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)kke progressive practices available to each brigade, Mor.flot
23 no,2s40 F 163. (MIRA l6t2)
F *
G '%
What is tho advantage of unloading raw sugar transported In bulk?
Moro flot 23 noolltl5-16 N '63. (MIRA 16&12)
lo 0tvetstvennyy eakratarl gazety "Odesskiy portovnik".
Experience in the repair of SE-3 excavators. Ogneupory 22
no.6:283-288 157. (MIRA 10:7)
(1xcavating machinery--Maintenance and repair)
MSHTCYOVICK, A.Y..[decease4l; LIVOT, V.Ys.; NUMOT, A-V-, profeasor;
KOROLST. A.r.,- GCLOWI~#SlItp L.P.; OGOROMKOV, K.Y., profei-imw;
RYGMSON, N.3., psofesi6or; LOZ116LOZIESKIT. L.E.. professor:
VOROBOM, A.,G., professor; ZQZLOVA, I.I.; KA21MM. B.A.; OWWWO
A.Z.; 9W=YJMw-Qa.; USILITIV, O.B.; LICHKOV, B.L., professor;
Addreemen by A.N.Kriebtofovich and others. Trudy Sekt.astrobot.AN
UsAM.&M 4:68-157 '55. (KM 9.-12)
(Mars (Planet))
r- c , -, - " ~ / 11"
r7 ---
,Z , Z I- J-1 I- ,I J,- . Z
"On the Regions over Sunspots as Studied by Polarization Observations On
Centimeter Wavelengths."
paper presented at Symsposium on Radio Astronomy, Paris, 30 - Jul - 6 Aug 58.
S/058/6 i/OOo/10o2p 14/1D 18
.3, 1 ?xd (10q I, 11"Xio AOO1/AOO1
Translation from: Referatlvnyy zhurnal, Fizika, 1961, No. 2, p. 404, # 2zh,=08
AUTHORS: Korol'kov, D.V.J, Soboleva, N.S., Gej'_~Feykh, O.B.
TITLE: A Study of Local Zones of Solar Radio Emission by Polarization Ob-
servations at Centimeter Wavelengths
PERIODICALt "Izv. G1. astron. observ. v Pulkove', 1960, Vol. 21, No. 5, PP.
81 - 113 (Engl. summary)
TEXT: The authors describe methods of analyzing polarized radiation and
principles of operation of several particular types of polarization receivers
which have been employed In observations of solar sources at centimeter Wavelengths
at the Pulkovo Observatory since 1956. Difficulties are considered which are
encountered during investigations of polarization nature; they are due to the
presence of a large background of non-polarized radiation from the whole Sun.
The observations were carried out with antennas of low resolving power during
solar eclipses and with the Great Pulkovo radiotelescope. It was discovered that
regiona of enhanced radio emission, who5e brIghtnena temperature amounts to
Card 1/2
89123 S/058/6 I/OW/002/014/018
A Study of Local Zones of Solar Radio Emission by Polarization Observitions at
Centimeter Wavelengths
several milli6n degrees, are associated with sunspot groups. The radiation of
these regions Is , as a rule, circularly polarized, and polarization degree
amounts to several tens per cent. Polarized radiation regions have sharply out-
lined boundaries, and their dimensions are approximately equal to dimensions of
nuclei of the corresponding sunspot groups. Radiation of these regions is com-
paratively stable, the flux varying usually slightly during the existence of the
group. Assuming the thermal mechanism of radiation, it Is possible to determine
magnetic field, kinetic temparature and density in radiation regions which are
located at an altitude of 0.05-0.07 R () above the photosphere. Methods of
determining these characteristics are described and estimates, made on the basis
of observational materials, are presented. There are 29 references.
Translator's note3 This Is the full translation of the original Russian abstract.
Card 2/2
S/035/60.Aa30/0 121' ) 13/319
f,/800 AOO 1/A*)O I
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomlya i Gtlodpzlya, 1960, No. 12,
p. 49, # 12272
AUTHORS. Gel'freykh, G. B., Korollkov, D. V.
*TITLE The Application of' Small-Ba!-e Radio Irterfezror.-,~-ters to
of the Sun During E,~lipses
PERIODICAL: Izv. G1. astron. observ. v P-alkove, 1960, Vol, 21, -No. 1, pp, 179-1R-5
(English summary)
TEXT: The authorsdiscuss the possibili+.y of azing radio ~Lnterferomet~-rs
with the base of a few hundred wavelengths for observations of solar ecl:ps,~s on
centimeter wavelength. The application of phase-mc-dulated Interferometers permIts
the attenuation of a signal from the "quiet" Sur. by iO times or more in the ca-lrz.e
of an eclipse and consequently the facilitation of re,~ordlrqg the signals from The
local sources on the Sun; therefore the precislon of determining their dimensiors
and positions will increase. The amplit-"de and phase of' the -,Ignal must be
recorded during observations. To facilitate the phase r-~~,zording, the base of the
interferometer can be oriented along the world &x1s, In- -alculated curves of -,;he
Card 1/2
S/1)335/~')/000/0 1210i 3/0 19
The Application of Small-Base Radio Interferometers for Otservatlon~! of lh,~ Sun
During Eclipses
eclipse courseunder the assumption that the quiet Stx:i !,~, a disk of unifform trlght~-
ness,are presented. The problem Is also discussed on -,he elffe~,,. of the diagram
of an interferometer individual mirror or, the selec~tion_ of the cptimum base ler4tn,
The method proposed can also be applied to observations of weak bursts of solar
radio emission and for determinations of *1,,eir location or. the disk. "'here are
5 references.
Translator's note; This is the Pill translation of ~he origInal 9assian absl-ra.,,
Card 2/2
AMU: Gel'freykh, G.B.
TITLE 6ati ~tesof 7m4gno ~i eld intensity in solar radiobursts in the
contimater range
SOURCE: Solnechnyye dannyye, no. 3. 1962o 50-55
UXT: Ailauming phyrjical independence (incoherence) of the oidinary and the
extraordiruu,y waves in plasma, and very steep grjulients of the magnetic field at the
boundary of the radiating reCion, the author derives theoretically the following
general relation between the magnetic field H in the rediotaissionasource and the
statiatical. average tan of the ratio between the &ion of the polarization ellipse:
I+ VZ7 t,, (I V)
where u = H/ eH/mo The theoretical results for u = 0.15 (H 500 gum)
are in excellent.agreement,'with Akabane's experimental data (Ref.6a K. Akabans. Annal
Tokyo Astron. Obs., Second Var., 6. 1, 1958). Them mv I rigures.
Card 1/1
"'U'21:0-R: Gellfreykh, 6.B.
f1i TTL7: The thermal model o-' the radiol~ursts in the centi-
meter r.-tn,,e
S 0 U ~i 3olnechnyyu dq-nnyye, no. 5,67-75
T 7-7 X 21 Intenoity and poDtri-ption of 2.2 on solnr radio-
bursts are explained by a condensation of coronal
ina-v t e r th!it expands ir~otro dcally 7-~n.-.? .~L A COTISIrLnt velocity
-the- 312-Y const, vthere n
(--2000 Jw.1sec), s~~rcisfyin. r-11 -I tIr.) n nT
is the electron concentfRtion fnd T the teraperpture. I.Dplication
pi: theoretical results to prejiction of intensity %nd polari-ation
of ) L4.9 cm b-ursts ..-,~ve frtirly satis.-t-actory estimates (theoretical
Card 1/2
The thermal model .....
intenzi Ly of 4.9 cr, bursts i 1/5 0 tale 2 em intens ity, ilk'
whereas the exper.inental inton.,i *~ty is 1/10; theoretical polari-
7ation of 4.9 cia burst:; i3 -0.04,~, wherep.L3 th,- expi.-rimental
polari~,ation is 2he discrep-ncies 'Ire 1~mootlied down by
allo,::in(, for t9i!ij1ervLura gradientoo dir(-.,cted Into the radi-.t.Lng
r2,,-ion. ft e basic dif ficulty of the theory, vi-. , t1he ori 7in of
the very ho-V ani-. der,~-,e corj.,iril condensat !-on w%j 06 to -.106
IDY., t4 -. 4. 10 If to 4.109 cm-3) re,(ilred to expi~!in the r~,3ner--_l shq,~e
of burst-curves, aill prob-ibly he removed a.,E'ter r-gmetic brems-
strahlun.r has bpen t-~ken into F=ount. There -re 6 fi.~pres.
or~rd 212
.:EL't-'REYY,H, G.B.
Theory of polarization molulators. Izv. WiO 23 no-3:203-214 164.
(MIPj! 17:11)
("L. I ~ I ~' !-.~ I, yr" i I, I % .
- olil
I)e,~ ',lic I , i '.. - n it i-Id. !.h-o transfer rj.' I-l"tull c., ("". I :.~; . f~ !, : '. , r. . f ,
. 1, ., ~
r- I it pin,, - ~ L ',' - L' , A ( 1 2 3 1' () - "' : 5,,-. "' I * i-4 -
, , , ' i %7 : ; " "I
S/.124/60/ UW/()0V(;C' 4/ 0 17
Translations from: Referatlyryy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1960, No. 3, P. 7, # 2882
T=; Two Cases of Integrability of the Problen, of Nlo Bodies of Variable
Mass and the Application of These Clases to Studying the Motion In a,
Resistant Medium
PERIODICAL: Byul. In-ta teor. astron. AN SSSF, 1959, Vol. 7, No, 5, pp. 354-362
(English summary)
TEXT: A material point m Is considered, which moves In the vicinity of a
central body, the mass M of which varies according to the law
7t 641mn~
Rigorous solutions of the differentlal equations of motion of the point m are
ptesented in the two cases when n - 0 and n m 1.5; the polar coordinates of the
point m in relation to the body M are expressed by the first-kind Bessel functions.
The author shows that the motion proceeds in both cases with practically ccnatant
eccentricity in the orbit o*r,-j1ating in the Amellini-Jeans ser-se. Therefore, the
Card 1/2
Two Cases of DitegrabIlity of the Problem of Two Bodies of Variable Mass and
the Application of These Cases to Studying the Motion In a Resistant Medium
con,~lusion is drawn that both of tle cases studied are inappii~~able to explaining
the observed correlation between the eccentricities and revolution periods in
binary systems. It is shown In what manner the occurren%-e of a capture caused
by the variation of mass or a disintegration of the system, e14.har in -the past.
or in the future (depending op. the sign. of of/), may be stat-,~d from the kncwn
initial conditions. The results obtain~6d ar4 used for studyirg thin motion of
a material point around a body of conztent mass within a nongravitating medium,
which exerts resistance proportional Iwo the velocity. 1.1t Is shown that the
eccentricity is praotically conatant &Izo in. this oase.
M. 1. Yerimov
Card 2/2
H,I S. V.
V.: "The profl-,, of rLtior. of cril:cn3crn
1 n the rubb4.,r Industry." Moscow, 195r. YIn HIgher U".2. rcc"w
Inst of Chemical Mnchine-BuIldine. (Disscrtittion for thc Dei-rec of Cpaylliate
of Technical Sclenccs)
SO: Krllzhnsya No. 47, 19 1-tovember 1955. Xoscow.
t I ~,- -
Regularitlea of changes and calculation of the capacity of a driving
electric motor for a rUbber mixer at an increased pressure and
rotation speed of rotors. Kauch. i rez. 20 no.6:19-22 Je 161.
(MIRA 14:6)
1. Moskovskiy institut khimicheakogo mashinostroyeniya.
(Rubber machinery)
1. GELIFIWIGi, V. 0.j KrNKUS, H. A., Arch.
2. USSR 6oo
4. Public Buildings - Moscow
7* 20-story administrative building on Swlensk Square, Gor. khoz. Moakp 23# Moo 7p
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessional, Library of Congress, APril 1953, Uncl.
G-7,L'?RrM' ILINIKOV, A.. arkhitaktor; GOIAMOVSKIT.
ar&arkhttektor; KORAB
L., ar hitektor; GIL'XAN. Ta., inzh.
Design of an apartment house with rolled reinforced concrete
components executed by the Institute for the Design and Planning
of Housing and Civil Construction In the City of Xoscow. ZhIl.
strol. no.4/5:38-42 '58. 04IRA 12:6)
(Apartment houses)
(Architecture--Designs and plans)
Now technological equipment of the wineries for the first-stage
treatment of grapes* Trudr VNIIViV N"rachx 9:33--52 #6o.
(MIRA 13:11)
(Wine and wine making-2quipment and supplieu)
Equipment for a wheel-changing unit. Avt.transp. 41 no.11:23-25
N t63. (MIRA 16:12)
1. Krymskiy oblastnoy avtomobillnyy trost.
Increase in sensitivity to penicillin In resistant bacteria.
Antibiotiki, 6 no.12:1120-1123 D 161. (1411A 15:2)
1. Kafedra, mikrobiologii (zav. - prof. M.N.Lobedeva) I Moskovskogo
ordena Lenina. maditsinsko o inatituta imuni I.M.Sechenova.
Mechanism of thecb7elopment of o~aplr;~Aucoc,,a-l cL-ug resistance.
Ahtiblotiki 8 no.5%.4Az6-!,W 14,06.*' (MIRA 17:3)
1. Kafedra mikroblolog"I ( zav. - Prof . M.N. Ltbedeva) I Mos-
kovskogo ordana Lenina mi!dltS!nSKOJF,-' lint3titu'a 'm&ni I.M
USSR / Cultivated Plante. Foddor Gra-130os 'Ind -'--',d1blu
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 6, 1959, No. 24922
Author : Gollashvill, P-.A.
Inst : Georgian Zoological Engineering Veterinary
Title : Effect of Fertilizers on tho Yield Incroaso
of Fodder Edible Roots and Fodder Melon
Cultures Under Irrigation Conditions of the
Gardabanskiy Rayon of the GrSSR
OrIg Pub : V, 9b.: Matorialy 13-y Nauchn. konforentaii
(Gruz. zootekhn. vet. In-t), Ch. 2, Tbilisi,
1957, 61-21
Abstract : In P:zperiments of 1953-1954, the introduction
of Branulated fertilizers under fodder squash
and fodder beet of N60pl32K86 Increased the
Card 1/2
Card 2/2
AUTHORt Gelig, A.Kh. SOV/20-123-4-3/53
TITLE: On the Stability of the Solutions of the Oauchy and the Mixed
Problem for Hyperbolic Equations (Ob ustoychivosti resheniy
zadachi Koshi i sneshannoy zadachi dlya giperb4licheskikh
PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958,Vol 123,Nr 4,PP 591-594 (USSR)
ABSTRIM The author considers the Cauchy and the mixed problem for the
utt , aij UXixi+2a10u Xi 't + aiuxi+ (a 0- e-4)ut + (a- p)u+f
(V(t,x)u t a (X8(t'z)U X + *(t,x)u + F(t,x)
and similar ones. He inve:tigates the stability of the solutions,
where the stability is understood so that the norm of the
solution for all t >0 remains smaller than L . Under very
numerous, partly very unintelligible assumptions the author
formulates seven theorems and one lemma, In some parts tne
results improve the well-knowniesults of Ladyzhenakaya.
There are 2 Soviet references.
Card 1/2
On the Stability of the Solutions of the Cauchy and SOV/20-123-4-3/53
the Mixed Problem for Hyperbolic Equations
ASSOCIATIONtLeningradakiy goeudarstvennyy pedagogichaskly institut imeni
A.I Gertsena (Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute imeni
A I-Gertsen)
PRESENTED: June 2, 1958, by V,I.Smirnov, koademielan
SUBUITTEDi May 28; 1958
Card 2/2
Stability of Cauchy problem solutions for symmetric systems of
partial aifferential equations. Izv.vyseuchebozave; mat, no.l:
69-83 160. (MIRA 13:6)
1. loningradakiy gosudarstyennyy podagogicheekly institut ibeni
(Differential equations, Partial)
Stability of solutions of a mized problem for hyperbolic equation
of the second order. Isv. vys. ucheb. 2av.; m.At. no. 3:104-112
16o. (MIRA 13112)
1. laningradakiy pedagogicheskiy institut iment A.I. Gerteena.
(Differential equations, Linear)
GELIG, A. Kh. Cand Phys4dath Sci -- "On the stability of ~ solutions of the
Cauchy problem and the mixed problem for equations of the hyperbolic type."
Len, 1961 (Lon Order of Lenin State Univ im A. A. Zhdanov). (KL, 4-61, 183)
16 -*e~ S/04 62/007/002/001/007
i6l' ~~d D407YD301
AUTHOR: Gelig, A.Kh.
TITLE: On using Lyapunov's second method for studying the
stability of nonlinear discontinuous systems
PERIODICAL: Leningrad. Universitet, Vestnik. Seriya matematiki,
mekhaniki i astronomii, no. 7, 2, 1962, 58 - 61
TEXT: It is shown that many of the results, obtained in the refe-
rences for continuous nonlinear functions, can be extended to nonli
nearities with first-order discontinuities. Hence it becomes possi--JA
ble to use the stability criteria, established (in the references)
for continuous systems. The indirect control-system
k Ax + ace(of), (1)
(b, x) - p~p(d) W)
is consideredp where A is a real square matrixt whose eieenvalues
have negative real arts n, a9 b are n-dimensional vectors; cY, p,
%p are scalarsp and M x~ is a scalar product. The function T(&)
Card 1/3
On using Lyapunov's second method ... D407/D301
has first-order discontinuities at isolated points or = 01 (k = 1 2,
...), ititcontinuous for o' / dkv and satisfies some additional con-
ditions. The solution to system 1)(11) is constructed as follows:
The trajectories of the systems M (11) interesect the hyperplane
YL. The equations for the sliding regime are
k = Ax + (b.Px) a,
Cr = (Yk
Through each point of the space -oo--:z o, x1t *-P xn +oo passes
at least one trajectory, determined by the systems (1), (11) and
(3). The totality of these systems is denoted by (R). By definition
the solution of system (R) is any curvet constructed from the tra-
jectories of system (1), (11) and (3) in a certain manner (prolonga-
"Ilion of trajectories); this Solution is piecewise-linear. Theorem:
If a Lyapunov function of type
V -(Hx, X) + (?(d) da' (4)
Card 2/3
On'uuing Lyapunov's second method D407/D301
(HX x) being a %,
I ( 5ositive-definite quadratic form), exists for the
systems ~1~9 1 with any continuous function 0 with
o' / 01 q 0 = 0, the derivative of V being negative-definite, then
the undisturbed motion of the system (R) is stable in the large for
any pieceviise-14near function y(d) which satisfies certain condi-
tions. The theorem is proved by a method, given in the references.
There are 9 So*4iet-bloc references.
SUBMITTED: May 21, 1961
Card 3/3
Using Lianunov's second method for studying the atability of
motion oi wallnear discontinuous systems. Vest.ILU 1-7 no.7,58-
63. 162. (HIM .15--5)
(Functions, Discontinuous)
AUTHORe Gelig, A. Kh.
TITLEs Stability of motion of systems with unambiguous equilibrium
PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSRo Doklady, ve 147, no, 3. 1962, 526 - 528
TEXTa A system 0
X a Ax + ag(d); (1)
a - b'x (2)
is considered. The eigenvalues of the matrix A are assumed to have
negative real parts. The scalar function.9(0) has to fulfill the following
?(O)cs ;> 0 for 0 j 0; (3)
Y(dk-O)?((Yk +0)> 0 for ak ' 0; (4)
lq(d)! const for -co4d< +oD.
1 (5)
The following three theorems are deriveds (1) If there is such a number
Card 1/3
Stability of motion of systems#.. B112/B186
ct ', 0 that
He(l + ),0 00
for -oD