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GASAXO7A. D. I.; ISHMOVA. R.A.-,..DADASHKVA. T.D. Oil field y1old in.vater and as represearing In relation to the-oil.conteut.'of the field in A2orbaijani with eummary in RUBSUnli-.1m, Alf Azerb. SSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh. I khim. nauk no.l: 61-11. '59- (MIRL 12:6) (Seoonaary rooovery of oil) USAFOUP D.I.; ISMAYLJDVA, R.A. Effect of physical properties of crude oil and petr* le" products on thqir flow. Izv.AN Azerb.SSR. Ser.geol"-geog nauk i nefti no.5:103-107 161. i~zl (oil sands-Permeability) GASANOVA, D.M.) GUS81110Mt AoA. Results of an Lnterdspartmehtal conference on problems of electroahemical stabilization of silty foundation *be-ds for marine hydraitlic structures. Oon., fund. i makh. gTm. 6 no.3t3O-31 164 VNIPA 17--7) 9:7-1- . ? SADYK' DF, S.I.; MMEDOV, Mageraw GAS-AT40VA, F.A. j ".11-1- 721 r__-Ww WITI~~ S _kcussioi, m: AP4022012, /0249/63/019/012/0025/0031 AUTHORS: Sady*kh-Zade.1 Sultanov R" A* TITLE: The incorooration'of h . ydrosilicones into glycidolzLllyl aster and some V duets S transformations of the obtainedadditional pro . (Pro * ented by Academician A. M. Kuliyov of the Azerbaydzhan AcadenV of 5-ciencesY.. SOURCE: AN AzarbSSR* Dokladyw, v. 19,' no. 12p 196~j 25-31 1) ~e]Ly TOPIC TkGS*. epoxides., qpoxv derivative, glycidd oidol'allyl aster,,.silane hydrosilicono, alklysilicono, triallwisilano, ako.-~ysi I ano" catalyst,. chloropla- tinic acid,, organosilicon cougound, alkene ABSTRACT: A method presented here DerW,,s the synthesis of" silloixane a-by catalytic incor~po::-ation of silanes and disila~es into glycidoiwklyl. aster ~_: It'.was shadn that trialkylsilanos$ alkoxysilanes.,and disilanes of the F1R'RSi0SiRR'15_ type are readily Iinkod to gly-cidQlaiiyl edtar at atmospheric presst=e In t hie'presence of chloroplat tihie acid, according t o the reactioa 0 RR2. IH+.CH,.C Cc-cc! AccEwla,i NR: AP4022012 0 -"--RR;S!CH'CHjCH, C C 0 Hz Hf!~~H where R-CH,.. =R'~C,Fis,-OC,H' Eleven new organo,si .licon coniq)ounds.were gynt hesized.;. vie process .16: exec-~P-I- ied by the technique of garama-gl,,rcidol-oxypropyltriethylsilane flask provided with a roflux conden-ser.and at herrrom e tor V&jc' idea 23,'.. -eft-of freshly distillcd glycidolaUyl estdr. Ta a flask was -. ti-,en - heated and :UI to it were aaded 3 drops of a 0.1 normal solutioh of chl,,rOD tinid acid- isopropyl alcohol, followed by gradual admixture of 21.6 gm. -of :tAeth~yis !lane. ,When 6 ml of (C2H5)2Si.H were added, the temperature r 'ose spontaneously -td.130C. After the non-reabted components were removed by vacuum distillation, 16.4 gm of the desired compound were produced. Boiling point of this co n-pound was 120-121C. .Car~h ACCESSIOU.NR: AP4022012 It was established that the trialkylsilanes were linked to the glyc---dolal3.yl ester according to Famer' s law, Orig. a~t. 13 Cormaas and 1 table. A13SOCIATION: INKh? imo Tu. 0. 11=bdaliyeva (IYKhP) WE ACQ; 0 ENM: 00 SJBMMED i Wov�3 8Apr64 SUB CODE: -CH .1110 Ru -sov: oo6 OTAER: 000 3/3 -Cord j L !�?32- i FWG(J)IEWT(w~ /$OF (r-)/EPR/i1O Q)/T~,UP (t)/EWP (b) Pc-VPr V IF 1JP(c RM/JD X VOESSION' MR:- "4049802 S/0316/64/000/004/0047/0053 MOR: Gasanova, F. A.; Siiltiia6ir, R* Sady~ khzado, S.I. Tat"z- SOithesis of siL'con-c~ln~tibbi-chlarohydrins lid their oxides 43 SC- LiRCE: - jI%zerbaydzhansk1y kii"itchesidy zhurnal, no.:4, 1964, 47-53 TOVIC '7AGS: silicon chlorol4drIft, ailko ky!~ride, sillane, silicon chlorohydrin oxide 7ws is a ContinUittiOn of previous wor by the same authors on methods of S."IthesiAuk silloo-olefin oxjdis.~-Ifttwaz found that silicon hydrides and dihydrides, In the I:*..'.-',cnc - o(P D catalysts 5i4adily react with 3-aqyloxy-l-chloropropanol-2 and t.'yuldal,yl ether forming the c4)rieq)dndJng,sWcon-conlaining chlorohydrins and their ox- .-%13. BY verifying the structw7e ~~of these compounds with the aid of the opposits synthetic z1vtic, . it -was proven that siliqt:)n hydrides under the above conditions become bonded to -a,l,lyl(...V-,-I-chloropx-gpanol-2. iWd to the glycidaDyl ether only at the C-C double bond, acecirdmg to Fa or's rule.- llhii best yields of dlico-organic oxides are obtained by directly compounding silicon k(O.J.des, with glycidallyl other rather than with 3-allyto)W-1- chloropropanol-2 with -subsequen!6 dehydrochlorination. : Ile following compounds were synihesized: sym-di-(gamma-'Arcidoxypropy4-dimetbj?kUethyldisiloxane; Card 1/2 17- A 4 L AOVS -0YU1.6119.13469! ~W& CO&LUgm a SOURCH: AW. Axerbssits ~Doklay, v. 20.- no* 6, 1'964, 25-27 TOPIC.ITAGSI' --siliconeo~ silane, organosilicon--compodnd AB S TRA,CT t A study of them synthesis of organoii ULcon- monomers -.contain- 4.'*~~"J. in~ elpoxy, g1roups, in organil: substituents on silicon has been contin- 9 ued The f4asLbility was shown of synthesizing I(epoxyamino)organo silaniss, by jid I o -alk,Fj alkoxy) of lanes - to a Ikeny lopoxy amines -In d ti n of the. p,resencis of chloroplat:W.ic~ acid. Twelve [(epoxyanino)organolsil- anes mere pirepared in 18 _5'4*9Z_yieldsg,their physical constants..are I -polys tabutited Ili the original Ai-.Ucle. Host of the new compounds arize on stiinding, Their polymerLzation.propisrties will be-described In a geparaite paper&- Addttion-6t 1.3--~diethyl-l#3-dinathyldtsiloxane. lo di'mi-I'llyleippxTemind in thle"p-res4dee of - C'hlot;toplttinLc 'acid 'formed Un ~quantl tativa yield a viscouc oil pot~msr uhith sets on stahdinji lye-, Cdrd 1)2 LON:N AP40450516 1 : H Sf the averagli i~moleculmir weL jci ght- AvI780, OrLSo"art J ,7 5 $3 2 'has 11 Ile ~atid 10 formulas, , ' - t-- io kikh kht h lli I Lt f ti AT -- v rdttts L -no s - - e i IO as t u ASSOCI so p: ~Tettoo.16micil Proo 6-sold bil -PRRS$t 3106 A ru n SUBMIl . . I'd .4fir SUB Cobu Itic Sov a P. T11 ot iY tv - Ca rd22, t:-:'L MYTIAILOV, B,K.; EFB17DIYEV, Or-lh.; GASANOVA, G.A.; ALUM, Ei Z Z Azerbaijan copals.. '.Report No..2. , TrUdy Irs-t,k."m. Ali Azerbi SSIR 16:63-80. 15.7. (MI%% 12tq) (As:erbaijan-,Col4l) . . . .. b 1; 7A-~:7)A7,-'VA5(r.P)-2* RW/A' ,~,'CESSION HItt AP4046ZS8 S/0233/64/0001003/010710L.14 AMOR: Akhundov, T. A.; Abc %I laysv, G. B. fluarynov, G. V.i Mqkhti--. Aliyova, H. Kh.; ';useyloV4, E. S..' Gasanovi, 1. A. --Yev.- R--_F. . TITLE: SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Izveitiya. SorLya fizlko-tekhni~h*vktkb I matemdticheskikh nauk, no. 3, 1964. 107-11 4 A TOPIC TAGSi AGMLCOndugCof #inxls. 4rya.ta.l.' rj!Llllum -h*lcoA0nLd*,jndLum aclenide. thalliumVsalanide, clactcical property, thoto electric P rwi-i ' - --- - ty, optical property AaSTRAM Electrical, photoolect-tc. and optical pripartles of the following A"IBVI %ciniconductor a..iglo crystals hive been investigated: gallium sulfide, jel2nida, and tc:lurldo;)fLndium selenida; and thallium oulanide, Several useful propeit,s's were previously detected in those semiconductors. The temperature lepandance of electrical conductivity, Hall constant, Hall mobilityl ar.1, thermal amf were eatermined experL- mentally in p- and n- type TlSs sf.ngle crystals groun by horizontal or vertical zone melting. The Jil-.repancy between tiia experimental CGIrd 1 / 3 ACCESSION NRt.. AP4046255 nd theoretical value of the coefficient of thermal auf at low temporar- turen (below 160K) was axplatned an a phonon dra- effect, The cxperi-.. mantal temperature dapcnd-cnco:of the phonon compvneat of the Lhormal omf was found to be in good agreement with that calculated on the basia of the theory of the 0honon drag affect in semiconductors of tetragonal symmetry. The basic electronic parameters of TlSe were calculated from experimarLtal dat4. The spectral diatribvtioq-of photoconductivity an%' fumilamental optic4l abnovption wdril daterminoA at 300Y In all, five AIIII-VI ctystala. Lux-ampare chAr4ctertatico of intrinsic photoconductivity and its "slow" and "fast" components, aa .wall as the temperature 4apcndonce of-the "slow" photoconducicivity. decay, were data=inad U We and T19a cryotala. The parameters of trap~>ing levels for ol:octrons and holes veto calculated for both cryatal4. Considerable ;,hotoaenaLttvLty.vag detected in Gii9a cryStAlf;. in tha,/region of extrinsic dboorption (below 3v),,.owinato the prell- once of three impurity lovala." 111sh-loval pho.tosansitivity was do- tected in both low-ohmic and high-olh=ic aamplat of InSo. Light enia- slon in the yellow end rod ranges was 94*orvad in CA59 Wag tn5a, aad~ GaTe single crystals oxcited'vith alactrons At room tamp.arsture. The Card 2/3 15150-6,if ACCE39ION M AP4046250 cryGtala wara grown fron a malt:by the slow-cooling method. Origo art. hami 3 figure* a:nd 3 t4bles. ASSOCIATIONt none SUBFITTEDi 00 EHCLt 06 SUB CODZI NO PXII SOVt 007 OTHER: 003 Card 3/3 FILIPPOVA, Mariya Filippovna, kand.geol.-miner.nauk, AROHOVA, S.M.; AMMOVAD 14.Y.; GAIAKTIONOVA. 1I.M.- GASSAUCYA I.G.- GIK"LRVIGff, S.D., EVUSZY, 0 6 Z_ A.W H.S.; LYASHEIIKO, A.I.; I X.:_TATBYEV, N.A.; 30.KOWVA, L.I.; SO_WV1THVA, U.S.; K1111111. A.L., SHISHENINA, Te.P.; STRWDR, N.P.1 UKIROV, A.A., red., VEK2, V.V.. red.; DANOV, A.V., red.; DJUN- SHM, 11,, rid.; RAKSIHOV, S.P., red.; POZNYSH, H.A., red.~, BAIDOV, M.N., red.; SINIKIIATOVA, S.V., red.; TURKELITAUB, U.M., red.; ULIYAHOV, A.V., red. [dneeasod]; KHALTURIN, D.S., red.; UABAYEVA, Ye.A., red.; RAZINA, G.M., vedushchiy red., GN1111,01YINA, I-M,, tekhn. red. [bovonian deposits in the central provinces of the Russian Platform] Devonskie otlozheniII3 tsentrallnykh oblastat Rueskoi platformy. Pod red, H.F.Filippovoi. LeniN,~rad, Gos. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i g6rno-toplivnol lit-ry. 1958. 404 p. (MIRA 11:4) (Ruuuian PLatform.-Geologr, Stratigraphic) OASANOVA, K. A. GAbANOVA, K. A.: "Tae f=ctionai state of the muscies of the lower ex- tremities fo-ilowring amputation and foilo,~ang the use of prosthet- ics." Min Health USSR. Central Inst for the Advanced 'IYaining of Physicians. hoscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Cancttdate :Ln hle6ical Science) So: Knizhanava Letopis, No 17, '1956, * GkMOVA, K. A. ease o ailai7asu I a dinew. Azerb. mad.. zhur. h0.9:634-4 s l6o, MIZE) (KIRA 13:9) 1-ZAI'll"t T.A. ; AGAII-Illu'70Y ~'/, 1. A. ; ';h A. I ~.. ~~ '.': " I I , . p . ; r; "t IV i C V AK, D. - K.ArLyr:V, F.I.I. ; .. . !, IM,i cy ne t i r p r o p-.- r t i e s of a p r od t ic i n i~ Cc, r m a t i o n i T1. i: ~ : - " 1 1 10' - i ., ll 1 .1 . I... . AN ',zprbS3R 20 no.10:45-14.9 164. " , .! ! 4 -, ", *., 4 . -, " L. lnstitut. geologii AN AzerbSSR. ISMAIL-ZADE., T.A.; AGAMIRZOYEV, R.A.; GEILIYBEKOV, Ch.A.; GRABOVSKAYA, G.P.; qASA.110VA, K.D. Magnetic characteristics of paleomagnetic zones of the productive Atashkya formation. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 20 no.12:27-30 164. - (MIRA 18:4) 1. Institut geologii AN AzerbSSR. bv Situdy of monocrystal line n-TISe and its rectifying properties. t;. A. Akhundov, G. B. Abdulayev, I. G. Aksianov. ('not presented).] E.iectro-physical properties of monocrystalline TISe. G. A. Akhundov, C. B, Abdulayev, G. 0. Guseynov, N. Kh. Aliyeva. ,:nvzsz:~~at`on of the cI,:c.z-iczI pro?crtias of germ4niun zalluride. 3. ^I)du laYev, V. B. `---;onov, Ya. 1%. "asirov. C'n. Sttudtes of anC sc;ro mion-Ocrystali-ine GaTia zid GaS. G. A. Akh-.,indov, G. S. Abdulayev, N. A. Gasanova, F. 1. ismailov. [:'.-vast i9ation of so-me physical properties of the r4nocryszallfne ec.7-?ounds CuSbS2 and CuSbSe2- G. S. Abdulayev, R. K:i. Xan,:, Ya. S. NzS I rov, T. G. Osmanov. ..epo-zt pre5ented at e 3-rd Nat-onal Cor-feren-CO on Samicorductoz- Compounds) Kishi*-wr, 16-21 Sep. 1963 GASANOVA, N.A. .Some properties of' 19-Cu2S. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR.Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh. nauk no.3:93.-94 163. (MIRA .16:11) -iIG "XIA C L 61i04-65 EVIt (1 )/E,,'IT (M)/E )/.r/~i~IP(t)/gEC(b),~~2/E~,P(b k ACOESSf6N NR: AP5011137. 16:~VJD/ck' UR/6051/~VO18/004/&00/07jo 535.312.: A AIL!VHORS: Belle,. a anova, N. TIM: W;ical reflection 1'rom GaTe -single crystal in the 240--1200,nm re~,Ion &IJURCE: Optika I.Spektro'skopiya, ir.. 18, no. 4, 1.965, 730 ID'J,PIC.TAGS: o tical a: gallium telluride reflection, single cryst _p alPsorption, spectrum, reflection spectrum., fine struoture, inter-..,.'~T'_.I..~.'I b0nd, transit-ton A]"-,STRAGTv# -The -authors, invOt'stigated the optical-reflection--from ingle, cry tal -S. 6 s of GaT6 in tbe'ultraviolet, visible, and near-. infrared regions, The:reflection was-measured because the ab- sd~ption speotrum-of-single~erystal samples by-trannmission tech- nIques.calls for the-prqpar~tion of extremely thin fiamples, - which, quite difficult.' _The~niOasurements were mide with NS4_'.` - an silectrophotometer with-quartz.,-optics. A method of twofold re jL L7 W64-65 Ad3ESSIO N .1 AP5011137 f 3J.mtion waa -used .-to. bring;- out the ~assumed- structure of the spec tram. . The reflection coeff ient was measured from a natural (cleaved) silrface using: tfiej~p-co onent of polarization of the PP irOident ra' iatio as found (I n. - The principal reflection. maximum -w aV 385 nm, idth another observed at 290 nm. ~ The re 6!:Plection !Ln the visible reigion at.the absorption edge ha r s the ._'-usiial dispersion form, indtoUting that the refractive index is mii,.b larger..tbaii I.- -The.-Vinbr details of the reflecti ~ctrum on spe we!re neasureme m- observed by~making thd nts at liquid rtitrogen-te "pe.r-a ure. Comparison of thii, data obtained and reflection with thin existinig data-onioptiullizabsorption sbows~that t;he drop in.- thi~ reflect, -Lon band corres-mfids to the maximm-of the absorption., line observiad - at the L edgd 6Z.-hatural.absorption. Since the s Vrue ture ~ of the energybaz jof GaTb-,-ha not _yet been- investiga!!w-*', W6 a t-l it A to-: re lht~- %the -of r6fle 61 is mpbosible observed structure_ 'io~tranbitio_ 1:_tIJ s eo with 7-an ape 0 ij. ns -between bands.-.:':.----, )n -p Oftginal a#icle has t' 121.3 cw~ 0 P5 11 A u"A .. 14Se~64 0 EN L. Op 610S.-- 00- :.SUB CODE*.; . 'IM REF S61106 002, OTHER: 003 c all .......... 2-a4M 66 V-VT (1)/EWT (m)/EWG (m)/T/I-PWP (t IJP(c) F!D'lq/JD/JG ACC S'R, AI:600703.6 SWRCE CODE: UP/0053/66/02()/002/0353/0354 AUTHOR: Gasanovajo N. A.; Akhundovp G. Ae 57 OIRG: none V TITLE: The optical reflection of 'single crystals of GaS and GaSe SOURCE: Gptika i spekbroskopiya, v. 20, no. 2, 19a, 353-354 IVPIC T=: galUum compound, selanide, sulfide, light reflections energy band struc ture JWSTEUkCT-. The authors describe an wperimental method, based on a study of optical --jmfj&&ioa, of obtaining the band structure of GaS and GaSe. This method avoids the diffil.-ulty of preparing thin samples and maker. it possible to study the depth of__the~ fUndanental absorption i6gion--.--- 7bo spectra we're' 'measured with a type SS-4 spectro.- meter with quartz optics, in the riulge from 1.4 to 6.1 ev.. All measurements were made at room temperature. To reveal the structure of the spectrum, the measurements were made on the doubly reflected 1) component of the polarized radiation incident at an sx~:le close to the Brewster angle. The spectra obtained are characterized by two maxima in the uv region and a dispersion band in the visible region. The reflection r=ima of GeS occur at higher energies than those of GaSe, owing to the larger gap betwe(in the valence and the f~ree bands in the former. Several arguments indicating that these crystals have the same bamd structure are presented. The reflection band observed is ascribed to the exciton absorption mechanism. The authors thank G. B. Abdul3Ayav for continuous interest. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. E.. SUBM DATE: 28MqyS5/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 001 UbC: 535o332: 535.53* 5W.0 L 1,.7092-66 TJF D NR3 AP6019285 SOURCE CODE: GE/0030/66/015/002/K109/K113 I.'=- 0 RKrdhunkov, G. A.; Gasanava, .11. A-.; Nizametdinova, M. A. 4T 0:-,,': lr~stitute of Physics of the Acadiny of Sciences of the Azerbaydzhan &SR, Ba)J TITLE: Optical absorption, reflection, and dispersion of GaS and GaSe.laver crystals SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 15, no. 2, 1966, K109-KI13 gallitan optic material, cr-ystal optic property, Urillouin zone, exciton TOPIC TAGS. absorption ABSTRACT: Optical reflection absorptian and dispersion in GaS and GaSe single crystals were m.-aasured with a quality prism spectrometer at near normal incidence. re- spective spectra am shown in figures 1, 2 and 3. The sharp decrease in absorption at e, increase in reflection with wavelength 618 mu is attribUted to exciton absorption. Th at 484 nu for GaS and 618 mu for GaSe was caused by multiple reflections within the crystals. The possibility of a relationship between the reflection peaks and cer-taill transitions In the Brillouin zone is discussed. The authors thank Prof. G. D. Abdul- layev and Dr. F. M. Gashinizade for their help. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, I formula. (141 1/3 ACC NR- AP6019285 A T, ;11 J: -cgs SO 70 Sa - so wavelength (mp)- Fig. 1. Absorption spectra of GaS and GaSe at 3000K. Id I \\\~ ~-Ils ya aj ~01 wavelength (mu)- Fig. 2. Reflection spectra of GaG and GaSe at 3000K. R-reflection of the sample; r--surface reflection. Card 2/11 ACC NR, AP6019285 Heyl M IN SUB CODE: 20/ ATD PRESS: #F Cas JV vavelength Onv)- SUBM DATE: 2SApr661 Fig. 3. Dispersion curveo of GaS and, GaSe at 3000K. ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF, aO5 Card 3/3 s/o8lj61/000/022/002/076. V 02/B1 08 AUTHORS: Ismailzade, 1. G., flusayev, M. R., Mamedov, F. A., Gasanova, N. E. TITLE: Haman spectra of monoamyl benzene isomers PERIODICIL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimi.Ya, no. 22, 1961, 15, abstract 22B88 (Azerb. khim. zh., no.,5: 1960, 73-76) TEXT: The line frequencies and intensities of the Raman spectra of- n-amiyl benzene, tort-amyl benzene, 1-phenyl-3-methyl butanei and 2-phenylpentane were measured. la all spectra lines were observed*wfiich are characteristic of monoalkyl benzenes. Besides, lines were found in the spectra of each of the investigated compounds which permit dis,;inguishing amyl benzenes with d ,ifferent structures of-the side chain. frou one another. The line /%,741 cm-1 was characteristic of all monoalkyl ben!ienes with isostructural side chains. Its intensity was found to de- crease by about 50~ with each C112 group for which the branching of the side chain of the aromatic carbon atom is reduced. The line - 752 am-' is characteristic of thel:eoondary butyl and amyl benzenes. [Abstracter's note: complete trans tion.] Card 1 1 IwQHAIl,7,A E7 I.G.; RUSAYEV, -I&R.; )MMGV, F.A.; GASANOVA, N.E. F,a,-n spectra of (mono) amylbenzene isomers* Azerb.khia.zhur. no.5:73-76 160. (MM 14:8) (Benzene--Spectra) INDIUKOV* N.H.- GONCHAROVA, ~LA.; SIDORCHUX, I.I.; GASANOVAt R.I. t Cat&lytic reforming of low-octane gasolines with *ium content I of naphthenic hydrocarbons. Khim.i tekh.topl.i masel 6 m.9:15- 1 ~-19 S t6l. (I-IM 14:10) AZIMOV, B.A.; AMPLARTSUMYAN, A.P.; BARICH, Yu.A.; BABICH, E.S.; GA~WOVA, -OUKASOVA, Ye.K.; MUZOV, A.I.; MAMEDCV, G.A -,PIRVERDYAII, A.M. Additional data on the problems of the development of the series .."*ea:k" In the-Neftyanyye Kamni field obtained by electric medellig methods. Azerb.neft.khoz. 41 no.8s26-29 A 62. MIRA 16sl ..(Neftyanyye XamnI region-Oil well drilling, Submarine) (Geological modeling) MISKARLI, A.K,.; GASA~t~ ~S.~B Stnd:ring the atabilizatioris of clay suspensiona b7 surface acti-ve ager.'s. Dokl. Azerb. SER 15 no.9!809-814 159. (MIRA 13.,2)- (clay.) (Surface active agents) akSAKOVA; ABDURAGIMOVA, L,,A.1 MISKARLI, A.K. ay Effeat of electrolytes on the electric propertfoa of kaolin ul (MIRA 18. A%grb, khim, zhur, no* 2:74-78 165. -12) 101 Inatitut khimli AN AzerSSR. Submitted Febr. 8, 1464 MIMIYW, D.S.; P ISHMAMAZZADI, B.F.; G&SANOVA, Sh.D.: MkIMOVA, R.M. Alk(lation of simple and compound oL-chloro esters by olefins. DokI.AN Axerb.= 15 no-12-1115-1118 159. (14IRA 13:4) 1. Institut neftekhtmi.choskikh protsessov AN AxerSSR. (Isters) (Alkylation) (Olefins) FISHNAMAZZADE, B.F.; GASANOIIA, Sh,D.; KERIMOVA, R.M. Alkylation of some chloromethyl esters of carboxylio acids. vith 1- butene and 1-pentejieq Dokl, A.N Azerb, SSR 19 no.11%23-29 (MIRA 17:3) li Institut nefteklalmicheskikh protseasov AN AzerSSR. Predstayleno skademikom AN AzSSi M.Y. Nagiyavymp P!Sfql,,'AM'ZZADE , B.F. ; RA',!ZHOI., , F.A. 11.7., AKOPOW., D.A. Synthesis and prop~rtleo of 'f-hydroxyme thy] ch I orocyc 1 ohexanecar- -2 r~. boxyllc acid esters. Dold. AN Azerb. SSP 21 no.2:18-2 1. in.--titut neftekhimicheskikh protseijuv AN AzerSc,R. GUSEYNOVI M.M.; DZHABARZADE, Sli.A.; AMIUNDOVA, M.R.j GASANCVk, S.G. ftidizing chlorination of propylene in a fluidized bed of a . - : . diluted catalyst. Azerb. khim. thur. no. 2131-33 165, . - (KIRA l8tI2) 1. 1natitut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov AN AzerSSR. Submitted Marah 18, 1964. T; 31551-66 ~ 3-jT(-4)/T A=_W`7~05106 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0316/65/-300/005/0010/0013 AUTHOR: Pishnamazzade, B. F.; Shikhalbreva, R. &; Mainedava, R. M.; Gasanova, ORG: INMP_~AN Azerb. SSR TITLE: Synthesis of esters of petroleum naphthenic acids SOURCE: Azerbaydzhanskiy khlmtchesWy zhurnal, no. 5, 1965, 10-13 TOPE" TAGS, naphthenic acid, ester, plasticizer, aliphatic alcohol IC6M'%Mj %,) VVVkXee,;5 ABSTRACT: The paper gives the result-. of a synthesis of a series of naphthenates formed by reacting naphthenic acids from Baku petroleum with aliphatic alcohols (butyl, arnyl, heVI, heptyl, octyl alcohol and cyclohexanol) in a..e presence Of 112SO4 on a water bath. Butyl, mnyl, hexyl, heptyl, octyl, and cyclohexyl naphthenates with yields of. 93. 37, 89. 38, 94. 9, 78.5, 85.7, and 67.03%, respectively, were thus obtained. Comparison of the physicochemi- cal constants of narrow fractions of these esters shows that as the boiling point of the frac;- tions -rises, their specific gravity, refractive index, viscosity, and surface tefision increase. It was found that as the molecular weight of the alcohol increases, the specific gravity diminishes, and the refractive index and v1scosity rise. The physicochemical properties of the synthesized este-rs permit their use w9 plasticizers of hydraulic fluid and in the produc- tion oE synthetic oils*.\\Orig. art. has: E. tables. ~UB ("ODE: 07 / SUBM DATE: 01Jul64 / ORIG REF: 004 'ard 1/1,~,/C_ MAMID&LIM, Yu.G.; MAMEALIYIW,, G.M.; ALIY3V, S.M.; SULIMMY, G.N.; G&SANDVA, SM. Production of xylenes gas condensate in the zhur. no.20-15 159. (Xylens) (Condemes,te by the catalytic processing of the promance of toluenee Axerb*khime (HIU 13..6) oil wells) (Toluene) S/249/62/01810031001/002 101811218 Authors IvIamedaliyev Yu. G. (Deceased). Marnedaliyev. Cs 1M.. Alivev. S. M.. and Gasanova. Sh. I Tilie POLYMERIZATION OF VINYL NAPHTHALENE COMPOUNDS FROM TAR OBTAINED BY GAS PYROLYSIS Petiodical- Akaifeiniya nauk Azerbayd.-hanskoy SSR. Dokla!l.v, 18(3). 1962.17-20 A previous communication deals with the polymerization of styrene and indcne mixed tar fraction or gw pyrolysis in the presence of various initiators. It has been shown that the polymers obtained had molecular weight of 1000-2500 and temperature of softening at 120-150'C. In the present communication, the results of itudies on the polymerization of vinyl naphthal.-ne fractions of liquid products of gas pyrolysis in the presence of iio-prop) 1-benzene hydroxyperoxide arc presented. The 250-260'C and 260-300'C fractions iso- lated from tars of gas pyrolysis by vacuum rectification were used For the description of the apparatus and Card Ij2 POLYMERIZATION OF VINYL.. S124916210181003/00UM2 101811218 method of polymerization. see Mamedahyev et. al.. Azerb. Khim. Zhur.. 1 4 1962. It has been shown that the optimal temperature for the polymerization is 100'C, the concentration of the initiatot, 10-3%, duration of the reaction. 25-50 hours The yield of polymers with M.P at 195-205'C was 20-46 weight (from the unsaturated hvdrocarbons used) There are 3 tables ,issoriation JNKhP Sub,nated December 25, 1961 Card 2j2 MIEDALIYEV, Yu.G.; ISMAYLOVI R.G.; MAMEDALIYEV, ALIYEV, S,M. PAS-MOVA, Sh. I. Polymerization of P. ~?,iwture of vinyltoluenes in the presence of various initi-urs. Azerb. khim. zhur. no.5:35-38 165 (IMIRA 17:8) ACCESSION NR: "4041487 S/0249/64/020/003/0023/0026 AUTHOR: Mamedaliyev, Yu. G.; Ismaylov, R. G.,' Mamedaliyev, G. M.; Allyev, S. M. Gas5nova, Sh. 1. TITLE: Copolymerization of liquid unsaturated pyrolysis products with acrylonitrile SOURCE:. AN AzerbSSR. Doklady*, v. 20, no. 3, 1964, 23-26 TOP1:C TAGS: acrylonitrile, acrylonitrile copolymei, pyrolysis producf, gas pyrolysis, unsaixtrated pyrolysis product, copolymerization, styrene fraction, indene fraction, diazoisobutyronitrite ABSTRACT: Copolymerization of the 13.0--190C fraction of unsaturated pyrolysis products (60% unsaturated and 40% aromatic) with acrylonitrile (90:10.- 20:80) in the presence of 1% di.-aolsobutyroaitrile at 75C for 30 hours led to copolymers containing 0. 7-1. 2 moles of acrylonitrile per mole of unsaturated pirrolysis product In yields of 24-90%. Practically no homogeneous polyacrylonitrile or pokyraeric pyrolysis product were formed. The N content in the copolymer increased with the proportion of acryloaitrile used, and the rates of conversion were 43.3-96. 8 and 86-98% for the pyrolysis product and acrylonitrile, Card ACCESSION*NR: AP4041487 respectively. Very similar results were obtained by the copol ymerization of the narrower 130-160 or 160-190C fractions of the unsaturated pyrolysis products, which contained more -unsaturated and less aromatic compounds, with acrylonitrile under the same conditions. The authors conclude that copGlymerization of the unsaturated fraction of pyrOlYsis products with acrylonitrile proceeds with a high degree of conversion of -the aromatic monomers and leads to the formifflon of copolymers with a number, of Wduablo properties (melting point and solubility characteristiCB). Orig. art. has: 3 tables. ASSOCLATION: INKhP im. Yu. G. Mamedaliyeva SUBAIITTED: 17De-,.63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OC NO REF SOV: 005 OTHE R: 000 2/2~ HAMEDALIYEV, Yli.G.; ISMAYDDV~ R.G.; MANEDALIYEV, G.M.; ALIYEV, S.M.; G9;ANOVA 9- -Sh I I. Copolymerization of styrenesmet~ylated in the nucleus and ,zZ -methylatyrenes with acrylonltrile in the presence of dinitrile of azoisobutyric acid. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 20 no.8:17-21 164. (KRA 17:12) 1. Institut neftekhimicheskikh protsesBov AN AzerSSR im. Yu.G. Mamedaliyeva. L '07260-65 BOTWArr 164 -06-4 4 /* _WN MVMVOUM_7~~-_ lais R.a. 3"Meathm.G., WILE:. stilienes with 402.2#21. 1t.W P"I sai)'RCE.- AN 11~t qMA _0 t- ~"WKC TAM: !qj.~ COP011yoker. M capdymeri aw7lonitrils copolymer, baums, SA4, MMACT: vLiiOtw.wueI--woproPi~Ot IsopropOSA-utethweens mmoums W~reproft:ed ~iswatlqg with PvtNewe of 6*1mtw vIvMfwxdlcsf~t sAA %vUuJWA.LWAILV".oI the *Ih~ bir Iver of Qgge OW&Aut"i of An-W d larded i1= .godes vith 1% ftzdsabuq=". e- u-bftdw (ft i3tiI& v 0 -1 ow"red vadie ratts at t to "Mu"M Ig Ira RA.POPORT-o 8.7a.j G,~S"PVA S ljq~ Meahaniam of early radiation injuries of the bone marrow Biofizika 5 no. 4:454,--460 4604 1, Institut biologicheakoy fiziki AN 86SRp Moskva, (WEOW) (X RAYS--PHYSIOLOGICAL EFIFECT) /v USSR/Chemist.-y of Colloids - Disperaed Systems. 13-14 Abis Jour Referat Zhur - 1(himiya, No 6, 1957, 18783 Author A,K. Wiskarli, T.G. Gesanova. Inst A:~qdem, of Sc ! J7c_e_s_oR-A-ze_r_b_ai Jan SSR. Title Properties of Clayey Solutions and T,n-ir llu.,v~nd(.-nco on Kweralogical Composition and Cz;._1o!da).-Cher:*..va1 Nature of Clays. Grig Pub : Me'ruzeler Av-o,~-SSR elmler Akad., Dokl. &N AzerbSSR, 1956, 12. No 9, 629-638 t.bstract : Th-, cen-prrative study of properties and composition of Malinskaya (1) and Zykhskaya (II) clays showed.that I is a UL4-ily collcidal sodium clay and that II is a lit- tle colloidal calcium clay. The specific surface deter- mined by the method of methylene blue adsorption of I Is 231, and that of Il is 93 sq.m/g. I is distinguished by a considerably greater swelling in distilled water 033% against 300% of M. The swelling of I in sea Card 1/2 - 338 NISKART-I. A.K.; ZEKLYLNSKLU, V,,Ya,; GASANOVA, T.G. Analyzing an alkalirui solution of pomegranate rind as a now reagent for treating drilliq; muds. Azerb. neft. khoz. 36 no.5-.10-11 My '57. (Pomegranate) (011 well drilling fluids) (min 10:11) MISKARLI, A.K.; GASANOVA. T.G.; )UHMOV, G.M. Investigating magnetite from the Dnahkesan deposit .99 a vaighting material for drilling fluids [in Azerbaijani with summary in -Russian) DoICL. AN Azerb.SSR 14 no. 8:603-609 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Deshkesen-Magnetite) (Oil well drilling fluids) AUTHO,RS: Miskarli, A.K., Gasan.-va, T.,.G.. 69-58-2 -101/2~ TITLE: The Structural-Mechanical Properties of the Clay Susper~s_-".'!'~, Employed Under Difficult Drilling Conditions (0 strukturno.,_ mekhanicheskikh svc-ystvakh glinistykh suspens.-y, prime.-...ya- ]emykh v oslozhnennykh usloviyakh bureniya) PERIQDICkL. Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958, Vol XX, Nr 2, Pp 164-1113. M$R) ABSTRACTs The technological properties of clay solution* deterr1--o' a high degree the d.rilling speed in the turbine drillins oil and gas wells. In this article, the dependence -_-~f ture formation in concentrated clay suspensions on the1r eralogical composition, the chemical ccmpositlion af thf~ change complex, the colloidal-chemical nature of the n_ay5) and on the form, concentration, and fractional Ovmpo5it_!!~'. of the weighting compounds, is studied. The clays us,~.d wer 9. Gekmalinsk sodium bentonite clay and Zykh um caolinite clay, both of which are characterist-4--c !)f_ 'h,~ Apsheron 2Peninsula. The specific su5face of is 231 m 1g, and of Zykh clay 93 m /.-. The sw-ellinz -In Gekmalinsk clay reaches 833 weight ~a of water and in Zykr, clay 286 ~.. The hydroscopic ability of the clays measurc~di Card 1/4 by adsorption of water vapors is 27.7 ~6 for Gekmalla5k 69-r8-2 -10/23 The Structural-Mechanical Properties of the Clay Suspensions Employed fnde,r Difficult Drilling Condistions and 12.1 % for Z3,kh - clay. Table 1 shows the compo~~ition of the exchange complex in the two clays. The volume Qf complex in Gekmalinsk clay is nearly 3 times larger than that. of Zykh clay. The mentioned facts indicate that highly colloidal sodium clays, ( Gekmalinsk) exhibit hydrophyll.- properties in a higher degree than the less colloidal. cal.. cium clays, (Zykh ). Investigation of the aging proceils shows that during the first 3 hours the resistance of th~ structure increases considerably (figure 2). An increase of the clay concentration from 10-15 % increases the resist- ance of the structu:rein the suspensions by 2.2 times. Table 3 shows the limit values for the shear stress in clay sus- pensions. The relation between mineralcgical composition, colloidal-chemical nature, and the processes of structure formation,is very pronounced. Clay solutions are mixed with weighting compounds, especially for use in complex geological conditions. The weighting compounds influence rheological and colLoidal properties of the clay solutions. Card 2/4 The chemical compos--,tion of the weighting compounds 4-3 65-58-2 -:0/91 The Structural--Mechanical Properties of the Clay Suspensions Employed UndEr Difficult Drilling Conditions given in table 5, their characteristics in table 4. Figure 6 shows that clay solutions containing various concentrA- tions of limestone have only a low structure resistance which permits the increase of carbonate rock concentratlons in the clay suspensions. In this way, high-quality clay weighting compounds may be obtained with a specific gravily of 1.7 to 1.85. Disperse materials Iwhich may be re_^ommended as weighting compounds for clay solutions,should have a low affinity to water, hydrophobic nature, and a low structure-- forming ability owing to the isodiametric form of the par-- ticles. There are 6 graphs, 5 tables, and 17 Soviet references. Card 3/4 69-58-2 -1012' Tho Structural-Mechanical Pro.perties of the Clay Suspensions Employed Under Difficult Drilling Conditions ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR,Baku (Institute of Chemistry of the Azerbaydzhan SSRBaku) SUBMITTED: February 9, 1957 1. Oil wells--Drilling--USSR 2. Clay--Suspensions--Appli- cations 3. Clay--Mechanical properties Card 4/4 RISDRLI, A.K.;-GASANOVA, T.G.; ZXMLYANSKATA, V,Ys. New reagents for the chemical processing of clay suspensions from induatrial vegetable witates. Azerb. naft. khoz. 37 no.9:13-17 S '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Chemical tests and reagents) (Oil well drilling fluids) MJSKARLI, AA.; ZE:nYAIISYAYA, V.Ya.; GASXIJOU, T.G. 1 .0 Effect of alkaline plart extracts on the structural-mechanical and rheolovical properties of dispersive clay systems. Azerb.khim.z)'Ijr. no.3*49-5e- '59. (MIRA 14:9) (clays) MISKARLI, A.K.; ZEMLYjUMAYA, V.Ya.; GASMOVA, T.G. flew protective colloids for the stabilization of clay systems. Trudy Inst.khim. AN Aze.rb.SSR 18:84-89 160. (MIRA 14:9) (Clay) (Suspensions (Chemistry)) MISMU, A.K.; BAYRAMOV, A.M.,; GASAFOU, T.G. Mechanism of the staicilizing action of surface-active agents on polydisperse systems. Report No.3-- Effect of amino acids ahd their sodium salts on the structural and mechanical properties of clay suspensions Azerb. khim.zhur. --o.3:83-90 161. (MIRA 14:11) iAmino acids) (Clay) AA~~: MITSAK, N MI.; GASANOVA. T.G, Teshnology of preparing a permutation index of hearflngs -with the a~.ri of alpiiabetical punched-card macnines, NTT no.S~ 20-26 164'. (MIRA 17112) rqu.LT1.Ljt.Lv . ..... .. ..... Subcutincous Tisjue In a 13-Yor.r-Old R)y Ori i Pub Purli,,%triya, 0 t IT.- 4, 79 ~'.bstmct :. case is doscribed of ossificz.4tion. of the Soft tissuca in tl,..-- -trca of the r.;cndib1c, railli, elbow joint3, skin, iliwi, -mcL~s of the back -.nd tlbdoriun, and sl,croil!!Ac articulatioa. Tin :.iuscieo of thu axtreffties were atropli�ud, 2-nd timii-int of thl.~ joiats ims ristrict~-.,d. lhc! blood rcvcalell an 1.icro'aso in PhosiAlorm. salts, a d, in calvii;i, -und I 1r.r,,,u nz-umt of phosphatr~se. Os3ificntion occurred t:ts a rusult of altem.tion of the r.,Lioml :ictabolis;.i. L.I. V,,y f I'd o y ~7f! < -~AWO-VA,-.Zamina, brigadir otainkovshaUts, Geroy SotsialiBtich&skogo Truda, deputat Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR Design, production ard. 1-Ife. Sov. profsoiuV. 19 no.160-8 Ag 1*63. OaRA 16: io) 1. Azerbayd-.hanskiy truboprokatnyy zavod imeni V.I.Lenina, Sumgait. AP602444!) SOURCE CODE: UR/0016/66/000/OOT' /014o/01~ AUTHOR: Sherishorina', S. I. ;'daia'nova-' M PG: Saratov Hedical Institute (Saratovakiy meditsinskiy institut) ITLE: The effect 11taphylococcus. of furazolidone on the toxigenicity of pyrogenic., imunobiologii, BOU'Rcrz Zhurnal mikrobiologii. apidemiologii, I no. T, 1966, 14o-141 TOPIC TAGS: staphylococcus, furazolidone, toxicology, infective disease, human ailment ABSTRACT: .The effect of furazolidone on the toxic properties of antitiotic-resistant staphylocaccus was investigated by -dete-cmining the output of hemolytic, necrotic, and lethal .toxins in ataphylococcus under experimedtal and control 'conditions. -Purazolidone was used in mininum (bactericidal: for a 50 million/l ml concentration of microbial calla) and maximum (10 ug/l ml) doses. Following a'threo-hr in- cubation 'of staphylococcus in nutrient'madia with maximum and minimum furazolidone doses, the cultures wera centri-. Card--IL3 UDC,. 576.851-.252.097:29-.615.756.2.-., AP6024449 luged three times and then grown'for ten days in a 25% CO atmosphere on Hartin's broth, after which the culture fluii !was separated from the microbe cells by centrifugation. -Hemalysin content was determined by two-hr incubation of a mixture of 5% suspension of 0.1 ml washed rabbit erythro- ,Icytas and 1 ml culture fluid diluted to 1:10-1:300. Hemo- ~toxin content was then judged by hemolysis. In the togtrols ;(without furazolidone) hemolytic activity was high and the ihemolytic titer correlated to a 1:100-1:300 dilution of cul~t'ure fluid, compared to the experimental group, where -hemolysis was absent or thelhoinolytic titer was significant- .1y lower than in the controls. Necrotoxin content was .determined in skin tests on rabbits, injected iatracutancoue- ly with 0.1 ml culture fluid and studied after 48-72 hr. .The maximum dose, even undiluted, produced no reactions in .rabbits, and the minimum dose reduced the necrotic proper- ties of staphylococcus toxins. Lethal dose was judged by mortality among mice injected intraperitoneally with 0.5 ml :culture fluid: in the experimental group where no deaths occurred even the minimum dose-- destroyed the capacity of staphylococci to.produce lethal to:cins; all the controls died. It was codcluded that furazolidone must act favorably Card RYOUZ4449 ,agaimst infectious processes since it lowers nocrotic,- slethal, and henolytic toxin output in staphylococcu8.' (WA-50; C13E No. IL SUB COM.' ' o6/ SUBM DATE: 21'oct65/ V., GASAN-ZAIS, A.I.; KURWOV. G.R., professor, zaaluzhennyy deyatell nauki, zaveduyit- .. , --ihchiy; ALIYEV, A.H., direktor. Three cases of anodontia. Stomatologiia no.4:52-53 Jl-Ag 153- (KLRA 6:9) 1. Ilinika chelyustno-littievoy khinirgil Azerbaydzhanskogo nuuch-no-iseledo- vatellskogo instituta ortopedii i vosstanovitellnoy khir-tirgii (for lurbanov). 2. Aserbaydzhanskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut ortopedii i 7oastano- vitallnoy khirtirgii (for Aliyev). (Teeth) GASAX-Z'ADB,.A.I*,,, e Pathogenesis and treatment of inhibited eruption of the wisdom teeth. no.80.106.-107 Ag 158 (MMA 11:10) 1. -1z kafedr7 operativuoy khirurgii stopograficheskoy anatomiyey (zav. - zaelysh.deyatell nauki, Prof. G.R. Kurbanov) Azerbaydzhan(3kogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta im. N. Narimanovas (TKETH--DISRASI?,S) GASAN.-ZADE A.I. dotsent J, Treatment of pulpitis with antibiotics. Stomatolordia 40 no.2:1-1- 13 Mzr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Iz kafedrjterapevtichesko~ stomatologii (zav. - dotsent, A.I. Gasan-Zade) Azerbaydzhansk-3go meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.Narimanova. (GUMS--DISEASES) (ANTIBIOTICS) GASAN-?A , G. (Akstaft.). .., ----- -- ,---.l.--.. Open air motion-picture theater in Akstafa. Kinomekhanik no.7:14 JI 153. (MI-RA 6:8) (Aketafa-Moving-picture theaters) (Moving-picture theaters--Akstafa) GASAX-ZADI, G. (Akstafa). ."aganda film track visits the Akstafa cotton farm workers. Kinomakhanik .n0.11:5 N '53. (MVU 6611) (Ak6t&f&--NoyIng picture distribution) (Moving picture distribution-- Akatafa) DOIKATOVA. A.V.; DERGACHMA. T.I.; GASAhZADB, G.B. Studies on species and ecology of Phlebotominse in a focus of visceral leishmaniasis in Azerbaijan (Agdam region) [with su=ary in English]. Med.paraz. i paraz.bol. 27 no.6:67&.683 N-D '58. (MIRA 12:2) 1. 1z Instituta malyarii. meditsinakoy parazitologii i gellminto- logii MinisterBtva zdralrookhraneniya SSSR (dir. instibuta - prof. P.G. Sergiyev) i Inst~tuta malyarii MiniaterntVa 2dravookhraneniya Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR (dir. inatituta A.K. Kasimov). (LEISHMIASIS., VI.SCERAL, spidemiol, Phlebotainus in epidemiol. Fireas (Rus)) (FLIES, Phlebotomus in z ones of epidemics of visceral leishmimiasie in Russia (Rue)) GASANOV, G.T. (Baku); GASANZADE, N.A. (Baku),- M~JRZADZHOZADE, A.P. (Baku) Compresvion of a viscous-IQRstic layer by circular plates. P14TF no.5:88-90 S-0 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Deformations (Mechanics)) (Plasticity) MMUREXI V.V.; GASAN-ZADF, V.G.; NE.,;A'RCHUK, G.T. Temperature dej-~endence of the degree of vinyl acetate polymerization. Vysokom.soed. 6 no.8:1434--1439 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Institut vysokomolekub,arnykh soyedineniy AN SS,9R. GASAROV) A. T. A...T. Gasarov, "Mechanism Synthesis with Lower Element Pairs and Optimum Transmi,ssion Angles." p4pvT Macolood at the aM A1.1-Union QW, an PuDdamantal Frobj&= in qw M017 Of Ytablilve and Mvchanlmm, lbecopd, UWE, 24-28 ftrch ISP)8. GASDOVSVI, Boloslaw Rupture of the spleen as a complieation of various diseases, '.SspscItj.Iy suppurative tonsillitis, typhoid favor. and typhus. Pat. ~-poliks 5 no.3:157-169 JUIY-SePt 54. Zaklmdu Anatoull Patolcglesuej Akademil )%dyesnej we Wroclaw1u. DyTaktor: prof. dr Z.Albert. (SPlUN, rupture, in tonsillitis, t)-phoid favor & typhus. autopsy) (TOMILITIS. complicAtions. spleen rapt., autapsy) (TMOID PIVZR. complications, spleen rupt., autopsy) (TIPHUS' complications, spleen rupt., artopsy) MICIIALOWICZ, Roman;-GASECKI, Wacls,w On the problem of ophthalnioplegic migraine (hemicrania ophthalmoplegica) in children. Pediat.polska 35 n--).9:1105-1109 s 16o. 1. Z Oddzialu Wewnetrznego Miejskiego Szpitala dla dzieci nr 1 w Warnawie Dyrektor; dr med. W.Gasecki. (MIGRAIN in inf. At child) MICHALOWICZ, Rown; GASECKI, Waclaw ..-Cerebral hemorrhage in children. Pediat. Pol. 37 no.1:49-55 Ja 162. L Z Miejskiago Szpitala Cborob Dzieci nr 1 w Warszawie Dyrektor: .d.r med. W. Gasecki. (CERMRAL EEMORRHAGE in inf & child) GAME.. Waclaw; TORBICKA, SmilLa Results of the study of the effect of corticosterold and saliay.late therapy on tho degree of gastric Juice acidity in children with rheumatic fever. Pediat. pol. 38 no-3:261- 270 163- 1, Z Ckidzialu Wevnetranego Miejskiego Sspitals, Dziecieoego nr I v, Warazavie OrdynatDre dr zed. W. Gsoecki. (RESIMATIC FEVER) (GASTRIC JUICE) (ADREM CCRTEX SCRMONES) (SALICYLATES) CZECHOSLOVAKU/Processing of Natural Gases and Petroleum, Motor and Rockets Fuel. Lubriconts. H. Abs JbUr : Ref Zhur - Kh1miya, No 19., 1958, 65586 Author : Rowovacek, In6t Title A Study of the Possibility of Deodorization of Natural Gas by Actii4teil Carbon and Uumo6el. Orig'Pub Paliva, 1958, 39, No 2, 44-46. Abstract In connection with the catalytic conversion (in an Ni- catalyzer) of natural Gas in Bratislavia and Brno, the necessity was revealed for drawinG off from this Gas tho mothyl- or athylmoreaptan (M) uned for odorization of Sas i1i the quantity 15-20 ridnm3, inasmuch an M can counteract the catalyzer. Isotherms of adsorption of M were found with activated carbon "Benzorbon" and by Card 1/2 GASEK.. Jan. Jjaz. Selection of power for machine factories. Energetika Cz 22 no.7:Suppl,.: Energetika 12 no.7.-8-10 162. I* Kinisterotvo tezkeho strojirenstvi. GASSX, Jan, ing. Effectiveness of the use of various gases for Industrial entarprises. P-nergotika Cz .11 no.6s275-280 Je 161. arthoi3edics CZECHT-3LOWOM UDC 616-728.2-007.281-037-:616.718.1,,.1-002.h GASE4,j,,~~;- Pediatric Hospital (Detsky Lecebny Ustav) Spa (Lazne) Wrz-, Read" '(Vedouci Lekar) Dr Z. GASEK. IlInfluence of Late Diagnosis of Congenital Dislocation of the Hip Joint on the Development and Prognosis of Ava:sGular Necrosis of the Head of the Femur.11 PragueY CasoDis Lekaru Coskyr-h, Vol 106, No 10, 10 1-1ar 67, PP 263 267 Abstract LA-uthor's English summary modifi e The influence of the tiiT-i5--wff-e-n the dioease was diagnosed on thNovelopment stion necrosis of thp head of the fer,,Lir and on. the results of the treatment was studied. In early dia-nosis the danger of avbs- cular necrosis is sligiater, Rnd the 'therapeutic results and the prognosis are better. 1 Figure, 4 Tables, 7 Czech references. (Manuscript received Feb GASEK, Zdenek (OUNI Sahy. a-.moou:Lce , Stalingradskm 47, ,Von-trnuimtic mediustinal eiaphyseme. in children. Cook. Pediat. 13.,no.7; 631"~9 Aug 58. 1. Detuke oddeleni nemocnic OWPZ v Smhach, prednosta Mm7r. Vojtech Iaban. 0WHISMA, in inf. & child medinatimm, non-traum., case reports (Cz)) (MEDUSTINMI. dis. emphysem in. child.$ Case reports (Gz)) -GASEK,.Zdanek Two cases of adiponecroals oubcutanea neonatorum. Coak.pediat. 14 no.9:812-814 s 159. 1. Detake oddeleni nemocaice OUN2 v Sahsch, prednosta MUDr. Vojtech Laban. (ADIPOSE TISSU dis. ) (INFANT VRWBCM dis.) K, Z. I Treatment of coroonital torticollis with prednisolone. Cesk. pediat. 18 no.2:157-158 F 163. 1. Detske oddeleni polikliniky v Sefarikove. (TORTICO~LIS) (INFANT NEWBORN DISEASES) (PREDNISOLONE) GASEK, Z. SubstEvices with anabolic action. Gas. lek. cesk. 202 no.26:70-75 19 Ap 163. 1. Detsky lecebny uBtav Giz-kupele., vedouci Z. Gasek, prom. det. lekar. (TESTOSTEROIIE) -(NORTESTOSTERONE) (ESTRADIOL) (STEEMIDS) (ANDROGENS) GASEK,Z.; SIMIKOVSKA, A. Dagenerat.ion of the form- hoad as a clinical manifestati.0- of some generalized disease pi(.,tums. Cesk. pedlat. 20 no.Iq8--'5 Ja 16 5 1 Detsk Ipv6bny u,stav, Latne Cis (-,-~dcmti - pvom~ ltyka7 Z: Gaseff. GASBIXVICH. A.M.. prof* -'W,- IN. 11 :. . . 'INGImmental technic in amrger7 for stenosts of the aortie valves. ithirure'na 34 no.4:14o-:i4s Ap '58. (MIRA 11:7) 1, Is Nauchno-losledcratel'skogo Instituta ekopertmentallnoy khirurgichaskoy aparatuxy i instrumentov Hinisterstva zdravookherneniya SSSR (dir. K.Ge Aumnlywr). (AORTIC VALVE, steaosts surg.jechnic & instriments (Rug)) GASFJJKOv L.I.; N.~4. quali":1 of b-ea honey so.'( In th,! Of VOP- pit. 22 no-3:86 ~V-Je '(3- (MIRA 17-8) 1 ----.p4(jemj,-AcpichcSkOy 2. T1 1~ojitopll~koy gor,-AskOY S'Zlnit~U-llc i - S tan ts-ii.