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MISULOVIIII, L.Ya., lnzh; MORMER3KIY, Ye.M., inzh.; GAVLENIJO, I.Yla., inzh.; FillIMAN., R.Kh,j inzh, Equipment for the transmiasion and reception of information using a multifrequency code. Vest. sviazi 25 no. 11:3-6 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Go3udarstvannyi elektrotekhnkche-.3k,,, zavad (VEF), Riga. GATMKIY, Ya.M. Tovards practical application 10 nolt4l-43 J&-T 1556* (Chemistry-Study and of chemical atudies. Shim. v ahkole (MLRA 8:4) teaching) GAVENSKIY, Ya.K. uchitell (Baku); GUFXVICH. M.M., uchitell (Baku) , Use of locoa material in the first lesson of hTmen anatocV and Physilol" Biol. v shkale no*5:82-83 S-0 158- (MM 11:11) (AXA;&~, HUHM--S',MY AND TEACHING) (PHYSIIDIGY-- SEW A11D TEACHING) GAVENSKIY, Ya.14., zasluzhennyy uchitel' shkoly Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR Student participation in the preparation of lessons. Liol. v shkole no.2:82 Mr-Ap, 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Bakinskiy gorodskoy otdel narodn3go obrazovaniya. (Biology--Study and teaching) RABENS A,Saj -GAVFMOVSKAYA2 G.K. Severe bilateral affection of the eye in oarcoldosis (Boanier- Boeck-Schaumann disease). Vest. oft. 73 no. 3:39-41 My-Je 160. (MIRA 14:1) (GRANULOMA BENIGIMI) (EYE-DISEASES AND DEFECTS) BRYANTSEVA) M.K.,; GAVERDOVSKAYA G.K. -- . - - - 7. Prophylaxis for injuries and lesions of the eyes or woz-kez-s In the chemical and metalworking industries. Ti-udy -1-go 1-Y-1 3208- 50 '~4- (MIRA 18:5) GAVERDOVSKAYA, G. K. Prophylaxis for injuries and diseases of the eyes of workers in the t'Krasnyi Proletarii" machine-tool plant. Trudy 1-go MMI 32t 51-65 164- (MIRA 1815) "'y ". G. K. Cv~-,ti-erc-,nsis an~ -- ct t,,. .... eye nobined, Wi "', cvol icerco3iq of 'Lle brail n. Truly 1-90 FM-- 32.229-236 164. u I (MIRA 18:5) ZOLOWEV, Ye.Kb.- GAVERDOVSKIY A.H. L=:lll Changes In the attitude. of fleac to ropellent.s in re.Intlon with the physiological condition of the Insects. Zool. zhur. 43 no.8: 1155-1-160 '64. (MJRA 17:11) 1. 11-loskovskiy gosudarst,vennyl un.iversaltet. STIUM, Dz.; GAVERS, A., red. [We create the technology of the future already tcdayj Nakotnes tehniku radam jau sodien. Riga, LatVIjas Valsts izd-baj 1964- 85 P- [In Latvian] (1-1 IRA 18: 3) 3072, Dr. Echmrd "Repercussion of Norpho- formative Factors in Animal Tuberculos-;-- with Special Reference to Tiiberculosis Civiaris Quis." Ass. pro-:'essor for patholoZic at Vet. Faculty of UnIv. of Sarajavo. SOURCE: Vet, BROJ 5-6-7, P. 539, 1952 Yuqoslavia/Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused R-1 by Bacteria and Fungi, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Mol,, No 16., 1958,, 835h8 Author Gavez, E. Institute-. Epididimoorhitide Ztiology with ElLastomoidal Phenomena of Leydig Cells. Observa- tions in Swine . Grig Pub: Veterinaria (Jugosl.), 1957,, 6, No 1. 33-45 Abstract: In the zones of atrophied sperm ductules, a transfoma- tion of indifferent mesenchymal cells into typical Leydig cells ins observed by the author in 2 cases of tubercular orhite in swine; 'e also observed reverse transformation processes here. The author noted ana- logous hyperplasia phenomena in a case of brucellar orhite in swine. card 1A 25 Country ITGOSLAIM'. Category Dise;,sqj Of, Abs. Jour. : LeP Do -12 19~,'~') 0"902 U Author : GaveZ, E. Institut. : T itlo : The Elstoterritozi-3~1 Cy-tolo---y o.' Hapi-otitz; Tube- culosis (avian Type) in 8,.-.:Lrte S*,)eci,~a Oon- sideration of Langhans '-'Pells, 1 Ori(; Pub. r' : 70'eterinamia (Jugosl,,), 19,7, 61 ho 2--)' 3 _-."30-370 Abstract 1 : The results of t.he riv~.Croscopic Iwf hi~tol -'C Og ~avestigation perfo:rraed on 10 cises of a UWberculosis in sviii-Le c.-itused by E, r, av a.L liver i~ type tathologic age-~c. arc dmol-iAbed. The author considers the Ihist o ~.-enes is of gI.-int cr-Ils in, t~l. t.uberculosis of swine aS 6_013Gident on the sito of tvberculcx -focus; --:Ilethoi- it is -to 'Oe foun6 in the parench.,rma of t-1-le liver or in th,~ intarlobulur connective tis:~ue. The atteLi-ot i~ mode to revise t'nn --lready established viel-i~~OiA Card* 1/2 C ount ry YUi!OL)Ij;,VIt~ CzAc3ary= DiseEse,; of FarL. ,Lniimals. Diseases Caused by 3,,cteri,, anJ Fungi. Abc, Jour, 'Ref 7~-iur jol Yo 7 0,,"992 Aut,- 'or Institilt. ~Title 10rig. Pub. Abstrcat Zesard to J11-hc histogam--s:js oIL gt~zt cells. -- P. Pi-."Og jCard: 2/2 GAVV-Z,E.; SUDARIC,F.;.STIVAKCXVIC,l. TuberculoBis (postprimaria?) scroti of the Btallion. Tuberlailoza, Bow. 11 n.o.4:447-450 O-D 1.5'y. l.. Patoloski institut Veterinakog fakultetn,Sarajevo (sef: prof. dr E. Gavez. ) . (TUBKRCULOSLS- ~~13 G~21ITAL veterinavy ) (HORSES dis.) GAVEZ,Xduard Biology of spontaneous tuberculosis in swine. Part I. Bovine tuberculosis. Taberkuloza. Beagr. 12 no.1:75-92 160. 1. Patoloski inatitut Veteinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajev-u (sef: prof. dr..A. Gavez) - (TUBMULOSIS veterinary) GAVEZ, E. The system, histogenetic problems and environmental outbreak of intrapulmonary epitheliomas. Tuberkuloza no.2A:154-168 f62. 1. Patoloski institut Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta Sarajevo (sef: prof. dr Eeuard Gavez). (LUNG NEOPLASMS) _R GAVEZ, Eduard Pulmonary adenomatomm. The analogy of human and animal changes. Tuberkuloza 15 no.2:305-315 Ap-Je 163. 1. Patoloski institut Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta Sarajevo - Sef Instituta: prof. dr Eduard Gavez (ADENOCARCINC14A, PAPILLARY) (LUW,, 60PLASMS) (VETERINARY MEDICINE) (PATHOLOGY) r.AVIM, V1. Therapeutist's opinion on indications in favor of a heart operation. Trudy Inst,eksp,i klin.khir.i gemat. AN Gruz.SSR 10:43-51 162. (MIRA 16s2) (HEAM-SURGERY) UMEITSKIY, G.H. [deceased]; GAVICH, I.K. o _IffASNIKOVA, N.A.; SEMIOVA, S.M.; RODIOIIOV, N.V., red.izd-va; TIKHOMIROVA, S.G., [Hydrodynamic principles underlying the study of the ground-water regimen and its changes due to the effect of artificial factors; method of finite differences] Gidrodinamicheakie osnovy izucheniia rezhima gruntovykh vod i ago iznonenie pod vliianiem iskusstvennykh faktorov. Moskva, Izd-im Akad. nauk SSSR, 1960. 190 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Laboratoriia gidrogeologicheakikh problem. Trudy, vol. 26). (MIRA 13:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kamensl-iy). (Water, Underground) KAMNNSKIY, G.N. [deceased]; GAVICH. I.K.; SERINOVA, S.M. Hydrodynamic characteristics of various types of subterranean water streams. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; geol, i razved. 3 no. 10:81-88 0 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Moakovskiy geologorazvedochnyy institut iment S. Ordzhonikidze. (Water, underground) GAVICHP I.K.; SEMENOVA, S.M. Dynamics of underground waters in G.N.Kamenskii's works. Trudy Lab.gidrogeol.probi. 40:31-50 162. (MIRA 15:1-1) (Water, Underground) -71 'l, 'DRAT:n-VA, V.N.. icr, of prnb 7 Sbornik za.- fn,r,.l V,,-:36h !a sh!ola. a k C.;--v I C! i ,I Movemunt of underaround waters presence of unifOrTll seepage. Izv. vvs- ucheli. -av.; -eoi. razv. 7 no-5:134-137 My 164. 1. ".Iosko,,skiy t-leologorazvedochnyy institut S. ki-rdzhonLI idoe. Cultivaticn of Scerielf-muc~ acuminatu,.3 b- y Ililim-ation vith ho.1-3 Litibuer-ged in tho riii".14-lit ,,nedia. '151ologin (Brat.;sl) 20 no.1-36-51 t65 1. Laboratoriyu rybovcdc-tva v Prtitialave. GAVILEVSK3YP YU.M. Evaluation of the imrunological state of the population of some northwestern regions in relation to tularemia. Trudy Len. inst. epid. i mikrobiol. 25-334-345 163. Materials on the evaluation of serological examinatio Rs of farm animals to determine the activity of tu re a foci. Ibid.:346-351 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz kafedry epidemiologii Ieningi-qdskogo ordena Lenins, Instituts, usovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni Kirova i otdela osobo opasnykh infektaly Leningradskogo instituta epidemio- logii i mikrobiologii imeni Pastera. I Jill va HIM j ~5 Jq- '2 'o- u.5 f I mli ilia v it 1. GAVIN, A. A., Eng. 2. USSP' (600) 4. Lumbering 7. Calculating lumber turnover of log landings. Las. prom. 12 no. 12 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of CongTess, March 1953, Unclassified. Q:.VBSOIII S. Ya. Mathematical Review. June 1954 Analyj3JI3 10' -*'HAVlA!2flL�, Y& On some nonlinear 6xtremal problems A or=ou-n-die&-a-n--alztic'functions- DoLlady ALA. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 92.,243-245 (19W (Russian) As in a previous note [same Doldady (N.S.) 88, 95 7-959 (19S3); these Rev. 14,967), G is an nply connected boundLd region with boundary r consisting of -n analytic curves; BI consists of functions'analytic in G and bound6d by 1; 4(f) -f rf(x),jk(x)dx, where wj,(x) are analytic on r, while on none of the contours forming r does any linear coni- bination of wh coinoide with a function representable in G by its Cauchy integral; A, is the r-dimensional ~convex) set of Points 0I W, - - -, 1,(f)). From the results of the author's previous note it follows thut " 0(c1, - - -, c,) is a function defined on A, and such that sup 14.1 is attain~xl only on the boundary of A,, then the supremum of I -0(1,(f), - - -, /,(j)) I for f in 131 is attained for a constai.,' or for a functioii mappingGon,an n-sheeted circle [the possibility of constant "treinal function4 was overlooked in the previous iwtel. As a consequence, the same conclusion is obtainL(I fqr the extremal functions for sup where Cl, are the Taylor coefficients of f (r) about a. fixed point of 1� T~ea an analogous result is presLaed for Sul) f(x)cj(x, I)dxl'.Idp, fft fr where the setR, measure u and function w Satisfy suitable hypotIlLses. A special case of thiA is that if K is a collection of rectifiable arcs in G, of finite total length,' and at positive distance from Pi the greatest total length of the image of K under functions of BI is attained for (and only for) a mapping onto a multi-sheeted unit circle; similarly for area. R. P, Boas, Jr. (Evanston, 111.). fiv u introdlic-rig ::~echanizati,-n in steep and ver'icail semms. .;i-I, Pralia, Vol. 5, r1o. 5, L955. S(-'-: "orithly List nf i.;a!3t Luro-pean Accessi,imi, U,, Vol. 1,, no. lu, OcL. l')55, Uncl. POLAND/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 21, 1958, 7o876. Author Ledukhovsky, BorOV3ky, Ledukhovsky, Gavle, Momvsky. Tnst Title Investiption of Auti-Cancer Coupounds in a Series of Acridine Derivatives. 1. Derivatives of 1-bromo- 7-metboxY acridine. Orig Pub: Roczn. cbem., 1958, 32, No 1, 147-i5o. The folleving now derivatives of 1-bro=-7-methoxy acridine vere synthesize(l: 1-bromo-7-methoxy-9- chloro acridine, 1-brozo-7-betboxy-g-phenoxy acri- dine, 1-brcwo-7-methoxy-q(N,N-&methyl hydrazino) acridine, 1-bromo-7-mtboxy-g-(21-dimethylamino ethylamino)-acridine, 1-brwo-7-methoxy-9-W- Card 1/2 36 Card 2/2 L 6544-66 -EWT(1)/FS(v)_3 DD ACC NRj AP6000777 SOURCE CODE., C AUTHORz Gayl&na. Fr Lshek-&vlena, Frantisek ORG: Hydrological Laboratory, Bratislava (Laboratoriya rybovodstva) TITLE: Growing of Scenedesms Acuminatus using light of bulbs submerged in the cultural solution SOURCE: Biologiag no* 1, 1965, 36-51 TOPIC TAGSt -al ae, primitive plant ABSIMACT: Neon lights submerged in a solution gave more than 200% highej~_yields than so-called daylight bulbs. The daylight type bulb causes the growth of larger cells of Scenedeezus A., and- -the culture contains mainlY-onlY 4 and 8 cell oenobitest Sue' ~material is suitable for the study of trophism of animals who iIobtain their food by filtration of water. Aeration by air and C02 'increases the rate of growth of the algae Co )apart from being iused for assimilationalso prevents preci;itaKon of Fe compounds :and of calcium phosphate. Shortage of X slows down the growth,, An installation for laboratory cultivation of algae is describeG Tfie -'author- -iiince'rely thaL*s profe for 'brige art* has: 5 figures, LJ-M_7 SUB CODE:nw.06: SUBM DATEi .03jun64 OTH REF: 003 SOV REF:s 018 C rd e. GAVLICHEK, V.A. Modifications of blood sugar level in various functional stateL. of the cerebral cortex. Zh. vyeehei nerv. deiat. 2 no-5;742-752 Sept-Oat 1952. (GIRL 21:4) 1. Department of Normal Physiology of First Moscow Medical Institute. GAVLICHEK, V. A.(Aspirant at the First Moscow Mledical Institute) "Relation between Blood Pressure Level and State of Higher Nervous Activity in Animals" a report prepared at Sukhumi Medico-Biological Station, AMS USSR, 1954. So: Review of Eastern Medical Sciences, Munich, No-2, 1956. G ,, "m I c:: mc, v . ,C,-md 'cd Sci -(diss) I'Chr~n!7c.,; in t!:p blood prescure level ill Various j-,c-ative effects on the I&* hi[,her l'osco-,"I nervous activity o' =4 mal s 11~)50, 10 pp. (,First '~oscovl Order of Lenin '.'ed. Inst. im 1.1".Sechenov). 200 CO-,iO'7. (1,'L, 107) - GAVLICffNKS V. Elea troencephs lographic characteris tics of the conditioned defensive dominant state. Fiziol.zhur. 44 no.4:305-315 Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Kafedrs normallnoy fiziologii 1-go Haditainakogo inatituta im. I.M.Sechanova. Moskva. (ELECTROE)ICSPHALOGRAPHY, maniCent. in conditioned defensive dominant state (Rua)) (GONDITIOODO KEG aspects In conditioned defensive dominant state (Rua)) GAVLICIINK, V. Effect of aminazine on conditioned defense dominant. Fiziol. shur. 45 no.8:938-947 Ag '59. (MIFA 12:11) 1. From the Department of Physioloa, I.M.Setchenov Medical Inatitute, Moscow. (CHLORPROMAZINE, pharmacoloa) (BEHkVIOR MBCHANIbMS, Pharmacologr) (REFLEX, COITDITIOIM, pharmacolo&v) GAVLICHEK, Viktor Aleksandrovich; NAZAROV, V.V., red.; FETROVA, N.K., - --tekhn-.---red-. (Conditioned defensive dominance as a model of hypertensive state of the organism]Ualovnaia oboronitellnaia dominanta kak model' gi- pertenzi,wnogo sostoianiia organizma. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 154 P. (MIRA 16:1) (HYPERTENSION) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) GAVL7F. Li." t ~,O ~4: f a kerapik n": GAVORA, Karol, inz. Replacerpnt of collecting bars by cables in electrolysis. Energetika Cz 13 no.9:481. S t63. 1. Chemoprojekt, Bratislava. GAVO7,DF1 , Ion., ing. The winter months rationally used. Consti Buc 16 no.731: 1 11 Ja 164. 1. Directorul Trustului Regional de Constructii de Locuinte, Cluj. GANRICHENKOV, D., kand.ekonom.nauk Planning of the work cycle of the grain milling, groats, and mixed feed industry. Muk.-elev. prom. 28 no.2:20-22 F 162. (MIRA 1.5-3) 1. Roskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti. (Grain) LUKESHY R.(Lukes,~R.I(deceasedl; GAVLICHKOVA, L.[Havllekm, L.] The affect of Grignard reagents on the amide group. Part 35; Reaction of 1-methyl-l-azacycloundecane-(2) and 1-methyl-l-asacyclotridecane- (2). Coll Cz Chem,,26-no.9:2245-2251 16-1. 1. Kafedra organicheskoy khimii, Khimiko-tekhnologichesldy institut, Praga. (Grignard reagents) (Amide group) GAVLIK, J.; FAUS, K. "New glass machinery in the German Federal Republic." P. hb. SKIAR A KERAMIK. (Ministerstvo lehkeho pramyslu). Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, No. 2, Feb. 1959. Monthly Ust of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC,, Vol. 8. No. 8., August 1959. Uncla. ~.v 'evit I A . I ~ , CZEGROSWVAKIA / Microbiology. Medical and Veterinary Micro- biology. F-S Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol., No 6, 25 March, 1957, 22036 Author GavJAk Mar Inst Title Brucellosis and Its Appearance in the Czecho-Budeevits Region. Orig Pub: Vnitrui lekarstvi, 1956, 2, No 6, 512-519 Abstract., No abstract. Card : 1/1 _44- GAVLOV, S.M. "Fractional Erythrocyte Sedimentation Reaction During Various Conditions in a Child's Organism." Cand Mod Sci, Second Moscow Medical Inst, Moscow, 1953. (RZhBiol, No 8. Dec 5h) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: SUM. No. 556 24 Jun 55 0296 S/035/62/000/010/055/128 AOOI/AlO1 AUTHOR: Benyukh, V.V, Qavlovskaya, A. A., Konopleva, V.-P., Krivutsa, Yu.N., Kruchinenko, V. G., Sandakova, Ye. V., Terentlyeva, A. K. TITLE: Photographic observations of meteors at the observatory of the Kiyev University in 1957 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiyai Geodeziya, no. 10, 1962, 62, abstract 10A459 Sb. rabot po Mezhdunar. geofiz. godu. Kiyevsk. un-t", 1961, no. 1, 3 - 15) TEXT: Double photographic observations of meteors were conducted by means of fixed four-camera (D_-IOG mm, F-250 mm) installations during all clear moon- less nights of the second half of 1957. A shutter rotating at a speed of 1,1100 rpm was mounted in front of the cameras at one of the points. 141 meteors w6re photographed, of which III from two points. The results of processing 10 meteors are presented in the article. The photographs were measured with a HVIM -3 (KIM-3) measuring machine. Five meteors were processed on a "Strela" computer, the remaining ones - manually. Photographic photometry of the meteors was carried Card 1/2 A/035/62/000/0 10/055/128 Photographic observations of meteors at the ... A001/A101 out by relating to diurnal stellar trails, and for soiric of them also by rela*t- Ing to images of artificial meteors. The tables yield the results of determin- ing flight instants (with an accuracy of 2 - 29 min), coordinates of radiiints, velocity cmd braking in the middle section of the visible trajectory, extra- -atmospheric velocity, altitude of the start, maximum brightness and end of the visible trail. Stellar magnitudes, masses and corresponding densities of the atmosphere are given for individual points of-the trajectory. There are 8 re- ferences. P. Babad*zhanov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 S/269/63/(=/OO1/q,-1/Q32 AOO1/A1Ol AUTT IORS Sandakova, Ye. V., Gavlovskaya, A. N. TrME: Reduction of stellar magnitudes of meteors to the international .1yetem iFRIODICALt ReferativnYy zhurnal, Astronomiya, no.. 1, 1963, 74 abstract 1.51.507 ("47ul. Komls, po kometam I meteoram Astro*n, soveta AN MA", 1961, no. 6, 32 34) TEXT- The authors attempt to'find a reduction of meteoric stellar magni- tudes, determined in Kiyev,. to,the international visual system. The relative dis- tribution of spectral sensitivity of the employed system, objective-film, was Investigated on the basis of the cloudy sky spectrum; the investigation has shown that the sensitivity maximum, lies in the region X 5600, 1'. e., it Is near the ma*.- imum of the International visual system. Effectivel.wavelangths of radtation fraw stars of different spectral typen were also determined in the proper photometric system. If the color index of meteors is known, their effective wavelergth can be determined. Reductions of the obtained stellar magnitudes to the internatioas.- al system should be expressed in terms of stellar magnitudes. For this purpoas, Card 1/2 .8/269/63/OMA)DI/027/032 Reduction of stellar m*agnitudes of... A001/A1011 a photograph of the starry sky was obtained by means of a meteor patroll It con- tains 3tiu,s of Soars's catalogue where photovlaual magnitudes of stars are given. in the international system. For these Atarn, stellar magnitudes were calculated in the proper system, determined by the same method as stellar magiTitude of mate- ors, Expressions for reducing. Kiyev photovisual stallar'magnitudes to the Inter- national system were derived by the root-mean- square method for each of the group of stellar magnitudes (5-6, 6-7m, 7-8m) r Am .. a + bC1, where a, b are ooofki-.-. cients, C1 is color index of a star. There are 6 references. S. Mayeva [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card P/2 S/169/62/000/011/064/077 D228/D307 AWHORS: Sandakova, Ye.V. and Gavlovskaya, A.N. Tr.VLv.: Reducing stellar meteor magnitudes to an internation- al system PERIODIC.,E: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 11, 1962, 7, abstract lIG40 (3yul. Komis. po kometan i meteoram ,i~stron. soveta XJ SSSR,'no. 6, 1961, 32-34) TEXT: The photometric processing of IGY meteor data at the Astronomicheskaya observatoriya Kiyevskogb gosudarstvennogo uni- versiteta (,%stronomic Observatory, Kiev State University) is descri- bed. fAbstracter's note: Complete translation-7 Card 1/1 GAVI)Rj M. Removable casing of vertical binwalls at the construction site of a coal-washing plant. P. 341. INZENYRSKEI SWIM. (1-finisterstvo stavehnJ.ctvi) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 7, nu. 9, Sept. 1959- Monthly List of East -European Accessions ("EAI) LC Vol. 8, no. 12, Nov. 1959 Uncl. SUCHANEK, -Tan, inz.; GAVOR, Milan, inz. Reinforced concrete head frame. Inz stavby 9 no.10:369-373 0 161. 1. Banske projekty, Ostrava (for Suchanek) 2. Vyatavba Oatravoke-- karvin0ych dolu (for Gavor). 'i GAV OR, N.I. (Minsk) Hospitalization of patients in cities of the White during 1958;- Sov.zdmv. 19 noilOs69-72 160. I., Otdela ~ ~di~tsiMkOY statiatiki Ministostva (WHITE RUSSIA-PUBLIC HFALTIL-STATISTICS) Fussi Re b1t pu a mm 14: 1) zdrav eniya GCLYOM. f Ou'rtAv Vtrobs Wcu- tF, CH Ll&vora Gustav-T GAVORA, Karol, inz. Calculation of the loss in flat conductors. Energetika Cz 12 no.6:322-324 Je 162. 1. Chemoprojekt, Bratislava. ~AVITOS, Gyorgy, dr.~ ']!tvou, sn,,) Ra.,.!--oads and Va3ut- 14 no.!C.1-2 () 164. GAVOU, K o1, inz. Errors in calculating electric lighting. Elektrotechnik 18 no.3:65-66 Mr 163. 1. Chemoprojekt, Bratislava. GAI/oZY I,", lo)lif in,-,. ';~~nar Euc x Aii,7tt zory rriprxtant achiqv 16 ri,:~.751,:I 20 i 164. oe tile R-3gional Trusts for lfajoin- -,~-ns~ructlon, T GA7,"C47DEA, . Ion, in~:. ; G111FIRMAN, Vic inF *. ~ J. ~ .. I nf, Eleodor, ing.; MII!IJI,, Doris, n it, . Wavs of producti,,itY. Constr Bu,~ 1-1 nc.."'*9--'.4 13 M- I "~; 5. 1. Director, ReFlonal Trust for Conntructiuns, ("'Cr Gavozdea). 2. Director, Grolar, 11o,3 of Const. mi c 5, '1 te Roman, Regional Trust for Constr- tion, Facat; (f G il. f - r r, in 30 Chief Enginear, Enterpr-1.99 141c.4 (if Constrn-'Uons and Assembling (General nirectc 'IW of ColiFtruct' )," PTid As,,--emblinq) Bucharest (for Chioveanu). 4. E-nterp,-;r;e for TP-I-Ffrinl Constructions and Assembling, Brasov (for Ghindoo. 5, Chief Engineer, Construction and Assemb-Ling No.5, Braf~ov (for 6. Chief Engineer., llydrotz?chniraj, and Construction Trust, Gonstanta (for G:'P.A.1 r. L. _ Osnovy nomografti s primerami iz mashinostroeniia. Moskva, Xashgiz, 1949. W p. diagrs. Fundamentals of nomography with examples from machine building. LLC: QAcO.G35 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. GAVRA, Dmitriy Lazarevich;-GORSHKOV, D.S., dol-tor fiz.-riat. nauk, 117- ---retsenzent; VULIF2 A.Y., doktor tekh~. nauk, red.; YURKE;VICH 2 M.P., inzh., red. izd-va; PETER901J., M.M., teUn. red. (Fundamentals of norog--apby with examples in mechanical engineer- ing]Osnovy norografii s priraerair& iz mashinostroeniia. Izd.2. Moskva) Hashgizp 1962. 162 (MIRA 15:10) (Nomography (Yathematics)5* (Mechanical engineering) ARTYM, A.D.; GAVRA, T.D. WOIW~~ New method of suppressing dynatron oscillations in powerful modulators. Trudy LPI no.181:124-130 155. (KI.RA 10:1) (Radio frequency modulation) GAYRA, T.D.; BIRYUKOV. V.I. Frequency stability of a low-frequency junction triodes. Poluprov.prib.*i ikh 1 58. .' oscillator eqAipped with prim. no-3:253-270 (14IRA 12:4) (Oscillators, Transistor) SLAVSKIT, G.N.; BOGONDLOV, V.N.; GAVRA, T.D.; SRMNKOV. Tu.I. Possibilities for using semiconductors in radio electronics. Trudy LPI no.194:195-209 1 58. (14IRA 11111) (Semiconductors) S/194/61/000/009/052/053 D271/D302 AUTHOR: Gavra, T.D. and Sokolov, O.T. TITLE: High stability junction transistor oscillator PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 9, 1961, 5-6, abstract 9 K32 (Nauchno-tekhn. in- form. byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1960, no. 9, 36-42) TEXT: Operation of a quartz crystal transistor oscillator is studied, with the crystal excited in fundamental frequency and in the third harmonic. An equivalent circuit is derived of the os- cillator xAth the crystal in the feedback path. The matrix method is used in the theoretical analysis. An expression is given for detuning the piezo-resonator; an ideal feedback transformer is here assumed. Great attention is paid to the influence of de-stabilizing factors such as: a) operational instability and b) temperature in- stability. Theoretical derivation of a number of coefficients is Card 1/2 S/194/61/000/009/052/053 High stability junction... D271/D302 associated with great difficulties because of the complex dependence of transistor parameters on the operational conditions and tempera- ture. These problems (as applied to a series of transistors) are examined experimentally (at the frequency of 1000 kc/s). Experi- mentally determined dependence of frequency on collector voltage; emitter current, temperature, etc. is shown. 24-hour and short term frequency stability are considered. With optimal choice of circuit components, the scatter of transistor parameters has little effect on the frequency stability; frequency change when one transistor was substituted for another of the same series did not exceed 1.5 - 2 c/s; when transistors of different series were substituted, fre- quency change did not exceed 3 - 4 c/s. Stability is enhanced when quartz crystal is excited on harmonics. 4 references. fAbstrac- ter's note: Complete translation-7 Card 2/2 2?j 22 3 S/194/61/000/005/072/078 5- 6 0 D201/D303 AUTHORS: Gavra, T.D. and Sokolov, O,T. TITLE: The choice of operation of a transistor oscillator PERIODIC,E~ Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i ra(lioelektronika, no. 5, 1961, 6, abstract 5 K31 (Nauchno tekhn. in- form. byul. Leningr, politelchn. in-t, 1960, no. 3, 94-99) TEXT: The problem is considered of choosing the operation of tran.- sistor oscillations and of their application at frequencies below the cut-off frequencies (f(,, and fp.). The results of experimental studies are given, carried out with crystal oscillators of various types, in common emitter and common base connections, The de-stabi-, lizing factors were found to be-. Changes in the d,c, emitter current, changes with respect to earth of the d.c. potential of the collector and circuit caDacitances., The experimental data are given in the form of graphs, The supposition has been proved that certain res- Card 112 212 2ul S/194/61/000/005/072/078 The choice of operation... D201/D303 ults may be applied to the non-crystal oscillators I multipliers and to other types of transistor devices.. 2 referenccs, Z ilbstracter7s note: Complete translation-7 I,k Card 2/2 108/62/017/012/009/010 M 3/P308 AUTHORSt Gavra, T.D. and Pruzhanskiyj M.M., _Tre-mVe_~eof the Society (see Association) TITLEt Investigation of double- and plano- convex' quartz piezoelectric resonators excited at the fundamental and odd harmonics PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, v.-17, no.12, 1962, 60-68 TEXT: Although AT-cut double- and plano-convex quartz resonators are now being widely used for high-8tability reference oscillators, since they can be made with higher q than plane-parallel ones, no systema.tic*study of their proper- Vf- ties has yet been published and the value of harmonic excita- tion remains an open question. The authors have made up and tested five basic types of resonator cut to a 1 Mc/9 funda- mental, and give in table form the equivalent parameters of several samples (oscillation frequenc resistance, charac- teristic impedance, inductance and Q at the fundamental and Card 1/2 Investigation ... S/108/62/017/012/009/010 D413/D308 5rd, 5th and 7th harmonics. They also give spectrograms for three of the types. Detailed conclusions are drawn about the behavior of the various resonators, their suitability for use in various applications (in particular, the possiblity of using plano-convex resonators excited at the third harmonic in oscillators without tuned circuits), and the directions in which development is needed. The treatment is empirical, and the authors regret the lack of any suitable theory for the oscillation of these resonators. They thank V.A. Romanov and M.D. Katsenellson for co-operation. There are I figure and 3 tables. ASSOCIATIONi' I.auchno-tekhnicheskoye obahchestvo radio- tekliniki i elektrosvyazi im. A.S. Popova (Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electrical Communications imeni it.S. Popov) C Abstractor's note: bane of association was taken from first page of journal.] SUB11ITTED: Narch 12, 1962 Card 2/2 GAVPA, T. D. , "Ifighly Stable Quartz Self Oscillators Using Transistors" Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Sciences, Leningrad Electrotecbnic Inst. of Commtmication im. M. A. Bonch-Bruyevich. Defense held on 11 October 1962. A Drocedure vas developed for the investigation of self oscillators using transistors. The specific features of their operation as compared with circuits using vaccum. tubes are described, the optimal circuits are determined for opeartion of the quartz crystal at the fundamental frequency and at the mechanteal harmonics. Izv Vysshikh ucheb. zaved. MRSSO SSSR po razdelu Radiotekhnika, vol. 6, No. 1, 1963 P. 98-102 (original checked--Cand. of Sciences as in original.) NRt CODE: UR/2563165/000/255/003810046 AUTHOR:"Gavra, T. D. 3~s I. "I I , 84-/ ORG: TITLE: High-stability q4Artz transistorized self-excited oscillators SOURCE: Leningrad. Poll tekhniche s kly institut. Trudy, no. 255, 1965. Radioelektronika (Radio electronics), 38-46 TOPIC TAGS. crystal oscillator, transistorized. oscillator, frequpncy stability ABSTRACT: Frequency -de stabilizing factors acting in a self-excited crystal osciUator.are theoretically investigated by a quasilinear method; the oscillator (b) (d) equations are solved by successive approximations: the oscillator is r ral. regarded as a combination of active C.- C, C, C, and passive two-terminal netvorks. Four circuits (see figure) are con- Sri sidered; of them, circuit "b" is the P; most conducive to frequency stability. It is found that the Principal circuits of self-excited oscillators ... L 27678-66 ACC NR1 AT6004854 0 frequency Instability is largely dependent on the imaginary component of the transistor forward transadmittance b (Gjn ). Equivalent electric parameters of two types of AT-cut quartz resonators*lbiconvex for I Mc, planoconvex for 5 Mc) were measured by the method of Q-meter. It is recommended that the planoconvex plates be so proportioned that their 3rd harmonic correspond to the nominal frequency and that their optimal parameters correspond to the working frequency. Investigation of a large lot of Mc biconvex resonators showed that, after 2 months of operation, with an applied amplitude of 40-300 mv, only 30% of them had a frequency drift 5xI0-8 or less per month. It was also found that the planoconvex harmonic resonators suffer less aging than the biconvex operating at the fundamental frequency. With a quartz Q a 2x 10 6, the lowest Instability of the oscillator (circuit Ithil) Instability wao (I - 2) x 10-8 1 single- and three-stage oscillators showed the same stability. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 16 formulas. SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: none ORIG RE F: 003 "C ird 2/2 L a655-66 ~wp t) iD .ACC NRt A116011593 SOURCE CODE: UR/0137/65/000/012/BO19/Boig; I AUTHM: Gavranek, B.; Gladkiy, D.; Leybenzon, S.; Onishchenko, Ye.; Shakhmeyster, B-i Chalyy, V~---_- ORG : none TITLE: Automatic non-contact regulator for'controlling the electric cycle of f ace! for flux remeltingf4 SOURCB: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 12B131 REF SOURCE; Elektroterndya. Nauchn.-tekhn. sb., vyp. 44, 1965, 17-19 TOPIC TAGS: automatic regulation, metal melting, metallurgic furnace, electric relay, power amplifiero electrode, electric transformer, electronic circuit TRANSLATION: The _41iR_10K0__z"1 .p. _Afj~illate of the Institute of Auto- mation and the Dne ros eEsstail Plan~t'UV-64liv-e-loped a non-contaot regulator for controlling the electric cycle for flux remelting In consumable-electrode furnaces.1