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December 31, 1967
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AUTHORS: Geller, Yu. A. and Fadyushina, M. 11.
TITLE: Application of the magnetic-metallographic method for the
determination of residual austenite in the steel structure
rERIODICAL: Zavodakaya laboratoriya, v. 27j no. 5, 1961, 562-565
TEXT: Tile magnetic-metallographic method is based upon the principle that
in spontaneous magnetization colloidal magnetic particles evenly distrib-
uted on tile polished steel surface are attracted by the ferromagnetic
phases of the alloy. Non-magnetic phases (austenite, alloyed cementitep and
carbides of alloying metals) no longer contain ouch i:articles and, thus,
appear aa light spots under the microscope (in contrast to the magnetic
phases which are darkened by the particles covering them). The authors
studied the possibility of applying this method for the determination of
residual austenite in marteneite-base steels and alloys (alloy instrument
st eel s: Y BI- (KhVG) , 9,~ C (9KhS) ; high s peed a t eel s : P 9 (R9), p 18 (R 18) ) af t er
different heat treatment of specimens and finished instruments. The results
Card 1/2
Application of the
obtained are in good agreement with those of magnetic and X-ray structural
analysis. This method wan also suited for determining very small amounts
of austenite which could not be determined by the other two methods. It
was also possible to eliminate differences in the results obtained by
dilatometric and magnetic analyses. The method is especially suited for the
determination of residual austonite in multiphaue alloys and the continuous
control of annealing high-speed steel immediately in instruments. There
are 4 figures and 1 Soviet-bloc referenco.
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-ioBledovatellskiy instrumentalInyy
institut (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Instru-
Card 2/2
GELLER, Yu,A, -red.; LEVITp Ye.I.0 red. izd-va; ISIMITTEVA, P.G.x
red *
(Conference on metals and their beat treatment; materials) P-e-
tallovedenie i termicheakaia obrabotka,- materialyo Moskvap
MetaUurgizdatp 1962. 350 p. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Konferentoiya po metallovedemiyu I termichookay obrabgtke,
Odessap 1960* (Pbysical metallurgy-Congresoes)
AUTHORS: Geller, Yu.A., and Semenova, I.N.
TITLE; Reducing the heat-treatment deformation of high-speed steel
PERIODICAL: Stanki i instrument, no-5, 1962, 32-34
TEXT: The results of experiments with 100mm long and 5mm diam. P18 (Rio)
high-speed steel specimens aregiven. Heat treatment included heating to
the usual 1275-12850c, stepped quenching with brief' holding at 5500C (as
practiced at many Soviet plants) and holding at various lower temperatures,
and quenching in a salt bath. Details of all treatment procedures are
given. Deformation was judged by changes in the length of specimens due
to martensitic transformation, for it was known from previous experience
that the deformation of drills, taps, or reamers changes in direct pro-
portion to changes in length. A slight increase in the content of
Card 1/2
Reducing the heat-treatment ... D040/DI13
residual auatenite (2-5%) in hardened specimens was sufficient to greatly
reduce the deformation. Proper selection of quenching temperature proved
effective, and it was shown that by lowering the hoiding temperature to
3000C the deformation was reduced. Holding at a still lower level, 2500C,
in stepped quenching resulted in a smaller increase in the length of speci-
mens (325,A, or 30140 lower than in continuous quenching). Incomplete iso-
thermal quenching in a salt bath at 3900C and holding for 15 min reduced
the increase in the length of the specimens to 259/,a. Conclusionst The
practiced holding temperature of 550-4500C in stop hardening should be
reduced to 400; 250'C or incomplete isothermal quenching with 15 min hold-
ing at 350-250 C used. The latter method has a better effect. Longer
holding, up to 30 min, at 350-2500C is advised for very large tools of
complex shape. There are 1 figure and 2 tables.
Card 2/2
Steel for machine and press springs with high mechanical and
technological properties, Izv, vyso uchob, zav.; chern. met.
5 no.3tl44-152 162. (MIRA 15:5)
1. Moskovskiy stankoinstrumentallnyy Institut.
(Steel alloys--Testing) (Springs (Mechanism))
GELLERp Yu.A.p doktor tekhnonauko prof.; BUSURINA, I.A.p Inzhe
Stability of residual austenite in hypereutectoid steel* Metallovede
i teru, abr. met. no.609-43 Je 162o (MIRA 15:7)
1. Moskovskiy stankoinBtrumentallnyy institut.
(Stool-AMetaliograp1q) (Eutectics)
GEU LR, Yu A - SEME110VA, I.N.
Reduction of deformations of high-speed-steel cutting tools
by hoat treatment. Stan.i instr. 33 no,5:32-34 MY 162.
(MIRA 15:5)
(Metal-cutting tools)
(Tool steel-Heat treatment)
Improving the quality of 3MM die steel by the selection of
better conditions of beat treatment. Kuz.-shtam,.proizv- 4
no*8:1-4 Ag 162. 0MU 15.-S)
(Tool steel-Heat treatment)
AUEROVA, N.S.., doktor tokhn. nauk, DNUlsHTbTII, M.L., kand. takhn.
nauk; BUJITER, M.Ye... doktor tekhn, nnul-.)- bOKSHITY11, S.Z..'
doktor teldm.nauk; V1110GRAD, 1A.I., kand. tokhn.niuk; rAWV,
M.I.p inzhj_LELLF.I,-Yv,.-A.p doktor tekhn. nauk; GOTLIB, L.Lp
kand. tokhn. nauk; WDIVA, Yu.V... doktor toklin.nauk;
GRIGO,OVICH, V.K., kand, tekhn. nauk; GULYAYEV, 13.13., doktor
tekhn. nauk,- DOVGALEVSKIY I Ya.1.1,, kand. takhn. nauk; DUDGVTM,
P.A., kand. tekhn. nauk (deceased); KIDIN, I.N., doktor tekhn.
nauk; L&KRI, I.M.0 kand. takhn. nauk; LIVSHITS) B.G., doktor
teklm. naljJc; LIVSHITS.. L.S... kand.tokhn. nauk; LIVOV, M.A.,
kand. tekhn. nauk; MEYERSON, G.A., doktor teklm. nauk;
M334KEVICH, A.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; IIATANSON, A.K., kand.
tokhn. nauk; ItAKJIVUV, A.M., inzh.,- IJAMIIMOV, D.M.., kand. tekhn.
nauk; OSIRIN, G.Ya., inzh.,- PANASEPRO, F.L., inzh.; SOLODIKHDI..
A.G.) kand. taklin.nauk; Ydill-IUSHIN, F.F.., kand. tekhn. nauk;
ClOilikSlIKIII, V.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; YUDIII, A.A., kand. fiz.-
mat. nauk; YANKOVSKIY, V.14., kand. tekhn. nauk; RAMiSlITADT,
A.G.p red.; GORDON, L.N., red. izd-va; VAYNa',TEYN, Ye.B., tekhn.
red. (Contirmed on next cird)
ALFEROVAp N.S.- (contiymed) Card 2.
[Metallography and the beat treatment of ateol]Metallo-
vedenie i termicheakaia obrabotka stali; spravochnik.
Izd.2., perer. i dop. Pod red. M.L.Bernshteina i A.G.
Ra),,hshtadta. 14oskva,, Flottillurgizdat. Vol.2. 1962.
1656 p. (VL-,A 15:10)
(Steel-Fleat treatment)
Effect of tempering conditions on the quality of cutting tools
"a of high-spee*.steel. Stan.i instr. 33 no.12:31,33 D
162. . r (MIRA 16:1)
(Metal-cutting tools--TeBting)
-L-1120066S IEWP(q)/EWT(m)/BDS-AFM/ASD--JD/JG
ACCWSION NRt AP3001381 S/M48/63/000/005/0175/0184
AUTHORt Kossovichp Go J~*j Gellerg IV* A*
TITLE% Effect of z2LYbdamn in high speed steel
SOMWEI IVUZe Chernaya USUM-9,7as no* 50 1963., 173--3-94
TOM TAGSt molybdenam,, proportion of steelp high speed steel,, phase analysisp
tungstehj carbides, solid BOlUtiOnS mechanical properties# cutting tools
AWTUCTs The effect of molybdamm content on the properties of high speed steel
was studied* Phase anal7vis indicated a direct relationship between molybdenam
content (at the expense of tungsten) and quantity of carbides passing into solid
solution* Since molybdenm improves the distribution of carbides$ the mechanical
properties of the steel are likewise improved., and rough cutting tools using tungs-
ten-molybden= steel are superior to tungsten steel toolse Orig* arte but 6 tables
and 4 graphs
ASSOOIATIQNt Noakovskiy stankoinstrumentalniy*y institut (Moscair Machine Tool
SU s 13Nov62 DATE ACODs MJul63 ZMLs 00
Card 1A I sloylv
............. .................
. L 1212~:63 - I EWP(q)/P1T(a!)/BDS AFFTCIASD JD
ACCESSION NRs AP3002309 S/0182/63/000/006/0(jll/0014
AUTHOR-a Geller, Yu. A.1 Pavaras A. E.
TITLE-. Air-hardened die steels,with a uniform carbide aistribution, used in
SOURCE . Kuznechno-shtampovachnoye proizvodatvop no. 6, 1963, 11-14
TOPIC TAGS: die steel., carbide distribution,, chemical composition, decired
properties, hardness, heat resistance, strength, dimensions stability, workability
ABSTRACT: After criticizing the use of high-chromium steal for die manufacturing,
.the author states that die steels abould Ta-11-TRE-o two types: those for work
sunder light loads and those for work undar heavy loads. Both types must show an
even distribution of carbide, low hardening temperature, high hardnass, and high
resistance to warping. Dies of the second typo must also be able to absorb heat
'without deteriorating. To possess all these properties the steels must be of a
complex composition. Table 1 (Enclosure 1) shows the composition of two types
of steal recommended by the author. Both of these metale show a uniform distri-
,bution of carbides; the first one hardens in the air at 820-840C, the second at
850-86OC; they suffer little oxidation and scaling; neither one is sensitive to
.tem rature change!,,; both show a hardness of 59-62 (Rockwell). These steels
Corcr?71 1-
L 12784-63
also show )row volumetric change, little warping and cracking in hardening. Steel
KhG3SVFM P stable in annealing and is beat resistant. The bandiAf strength of
this I-at hardness'57 is 240-250 kg/Sq mm; of steel ?KhG2VF.41 %t is 280-290
kg/Sq mm. The American steel A5 is more sensitive to reheating, has lower strength,
and is less stable at higher temperatures. The reco=ended ste!ls are readily
forged and machined. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 tables.
SUB COrE: 00 NO REP S(YV: 003 OTHER: 001
Card 2/j.'1-
Heat conductivity of high-speed steels. Metalloved. i term. obr.
met. no.9s2-7 S 163. (KIRA 16:10)
1. Moskovskiy stankoinstrumentalinyy institut.
-*-~- I
ur-hardening die steela vith a minim= of carbide hetero-
geneity for cold deformation, Kux,-ohtam. prol2y. 5 no.6:3.1-
14 Jo 163. (MIRA 1618)
MOISEYEV, V.F.; g~lt,,_Yu.A.
Effect of cobalt on the structure axy) properties of high-speed
steel. Izv. vys. ucheb. %av.; chern. met. 6 no.11;168-176
163, (MIRA 17:3)
1, MDakovskiy stanko-instrumentalInyy inBtitut.
Determining the hardenability of steel being hardened in
depth* Izv, vye. uchebe say*; cherno met* 6 no.12il63-168
163. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Moskovskiy stanko-instrumentalInyy institut.
GELIER, Tu.A., doktor takhn.naiik, prof.
Improving the structure of high-speed steel in Ingots, rolled
products and forgings. Stall 23 no.9183l-834 S 163. (KRA 16slO)
1. Moqkovskiy stankoinstrumentallnyy institut.
LA K fil I N , Tur i y ".1 ~ k i~' ~ y - .. 1, . p ; (;T ' I
, ! ' * ~ , ,i' t, .;.. , ;- ~,, ) 11 . , :~ ;, '~ '. ,
nal,lk, rt~fl. "', . ., -,.,
rMetals ami fl.ely, t a t. ti et, t rr.vpit -1 t:I 1 ,,,v(,. it-.rij , Un -
.C e 4 ? I-.!
choskaia obrabotih-i. 471 p.
( m 1; 1,,,: 10)
,,CCBSSION A24019M S/0279/64/000/001/0136/0142
011-MRZ: Kremnov,, L. S. (1-,Ioscow),- Gollor,, Yu. A. (14,08cow)
Tungsten effect on the properties of high speed stools
SOURCE: AN SSSR, Izve Metanurgiya i gornoye dolo, no. 1. 1964j, 136-142
,TOPIC TAGS: steel,, 1-deh-speed stool., tungsten, vanadium, W stoolj stool grain
size, carbide phase in stool, I-IV effect on carbide,, "6P content in stool,, VC
content in stool, P18 high speed steal
ABSTRACT: Experiments were perforimod to study the effect of tungsten on the
propeeties of hieh-spood stools., particularly its affect on the grain size and on
the quantity of carbide phase. The samples contained 4-18PR. It was established
that the stool properties do not boar a direct linear relation to 1-1 content,
There were two characteristic 1-1 concentrations in steels; one of 12-13%,, the
other of 7-%, (at 1.5' vanadium). Stools with 12-13% W contained a carbido phase
M6C rich in 1-1 in the presence of vanadium; steels with 18% W and free of vanadium
also contained this phase, The increase in W content from 12 to 18% did not
change substantially the quantity of IV, Experiments showed that the Veatest,.
Acussio im: APW19814
quantity of vanadium was dissolved in H6P of the 12-13,01 stools in which the
quantity of solid vanadium carbide VC was small., For this reason hot strength
of vanadium-bearing high-speed steals reaches its maximum at 12-13% of W concQn-
tration. The technical properties of steel containing 12-13% W and 1.5-1.9%. of V
did not differ from those of the common P18 steel. Tungsten concentration of 7-8%
:was the necessary minimum for achieving the secondary hardness in high-speed
steels. Steel of this tM my be used as a substitute for P18 steel in producing
cutting tools for work under light cutting loads. Grig, art. hass I table and 6
SUMITTED: lWu163 DATE AGQz 31H&r64 BIGLt 00
Card 2/2
struoture and properties of molybdenum alloyed rapid steelee
Met&Uoved 0 1 tom. obr. mete no,5s3-9 My 164.
(MIRA 17:6)
10 Voesoyuznyy nauohno-Issledavatellskiy InstrimentalInyy
ACCESSION Nit: APLO42910 5/0122/6h/OW/007/W53/0060
ALM:,01i.- Gollor Yu. A. (Doctor of tuchnical scioncos, Professor)
'A"ITLE: Contonkiorary atamping of steel for cold dotormition
E-.JUJa;L': Vc:-,tnik ituashinostroyoniya, no. 7. 1964., 53-6o
ITO?IC TAGS: steel, cold deformation, plastic deformation, alloyod steel/ KUM
steel, Khl2Fl stool, Ull stool, U12 atonlp llKh steel., KIA2 stool) U'(r stool
ABSTRAM Tho author roviowad the various modern dovolopmonts in the process of
producinG stool sraqiings. Different commnrcial stools wore compared at; to tho
Aollowing proportiost 1) resiatanco to hiC)i pressures; 2) resilionco undor dynam-
ic loads; 3) resisLanco to pla 'ptic deformation; Q heat revizLanco; 5) ability
to produce triinimal changes in size, Both bulk stajnpih_-s and layor stampings wore
studied and the advantages of a number of varieties of stool wore examined. Alloy
stools KU21-1 and KUM were found to have proper strongth, but their resilience
did not oxcood 2-3 kg/cm2. Stools Ull) U12, IM, Khl2, R7T, and others wore
studied. Orig. art. hast 1 table and 3 figaros.
t none
Card 1/2
AccEssioN Nit: Ap4o42910
NO R17 SOV 1 006
ENCL: 00
OTHERt 000
Card -2/2
Investigating the erosion resistance nf die srepl. Izv. via.
ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.9:148-154 f64. WIRA l7s6)
1. Moskovski.y stanko-lnntrumentallnyy instifut.
FWT (0/7/81e (k) /kie(b)
ACCE&SION NR: AP4044284 ff/0l8Z/64/000/008/001FV/0016
AUTHOM Gell2r Yu, A., -GqhLbm,-Y#L-&
TITLE: The propertles"of die ateel rreatly used for drcy fan~M
SOURCE- Kluenechno-shtampovochn6yo proizvoddvo, no'. 8, 1064, 12-15
TOPIC TAGS: pressing, drop forging, sUmping die, die steel, Impac heat
realitance, steel mechanical property. alioy steel, casbide dist-riRtion, hardness, plastici
deformation I A
ABSTIUCT: In view 0. the low heat resistance and Impact strength of the 3Xh2V8 steel
wUch in commatily used for stamping &do, screening testa on 18 selected Soviet and
Western grades of steel were carried out In order to sort out steel grades more suited
for peatfin uses. Impact toughneas, heat realstoace, carbide aonhoomogenelty, hardness,
mechonleal strength at 20, 600 and 6SOC, and plastic Mormation were compared and
a factor impairing stren&
related to chemical compositXon. Carbide aonhomo
and Impact toughaess, was found to be lower In alle in w eh W was partial y replaCed
*iftls). [feat- regIstaace was lower (600C
by Mo (4faAV2K2F gM Afa&YAMAFX ') a
when the Or cont a relativelT htgV(about 6%) while ths W (2%) or Mo (1%)
Card 1/3
L &165-665
ACCIESE10N NR: AP4044284
content was low (jnff&d04M[ft% OMM~Iml OM,6- w'h,en the carbon content was
relatively low (alx)ut 0. 3%~ RUW2 An (nerease to vuMtum content
lat resistacce from 950 to 670C.
V 0. 53% (4n-ZVS) to 1. ISJ404 V~Incre&W
Tur-s"EM more CMn tho Wier al oytig dtments Improved heat regletance, as its oontent
fncrt~atx:d to an optimum of 8%, at wloyb the beat reetstano'n of 4tWY6Y,.,(6We1 was
5 1 OC c-,; c=. pared to 640C with 2% W. ~Wtth 5% Cr-
t--rd I Ko, 3:Q,4V allr Wel, with 0. 20% C. 4% Cr, 2% w and 1 Mo, ahcewed
ghte Ined with a higb impwt twghness of 5.4 zod 11. 8 k&/cM
hst resiaUmei i;A
11. 6 kg/cm 2 al 20 ind 650C
-0 and C-64C, rt-spoctiv*1y, ford* famer, and 5 - 0 and
or th-e I attar. Tbo btihavior of ft- at-e-As czan-iined durirq, preasing w-as
vdca. Th~q
- a~ "er UK AM R - I - -- : ,
'r V - I J-11JUL V I ULAL lix. WEL a-,: -VIELARIA-l"' V-131 ' - -W L
ACICIESS K)All' NR: AP49,15816
A'(,JTIIOlt: Galler, Yu. A. ; Yo. S. Golubeva
TITLE: Invef3tigation of crack formation,in steel dies
SOURCE: WK. Chavnflyft ImUllurglya, no. 91 1064, 1,18-164
TOPIC, TAG : stnel die fitabillty, steel die annealing cr".ck, winoaling crack, tunyl UT!i-
stect, martensite, die stability, steel muchanIcal property, dio cracking,
vanadlum steel
-no f;Lcol?
AMTRACT-.' Many dies are prematurely dwagred due to the. formation of aimealing
cracks, In general, die stalffilty depends on the 8tool structure .,nd content of alloying
clement.9, which doternihic the impact strength and licat resi.-itance of the steel. In the
preeent paper, slinultane-otin tosts Averc carricd out on the annealing eracl~ sb,kbilfty ;md
Y.-lech"1171cal pxopertias of 16) types of alloy steel uied for fAoriping dies, The chemical
(olliposition, vullicaling, temperature, impact streng(Ji, heat iesiutwica wid hardneas'of
the stcols are. Iabtdated- The samp1wi had a No. 10 grain with cWher a inartcasitic
-Axucturc,ora inarterisitle ntrtachire w1th exceso carbides, and had a Rockwell bardness of
45 - 50. Cylludrical swriples (20 irim In diam. and Go mm long) v.-cro surface heated to
"600, the aw-no temperature ol. -which the dies operate. 'Elie clopth of tho heated layer
-cc -r'j ..... ..
wa3l.2-1.5inin. The stabillty was esthiiated from the total lengthof cracks after 15-25
heating cycles. Mimi samples having a Roc'(WoU hardneou of 50 were Incompletely (4
soe) w;d complately (17 soo) cooled, the following results were obUllnod, the total crack
lerbth bolng ginn In the tiumorator for incomplete coolirg and hi the denominator for
complete 00011.11g:
steel 4K4~Y8,a)57/none (~ oyoloij), 160/108 (25 oycles), 241/114 (50 cycles);
stwel 4Y;Cji none (5 oyclon), 23/18 (25 eyolos), 38/28 (60 cycles);
stool 31K. none (0 oyolva), 2/nono (25 oyoloo), 2/nouo (60 cyclos).
MrIng Incomploto cooling the lcwer layers retain a high temperature. Thus the tempera-
ttum gradient hotwocii Uie uppor and lower layers varlea con8tantly, lowering the number
of cycles requ-Irod to brhig about the appoaranco of the first cracks. These testis showed
Iliat craok stability varice elpVtoftntly, stcol with a high tun(isten contont having the*
lorivest stability. Otbor tosia aljowod Uiat crack fitnbillty In Inversely related to the heat
rcalstwwo, which Incroasen iudirect propQrtion to the tunioton~cbntcnt. Stool containing
molybdenum has almont the same hoat resIstcuico and a much lilghor crack resistance.
Zia effect of clifoinitun on orack otabillty dopeads on the tungsten content in tho steel,
L 8763-65
while all testq showed a negative effect of nickel on crack stability. Carbon had a signif-
leutt negative effect on the crack stability of all steels, regardless of tungsten content and
heat resistanco. Significant data were obtained by comparing the crack stability ard 14
mechapAcal properties of the test-ed steels. Thus, steel with high crack stability also had
a high imlr,.ct strergth under both normal and high temperatures. A higher impact strength
and lower hardnews can be obtakied by increasing the disintcgrattoa of the solid solution
and the carbide coagulation. Increasing the tungaten content not onJy hampers disintegra-
tion of the Bolld solution, but also hampers carbide coagulation, thUs lowering crack
stabiJity. On the bants of the performed tests, the authors conclude that annealing cra&-
stability can be estimated by the simple method of impact strength testing. "The testing
device waa built at the VNII undex the direction of V. V. Kukolev and hl. M. Vasillyov.
Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 3 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovaldy stanho-InstrtunentalInly Institut
NO RLF SOV: 005 OTHER: 003
Carcl 3/3
GY*.L.~RpTUG 3*
;,,*term!nlng the ttmTer-ibillty 6f h!ghly trimperriblie
'iav. lub. -10 no.?tAl')..821 161.o
1. Moskovskiy stsnkcln%Lri;%-.qnta!.nyy !n!t,.t.ct.
IGELLER, N.A., do%tor toklin.nalik,urof.
I ~ , .
Rocent dto sti-ls fcr col" .. 7 - '. . -, -rj
JI 064. kill.,tA 1 -ril
~6o5,5_65 (m)/EWP(w)/E*,,,'A(d)/T/;-'WP(t)/',4*WP(z)/-,.",,P(b)/;-~'*,iA(c) IJP(c)
-CC"ISSION NR: AP5010556 UR/0129/65/000/004/0039/0044
LUTHOR: Moineyev, V. F.; Geller, Yu. A.
1'11L.,': Effect of cobalt on the structure and properttes of high-speed steel
";OURCF: Metallovedeniya i termicheskaya obr4botka metallov, tic. 4, 1965, 39-"
TOPIC 7AGS: high speed steel, steel strur-ture, steel mechanical property, cobalt
admi.xture, tungsten admixture, carbide separation, steel phase analysis, Theta
phase, 3teel conductivity at e1 hardness
ItBSTRACT: Ut h-speed ste:1 ~lr_containing 9, 12, 15, and 187. W and 5 and 107. Co werej
f,nventigated. Cobalt does~ ot affect 1,1., in size, which ks determined only
t'n~ gra the amount of car-
by the -tontent of vanad Ind tungs . . , does it increar.
Mdes; It in not found in the carbide pliase, Phase analypla ,Rid not confirm the
ltypoLnenie that cobalt inhibits the separatioti -of CZ~t(ies from martengite.
lVasurerents of the coercive force and strength and analysia of the p1lase diagram
of Fe-W-Co support the hypothesis that cobalt promotes the acparation of inter-
t-,ectallic compounds. The structural inhcmogencity characterizing high speed steels
wy cause the separation of the e phase (containing Co) in localized regions. The,
preoence of even small amounts of this phase, which is difficult to observe by
.Card 112
1, 56053-6.5
x-ray di raction or 54croanalysis, accounts for the following unique di erences
betweLm high-speed cabalt steels and cobalt-free steels: (1) Co increases the
lo'bardness of annealedNteel more than W; (2) Ce increases the amount of the
'carbfd`e-" deposit separating in electrolytic dissolution; (3) Co enhances the "car-!,
bide" Inbomogencity of steel; (4) Co, which does not affect the W content of
mirtensite in hardened steel, markedly decreases It in temporeJ steel; (5) Co
C111anges the saturation magnetization; (6) Co increases the secondary hardness;
(7) the effect of Co on the red hardness varies with the W content; (8) in
steels with a high W content, Co has A negative effect on the strength; k9) (;a is
the only alloying element of high-speed steel w1iich improves the thermal con-
ductivity. Each of these points is discussed. The article is appended by an
editor's note.. as follows: "The hypothesis that cobalt forms an intermatallic
compound in high-speed steels (forged, without a S component) has no direct
evidence to support it." Orig. art ' has: 3 figures and 2 tables.
A56,XIAT1011: Moskovhkiy stankoinstrumental'nyy institut (Moscow Machine--Tool and
In*-rument Institute)
NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 002
Ettect of roaldual austenite on the strength of tool steel.
Metallaved, I term. obr. met. no.4:45-48 Ap 165.
(MIRA 18:6)
1. Moskovnkly stankoinstrumentallnyy Inatitut.
r VA, M. ~~. __ kya)
"I AYA, A.". (Y, A~ a'; ~ f, LLER, YL;,~.. (Wlekva); ~4A7"r
. I I " - -1; . _-
Lnveal-1k,~it'rtg th-) lrmv,4reilla t6mi^r brittleress of spring stitel.
lzv. AT; !--SRs Nt, ro,4:150-155 J'l-Ag 165~ (MIRA 18:8)
;~Upa U Lj- 1" Z 11 C-P "Ut-~UJ Od,`-31 lLri~ VL"LU Qq I ',,E.ILI 14 JG U
uluj~~j UOTInTO13 u1 UOV 'D j 11, t'ic' . CD I
L 0 i 1
pwuiu~"oa ic, p".ajy) u")I I t
p r;,; E~ IV ',q 1CCj ;V PaZl'..ITXLIW f4f U [;.IJ tl~iA r~ U .-Zt, j I' tt I
'rt) 0q.1 I m, 11 Q 1~jvlcp UT CUOIJ~J)~,U f.,.j
o',l L 'tl!t;'Ajt; ~~j
i,;5-pj-(jjL6 "SupTC7,1z q'Z, pi qIj 7;"a, J,'~
vuncwv ;mtJ3~jjj~) ~"qj 01 p0t~tj'j~- Z~.U-
C-UaJUDD tlijji-,~U114 SROjJV-A 'Jjjr. jz-.~)Jlq J(',
9G1-zcT S96T 'S -Ou)aAT?-znrrv4c#(L V/LLuoq:)
I TaU49 pcoads q2jq lo saT~jodrid 6114 UO UnTqoju puic ~njueiji jo 4~zi~yji, i~tj~t
LVOV) Z6esG17-,LZ-'G99 tiGT-ST'699
le r i
j !~,n a I 11 t I nn of T ior b. r! t 0571".1 it) grcuth ~11
the st.r~!ngth of 111 1 v- 1 ~-a s Cw
v i b ui 1:.-n u f c a rb I d e s, wh i --h Z-0- 13, U I tT I I c~a,2 r, s t r, k,. n -, t hThe Ti
"lid not affect the Strength of the 12-151f, W ntr,.r~ls. The optimal al-
W ~,V; to c,~,laain 1-101 W with a 0.2% Ti al-lition. oiip,. art. has: I
T- e
7" A, ntan~oinr3tmrw-,ntal'nyy inntitut (Moscow Machine Tool
2 lluff) ENCL. 00 SUB Corr-: mm
-.1-F !17: 004
OTHER: 0,00
-Carl 2/2
GELLER, Tu.A., prof., daktor tekhn. nauk; ~TLI.17CMFINOO, YP.V., 1:1731,
Effect of Vie durmtIon and temperature of rinnPillng on thE
properties of high-speed steel. Stall 24 no.12tII23-1125 D 164,
rwr(io /.uA(d (b) JJ P JDIX
ACC ?;R iAP5024776 SOURCE COIEs UR/0296/65/OM/016/0039/0039
A VILVir IKossorlcht-G. A.1 Geller
Yu,_Aj Olenoval go Lo
C-Rrts none
TITLF,s HIgh speed steel. Class 40, Ho, 7V
SOMM tWleton' isobretent y t tovarnykh znakovo no. 16, 1965, 39
TOPIC TAI,',!',i h.1gh speed ate, carbon, sulfur, mnganone
W'MACTs This Author Certificate presents a high-spead stool that contains
Umcstl9vi, chrvolumv vinndiump and molybdomm, To improve ita technical properties,
and its otgo.,mity, tho rollovirig coWosition In selected, in %i
cartonn M-0.9 suirur 0.0)
chrpnlum ).0-).5 phosphorus 0.03
tlva"n silicon 0.4
molybd"num 3.5-4.1 0.4
"nsidlum 10-2.2
M, W/ mMH DAM 2-IDec62/
C4rd 1?1 UDCt 669. .14,018.252.3
43!V,41", 0 V. I I. . 1W U, -I ii ,,,. i 1-outlF,17, v.F.Y;
015'.,fivp Y$io; T-i'l,
~OiM%fr,41 rrct,,rt!,--, -f runi ca(,fvj-l St 3P-.i sn'i St "*Kp
st49qjfl, 4PtalIz;v~-ti, I tormacbro7eto ro-9i~-S S lf,5.
1, Inatitut, retil.lcv.
ACCISSION Ut AP5022575 UR/0129/65/000/009/0010/0021
669.14.018.25:620.17 Ll
VtM1 Aristov, 11, Pqt Coll*
ra Tus A* 01
4 used as machine steel@
TITUI Properties of I"!_11461
f 11-5 f, T
SOURCI: NotallovedonLya, I to chaskays obrabotka metallov, no. 9, 1965, 16-21
TOPIC TAOSt tool stool. induction hardening, case hardening, machine stool,
motal heat tv"baeut, &rain structure
ANS'&UCT- The introduction of new mothods of surface hardenin
Ap particularly
those bss*d on induction bestial with hi&h-froquency current Vhas made it pos-
sible to many cases to dispense with th^ labor-consuming process of case-harden-
Ing and to further mechanize and automate the host treatment of metals. Further-
more, It is exp"Ient to use tool steel@ for the fabrication of certain machine
element# for which a highly wear-resistant surface is require4o In this con-
nection the authors describe comparative investi3stions of the principal mechani-
cal properties of tool stools and case-hard*nod stools with the object of select-
in$ a high-carbon tool stool whose properties boat correspond to the properties
Cord 1/3
L OOOZ 4,.n, 66
Amtsslov Ims AP5022575
of cawhardeved ote*ls. Rod specisseas (diamoster 18-25 mm, length > 3 mm) of
theeis steels were subjected to a nicTostructurat examizatior and to different
regimos of bast treatment, and, rubsequently, subjected to machanic&L tests.
rindings: to case-hardened stools the structure was that of wall grain# of ferrLo
along vith a mall amount of finely leatuar pearlite while in tool steels the
structure vas in most cases that of granular pearlite with a mall number of
structurally free carbides; normalization prior to quenching is the optimal re-
gime of host treatment for case-bardened steals, while for tool steels hLgh-temp*-
raturt taimperint at 650% is recossmanded, Following the heat treatment of both
types of steals, the two most important mochanical properties: yield point and
impact toughness, are much higher for tool stools than for case-hardened steel$.
Hance the use of tool stools hardened by induction heating in place of case-
hardoned stools to warr*nted, especially in cases where theP so-hardaued stools
and ngan 20
are of t4 carbon, chromium ,Is*; rose types Q ~'1JW,72QQL,
18MT)i Of the tool stools: WM85MF Kh td KhQ6 display the optimal pro-
=J -0 bia's
pertles. Orig. art. bass 1 figure$ 2 t&
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy stanko-lustruments.1'ayy instLtut 0'Ascow Machine T_ool
Tool Institute)_
COM 2/3
If. 0W24-66 I.-.-.-----
suatrrrlgDl 00 v
NO UF SOYS 000 a
I, ;4~4-34- - ~ - - - I
ACC NNI AP7000594 SOURCE WDE: Ult/OI29/66/000/011/0035/0039
AUTHOR: Drostrem, V. A.; Gellor,_,Yxi. A.
ORG: Moscow MAchino Tool and Tool-Making Institute (Monkovskly stmkoinstrumentallnyy
TITLE: Tranfiforniat ions and properties of high-speed alloys with into rinotallido hardening
SOURCE: 'Motallovedeniye I tormicheakaya obrabotka metallov. no. 11, 1966, 35-39
TOPIC TAGS: high speed alloy, iron base alloy, metal cutting, cutting tool, tool steel,
hardness, phase composition / V27K26 high speed alloy, V27K25N3 high speed alloy,
V27K25G4 high aimed alloy, V27G25N2KhZ high speed alloy. V27K25Kh4 high speed alloy,
V20N17K25 high speed alloy
ABSTRACT: Certain alloys oftho Fe-Co-Wsystom which undergo y-atransforinationof a
martensitic nature display exceptlonally high hardness (if RC 68-70) which is greatly resistant
to tempering (tempering at 6000C for 25 hr reduces this Rockwell hardness by only one point).
But the utilization of these alloys in toolmaking is complicated by their oonsiderable brittle-
ness. 11. his been established that in some cases such brittleness can be reduced by treating
these alloys with small amounts of Ni, h1n, Cr, Ti or V. So far, hui;ever, the effect of these
Co,d 1/4 UDC:620.17:669.14.3
ACC NAj AP-f 000594
alloy elements on the properties of alloys of this kind has not been investigated. To fill this
gap, the authors investigated the effect of Idn, Ni and Cr on the properties of alloys containing
18.9-27. 9% W, 24.3-25. 1% Co, up to 0. 1% C, 0. 5-0.6% V and 0. 1-0. 2% Ti, with Fe as the
Name of alloy Conten of elements in
C w Co Cr Ni
V27K25 0.06 26.1 24.5
V27K25&N3 0.07 25.0 24.3 3.2
V27K25G4* 0.06 25.8 24.5 - -
V27GZ5N,2Kh2 0106 25.? 25.0 1.9 1.9
1 V27K2SKh4 0.07 27.9 25.1 3.7 -
1! V2OM7K25 00 06,08 18.9 24.9
4. 1% I-An
6.6% Me
ACC NR, AP7000594
The alloys were heated In a salt bath and quenched from 1300*C in oil (such heating assures
greater resistance to temporing than quenching from 1250*C) and tempered at 300-1000*C for
2 hr. Radiographic examination showed that all the alloys (except V27K25Kh4 which contains
70-8(rk of -y-oaso) consist of a-solid solution and 0-phaso. Aftor this, the alloy specimens
were subjected to Rockwell red hardness tests and their saturation magnetization, electrical ro~
sistivity aml lattice tviramoter wore analyzed. Findings: Treatment with Cr,,Nln, Ni reduces red
ha rdnes s oni y Ins ign i f icantly so that it st il I rema ins h ighe r(I I C 55 - 62)than that o f com pa rably heaV,
treated high-speed steel 1118. Cutting properties wore ovalulated during machining with tools
tipped with these alloys. It was ostablished that the pormissible cutting rate was 10. 4 m/min
for tools tipped with V27K25 and V20171(25 alloys compared with 6.2 m/min for tools tipped
with 1113 steel; the findings for the alloys additionally treated with Cr, Ni and INIn were not
as satisfactory. 'The investigated alloys may be divided into two groups according to the compo
sition of their hardening phases: group 1, containing the alloys V27K25 and V20,%17K25 and
group 2, containing the alloys treated with Ni, Mn and Cr. In group I a sharp increase in the
solubility of W (as evidenced by measurements of saturaticn magnetization and electrical resisti-
vity) sets in at 900-950*C, whereas In group 2 this sets in at 750-850*C. This indicates that I
the two-phase cr + y region of the alloys exists at those temperatures, The machining of sucb
relatively nonmachinablo materials as 3OKMOGIO steel Involves the rise of high temperatures
In the surface layers of the cutting tools, and the alloys with higher temperatures of the recrys---
wCold 3A
~-ACC NR. AP-10oO59,1
i i
tallization of the ce-solld solution and of a - y transformation will thus display higher hardness,
strength and wear resistance at high temperatures. This accounts for the superiority of alloys
in group I and particularly the alloy V2OM7K25 in which 7% of W Is replaced with Mo (6.6%).
By contrast, treatment with Mn, Ni and Cr reduces the temperature of phase transformations
and adversely affects the cutting properties and strength of the alloys. Orig. art. has:
3 tables, 3 figures.
SUB CODE: 13, 11, 20/ SUB$ DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 003/ OT11 REF: 003
ACC mks Ar7005397 MMCE CODE: uR/olOAT/000/001/diQXA~_
AUrHOR: Brostrem, V. A.-, Geller, Yu. A.; Lotinskly, M. G.
OW: Moscow Institute of Machine Tools and Instruments (Moskovskly stankoinstru-
mental*nyy Institut)
TITLE: A method for determining the red hardness of high-speed alloys
SMCE., IVUZ. Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 1, 1967, 142-145
TOPIC TAGS: hardness, high speed alloy, dispersion hardening, iron base alloy,
Aungsten containing alloy, cobalt containing alloy
~ABSTRACT: Methods are developed for determining the red hardness of precipitation-
ihardened alloys. The following alloys were studied in the Fe-Co-W system with addi-
itions of molybdenum, chromium, manganese and nickel: V27K25, V2OM7K25, V27K25Khh,
!V27K25GU, V27K25N3, V20MIK30 and V20X7K20. Control testa were also conducted using
-918 standard high-speed steel. The results were ccimpared vith the variation in hard-
~nesz after two hours of annealing in the same temperature range. The dispersion-
,hardened specimens were quenched after beating to 13000C and holding for 4 minutes, &i
,;then tempered at 6WOC for 2 hours. Conventional beat treatment was used on the spet
;Sens of R18 steel (quenching from 1280cC, triple annealing at 560*C). The Vickers
hardness was measured under a load of 1 kg on a UIMV-1 installation with beating In a
vacuumi to 20, 500 and 6000C with following measurements every 500 to 8500C. The re-
1/2 UDC: 669.018.25s62o.172.251.222
ACC MAI Ap700539T
sults show only slight differences in the red hardness of dispersion-hardened alloys
as determined from hardness measurements in the cold state after heating to 700-7500C
(2-3 URC units). At the same time, the alloys differ considerably with respect to hot
hardness: for Instance V27K25 and V2OH7K25 show a hardness of 400-430 HV at 7500C
while V27K2504 and V27K25X3 alloys show a hardness at this same temperature of only
0-190 ks/mmz. A direct relationship was observed between the hot hardness and the
Icutting properties of the alloys. Xachining tests using tools made from the various a
loys for continuous turning of lXhl8W9T steel at a speed of 33 mm/min and a feed rate
;of 0.3 mm/rev taking a cut of I mis gave stabilities of 18, 20, 5, 3 and 3 minutes for
,Y27K25, V2OH7K25, V27K25N3 and V27K25Gh alloys and R18 high-speed steel respectively.
Nith continuous turning of 3OKh1OGl0 steel, the stability of V2OH7K25 and V27K25 alloy
Iwas 20 times higher than that of V2TK25G4 and V27K25N3 alloys and R18 steel. The dis-
1crepancies between hardness and cutting properties indicate that the temperature for
lbeginning of the "-transformation In V27K25 and V2OX7K25 alloys is 920-9100C, while
the corresponding temperature for V2TK25G4 and V27K25N3 is 750-T700C. This conclusion
is confirmed by measurements of resistivity and coercive force. Orig. art. has : 2
ifigures, 2 tables.
b"JB CODE: ll/ SUHN DAM, 1OFeb66/ ORIG REFi 03
ORUXR, 2. 1.
Modernizing single-drum steam boilers with small-liameter drums.
Inergeblul. no,lt9-16 J& 034, OGWIA 7:1)
(Ste" boilers-DesIgn)
Subject. USSR/EnZ1noP.--!nY AID P - 794
Card 1/i 1',J b , 211) - 4/,A i
Author fleller~ Z. 1. (Heller)
Title The usp of stepped evaporatlon in Industrial hollers
PerlodJ(al Energ. bYul.. P. 18-20 11 1,,~,
Abntxac t Tv,~- stage evapcration ici usea f~,,rr purifAraticin of botler,
fped water. The test result3 presented indicate consid-
o!r.4ble improvement in quality of water. One chart and
Russian references
Institutionu: All-Uni..-n Heat, EnglneerJ.nF, Institute (VTT) and All-Unitm
Elpotrical InatItuto (VET). Office for the Organization
and Rati.onalization of Regional Electric Power Plants and
Network (ORO RES) and Mtni8ttry of Electric Power Plants
Subm! tted W.) da te
AID P - 799
Subject USSR/Engineering
Card 1/1 Pub. 28 - 9/11
Authcr Oeller, Z.-I-(Heller)
Title Problem on efficient use of hea-. of exhaust gases
Periodical Energ. byul., #7, 28, J1 1954
Abstract Comments relate to the air leakage to the gas chamber of
the air preheater described in Energ. byul., #3, 1954.
The heat of exhaust gases from the industrial furnace is
transmitted to the air by means of solid mineral particles
continuously passing through the gas and air chambers.
Institution None
Submitted No date
AID P - 2154
Subject USSR/Engineering
Card 1/1 Pub. 28 - 5/9
Author Z. I. Geller
Title TV"Ne"c*(onstruction of steam separators of a two-drum
Periodical: Energ. byul., no-5, 19-24, MY 1955
Abstract This Is a description of the reconstruction of a two-
drum, vertical, watertube-type boiler involving mainly
the alteration of the steam-separating device of a rated
55 to 60 tons per hour generating capacity. This boiler
produced only 48 to 52 tons of steam per hr. In the
two years since reconstruction It has produced 58 to
60 tons per hr of a higher quality and also has required
less frequent blow-outs. Four diagrams and I graph
Illustrate the text.
Institution: None
Submitted No date
Subject USSRAngineering AID P - 2370
Card 1/1 Pub. 28 - 4/13
Authors Gell er, Z. I. and Rastorguyev, Yu. L.
Title Use of viscous petroleum-residue as fuel
Periodical : Energ. Byul., 6, 10-14 JO 1955
Abstract : The residue after first distillation of petroleum (mazut)
until recently was freely used for fuel purposes. It
wa3 then found valuable for further distillation, and
accordingly its wide use as a fuel has been restricted.
The maZut which Is now used as boiler fuel Is a compound
of petroleum residues with certain distillates. The
fact that the compound must meet the requirements of
GOST 1501-42 is criticized.
The authors also describe results of their observation
of the use of a new fuel compound, and give two drawings
and 2 graphs In illustration of their findings.
Institution: None
Submitted : No date
A ID P - 42382
Subject USSR/Engineering
Card 1/1 Pub. 28 - 3/7
Authors : -Geller, Z. I. and Rastorguyev, Yu. L.
Title : Analysis"olf"Thermal operating conditions of an oil spray-
burner in action
Periodical : Energ. byul. 7, 18-25, JI 1955
Abstract : The authors analyse the data obtained on TsMM-type oil
spray-burners In action, in the SPK-5 type steam boiler,
in order to find causes of coking and failures. Several
diagrams, graphs and a table are attached.
Institution: None
Submitted : No date
Card 1/ 2
AID P - 2T92
Pub. 28 - 1/13
Geller, Z. I.
Stage evaporation and steam separation of SK-type
Energ. byul. 8, 1-6, Ag 1955
The author describes with much detail the reconstruction
or the SN-type steam boilers built by the Taganrog
Boller Plant, mostly for use by heat and electric
power plants. These boilers were not fully satisfactory
in several respects, but after their system of evaporation
and their separator arrangment were rebuilt, their steam
generation was Increased from IT-20 to 2T and even to
29 tonB_per hour. The blowing out periods were reduced
from 12 14% to 1.5-2.5%, and production of much cleaner
steam obtained. Three diagrams and 1 graph of boiler
% Energ. byul, 8, 1-6, ~ 19, It ') 17, 5
Card 2/2 Pub. 28 - 1/13
F - 2792
Institution ; State Institute for Planning Petroleum Industry
Establishments (01proenergoneft').
",-bmittad No date
I .,j
Burning high-viscosity extracts. Xnerg.blul. no.2:27-30 F 156.
(KLIA 9: 5)
(Boilers) (Petroleum as fuel)
GILLIR, Z.1., kandidat tokhnicheakikh naijk.
Use of high-viscosity cracklag mates as boiler and furnace fuel.
Toploonergettka 3 no.10:2,4-30 0 '56. (KLRk 9:11)
1. Grosnenskiy neftyanoy Inatitut.
(Petroleum as fuel)
&=n rar uwiL
- Ow
Simple design of removable cyclones; a discussion. Xnerg.blul.
no.6:22-23 Je '36. ()a.BA 9:8)
(Steen separators)
- -
Firixg boiler furn&cen with high-viscoalty cracking residues. Inerg.
bull. no.8:4-14 Ag '56. (KM 10:2)
(Boilers) (Petroleum an fuel)
Subject : USSR/Engineering
Card,1/1 Pub. 110-a - 5/18
AID P - 510,"
Author Uel-ler, Z. I., Kand. Tech. Sci.
r,.Ww C4
Title Using highly viscous cracking residues as fuel for Lc)ll(:r.,3
and furnaces.
Periodical Teploenergetika, 10, 25-30, 0 1956
Abstract Characteristics are given of basic highly viscous
cracking residues needed for efficient handling and
using of fuel. 5 tables, 4 diagrams. references.
Institution Groznyy Petroleum Institute
Submitted No date
-7 4_
r- L 'C-- _1`7
Ussli/Processos and Equipment for Chemical Industries K-1
Processes and Apparatus for Chemical Technology
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Xhimiya., No 4, 1957, 142o1
Author : Geller Z.1.
Inst oznyy Petroleum Institute
Title : Experiments on Comminution of Sone Materials in a
Caecade-Impact Blast Mill.
Orig Pub : Tr. Groznensk. neft. in-ta) 1956, No 19, 173-175
Abstract : On the basis of experiments with some ore minerals,
particularly iron-magnetite and low-phosphorus quart-
zites, it has been ascertained that the cascade-impact
mill can be utilized for fine comminution of hard ma-
Card 1/1 - 29 -
Effectiveness of using the w3akinskil operationO heat exchanger
In petroleum refineries, Aserb.neft.khos. 35 no.5:27-28 My 156o
()UA 9: W)
(Heat exchangers) (PetroleumD-Refining)
AUTHOR: Geller, Z.I.
of Highly Viscous
viskozimetra dlya.
Choosing a Viscosimeter for the Analysis
Cracking-Residues (K voprosu o vybore
analiza vysokovyazkikh kreking-ostatkov)
PERIODICAL: Khimiya i Tekhnologiya Topliva i Masel, 1957, No.?
pp. 6~ - 6~ (USSR~
ABSTRACT: In view of the utilisation of highly viscous cracking-
residues as boiler and furnace fuel, it wan necessary to choose
a viscosimeter suitable for rapid and accurate determination of
viscosity. For the determination of the viscosity of heavy
petroleum fuels rOCT 6258-52 recommends a viscosimter of the
type BY FOCT 1532-54 based on the time of flow through an orifice.
The possibility of using this viscosimeter for highly viscouso
cracking residues was tested in the temperature range 80-175 C.
The characteristic data on residues tested and the results
obtained are given in TableBl and 2, respectively. The results
of tests were unsatisfactory. Of other viscosimeters tested,
the most suitable was found to be the viscosimeter of the
Kheppler type (time of movement of a ball in an inclined tube
filled with the liquid tested). It is reco-m-ended to carry out
a large-scale test of this viscosimeter in a number of labora-
tories and then, if satisfactory results are obtained, introduce
Card 1/2
On the Problem of Choosing a Viscosimeter for the Anal.vois of HiClAy
vIiscous Cracking-Residues
it into rOCT standards. There are 2 tables, 2 figures and
3 Russian references.
ASSOCIATIOB; Groznyy Petroleum Institute (Groznenakiy neftyanoy
AVAIIABIE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
Affect of pressure on the viscosity of cracking residue. Anerg. blul.
no-8:25-26 Ag 157. (Km lm)
(ftel) (Coubustion)
Effect of preliminary heat treatwnt on the viscons proportion of
cracking residue. Azerb. neft. khos. 36 no.6:33-34 Jo 15?.
(Viscosity) (Cracking process) (NIIIA 100)
AUTHOR: Geller, Z.T. SOV/90-56-1-6/9
TITLE: On the Operation of Piston Pumps on High-Viscosity Cracking
Remains (0 rabote porshnevykh nasosov na vysokovyazkikh
PERIODICAL: Energeticheskiy byulleten', 1958, Nr 1, p 29-31 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author describes his experiments with steam-driven direc-
acting piston pumps working on high-viscosity oil products.
After*having given technical date and operRtional details,
he concludest 1) the delivery coefficient of the steam-driven
direct-acting pumps decreases with the increase of the pump
stroke number and oil viscosity. An oil viscosity increase
provokes a sharp drop in the delivery coefficient; 2) intake
capacity of the steam-driven direct pumps at constant re-
sistance of the network decreases with the viscosity decrease
(i.e. temperature increase) of the used fuel.
There are 1 diagram, 1 nomogram and 1 graph.
Card 1/1
-, -
Oporation of pipeline* In pumplo, highly viscous fneis, rzv,v7se
ucheb.zav.; neft' I gas I no.9:89-96 1 58. (WRA 11:12)
1. Orosnenskly neftyanoy institute
. I
AUTHORS: Volkov, N.F., Ggl~ ~rZ.I. SOVI/90-58-2-4/9
TITLE: On Using Air-Heaters for Tubular Furnaces (K voprosu o pri-
menenii vozdukhopodogrevateley dlya trubehatykh pechey)
PERIODICALs Energeticheakiy byulleten'l 1958, Nr 21 PP 17-24 (USSR)
ABSTRAM The author recommends using induced draught in air-heating
installations attached to the NPZ tubular furnaces. This
measure better exploits the thermal energy of the escaping
hot smoke, and slows down the clogging of the pipes. After
having mentioned two other methods to increase the efficiency
of tubular furnaces (introduction of dolomite or lime into
gas pipes; system of regenerative air-heaters), he pays
special attention to the system called "pipe-within-a-pipe".
This system, developed by Engineer A.A. Akhmed-zade in the
Zavod im. Andreyeva ("Andreyev" Plant) at Baku in 1948,
essentially consists in leading hot smoke through a pipe,
which in its turn is very loosely sheathed by another pipe.
The Department of Thermotechnics and Hydraulics of the
Groznenskiy neftyanoy institut (Oil Institute of Groznyy)
carried out the tests on this system and decided in favor
Card 112 of the system for cases where its installation is technically
On Using Air-fleatera for Tubular Furnaces. For Discussion.
possible and financially expedient. The calculations needed
by the system were prepared by the Department. as well as
the nomogram for making the calculations easier. The con-
clusions of the author are: 1) reliable operntion of the
tubular air-heaters attached to the NPZ furnaces can only
be ensured in combination with induced draughtl 2) repenera-
tive air-heaters are essentially better than tubular ones.
There are 2 tables, 1 nomogram and 9 Soviet references.
1. Furnaces-Equipment 2. Heaters-Performance 3. Heaters
-Test methods 4. Mathematics
Card 212
AUTHOR: Geller, Z.I. 90-58-5-5/10
TITLEi The Uae of Extraction Cycloneg In the Boiler Room of the
Groznyy Oil Refinery (C primenenij konstruktsii vynosnykh
tsiklonov v kotellnoy grozaenokogo neftepererabatyvayushche-
Co zavoda)
PERIODICALt Energetichookiy Byulletent, 1958, Nr 5, pp 16-18 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The article contains part of a discussion between the author,
B,Ao Benediktov, and L.M. Klebanov about the proposed con-
struction of a cyclone in the boiler room of the Groznyy
Oil Refinery, where only one pipe would be used for the
introduction of the water-steam mixture. The quality of
the steam is cited as characteristic of the construction,
There are 2.Soviet references.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1 lo Steam seprrators-Applications 2.
AUTHOR: Korneyev, Yu.X. -JOV-3-58-9-29/36
TITLEt In the Scientific-Technioal Council (V nauchno-tekhnicheakom
sovete). A Special Meeting of the Petroleum Industry Section
(Vyyezdnoye zasedaniye sektsii neftyanoy promyshlennosti)
PERIODICALs Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1958, Nr 91 page 77 (USSR)
ABSTRACTi In MaY 1958, 12 scientists of the Moscow and Ufa Petroleum
Institutes, and of the Azerbaydzhanskiy industriallnyy institut
(Azdrbaydzhan Industrial Institute) - members of the Section
of Petroleum Industry of the Scientific-Technical Council,
USSR Ministry of Higher Edi-ation - went to Groznyy to become
familiar with the organization of scientific-reaearch work
at the Groznenskiy neftyanoy institut (Groznyy Petroleum In-
stitute). Docent A.G. Orkin, Deputy Director of the Groznyy
Petroleum Institute# reported at a meeting on the fulfilment
of the plan of scientific-research work for 1957 and of the
tasks for 1958. The research work carried out in 1957t was
of great practical significance to the petroleum and gas in-
dustry of the Northern Caucasus. Among the works were the
following: "The Hydrogeology of the Mesozoic Deposits of
the Caucasus" (Chair of Oil Field Geology, headed by Professor
Card 1/2 G.M. Sukharev), "Examining Radiational Heat Exchange in Tu-
AUTHORt Geller, Z.1.
TTTLEi --rn-I-nvestigation into the 'Norking Conditions of Type-KSI,'
Sectional Pumps in Iligh-Viscosity Cracking Fefuse (19sledo-
vaniye usloviy raboty sektsionnykh nasosov tipa XSM na vy-
sokovyazkom, kreking-ostatke)
PERIODICAL: Energeticheskiy byulleteni, 1958, N'r 10, pp 16 - 22 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt The authoradescrib6 tests carried out to determine the work-
ing conditions of KSM centrifugal pumps in high-viscosity
cracking refuse. The conclusions, illustrated by graphs and
tables, are summarized as follows: 1) when the viscosity in-
creases, the output, head and efficiency of the pump fall,
and the power consumption increases; 2) the performance of
the pump depends largely on the state of the section between
the inlet and.outlet valves. The performance does not vary
in direct proportion to the viscosity of the cracking refuse,
as the latter absorbs heat from the disc friction, and thus
loses some of its viscosity. V.I. Ashikhmin and E.V. Koval'-
skiy also took part in this work. There are 6 graphs, 1 dia-
gram and 1 table,
1. Centrifugal pumps-r9rformance 2. Materials-Viscosity
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Gellerp Z..Io and Rastorguyev, Yu. L.
TITLLP: Use of Regulating Conditions for Investigating the
Thermal Conductivity of Petroleum Products (Primeneniyo
regulyarnogo rezhima dlya issledovanlya teploprovod-
nostl nefteproduktov)
PEMODICAL: Rhimiya i Tekhnologiya Topliv i Masel, 1958, Nr 10,,
pp 40 - 44 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The coefficients of heat conductivity of petroleum pro-
ducts are required for calculating the heat exchange
capacity of plants. These coefficients can be deter-
mined by methods which are based on the regularity of
non-stationary temperature fields. The authors used
the method of cooling developed by G. M. Kondratlyev.
A spherical bicalorimeter was used during these experi-
ments. A detailed description of the apparatus itself
(Fig,l) and of the bioalorimeter (Fig-2) is given.
Special attention has to be paid to the placing of
the tested product In the spherical space of the bi-
calorimeter as small quantities of air can lead to de-
creased values of heat conductivity coefficients (Fig-3).
/ As standard liquids, distilled water and toluene were
ard 1
3 used. Experiments with water were carried out in
Use of Regulating Conditions for Investigating the Thermal Conductivity
of Petroleum Products
bicalorimeters with 2.05 and 4.09 mm s8aces and at a
temperature of the thermostat of 30-80 . The maximum temperature at the beginning of the experi-
ment was 1.0 to 1 60C. In bicalorimeters with 2.05 mm
space, the averag; value for heat conductivity Ooef-
ficients of water was 0.529 ocal/m/houroC. In bicalorl-
meters with 4.09 mm space at the same temperaturep the
average value was 0.531 coai/m/hourOC. Experiments for
determining the heat conductivity of toluene at tempera-
tures between 30 and 8000 were carried out in bicalori-
meters with 1.03 mm space. The dependence of the heat
conductivity coefficient on the apparatus used Is shown
in the form of a graph (Fig .4) where data obtained by
N. B. Vargaft is also given. Results are accurate
within 2 to 3r. The method was used for the determination
Card 2/3 of the heat conductivity of lu~,,ricating oils and high via-
'Use of Regulating Conditions for Investigating the Thermal Conduc-
tivity of Petroleum Products
cosity cracking residues. Results of these experiments
are also given in Fig.4. There are 4 Figures.
ASSOCIATION: Groznenskly neftyanoy institut.(Groznyy Petroleum Insti-
Card 3/3
AUTHOR2 2, 7 e ~!), S
TITM C4y:,Ajat-jcu btatAcg c! jhjgj.-v.-.s,.op.tV fmilg tn -a-tkt
Vlonnyy y0jeg,:.-.v
PERIODICAL% 1058; No.12. pp ~, 3 1.
ABSTRAM e, pxee6rt tht Uicl oil mi p3v?r stWoo vttrag-f -oiAA ~9 L,,tually
h4mt,sd by ateLsm :-,jx'An or *#!.*.4on haattrs. Thi d-'s4dia-c~~t'l of this
mot.fid whu appli'vi 'It. fvvil* &.r+ It ~v that the
wittod of hqaf.-,cjr vfry '91810us fz.kl if 4 pTomigial on*
'.(Lt prin!-ipla Ja tbe.4. fuil '~q d-rawn. from thi. lt-vor pkjol. of Itf tamko,
pum~iped ihzough an exterual h#ater ard ti the bottm of
4.hf ItDrage tfxk. ', eithtx at tht, tsrtre 0!7 at Iti 0,rpoe"A eldi fyom
prf,!tos knowia mix4lrj .If Itz srd
dqpaa~t fz:!xat v?v ~ Tho m4lhod ic an old oc.i., tu* h&i vol, tte:7 u34d
muth bt:axte5 it, is rothsr toxpX-.x&t~4 and rtq~~x-,s large bimters.
Form-41as airs ttbsa gA-T,?n for the d4sign ot a hs&~'Iuj !p7vtix o? this
pa !u~l evalon 1TA
kind. ~- ger4xal vt4w of a 4iraulation -.y
Time L" t. flerp-t *.od Pows.- Stat~or. in rspzod-;,-0 Ir.
v,t:- dlazraxi 42 F-4.2. *how-2 ths, ef t1t, ot r a', &;ii
MA, L .1 r r- (1! 1 n
U6*11 to j=V&St1g&t~ the 'jTSZ&(% 4 ta t 0 R
of Vto vyhtim~ x brief of -,be ij-zlpiwar, 1e q%vop Aest
remmalts dif~teri,.r,t rDudi---iora -j:f b:-:1 &1po for
Card 112 hAa~inmg v-~fb atpam &-re a
,4 1 1
Circulation h6atJ.rg u ~h-~gb-vav:sAJ%:-, 'Ja laple. Sow/ 96-58 - 12- ?,'113
of Qi# !vAv uv4d. Ibt rttei, of flov a-id tts
wmx. hta' are mutb t-jgI%!k,-
bta-0,vi tb" with stwo ,-o! 1 hqtt-'ng1 ot.',f.., t,vv; .s tzw !,&r,, b4 e,11, a fS-4,Cx Of 1.7 - 4.1. rP q p f
f --* ., 1,r ~ :mp t 1. oz v ~ Vh - '. i on b , f. t ;. rg ~- azi ! e t- r." K-,
k:a '-./t -)~~V,-' , sL,-,-srd-. t.; *c- tb?; o! -,',v kit "14
fit-okku thst of th4 pap
40 v.-A hj,vtJ by ug--rq
toold bt &,
-T~mrxv~ ~-rm 'A' p4mv ?,~r b4~a(-",Mg A14 f l.-a--,~vibanger
W,!". -." -'tL 'VILA F TA'p 'Lj, *Xp~_07&d tb~ (pr h&7"Lng ~In& v-41 -~nsiflf the
otkk0L,- , bZd FIJI -34r-y t-rt t!jf t-- f'~Cv v&II kk~.fh St
IAvv 7*.,.e effet" of this on siv~i~am onavwptl.o-,~ IPr Pumping
Oct whr-r. tbe e.7.b&,W *-.eam fc-.vm fkis p-.
11 . ;3 1 .4t 4.-. '1 F,7
Yj, C L4 0 k 1 , '$I "I' :~ j~-- Ul at k "%Lr 'ty'p4% k,f%t`-nv clo6pin-,t *oTmat.1kor: ir,
V~4 wv~ :W:~7r)b a~-J. 0-&t Aikwno fr~iw also
xn -~~;I 14 1 10, rsq.JI4.x :,t toots ]gad% W~tb. WA.: !I-11 -):~! v.-Pz A4,
Itj V~ 1. h # I t t a j P a T I f f f
IV. ILq brLvLt-:- Vlzem vet, !%lei 12
A204d. cc.d kh4aA &vq4xA om -.Lo liv-,% to tbf rA&..,r- lm~ & 1~
t~ppl-"k ~.a or.
f kb '. h r e at ,~ t p -! 2~ s -, *.IA
W2.1i t~-t D?A LOT` 1-17-0 SZ-M~ "COpa-M.1 vtS
'Card 2/3 0,-* . #,4 IV f 1v * I mr-Ir Vt. 6 'A. t A.$) i a m-nil of
Ciriulation hoatixg o~ t7.t-ls '.p ~'7/18
ths 011 vat ahoul. 0.00. Ths 'zondittorm IkAt p:mmile &'Ud dAalourag*
fom forimiAvA axt duitrAbod.. To ciews xaf& apu-at.O~ou vhtu beating
wet ail, it Is v#e-tmv&xy to A-ov-sidLr Os comdAikarle juldar Vh."th it
migtt bi sjsrAtd frox the tamk. Lualysim of ttj r4svIts of
iz-voutirstiors by 7.1. Bl.'.ve-r &td O.N, rAn4yako-r v.%oy -.lit vi-sci
4ixe-mlatiom. h4atAug in rAsd, oAI 4&unot bp throve o-al of th4 taAk.
This mv. hoyovar., happoz w~*,h surfaie-typ4 hisiera vhm the oil 1.9
raist-I ateit Ps boAlInj-poirt of water, Ihstf mt 5 tAM#s,
I table #,-A
Card 3/3
GILLIR, Z. I. , Irnnd. takhn. nnuk
Ob. CAVItntion chnrnoteristics of ISM pumps for hU~i-viscoelty
cracking residues. 110k.StA.29 no.1:19-22 Mr 158. (NDU 11:5)
(Centrifugal pumps) (Cavitation)
MUIR, Z.1. -?-.)band. takhn. nauk
Processing fuel oil for electric power plants and iniustrial boiler
units which are to be converted to high-viscosity fuel. Ilsk. eta.
29 no,7t22-26 JI 058. (MIRA 11:10)
(Liquid fuel@) (Boilers)
GELLER, Z. I. Doc Tech Soi -- (diss) "High-viscosity cracking residue as fuel."
/ffos7 1959. 42 pp (Uos Order of Lenin Power Nngineoring Inat), 160 copies.
" - 0
List of author's works, pp 41-42 (28 titles). (KL, 41-S9, 104)
GILIXR$"4;kqYiy, JQayOyjqh-.__)p
1- .. A.V., 'TINOVA, M.P., vedushchiy red.; TROFIMOT,
[High-viscosity fuel oil for boilers and furnace*) Tysokoviaskis
masuty kak kotellnos I pechnos toplivo. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-
takhn.izd-vo neft. Igorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1959, 215 pe
(MMA 13:2)
(Petroleum as fuel)
Ivaporation and combustion of high17 viscous cracking-
residue droplets. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 2 no.6:
73-78 '59. (IaRk 12:10)
I.Groznenskl7 neftyanoy institut.
(Cracking process)
24(8) ~"'0052-59-2-23/32
AUTHORS: Geller, Z. I., Rastorguyevt Yu. L.
TITLE: Dependence of Thermal Capacity of Petroleum Residues on
Temperature (Zavisimost' toploiremkosti neftyanykh ostatkov
ot temperatury)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Neftl i gaz,
1959, Nr 2. pp 89 - 91 (US'M)
ABSTRACT: Relevant public-,tions recommend the empirical formula developed
by Fortch ane. Whitmn (Refs 1 and 2) for the determination
of the thermal capacity of petroleum products with specific
weights between 0-75 - 1-00 91OM3. Within the temperature
range of 0-4000C the empirical formula developed by Krego
(Refs 1,2) is used for petroleum products with
d15 . 0-72 4 0.96. For heating masuts formula VTI (Ref 3) is
used to determine the thermal capacity. In order to make sUre
whether these formulas are applicable to the determination
of the thermal capacity of petroleum residues from the
Card 1/2 Groznonekoye deposit, the thermal capacities,of highly viscose
Dependence of Thermal Capacity of Petroleum Residues SOV/152-59-2-23/32
on Temperature I
cracking residues and masuto wore determined experimentally
in the course of the investigation under review, and the
data found were compared with those calculated by means of
the formulas mentioned above. The e~xperimente were carried
out in a calorimetric plant (Fig 1). The comparison of ex-
porimental and theoretical data showed that Krego's formula
exhibits the loweat inaccuracy. The theoretical values for
the thermal capacity deviate by no more than 2-5',l from those
found experimentally. There are 2 figures, 1 table and 5
Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Groznenskiy neftyanoy inatitut (Groznyy Petroleum Institute)
SUBMITTED: October 2f 1958
Card 2/2
Kensuremnt and control of the viscosity of petroleum products
in the processing line. Xhim. I tekh.topl. t nasal 4 n0-3:
13-16 Kr 159o (KIRL 12:4)
1. Groznenskly neftyanoy Institut.
(Petroleum products) (Viscosimetry)
SOV/96- 5 9--5-7/19
AUTHOR: Geller: Z,I., Candidate of Technical Sciencas
TITLE: Selection of the Type of Heater for High--Viscoiity Fusiz
(K voprosu o vybore tipa podogre-,atelya d1ya vyaokovyazklk-h
PERIODICALiTeploeiiergetika, 1959. Nr 5-. pp 3b-45 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Fuel oil is usually heated befoZe burning by means of
oil heater introduced by the Taganrog Boiler Works. Thi3
type has been produced for over 30 years without change
of design.. although the viscosity, solids content and
asphalt content of heavy fueln has markedly increased
during the period. The heater* are not -very effective
with heavy fuel because they rapidly become fouled on the
fuel side and have small heating surface. The principal
requirements in a heater for fuel oil are capacity and
ease of cleaning, Various typos of "tube-in-tubell heat
exchangers have these attributes. One such typej intended
for heating cracking residues-, is illustrated in Fig 1.
The cracking residue r1ows in an inner tube 59 mm diameter
and 5100 mm long, while the heating steam flows in the
annular space between the tubez. This type of heat
Card 1/4 exchanger was studied on the rig illustrated diagrammatica.Lly
Selection of the Type of Heater for Ilfgh-Viscostty Fuels
in'Ftg 2, one of the heat exchangers being used an m
Ilea &r and the other servin* as a cooler. The toat
equipment is described and its Ase explained. The
properties of the high-tiscosixy cra-c'king residue that
was used in the tebts are gi-een in Table 1. The more
important test results are preserAtsd in Table 2; they
are thoroughly discussed in the text. The rate of heat
transfer is much affected by the wall temperature, that
is~- by the viscosity of the liqui-i in the boundary layer.
It will be seen frcm the results platted in Fig 4, that
the rate of heat transfer is con3iderably greater when
the exchanger operates 4a a heatar than when it is
serving as a cooler. It will alau be noticed that in the
latter service the heat-transfer -ooffi,:ient is less
dependent upon the loading. The process of heat exchange
in a heater is most accurately described by the criterial
equation of M.A.Mikheyev-: Fig 5 , -omparee test data with
Y-V's L-quation in the form
values calculated by the Mikhe .
of Eq (1). The criterial equdtiQn fer :.nlculating the
Card 2/4 coeffic�ent of heat transfer b,-~tween the surface of the