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BMMTM. V.A.; DATOVSKAYA, T.V.; KARGIII, V.A. Investigation of the structu:~al changes in fibers by measurements of their Specific surface areas and pore volumes. Vyaokom.soed. 2 no.6:916-925 Je 160. (KRA 13:6) 1. Fiziko-khimichaskir.,institut imeni L.Ya.Karpova i Nauchno- issledovatellskiy i6titut shinnoy promyshlennosti. (71bers) (sorption) 23760 S/IQO/61/00~ */006/001/019 10 J'*2 ? 0 P1 1 01~2 1'6 AUTHORt Berestneva, G. L., Berestnev, V. A., Gatovskaya, T. V., Kargin, V. A., Kozlov, P. V. TITLE: ()r&~rly piecrystalline szrucrure o' po.i.yxerq PP,RIODICAL: V.VqokU[11o1ekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. no. 6, i,)61, 801 - 809 TEA T - !'Pfort~ the ~-hain al -i in the qmorphouz, state '-,e in an orderl stfit vcn b-,J--i- c~i-? .--_,currence of y lang-range order. 1~rysLallization with t o r:i::! - 3. ) f! rr~_ o-tructtires (spherol-.Lte,;.,) Js -~tic-,4Fc-t-ften very rapid, requi; ~1'.! ' I_LtT._je energy, when polymers are converted irom the vitreous to tlh~? ~Ias'r7c otate. k. mechanical fieLd anplied to a polymer wita pr6CrySt~kLlne orderly struct- ure mty destroy the latz;vr. Further elongation .. -, --) hl~ forMation of new oriented structuTes, wnich gre studied in t!io work. The Tf%Pidly 11_'Iya 11 liy-i Line -v~ ,cvd lor the study, crystallization observed by crystai th~_rmadynamic- ally, and visually by The turbidity caused by tno -.f intert-ces. Card 1/17 1 01 Qv,ier I Y orc,,, vyz- 1.1 j rle ... J11 1-1 1-1, he I "I J. M11 L iA t I i t n to, C-.)n,-,AOd at t,-.V ()!~LL~,.~AM ill, t 1011 j UZI J!jt! t;. L 61L C~l v 11 r u!.; I n I,, spring (IF I'M. 1 P;-~ tI I 1-. t i n -5: 1 n l! n,,-%.-iiverent of i 1 LY w a Mce tone t!y PtI-TP f-I. N'IG t I b I F, ,~-Lves expcrimenx,ti d-Ita ot' v.--trious film samples, obtained by ca-ic-tilation of' the specific surface from sorption data ob tained by ~A d ) kni ( D ~ us i ng the eqiia t -, on t~ f S . B ru nniler , P Emmett, R. T'21101. (j'%ei . Ili .1 . A m o r . (.'Ii la- m . i v c . , ou ,509 ,19 % ) The increane o1 thu total internal film uurface dur.Lnir the fir~~t stare of elongation is due to destruction of the orderly and thereforespecially dense structure of' the isotropic ,3ample formed duringy film formation. The data presented ii.lustr~Lte thut the cloqely packed, order)y structure changes to a losely packed and less orderly struetu,.-.~x during thi5 process (the specific surface increases nearly by a factor oi' 6). Further elongation leads to a renewed increase otthe packsing aensity of the Card 2/7 1 23760 S11901611003100610011019 Orderly precrystalline ... B110/B216 molecules. The specific surface ofa maximally elongated film is, 2.5 times larger than the degree of order of the new orderly structuxe, but somewhat smaller than in the initial film. Fig. 2 represents microphoto- metric curves of variously treated PETP films. Orientation in the sample produces an order involving much larger elements than the microelements present in the unoriented sample. The density drops during the first stage of elongation and then increases again. Macropores are present in the isotropic amorphoua film. The density of PETP samples elongated 450% is higher than that of the initial film, owing to orienting "healing" of pores. This healing which sets in at the very outset of elongation exilains the relatively smAll differences in the density values, as comp- ared to the values for the total surfaces. Healing has no influence on the total surface, since the latter is determined by the presence of clos- ely packed structural microformations. The change in birefringence (table) shows that the destruction of the prucrystalline structure i13 due to chang- es in the position, characteristic of the initial structure, of the elem- ents. This is confirmed by the diffraction pattern of the elongated sample. The increase of flexibility, must lead to crystallization, i. e., to long-range order of the molecule centers, to orientation of the side Card 3/7 23760 S/190/61/003/006/001/019 Orderly prearystEL11ine B11O[B216 groups and to turbidity of the sample. Accordingly, the acetone-treated sample gave the well-defined diffraction pattern shown in Fig. 2. At higher temperatures, the increased flexibility of the molecular chains facilitates the occurrence of relaxation processes. The latter enable the formation of precrystalline structures and, finally, the crystallization with formation of spherolites. There are 2 figures, I table, and 13 referenoest 10 Soviet-bloo and 3 non-Soviet-bloo. The reference to the English-language publication reads as followes Ref 13, A. B.. Tompsonp Do W, Wood# Nature, 176, 78t 1955- Ass6clATION': Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy kino-fotoinstitut (All Union Scientifle Research Cinematography and Photo-~ graphy Institute).I?iziko - Xhimioheakiy institut im L. Ya. Kaxpova (Physical Chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) Nauchno-iasledovateltakiy institut shinnoy promvahlennosti (scientific Research Institute for Tire Industry) SUBMITTEDt February 25, 1960 Card 4/7 BFMZTNKV,:V.A.; GATOVSKAYAj T.V.,- KARGIN, V.A. Structural changes in cord fibers of tires in cervice. Kauch.i rez. 21 no.1:34-36 Za 162. '(MIRA J_~Pj) .1 - 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy inAitut, S'hinnoy promyshlennosti i Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fiziko-khimichesXfy institut im. L.Ya. Urpova, (Tire fabrics) BERFSTEV, V.A.; LYTKINA, M.B.; GATOVSKAYA, T.V.; KARGIN, V.A. Studying the characteristics of the molecular structure of the various types of viscose fibers. Khim. volok. no.1:71-74 162. (MIRA 1814) 1. NIIShP (for Berestnev, Lytkina). 2. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut Im. Karpova (for Gatovskaya, Kargin). BEMTM, V.A.; GATOVSKAYAJ, T.V.; KARGIN, V.A. Manometer for meaBuring MBaurls with an increaBed accuracy. Zav. lab. 28 n0.9:1137 162, (MM 16:6) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskly finiko-khimicheakiy institut im. L.Ta. Karpova. (manometer) 4 S/020/62/147/001/020/022 B101/B144 AUTHORS: Pavlyuchenko, G. M., Gatovskaya, T. V., Kaigin, V. A., Academician TITLE: Estimate of the chain flexibility of polybutylene on the basis of sorption data PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady,.,~. 147, no. 1, 1962, 150 - 152 TEXT: The isotherms for the sorption of n-octane by polybutyl ne with the 0 8 intrinsic viscosity 1.14 at 90 C in Dekalin om-p- 94.3 - 104.8 C, were determined with a spring balance at 50 - 11; C. The isotherms for 94, 104 and 1150 C coincided within the limits of exgerimental error. Up to a relative pressure p/p. of the adsorbate, the 50 C isotherm was higher * than the 600C isotherm, which is explained by l8oser packing of the chains at .50aC. The 85 0C isotherm interjects the 94 C isotherm at p/P.I.O.7 and if the 750C isotherm is extrapolated this too intersects the 94 0C isotherm. Hence, capillary condensation is assumed near the malting point, caused by the formation of higher ordered structures and of spaces between them. An estimate of the capillary diameter according to Kelvin gives 100 - 1000 Card 1/2 A S/020/62/147/001/020/022 Estimate of the chain flexibility... B101 B144 which is in agreement %sith the order of magnitude of the structure formations and pores found earlier (DAN, 146, no. 2(1962)) by electron microscopy. A calculation of the thermodynamic segment characterizing the chain flexibility gives a length of 60 carbon atoms. Since, however, polybutylene contains lateral ethyl groups, the segment of the main chain is assuined to have a length of only 30 carbon atoms which is consistent with the length of typical rubber segments. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physico- chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUB11"ITTED: June 29, 1962 Card 2/2 3/020/62/143/003/016/029 B110/B138 AUTHORS: gajmkayaj_N. V-,-j Pavlyuchenko, G. M., Berestnev, V. A., and Kargin, V. A., Academician TITLE: Assessing the flexibility of polyethylene chains from the sorp- tion values * PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 143, no. 3, 1962, 590 - 591 TEXT: The chains in crystalline polymers must be flexible for good ordering and crystal lattice formation. The sorption values at room tempep- ature can be used to find the flexibility of amorphous molecules, but they must be determined during melting, when no crystalline ranges are present. Another method must therefore be found. The sorption properties of poly- ethylene were ascertained within a wide temperature range and below the melting temperature of its crystals. The melting point of a regular poly- ethylene specimen with molecular weight of about one million was determined on a polarization microscope. The spherolites disappear at 131-1360C and drops appear at 1640C. The sorption isotherms were obtained by using spring weights in an air thermostat. Sorption gradually increases between, Card 113 Assessing the flexibility S/020162/143/003/016/029 B1107B138 75 and 1300C. The sorption isotherms for 140, 150 and 200 0C coincide with the 1300C one. This means that sorption reached maximum at the melting point of the spherolites. The merging of the 1250C sorption isotherm with the 1300C one at about 60,146 relative vapor pressure, is probably due to the plastifying effect of n-dodecane, causing the polymer to melt at low temperature. The size of the thermodynamic segment was calculated to find flexibility. The graph showing the size of the thermodynamic segment as a function of relative vapor pressure of n-dodecane at various temperatures shows that the presence of a low-molecular compound does affect it. It was' therefore necessary to extrapolate to the zero content of the adsorbate. At 750C the segment :monsists of about 600 carbon atoms. A temperature rise' increases the flexibility of the chains, and the poosibility of realizing j a large number of conformations. On melting, chain flexibility rises steeply and all conformations are realized. In this case the minimum segment value of 60 carbon atoms is only five times higher than the length of the adsorbate molecules. This appears to be the optimum flexibility-fbr crystal formation. Rubbers and rubberlike polymers with highly flexible chains with 20-40 carbon atoms in the segment show poor crystallizability owing to the great difference between the entropies of the crystalline and amorphous state. There are 3 figures. Card 273 S/020/62/143/003/016/029 ! Asseosing the flexibility ... 13110/B136 I ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physico- Chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED: Dooomber 19j 1961 Card 3/3 . . I .. .. --- ---- 1 -1 1 - - L 14930-6~ _EPR/W(j)j*ff(c)/wr(Dj)/BpS ASD ?s-4/Pq_4/ j!v~-4 FMIWW ACCESSICH M AP3003782 i/0190/63/005/007/0960/0965 'sto" T* vATJTHORSt Gata" T. chanko. 01. U.;.Bereatnev, xqd!iL -V-A,,. V.; P V, A.; rtiOU f0f low MO~. TITLEs Sorption low -molakmlar compounds by polymr3 at bigh temperatures ~SOURM Vy*aokorao1eku3ysrM*y~ acTecUnerniya, v. 5, no. 7, 1963t 960-965 MIC TAG.Sj sorption, polymer... po3,yolefin,, ~ABSTRACTs- An improved appAratus was construoted to d termin he 0 ion of Ie ~;n-dodecen 2ZetbylenelAt 75-= and'of n-"tane PO 1:UG t 25-3.15C. apparatus,w6s entirely glass-sealed and permitted the recording o temperature,l 1pressure, and weight of the polyolefin samplos. Isotherms of sorption at various :temperatures were charted, and it was found that the sorption capacity of poly- etl7lene increases with- temperature, reacidng a mwdmum at 1300, the melting point crystalline polymer. -In-polybutylerie, on the other hand, the sorptioll capacity decreases from 250 to 606. From tk,re on it rises up to its melting ~ point. The conclusions draim from the obtaired results point to a Idgher flexi- ibility in the polybutylene macroroleculea as compared with polyetl7lene, which may ~bedue to a shorter carbon chain and a greater branabirg out of polybutylene. Orig.' cart. hasi 4 charts. 'ASSWIATION: Physico-Chemical Institute Card PAVLYUGHWKO, G.M.; GATOVSKAYA, T.V.; KARGIN, V.A. Rvaluation of the flexibility of polypropylene chains and some features of its sorption characteristir- Pt high tan- paratures. Tysokom. soed. 6 no.7t1190-1192 Jl 164 (MIRA 18:2) 1. Fiziko-khimicheakiy institut imeni Karpova. Y: Effect of tile Chemical nature c,-,, , r, the oarption C'TaCiV Of C'l*Y!31Aljjtje J)olymori. Vy..,,nkc~m, "oel. 7 no.-/:647-61.9 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:6) jr, tilll L 11517-66 EWT(M)ZEWP(j) RM ACC NR, AP6OO1868 SOURCE COM U AUTHORS: -P yuchenko, G. M.j Gatovskaya, T. V.,- Kargin,. V. A. ylr~boy- ---- !~-:s - t ORGt Phyaico-Ghemical Institute Im. L. Is, Karpov (Fiziko-khimicheakiy institu TITLE: Influence of the characte rptio 7properties ; of supermolecular structures on so n of isotactic polypropylenqef 14A,S& SOURCE: Vookomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya,, v. 7,, no. 12,, 1965,, 2139-2141 TOPIC TAGSs adsorptionj sorption, spherulite, polymer, polypropylene plastic, octanj ABSTRACT: The effect of supermolecular structure (different size of spherulites) on the sorptive properties of isotactio polypropylene was studied. The sorption of methyl alcohol,, n-octane, and n-dodecane on two different specimens of polypropylene was investigated, The specimens consisted of spherulites of 300--350)x and 20-30 in diameter respectively. The sorption of methanol and n-octane was determined at ~tG, and that of n--dodecane in the region of 100-2000o The results are presented graphically (sea Fig., 1), It in suggested that the adsorption effect depands mainly on the apherulite-size and occurs only on the outer surfaces of the lattere L AP6W1868 0 Fig* 1, Sorption isotherms for ..405 04 ,n-wtane on specimens of inotactic 04 polypropylene at 25C. 1 - w&&U spheru3itesi 2 - large Bpherulites; OLIV~ ZOO' 3, 4 desorption data* 49 uv 89 ~,9. Origs arts has: 4 graphs and 1 photograph* SUB COM ll/ Sum DAM 27jazi65f ORIG Mwt 004/ OTH REFt 001 Cnrel #>./ X-I~ 0 VM6 9~ 0 00 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 4 *-W-o 9 11 " if Cw of 0 T1 0 it A.0 09 wit 9 dymi~ali�'~____ r. 40~t A-]" 0 loon t: Valmmb, L G.. mid 04WFAN. AL M- GO 111MAD AN (tiarms-Y. 1113 11 (jWj_ t)cftib We glyrn of a tmn%ttiKtnI Sus,firvd annular kiln for "ll magmate brick at I.W* lu JWOOC~ New ItutuM are (1) the Construction o1 thresh ,At* iyj%trAqj tA intffyndiate wells, k~') arrungeturnt a( the son twk-k to be firW on dw t1tretill" up to the TIA4. (3) vAs- pension tUt arck and (4) horizontal 11" of pum A41- 0 GA vant '_ -of the recoustructed-foit4c_v, mr-C, 'W" -follow%,: (1) fair r4g I. i.,.d IS- - (2) .1put 44 The kiln 1% it 0 a inrivAwd 410%; stul (3) %(;;1A; con%umplitm 04 loci is rr' tluml:W,. This" of kiln can be u-44 hic hying highly n400 0 4pa is Mr.1cinry lwmluv In Cases bere It 1, 11111KKARIle to U-C 0 0 hAt furnfce.~ 0 W.. hi! 00- H; 0 0 0 0 00- it fig- 111LO14014 0.1 0 it Itogwaillem all It 1I it 11 it it 4 1 Ole 041 99099 90:0 ;p o' 1 9 1 t ame 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0000 go, S~ 0 so 0 Go A 09 00 4141 06 S 0o 00 ISO& 00 00 a 000 oo me. JL-X 70,L 21d 64KNA- Is* Fee THMMAL n=W = RWRAGMY KMIS. S. 0. Fidel am am A. 14. Cistovall. "ONKL 13 (21 51-62 In the operation of driers and kilos in refractory plants Is discussed. The drying sections onto we undergoing considerable in Russian rotraclory pl reconstruction and madersAwatioal the use of tunnel driers will be increased 2.3 timag with mechanical transport from the presses to the tuna" drIere and then to the kilns with- out transfers. Oaly cas pleat as" gas chamber kilns; the majority use Koffloame, periodic, and tunnal kllmp. In the future, tunnel kilns viU ~ be used primarily for firing grog products and periodic kilns for firing large and complicated ;Woductw. B.Z.K. .41ALLUft$CAL UTCOATUM CLASWICATIN U A, so 1, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a Is : Is o o o 0 1*00000*000000000000 Fee 1,00 -00 * 0 0 %G roe ~00 %o I'vo two C z CVO .1*. 60.1- .-- j--j- A 1-99 POP 0, 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600*090666600 ':~,rta in 3i.6vtco:- i r: Us J n ',he 1~ nj-.- 1, abor PrGdUCULVity in geolog.1cal, cAh. redr 30 nt).,.: U-17 At) 164. SOV/12,1-58-3-3259 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 3, p 104 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gatovskiy, K. M. - -------------------- TITLE: Deformation of Thin Sheet Metal Under Torch Cutting (Deforma- tsii tonkolistovogo metalla pri gazovoy rezke) PERIODICAL: Tr. Tsentr. n. -i. in-ta rechn. flota, 1954, Nr 28, pp 93- 117 ABSTRACT: The problem is solved by taking into consideration the non- uniform temperature distribution along the cross section of the strip under critical temperature conditions with the assump- tion of conservation of plane cross sections. The temperature field is determined by summing up for every point the heat effects created by a linear concentrated source of heat (result of metal burning in oxygen) and by a normal circular heat source consisting of the action of the flame on the surface of the metal. The resulting curvature of the plate is determined from the conditions of temperature (T) distribution in the cross section passing through the yaordinate of the 6000C isotherm. The magnitudes of the residunal cfeformations are found with con- sideration of the plastic deformations resulting from the heating. Formulas are given for determining the radii of residual curva- Card 1/2 tures as a function of the ratio of the strip width being cut to SOV/124-58-3-3259 Deformation of Thin Sheet Meta, Under Torch Cutting the width of the plastic deformation zone. Nomograms are given for the relationship between the length and the width of the strip and the magnitude of its residual flexure. Residual flexure deformations of the strip are scrutinized for cutting out the strip along one and along two edges. A rational procedure for cutting out several strips out of one sheet and the limits of the possible application of cutting out patterns without allowances are examined. G. A. Nikolayev Card 2/2 GITOVSKIT, I.M., inxhener. Determining the deformation of hull elements welded in stiff mountings. Trudy TSNIW no.28:118-139 154. (KLU 9:1) (Hulls (Naval architecture)--Welding) (Deformations (Mechanics)) GATOVSKIY, I.M., inshener. Generalized parameters of deformation of welded elements. Svar.proisv. no.1 :9-13 Ja 155. (KULA 9;4) 1.?Sentrallnyy nau-chno-Issledovatel'skiy inatitut rechnogo flota. (Welding) (Strains and stresses) n n li~-t+e in ~!-:Ii C'd - liv, I. -, GATOVSKIY, K.M., kand. takhn. nauk; FPUMIN, S.R., kand. tekhn. nauk Simplified method of preparing jacket plate for shaft mills and exhaust fans. Svar. proizv. no.5%22-25 My 164. (MIRA 18:11) G ., kand.'Iek~m.raukj CIIEILNC,:,,AZ, F.I., in-,,h. fS Effect of the size limit of products on the heat convection process and weldint. -,,. , ~,, , W.. (MIRA I&I.) I.. ).eningradskl.y insbltuL vcdnogn, transporta. GATOVSKIY K N L~kande tekhn. rAtLk; OHERNOGLAZ, F.Aep ~jiz~# Deformation determination in the welding of unlike metals. Trudy LIVT no.M27-36 165. (MIRA 18:10) % -- -. --- - KASITSKIY, I.; W&VICH, Ye.; ZVEREV, A.; KAPUSTIN, Ye.; NEMCHINGV, V., akademik; VOROBIIEVA, A.; MSTAFIYEV, G.; SIIAIMRIN, A.; XOSYACHENKO, G.; PLOTNIKOV, K.; ALITER, L.; ROTSHTEYN, L.; SPIRIDONOVA, N.; MASLOVA, N.; RUSANOV, Ye.; KAPITONOV) B.; KULMV~ T.;_.g ~TCVSKIY, L._ Problems of the economic stimulation of enterprises. Vop. ekon. no.11:87-142 H 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Komitet Vsesoyuznogo soveta nauchno-t-khnicheskikh obshchestv po ekonomike i organizatsii prbizvodstva (for Kasitskiy). 2. Institut ekonomiki AN SSSR for Hanivich, Zverev, Voroblyeva, Yevstaf' V, Shakhurin, Plotnikov, Maslova, Rusanovj, Kapitonovr~ 3. Nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut truda (for Kapustin). 4. Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy finansovyy institut (for Nosyachenko). 5. Nauchno-issledavatellskiy okonomicbeskiy institut Goeudax5tvennyy nauchno--ekonomicheskogo soveta Soveta Ministrov SSSR (for AlIter). (Contirrued on riaxt card) KMITSKIY, I.-(continued) Card 2. 6. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-ckoncunicheskiysovet Soveta Ministrov SSSR (for Rotshteyn). 7. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet-(for Spiridonova). 8. Azerbaydzhanskiy - gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni S.M. Kirova (fof Kuliyev). 9. Predsedatell Nauchnogo soveta po khozyaystvennomu raschetu i materiallnomu stimulirovaniyu proizvodstva, chlen~korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gatovskiy). (Industrial management) (Incentives in-~n4j;stry) GATSENKO, B.111. Effecl, of purametero of the orientation of a cabl& for mneasuring sea co:-rents with an electromAgnetic current meti~r. TrAy Dallnu- vont~ NIG141 no.17:76-84 '64- A nomogram far determining uie correction for lowerIng the elec- trodes of. an Plactromagnetic current mater. lbicl.:85-9,", tine of a rod for meas~jring, grant volocities or ali ocean ~~u-renlt with a 2h,-3 current mater from a chip. lbid.:99-100 A nomograz for determ-Ining the Iame-slon depLh a' a bitt-,t-ne r7n()- graph. Ibid. : 112-12,-~ R,4 I OATOVSKIT,.Lev Markovich. ... - - -.- - -, ~ ~ - 0 piatiletnem plane vosstanovleniia i razvitiia narodnogo, khoziaiatva SSSR na 1946- 1950 gg. (On the five-year plan for restoration and development of the national economy of the USSR, 1946-1950). Moskva, Kraswda zvesda, 1946. 63 P. (V pomoshch alushateliu politahkoly). DLCi HC335. G32 1946 SO: Soyle TransRgrtatio Md Communications, A Hibliogranhy, Library of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Uncleasified. GATOVSKIij, IEV~ MAR' Ekonomicheakaia pobede Sovetakogo Soiuza v Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine. LThe economic victory of the Soviet Union in the Patriotic war7. Moskva Ogiz, 1946. 112 p. "Za 1944 g. gruzooborot ahelezrWkh dorog strany vyroa na 22% protiv predebeatyovav- shego goda." (p.102). CU Cty ICU MR NN NNC SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications, I Bibliography, Library of Congress Reference Department, Washinton, 1952, Unclassified. T., LXNT, YEV, L. A., 'ov, K. V. 1, , I. D., KU7 11-fi-Nov, "fOlitical Ec,,n.,V,,, textbooki 3tate Fubkishing HousL uu:,-,3 . 0, pol,t,cal , Moscow, 1954. 1 GATOVSKIY, L. Genera larities and charecteristics of building socialism in various countries. Vop.ekon. no.12:12-28 D 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Communism) OMOVITYANOY, K.V., nkademik; LSO11T'Y*3V, L.A.; LAPTEV'I. D. ; GAT~01_19&j"JL A---l doktor okonom.nauk; KIWIGNOV, I.I., doktor okonom.nnd:~rinimal uchantlye STAROVSKIY, V.11.. RABIHOVICH, M., red.; DANILINA, A.. (Political oconomy; textbook] -Politichdakain ekonomiia; uchobnik. Izd-3, porar. I don. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo polit.llt-ry, 1959. 707 P. (Mm 12:10) 1. Akndemiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki. 2. Chlony-korrespondenty lkndemii nauk SSSR (for Leontlyev, Starovakiy). 3. Doystvitellnyy chlen Vsaso3mznoy akademii sol'akokhozyaystvennykh nank imani V.I. Lenina (for Laptev). (RconomicO GATOVSKIY, L, Development of the political economy of socialism at the present stage. Vop ekon. no (MIRA 12:5) i3conomic;3:3-21 ur '59,.- OsTROVITTANOV, X.V.; GATOVMIY, L.M. (Hatovalkyi. L.M.1; KuZIMINOV, I.I.; DMOVIMKO' Ye. (Dabovenko, 13.], rod.; KOBA, M., red.; KOPYTKOVA, N., (Political economy; textbcok] Politychns ekonomiia; pidruchnyk. Pereklad 2 3 perer. i dop. roslialkoho vyd. 1959 roku. Kyiy. Derzh.vyd-vo polit.lit-ry URSR, 1960. 686 p. (KnU 13:7) 1. Akademiya nauk USSR, Xiyev. Institut ekonomiki. (Economics) GHUKHNO, A.A.; KOZLOV, G.A.; KASHCHENKO, A.I.; AGATIbEGYAN, A.G.; VOLFIV, 141.1.; ZHUKOVSKIY, Ya.M.; NAGORIVU1, A.F.; TSAGOLOV, N.A., YOVAI--',VA, M.F.; PAVLOV, P.M.; ATLAS, M.S.; KATS, A.I.; NIAROMANSKIY, NI.G.; ANCHISHKIN, I.A.- SPIRIDONOVA, N.S.; KRONROD, Ya.A.; SULIMOV, I.A.; BREGUI, E.Ya.; R02ENMAN, Ye.S.; VARTANYAN, K.A.; NOVIKOV, V.A,; 9-ATCLUKIII-ilki- Structure and content of the course on the economics of socialism. Vop. ekon. no.6:57-143 Je 162. (KIRA 15:6) 1. Kiyevskiy go3udarstvennyy universitet (for Chukhno). 2.Vysshaya partiynaya shkola pri TSentrallnom komitete Kommunisticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuz!L (for Kozlov, Volkov, Zhukovskiy). 3. Yaroslavskiy gosudarstvenny-y pedagogicheskiy institut (for Kashchen-ko, Narovlyan- skiy, Sulimov). 4. Institut ekonomiki i organizatsil promysblennogo proizvodstva Sibirskogo otdelenifa All SSSR (for Aganbegyan). 5. Institut povysheniya kvalifikatsii prepodavateley obshchestvennykh nauk pri Kiyevskom gosudarstvennom liniversitete (for NaGornyy). 6. Moskovskiy gosudarstvernyy universitet (for TSa,~olov, Spiridonova). 7. Akademiya obshchestvennvkh nauk pri TSentrallnom komitete Kommu- nisticheskoy partil Sovetskogo Soy-uza (for Kov~tlova), 8,, Laningradskiy finansovo-okonomichenkiy Institut. (for Pavlov). 9.. Moskovskiy finansovyy institut (for Atl,is)~ 10. Nauchno-issledovatellckiy institut truda (for Kats). 11. Ini:titut ekonoraki AN SSSR (for Anchishkin, Kronrod). 12. Moskovskiy ekonomiko-statisticheskiy institut (for Bregell), 13. Moskovskiy anergeticheskly initibit (Continu-.d on next card) CHUMITO,- (Continued) Card 2. (for Rozenman). 14. Armjanskiy sel?skokhozjayst,.renn./i institlit (for Vartanyan). 15. Permskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Novikov). 16. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR, glavny-y redaktor zhurn-ala "Voprosy ekonomikill (for Gatovskiy). (Economics--Study and teaching) GATOVSKIY, L.I.I.; KOVALEV, N.I. Mathematics and plmiing; some problems of the practical application of economic and mathematical methods and calculation tecliniques. Vast. AN SSSR 32 no.11:42-52 ii 162- (MIRA 15:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gatovskiy). (Economics, Mathematical) (Calculating machines) ARZUM-M, A.A., akademik; BERG, A.I., akademik; MUKOV, Ye.M., akadanik; SWRIOV, N.W., akademik; VINOGRADOV, V.V., akademik; FRANTSEV, L.P.; SHCHKRBAKOV, D.I., akademik; ANISMOV, I.I.; GATOVSKIY,,41~.; IOVCHUK7 M.T.; FEDOSETEVp P.N., akademik; Ra-[AMKB,-ES.; MISTANTIFOV, F.V.; MITIN, M.B., akademik; YELYUT114, V.P.; PLOTNIKOV, K.N.; PRUDEVSKIY, G.A.; YUDIN, P.F., akademik; RYBAKOV, B.A., akademik,- KOTISTANTINOV, B.P., akademik; KIIVOSTOV, V.M.; KEDROV., B.M.; WiKOV, A.A.; BAISHEV, S.B., akademik; ALEKSEYEV, M.N., prof.; SKAZKIN, S.D., akademik; ALEKSANDROV, A.D.; POSPEWV, P.N., akademik Discussion of L.P. Illichev's rreport. Vest. AN SSSR 32 mo.12zl9-50 D 162. NIRA 15:12) 1. Chleny~-korrespondenty AN SSSR (for Aleksandrov, Frantsev, Anisimov,, Gatovskiys, Iovchuks, RomasIddn, Konstantinov, Yelyutin, Flotnikov, Prudenskiy, Khvostov, Kedrov, Harkov). 2. AN Kazakhskoy SSR (for Baishev). (Research) GATIOVEKIY) L. M. "Certain Droblems of material incenti-,res at industrial enterFrizes." report presented at Corif on Economic Development of European So(--ialist Countries, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 30 Nov-6 Dec 61t. I-L"Vjivll),. m.,ftj.~ ~,~"rovj,jy A p M.B., Ijpjrjpj()vA. p VJI~ Threacl,~I,t~,,Jng chascrB fo:. cutt!nr 'gh - -1g, - Stan. i instr , h. -;n etrie'. parti. - 35 no-10:29-30 0 164. (M,-'~RA 11ji2l/ GATSSAKI V. M. "VoynitsViy i gaydutskiy narodnyy teatr v Moldavskoy SSR, El%!vernoy Bukovine i Severo-Vostochnoy RUmynii." report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthrorologica.1 & Ethnological Sciences, Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. GATSALM, M. D. Cand Med Sci, -- (diss) "7he lymphutic 5,vstem Of hunan 19~-- A uterine.~tube wff-M." Mos. 1958. 13 pp (1st Mos Order of 1--ttin Med Inst im 1. 1'. Seohenov), 200 copies (KL, 52-56, 107) -114- GATSALOV, X.D. Iqmphatic system of the wall of the tuba uterina.' (with IMmmar7 in Inglish) Arkh.anat.,gist. i embr- 35 no,5:41-48 S-0 158 (MIRA 11:12) is Kafedra normallnoy anatomii (zav. chlon-korreBpondent AM SSSR prof. D,Ao Zhdanov) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditainshrogo instituta imeni I.N. Sechenova' Adres avtora: Mosk7a, 3. Pirogovskaya, d.2/6 1-y meditsinskI7 institut. kafedra anatomii cheloveka. (FALLOPIAN TUBES, anat. & histol. lymphatic system (Rua)) (LYWHATIC SYSTEM, anat. & histol. fallopina tube (Rua)) GATSALOV, M.D. (Severo-Osetinakaya ASSR, Ordzhonikidze, Pushkinakaya ul - 140) Intraorganie venous canal of the human uterine tube. Arkh. anat., gisU i embr. 44 no.2:87-�2 F 163. ' (HIRA 17:2) 1. Kafedra normalincy anatomii (zav, - dotsent, V.V. Fedipty) Save ro-Osetinskogo gosudaretvennogo maditainakogo institutal Ordzhonikidze. F~i A ~ A -,. At'-A 0 A. a a a A a a a A 9 db 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 -0 o o a 0 4 ;r01,64- M ON- WtFf,.Iw , I 1 9 16 11 ') to w " to it is :8 H a jw ;S it J7 A ~l jo a Lt 11 If is ld u A a al u 4i 4 A a L a -&-I A X-J-1 -L a x F 0 A I 1 9 V t I -A - 1 -1 M 0 CXX 90 U 1A a 4-2 1 a of It. Is X -PP1100 tool" i -00