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137-58-6-12852 Effect of Manganese on Sulfur Corrosion of its Alloys With Iron the authors by stating that Mn gradually accumulating in the interior layer of the scale forms saturated phases of two types (Mn, Fe) S and (Fe, Mn) S, which are characterized by ready permeability relative to the diffusion of atoms of the metal and the metalloid. P.S. 1. Iron-ffanganese alloys--Corrosion 2. Sulfur vapors--Corrosive effects 3. Corrosion--Temperat,,Lre factors Card 2/2 137-58-6-13166 Translation from: llcferativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 283 (USSR) AUTHORS: Gol'berg, A.I., Lipatova, V.A., Gel'(1, P.V. TITLE Electrical Properties of "Lebowit N*tkj_richeskiye svoystva leboital PERIODICAL. Tr. Ural'skogo politekhn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 72. pp 252-254 ABSTRACT: An investigation of the relationship of Hall's constant Rx, the resistivity ~ I and the thermoelectromotive force cy,', Wi- the Lornposition of an Fe-Si alloy in the range 47-5976 Si at room temperature. Sarnples were'prepared by smelting arnico- Fe with technical (99.0%) Si. The melt was drawn into quartz capillaries of 2-4 mm diam. The samples were annealed at 800'C during 10-1Z hrs or tempered at 10000 and quenched in water. Hall e.m.f. measurements were carried on by the usual method at a field intensity of 17,000-23,000 oersted. Measure- ments of U relative to Cu were taken with contact-tempera- ture differences of 1000. The values of Rx and Q are suffic- iently large and change their sign in the range of 54-5516 Si. which indicates semi-conductive properties of the alloys. With Card 1/2 Si content fV50% vach of the three curves has a sharply 137-58-6-13166 Electrical Properties of "Lebowite" defined inaximum corresponding to the FcSi2 compound. In general, the re- sults of an examination of tempered samples are consistent with the results obtained for annealed samples; only Rx which corresponds to hole-type con- ductivity has little relation to composition. RX and q in this case are two orders of magnitude smaller than in annealed samples. The high-tempera- ture modification of "lebowite" is similar to metal in properties. L.M. 1. Iron-silicon ailoys--Electrical properties Card 2/2 SOV/ 137-58-7-14Z07 Translation from: Rcferativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 35 (USSR) AUTHORS: Gelld, Petrushevskiy, M.S. TITLE: Solubility of Carbon in Ferro-silico-manganese (Rastvorimost' ugleroda v ferrosilikomargantse) PERIODICAL: Tr. Ural'skogo politekhn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 7Z, pp Z55-Z58 ABSTRACT- The solubility of C at 14600C in synthetic alloys of the types Fe-Si with up to 401/o [Sij and Mn-Si and Fe-Mn-Si with up to 5076 [Si ] . According to the data, the solubility of C in Fe- Mn alloys increases linearly with the increase in their Mn content. The empirical equations for the calculation of the coefficients of C activity obtained on the basis of data for Fe-Mn-C, Fe-Si-C, and Mn-Si-G alloys, namely, logloyFe, Si= Fe. Si=Z15N + C 0.214NMn, loglo'y C Si +2.25N?-i and log Y Mn, S' = 0. 8N f4 5N z S 10 C Si - Si demonstrates that -y C is decreased fairly slightly by Mn and Card 1/2 increased sharply by Si and that -y Mn, Si < Y Fe. Si. This C C SOV/ 1 37-58-7-14207 Solubility of Carbon in Ferro- silico-inanganese is explained by the fact that Mn strengthens the C bonds ( onsiderably (snc e E M n, C > E Fe. C. and that Si forms durable groupings with atom!: of Fe and Mn. In quaternary alloys Fe-Nin-Si-G. o%vmg to the same i ause, *Y C decreases with the substitution ol NAn for Fe: with an increase in S1 content, the solubility of C decreases rapidly. The Solubility of C in these alloys in- creases practically linearly with an increase it) Nin content. Therefore, it is recommended that the C content in saturated four -compotient itielts be determined according to the law governing inxing. V. M. 1. Carbun--Solubility 2. ie's Card 2/2 SOV/ 137-58-9-18659 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, P 71 (USSR) AUTHORS: Yesin, O.A., Kholodov, A.I. Gel S.I. TITLE: Electrochemical Refining and Alloying of Ferrous ?vletals (Elek- trokhimicheskoye rafinirovaniye i legirovaniye chernykh metallov) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Staleplavilln. proiz-vo, Moscow, Metal lu rgi zdat, 1958, pp 151-161 ABSTRACT: A description is offered of the results of experiments in 1948-1952 in the electrochemical refining and alloying of metals. The laboratory experiments were run in a resistance furnace with a Silit electrode and in a 50-kg high-frequency furnace. Electrochemical refining of metal proved feasible. The application of an external electrical fietcl to a metal-slag system makes it possible to regulate the speed and complete- ness of transfer of S from the metal into the stag. Pilot-plant experiments at the Verkh-Isetsk Plant employed a D-C gener- ator (1000 amps, 120 v). The metal was poured into a 300-kg ladle. The results of the industrial experiments showed that Card I/Z when an external electrical field was applied the removal of SOV 1137-58-9- 18659 Electrochemical Refining and Alloying of Ferrous Metals sulfur from the steel proceeds with considerably greater efficiency than without electrolysis. Depending upon the initial composition of the metal and the slag and upon the quantity thereof, the S content diminished by 0.020-0.0451o during the first 10 min. Simultaneously with the removal of S from the metal, an increase in Si content was observed. Current efficiency was from 20 to 96%. The experiments demonstrated the desirability of further development of the method and of its introduction into industrial practice. L. K. 1. Ores--Processing 2. ~Ietals--Production 3. Iron alloys--Production 4. fletals--Electrochemistry Card Z/Z OBLID, P.V. Role of the gas phase In reducing oxides by carbon. Trudy Inst. khim. UTAN SSSR no.2-.7-44 058. (MIRA 12:12) (Metallic oxides) (Reduction, Chemical) YIBSIN, Yu.. 0.; GILID, P.V. Reduction of zinc oxide no.2:63-79 158. (Zinc) (Carbon) by carbon. Trudy Inst. khim. UFAII SSSR (MIRA 12:22) MATVEYIINO, 1.~.; GILID, P.V. Mechanism of the reduction of calcium oxide b7 aluminum. Trud7 Inst. khim. UFAN SSSR no.2:133-142 '58. (WRA 12:12) (Calcium) (AluminotheroV) A UT I I Or-, 3 Gr--Ild, P. V., Byabov, R. A, . . ...... .II.........I TITLE: The Influence Exerted by the Austenite Transformation on the Rate of Penetration of Ilydro,--en in Steel (Vliyiniye austenitnogo prevrazl- 'cheniya na ;korostl proniVnoveniya vodoroda v stall) PERIODIC.A.L: Nauchnyyo doklady vysshey Metallur6iya, 1956, I N r 71, PP 189 - 195 (USSR) ADSTRACT: The rate of the penetration of hydroGen in steel was carefully invostiCated. It is rhown that the rate of the penetration of hydrogen de~)ends or, the cha.,.C.;e of the structure of the steel samples. At temperatures of 400 - 8000C an intense decomposition of austenite takes place in the steel alloy 341WC; at the same time the diffusion rate of hydrogen corsi_lerably increases and the activation encr,,-y drops to E,,= 18 500 cal/mol H 2* The influence of the temperature on the r,.te of pene- tration of hydro,.,,en in the steel alloy34KhNZK -.7as found at 66o - 9500. All structural chanr"es in t:.e steel samples Card 1/2 were accompanied by the chance in r,~.te of penetration The influence Exerted by the Austenite Tracfor..-,ation SOV/1 63- 506-3-51/49 on the Rate of Penetration of Hydrot:en in Steel and the chnnge of the activation ener;.-y of hydrogen. In dependence on the processing conditions at higher temperatures different phase diao;rams occur which influcnce the 6as saturation of t`ie steel samples. T',.ere are 4 figum-; and 8 refererim-,, 6 of ,Y'hich are Soviet. ASSOCIATION. Ur!-,Ilv,;,Iy politekhniccheskiy in-stitut (Ural Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: Decamber 3o, 1957 Card 2/2 AUTHORS- Alyamovskiy, S. I., Shveykin, G. P., Gelld, P. V. TITLE: On Low Nioblum Oxides (0 nizshJkh okislakh niobiya) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 11, pp 2437-2444 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Experiments were carried out on the possibility of the existence of low niobium oxides. Most p,.re r1obium and oxides produced from it by means of an annealfng of the metal at 600-9000C served as initial materialr. The following preparations were used: 11b205P Nb204,~ NbO 2' jib 203' "304' NbO, Nb 20' The X-ray structure investigations of the phases of the system Nb-0 produced by the reduction t~f Nb 205-Nb-mixtures at a ratio of Nb : Nb 205 ' 3 : 1 were oarried out at 12000, 15800, and 16500C. The results showed that the following phases exist at the temperatures investigated; Nb 205F NbO,, NbO,and Nb. The phase NbO with the lattice constant a - 4430 X-t, is not produced in the system M-O. It was found that a phase with Card 1/2 complex rody-centered c,jhic lattice with the lattice constant On Low Nlobium Oxides SU/78-31-11-2/23; a - 4201,3 X.U. exints tit thn ol,i4librium between the metal and the oxJJpq,, The low oxidon Nb2 0, Nb40, Nb307) Nb30 51 Nb 20 and 11b304do not exl:it In ths, case of an interaction between nioblum oxlie and tnd in *Vht~ presen-.e of carbor. Tber- ;iri 2 figur-, I tribltn, and 24 references, 5 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: Ootobex 24, 1957 Card 212 8(0) ATITHORSi TITLE: PERIODICAL- Gelid? 11. V., Yra-vovokaya, A. SO -1116 3-58-4-1/47 Effnct of the Curvature of Surface on the heaction Diffusion (VI-*..Yaniy--- krivIzwj priv&rkhnost., na reaktsionnuyu diffuziyu) Ha-uchnyye doklady vys3hij shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4, PI) 5-1; (USSR) ABSTRACT: When irri6stjeating the pr,~eesq of reaction diffusion it is often asnumed that the factorn of (1--'ffusion are constant within the rarges (,f one-phase strata of reaction products and that the ratio of the fl,)we ~,f the reagents may I:e e-,taluated by the .hickneau .)f the inner und ot.tez- 1-,)wer strata. Such assertions are not alwhys r,,)rrect and they nay be the cause for wrong r,onciusior.F. The pe::uliari ties of interaction caused Oy the surfare cjrvature .,f 9clid reagents may serve as an .11ustration. The corrou-ion. pro,~.ess at high temperature was choser. ftr an aralysis. At first, the kinetic properties appea:'ng at the oxidation of a metallic specimen of regular anapel o. g. spherical shape, are investigated. The formulae (2) and (4) are derived, fr~~m whl-h J-t 4-s to be seen that the d--stribution of the oon-pntration III in the stratum of the Card. 1113 reaction proa-,~ct depends sl,~batantially -ipon the curvature of the Effert of the C1;rvat*jre )f Surface on the So',//' 6 3-58-4- 114 7 Diffuq.~"n ,raturr. By compar-*,ng the formuiae (4) and (5) we can 3ee thatv ..n sphpr~.~!Fi! stratz., the s.*nter -'s enriched by a metalloid aga-I-rnt the c~rrenp~-.)ndirg plari? -,ijnter. On corroding of 11 p C-. -a -~ na G'Ve,~y coatings enriched Ly f,3rm throigh thin whole width. On the contrary, in the "f regatJvely br)jndarj -arfaces, a reduction of mr-tall-)Id -ontc:nks of the sinter Is to be expected, as well as of t~) tht.- stoichiametric i. %:. a dim~n--jt!,~,n rf th-~ conccmtration of and thr~r,~,fore r, of the factors of or the reagentn. It is sh,)wn that D M and D Me do not n! y depend or tempr-ratu-re, +--*--ne, anJ the coordinates of the a,...~o on 'be -urvat-A-~'P of the sinter. 1~ Is f-,7.rth,~r ohown thnt rv~-'. only D ani D but also the ratio M Mt. D M.- /DM -var~~.s w-'!t*-, ,~urvatlure. The truth of this 'Jy trsting the --ulfide corrosion of iron. Eptwe,?n the surfao-,, c-urvature and the Ca--,:'. V3 of -vcl*ui~eE! of the f.,ute-- And inner lower strata(v1tv 2) Effect of the Curvatur(., of Surface or. thl~- R-.-aritir- SOY/i 6 "'-513-4- 1/47 Di f f -jo-lon was ascertained. The mean content of sulfur in the outer lower stratum of concave sinter was found to be higher by about 1% than that of plare sinter under equivalent conditions. S - sulfur. The apparent reasons for the increase of D S at growfnq nonstoichio-metrc ratJos of the sulfide coat-~*ng are indicated. 1nasnuch as the energy barrier layers, due ti the displacement of the big sulfur atoms, are larger as compared 7;-ith the displacement of iron ions, the factors t4 ..nj.- the loosening of the crystal lattice and the uggravat-lon of the part perforned by the homeopolar bonds are bound to facilitate the diffusion of sulfur atoms to a higher extent than iron ions. In this connection, the vacancies that stand in mutual action with each other are particularly effe~-tive. There are 4 figures and '11 references, 9 of which are Scviet. ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy po-litekhnichoskiy institut (Urals Polytechnic Institute) SUBMITTEDt March 1, '1958 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Ryabovp R,A.# Gelld, P.V. 32-3-19/52 m~ TITLE: The Determination of the Diffusion Velocity of Rldrogem In metal$ (0yre&l*n1ye akoroati diffusli vodoroda v meta"Ork) FERIODICALs Zavodaimys labomtorlya,, 1958, Vol. 24, Mr 3, pp. 306-308 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The device Into which the maple to be investigated is placed has a conical opening into which the neck of the sample fitB exactly; it is filled up with lead so that it Is hermetically closed. The middle part is heated, whereas the two ends are cooled with water. Hydrogen Is fed through the vacuum conduction. For the purpose of measuring pressure changes (diffusion) a Mak-Leod manometer is used. The test sample Itself Is of a particular cone-like shape; the narrow part contains the capillary through which hydrogen diffuses. Before being measured the samples are investigated in order to find out whether larger pares and/or carbon inclusions exist. Diffusion velocity Is calculated according to a formula the derivation of which in given. By means of the device described the number of iron alloys with carbon, chromium, silicon etc., as w911 Card 1/2 as constructional steals are investigated. From the results The Determination of the Diffuslon Velocity of 32-3-19/52 Hydrogen In Netals mentioned it my be seen that the diffusion velocity In alloyed steels obeys the law of the square root of hydrogen pressure at low as well as at high temperatures. There are 3 figures, and 8 references, 3 of uhich are Slavic, ASSOCIATION: Ural Polytechnic Institute imeni Kirov (Urallskiy politekhnicheekly Institut im. Korova) AVAILABLF: LlbrM of Conpess 1. Iron alloys 2. Hydrogen-Diffusion-Velocity Card 2/2 GEL ID __prof.: SEMONNIKOV, N.H., lnzh.: KORSIfUlJDV, V.A.. lnzh. Nalon hmat of sillci~fts. Izv. v7n. lichob. zav.-. chnrn. not. no.7:51-62 Jl 158. (14iltA 11:10) 1. Ural'Rkiy politakhnichnskiy institut. (Silicides-Thermal propertieg) (2kirmoch(smintry) RTABOV, R.A.. dote.. kand.tekhn.vauk: GELID. P.V., prof., doktor tekhn.vauk Iffect of te"rature and pressure on hydrogen diffusion in stools end iron-been binary alloys. I1T.vYs.uch9b.z&v.; chern.wet. n0-9:103-113 S 158- (MIRA Ilill) I.-Uraltokly politekhnichookly Institut. (Iron alloys--Metallography) (Gases In metals) (Metals, Sffect of temperature on) Y3SIN, Yu.O.; GELID, P.V. Reeftff"'Igrilnc oxide b7 carbon. Zhur. prikI. khin- 31 no.7:986-995 J1 158. (MIR& 11:9) (Zinc oxide) (Carbon) (Reduction, Chemical) TICSIN, Tu,OjkL,G1L'Dq P.V. Direct reduction of chromium oxide. Zhur. prikl. kh1m. 31 no.9; 1285-1293 5 '58o (MIRA 111-10) (Chromium oxides) (Reduction, Chemical) Semenova, A. K., Gel'd P V. 76-32-5-2,-/47 TITLE: ThqEffect of Chromium on the Sulfide Corrosion of Its Iron Alloys (Vliyaniye khroma na sullfidnuyu korroziy-u yego oplav- ov a zhele7-om) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol. 32, Nr 5, PP- 1087- -1094 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The influence of chromium on the oxidation kinetics of its iron alloys in sulfur vapors as well as the structural proper- ties of the tinder formed on this occasion were investigated. From the experimental part can be seen that alloys with from 0 to 19 .2% chromium were investigated which were melted in Shteynberg-Gramolin furnaces under the assistance by A. I. Pastukhov. The tests were carried out in a specially construci- ed vessel while the thermo e.m.f. was measured according to the method by G. D. Fedorov. The determinations of the ve- locity of corrosion took place at 500, 6oo, 7oo and 8ooOC with different heating times. It was observed that the cor- ros-ion velocity decre.ases with the temperature drop and the increase of the chromium content, with also a decrease of the tinder layer having been observed. A atron er effect of chro- g Card 1/3 mium was noticed onlytD a content of 4-12% , so that, for in- Thq Effect of Chromium on the Sulfide Corrosion of Its Iron 76-32-5-22/47 Alloys stance, with additions of 12-17% chromium the corrosion re- sistance increases to the lo-2o-fold. The x-ray structural and chemicul investigations showed that the tinder consists of two different layers the thickness of which changes with the chromium content, with the alromium accumulating in the inner layer and with apinels h"ving been found present. In determinations of the thermo e.m.f. it was observed that the inner layer has a greater activation energy which points at an energetic complicatedness in the charge transfer by the impinging of chromium ions. In evaluating the results the analogy of the oxidation with oxygen and sulfur is stressed, reasoned in detail and explained, and among othersit is mentioned that the principle of heat resistance according to V. I, Arkharov (Ref 15) ciin also be extended to the sul- fide corrosion, and that the corrosion resistance of the form- ation velocity of the spinel protective layer is dependent on a normal lattice parameter~There are 4 fig-ures, 2 tables, and 15 references, 11 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. S. M. Kirova,Sverdlovs Card 2/3 AUTHORS: Gelld, 11. V ruchevokiy, M. S. j0V/ 2o-12o-1-39/63 TITLE: The Solubility of Carbon in Forrosilicomanianene (Rastvorimost' uggleroda v ferrosilikomargantse) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1950, Vol- 12o, N'r 1, PP. 144 - 147 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Systematic details on the solubility of C in alloys Mn-Si-C and Yn-Si-Fe-C (References 1-3) are not available in technical publications. The authors therefore investigated the solubility Mn- 0 . of C in synthetic alloys Fe-. Si at 146o As seen fror. the graphs (F'gures 1-4) the replacement of iron by manganese (si- milar to the system Mn-Fe-C) leads to a linear increase of car- bon solubility. Determination of the carbon content in saturated 4-component me-lting can be carried out according to the rule of mixtures: = EF e3 LC3Fe,Si LMnj N14n , S i [C]Mn,Fe,Si - + --TF-01 Mnj + CLIn LF!q + L where1CJMn,Fe,Si'E'jFe,Si' C'jUn,Si are the solubility fij;ures Card 1/2 of carbon in the alloys concerned, which are distinguished by The Solubility of Carbon in FOrrosilicoman',.-anene jOy2o-12o-1-39/63 the silicon concentration prescribed. The results of the exami- nation of the 4-fold alloys are described in fi,7ure 4. The raph was constructed on the assumption that [Fel + Cinj +[Si) 10o%. From this as well as from figure 2 it m"Y be seen that carbon solubility decreases rapidly when the silicon content is increased. Apparently the concentration rise of manganese causes under the existing conditions a tighter linkage of the carbon atoms with the metal which means that the activity coeffi- cient is reduced the more the manganese content in the alloy increases. There are 4 figures and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institut im. S. M. Kirova (Ural Poly- technic Institute imeni S. M. Kirov) PRESENTED: September 6, 1957, by S. 1. Vollfkovich, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: September 6, 1957 1. Carbon--Solubility 2. Iron-manganese-silicon alloys-- Card 2/2 Solvent action I"it -L-1 dn 4_7 A%j tit ~.Zz f-t tj .3 C Z*.~. )d ~V_-VA u III ;i^4 16 -L-4) :--.2 ~Kwl_.-. ill 1%-i _U..4 ip -qlq 3;,z CUY S=Z= xr_-g urw vWWV so ==loud _YZXOW*f zhvll l.&C-.ArAV 'A'J) :--I 'XM-T-W%-2 *X*A '-t"N 'r-0) T-n-.4 & W, It .1 .... ~;, J. 44"A'S *2*1 '-'&JtXg *A'J) jon'm ;v q.1 SJTI_~a vin pn. ..T4 J* tme v zo rr-=- r~ Iv-arv- ~ - _. ;o wcnoi u1 W%~Jq urm -K% ;o 21~ rim Aoq ma FJCTV -;-tod -n- _Iqm_.qs 00.14_~ V~ Zjv-q Jos "Q%w jo ..wlwd r..r--q.m q% - _T1w"o;vI C-4 rn" 4% 'Paq so jo wcT~ sjq .. V1. -= I ..-Is - &jl2jos A_-q JO INTV;T~ Tin vwrq~*b ST% -1 .".3 ~Tjcoa 3v"~ft_ J.'; W..Q -V--OTP --1- -1 %6,14 aNI 'S ..ftlgjj 1-.q joj *%w.U Aj-lq-.x A...s Tun) V".,Wwj,"A A% paolft. ".%n- jqV-7 -viww jo ~m-n~ nu my"Wo -I~J-4 q~"" -n tonn-I -,- jo q C.'" Z_ is T.O%.n"to rl Xj"Tq~ A~.q ),-limmp- -I-Id J* S~uuo .31-op V- 1--.10,412CAn T.Vq.%-,g -1 1" sTU -.XgznU -ey -CITpq-x 'QGj.UI4 1~2ruq-n jo -qvru~z wit --;z j- -q-rmm3 --%-,Log irx --Id*3 ocoll *4 ssn .%2Q_% .(WTnRAcj 4u~.Vjz wa) ;VLdq I %Iqjqo _Zj) COCIAIX go--lV11MA)z 11" 1 agm GELID) P. V. with Gertman, Yu. M., "The tbarmochomiatr7 of the solid and liquid allicides of YA." I with KUSEMCO, F. G. "The thermochemistry of the Oxidee and carbidee of Nb." I with Matveyenko, I. I. and Alyamovskly, S. I., "Kinattka voestanovleniya pyntickiai vawdlya vodorodom." with Matveyenko, 1. 1. and "movsk-ly, S. I., Ttochnenlye oblasti Oprimenimoeti printsips. pooledovatelynosti prevrasheniy akad. A. A. Beykovs." with Serebrennikov, N. N. and &vntels, R. P., "Untanovka d1ya iselekovaniya teplosoderzhantya tverdykh i zhidkikh oplavov. reports submitted for the 5th Physical Chemical Conference on Steel Production, Moscow, 30 Jium 1959. naramums ci&Am w cnAAom VA.- --nALr--- 'Vi' In 0.- v0 Z IL A ttz, 12 io .4 ~v 1 E, jV2 mp. 2 _O M.A' iv 0u. V1 g.. ;ffo _O U. I;:Hv, .0vu Go go -49 oo%i!- COB& IN 54 a -0. 9; 00 "M- ;! HIM ill i, i H Q 0 af-a* 40 91'0 0 no a -JC46.. .01 2 96 Magi j9 a "a l'! %4I3 a WOW8011. SUV/1807~9-1-8/29 AUTHORS: Gelld P Ve and Shveykin, G.P. (Sverdlovsk) TITLE: Some Peculiarities of the Carbon-Thermic Reduction of Niobium Pentoxide (Nekotoryye osobennosti ugletermiches- kogo vosstanovleniya pyatiokisi niobiya) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya I toplivo, 1959, Nr 1, pp 1~~1+9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It has been shown (Refs 1,2) that the direct production of niobium by reaction of the pentoxide with carbon is not suitable technically. A better method, probably2 is to cause the pentoxide to react with carbon to give the carbide which is then heated with a further portion of pentoxide to give the metal. To provide technically useful Information on the latter reactions the authors have studied the reaction kinetics, The Nb 05, of 97-1+ 99.8% purity, was prepared in various ways Mble 1), the monoxide and dioxides were prepared by -iacuum fusion of pentoxide-carbide mixture. The carbon was in the form of acetylene black, graphite, coaltar pitch and its coking pioducts, The reagents were mixed, finely ground, pressed into briquettes and h,&atgd in vacuum with Card 1/3 continuous weighing. Considerable differences were 30V/,18'~-59-1-8/29 Some Peculiarities of the Carbon-Thermic ReduCtion of Niobium Pentoxide found in the percent reduction vs. time (min) curves (Fig 1.) for tha VaTIOUS preparations of Nb 05, previous heat treatment being an import-ant factor since it alters the phase composition (as confirmed by an X-ray struc- tural investigation carried out by S.I. Alyamovskiy). The T-phase, stable telow 9000C, was found to be the most reactive as shown by the percent raduction vs. time (min) curves in Fig 2,, of which u.-T-vas 11. and 12 correspond to niobium-.hydroxide calcining temperatures of 550 and 5300C respectively.. 1~1 and 11t to 8000C, 15 and 16 to 9000C9 17, 18 and 1~ to 10000C and 20 to 12000C. The curves show that the attainment of the NbO2_ stage does not correspond to slower reaction, and the authors attribute this to the disruption of grains in the first stage. The reduction proeaeded rapidly at a pressure of 10-IMM Hg2 and even at 3-4 mm Hg. The presence of small amounts of potassium salts greatly ac~:elerated the reduction7 as did the use of a more finely divided reducing agent (Fig 4). EXaminations were cayried out on partially-reduced productsg only Nb~O,;' NbO_-, and NbCx (x *-- 0.86 - 0.89) Card 2/3 '_) were found aftev redictien, at 1.050-12500C, similar 0" G,;,/180...59.-l--8/29 Some Peculiarities of the Carbon-Thermi: Reduction of Niobium Pentoxide The Card 3/3 SUBMITTED: conclusicns, being reached from other experiments, authors recommend the techni~,-al adcption of a process in which the first stage is the prcduction of a dioxide- carbide mixture from the low-temperature modification of Nb205 rather than the intermediate-carbide process. The reaction of a synthetic carbide (11.4% C) with oxide was found to be very slow below le'-50OCi on raising the temperature to 1350, 1500 and 16000C successive stages of reduction are reached (Fig Further ests showed that at 1750-18000C and a pressure of 5 x 10 mm Hg, 98.8 - 99.84 Nb w~nge c-;,..L'Ld be obtained by direct reduction of Nb-O ith altar pitch, ft~~m an oxids-earbida mixture or b~ "'edu-c;t:ior. of' Nb'2~05 Wit;l' 2 r -the highest carbide of niobium. The ad-qantages of the second method were con- firmed in larger-scale (up t*.-) 3 kg of niobi-am) experiments. There are 5 figures, 3 tatles and 11 referen--es, 9 of which are Soviet, 1 English and 1 Ge,-man. June 30, 1952 AUTTIORSt Petrushovakiy, M.S. and Gelld, P.V. ISOV/80-59-1-14/44 TITLE: Equilibrium of Carbon With Liquid Alloys of Fe, tin, S, C ORavnoveoiye ugleroda a zhidkimi splavami Fe, Aln, Si, (;~ P-1210DICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Nr 1, pp 66-95 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The purpose of the present inventigation was to determine the solubIlity of carbon in manganese and its alloys with iron and silicon at a temperature of 1,40600C. As materials for experimenting were used armco-iron electrolytic manganese and commercial silicon (^098.5!'~', Si~- The following -systems were investigateds Fe - Si - C; Mn - Si - C; Fe - Un - C, and Fe - Mn - Si - C. The results obtained led to the con- clusionst 1. It was established for the binary alloys Fe, Si and Mn, Si that at 1*4600C the coefficient of carbon ac- tivity increases with the rise of-silicon concentration, and the rate of increase is higher in the former system. In the alloys of Mn, Fe an increase,in manganese concentration leads to an insignificant lowering of this coefficient, , 2. The study of carbon solubility in alloys Fe, Mn, as sbo-,;-n J, that also in this case the carbon activity coefficient rises with the increase in silicon concentration. The substitution of Fe with Mn leads practically to the linear decrease of thin coefficient. 3. These relationships a~e explained by that Card 112 the binding energy of silicon with iron is higher than that ia 0 f F, C uili~)riufu of ULrluon ';:it`i idciuit; narv,,,ancoe, .,hi2e -or carbcn t' 2r,:-iurse i3 c,-ze. It j t h, r: r n e d0 t*,!:It tj:, urived can be av,.,roxiwatcly desoribu,,,' V the followin- .-rom the theory c-f strictly rc~.-,ular soluticno. '::ie.-e -are 0 rrtrhs .-r,.i I,, reforci--,ea, of -;;%ich are Scvict, 6 American, 1 Cervian wid 1 J:.pane3e. T~ ~:'T Er DI.ay 21, 1n/57 Curd 2/2 501711 0-5r,'-2- I U/24 A U C R S %yatov, R.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and 3elld~ t-.V., Professor, Doctor of -'iienccs Tl'-'-' The Effect of Alloying Elements or Hydrogcn Steeiv and Iron-Basie Binary Alloys (Vliyaniy(. 'IeL"Ir"qu- ahchikh elementov na vodorodopronitsayemost' narnykh splavov na asnove zheleza) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya v;rsshikh uc)iebnykh zavedenly, Cherni.;,', 11 AIr 2, pl, 87-92 R ciya, 1959, J 5! ) A B:, T RA CT: In order to c am 1, 1 e t e rix i - e r i :r, c:n t.: o r I I out for tklf~ C." the effoct of chrotrium, :ranU:.Ltnej,.,, and nickel on hydroi;en ability of steela and iror-basicl' Linary alloys... Data ir;'O- taircd were enmpred with reaultz of investi-c-aticti-, out !),,r A.A. Slinharbakova, P.L. Cruzin, Y.K. Kritnkaya, G.V. KU14PUMP T.I. Stelletskayn, and 7.A. III ina. 7ne experiments proved that the majority of admixturen C, Si, Cr, Vn and possibly Al), consiaerably reduc-el ",.r hydrogen diffusion rate. On the on,- huld the rd 1/3 SOV/14-c-,~)- '-10/24 The,M"oct of Alloying Element.,i on Hydrogen Permeability of Steel.I and Iron-Basis Binary Alloys caused changes of' A"toarfttlf interactions in the ferrite lattice and the local dietortions of the vnerey spectrum of electrons; on the other hand distortion of the crystalline lattice, changes of inter-atomic spaces and of interstitial space dimensions took place. Carbon had a retarding effect on hydrogen diffusion, reducing the solubility and transiti,.. possibilities of hydrogen. Chromium strenCthened inter- particle bonds * Silicon caused considerable static distortion of the lattice and of the energy spectrum of electrons. Increased hydrogen permeability, observed in steel with Nb- and Ti admixtures, was caused by decarbonizaticii an! not by the effect of the admixtures on the ferrite lattice. The alloying element had a negative effect on h~rdrcgen perme- Card ability if, after having bound the carbon, it formpd cart of SOV1146-59-2-10/24 The Effect of Alloying Llements on Hydrogen Permeability of Steels %n~ Iron-Rasis Binary Alloys the solid solution. It was confirmed that in the investi- gated process the part of inter-granular hydro6ori migration was unimportant and that diffusion cnaracterioticq were m-iin- ly Jetermined by the transcrystalline hydroCen flow. The author presents graphs showing the dependence of hydrojen permeability on different admixtures. There are 9 graphs and 27 references, 21 of which are ~;oviet, 4 German and 2 English ASSOCIATION: Urallakiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut (Ural Polytechnical Institute),, Kafedm fiziki (Chair of Physics) SURNMED: jum 25.. 1958 Card 3/3 HAWNYINK0, I.I., inzh.; GELID, F.J.#. prof.; ALYAPOVSKIT, S.I., inzh. Reduction kinetics of vanadium pentoxide by hydrogen.. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 2 no.4:13-21 Ap '59. (MIRA 12:8) 1.Ural'skly politekhnicheskiy institut i Ural'skiy filial Akademli nauk SSSR. (Vanadium-Metallurgy) (Oxidation-reduction reaction) GIRTMAN, Tu.M., inzh.; GILID, P.T.. doktor takhu.nauk prof. Thermochemistry of sillcomaganese. Izv.vys.uch9b.z&v.: chern. not. 2 no.9:15-27 S '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Urallskly polltekhnichestly InstItut. Rokomendovano kafedroy flulki UrallskiDgo politekhatcheskogo instituta. (Thermochemisty) (Silicon alloys) (Yanganere alloys) 18(6) SOV/78-4-5-27/46 AUTHORS: Kocherovj P. V.t Gertman, Yu. M., Gol-ld, P. V. TITLE: The Formation Heat of the Allcys of Calcium With Aluminum (Teploty obrazovaniya splavov kalltniya a alyuminiyem) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimil, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 59 pp 1106_1112 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The formation heat of the pure intermetallic compcunds of calcium with aluminum (CaAl2 and CaAl 4) ~Ia:; calculated. The alloy was produced from the purest eiectrolytic twice distilled calcium and electrolytic aluminum. Velting of the components took place in ihe purest argon atmosphere. By means of radiostructural and metallographical investigations the composition of the alloy was determined and the results are shown by table 1. DetermlLfttion of the fermation heat of the alloys was carried out by mears :,f ar, ordinary iso- thermal calorimeter, viz. by the rethoa as follows: Firat the combustion hoat r4f the u'loy, and then Card 1/4 SOY/73-4-5 -27/46 The Formation Heat of the Alloys of Calcium With Alumin-am the equivalent combustion heat after compojition of the mechani- cal mixtures of calcium and alluminum wa3 inveatigated. From the differenoe betweon the average values the formation heat of the ruspectivi alloy was c&lculatod. The accuracy of the inethed Is i .0 - ' .5) kcal/g -ett. The combuotion me;hod, the oxidation heat of the purest ma~als, as well an the six alloys and their coxr9sponding mechanical mixtures were in- vestigated. The results obtaLied by calorimetric determina- tiorn carried out by the comt-asilan method are shown by table 2. The combantion *.1ea-v :)f the all-,ya and the mechanical mixtures of calcium and aluminum aro shown by fijure 3. For A HAI 2 03 .. 399 kcal/g-mol A1203was found. This value agrees well with data found in publications; A HA_120 3 - _- 400-+,.-.0 kcal/g-mol Al2036 The dissolution heat of calcium and aluminum and of Card 2/4 their alloys in 5 n hydrochloric acid was investigated. The SOY/78-4--5--27/46 The Formation Heat of the Alloys of Calcium With Aluminum results obtained are shown by table 3 and figure 4. Figure 5 is a graphical representation of the formation heats of calcium- and aluminum alloys of various composition accord- ing to the combustion- and dissolution method. The experimen- tally obtained values agree well with those found in pub- lications. The following values were found for the formation heat of the intermetallic compounds CaA1 2 and CaAl4 H22-5 . _ 17-5 1-5 kcal/g-at and CaAl 2 ~+ A H22150 _ -10.3 + 1.0 kcal/g--at. Ca 1 4 There are 5 figures: 3 tables, and 113 references, 2 of which are Soviet. Card 3/4 42- 18(3), 24(6) SOV/170-59-6-13/20 AUTHORSs Gelld, P.V., Ryabov, R.A. TITLE: Effect of Carbon on Hydrogen Diffusion in Steel PERIODICAL% Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 6, pp 88-90 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Experimental data obtained previously by the authors ZR-efs 1, 27 indicate that the constant of permeability and the coefficient of diffusion of hydrogen in carbon steels decrease rapidly with an increase in carbon content. In the present paper the authors compare these experimental data with an equation of generalized permeability derived by Odelevakiy Ref . However, the use of his equation, Formula 4 in the text, necessitates the knowledge of permeability of cementite as well as that of ferrite. As the characteristics of cementite are not yet available, only relative permeabilities of steels were compared instead of absolute ones. 'The results are presented in Figure I in which the values of relative permeability Y were plotted versus the volume concentra- tions of ferrite. The results of measurements agree with Card 1/2 Odelevskiy's formula under assumption that the permeability of Effect of Carbon on Hydrogen Diffusion in Steel SOV/170-59-6-13/'20 cementite amounts to 4 or 5% of that for ferrite. The relation- ship found is characteriatical only for the hydrogen permeability through steels of a definite structure, namely those containing lamellar perlite. There aret 1 graph and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. S.M. Kirova (Ural Poly- technical Institute imeni S.M. Kirov), Sverdlovsk. Card 2/2 2L[O), 24(2), 18(3) SOV/126-7-2-37/39 AU-THORS: Golldber6, A. I., Lipatova, I.I. A. and Gel'd, F. V. The Effect of Decomposition of Leboite on Electrical Properties of Iron-Silicon (Vliyaniye raspada leboita na elektricheskiye ovoi,stva splavov zheleza s kremniyem) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 2, PP 316-317 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Leboite and disilicides of ct-,romium and manganese exhibit semiconducting properties (Refs 1-6). These properties, in conjunction wLth their lo-i; thermal conductivity (Refs 3,7), give irriterest to these materials. For this t,-e istudied the effect of composition on thet!-~er~aoelectric I~uaer, -the Hall constant and eleC4 Uricul or_~nduct'61.-Itj- of FeSi-Si alloys. Measurements were car:-ied f)ut at roozi temperature on cast cylindrical samples. Tc ottain the hiGh- temperature modificatiorl the samples were annealed for four hours at 10OU 0 and thui:i -luenched in water. To stabilize P-leboite,, saim' loc. were annealed for 10-12 hours at 800 C and then cooled Card 1/4 gradually to room temperature. The Hall e.T2.f. was '-'() V/126-7-2-37 '39 The Effect of Decomposition of Leboite on Bleztrical Pronerties of Iron-Silicon Alloys measured at applied magnetic fields from 17000-23000 oersted. The electrical resistance and thermoelectric power were measured simultaneously ;;ituh the Hall effect.- by a method described earlier (Itof 1). It was found that electrical properties of iron-silicon alloys are very sensitive to the phase state of leboite. This is due to the fact that the hit;h-1;eiiT:eratuve u-phas,.~ has an electrical resistivity, Hall, co;,istant arld thermo- electric power, about three orderc, lower than those of the low- temperature modificatior- (P-Ielooite). Thermo- electric power a depends stron,_,.!'~ on ti.-.e alloy composition. It is cormparativ(,I,,~, z~t low cont-,nts of leboite but rises stroniSly o-i ap-proach to the stoichionietric composition of P-leboite and then falls rapidly, changing its sign above 55 wt.% og Si. At its maximum the value of a reaches 0.035 mV1 C. Other properties of these alloys also defend str8ngly on composition. In particular (Fig 1 the 20 C isotherms of Card 2/4 electrical resistivity and the Hall constant (RX) 00 V/126-7-2-37/39 TheEffect of Decomposition of Leboite on i,;lectrical Properties of Iron-Silicon Alloys are similar to the thermoelectric power isotherm. The maxima of C" () and R occur at practically the same composition. The highx values of a P (max. of 2.0 and R (max. of 20 c..-.s, units) confirm that P-leboite is ~ semiconductor.- In alloys containing UP to 55 "It.% of Sil the hole mechanism of conductivity predominat1g; thq hole density is of the order of (3-5) x 10 cm-2 and their mobility is of the order of 2 -1 1 1 cm see V_ Alloys with more than 55 wt.% of Si have predominantly electron conductivity. Electrical properties of alloys containing cx-leboite are quite different Up to the point when Si ser)arates out (55 wt.% ;.f Si) alloys with oL-lebuite exhibit low thermo- electric power, electrical reois4-ivity 9~~_d Hall constant (Fig 2). This indicates that the semiconducting properties are lost on transi-~,ion froin O-leboite to a-leboite. A certain scatter of v;_l,,~es of electrical conductivity of quenched samples (witi, oL-leboite) is due to microcracks which are produced_', Ly lare volume Card 3/4 changes on transition to cc-leboite. SOV/12'~-V-2-37/39 The Effect of Decomposition of Leboite on Eluctrical Properties of Iron-Silicon Alloys There are 2 figures and 9 Sovi%.-t veferences. (Note: This is an abridged trwislation) ASSOCIATIO14: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S..'.I.Kirova (Ural Polytechnical Institute i!aeni S. M. Kirov) SURMITTED: February 19, 1958 Card 4/4 67727 IL;ishov.,__V,_ It. and Gelld P. V. ;~eml~ep ~ihe Electrical Conductivity ? of _4~u4~q _Aqpt~nde-nce ~f leboite (Temperaturnaya zaviL;j-mo.,3t' 01C'k-trODrovodno,-t-i leboita) P-L~Rik~-jijAlj- Li'izika metalluv i Lietallovedeniyov 19599 Vol '/, I.Ir 39 pj) L[-3-4'-5 0 ia Sarlier studios of the properties of L-boite (it-,f 1) shovied that it can e xi st iii tvio raodif ic at ions: a lovi- temperature 0-form and a hiLjh-tew~,-eratuiv a-foim. The ~-fovm, stable below 956(;, 1-- a semiconductor. 'The a-fona exhibits taetallic conduction. All thece data were obtained ut room teial)craturo. ,eh(,- present paper reports an extension of earlier viork- to -a v.,ider rano-e of teraper--turc.-s; thQ authors Lieasured the el8c-u-i,ical conductivity of leboite between 20 and 1000 G. Leboite was prepared from silicon with 1(,,s!j -uhvii Ox.~, of iva)urities and from izz-~ Of co.11!-),-~ri~5on one saw,.)le electrolytic iron. Vor the SLL! 1~ - was pi-epared from technicul :silicon of .-,"1--0 6rade and tranufomer steel. of 5)u iiaii len,,"Uh and ima diameter -weiv preparad by --UC.Linf-in L101~en leboite C, Card 1/3 inco quartz tubes. Some of tile ... evr-~ aiulealed at 67727 Lepeadence of I-Ohe !Aecti!ical ;onductivity of Leboite 60(?C for 20 hours in order to -sUabilize P-leboite. Other ouiii.)~es urcro subjected to hohlo.c'nizin._, ~.,fuiualinu at 1100 0 and oubsequerit quonchirq~; Lhi3 %-.,as d-ne in orler 4;1-o fix tile a-leboite stiuct-Oure. ~Ohe electrical coaductiviA;y was measured by the uziLtI co .;pens atio n circuit. During iaeasum~ment sai.,iplos were heated in an atmosphere of purified nitrogen. The r,~sul-'Ujs are shown on a semi-lo(,aritl4aic scale in FiL; 1, where lo- a is plotted a6ainst lC-:V'2. The even-numbeied curves Give the temperature dependence of thu conductivity of stabilized samples and tile odd-iamiluered curvas give, the characteristics of quenchad staLiples. --,"he even-nunbered curve.,,, sho-~.,- that thu elect-vical conduclUivity of P-leboi-Ue ri,,es rapidly with tewporature. Tho co;.opara~ively lov/ olecb:c-ical conductivity -and tilt, positive lUe!nerature coefficient confiim the semiconaac-~in- naturc of P-leboite. The forbidden band width of P-loboit-e is 0.2 eV at room Jard 2/3 tooPerature and is not very son_'itiva to the Ulicon e, 67727 ,W/126-7-3-34/44 -2eikiperature Dependence of -the i~lectrical Conductivity of Leboite content (curves 2, 4, 6) and the amount of impurities present (curve 8). Near tile limit of -s-tability of P-leboite the forbidden band wiath reaches 1-0-1,3 eV. I U V The odd-numbered curves confiriii `iie me"allic nature of tile conduction of a-leboite; its 1.,:!Sistivity is c ompara, Live ly small boti.1 in Lho ca3e of ai,iplcs prepared .C. (c J.rom pure hiaterials urveL 11 31 5) aui in '41-he care of samples made from tochxiical 7). 0 .tuunched a-leboite viaZ stable u--) to abcuL 600-650 C. At hijaer temperatures it U_t~coiapozed into ~-leboite and .silicon and its resistivity increased. Tile rate of trans.-Co6mation from a into 0-form roc,,o rapidly Ylear 750-800 C which uj~recd '1; 11 with oarlier (dilatometric) results (Ref 4). There are I fi,,,uro and 4 Joviet roicruiiceo. A60 k, 0 1.1 Urallskiy politQi~hniclieskdy institut ineni "."'.Kirova CiLr4j_~Lq1.DjqcI-jnical lilstiW-,;e i.f_kAroy) Jwle r/, 1958 %/a.rd 3/3 SOV/126-7-4-18/26 AUTHORS: Krasovskaya, A.K. and Gelld, P.V. TlTLE: Distribution of Chromium in Sulphide Scale on iron.- Chromium Alloys PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i, 1959, Vol 7, Nr pp 626-627 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By means of X-ray and metallographic analysis, the authors studied the scale formed on iron-chromium alloys containing from 1 to 29!o Cr held for 2 to 6 hours at 8006C in the presence of .4ulphur vapour. They found that scale formed under these co;iditions consisted of two layers: a surface layer and an under-layer with chromium in the form of FeCr2S4 (spinel). concentrated mainly in the outer part of the under-layer. In alloys containing less than 4% Cr, the FeCr2S4 grains were so small that they were not resolved at 600 magnification. They became larger (0-03 to 0-05 Dim) in alloys containing 4 to 121i Cr, while in alloys with the chromium content higher titan 12%. a continuous layer of FeCr,3Sh was formed, separating the outer and the inner layers of the scale. A micro-photograph of scale formed on in alloy containing Card 1/4 171; Cr is reproduced in Fig 1, showing: A - the outer suv/i26-7-4-16/26 Distribution of' Chromium in Sulphide Scale on Iron-Chromium Alloys layer; B - the continuous layer of' FeCr2S4; V - the under-layer. The temperature dependence of electrical conductivity, a, of this (FeCr254) part of the scale and of pyrrhotine (FeS) was determined, and it was found that: (1) tiie activation energy of the process in spinel is higher than that in FeS (0.2eV against. 0. 04ev) i(2) the conductivity of spiliel is low: at -186 C/Osginel:Opyrrhotine as 10 - 30- Thus, it was shown that t e resistance of high chromium content steels to the action of sulphur at high temperatures is due to the formation of a protective layer of FeCr2S4. Regarding the fact that this compound is formed not in the immediate vicinity of the metal but at the interface of the two scale layers, the authors offer an explanation based on the possibility of the formation of divalent and trivalent chromium cations. The inner layer of the scale is formed by the interaction between the sulphur atoms diffusing through the sulphide layer and the atoms of both iron and chromiun. Under the conditions of intimate contact with the inetal which acts as a reducing Card 2/4 agent (me + M3+-421-Ie2+), sulrjjiLie, containing mainly sov/i.26-7-4-18/26 Distribution of Chromium in Sulphide Scale on Iron-Chromium Alloys divalent cations, is formed. Since in this region of the system the iron content is higioer thasi the chromium content, and the number of lattice defects in pyrrhotine is small, the concentration of trivalent chromium cations due to reaction Fe2+ + Cr3+ p:~FO+ + Cr2* will be quite small. For this reason, arid also due to isamorphisni arid similarity of the parameters (if CrS arid FeS (which forni a continuous series of solid suit-tious), pyrrhotirte alloyed with chromium is fornied in this part of the scale. Diffusion of the Fe arid Cr cations to the outer layer of the scale results (due to higher mobility of Fe2+ cations) in an irLcrease of the concentration of the Cr cations in the inner layer of the scale. Owing to this arid to the growing number of defects in pyrrhotine, as the diffusing Cr cations approach the outer part of the under-layer, they charige their charge arid become trivalent. With increasing concentration of the trivalent Cr cations in the sulphide lattice, favourable conditions are created for the formation of spinel. The authors conclude by drawing attention to the fact that at higher temperatures Card 3/4 (at which the activation energy of the diffusion and SOV/126-7-4-18/26 Distribution of Chromium in Sulphide Scale on iron-Chromium Alloys electrical conduction processes in spinel is comparatively high) the protective power of chromium diminishes. Thus, the ratio of constants characterising the rates of oxidisation of alloys with 1.09 and 17.46s Cr at 5000C is equal to 570 and at 600*C Only 55, which means that with rising temperature the permeability of the sulphide spinel increases more rapidly than that of pyrrhotine. There is I figure and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 1 German. ASSOCIATION:Urallskiy politeklinicheskiy institut imeni S.M.Kirova (Ural Polytechnical Institute imeni S.M.Kirov) SUBMITTED: May 16, 1958 Card 4/4 SOV/120'- --7-5-16/2' AUTHORS: Ryabov, R. A. and TITLE: Relationship Between the Structural and Diffusion Prop- erties of Stools (SvTaz' atrukturnykh i diffuzionnykh kharaktariatik staley) PERIODICAL: Fizika metalloy i metallovedeniye, Vol 7, Nr 5, pp 732-741 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The authors undertook a detailed study of the dependence of the rate of hydrogen penetration through steel on the conditiono under which the second transformation stop is brought about. The rate of hydrogen penetration J was determined by measuring the quantity of hydrogen M passing through a flat steel membrane of thickness 9 and cross-sectional area a in time -r by the formula J a M/-ra (Ryabov, Ref.5); hence the penetration constant Card je/_~'/P-l 1/3 where pi is the hydrogen pressure on entering the membrane. An apparatus was used consisting of a hydrogen generator, (/C SOV/ 1 5 Relationship Between the Structural and Diffusion Properties of Stools a diffusion block with the specimen and a vacuum block for do-gassing the apparatus at the beginning of the experiment as well as for measuring the quantity of hydrogen diffused (Fig.2). The results of the study of stool 3?,2,-43M which tends to deTe'Lop the second transformation stop are shown in Fig.3. In Fig*4 the Influence of' temperature oa the penetration of hydrogen through the stool 3KhNam is shown. Measurements were carried out during cooling. In Fig.5 thre dependence of hydrogen penetration through stool on temperature is shown. Measurements were taken during coolivg. Fig.6 shows the influence of the temperature from which stool 34F1112M is cooled on hydrogen penetration. Measurements were carried out during cooling. F1g.7 shows the influence of toWerature and thermal history of the specimen on the penetration of hydrogen through steel 2OX12N4A., Measurements were carried out during cooling. Fig.8 shows isobars of hydrogen penetration through the stool 40KORk. The authora arrive at the following conclusiona: Card 1. In temperature ranges in which an intense decomposition of 2/3 austenito takes place the constant of hydrogen penetration in stool sharply increases with simultaneous decrease in the SOV/126---7-5-16/25 Relationship Between the Structural and Diffusion Properties of Steels activation energy of' the process. 2. In different steels the completeness of austenite do- compoaition in the first stop and hence the extent of decomposition in the second step are different and can be determined by tho chemical composlLion of the steel as well as by its cooling rate. These relationships are fully reflectea in the curves representing the temperature dependence of the constant of hydrogen penetration through steel. This enables the use of this method for the study of structural transformations In steels on the one hand, and on tne other (and this is in practice more important) it enables the Card influence of' various types of' thermo-mechanical treatment of 3/3 steels on their gas saturation to be estimatea. There are 8 figures and 14 references, of which 11 are Soviet, 2 English and I Uerman ASSOCIATIUN: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S. 9. iiirova (Urals Polytechnic Institute imeni S. M. Kirov) SUBMITTED: May 17, 1957 66239 sov/i26-8-3-26/33 AUTHOM Sidorenkoq F.A., Gelld, P.V. and Dubrovskaya, L.B. TITLEt On the Type of Defe'ca ~'a-'Ieboite PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 3, pp 465-466 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that the lattice parameters decrease with increase in silicon content in the Y.-phase (a-leboite) of the Fe-Si system, the assumption was made by Phragmen (Ref 1) that iron bi-milicide-base substitutional solid solutions are formed. A precise determination of the densities of leboite alloys and their lattice parameters have, however, led to results which contradict this assumption. An investigation has been carried out with alloys prepared in a tungsten vacuum furnace from pure (99.95% Si) silicon and P-41 carbonyl iron. The alloys were homogenized in vacuum at 1060 C for 100 hours. The densities of powders, crushed in an agate mortar, were measured by a pycnometric mettiod in an evacuated pycnameter. The lattice parameters were determined with a bPC-3 camera. Their dimensions for alloys of different compositions (see Table) show that the Card 1/3 phase under investigation is stable in the concentra ti /-0014/'Zz~/." 14-10~' S /,", - k"'- 17 66239 on the Type of Defects in a-Leboite SOV/126-8-3-26/33 Card 2/3 range 53.5 to 56.5% Sis which agrees with 11aughton and Becker's data (Ref 2). From the density and lattice parameters the number of atoms of iron and silicon per unit cell have been calculated (see Table). It was found that in the whole a-leboite range there are almost exactly 2 atoms of silicon (1.99) per unit cell and the number of atoms of iron decreases steadily from 0.87 (53.5% Si) to 0.77 (56-5% Si) which points to the formation of holes in the iron sublattice. A comparison between X-ray and experimental densities confirms the above conclusion. X-ray determination of thermal expansion coefficients along the axes of the a-leboite lattice has shown that the expansion coefficients increase on transition to low-iron leboite; the expansion coefficient increases particularly in the (001) planes along iron atoms which corresponds to the hole model structure of the I a-phase. There are I table and 2 English references. n.b. This is a complete translation, except Table. /0'0 ~4 00 66242 SOV/126-8-3-30/33 AUTHORS: Golldberg, A.I., Lipatova, V.A. and Gelld TITLEs The Electrical Conductivity and the Hall Effect in Alloys of Iron and Silicon, Containing Leboite, at High Temperatures PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 3, PP 472-475 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In an earlier paper (Ref 1) the authors reported their results of investigation of the electrical properties of P-leboite at room temperature; it was concluded that, in contrast to the I ot-phase, the '4e, g-phase is a semiconductor. To check this conclusion, the aut ors studied the temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity and the Hall effect of alloys of iron and silicon containing from 40 to 80% Si (by weight) at temperatures from 20 to 350*C. The alloys were prepared in an induction furnace using silicon of Kr.O grade and Armco iron. Samples were prepared by sucking in the melt into quartz capillaries of 2.5 to 4.0 min diameter. The low-temperature modification of laboite was obtained by annealing at 8oO*C (Ref 20). All measurements were carried out employing the usual compensation apparatus and pressure contacts. It was Card 1/5 found that alloys with more than 45N Si exhibit th ty ical 66242 sov/126-8-3-30/33 The Electrical Conductivity and the Hall Effect in Alloys of iron and Silicon, Containing Leboite, at High Temperatures semiconductor type of variation of the electrical resistance with temperature. The exponential dependence of the resistance on temperature is particularly clear in 19 amples containing 49 to 51% Si. These samples are closest in their composition to the I p-phase. Moreover, their compositions are the same as those at which maxima of the electrical resistance, the Hall constant and the differential thermo-electric power occur on the curves representing composition against property; such maxima .-are found both at room and at higher temperatures. Outside the leboite region, all samples also exhibit semiconducting properties but the latter are less pronounced. In alloys containing 40 to 45% Si metallic conductivity predominates. Fig I shows the experimental data obtained for some of the samples plotted in coordinates of log a (a is the conductivity) against T-1 (Vis the absolute temperature). Fig 1 shows that the -c onductivity of samples containing 50 to 55% Si is cbnisiderably greater than that of all the other samples Card 2/5 and that alloys with 49 to 51% Si have the lowest 66242 SOV/126-8-3-30/33 The Electrical Conductivity and the Hall Effect in Alloys of Iron and Silicon, Containing Leboite, at High Temperatures conductivity. From the straight lines of Fig 1, the following impurity-centre activation energies (in eV) were obtained (the values in brackets denote S Si by weight): 0.13 (48%X '0.20 09t51), 0.18 (53), 0.17 (55), 0.13 (57), 0.12 (59) 0-08 ( 5). 0.04 (75..80). The latter values show that there is a maximum in the dependence of the activation energy on the amount of silicon at compositions close to that of P-leboite. The temperature dependence of the Hall constant was measured only for some of the samples since, in the case of others. no reliable values could be obt ined because of high scatter. Magnetic fields of IOZ Oe were applied during these measurements and two directions of the field and current were used. The results obtained are given in Fig 2 which shown that the absolute value of the Hall constant of all samples decreases with increase of temperature. This indicates that the impurity carrier density rises with increase of temperature. Samples with 49 to 51% Si have positive Hall constants, ie their Card 3/5 conductivity is of the hole type. This conclusion grees "7 66242 SOV/126-8-3-30/33 The Electrical Conductivity and the Hall Effect in Alloys of iron and Silicon, Containing Leboite, at High Temperatures with earlier measurements of the thermoelectric power (Ref 1). Outside the leboite region, the [fall constant is negative and its sign is reversed at 53 to 54% Si. In the Same region of concentrations a reversal of the sign of the differential thermoelectric power was observed earlier; it is due to the presence of silicon crystallites in the alloys. The measurements carried out can be used to estimate the values of the current-carrier density and mobility. For example, the carrier density in the alloys of leboit com3osition at room temperature was found to be 7 x 1019 cm- assuming that the Hall constant RX in given by Rx I/no. The current-carrier mobility for the same alloys amounted to 0.7 cm 2sec-IV-I. The authors conclude that the results reported above confirm the earlier suggestion (Ref 1) of semiconducting properties of the low-temperature modification of leboite. There are 2 figures and 3 Soviet references. Pr- Card 4/5 n.b. This is a complete translation except for figures. 5.4700,iMioo 77 1 3~ 2 SOV/1118-59-9-2/22 AUTHORS: Gertman, Yu. M. (Engineer), Gelld, P. V. (Doctor of Technical Sciences, TITLE: Concerning the Thermochemi3try of Vlangane3e-Sillcon PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh 7avedenly. Chernaya metal- lurgiya, 1959, Nr 91 PP 15-27 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An investigation of the change of enthalpy during the formation of some solid silicides and also of the heats of mixing liquid manganese and sillcon. Some data regarding the specific heats and heats of meltinC 3ili- cides of manganese were published before. The depend- ence of the activity of silicon and maniranese on the composition of melts Mn-Si-C, Mn-S1, an~ 14n-Fe-Si-C wras studied previously by 0. A. Yesin, 11. A. Vatolin, V. A. Kozheurov, N. I. Sablin and B. P. Burylev. The elec- trolytic manganese (about 0.01% C; about 0.01% P; 0.05% S) of Zestafoni Ferroalloy Plant (Zestafonskiy ferrosplavno zavod) and crystalline silicon (98.5% Si; 0 8% Fe; 0.5 Al; 0.2% Ca) of Chelyabinsk Ferroalloy Piant (Chel binakiy ferrooplavnoy zavod) were used for Card 1/7 the experiments. The flakes oi* electrolytic manganese Concerning the Thermochemistry of 77132 Manganese-Silicon SOV/1118-59-9-2/22 were subject to the preliminary melting, in corundum crucibles in the argon atmosphere. The same crucibles were used for the preparation of synthetic alloys Mn-Si of different compositions. The heats of forma- tion of solid solutions (at 200 C) were determined by the method of burning, that is, by the difference of heats of burnt alloy and of burnt mixture of pure components of the same composition. The determination of the heat of formation of solid silicides of mangan- ese (Fig 2),(Of the heat of mixing liquid manganese and silicon Fig It and Fig 6), arid also of the heat of dissolving silicon in the liquid ferromanganese and in ferrosilicomanganese (Figure 7) are discussed. During the study of the heat of formation of solid manganese 3ilicides, it was found that for the monosilicide ,!~iH = - 17.0 kcal/mole. The Study of the heal'. of mixing of liquid manganese and silicon showed that the "first heat" of mixing Is close to 25 kcal/mole. 'The integral heat of mixing changes in accordance with the composition, reaching a maximum (-9.3 kcal/g, atom) for Card 2/7 equiatomic alloy. The authors advanced an idea a - .. - TO F I jr 2. The heat of' "o "MU tion of solid alloys of manganese and sillcon at 200 C. 447 SI.,Vtom regarding the microheterogeneity of the melt and the presence in it of "sibotaxis," eanriched by the tviin complexes MnSi. (Abstracter's Note: The %ord sibotaxis" is unknown In American or RU331an scienti- fic literature. The following may b~: probable com- ponents of this synthetic work, as obtained from the Webster's Dictionary: Taxis (Greek) -arrangement, order; cibation-a process of fee'-ding with fresh Card 3/7 material during the course of opertitlon. The re f ore Concerning the Thermocherniutry of Manganese-Silicon 'd V rale '((I-~2 Sov/i48-59-9-2/22 V'. of st Fig. 11. The change of temperature ok' liquid silicon with consecutive addition to It of one portion of silicon and two portions of inariganese. Card 11/7 C,-OV1i 13 -5 9- -9-2/22 9L ZI, Ja Fig. 6. A comparison of' concentration relationship of partially molar eat content of' silicon in its alloys 9 j Card 5/7 with iron (1,6oo c), cobalt (i,6ooO c), and mangranc-sc, (1,11700 C). Concerning the The viriochernio try of Manganese-Sillcon 6 Card 6/7 SO /14~ -59-9-2/22 Fig. 7. The heat3 of mixing, I 11~qidd silicon with commercial manganese, Vc-rromam-,anese, and silicomarigan- ese. Solid line--a chavack.erlotic oC the pure Rn-Sl system. Concerning the Thermochemi5try of Manganese-Silicon SO'V/148-59-9-2/22 11sibotaxis" probably is the author's version of an idea of microheterogeneity of the melt arid of a con- tinuous feeding of same with fresh material enriched by the twin complexes MnSi). III this connection it is noted that there Is a rather limited applicability of the theory of regular tjolutions to the propertiez.; of the studied systems. It was shown that the "first heats" of dissolving the silicon in cotitmercial in-angan- ese, ferromanganese, and manganese-al-11con (taking into account the silicon which Lo pr~_-oent In th(2m) differ very little from those eotablished for the synthetic alloys Mn-SI, amounting to 25-26 kcal/mole. There are 7 fil'JUres; 11 tableo; and 20 rt~i'erences; ).3 Soviet) 4 German, 1 Belgian, L)t U.S. The U.S. refer- ences are: Chipman, J., Grant, N., Trans. Arner. Soc. Metals, 31J 365,, 19113; Naylor, B. F., J. Chem. Phya., 13, 329, 19115. ASSOCIATIONt Ural Polytechnic Institut (Ut-a-11skly pollte'r-liniche.9kiy institut) SUBMITTED: April 20, 1959 Ca rd -1/7 SUCHILINIKOV. S.I.; GELID. P.V., doktortgkhn.nauk Certain pecullaritiom in the roaottng of molybdenum concentrates. Trudy Ural.politekh.inst. no.75:219-232 159. (MIRk 13:4) (Holybdenuu-Notallurff) NUSINO, P. G.-;-PLID. -F.Te. - -.- -- Imat capacity and changes of the toot hem-Isobar potential duriag the formation of x1oblum dioxidto Tmdy Ural. politekh. I=t. no,92il2l-124 059* (MM 13112) (Nibbium oxide-Therml proportion) AlYANOVSKIY, S-I-,-__GJL#D, F.Y.; SHYMIN, G.P. Stoblum carbides. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no.92tl25-134 159. (mm 13112) (Robtum carbide) KOCH&ROV, F.Y.; GAID, F.Y. -- Blasticity of calcium vapors above fused calcium - alumt= system. Trudy Ural. politakh. inst. no-92tl4l-146 159. (MINA 13M) (Alualwa alloys) (Vapor pressure) p $t 1L 1 It. 2 as 29 ri i 4,4 silt, t 3 9 Rij- JA HI 29036 si/081/61/000/018/007/027 5110 B104/B101 AUTHORS: Gell.d,.P. V., Kocherov, P. V. TITLE: Regulation of liquid calcium - aluminum alloys PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 18, 1961, ~1, abstract IBB363 (Sb. "Stroyeniye i svoystva zhidk. metallov". M., -1960, 194 - 199) TEXT: The enthalpy of two Ca-Al alloys containing 42.5, and 24.3~ by weight of Ca 0was inve3tigated as a function of temperature in the range of LA 200 - 1200 i' - According to its composition, the first of these alloys is similar to the congruently melting compound CaAl 2 (melting point 10790); the second is similar to the incongruently melting compound CaAl (melting 0 4 point 700 0. Results of measurements were compared with quantities calculateu nc.-.ording to the additivity rule. To explain the divergences obtained it is assumed that during the melting process of the intermetallic compounds arid during superheating a considerable charge of the potential energy of the atoms occurs. This is caused by a change of the degree of Card 112 29036 S/091/6!/000/018/007/027 Regulation of liquid... B104 B101 order of f,-isior and by a change of the distance between Farticles and their interqction. I Abstracter's note: Complete translation. I Card 2/2 1'8.9260 (IT(GY SOV/`B-`0-1-30/--)4 ,- 0 AUTHORS: Sidorenko, F. A. TITLE: Concerning thc-~ Structure of Leboite PERIODICAL: Izveotiya vysshilch Uchebnylkh Zavedeniy. Chernaya metal- luwgiya, 1960, Nr 1, PP 171-174 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Thf properties of' leboite, I.e., ~;erniconducting t a-pha3e in Fe-Si system, are very sen:~ltlve to chdng(~~; in 111-he cornpoz;itiorri and altc!r abr;l-p',,,ly a-, the tranz;Vor-mation from high- to modifica- tions. According to G. Phragmu-i wnicl othier lebo-ite of about FeSi 2 compozitior, iz ll-etragfonal; its, space grroup Is D;l h- Pll/ramim; I riole(,-ular .-eight per unit cell; some Fe poritionj are occ;ipied by Si atom.-J. The authors. produced technically pure wid hl~~-~hiy p--re leboitle specimens of FeSi, ccmposltion (51.1 11-o 53% Si) 99-95% p1tre -.;ilicoll -,-lilh vo- r-~arbonyl In Card 11,12 quartz. crucible placed irl tung3ten 1"wrilacu 0.001 to Concerning th,~- Str! -,ire rjf filgh-Temperat ure -1770T Leboite SOV/1.4~31-6o-1-30/34 ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: 0.0001 -.-actzilni., d (-- r (,~ dthe opecimens, ho,,,~o6:,enfzed In at 1,01)0 C for '1,5 11"j, hardened In air and took pc,-.-;der diffraction photograFhs -with camera VRS-3 and Co radiation., or with camera URS-50I and Fe radia- L-1011. 0"or;"f-- were po,.-.-dered and annealed a~ 110.'-~Or) C taVing the (iLt'I'vaction photographs. No dlft'erjncv-- In the diffraction intensity of different specimens was evident at visual inspection if photo- graphs had lbee,-,, taken with VRS-3 and Co radiation. On the other hand, the intensity differences of different diffraction !1nes could be measured having taken the diffractio.n I-'-otographs from powder layers in slides '~`;iS-50I and Fe radiation. T.he -init cell found to be a = 2.69 ',.-.X and C = 5.13 kX; ',he ',,,,t,.,r,atomic distance ~ 2.2(-, kX and Si-to-Fe f r e a r e 211gures; 2 tabled;; and 6 refer- ences, 5 So%,iet, I U.K. The U.K. reference is G. Phra,gmen, J . Iron and Steel Inst, . , 11.4', '397--'03, 1920'. Ural Polytechnic In-,;titute (Urallsir,-Jy polltekhriicheskiy institut) November 17, 195B -ard 2/2 KOCILEROV, P.V.; GEWD, P.V. Equilibrium of gaseous calcium with Ca.-Al alloy-u. Izv. vys. uchob. zav.; chern. mot. no.2:549 160. (MRA 15:5) 1. Urallokiy politekhnicheakiy institut. (Vapor-liquid equilibrium) (Intermetallic compounds) 69656 6/180/60/000/02/012/028 Z/ 12 0 0 RM/E135' AUTHORS: Gelld, P. ., audKusenko. F.G. (Sverdlovsk) TITLE: HA-af Cont and Specific Heat of Niobium Oxides and Carbides at -High Temperatures j\ PERIODICAL: Izvestl~a Akademii nauk SSSR,Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh, nauk, Met-allurgiya i toplivo~ 1960,Nr (USSR) 2) pp )4,9 -1 ABSTRACT: The authors outline the present partly unsatisfactory position on the specific heats and heats of formation of substanags involved in the increasingly important carbothermic process for the reduction of nioblum oxides. Table 1 compares heat-of-formation values given by various workers (Refs 12-16), showing considerable differences. They go on to describe their own investi- gation of the heat contents of n1obium oxides and carbides at 273 to 1840 0K. The nioblum pentoxide used for preparation was purified by fractional precipitation and vacuum heating. Lower oxides were prepared by vacuum heating of briquettes made of this with niobium2 finally Card at 1800 OC. Chemical compositions were determined as 115 described by Gurevich and Ormont (Ref 19) for V - C - 0; phase compositions by X-ray diffraction with a type RKD 69656 8/180/60/000/02/012/028 9111/9135 Heat Content and Specific Heat of Niobium Oxides and Carbides at High Temperatures camera. For temperatures up to 1500 OK the classical method of mixtures was used2 the apparatus and differential method being as described by Serebrennikov and Gelld (Ref 21), with 12-g samples, carefully degassed, sealed in a Pt - 10% Rh capsule. Experimental errors are estimated as not exceeding 0.8-1.0%. For determina- tions at 1500-1840 OK a vacuum high-temperature calori- meter was used, the thermal equivalents of both calorimeters being determined electrically against the 'reliably known (Refs 22, 23) thermal capacity of corundum. Heat capaoities of capsules were found in a special series of experiments. As previously (Ref 21) experiments at 0-25 OC were carried out to convert &H values to 298.16 0K. The heat contents for Nb205 are shown In Table 3. The authors represent their aata which relato Card to the high-temporature modification, by 2/5 &T 38-76 T + 1.77-lo-3T2 + 7.318-105T-1 - 11+162 298#16 (Eq 1) 69656 8/18o/Wooo/n/012/028 3111/3135 Heat Content and Speoifio Heat of Njobium Oxidos and Carbides at High Temperatures and comrr* (Fig 2) their results with those of Orr (Rof 18 . The same Table gives the data for NbQ21 they are represented in Fig 3. The relation is W * l1f.681 T + 3.078-lo-3T2 + 2.421-105T-1 - ~460 Z98.16 (Sq 4.) whll* above 1080 OX It In &HT 298.16 8060 4- 21.28T (Sq 6) The resulto for NbO and Nb are shown in Table 1+ and Fig 4. The relations are represented by, respeetively) allT 10.04T + 1.175-lo-3T2 0.703-105T-1 - 3359 And 298.16 (Sq 8) AHT 8,16 5,60T + o.655-10-3T2 1727 (10) Card 29 The Utter roUtes to a sample with 0.5% by weight of dionolved and oombinod oxygen. for oarbides the results 69656 S/180/60/000/02/012/028 9111/E135 Heat Content and Specific Heat of Nioblum Oxides and Carbides at High Temperatures are shown in Tables 5 and 6 and Fig 5. The relationships are$ NI) Go. 50; &HT 298.16 7.94T + 0.750-lo-3T2 + + 1.025-105T-1 - 2776 (110 Nb CO-749S &H298.16 2- -3T2 + 8.95*T + 1.127-1o + 1.26-lo5T-1 - 3190 (16) Nb C0.867' &H298.16 MOT + o,995-lo-3T2 + + 1.51-105T-1 -3485 (18) Nb C a T 00 Hi98 1 16 10-79T + 0.863-lo-3T2 + . . + 2.15-105T-1 -4013 (20) The authors point ou t that their data together with Card available data can b e used for thermodynamic calculations 4/5 on equilibria in the systems Nb - C - 0 and Nb - H - 0 and related ones. LK 69656 S/180/60/000/02/012/028 211119135 Heat Content and Specific Heat of Niobium Oxides and Carbides at High Temperatures There are 5 figures~ 6 tables and 24 referencest of which 12 are Soviet, 10 English and 2 German. SUBMITTED: November 30t 1959 IGISIMV Mi.; GELID, P.V, Blectrio conductivity or solid ailicon solutions in iron at high temperatures. I-.v. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. no.2: 90-014 160 - (-'Ml 15:5) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institut. (Iron-silicon alloys-Electric properties) (Pletalts at high4temperatures) / t L 824h0 3/14g/6o/ooo/1004/1003/1009 ,67.42 o 0 AUTHORS: Yusenko, F.G., Gel'd, P.V. TITLE: On Some Properties of 02~ PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, 1960, No. 4, pp. 102-106 1 TEXT: In a paper published recently on the heat capacity of Nb02 within a temperature range of 298-1,5000K, the authors assumed that there was a phase trans- formation near 7500C. To check this assumption and tb study the properties of NbO2 near the temperature of the supposed transformation, the authors investigated the heat content, electric conductivity and thermal expansion of synthetic NbO2 within 298-1,5000K. The NbO2 compound was prepared from a briquetted mixture of purified niobium pentoxide and nioblum metal powder, by annealing at 1,5000C in a tungsten vacuwn furnace. The temperature dependence of the NbO2 heat content was investigated by the differential mixing method. To protect the preparation from oxidation, it was placed in a platinum-rhodium alloy ampoule. The heat content of the empty ampoule and of one containing the sample was investigated in an adiabatic calorimeter. The temperature was measured by a potentiometer, Results of the experiments are shown in Graph 1. The temperature dependence of NbO2 heat Card 1/2 On Some Properties of NbO2 82h4o S/149/60/000/004/003/009 content up to 1,0100K can be expressed by the MayerjKelly formula (1): A T 8 a . -546o + 14.681 T + 3.o78 - 10-3T2 - 2.421 - lo5r- . The temperature depe dence of the NbO2 heat capacity is described by formula (2)-. CP a 14.681 + 6.156 - . lo-3T - 2.421- 105T-2., Above 1,0800K the heat content increases linearly with temperature up to 1,5000K. In the range of 1,010-1,0800K the heat content in- creases at an anomalously high rate, resembling temperature dependences of substances undergoing phase transformations of second order. The heat capacity Increases rapidly but monotonously with raising temperature up to 1,0100K. It is constant over 1,0800K. Between 1,010 and 1.0800K a typical ?L-point is observed. The data obtained indicate the possible phase transformation of NbO2 near 7500C. To verify this, the temperature dependence of electric conductivity and thermal expansion of NbO2 were studied. It was established that NbO2 was a semiconductor whose energy gap changed from 0.66 ev at 2980 - 7150K to 1.41 ev at 9500-1,0500K. The trans- formation of NbO2 appears on a graph (3) where the curve IT-~p (T) suffers an abrupt bend at 1.0500K. Dilatograms of two NbO2 samples (Fig. 4) reveal clearly the changes in the temperature curves of expansion near 1.0500K. Consequently, the conclusion Is drawn that NbO2 undergoes a phase transformation near 1.0400K. There are 4 graphs and 9 references: 7 Soviet and 2 English. ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy pol-itekhnicheskiy institut (Ural ftlytechnic Institute) SUBMITTED: September 18, 1959 Card 2/2 AUTHORS., TITLE ~5736 S/!48/60/000/004/003/006 Ai6l/AI)29 Gol'dberg, A.I., LiPatcva, V.V, Gel-6. P.V. Electrioal Provertles ef the F-?Si-S! Alloy System FU11OD1^1AL-. lvias-!Aya vvsshiyb- uchebrxykh zavedenly -- Cnernaya metallurglya, 1( .0 .~'O, Nc. 4, pp. 121-127 TEM. T,e IDw-temoeratvre modification of thea-phasse of ~he Fe-S1 syis- "em h." iemiacniaator properties, whi:h has bAsn prcven btrfor-~t (Ref. 1.2), bUl Ithe W34eria', investigated w-" of comvwclal puzlty. To g-?t, more accurat-~; . . J. lat.a &r- Inveietigation has been carr-led out of alloye made of alect--'oiyti:~ Iron and splinters of singb-~ Zryatal p-LIlicon m3lt~!n In qna.-Iz cru,-,Ibles in it Mgh- frequency induc,",ion furnaoe. Th,~ alloyz contained M., Mg, Kn, Pb, Ni and Cr In a Quantity not, a1mve 0.001 %. The condu^tivity, the Fail .~:-nstant wid ther- melectric,4 force wai Te-i"red ~Ln t.h-. temperatur,~ r&ng.-? fr-om 20 to 4001ci A po"er.Uomttr.*.-- dwice d6zcriberl in (Rif. ~) was u3f~d t-rat. trakes similtaneous c?' all these thre,,~ charsAerJst.1,,5 pon.alv~e. The data obtained ,u-9 1111j3trat,~IJ by graphs. Pronounzed Eemicon-jucton prcper,~A"A of the W -- pha--e ar),j concu~,!Jv1T,7 we---~ prcv,--n. Alloy~w 18 to 100 % 31 had tc low (Fig. 2) with positive tempera~,Are cceffl:,Ifent indi,2ating C and 1 E5736 s /,, 48,/6c)/ooq/oo4/oo,4 IoY. A16i/Ac,29 Prop -~:-t I z..-- of the FPSI-31 AI'loy semiconduc"r p-ropertisa. Judging t:,i prjlytberm--'~ ~Flg, 2), wlte, high C C-Ont%,rl~ OIL P-latc1te were up to , 0-4000C oondu!-.tive thr-,DuSh oiloving con.3ti- and th,~n eigenconductiva In a relstlv~ily tA,.!--cw t.,~mperaturp- rang,-e!. Alloys with tUc_h,--.r S1. content had a romp a:- till v(e I if long :%beLrd,%ter1st.1^&1 tran?i- +.I,,n r&rga between 2000C and a-xoltation of elg,~naonduc.,'Ilvlty at atKijt 4ffP-C. 7ble agrA6.z will literiture data (Ref. 4) cn th~ p.-or~~rfies of SI. of dtf- In g-lneral, the ahqxa~t-s~js* 'Ica )f allov5 and pure tLlloya et-udl-~d aLrq comd".derably difforent. Fir:~t. rf a11, the Current :.&7-rier3 In P-1-9bolte have differAnt signr ccmmer-.'~jl alloys havlt hole con- du:~ttvit.y, &n,i purzor alloya olectroni^ cc-rductiv:11,y Trus 's directly con- n,e:,ted w4.*,h the. A! nontent. ~ab--ut 0.2 9f in ~~omwer~~Ial It-toite), who!Fc- effect,,, -ncvg-,i sinvEt "or.,j7 (Ref. 9j. It Js axDz-ct--i t4at p-Y) t-ransfers wV be ot- k .1 1 % U:It. b 4~ in j?-1Ptoi1;A, P. 'P, Irj alloying it. wll;.h c6tim-Inam, wi-J th t p 1e clab c,an b~-- I.n couple with alloypd aluminum in th~-:-n-ocoupL,~:~ with high t.6mf f0:!, temp6rat.,,).r~- m,~&.:,uremant-3 In bigh Tanv-4~ i;p t.-- 800-'Y)0oc in orroelvf. inve-9tigatione -~f th-? are ndce~~A~~ry, ma-!nly to eic"?.e,.mdne the of diffAr,3nt I, ana for the contAn'. C,3--j 85736 S/148/60/000/004/003/006 A161/AO29 Electrical Properties of the FcSi-Si Alloy System of the semiconductive P -phase of leboite. There are 8 graphs and 9 referorxe.~: 7 Soviet, 2 English. ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy politekhnicheskly institut (Ural Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: July 14, 1959 Figure 2: Polytherms of Electric Conductivity Card 3/3 88042 s/139/6o/ooo/oWoo4/032 4?.4300 (aj4d 1143J 115y) 9032/9314 AUTHORSt Korshunov, V.A. and TITLE: The Electrical Resistivity and Thermoelectric Power of Magnanese-silicon Alloys, 1. Technical Alloys Containing Mn Si and Ma Si 3 5 3 PERIODICAL: lavestiya wyashikh uchobnykh zavedeniy, Irisika, 1960, No. 6, pp. 29 - 34 TEXT: Preliminary results of the work now reported were published in Ref. 4. It was shown there that some of theme, alloys have ebmiconducting,properties. This iconclusion was confirmed by Guseva and Ovechkin (Ref- 5) and DorAisan (Rof. 6) in the case of CrSi 2 and Mai 2# The present paper reports data on the temperature dependence of the resistivity cr in *hm temperature interval 20 - 1 350 0C and the thermoelectric power a in the temperature interval 20 - 700 0C for alloys of technical Si and electrolytic Mn containing between 14 and 22% Si by weight. The alloys were prepared from electrolytic Mn (99.88% Mnj Ce Pi Al, Si, Ti approximately 0.01% each) Card 1/3 8W42 S/139/6o/ooo/oo6/004/032 E032/2314 The Electrical Resistivity and Thermoelectric Power of Manganese-silicon Alloys. I. Technical Alloys Containing Mn321 and Nn 5Si3 and crystalline silicon of type KpO (Kro) (98.5% Sig 0.5% Fe, ^,,, 0.2% Ca and - 0.2% Al). Weighed portions of theme materials were placed in quartz containers and outSassed at 700 - 800 OC. The quartz containers were then sealed-off and the alloys were produced by heating in an induction furnace. The rem iativity was measured solid and liquid states, using the method described by R*Sell in Ref. 11. The res- istivity was measured to an accuracy of 4-5%. In the cam* of the thermoelectric so wer surements,temperature differences of the order of 10 wer7produced by special nichrome heaters. Thermal expansion corrections for or were introduced in accordance with the method desclibed by the present authors in Ref. 12. It was found that the temperature coefficient of resistivity chanSes from "metallic" tol%emi- conducting" at a temperature of about 500 OC. The Card 2/3 8802 s/139/60/ooo/006/004/032 9032/9314 The Electrical Resistivity and Thermoelectric Power of Manganese-silicon Alloys. I. Technical Alloys Containing Mn3Si and Nn5 Si3 semiconducting character of the curve representing the resistivity as a function of temperature is preserved on transition to the liquid state. Thermal e.m.f. studies showed that hole-type conductivity obtains. it in sugg ted that the current-carrier gas at room temperature is degenerate. There are 3 figures and 20 Soviet referenc::. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut imeni S.M. Kirova (Ural Polytechnical Institute imeni S.M. Kirov) SUBMITTEDi January 14, 1960 Card 3/3 UU104 I Zoo 14!N 11149 S/180/60/000/006/024/030 9111/E335 AUTHORS: "lld P.V., Korshunov. V.A. and Petrushevskiy, M.S. (S__-L-P;V 't' (Sverdlo~vsO~ ver TITLE: some Peculiarities of Liquid Alloys of Silicon With Iron, Manganese and Chromium PERIODICAL: Isvestiyo Akadenii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhmicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya, i toplivo, 1960, No. 6, pp. 129 - 134 TEXT: The authon point out that the thermodynamic properties of liquid alloys of silicon with transition elements of the fourth period deviate substantially from the laws of both ideal and regular solutions (Refs. 1, 2). They class such silicido solutions an solutions with strongly interacting particles, whose theory has not yet been fully developed. Of the various models proposed to represent the structural characteristics corresponding to these features, the authors favour those envisaging a micro-h*terogeneous structure with closest order. They cite evidence against the alternative model with uniform (statistical) particle distribution and survey critically Card 1/3 86704 s/I8o/6o/ooo/oo6/024/030 EllI/E335 Some Peculiarities of Liquid Alloys of Silicon With Iron, Manganese and Chromium coefficient in Fe-Si-C than in Mn-Si-C (Ref. 18) (Fig. 3) is understandable in that iron atoms are wore weakly combined with carbon particles (and more strongly with silicon) than manganese atoms. because of the lower bonding energy of chromium with silicon and higher with carbon, the solubility of carbon in Fe-Cr-Si-C is higher (Fig. 4) than in the other systems considered; the influence of iron on chromium is also more pronounced. The differences in separation of carborundum crystals from the different melts is due to such effects. of the authors, Gelld has made many contributions in this field. There are 4 figures and 18 referencess 15 Soviet and 3 non-Sovi*t. SUBMITTEDs August 26. 1960 Card 3/3 86705 s/l8o/6o/ooo/oo6/O25/O3O 1ZVb Elll/E335 AUTHORS: Gel Id, P.V. and Gertman, Yu.M. (Sverdlovsk) TITLE: Interparticle Interaction in Liquid Alloys of Silicon with Iron and Nickel PERIODICAL: layestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metellurgiya i toplivo, ig6o, No. 6. pp. 134 - 13-7 TEXT: Numerous studies of liquid alloys of sil.icon with transition metals of the fourth period have indicated that alloying in accompanied by a great increase in particle interaction. Gelld et al (Refs. 1, 2) have proposed the formation of quasimolecules with directed bonds which produce the cybotactic microheterogeneous structure. This has been confirmed (Ref. 3). To obtain further information the authors determined density isotherms at 1500 0C for alloys of silicon with iron and nickel. Density. d, g/cm 31 an a function of vol. % iron (0-100) in shown in Fig. 1; density values are above additive throughout. On fusion silicon density risen Card 1/4 86705 s/18o/60/000/006/025/030 Elll/E335 Interparticle Interaction in Liquid Alloys of Silicon with Iron and Nickel by about 9%, about double the reported rise for germanium (Refs. 6, 7) and fusion is probably associated with an increase in coordination number, delocalization of valency electrons (Refs. 7, 9) and a large decrease in resistivity (Ref. 7). Density changes suggest that in silicon-high liquid alloys there are stable groupings structurally related to alpha-lebeauite and the c-phase. Nickel silicon alloys provide a further illustration of the role of coordination. Here, the greatest deviation of density from the additivity relation occurs at compositions corresponding to the congruently melting N12si (Fig. 2). The comparatively small decrease in volume on forming the Ni-Si melt is understandable in terms of coordination effects Card 2/4