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Galvanomagnetic phenomena EOlO/E420
of components of permanance'..0 'arid expressions for the Hall
coefficient and changes of resistance in longitudinal and transverse
magnetic fields are derived for the three first cases of extrema
location. For the case of arbitrairy magnetic fields a more
general expresslon Is cited fok current density
Ii Sik A J.P k (19
and detailed formulas are providdid- for all components of tensor'.'
Sik- To obtain galvanomagnetic coefficients, Eq.(19) should be
This is done, as an example, for one particular case
of current,and magnetic field directions. Formulas are presentod
in the asymptotic case of strong m4gnetic fields for the Hall
R (H I/ecN
and for all galvanomagnetic coefficients j7. In conclusion
indications are given as to the practical application of the
theoretical formulas derived to analysis of experimental data on*
resistance measured in the lOngitudiual magnetic field and to
.Card 3/4
Poysico-chenica I p rope rties and !~ tructure of monocrys-, a:,' ine SaMp;e's
of ZnSiAS2. A. A. Vaypolin, N. A. Goryunova, E. 0. 0smanov.
Investigation of macrocry~;,_'Ilino ZnSiP2. N. A. Coryurova, A.
Vaypolin, Yu. V. Rud'.
Some properti(l-, znd zone structure of the ternary compound CdGeAS2-
F. A. Gash in, zii~.,.;, N. A. Goryunov-3, E. 0. Osr.3nov.
Electrical properties of monocrystalline samples of ZnSnAS2- N. A.
Goryunova, F. P. Kesamanly, D. .14. Nasledov, Yu. V. Rud'.
investigation oil, properties of 7nGe?2 and CdGCP2- N. A. Goryunova,
N. K. Takhtareva,-I. 1. Tychina.
On the question of the existence of homogeneous many-componenr tetra-
hedral phases. G. K. Aberkiyava, A. A. Vaynolin, N. A. Goryunova.
X-Ray investigation of certain ccmpounds oil the type A IiaIVC2VI
A. A. Vaynoll Cs 31; T
Energy spectrum of holes in semiconductors structured as
chalcopyrite. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR.Ser. fi?;.-.mat. i tekh.
nauk no.3:67-76 163. (MM 16:11)
L in-695-63 --ATIIJP(r,)
ACCESSION N,R:. AP3001514 S/0233/63/000/001/0l33/0136
AUTHOR: ftshimzade, F, M,
TITLE: Farad~ effeceon free carrier's An the semi-conducting compound."
SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR* Izv. Seriya ftigiko-matematicheskikh i tekhni6heiiiikikh. .h
- a auk,
no. 1, 1963,, 1~3-136
TOPIC TAGS: Faraday effect, TlSe semLconductor compound, crystals with.tetjra~
gonal symmetry
ABSTRACT: Formulas are obtained for the angle of rotation of the polarization
plane in crystals With t*etragonal symnetry, under the influence of a weakimagnetic
field with electromagnetic wave propagation below the optical axis of the' crystal.
"The author expresses recognition to ru. M. Sedov for proposing the theme. of this
work.11,10rig. art. has., 12 formulas.
SUMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ- 12 Jun 63 EN(M: 00
SUB CODE: 00 NO REP SOV: 002 OTIM: 002
Card 1/1 ja4v,
AUTHOR: Gashimzade, F. M.
TITLE; Theory of current drag by phonons in semiconductors with
tetragonal sym:metry
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 5, no. 3, 1963, 883-885
TEXT: In"connection with Herring's investiCations (Phys. Rev. 95, 954,
1954; 96, 1163, 1954) and the fundamental calculations by V. L. Gurevich
and Yu. A. Firsov (FTT, 4, 530, 1!)62) the author calculates the effect of
random mutual intersections of the acoustical branches of the Phonon
spectrum on the temperature dependence of the phonon component of the
thermo-e.m.f. in tetragonal crystals. It can be shown that weak
anisotropy of tne phonon part of -~he thermo-e.m.f. will arise at low
temperatures if there is no randoin intersection of the vibrational
branches. There is 1 figure.
Card 1/2
Theory of current drag by phorons in ... B102/D180
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. ioffe AN SSSR,
Leningrad (Philsicotecnnical Institute imeni A. P. loffe
AS USSR, Lenin.-rad)'; in--titut fiziki AN Az. SSR, Bakxi
(Institute of Physics A,'l AzSSR, Baku)
SUBMITTED: October 25, 1962
Card 2/2
IV r
B. 01-type semiconduoto undo with
TITLEs Band structure of A -r -compo
chalcopyrite structure
i: PERIODICAM Fizika tverdogo telaq v. !5 9, no. 49 1963, 1199 1201
nd struo-~
TEXT3 Taking CdInAs as an examplet the characteristics of the,ba
Ii IV V 2
ture of A B C he basis of re-~
2-type semiconductors axe discussed on t p
viously obtained results (cf. e.g. ~DAN SSSR, 142,,623, 1962; J. Phya. Chem.!
ol.j 1, 249t 19571 Mamayev, Avtoref dies. LGPI im..A. I. Gertsena# 1962)
and the structural properties are compared with those of A B type oom-
ounds (InSb or Inks). It can be shown that the conduction band is not
parabolic but,haa:spherical symmetry by reason of its interaction with the
valence band. This interaction, which is so strong because of the narrow- it
ness of the forbidden band, also leads to a reduction of the carrier
effective masses. Especially the electron effeotive mass m* is a function
of temperature and concentration (as it is the case in Inks or InSb). 'In
Band structure ofq** B102/B186
the compounds considered here m)Cis shown to be weakly anisotropic but in
first approximation it may be oonsidered isotropic (as in Inks or InSb)
Assuming ;z-,0.45 ev P2 0.4.4 at -un. (matrix element of dipole transition)
and E - 0.26 ev one obtains m" - 0,,014 m ; m'~- increases with conduction
band fillingt i.e. with electron concentration and temperature. Since, howl"
ever, also,the forbidden band.width is temperature-dependent (E - 0.23 ev
at 300 K), the reduction.of E with~increasing temperature leads to a
reduction of m These two effects~are.responsible for the minimum in the
M. fl-curve.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSRIeningradl
(Physi-cotechnical Institute im4ni A. F. loffe AS USSRLeningrad)
SUBMITTEDt August .119 1962 (initially f
December 12, 1962 (after revision)
Card 2/2
ACCESSION IM: APL0284i5 S/018V64/006/OOL/1030/1033
A!1TH01'G: Gashimzade, F. M.; Gubanov, A. L
TITLE: Density of electron states in the "tail" of the band in amorphous
SOULE; Fizi'r-.a tverdogo tola) v. 6, no. 1,, 19611) 1030-10~3
TOPIC TAGS: electron density, semiconductor, band theory, Gaussian distribution,
Green function
ABSTIUGT: The authors' purpose was to obtain an expression for density of
electron states in the tail of the seraiconductinc, I;and, i.e., in the zone where
the ed-e becomes diffuse. They investigated the relative role of close-range and
lon_-ranae ordars, considering two cases: 1) small distortions of the neighboring
CL-11S are so correlated that the total relative d6formation of calls in any paev
of the crystal is less than unity and lonp:-range order is pre5erved; thiG
corresoonds to an unordered crystalline a]-loy, not to an amorphous body;- 2) do-
formation changes weakly from cell to cel:,-, close-range order prevailing in small
zones, but, where cells are farther apart, the close-range order may be strongly
Card 1/2
differentiated and long-range order may be destroyed; this case corresponds to
an irregularly deformed crystal moro conLaonly than to a true liquid. Considering
these two cases, the authors fird that tuho density o'L state in an amorphous body,
far froi-a the base of the band in the crystal, declines exponentially. It Play be
stated that" the "tail" has a Gaussian distribution, and the disperse diffusion
of the bard edge is a more fundamental. offect than the shift of the baftd edge.
The "tail" of the band in amorphous semicorductors is a local fluctuating -lEfVel.
Ori-g. art. has: 15 foiTaulas.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-teklinicheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR, Lbnin.grad
(Physicotechnical Institute AN SSSR)
SUBMITTIM: 30SeP63 DATE ACQ: 27Apr64 L%CL: 00
Card 2/2
~ACCMSION NRi AP4041383 6/0048/64/028/006/1085/1089
AUTHOR; Vaypolin,A.A. ; GashimzadaF.b1. G017yunova,N.A. ; Kesamanly* F.P. ; Osmanov,
E. 0. ; Rud I Yu.V 0Nasl~&_V;v - D. N. (Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences)
fTITLC*. Investigation of the physical-chemical and electric properties of crystals I'
iof some ternary semiconductor compounds 'of the MrBIVC~ type Lffoport, TbIrd Confe-
rance on Semiconductor Compounds he Id in Kishinev 16 to 21 Sep 29627
'SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlya. Scriya fizichoskaya, v.28, no.6, 1964, 1085-1089.
:TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor, electric conductivity, Hall effect, crystal structure,
cadmium compound, zinc compound, carrier mobility
ABSTRACT: 'Single crystals of the following semiconductors were obtained and their
properties were investigated: Cd0eAs2j Zn.'YiAs2, CdSiP2, ZnSnAs2 and ZnSiP2- The me-,
thod of synthesis is not described. X-ray diffraction showed the specimens to be
single crystals with the chalcopyrito structure. The crystallography of these mate-!
irials is discussed briefly, and the lattice parameters, density, hardness and welt-
Ing point are tabulated. Both p-type and n-typo crystals of CdGeA82 were obtained.1
Only p-type conductivity was found. in the.other two.arsonldeB, and only n-type in
card 1.13
ZnSiP2. Results of conductivity and Hall coefficient measurements over the tempora-!
ture range from 90 to 6000K are presented graphically for an n-type CdGeA52 crystal,'
a p-type CdGeAS2 crystal, and several ZnSnAs2 crystals with different but unspeci-!
fied impurity contents. The Hall coolficient of the n-type CdGeAS2 was Independent
of temperature, and the conductivity Increased with increasing temperature ab9ve
1 17
about 1500K. The concentration of conduction electrons was approximately 10 cm 3
and their mobility was 103 cm2/Vsec. With the aid of thermoelectric measurements,
the'effective mass was estimated to be 0.027 electron masses. The Hall coefficient
of the p-type CdGeAs2 decreased rapidly with increasing temperature above 2000K and,
changed sign at 5200K. Neither the conductivity nor the Hall coefficient of the Zn-
SnA62 crystals varied greatly with temperature. The HnIl coefficient exhibited a
maximum at about 2000K which became less -pronounced and shifted toward higher tom-
peratures with increasing impurity content. This Is ascribed to conduction in the
impurity band. The band structure of the matorialn is discussed. The effective
masses of the carriers in the conduction band and the V2 and V3 valence bands were
calculated, and these and the gap energy are tabulated. All these quantitiQs in-
creased with decreasing molecular weight. Tito ene~rgy gap ranged from 0.53 to 2.5 EV,'
and the effective masses from 0.020 to 0.096., 0.035 to 0.19, and 0.12 to 0.49 elec-:.
tron masses for the C, V2 and V3,,bandtj, ivapectively. OrIgoart.hase. I formula, 6
figures and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION; Fiziko-tokhnicheskiy institul: im.A.F.1offe Akademii nauk SSSR (Physi-
co-tochnical Inatitutep Acadeny of Sciencval SSSR)!
SVB CCI)E.- -53,w, NR HBF SOVs 007 omik.- boo
Card 3/3
L 14138-66 EwT(i) ijP(c)_:_WW
ACC NR; Ap6ooo366 SOURCIE CODE: UR/0181/65/007/012/3631/3634
.;,: i.-1 &0
:AUTHORS: Askerov, B. M. Gashimzade, F. M.
,~ORG: Institute-of Ehygics AN AgSISR,-Baku (Institut Miki AN AzSSR)
.!TITLE: Interband.Faraday effect in semiconductors in strong crossed
!electric and magnetic fields,
'SOURCE: Fizika tveidogo tela, V. 7P no. 12, 1965, 3631-3634
-;TOPIC TAGS: Faraday effect, electron transitio*
n, semiconductor band
!structure, dispension equation, dielectric polarization,, Green
ifunction, absorption coefficient
;ABSTRACT: Abt Fara~ay e fect is calculated in s crossed ele*6tricl
tron5 s
and matiAdfftc fields for direct interband transitions., The calcula-
tions are based on the dispersion relations and use Is made'of the
fact that in the case of weak absorption the angle of rotation of~
.the plane of polarization in tbe magnetic field can be expressed in
~terms of the imaginary part of' the nondiagonal component-of the di-
electric tensor of the medium. The Green's function me,thod is
Card 1/2 ......
L i4138_66
ACC NR: Ap6ooo866
employed. The polarization operator is calculated by the standard I
technique"'.,,' and from"the''expresinion 'for the polarization operdtor, them
angle of iotation of the-plahe of' polarization is calculated. It is
shown that in an electric'field the oscillation, maxima 'of the allo'Wed!
transitions are.shifted, an additional oscillation maxima due to for-~
bidden transitions appear. The shifts of the maxima are towards- th6 1 -
long-wave side. In the case of vreak electric fields, the intensities~
of the allowed and.forbidden transitions become comparable for large
numbers. In ver weak fields the'effect-of the field is mani_;
fest only in a shift of'the thret5bold of the maximum of the angle of
.rotation towards longer wavelengths, In the long-wave region the
angle of rotation has a regular behavior. The expression obtained
for the polarization operator makes it also possible to determine
the absorption coefficient in crossed fields. Authors thank Ye. V.
Kharitonov.for a preprint of his paper and Yu. M. Seidov for valuable
.advice. Orig. art. has: 15 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: OqFeb65/ ORIG REF: 005/. OTHER REF:005~
Card 2/2
L Al' -4'p FLV . ; C~46 H I F.~-! .
-f-Ir tirfidav ir. .'-0,-s 'n sLrong Crossed
;n to .r. d F I ~ . ~ ; 1. . I .- ~. I -
ellec',ric and maf-,,et lc f lel cls. Fi tela 7 no. -1,22 13631 -
3634, D 165 ( 1-11 RA ic) 9- -1 ),
1. lnstltut fizik! A~.* P.-,3311,
L ',3000c;-66 IJP
ACC NR. AP50247565
AUTHOR: Askerev., B. N.; Gashlazade, F. N.
ORG: Institute of Physics, Academy of ScLences of the AzeELmydzhan SSR,_Baku
TITLE: Damping of the electron spectrtin and magnetooptical effects In semiconductors
SOURCE: Physic& status solidi, v. 11, no. 2, 1965, 119-722
TOPIC TAGS: electron hole, semiconductor hand structure, magnetooptic effect, crystal
imperfection, electron interaction, phcnon, electron spectrum
ABSTRACT: A convenient method of determining the oscillation maximum In magnet ptical
phenomena is to find the form of the peaks of various interband effects Ty' introducliF
the interaction of electrons with lattice Imperfections directly into the electron
spectrum when calculating polarization operator 11(m). The absorption constant k,and
the angle of Faraday rotation (0) are related to K(w) by
k Ila 11 (w),
In 1461) In 9*(",)
noo *2 dwl
L 30005-66
there a is the frequency of the Incident radiation, no is the refractive index, 11,(W)"
Is the polarization "rator for the two circularly polarized components of the linear-
ly polarized radiation. The polarization operator Is given for the case of direct
transitions between two simple parabolic bands In a strong magoetid field by
2 dFalug-a + (n+1/2) Jr + 2-t
(W) r 9-r
where go Is the coupling constant of the electron with i6 electromagnetic field of
radiation, no is the free electron massi, P is the Impulse operator, I a polarization
vector of the photon, he in the band gap, and + ooqlr; +
is a quantity characterizing the damping of the electron spectrum due to interactions
with lattice Imperfections. The imaginary part of the polarization operator is cal-
culated and evaluated In the quantum lbeit (n-n'xO). The ampl itude of the resonance
aminus of the absorption constant Is 2-_ -_ O(P 9 2 112
and its half width In the quantum limit Is
The form of oscillation maximum for other _int;r6and magnetooptical phenomena we simi-
larly found. The case of inelastic interaction of elm t a with optical phonons is
ACC NRt AP5024756
I K- 2-
considered under qertain restrictions and evaluated at the quantum limit. The absorp-
tion constant k as a function of H has a pronounced minimum at A =wo ~~onngpted with
. r
a singularity in the density of electr4)n states for polar semiconductors iii a strong
Imagnetic field. Orig. art. has: 15 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 2JLJu1651 ORIG RM 003/ OTH RM 003
AP7001972 SOURCE CODE: GE/0030/66/0181002/0667/0675
AUTHOR.- Askerov, B. M.; Gashimzade, F. M.
ORG: Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaidzhan SSR, Baku
TITLE,. Quantum theory of the elect-kical conductivity of semiconductors with a
nonstandard energy band
SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 111, no. 2, 1966, 667-675
TOPIC TAGS: quantum theory, elecIric conductivity, conduction band, electron
spectrum, electric field, magnetic field, valence band, motion equation, linear
approximat on, tensor, electron scattering, inelastic scattering
A:BSTRA CT: The theory developed by Adams and Holstein [E. Adams and T. Hol-
siein, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 10; 254 (1959)] is generalized for the case of an
Lsotropic but nonstandard energy band, such as the conduction band in InSb. The
problem of the electron spectrum in crossed electric and magnetic fields is solved,
in consideration all the interactions of the conduction band with the valence band.
It is shown that in this case, as for a parabolic band, an electric field appears in
Card 1 / 2
ACC NRt AP7001972
the' spectrum within the linear approximation. The solution of the equation of
motion for the density matrix shows thttt the nonparabolity enters into the dissipa-
tive current only through the energy conservation law or the scattering process.
The general equation for the electrical conductivity tensor is applied for degenerate
semiconductors; Shubnikov- de- Haas oscillation conditions are obtained, in con-
sideration of*spin splitting of the Landau levels. The positions of the oscillation
maxima are calculated. Inelastic electron scattering by optical phonons is
analyzed. The conditions for magnetophon resonance are derived for semicon-
ductors with nonstandard energy bands. It is shown that all the maxima of the
Gurevich-Firsov oscillations, except-the first one, have the natural width. Orig.
art. has: 46 formulas and 1 table. (Based on authors' abstract] RNT I
SUB CODE: 20/SUBM DATE: 07Sep66/ORIG REF: 007/OTH REF: 005/
1. G.~
2. US3R (600)
4. Electric Cw-rent Rectifiers
7. The=al. rectification. Trudy Inst. Tiz. i mat. M Azerb. SSR no. 5, 1951.
9. Monthly 1!1~ of~ jus~:;Lan Accessions Idbrary of Congres~i, Mlarch 1953. Unclassified.
LISSR/Physics - Sexiconductore, Thermal liar/Apr 52
'"Zher=al Rectification," M.U. Gashim-Zade, Inst of
Phys and Math, Acad Sci Azerbaydzhan SSR
"I% Ak Nauk, Ser Fiz" Vol XVI, No 2, pp 218-224
Thermal rectification or asym elec cond was lot de-
tected by Kh. I. Amirkhanov (117,hur Eksper i Teoret
Piz" Vol XIV, No 6, 195 1944; IIIi Ak lauk, Ser Fiz"
Vol 5, No 4, 5, 1941; "Trudy Sektora. Piz AzFAN" 1,
49 icA40). Expti research by author proved that
thermal rectification is found in all semidonductors
vitb either electron or hole cond; that the coeff of
ther-ql cond is a function of temp gradient and
depends on potential; rectificition coeff ccriild*be
improved by creation of thermal field.
2 6T.
Study of the blinking of stars, Tzv. AN Azcrb. SSR. Ser. i tekh. nauk no.2:61-64 163. (I-9RA 16!10)
Control of the structure of crystals growing in a flow of
supercooled aerosols. DOI. AN SSSR 247 no.4:833-834 D 162.
(MIRA 16r1)
14 Uningradekiy g1draietearologicheakiy institut. Pi-edatavlen,o
-akadomik6m A. V.. -Shubnikovyis.
(Aer-osolm) (Crystalm-Growtb)
/~EC t)-
ACGES9MN NR.' AT5012358 ~"UR/2531/65/000/173'/0019/0025
AVMOR: GashinA' S. $q 1vian, Ye. ko (Candidate of physico-mathematical I
I.- I - ''I -
TME., Pecullaritiell of theradar characteristics of storm clouds
~SOURCE: Leningrad. 91"naya.geofivicheakaya observatorlya. Trudy, no. 173,
1965-, Voprosy radioineteorologii (Problfws'in radtoimeteorology),' 19-25
TOPICUds storm loud - id ttflcatlooj~-_.storm-cloud. rado cho to cloud
en e rm.
structure,- Igtorm
ABSTRACT: Onelof the.basic problems of,storm.forecasttng~by radar is to.localfte
regions of intense storm activity agaiftst. the background of the general field of
cumulo-nimbus'cloudso Howevers the a ps currently used during phy-
sical separation of ~showers'.and storms~, (vertical strength of reflected- signals.,
maximum reflectivitli, position,of the imaximum reflection) are not yet unambiguous, x
The present study sitarched foe, further, ~relfable radar storm-cloud critera which
would take intol.accOunt thecloud-dynai.mica affecting the radar echos* The paper
describes the experimental method utilIzing aground and aircraft laboratory, the
vertical structure of convection cloudo;, andradar echo'areas of convection
clouds Tests showed that storv~cloudgi representing the final stages of develov-'
GASHINA, V. P.: "On the anatomy of the uinar and knee J-Ants of man". Gor,kiy,
19~5. Gor'kiy State Xedica.L Inst Lmeni S. M. Mrov. (Dissertation for the
Degree of Candidate of Scienoe of 1"edical 5cien--es)
Sl: Knizhnava LetnQW, Ri. 41, 8 let 55
GASHINCHEVY V.I., gorny-y inzh.-olektromekhanik
Analyzing load distribution in the machinery of a dual-engine
asyn6hronous drive of mine hoists. Ugoll Ukr. 5 no-4:14-17 Ap
161. (MIRA 14:4)
.(Hoisting machinery)
ACMdkM, Naum Samilovich, 1872- , doktor takhnicheskikh naulk. profesoor,
redaktor; BILYAY17, V.K., doteent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nank; BIDJEW,
V.L., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; BOROVICH, L.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh
Pauk; GASHI=XIY, A.G.. inzhener; GORODWSKIY, N.Ye., professor, doktor tekh-
nicheik-ik'n B.A., professor. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk;*
K01MIMAV. A.A.. dotsent. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; KRAGIL'SKIT, I.V.,
professor. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; PWRUSEVICH, A.I., doktor tekhniche.;.
skikh nauk; POSMAKOV, S.N.. dotsent; PONOMAM, S.D., professor, doktor
takhnichaskikh nauk; PORTUGAWYA, A.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh usuk;
PRONIN, B.A., kandidat tekhnioheskikh nauk; RESIMOV, D.N., professor, dok-
tor tekhnicheskikh nauk; RASHETOV, L.N., professor, dok-tor takhnicheskikh
nauk; SAMIN, N.A., professor, doktor tekhnioheekikh nauk; SAVIRIN, N.A.,
kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk; SLOBOININ, M.S., inshener; SPITSTH, N.A., pro-
fessor, doktor takhnicheakikh nauk; STOLBIN, G.B., dotsent, kandidat tekhni-
chaskikh nank; UMNOV, V.A., inzbener; CHIMAK, B.Z.. kandidat tekhnicheakikh
nauk; SHCHIDROV, V.S.. dotsent, Imndidat tekhnicheskikh nauk.
(Machine parts; collection of materials on calculation and design in two
volumes; vol.1] Detali mashin; sbornik materialov po raschatu i konstruiro-
vaniin. Isd.2.. ispr.i dap. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit.
1 sudostroit. lit-ry, 1953- (MLRA 6:11)
ACRERW, N.S., doktor tekhnicheBkikh nauk, professor, redaktor;
BELYATRV, Y.N., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. doteent;
BIDERMI, Y.L., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; BOROVICff, L.S.,
kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; GASHINSOY, A.G., inshener;
GORODHTSKIY. I.Ye., doktor teklffM IMKINA, professor;
IVANOV. B,.A., doktor tekhnichenkikh nauk, professor:
KOI#OKIYTSIIV, A.A., kandidat telchnicheakikh nauk, dotsent;
KRAGELISKIY. I.V., doktor tokbiiicheaklkh nauk. professor;
MAZYRIN, I.V., inzhener; NIKOLAYXV, G.A., doktor teklmi-
chaskikh nauk, professor; PETRUSEVIOR, A.I., doktor teklmnl-
cheskikh nauk; POZDNYAKOV, 'i.N.. dotsent; PONOMARNV, S.D..
doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, professor; PORTUGALOVA, A.A..
kandidat tekhnicheakikh naulc-. FRONIN. B.A.. kandidat tekhni-
chaskikh nauk; RWSHETOV. D.1., doktor takhnicheskikh nauk.
professor; USUTOV, L.H., doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, pro-
fessor; SAVERIN, M.A., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor;
SAVERIN, M.N., kandidat teklinicheskikh nauk; SLOBODKIN. M.S.,
inzhener; SPITSYN, N.A., doictor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor;
STOLBIN. G.B., kandidat teldinicheshich nauk, dotsent-, UMNOV,
V.A.. inzhener; CHERNYAK, B.Z., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk;
SHCHEDROV, V.S., kandidat ti3khnicheskikh nauk, dotsent.
[Machine parts; collection of materials on calculation and
design in two volumes] Detali mashin; sbornik materialov po
raschetu i konstruirovanliu v drukh knigakh. Izd.2. Moskva,
Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostrolt.i sudostroit.lit-ry
Vol. 2. 1953. 560 p. (MIRA 6:12)
P.Ye., kandidat tekhnicheski):h nauk; VORONKOY, I.Y., professor,
GITIM, L.Ya., Inzhener; GRO)LUI, M.B., inzhener; GOROKHOV, N.V.,
doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk [deceased]; LENISYUK, I.N., kandidat
tekhnicheskikh nauk; DOVZHIK, S.A., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk;
DUKELISKIY, M.P., professor, doktor khimichaskilkh nauk [deceased]-.
DYKHOVICHlrff, A.I.. professor; ZHITKOV, D.G., professor, doktor
tekhnicheskikh nauk; KOZLOVSKIY, N.S., inzhener-, LAMIN, Yu.M.,
doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk; LEVENSON, L.B., professor, doktor tekhni-
cheakikh nauk [deceased]; 1XVIN, 13.Z., inzhoner; LIPKAN, V.P., inzhe-
ner; MARTYNOV, M.V., kandidat tekhnichesklkh nauk, MOLEVA, T.I.,
inzhener; NOVIKOV, F.S., kandidat tekhnichesk-ikh nauk; OSETSKIY, V.M.,
kandidat tekhnicheskikh naWc; OSTROUMOV, G.A.; PONOKARENKO, Tu.F.,
kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; RAKOVSKIY, V.S., kantlidat tekhnicheskikh
nauk. REGIRER, Z.L., inzhener. SOKOWV, A.N., inzhener; SOSUITOV, G.I..
kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; STEPANOV, V.N., professor; SHERAKRANOV,
M.M., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; ELIKITID, I.A., inzhener; YANUSHE-
VICH, L.V., kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk; BOKSI[ITSKIY, Ya.M., inzhe-
ner, redaktor,- BULATOV, S.B., Inzhener,
inzhener, redaktor; GRIGROIYEV. V.S., inzhener, redaktor; YEGUIUIOV,
G.P., kandidat tekhnichesk-4kh nauk, redaktor; ZFARKOV, D.V., dotsent,
redaktor; ZAKRAROV. Tu.G., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor;
KAMINSKIY, V.S., kandidat takhnichoskikh nauk, redaktor; KOKARKOV,
Ye.F., professor, redaktor; KOSTYLEV, B.N., inzhener, redaktor;
POVAROV, L.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk-, redaktor; ULINICH, F.R.,
redaktor; KLORIKIYAN, S.Kh., otvetstvennyy redaktor; GLADILIN, L.V.,
redaktor; (Continued on next card)
EEYLINA, TS.O. --- (continued) C.-ird 2.
RUPPENEYT, K,V., redaktor; TRIPIGOUT, AX., i7luvnyy reda;ctor;
BARARANOV, F.A., redaktor; 11ARANOV, A.I., redal-tor; RUCWT, V.K..
redaktor; GRAFOV, L.Te., redaktor; DOM.111, A.V., redak-tor; ZADEYID-
KO, A.N., redaktor; ZASYADIKO, A.F., redakt3r; kMS11IKOVSK1Y, G.V.
redaktor: LETOV, N.A., redaktor; DISHIN, G.L., redaktor; MANIKOV-
SKIY, G.I., redaktor; MELINIKOV. N.V., rodaktor; OffIKA, D.G.,
redaktor; OSTROVSKIY, S.B., redaktor; POnOVSKIY, redaktor;
. radaktor; SKOCHINSKIY, A.A., rodalk-1-or.; SON111,
S.D., rodaktor; SPIVAKOVSKIY, A.0., redaktjr; STANCHENKO, I.K.,
redaktor; SUDOPLATOV, A.P., redaktor; TOPCHIYEV, A.V., redaktor;
TROYANSKIY, S.V., rodaktor; SIDWYAKOV, L.D., radaktor; BYKHOV-
SKAYA, S.K., radaktor izdatelistva; L-AZULISKAYA.. V.F., tekhnicho-
skiy- redaktor; PROZOTIOVSKAYA, V.L., tekhnicheskiy redaktor.
[Mining; an encuclopedic hardbook) Gornoe delo; ontsiklopidicheakii
spravochnik. A.M. Terpigorev. Chlony F.A. B,-xa-
banov i dr. Moskva, Gos.nauc:hno-tekhn.izd--7o lit-r3r po ugollnoi
promyshl. Vol.l. [General erigi-neering] Obshchie inzlienernye
svedeniia. Redkollegiia tOMEL S.Kh.Kloriklian i dr. 1957. 760 p.
(Mining engineEr'ng) (MLTIA 10: 10)
Use of phase contract microscop in determining the Bensitivity
of micro-orgmisms to antb:loticso- lab.delo 4 no6*5:47-48 S-0 158
1. Iz kiyevskogo meditsim3kogo instituta (dir. - dotsent I.P.
GASHINSKIY [Hashyns'kyi, V-V-l
Properties of Staph.71ococcus and Fescherichia coli diving their
adaptation to atreptomycin. Report No.l. MAkrobiol.zhur. 21
no-1:52-55 '59. (14IRA 12:6)
1. Z latfedri mikrobiologii Iledichnogo institutu.
(MICROCOCCUS PYOGIMS, off. of drugs on,
streptomycin, adaptation NO)
(ESCHERICHIA COLI, off. of drugs on,
on B. coli & Hicrocorcus pyogenes, adaptation
, ; I.I. I I
:~ASHPI`K!Y, ' .1i. Cnnd u'lii~d ~ci - - (iii, ,,,) "Prot(-;: )f
stapl.ylococcu,5 anu -';. colli in connectlon 11th
accoumcuatd-)n to Kiev, 19001 13 PI) (hiev
!:-ai,dical Iristitate i:L Acad. A. A. (EL, -r-60, 124)
28(l) SOV/118-59-4-12/25
AUTHOR: Gashinskiy,_ V.V._,_~:_ngineer
TITLE: A New Machine for Cutting Branches
PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, 1959,
Nr 4., pp 35-36 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The Vsesoyuzn3rj nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut
torfyanoy promyshlennosti - VNIITP (All-Union Scienti-
fic Research Institute of the Peat Industry - VNIITP)
has developed, built and tested a new machine type
"ROP-l" for sorting lumber, cutting branches and
loading topped'erowns on caterpillar dump trucks.
The machine is driven by a DT-55 tractor through a
propeller shaft: The ROP-1 consists of a caterpillar
carriage and a platform upon which the following de-
vices are mounted: a crane arm; a cutting device;
a pulling-through deirice; and a discharging jib.
The ROP-1 operates together with the lumber stacking
machine "ESL-4". The technical characteristics of
Card 1/2 the ROP-1 machine are: length - 1,078 cm; width -
A New Machine for Cutting Branches SOV/118-59-4-12/25
295 cm; height - 309 C12; and weight - 7,165 kg.
The machine can handle logs up to 12 m long, with a
maximum diameter of 28 cm. The maximum diameter of
branches which can be cut - 8.5 em, The ROP-1 ma-
chine was successfully tested in 1957 and 1958, and
a production model (ROP-2) is presently under con-
struction at the Zavod opytnykh mashin filiala VNIITP
(Experimental Machine Plant of the VNIITP Branch).
There are 3 diagrams, zmd 1 photograph.
Card 2/2
Machinea for tree felling and abnodation. Mekh i avtom.
proizv. 17 no-5:11-12 MY 1131, ~MIRA 16t6)
. --,-V. !-.1
Camera for microscopic observation of the multiplication of
microorganisms in a flowing nutrient medilin. . Lab. delo no., 12-
743-745 '64. (1-111tA 18- 1)
1. Kafedra mikrobiologii (zaveduyushchiy- prof. S.S.Dyachenko)
Kiyevskog,o meditsinskogo InstLtuta.
Reaction of mice ot, matter which possesses a strong umpleasant, odor.
Trudy Inst. zool. AN IJPSW 6, 1951.
~,9 tt. 77 '7 00
1144). 0-461) SOV/181-1-9-18/31
AUTHORS: Gashka, I. I., Pozhela. Yu. K.
TITLE: Measurement of Electrical Parameters of a Semiconductorby
Means of the shf-Tachnique
PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tela, 1951), Vol 1, Nr 9, pp 1431 - 1433 (USSR)
ABSTRACTI The authors determined lifetime, sign and mobility of the
minority carriers in germanium by means of an apparatus
devised specially for this purpose, and whose block diagram
is shown in figure 1. Squire voltage pulses are fed into the
sample by means of a pulse generator, triggered by a
synchronizing block with acertain time delay with respect
to the scanning triggering of the oscilloscope. Prom one of
the sample contacts, which are situated inside the waveguide,
there proceeds the injection and drift of the minority
carriers within the sample volume. As a consequence thereof,
the amount of conductivity changes in that part of the probe
which --'s situated directly in the waveguide. After the pulse
injection stops, conductivity goes back to its original value
.at a rate which is dependent on the mean life of the introduced
Card 1/2 carrier. The change in the attenuation of the electromagnetic V"'.
Measurement of Electrical Parameters of a Semiconductor SOV/181-1-9-18/31
by Means of the shf-Technique
wave in the waveguide occurring in this connection is
recorded by a special indicator. Figure 2 shows a typical
oscillogram of the relaxat:~on process taking place in ger-
manium. The carrier lifetime can be determined from the con-
ductivity drop. The advante.ges of this method are discussed
in detail. The method allois the injection of nonequilibrium
carriers not only by means of an injection contact but also
by light (light Drobe). Light pulse investigations of the
relaxation of photoresi8tivity were carried out on single
germanium crystals, PbS films and polycrystalline PbS disks.
Next, the authors describe the determination method of sign
and drift rate of the carxier. Finallyp the authors thank
A. I. Vebre for his assistance. There are 2 figures and
1 reference.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki i matematiki AN Litovskoy SSR (Institute of
Physics and Mathematics of the Litovskaya SSH). Villnyusskiy
gosudarstvennyy universitet im, V Kaps unansa (~.'i_lna_Sta-te__
Lversity n~eni 1.
__L_ __.Kapsunans)
SUBMITTED-. March 16, 1959
Card 2/2
US HKAJ 1. 1.[Gaska, Ij
Studying relaxational procenses in a polycrhatalline cadaium sulfide
with the help of ultra high frequency techniques. Liet ak darbai
no.3:133-240 161.
1. VilInyusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V. Kapsukasa.
~, ~ ~-,I-
1 o
0 ,
agi o
A Tigure 1 Photosehdit~Aty,~Of pol ~crys tat fUl a CdS As a function'.of the intensity
of :illumfnav%on*,.
I-;, d. t~ta~dasutements; e~ ~4,
Imasu mell tss-,---
3/5~ J
L 30077-6
-.7-T t polyor
yetall &S-a A a--f -fc ihtetiai
:of illulAnationo-
ibeasurements, magnttv~ oUlnit'i
k' illuiaination is:
I- Li -1.0' 2-'L =0 1"3-
2 L -,0-. 06; micro*i
3 ve weasuremenbs, the magnitude ofJnttUl:--
umi tion It,
All na
4;-,:. L'4,1. 05.6 L---O-. 5~-,L~0
7, 1`
T, j
"Hydraulic test of a laminated plate with liquid-phase recirculation."
report submitted for 2nd All-Union Conf on Heat & Mass Transfer, Minsk, 4-12
may 1964.
Krasnodarskiy List of Food Ind.
ACC NR, A-16-018953 --S-0-U--RC--E--C-0-D-L~:--U-R-/0-32-2/66/ooo/ool/0164/0169*
AUTHOR: Slobodyanik, I. P.; Gashkovich, V. B.
'ORG: Krasnodar Polytechnic Institute (Krasnodarskiy politekhnichoskiy institut)
TITLE: Investigation of mass exchange on a layered plate with liquid phase
:50TURCE; IV'UZ. Fishchevaya toohnologiya, no. 1, 1966, t64-t6q
i 1
~TUPIC TAGS: fractional distillation, liquid air fractionata, heat transfer
!'ABSUZACT: The efficiency of a distillation plate previously described by the authors
ums determined for desorbing oxygen from water and fractionating methanol-water
;Mixtures. The column arrangement shown in the figure (see Fig. 3) was used for the
C rd 1 /3 UDCs 66.048-375.021.
:I~ACC NRt A%018953
ACC NR; Ar6oi8953
Vapors from the steam coil heated still I are admitted to the column through outlet 3.
iTho column, made up of flanged cylinders 8. contains three plates 5 (250 F-4 in diamete
';300 c-,n apart, inclined 180), overflow pipes 6 and connecting pipe 2 to the still, and
.manometer 7- Vapors proceed through cylinder 11 to reflux condenser 12, provided with
iseparator 10 for returning distillate to the still and to roflux through water seal 4
past the electric heater 9 to the top of the column. Uncondensed vapors from reflux
condenser 12 pass to condenser 13 (both inclined about i20 to the horizontal). 71he
condenser is open to the atmosphere. Condensed water goes from the main line through
:a RS-7 type rotometer 14 to collector 15 and on to the sewer. The 3K--6 centrifugal
;yamp 16 is used for pumping cooling water to the fractionating column and condenser.
[Plate efficiency of 80-85P was attained -with vapor velocities of about 2 M/sac through
the col=rin. The stability of the high values for plate efficiency and m ass transfer
I coefficients indicates that this plate construction, which offers minimum hydraulic
resistance, is suitable for fractionating gas-liquid systems, especially where the
thermal instability of the materials usually requires vacuum fractionation. Orige art
Ihas- 5 figures and 6 equations.
SUB CODz-: 13/ SUBIX DATE; 19Feb65/ CRIG REF. 008/ OTH FU: 001
Card 3 3.
a it U 1) W 21 It T
-A- A k y 1 0 011ba Id b )at 45 X 1) 13 )d is IT
Aj I I
;4 1, .,p
00j, and Kikolsey A 0 (9&U aced act U.S.S.R. (DIV toch-4ci) 1�43# 9/10
69 This method nAy boused for
--69j J Inst Petrol 1945, 31, 127A).
gasoline with & F.H.P. up to 200 C. 2gm sampl*s are u
80j- 6ne%hich
on accuracy of 0.01% Is claimod,.the time taken being 20
00 The apparatus a sketab of which to given sconsists or a flaski,
-being fitted
:oombustion Chanher, and absorption vessel, the Aolo
together with ground glass jointil. A auction pump to used to dle
drow'-producto of sombustion through the absorption Yessoij and :1,90
soon -pressure, PMp to regulete -the flame. 1he method consists
in weighing gasoline Into the flask, wbore It Is evaporated by coo
bubbling a strom of dr through kW x4ens of the soction pumpt
varaing if necessary. The resulting vapours are burnt In a jot
in. the combustion chamber, Use combustion products are absorbed, a nd
Wei t
he sulphur dioxide produced Is determined by titration. A
table coaparing resulte obtained bF this method with those obtained
by the normal leap motod shows that very jpcd agr9ment is obtained. ;;
pill a., cat
.0-0: 10
cIu aAV -0 is, It It A *10 n
0 IV it 10 411 It it It It`
Z: 0 0 0 0 A 0-0 0 0 Is Is 0000 a a41*01
Device for notching specimens. Sbor.rata. prea,vnedr.v,proizvo
rlo*5:58 160. (MIRA 14:8)
meta3lurgicheskiy zavod.
.(Testing laboratories--Equipment and supplies)
6 ~p - - . . --. I .;~
LmlnwNlxot YU.A.
~%trm-, d3stribution LTi Vne crT,,t;-trt art-a c,.f a vicI cylj.r,-4cr .
and a flexxItkIf-, support. PvUkl. ZFlkll. 11. no.9--131-.01 165.
- r
L 29814-66 EWT(d)/EWT(m)/EWP(W)/EWP,k'v)IEWP(k) IJP(c) iVW/EM
ACC NRt AP60W16 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0198A6/oo2/004/0032/0038
AWHORS: Binkevich, Ye. N. (Dnepropetrovsk); Gashko, A. L~ (DnepropetrovBk); Manza
V. P. Onopro otrovsk)
ORG: _Dnepropetrovsk State University (Dneprope-trovskiy gosudarstvennyy univerflitet)
TITM : Calculation of rib reinforcing on a cylindrical shell loaded Vith radial
SOURCE. Prikladnaya mokhanikap v. 2, no. 4, 1966t 32-38
TOPIC TAGS: cylindric- shell structuro,, stress analysis, reinforced shell struc-
turo, numoric analysis
ABSTRACT: A stress analysis is made for a smooth circular cylinder reinforced by
massive, variable cross section ribs. Only longitudinal (TO) and tangential (60)
stresses are assumed to act at the cross suction of the Joint in the cylinder*
These are expressed by
TO(p) t.0 col M. S*(P)=. s0vinkO.-
For a small rib thickness (relative to its radius) the complete set of equations
is obtaintid
L 29814-66
ACC NRz AP6014216
dNw Q dMIN
V+Q,-SGR=O; V-RQW -0;
dvits WW =2 R iv... + moo
dA do%
To a first approximation, the rib is assumed to be absolutely stiff and the shell
is assumed to be a beam of circular crosa section. The peak value of the stress
in the rib-cylinder joint is calculated from the potential energy minimLim of the
rib-cylinder system, This yields the value
(11) T. P, A2011"t)
bl(:") + bl'"') b'1111%'(11) - (b'2(')21
ON +)II* b'I'(I)bII(I) - WHO)?
3 2
ek'(11)TU2 4104
The effect of roinforoement is calculated on the distribution of internal stresses
L 29814-66
ACC NRt AP6014216
in the rib (when the radial load in applied at the cylinder onda) in the form of a
stepped reinforcement of angle 2 Jr < 11324P). Numerical results are obtained on
the "Ural -l" ET9VM computer and agree well with experimental data, Origo' art. bass
IS equations and 3 figures..
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 05.Tul65/ ORIG REFs 005
KAVERZNEVA, Ye.D.; GASHKO, G.P. (Hashko, H.P.)
Study of the carbohydrate composition of a fraction of coruloplaamin.
lUkr. biakhim. zhur. 35 no.,4:507-513 163. (MU 17M)
1. Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciencos of
the U.S.S.R.2 Moscow.
in 3 hko
of two
zhii--. 37 no.-":231.-'~38 165. (Mi"HA 18:6)
Tnstit-it nilkr,-%ldolzgj i i
GASHKOITTA. A-K-. inzh.; SMIRNOT, S.M., kai4.tokhn.u%ak
Automatic control of drying E~rstems for drying match boxes
and sticks. Der.prom. 9 n0,-5:3-5 Mr 16o.
(MIRA 13:7)
(Match industry) (Automatic control)
(Drying ~jparatus)
V'-A--FKC)7A, A.K., Irvh.; PUMOV, A.K., inzh.
li teri nj Pica tir, ri of the dryIng of mtchvc;od. )4
no.1.119-1j) 11 165. (P",;, Ril 1 e - a -( )
1. Vsi~squzVy naudmo-Issledovatollskly lns~-Ltut ~inrevcolamilt-atv-
vnrushahey prark7shlennosti,
"Plants Response to Sharp Variatl,on of TeuVratures,!' Dok. AN, 24, No. 5, 1939.
Chair of Botany; Arzamas Pedagog'Laol Inst* ..I
Practical manual for study of general botany; a textbook for teachers colleges
Moskva, uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo, 1.951. USSR (600) Science.
._.. I -
How ve provide practical training in the study of natural history.
Politekh. obuch. no.3:59-65 Mr 158. (Km 11:0
1. KaluzhskiY Pedagogichoskiy institut.
(Agri culture -Study and teaching)
VASILIYEVA, N.P. (Moskva); GASHKOVETS,.:[, (Fraga)
Determination of the optinnim pArAM ters of certain types of
magnetic logic elements. Avtom.i telem. 22 no.7:919-933 Tl 161.
(KIRA 14:6)
(Magnetic memory (Calculating machines))
(Gores (Eleatricity))
Conditions ot tbe-pmoiwrealization of sequential functions using
different sets of real logical'slements vith consideration of delay.
Avtom. i telem. 26 no.9tl578-.1591 S 165.
(MIRA M10)
ACC NR: AP70U6ho ~L*Aj v) SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/023/ol86/0187
INVENTOR: Vasillyeva, H, P.; Gashkovets, Ir,.,.hi
ORG: None
TITLE: An inverter. Cldss*42, No. 134482
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, toyarnyye znaki, no. 23,,1966,
TOPIC TAGS: computer component, logic circuit, hysteresis loop, pulse inverter
ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. An inverter based on a single
.core with rectangular hysteresis loop having input and working windings and a series
connected load. The logical functions of the device are expanded by magnetic rever-
;sal in the core during the control half-cycle using the energy in the working circuit.~:
'The voltage source is connected to the working winding through a diode. An auxiliary
voltage source which maintains the diode in the conductive state is connected to this
.winding through a resistor. 2. A modification of this inverter which gives the sum,
.of part of the input signals and inverts the product of the sums of the remaining
part of the input signals. A logic circuit which forms the sum of part of the input
signals is connected to one end of the input winding and a logic circuit which forms
,the-oroduct of the sums of the remaining part of the input signals is connected to the,-
Other end.
SUB CODE: 09/ SUM, DATE: O9Dec56
Card ;L1_---
ACCESSION NR: AP4024685 5/0103/64/025/002/0239/0249
AUTHOR: Vasiloyeva., N. P. (Moscow) 3 _0"hkovets L.S. (Prague)
TITLE: NlAgnetic logical elements with m%tuaUv -7.,xcluding flux reversals of
cores (inverters)
SOURCE: Avtomatika i teletnekhanika. Y. 25, no. 2, 1964, 239-Z49
TOPIC TAGS: automatic control, logicid element. magnetic logical element,
square loop logical element. logical inverter
ABSTRACT: A theoretical analysis of square-loop magnetic elements which
realize the logizal functions of inversion is presented. Flux reversals of the
controlling and controlled elements are nuitually excluded. Two circuits (see
Enclosure 1) are considered: (1) with &a additional resistor, Fig 1. and (2) with
decoupling by controlled diodes, Fig 2. F*rmulas are developed that connect the
magnetic -element paraumtere under meximum-gain (the number of controlled
Card 1/3
- YJ
elements per one comtrolling) and maximum-output -power conditions or under
heating -limit - imposed conditions. also, relations necessary to ensure the
stability of characteristics are observed. The core saturation state and the flux
reversal state are analyzed in detail. Orig. art. has: 10 figures and
52 formulas.
Card .213
DATE ACQ: l5Apr64
NO REir SOY: 003
ENCL: 01
OTHM: 000
. . ...... ... .. ...
Fig I Fig 2
Magnetic square-loop logical inverters
Card 3/3 0
VASILIYEEVA, N.P. (Moskva); GAsHKovETS, I.S. (Haskovec, J.] (Praga)
Simple6t sequential elements (trijidra) and realization of
the a4mory portion of sequential functions using those
elements. Avtom. i telem. 25 no. 6vlO04-1014 Je 164.
(MIRA 1717)
L 783o-66 EWT(d)/EiIP(v)/ErNP(i-)/E'~VPI:h),/EiVP(l)
ACC NR: AP5023117 SOURCE GODE; UR/0103/65/026/009/157811591
AUTHOR: -Vasillyeva, N. P. (Moscow, Prague); qashkovets. 1. (Mosco*w, Prague)
ORG: none
TITLE: Conditions for exact realization of sequential functions by means of
various sets of real logical elements having delays
SOURCE: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, v. 26, no. 9, 19 65, 157.8 -1591
TOPIC TAGS: automatic control, automatic control design, automatic control
system, automatic control theory
ABSTJCT: Based on S. H. Unger's (ME Trans., CT-6, no. 1, Mar 1959) and
G Moisills works, a method is suggested for analyzing sequential circuits
consisting of logical elements with puro and inertial delays and having signals of
any duration; recurrent equations and delay matrices are used in the method. The
Card 1/2 UDC: 681.142.67
\L 7830-66
AbC NR: AP5023117
analysis permits det6cting, "conditionally stable" states of a sequential circuit
consisting of pure-delay ele"ments; these states may prove stable or unstable
~depending on the sequence of input signals. To realize the sequential functions by
means of logical elerneints according to a certain ideal structure, the use of a
delay equalization method is.recommended. This method permits determining
(a) values and points of application of a xrdnimum number of delays required for
the equalization and (b) ma--dmum permiesible repetition kate of input signals.
The method, illustrated by several variants of a universal trigger constructed
.with various sets of logical elements, is clafimed to have a practical importance
,for synchronous systems. Orlig. art. has: ;16 figures and 33 formulas.
SUB CODE-' 13 05? SUBM DATE: 03se])64 .1 ORIG REF: 00 1 OTH REF: 003
AUTHORS: Asnovich, E. Z., Gashnikov, E. G., Petrashko, A. 1.
TITLE: Organosilicon polymers
PERIODICAL; Reflerativnyy zl=rnal. Khimiya, no. 20, 1962, 500, abstract
20P49 (Vestn. tekhn.*i ekon. inform. N.-i. in-t tekhn-ekon,
issled. Gos. kom-ta Sov. Min.SSSR po *himii, 1961, noe-12,.
28 - 36)
TEXT: Particular structural points, physicochemical properties and fields
of application for organosilicon polymers (resins, varnishes, heat-resist-
ant' enamels, liquids and rubbers) are discusised. 13 references.
~Abstracterls note: Complete translation.!
Card 1/1
I Adoption of advanced practices in tire plants. KauchJ rez.
21 no.3:58 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:4)
(Tires, Rubber)
';~,7,7, UTI i
AM'FORI Petrpjh~-(-,, Y 7. K. A.; Zhdano- A
Gashrilkova, A. LN, J~1111ibkr)v u. Do t-vinulr~~
OPG I All-U-.1or ;-,t. V. 1. Urjn (Vz';33U-"Uzrz.'-Y dlelktro-
of sciances
..-niAltiAe of - -1- , "=1
T= - -
A-nlf rjauk-
TITLE I Study of tho conversions of in the courre of thormal poly-
condmnantion and catskly-tic pole morl ?-.a Lion
SOURCE I AN SSSR, Rv. Sor kh1m, no. If, Y)',", 1i45-11-574
ITOPIC TAC33i catnlyttlz pol3nnorizAtlon, polycondonsa".-Ion, siloxiane
-UGTWXTt (:hviggtis in cevUln proporties of polyorgAnoailoxanas vero follovid durlm.
their syrt.h-.sis from. organosiloxann o11gcmor!3 of varloui compoz;itions. !R spoatroaccp-i.
AC 'angly'lla confli-T11--l"I tile itructurql d1ffarrn;,,.os in tho ollgo-mars obta.lnel:l by double 1:
dorompos"tion and hydrolytic polycondeniation. In 'k-Jin process of them, &1 anrl cattlytid
conversions, thaso eAffarencea disappeRr, and tho polymors hav-~ a sirdlar structure,
Independantly of the method by which'the oi-Iginal oligomors voro prepared, It Is pos-
'Jitlatnrl that thormr-1 polycondensAtion Involvon the formation of oxygon bridgan between
the molecular c`hA1-n!3 an a result of condenaiation of hydroxyl groups, 1Rnd tv-drooarbon
:bridges in a result of oxidation of methyl. groupa of neighboring molecular chainal th
L'a-Ld_-1/2 -- -- U.W I --546,.M7t~42-97t542--952t543.422
ACC NA- AP6025396
relatIve Importanqo of these two processes is determinod by, tho coniposition &nd stru
ture of the oligomors. Compared to thermal polycondensation, c4talytia pol~,morization~
leads to the formation of polymers having a higher Class-transition teizparature and &
wider temperature range of the highly elastic stAte; this Is duo to a greater flexihill
ity and mobility of the chains of their molecntles owing to the opening of the cyclic
3inks in the oligomAr molecUes. Qrig. art. hast 5 figures and 3 tables.
SUB CODE! 07/ SUBM DATS9 14Nb64/ MIG RMN 0051 orH Rut 003
B004 3066
AUTHORSa Andrianov, K. A., Gashnikova, No P.. Asnovich E. Z.
TITLEs Investigation of the Infrared Absorption Spectra of Poly-
aluminum Organo8iloxanes#Jand Polytitanium Organosiloxanes
PERIODICAL3 Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh
nauk, 1960, No- 5, PP- 857-862
TEXT; After a short survey of the data in publications dealing with
the infrared spectra of various organic and inorganic silicon and
aluminum compounds (Refs. 1-13) the authors report on their own investi-
gations. The vibration spectra of the following compounds were investi-
gatedi 1) tris-(trimethyl-ailoxy)-aluniinum Al[OSi(CH 3)313' melting point
980-1000C, soluble in benzene, tolueno and C01 4' prepared according to
Ref. 14; 2) tris-(triethyl-eiloxy)-aliiminum, melting point 3270C,
solubility like 1). prepared like 1); 3) tetrakis-(triethyl-ailoxy)-
titanium Ti [OS'(C22H5)314)0 data in Ref. 14; 4) Polymethyl siloxane
Card 1/4
Investigation of the Infrared Absorption SpecTra S/062V6o/000/05/0d/0--,,3
of Polyaluminum Organosiloxanes and Poly- B004/Bo66
titanium Organosiloxanes
(CH3Sio 1-5 )n 0 prepared according to Ref. 15 by hydrolyeis of mothyl tri-
chloro silane; 5) polyethyl siloxane (C2 H5Sio 1-5)n g prepared'like 4);
6) polyphenyl ailoxane (C65"01-5)n' prepared according to Ref. 16 by,
hydrolysis of phenyl trichloro silane; 7) polyaluminum-mothyl eiloxane'
synthesized by reaction of me thyl-sodium-oxy-dihydroxy-silane vith*A101 31
ratio of Si t Al - 1 t 4; 8) polyaluminum-ethyl siloxane, obtaLne.d
according to Ref. 16j ratio of Si s Al - 1 3 4.75, average molecular -
weight 409000; 9) polyaluminum-phenyl eiloxane (Ref. 16), Si . Al 1 4,
average molecular weight 7,230; 10) polytitanium-methyl siloxane (Ref. 10,
Si s Ti = 1 3 3-8; 11) polytitanium-ethyl loxane (Ref. 15),
Si : Ti - 1 3 4, average molecular weight ;1'300; 12) polytitanium-phenyl
siloxane (Ref. 15), Si a Ti - 1 1 4, average molecular weight 1,500. The
infrared absorption spectra were photorecorded on an V~C_11AIKS-11)
spectrometer. An MKP-1 'k %(IKR-1) pin was used as radiation source. The
frequencies of the-absorption bands observable in the range 1200-600 CM-1
are presented in a table, the spectra are shown in the diagrans of
Card 2/4
Investigation of the Infrared Absorption Spectra S/06?/60/000/05/04,/008
of Polyaluminum Organosiloxanes and Po:Ly-- B004/BO66
titanium Organosiloxanes
Figs. 1-3. Fig. 4 shows the dependence of the absorption on the Si/Al
ratio for compounds 8 and 9. The frequoncies characteristic of flir,
vibration of the Al-0 bond in the group A!-O.-Si of the compounds 7,8,9
are In the range 1080-1050 cm7 . The frequencies characteri3tiC of the
vibration of the Ti--O bond in the group Ti-O-SJ. of the compounds 10, 11 0 12
lie in the range 922-914 cm The compounds investigated have a lineaT-
cyclic strucAuxe of the principal chain of the molecule, in which pro-
valent,ly te-trameric siloxane- and organometallic siloxane rings are com-
bined with one another by oxygen atoms. The compounds 1,2, and 3 were
synthesized by A. A. Kazakova. There are 4 figures, 1 tableg and
20 referencesi 7 Soviet, 1 British, I Swiss, and 11 American.
AAOCIATIONx Institut elementoorganiche-skikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk-
SSSR (Institute of Elementalorganie Compounds of the
Academy of Sciences, TJSSR).Vaesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheskiy
institut im. V. I. L~_~na (All-Union Institute of Electrical
Engineering imeni V. 1. LeninT
Card 3/4
Investigp-tion of the Infrnred Absorption Spectra
of Polyaluminum Organosiloxanea and Poly-
titanium Organosiloxanes
SUBMITTEDi November 10, 1958 (initi"llY) and
February 2f 1960 (after revision)
s/o62/60/000/05/04/0!-%. -.~
Csra 4/4
L 69696.,45
were prepared by condensaitionmoU Iph~sphiiiiic acid with n-tetrabutyl
titanate, followed-by hydrolysii-.- Vsimila~ity in the spectra of the polymers
was regar~ttothepositions ,and ntmber of bands in the region of.
'stretching and bending vibrations,of-the ",H " and CH roups and stretching
C 2 3 9
vibrations of the i~uO and:P-0 grdups, and also in the 400-100 cm region,-in
which for all polymers oXtly -tw bands, 6 And 450-500 cm were observed
0 7 0 in.
contrast to biddimethylpttoophbnyldibutox~titdnium
which in this region has threes
bands, 760 cm-1, and-456-500!cm-:l). The similarity in the,spectra.
t Indicates a similarity 41t moleculaxcha~ns.forming the polymers
A. lowering
of the stretchi~ig.vibrati.on~frequen6y-of NO "wan-observed in the spectra-of bis_4
:dimethylphosphonyldibutoiLytitanium.and polybisdimethylphosphonyltitanoxaties*,,it
is aitributed~-to.the"iriti.,amoiecuiar interaefton of P-O with the titanium atom
as: f ollows:'--
(CHS)~ P
1. 7-7-17.
Synthesis ofol,tA)-disodiuml~ydroxymethylphenylsiloxanes and
oxanes. Izv. AN SSSR. Neorg. mat. 1 no.9:1441-1U,6 S 165.
(MIRA 18:11)
1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii imeni
GORDON, M.D., kanlidat tekhaicheskikh nauk-, **GAAUIXOVAI'~T,"..-t-.T"Mhoner.
gethods for more efficient freight transport on the Tashkent railroad.
Trudy TASHIIT no.6:109-123 '56. (KLU 9: 11)
L 136lo-66
7ZCC Ni,
13OURCE CODE: UP/~2~/65/ooo/02_4/0152/0152
INVENTOR: Gashpar, E. M.; Kulikovskiy, L. F.; Zaripov, M. F.; Brovk1n, L. A.
ORG: none
TITLE: Multiple-tul~ contactless a-c potentiometeAlass 74, No. 177302
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 24, 1965, 152
TOPIC TAGS: potentiometer, ac potentiometer, contactless potentiometer
ABSTRACT: The Author Certificate introduces a multiple-turn contactless a-c potenti-
ometer containing fixed and moving magnetic circuits with a tuo-section measuring
winding and excitation windings (see FIg. 1). To increase the linearity of ito-static
Fig. 1. Contactless a-c potentiometer
-1 - Fixed magnetic circuit; 2 - excitation
winding; 3 - measuring winding; h - fixed
magnetic circuit; 5 - moving circular magnetic
L 1361o-66
ACC NRt AP6002976
characteristics, to reduce the weight of the moving parts, and to improve its protect-
ion against the action of external magnetic fields, the two-section measuring winding
is made in the foxTi of a current conducting spring differentially wound on the fixed
magnetic circuit; the moving magnetic-ci:rcuit is made in the form of a'to which
the joined terminals of the measuring grinding are attached. Orig. art. hast. 1 figure
BM CODE: 091 SUBM DATE: 17Feb64/ Am PRms: ZI(
BORAMISA T. , inzh. (Veng4rskaYa Narodnaya Respublika); WHLA9x__L_s_
tGaspar, L.], inzh. (Vengergkaya Marodnaya Resp-Mlika)
-'Evaluating the carrying capacity of pavements by the measurement
of their flexures. Avt.dor. 25 no.8:28-30 Ag 162.
(MIPA 16 -.2)
Hungary/lPhysiology of Plants. Mineral Nutrition 1-2
Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 2, 1958, 5640
Author L._Ga--.hpar
Inst -Agricul~~ua~'l Institute Academy of Scienes of
Title Absoij)tion of Phosphorus by Shoots of Wheat
Orirr Pub Agroicem es talaj., 1956, 5, No 2, 213-220
Abstract In Neybauer experiments conducted at the A.-ricul-
tural institute of the Acadeu of Sciences of Hun-
gary -Uhe harmful effect of P3 when applied to
shoots of winter wheat planted in-sandy and other
soils has been established. Germination was low-
ered by 20 to 255,66, and the dry weight of the sandy
crops droppdd by more than half. The plants of the*
sandy crops utilized 20,10 of the phosphorus, while-
those of other soil crops-11% of the phosphorus
Card 1/1
GASHPAR, L., inzh.
Overall stabilization of tipmds with dilute bftwaan and lime,
Avt, dor, 26 no*5:28-29 YO, 163. MRA 16:7)
(Boil stabilization)
ACCESSION NR: AT4041496 S/2910/63/003/01-/0041/0045
AUTHOR.- GaBhpaT, R.
TITLE: The universal atomic potential
SOURCE; AN LitSSR. lAtovBkiy fiziches1dy sbornik, v. 3, no. 1-2, 1963, 41-46
TOPIC TAGS: atomic potential, universal atomic potential, Thomas Fermi equation,
nuclear charge, Schroedinger equation, cuprous ion, Hartree Fock method, electron
ABSTRACT: Thiq article is a short exposition of tWauthorls theory of universal atomic
potential, described fdlly in various issues of Acta. Phys. Hung. from 1952 - 1960. The
universal potential has all the properties of a potential field as obtained by the method of
self-consistent fields with exchange and can be obtained for every atom by a scale trans-
formation- The solution of the Thomas-Fermi equation for a neutral atom in independent
ofthe atornic number. An exponential function of the form e- 'A ox gives a good.approxi-.
1 +AoX
mation for the effective charge of the nucleus as obtained from a Belf-consiBtent field.A
one-particle Schroedinger equation can be written using this expression in the potential
Card 1/3.
energy term. The apptoximation d'eteriorates for electrons which are further away from
the nucleus. The potential can be made Tnore exact by taking into account the exchange
energy of the electron, using the Thomas - Fermi theory. The complete potential can
then be written as
+ ze C,
r I +Ax -+A _X
where x andju 0. 8853 ao/ Z An example using the Cu+ Ion shows that this
potential agrees better with the Hartree - Fock method at larger distance's froni the nu-
cleus. For valence electrons and excited electrons, additional corrections are required.
From other examples, considered in the authors previous works, it is concluded that
the differences (for Inner electrons) In the wave functions determined numerically from
those determined by the analytical variational method are mainly due to the unsatisfactory
choice of the variational iunctions and not to potential approximations. Orig. Axt. has;
2 figures and 13 equations.,
Card-` 2/3
ASSOCLkTION: Institut teoreticheskoy fiziki, Universitet im. Layoshm Kashuta, Debrecen,
Hungary (Institute of Theoretical Physics,'Kossutli L~oa University)
SUBMrrTED: 00 ENCL: 00
Ca rd 3/3