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-GALIFERINA, Rje. Some neurodynamic changes under the influence of small doses of alcohol in chronic alcoholism. Probl.sud.psikh.(no,12z131- 138 162, MDA 16s4) (ALCOHOLISM) (ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAFHY) BANSHCHIKOV, V.M., prof',; YUMASHEVA, Yu.S., kand. ined. nauk; GALIPERINA, R.Ye. Treating .-3hizophrenia with stelazine. Trudy 1-go MMI 25:53-58 163. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Kafedra psikhiatrii, 1-y Moskovskiy ordena Lenina meditsinskiy institut imeni I.M.Sechenova (zav. kafedroy prof. V.M.Banshchikov). GALtPERINA, R.Yes Use of neuroleptic drugs in treating hypertension with mental disorders. Trudy 1-go MMI 25,.,229-239 163, (HIRA 17112) 1e Kafedra psikhlatrii I-go Mookovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituts, imeni I.M.Sechenova (zav. kAfedroy prof* V.M.Banshchikov). K~SLIYEV, A.T.,. dot'sent; YUMASHEVA) YU.S., kand, med. rl,~uk; GAL;PERINA, R.le.; D ROB TZ Fl;:~' - f 0 YU.Z. Treatment of depressive states with niamid (nlalamlide). Trudy a-go 1441 25:279-286 163. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Kafedra Pslk~.-Latrii 1-gc, Moskovskogo orderin Tenina meditsinskogo Instituta iment I.M.Seebenova (zav. kafedray r..rof. V.M.Banohchikov). GA." I I PIFff I till 1. i ?. YZ~ . Use of mebadrcl in encerL&I.Ltis mental dis:~rlers. ':.-idy I-go I-VI 25-365-373 163. (MIRA l7tl2) 1. Kafedra psil(hiatrJi I-go Mosk3vokogo ordena L6nina moditsinskogo instituta imeni i.M.Sechenova (,-.siv. kafedroy pr,~r, V,M."Banshchikov). Treatnent with nonlinan in e:omblratlon wi* st9laz1flo, amir-riz-1rP and -tofranil (malipramine) as one of the vavintions ~-)f tha -om- pound therapy in psychosoq. Trudy 1-go MMI 34,-,',16.-4;24 164. (MIRA 1. Ka.DArn psikhiatrit (zav. - zasluzhennyy doyati-1.1 vauk-l! prof. V.Nl. Banshchikov) 1-go Moskovskogo ordena Lenina red-" tsinslkogo ins-LitutA i-meni SechF-nova. -G&LIPAR111h., T.S.,,mii1c (Hoakva) "Wandering" mirmur in conplote atrioventricular block in a pittient with a mitral defect. 37 no.8:137-141 Ag '59. (MITRA1 STENOSIS, complications) (MIRA 12:11) (10&~ ]BLOCK. physiology) GA.L;MIIUL. V. I. Relation between epidernopbytoeis and ear disease. Voen.-med. zhmr. no.7:77 J:L 159. (MIR& 12:11) (RINGWORM) (HkR--DISEkSES) HOVWORODSKLUp T.I.; GALIPEMA9 ReYee; BKYCHAROV9 Y&.p* Late resulte of reimmaitation following clinical death. Test.khir. 84 no.U116-120 Ja 160. (KMA 13910) (RIBUBCITATION) TEMNs L,Y&,; QkLIPPIUMIJ~A, Few data o4 the ft7dtaline stmatuo of U203"*03, zhur-moorg.khim. n noasm ja ~66o (MiRk 1983L) 1. Bubmittod Mg, 2og IL965. GAL' RUING. A.S., MITRCWANOV, N.S. Experienc in mechanizing the unloavIing and piling of beets at the sugar factories of Kirghtsistan. Sakh.prom. 34 no.7:42-46 j1 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Kirgisiddy savrArkhose (lirghizistan--Sugar beets) (Loading and unloading) A I filzirl MINH 111HUMIU1411 o 0 o 0 4 4 00 A 1 go if u 11 m is It it Is IV 11 a n U IS I I L l A 40 40 L-- .-AL A A-,-T,-I-M - . ; -- - - I 411 . - , - . "..' I ~. ,1 1 , A! 41 An flififtabOol Is 81111" fm tht Vkjjh T#VWI to the ,04m%k&& posi 6m ot the ~ plam. A = comajon b &W Jill W law), U 0 Al I t, it K a q g of CC a It g-w a- 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 a 0 o o 0 0 6 * 0 0 9 0 a a 0 0 4 $0 $000 0 x IV Af if ii So u a is v 11 to a 4. at to isice 10 M 04-4--J- t-t -.I- A.. s j k - J. p ' a -2 j Oill . . of do" D ottims" dthe 10 411110111114WAll l1w ---- rom Ot Shw. A pr-l"l F. KRAUS tie aft. fA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 Category USSR/Optics - Geometric Media Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957, No 484o Author Gal'pern, D.Y\I- Title ueomefricKr7rptics in Anisotropic Media with a Single Symmetry Axis. (Siagle-Axis Cryst&ls) Orig Pub Zh. tekhn. fiziki, 1954, 24, No 7, 129B-1321 Abstract No abstract K-2 Card Gal'tern D Yu GeometdW o0cs in~a~sotropk; edia U S'S R X, A method based on Fermat's principW Is dektibed for findin the path of a ray through'aw 6ptIL-A Systeni con 9 6dir Th l tal i ~Vth ti i i ti i s. ax a e a tain e proper c es ng un crys v of the angular, mixed, and Schwarzschild eiconiiis are in- vestigated nt some length. Thme baicr~stilts 111". 4pplied to'the study of the behavior of infinitely iiarrow.mcisdional and sagittal pencils in systems with a.meo4dional plane. For this prob1cm the connection is sho,~n IiWiween jfoU dis, spae-es, and formulas are deriwd am;il~kous to!N~.Wton's formulas for linear and anguW magnieication.'~Tlie basic formulas are also used to derive the 111'W's of ref~c6on and refraction at the boundary betweea t"10iiiniaiiitl ~,yztak The results obtained are greatly simplitied it the-Incident My, the normal. at the point of incideiii* andthe axis,of eke firstcrystal artcoplanar. If the a7dis 0 the seiiotid aystal b) also coplanar with these, the study of the astlimatism of infiniti, ly narrow pencili be=es pij~61ble Without any, imcessive complexity in the fomufaa.~A~plicai:ioizs of the- general method are given to the case ~f prismi tind to, the v 51-5-9/1-1 AUTHOR: Galpern, D. Yu. TITLE: On the Application of Higher Order Aberration Theory to the Calculation of Optical Systems (0 prilozhenii teorii aberratsiy vysshikh poryadkov k raschetu opticheskikh sistem) PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1957, Vol.III, Nr 5, pp-514-528 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On the basis of higher order aberration theory a number of general propositions which-are important in the calcu- lation of optical systems is established. The question of the. number of lenses and nonspherical surfaces in an optical system necessary (but not sufficient) for the correction of all aberrations of order 2t + 1 or less, is elucidated. The role of coefficients of aberration of order 2t - 1 or less in the appearance of aberrations of order 2t + 1 is considered, particularly the role of third order aberrations in the appearance of fifth order aberrat- ions. The paper is highly mathematical. SUBMITTED: Marcia 23, 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 1/*Al 3W AUTHOR: 3,7/154 -9/19 Gallpern, Dt Ji- r TITLE: Telescopes in Modern Geodetical Instruments (Zritellnyye truby sovremennykh geodezicheskitch priborov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vynshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Goodeziya i aerofotoall- yemka, 1959, Nr 1, PP 91-94 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The object lenses of telescopes in modern geodetical in- struments are telephoto lenses. This ensures very important technical properties of, the instruments but leads sirriultane- ously to great difficulties in the computation and manufac- ture of telescopes. Great difficulties arise in the cor- rection of chromatic aberrations. Chromatic aberrations of rays spreading in the paraxial range, and then the sphero- chromatic aberration are investigated here, The theoretical investigations and the experience of practical computations show that for the correction of the spherochromatic aberra- tion some surfacen of the system must inevitably h-,Lve a strong curvature. These offer difficulties in the manufacture. - Due to such deliberations, the computation of a telescope with the same characteristics as for the telescopes of the Card 1/2 instruments TB and KB was carried out in 1955, Telescopes in M.-Aern Geodetical Instruments SOV/154-59-1-9/19 The computed values of the spherochromatic aberration of the new telescope amount to half the aberration of the telescope of the two instruments TB and KB. - In spite of thin., no telescoDe has been made according to this computation up to date. Ii is also pointed out thalt the quality of the pictures is not only determined by the computation but also by a careful assembly and manufacture of the individual structural groups. - H. Koehler (Ilef 1) pointed out -that the chromatic aberration for rays with the wave length = 434 mg attains high values in many telescopes. He succeeded in reducing this value down to 10~ - 151~ - Telescopes with an correction of the aberration for the wave length of 434 Mii aill be computed in 1958. This system will then be compared with the telescope computed in 1955, and the question of an economical correc- tion of the aberration for telescopes of geodetical instruments will be solved. There are 1 figure, I tablev and 1 reference. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut im, S. I. Vavilova (State Optical Institute imeni S. I. Vavilov) Card 2/2 24(4) SOV/51-6-5-33/34 AUTHOR: Gallpern, D.Yu., Reviewer TI TIE F.I. Fedorov. Optics of Anisotropic Media. Academy of Sciences of the Byelorussian S.S.R., Minsk, 1958. (F.1. Fedorov. Optika anizotropnykh sred. Izdaniye AN BSSR, Minsk, 1958) PBRIODI(A L: Optilm 1 8 pek t roskopiya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 5, pp 714-715 (USSR) ABSTRACT. The above monograph by Fedorov starts with Maxwell's and conatituitive equations and uses them to discuss propagation of plans waves in an infinite medium as well as reflection and refraction of plans waves at plane boundaries of two infinite media. The monograph deals consecutively with propagation of light in an isotropic non-conducting and non-magnetic medium, in anisotropic non-conducting and non-magnetic medium, an an isotropic conducting and non-magnetic medium and finally in an anisotropic conducting and non-magnetic medium. The special feature of the monograph is that Fedorov discusses the subject using vectors and tensors which are not bound up with any particular system of coordinates. After minor criticisms the reviewer recoanends the book to all those 'who want to study electro -magnetic optics seriously, and the first Card 1/1 chapter is recommended to beginners in physical optics. GAL'PFRN ' D. Yu., Doc Tech Sci -- (diss) "Research in geometrical op- tics .'- ;Leningrad7, 1960. 23 Pp; (State Orc-3r of Lenin Optical Inst im S. I. Vavilov); 150 copies; price not given.. (KL, 17-60, 149) 33020 11 S/051/60/009/004/034/03'i E032/E414 IAWR: AGallpern, D.Yu. On apodization I.1'1z1OD1k_, Optika i spektroskopiya, 1960, Vol.9, No.11, Pp.510-550 ;'EXT: Th e present note deals with apodization, i.e. wit"I ..~uthods of decreasing the diameter of the central diffraction spot (Airy's disc) in the iniage of a luminous point. This can be done i-;ith the aid of an amplitude-phase filter in the form of suita~)ly shaped glass plate with appropriate transmissions at vario", points; .1long the plate. It is known (Ref.l: G.G.Slyusarev, GITL, M., tr.667-671, 1937) that ih the paraxial position, the intensity .istribution E(P) in the image of a luminous point is given E W = VC*1 P) + S'- (P). where S W (2) A, (a) cas I (2a) C W = f Card 1/2 0 On apoclization 3302i ;' 1 s/o5i/60/009/0041034/034 L032/E414 It is shown in the present paper that when < X and A(a))O i.e. when it is assumed that the wave aberration is less than a quarter of the wavelength, a filter of the above type cannot .cedv,.c the size of the central diffraction disc by a factor greater t.ian 1.6. There is 1 Soviet reference. J_J~'ITTED: August 15, 1960 C;xrd 2/2 S/0=~1/62/013/ooi/ol2/oiq E032/Z114 AUT1-iOR: Gallpern, D.Yu. TITLE: b~,.,k~dw. of one-to-one correspondence bet-ween image and object PLIRIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, V.13, no-1, 1962, 12~-128 TEXT: It is shov.~n that different series of different (self- luminous and non-selfluminous) objects will, under certain conditions, produce rigorously identical images. It follovs that in general it is not possible to use a known image to reconstruct the distribution of luminance or the amplitude distribution in the object plane. Strictly spealxin~;, th-Js dcas not_conti-adAcz the results* of 13-S. Tsybakov and V.P. Yakoviuv (Izv. vysshi",zl-i uch. zav., Radiofizika, v.1, no-5-6, 1958) and H. 1--folter (Opt. Acta, 7, 1960, 53) since these workers assumed the object to be fin-ite. The present analysis is based on a re-examination of the t~eorens of V.S. Ignatovskiy (Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. mat. i yestestv. nauk, series VII, no.6, 1933, -1129)'xrho considered infinite objects. These theorems thus turn out to apply to coherent objects also, and the fact that they hold rigorously for infinite objects only Card 1/2 V On the breakdown of one-to-one ... 51051"162/013/001/012/0'L9 E032/Eill, does not impose a stringent limitation because, for example, the field of view of a microscope is of the order of 1000-1500 optical units. The general conclusion is that periodic components in the expansion of the function describing the luminance or amplitude distribution in the image plane give rise to a uniform baclkground when the period is 1'ess than gr units in the case of non-coherent objects, and less than 2-j-r-- units in the case of coherent objects. SUBM.ITTED: June Or', 1961 Card 2/2 GALIPERN, D.Yu. Reply to J.E.Wilkinal Comments. Opt. i spektr. 'i Ap 62. (Opticst Physical) (Wilkins, no.4:536-537 (KRA 15- 5) J.S.) GALIF=4~ D.Yi-,, Disturbance of sil26le-valued corTespondence between image and object. OptA spektr. 13 no.1:124-lA Jl 162. (MA .15:7) (optics) 111 1).;A6 IJP-t e' G19 ACC NRz Ap6000361 SOURCE CODE: Uf~/0286/65/000/021/0056/0057 AUTHORS: -Gallo i. D. Yu Pronina,_O_ V, Offit none 'xNlass 42, No. 1760 TITLE: Objective for geodetic telescopes. 92 SOURCE: Byu3_1eten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov,, no. 21, 1965, 56-57 TOPIC TAGS: optic lens, telescope lens., geodetic instrument ABSTRACTs This Author Certificate presents an objectivwfor geodetic telescopes with internal focusing. The device consists of a po!jktiy!! four-lens co onentMand a simple negative focusing lens (see Fig, 1)* To correct.soorbehromatic aberration, the positive.component is in the form of two individual lenses separated by a din- tance of 0.1-0.2 of the focal length of the positive componsixtand a double cemented meniscus lens with a linear magnification of 0.4--O.S. Crd 1/2 UDCs 681.411535.8240232:528.5, I ACC NRz Ap6000361 Fiz. 1& 1 - Positive comuonentt 2 and ~-Cwd--2/2 L -1 V ACC NR: AP5026798 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/017/007J3/9078 AUTHOR: Poltyreva, Ye. S.; erTi, D. Yu. 2!1-, -P, TITLE: An apochromatic Petzval lens. Class 42, No. 174 095 [announced by. anizati z of the Ministry of the Defense Industrv (Organizatsiya ministerstva oboronnoy,promy- sh1e;nost157---- SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovamykh znakov, no. 17, 1965, 78 TOPIC TAGS; phot.ographic lens, Petzval lens ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces an apochromatic Petzval lens made up oftwo positive elements, each of which is combined with a negative element pl aced behind the positive element and separated from it by an air gap. Correction for spherochromatic abberation is provided by two meniscus elements, one negative and the other positive, with the concave surface facing the image. This:compound correction system has a positive power and is located behind the first four lenses. UDC: 535.824.28 Card 1/2 en,961, ACC NR% APS026798 12 Fig. 1. 1--positive lenses; 2--negative lenses; 3--negative meniscus; 4--positive meniscus SUB CODE: OP/ SUBM DATE- IlMay64/ ORIG MF-. 000/ OTH REF: 000 nw cmd 2/2 77 Ioil ACC NR; A A;0 23 36 AUMOR: ORG: none TITLE. Estimate of frequency-contrast characteristic with the aid of the Rayleigh criterion SOURCE: Optiko-meklianieheskaya pron7shlennost', no. 7. 1966, 22-26 TOPIC TAGS: optic system, image contrast, light aberration, photographic lens, light diffraction ABST'RACT: The-author presents a method of estimating the frequency-contrast charac- teristic of an'~-bptlcal X~tem from the transverse geometrical aberrations, for periodi which are approximateJy ten times larger than the limiting period. The estimate is based on a principle similar to the Rayleigh criterion whereby a wave aberration by one uruarter of a wavelength is admissible. The existence of a similar criterion for the frequency-contrast characteristic is first proved by the standard VeCtOr-additi0n! I technique and its applicability region is then estimated and Mustrated with nurieri-; cal examples. 'Die results lead to an estimate, based on the calculation of the ray i path and the construction of aberration plots, of a frequency-contraot characteristic! for frequencien Which are 10 - 20 times smaller than the limiting values. IL"he method r~_ presenLed 1xi the article makes it possible to establish the permissible transverse aberrations for photographic and projection lenses mhose actual resolution limit is 8OUHC_1_3_C0DE":'__'__ Card-1/2 UDC: 535-8: 535-317.1 L 7!-', '127 ..... . ...... ACC NRI AI'602330-7 rwiy Limes larger than -the diffraction limit. Orig. art. has: figures, 22 formulasl and 1 table, SUB CODE: 20/ isurv DATE: 22Dec65/ ORIG HF-. 004 Card 2/ 2 ACC NR: AP7009117 W--SOURCE CODE: Lr.R/o4l3/67/000/00.--/01-0,7/0---07 JNVENTOR: Gal'pern, D. Yu.; Nefedov, B. L.; SharkUrLOV, I. V. -------- ------ ORG: None iTITLE: A nonocular optical system for observation and sighting. Class 42, No. 191162 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 3, 1967, 107 TOPIC TAGS: optic instrument, telescopic equipment, optic detection ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a nonocular optical system for observa--; tion and sighting. The installation contains an objective lens, a compound erecting lens and a collector in direct proximity to the image surface. Correction for the ~curvature of the' image surface is provided by using a negative and a positive component ;in the erecting lens. The negative component is used for matching the entrance pupil of the erecting lens to the exit pupil of the objective lens and has a power 20% ,greater in absolute value than the combined power of the other components. Card 1/2 UDC: 535.821.1 ACC NR. AP7009117 ~--aegative component of the erecting lens; 2-positive component of the erecting 5.ens; 3--objective lens tUB CODE: 17/ suBm DATE; o2oct65 LEVENSON) Viktor Emmanuilovich;_fA~LFE~p .G.D., doktor khim. nauk, otv. red.; KOTLYAREVSKALYA, P.S., red.; DOROKHINA, I.N., tekhn. red. [Geochemistry of bitumen and its problems]Geokhiplicheakaia bituminologiia i ee problemy. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. V61.3. 1963.' 198 p. (MIRA 16!4) (Bitumen--Geology) ~ :~ 1 1 -1 - ~ ,-- ; . L) . -.A , ~ , 1 . , , "Determination of Acceleration of the Center of Gravlt,-.- of en Autozc.0,-.i]-- in a Gepqral Case of T.otion aloncr n Horizontal T~lane." Iz. Ak. Npuk SSR, Otdel. Tek.-). T.',juk , Io. 6, 1944 DR 52059019 :7A I I --M,-, 7 . J. Inst-itute cf "nehirie StIuO-Jes, Acad. of Sci., USSR (-.1944-) "Concerning the Optimui-a Gontent of 'Eutectic in Foundry Alloys." Iz. Ak. Nauk. SS-SR7 Otdel. Tekh. Nauk, ,,o. 6Y 1944 BR 52059019 OAI f FMN G D UMAW101no - P4181 Apr 1948 Medicine - Savironment "Geotropism in the Fruit Bodies of Higher Fungi," G. D. Gallpern, 1-.p "Priroda" No 4 ]Reports observations made cc fungi growing on birch stumps. Geotropism In Polyporaceae is offrooted by altering direction of growth, while in Agaricace" it Is due to-bantling of stem tissue. Illuetrates process With photographs and diagrams. TA 78T51 GALIMIN, G.D., doktor khin.nauk From the editor. Itogi nanki: Khim.muki no-2:5-9 158. (Petroleum products) (MIRA 12:4) op chanyl Lav.lab, 31 tic.. -4 -434-4*15 '65, t I- byuro v-',ntEtJ,'l"fl,~,!:J~-'i.h, GAWPEMI. I.L. Wfect of the eemen of a different brood on the quality of offspring in chickens [with summary in Finglishl. Zhur.ob.biol. 19 no.3-.21?- 225 My-Je 158. (MIRA 11.-6) 1. Pushkinskaya nauchno-issledova tell skaya laboratoriya razvedeniya sellakokhozyaystvennVkh zhivotnykh, (FOUIXRY BRPMING) FOMIN, JI.I., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; GALIFMI. I.L.. starshiy nauciiwy sotrudnik Increasing the viability and productivity in general-pur- pose hens by crisscrossing them with rootiters of the same and a different breed. Ptitnevodetvo 9 710.9-32-35 S 159. (14IRk 12:122) 1. Pusbkin0aya nauchne-iseledovatellelmya laboratoriya. razvedentya se1'skokhozy&y9tvennykh zhivotrWkh. (Poultry breeding) GALIPERN, I. L. Cnnd Agr Sci -- "Effoot of foreign-breed semen upon the quality of Vft progeny and peculiarities of the sexual process in hens." Pushkin-Len, 1961 (Min of Agr FSFSR. Len Agr Inst). (KL, 4-61, 204) -Z 7f USSR/Wdicine - Vk~aria May/Jun 53 'Tlimination of Tr;)pical Malaria in Zapprozhskaya Oblast," Ya. M. Be'!- -~-Zaporozh- . YYXI. Yu. Gallpern~, skaya Oblast Antim-.;Iaria Sta Yled Parazitol i Pw-azitar Bol, No 3, pp 221-223 As a result of the German occupation, the incidence of tropiLal Zaporozhskaya Oblast increased considerably. By the application of rigid measures in postwar years, tropical malaria was entirely eliminated in 1952. The number of cases was as fcllows: in 1946, 226; in 1947, 335; in 1948, 558; in 1949, 297; in lc5O, 25; in 1951, 3; in 1952, none. 257T48 I.-; ~Jl R y AL RN Synthes--'5 otf hydrocarl ons. Part, 9" '-,propanes V,*h Carbon atong in the rJag and in a sicif, chain. Zhur. ob. kl-..t:r.. no.5z765-786 My '65. (~CRA 1.9-6) 1. gosuOarstvernyy urAversitet ImenJ - ~~ j ,,:, UL, FEN, ~1. 1. USSR/Macellaneous-Procluction Card 1/1 Authors Gal'pern,-M. I., Cand. of Techn. Sciences Title Machines for production of block rubble Periodical Mekb. Trud. Babot., 2, 44 46, mra 1954 Abstract Construction Industry has reicently-adopted sa4eral~.n ev types of stone cutters for the manufacture,of block rubble. Soms:of these machInes already underwent Industrial tests and werefound satisfactoryr This report offers data on such machines and results obtained through their exploitation. Photo of such a stone cutting machin:eAs included. Tables., Graphs. Institution Submitted li, L Subject USSR/Electricity AID P - 1216 Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 11/34 Authors 11 Eng., Udovichenko, B. A., Kand. of Tech. -#cr. W.50- otyMdin, K. N. . Eng., Tashkent Title : Application of flat metallic supporting structures Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 12, 57-61, D 1954 Abstract : The authors consider as advisable the use of such Btruc- tures for 35-kv transmission lines. They develop a method of determining additional forces in unbroken conductors at symmetrical and asymmetrical breaks. They examine the per- formance of the transmission line when a wind is directed along the line. 11 photographs, drawings and diagrams. Four Russian references (1, 1928; 3, 1947-1952). Institution : None Submitted : J1 17, 1954 L AID P - 1221 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 -- 16/34 Authors : Gallpern, M. L., Petrosov, V. D. and Pekson, G. M., Engs. Title : Basic problems of design of regional substations with three voltages (Article by Ye. A. Bugrinov, Elektrichestvo, No. 3, 1954) (Discussion) Periodical Elektrichestvo, 12, 73, D 1954 Abstract The authors consider that the sectionalizing of separate bus-bar systems by one disconnector, as proposed by Ye. A. Bugrinov, does not always make it possible to make rf-~pairs witl*hour, dis-lonnecting the whole substation. They offer a different solution and discuss the problem. One diagram. Institution : Uzbekenergo Submitted : No date GLLIF W 0 M.L., insh. Calculating the pull capacity of articulated towers for tranandesion lines, Alsk, ata. 29 ho,4:39-42 AP 158* (MIRA 1188) . . (Alectric lines-Pbles) BAFISHCHEV, K.N., inzh.; BULANKIN, A.I., inzh,; GALIP'.'-.ZN, M.L., inzh. Goncerning the use of VVN-220 air cutouts. Elek. sta. 33 no.O': 53-56 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Electric cutouts) GALIPF,RNY m.L., inzh. Wood as support material for overhead power transmission lines. Energ. strol. no.4.lt63-68 f64. (MIRA 17:11) ,-'- 1 77- 1, 1 - ,,. , . --. ~ . L- n', i n, e r ff"IlEh Froducfion 'Unchments," Strin'd i insfrument, 1G, No. 12, I It A Rerort U-15,05, 4 Oct 1951. A GALIPERN, N.K., kand.takhn.naiil-, dots. Calculating electromagnets with an external rotating armature. Elektrichestvo no-12t77-78- D 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1jeningradskiy polltekhnicheskI7 Inatitut im. Kalinina. (Zlectromagnete) C, cute lal uravoordy v clr.stn.v':l, 1c,- -.3 ct u C!,. 'd 7a v "4u Ob Z SO: Latheratics in the USSH, ocat".,6, 31 ly, - PETROVSKly. 1.G.; VOVCHENKO, G.D.; SAlISffCHSV, K.A.; SERGEYEV, E.M.; MOSKVITIN, V.V.; SRETENSKIY, L.V.; GELIFOUD, A.D.; GOUJBEV, V.V.; ALEKSANDROV, P.S.; SCBOL&V, S.L.; BAMALOV, S.D.; OGUBALOV, P.M.; KRHYNES, M.A.; MYASNIKOV, P.V.; ZRIDKOV, K.P.; GALTEW, S.A.; ZHPhGALKINA-SLUDSKAYA, M.j~. Vaevolod AlskBandrovich Kudriavtsev-, obituary. Vest.goak.un. 8 no.12:129 D 153. (MLRA 7:2) (Kudriiavtsev, Veavoloa Alakeandrovich, 1885-1953) Call Nr; AF 1108825 Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress (Cont. )Moscow, Jun-Jul '56, Trud V. 1, Sec~ 11gtj-,, ftlatell 1956, 237 pp. Gabib YS~511( -Zade, A. BakU nv a ga on ~~'vWeN ]Far-9AFP8&%Trdn Points of Non-linear Loaded Integral Equations With Various Parameters. 44-45 Gavrilov, N. I. (Odessa). New Method Based on the Theory of Moments, for Investigating Non-linear Differential Equations. 45-46 Gagua, M. B. (Tbilisi). On the Completeness of Systems of Harmonic Functions 40' Mention is made of Keldysh, M. V. LG L a of _irallpern,s. A. (Moscow). Cauchy Problem for the Equation . L. S. . Sobolev Type 47-48 There is mention of Petrovskiy, I. G. There are 4 references, all of them USSR. Gakhov, F. D. (Rostov-na-Donu). Chibrikova, L. I. (Kazan') Card 15/80 PETROVSKIY, I.G., akademik; GALIP-%RN, S.A., dots., (Squations of mathematical physica: program for the Mechanica- Mathematics Faculty. Majors: Mechanics, astronomy] Programmm DO uravnenitem matematicheskoi fiziki dlia makhaniko-matematicheakogo fakuliteta. Septsialinnati - mekhanike. astronomiia. 1956. 1 p. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Moscow. Universitet. (Mathematical physics-Study and teaching) I GUSAROVA, R.S., FILIPPOV, A.F. "Integration of ordinary differential equations" by I.M. Matveev. Reviewed by S.A.Gallp~rn, R.S.Gusarova, A.F.Filippov. Usp.mat. nauk 12 no.3:279-283 MY-Je '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Differential equations, Linear) GALIPBRIT, S.A. (Kiskva); IOPSHITS, A.M. 0-bel-va); BALK, M.B. (Smolensk); ,-,. ", - . ZHAROV, V.A. (Yaroslavl'); BYAKIN, V.I. (L'vov); AR11OLID, V.I. (Moskva); IMANIN, I.Yu. 04oBI-va); DYNKIN, Ye.B. (Moskva); PROIZ- VOLOV, (Moskva): ALEKSANDROV, A.D. (leningrad): VITLN-'HKIN, A.G. (Konkv.~-. Problems of elementa" matbematice. Mat. pros. no-3:267-270 '58. (Wthematics-Problems, exercises, etc.) (MIRA 11:9) AUTHOR: Gallpern, S.A. (Mloscow) 20- 110- ~r -T TITLE; uchy's Problem for Genere.1 Systems of Linear Partial Dff- forential Equations (Zadacha Koshi dlya obfjhchikh sistem li- neynykli uravneniy a chgmlymi proizvodnymi) PERIODICAL: .9 Doklady Akademii Nauk#1-1958, Vol 11.0, Nr 4, rp 6,;C!-643(USSR) ABSTRACT: Let the system (1) ~ [11( t , , ,du .I,(t, Tt 11 )t I " i x k k be Siven, where x k denotes the arguments xl,...,x and L are quadratic polynomial matrices with respect to the opera- tions 1 a and possess coefficients derending on t, and u i '~ xk is the sought vector function with N components. Let the ini- tial conditions be (2) U(t0, x k) (xk) r, Let the coefficients of (1) be continuous functlons of t Card 1/3 Cauchy's Problem for General Systems of Linear Partial Di-f- 20-119-4-4/59 ferential Equations t0