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L GATAULITIS ,TuJ[h.,inzh. Dry dust collection in enterprises of the mica induatry. Bezop. tnida v prom. 3 no.2:25 F '59. (MM 12:2) (Hica) (Duat collectore) L GANAULIN, Z.G. Chemical purification of some industrial wants waters. Vod i san.tokh. no.2#40-41 F '59. (HIBA 12.-~) (Se,gage-Purification) MAUSURY-AN, N.A. ~, akadeuek, nauchnyy rukovodl te! I -. GAIAUIANA , G.G. , aspirant Some characteristics of the biology and cultivation practices of Lupinus albus and L. 1,1~itabilis in Tambov Province. Izv. TISKHA no. 5:74,85 163. NAIRA 17-7) 1. Vsesoyuznaya akaderiya seIIskakhozyaystverLnyIkh nauR- i.,%en-J, Lenina kfor Maysuryan). GATAUILINA, L. D. Cand Med bei -- (diss) "Ertrblishment of the activity the of,rheumatic process in children in its nc-n-paroxysmal phase." Mos, 1958. 9 pp (Aced Med 6ci USSIR. Order of Lnbor Ped Bfmrier Inst. of Pedintrics), 200 co;.ies (KL, 52-58, 106) _A3- GATLULDIA, L.D. Determining the activity of rhoucatic processes during its intermittent phase in children. Pediatriia, Moskva 36 no.8:35-42 Ag 158. OGA 12:1) 1. Is Instituts pediatrii ANN SSSR (dir. i nauchnyy rukovoditell - chlen- korrespondent AJO SSSR prof. O.D. Sokolova-Ponowareva). (MMUgATISH, in infant and child, im=2nol. indiced in intermittent phase (Rus)) IRETITAKOVA., Ye.N., prof.; GkT-AULINA, LD-. ,; IL'INA, V.T.; PANTEIEYEVA., A.P.; SMDMVA, L.K.; AMURASHIMVA, Kh.Sh. Distribution of rheumatic fever among the school children of Ufa. Vop.revm. 3 no.1:66-70 Ja-Mr 163. (KIRA 16s4) 1. Iz kafedry detakikh bolezney (zav. - prof. Ye.N.Trettyakova) Bashkirskogo meditsinakogo inatituta i Detakoy )dWcheskoy bollnitay No.3 (glavnyy vrach A.I.Vetsler) goroda Ufy. (UFA--MUMATIC HEALRT DISEASE) LAPAN, A.P.; GATAULINA, Z.; GEDRITE, B.P. Investigating phenols in semicoke waste waters. Izv. RIM.- khim. nauch.-issl. inst. Irk. un. 5 no.1:69-76 161. (MIRA 16.-8) (Coal--Carbonization) (Industrial wastes---Analysis) (Phenols) GATAYE;VICH, A., inzh. Completion of the construction of the Sevan-Razdan Cascade. From.Arm. 5 no.12zl5-18 D 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Armenia--Hydroelectric power stations) . -- , -. - 7- ---~ -z- - i - , . . - ~, 4v- - .~ . ~ - I y. GATAYEVICH.. A., inzh. Erivan thdrmal electrIc power station,and'the outlook for its ex- pansion. Prom.Arm. 6 np,10:20-26 0 63. (IAIRA 17:1) ~ -.. , :' _.- :. -~ "- ~ -~~4 ~~ ~ _4~, 1-glaUlOV, V.., inzh.--kapitan 2 rangaL_~AT~H-IKOV, -- With the submarlnors. Voon.znan. 38 no.8:19 Ag 162. MRA 15:8) (Submarine boats) GATCHIKOVP V. Rocket hits the target. Voen. znan. 39 no.4:12 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Roalcate(Ordinance)) GATCHIN, A.V., direktor. Firs;-reonlts. Leg.prom. 7 no.9:19-20 Ag 147. (KIMA 6:11) 1. Kozhzavod im. Kominterna. (Leather industry) GATCHIIISKIY, M. Plant. Elizaveta Levina, cook at the "Krasnyl v7borzhets" Obshchestv. pit. no.2 F '58. (MIRA 11:3) (Leningrad--Restaurants, Lunchrooms, etc.--Employees) n VOLODIN, A.; IVAPOVA, T.; ZHITELEV, S.; ZAYTSEVA, T.; GATCHINSKIY* M.; LOTSEV, I.; PETROVA, V,; ZHUKOVO Ya. You are in Leningrad. Mest.prom.i khud.prooTs. 2 no.2:5-15 F ,61. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Leningradskoy fabriki po remontu i poshivu obuvi No 1 (for Petrova). 2. Direktor fabriki "Muzradio" (for Zhukov). (Leningrad-Service industries) 1. GA-121,-BERGER, P. 2. USSR (600) 4. Mazharov, P. 7. P. Mazharov's pamphlet "Saturation irrigation." Reviewed by P. Gatenberger. KhloD- kovodstvo No 12 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. f I. P. 2. u J;P, (600) 4. Cot on Gr3wing - Volga-Don Canal IZeCion 7. Problems of irrigation cotton farm, in t~e Vol-ra-Con re-ion, Nhlopkovod3tvo 3, 0 no. 2, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl. _W99M., W-6 gp.Lr Yedorovich; BXRGAUZ. R.I., radaktor; MVZIIXR, V.I., t~ c i;; a 07" _iemwo-i [The state farm on now land in the sixth five-year plan] TSelinnyi sovkhoz v ahestol piatiletke. Moskva. Goo. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 132 p - (MLRA 10:11 ) (State farms) GATMERGER, P., agronom (Somipalatinakaya oblast', Kazakhakaya SSSR) Permanent personnel of a virgin-land state farm. Sots. trud 4 no.4:109-113 4 159. (min 12:6)' (Agricultural laborers) -~F- - - ~-- - ~~~ GATENBERGER, Tu. Gas fields in Western Pakistan. Gaz.prom. 5 no-7: 52-55 160. (NIRA 13:7) (Pakistan-Gas, Natural) AUTHORS Tsetlin, B.M., Shop Superintendent; Caten-an, A.V., Sine-, Superintendent; Turutkin, B.A., 7echnician TITLE: A Porer 3ijpply for Automatic Tclep~one 'Iffices Using Se- lenium Rectifiers (Fitaniye avtomfiticheskilkil tole f 0111-~ k.1.1 stantsiy ot selonovybhvypryai:,,iteloyN PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1953, Nr 8, pp 31-32 AESTRACT: The author describes a device to supj,l~, power to an UATS- 100 automatic telephone station at 59-6ij v and 1-5 amp with permissible pulsation of The 6,,vice rectifies line current by using thre-a bridges of selenium rectifiers (a total of 13 rectifiers). Smootbinf, is carried out by IL 0.132 honr., air-core choke and a 6(Y' in.' electrolytic ~013- denser. An emergency reserve power systom consisting of Card 1/2 a 220 v ac.motor-gonerator, VOA-5 rectificr unit and the A Power Supply for Automatic Telephone Offices "sing Selenium Rect- fiers requisite smoothing circuit is described. In case of fail- ure of the line supply, the stand-by po-,-,er unit is switched in by relay. There is 1 circuit diarram. 1. Telephone systems--Power supplies 2. Power supplies --Applications 3. Selenium rectifiers--Applications Card 212 n v 1 74 , 7 7. 4 ANTONOV, B., inzh.; GATEV, G., inzh.; SUCHKOV, Al., inzh. P--' -kilties of manufacturing drills with plnstic conic shafts. Ma3h.triostroene 13 no.12:34-36 D 164. 1. Higher Institute for the Mechanization ahd Electrification of Agriculture, Ruse. 2ALKI I. "Tasks of Uiht and Food Industries During the Second Five-Year Plan.,' 1, EKA PRUMISHLENOST, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1954, Sofijfa, Bulgaria) 4 SU: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAQ, LC, Vol. 4 No. 14, May 1955, Uncl. GATEV, Ivan Fdi~llment cithe first five-year plan, a guarantee for the new victories in the forthcoming five-year period. Leka promishl 2 no.5:1-3 153. 1. Nachalnik planovo-ikonomichaskiia otdol pri ~~-voto na lekata promishlenost. WEV t-p.- 'A Some observations on post-bepatitin billaY7 dyokineoiaB. Suvrem med,, Sofia no.7355-60 161. 1. Voenen sanatorium, Khisarya. (HEPATITIS INFECTIOUS compl) (BILIARY TRACT clis) BULGARIA Lt Col (Fodpolkovnik) St* GATEVI MC (Meditsinslea sluzhba.) "Ultrasound Trea=cnt of Some Pruritic Dermatoses." Sofia, %lo-enno Meditsinsko Delo, Vol 18, No 2, 1963; pp 32-39. Abstract: Treatment of 42 patients in the military medical school in Sofia between 1960 and 1962: cured 15, si.-nificantly improved 10, improved 9, slightly improved 4; 4 unchanged, none worse. Most had either neuroderraitis or anogenital pruritus. Simplicity and economy of the ultrasound treatment are stressed. Detailed clinical data. Three tables, 2 case reports; 9 Bulgarian (including 1 thesis), 5 Soviet and 6 Western references. r,p, -~T~v- Theor., and Pnictice of Fullinr-. Lek-a Fr-mishlenost (J,j-j-~t IT n,it!strv,), #11:F: l'ov 511 G ;I-z;V, T. lar)rov-in,,,- the wt-shing of vro~,2.. p. 12. Vol. 5, No. 9. 1956. ;3,)fi-*-a, nulgaria Sz: Euro-jonn Accassion, Voi. 6. 1:0. 3, jr)~,7 GATEV, TECIRiOLOGY Periodical LEKA PROMISHLENOST. TUSTIL. Vol. 7, no. 7, 1958. GATEV, T.; KESIAKOV, D. Influence of pressure and the elastic clothinr onthe degree of wringing out and the productivity of the leviathan washers. p. 16.. Monthly List of East European Accessions (ELAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3, March, 1959. Uncl. GATEV, V. Influence of direct and verbal signals on the regulation of motor reactions in small children. Vop.psikhol. 9 no.2168-74 Mr-Ap 163. 04IRA 16 :4) 1. Laboratorlya fisiologii pri nauchno-issledovatellskom Institute pediatrii, Sofiya. (Novements, Psychology of) GAIYV, V. I lkli6n ol" the Visual. and r!c-,tcjr aaalyzeri in Llha regulation ~.f mcAr,r reurticris. Zhjr.vyv,.narvod,3iat. ]~ N-D 16~1. (mIR,A !~ 6) 1,, Labcrat.criya fiziclogil Itauchnr--.Lsq-Ledzvat,51ek.,)Q:o inst-ituta pejla!~ril, Sofiy:L, Bclgarliya. GIDIK07, A.; GANCHL?V,,G., 2!TEVO V.- Ch the regulation of arrest of human motor reactions and its antagmesis. Dokle Bolg. skad. nauk 17 no.1019 -321 064 1. PrOft6rleno skadw-ikom D.Orakhokatw. GIDIKOV, A.; GANCHEV, G.; GATEV,,,"V. Regulation of the arrest of mants motor reactions and its ontogenesis. Doklady BAN 17 no.3-319-321 164. 1. Prodstavleno akademikom, D.Orakhovats. =,-T, -77-- GATEV I V. A method of studying the higher regulation of the complex motor reactions in man. Doklady BPJ1 17 no.11:1071-1074 161+. 1. Laboratory of Physiology of the Pediatric Researcb Institute, Sofia. _9ATEV, V., Laboratory of Physiology, Research Institute of Pod - istrics, Sofia Mothod of -quantitative Evaluotion of the Results Obtained from Eloctromyographic Invootilgations" Sofia, Doklady Bolgarskly Akndomii ~Iuuk, Vol 19, No 1, 1966y pp 69-71 Abstract: 4"English article_7 The qualitative (visual) analysis of the electromyographic results yields insufficient and somewhat subjective information. The present paper contains a description of a grn~phic mothod of quantitntivo evaluation of tho summnry biooloctrical activity upon surface electromyography and an attempt ut a physiological interpretation of the quantitative indices obtained. The method does not require any special equipment and can thus be u3od in all laboratories. It offers advantages over the so-calljod plariimotric method since it is about twice as fsst while keeping the reproducibility and orrors within the limits set by other methods. In addition, the proposed method can be used to cnlculate the coefficient of variation and the coefficient of correlation which is impossible with the planimetric method. There are 3 Soviet and I Western references. (manuscript received, 29 Sop 65.) 67 - BULGARIA Research Institute Of I. IVA?;0V, Laboratory of Physiology, Pediatricst Sofia 11A Method of Investigating Skin Polarization in Ilan" Sofia, Doklady Bol!rarskoy %1mdomii Nauk, Vol 19P 1,10 3P 1966, pp 253-255 Abstracts frni, nods for skin polarization suc'h articloV The usual met invostigation in animals are not suitable for research with humans. Consequently, the authors developed a now innthod described in this paper., which 00tim.,,ites the skin polarization of man by measuring the electrical resistance of the skin. 1,, t;se,6 froccuencies of 2,000 and 25,0C0 c/see and a volta," *f 350 Mv. Tast3 C-1 a !Ergo .number of patients indicato that the moan values Of the p0jarjZntjQT1 indux masurod on the volar aide of the forearm in hc"lt))Y c~ijldren rari~,In:, in z'rom 1 to 14 yours varies between 1,500 and 2,5000h=,s-~ m or rhoum3toid The invest-Lga-tions of children suffering from rhoumatis arthritis showed substantial changes in the polarizational index, depending an references. the evolution of the disease. There are I Bulgarian and 5 Soviet (g,alluscript received, 17 Doc 65-) IORDANOVA, D.; GATIVA, K.: PIMA, L. Npidemic of benign serous meningitis and similar disease. Suvrem. med., Sofia 6 no-11:51-53 1955. 1. Is 0krushnata bolnitsa. gr. Pleyen (g1. lekar: D. Kalkandshiev). (MININGITI8, epidemiology, serous, epidemic outbreak in Bulgaria.(Bul)) ? Bulgaria/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Fate and oils. Waxes, Soap. Detergents. Flotation reagents, 1-25 Abst Jcunixlo. Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1957, 6388 Authors Gerasimov, M., Gatevaj P., Teaneva, D. Inatitutitm: None Title: Concerning the Production of Extraction Oil from Grape Seeds Original 124ablicationt. Leka prcmishlenost, 1956, 5, No 4, 29-30 Abstract: Description of the development of the production of oil from grape seeds in Bulgaria. The oil, obtained by extraction, has a dark green color, n2OD 1.475 0.926, acid value 9.28, saponification value 189, eater value i5(6'l1,, iodine value 131.09, viscosity ac- cording to Engler (500) 3-880- Uses of the extraction oil are stated (mostly for the manufacture of paint) and also the conditions under which it can be produced with a low acid value. ~iATEYEVJ B. PA 243T30 USSR/Electricity - Electrical Machines Mar 52 "Use of Glycerin as Heat-Transfer Agent for Drying Electrical Machine Windings," Engr S. B. Gateyev "Prom Energ3t" No 3, pp 14) ~5 Decribes, with accompanying diagram , apparatus hav- ing central boiler, using glycerin as heat-transfer agent, to heat autoclaves for vacuum drying and im- pregnation of electrical machine windings and other equipment. Discusses advantages of glycerine as heat-transfer agent, including low cost, availability, and safety in use. 243T30 C./ "us~-jan Ac.r-e..-ions n r er; (con, of dATEYEVY S. B., Lng, Heit engineering. Heat exchangers. (continued). Prom energ., 9, No 8, 1952. 1. GATEYEV, S. B., Eng. 2. USSR (600) 4. Heat Exchangers 7. Heat engineering; heat exchangers (continued). From. energ. 9 no. 10, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January .1953, Unclassified. 1. OATEM S. B. 9ng. 2. M5R (60C) 4. Heat Exchangers-Standards 7. Heat engineering. Heat exchangers. (Continued). Prom.energ. 9 no.11:32 N 152 9. Monthly List of Hussian Accessions, Library of Congress, Fol~llnz* .1953. Uncla*slfled. 1. a~,TEYM, S. B., Eng. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Heat Fxchanges 7. Heat engineering. Heat exchangers (continued). Prom. energ. 9 no. 12 1952. 9. Month Lizt of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. GAT M V, S.B., inzhener. Disc feeder with beater. 3nergetik I no.1:12 Je '53. (XLRA 6:8) (J~=aces ) X--~ F% T r~ - I-- U . v vt ~' 1. GATEYV, S. -B.' -Eng. 2. USSR (6oo) 4- Steam Boilers 7- Heat exchangers (continuation), Prom. energ., 10, No. 1, 1953- U 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, -1953, Uncl. 1. GAT2-1'YI6'V' 3).B. 2. u,j'sit (6co) 4. Ecat E~xchangers 7. 11'eat exch-angers, Prom.energ. 10 no. 1 , 101114 1~ ~+ 111. 9. Monthly.List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. GATRTEV, S.B.. inzhener. Eleat engineering. Page 11. Heat exchangers (continued). Prom.energ. 10 no-3:32 My 153. (XLRA 6:5) (Heat enginsibring) Bepayerich; NEDLIN,M.N., redaktor; LARIONOT. G.Ta., takhnicheskiy redaktor (Heat engineering tests for Industrial boilers] Teplotekhnichaskis ispytanila kotellnykh ustanovok (fabrichno-zavodskogo tipa) Moskva. Goa. energ. iz&-vo, 1954. 328 p. (Microfilm] (MM 8:2) (Boilers-Testing) GITATEV, Safoniy Bopayevich; MKBOVLYA, V.I., red.; HATVICTEV, G.I., takhn.rod. (Thermo-technical toots of boiler installations Undustrial plants)] Teplotekhnicheskie ispytaniis kotellnykh ustanovok (promyshlennykh prodpriiatii). Izd.2., parer. i dop. Moskva, Goe.energAzd-vo, 1959. 599 p. (MIRA 13:1) (Boilers) BARTA, Lajos, dr.; GATHT, Irtsebet, dr. The significance of determination of blood ketone bodies and of allrali reserve for treatment of diabetes in children. Gyormokgyogyaosat 5 no.11:328-330 Nov 54. 1. A Badaposti. Orrostudonanyi Baotou I. oz. Oyarmakklinikajanak Igaggatoi Dr. Gogest Kin@ Pal egyatent tanar) konlemozWe. (DIABMS KILLITU3, blood In ketone bodies & alkali reserve in child.) (11TONE BODIRS. in blood In diabetes sellitus in child.) (BLOOD ketone bodies & alkali ree4rve, in diabetes vollitus In child.) BARTA, Lajoa, dr.; GATHT, Irzesbet, dro Iffect of glucose, fructose and galactose loadint?, on metabolism In diabetic children. Orv. betil. 95 no-50:1375-13?8 12 Dee 54. 1. A Budapesti O"ostudomanyi 11gyetem, I. sz. GyrfmekJclinikaj&n&k (igazgato: Gagest. Kise Pal dr.) kozlemenye. (GIUCOSE TOINWOR TIST, in various d-,Ls. diabetes mellitus in child.) (FRUCTM tolerance test In diabetes mallitus in child.) (GALACTOS3 tolerance test In diabetes mellitue in child.) (DIABZTBS MILLITUS, physiol. glucose, fructose & galactose tolerance test in child.) h Effect ofjluco;~. fructose, and galactose on the olism of tuabetic children. Lojos Barta and Erz&6bctj-1-b CAthy(Mcd.UnIv..Budspe3t)."?~W" IMtin German).-The suprs wem given to It chIldren 4-15 yr3. old. Single doses of 20 g. or 2 doscs of 10 end 15 1.* each wem used at 2-hr. Intervals. The blood sugar and keb-ne bodies weze dctd. 4 hrs. alter the first do". Inover hall of the cases, the sugar Increased by'over 100 mg. 70 In the glucoWltolerance test. Following fructose, the Intir In- crewse averaged 50 m teded IOD mg. In 2 t % and exc: cases. The smallest crease in glucose followed the ad- ministration of galactose, and exceeded 60 mg. % In only 4 cases. The kctcgenle action of fructon was Ica than that of llucoseingollocases. Glucose and galactose did not difItr i~l III~ eLt- A. Dietz V. pv V31GHRLYI, Peter, dr.,; SZUTRELY, Gyula, dr.,; TOMMY, Xmilia, dr.,; _.U= Erzeebet, dr., ; KOCSIB, Hagda, dr., : SIMON, Oyorgy, dr.,: SZOKE, Laszlo, dr.,; TOM, Magdolna. dr. Hypothermia and hibernation; XI. Indications, based an own experiencea.Orv. hetil. 97 no.20:533-543 13 may 56 1. A Budapesti Orvost. Ngyetem I. oz. Gyorinek. (igaz.: Gogesi Kies Pal dr. egyatemi tanar) kozi. (HIBMIATION, artif. indio. & contraindic. in various dis. (Ifun)) (BCDY TEM3KRATURN hypothermia, controlled, indic. & contraindic. in various dis. (Hun)) p~- -7 GATI, Bela, dr.; JKLTMM, Istvan, dr. - ~-- - szz Surgery of pancreatic cysts by internal anastomoses to the stomach. Magy. sabeszet 9 no.4:242-244 Aug 56. 1. A. B. M. Igeszegugyi Szolgalat kozlenenye. (PANCRRAS, cysts peandocyat. surg.. intarnal anastomosis to stomach (Hun)) T SZIGETHY, Gyula, Dr.; TOTH, Ioazlo, Dr - GATI Bela, Dr.; JANI. Iajos, Dr. Clinical observations on epidemic dyspepsia coli diseases. Orv. hetil. 98 no.49:1343-1346 8 Doc 57. 1, A Pecso Orvostudomanyi ]Wetem Gyermekklinikajanak (igazgato: Kerpel-Froniu.s Odon dr. egyat. tanar) kozlemenye pa;hogen. (INFANT NUTRITION DISORHM, etiol. & A. coli B4 strain causing epidemic dyspepsia, clin. observations (Hun)) (ESCMICHI COLI, infect. B4 causing epidemic dyspepsia in inf., clin. observ tions (Hun)) GATI, Bela, Dr. -. - e inesenteric lymphadenitis. Orv. hotil. 99 no.27:927-929 6 July . 58. 1. A Belugyminiszterium Egeozegugyi Osztalva B=teteovegrehajtas Kp. lorhazanak kozlemenye. (LYMPHAMMS mesenteric (Hun)) GATI, Bela, Dr. Fate of swallowed foreign bodies in the digestive tract. Orv. hetil. 99 no.33:1143-1146 17 Aug 58. 1. A Belugyminiazterium Fgeszsegugyi Oaztalya Bundteesvegrehajtag Kp. Korhazanak kozlemenye. (GASTROINT3STML SYST104, foreign bodies fate of swallowed objects & indic. for surg. (9=)) KIRPSI-FRONIUS,X.; GATI,B.;-DO]IkK.Z.; XIIaW 1. Zffect of a primary change of a single physiological constant of fluid homeostasis on the remaizLing constants. Acta med. hun, 15 no.1:207-220 160. 1. Kinderklinik der Meditiniachen Universitat,Pecs. (BODY FMIDS) SZIGETHY. Gyula. dr.; JANI,Lajoa, dr.;AATIR Bela~ dre; TOTH, Laszlo, dr. Experience with hoomycin therapy of coll. dyspepsia. Orv.hetil. 101 no.30:1049-1051 24 Jl 160. 1. Pecot. Orvostudomanyi Bgyatem Gyermekklinikaja. (NECKYCIN ther) (ESCMICHIA COLI IMMONS ther) (INY"T MMITION DISOIRDERS ther) WWNAROWSKI, Marian; GATI, Bela Effect of extracellular fluid osmotic and acid-base equilibrium changes on the average hemoglobin volume and concentration in the erythrocytes. Pediat.polska 15 no.12:1413-1418 D 160.. 1. Z I Kliniki Pediatrycznej A.M. w Warazawie, Kierownik: prof.' dr med. R.Baranski i z Kliniki Pediatrycznej Uniweray-tetu w Pescu, Kierownik: prof. dr med. E.Kerpel-Pronius. (HEMOGLOBIR) (OSMOSIS) (ACID BASE EQUILIBRIUM) (BCOY YWIDS chem) tVaantalatolc ujnbb rd:dlcCmnzMkmi Probalckslo axparientsg with roccrt cancer dle~postica t,3st,:,7 i5:v,, Bu&p, 92s2l! 17 Jam 1.951 Po 782-3* 1. ri~~:t~Tr3 S,111ni =- d Kc=,d:T7. ?0 Second Intornal Mni* Dr, lmv Budapest Radical Univer- WTO CIZI Vol. 20,, Irto. ID Oot 3,951 EY XM-PTA miu sec.16 V61.6/2 Cancer Februau 55 Ch4fl.,Cel in cell and nuclear volumt in arcite-t carcinoma upon Ihe effirtl of rokhicine and podophyllin WTI INKE G. and PALKOVITS M. Dept. of Oncopathol., State Inst. of Oncof., B-ti-Japest; Dept. of Anat., Med. Univ., Budapest Acta morph. Acad. Scirnt. hun~g. (Budapeje) 1957, 7/3 (335-341) Graphs 4 Tables 5 The cffcct of a single LD, of colchicine or podophyllin on the volume of the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells was studied. The volumes were determined on the basis of the formula w/6.APS, where A denotes the rotational axis and P the short diameter at ri5ht an5les to it. The cells were studied in smears stained according to Giemsa and in sections. Colchicine significantly enlarges the cells, the nuclei and the nu- c1coli, the increase in volume reaching its peak in 12 hr., and with thi: augmentative effect lasting for as much as 48 hr. Podophyllin increases the cellular volume, but enlarges nuclear volume in a lesser degree than colchicine; it has no appreciable effect on the volunw of the nuclcoli. The increitse in volurne-attainsits mammum in 6 hr., but even after 48 hr. the effect can still be observed. Sirtori - Milan EX05TT-A. IMICA sec.5 V01.U14 Gcneral Patholoa Apr 58 1051. CYTOLOGICAL CHANCES IN ASCITES CARCINOMA CELLS ON THE EFFECT OF NITROGEN MUSTARD, TEM. OR BCM, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO CHANGES IN NUCLEAR AND NUCLEOLAR VOLUME - Gdti t., Inke G ., Bajtai A. and Cy.1rf As J . Dept. of Oncopathol., gt~atest. for Oncol., and Dept. of Anat., Med. Univ.. Budapest - ACTA MORPH. ACAD. SCIENT. HUNG. (Budapest) 1957, 7/3 (343-350) Graphs 7 Tables 3 The effect of a single LD50 of nitrogen mustard. TEM or BC?Vl on the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells was studied. The methods employed were described in a p-evious communication (see preceding abstract). Nitrogen mustard causes the nuclear chromatin to break up into minute globules. TEM causes the chromatin to fall into powderlike fine particles, BCM turned the chromatin into coarse clots. At later stages all three drugs gave rise to polynuclear giant cells. Due to the action of any of the three drugs about 90% of the cells are found to have suffered lesions in 24 hr.. by which time they and their nuclei are enlarged, while the nuc- leoll have increased in size earlier, I to 3 hr. after treatment. The drug effect is still seen in 72 hr. Sirtori - MUan,()r, 16). GODAN, Frigyes, dr.; DAUBNER, Kornel, dr.; GATI, Eva, dr. Development of bone marrow de-,mage in connection with the treatment of breast cancer. Magy. onkol. 6 no-3:138-141 Ag 162. 1. Orszagos Onkologiai Intezet. (BREAST NEOPLASA) (CARCINOMA, DUCTAL) (AG,9AMOCILTOSIS) (401OPMINE) (DONE MARROW DISEASES) (RADIATIOIJ DIJURY) ALMASSY, Gyula; GATI, Ferenc; SCHFIBER, Gabor ExperJ--nt.9 for producing slow-acting fertilizers with trace elements. Magy kem lap 19 no.lO/llt571-576 O-N 164. 1. Budapest Chemical Works (for Almassy and Schtiber). 2. Research Institute of Soil Science and AgroohemistAry, Hungarian AcadeV of Sciences (for Gati). GATI, Fereno; MIKES, Janos i Experiments in the production of fertilizers and soil corditioners containing polymers. Magy kem lap 19 no.10/11:597-W4 O-N 164. 1. Research Institute of Soil !4cience and Agrochemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (for Gati). 2. Research Institute of Plastics Industry, Budapest (for Mikes). KTSS, Lorant, okleveles gepeszmermok; CSEWIAVOLGYI, Ieszloj HAJDU, Istvanj B121KOVICS, Jozsef; TERNYAK, Beno; SOSKUTI, Andras; TOROK, Mihaly dr,,* SZASZ Frigyes; SAU,__Geza; KOVACS, Iajos,- DEMIES, Zoltan; RAG laszlo; KOVACS, Gyula; AUERSWALD, Janos; SOB, Janos; DIOSZEGHY,,Daniel, prof. Manufacture and use of gas appliances. Energia es atom 17 no.11 30-35 Ta"64. % 1. Lampagyar (for Kiss). 2. Vegyterv (for Csernavolgyi). 3. Or- azagos Koolaj- es Gazipari Troszt (for Hajdu, Szas22, Auerswald). 4. Pecsi GazszDlgaltato Vallalat (for Benkovics)& 5. Asvanyolaj- forgalmi Vallalat (for Ternyak, Soskuti). 6. Epitesugyi Miniaz- terium Iparterv Muszrlci Osztaly (for Torok). 7. Orszagos Villa- mosenergia Felugyelet (for Gati). 8. Epitesugyi 1-tiniszterium (for Lajos Kovacs). 9. Gazkeszulekgyarto Vallalat (for Dehenes). 10. Spitestudomayi Intezet (for Gyula Kovacs). 1~m k- Ecorion-ical operation of electric heatin,; f itrnac( S. (To be contd.) P. 435 Vol. 6, ~70. liov. 1955 BuLpest, Hun-ary 1AGY. L Ski: 1,onthly List of East -European Accossion, i~;, Vol. No. 3, Earch, 1/056 GATT) G. Evolution of joint welding machines. p. 289 (Villamossag, Vol. 4, No. 10112, Oct./Dec. 1956) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAL) LC, vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 1957 Uncle CAT T , G. The possibilities of electric-power econorky in the case of electrically heated beat treatment furnaces. P! 133 (lillamossag. Vol. 5, no. 4/5 Vul~r/Aug. 1957, Budapenf, Hurv!nry) Monthl,F Ind& of East European Accessions (LTAT) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 195d FRAVGIA, Jozsef, foenergetikus; GILTI, Geza; PALINKAS, Ferenc Electric power economy in the metallurgical and machine industries. Elektrotechnika 52 no.1/2:42-52 '59. 1. Koho- es Gepipari Miniszterium (for Francia). 2. Orszagos Villamosenergia Felugyelet (for Gati). 3. Eszakmagyarorszagi Aramszolgaltato Vallalat V. Korzeti Villamosenergia Felugyelet vezetoje (for Palinkas). GATI, Geza; PALMAS, Fer*nc Remarks. Elektrotechmil- 52 no.1/2:48-52 159. 1. OVILLEF (for Gati). 2. EMASZ V. Korzetl Villamosenergia Folugyelot vezetojo (for Palinkas). GATI, Geza Efficiency of electri6 furnaces. Vil3Amossag 8 no.1:3.2-15 Ja 160. 1. Orozagos Villamosenergia Felugyelet. OSZTRC'VSZKY, Gyorgy; Schiller, Janos; PALK, Laszlo, okleveles villamosmernok; BOZSIK, Fer-Inc; GYORI, Attila, okleveles villamosmernok, foenergetikus; VARGAY Endre, okleveles gepeszmernok; TURAN, Gyorgy, okleveles gepesz- mernok; SZETIDY, Karoly, dr., fokonstruktor; KOVACS, Ferenc, okleveles villamosmernok; CSILY, Jeno, fodiszpecser: BEREZNAY,. Frigyes, fomer- nok; PALOS, Ferenc, oklevali-,s !:,.ernok; FILARSZKY, Zoltan, okleveles gepeszmernok; NEMETH, Imre, okleveles villasmosmornok, fomernok; AL- PAR, Imre, okleveles gepesznernok, foenergetikus; GATI, Gaza, okle- vales villwTnosmernok; BEEKE, Gyula, okleveles gepeszmernok; VISNYOV- SZKY, Endre, foeloado; VEFOUTS, Gyorgy, oklevoles villamosmornok, fo- marnok; FUTO, Istvan, oklevels gepeszwrnok; NAGY, Karoly; PIKLER, Fer.-,nc; SZEPESSY, Sandor, okleveles gepeszmernok; NADAY, Zoltan, ok- leveles gepeszmernok, fotechnologus, BUGIUIOLCZ, Janos, oldeveles ge- peszmernok,, fo-iernok An account of the 11th itinerant meeting of the Hungarian Electro- technical Association held in Pecs., July 18-20, 1963. Energia es atom 16 no.12:559 D 163. (Continued on next card) GATI, Geza Electrically fired heat-storing boiler for kettles. Epuletgepeszet 13 no. 1:31 F 164. 1. Orazagos Villamosenergia Folugyulet. RASKO, Ferenc; HEGYI, Lorant; GATI, Gyorgy Comparative analysis of soldering methods uning the so- called dipping process. Hir techn 15 no.10:309-312 0 164. ( . :: , ~ -* L jt .Neurology HUNGARY GATA1,.,Gyorgy,._Dr;_., National Neurosurgical Scientific Institute (Orszagos r1r- degsebeszetl Tudomanyos Intezet). l "Complications of Transfemoral Vertebral Anglography Involving the Spinal Cord. 11 Budapest, 1deggyo_yyaszati Szemle, Vol XIX, No 7, Jul 66, pages 2011-207. Abstract, (Author's Hungarian summary] Following repeated carotid an(,;Io- graphy because of the suspected presence of an intracranial aneurysm, transfemoral vertebral anglography was performed using a catheter. The contrast material (60 per cent Urographin) was Injected Into the 'gubclavian artery. The following day an almost complete horizontal lesion developed at the level of C VI. During the half year since the incident, there was only a minimal improvement in the patient's condition. It is presumed that the complication was caused by an accidental entry of the contrast medium -without sufficient dilution- into the spinal cord through the radial &rtery where it caused the type of cord necrosis known from sortography. All 22 references are Western. 1/1 - if- I ~(/ j'- LAJOS, L.; PALI, K.; "TI, 1. Now factors in puerperal hypoprothrombinaemia. Magy.noory.lap. 13 no.4:106-113 Ap 150. (CLKL 19:3) 1. Obstetric and Oynocologic Clinic (Director -- Dr. Laszlo XAjos), Pecs University. pALI K, v OATI I* Biokonlai vizapplatok koldo'asino.-varrel,t�Biochemical investi- o gations of wbilloal cord blo _q am, ho audap. 92s27 8 jn!Y 51 P- 858-9o L Doctors. 2. Obstatric and Cywological Clinic, Peca Unlvoraityo MIS Vol. 20, No, 10 Oct 3.9 51 IAjOS, L.;PALI, K.;SZONTAGH, F.;GATI, I.;HUSVET, F.;CSABA, I,;HALTAX, L. Improvement of results of abdominal operations with the utilization of recent pathophysiological knowledges. Grv. hatil. 94 no.13:348- 351 29 Mar 1953- (CLML 24:4) 1. Doctors. 2. Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. Laszlo Lajos), Pecs Medical University. LAJOS, Laszlo; NAGT, Dezso; GATI, Istvan.. Biological activity of components isolated from pregnAnt urine. MAgy.noorv.lap. 13 no.1:8-16 Jan 5.5 1. A Pecst Orvostudomanyt Pgyeten S%uleszeti Klinikajanak Kozlemerqe (Iga--gato! Lajog Lasslo dr. egynt. tanar) (PRIGNMICY, urine biol. activity of isolated components (Hun) (URIITZ, biol. activity of components isolated from pregn. urine (Hun) ,HISS, Dezso; I)CMANY, C GATI, jsta'~.-, yorl,-v; !fUSV-W, Fprenc: JILTVPJ, Las,-Jo Importance of extensive liquid Intake In prevention of tbrombnembolism according to coagulation tents. Magy. noorv. lop. 19 no-3:167-1?0 May 55. 1. A Pecsi Orvostudomay,yi Rgvetem Szuleszeti es Nogyogyaszati Kllnikajanak kozlpmenye (Igaz.-ato: Lajoa, Laszlo dr. eveteml tanar). (THRMBOWBOLISM, prevention and control, liquid Intake, coagulation test control.) HUNGARY/Human and Aninal Physiology - Internal Secretion. V-7 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2, 1958, 8920 4 Author : Laszlo Lajos, Dezso Nagy, Is-t)TR Gtk-kj,_Anta1 Bacsa, Gabor Seres, I-van Clos, Vilmos, Zoltan, Ferene Husvet and Jozsef Adam Inst Title New Endocrinological Observations of Pregnant Women Orig Pub Orv. hetilap, 1955, 96, No 14, 366-373 Abstract A gonadotropic substance was isolated from the urine of pregnant women which stimulated spermatogenesis in earth- worms and fai-led to give a positive reaction in frogs. This distinguishes it from the chorionic gonadotropin, ,which is isolated from the urine along with it. In a nornal pregnancy 60-1000 units of the gonadotropic subs- tance are found in a liter of urine or serum, from the second trimester on. When toxemia is present, the con- centration of the gonadotropin, even in the early Card 1/2 A Fecal OrvostudomwVi E&yetem Szuleazett es Nogyogyaszatl klinikajanak HUNGARY/Human and Animal physiolo&y - Internal Secretion. V-7 Abs Jo-ar Ref Zhur - Biol-j, NO 2, 1~958) 8920 pexiod of pregnancy., attains 1000-5000 units- The Gonadotropic substance usually accompanies the ch-vo- rionic gonadotropin 'which, in a pathological prepancY, ,s formed in large quantities at the expense of a dam- ged placenta. Card 2/2 LAJOS, Laszlo. dr.,; NAGY, Dezoo, dr.,; GATI, IStvan. dr.,; SIM, Gabor, dr. Determination of the site of production of C, (wom-positive) factor. Orv. hetil. 96 n0-36:991-994 Sept 55. 1. A Fecal Oryoutudomayi Iffetem Szuleszeti an Nogyogyaosati Xliuikajan (igasgato: Isjos Laszlo dr. effetemi tansk ) kosles. Orr. hatil. 96 no-36:991-994 4 Sept 55 (URM, worm-positive factor in pregn. & chorionic apithelioma determ. of site of prod.) (PREMANCY. urine in, worm-positive factor in, determ. of site of prod.) (GOHADOTROPINS, CHORIONIC, in urine, gonadotropin-like worm-positive factor in pregn. & chronic epithelioma, determ. of site of prod.) (CHORIOCARCINOM. urine in. worm-positive factor, determ. of site of prod.) NAGY, Dezvo- GATI, Istvan Chemical and biological examination of the active principle from human pituitary in pregnancy. Magr. Tudom. Akad. Biol. Cry. Oszk. Koz1. 8 no.1-2:130 1957. 1. A Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyatea Szuleezeti es Nogyogyanzati Klinik&Ja. (PITUITART GLAND, in pregn. ac tive principle In humans. biol. & chem. properties (Hun)) (PREGNANCT. physiol. pituitary active principle In humans. biol. & chem. properties (Hun)) IAJOS, L.; NAGY, D.; GA ZOLTAN, V.; GLOS, I. The gonadotropic activity of the human hypophysis during pregnancy. Acta med. hung. 10 no.4-. 363-373 1957. 1. Department pf gynecology and obstetrics, Medical University, Pecs. (GONADOTROPINS, PITUITARY, physiol. -secretion of a gonadotropic factor exclusively during .pregn.) MIGNANCY, physiol. secretion of a pituitary gonadotropic factor exclusively during pregn.) GATI, Istvan; WWrY, Dezso; KILLER, Gabor Paper chronatographic examination of urine in pregnancy. Hagy. noorv.lap. Ill no-1:36-39 A 16o. 1. A Pecsi Orvostudomanvi Rgyatem Szuleszeti so No~7ogyaazati Klinikajanak kozlemanye (Igazgato: Lajos Laszlo dr. epvet.tanar). (MGWJICY urine) NAqY, Desso;,--GATI, Istvan; KILLER, Gabor Transportation of chorionic gonadotrapina in the blood. Nagy. noorv.laP. 23 no.5:316-319 S 16o. 1. A Pacei Orvostudomanyt Egyetem Szuleszeti es Nogyogyanzati Ilinikajanak koslamenye (igaxgato: Lnjos Laszlo dr. egyetemi tanar). (GOROMROPINS CHORIONIC blood) GATI, Istvan; IUGY, Dezso; DOW1Y, Sandor; MATZ, Laszlo Statistical data on the problem of Sheehan's syndrome. Magy. noorv, lap. 26 no.2:65-71 Mr 163. 1~ A Fecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Szuleszeti es Nogyogyaszati Klinika- janak kozlemenye (Igazgato: Lajos Laszlo dr., egyetemi tan-a (SIMONDS' DISEASE) (HYPOPITUITARISM) (STATISTICS) (CORTISONE) (DYSTOCIA) (HEMORIMAGE , POSTFA4TUM) GATIP-I tvan,,,.dr.; KEGSKES, Lajos,, dr.; SCHWARTZ, Janos, dr,; ILLEI, Gyorgl,, dr, ~-_' - P. - - ;L7-Ketosteroid fractions in puerperal hypopituarism. Magy, noorv, lap. 26 no.3.-183--185 MY 163~ 1~ A Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Szuleszoti as No&rfogyanati Klinikajanak kozlemenye (Igazgato; Lajos Laszlo dr. egyet, tanar). (17-KETOSTEROIDS) (HYPOPITUARISM) (PUERPEIUL DISOOERS) (lim,E) GATI, Istvan dr.; KEGSKES, Lajos, dr.; SCHWARTZ, Janos, dr.; GORCS, Jeno, dr. I - p Effect of chorionic gonadotropin loading on the estrogen secretion in cases of hypopituitarism. Magy.noorv.lap. 26 no.4:209-211 J1 163. 1. A Pecsi Orgostudomanyi Egyetem Sz7i!leszoti es N6gyogyaszati Klinikajanak (Igazgato: Lajos Laszlo, dr. egyet. tanar) es a Pecs Varosi Korhaznak le6zlemenyo (Igazgato: Schwartz Janos dr.). DOMANY, Gyorgy; GATI, Istvan; NAGY, Dezso; DOMANY, Sandor Intravenous application of Glanduitrin in the expulsion stage. Nhgy.noorv.lap. 27 no.1:24-28 J '64. 1. A Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Szuleszeti es Nogyogyaszati Klinikajanak (Igazgato: Lajos Laszlo dr, egyet. tanar) kozlemenye. GATI, Istvan, dre; MM, Gaborp dro; KATZ,, Iezzle, dr.; KOBOR, Jossef, dr. Concervative treatment and prevention of puerperal mastitis. Orv. hetil. 105. no.28&1-315-1318 12 Jl 164 1. Pbcsi Orvostudomenyi Egyetem, S-ouleszeti es Nogyogyaszati Klinika. e Ph GATI, Tstvan, dr.; LAJOS, Laszlo, dr.; DOSUOD, Jossef, dr.; RISZEK, Fandor, dr.; AMOLD, Istvan, dr.; BUCS, Gabor, dr. Changes in maternal mortality at the maternity olinic of Pecs during 40 years with special respect to puerperal fever. Orv. hetil. 106 no.33%1563-1567 15 Ag'65,, 1. Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Szuleszeti es Vogyogyaszati Klinika (igazgatol Iajos, Laszlo, dr.). GATI, Jeno, kohomernok; KAPAS, Otto, gepeszmarnok Oroavin oArving of rolls for pipes with constant internal ond witg as ,ally variable external diameter. Koh lap 12 no. 4/5:170-175 Ap-My 157. GATI, Tozsef Discussion. Elektrotechnika 15 no*12:564-566 D 162. ORGAVAITY., Laszlo; GATI, Jozeefne silver plating of aluminum and tho use of silver plated aluminum in teleco=unication eng"Ineering. Hir techn 11 no.4:137-143 Ag 160. 1. Mechanikai laboratorium Hiradastechnikai Kiserleti Vallalat. ORGOVANY, Laszlo; GATI, Jozsefne ....... Silver plaiing Of aluminum and the-usability of silver-plated aluminum in telecommunication engineering. Gepgyartastechn I no-4:152-153 Jl 161. -