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'j I i.0 TITI3: Lucuinoscance of Lithium Hydride SOV/51-7-3-13/21 Optika i tspoktroslcopiya, 1959, Vol 7, rr 3, pp 371-375 (USSR) '1~,GT; Lit'nium hydride crystals should be colourless and transparont. Under 13 T, the action of light und hoat the crystals become either blue or blue grey. They ."y also bacoLia coloured in the proceas of preparation ~hdditive" coloration). The author found that the additively and photochemically coloured lithium hydride crystals strongly luminesced when excited with light from a marcury lamp. The luminescence aas predominantly orange-red in colour. The crystals rare of 2-5 mm dimensions and all operations vAth thva ware carried out in an atnosphero of chemically pure argon. The luminescence spectra were recorded In the visible and Infrared regions by Laeans of an ISF-51 spectrograph. It mercury lamp FRK-4 (365 m1i) was used as the source. The luminescence spectra of LiH ware found to consist of three bands with maxima at 5970, 6550 and 7180 4 (Fig 1). The 5970 A maximum is clearest in crystals rihose luminescence is orange-red in colour. The crystals vith bright red luminescence haid rd 1/2 a i.,iaximura at 6550 A. Infrared luminescence mas intense, e5Decially In crystals with dark-red emission. The author studied also ;amperature U.-dnoucenca of Lithiwa Hydride SOII/51-7-3-13/21 quenching of the LiH luminescence. For this purpose he used p6r4ers and a a,~ain all the oDerations were carried out in an atmosphere of nitrogen. -ur h,3 tam;)srat e quenchin: (Figs 2,3) vris found to obey a formula first by Gurney and Lott ZRef 1): 1 + C.0-U/kT Oheizj,ic~tl analysis showed thit the luminescent crystals of lithium. hydrids differed from the non-lwainaacent ones by the presence of a small amount kabout 0.4;q) of excess lithium and some Impti-rities (Na, Mg, Cu and Si). It is sugGestad that lwainescence of lithium hydride Is due to the excess lithiui3. Othor Impurities holo in forxation of lithium emission centres by prmaoting; the process of dissociation of LiH. A%6cnowledgments are made to 3-1. Fedorovskaya and IT.K. i(aichimovich for their help in carrying out .xperiments. There are I figuras, 1 table and 7 references, 4 of which !-r-j Sovieti, 2 English and 1 French. Dj-.:a.Lb3r 11, 1958 2'/2 S'/032/60/0~'(/65/20/0611 B010/B005 AUTHORS: Gavrilov, F. F., Fedorovskaya, M~ I., Yakhimovich, 11~ K. TITLE: Determination of Hafnium in Zirconium by the Spectr,6 Method PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1960, Vol. 26, ztlo,, 5, 5"';~--56 TEXT: The spectral methods for the determination of hafnium in zirconium described in publications (Tableg data of three have a maximum sensitivity of 0.002%. The auth3rs of this papei describe a spectral method permitting determinations in a range frox -,i-j,,-4 to 4 10 ctrom'-;rLcally -2% of Hf. Calibration samples were prepared of spe pure zirconium oxide (with a maximum of 2-10-4% of Hf) and of hafnium oxide made of chemically pure hafnium chloride (with 0.136% ~~f Six calibration samples of the following compouition were obtai;iel: 0-04, 0.013, 0-005, 0.002. 0.0008, and 0.0004% of Hf. An IS?.-22 spectrograph was used, and the spectrum was excited with an a,c- are (5 a). Carbon bars of the Kudinovskiy zavod (Kudinovfjki~ Work3) were Card 1/2 Determination of Hafnium, in Zirconium S/032/60/026/05/20/063 by the Spectral Method B010/BO05 used as electrodes. The analytical line pairs Zr 11 2568, 873 A, and Rf 11 2641, 406 A were applied. The calibration diagram obtained is shown. Analyses of the calibration samples with 0.0008% of Hf showed that the hafnium concentration which can be determined by the method described lies in the range between 0.0011 and 0.0007%. There are 1 figure, I table, and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet. Card 2/2 it) 32628 S/137/6i/ooo/oil/il6/123 Ao6O/A123 AUTHORS: Gavrilov, F.F., Fedorovskaya, M.I., Yakhimovich, N.K. I TITLE: Determination of hafnium in zirconium by the spectral method PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 11, 1961, 9, abstract 11K53; ("Tr. Urallskogo politekhnich. in-ta", 1961, coil. 114, 161 - 164) TE)(T: The analysis is carried out on the spectrQgraphHCrl-22 (ISP-22) with three-condenser lens system, The width of the spectrograph slit is 0.030 mm. The spectra are excited in an ac are with 5-ampere current. Spec- trally pure carbon rods serve as electrodes. A sample or a standard specimen 10 mg in weight is mixed with the carbon powder in the ratio 1:1 and is poured into the cup of the lower electrode. Zr 11 2568-873 and Hf ii 2641.4o6 are used as the analytic pair of spectral-lines. The meN square error in the determination of Hf in Zr with concentration of 8 .10 % is equal to 5%. The high sensitivity of the method is accounted for by the low background noise in the AC arc. See also Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1960, no. 11, 27873. L. Voroblyeva Card 1/2 Determination of hafnIum ..... [Abstracter's note; Complete translation] 32628 S/137/61/ooo/oil/116/123 Ao60/AIOI Card 2/2 GAVRILDV, F.F.; FEDOROVSKAYA, M.I.; YAKHIMOVICif, N.K. Spectral method for determining hafniun in g1rconium. Trudy Ural.politekh.inst. no.14tl6l-164 161. (MIRA 166) (Zirconium--Spectra) (Hafnium-Spectra) - GAVRI.1DY) F.F.; VORONEZHSKAYA, I.A.; FEb6ikOVSKAYA, M.I. Spectral analysis of tungsten by the evaporation method. Trudy Ural. 162. (MIRA 16:5) (Tungsten--Spectra) L 19368-63 EffT(l)/BDS/EEC(b)-2/ES(w)-2 AFFTC1ASD1ESD-31IJP(G)1 SSD - Pi-47po-4/Pab-4 ACCESSION NR: AR3006964 S/0658/63/000/008/GO07/GO07': SOURCE: RZh. Fizika, Abs. 8G40 AUTHOR: Gavrilov, F. F. TITLE: Concerning the mechanism of excitation of atoms in gas- discharge tubes with hollow cathodes -32 CITED SOURCE: Tr. Ural'skogo politekhn. in-ta, sb. 123, 1962, 26 TOPIC TAGS: atom excitation, gas-discharge tube hollow,cath- ode , lithium, Doppler broadening, Li TRANSLATION: The mechanism of sputtering and excitation of Li in a,gas-discharge tube with hollow cathode and filled with He was in- vestigated. The Li was deposited in the form of a thin layer on the bottom of a hollow cathode. The thickness of the glowing film sur- rounding the precipitate of Li during the discharge is approximately Card 1/2 L 19368-63 ACCESSION NR: AR3006964 0.25 millimeters. It is.shown that along with the evaporation of neutral atoms, bombardment of the cathode with helium ions causes also the emission of positive lithium ions with a velocity corre- sponding to an energy of approximately 10 eV. The Doppler broaden- ing of the spectral lines depends little on the gas pressure and cathode temperature. The intensity distribution in the spectral line is described by the dispersion formula. If thin-layer coatings are used it is possible to carry out a direct isotopic spectral anal- ysis of lithium without taking into account the influence of many extraneous factors which greatly distort the results obtained using thick layers. A. Rodin. DATE ACQ: 06Sep63 SUB CODE: PH ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 GAVRILOV, F.F.; BEZEL', V.S.; DVINYANINOV, B.L.; KNYAZYUK, L.V., lhzh., retsenzent; DUGINA, N.A., tekhn. red. (Safety measures in X-ray defectoscopy) Bezopasnostl rabo- ty rentgenologa pri defektoskopii. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 77 p. (Biblioteka kontrolera-mashinostroitelia, no.8) (MIRA 16:10) (X rays-Safety measures) MUZGIN, V.N.; ZULCTAVIN, V.L.; GAVRILOV, F.F~ Chemical-spectral method Cor determining impLrItles in vanadium, Zhur. arvil. kh1m. 19 no. 1:1.12-116 16,.. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Ura.11'skiy politekhizheskiy inrAttiit.) Sverdlovsk. L6L44-65 MW/94PQ/90(b) AS (mp)-2/SSD/APGC(b)/ESD(gs)/E$D(t) JD1JG ACCESSION NR.-' AP4043872 6/0139/64/000/004/0119/0123 AUTHORS:.. Bezel'#-V. S.17-Gavri TITLEt Effect of teaVerature.and excitation density on the attenu- ation-of alpha scintillations in Zn3-_Cu_and ZnS-_Aq_ so IVUZ. Fizika, no. 4,. 1964# 119-123 URCE:_ TOPIC TAGS-.. luminescence,ana lysis, luminor,' zinc sulfide optic material, luminescence quenching, teq?erature dependence ABSTRACT: To clarify the role: of the tempetature and of the traps in the luminescence kinetics, the authors investigated experimentally, the duration'and the quenching of luminescence of ZnS-Cu and ZnS-Ag excited with 5 and 1 MeV alpha particles from Pu239 6 Regularly pr duce d luminors - K-430 (ZnS-Ag) and PK-106 (ZnS-O-u) weretested. - -The -scJ" he e wi an P U-12B photomultiplierf. Lntillation flashes-were regis"r d th E A special installation made it'-possible to cool the phosphor and Card IL 6744-65 ACCESSION:NR:. AP4043872 the photomultiplier.witih liquid -nitrogen to,-170C. The photomulti- plier pulses were pulse-height analyzed and also displayed on an !Ollcilloscope screen and photographed. The results show that the acintillation quenching duration depends in this-case not only on the excitation density but also on the temperature. In the initial stages the quenching curve can be represented in the form of a SUM."A of two exponentials. With decreasing temperature the quenching duration increases. This increaseis.particularly noticeable if the phosphor is' illuminated, beforehand with ultraviolet light. It is concluded that the attenuation of the scintillations is greatly in- fluenced by traps and by.the de-exciting action of the alpha art P ,cles. Orig.-art. hast 3figurest 2,formulas, and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Urailskiy politekhnicheski.y institut imeni S.-M,, Mirova Mail Polytechnic Institut) icavvi _2/~__ . ~~ "7,:, ~~ ~ ~ o ~ . .-:%, - , ~ ': - - . 1- : " : . : ~ .'. c . , ~'- lj. I ~ . -, .i . 7b Fig. 2. Block diagrain of experimental. set-up 1 - alphas souroe (pU211), - 2 - phospl=, 3 - light pipe, 4 - Pulse shaping circuit, 5- single-channel pulse-height analyzer AADD-1, 6 - scaler PST-100,. y - nercury lwp,. 8 - photonultiplier FEU-12B, 9 - broadband applifier# 10 - delay line,, 11 - high-simea o9cilloscope DE:SO-1,, 12.- standard signal generator G4-1A. Card 5/5 MUDIN, V.N.; ZOIA)TAVM, T.L.; GAVRIWV, F.F.; BALAYEV, V.11. Spectral analysis of vanadium by the vaporization method. Zav. lab. 30 no.6.*697-699 164 (MIRA 1718) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Kirova, IJP(c) DIM j ,/Gr L 97?3-66 EW (Z)APA(s)7?/E~ r py~ft)ft ;ACCESSION NR: AP5017194 UW0139/65/000/003/0175/0175 !AUTHORS: Shullgin, B. V.; Gavrilov, F. F.; Dvinyaninov, B. MTLE: Dielectric constant of single cry tals f lithium hydride ;SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizika, no. 3, 1965, 175 iTOPIC TAGS: lithium compound, dielectric constant, crystal lattice !structure, crystal lattice vibration f !ABSTRACT: To d~ermine the wavele,-,,th of the natural oscillations 0 Ithe LiH lattice, the authors measui-d Aie dielectric constant of tran6, t 'parent crystals with average dimensions 8 x 4 x 1 mm. Under the in- Ifluence of light, the crystals soon a3slirried a blue color. The dielec- Itric constant was Measured with a capacity meter at 500 kcs and 23C.4 IThe value of the dielectric constant was found to be 10.5 + 0.26. The. -&Ic constant--- ,accuracy of the method was checked by determining the elec :,of Zn, Sn) and LiF which agreed with the published data. The wave- i :length obtained for the natural vibrations of the LIH lattice is Card 1/2 L 2723-66 ~ACCESSION NR-. AP50-17-19'4 X = 56,5 x 10 -4 cm. Orig. art. has: 1 table. ,ASSOCIATION! Urallsid politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S. M. Kirova '(Ural Polytechnic Institute) SUBMITTE D: lljul64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: SSI fm NR REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 002 L 65234-65 EwT(J)/EW(m)/E7dP(t)/_'EVP(b) IJP(c) JD iACCESSI09 MR: AP50214921 UR/0368/65/003/002/0176/0178 535.37 i4~ AIA !1 AUIWOR: ftEALAAL-P 2avrilov', r. r.; Drmdkov. V. X iTITLE: Temperature quenching of luminescence excited by ionizing particles in ,,ZnS:Ag single cwtals ;'SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopii, v. .3, no. 2, 1965, 176-178 JOPIC TAGS: zinc sulfide crystal phosphor, luminescence quenching, scintillation !'ABSTRACT: Curves for temperature quenching and scintillation intensity are com- :pared for ZnSAg single crystals activated by a-particles, protons and electrons to ,various exeitation densities. The amplitudes of the scintillation pulses were stud-' ,'ied as a function of the excitation density,in the tracks of the ionizing.particles!! IPU739 and ThC-ThC1 were used as sources of 'a-particles. Particles with energies of' J- !2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8.77 Nov were varying the vacuum. An EG-2.5 III I ielectrostatic accelerator was used for producing protons with energies of 0.5 and. i0.75 Nov. Electron excitation was achieved by irradiation-with CobO y-rays. An I FEU-15D photoomltiplLar and a 100-channel "Radugalf amplitude analyzer were used forr- L 65234-65 ACCESSION $R: APS021492 .ording the scintillation bursts. The results are given in table I and figs. 1 _~ 2 of the Enclosures Here 8 is the energy of the activating particles; X is the ;n mear, free path in, ZnS; r is the'amplitude of the scintillation bursts;-10 is the ,amplitude in the absence of quenching; r is the amplitude at room temperatures, d101dK is the specific amplitude; and hM is the linear excitation density. It was found -tbat in the xegion of strvmg quencbIng (t = WOW, drldX Is related to -,be,- Jinear excitation density by a 3/2 law in the interval where dr0/dX is independent ,of cL?IdX (see fig. 1 of the Enclosure). A theoretical explanation Is given for deviatiou from -the 412 law at high excitation densities, Orig. art. hast 2 figures, 1 table. ASSOCIIATION: none ;SUBMITTED: OSJan6S ENCL: 03 SUB CODE: OP OTHER,.- 002 i No RE:r sov: 004 71 . ~'. ~w -11 . - I , I --l- '--I ='~t~-~- - . , - " 'n - - , - , - - I :.,L, ~ . 05M-65 'ACCESSION NR.- APS021492 ENCLOSURE: 03 Table 1 Parameter Type of excitation. elec- a-particles protons. trons. 1E, Hev 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.77 0.75 0 1.25 .104 4 lx CM 5.70 9.05 13.00 17.60 22.40 37.00 7.81 .43 1500 ilt, pelative units .0.58 0,78 046 1*00 1.27 1.75 -0.14 MORI 0.13 1 fdgldX, Hey/cm 3.51 3.31 3.08 2.84 2.69 id,rr relative units 1.00 040 0.74. OM 0*74 [.Card L 1091--l-65 EPI?(c)/PPF(n)-2/EPR/EWT.(!)AWT(P;)/-EW-P-(h)/.&~P-(.t), ACCESSION NR: AP5009510 k V0048/65/02 03/0415/0416 AUTHOR: Dvinyaninov, B.L.; Gavrilov Shultgin B.V*- TrrL'9.-- Excitation and IM44 spectra o magnesium-activated lithium nescence -8 hydride fiffoport, 12th Conference on Luminescence held in Llvov, 30 Jan-5 Feb 1 9~471 SOURCE- AN SSSR. Izveatiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 29, no. 3, 1965, 415-416 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, jithi~m!. compound, jydrc52~_compound, magnesium ABSTRACT- This short paper reports some ofthe results obtained concerning the luminescence of LIH since its earlier discovery by one of the authors (F.F. Gavrilov, Optika i. spek-troskopiya, 7, 371 (1959)). Lil(:Mg exhibits a bright yellow luminescence, the,excitation-spectrin for which has two peaks located at about 360 and 400 mg. This luminescence is excited both by activator absorption and lattice absorption, but not,by F center absorption. The luminoscence spectr4m, of LiHift was calculate 'd in the semiclassical approxim%tion by the method of P.S. (JeChem, Phystj 19s 457 (1951)) on the assumption that the magnesium ic mouavalenL, and on the assumption iltat Win divalent, As the calculated lumin- o3cence spectrum 69 LiH:99+ was'' at lea9t In the visible region whereag that for Calrd. 1/2 - -- - -- - - ~-- - - -- -- -- 7 - .. . - ~ .: :. ~ ~ w~ki ~.l .- .. - -17777. -*7,-7f :- -~L.. ~! ., _ ---~4 i7l;~!~-~ -7.7 '. --.-~77,77.. . , , .7 7 .- . , - ~ 1 - . i . L 15565-66 EWT(1)/EVT(m)/&4P(t)/EWP(b) IJP(c) JD/JG ACC NR: AP6004407 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/020/001/0074/0077 AMOR: Dvinyaninov, B. L.; Gavrilov, F. F4 ORG: none .TITLE: Color cen-ters in lithium hydride SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiy~al, V. 20, no. 1, 1966, 74-77 TOPIC TAGS: absorption spectrum, single crystal, lithium compound, ionic hydride, .color center, alkali halide ABSTRACT: The optical absorption spectra of lithium hydride are studied as a func- .tion of time of exposure to light. Single crystals were grown by slowly cooling a melt of hydrated lithium. Unfiltered light from a mercury tube was used for prelim- inary exposure of the crystals. All crystals showed a strong absorption band in the 12400 R region. This band is probably due to F-centers. This is the only absorption band observed In pure undyed crystals of lithium hydride. As exposure time is In- ~creased, a new maximum in the absorption spectrum is observed in the 3600 9 region. ~The F-band is also somewhat broadened. The crystals take oti a smoked color which is 'Card 1/2 UDC: -535.34:548.0 L 15565~-66 . .ACC NR: AP6004407 1gradually intensified to com-Aete opacity. The absorption spectrum for these crys- 'ttals stretches throughout th-- entire visible region. The most intense coloring is :observed in the surface layev when the crystals are exposed from one side. This is. !probably due to absorption cF the light in the rystal. Bands were also observed !with absorption maxima at 5400, 7000 and 95000 1. A qualitative analysis of these ;spectra shows that the bands are due to the formation of color centers as in alkali ihalide crystals. These band3 are most clearly observed in crystals contaminated by Imetal impurities, but they are also seen in pure crystals. Theoretical calculations 1are compared with experimental data for the wavelengths at various color centers. iThe results show that color centers in lithium hydride have spectral characteristics. similar to those in alkali halide -crystals. In conclusion the authors am grateful' ;to L. A. Malltsev who assisted in making some of the measurements. Orig. art. his: ,4 figures, 1 table. 'SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 28Jul64/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH IMF: 008 ~Card 2/2 1-21997-66 EWT(m)/T/W(t) - j)MP/jjF(q)_ jD/jG ACC NR: AF6006970 SOURCE CODE: UR/0368/66/004/002/0185/0187 AUTHOR: Bezel', V. S.; Gavrilov, F. F. 'ORG: none i TITLE: The relationship between the amplitude and the duration of attenuation of the scintil. lation spikes in ZnS-Ag (Paper presented at the 12th All-Union Conference on Luminescence held in Llvcyv in January 1964) SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopli v. 4, no, 2, 1966, 185-187 TOPIC TAGS: sWg1e crystals scintillation, t6rmolum 8 c , photoluminescence :AI )ST~ACT: The aut1jors I ed al ha- aur ThC-Thd' for the excitation ij Ry - of the I M. ingle crystald~nlc'119 91 s In the vacuum produced alpha-particles of 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, and B. 77 Mev. An Investigation was made of attenuation only when the alpha-partiole excitation was conducted with an optimal amplitude. A study of the thermoluminescence curves of the samples tested showed the presence of two kinds of high-intensity traps. and the authors made use of the results of M. V. Fok and S. A. Fridman (Opt. I spektr. , 13 869, 1962) in the study of the kinetics and scintillation output. Simultaneous with the Y4 L 2-1997-M 'IACCNIR: "6006970 excitation by means of 5-Mev alpha-particles, a study was made of the temperature depend- ence of the amplitude of the scintillations and the duration of attenuation. , A diagram pre- rented shows that the curves are very close to each other, possibly indicating that the i depth of electron and hole traps are close in magnitude. The present investigations show that, with certain limitations, the mechanisms observed during the.photolumineseence may be analogous to the mechanisms during the excitation of high-energy particles, and that the difference between them is, evidently, in the density of excitation. Orig. art. has: 2. figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: O5Jan65 ORIG REF: 007 Card.-2/4-. L 24361-66 Wr(l)/Wr(!ft) IJP(a) JD/J0 AGG NR: AP6008118 SOURCE CODE: UR/Ol3q/66/ooo/ooi/oi8q/o18q AUTHORS: Shul:gin, B. V.; Gavrilov, F. F.; Sazykin, V. V. C- ORG: Ural Polytechnic Institute tin. S. M. Kirov (Ural'skiy politelthnicheskiy institut) TITLE: Storing of light sum In L'LLI phosphor .7y] --rl SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizika, no. 1, 1966, 189 TOPIC TAGS: lithium compound, hydride photoluminescence, luminophor, thermoluminescence, uv irradiation, gamma irradiation, neutron ir- radiation, alpha bombardment, electron trapping ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier articles (Trudy Ural'- skogo Politekhnicheskogo Instituta, No. 143, 41,1 1965 and earlier, Izv. AN SSSR ser. fiz. v. 29, No. 3, 1115, 1965) dealing with the dis- covery and investigation of short-duration yellow, orange, and red photoluminescence of LiH. The present article p.Lc~-.:,nts results of an investigation of the tbermoluminescence curves of the Llu--, lumine-,- cence of LiH when exposed to ultraviolet from a mercury-lamp, to Card l/ L 24361-66 ACC NR: Ap6oo8118 ~15-MeV radiation from a betatron (beta and gamma particles), to a particles, and to (n + -y) radiation from a Ra-Be source. Paraffin 6 cm thick was used as the neutron moderator. The crystals :were heated In darkness to 300C and the irradiation was at room tem- perature in a vacuum. The radiation was recorded with a pho tomul ti- .plier, amplifier, and automatic recorder. The time of irradiation of ,the crystals before plotting the de-excitation curves was 10 -- 15 ,days for neutrons and a particles, 10 -- 15 hours for the betatron radiation, and 20 -- 30 minutes for the uv irradiation. The tempera- ,ture was raised at a rate of 35 -- 40 deg/min.- The de-excitation ;curves show three peaks at 80 -- 90C, 140 -- 150C, and 230 -- 300C. :The highest peak has a superimposed structure. When exposed -to ultraviolet all three types of electron traps corresponding to the .peaks are filled approximately uniformly. When exposed to neutrons, :a particles, and betatron radiation, it is essentially the deep traps which are filled (peak at 230 -- 300C). Having blue luminescence and being capable of storing the light sum, LiH is of great interest as 'a detector of ionizing radiation. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 060ct611/ ORIG REF: 0031 Card NRt 1AU71KOR: Bezoll, V.S.; Gavrilov, F.F.; Panov, V.P.; Kraynyukov, N.I. ORG. none TITLE: Investigation of scintillati?n Rrocesseq_in ZriS:Ag single crystals /-Reporto .Fourteenth Conference on Luminescence hold in Riga 16-23 SeRteMDer 196kj_ SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 4, 1966, 668-670 TOPIC TAGS: scintillation, crystal phosphor, zinc sulfide, radioluminescence, stion.,lated emission, crystal decay, emission spectrum ABSTRACT: Although in general the regularities evinced in radiolunknescenge o ZnS:A single crystals can be explained in the framework of the same energy band diagram as .that invoked forinterpreting the photo- and cathodoluminescences of this phosphor, the much higher excitation density in the case of radioluminescence gives rise to some distinctive effects. The present work, accordingly, was devoted to experimental investigation of the influence of the excitation density along the particle track on the thermostimulated emission (glow curves) , decay time, emission spectrum and electroquenching. The specimens were relatively large ZnS:Ag (about 10-5 g/g Ag) single crystals grown from a malt. The excitation was produced by pu13g and ThC-ThC* alpha particles, protons, deuterons, gamma rays a--I Hg ultraviolet. The glow curves (reproduced in a figure) were recorded after excitation with 2 MeV and 5 MeV alphas Card .L 28337-66 ACC MRs AP6013076 0 and with uv. All three glow curves have peak.-., at -1500, but only the glow curve - obtained after UV excitation exhibits a broad*peak located just below 00C. The trap depth corresponding to.the -1500C peak'is estimated as 0.25-0.28 eV. The persistence of the scintillation falls off with increasing excitation density along the track in agreement with the theoretical curve adduced by the authors. The intensity in the short wavelength part of the radiolumineacenbe spectrum increases with increasing excitation density for all forms of excitation. Electroquenching (quenching by a do field) was found to be analogous to temperature quenching. Orig. art. has: 2 figdres SUE ;CDR! 20/ SUBM DATE: 00 ORIG RU: 004/ OM PJW: 001 Card L 09239-67 EW(1)/E.?r(m)/EWP(t)/Erl---.IJPCC)--.JD/JG. ACC NR- AP7002*787 SOURCE COM UR/0139/66/000/004j0138/0141: AUTHOR: Bezel', V. S.; Gavrilov, F. F. ORG: Urallsk Volytechnf`c]~Gtituto im. S. 1-1. Xj'ro (Uraltskiy politekhnichookiy Institut) TITLE: Effect of excitation density on the radioluminescence of Zns-Ag monocrystals SOURCEi IVIM. 711zilca, no. 4, 1966, 133-141 TOPIC TAGS: radioluminesconco, crystalloGraphy ,(1L3ST'1L-kCT: The effect of ex-c*tation density of the temperature quenching of ,A /11 'I/radioluminescence of ZnS &(Y ~'O':nocrystajs is iinvestigated. The radius of the excitAion channel as cfe-pendent on the energy of the alpha particles Is evaluated. Corrections are introduced Into the dependence of the scintillation amplitude on the excitation density,'ailch deviates from the law by the factor 3/2. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 5 formulas. CJPRS.- 39,040] SUB CODE: 20 / SUBM DATE: 070ct64 / ORIG RCF: 003 / OTH RCF: 001 Card 1/1 ACC NR3 AP6033837 SOURCE CODE: UR/0139/66/000/005/0056/0062 AUTHOR: -Bezel', V. S. ; Gavriloy, F. F. ORG: Ural Politechnic Institute im. S. M. Kirov (Ural'skiy politekhnickeskiy institut) TITLE: Effect of the excitation density on the radioluminescence of ZnS-Ag singl crystals SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizika, no. 5, 1966, 56-62 TOPIC TAGS: electron trapping, alpha particle, radioluminescence, luminescence cathode luminescence, particle excitation, zinc sulfide crystal ABSTRACT: The role of electron trappings in processes of radioluminescence is analyzed on the basis of an investigation of the dependence of scintillation damping duration on temperature on thermoluminescence curves, and the relationship between the amplitude and damping duration in ZnS-Ag. The causes of the nonequilibriurn filling of electron trappings during excitation of ot-particles are discussed. Wide use is made by the authors of the relationships obtained by other researchers in photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence studies. Orig. art. C.,d 1/ 2 NR, AP6033837 has: 5 figures, 10 formulas, and 1 table. [Based on authors' abstract] I SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 070ct64/ ORIG REF: 012/ OTH REF: 001/ 2/2 t .I I ----------- ACC NR: AV0011120 SOURCE CODE: UR/2594/65/000/143/0036/0046, AUTHOR: Bezel', V. S-;_qavTilov, F. F.; Murin, V. I. ORG: none TITLE: Thermoluminescence of ZnS-Ag and the temperature dependence of its quenching rate upon excitation with alpha particles SOURCE: Sverdlovsk. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 143, 1965- Itoimnaya i molekulyarnaya fizika (Atomic and molecular physics), 36-4o TOPIC TAGS: thermoluminescence, zinc sulfide optic material, alpha bombardment, luminescence quenching, scintillation ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (Tezisy dok-ladov XII soveshchaniya po lyuminestsentsii (Abstracts of Twelfth Luminescence Conference], M., 190~) where it was shown that the quenching rates of photoluminescence and cathode luminescence in ZnS-Ag increase with increasing density of excitation by m particles. To estab- lish a connection between the quenching of the scintillations and the electron traps in ZnS-Ag, in view of the fact that the earlier investigation has shown that at least two kines of such traps exist in this material, the authors investigated the thermo- luminescence curves and the rate of scintillation quenching by exposing ZnS-Ag crys- tals grown from the melt to m particles. The temperature range was from that of liquid nitrogen to 100C. The rate of change of the temperature was 0.4 deg/see. The samples were excited with ultraviolet from a mercury lamp (3660 A) and a particles Card 1/2 ACC NR: AT7001712 from pU239 (5.15 and 2 MeV). The thermoluminescence curves showed two main peaks) --~i--150 - 160C and at -10 - OC. The former is connected with the filling of the shallow levels and the latter with the filling of deep levels. In the case of a- particle irradiation, a similar phenomenon was observed, except that there was practically no filling of the deep levels. An analysis of the temperature dependence of the attenuation of the scintillations shows the half-life of the scintillations to be a regular function of the reciprocal of the temperature, which can be represented by a straight line when suitable coordinates are chosen. This temperature dependence also points to the predominant effect of the shallow levels. The depth of the level is found to be 0.15 eV below the conduction band. The results also point to a much stronger effect of a-particle irradiation on the attenuation than ultraviolet. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 005/ OM REF; 003 Card ACC NR: AT7001713 SOURCE CODE: UR/2694/65/cOO/143/CoO41/0044 AUTHOR: Bezel', V. S.; Gavrilov,,F...F.. ORG: none TITLE: Some scintillation properties of ZnS-Ag single crystals SOURCE: Sverdlovsk. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 143, 1965- Atomnaya i molckulyarnaya-fizika (Atomic and molecular physics), 41-44 TOPIC TAGS: zinc sulfide optic material, scintillation,' activated crystal, photo- luminescence, luminescence quenching, ionization spectrum ABSTRACT: The authors present the results of an inve5tigation of ZnS-Ag, grown from the melt, with different activator contents and with different preparation technology.' It is pointed out that the scintillating properties of activated ZnS single crystals have not been investigated before, primarily because of the difficulty of growing single crystals. The tests consisted of plotting the photoluminescence of the cr-js- tals, determining the amplitude of the scintillation pulses as functions of the energY, of the ionizing particles (a. particles, protons, deuterons, electrons), and determin- ing the half-lives of the scintillations. The cx.-par-ticle energies were 8.77, 5 0 and 2.0 McV. The energies of the protons, deuterons, and electrons were 0.75, 0.75, and 1.25 MeV respectivelv. While the results are not fully conclusive, they point to possible usefulness of these crystals for the registration and spectrometry of ion- izing radiation. The best results can be obtained with a-particle energies of 5 MeV V2 ACC NR% A77001713 and better, which gave a resolution reaching 5% in the case of the better crystals. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 table.. SUB CODE: 201/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG HEF: 001/ OM REF: 001 Card 2/2 ACC NRt AVOOY(14 SOURCE CODE: bil~6 �4/6 ~/WW3766~9_1,66_Ci AUTHOR: Shul'gin, B. V.L;, Gavr_1jM_Z.__X.; Ervinyaninov, B. L. I ORG: none TITLE: Concerning F-centers in LiF crystals SOURCE: Sverdlovsk. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 143, 1965. Atomnaya i molekulyarnaya fizika (Atomic and molecular physics), 59-61 TOPIC DIGS: lithium fluoride, color center, absorption spectrum, hyperfine structure, 1 epr spectrum, ionization spectrum ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to estimate theoreticaUy what changeg in the widths of the hyperfine splitting lines can be expected in the case when the F-centers in LiF crystals are in a state where they form weak associations, rather than being in a state of isolated defects. The analysis is based on comparison of experimental results on the EPR absorption spectrum of the F-centers in LiF crystals, produced by ionizing radiation, and similar results obtained for KC1. FTom a plot of the F-center exchange-interaction frequency against the distance between F-centers it is deduced that narrowing down of the hyperfine interaction lines in the EPR spec- U .ra of LiF crystals should be observed at distances on the order of four lattice con- stants between F-centers. This corresponds to an F-center concentration -1021 CM73, which agrees with experimental data. The estimated change in the line width is by a factor approximately 1.28. This means that if the width of the hyperfine inter- Card V2 ACC NRs AT7001714 action in IIF state is 14 gauss, as published in the literature, then in the initial state it should be 38 gauss. Appropriate experiments are needed to confirm this value. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 6 formulas. SUB CODE: 2D/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 007 Card 2/2 ACC NR. AP700-19S1 SOURCE CODE': Ult/00-IL-/()'(;/O3O/o(j9/14b7/1489 AUTMOR: Dvinyaninov,B.L.; ~ay-"MA_F.F. OnG: none TITLE: Dynamics of the formation of some color centers in lithium hydride ~Report, Fourteenth All-Union Conference on Luminescence (Crystal Phosphors) hold at Rigat 16-23 Sept. 19657 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Soriya fiziclieskaya, v. 30, no.9, 1966, 1487-1489 TOPIC TAGS: lithium compound,.hydride, absorption spectrum, single crystal, color center ABSTRACT: The authors have recorded absorption spectra of Lill crystals growrn slowly from the maelt and have investigated the effects on the absorption of ultraviolet irradiation and changes in the conditions under which the crystals were grown. All the crystals were transparent in the visible and had a very strong absorption band in the 220-260 qL region. Rapid cooling during crystal growth or the presence of an excess of lithium in the molt resulted in a broadening of this band. Irradiation with low intensity 253 n4i radiation resulted first in a partial bloaching-of this band and splitting of the band into two bands. After further irradiation the ab~- sorption again increased and the two component bands merged. Theso results are re- gardod as favoring the hypothesis that thin band in due to absorptlon by F centers Card 1/2 i ACC NR: AP700,1981 rather than to exciton absorption. Ultraviolet irradiation gave rise also to other nbsorption bands in the Lill crystals. The crystals that contained an excess of i lithium or that were cooled rapidly during growth behaved similarly to Lill:M.- crystals. The growth under ultra violet irradiation of the 655 w absorption band due to colloidal lithium was different, depending on whether a given ultraviolet dose was received over a long time interval from a weak source, or was delivered rapidly from a strong source; the peak of the absorption band occurred at a shorter wavelength when the ultraviolet dose was received rapidly than when it was received slowly. From this it is concluded that the formation of colloidal lithium in UH crystals involves a stage in which color centers are produced. Orig. art, has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: none ORIG. REF: 002 OTH REF: 005 Card 2/2 ACC NRt AP7007711 SOURCE CODE:"'--UR/'01-39'/67/000/001/0069'/OOT-3 AUTHOR: Shul'gin, B. V.; Ga i1 v, F.,F..-, Dvinyaninov, B. L.; Y1, - -0 IKoryakov, V. I.; Chirkov, A. K* ORG: Ural Polytechnic Institute imeni S. 14. Kirov (Urallokiy politekh- Inicheskly inotitut) TITLE: Paramagnetic resonance of irradiated lithium hydride lumineaceni crystals SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizika, no. 1, 1967, 69-73 TOPIC TAGS: luminescent crystal, activated crystal, absorption line, eIlectron paramagnetic resonance, J~ jAZ&L*-- c0 "V W'-Zj -11 Aa~~' a-4-, W all ~ C.0-f $--I ZBPSITRACT: The dependence of the intensity and width of the absorption line of the EPR on temperature was investigated in irradiated lithium hydride luminescent crystals. The irradiation was done at room temperature with the unfiltered light of an SVD-120 mercury lamp and betatron electrons with energies of 8 to 10 Mev. *The temperature dependence of the intensity and width of the EPR absorption line of LiH crystals with blue luminescence undergoes a sharp change in the temperature range from 90 to 1200C. The first maximum on the thermo- luminescence curve is also observed in this range. This coincidence .Card 1/2 ACC NR: AP7007711 occurs because the centers of the electron capture in Lill responsible for the first thermoluminescence peak are bound with the colloidal lithium. The release of electrons from the capture level corresponding to the first thermoluminescence peak causes the elimination of these absorption centers. As a result, the intensity of the paramagnetic absorption line decreases and the width increases due to the absorption by the color cneters. The authors thank M. Lemberberg who participated in the investigation of the optical absorption spectra of Lill. Orir,.'arts has: 3 figureae [JAI EWA-951 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: OTH REF: 003 2J2 GAVRrLOV, F. ~/Agrlftltvma HaddAMY 4302.0500 Aug 1qkT "To UniTersalize Yam Nwhineryp" r. Gavrilov, 3 PP "MO No 8 j Suggeetlms-wde-to-conxtr~aat agrIcultural machinery in attch a aa=er-an- to mks- them adaptable for more than cite-operation. -Ramples of types of farm machinery that,mV-be -utilized for nbre than me pw*ooo and-emeWles of minor technical changes needed to bwmds In order to 1:wlenent this Idea are also given. 11G39 1. GAVRILOV, F. 2. (6-ooj) 4. Drill (A.-ricultural Imple;,aent) 7. Laproving the operation of a ]ra-i!i dr--11, MT-- 13 no. 4, 1953- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions., Library of Congress, AP;,IL - 1953, Uncl. c n tile --Jowl :ar.,. rT% 2677. Ruclares t, Hum, a r-i Liot t 'luro,,ean Acce!~~ : on.,, GAVRILOV& F.I.,,kandidat sel'skokhozyaystvennfth nauk; KORUSHKIN, Te.N., takhnichaskikh nauk. Necessity 'of differeAtiated heat treatment of plowshares. Sell- khozmashina no.2:26-28 F'55. (MIRA 8:3) 1. Novasibirski7 sellskokhozyay-stvennyy Institut. -':~'-:~r .: - 0~-,4;~;,~~.:a~!f-L~111~71 e , , GAVRILOV" Fedor Ivenovich "'o--, [3kficieInt- u-se,of grain combines] Retsionallnoe ispolvzovanie zernovykh kombainov. Moak7a, Xashgiz, 1958. 40 p. (MIRA 12:3) (Combines (k-ricultural machinery)) GAVRIWV, F.I., kiand.se1'skokhozyaystvenr7kh nauk Technical and economic evaluation of the service reliability of machinery. TraktA sel'khosmash. 30 no.2:28-30 F 160. (MIRit 13:5) 1. Voronozhakiy a9l'skokhosyaystvannyy inBtitut. (Agricultural machinex7) GAVRILOV, F., kand,sellskokhoz.nauk, dotsent Future equipment and the requirements of agriculture. NTO 4 no.5:10-12 Yq 162. (~aRA 15:5) 1. Voronezhakiy sellskokhozynystvennyy institut, (Agricultural machinery) GAVRILOVI F.M.; BALOKMOV. A.I. --V# 'k Treatment of cholecystitio. Khirurgiia no-5:47-49 Vq 156. (MLFA 9:9) 1. rz bollnitsy Moskovske-Bya2anskov zheleznoydorogi. (GHOLETSTITISi theraov, (RUB)) ISCV/6-59-- -5 - 10 126 YL E: On the Erection of Tripod Signals (0 postroyke trokhgrannvkh signalov) -:~;'~"ICDICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1959, ,.r 5, pp 26-?7 fl[S-SR) AB3TRACT: During the 1956 sum--ier season. tripod signals were erected, on the patterns proposed by Senior En~ineer S. V. Potanin , in the Novosibirskoye aerogeodezicheskoye T)redpriyatiye (Novosibirsk Aerogeodetic Project). The 15-25-m-hiph signal:; were erected by the construction parties of Technician V. P. Lavrikov and Junior Tecbb-MAn 3. B. Semenov. The trip's-! signals were assembled on the ground (including the floor covering, the roof, the sights, the ladder, and the trinsition platform) and then raised en bloc. This procedure eliminates the danger of accidents in work overhead and saves timber and nails. The erection of th(- 3ignals is described in brief. There are 2 figures. '-.rd 1/1 50/6 A. ul 1! "I"t Gnvrilov L TIT..-'~: On the Use of Dredl--e E-153 (Ob isPol'zovanii ekskavatora L-153) PEJD~DICA,L: Geodezija i '-.arto-qrafi~a, 1959, Nr "I, nP 35 - 37 (US'Sq) A 3 S 7C T in sumaer 1958, the Brigade of V. P. Lavri%ov, Constructional ,;In-ineer, Departnent Nr 102, Novosibirakoye acro~eodezichenkoye prodinri,yatiye (Novoribirsk AcroGeodetic Service), used dred~-e E-153 (on tractor MTZ-2) rith a trailer for the building of E;ecdetic signs. The dredge carried out the excavation nork, turned and lifted the fra-.~-.cs of t'.e rectanvular oi--nals, lifted triangular signals 20 m high, and transDorte(a the rhole 3riZade with e~-aipment from place to place. In 5.5 months, the 3ri:-ade fulfilled 8 morith standards. A oarvey of monthly expcnaes with and vitiloit the use of the dredze, u-ne the savings made possible by its use, are indicated. A survey of monthly waf:cs with the use of the dred-e, and the resaltin',', Increase in cnpacity, are pointed oit. There are 2 tables. card 1/1 GAVRILOVJ F.N. The GAZ-47 all-terrain vehicle in the construction of geodetic signals beyond the Arctic Circle. Geod. i kart. no. 3:47-50 mr 161, % (MIRA 14:4) (Catbx#IjLv iractors) (Arctic ragions---Surv3ying) . " ~ ~-- -f - ~ -- I ~. - - - I ~ --111--~-- i-~ -a .- - ~. I - --- -~ - -- ~ PLOTKIN., R.M.; GAYRILOV, F.H.; GASIKOV, V.A. Construction of storehouses in areas beyond the Arctic Circle. Good. i kart. no.3:58 Mr 163. (MIRA 16t7) (Russia, Northern-Farm buildinRs) GAVRILOV, Y.N. - Z. . . - Combined surveying and construction Wams in conditions beyond the Arctic Circle. Geod, i kart. no.5s66-67 My 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Ruesia, Northern-TriangulatIon) Gh--Ai SelSkoMio2,yaystv.-nnykh ?,,,ashin I Cruddy. Pd'Bom Chrt,,zhU- 3yanc p,,i-ts for 17.gricultural. V,,~chines ind Tools. Albim, of i"r.,.,winCs, By-/ if A. Vootrikov, IF. I . ~"~Ivrilov 1 711-- 7 Y.oska, I-Itashgizp '11,153- -S Contents. --V. I: l'oolilioobi-LiL,,atyvayushc)li-ye I os,,avnyye I..ashIny, C,,)x-ys,.-iv:,, t di, C~-I-yliwiteli I stat.dom-ornyye Dvigatcli. 14/5 723.1 .vq SMIRNOY, I.I., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. redaktor; GATRIT inshener, redaktor; POPOTA, S.M., tekhaicheekiy re or. [Desigu and construction of agricultural machinery; collection of articles based on materials of the scientific and technical con- ferenoe hold in Rostov-on-Don, Feb. 2-6, 1953.1 lonstruirovanis i prolwyadetvo sellskokhosialetvonnykh mashin; abornik statei po materialam nauchno-takhnicheskoi konferentaii sontolavsheisia 2-6 fevralia 1953. g. v Rostove-na-Donu. Pbd red. I.I.Sairnova. Mo- skva, Go@. nauchno-takhn. isd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1954. W p. (Agricultural machinery industry) (MMA 8:1) SIMOV, V.M., in2hsner-mekhanik- GAVRILOV F.P., redaktor: SIDNIGRADSICATA, V.D., takhnicheakiy rei,;~io-r;, M=M!, A.I., tekhnicheskiv radaktor [Practical laboratory work on tractors and automobiles] Laboratorno- prakticbeekie zaniatita po traktoram i avtomobiliam. 12d. 2-e, perer. i dop. Nook7a, Goo. izd-vo sell--%oz. lit-ry, 1955- 319 P. (Automobiles) (Tractors) (KM 8:8) SP"SOT, Nikolay Nikolayevich; GAVRILOT, F.P., redaktar; SOKOLOVA. H.N., takhnichaskiy redaktar. LFuels and lubricants] Geriuchis i smasochnys materialy. Moskva, Goa. 1%d-vo sallkhoz. lit-ry, 1954. 455 P. (MMA 7:7) (Patroleum) (Lubrication and lubricants) (Oil reclamation) YATCHKNKO, S-V-; GAVRILOV, F.P., redaktor; BALLOD, A.I., tekhnicheslciy redaktor [Lathe work] Tokarnoe delo. 6 izd.. perer. i dap. Mo akva, Goa. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry, 1954. 535 P. (HI-RA 7:9) (Turning) PROIN, Arolion Zedorovich; PURIM Xjkh R Al#oeyevich; GWVRIWV, F.P., r4daktor; PInOFA. K.K., tekhnichookiy redaktor. [Mechanization and electrification of agriculture] Hekhanizateiia i elektrifikftteiia sellskogo khosiaistva. Koskvft, Goo. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry. 1955. 550 P. (Uohebniki i uchebnye posobila dlia sellskokho- siaistvennykh tekhnikumov). (MIMA 9:4) (Ilectricity in agriculture) (Agricultural machinery) SURZILANSHKO, Anatoliy Yemellyanovichl GATRILOV. F.P., redaktor; ARrONTUK, P.D., tekhnicheekiy redaktor [Mechanization of plastering work (by the use of lime mixtures and mixtures with additives having quick-setting properties)) Mekhani- zatsiia shtukaturnykh rabot (a primeneniem izvestkovykh rastvorov i rastvorov a bystroBkhvatyvaIUBhchImIsta dobavkami). Moskva, Vaes. uchebno-pedagqgAzd-vo Trudrezervizdat, 1956. 82 p. (MLRA 10:9) (Plastering) GEORGIYEVSKIY, Ivan Semanovich, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, doteent; M., tekhnichaskiy redaktor. JaXivaredaktor; PAVIA)VA, M [Methods of teaching a course on agricultural machineryj Metodike, prepodavaniia kares. sellskokhoziaistvennykh mashin. Moskva, $on. izd-vo selikhos.lit-vy, 1956. 271 P. (MLRA 10tO (Farm mechanization--Study and teaching) ITINSKAYA, Nadezhda Ivemeyna, deteent; VILOYARS,VI.R., zaalushomW doyatel' mauki I tekhuiki, dektor tekhnicheskikh nauk, prefoomor, redaktor; GAVI~I~T , _ j4T~,,, redaktor; TBSKOVA, Ye. I., takhrLichookiy rodaktor. [Fual and lubricants] TopliTo i suazechaye aaterinly. Pod red.71f.vil-- 'v iamea. Hookwa, Goo.izd-ve sellsk*khosiaistyeassi li-py, 1956. 295 p. I- O"A 9:5) 1. Hoskovskiy institut mekhanizateii i alektrifikataii sel'skogo khozyaystva Imeni Y.N.Molotoya. (Fuel) (lubrication and lubricants) ABUGOV. Boris Grigorlyevich; KOURIZ, nauchnyy red.; GAVRILOV, Y.P., tekhn,rede Vladimir Yakovlevich; PXNKNOVIGH, L.D., red.; ROMANY, B.V., red.; RAKOV, S.I., [Collection of problems in mechanical drawing] Zadechnik po mashino- strottellnom cherchentiu. Izd. 2-oe, ispr. i perer. MoRkva, Vass. uchabno-podagog. izd-vo Trudreservisdat. 1957. 366 fold. 1. (in portfolio) - - - (Practical manual for teachers to accompany the "Collection of problems in mechanical draving.01 Metodicheakoe rukovodstvo dlia orepodavatelei k zadachaiku po ~ashinastroitell- nomu. cherchenitu.Ud. 2-oe, ispr. i perer. 1957. 39 p. (MIRA 11:4) (Mechanical drawing-Study and teaching) MOSOLOV, Konstantin Vasillyavich; GAVRILOV, F.P., red.; MATUSEVICH, N.L., (Sixty problems for young designers and inventors) 60 sadach dlia molodogo konstruktora i izobratatelia. Moskva, Vaes.uchobno- podagog.izd-vo Trudreservizdat, 1957. 48 P. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Direktor tekhnicheskogo uchilishcha No.11 g.Leningrada (for Ko- solov). (Kachinery-.-Drawing) USTINOV, Nikolay Petrovich. kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; DROBINSKIY. Valentin Anisimovich, inzh.,- KOVII-r,R, G.M.,,, nauchnyy red.; KOIITSEVAYA, H.M.. red.; GAVRILOV, F.P., red.; OSTRIROV, 11.S., tekhn.red4 [Modern locomotiveol Sovremennye lokomotivy. Monkva, Vaes. uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo Trudrezervizdat, 1957. 126 p. (MIILA 12:11) (LocomotiveE;) GIAZ, Abram Illict-, GETLING, B.V., inzhener, nouchn.,ry redaktor GAVRILOV, F.P., red,-ktor: HATUSIVICH, N.I,.. tekhnic)2et3kiy [Yotuw, electriciar's manual] Spravocbnik molodogo alektrotekhnlka. Pod reA. R.V.Gtt1inps. Movkvs, Vses, uchabno-pedsrop. izd-vo Trudrezervizdat, 1957. 256 p. (MLRA 10:10) (Alectric engineerine) BABULIN, Nikolay Alekseyevich- TASHECHKIN, B.N., nauchnyy red.; GAVRILOV, F.P., red.; RAKOV, S.T.', [Designing and reading drawings for machine construction work] Postroenie i chtenie mashinostroitellnykh rabochikh chertezhei. Moskva, Vaes.uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo Trudrezerizdat, 1957. 259 2. (MIRA 10:12) (Mechanical drawing) KUMCITSOV, Mikhail Ivanovichi STRAKHOV, S.Y., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. radaktor; GAVRIIoOV,, F.P., redaktor; OSTRIROY. H.S.. tekhaicheakiv redaktor . 't -,-, , [Principles of electric engineering] Oanovy alaktrotakhniki. Izd. 5-m. parer. Pod red. S.V.Strakhova. Moskva. Yees. uchabno- pedagog. izd-vo Trudrezervizdat, 1957. 422 p. OCLRA 10:3), (Alectric e%dneering) SLOBODTANNIKOV, Sergey Stepanovich; YELIZAVETIN, M.A., ksnd.tekhn.nauk, . nauchnyy red.; GAVRILOT, F.P., red.; RAKOT, S.I., i--l- . (Ultrasonic processing of industrial products] Ulltrazvukovaia .obrabotka promyshlonnykh izdalii. Moskva, Voes.uchabno-padagog. izd-vo Trudreservizdat, 1958. 100 P. (MIRA 12:4) (Ultrasonic waves-Induatrial applications) SA" ~Lev Y f im/ovil' /' " IUT IN ff. -'-ch, brof. [deceased]. KOBRINSKIY, A.Te., doktor tokhn.nouk, nauchmy red.;,qAVRILOV. Y.P., red.; KOIRSEVAYA, N.M., red.; OSTRIROV, U.S., tekhn~'r&d-.-----"-' ~' -' [Theoretical meabanica with elements of the theory of mechanisms] Tooratichoskeia mekbanike a elementami teorli makhanizmav. Izd. 3-e. 'ispr. Pod red. A.N.KobrinBkogo. Moskva. Yeas. uchabno-podagog. izd-vo Trudreservizdat, 1958. 410 p. (MIRA 11:5) (Mechanics) NAKHUTIN, Isaak Pinkhusovich; GAVRIIAW, F.P., red.; PFRSOII, M.N., tekhn. red. [Epuipment of a study room for machining on lathes; album of t~Wchnical drawings of a special-purpose cupboard and visual aidd. Oborudovanie kabinate po tokarnomu delu; allbom rabochikh cherte- zhei spetsiallnogo shkafa i nagliadnykh posobii. Moskva, VseS. uchebno-peda-o izd-vo'Trudrezervizdatp 1959. 415 p. (MIRA 14:9) 0 ~~n-ing-Study and teaching) GkVRILOV, F.P., otv. red.; TROMIAN, A.V., red.; ZYUZINA, A.A., red.; _----XOZHEVffIKOV~ P.M., red, [Economy of Chelyabinsk Province; statistical collection) Na- rodnoe khoziaistvo Cheliabinskoi oblasti; statisticheskii sbornik. Cheliabinsk, Gosstatizdat*TsSU SSSR Cheliabinskoe otd- nie, 1961. 177 p. (KTRA 15:3) 1. Chelyabinsk. (Province) Oblannoye statistichaskoye uprav- leniye. 2. Nachallnik Statisticheskogo upravleniya Chelyabin- skoy oblasti (for Gavrilov). (Chelyabinsk Province-Statistics) USOV, Pavel Vasillyev-ich;,GAV LO-V,-E.-E-, red.; KARPOVA, T.V., tekhn. red. (Mechanical engineering] Mashinovedenie; posobie dlia ucha- shchikhsia 9 klassa sellskikh srednikh shkol s proizvod- stvennym obucheniem. Moskva, Uchpedgiz, 1963. 190 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Mechanical engineering) , !:: .. 7 '. ~ 'kt- .';L- . ;. ~. I,, , 1 . . ~ -- - ;., V, I . - . I : a I - - 7., j- 1-11 It: . LWeLl,~--ls hanaLcAl .-,,-.--,,---.,..-.-'l-- ".:,- 1; kv a~ I I ~- :: 1 : . ~ "' I: ~ '. 1i : 9) GAVRILOV, F.T.; KISIN, V.M. Furnitureindustry during Soviet rule, Der. prom. 6 no.11:3-6 N 057. (KIRA 10:11) 1. Mosgorsov-narkhoz (for Gavrilov). 2. Minbumdrevprom RSFn (for Kinin). (Airniture induatry) GAVRILOV. F.T. Tochnological processes in making parquet floor boarde. Der. prom. 7 no.2:24 Y 158. (NMA Iltl) 1. Knekovskly gorodskoy sovuarkhoz-. (Pkrquet floors) GAVRILOV, F. Now trend in the dooltrn nnd. conat'.niction of furnitlir,,,. Sav. torg. no. 7:23-26 JI 159. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Nachallnik Upravlonive nebellnoy pro-ayshlonnosti Hoskovskoi,,O gorudskogo novnarkhozn. (Furniture indun~ry) GAVRIIOV, F.T.; ALITMUN, N.M. Furniture industry in Moscow from 1959 to 1965. Der.prom. 8 no.3:1-3 Mr '59. (MMA 12:4) 1. Upravleniye mebellnoy promyshlennosti Mosgorsovnarkhoza. (Hoscow-l'urniture Industry) -Z' . - , - M , - - G&VRILOV, F. T. Workers of the Moscow furniture industry are striving for technical -progress. Der.-prom. 9 uo.5:1-3 My 160. O(IM 13: 7) 1. Upravienlye mebellnoy prouVablennosti Mosgorsovnarkhoza. (Hoscow-4urniture industry) GAVRIWVI F.T. Expansion of the furniture industry in Moscow. Der.prom. 10 no.9:1-1-14 S 161. (IaRA 14:10) 1. Upravleniye mebellnoy promyshlennosti Mosgorsovnarkhoza. (14oscow-Furniture industry) -- - , GAVRILOV, F.T. -I- ~., ; for f!irther technc-logical ~rqpgr-ss in the ~~twmi I ~,irq- I I ,,Iay.3 , an-i wooiworkin,a, indu3try. Dor. prom. 14 A p 1 6 5 . OMPRA 18: 5) DE: URI - 166-61607/008 -/0084- ACC NRi AP6026953.-- -SOURCE-CO- off5[676 1 .AUTHOR: -Gavrilov, F. V.; Markulov, V. S. 'ORG: none iTITLE: Positron method of determining local gas density SOURCE: Iz me rite Vnaya tekhnika, no. 7, 1966, 81-84 TOPIC TAGS: vacuumeter, vacuum measurement, positron %--L..: ~.'' A" '~j ct-a_ ABSTRA63T: OptjW, x-ray, and radioactive methods of determining density of Recelx& rarefied-gas flow yield averaged (in the direction of 4 -11 probing beam) integral values. A new method of strictly -4 ACC-NR: AP60-2.-6- 53 ~efficiency scintillation counters can be used as a gamma-quanta receiver; the I X-factor may be expected to reach 105r quanta per min per curie of positron-source i iactivity. A measuring error of 1% may be expected from such an instrument. IInexpensive short-living isotope Cu" is suggested as a source of positrons; other 1 _1*7 Ung-living sources, such as Na", Go", Rh'02' , Ni , also look promising. Orig. i,art. has: 4 figures and 17 formulas. ISUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 002 OTH REF: 002 Cwd T~'- Y : T.3 8 11 'A" K'-TY : OuLtivated Ir-.d.1,~ trial, OlalCarous, Sugar. M .6347) Q-a-trIlav G. :7. Now Fast--Xaturln~Z JI.F-rg-a-Roll V&r-I.-itias for Uorthc~-M of Gra,~Int;. P.: [t. :~hlopkovolstvo, 1957, 7, 42-1+5 pj~:.V."~.CT For Kara-Kalpak Autonomous .11h where oUmntio cotulitiona for ottca p anI. cultiv-itioa ~Lre las3 favorable, itz own fast- -t'iring a--A high-yield wrieties --ru xzic-oas-Ltry. To.- -Lqi8 P~Irpoae, H:,.ra-,KaIprk cxp~prim,3nt station of So~ru.ZNTMP'haa been oonduoting a crooning of geographloally dintant forms of cott'.Iya pla;it.. '11o bast resulta are etyuured whaia"laaal varlety is tak-en as -Wie ixtormsi Com, and atj tho pttornal fo--= - a 1-,,rga-boll variety from s geographlaally distmnt re-gion. As the rasult of continuous work, now, large-bo eaot-m:%turltig strains KK-1056, &K-1172 and &K-11YR have b,~od cl"Ilt-Iriq Rrj~;wu-ch Cotton GAVRILOV, G. - -': ~:- ---I - - ~ ~ - Protective lacquers. Vauka i tekh mladezh 15 no.10: 25 0163. GAVRIIDV,, G. Hydrogen ion concentration and its importance for galvanotechn- ical practice. Mashinostroene 12 no. 11:32-33 N 163. 1. RP "Elaktronika",, Sof.'Lia. GAVRILOV, G. Improve the organization of the supply of materials and equipment. Bukhg. uchet. 15 n0-11:33-34 N '56. (MLRA 9:12) 1. GlavW bukhgalter Upravlenlya, 'Uralalmaz,6 Holotovskays, oblast'. (Accounting) (Materials) V 25(3) P. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION USSR. Upravleniye po organizatsii I mekhanizatsii ucheta SOV/1672 Mekhanizatslya ucheta I vychislitellnykh rabot na promyshlennom pred- priyatil; sbornik statey (me.chanization of Accounting and Comput- Ing Operations In an Industrial Establishment; Collection of Arti- cles) Moscow, Gosstatizdat, 1957. 125 P. 5,100 copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agency: USSR. TSentrallnoye statisticheskoye upravlenlye. Ed..-- V.A. Ustlyants; Tech. Ed.: A.A. Kapralova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel servicing computers, tabulators, punch card machines, etc., and.for those using this equipment. COVERAGE: This collection of articles reviews various aspects of mechanical invoicing, use of key-operated calculators in account- Card 1A Mechanization of Accounting (Cont.) SOV/1672 ing, functions of interplant clearing houses, accoufiting of state taxes using business machines and computers, and operation of punch card machines. Technical features of computing and calcu- lating are discussed and some measures to improve reliability are outlined. No personalities are mentioned. There are 8 Soviet references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Gallyev, A. Use of the FMR-III Invoicing Machine for Simultaneous Printing of Three Billing Documents 3 Gavrilov G. Mechanization of Finished Product Accounting Using ~e~ e ~ae _; ~ Calculators (Based on the Experience of the Shadrinskiy Avtoagregatnyy Zavod-Shadrinsk Automatic Calculator Plant) 13 Veprinskiy S Mechanizating Operations of an Accounts Clearing House (BVRj oi a Construction Trust 20 Berezin, M., and A.Alikhashkin. Methods of Getting the Accounting Leaf and Insert Into the Face Account. Accounting of State Taxes Card 2/4 Mechanization of Accounting (Cont.) SOV/1672 (Experience of the Computing and Business Machine Service Center of the "Yuzhuralnikell" Combine) 27 Lazarev, V., and A, Safonov. For Further Improvement of the Mechani- zation of State Tax Accounting 32 Potekhin, S. Methods of Perforation Control 40 Isakov, V. On Perforation Control Methods 53 Rapoport, Le. Effectiveness of Mechanized Engineering and Tech- nical Calculations 56 Rappoport, M. Technique of Calculating Finite Differences on Computing Machines 80 Khusainov B. Compilation of Calibrating Tables on Tabulating Machines (Experience of the Computing and Business Machine Service Card 3/4 Mechanization of Accounting (Cont.) SOV/1672 Center of the Novo-Ufimskiy neftepererobatyvayushchiy zavod- New Petroleum Refinery at Ufa) log Tikhomirov, Yu., and N. Kotov. Automatic Stopping of the Tabu- lator and Switching on of a Light Signal With the Appearance of a "Short" in the Tabulator and the Totaling Perforator 120 Fokin, N. Modernization of the Totaling Perforator for the T- 4KI Tabulator 123 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (HF5679.R8) JG/bg Card 4/4 8-5-59 CbASHVILI, A., inzhener; l,CV, G., H inzhener. 4"echanically operated b-)dies used for traneDort of lar,-e-3ize and heavy freight ard mounted on the ZIL-156 truck chn.~3sir. Avt.transp. 35 no-7-'IL-li JI '57. lc-cl) KUDRrASHOV, A..; STIEVTKIN, D.; TAKOBASHVILI, A., inzh.; GAVRILOV, G., inzb. Our mail. NTO no.4:59 AP '59- (MIRA 12:6) 1. Zamestitel, prodRodatelya Laningradskogo oblustnogo pravle- niya nauchno-tokhnicbeekogo obshchestva aantokhniki i gorodskogo khozyaystva (for Kudryanhov). 2.'Chlen presidiuma doroshnogo pravleniya Nauchno -t okh niche skogo obahch"ntvn stholn-nnodorozhnogo transporta Mosknvsko-Kiyevskoy zhnleznny dorogi, g.Kaluga (for shevykin). , (Technical societifn)