.. kand. tekhn. nauk, starshly nauchnyy ootrudnik; GUROT, Th.S., izd-va; STINPAR07A, B.S., takhn. red. [Structural alumimm In toreign countries] Aliuminii v litroltell- stva za rubezhom. XbCdmg Goa. ind-vo lit-ry po stroit arl<. I stroit. materialam, 1958. 70 P. iKlIR& Ute) 1. Akadamiya atroitelletva i arkhitaktury SSSR. (WWmimm, Structural) KOTLYAR, Ye.F., kand. takhn. nauir I_ .,:, 1- 1. Bridge spans made of aluminum alloys. Tranan. stroi. 8 no. 6;23- 26 Ja 158. ( HIRA 11 '. 7) (Aluminum, Structural) (Bridge,construction) KOTLTARO To.F., kand. tekhn. nauk, ` Construction elements wLde of aluminum alloys abroad. Biul. stroi, tekh. 15 no-N41-44 Wr 158. (MIRA 110) 1. Tffentralinyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy Inatitut atroitelletva Akademii atroltelletva I. arkhitektitry SSSR~ (Aluminum alloyeY (Aluminum, Structural) KOMITAR, Te.F., kand.telrhn.naizk Standard sectional and solid steel web beams with 6 and 12 a open- length for electric bridge cranes with lifting capacity, of 5 to 75 tons. Buil.stroi.takh. 15 no.11:47-54 N '58. (MIRA 11:12) 1. TSentralinyy naucbno-iseledovatollskiy institut stroitellstva Akademii stroitel'stva. i arkhitektury AN SSSR. (Cranes, derricks, etc.) KOTLYAR Ye P j- kand. iekl',n. nauk; YEGOROVA, N.O.,, red. i-zd-va; .t~~A-C ABWI,OVAp V.M.p takhn. red. (Aluminum construction in foreign zountries] Stroitellrqe kon- struktaii iz aliuminievykh spl4,v*v za rubezhom. Moskvaj, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit, arkhit. i stroit. materialm, 1960. 134 p. (MRA 15:4) (Aluminurap Structural) XOTIUR, Te.F., kand.tekbu-nank Steel construction elements of the main building of the steel smelting shop of the Rourkela Metallurgical Plant. Prom.strois 38 no.4:58-61 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Rourkela. India-Building, Iron and steel) MDTLYAR, Ye.F., kand.tekhn.nauk Using aluminum alloys in manufacturing hoistirg conveyers and excavators. Vest.mash. 40 no.9:7548 3 160. (MIRA 13 -.9) (Conveying machinery) (&cavating machinery) (Aluminum allo7s) KOTLYAR, Yed... kand.tekhn-nauk Steel elements for atomic reactor buildings. i:;nt.i spets. rabov stroi. 23 no*6:30-31 Je 161. (NIRA 14:7) (Steel, Stractural) (Atomic powor-plant) KOTLYAri, Ye.F., kand.tekhn.nauk - - - ---- - steel elements of reflector antennas. Mont. i spets. rab. v stroi. 23 no.9:29-30 5 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Antennas (Electronics)) KCITLYAR, Ye.F., kand.tekhn.naul- I - Ganholder with a capacity of 200,000 m. 3 with a prestressed concrete tank. Mlont. i spets. rab. v strol. 24 nod7:30-31 ii 16,-). UIRA 15-.6) (Berlin, Weat-Gasholders) KOTLYAR., Ye*F,, kand.tokhn.nauk AluTrdnum reservoirs for storing and transporting compressed gas. Prom.stroi. 41 no.3:47-48 Mr 164. (KM 1-7.' 3) KOTLYAR, Ye.F., kand.tekhn,nauk Present-day steels for structural elements in the United States. Prom.stroi, 42 no,2.'45-47 165. (MIRA, 18:4) 3 S', AUT'!0111 S ) Kooolai~ova, T_ Ya, Kotl,.-ar, Ye. Yc. TITLE Tho Resistance to Acid of Some L'olybdenum 3ilicides (Kislotoustoychivo3t~ nekotoryl-h sili"-aiaov PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Ncor,-aniclhcsko~, Khinii) 1959, Vol 3, Nr 5, 1241 -1244 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The chemical properties of some molybdenurn --ilici(les, especially the resistance to acid of the silicidca 'Mosi 2 and Mo 33i2 and of the triconponent phase Mlo 4Csi~>Wcre investigated. The method of production of the silicides .Lrom molybdennm and silicon Aras described. The behavior of the produced silicides with respect to ITF and H 3 PO 49 11 2s04+ H3PO4 in various concentrations, IINO 3 + ILTF in different raticeg oxalic acie + 1110 2' oxalic aci,1 +1120 2 + IT 2SO,,.,was investiCated. Card 1/2 The obtained results qho~-icJ that the molybdewim silicido in ntable in all above-mentioned nixturesexcept in -- mixture consisting of Lj parts 11 3P0 4, 1 part 112so4 and 2 parts 1110, 78-')'-5 -32/3 The Resisti-nce to Acid of Some !1o1y`1!1oro:m Silicides Volybdentim silicide dissolves spontaneously in a mixture of 15 :n1 an~ 2 -n1 11110 3 ' 11.103Sig is not as stable vrith resuect to acids as 1'.oSi 2)71~1 ich is not Sol-,i',.)lc in :-ulfr:-ic aci-0, hydro- chloric acid and 11F. It decomposoo in nitric z~cid, rc,~ia as v.--ell av in a -mixtu-ze of o:~alic acirl 1- 11 202. mix"U're of t,, -~'arts R PO + 1 part HOSO + 2 -.,,a---ts H 0 does not decomr-oce 3 4 1 4 2 r at room tanperat~-,re. Ccmplcte decom-,,ositi-n takes -place at the boiling point. The ternary phase Yo Si C is analogons to i , 11 ,',To-Sig Accordin,,, to their stability, a 1 three silicides must be classified a2 follo-ar, with respect to acj lo azA oxili-,inr, .,onto: 'To3i 2- ?-1o CSi - Mo Si . There are ", ta~,leo and 3 a7 I ref crenccs, none oP whih are ~O-Vlqt.' SU'B3'ITTED: May 6, 1957 AVI,ILABLE: Library of C-,n-ress zml Card 2/2 1, Molybdenum vilicides-Chaxical prapeL~ties -5(2) AUTHORS: Kosolapova,T.Ya., Kotlyar, ie.l*t!, 3OV132-24-12-9145 TITLE: More Rapid Method for Complete Analyais of Silicon Carbides (Uskorenn,yy metod polnogo analiza karbida krenaiiya) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol 24, Nr 12, pp 1442-1443 (USSR) ABSTRACT; Analytical methods are described in the publications for the ana- lysis of technical carborundum (Refs 1,2,3) and fire-resistant carborundum articles (Refs 4,5)- The present, more rapid method is provided for the determination of free carbon and silicon, as well as for silicon carbide and the iron in ailicon carbide. The free carbon determination is carried out on the glowing of the sample after it has been-in a muffle furnace at 8500 for 20-40 minutes; this involves determining the loss in weight in the carbon content. The residue on ignition is treated with a saltpeter-flux-sulfuric acid mixture, allowed to evaporate to dryness, and then ignited again at 800-8500 to constant weight. The lose in weight is now Indicated by the sum Si free + Sio 2' To uvoid the prejonce of iron the residue is treated with hydrochloric acid, and the insoluble material is then weighed as SiC. The experimental results obtained Card 112 are compared with data obtained using the method of liliklashevskiy blore Rapid Method for. Complete Analysis of Silicon Carbidej jOV13d-d4-12-9145 (Refs 1,3) (Table 3). The analytical procedure is given, and the time required for analysis is 6-8 hours.- There are 3 tables and 5 references, 3 of which are eloviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut me tall okeramiki i spetsia'A,Inykh splavov Akademii- nauk (Institute for Metalloceramics and Special Alloys of the Academy oi Sciences,UkrSSR) Card 21;) KOTLYAR,; XAZARGHUK, T.N. Determination of free boron in boron carbide, boraa nitride, and in alloys based on them. Zhur.anal.khim. 15 no.2:207-210 w-Ap 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Institut metallokeramiki i spetsialinykh Bplavov AN USSR, Kiyev. (Boran--Analysis) (Boron carbide) (Boron nitride) S/700/61/000/006/'0'2/018 D':'67,/D304 PxUTHOR KctlyF,--, Ye- Ye. and Nazarchuk, T, 14, T I T 1, Av.aly~54L~- -:)f alloys of titanium me - tal~3 t~ () UR ;~':.~d~-iniya nauk Ukrainskoy 'SSR. Insti-l'u-, me tall -!.ck era mlk-i spetziallnykh splavov. Seminar po zharosil"ollk-Im L '1111, Kiyev, -. TrUdy no. 6: Khimlcheskiyr- svcys!-a ' . 1960 me! - -ody analiza tugoplavk4Lkh 3oyedinen'y- Kiyev, Izd- Yo AS UkrSSR, 1961, 93-100 TEXIL: Methods of analyzing the a:!.ovs I. (TiC f- Nb) and II. (T4C + v are described. f) To Of separating Ti from Nb, H, SO using r'tl as the reducing P 4 the reduct"lon of Nb by Al portior,3 of fluorides are fluorides is much smaller Card 1/4 check the previously developed methods standard solutions here prepared with agent. It was found that to prevent metal in H 2 so 4/HC1 solutions, large pro- required, whereas the required amount of in sulfate solutions (without HC1). Other S/70GI/61/000/006/01112/01e. I y,3i s o 'IF a 11. oy s D267/D30,1 compleK-formin- agerts r-an also be used, in who7--e preoen~:e T14-:'- 3+ eas-ily reduQed '.o Ti whereas Nb Is riot. The fo'101%7'11116 Melt"Pci i1q U ,;u-gested for de'erm4ning Ti in the TiC-Nb alloy: The samp'le :.s d-,6- scived In. HNO 3 -~- HF; the solution ia evaporated to a small vciuuic,, H,SO 'i is added and evaporation is continued uncii SO 3 fumes appear, The ccoled solu,ilon is transferred to a conical flask, to which . -, Z ater, V! me-'I H,SO and aolid ITH F are added; afzer diluticn with W 4 added In smalI batches. The solution is then boiled under 00,, 1~i.- ti". a!'-, A! has been disEolved; it is then cooled and t-Litra-ted ,,,ith iron alum. The T-4 content is calculated 'rcm The formu-1a VxTx!00!/d where V is the volume of the titrated 1-0f. aiUln SG,'U'tkc~n in and d is the weight of sample, in g. Dlodificat-Lcns are men- ~-icne- II) Hilgh results were obtained for the T-.' f--ontent- deter., m-"ned by fusion witti alkalis or Na- 0,; wher, the V r-crtent 2 L: T'n-e a~-.-.thors c-tudied in detail the possib-'llity of separa',Mg TI from V bv pre,.-.Jpit--it,-ng with die thyldi thiocarbamat e -'n 11-he presen~:e o.T Ca7d 2/4 S/700/61/000/006/012/018 Analygis of alloys D26'17/D304 various complex-forming agents. It was found that ~n the pre,,er -1~ of tartaric a3i.d, the quantitative pre.-,ipitaticii Of V orc)1"', at 010, and in the presence of fluorides at PH 5.6. In the preF". C-F oxalar acid V remains in the aqueous phase at -111 PH value~-- Further tests disclosed that the optimum separati,or, of Ti from V obtained at, pH -5 - 4 (w-Lth tartaric acid.) or at pil ;-6 (wih N11 4F), T.'- re~_ujrs of analyses were compl-etely satisfactory for both plex-forillers. The authors suggest the follow-ing method-, The sampl-E- is dissolved in a micture of H,SO and F-NO,, the liquld io e7a~o- 4 fumes ar a' rated until dense SO 3 e formed, and tartar,-~ acid is ",da,i to the cooled solution. By dropwise addit.Jon of NH-1 the pH ie broughttc 3-4, n CH 3COOONH4 buffer solution is -added qnd the --olu- zior- is tran=_ferred into a separating funnel to which dry Na di- e-vhv1d_ith_'c.:arbamat'e is added in small portions, 17 d~,e-~hyldilhj_o- t~artama;e is extracted with CHC1.0 In the aqueous layer pH iz, ed and V is aga-An precipitated with After Card -3/4 S/7 00 /000 /OOE, /0 /08 Analysiz O.f alLc-ys D2~'.XD~04 .he t-,e2c:nd extra,:~ion rhe aqueoue layer becomes_ colcrle--_-_~; :1. -4F-, t-.-arisferred a beaker, boiled, after wh--ch H,,30, is added and I Ti dell-ermined by any known method. Instead of tartaric acid IT ;is possible to use I - 2e g of NH 4F at pH 5-6. V can be determired vc- lumetrical.1y 11rom. another sample without separating Ti, or frcm 'he CHCI'Z extract,, There are 11 figure, 8 tables and lc-; references,, '0 Soviet bloc and 5 ncn-Soviet-bloo. The referenceg to the Eng- lish-language publiCations read a5 follows: V1. R. Sc.)-,oiler., 'The an-alyti--a-1 chemistry of tantalum and niobium' , London., 1937; 1. E" iu1Ler, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 33 151006, (19-11); 1. Gallan- J,. Hen- derson., Analyst 54, 650, (1929,1. A_SSCICIATICIN;~ rnetitut metn.llol~eramihi I sp~t'llal.,ryki'. opila-lev AN USSR (Institute of Powder 'Mcat,)J,!j_r-e_y arid Speol.'j.1. A-1loys AS UkrSSR) Co 1-3 ,, /d S/70 6"//OO0/OOQ-/O16/O18 D204%304 AUTHORS- Kotl _yar, Ye. Ye, and Nazarchuk, T. 11. TITLE; Analysis of titanium-tin alloys with h4;h Sr. content-Q SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR, Inutitut metallokeramiki i spe-lu-siallnykh splavov. Seminar po zharostoykim mater-1- alam. Kiyev, 1960. Trudy no. 6: Khimicheskiye svGyst--r~. i metody analiza tagoplavkikh soyedineniy. Klyev, Izd--. vo, AN UkrSSR, 1961, 121-123 TEXTi The usual iodometric methods of analysis were found irad- equate for analysis of Ti-Sn alloys with 40 - 50cfj 3rand the fol- method-s were, therefore, tried and found satisfactory~ (I To determine Sn, 0.10 - 0.15 g of the alloy were dissolved in -140 40 ml of 1:4 H 2so4 and SO 3 was evaporated off. The residue was 3,x.led, diluted, transferred to a 500 ml conical flask ., treated with 40 - 50 ml conc.. HC1 and with 2 Al dust. Further 20 ml HC_1 were ~then added and the flask was stoppered with a 2-hole plug. Card 1/3 6/70C/61/000/006,/0;6/015 Analysl.s of titanium-t-4n ... D204/004 The scllut-~on was, then boiled till the Al dissol.7ied. and Sn was -.--Ditated, under CO.. After cooling, starch and K! were added and the '~01Ltion was titrated with 0.05 NKI030 (2 To determine Ti,' 0,,! - 0.9- g of the alloy was dissolved in 30 40 ml aqua regia and e7aporated to dry-aess. The residue was dis,,3o.1-,/e-d in "10 m! con.-. HC1, '10 ml HBr or 0.5 - I. g NH4Br were added and SnBr,, wa.~-- dis--La.led ofl-':'~ After further evaporation ', 10 mi 111-11 H2SOI, wag ded~ SO, removed by heating, and the solution wao c.-,-..'--ed and dilu 7-e,A w--th 100 ml H2 0 and 30 - 40 ml cone. HO-L. The mixture was t:~ansferred to a 500 ml conical flask with a two-hole stopper, 75 g A--. dusz- were added and the solution was boiled and cooled. It wa~- ~her ti'.ra~ed with Fe ammonium alum in the presence of 10 m.1 1001'o KCNS a pink coloration appeared. Formu-as foi- the cf re-zu'. s are ci,.-en. There are 1 table ,nd 7 reference.,!. 4 So- tlo~~ Lind ') nen-Seviet-bloo. The referonces to ~he Engliqh- C!;~- f d ? /7 S/700/61/000/000'/016/0'8 of tatanium-tin D204/D304 langua-ge pubull"cations read as follows: F, L, Okell and I. L~ Zums- den, Analy--t, r~O; 803, (1935); L, Woodq and ii 'Clark. Y. 'Jil lad sen, V. Poulsen and G- Riind Ar- ta Cl!efr,, k3SJGIATION~ Institut metallokQramiki i USSR ( Ins ti tute of Powder No- ta lu nry nd' 'Spe, i""L Loys AS UkrSSR) Card V.) KOTLYAR,, Ye.Ye.; NAZARCHUK., T.N. Analysis of alloys of titanium carbide with various metals. Blul. Inst. metaloker. i spets. splav. AN URSR no.6M-100 161. (MIRA 15s2) 1. Institut metallokeramiki i spetsiallnykh splavov AN USSR. (Titanium carbide) KOTLYAR, Ye.Ye.; NAZARCHUK~ T.N. Analysis of titanium-tin alloys with a high tin eontent, Biulo Inst. metaloker. i apets. splav. AN URM no.6M.1-123 161. (MIRA 1512) 1. Institut. metallokeiamiki i spetsiallnykh splavov AN USM- (Titanium-tin alloys) - KOTLYAR,--Yf.Ye.; NAZARVUK, T.N. Determination of titanium in titnnium carbide-niobium alloys. Zhur.anal.khim. 16 no.5:631-634 S-0 '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institute of Metalloceramics and Special AlIoys, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian S.S.R., Kiyev. critpnium-Analysis) (Titanium-niobium alloys) S/075/61/016/006/002/006 Blo6/BI47 AUTHORS: Kotlyar, Ye~ Ye., and Nazarchuk, T. N. J.11ITLE. Titanium determination in alloys of titanium carbide and vanadium PERIODICAL.~ Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, v. 16, no. 6. 19061, 688-691 TEXT; Titanium and vanadium were separated by precipitatinj3 by sodium d-Jethyl dihiocarbaminate in the presence of maskinig substances %'I'artaric acid, citric acid, oxalic acid. ammonium fluoride). Yu A~ Chernikhov and B. M. Dobkina (Ref.- 4: Zavodsk. laboratoriya 15, 1143 (1'-.149)) showed that vanadium diethyl dithiocarbaminate was only stable in anid so].uticns, The vanadium complex can be easily extracted from acid solutionu by chloroform. According to data by I. V. Pyatnitskiy (R#-f,, 6. Ukr, khim. zhurnal 25, 64 (1959)) vanadium is completely masked by tartaric acid at pH 7 and by citric acid at PH 4 -jr 5 if there is a 50-fold excess of the masking acid. Titanium is not crec',--i-tated b- dipthy! dithiocarbaminate at any I)H-value either in the presen~-!e c-.' tartarin a-i.d or in the presence of citric acid. To ascertain the pil Card 1y S/079/6!/01 6/oC6/00-2/006 Titanium determination in B1o6/B147 value at which vanadium is quantitatively precipitated by diethyl in the presence of the maskin,- substances --.;en~inned, amount o1 he respective masking substance was added to a solu- tion c-7 van-adium sulfate which contained 0.1-0,15 g of vanad-xrm, Thz~ required -.~H value was adjusted by addition of ammon4la and ssrabJ--117ed by a,,-e-tate ammonia buffer solution The precipitate vanadi-t)m diethy! dithiocarbaminate was extracted by ch-rof~-rm after .1 ry scdium diethy! dilthioca-,baminate had been added, The vanad~~)~ con'ent in 'he aq,,eous phase, was photometrically determined by means of hydrcgen ,~~r-xide in the presence of fluoride, The investigations showed that -.-anad,.um was quantitatively prerlipitated in the prcsence of rararl- -a i at pH 5 , ,-r. the presence of -,J.1'ri ~ acIrl a~ pH 2- 3PL n d i n I I-, e pr-sen-.e -- I . a=-nnj 1).,ii fluoride at pH 5 6 , b7 sodium di d,. th;,~,,...arroetml n - - -..? ~in ~he prE~sen-i~-- -.1 a~-id, part of the vrarad"Iurr in the aque,-~tis p*hase at all pH --,alues 3-6. On 'lie basis of these resul I-s . lh~~ al,!~hnrs developed the following method for analyzinL,- tltanium -~arr,.de 7aradium 5 rnill;li fers of I I.' tartaric sclu-ion. lo 9.~Idl~-d ~1- . ,.- t " - . ~A )f thn M lc 0 a n d a o 3 ~; T h 2 0 -J I I f a T 1H s ad,, ed -After ajd:n-:~ sriall 9/07' 1"! TiLaviili;~ d~)tcrii3nation in of h- c!-(.ch1o7-Lc acid ani ,J,-1t-'d if i s --tcaill Precipitated by diethyl dithiocarbaminal,-~ ~o thulu ,, van d i i i m4-9 contained in the aquecuo layer. Af tc, adl ino 20 i2 11 i t 0 'L H'So I . 1), titanium is determined by G'10 Of t I I C C O11.V C '.'I tC; rld 1 i 1 Instead of tartaric acid, 1-2 a 01" awrionioin fluorid,~ In c jj:ir7d. Tn '(.his case,,j)11 of the solution should be 5-6. Vanadium rar, either b~- idetermined from a separate weighed-in portion -,,jithout s~-parati~-.~ of titanium, ,r titrimetrically from the chloroforT.:-, extract. Th,2.-e art-- 3 ta'Lies ar~-11 6 references'. 5 Soviet and 1 non-Sovie t . T lh. v,, r t., f o T- c n C'o the EnGlish-lan-tiage publication reads as follow3, Gallan T., lfende-~:Cr; L, J., Analyst 541650 (1959)- ASSOCIATION: Institut metallokeramiki i spetsialln,--kh sr,1a,;r;,,, Viyev (Institute of Pow'der ana Spoc--'al ltS UkrSSR, Kiyev) ST J LA I T T 'E' D June 30, 1960 Card 3/0 '7 PHASF I BOOF MWITATION PO ~ V/5994 Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSII. Institut metallolceramilci I spetulalInykh splavov. Seminar po zlinrostoykim matorialam. Klyax, 1960. Trudy Seminars po --harostoykin materialam, i9-21 aprelya 1960 g. Byulletent no. 6: Mai-micheskiye svcy3tvt i mctody analiza tug- oplavicildi'soyedineniy (Transactions of the Seminar on Heat- Resistant Haterials of the Insitute of Fcadcr Ilotallurgy and Special Alloys of the Academy of Sclencea of the Ulwalnian SSR. Chenlaal Pro- S Held 19-2l.April, 1960. Bulletin no. 61 per'.1ca and Methods of Refractory Co-mpound Analysis). Kiyev, Izd-vo All ITI