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SHANGIN, V.; IAUKART, I.; GAVRIKGV, I., mashinist traktornogo kram Increase the production of prebeaters. Stroi. truboprov. 10 no.l: 35 A 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Stroitellno-montazhnoye upravleniye No.5 tresta Nefteprovodmontazh, Krasnoyarsk. 2. Glavnyy mekhanik Stroltellno-montazhnogo upravleniya NO.5 tresta Nefteprovodmontazh, Krasnoyarsk (for Shangin). 3. Proizv0ditell rabot Stroitellno-montazhnogo upravleniya No.5 tresta Nefteprovodmontazh, Krasnoyarsk (for Laukart). 77" 71" OST011, M.I.; GLlnj IKOXII__!.S. Improving the technical and economic indices of a mine. Ugoll Ukr. 7 no.10:41 0 163. OURA 17:4) 1. Nachallnik shakhty No.1 tresta Shakhterskantratsit (for Vyrostkov) . 2. Zamestitel' glavnogo inzhener shakhty No.1 trest.- ~,'h!~~khterskantratsit (1for Gavrikov). _~_ - 1. As - -~:. - " GAVRIKOV, K. V. , Cand Ned Sci -- (diss) "Ef f ect of some Euialeptic and soporific agents on the immunoloL~-ical reactivity of the living organ- ism to bacteria of the intestinal-typhus groUD." Stalingrad, 1960. 21 pp; (Ministry of Public Health RSFSR, Stalingr.~)d State Medical Irist); 200 copies; price not given; (KLI 27-601 159) IORKIN, G.A.; .'GAVRAOV, K.V. (Sbalin ad) Method of performing dynamic(direct and indirect) portacaval anastomosis, Pat, fiziol. i ekep. terap. 4 no, 5:73-71+ S-0 160. (MIRA 13: 10) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. G.A. Ionkin) Stalingradskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (PORTAGAVAL ANASTOMOSIS) SAMANOV., V.V.i GAVRIKOV, K.V.; GFRASIMENKO, I.F.; FRIYMA, G.Ya. Programming device for the study of human reflex activity. Zhur. vys.nerv.deiat. 12 no.1:181-183 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Chair of Physiology and Morphology, Pedagogical Institute, and Scientific Pedagogical Iaboratory, R.S.F.S.R. Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Volgo radi. PFLEXES) I! 'l, V it ; ?.C, speech rerlcxcmcti~-r. '.,op. p3ikhol. 11 no. 161-162 Fr--Ap 165. Aulf.o-3peech reclexwrotcr. Ibid. 16-1-1641 (MIRA 18:6) .. Kafedra Ciziologil i rorfologti PcdaFogichvt~;kovo Instituta, 1 Volgograd. KARTASHEV, N.N.; PRIMA, G,Ya.;_GM-TIKOV, K.V,; THIJI,';(,Vt V.7. State of the blood and the piscicultural quality of sturgeon spawners during their approach to the dam of the Volga Hydro- electric Power Station (22d Congress of the CPSU) and wintering under various conditions. Uch. zap. Volg. gos. ped. inst. no.16: 17-25 164- (MIRA 19: 1) 1. Kafedra fiziologii i morfologii gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo instituta i Valprogradskoye otdelenive In3tituta rytnogo kho2yaystva Vserosslyskogo soveta rarodnogo khozyaystva. GAV~IKOV, N. A. Cand Med 5ci -- "Theoretical principles of methods and experi k&~t - 7:ttQ--- --- --- L~ I u in /f,ractical spplia&ti-nn of the Chinese method of L"hen*-Irezym therapy iu*-U.~' e - 5 4 int rnal~diaease 4bb2br." GorIkiy, 1960 (Gor'kiy State Med Inst im. S. M. Kirov). M, 1-61, 206) -ZG9- GAVIUKOV, N.A. Diagnosis of primary cancer of the duodenum. Vrach. delo no..U: 139-140 N !61. (IRI RA 14: 11) 1. 3-ya Ob*ycdinennaya bollnitsa,, g. Armavir. (DUODERM-CMICER) GAVRIKOV, N.A.; LWYANOV, V.S.; PARFENOVA, V.P. (AmaVir) Clinical and roentgenological diagnosis of internal biliary fistula. no,7:46-50 161, (MIRA 14:8) 1. Iz terapevticheskogo otdelen~iya No.1 (zav. N.A. Gavrikov) Armavirskoy mezhrayonnoy bolinitsy (glavnvy vrach V.1. Sinchugov). (FISTULA) (BILIARY TRACT-RADIOGRAPHY) GAVRIKOV., N.-A. (Armavir) Acute adrenal insifficiency in adrenal gland apoplexy. Klin. med. no.6:138-140 161. XRA 14:12) 1. Iz terapevticheskogo otdeleniya No. 1 Armavirskoy mezhrayonnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach N. I. Sinchugov) (ADRENAL GLANDS-DISEASES) .gAygKC,V, N.A.,; LUK4Y;AIIOVI V.S,; SI[VlDKOVSKIY, N.F. Experience gained in the operation of an interdistrict medical society., Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 6 no.4:32-33 Ap 162. (MIRA 1514) 1. Iz Ilauchno-moditainskogo obshchestva pri Armavirskom. gorod-skon. otdele zdravookhraneniya (zav, gorodski-m otdelom zdravookhraneai~a V.S.Kurochkin). (KIUSUODAR. KIWI-I-LEDICAL SOCETIES) rAAMIKOV,_g,A,,; SHVIDKOVSKIY, D.F. (Armavir) Clinical aspects and diagnosis of primary twnors of the pleura 40 no.6:147-151 Je 162. (KrRA 15.9i 1. 1z terapevticheskogo otdoleniya (zav. - II.A. Garvikov) Ob"yedinennoy bollnitsy No.3 (glavnvy vrach L.I. Baskakov). (PISM-TUMORS) , kand.mod.nauk (Arwivir); LUKIYANOV, V.S. (Armavir); GAVRMY,-Hj.. SHVI KIY, N.F. (Armavir) Acupuncture in the clinic for internal disease* Vrach.delo nool: 145-146 Ja 163. (ACUPUNCTUEE) (MIRA 16t2) GAVRIKOV, N.A.,; KUROCHKIN, V.S.; LUKIYANOV, V.S.; SHVIDKOVSKIYY N.F. (Armavir) Formation and coordination of the activity of the individual interdistrict scientific medical societies. Sov.zdrav. 22 no.4:103-104 163. (MIRA 16:4) (ARHAVIR--MEDICAL SOCIETIES) GAInMOV N.A., (Armavir); SIPTIDKOVSKIVY, N.F. (Armavir); UAIMIOV) V.S. (Armavir). Segmentary ultarviolet irradiation of the reflexogenic zones in treating bronchial asthma. Vrach. delo, no.1:147-148 Ja'64 (MIRA 17:3) GAV'Rl*.-'OV Ser-:-oj Ivano7ic.,,; SHILO llik I , Alol~soyovich,; POTEMKIN. LV.,0zam.otv.rad.; ALD-'Sll~ ITDI red.; APELITSIN, F.R., rod.; BE;L,ZI,T, V.'., reO..; A.I., re(,.; LUZ!LrSOV, G.G., red.; ,!LATSU'r.r",V, L.P., ra,--,.; ',-JJZHDI~,, I.T., rad.; -FIRSOV, L. ree..; F01!.!.,-if0, T.G., red.; SHAIWJkROVICH, L,A.. [Division of ts~n unp,ir ln6i,-ir'c_l Valley Into 11--rtonic regions) 0 tektouichas!!:c,i raiinLro--)~iii bs-sseiwt veklina~~o techenlia r. in(li~irk-i. 14.1gadan, 1959. 17 7,. Vsesoiuznyi n.-iiir-,hno-issiodo-,r2tolost:ii inatitut zolnt,)L i Trudy. Geolor-iia, no-TS). (!!Ti:L,. 12:4) (Indi-ir'.,m Valler-Goolo-y, Sti-int,tral) j. -r S.I. sAVRIKOV), Transverse zoning of the Inty&li synclinorium. Hauchamb. IAFAN SSSR no.2:29-34~,159. 16.3) 1, (Indigirka Valley-Geology, Structural) GAVRIKOV) S.I. Phases and cycles of the tectogenesis of the Yana-Koluma geosync""- in the upper Indigirka Basin. Mat.po geol.i pol.iskop.I&k. ASM no.2: 48-57 160. (MIRA 15:10) (Indigirka Valley-Geology, Structural) - GAM90Y.A~jo- Transversal sonality in Mesozoic folds of the upper Indigirka Valle.v. Geol. i geofis. no-3:115-118 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Yakutakoye goologicheskoye upravlaniye. (Indigirka Valley-Folds (Geology)) ARGUNOV, M.S.; GAVRIKOV, S.I. -. - -- - - B&lagan-Tas, the earI7 Qmternary volcano. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.geol. '5 no.8:90-93 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Verkhne-Indigirskoye geologorazvedochnoye upravleniye, poe.Ust'-Ifera, Takutskoy ASSR. (Balagan-Tas Volcano) GAVRIKOV., S.I.; DANILOGORSKIY, Ye.P. Ebir-Khaya intrusive andcharacteristics of ores associated with it. Geol.rud.mestorozh. no-4:71-78 JI-Ag 161. (,MIRA 14:10) 1. Verkhneindigirskoye geologorazvedochnoye upravl6fiye. (Irfigirka Valley"-Gold) (Indigirks Valley~Tungsten) -- Gold potential of sedimentary rocks with sulfide impregnations in the ElIga Basin. Geol.rud.mestorozh. no.2:114-115 Fx-Ap 162. (PURA 1514) 1. Ver,kheindigirskoye geologorazvedochnoye upravlenive. (Yakutia-Gold ores) GAVRIKOV, -5,1-- Stratigraphy and tactonics of the Tas-,Xhayakhtakh fold block uplift. Sovageol- 5 no-5:139-243 My 162. OMIRI 15:7) 1. Varkhne-Indigirskoya rayonnoye geologichaskoye upravleniye. (Tas-KhayakhtAkh Range-Gcology., Structural) GAVRIKOVY S.L; ZHAhOVj,, V.P. Structure of the ore zone and the mineralization of the Zhdannoye gold deposit. lap,Vses.min.ob-va 92 no.1:2&-32 163. (MIRA 16W (Indigirka'Valley-Ore deposits) (Indigirka Valley-Gold ores) G~wRlvov, If 1. 8 L on 1 16 . M - y of Jiq geolcgical development. of t~ic, Okhotvik. ' sov.g.3ol., 8 nc:.2~.71-81 F 165. (kmtv- it;:],!) , 1. Vsesoyuz,-yy nsuchno-issledovatellskly ~ ly inst! tilt., GAVIRIKOV Paleotectonic maps of the northeastern U.S.S.R. for the Jurassic period. Geotektonika, no.1:46-56 Ja-F 166. (MTRA 19: 1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy geologicheskiy instittit. GAVRJKOV 3 V. (g.Armavir)j SHULYAYEV, F. (g.Armavir) This provokes alarm. Zhil.-kom. khoz.11 no.7:31 11 161. (Caucasus, Nor~hern-Loess) (KM 14:7) 1. XOM, A. Ya.; 6AV~IkC#.' V,,- A:; MELEN, A.- P.; AGZY-r'V, N. A.; KUL-J-1rNA, Ye. A. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Horses 7. Results of raising colts on the collective farms of the Pochinok State Breeding Farm. Konevodstvo 22 no. 12 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. GAVRIKOV, V.A. (Armavir) Use of pile foundations for large.:-panel buildings on a small layer of settling soils in Krasnodarsk Territory. Oan., fund. i mekh. grun. 5 no.2:27-28 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Armavir-Foundations) (Armavir-Procast concrete construction) GAVRIKOV V.A. ~Armavir) Conference on building construction and construction on sagging soils in the Northern Caucuses and Rostov Province. Osn., fund. i mekh. grun. 5 no.5:30-31 t63. (MIRA 16:10) -GAVRIKOV) V.A. (Armavir) Problems in the study of landslides and measures for controlling them. 08nopfunde i makh.gruns 6 noo6129-30 164. (MIRA 18t1) GAVIUKOVY V. f,.. All-Union Conference an Artif-joial Stabilization and Compacticn of Soils. Osn.,fund, i mekh.gran. 7 no.1327-.29 165. (MTRA 1834) SAVERCHENKO, D.A.; _GAVRIKOV,_V ~M Operational efficiency of a Soviet electric filter. TSement 27 no. 2:13-14 mr-Ap 16:L. (MIRA 14:5) (Dust collectors) (Cement plants) I- - ~ -.: -, , -. t- 117 -.1 - I ~ ~~: 1 ~:o - ~ ":!-; ~;:, i: "w" .~,Z_ i -2 . a ~. - L 18227-63 -EPAIEW(m)IMS ____AEDG/AFFTr,/ASD/AM Paa,.4 'ACCESSION NR: -AT30018.60 S/Z909/62/000/006/0061/00'75 :AUTHORS: Ore hov, P.V.Il Gavrikov. V. P, TITLE: Contribution to the comparison of a radial centripetal and an axial 'turbine staje- SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut Dvigateley. Trudy, no. 6, 1962, 61..75 TOPIC TAGS: turbine, gas turbine, axial, radial, centripetal, efficiency, .controllable, nozzle, control ABSTRACT: This theoretical paper endeavors to clarify the advantages of the F radial centripetal turbine '(RCT) by a comparative analysis of the stages of a radial and an axial turbine. Reference4s made to the Swiss Escher-Wyss desi;n 9 project of a closed-cycle atomic! gas-turbine powerplant of 20,000 hp employing two RCT's and to the Boeing-520'naval powerplant (500 hp) which has an RCT-type! compressor turbine. The paper comprises a comparison of the temperature drop. that can be utilized in a stage of ~4 radial and an axial turbine. It is found that the temperature difference that can be handled by a single stage can be increased in an RCT not only by an increase in the load coefficient, but also by increasing the permissible peripheral speed of the wheel rim. In the mean, the peripheral of an Card 1/3 L 18227-63 'ACCESSTIO NR: AT3001860 'RCT can be some 40 percent gre 'ater than in axial turbines. Hence ., an RCT stage: can handle a temperature drop twice that of an axial stage, thanks to both the. higher load coefficient and the greater permissible peripheral speed. In the design of high-power equipmen4 this results in a reduction in the number of ,stages, so that~ for example, where an axial turbine requires 3 to 4 stages, an RGT can perform equally well with a single stage which results in a reduction in weight and size and in an improvement in dependability. With reference to effi- ciency, it is recognized that existing RGTs are less efficient than existing a:4al turbines, but this is attributed to the imperfection of the internal design of exist- ing RCT's and is in contrast with the greater theoretical efficiency of RGT's wLch should be attainable with further development. Improvements in effi-ciency in RCT's are, therefore, anticipated,, An analysis of the characteristics of a control." j.I'- lable-nozzle apparatus (CNA) shows that: (1) A CNA can maintain a radial tur- bine (by controlling the angle a close to design efficiency throughout a broad i range of loads and rpm. (2) A GNA can maintain the rpm of a turbocompressor.,i" reasonably constant throughout a range of non-design regimes without an addi-';- y tional transmission equipments and without decreasing the weight flow of gas. .(3) Even though a power turbine may lose rpm (for example, during a climb of a locomotive or an automobile), a CNA can maintain the power of the turbine and maintain fully the power of the entire aggregate even under non-design regimes.. Card 2/3 L 18227-63 ACCESSION NR-. AT3001860 A separate Section discusses the design and manufacture of RCT wheels and 'he' t electric circuitry of the control of an experimental power aggregate. A compari-. son of the performance and efficiency of RCTts and axial turbines in operation with small discharge rates shows that the efficiency of an RCT,is considerably superior. Orig. art. has 9 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: IlApr63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH, PR NO R-EF SOV: 006 OTHER: 001 Card 3/3 DDYIEDY, G.N., inzhener; GRIKKDV,.V.F., inzhaner. ---- -at,- The KL gantry, craze. Hekh.trud.rab.10 no.4:31-24 Ap 156. (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (MLRA 9:7) NOVIKOV, G.N., inzhener, GAVRIXOT, V.P., iuzhoner. Using winches with continuous motion cables in lumber skiddinge X.ekh.truderab. 10 no-10:36-39 0 156. (MIaA 10:1) (Umbering--Nachinery) Y3SIPGHUK' F.P., ITOVIKOV. G.P.; GAVRIKOV, V-P-; KAlXUIK, I.I.,red.; z -va , GIMI-A, A.M., tekhn. red. PITERMAN, Ye.L., red. i d [L-47 single-drum winch for the S-80 tractor; "14imber industry and forestry" pavilion) Odnobarabannaia lebedka L-47 dlia traktora S-80- oavillon "Lasnais promysblennost' i lesnoe kbozisistvo." Cmoq~va-] H-vo lennoi promyabl. SSSR [19571 6 p. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Moscow. Yseeovuznaya promyshlennaya vyetavka. (Winches) GAVRIKOV. V.P.,_jnzhoner. Using rope log conveyers in the UnzhleB lumbering enterprise. Mekh.trw~.rab. 11 no.3:19-21 Mr 157. (MLRA. 10:5) (Lumbering--Machinery) GAVRIKOV,V.Z. Hidden potentialities in founding. Lit.proizv. no.9:1-3 S'55- (Pounding) (MLPA 8:12) Name: GAVRIKOV., V. Z. Dissertation: Siphon otack filling of molds for steel castings weighiLig uP to 50 kilogram Degree: A b 46- 1 4M"N&e Date PI ace. Source: Cand Tech Sci Min Higher Education USSR, Ural Polytechnic Inst imeni S. M. Kirov 1956, Sverdlovsk Kniz-hnays, Iatopis'.. No 47, 1956 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 583 Gavrikov, Vasiliy Zakharovich Sifonno-stopochnaya otlivka stalInykh detaley (Stacked-mold Bottom Casting of Steel Parts) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957. 103 P. 5,000 copies printed. Ed.: Pinegin, I.I., Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: Manakin, N.V.; Tech. Eds.: Matveyeira, Ye. N., El'kind, V-D-;)~anaging Ed. for literature on heavy machine building (Mashgiz . Golovin, S. Ya., Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for the use of foremen, technologists, and skilled workers at foundries. COVERAGE: The book gives practical, Inf ormation on the technology of molding and pouring operations in the production of stacked-mold bottom-cast items under conditions of small-series production. A method is given for making design calculations for a gate system used in stacked-mold casting, and a forTaula is derived Card 1/7 Stacked-mold Bottom Casting of' Steel Parts 583 for determining cross sections of gate-assembly elements. Various types of casting defects, together with their causes and prevention, are discussed - The methods described are based on the work practice of tb*Bryanskiy parovozostroitellnyy zavod (Bryansk Steam-Locomotive Plant) "Krasnyy Profintern" and the ZaVod imeni Illicha (Plant Imeni Il'ich). The author expresses his thanks to A.A. Gorshkov, Professor, Doctor of Tdchnical Sciences, and G.M. Dubitskly, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences, for their help in working out the design calculations for the gate assembly for stacked-mold bottom casting. There are 25 references, of which 21 are Soviet and 4 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Introduction 5 Card 2/7 Stacked-mold Bottom Casting of Steel Parts 583 Ch. I. Stacked-mold Bottom Casting of Parts 7 General information on the technology of stacked-mold bottom pouring of steel castings weighing up to 50 kg. 7 Equipment needed for stacked-mold bottom casting of parts 10 Percentage of satisfactory castings 10 Organization of the workingplace of the bottom-plate assembler 11 Basic tools of the bottom-late assembler 12 Output of castings per square meter of mold area 12 General remarks 12 Ch. II. Gate System for Stacked-mold Bottom Pouring of Shaped Castings Weighing up to 50 Kg. 14 The gate system and its requirements 14 Card 3/7 Stacked-mold Bottom Casting of Steel Parts 583 Determining the cross-sectional area of the narrow part of the gate system 19 Determining the optimum length of time for filling the molten metal 24 Determining the rated gravity-head of the metal 28 Determining the cross sectional area of the.remaining elements of the gate system 29 Determining the time required to fill the bottom plate with molten meta l 30 Determining the- diameter of the hole 32 Ch. III. Stacked-mold Bottom Casting of Automatic-coupler Parts 34 Making the mold 35 Preparing the bottom plate 36 Mounting the funnel 37 Mounting the mold on the bottom plate and assembling the mold 37 Card 4/7 Stacked-mold Bottom Casting of Steel Parts 583 Preparation of mold and castirg of catch for, automatic coupler 1 38 Preparation of mold and casting of lock lifter 42 Preparation of mold and casting of lock shaft 43 Preparatioh'of mold and casting'of lock holder 46 Preparation of mold and casting of lock 47 Ch. IV. Stacked-mold Bottom Casting of Component Parts of an Uteshinskiy Drainage Apparatus 51 Making the molds 53 Preparation of mold and casting of valve 54 Preparation of mold and casting of mouthpiece . - 58 Preparation of mold and casting of valve seat 61 Preparation of mold and casting of pipe connection 62 Ch. V. Stacked-mold Bottom Casting of Certain Railroad- car Parts 67 Card 5/7 Stacked-mold Bottom Casting of Steel Parts 583 Preparation of mold and casting of rosette 67 Preparation of mold and casting of spring bracket 72 Preparation of mold and casting of truss bearing 77 Ch. VI. Main Types of Defects and Ways of Dealing With Them 83 Insufficient filling of mold and sticking-together of castings 83 Shrinkage cavities and sponginess 8g Ga3,pockets 8 Cracks on castings 88 Furrows go Scabs 92 Impurities 93 Collapse of the mold g Squeezing of the mold g 9 Card 617 Stacked-mold Bottom Casting of Steel Parts 583 Distortion of castings 97 Appendix 100 Bibliography 102 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress GO/ksv 9-2-58 Card 7/7 V~ SOV/133-58-8-29/30 AUTHORS: Turchenkova, Ye.K., Kikorski1r, A.I., YegnuB, R.M., Doldyrev, L.I., Raznotina, Ye.T., Ehgineerss Bollshakov, L.Ae, Candidate of Technical Sciencest and Gavrikov, V.Z., Engineer TITLE: Performance of the Coupling Sleves Made From Nodular Iron at the Mill 650 (Rabota. soyedinitellnykh mift. iz chuguna a sharovidnym grafitom na stane 650) /f FIMODICAL: Stall, 19581ANr 8, Pp 763 - 766 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As the durability of the coupling sleeves of the mill 650 made from grey iron. decreased with increased degree of reduction per pass introduced in the folling practice, the use of sleeves made from nodular iron was investigated. Four series of experimental smelting of magnesium-inoculated iron were carried out. Sleeves from the first series were tested as cast and of the remaining series after various heat treatments* The chemical coaposition, mechanical, and conditions of thermal treatment are given in Table 1. The microstructure of heat-treated metal - Figures 1-3, the mould for casting of sleeves - Figure 4. the results of serrice life of sleeves made from nodular iron, grey iron and steel - Table 2. On the basi:9 of the results obtained, it is concluded that the service life of sleeves from nodular iron is 4-6 times higher than that of sleeves made from grey iron. The optimum heat treatment is normalisation with subsequent annealing at 5800C. Sleeves should be cast with the consumption of metal for shrinkage head not less than 20% of the weight of castingo When coupling sleeves are not heat-treated, then the sum of C + Si in nodular irondhoiald be maintained in a range of 5.5-6.0%. There are 5 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATIONS: Zhdanovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (Zhdanov Metallurgical Institute) and Zavod "Azovstalt" ("Azovstall" Works) BOLISHAKOV, L.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; RMISM, M.T., inzh.; TURCHIIIKOVA, Ye.K., inzh.; YIGNUS, R.M., inzL.; SVIRIDEIIKO, F.F., inzh.; TARASOVA, 1.P., inzh.; SLUD7W, P.11.,,inzh.; Gt!-f1-I11OV-V-Z-1 Inzh. Efficient design of large rail ingot molds. Stall 20 no.9:793-797 s ,6o; (MIRL 13:9) 1. U4~od "Azovstal!" i Zhdanovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Ingot molds) ILIIH, N., inzhlf er; GAVRIKOV, Ye., arkhitektor Keramzit concrete products. Zhil. stroi. no-2:27-28 Y 161. (MM 141l) (Concreto slabs) FLLOV, B.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; POLEZHAYEV, A.A., kand.takhn.nauk; GAVRIKOV, YU.A.; TIMLITSOV, V.I. Investigating the resistance to torsional vibrations of hydrodynamic transmissions. Avt.prm. 27 no.10:21-23 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Moskovskoya vyssheye takhnichaskoye uchilishche imeni Baumana. (Automobiles-'rransmission devices-Vibration) PYIDV, BeA., kand.tekbn.nauk; POLEZRAYEV, A.A., kand.tekbn.nauk; GAVMOVp Yu.A.; STRELOTSOV, V.I. 'Effect of hydrokinetic transmissions on torsional vibrations. Avt.prom. 28 no.2:13-15 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Moskovskoye vyssbeye tekbnicheskoye uchilishche imeni Baumana. (Motor vehicles--Transmission devices--Vibrations) L 44567-66 Era (i SCTB DD ACC NR: AP6030593 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/016/0076/0076 INVENTOR: Itaklyukov M. I.; ~alashnikov. V. P ; Zaykin, M.--G..$ 3 ,Baburin, V __X7T_(;&vr11kov, Yu. N.; Utyamyshev. R. I, RG: none ~TITLE: Multichannel device for recording human physiological functions.! [Class 30, No. 185005 SOURCE: lzobreten~ya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 16." 19660 76 'TOPIC TAGS: human physiology, body temperature, skin galvanic reaction respiratory system,.'biometries, biotelemetry 1APSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a device used to record human physioiogical functions. Its components include amplifie'sq lof biopotentials, high- and low-frequency filters, a body and skin temp. 'Pirature monitor a circuit recording respiratory rate and respiratory~' imovements of the thorax, a circuit measuring skin galvanic reactions, and a stabilized power source. Increased operating reliability and accuracy of several simultaneous measurements are achieved by sup- pressing synphased interference and by assuring necessary signal ampli,- fication using cascaded low-frequency amplifiers. Some signals are fed Card 1 / 2- UDC: 615,471;612.2:621.38 L-445 -67-66 ACC NRi AP6030593 I a 2 10 J - 1 -7i ---------------- 0 'Fig. 1. Device for recording human physioO logical functions :1 - Amplifiers of biopatentials: 2 - high .7 and low-frequency filters; 3 - body tem- perature monitor; 4 - skin temperature 7 monitor; 5 - circuit recording respiratorX rate and thoracic movements; 6 - circuit recording skin galvanic reactions: 7 - stabilized power source; 8 - low- frequency amplifiers; 9 transformer; :10 - output Stages. to bridges, in which the arms are automatically balanced by controlling leach arm using a tube grid connected via resistance to the cathode. A variation of the above is distinguished by the fact that the tem- perature measurement bridge is fed by a synchro. A second variation is designed to record incoming signals from measurement channels via telem- etry, and uses various types of oscillographs. It contains output stage with current and voltage switches. A general diagram of the system is given in Fig. 1. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [CD) SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATEt 28Jan651 ATD PRESS: 5079 :Card 2/2 _-;PJk1) M v)/M4F(J)/F.WP(k) WWIEWRM ~--O ~939 k6E Nk. P6 0 SOURCE CODE: UR/0374/65/000/06-5-/6-045~/0050~t FA1T-PL1AD tr M .LIU a u V W ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of*the strength of sandwich plastic construction material SOURCE: Hekhanika polimerov, no. 5, 1965, 45-50 TOPIC TAGSt sandwich structure, homeycomb struc- ture, bend testo P I :ftkjx=~ kJA4 ABSTRACT: Investigations of the behaviour of sandwich paneld with honeycomb coKq at bending tests in two directi have been carried out. These panelsrvere supported along the contour. The test results were compared with data computed from the formulas presented. An analysis of the test and calculated data indicated that the material of panels with the honeycomb core may be considered as practically isotropic in the plane of the layer. The formulas presented are recommended for the determination of deflections, standard and tangential stresses. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 1 table, and 21 formulas. [Based on author's abstract]. JSUB CODE: 111 SUBM DATE-z 2lJaa65/ ORIG REF: 0091 OTH REF: 001 Card I / I UDGt 678t539.04 A go *0 00 l** 0 .3 00 11 0 I0i J It T 31 34 Ma is 27 21 h1all U13 Mail mulsmag c 'I IL-L-L-I.- IL -1 ?-a R I M__L The InWWdm by scartimaidebyals of oxidation reactions C 1 t i A N d idl . a . ns. as parta -OrIt A114 atalai so by p7r ii:' _- I jilaya. ft'*AiMiYU 11. Ilid-20(l l.)L 11111111k the the taWlens. nimfuisi,vis .-t the t.%w action of WC110 (1). It was Found that I IIWOVAN4 dchyalmtenalacs. csix-chilly those contig. diphoi. t _ i! "Y l l C Th f h l l) idi eot t o . e component o t e 1h nc nuc e ( v t s dchydrogrataw enryme on which I illrecitil It% AM." wj% -00 not the S$x1tillayinar bn% the Cast. I cwohiiinl ~hh -00 ttittliyl-1.2.lihy~ltunk-iAinaiii4le to give whkb cml.l not br ph. -09 tAisied In ain moudytiotity pure nviuIttkm; pirra!r, C1,11a. ' * ! 0#14war. coll.M'O. M. I.V" . I N.O.. all. IM-S I tit" not comblint with Col. bul dua, so with reduced Col t ze 9 It* 14kin; place at thr ow-turthyl. '41110 rue lictimp u( the pvtOne trials. The Ivarsuloct lama, an islirm. vmcl Aloorpiloo latex. ill LNMI 1110 4.11111jAml to .340 llt~ l 4 oll 4 Ill-vol 51%vn by It,-Col. The tondarnul '00 with I aftct hydraity,~Iia with (tit. ackis givvs 1-Whylkleme. ' ' t l owl o" tit. O tin h h d 1 d l l bl ru vq not calan w e a or im t t t or of II.Xot. Thr Inactivatioct of pvchline tircn,,iti, by I iq (file to the dessat oral loll of their lWomthelic grlioj~. The 2-ethylkletic-1,2-dih Inic Instaticle -so lot It taint Col Is ilc%vhi 011 catalytic act vity. It. 116"Ilry NITALWIF,1CAL LITERATbAll CLAISLPKATIC U 11110113111, p1,10 Cee, Hit Oliat Ka 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :11111 0 0 0 1 0' 0 0 A. H. GAVRIEM, A. N. - tekhnik i. BORIESOVA. K. S. - lnzh., ZATSEPIN, YL S. - inzh. Nauchno-issls&vatollskiy Institut po stroitelistvu Ministerstya neftyanoy proaW3hlennostl RAZRABOTKA PRCMrSHLENNOr TEKBNOWGII IZVESTXOVYXH KARBCNIZIROVAMMM MATERIAWV Page 104 SO: calect 2L ArmiatalLo Rf &jjAtVU fmard, = CrIVOU31alAp, Am- agla U I=, Moscow 1951 'TIlhOiA, K. A. U . I ~) C, -, C, r .!-,,. 3. ~ . . . - , 4 ) and .3 -~- 7.'.) .1. 1. 0 1. IlThe Folarographic Method of Detectim, 'ietals in -Lubri,3antsll. p 139j in tbE Nono#raph "Investi!-,ation and Use of Petrolewn Froducts", edited by N. G. Fuchkov, Gostopte'Khizdat, Aloscow-Leningrad, 1950- GAVRIKOVA, R.- A. Polarographic determination of metals in lubricating oils, S. 1. Siuyakova. ~1. S. Borovave, and K. A. Gavrikova. Zhur. Ana 1. Khim. 5, 33330-P(1~-5c).--This method was designed to est7-thd"Veff"6f -bearings. Two procedures were worked out (a) for bronze benrings, In which case Fe, Pb, and Cu are detd., and (b) for babbitt benrJngn, when Fe, Pb, and Sn are detd. In a dry-burn the oil at not over 500' and dissolve the resi- due in HCl. Ppt. Fe and Pb with IIH40H in the presence of NH4Cl, filter, and wash the ppt: With NH40H. Dissolve the ppt. on filter with 30 ml. of hot 2 N HC1 and make the vol 50 mi. Use 10 mi. of soln. for polarographic detn. of Cu. Det. the amts. of each of the metnIs from calibration curves. For detg. Fc, Pb, and Sn det. Fc and Pb as shove. Ext. the Sn from the oil by refluxing with HC1. Since sone of the Pb is also extd., ppt. it with H2SQ4, and in the filtrate det. Sn. M. Hoeseh S/190/60/002/009/018/019 B004/BO60 AUTIMS: Kolesniko,.,, G. S., Rodionova, Ye. F.~ Fedorova, L, S., Gavrikova, L. A. TPPLE: Carbocha7l7olymersland Copolymers. XXVII. PolymerizationA and Copolymerization of Di-n-butyl Eater of Vinyl Phosphinic Acid I PERIODJCAL~ Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 9, pp. 1432-1437 TEXT: The authors wanted to produce a polymer of di-n-butyl-vinyl phos- phinate (DBVP) with a higher molecular weight than had been obtained in previous experiments (Ref. 2). DBVP was produced by a procedure described by M. 1. Kabachnik and T. Ya. Medved' (Ref. 3). The authors first applied the polymdrization, by the method of "molecular clusters" (molekulyarnykh puchkov) (Ref. 4): condensation of the monomer on the cooled surface of the catalyst, and subsequent thawing. An apparatus supplied by the Kafedra vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy Moskovskogo gosudaratvennogo universiteta (Chair of High.-molecula-r-Compounds, of Moscow State UnIversity) Card 1/4 83483 Carbochain Polymers and Copolymers. XXVII. S/190/60/002/009/018/019 Polymerization and Copolymerization of Di-n- B004/BO60 butyl Ester of Vinyl Phosphinic Acid was used for the purpose. A rubber-like rizatelvith a 60% yield was obtained in the presenceo _M__e allic magnesium. The specific viscosity of a 1% solution in ethanol amounted to 0.217; the molecular weight was 9500. A viscous polymerizate was obtained in the presence of ZnCl 2' Fig. I compares the thermomechanioal properties of the polymerizate ob- tained by means of Mg with those of a polymerizate obtained by the radi- cal mechanism (molecular weight 1300). The molecular weight was without effect on the 3oftening temperaturej while at high temperatures the deformation of the polymer with higher molecular weight was smaller. Furthermore, it was attempted to polymerize DBVP at 6000 atm both with Oit- addition of azoisobutyric acid (at 800, 10 h) and without initiator (at 100CC~ 12 h). The polymerization was possible in the presence of the initiator. Irradiation with fast electrons in glass ampuls (0.1 pa/cm2 2.10 12 ev/cm3.see) likewise gave rise to polymerization (Table 1). The scenific viscosity of the 1% solution was 0.047. Irradiation of this Card 2/4 83h83 Carbochain Polymers and Copolymers. XXVII, s/igo/60/002/009/018/019 Pc3ymerization and Copolymerization of B004/BO60 Di-n-butyl Ester of Vinyl Phospbinic Acid polymer led to the formation of Iridimensional, insoluble products. DBVP in n-heptane at 500 C and in the presence of disperse KNa alloy yielded 43% of a polymerizate with a specific viscosity of 0.039, No high molecular weights could, thus, be obtained by any of the methods mentioned. Copolymerization of DBVP in emulsion was carried out: 1) with styrene at 6o0C (Table 2); the copolymer had a molecular weight of 20,000, the 0.5%-solution in benzene had a specific viscosity of 0.17; Fig. 2 shows the thermomechanical properties of the DBVP-styrene copolymer; a high phosphorus content lowers the softening temperature; 2) with vinyl chloride,-DBVP at 60 0C yielded copolymers of low vis- co;3ity (Table 3). With vinyl acetate, the copolymers obtained had a phc3phoru.s content of 4. 1~%,. the specific viscosity of their 2% ethanol solution was 0.31. The authors thank V. V. Korshak and A. M. Polyakova for having made high-pressure,polymerization possible, B. L. Tsetlin for having carried out-the irradiation, 4nd G. L...Slonimskiy et al. for their determInation of thermomechanical properties..There are 2 figures,, 3 tables-, and 7 references: 6 Soviet and I Britia*h. Card 3/4 83483 Carbochain Polymers and Copolymers. XXVII. S/190/60/002 009/018/019 Polymerization and Copolymerization of B004/BO60 Di-n-butyl Estpr of Vinyl Phosphinic Acid ASSOCIATION: 6 1 IF., %I ~, r, HE P : Institut qlementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds of the AS USSR) May 12, 1960 Card 4/4 /-5- 0 0310201023 ;XTtlo~js: Rod li-onowl 124/13 1:)l 0 aolesni!~ov, 1,011 Q. ",-.ln poly- n(l L Lon Of e ny I j,.; Y:,,: e r i of a stuA,. n y I p.,-, 0 n 0 . , inate (Dvp) performed on t he Dol t an,~ i + - , 7,7,e _000 0 are prc?!;ontLa. . lymeri --lon 0-7 On 17i th tubes in t, -as 'MaSS-0 o 1, " r an he 2; a 0- c-d In nit' t '0, u v 1 d r Of the folloIj 6- in COI)OI 0 )~rovi i~. d bltyro~l j-, 0 -1 Gy nE 1)Vp cc) ^ -a - -00 n h sty e I n m itriL '.~nt in ass and j vp SIC . 1. C viscosit Of re St-1--tin.- mono,,r ixt,. e-mmicion. t DIT and sultin e U.,0 G 1,7 ~rren, 0~:Uaj 1~ cOPOldmer dec a r. ~l ll , ron-_-O. I t 1 ad--'od, to 25:75 ':J used 2 -Ind the Ti ' "nen a m3lar ratiO Cf -cture 2'.3 7 Molar 0~ copol.~,mer i~ at~ CO - I - tained after ')Oly,--'Crized a 0 Card 1/3 t 72.5 C, a y 1.4 7 hours h c - Of h Of rc,lhins pr~ C ~; 90/62/00,,',/',);) -)102C., /()'I? Clarbon chain polymoro ... B124/3101 -,r tho further coi:rse of from 72.5 to 60 C, t'-c i-trinzic vi~;cosi_tjy i3 ra_;~;o' to, -oi;ble lo%verinlr- of tho concentration if the initiator an %nalo.~--_us ef-^Oct. 0 C 4 '.-.hen the mentioned t,.,.o ;iionomers vicre copolymerized ir ~t 50 In nitro~,-;.2n -.nd in the presance of pe2.%;ulfato for ~36 ho-,:,~-z;, a mer contninin.- aboat, 2,:4 of nhospnoross, v.,ith an intrir.~Ac vi~-cczit y 1,_7 and -a molcvil~ir :.-oi-ht of 113,OCO va6 obtained. *.,-hcn D7P i5 %,..ith o-methylst,,renc under con~itio~!~ to thoce uZe", -.,.-ith vield of 'L-c co;)o I ,-mcr iz a bout "e, 3ami~~ an, s vii s t _-one --A tne :)ncj .horuz con'lont The vitri~fic:itic-~: noint of t-o co- vd'h o,eth, is oc, or -1 C u - yl~t r t, Z n t...- t f ztyrenc. The intrirz;--c 0 f a 0. so1utior, of ..'litrile conol-:-,~cr in of t'le nho:;-)*,-.orus-cor.,~__4 n- Co,,-,ponent i -oizrs of Cono1y,-.,,,eriz,,.;t;.on but littio v,*-;',r tt'le cc:~-,poz3itio'-. o" .,;V.irtin~ M;x-uro in 'ho ran~o of DVP concentrationo the copolymer cortains less of tlne phosDlhorus-cf~nt .-~rin,- st- artini- mixture. Tnanks are ~~ue to S. A. Pavlova -for the of the molecular There arc 2 fi-Cures, 6 tabies, an--' C-.rd 2/3 C:~ noly;ners ... -C - sc C i.-,'7 T -T Sjj:::, ~ILat Of 'iches'Kik-h co,,nl)o, ndl, 14 1 q6l -'/I 0 1 //o 2,vo tlle 'Tr 0 vr C~inl 3/3 L, 000,6-65 RPL --~V,45M 1ACCESSION YR.' AP5008358- 3/0 ,I 8/01 5 007/00 37ifiiT AUTHORS: Rodionova..Ye. ri Kole"w'. G_. S.; Gav-rikova~ L* A. -TITLIN: 0 ,~idoreduotion-initiated doliolYmerization 'of diphW~k virxyl-phosphinate with .!s e `sounrzw vYs_okomo1ekW7arayyG -soyedin rxiYas V' 7pno. 3s 19659 377-379 TOPIC TAGS. IlYi I copolymer initiator, molecular weight, carbon, phosphorusV po or oxidoreduction-styrine, diphenyll' v*~lT)hosphinate, sodium compound 'ABSTRAM.; - :1n th18'55th*_wctk :t'iom lhe.igeriea: "Carbon-chain polymers and Copolymers," copolymerization,in,emuls;Lonj initiated with an oxido~-reducing syatzm, wa-s investigatedlin an 'effort to produ6m a, high-molecular weight, hig~i-phosphorus ;content,copolymer of diphenyl vinylphoulxhirlate (DPW) with styrine. The method' ',described by E. J. Vahdenberg and,G. ti~ Hulse (Industr..and Engng. Chem-P 40# 932g 1940) was followed, and sodium mersolaiPe was used as emulsifier. Experimental. 1conditions, proportions of materials U~iedv and the results obtained are tabulated.:. Afolecular weights of the copolymers ratpd up to 476 000, and the phosphorus content up to 3-elo., The yield of, copolymet waa: found to inorease at hi6her reaction temperatures. The authors thank-S. i.;~aviova and 6r co-workers for deterri~ Card 1/2 ~ ~ .nUL"VAA. 4~VJ.=0UA"vv' We Wet 41W~%JLAVVC16, 4=4 _r" t: V ft J'L _Jj J' Akkermantsqva.L A. P. TITLE: -Method for obt ain in g s elf-ext in gid shin foamed pol __ystyren class 39, No. 168426~ Zj SOURCE: Byulletbn' izobreteniy iL tovarnykh.-znskov, no. ti, 1965, 59 TOPIC TAGS, self extingaiphing.makerial, self extinguisbing plastic, styrene phosphorus containing po"r, dipbenyl-vinylpfiosphonate, foamed plastic ABSTRACT: An Author Ctirtificate ha's been issued fo r a method of obtaining self- Ji~ ,-,,extinguishing, foamed _polystyrene. L The styrene is,.first copolymerized with diphen" :fyl vinylpbosphonate M T h'e.- copolymr obtalned Is then processed foamed .Plastic by the known-Whod J. 7 ASSOCIATION: none 2 ~NCL, 00 SUBMITTED: o Apr63 SUB CODE: mr; Od COTHER1 ATD PRESS- 3205 NO REF SOV. 000 000. I Card 1/1 RODIONOVA, Ye.F.; KOU,'SNIKOV, G.S.; GiV'ITKOVA. . . -I L.-A . Copolymerization of diphenyl ester of vinv1phosphinic ac."'i with styrene in the prenence of the iniliating redox Vysokom. soed. 7 no.3:377-379 Mr 165. ('141FILA 18:7) 1. InstItut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineni-y AN SS,91. USSR/Cosmochent.stry Geochemistry. Hy-IrachermLotry D. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - MiLmiya, No 2, 11057, 4179 Author Inst Lvov University Title Phosphate-Bearing Characteristics cf Upper Cretaceous Rocks of the Right Bank of the Volga in the Saratov Cbl&st' Orig Pub Vopr. mineralcgii osudech. obrazt,,vaniy. Folio 3-4, L'vov, L'vovsk. un-t, 1956, 4c5-4cg Abstract A study has been made of the phosphate-bearing characte- ristics of chalk-marl facies -within t1he Saratov and a por- tion of the Balashoir oblaot', It uns found that the greatest amount of phosPhorolisis contained in rocks of Campanian and in part of the Maastrichtian stages~ As concerns spatial distribution the F content ducreases from north to south and from east, to wast in conjunction with facies chan-es in rocks. Concurrent study of Card 1/2 70 - USSR/Commocheidstry - Gecche:aistry, Hydrochemistry D. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, Ito 2, 1957, 4179 clayey minerals has made it possible to ascertain the characteristic conditions of phosphorus-formation, which comprises two ateps: 1) derosLtion of phosphate material under conditions of a specific physicochemical environment, and 2) formatjion of rhosphorites durinG em- bedment of silt sediment. A brief analysis of the sara- rate geochemical zones is included. Card 2/2 - 'il - "AVRIKOVA, L#P* Brief information on the distribution of Lower Cretaceous phosphorites in the Vo1ga Valley protion of Saratov Province and their characteriatics..Uch.zap.SGU 65tl69-171 159. 1 (KERA 16i1) (Saratov Province-Phoaphorite) GAVRIKOVA. 0.F. DECEASED lc,161/2 c 1959 SEE MC .CHEYLESTRY SHUL'Yj'01, M.S.; GAVRIKOVAI O.F.; Prinimala uchastiye: ;,,BRO5IYJVA*, V.I.. DetermininF pt,ntoses and pentusans in the molasses beer of the dis- tilling industry. Trudy TSNIISP no.6*.163-166 '~8. (14IFA 14:12) (Pent-3ses) (rentosans) -.Ivy 'I cf 'Mme Mas-11fa of !:eccnd-,u-y qu--rT-zi.'-,ns in the K~-u-n-adskiy ~,-t;iov (soutluestern part cf the Lake BalkKa-4h ri-gion). Gc-c"l.rud. rrle8t~lrozh. 7 no.4426-33 J'I-Ag 1~-% llos~-owlziy go-,lrrl-t?,-;e~,lc,.ci;n,,~,-,, insti tut Lm. STOICHITA, S.; SAFIRESGU,T.; BOICESCU, Lidia; DMICIU.J.; BROSTFXI'UE,; BEBAU,H.; MARINESCU, Eliza; GAVRILA, I.; GAVRILA,D.; D%IOGOS.A. Contribution to the study of cardiovascular and respiratory disorders in scleroderma. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 4 no.6t 803-815 t63. STOICHITA,S., dr.; GHEGRGHESCU, B. dr.; BOICESCU,Lidia, dr.; STECLACI,A. ing.; DEBAU,M., dr.; HARINESCU, Eliza., dr.; GAVRILA, I. dr.; GAVRILA,-D,dr.; BRCSTEANU,E. dr.; SAF=CU, T., dr. Contribution to the study of digestive disorders in scleroderma. Med. intern. (Bacur.) 16 no.4*.441-452 AP'64. 1. Clinica a V-a medicala a Spitalului unificat de adulti al Raionului Gr.Rosie din Bicuresti. STOICHITA, Sandu; SAFIFZSCO, Theodor; BOICKOSCO, IAdia; --,rrest; STECI)XI, Adrian; NBAU, I-Iircea; ,!ARII,'T,-'SCC,, Eliza; GAVF;!.~, Ion; GATJU~ Doina Osseous, muscular and articiilar lesiofis in sclerodertna. Przegl. derma 52 no.3:243~-249 My-Je 165. 1. Z V Kliniki Medycznej Instytutu Medyczno-FarmaceutycznegC w brukareszcie (Kierownik: prof. dr. T. Sparchez). SUFLUME, Given Names COuntrY: Rumania Academic Degreesi Affiliation: *) Sawces Bucharest, Farmagiag Vol IX9 No 91 Sep 1961, pp 541-547- Datas "Pro sals for the Introduction of a New Determination Method in the 30th Edition of the Rumanian Pharmacopoeia." Authors: QAYZIIAj-Y-., -Pharmacist.- IMarilena --~Fharmaoist.- IElena -Larmeaist.- PADA 9 F. , -?harmaoiat.- Work performed under the u ees of the jRe iona"~ILLabboratory for j I-Ax-pmg-s Tugratorul Reg' 0 ~n a ~.b oy Media entelorY, Craiova. RUMANIA 576.8-573.4:616.831.9-002 BOCARNEA, C., Dr, and GAVRIIA, F., of DIF Cinstitutul do Med1o1na sl Farmacie; Medical-Pha-fiF97MAT-cal Inst1tute7 Bucharest. "Straining with Acridine Orange in the Cytodiagnosis of Lympho- cytic Meningitis." Bucharest, Studil si Cerctarl de Inframicrobiologle, Vol 17, No 4. 66, pp 285-292 Abstract: In a comparative study Involving 85 cases of acute meningitis (20 purulent, 20 tubercular and 65 serous), the authors were able to elaborate a new criterion for the differ- ential diagnosis between tubercular meningitis and other types. The method involves acridine orange straining of the cephalo- rachidian fluid and study by fluorescent microscopy. Includes 6 figures and 14 references, of which 10 Rumanian, 2 German and 2 English-language. JELEA, Al., dr.; RACOVEANU, Carmen, dr.; ILIE, E., dr.; SUTEANU, St., dr.; DUMITRESCU; C., farm.; GAVRILA, F., extern. Contribution to the study of treatment with cK -chymotrypsin in bronchopulmonary diseases. Mod. intern. 15 no-4:495-498 Ap 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Institutul de medicina interns, al Acad. R.P.R. si al M.S.P.S. (director:.acad. N. Gh. Lupu). (CHYMOTRYPSIN) (BRONCHITIS) (FUIXONARY EMPHYSEMA) (ASTHMA) (BRONCHIECTASIS) (BRONCHIAL SPASM) HIM, Al., dr.; SUTEAVU, St., dr. ILIE, E., dr.;_QL !LA, VR -?.,,,.-extern. Reapiratory and digestive interrelations. Med. intern. 15 no.12: 1515-152Z D'63, 1. Incrare efectuata in institutul de medicina interna al Acad R.P.R. 91 Hinisterului Sanatatii si Prevederilor Sociale (directormcad. N.GhJupu). ACC NR A1'6029178 SOURCE CODE: HU/0003/66/017/002/01W/01091; AUTHOR: Gavrila, E.; Braun, M.; Sorescu, E. ORG., Regional Laboratory for the Control of Drugs, Craiova (Laboratorul regional do controlul medicamentelor) TITLE: Contributions to the determination of anestezine SOURCE: Revista de chimie, v- 17, no. 2, 1966, 108-109 TOPIC TAGS: colorimetric analysis, chemical detection, titrimetry ABSTRACT: The authors describe the determination of benzocaine by a colorimetric method involving the titration of the a-rainic component by means of titration with perchloric acid of the product dissolved in acetic acid, using crystal violet as indicator. Orig. art. has: 1 table. 1JPRS: 36,5561 SUB CODE: W / SUBM DATE - none / ORIG REF: 001~ / OTH REF: 002 JELF-A,Al. dr.; ILIE, Ernest, dr.; G.AVRILA,F.p exterm. . -'. Contribution to the study of pulmonary insufficiency due to tabagism. Ned. intern. 16 no.2t229-234 F'64- 1. lucrare efectuata in Clinics. medicala a Spitalului "Colentinan, I.M.F., Ricuresti. el BAZAGOV, Gh. (Tr. Sevi~rln), FETRESN, P. Anaitasle (Craivia),- GRIGORE. (Plolerti); TEGDORESCU, 1. (Galat.)w FOPFSCU, Gh. (Lugoj); STPJIESft, Ilia (Sibiji-, MO,7ZTUN,, E. (Pitesti).; IVANESOU, Cez&r-(Tir9o'vA'.ste); APOLOZAN, rbii (Medgilais); VASITXSMJ, Constantir k'Pioiesti); IONESCU- TIU, G,i GAVRILA. Gh. (Bucuresti); SAVU., Constanta (Bucuresti); STA.- T-E.130, Emi!1,7-ap7rSt-,! tea) Gaz mat B 15 no,"-167-171 QUeStiM5 "or examinations In tWk.A Ap #61 I+c L 1216-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5025826 RU/0OO5/65/OOO/OO4/OW/O13q AUTHOR: Gavri-la, Gheorghe (Engineer) TITLE: VS 59-642 'Cosmos 3f television set SOURCE; Tolecomanicatii, no. 4, 1965, 127-130 TOPIC TAGS: TV receiverp toleco=amication ABSTRACTs A description of a now television receiver model, The set is of the superheterodyne type and used 16 electronic tubes, 9 germanium and 2 silicon diodes. and a picture tube of 59 centimetore with aluminized screen* Orige art. hast 2 figuress ASSOCTATIONt none SUBMmm: 00 ENCLt 00 SUB CODEs EC NR REF SOVt 000 OTHERs 000 JPRS --------------- RU,%VdEA/Cptics - Optical Techn*logy. Abs Jour : Ref 22,ur Fizika, No 3, 1960, 699.0 Author : Gavrila, I. Inst Title Ultras!:)upds in Solid Bodies. Rixmnian Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Orig Pub Gaz- mt. si fiz.) 1959, BIO, No 5~ 274-278 Abstract No abstract. K- Card 1/1 ACC NRs 5,61, OD16-Vu AUTHOR; 'Gavrila,_Gh..--Gavrile, G. (Doctor) ORG: Health District Saros Sonde, Tirnaveni Raion, Murea-Autonoma Maghlara Regiune (Circumscriptia sanitara Saros Sonde) TITLE: Cases of leptospirosis in a rural district -!-6 , 4, ~" " SOURCE: Microbiologia, parazitologia, epidemiologia, v. 10, no. 1, 1965, 59-62 TOPIC TAGS: intestiral disease, animal parasite, bacteria ABSTRAC`T: The author reports'-- 9'-C'R-ses of leptospirosis in schoolchildren .who fell ill after having bathed in a brook also used by tile village pig herds. The clinical symptomn were general nothenia, drowsiness, marked adynamin, pains throughout the body and especially in the distal extremity of the thighs and shanks, fever of 38 to 39 degreea centigradep and vomiting, The clinical diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory tests in 5 of the cases. All the children recovered after 7 days, and no further cases were renorted after the brook was disinfected and bathing there prohibited. Orig. art. has: 1 table. Lj-FR�7 SUB CODE: - 06 / SUM DATE: 16Nov63 / ORIG M7: 002 UDC: 616.986. GAVRILA, I., Prnf.; C04M, L.; POP, V.; URCAN, S.; GORGAN, V. Meningo-encephalitic manifestations in epidemic parotitis. Rev. Igiona. Ynicroh. epidam., Buciir. no-3:66-,72 July-Sept 54. 1. (Clinica bolilor contagioasm, Cluj). (4-U4PS, complications meningo-encephs.1itia, statist. in Runania) (MMUGOEMEPRALITIS, etiol. & pathogen. mumps, statist. in Rumania) EXC!- PTA MEDICA Seo. 6 Vol. 11/9 Sept- 57 6_U,ATC1)' 1, 5430. GAVRILA I., COMES L., 4ERBAN I., SOLOVIEV M.. GHIDALI M., PIRVU C., LEPUREANU A., CUCU Al., BUCIU M., URCAN S. and LUCA E. Clin. de Boll Contagibse Din.. Cluj. *Contribulii la interpretarea vitezei de sedimentare a hematiilor In bolile infectioase. Contribut ions to the interpretation of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in infectious diseases NIED. INTERN. (Bucure�ti) 1956, 8/4 (525-532) Graphs 4 Tables I 2500 ESR determinations were made in Infectious diseases. Very high values, 60 to > 100 in I hr., were attained in septicaemia, pneumonia, meningitis, lepto- spirosis and erysipelas. Moderate accelerations, ca. 60mm., occurred in sal- monellosis, scarlet fever, diphtheria; discreet or no accelerations (until 30mm. in I hr.) in measles, rubeola, varicella, influenza and mumps. The acceleration is not synchronous with the other clinical symptoms and signs, but follows them. De- fective reactivity of the organism (serious infections, toxic or aaergic states) and some therapeutic factors may present acceleration of the ESR. EX.C7_n_,PTA 12-MICA Scc.,7 53 1072. ANTIBIOTICS IN THE TREATMENT OF PERTUSSIS - Antibioticeleintrata- mentul tusei convulsive - Gavrilfi 1. , Igna 111. and Ie rv--n 1. Clin. de Boli Contag., Cluj - PM_MXTTMVTEu_curc~ti) 1957, 5/4 (344-3-12) In 1952-1954, 586 pertussis patients aged from 2 week.,; to 28 yr. Vcre treated with szrcptomycin. Bronchopulmonary complications were observed in 55j~ of the cases, in 676 of the cases the pertussis occurred in children who had had tuberculous pro- cesses. In 1076 of the cases there were encephalitic phenomena. The daily doze ad- ministered was in general 50 mg. per kg. (250-750 mg. per day) in 2 intramuscular injections, for 10 days. In cases of pulmcnary complications, a cornbination with penicillin (400,000 - 600,000 U. daily) was administered. The results obtained by this treatment are very favourable (276 mortality, compared with 5-611,'o before this method was employed). In the majority of cases, with or without complications, evident improvement was observed after 3 to 4 days of treatment, viz. a decrease of the number and intensity of the attacks. In a smaller number of cases, treat- ment with chlortetracycline (21 cases) and chloramphenicol (12 cases) was applied. In the latter cases, the therapeutic results were not better than with streptomycin. (L. 7) GATRILA, I., Prof.; COMES, L., conf.; KIRNSIANU, T.. dr.; BUCIU, M., dr. Studies of group C Salmonella infections. Mad. int., Bucur. 9 no.4:573-581 Apr 57. 1. Lucrare efectnata in Clinic& do bolt contagioase Cluj. (SALMONELLA TURCTIONS, case reports group C Salmonella paratyphi infect. & Salmonella cholaransuis infect.) EXCMnA MMICA Sec.8 V61.11/5 Neura-PsycUat.Y4y 58 i) vW /." Ak - /' 2374. EPIDE 11C HEPATITIS WITH A NERVOUS ONSET Forma cu inceput ncrvos a hepatitei epidernice - Gavrila I . , Josan R . and Ghidaly NI . - INIED. INTERN. (Bucure�'T`iT-r937-,_TF7 (1046-1054) Presentation of the results of a study carried out in 766 cases in the course of 1954 and referring to nervous disorders developed in the prodromal stage of the disease: meningo- encephalitis, syndrome of the brain-stem. poly rad ic uloneu riti s, polyneuritis, hemiparesis, schizophrenia. They were provoked in the course of -e the primary general viracmia. The prodromal nervous disturbances wet accom- panied by dyspeptic and gastro- intestinal disorders and disappeared on develop- ment of the jaundice. Their prognosis is generally favourable. Nicolaesco - Bucharest (L, 6, 8) F-KdkRPIA M.MCA' See 17 Vol 5111 Public 14ealth Nov 59 3412. ON ANTIRABIC SERUM PROPHYLAXIS - Despre seroprofilaxia antirabic.1 Ga v r i 15 1. , I u r a I o g G h. and 1. u c a E. Clin. de Boli Contaw.. Cluj - Aitt-RoulOLOGIA (Bucurelti) 1958, 315 (405-401)) Rabt-q was the first scientist who, as early as in 1383. advocated the association .of immune serum in antirabic vaccination. After a long time. during which this method was forgotten, it has recently been taken up again and investigated experi- mentally. This report concerns 11 cases of deep bites by the same rabid wolf, among which 4 cases in particular presented extremely deep bites in the head and other areas situated in the proximity of the nervous system. In all the.-;e cases, i. m. injections of hyperimmune antirabic serum were associated, at the rate of 3 ml. /kg. of body weight, with the injections of vaccine. Serum infiltrations in amounts of 20 ml. were also made around the wounds. Up to the present all these cases are safe; 12 months have elapsed since the bite. On the basis of these favourable results, the authors suggest antirabic serum to be associated with the injections of anti.,abic vaccine in all cases of wolf -bite as well as in severe bites by other animals. I-'F.:)1C., 3ec 8 Vol 12/11 Npurology Nov 59 5725. POLIOENCEPIIALITIS. (CEREBRAL FORM OF PULIOMYFLITIS) Poliu- encefalita. (Forma cerebrallt a bolii Ifeine-Medin) - Gavri 15 1. and lura - gog Gh. Clin. Bolil. Contag.. Cluj - PEDIATRIA (RTcu_re-qUM58. 7/4 (337- 348) Graphs 4 -Among 131 patients. during the year 1957. 7 cases of polioencephalitis were observ- ed. The cerebral symptoms act in together with the secondary involvement of the cranial nerves and also of the spinal region. In spite of the severe initial symptomatology, 4 patirnts recovered almost totally. The existence of this form of the disease has been proved by. histopathological research in 3 deceased patients and by virological tests in 4 cured patients. (L.8.7) An cvQrru m rHiirREN WITH do EXCERPTA ~-TDICA Sec 17 Vol 5/7 Public Health July 59 1900. CONSIDERATIONS ON LEPTOSPIROSIS CASES AT THE CLINIC FOR I.N- FECTIOUS DISEASES IN CLUJ. IN THE YEAR 1955 - ConsideraIii asupra cazurilorde leptospirozA inClinicadeBoliContagioase din Cluj - Gavrila 1. , C u c u A. and I g n a M. Clin. fie Boli Contagioase, Cluj - 'MRNA (Bucurelti) 1958. 10/5 (679-686) Epidemiological and clinical data are presented for 18 cases. The patients did not come from an epidemic focus. The most frequently found causative agents were L. pamona and L. pornona 396. The clinical picture showed considerable variation. but was in general characterized by sudden onset with chills, fever, Intense headache, myalgia (or even cramps), arthralgia, tender eyeballs, conjunctival injection and progressive weakness. Nicolaesco - Bucharest (L, 6, 17)