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GAVASffELI .,,SlhwG.---, Soil temparature regimon in Tiflis. Trudy Jj,,Ijz.AI; Gr,-,?.. SSR 17:405-441 158. (1-111U, 13:4) (Tiflis--Soil tomperature) 30) TITIZ, SGI.AtMO U..tlAd -t the Thilift Ut-tifid 2-6--rob 144%tt- t of Ilydromet.orology (U.chq. ss..ty. w Tblli..k.. ma.ahw- c1dr .. Institute) YZRXODICLL, 11stooroloSty. I gidrologlys, 1959, Xr 2. Pp 70 - 71 (V-4x) A=TILACT6 card 1/3 card 2/3 Card 3/3 In Kay 1958 the ThIllaskly mauchoo.Lool.dowatel6skiy SId". untoorologichookly Imatitut (7billot 9jdroa*t.QmlOgtQ&I Solln.tiftaa 04"ch 1AM&itut.) held . ..Qti,4[ in hich th:r fOl tug repromontatives partlcipat*d, Ropmsent4ttvws the Teentralla" Jmtttut proguosov (COAtral FortczatinC la- stituts), GlAY-ya obo."atorly. (U.In Go- phy.10.1 Oboom.1 ry), and the loc&l adainistrations of the hydrometearalogic:1 erwic.. of the Tramo.wa.1.4 Rerublic.. On the O:Gaol:n of the fifth annivers , of the TbLIL.I NICIa th Ur. tor f She lussit -!. .?. mLpads. hold . p .. h U~l - 7 ao:moor.ting the so. h. P. P. .7" (T-.1p) spoho .6 ,be ah"'o t.r.of Soup an and Ir circ.l^tt.. of the .-mph." b0,: 'the Lot Pt mash-tIt r.. Us MA Y*. L. lapetvtrlds po%* an t4o clarmot rzatica a Glmui&ti*n Pmc--O-- -have Tr",...ucoat.. 1,t It "Porto 4 on the lypjfi~stl~n of ny-ptic.1 proo ..... on rri.4 out by h1&. 1-_j-MPJ_adx* "ad too papers On theoretical questions of 4yousto ..Seorology. V -T. P. LouLmads. spoke on the pro...; 9&1-t hall. r, T, spoke on the grout aso-to of P"GLPLS&ti*n 06 Zest G.-Tgl., 1. T. -B-rtl,b,ili a mot-orolocl:&l visibility In olou4bur.t 1' To. 4. Low. (Wo)OX6 th aws.."locigal 'isibility I- U, r.- 41 Plt4tLOm and fOCv Q-L-CLLrAkAdU on the proct;itstjou 1. Go-rct. 1. t0 f 24 b.".. Z. T. Skht.h,,Ili on the wind :f Georgia, $h re"Atiou Ad hoot in the .2 PL of tin FAX_ b*glp 11. _g-D-11 On the r.4-Loactivity of the stao-pbere ThtlLoi aad-Wsh.U. YtA__T__t-ktUUx 0. the .1b.4a ! ; different natural G. ScdLj..blI (UGMS of the Groelookays 332) an the gro-OX 'teopors1iffeconditions ThIlLst. or Of ;.zothod developed lay him the =4 ~Aon dth r forso..t with to. snob. !T. F. Ilk- ..tbd for the of the oluo. of vi. .7d supply In flood.. J,_r. p,,tukb... (UGU3 Of the AA.r- tru.b key. 33R) .. t9. us. he -t-Ph.rt. MUS~;t1h0: In hd"l-91C.1 for.... to. Th. of the t SArW,...kja,53R P. I- reported to the - I" Of the -motion Of the --t-*r ..~ply '.r spring th;,rI,.r,,Arw*tu:. A. Aa PI yan, t z Lmy to -of (UGM. . ":or 11) P. to th r rW b. c0 Of the belt b*t,oon ISGO and 2400 a 1. the foreati*n of tn. water supply for spring floods on the rivers of kra-j&. V. F. 2'..-Ids. IP-k- 0. he*4 or rorv.aoti~c easily anc...MW, _rk'~f fly In the -Oil below grain aultq,em. g. V. Stolypin _4 Sh- L ?-Ort.,.d.. spoke on the Period- --t r.r the ap.-uL.C 0. M. LA.4.1.kL. L. I. Zt f 0. the alarool of. 'ILF he on.j.,C no the Army."ky. 33R. l:IL~, 1 -17 P-p-ro were read. GAVASHEII, Sh. G., Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Temperature curidi- tions of soil in Tbilisi." Tbilisi, Tbilisi Univ Pubiishing H Iouse, 1960. 16 pp with graphs; (Tbilisi State Univ im Stalin); 150 CODies; free; (KL, 23-60, 12i) GAVASHF.LI, Sh.G. Soil tamperatwe conditions 'in Tiflis. Sbor. rab. Tbil. gidromet. obser. no.1;3-36 160. (MLU 14-8) (Tiflis--Soil tempei-ature) GAVAT, Iulian Trends of the selamotactonic rasearch in Rwnania during the last 20 y6ars. Studii astron geismol 6 no.2:293-296 161. 1. Mambru. corespondent al Academiai R. P. R. 4 to u I IS 1$ m or 4 of Is 1. f A. a, 1 -1-I,, ""L A'A (,x 0, -a" A_ a J_ j1 PWIMI ..0 j9 of 'r WON j 664 &SN-ILA Caftalturt, romactiosm. tile 6~1,oiuoofn fr"Ikm ' Itit, Omh'", ~ i o!" wee n reiiw 6 greatly Ilwff,,l j,y im n 0 V Knot %tightly tuutslYlkally) 4 c 4 V d . it. 0 S jMc&FtOH W"Jitm, 11111 Nat c4), An 1101 with CILOIK SIL.Hp(jidanot. of "S and k-. A ]" h i 0 0 ve " MCMACHO g ,t CAIi;~ly JjC1hIl And ,,: of CHO gives I l 1 r. oe 0 arge 011. McOW1.0 tile Womatic mile. (Pkclf C. A. r l L),%,C.jLCH,OH) a** ) ire* :: zoo see .91FALLURGICAL LITINATWM CLASSIFICATIGIN IL Salaw) IV Q.. .41 IV ty at a It it N o i a 0 00 00 0 00 !,so 00 roe _11,44 1-49 ua It I xa All L I I (W04 9 1If N9a4 3f 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 00 Is 0 0 0 0 00of 0g0 0: 0 0*000000000000100 goof M It L At A Ik r a I- AA k-il . 0 of itt -D flouts% .00, ~'O.' 100, --clilms I'M"- -09 -00 ee AbwwpM ad ommomewn 4( OR 0 GAVIT. IROWV, I., tr TrPwA, R. AwD vomv. sw. Rwow. a (NO. Tit) 63-71 (IMI) /it o0 ce 0 too 00 goo Zoe Zoe woo mo LITIN&IAl CLASSONCATICit 3-'Y'71 U IS K it X It it 0 0 00 00 too 0 o * ; 0 ; 0 O"o IN 0090 000, *TOO o 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 of 0 fog 0 If *;goo 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 17 (~ Iq C//,,'7- .~. / , RUMMIIA/Chemical TecIlmology - Chemicai Products and Their H-30 Application, Part 4. - Varnishes, Faints, Paint Coatings* Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - laiiriiya) No 14, 1956) 48820 Author : I. Gavat, P. Soviani Inst Title Modified Phanolaldehyde Plastics. Orig Pub Rev. chim., 1957, 81 No 4, 264-270 Abstract The preparation of lidit colored oil-soluble resins of tile albertal type with an clevatetl softening temperature (16o to 1729) is described# These resins are prepared by the interaction of colophony and mleic anhydride with preliminarily prepared tetramethyloldephanylolpro- pane or resol resins (condensation products of phenol) cresol, or n-tert.-butylilicnal with formaldchide) at 1500 tuld following csterification with aycerin (at 250 to 2600). These resins are soluble in siccativc and Card 1/2 .;L 7 RLRMANIA / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and H-29 Their Applioation. Plastics. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 1, 1959, 2971. Author Gavat I. Inst .4;;~~ Title Now Trends in Polymer Synthesis. Orig Pub: Tehn noua, 1958, 5, No 151, 8. Abstract: A brief review on current methods in the synthesis of polyethylene and polypropylene having a ster- eoregular structure, on SK ZS-ynthetic Rubber7 from isoprene, application of irradiation for the polymerization of monomers, and the preparation of block and grafted polymers. -- L. Pesin. Card 1/1 89 ad!,.- f or thz.- p~woc a i.%ciustz,-f - ni ~Aonilor din s Tch 31. Vlifll Vol. 8, no. UsT of Za-st Euror,~a;-. j%ccessions 1C, Val. unal. GAUT, I.; VMIC=, A. Deterwdning the total organic chlorine in agricultural peaticides with the aid of sodium amide, P- 582 RMSTA DE CHIMIE. (Kinieterul Industriei Petrolului si Chemici si Asociatia Stiint:Lfica A Ingineriler si Thenicianiler din Rominia) Buosti, %axania, Vol. 10, no. 10, Oct. 1959 Monthly List of &at biropean Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 4 Aupst 1959 U IV P- L- GAVAT, I., dr.; CIOLUI, I., ing. Method for a continuous production of sebacie acid and octyl alcohol from castor oil. Rev chimie Min petr 12 no.12-.708-709 D 161. (Sebacie acid) (Octyl alcohol) (Castor oil) S/169/62/000/009/010/120 D228/D307 AUTHOR: Gavat, lulian TITLE: Seismotectonic research trends over the past 20 years in the Rumanian People's Republic PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika,.no. 9, 1962, . 19-20, abstract 9A126 (;3t'ud 11 1 cercetari astron..yi seis- mol.9 6y no ' 2 1961-, 2U-296 (Rum.; summaries in Russ. and Fr.)~ TEXT: A macroseiamic examination of the earthquake of November 10, 1940, was started at the former Geologic Institute of Rumania. Professor Ion. S. Atanasiu. and Geologist*T. Kraitner published the first results in a work, printed in 1941. At the'same time, Ion S. Atanasiu published the results of macroseismic premises for the , 1940 earthquake, oupplementing the work with a map of ieoseismals and seismic culmination lines for Rumanian territory. In 1949, the- Academy. of Sciences of the RPR issued Ion Atanasiuls third work on -the question of the seismic sensitivity of the RPR's territory Card 1/2 3/169/62/'000/009/010/120 Seismotectonic research trends D2287D307 accordin- to data for both the 1940 earthquake and previous seismic 0 phenomena. The characteri8tic features of the seismicity of the RPR's territory and the initial seismotectonic deductions are ex- posed in this work. In a more extensive treatise that has yet to be published the same author interprets earthquakes in the RPR macroseismically. This work is to ue specially presented at an im- pending conference, as is a 1:1,500,000 scale seismotectonic map of the RPR, compiled by the same author. In these works it is poss- ible to trace new trends and tendencies in the investigation of objective macroseismic data relating to seismotectonics. The subse- quent results of geophysical deep drilling investigations have con- firmed some of Ion Atanasiuls seismotectonic deductions. The author studies the seismic interdependence of large tectonic units on the RPR's'territory by means of the differential and integral analysis of a number of Rumanian earthquakes. The oeismotecton.ic maps ap- pended to the works promote the macroseismic zoning of the RPRIB. territory and earth uake-proof building. Z-Abstracter's note: Com- plete translation*_~ Card 2/2 GAVAT) I.; BUCUR, Fvghwda; Dl',IUIESCII, ll!ioara; ANTO ~,-):-. Some anticorrosive protections obtained from quifochlorinated polyethylene. Rev chimie Min petr 15 rio.2.,101-106 le 161, ISACE, Dimitrie A.; GAVAT I SCUt _.---'"jqa;-.STOICESCU, Calin; VASS, Gecilia; PETRUS# 11aana Studies on furfural. Pt.26. Rev chimie Roum 10 no-3:219-231 Mr 165. 1. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Rumanian Acadazy, Bucharest. Submitted June 23, 1964. ISACESCU, Dimitria A.; GAVAT, Ion; SINT-E,X;'J, CaLln; '.'. Studies on furfural. Pt.27. Rev chimie Roum 10 no.3;233-244 Mr 165. 1. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Rumanian Academy, Bucharest. Submitted Juns 23, 1964. ISACFSCU, Dimitrie A.; GAVAT, I.; URSU, Victoria Studies on furfural, Pt.29. Rev chimie Ro!1m 10 no.3;257- 267 Mr 165. 1. Institute of Physical Chemistry, [bunnnian Academy, Fuchnrof:'., Submitted July 28,' 1964. V ISACESCU, Dimitrie A.; G AT Ion; STOICESCU, Gnlin; VASS, Cecilia; PETRUS, Ileana Studies in the furfural field. Pt.26. Studii cerc chim 124 no.3:197-209 Mr 165. 1. Physical Chemistry Research Center, Rumanian Academy, 18 Dumbrava Rosie St., Bucharest. Submitted June 23, 1964. IS A CESCU, Dird' trie A.; ,X~AT, I oL_110NFSCU, Ion '617. ; ;D 1" 1 ~"E.T,'~; , t',, -' ! ~. Studies in the furfural field. Pt.2~1. StudiL cerc ch-Im no.3:211-220 Mr 165. 1. Physical Chemistry Resparch Center, Rizmnniqn Acadi~.T.3 18 DiabrRva Rosie St., Bucharest. SubnUted .7une ISACESCU, Dimitrie A.; GAVAT, Ion; IRSU, Victoria Studips in the furfural field, PIV.2q. Sttidlli cerc chim 14 no.3:233-243 Mr 165. 1. Physical Chemistri, Research Center, Riurantan Academy, 18 Dumbrava. Rosie St., Bucharest. Submttted July 28, 1964. AMBRUS, T.; TINCU, L.,- VEELNICERITU, A.;_~~VAT, Lucia Contributiona to the synthesin of the Captan fungicide. Note IL Rev chimie Min petr 13 no.5:275-278 My 162, VFJ.NICERIU,, A.; GAVAT, Lucia; TINCU, Lucia On the stability of some substituted B-triazines, Re-~-chimie Min petr 13 no.9013-516 S 162. used herbicides. -ttI RUMANIA T-. PP i -W-4v W- W- W-W - iiv i ri A it u p A. a 1 AA N (A 0 It A-C )-V 'l it i =moidysis of of. Ithol... (liquid SO,) foxforad of A. pno. tile C, to ,it looo oil from Hakol. V.1crin VAttlik All MAIIA lot t lit W T: - 11 ot I---$ Am I ItAW4 ri Ile I the -h. 3 .4". -.1 ;b..- ", it'. I... -- .4 ...1 .4 .4 . 11,1m, 1.-AI,t,%l tit, 1-t :4. .1mlig"I flit, .41111111.. I-mit to,nit to. flit mut VAII 'rile I[.%,-ttqcltt WCIVA-t (C.A. 26. 47M', 6107; 29. 7U57"). rile staftlits 1114tch.41 RiAl artitnAtic cmitclit i,f :09Y. in,lead to[ tile 471*i ealcd, 4 w2- fit I-Wrlc-inu ext. of A Haictli crude oil which WA, stejgn~fio,td. -it NV-24111, At 31 min. A first fr 011A. JCti from the ring Ali il"t, - Further hydnfirnatum tit Anitine * to, Oltaill thi, valtle. e,%tr tw ld t see 1 t,.,n yieljeIl Ali 'tol PLIVing Crnji.IC kr4 and en niv Live wou t M y to, inerea,,inK diffivillty -4 the Imullict =00 10 70 1 111 aml ' " will".it mtAms j,t,vrmrt1 Ih- rhe "Al, %In. viirtt.~I 40 fill to for ~J.l 11 to 111:1. IL-h 1.4161 195 . 1 1, it . .4 .1 1.19r 1", ':6 JA 1 ..... Iit, 110t,. "N"t. it it.., lo-tio'.1 bv oil" It 11.41, 4 1 ItkIC% (Dr4il-D-SVIO Vl-~Itlf. IMIL "t., I aniline aml C Anot If %orre tictfl. for the 3 fruction%. A nr Ire 0 ~ By use h Cury" 41cwt,jovil by Vitigict. to al. (10c. tit.) t c the percent, ,e,, 4 jo,or..ffinic, mmitir. Anti Miphthornic Ce 0 hydrkwlmm% weir r,ld. lm 1 47, A' j Art"ititiv. -1, '4t 0 a aphAlk, A-I 2IV W I- n.%phthenic hvth-,iI.m, weir em.l. Ml ; tie 0 IZ its 0 t7- C.. ls~ e : U $1 if 10 IV W 0 2 1 T W P, (v to It m of So a A a It It .1 it IT a 1 14 0 I,AVAT, M. ; ETCH, C. "olyethylene, poly-propylene, and copolyners. p. H 1'7-~!ISTA DF CHDIIR. (Ministerul Industriei Petrolului si Chimiei si Asociatia StUntifica a Ingineri-lor si Tehnicienilcr din "10minia) Bucuresti. Rimania. Vol. 10, no. 7, July lqIQ. Monthly List of "ast European Accessions (i,"2AI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, January 1960. Uncl. NENITSESKU, K.D. [Nenicescu, K.I.; GIATTS, A.M.; GAVET,-M.; POGANI, Yu. Syntheses ofo(-substituted O-keto esters. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd. khim.nauk no.2:332-339 F 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. X:iimicheakiy institut-Akademii Runynskoy Narodnoy Respubliki, Bukhrest. (Esters) (Carbonyl group) r.; GAVAT, iMaria; F.W4GOPOL, P. T.; POCANUI, Marin; TIFTIM-E30, C. D. [Nenit.esmi, C. Pyrylium salts obtained by diacylation cof ole-fins. Pt. 13. Rev vhimie Itoum 0 no.l-.79-92 Ja 164 1. Institute for Atorde Phvsic-s (P.O.Box 35" and Institutti of Organir, Chemistry of tht Rmnian -Icademy, Bucharest. BALABAN, A. T.; GA-VAT.,J-4arIa;-FRAN'G0P0L) P. T.; MOCAIM, Maria I-TENITESCU, C. D. Pyrilium salts obtained by olefin diacylation. Pt. 1?. Studii cerc chim 12 no. 1: 71-85 Ja 164. 1. Institute of Atomic Physics and the Center of Organic Chemistry of the Rumanian Academy, Bucharest. 7~777-7~ 7777 - L 29661-66 EWP (k) /EV1P(h)/EV1P (1 ) /EWP CV) PC 3 00 ACE MR1 APID20132' 301UMC CODE: RU/0011-1 ('5/ ')100510"1. AMORt Weinrich, Go (Engineer; Cwididate J technical sciences); Laminu, Is Ds (EnginoorT; MiluLileocu, I* (Engineer)j. Constantinoucup It (Enginocr); GELti_Sts (Engineor) ORG: none TITIE t Unified transistorized regulating system for rapid dynamic procosson-4011DIN SOURCr.t Automatic& st, eleatronica, v. 9, no- 5, 1965, 221-228 TOPIC TAGSt automatic regulation, transistorized circuit MMACT: The authors summa iz the design and operation of the UNIDIN transIntorizod aut matic regulation systorM lt in Rumania sinco 1963-1964, and roview the roan.1ts or-olts use in various a-p-PHeakions. Thoy conclude that the principlas tuxlerlying t1io design have proved to be the correct ones, and that its modular construction with standardized elemcats (printed circuit cards, etas) offers many advantages from the point of view of construction, installation and operatiom Orig, arts host 5 figures and 1 tables LJPRS j SUB CODSt 13. 09 / SUE24 DAM none / ORIG R9F1 004 Card 111 (1 (S/ --UDCt M-5231- WICOIAUY Edm.; WEEER, - I . Apparatus for automatic recognition of the vowels. Automatica electronia 7 no.6t255-261 N-D'63. NICULESCUI St.; ONICESCU, D.; GAVAT, V.; SIRIORESCU, V. Contributions to the study of regeneration in the peripheral nerves. Changes in the nervous structures in the vicinity of certain animal parasites localized in the muscles. ramanian M Rev. no.3:3-7 Jl-S 160. (MUSCLES pathol) (TRICHINOSIS pathol) (PERIPIU9X NERVFS pathology) lbr,wm. 5yat"l J- :Rf !h AL.I., Xo 22. 19~A, X. 9706-, Authors a111ca4sca, Im. T.I S.; CVra.c., 1.1 rtta, L,j "Mocu, C.. Gr-t, V. Inat IP-4- -Aa=r- 'au. t(k, Mr- D.Unp In the prost-t. Orig ftb ICc-a. *".d. FTR, 1957, 7, 3.. 1, 131-134. ".btrcet tin tho 7rwtatd sLuki of t4) VAI~ pi;, cat, d.4 VA ~"d' rich Innor-. UcA cf the alc^1 Itoolf, ~ wU ~ its e=m - t,rl d=t, ~ dism"red. In ~th sm-lat-, by tl-. w " or JwYM6=-im, tha f mor,:1 bodlis destribcA by TLoof-f., -s dt-cW. cut 1/1 HICOLESCO, St.; ONIGESCO, Doina; GAVAT, Victoria; SIMIONESCO, Vasilica Apropos of the significance of some neurological lesions caused by animal parasites locallmd in the muscle. Acta Morph. Acad. Sci. Hung. 11 no.2:257-266 1621. 1. Laboratoire d'Histologie de IlInstitut de ]Medecine et de Pharmacie de Bucarest. (TRICHINCISIS pathol) (NERVOUS SYSTEM pathol) GATAY, Eva, dr.; VARGA, Iajos, dr. Phlegmasla coorulga dolens. Orv. hetil. 105--no-10:464-466 10 Mr 164. 1. Gsornai Jarasi Tanacs Koihaza, Belgyogyaszat. 4- 1. ~:IAVAY, V. S. 2 USSR 6W 4. Pine 7. Root system of pane frrm natural origins and in plantingr, Les. khoz, 5, No. 12, 19~,2, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. k, C,~Ldtry: lhacarla, Aulsmta rxLMe.A:n*t indicated AMUsti-t not indicated c* Sofia, LhUkea, No 1. Jon/hb 61, vv 49-52 jhts. *Epidemics of Acute Kephritle.l. Co-authorss V-lr-.V IV. 50i.,kov, G. YA,TAOV, 1. - i STOYAMj k.'---- VASMXVr- .GAVAZOVA, T.A. no.4: New designs of hollow glass blocka. Stek.i ker. 17 17-21 Ap 160. (MIRL 13:8) (Glass construction) I Joaef Hursky's vylidnovoLni a asir-jjjps_s~-Qvanskych obcj v Grad ti..- fDeR2vulatlon and Assimilation of Slavic- Go=unitles - B~rgenland); a book review. p. 300. (Slovenski Etnograf. Vol. 9, 1956, Yugoslavia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (ENAL) LS, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957, 'ncl. L 40202--66 _E4 f (I )/E;IT (m)/EEC (k )-2/T/EVi V (t) LET I ACC NR: AP6030043 SOURCE CODE: UR/0292/66/000/006/0004/0008i AUTHOR: Veytsman, L. Yu. (Engineer); Gavchuk, A. N. (Engineer); Sergeyev, 1'. V. (En '6 ORG~ineer); Uzars, V. Ya. (Engineer) none TITLE: Investigation of load characteristics of silicon power diodes SOLECE: Elektrotekhnika, no. 6, 1966, 4-8 TOPIC TAGS: silicon diode, electronic rectifier/VK-200 silicon diode, FVK-200 silicon diode ABSTRACT: Data are presented from an investigation of the overload characteristics of silicon power diodes VK-200, VKD-200 and PVK-200, and their parameters are compared. Practical recommendations are given for reduction of the number of semiconductor diodes in rectifiers of electric trains. In the diodes tested, increasing short circuit current caused a non-linear increase in p-n junction tempera ti.~re depending on the preliminary heating of the junction. The body temperatures of the three types of diodes tested under the same operating conditions differed very little. The internal thermal resistance of the PIJK-200 was found to be about 1.5 times that of the other two types. It was decided that protection of the rectifier of the ER-9 electric locomotive could be simplified, since the requirements for overload capacity of silicon diodes is satisfied in conjunction with a high- voltage air-gap circuit breaker plus current-limiting reactor. Orig. art. has: 5 figures ard 5 tables. CJFRS: 37j0611 SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: none Card 1/1 UDC: 621.646.001.1 o' C//, POLAtm / cnsinochemistry. Gerchemistry. Hydrochemistry" T" Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-KhImiyaj tin 16P 1958, 532856 Author Qajjj._, Inst flot given. Title Neph-rite from Jordanrv in Lower Bilesia. Orig Pub: Przegl. gool., 1957, 5j No 7y 299-303- Abstract: A nephrite deposit is described which was formed in a transformation process of the inost andient rocks-dumites and pyroxemites. The dunites con- version into snrpentinites is AXPlRined by the penetration of a gaboroic magma by water vapors. With the various difforentiates of the latter are connectod vein formations of saccharite, preh- nite, oligoolasite, quartz-zoesite and others. CRrd 113 POLADD / Cosmochemistry. Ges4chernistry. Hydrochemistry. D Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya2 No 16, 1958P 53285. Abstract: On the basis of the avallablP data a conclusion was drawn that a noted serpentine transition into tale cannot be the result of an intruding magma effect. Its formation is connected with the dy- nam-ic processes taking place by the displacement of rocks. A nephrite Is timed with the tale rock rock contact and zeosite-quartz veins. It is assumedj that its formation is connected with the addition of CaO to a talc molecule, which might be quite possible since zeosite rocks contain a large amount of CaO. A illixed-fibrous structure of nephrite indicates the influonce of tectonic movements at the time of its formation. Great importance in the prneess of deposit formation is attributed to hydrothermal factors (formation of opal, chiolite and others). A chemical analysis Card 2/3 31 POUND / COsmochemistry. Gelc',hemistry- flydroctemistry* Ai,js jour: Ref Zhur-rthirliyaq No 16t 1958, 53285. ): Sio - 6o.68) A1203 0-40) Abstrac,t: of talc is Oited (in % 2 j Mgo 27.40, Caj 2-04, FOO 4,12t MnO trRoe P8203 0.21, K 0 0.09, H 0 0.48, H20+ 3-,14 1.76, "1&20 2 analySAS 2Of tale and zeOsite total 100-324- Tw 0 rocks are cited as C;ard 3/3 i's U4 GELIFAND, I.M. (Moskva); DYLrDENI, N.Ye. OSW; KIRILTOV, A.A. (Moskva); MDBY.PANIN, V. (Tula); TZR-MMTACHAN, M. (Yerevan); X-MIMIJI, Yu.I. (Moskva); VEYLI, G. (SSU); FALDETEV, D.K. (Ieningrad); ARNOLID, M. (Moskva): IVAITOT, V.F. (San-Karlos, Kaliforniya, 33U); GRAYEV, M.I. (Moskva); LZBEDEV, H.A. (Ieningrad); LOPSHITS, A.M. (Moskva); ZHITMIRSKIY, Ya.I.; MITTAGIN, B.S. (Moskva); SKDPETS. Z.A. (Throslavl'); PUAITKARE, A. (1~rantsiya)-~ GAVELL V.V..(Brno, Chekhoolovaldya); SOWMYAX, M.Z. (LeniWad ; LEVIN, V.I (Moskva); EARBAIT, M.B. (Tashkont); FRI3W1, L.M. (Tula) Problems. Mt. prou. no.5:253-260 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Mathematics--Problems, exercises, etc.) ACC NR. AP60~4042 SOURCE C;ODE':---UR/0103/66/000/010/0033/004?- AUTHOR: Gavel Ya. (Prague); Kochetkov, Ye. S. (Moscow) ORG. none TITLE: Calculation and simulation of one class of fault-detection repairable systems: SOURCE; Avtomatika i telemekhanika, no. 10, 1966, 33-42 TOPIC TAGS: system reliability, repairable system ~ABSTRACT: A system intended for receiving (recording) some arriving messagei; i1j; considered. The operable condition of the system is monitored by issuing periodic i checklina sianals. The messages form a stationary Poisson Allow. The monitoring p system itself may be either perfect or liable to failures. The mathematical iexoectlation of message loss and the mean time to first failure are calculated (general! .:.orrhulas derived) for both variants of the monitoring system, Both cases were also r.-lu ~'si" lated at the Pracuc Institute of Theory of Information and Automation, ChSAN; simulation verified the formulas. The simulator it; represented by its block Ciagaram on.1y. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 34 formulas, and 6 tables. SUB CODE. 14 SUBM DATE: Z9Jan66 / ORIG REF: 003 / OTH Rr.F: 001 Card 1/1 UDC: r6Z-50.].019.3.001.Z4 S/271/63/000/003/035/049 Ao6o/A126 AUTHOR: Gavel, Yan TITI-T: Generator of random processea and the potc;,.~Jalitiea of Its appli- cation FMIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika , telemekhanika I vychislitel'naya tekhnika,, no. 3, 1963, 31., abstract.3B191 (Kovoexport (OSSR), 1962, no. 6, 8 - 12) TEXT: The author describes a generator of random signals producing a se- quence of palses of two types ("0" and "1") at arbitrarily fixed Intervals, where the probability of oacurrDnee of each type of pulse constitutds: 0.5, and. it is independent of the preceding pulses. The generator consists of a source of initiating pulses with randon, tir,..--dls'~rlbution, of a converter unit, of shaping and regulating units. The generator is produced in the form of separate units, mounted in a common cabinet, equipped with a ventilator for cooling under long-term operation. The pulse repetition frequency is set by an external gena- erator with frequency not exceeding 5 ke and with a signal of arbitrary shape. Card 1/2 S/27'1/63/000/003/035/049'. Generator of random processes and the .... Ao6o/A126 The possibility of using the generator of random signals for calculations using * simulation computer is ensured by the fact that the generator is equipped with * special output transforming the randon, process to a characteristic of the type of a rardom telephone signal symnetrIc with respect to zero and with an ampli- tude of t 75 v. The generator p.3rmlts tho creation in combination with a com- puter of various stochastic proce_tse3 with both continuous and discrete time, for example, of Gaussian processes with specified correlation functions. With the aid of the generator it is posslAe to determine the optimal characteristics of regulators, the minimum number of connoctions for a telephone station, to solve problems of the theory of ganies, to determine pulse characteristics of li- near systems, etc. There are 6 figu,,es and 10 references. V.L. [Abstracter's note: Complete iranslation] Card 2/2 L 44136-60' 1-, , ;- ( I ) Ltj- .1 (M Im - ACC Wt AP6022402 (A) souRcr!, tonE:- un/o3l7/66/000/002/0030/0031 AUTHOR: Gavelda, S. (Lieutenant colonel; Engineer); Bazior, Yu. (Engineer-, a or) ORG: none 67 i TITLE: Simulators of contamination SOURCE: - Tekhnika i vooruzheniye, no, 2, 1966, 30-31 TOPIC TAGS: radiation simulation, .-adioactive contamination 0-~J ABSTRA&T: A des"c"Aption 1h given of"s'Nulato-rs of radiation and chemical dettctio devices for the armed forces, w4jch make it possibbe to avoid the use of radioactive and toxic substances. The IP.: . 37Padiation simulator is in a 140 x 170 x 90-mm box and controls the readings of DPr-33 x-ray meter. \, Simulator operation is based on the principle of a self- excit~~multivibrator using an ESS-82 double-triode. The latter has a current feedback in the cathode circuit and a voltage current in the plate' circuit of the first triode and in the control grid of the second. From the plate of tq1E Card 1/3 L ACC NR, AP6022402 second triode, the pulses are transmitted along a coupling cable to the pulse-shaping circuit of the x-ray meter. At the circuit output the simulator sums the pulses andf. transmits them to a microammeter whose scale is calibrated in proportion to the number of (gulses, and, consequently, to the do~3e rate wh idliVaries from 0. 2 ' 150 Oht'i, The JE-00~adiation simulator is designed to simulate radioactive contamination. It is used in training for radiation-detection operations and in the use of the D-08~ x-ray meter. The principle of operation of the IP-08 is based on simulation of the ionization -chamber current transmitted along the control grid resistors of a d-c amplifier. Variations in voltage caused by the amplifier result in a proportional variation of thevoltage in the ionization chamber and, consequently, in a simulation of the dose rate. The ionization-chamber current performs simulation by means of a voltage divider whose circuit is connected with the x-ray meter resistors with a resistibility ten times higher than that of the corresponding,resistors of-the simulator, The simulator is assembled in a 85 x 125 x 55-mm box and measures power rates from 0-300 r/hr. The IS-GSPrcontamination simulatorlis designed to control the light and sound signaling of the GSP-1 gas alarm. The simulator, which is in a 16 2/3 L 44-136-6" I , (ri) Ro ACC NR% AP6022402 85 x 125 x 55-mm box, contains three separate circuits: a circuit for changing the operating cycle of the suction system, a circuit indicating radioactive contamination, and a circuit indicating toxin contamination. Orig. art. has- 2 figures. (DW] SUB CODE: IC, 09,13/SUBM DATE: none/ L', r-4 3 13 GAVIOLOIK, J. "Planning the Maintenance of Machinery In the Pulp and Paper Industry." P. 3, Praha, Vol. 9, no. 1/2, Jan./Feb. 1954. SO: last Itiropean Accessions List, Vol. 3, No. 9, September 19-54, Lib. of Congress GAVELICF, G. A. mining mlethods Oublizg With ften loppers In the Tmlr-ftu Mine &a the Bollshaya Ocra O.Pon-ftt mine," G. A. Gavelich, Ye. K. III Insidy, Mining 2081neers, 21 PP NG(=YY Zlmrw Ed 3 Describes in detALU the accumlative extraction method of mInW used In the Tmir-Tau wgnetlVo Aine and the B*lIWW& Gora open-out dolomite mftep and explain the open-hopper systemse wlth ald of alas-me. -3 ACCESSION NR: AP5009491, 0038/65/000/001/0003/OW8 Z/ AMMR: HavelMj S., (Gaveiml. SO KMI:M. (Kyrsh, M.) tigation o'j, TITLE: Laborato inves nuclear fuel reprocessing in Czechoslovakia~:, ry SOURCE: 'Jaderns, energie, no. l2j%5, 3-8. TOPIC TAGS: - nuclear fuelq fuel reftning ABSTRACT: Several separation m etW ido convenient for. spent fuel reprocessing s- (espe organopho-s-phates) orge ract"t norption on ion exchangeri ving.phosphorus in the functional group so. p n and-.- coprecipitation of-a--n-u-mBitf inoi-ganic materials, and forming of radiocolloidsl:: were.investigated, L2vestigatlons~~of separations-by fluoride distillation methods were begun. The problems were studied in a laboratory scale at low sCotivity level'* Original article'hass 3 formulas :1 table ASSOCIATION:' Ustay jadorneho vyzkiimu- CSAVt Ror.:(Institute for Nuclear Res-earchv SUBM11TW: ENCLt-r- 00 SUB OODEt NP NO REF SOVt ()02-,-- oT I - M: .0 NA ~Card GAVEM I YU USSR/Electronics - Production Card 1/1 Authors Stronsky, L Correspondent-Member of the Academy of Sciences of Czechoslovakia, and Eng# Gavelka, Yu. Title Radio Industry in the Republic'of Czechoslovakia Periodical Radio. 5., 20 - 21, May 1954 Abstract The article deals, in a general way, with the progress of the Czecho- slovakian radio industry.. in the field of production of radio re- ceivers, television sets and parts, during the last post-war yearsp particularly since 1950. The authors endeavor to show the impact of the USSR radio industry on the development of certain branches of radio-engineering in Czechoslovakia. Institution Submitted *fee ACC NRt AT6028386 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0243/0256 AUTHOR: Anashin, Yu. F.; Gav'e-lya, A. P; Kirillov, V. N.; Tychkova, M. V.- ORG: none TITLE: Geophysical investigations in searching for water in desert and semidesert areas of Kazakhstan --SOURCE: International Geological Congress. 22d, New Delhi, 1964..Geologicheakiye rezulltaty prikladnoy geofiziki (Geological results of applied geophys -ics) doklady sovetskikh geologov, problema 2. Moscow, Izd-vo Nedra, 1965, 243-256 Prospocting, geophysic oxmdition, iindero.r-.u.nd. --rAtcr TOPIC TAGS; A geophysic prospecting, tAlurometry, water, desert/Kazakhstan ABSTRACT: Numerous geophysical investigations in searching for water have been conducted in Kazakhstan during recent years. In addition to surveys based on special techniques, wide use has been made of the information available from other types-of geophysical investigations conducted inthe areas of interest. A summary prognostic map of fresh-water development in the nothern part of theTurgay depression has been compiled from the resistivity maps made from vertical ckctrical-9Xnd%mMsuXe- mimt. Lm'ipareasaCthe deserts in central and southern Kazakhstan have previously been - considered arid. In these areas intrusive and effusive rocks are either exposed or covered by thin loose deposits. Geophysical methods have been used in prospecting for water fracture deposits. The areas favorable for drilling water wells have been - selected. Different modifications of resistivity profiling and magnetic and gravity prospecting have been applied. Geophysi6al investigations for water have proved Card 1 2 ACC NR: AT6028386 .highly effective in Kazakhstan. Boreholes and pits sunk at sites recommended by Ig!ophysicists have struck potable water in 287 of 322 localities. The experience .~;. Lh.- geophysicists of Kazakhstan can be of great use in prospecting for water in desert and and regions of Asia and Africa under similar geohydrological conditions. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. I I SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 06jan65/ Card 2/2 AUTHOR: -_ H.P. Gavelya 3OV/109-- -4-3-9/38 TITLE: Distribution of Current in an Infinita Cylindrical Conductor Subjected to a Lumped Excitation (0 raspredele- nii toka v beskonechnom tsilindricheskom provodnike pri sosredotochennom vozbuzhderiii) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 3, pp 404-La6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The current distribution function in a thin cylindrical Conductor is one of the basic problems in the theory of linear antennae or single-conductor transmission lines. This problem has been considered by a number of authors (Refs 112,3,1+75 and 6). A general solution of the problem is attempted in this article. It is assumed that an infinite cylindrical conductor having a radius a (see Fig 1) is situated in a uniform medium having a permittivity c , permeability P and conductivity a The material of the conductor has an infinite conduc- tivity, A cylindrical system of co-ord-inates r, tp and z1 is adopted, so that the axis z, coincides with the axis of the conductor. The external electrical Card 1/6 forces act in parallel to the axis z1 and are SOV/109- .. -11--3-9/38 Distribution of Current in an Infinite Cylindrit.:al Conductor Subj6Cted to a Lumped Excitation distributed uniformly along the circ-aniference of the conductor. The electric vector of the external field SOT is parallel to the axis z1 . is independent of and is a function of zl and time t ; the time dependence of the vector is sinusoidal, The electro- magnetic field excited by the oxtornal forces in the surrounding m.edium contains -7:omponents B717 Er and Hw. The magnetic component of the field can te expressed by; kj +00 HT= g(xl) ZO I V - 2 00 k where 'X1 is the propagation constant along the axis zj~ H~i 2 is a cylindri.,al function of the third kind (Hankel *function) ; the remaining symbols of Eq (1) are defined on page 405; the Ainction g J-9 def.ined by Eq (2). If the distribution of the exterival forces in Eq (2) is described by means of the ~, f-jnctdon.) as Card 2/6 expressed by Eq (3), the function g is _J.n the form of Eq (4). The magnetic field component is tirien given by sov/log-- .4-3-9/38 Distribution of Current in an Infinite Cylindr.ical Conductor Snbjected to a Lumped Ebccitation Eq (5), and the current flowing along the conductor is given by Eq (6). If the following notation is adopted; 'K = 'Xla; z = zi/a) k = kla = 2"~a/,N where /\ is the wavelength in -the surrounding medium, the current can be expressed by Eq (7). The integral of Eq (7): +0 F =1 0 H1 )(,\I--k-Z--- --&4) ei'&z -dW (9) 00 Nf-,-,2-"2 1(l) Ic - 'k 1 1 gives the distribution function for the current. It is shown that the distribution function F can be written in the form of Eq (16) where Fl and F- are expressed by Eqs (17) and (18), while P is givene-by Eq (19). The function P can be expressed in the form of Eq (26); it is then given in terms of the functions which have been tabulated. The function F2 of the function F can be written as Eq (29), where is given by Eq (28) while Card 3/6 F12 is expressed by Eq (30). The first component of F2 SOV/109- --4-3-9/38 Distribution of Current in an Infinite Cylindiical Conductor Subjected to a Lumped Excitation is given by Eq (33) while the component F2 can be pxpan- ded into a series; the resulting expression for F2 is in the form of Eq (37). The coefficient' s A and Bn of the expansion of Eq (37) are given by Eqs M and (42) respectively. It is shown that the -:,)efficient Bn can also be expressed-by Eq (41r)-. whei-e q is given by Eq (1~5). The final expression kor Bn is given by Eq (56), where W is defined b Eq (4,q), The. function W can be represented by Eq (Z where Wl and W,, arEi given by Eqs (58) and (59) respectilrely, The final expression for W is in tAe form of Eq (?O)~ On the basis of the above analysis it is shown teiat the current distribution function can be written as Eq or~., in its final form as: Card 4/6 F = TC H(1) (kz) + + e F' 0 2 where F' and M are expressed 2 A B rL n=o by Eq (P0, while the SOV/109-- -4-3-9/38 Distribution of Current ill an Infinite Cylindrical Conductor Subjected to a Lumped Excitation coefficients All and Bn are given by Eqs (75) and (77) respectively. The coefficients Bo and Bl are given by Eas (79) and (81), respectively. When z ;;> 1-and a,q X7 the current can be written in the form of Eq (82); the coefficients Al 7 Bi I A2 and B2 in this equation can be determined from Eqs (75), (79) and (81). The formulae derived permit the determination of the current distribution function at any distance from the excitation source. The formulae take into account the influence of the radiation field as well as the properties of the medium in the vicinity of the conductor. The Card 5/6 author expresses his gratitude to Prof. M.I. Kontorovich and Prof. A.T. Taldykin for a number of valuable remarks, SOV/109-- -4--3-9/38 Distribution of Current in an Infinite Cylindrical Conductor Subjected to a Lumped Excitation There are 3 figures and 15 references, 10 of which are Soviet, 3 English and 2 German. Four of the Soviet references are translated from English. SUBMITTED: October 28, 1957 Card 6/16 GAVILYA, S.P. [Havel7a, S,P.1 Behavior of solutions of linear elliptic systems of differential equations in the vicinity of sets of their singularities. Nauk zap. Vviv. un. 44 no.8:152-157 157. WRA 11.-6) (Differential equations) -GAVILYA, S.P. [Havelya, S.F.] Reducing the boundary problems for elliptic systems of differential equations associated with nonconvex domains to regular integral equations. Uuk zap. Vviv. un. 44 no.8:158-174 157. (min 11:6) (Differential equations, Partial) (1ntegral equations) - ~ 1 7 ~. %-.I., I I ~ - Z'.' ~i ~~ -~~ -r' , , 7 . :...'t 4 _ ~~, C.", lk GAVELYA, S.P. , &,nd Phy~--': --t.11 S;;i-- (di sf~) a r:e'.hod c' f re- A du Ctli oil t 0 recull;l r ir. ~, ~a,-,r , I e - I., .: ti oll~: C, fo.- 45-- cl- li: tic Of diffcrf'.,:ti -1 c u:.ti"" Ll-,ra-v, 195'. 13 pr (.'-'in of uc7 tic-n Llvov "t-to Univ J.m -d j 100 copios, '-',3i'uliL)j-r-,.phy: PP-12-13 (1" Iv:-.n Franko) LOPATIMIY, Yaroslav Borisovich (Lopetynslkyi, IA.B.], GAYMYA, S.P I ~"- [Havelia, S.P.],; BLIKH, V.V., red.; A , A.V., [Pandamentals of linear algebra) Osnovy liniinoi algebry. Vviv, Vyd-vo LlvivB'koho univ., 1959. 108 P. (KIRA 13:4) (Algebra, Linear) J 16(1) PHASS I BMX IEXPE4rTATION SOV12660 :< Vaoso3ruznyy matematichookiy A'70'-d. 3rd, Moscow, 19"A Trudy. t. 4t Kratkoy. Doder,zhanlye sektalonnykh dokl&dOV. D041107 Inostrannykh uchemykn (Transactions of the 3rd All-Unlon Math-m&- tical Conference, In Moscow. vol. 4: 3uezaary of 3ectianal Reports. Reports of Foreign 30tentists) Moscow, I.-d-vo AN WSR, 1959. 247 p. 2,200 copies printed. 3ponsOrIng Agency. Akadomiya nauk SWR. HatomAtichaskly Inatitut. Todh. Zd.t. O.M. 3havchanko; Kdltorlal Board; A.A. Abr&wv, V.O. Soltyanskly, A.M. Vasillyevs B.V. Nedvedevs A.D. Hyankle, 3 olkol-okly (Reap. Rd.), A.G. Postrilkav, Yu. V. ProkhOrOv. K RybnIkOv# P. L. Ullyanov, V.A. Usponakly, N.G. Chetayov, 0. YO. 3hilov, and A.I. 3hirshov. _'r" PURPOSSa This book to Intended for matheisaticlane AM physicists. COVIRAGRI Th book to Volume rv or the Transactions or the Third Al I. Union Math=tlcal Conference, hold In June and July 1956. The - - book parts.- T'r-w-firs-t-p-art c on tains sum- n- series or the papers presented by 3oviet scientists 4t the C f~r*nCs that more not Included in the first two volumes. Th : second part contains the text or reports submitted to the editor by non-30vlot scientists. In those cases when ins non-3oviot act :ntlet did not submit a copy or his ;&par to the editor, the t Itl ; r the paper Is cited and. Ir the paper was printed in a previous volume, rofer*nce Is made to the appropriate voluns. The Papers, both 30viet and non-Savlot, cover various topics In number theory, algebra, difrorentL*L and Integral equations, function theory. functional analyalso probability theory, topology, mathematical problems of mechanics and physics, cowitational satnematics, "thosatic&I I ogle and tho foundations of math~-Attcs* and the Mtory Of mathematics. YO ILO~Lenlngrsd). Certain gvnar&llzxttons or the concept Of-en~rCr and Problems or stability for partial differential equations 16 L'vov). On the behavior of solutions of linear _C 0 PtIc eye a=s in the n,alghborhoods of certain singular manifolds 16 001'NWA~~ (Leningrad). On the reducibility of systems --Or differential equations with quaalperiodle cofficionts 17 _Gubarl, -A__(-r'kJy). Description of noncoarge singular Points Or a dynamic system on the plane by ma~ or the coarse Points or prox's-to systems is --D�ZL1L--" (MOSCOW). On the solvable extensions or linear differential operators or the first order A P1 - (L'YOV). On One method of determining the asymptotic'properties or ths 0190nvaluem and *lgenrunctlons Card V34 for elliptic Y.t.-. 0 AUTHORs Gavelya, S.P. 87137 5/041/60/012/00'j'l/001/011 C111/C222 TITLEt On Solutions of Linear Elliptic Systems of Differential Equations With a Discontinuous ?ree Term PERIODICAL: Ukrainakiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 235 - 243 TEXT: The author considers (6) A(x, ~) v(x) - LP (X) 7J-X) % Here A is a linear elliptic differential operator of the order s with smooth coefficients defined in the region D of the real x = (xl""xn) (A is a px p matrix), In the closure rL of a subregion of D let A have the fundament- al matrix 10(x,~). Let (I)i the derivatives 1~ W (x kl..a kn "1 1n x S ri 31 n ~X Card 1/ 6 A7137 3/041/60/012/003/001/011 CM/C222 On Solutions of Linear Elliptic Systems of Differential Equations With a Discontinuous Free Term exist for all 0!5A 1+ - + kn.:Esl O~~11 +,,, + InK t - I I , x x and belong to the classes Kn-s+kl+..+kn+ 11 +,.+ In (cf. (Ref.1) sy(x,~ belongs to the class Km if for x, ~6 S1 0 x / F , P(x,~ is continuous and X.- J1 m tp(x, 75 )for m>0 orlT(x,g)/lnlx - qj for m 0 or p(x,~) is bou de for m< 0). Furthermore et , Y + 'n (2) A(x, Q (x, 0 in n for x, x and 04-11+ - +1 n4 t - n . Furthermores for every f(X ,~ (column with the height p) satisfying the Hblder condition in the closure of an 1111,7 5-~ let identically be Card 2/ 6 87137 3/041/60/012/003/001/011 C111/022 On Solutions of Linear Elliptic Systems of Differential Equations With a Discontinuous Free Term n (3) A(x, ; ) ~ ' - - W (x, ~ )f f (x) .nr for all xeS_Z* . Let the coordinate origin 0 belong to a ; let (4) IP(x) be a column of p functions Tj(x),...,fp(x) satisfying the H61der con-, dition in every xE SZ \ 0 and for which there exists an ef- so that tf(x)lxl t-,:f- is uniformly bounded in SL\ 0 Let t be integral, t-4 n + 1, of- 4 1 , s < n . Let now too(x, 'D (X; 0+ (X; + I'd. 0 t-n- 1 0 (x; t-n-I '.) '.Ct - n 1 0 (t-n-1)1 where ca(x;,~,S) denotes the transition to the spherical coordinates of the point 19 3 Cos Cos /& i-1 min a i (i - 1 n-1) . Let (X'~)- Card 3/ 6 ~7137 ~/Q, /60/012/003/001/011 C1 1 1A222 On Solutions of Linear Elliptic Systems of Differential Equations With a Discontinuous Free Term (a (x, C30(x, q ) . It is showns Under the assumptions (1 (4) n (5) V(x) tat' (x, )d is a solution of (6) in S-~\ 0 which for k +-+ k k