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UI)L I N E-V A 91.11.~ -4- j,erl errIq J ri MhO On 0 a sAirplikfied techn~,Ipy With "hv ~n of alr-:isin~c WAVeS e-rrl U.313 Of thC-. 3:!A!1~1101C- f'-c,'-,orv e lin 2 8 - .'~ 21 164. 1? -, 1 i.P.1- LWINAP M.1f.; GASSYUK, G.N. I Effect of some factors on the crystallization of potas,;l-'un tartrates. Trudy MNIIPP 5-~50-54 164. (MIRA 19;1) 1ADYMANSKlY, I.A.; F0i'OV3FJY, V.(',,; Gk;YNK, G.*l.i b(li'll"ll-TAY I.P.; ZELENSKAYA, M,I, Economic efficiency of usling, tha simplified technoloc-11 in grape juice production. rrudy MUN111T 5.91-96 164. (MRA 19,-1) GASYUK, Ivan Platonovich; SIMYNV,Ivan Lukich; ZAI.OGIN,N.S. redaktor; SAM ibV~Ya.A., inshener, redaktor; SASOV,V.V., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk, dotsent, retsenzent; RUDZNSKIY,Ya.V.. tekhni- cheskiy redaktor [Manufacture of thread gauges] Praktika isgotoylenlia rellbovykh ka- librov. Kiev, Gos.nsuchno-tekhn.i%d-vo mashinostroitellnoi lit-ry, 1955. 118 p. (MIRA 9:1) (Gauges) (Screw threads) ~P.; hUCHM, kand. tek~xi. nauk retsenzen-~, -~ Y MODOTSFIY, M., kand. takhn, nauki, red. [Technology of the manufacture of heavy papermaking machiner-r] Tekhnologiia tiazhelogo buniagodelatellnogo m,&- shinostroeniia. Moskva, Mashinostroenie, 1965. 218 p. (MIRA IS: 4) TYU17UNINIKOV, B.N.; BUKHSHTAB, GASYIJK, 1,1;~ Obtafning naphthenic alcohols tr y -.he oxiantion of higher naphthenes. KhIm. i tekh. topl. i masel 9 no.12:20-24 D 164, (MIRA 18:2) 1. KharIkovskiy polJrekhnIcheskJy Institut. GASYN,-I.S.Etranslatorl; BELIKIND, L.D., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; TYAGUNOV, G.A., prof., doktor takhn.nauk, red.; GAVRIU)V. S.S.. - (international electrotechnical dictionary] Mezhdunarodnyi elektrotakhnicheakii alovar'. Izd.2. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko- matem.lit-ry; Group 07 [Electronics] Blektroniks. 1959. 331 P. (min 12:4) 1. World Power Conference. U.S.S.R.National Committee. (Electronics--Dictionaries) GJALSYUNAS Results of the aoclimatization of fnod invertebrates of the Caspian area in the bodles of water of Lithuania. Zool. zhur. 44 no.3040- 343 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Institut zcolcgii i parazitcicgii Akadamii nauk L-Itovskoy SSR, Viltriyus. U-SZCZAK, Jaroslaw, mgr inz. Influence of certain phenomena occurring in a capacitor on the results of digital capacity measurements. lazcnose Wroc- law 5: 136-145 162. 1. Katedra Elektroniki Przemyslerwej.. Politec~nikaq Poznan* 2,e ~r, jIR ro 6-' PODVTD/Chemicc~l Technology - Chemical Products and Their H-28 kppl.ication - Food Industry. Abs jour Ref Zhur - Khimiyu) No 3, 1958) 9597 Author Gaszek Kaml~ Inst Title Ccr,;=ing Organoleptic Evaluation. Orig Pub Przegl. mleczarski., 1955, 3, No 8, 18-19 Abstract The importance of correct determination of gustatory quality of butter is discussed, as well as the measures aimed at elimination of errors in organoleptic evaluation of its quality. Card 1/1 CHRUST, Witold, mf~r., Inz.; GASM74SH, 7,bigniew, mgr., 'Lnz. Standardization of dynaric pickups CD-2. Ciepl rasz przeplyw nc. 37/38: 17-19. 162 L 24231-66 EWT(I)/E4T(m)/;-/E*,IP(t)/EWA(h) IJP(c) JD T ACC NR: Ap6ol46o8 SOURCE CODE: WC38~166100310091035010354 AUTHOR: Askerov, B. M.; Gaszhimzade, F. M. ORG: Institute of Physics, AdaceMZ of rMni;ces AzerbEdzhan SSR (Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR) TITLE: Contribution to the'quantum theory of electric conductivity of semiconduc- tors with nonstandard band SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticbeskay fiziki. Pis'ma v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye, v. 3, no. 9Y 1966, 350-354 TOPIC TAGS: indium compound, antimonide, electric conductivity., semiconductor con- ductivity, semiconductor band structure, line splitting, magnetoresistance, carriex~. density, electron spectrum, spin orbit coupling ABSTRACT: The theory developed by Adams and Holstein (J. Phys. Chem. Sol-ids Y. 10'! 254, 1959) is generalized to include the case of an isotropic but nonstandard band (such as the conduction band of 1EML eitc.). The authors also discuss the influence of spin splitting oPNh-e IAnmu levels on the oscillations of the trans- verse magnetoreaistance in n-InSb. To solve the equation of mtion for the densi- ty matrix by the method of Adams and Rolstein~ the authors determine the electron spectrum in crossed electric and magnetic fields with allowance for the i&.eraction Card 1/2 L 24231-60 . 608 ACC NR: 06014 between the conduction band and the valence bamd. The results of the calculations show that the off-diagonal component of the electric conductivity tensor is deter- mined, as in the case of the standard band, by the conduction electron density; the nonstandard effect enters the diagonal component only through the energy con- servation in the scattering process. The electron spectrum is then used to inter- pret the Shubnikov--de Haas oscillations for a. nonstandard band and it is shown tthatj, unlike earlier interpretations by L. Gurevich and A. L. Efros (zhw v. 43, 1561, 1962), the present results yield a g-factor which does not vary strongly with ithe density, and the reason for Gurevicb and Efros' misinterpretation of*the re- sults is that they use a formula which does not apply in this case. It is shown that the procedure can yield correct values of the g factor and also the value of the spin orbit splitting, which hitherto has not been determined for InSb by a direct method. Orig. art. has:. 9 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: opm mw: o02/ oT~ risr: 004, P.. Card 212.V0- G.kSZHIY'zV. 111. Yu. (1;'oskva) Determination of an optimum method for chang'Ing the signal and noise carrier Lfrequency in datertion problems based on the theory of games. AvtA teleme 22 noal,.3'7-46. Ja t& (MIRA 14-23) (Information tbeory) 1 $ G-YTJIAI, Jozoef; CIASMER, Istvan Mx-emplary readiness to help. Magy kisipar 6 no.4:3 22 IF 162. 1. Tolua meLyei Mezogazdasagi Gepjavito Vallalat igazgatoja (for Gyulai). 2. ToIna megyei Mezogazdasagi Gepjavito Vallalat muszoki veze- toje (for Gaszner)o GASZIMR., Jozeef Development of the We and hygienic worldng conditions in 1962. Epites szemla 7 no.300-95 163. 1, Epiteaugyi Miniazterium Wuilmugyi Foosztalyanak osztalyvezetojeo I M AZONSKI, Tadeusz; GASKYCH Pyonizy Studies on the alkylatIon of benzene with low molecule olefine in the presence of aluminum chloride. Pt.l. Alkylation of benzAme with"prop.vlene and butylene and dealkylation of dipropyl-and dibutylbenzene. Przem chem 39 no.6:332-336 Je 160. 1. Katedra Technologli Chemicznej Organicznej, Politechnika Slaska, Gliwice MAZONSKI, Tadeusz; GASZTYCH, Dionizy Studies on the alkylation of benzene with olefins in the presence of aluminuo Ohloride. Pt. 2. Alkylation of benzene with propylene and butylene with the addition of diisoprpylebenzene and dibutylobenzenes. Przem chem 40 no.10:571-573 0 '61. 1. Natedra Technologii Chemicznej Organicznej, Politechnika Slaska, Gliwice. GASZTYCH, Dionizy; WASILY4SKI, Jerzy; KUBICA, Zofla Obtaining of ethylene oxide by direct oxidation of ethylene. Przem chem 41 no.2:54-57 F 162. 1. Instytut Ciezkiej Syntezy Organiczne', Blachownia Slaska P/014/62/041/003/001/003 020-1/001 AUTHORS: MazoAski, Tadeusz and Gasztych, Dionizy TITLE: Studies of the alkylation of benzene with lower olefins in the presence of AICI . III* Multiple utilization of AIM 3 complexes in alkyintion and peralkylation reactions PERIODICAL: Przemys)( chemiczny, v. 41, no. 3, 1962, 137-140 TLXT: A summary is first given of the work of Valin et al., who believes that complexes of AICI 3 with olefins and alkyl benzenes act as a source of alkyl radicals as well as alkylation catalysts. Following this theory, the authors wished to establish whether such highly active complexes could be used repeatedly for the alkylation of benzene with propylene and buty- lene and for the peralkylation of di-iso-propyl and dibutyl benzenes. Pre- paration of the olefins and the apparatus were those used earlier. ile- peated alkylations were performed by decanting from the liquid AlCl 3 Com- plex layer the alkyl benzenes formed after the first alkylation, adding Card 1/3 P/01,1/62/0,11/003/001/003 Studies of the alkylation D2U4/D301 fresh benzene to the once-used complex, and starting the reaction again, without further additions of AlCl 3 . Other reaction parameters were kept constant. It was found that high yields of the alkyl benzenes could be obtained after up to 6 repeated utilizations of the same portion of the complex; this number could be increased to 8 if small amounts of AICI 3 or anti. HC1 were added after *a time. Introduction of moisture rapidly deactivated the catalyst. The proportion of cumene (in the case of pro- pylene alkylation) tended to increase after the first reaction, going through a maximum 651 ) on the 4th - 5th alkylation, whilSt the yield of polyalkyl benzenes which also formed, increased with successive re- actions. Similar effects were observed with butylene. In the case of peralkylatioag The complex may not be re-used more than 3-4 times, The results are tabulated and briefly discussed. Zofia Solich, a student, participated in the experimental part of this work. There are 4 tables and 6 references: 4 Soviet~-bloc and 4 non-6oviet-bloc. 'rho references to the jEnglish-language publications read as follows: T. Berry and E. Reid, Card 2/3 P/014/62/041/003/001/003 Studies of the alkylation ... D204/D301 J. Vn. Chem. Soc., 49, 3142, (1927)'; Canadian Pat., 265,521, (1926)* ASSOCIATION: Katedra technologii chemicznoj politechniki 81~skiej (Department of Chemical Technology of the Silesia Polytechnic Institute) SUBMITTED: July 26, 1961 V-/ Card 3/3 MAZONSKI, Tadeusz; GASZTYCH. Dionizy; ZIELIVSKI) Wojciech Hydraxylation of allyl alcohol with hydrogen peroxide to glycerine in the presence of phosphotungatic acid. Frzem chem la no.5:251- 254 ~Iy 162. 1. Katedra Technologii Chemicznej Organiemnej, Politechnika SI-ska, Gliwice i Instytut Ciezkiej Syntezy Organicznej Blachowna, Slaska. GAMYCHY Dionizy Dealkylation of dialkylobenzenes in the presence of a catalyst AlCj2 IISO4composition. Chemia stoeow 7 no-3:401-408 163. 1. Katedra Tochnologii Chemiczncj Clrg&nieznej, Politechnika, Gliwice. ACCESSI ON M AT4001531 P/25l7/63/ooq/o85/oo3/oolo AUMOR: Mazonski., Tadeusz; Gasztyr-hl Dionizy TITIS: Studies of the utilization of distillation residues obtained in the production of ethylbenzene SOb= : Gliwice. Politechnika Slaska. Zeszyty naukowe, no. 85, 1963, 3-10 TOPIC TAGS: benzene.ethyl f aikylation, distillation, distillation residue, bottom, residuum, mazout., benzene derivative, ethylbenzene ABSTFMCT: The distillation residues constituting the by-product of the synthesis of ethylbenzene contain substantial amounts Of Dolyalkylbenzenes which can be ut- ilized as a source of alkyl radicals in the pro~uctioh* of ethylbenzenes. The term "polyet thylbenzenes" commonly applied to this by-product is a misnomer, however, because of the presence of large quantities of other chemical compounds whose phy- sical properties reserible those of such hydrocarbons 'as diphenyl, diphenylethane, etc* These comoounds predominate particularly in.thq high-boiling fractions. The above distillati'on residues (a more correct term ) Maya, be used as the starting naterial for the production of ethylbenzene after a preliminary fractional dis- Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR:. AT4001531 ii I I ation. Commercially interesting Zields of ethylbenzene car. be obtained from the product distilled up to about 100 at 15 mm fig* Highvr-boiling products should be used for other purposes because of their small ccntent of polyalkyl- benzenes. Preliminary refining of the product is not necessary And not reconmend- ad, because the refining process causes a loss of the product, and the yields of el.,hylbenzeno obtained by -re-alkylating the product of refining are lower than in the case of the unrefined product& Orige article has 3 tables* _kSSOCLITION: Katedra Technologii Cherucznej Organicznej (Chair for the Organization of the Cne7acal industry) SUMITTED: - 00 DATE ACQ: 2CDec63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 002 -Card 2/2 Gt~=TC'-ITI , L. o nFror a Sweep to a Pm.-.p.11 D. 304 (HOMOINTY Tz"CHNIKI, Vol. 6, No. 7, JulY 1c)53) ',;arsza,,.:a SO: Yonthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol. 2, Noj0p October 19r3- Unclassified. A17.11 -1 !A0 G R 1(~- PUB, L3 ?6150 Mazzonski., T. and Gaszt3rch, D. lz.,'e6tigation of Uric Mcbility of ChIvrine in tne Froducts Obtained from Lhe Chlorination of Koganin Chem Storow, 2, ao 3, 5e9-539 (1958) The results from investigations undertaken for the purpose uf improving the quality of Fogasin cotEdned bj the Fischer-Tropsch process by ei)1orination are described4 'he chlorin4tion is carried out with guseous C1, at a temperaturo of 80', using different contact times. The chlor- inated Kogauin (a mixture of raouo- and polychloro. alkyls) is subjected to fractional distillation d1iring which the mooility of the Cl, i.e., the tran3ition from organic to ionic CI, was studied. Foland, 21 lf~ 1~9 ?"o - 76150 or RA C The reagenLo used were alcoholic KOH solutions (1), and solutions of sodium eLhylate (IT) and butylato (III). It has been, foune that the mobil- ity of C1 depends primarily on the reagent and to a lesser ectent on the heating time. Whon a 2 N solution of 1 is uned with a heating time of 7 hrs, tne ccnversion Cl(organic)---*Cl- pro- ceeds to ttie extent of a5,--, when an I ri solution of IT is used with a heating time of 5 hre, about 50% conversions are obtained% a I N solution of GAAD' 2/3 264 A PUB. _rT1 and a heating time of 1 nr Kive about 5,~;~, orver5ions, t" c0l"';ersicn 11"creasing to nearly when the heating time ia incroesed to e-5 n r a .rne reaction can be used for the rapid approximate determination or C1 curitent An weakly chlorinated high-molecular weight paraffins. Ta. Satunovskiy C A FID ation Of AIUMMUM tWondb In induatnAl ortanic ;eAppUc eses, Gasitych. C"ik. (Gli e 11 II.J. HdcD MAZONSKI, Tadeusz; GASZTYCH, Dicnizy Studies on the all7lation of benzene with olefins in the presence of aluminum chloride. II. Alkylation of.benzene vith propylene and butylene with the addition of diisopropylobenzene and dibutylobenzenes. Przillm cham 11,0 no.10:571-573 0 '61. 1. Hatedra Technologii Chemicznej Organicznej, Folitechnika Slaeka, (Glivice) MOLNAR) Lajos; H.-&RPAY, Zsombor;__~A ~,~Irgy__ Conjunctival mycosis caused by Cephalosporium niveolanosum (Benedel:). Szemeszet 98 no.1:32-37 Mr 161. 1. A Debreceni. Orvostudomanyi Fgyetem Szemklinikajanak.(I gato; Kettesy Aladar egyetemi.tanar; Az orvostudomanyok doktora es Borgyo- gyaszati Klinikajanak (Igazgato: Szodoray Lajos egyetemi tanar; az orvostudomanyok daktora) konlemanye. (CEPHALOSPORIUM infect) (CONJUNCTIVITIS microbiol) GAT, Streptomycin therapy of ocular tuberculosis. Szemesset 88 nogl:33-36 1951. (CLML 23:2) 1. Prof. Doctor. 2. Debrecen Ophthalmological Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. Aladar Kettesy). GAT, L. - Mode of Infection and treatment of ocular tuberculosis. Orv. hetil. 92 no.16:508-512 22 Apr 1951. (CIXL 24:5) 1. Prof. Doctor. 2. Debrecen 3ye Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. Alader Xettegy). 1 '22 ";Ulh L GAT, Laszlo, dr. Climate therapy in tuberculosis of the eyes. Tuberkulozis 14 no-4: 123-126 Ap 161. 1. A Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem The Klinikaja (igazgato: Pongor Ferenc dr. tanszekvezeto docens) Szemosztalyanak kosztalyvezeto: Gat Laszlo dr. egyetemi docens) kozlemenye. (TUBERCULOSIS, OCULAR ther) (CLIMATE ther) MANDI, Laszlo, dr.; GAT, Laszlo, dr.; KOVESDI, Joissef, dr.; MOMAR, Borbala, dr.; PINTER. Laszlo- -' - , dr. Ophthalmological aspects of sarcoidosis. Orv. hetil. 103 no-33!1542- 1547 19 Ag ;62. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, The Klinika. (SARCOIDOSIS diag) (EYE dis) -aT,jasz1o, dr.; POITGOR, Fererc, dr. Allorgic papilloretinitia and pulmonary tuberculosis. Tuberkulozis 17 no.6:165-167 is 164. 1. A Debreceni Orvo3tudomanyi Egyetem Ibc Klinikajanak (mb. igaz- gato: Pongor Ferenc dr.) kozlemenye. GATAY Elena; GATA, Gheorghe Determining free sesquioxides in soils and sediments. Dari sean- sed 46:479-491 158/59 (Publ. 1621. CATA. I Gh.; GAT-, , Elena A method of rapid analysis of carbonated rocks. Dari seama sed 47:457-469 159/60 [publ. 162]. GATA, Elena; GATA, Gheorghe Strontium determining by direct photometry. Dari seama, sed 46:461-477 158/59 (Publ. 162]. ~, !,~ !'-' Tji: -, 1~ GATA, Gh.; G"'AA, Llena A method of rapid analysis of carbonuted rocks. Dari seama sed 47:457-469 159/60 [publ. '(v'.]. GATA, Elena; GATA, Gheorghe Determining free sesquioxides in Soils and sediments. Dari seama sod 46:479-491 158/59 [publ. t621. GATA, Elena; G.ATA, Gheorghe Strontium determining by direct photometry. Dari senma sed 46;461-477 158/59 (publ. 162]. GATAI, G. Yate of transplanted bypophysis in the human organism. Magy. belorv. arch. 3 no.4:184-186 1950. (CLKL 25:5) 1. Doctor. 2. Serve Surgery Department (Clinical Read Physician Prof. Dr. Laszlo Zoltan) of Ps7chiatric and Neurologic Clinic (Director Prof. Dr. Bela Horanyi), Lorand Zotvoe University, Badapest. GATAI Meningiomm in children. Nagy. belory. arch. 5 no.4:179-182 Doc 1952. (CIKL 25:5) 1. Doctor. g..Psychiatric and Neurological Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. (bmla Nyiro) and Neurosurgery Institute (Head -- Docent Dr. lasslo Zoltan), Budapest Medical University. GATAI. Gyorgy. dr. vogm-""Aft Intracranial tumors of the germinal ia7er. Megy. sebeszet 7 no. 1:59-64 Feb 54. 1. Az Orazagos Idegaeges zeti Tudomanyos Intezet kozlemanye. Igazgato: Zoltan Laszlo dr. (BRAIN, neoplasmis nomenclature, diag. & surg.) UTAI, G. - FASZTdR, 1. - - Contiaous drainage of cerebral ventricles in the treatment of changes of intracranial pressure. Act& med. hung. 7 no-3-4: 227-238 1955. 1. STAN SCIXWMIC INSTITUTS YCIR NIUROSURGXRY, BUDAnST. (01WROSPINAL IFIAJID, hypertension, ther.. oontinous drainage) EXCERPTA MICA See 11 Vol 12/4 O.R.L. Apr 910. ON THE DIAGN.OSTIC METHODS OF THE OTORIIINOGENIC CEREBRAL ANCESSES - Uber die diagnostisclit-n Nlethodrn tier oto-rhinogenen Ge. hirnabazesse --G-p I A 1. _G - Neur(x:hir. Inst., Budapest - NISCHR. 01111EN- HEILK. 1957 . 91/6 (391-372) Tables I The diagnostic mistakes may be divided In two groups. The first group is composed of cases where a causal relationship is erroneously assumed between an otorhino- genic infectious process and a simultaneously existing narrowing process. The second group is composed of cases which were correctly diagnosed, but where the otological diagnostic methods (puncture) were insufficient. Atypical and distantly located or multiply occurring abscesses cannot be reached by puncture. Deep- sited abscesses or abscesses surrounded by a tight, smooth capsule can also be easily overlooked when puncture is uacd as the only diagnostic measure. As a re- sult other modern methods must be used for a correct diagnosis, principally pneumography and cerebral angiography; puncture should rather be used for thera- peutic purposes in previously located abscesses. Malecki - Pozna6 (XI. 8) GATAI,_.PyqTgy, Or. Data on the diagnosis and differential diagnO3i.9 Of JJAM- cranial space expansive processes in o2d age. Idegg-yogy. szemle 14 no.12:362-371 D t63. (BRAIN NEQPLASMS) (INTRACRANUL PHESSUREE) (PAPILIEDEM,A) (CEREBRAL AT-JERICCOLEROSIS) (EYE MANIFFST~.FJ,-.-~!,i) ( OPE L,-IAIMCZ:, OPY) ..GATAIj__q-7orgy., dr... Data on the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of intra- cranial space-occupying processes in the aged. Ideggyogy. szemla 16 no.11:327-334 N 163. 1. Az Orszagos Idegsebeszeti Tudomanyos Intezet kozlemanys. (BRAIN NEOPLASMS) (CEREBROVASCULAR DISORDERS) (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL) (STATISTICS) (CLASSIFICATION) BAK, Lorant, dr. ; BATOR, Eleme.,rne; riAT-A-l-, Gycrgynp., Or. Analysis of the polyviiiyl chloride based so -!al-lpd rheimintism tmderwenr. Magy textil 17 no.2:83-87 F 165. 1. Quality Control Institute of Textile Industry, Budave~3t. d r. Diagnostic errors Jn bralm ';ljmors uaus.A'.ngr 0' - 0' 2 X$I- 1!~ v*sion. Or-r. bot~l. !0- no.18tg3l-933 ..., _5 r 1. 0-rezagos ldegsebaaze~t Tudomanyos *1,,4-,e--c-, L'01.4.W z ., Zas In, dr.). - ! 51~ - 2o668 SOURCi3 CODE CC NR% W60 HU76632/66/0005-of [-0-0-~-1[0005, A Gatai2-q--.:---Gatai, D. (Doctor) ORG: National Nourosurpical Scientific Institute /directed by Dr. Zoltan. C11iof pl-,ysician7 (Orszagos Idogsobeszeti Tudonanyos zet) TILTIZ: Impact of diagnostic errors in cases of brajn_tWn=a-- SOMICE: Idoggyogyaszati szonle, no. 1, 1966, 1-5 TOPIC TAGS: tumor, cerebrum, therapeutics APSI=T: During a 6 year period, about one third of the 1000 cases of observed corebral tumor were laioi-Tn to have boon di.-gnosed orroneous],y in the early stages. This rosul-tod in a delay of several nontlis or years in treatment mostly in cases of bonign tumors in which tho prognostic advantages of an early troatnont could liavu bom great. The incidence of diagnostic errors in various typos of tuners, the surgical results in cascs of correct and incorrect diagnosis, surgical mortality as well as the most conzion, diagnoses rendered instead of the recognition of the tumor are pro- sentod in tables. Orig. art. has: 6 tables* _/-JPR_S7 SUB CODE: o6 / SUBN DATIE: none PRAT, B.; BENESHOVA, D. [Ben4vva, D.]; DEYDAR, R. (Doidar, R.]; GATALAM. Experimental pyelonephritis. Urologiia 28 no.5%11-15 S-Ot63 (MIRA 17:4) 1. Iz Instituta bolemey krovoobrashcheniya ( dir. - dotsent Ya. Brod) v ~rage, kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii i mikro- biologli fakullteta detskoy meditsiny ( zav. - dotsent D. Beneshova) Karlova universiteta v Prage i Instituta kliniches- kov, I el.-sperimentallnoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. V. Shpachek) V. ] v Prage. VASENKO, Y( N.; GATAIA, Ye.Ye.; 7ADJITSFAYA, M.F.; ~IIIAY:-UIROVA, V.F.; SWOI~U~11' O.Ve' -- - ' Vapor pressure and boiling point of a ternary mixture of acetic anhydride, acetic acid, and water. Dokl. ITI 5 no. 1/2:161- 164 163. (MIRA 17:6) VASENKO, Ye.jl.; GA"AIA, Ye.Ye.; W-TUSKAYA, :'JI.; i~FVAS:IEITA, V.L.; r!"I"YE1176W, V.F.; SH."(11 --GilN, 0.11. Liquid-vapor equilibrium in the ternary system acetic anhydride - ac-tic acid - acetaldehyde. DokJ. LTIL 5 no. 1/2:172-17~: 163. (MIlUt 17:6) GATALICA, P., AND MERS. Some aspects of the organization of British railroads. p.l. VAIRILMA TEMUKA. (Drustvo za varilno tehniko IRS in Zavod za varjenje LRS Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. V01.7, no.3/4, 1958 Monthly List of East European Accessions Index, (EEAI) LC, Vol.8, no.11 Nov. 1959 Uncl. MALISHU, I.F.; FOFKOVIGH, A.V.; ROSHAL",, G.Ya.; ZHELEZNIXOV, P.C., LYSOVI A.V.; TSEPAKIN, S.G.; SOLNYSHKOV, A.I.- BOYT-SOV, A.S.; ASTAKHOV, Ye.Ta.; MIRONOV, H.V.; LAPITSKIY, Yu.Ya.; GATALIN, V.A.; KHOROSHKOV, V.S. Electrostatic accelamtor-Injector In a proton synchrotron. Prib. I tekh. eksp. 7 no-4:37-45 il-Ag 162. (MIRA 16:4) 1. lauchno-issledovatellskiy institut alektrofizicheskoy apparatury Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po ispollzovaniyu kLtoninoy energii SSSR I Institut teoreticheskoy I eksperimentall- noy fiziki Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po ispol'zovaniyu atomnoy energii SSSR. (Particle accelerators) (Synchrotron) ZHOTJMOVICH, A kandidat seltakhohozyayatyennvkh nauk; FROKOPY A.Z.; GATALISKIY, G.A.; IIWDOKINOVA, A.Te. a e-*A~v.~~ ~, :L, LAO.-'e, Basic methods of the primary cultivation of peat-swamp soils in the White Russian S.S.R. Izv.AN BIM. no-5:41-56 S-0-153. (Peat molls) (KTAA 9: 1) GATALISKIY, G. A. GATALISKT-Y, G. A. "The Effect of the Depth and Time of Working Virgin Peat-Bog Soil on the Harvest of Agricultural Crops." Acad Sci Belorussian SSR. Inst of Soil Improvement, Water and Marsh Economy. Minsk, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candi- date in Agricultural Science) So: Knizhnaya Letopisly No. 19, 1956. GATALISKIY, M.A,, Basic stages In the development of the hydrogeological method,, direct and indirect hydrogeological oil and gas indications * Trudy VNIGRI no.190:109-122 162. (MIM 16s1) (Oil field brines) 7 -d Z- '.5 /V, AID P - 1136 Subject USSR/Mining Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 14/25 Author : Gatallskiy, M. A. Title : Significance of hydrology during initial operation of petroliferous regions Periodical : Neft. khoz., v. 32, #11, 51-52, N 1954 Abstract Preliminary geological survey of domes can be simplified by the study of the presence of water and gases. Hydro- geological methods permit the evaluation of general con- ditions required for the existence of oil or gas deposits. This method reduces prospecting costs. Institution : None Submitted : No date KRDTOVA, Valentina Artemlyevna;,q4t~4,'SXII,.-A.Av..redaktor; RAGINA, G.A., redak-tor; YIRqAMV, K.A., redaktor; GBNNADITSFA, I.M., takhnicheskiy redaktor. [Hyclrogeology] Gidrogeologiia. Leningrad, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. isd-va neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, Leningradskoe otd- nis, 1956. 266 p. (Leningrad. Vaesoiuzryi neftianol nauchno- issladovateliskii geologorazvedochnyi institut. Trudy, no. 94). (MT.RA 9:11) (Volga Valley--Water, Underground) (Ural Mountain region--Water, Underground) (Petroleum geology) 15-57-10-14642 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 10, pp 212-213 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gatallskiy, M. A. TITLE: The Significance of Dynamics in the Formation of the Russian Platform Ground Waters (Znacheniye dinamiki v formirovanii podzemnykh vod Russkoy platformy) PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. neft. n.-i. geologorazved. in-ta, 1956, Nr 95, pp 232-242 fiBSTRACT: Many people hold the erroneous view that it is possible for ground waters to move only down the slopes of the strata. Obnervations demonstrate that hydrostatic levels depend upon a region's hypsometric position. Analysis of the results obtained in drilling supple- mentary wells in the Baltic area and in the Russian Platform from 1948 to 1953 supports the idea of the above relationship and shows how the deeply cut valleys of the Volga, Kama, Oka and other rivers act as parts Card 1/8 of the drainage system. For example, the Volga valley 15-57-10-14642 The,Significance of Dynamics in the Formation (Cont.) drains not only waters of the Permian and Carboniferous, but also of the Devonian. In the Valday region, the carbonate layer of Upper Devonian, which lies at depths of approximately 550 m and'which is covered by varicolored sand-clay deposits, has pressure springs of magnesium sulfate heptahydrate waters above the contact of Devonian and Carboniferous rocks. There are definite indications that a pressure level of mo "re than 150 m. exists near the ground water level of the quaternary deposits. Consequently, the relief of the Valday Highland must be causing high pressures in ground waters. It can be seen from Figure 1 that the deep aquifers of the Russian Platform empty Into the Baltic Sea, the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga. Figure 2 shows the location of iezometric water levels in the carbo- naceous layer of Upper and MidAe Carboniferous in the Main Flexure of the Russian Platform. Here the highest levels run along the Northern Uvaly, The author considers that, when specific conditions are met, high pressure waters can exist even in regions where the strata lie horizontally. Thus, the ground waters of the Russian Platform do not move in any one general direction, this fact being proven by differences in hydrostatic levels, the mineral content and chemical composition of the waters. When the waters interact upon Card 2/8 The Significance of Dynamics in the Formation (Cont.) 15-57-10-14642 entering particular supply areas with deep aquifers, we should dis- tinguish hydraulic phenomena such as the transfer of pressure and the seepage. Under the conditions prevailing in the Russian Platform, this problem is extremely difficult. The author concludes with his views on how solutions move in the deep horizons of the Raleozoic, and suggests the possibility that they were formed by having their flow Interrupted within deep parts of the covered geological structures. Card 3/8 15-5 7-10-14642 The Significance of Dynamics in the Formation (Cont.) ITO "AD - - ~3 -A (09 A 6 -V KO'l 14'A r IV 1000 PLYAVINAS 190 :)Y,AL1141 Nqra DRISSA' Card 4/8 IRK140 CA SIN 16 1~ 160 VALDAY -~ l5or, P-00 KALININ Z2D 15-57-10-14642 The Significance of DynamIcs In the Formation (Cont.) 1737 155 YU ~AT9" 500 MOLP-N 42 :Oj IN ~~ 1157 @) 1 ~-6-0 ~) Z Fig. 1. Map of piezometric ground water levels of Lower Cambrian sandstone in the Baltic area. l.--Number of a well. 2.--The numerator--static ground water level reduced to the level of fresh water; the denominator--depth of the tested horizon. Card 5,8 The Significance of Dynamics in the Formation (Cont.) 15-57-10-1464 2 R ff lc, rkh I's k /r On e JUkhta, 5!~ WE 7 1470 TOYM4 Lzu I IZO $ELAACA-PA*AA 140 a NYANDO 160 'Syk KAP- KOTLAS 200 v X i0 S 220 Card 6/8 15-57-10-14642 The Significance of Dynamics in the Formation (Cont.) T 116 - -\I/- 576 TLOY9 D Itc 7,30AA.qODA~ -,t' 0 13-0 15LJ ~R ISO a2c ) 1 1 Kkk5.40KAIASK 90 T Ist -~54K UNIC4 -r PE5TOV $FY-ISINUOYE 00 0 011k. 16 b 7Z its 147 F190 ltos"-xvc ISO ---------- SOMTSK ivANOVO I C 1ZHE Ke 113 P-49 j-!s ulls 123 IPZ-E:DkIN N 1187 OW r. 93 L1114"MY MARIIIA5K)y P05A ibo 137~ M05CW 96 \VIOL A Mo 5ce- w .7AR [WO-S,f ~wM Card 7/8 15-57-10-14642 The Significance of Dynamics in the Formation (Cont.) - -------------- 20 izz 5- 0 KALUGA A : Fig. 2. Map of the piezometric ground water level of the carbo- naceous layer of Upper aInd Middle Carboniferous in the Main Flexure of the Russian Platform. l.--Number of a well. 2.--The numerator--static ground water level reduced to the level of freshwater; the Card 8X8 denominator--depth of the tested horizon. L. K. Ovchinnikova GATALISKIY, M.A. . Evaluation of oil and gas potentials of the Russian Platform based on hydrochemical indices. Trudy VNIGNI uo.13.1:120-147 157. (Rassian Platform-Pkroleum geology) (MIRA 11:6) (Bassian Platform-Ghe, Natural-Geology) MMSIMOV, Vasiliy Mikhaylovich, dotsent, kand.geologo-miner.nauk; ASAM, X.G., dotsentg kand.tekhn.nauk; DAVIDOVICH, V.I., dotsent, kand. tekhn.nauk; ALBUL, B.P., kand.geologo-miner.nauk; PAUKER, N.G.. inzh.--idrogeolog; OSTROUMOV, B.P., gidrotekhnik; ZAYTS-VV, I.K., doktor geologo-miner.nauk; TOLSTIKIIIN, N.I., prof., doktor geologo- mineral.nauk; REZNIKOV, A.A., kand.khim.nauk, starehiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; MZRSHALOV, A.F., assistent; VOROTYNTSEV, V.T., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; MARKOV, I.A., dotsent, kand.goologo-miner.nauk; KMIS, Ye.Ye., dotgent, kand.geologo-miner.nauk; KRITROV, I.N., inzh.-geolog; BOROVITSKIY, V.P., kand.veologo-miner.nauk; RAVDCHIKAS, O.Y., kand.geologo-miner.nauk; ONIN, N.M., kand.geologo-miner.nauk; BASKOV, Ye.A., inzh.-.-idrogeolog; NOVOZHILOV, V.N., dotsent, kand. goologo-miner.nauk; PMMIM, I.S., lnzh.-gidrogeolog: NW&LISHT-SYN, Yu.G., inzh.-gidrogeolog; BOSKIS, S.G., lnzh.-gidrotekhnik; NIKIFOROV, Ye.M., inzh.-gidrogeolog; GATALISKTY- M-A f., doktor geologo- pro mine r.nauk, . nauchnyy red.; DOLMATOV, P.S.. vedushchly red.; G-10- NAD'YETA, I.M., CF~rdrologistls handbook] Spravochnoe riikovodstvo Cgidrogeologa. Leningrad, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.12d-Vo neft. i gorno-toplimi lit-ryq Leningr.otd-nie, 1959. 836 p. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy geologicheskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut (for Reznikov). (Hydrology) GATA,b46U,T-iwffik. Microdislocation and fracturing of rocks in the Baltic region and their role in the migration and ietribution of fluids. TrM17 InTIGRI no-131:65-77 '59. (MIRA 12-9) (Baltic Sea region-Faults (Geology)) GATALISKIY, M.A.__ Underground waters of White Russia in connection with the evaluation of its prospective oil and gas reserves. Trudy VNIGRI no.205: 165-314 163. (MIRA 16:7) (White Russia--Oil field brines) GAVV, 7, Zh. 1. "The Sea -%akthorn (Oblepikha) -- a New Horticultural Crop in the Altaill; diasertation for the degree of Candidate of A,,,,ricultural Sciences (awarded by the Timix-fazev Agricultural Academy, 1962) (Izvestiya nmiryazevskoy Sellskokhozyaystvennoy Akademii, Moscow, No. 2, 1963Y pp 232-236/1 SYCH,Karek,WINID,Boguchwal; GATARSKI,JuliAn; TIIVTRTAleks&nder Use of electric shock therapy in anesthesia with the application of controlled msucle relaxation. Your. &c. polska, 10 no.1:129- 140 J&-F 160. 1. z I Kliniki. Chirurgicznej A.M. w Krakowis, Kierownik: prof. dr J. Bogusz,-L -, z Kliniki. Psychiatrycznej A.M. w Krakowie, Kierownik: prof. ar-3. Brzozicki. (SHOCK THKRAPY ELECTRIC) (MUSCLE RIWANTS ther. (AIMTHISIA GENAAL) KEPINSKI, Antont; GATAR-INI, Julian Paychotherapy In everyday medical practice. Folski tygod. lek. 13 no.17:644-647 25 *Ap 160. 1. Z Kliniki Psychiatrycznej A.M. w Krakowie; kierovnik: prof. dr E~Brzezicki. (PffCHOTMAff) KEPINSKI, Antoni; DRWID, Marial_GATARSKI, Julian Further practical considerations on group psychotherapy. Neur. &c.polska 10 no.5:697-701 16o. 1. Z Kliniki Psychiatryczuej A.M. v Krakovie, Kierawnik: prof. dr E.Brzesiclci. (PSYCHOTHM Y GROUP) GATARSKI, Julian; KEPINSKI, Antoni;-ORWID, Narian; SZYKUSIKj, Adam Some problems of psychothempoutic methods. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 rm.91' 327-328 26 F 162. 1. Z Kliniki Paychiatryesnej AM v Krakowle; kierownik: prof. dr Bugeniusz Brzezicki. (PSYCHOTHERAPY) GATARSKI, R. Intrafactory training activity of the Czestocha Fancy-Goods Factory. p. 52. ODZIEZ, Udz. Vol. 7, no. 2, Feb. 1956. SOURCE: East European Acession (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5, no. 8, August 1956. GATAULLIN, A.B., assistent Compound treatment of chronic ulcers of the leg. no.3:28-30 MY-Je 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. GospitalInaya khirurgicheskaya klinika No.1 (zav. - prof. N.V. Sokolov) Kazanskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (LEG--ULCERS) GATAULIN, Akhiyar MuginoyAch; ZAVM,'-'YAYhVA, L.V., red. [Prime cost and aggregate labor input in the manaCement of fam output] Sebestoimost' i sovokupTWe zatraty tru- da v proizvodstve sellskokhoziaistvennoi produktsii. Moskva, Fkonomika, 1965. 187 P. (MIRA 16:6) 1. 00988-67 EWT(d)AtYrW/E.w_r (m)Ava~(w)/F_wP(c)Av1P (v)Avrp(k) IJP(c) FNIM111CIA ACC NIZi A.P603OS09 SOMICE CODE: Lgi/O/,/./66/0()O/()03/00/.0/0046' V ALn'HORS: -GataullinP I. G. (1400cow); Stolbotnov, V. 1. (Moscow) MG: nono TITU": Soma ovaluationi of coofficionts for oquationn of perturbed motion of a bo(~'- WIth 'Lluid SOURCE: Inzhonornyy zhurnal. Mokhanika tvordogo tola, no. .3, 1966, 40-46 TOPIC TAGS: inconpressibla fluid, ideal fluid, perturbation method, motIon aqua- tion, free oscillation ~qn motion of a containor_pallt p1jX fQqd i4th an ideal - ABSTRACT: The pq;~ti4Kbat incompressible fluid is analyzed. The body is assumed to havo two planes of dynamic ayiamatry. The 11-n-o;irizod equations of motion for the body-liquid are written, and the following expression is obtained for the apparent moment of inertia of the liquid j cc (2k, + _~L) z*. dS, are defined by dS, where and Pn n !Card L 09988-67 ACC NRt AP6030809 Tj and (Pn1 Y harmonic functions. The values of the four coefficients are of tho albovo oxpronsion.aro then evaluated and shown to bo invariant relative to the normalization of the function q7 in the fundamental harmonic of the fluid oscilla n U I tions. Several canoo n3~o considered, such an a right circular pAindpk, conical'4 i and spherical cavitie4-%nd a circular cylinder with longitudinal, syromotrio internal t fins. It is shotni th t the expression Apr, A is a good approximation, where co -W 0 ='j z' dS -- ~ I A.(o,:-', A. The authors thank B. I. Rabinovich for his attention to this work. Orig. art. has. 33 equations and 7 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DAM 0214ov65/ ORIG RMi 007/ OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 egk GATAU red.; PETROV, K., red.; LEBEDEV, Ye.A., red.; RUMYANTSEV, ____SgL LLIX,_ M ~F_ V.P., red.; SMILYANSKAYA, I.M., red.; KOZLOVSKAYA, G.M., red.; BERESLAVSKAYA, L.Sh., tekhn. red. [Modern Letanon; a handbook]Sovremennyi Livan; spravochnlik. Mo- skva, Izd-vo vostochnoi lit-ry, 1963. 222 p. (MIRA 3.0.-2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut narodov Azii. (Lebanon--Guidebooka) GATAULLIN, K~lyuta faslayevich- GEORGIYBVI Tu., redaktor-, DANILINA, A.. I [Syria] Sirlia. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo polit. lit-x7. 1956. 39 p. (Syria) (KLRA 10:1) GATAUI13. N.G. Preoperative use of oxygen therapy In patients with acquired heart defecti [with summary in Ingliahl. Yest.khir. 79 no.11:80-86 N '574 (MIRA 11:3) 1. Is 1-go khtrurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav.-prof. H-I-Krakovakiy) Inatituta khtrurgit im. A-V.Viahnevakogo ANN SSSR. Adres avtoraj Moskva, B.Serpukhovskavn, d.27, Inatitut khirurgii im. A.V.Vishnovskogo AM SSSR. (MITRAL STENOSIS, Burg. Droop. oxygen ther. (Rua) (OI&GIN, ther. use mitral stenosis, oreop. (Rua) GAT, AULLE';, I%G-i C7,11d '~E-d '7ci-(di:--) IlTh~ vall-le of ox,~[-czi thorapy A, tro. of P,'jtj4C-_"tO I-,iitrnl p:, I c:td -'ed Sci USSR) , 2010 co-.dii!~- 11,2) ."I tile EXCERPTA Yj'.-:DICA Sec 18 Vol 3/9 Cardlo. Dis. Sept. 59 2fV#'2. Oxygen therapy following mitral commissurotomy (Russian text) G.%TAt7L1.1N N. G. Min. Med. (Moski.,a) 1958, 36.11 (44--4.9) Graphs 3 Report on 40 cases of commissurotomy succmfullv treated with 600' or pitre oxvgen inhalations through respirators whi& were moist'ened with ethyl alcohol (34 sessi- ons daily, 15 L,*min. for 40-60 min.). The time of cure was dependent upon the degree of mitral stenosis, dyspnoea and hypoxacmia, and was continued for 2-10 days following the operation. The oxygen therapy was applied before the commissurofo- my (for 24 sessions) also, on account of the reduction of pulmonary pressure by pure oxygen respiration. In pulmonary oedema small doses of morphine s.c. are recom- mended to stimulate the vagus, to reduce the pulse rate and respiration frequency. and especially the pure oxygen therapy (20 I./min.). Bialowas - Wroclaw (XI I H, 0) Iq 114 GATAULLIN, N.G., Torsion of the ovary and fallopian tube in combination with acute appendicitis in a'20-year-old girl. Vop. okh. mat. i dot. 6 no.12:80-.82 D 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy k1drurgil (zav. - prof. L.G. Granov) Bashkirskogo meditsinskogo instituta imoni 15-letiYa Vsesoyuznogo Loninskogo kommunisticheskogo coyuza molodezhi (dir. - dotsent N.F. Voroblyev). I(API"4'IMICITIS) (40 I ISEASES) GAT-AULLI,N. N.G., ATLASOVA, R.Kh. kbaotheliomas of the peritoneum and pleura. Sav.Med. 27 no.7:125-128 J.1163. (14IRL,16-.9) 1. Iz kafe&-y gospitallnoy kMxtu-gA (zav. - prof. L.G. Granov) i kafedry gospitaVnoy terapii (zav. - dotsent Z.Sh.Zagidullin) Baslikir6kogo meditsinakogo instituta. (Fffl~TONEUH--I'U,kIC)!S) (PLEUFx&-TUMOFIS) GATAULLIN,,,-N.G.,; ATLASOVA, R.Kh. YJSBothelioma of the peritoneum and pleura. Sov.Med. 27 no.7:125-:L28 J1163. (MIR&-.3.6.-g) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirugii (zav. - prof, L.G. Granov) i kafedry gospitallnoy ~erapii (zav. - dotsent, Z.8h.Zagidullin) Baslikirskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (PMITOIIEUK-TMORS) (PLEUIL6--TUMORS) GATAULLIN) -N.G.) kand. med. nauk (Ufa, Arkhitekturriaya ulitea, dom 3, ' -1---.1-~ lcviart~li~d '20) Surgical tadtics in adhesive intestinal obstruction. Vest. Khir. 91 no.10:65-69 0 163. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. L.G. Granov) Bashkirskogo meditsinskogo instituta (rektor - dotsent N.F. Voroblyev). GATAULLIN) N.G. (Ufa, u1. &-go Marta, d.134, kv.24) Intrathoracic cyst of the dura matter. Grud. khIr. 6 no-5:118-119 S-0 164. (MIRA 18-4) into rperi toneal alhesloio. :96-100 (%I T 1 a-- Raredra cosp I tal I noy klili-two I-(zav. p I - o fora n 6v,) 0 Bashkirskog meditginskogo GATAULLIN., Sh.L..(Bukhara) -- --- Demonstrating the properties of semiconductors. Fiz.v shkole 21 no,4:88 Jl-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Semiconductors) GATAULLIN, Sh.L. (Tashkent) Experiment on self-inductance using a semiconducting diode. Fiz. v shkole 20 no.4:36 JTI-Ag '60. (MIRA 13:8) (Self-inductance) (Diodes) ~qWAI~LLB--Shavkat Lutfullovich; IVANOV, A. I., retsenzent; YEGOROVA) Z.F., retsenzent; GHEij:)TLREVA, A.V., red.; KLIVONTOVICIII V.L., red. [Study of semiconductors in physics course in secondary schools; manual for teachers] Izuchenie poluprovodnikov v kurse fiziki srednei shkoly; posobie dlia uchitelia. Moskva, Prosveshchenie, 1964. 73 P. (MIRA 18:1)