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ACCESSION NRt AP4007806 S/0049/63/000/012/1833/1836 AUTHORt Gallperin, Ye. I.; Zayonchkovskiy, M. A. )TLTLEI Methods and techniques of deep seismic sounding at sea from ,submarines 'SOURCE: AN SSSR, Izvestiya. Seriya goofLzicheakaya. no. 12, 1963, 1833-1836 ,TOPIC TAGS: seismology, deep seismic sounding, submarine seismic !sounding, hydrophone, underwater seismic sounding, suboceanic struc- iture, earth crust study ',ABSTRACT: Soviet submarines have been used since 1958 as underwater ;seismic stations in deepselamic soundings In the Pacific Ocean. The ?equipment used differed little from that on surface vessels, consisting ;of hydrophones.mounted outside the hull connected to amplifiers and 'filters to receive seismic waves at 3-12 and 30-300 cps. The data iwere recorded on photooptical and magnetic tape recorders. The sub- marine& also carried chronometers to synchronize operations with the Card I / 2 iACCESSION NR: AP4007806 surface vessels, During the survey the submarines remained submerged and stationary while the surface vessel moved along a predetermined course setting off 150-kg charges programmed at 7.5-15 min intervals with an accuracy of J-1-2 see. About 2000 shots [presumably depth charges] were fired covering- a profile more than 8500 km long. Though the results were satisfactory, and at a depth of 70-100 m the readings were not affected by wave action even in a cough sea, submarines were found to be too expensive for ordinary use. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Akaderaiya nauk SSSR. Institut fiziki Zemli (Academy of Sciences SSSR. Institute of Physics of the Earth) SUBMITTED: 21Dec62 DATE ACQ: 2'OJan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEs AS NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 001 Card L 3955q-1.6 FWT(1)/,Vj-,-C(k) 2 "T I I'.,,( ''~E P" -Lut c'IIf ACC NR: AT6008785 tSOURCE CODE: UR/2657/6.5/000/014/0095/0130 t;ATJTHOR: Agapava, M. G. i Gal perin, Y 0. 1. ORG: none !,TITLE: Principles of thermal design f radiator-ty uctor devices pa a.errucand SOURCE: Poluprovodnikovyye pribory i ikh primeneniye; abornik statey, no. 14, 1965, 95-130 :TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor device, heat transfer, transistor/F201A transistor ABSTRACT: Three parts are discernible in the present article: (1) Well-known generalities of heat transfer (heat conduction, convection, radiation; simulation of heat transfer by electric circuits; relations between maximum temperature, mean temperature, and the duty factor of pulses passing the junction); (2) Types and functioning of semiconductor -device radiators (a compilation based on 19 56 -6 3 Card 1/2 UDG: 621.382.017.7Z Card 24S GALIFERIN, Ye.I.; GORDONOV, A.Yu.; FOPCHEIIKOV, 7.K. . 1. , - : . - Designing trigger circuits for point contact crystal triodes with consideration of interchangeability. -Poluprov. prib. i ikh prim. no.2:340-352 157. (MIRA 11:6) (Transistors) (Blectonic circuits) 9(4) 24(6) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1765 Vaesoyuznoye nauchno-tekhniche5koye obahchestvo radiotekhniki i elek- troavyazi Foluprovodnikovaya elektronika (Semiconductor Electronics) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1959. 222 p. 13,950 copies printed. Ed-. : V.I. Shamshur; Tech. Ed.: K.P. Voronin. PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineering and technical personnel . working with semiconductor devices. COVERAGE: The book is a collection of lectures delivered at the All- Union Seminar on Semiconductor Electronics in March 1957. The seminar was organized by the Scientific and Technical Society of -Radio Engineering and Electrical Communications imeni A.S. Popov. The authors of the lectures have attempted to systematize the basic information on the operation of semiconductor devices. The articles describe the operation and characteristics..-of crystal diodes and transistors and discuss their application in various low-frequency, high-frequency and pulse circuits. No personalities are mentioned. References appear at the end of each article. Card 1/7 Semiconductor Electronics TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword SOV/1765 3 Ye.I. Gallperin. Basic Physical Concepts 5 he author discusses the physical aspects of semiconductor ma- terials. He describes the atomic structure of the various ele- ments and presents a discussion of energy levels In metals and dielectrics. There are 13 Soviet references (including 4 trans- lations). i N.A. Penin. Electrical Properties of Semiconductors 25 The author gives a brief description of semiconductors, such as selenium, tellurium, and germanium. Particular attention is paid to the atomic structure of germanium crystals and to con- auction in crystals with and without impurities. N.Ye. Skvortsova. Semiconductor Crystal Diodes 32 The author discusses the construction and operation of point- contact and junction-type crystal diodes. She also presents methods of making rectifying contacts and describes the effect Card 2/7 Semiconductor Electronics SOV/1765 of temperature on diode operation. There are 2 Soviet references (including 1 translation). Ya.A. Fedotov. Triode Transistors 42 The author briefly discusses the theory of junction-type and polnt-contact transistors. Chief attention Is given to the theoretical and operational aspects of junction-type transistors. The author discusses the characteristics of junction-type triode transistors and describes the effect of frequency on transistor parameters. He also describes transistor power amplification and discusses methods of obtaining high operating frequencies. A brief description of junction-type tetrode transistors is also presented. There are 7 Soviet references (including 5 transla- tions). Ye.I. Gallperin. Triode Transistor as an Amplification Circuit ElemenE_ 87 The author discusses the construction, operation and applica- tion of triode transistors. He describes various methods of transistor connection and gives expressions for equivalent cir- cults and transistor parameters. There are 6 Soviet references Card 3/7 Semiconductor Electronics (including 1 translation). SOV/1765 V.I. Gevorkyan. Stabilization of Power Supply Circuits of Triode Transistor Amplifiers 105 The author discusses methods of stabilizing the operation of bias circuits and describes an analytical method of calcula- ting transistor performance. He also presents a graphical method of determining the quiescent point and discusses tran- sistor circuits with automatic bias. There are no references. A.G. Fillipov. Direct-coupled Amplifiers 117 The author describes the operation of d-c transistor amplifiers and discusses their operating characteristics. He also describes methods of stabilizing transistor operation by using negative feedback, balanced and bridge circuits. There are 10 references of which 1 Is Soviet and 9 English. Yu.I. Konev. Triode Transistors in Amplification Circuits of Servo- mechanism Systems 132 The author discusses the application and operation of transis- tors in servomechanism circuits. Emphasis is placed on a dis- Card 4/7 Semiconductor Electronics SOV/1765 cussion of servomechanism transistor components, such as a-e amplifiers, modulators, and phase-sQnsitive amplifiers. There are 7 references of which 6 are Soviet (,including 1 transla- tion), and 1 English. A.A. Kulikovskiy. High-frequency Transistor Amplifiers 151 The author discusses equivalent circuits of high-frequency transistor amplifiers and describes methods of calculating their parameters. He describes the operation of interstage resonant circuits and examines the effect of feedback In tran- sistor circuits. He also discusses transiator stability, sta- bilizing networks for the internal feedback In transistor cir- cuits and the noise factor. There are 15 references of which 3 are Soviet, 1 German and 11 English. T.M. Agakhanyan. Transient and Frequency-Phase Characteristics of a Jun'ction-type Triode Transistor 173 The author discusses transient, frequency and phase character- Istics, of junction-type triode transistors. He also.derives expressions for transfer functions for various types of tran- s1stor connectlons and deserlbes the equIvalent c1rcult for h1gh Card 5/7 Semiconductor Electronics SOV/1765 frequencies for a junotion-type triode transistor. There are 8 references of which 2 are Sov.iet (including I translation), and 6 English. T.M. Agakhanyan. Triode Transistor VideQ.Amplifiers 187 The'author discusses linear and nonlinear distortions In tran- sistor video amplifiers and describes circuits with complex feedback and current distributing networks. A brief discus- sion of multistage amplifiers is also presented. There are.2 references, both Soviet. B.N. Kongnov. Trigger and Relaxation Circuits Using Junction-type Triode Transistors 197 The author describes the operation and characteristics of sym- metrical triggers and multIvibrators-using Junction-type tran- sistors. He also discusses their stability and derives expres- sions for calculating transistor tircuit performance. TkAere are 4 references of which 3 are Soviet and 1 English. G.S. Tsykin. Transistor Inverter of D-C Voltages 208 The author discusses the operation and characteristics of in- Card 6/7 PMW I BOOK EXPLOrrATION s(N/4675 and Yu. N. Salitskiy poluprovodaikovyye logicbeskiye pereklyuchayushchiye skhemy (Semiconductor Logical Switching Circuits) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 196o. 243 P. Ermta slip inserted. No. of copies printed not given. Ed.: V. G. Masharova; Tech. 2d.: B. V. Staurov. PURPOM: This survey is intended for specialists working in the field of semi- conductor pulse devices and digital computers. It may also be used by students taking advanced courses in related fields at schools of higher technical education. COVERAO: The survey deals with problems of design and calculation of various semiconductor logical switching circuits and assemblies used in digital computers. Characteristic features of semiconductor switching devices are described, and basic circuit diagrams applied in semiconductor logical systems are analyzed. The basic sources of this survey are 5 English books a-ad 5 articles in periodicals, published in the UU, and the PToceedings of a Seaicondvzctor Logical Switching (Cont.) SOV/4675 symposium held in 1959 in Philadelphia. A list of these sources is given at the end of the foreword. No personalities are mentioned. Peferences and a bibliography accompany each chapter. TABIZ OF CON!MNTS: Foreword 3 Ch. 1. Characteristic Features of the Operation of Semiconductor Devices Under Switching Conditions 7 1. remarks on the operation ofPObt-c=tAct,dtdftg-mdetl-mdtcuag conditions 7 1.1 Recovnrzy time 8 1.2 Transients in a forward direction 111 2. Transistor characteristics operating under switching conditions 24 2.1 Transistor as a switch 24 Gene ral information 24 Com.on-base circuit 26 Common-emitter circuit 30 Common-collector circuit 33 Temperatin-e ef fect 34 Card-eftT_ FEDOTOV, Ya.A.,; RARKANOV, N.A., red.; BIMGM'Wfi, I.G., red.; BROYER, A.M., red.;..GALIPMIN Ye I , red.; KAMETSKIY. Yu.A., red.; KAUSOV, S.F., red.; KONW, YU.I., red.; KRASILOV, A.V., red.; KULIKOVSKIY, A.A., red.; ITIKOLAYRVSKIY, I.F., red.; STEPAHM&D, I.P., red.; VOLKOVA, I.M., red.; SKMOV, B.V., [Semiconductor devices and their applications] Poluprovodni- kovye pribory i ikh primenenis; abornik statei. Moskva. Izd-vo *Sovetskoe radio". No.6. 1960. 333 P. (MIRA 13:12) (Semiconductors) (Transistors) FEWTOY, Ta.A.,"*GAL'FMUS,,Te.I., zomestitel' BAILKANOV, N.A., red.; BERGELISON, I.G.. red.; BROYIE, A.M., red.; KJAMaN31--SLIT, Tu.A., red.; KAUSOY, S.F., red.; KRASILOY, A.T., red.; KULrKOVSKrY, A.A., red.; NIKCLATWX SKIT, I.Y., red.; PKIIIN, N.A., red.; STEPA- NFMO, I.P., red.; VOIKOTA, I.M., red.; MSHNIKOV, A.A., (Transistor devices nnd their applications; collection of articleB.] Poluprovodnikovye pribory i ikh primenenie; sbornik statei. Moakva. Izd-vo *Sovetskoe radio." No.4. 1960. 423 P. (MIRA 13:5) (Transistors) (Electronic circuits) A ~,GLLIPERIN, Ye.l. _(g~Moskva) Remarks on the terminology in the field of transistor electronics. Izvo vys. ucheb. zav.; radiotekh. 4 no.1:101, Ja-F 161. OERA 1434) (Transistors-Teiminol.ogy) AII~ORIIUIOV, A.G.; VAYTSi-Ul-.I, P.S.; GALIPERIL, Ye.I.; ZVER-W, S.M.; ZJCfOlI,GHKOVSKIY, III.A.; R.M.; 0 iIK-1 -.OTA, G. G. ; TULIII 9 YtI.V. Deep sel:sni ic c;ou1idin.r- in the transition zone between the continent of Asia and the Pacific Qqean during the InternatiorAl G--ophysical Yoar. Izv. Ali SSSR. Ser. geof-z. no. 2:169-184 2 161. (IURA 14-2) L.Inctir,ut f-:ziki Zemli AIII SSSIR. (Soviet Far ZILS t--Se ismome try) (Earth--6urface) GALIPERIN, Ye.I. Changes in the direction of particle displacement during the passage of seismic waves through the low velocity zone. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.geofia. no.5:585-594 My '62. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Institut fiaiki Zemli AN SSSR. (Sainmology) GALIPERIN, Ye.I.; FROLOVA, A.V. study of seismic waves by combined vertical and horizontal profiling. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.9:1307-1323 S 163. (MIRk 16:10) 1. Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR. GALIPERIN, Ye. I. Eigierience gained in detailed study of a velocity model for the upper part of the cross section under conditions of slight velocity differentiation, Izv. AN SSSR.Ser,goofiz. no. 4:456- 474 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR. I j .i.. I -~ ;!I G i't 1, PE R I N , Y o . I Study of MUltJ-Dly reflected wave3 In vertical seismic pro"'Lling. Izv. All SSSR. ~iz. zem. ro.12:1-12 165. (METTUL 19.. 1) 1. Institut fiziki zemli AN SSSR. Submitted June 11, 1964. GJkLIPFMIN, Ye. L. Cand Phys-Math S,ci -- (diss) "Change of the crystalline .."'ONWwwww v2,J struoture of steel during cold and hV M treatments." Lon, 1957. 11 pp (Len State Ped Inst im A. 1. Gertsen. Chair of General Mysics), 100 copies (KL, 4-57,80) - -3- GALPERIN, . L. and TMaNASOV, YU. S# The National Committee for Crystal-logratkhy of the USSR "Crystal Structure Changes of Steel During Hot and cold IYeatment" Section 5-10 1 a paper submitted at the General Assembly and International Congress of Crystallography, 10-19 Jul 57, Montreal, Canada. C-3,800,189 70-4-12/'16 AUTHOR: Gallperixi, Ye.L. and Terminasqv., Y4.3. TITLE: Ci-jstal structure changes in steel caused by heat treatment and cold wo (Izre re k-jistalli hesk:o struktury Pee c 0 WY 0 &al' b~b3tkp_ 49 Kk:vl val staft.Loffrap Y FEBIODIC! . 3.S_ aMM&MM (U.~__~ 0 1 Vol.2, No.4 25 lp pp. 519 5 S.R.) ABSTRACT: Changes of different structural characteristics, such as dispersion, elastic and static distortions of the a-phase latutice, characteristic temperature and carbide-phase state, were exami-ned during plastic deformation and heat treatment of ,silicon steel 550 2' Steel samples were statically compressed, and a part of them was filed (after annealing) in order to obtain-powder. The-roentge.,iographic part included photographic and ionisation measurements of the diffraction maxima produced by Fe Ka and Mo Ka radiations. E`ffects of fragmentation and elastic distortions, rees-Pons- ible for the diffraction-line widening, were separated analy- tically and by means of harmonic analysis. Both methods gave a satisfactory coincidence of the elastic distortion data. The calculated crystallite dimensions Card 1/3 depended essentially on the choice of the analytic function. 70-4-12/1-6. Crystal structure changes in steel caused by hi~~at treatment and cold working. (Cont.) The function 1/(l + K2x2 )2 was found to be the most suitable. Static distortions o-* the atomic lattice were rated accord- ing to changes in the dIffraction-line iiitensity for the lines (110) and (220) of Fe Ka radiation and 6:!LDi24~L38 Of Mo Ka. radiation. The extinction effect was taken into accouiit and it was found that this effect is p2actically unimportant for Mo -radiation. The extinction effect provoked a 10-15,0f,, inten- sity change of the (110) line of Fe Km radiation. No regular intensity changes were found in the course of plastic deformation, which apparently proves the a of a direct connection between stetic distortions and Olps_,t). 4n attempt was made to statd'a relationship between the structural characteristics of the samples examined and their mechanical properties, e.g. microhardness. It was found that the hardening of deformed steel is due essentially -'U-o sub- microscopic structural non-uniformities appearing in the course of the a-phase fragmentation 9~nd-the formation of severely dis- torted boundary regions. An identical method was applied to the examination of oil- hardened steel samples tempered at 200-?00 0 for 1 hour. The Card ?13 carbide sediment from a part of the samples was obtained and 70-4-12/16 Cry'stal structure changes in steel caused by heat treatment and cold working. (Cont*) examined by means of Fe Ka radiation. Maximum changes of the-steel 5502 characteristic temperature, caused by heat treatment, do not exceed 3-4%o. A regular diffraction intensity change is found in the course of tempe which allows static distortions to be rated according to t Tempering of ha:4Zned steel 550 at less than 400 0 causes the formation of an intermedijite cirbide with a hexagonal lattice (a = 2.72t a = 4,35 1). At higher temperatures this carbide transforms actively to cementite. The main affect on the tempered steel hardening has several factors: carbon state, different admixtures and their distri- bution, and static distortions of the a-phase lattice. There are 3 figures and 2 tablesp and 21 references, 12 of which are Slav:Lc. SUBMITMD: , February 22, 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 3/3 -ORS 70-5-24/31 !'!a!'pe:E-_J',_n, Ye.L. and Terminasov, Yu.S. On the State of Carbon in Annealed Silicol-i Steel (0 sostoyanii ugleroda v otpushchennoy krei.inistoy stali) 1-Z' TIODICAL: Kris talloCraf iya, 195?, Vol.2, No.5, pp. -~._93 - 695 (USSR) ~'ACT. J_ Carb'de deposits were extracted froi,; ani-icaled silicon (0-55% C, 1.84r;vl Si) by an electrolytic metILod and r,--owder photographs were taken. The steel 'Lad been ,,-uen.-~hed and then annealed at temperatures betmreen 300 and _.')O0 for an hour. The povider photographs shozed spacings of r 2.18 ri 2.07 s, 1.59 w, 1.3? w -and 1.2L~ W which could t~. a-i-lexed on. the basis of a hexagonal cell ~%,ith a = 2.72 and 35 This compound occurre when the steel was annealed elr~w 400 C. Between 400 and 500 C this nresumed intermediate, stable carbide transforns to platy ceE;e~itite and above ~7,00 -C intensive coagulation of the carbide phase takes place ~resuitinE_ in-a transformation to three-dimensional crystals. 21;ere are 1 plate, 1 table and 8 references, 7 of ~,;hich are A.I. Gertsen State Pedagogical Institute, Leningrad. (LeninCradskiy Gosudarstvennyy Pedagogicheskiy IIStitut Oertffena) . . i. r~0-5-224/31 - . - - S ~--te of C:irbon irl ILrincaled Silicon Steel. -;,~ -,L'i2?TED: January 3, 10/57 A - i Alt I-A HE, - Library of Uongress -, i-A 'V2 I z , :4 , , ~ ! ~ ! - - ~ F . - - - A-UTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: L y GALIPERIN,Ye.L., TERIMINASOV,T-U.S. 57-6-32/36 The Effect of Extinction on X-Ray Interferenco Intensity in Steel Investigation. (0 vliyanii ekstinktaii na intensivnost' rentgenovokikh interferentsiy pri issledovanii stali, Russian) Zhurnal Tekhn. Piz., 1957, Vol 27, Nr 6, PP 1379 - 1385 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The experimental results of the heat-treated steels 55C2 and 20 are given. Cylindrical samples with a diameter of 2 mm and a length of 20 mm were hardened: 55C2 at 9000C in oil and steel 20 at 9300 C in water. One part of the samples was tempered for one hour at 700 0 C, the other part was annealed for 4 hours at 8500C. Cylinders with a diameter of 0,5 mn were obtained from heat treated samples of both types of steel by means of etching in a phosphor-chrome electrolyte. The samples were photo- graphed in a RKD chamber with a diameter of 57,3 mm under Mo- radiation. AGFA films were used. In order to eliminate the K 8 radiation from the spectrum and in order to decrease the intens- ity of the through-going bottom an Nb-filter of a thickness of 0,1 mm was used. The absorption of the secondary characteristic radiation was carried out by meano of an aluminum foil of a thickness of 0,3 mm. The investigations showed that in con- Card 1/2 57-6-32/36 The Effect of Extinction on X-Ray Interference Intensity in Steel Investigation. sequence of the different treatments in the case of Mo-radiation the influence of extinction can be disregarded in those cases in which the maximum measurements of the blocks-in the samples developing coherence are not more than 1 + 2.10 4 cm. and where those reflexes are investigated which correspond to an angle of4~'~150- If soft rays are used (Co' Fe, Cr) a size of block of the jo-4 order can be sufficient to cause a reniarkaLle de. crease of the intensity of the interference lines of planes with a great reflexion capacity even if the anUles are i~ ~115 + 250- (With 2 illustrations, 2 tables, and 6 Slavic re- ferences). AS50CIATION; A.I.GERZENS, Leningrad PedaLrogic Institute, Faculty for General Physics. (;eningradskiy Gos. pedago6icheskiy institut im. A.Gertsena', Kafedra obshchey fiziki, Russian) PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTEDt 29.12-1956 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHORSt Gallperin, Ye-", Terminasov, lfu.S.. SOVI 6 3' -:5 8 -4 TI/ TITLE: On the Distortion of the Crystal Lattices of Thermally Treated Steels (Ob i4skazheniyakh kristallicheskoy reshetki termicheski obrabotannoy stali) PERIODICAL; Naucbnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metal.lurgiya, 1958, Nr pp 252 - 255 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the present investigation the influence of the temperature on the tempered steel 95C2 (0,55 % C and 1,64 % Si) as well as on the dimensions of the static: distorted lattices of the vIL-phase was determined. The results showed that with the increase in tem- perature the static distortion of the lattice of the o(rphase does not become so intense, 0 In the annealing of hardened steel at 400 C. at which tempera- ture the total amount of carbon is already driven off from the -2 solid phase, the magnitude 41 kwas found to be greater than lu='T S A The dependence of ln j hki thermally treated on Zh 2 (k - NO) (hk.1-7 i OL Card 112 17000 On the Distortion of the Crystal Lattices of Thermally SOV/163-58-1-47/53 Treated Steels was determined for thermally treated steel samples 55C2 and for the steel No,20. The greatest decrease in the magnitude of static distortion was found within the temperature range of 300 - 700 0 C, at which temperature an intense increase in the aj-phase occurs, The values for Jr- 2- were cal,3ulated by the measuring of the in-- ru4t tensity of the radiations ttl-lines [110] and [220] a~icozding to the corrections introduned for the extinction of the line [I There are 2 figures, 1 table, and '13 references, go of which are Soy-iet.' ASSOCIATIONs Leningradskiy Gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut (Leningrad State Pedagogic Institute) SUBMITTED: October 1, 1957 Card 2/2 ~- z ~II- :I;--. . , I.. GALIPERIN, Ye.L, inzh.-, TERMII&SOV. Yu.S., doictor fiz.-mat.nauk, prof. ___I_,__,%ftvgrmpbIc examination of plastic deformations of steel. Trudy MEI no.23:68-79 '58. (MIRA 12:5) (Steel--Testing) (X rays--Industrial applications) 9 4? GAMPERIE, Ye.L. [translatorl; UMOSKIY, Y--.S., red.; VARM-MV, Ye.A. , re(T-.,ELIK114D, L.M., red. izd-va; ATTOPOVICII, 14A,v telchn. red. [Theory of phases in alloys; collection of articles on reports read at a conferenco on the theory of phasoo in alloys. Translated from the Rnglishl Teoriia faz v splavakh; sbornik a-tlatei po dokladem, pro- chitannym na seminare po teorii faz v splavakh. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metanurgii, 1961. 353 P. NIRA .14: U) (Phase rule and equilibrium) (Alloys-Metallography) 22962 12 Ll 4b S/126/61/011/005/007/015 So SO (1167,31 14eli 112b) E193/El83 AUTHORS: Beletakiy, M.S., and Gallperin, Ye.L. TITLE: The crystal structure of some phases in alloys of magnesium with cerium and noodymium PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, Vol.119 No.5, 1961, pp. 698-703 + I Plate TEXTs The object of the present investigation was to ascertain whether phases, present in alloys of magnesium with other rare earth metals of the cerium sub-group, are also present in the magnosium-noodymium system, and to determine the crystal structure of the phases. The experiments wore conducted on magnesium-bass alloys containing 2-45 wt.% Ce or Nd. All X-ray diffraction work was done on polycrystalline (massive and powder) specimenB. The following conclusions were reached. 1. The Mg-Nd alloys with up to 45% Nd consist of phases similar to those present in alloys of Mg with other rare earth metals of the cerium group, namely MgqNd and NSINd. 2. Depending on the Ce or Nd content in the alloy, th MgqCe and MgqNd phases can exist as one of two modificationst and P1 Card 1/2 2z96,p S/126/61/011/005/007/015 E193/E183 The crystal structure of some phases in alloys of magnesium with cerium and neodymium in the former, and p and x in the latter case. The x-phass is also present in the Mg-Ce alloys containing more than 35% Ce and quenched from 6oo OC. 3. The p-MggCe and p-MggNd phases appear to have an ordered cubic structure with the lattice parameters of 14.604 and 14-578 respectively. There are 4 figures, I table and 7 references: 2 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. The English language references read an followag Ref.l: M. Hansen, Constitution of binary'&Iloys. McCraw Hill Book ComP. 1958. Ref.2: G.V. Raynor. The physical metallurgy of magnesium and its alloys, London, 1959. ASSOCIATIONt Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy alyuminiyevo- magniyovyy inatitut g. Leningrad. Card 2/2 (All-Union Aluminium-Magnesium Scientific Research Institute in Leningrad. SUBMITTED: july A, ig6o ; T :1 11 .1 : I ~ ! ! I I I ; I - .~=~- - VYDREVIGH, Yo.Z., GALIFERIN, Ye.L. I Some equilibrivm phases in the system 0 .- A:LoO3 - CaO - SiO2 2 - H20. Zhur.prikl.khim. 34 no.9:1971-19 9 8 161. (MIRA 14-9) (Systems (Chemistry)) b/070/U2/007/002/002/022 E-132/E160 AUT111URS: G and Sandlert R.A. ;a.llls~~illl YLe-L - TITLE: On the crystal structure of TiCl 2 PER10DICAL. Kris tallo graf iya, v-7, no.2', 19b2, 21.7-219 TEXT : From X-ray pourder photographs the structure of' TiCl has been confirned as being of the Cd12 type with a -- 3 .5() A and c = 5.68 X (t 0.01 YL) and with the single parameter near to 0.25. There were differences between the photographs obtained ation which were satisfactorily explained with Cu and with Dlo radic by differences between the textures of the material at the middle and at the outside of the specimen which produced differences for radiations of greater arid lesser penetrating power. There are 2 tables. ASSOClATION; Vsesoyuznyy alyuminiyevo-magniyevyy institut (All-Union Institute for Aluminium and Magnesium) S U BMA ITTE DInitially, July 1*11 , 1960, and after revision, S(.ptember 11, 1961. Card 1/1 GALIPERIN, Ye.L.; STROGALIN, Tu.V. Polytetrafluoroethylene ;ingle crystals. Vy-sokom, so-~d- 5 no.10:1589 0 163. (MMA 17- 1) cc nd kt',- ACCESSION NR: AP4012280 5/0070/64/009/0017D102/a03 AUTHORS: Gallperin, Ye. L.o Dubov, S. S.; Volkova., Yeo V.; Klenik, M. ?a TITLE: The crystalline structure of poly;rifluochloroothyline SOURCE: Kristallografiya, v. 9~ no. 1, 1964, 102-103 TOPIC TAGS: chloroethylene, crystal structure, x ray diffraction,, crystal pulling, polyraer, camera RKV 66A. ABSTRACT: The authors undertook thin work because of contradictions in the literature 'on the cell dimensions and c1min configuration of this compound. They obtained precisely oriented samples,of the polymer by pulling in glycerin,at 150-1600o The 5amples were then heated in their extended state for 10 190-1950. X-ray patterns were obtained on cylindrical film in an RKV-86A camera. The pictures are characterized by lines of the first and second levels and by an absence of equatorial reflection 's. The lines of the second level correspond to hexagonal packing., The value of the lattice constant was determined to b6. a - 6.385 + 0,015 A. Along the axis of the crystal fiber, c - 42 + 0.2 L Sevea- teen monoZr 1-wits are packed along thi,! line, indicating a crystal density of. -Card 1/2 'ACCESSION NR. APLO12280 2.20 + 0.02 g/cm3, which is in good agre!ment with experimental density measure- ments, The absence of equatorial reflec4ions and the presence of intense,, almost point, reflections at lines of the first, second, and third layers indicates that the first reflection should be referred ;o (101), not to (100) as has been done in previous work. Orig. art. hasi 2 figur3s. ASSOCIATION: none SUBIMTED: O9Apr63 DATE ACQ: 19Feb64 ENGLs 00 SUB CODE i SS , cW NO R;F SOVs 003 orml OCS Card 2/2 I~r- trio 7~iu, neoro-~ krilm.. 9 no,,?%j7~j7_176P JI C r, fi i io -I rk-n (I lia"i chr n - - ss I e. I sk ly -re n!.. e n c - che.Bk.v 41-1~titut~ rj ON ........ .. Rit, 0 Mll o~, I Al A' UMU' Vim -A U uJub- 0 'Vill MaKiK Ak _7 WN 05A OITRO i`� max,,Al I OW"I a.41co mul M_ . .~R. , ~;il 7. 1. 4, i~ 1!1 4. c OFIA;r U I.o X 5-- d 4i or X), gg~wg I VICT 'MIR kRIC zu RI, Jol "70 in p N I Ww- i r -ell! - 500-~, ~I" vA 50. fill '0 t'iz-2T IRP AIW 4 ;3 -Utt j I - . I L ; I - . F0 L,' ii -,'1, 1. F. ; I PEI-111114, Ye . i,. ; ., ~ . :~ . ; ~ !.', I", " (j " 1 ~, , -, ~ '~- Catalytic oxidation and oxidative, Of PropY.Ier-e On bismuth tungstate. Neftekhimiia 5 no.1:111-117 -,a-F 165, 18: 5) i'l 1, , I -i,H -, 1`7. '1 E:, . i. ,-,-. ..V- I . ,-. ; .11 .. t ~ . - , - .,# , .. ~ - L I, ,'A . ~,; ., . . t, , Ap L4~ ~ 1 ; ~ ; :, . . I - ." ~ , t: " , r. .:1, , tai L ;.zil 1 t vit,- Cp . ('2 . - it . - ai~ , '1 0 'I ;~ - A j_.; A,3 - 1 7 It,.' cfllu, ",.P,:g) F.OLCIIJN, I.K-~ BOBKOV, S.S.; L.Ya, I catalysts of ox.1dat'don find of oxid.utiva ammonolysit; of propylene. Kin.1 kat,, 6 110-5.-87,04- 883 s-0 165. (NMIRA 18-.11) . . - , - - .. . , ~.! ~. ~.,. "Action of B. abortus," Zhu. Microbiol. & Immunobiol. 12: 294-300, 1934- - . .) it "Cliemoflexion) ZentrIbl. f. Bakt. I Abt. Orig. 1-28:320-6, 1933 Chemotherapeut. Dept... C'iem.-Phax-maceut. Inst. Moscow. E. P. "Aeridine compounds as a source for remedise. V. The relation between anti"larial effect and changing substituent3 in position 2 and 6 as weLU as the amine in the eide chain." maghidavn,, (). J.,, Ih~orvvsky., Ae JI., and Galperj;Q, 1;~L-P. (p. 66) SO: ro, -11 ~M4 M+~ &UM&l j-HE -- - Obabhel. MdmU ) 1938, Volume 8. No. I A.11 .A: 00 00 4:~ 00 4 0 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 ' 1 1 1 N 11 1 0 U 2) I AS 041! * 0 * 1 ~v 11 h 7 1 11 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , M h it i . 1 t 1 . L a 1. 16 L a h I tJ T 1-1 AA 0 . ) ; 4 W U h ij V 9 ff Q a t k -a J.C. L401.1 1E F A DC 9 S 4 1 . .0 F a 4 11 ~41. -00 Us schliatrople and gametatropic chasdcttf of Anti -00 SlAridl chemotherapeutic dnigm. 11. The t h tofC "M c biological O e t antimalarial compounds of the quinolint series with a ch&W In position 4. H. 1'. 1 IzkVW- jj~, _ - - r Aff'11114. Paraills, I)S-Siti, iv. s. TM 9, R": I 44 Niiiii Ftrth-h. 53)j 191M.- I It, .1 eovupd,. mvrAtaiv,j wt,ic quisioluics No,. 45 ti-niethoxyquinoline). 60 (4 -dirt hViAntin(ilm I vlamitlit-,i- methi"yquitioline). ZQ And SO Th.-Y all r"11T.'In tilt- 6-turiboxy Stoup And 4 diet bylantimmilivI chain allaelitJ t th l h h i i A** it e nuc ort .4. ew t roug an atunto Krutip n lKhtt flivy had previouJy lk-en shown to be whizotropic tit bir,l niaLtria; they am without itaiiivioln1w proltettici. lit h I i h 1 j h l t e r ,rhav qw with ry,,pect tit jjjjjIAtjA t iti ey are Itt Iv 41121-11'"1s 1-1 quitilue. The im"11,-rt -'11)r di, 111VI.61.1i.1- JILV61111110 tit IttAilkill Halt 6-111 -hill-41"Pil M-11 K-11111-- . I'1 ( 1 11 I 6 d -j 0., 0 1,111W. . le IMCPS11. 0 1 st"j, vwl F'rm Itivi%fl-le SIA13-11tutes for 4ilittitiv. FtAitfti it ri-Nivners. @Of A I L A MtTAt.Lk;R(;K4L LITIRATURC CLASSIFICATICH A.., Glo. ------ WIN "U Kel" IFIX.Jon 0 0; 4P 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wo 9 0 0 9 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 09901696 **go*** 0000009664-6400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0-0 0 0-0 Ire 0 4*48 goo moo too tie 0 WOO 0900000 I a f 0 It tr It u 5 16 17 a 19 00 00 00 a 008 004 go's 000 go so Psall U33 141S xv une Al Go 4941,2e I. I. Ak* a 19 a I of b"2- WWI F. P. II&I, Mik? id. phraid. INNAPNOlakformb. 1441. No. 11. M $(in Cwtumn. IM).-Ftwthmal Adilli'll' f(filitm of riukrinsin of dyw"Iffy inkropwi fit filicr 1- .00 dates an *%Pql. ' I wr%kh cats be und Im WMing the MOWRY (d chmmi, " p 0 4. KOO. inveitics. -00 tiom , I 1e that ~ MWISMUNW -Pdo- (molfidine, -041 Wif"a.Wrer j& )OWu.Mff*KwlIWr#WtCOVfkIGlO%in .00 ol d"miery mk alli t (Wip -d FlextWO an the Ofpn- inn. Thi% k the basmis hw the antic=kmo%k- chrenotherapy 80* JnbwQmrydyw"tM. TbemwltomniWcampds-inv",~- w camit on t)w twoorin of the SMx& -kvW- ve t d b =00 . m r c p MAI ftfe"Ams. W. R. Henn too goo See goo see see tl* 0 bee t3941 Igo.$ 60)"iml Id"Oel .6 %*now .1. a.. 43" -a- -liT- Le 0 u I F I F I 'A a 0 'm a 0 a I a im- 11 a a- - ; p a 1. .4 al-tv, 'gas we RL a I 41,9 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 g :19 GAL'PERIN., Ye.R., redalctor; GODELEVICH, V.P.; YEVTYANOV, S.I., redaktor; 1-11, ~~;- , '~ KRISS, P.Zh.; MINk, S.L.; POPOV, I.A.; SHTEYN, B.B., redaktor; VOLKOVA, T.V., redaktor; VEYNMUB, L.B., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Problems on radiobroadcasting installations] Zadachnik po radio- peredatushchim ustroistvam. Pod red. S.I.Irtianova i E.R.Gallperina. Moskya, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po vaprosam eviazi i radio, 1951. 175 P. [Microfilm] (MIaL 7:12) (Radio-Problems. exercises, etc.) (- "I-il I- I - 'T L I IJ , I - ' % YEVTYAKOV, S. 1. and Ye. R. GALPERIN Exercise Book for Formulae Used in the Construction of Radio Transmitters, State Publishing House on Questions Pertaining to Communications and Radio, Moscov, 1951. Book-CS-G-EG-1205 1,RRIAYEV, N.A., inzhener.-kontr-admixal; SNIHNOV, I.I. , kontr-admiral; GALIPERIN, Ye.s., kapital 1 ranga Don't distort the tMth ("Elusive monitor' by I.Vsevolozhakii. Reviewed by N.A,.Munaev, I.I.Smirnov, E.S.Gallperin). Mor.sbor 44 no.3:89-96 M-,-~61, I ' (MIRA 14:4i (Black Sea region-World War, 1939-1945~-Naval operations) (V~qvolozhskii, I.) GALIPERRI, Yu-.,p prepodavatell Combined study of kinematics'. Prof.-tekh.obr. 18 no.6:19 je 161. (MnA 14:7) 1. Zheleznodorozhnoye uchilishche No.,4,, Moskva. (Kinemotics-Study and teaching) --G~IP992L,-Yu.; KNELINITSKAYA, L., red. D-11iracles are created by po,-ple; guide]Chudesa tvoriat liudi; putevoditell. Moskvap TSintiolektroprom, 1962 78 p. iMIRA 15:8) (Moscow--Exhib:Ltions) (Technological innovations) GALIFERIN, Yu., prepodavatall Solving the triangles and electrical engineering problems. Prof.- tekh.obr. 20 no.10:13-14 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Professionallno-.tekhnicheskoye uchilishche No.60, Moskva. -GALIPERIN, Yu., prepodavatel; Meeting with an author. Prof.-tekh. obr. 21 no.9:32 S 164. (IMIA 17: 11) 1. Professionallno-tekhniclieskoye uchilishche No.60 g. Moskvy. GALITIERIN, Yu., prepodavatell Short test papers on mathematics. Prof.-tekh.obr. 22 no.8:18 Ag 165. (I-IIIHA 18:12) 1. Professionallno-teklinicheskoye uch-ilishche No.60, Moskva. GALIPERIN, Yu.B., podpolkovnik med. sluzhby, GLUZMAK, I.S., mayor med.slushby Case of prolonged retention of a contrast medium in the nasolacrimal canal. Oft.zhur. 13 n0-5006-307 158 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Iz Laringo-oto-rino kafedry im. prof. V.I. Voyacheka i kafedry oftallmologii (nach. - prof. B.L. Polyak) Voyenno-meditsinakoy ordena Lenina akademii im. S.M. Kirova. (LACRIMAL ORGANS--RADIOGRAPHY) GALIPXRIN. Yii.B.; BONDARNKO, L.P.; KVITASII, V.A., kand. med, nauk. -'I - ~& Otogenous abscess of the te=oral lobe with at"ical clinical course. Vest.otorin. 21 no.2:90-91 Mr-Ap 'J9. MRL 12.,4) 1. Iz Solnechnogorakoy gorodskoy bollaitsy (Moskovokava oblast'). (TIMPORAL WBI, abscess, otogenous, atypical case (Rua)) KDIWIM7, M.F., polkovnik meditainakoy sluzhby-, BOKSIRTEYN, M.Ye., podpolkovnik meditainskoy oluzhb7,; GALIPIRIII, Ya.B., podpolkoynik meditsinako.v aluzhby- Some problems in the differential diagnosis of chronic highmoritis. Voen.-med.zhur. no.12:54-57 159. (miRk 1411) (SINUSITIS) KOZHEVNIKOV9 P.A.; GALIPEdUN# Yu.B. Case of emphysema of the eyelids of rhinogencua origin. Zhur. ush.j non. i gorl. bol, 20 no. 3:66 M*Je 160. (Milk 14:4) 1. Iz Okruzhnogo voyennogo gospitalya. (EYELIDS-DISEASES) (EMPHYSEMA) GAL I PERIN )N.,B. (g.Solnechnogorsk, Mookovskoy oblasti); KUDRINA, A.Ye. -1 U.Soine'chnogorsk, Moskovskoy oblasti) Emphysema of the neck following tonsillectomy. Zhur. ush., nos. i gorl.bol. 22 no.1:92 JA-F '62. (MIRA 15-5) (TONS113-SURGEU) (NECK-DISEASES) (EI-THYSEMA) FISHZON-RYSS Yu.I., nauk, (Moaknra); GAL .7 --'r, - ~- fl, , , t. Interrelations between chronic tonsil2itia and chronic gastritis. Vest. otorin. no4l:74;.-74 f63. (MIRA 16:9) (TONSIIS-DISEASES) (STOMACH-RIPLARIATIOU) FISHZON-RYSS, Yu,I., kalid. med. nauk (Mbskovskaya oblast); ~Qal= ,:rU. B. (Mbskovskaya oblast'); SHIPIK, 11.1. (Moskovska-ya oblast'). State of the stomach in chronicn tonsillitis. Zhur ush*, nos* i gorl. bol. 23 no-5:34-38 S-0163 WRA 17:3) BAYKOV, S.D.; GALIPERIN, Yn.F.; IOFFE, A.F.; SHLOKOV, G.N. Ferrites with rectangular hysteresis loops for electronic-physical apparatus. Mnogokan. izm. sist. v iad. fiz. no.5:15&-164 163. (MIRA 16:12) GALIPHRINI YU.T., prepodavatell. Mastering technical terms in work classes. Pblitekh. obuch. no.l: 81 Ja 158. (MIRA. 10:12) 1. Shkola No.589. Moskva. (Technology--Terminology) 51-6-23/25 AUTHOR: Gallperin, Yu. I. TITLE: Remarks on the Paper of V. V. Shuleykin and P. F. Shakurov "The Sodium Line in the Absorption Spectrum of Air Above the Sea". (Po povodu stat'i V. V. Shuleykina i P. F. Shakurova. "Liniya natriva v spektre pogloshcheniya vozdllkha nad morem".) PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1957, Vol. III, Nr. 6, p.6?2. (USSR) ABSTRACT: A letter. The present author criticizes the above paper of V. V. Shuleykin and P. F. Sliakurov (Ref.1). Shuleykin and Shakurov photographed an emission spectrum of an incandescent lamp after passage through 10 ka of air about 50 m above the sea surface. The beam from the lamp was not parallel and vias not focused on the spectrograph slit. The D--doublet of Na was not resolved and it is hardly noticeable in Fig.1 of Ref.l. Shuleykin and Shakarov's paper does not give the essential experimental details such as the type of the spectrograph used, its resolving power, dispersion, parameters of the camera, etc. Their Card 1/2 calculation of line intensity and derivation of the 51-6-23/25 Remarks on the Paper of V. V. Shuleykin and P. F. Shakurov "The Sodium Idne in,the Absorption Spectrum of Air Above the Sea". atomic absorption coefficient are both erroneous. The present author points out also that the purported estimate of the number of excited Na atoms can only apply to non-excited atoms in their ground state. There is 1 Russian reference. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. (Institut fiziki atmosfery, AN SSSR.) SUMMED:- July 22, 1957. AVAIIABIB: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 ' _ILI FF 12 UP RA 'oil ~m 4'a (if 3 *'v*h w0 tw AT ~UPW IsUm usi _~GMA;g~ t4esfpltxWIII tw (Wall, Oki! 1 100) it lo it if A L: ~i Ji it it GAL I PERIN, TiTty. .- . - . - ~ .. - - - . I -~- "kurora borealis; notes of ajpurnalist" by IUrii Gallperin. Geog. shkole 20 no.3:-79 NY-Je 157. (KUtA 10tO (Auroras) AUTHOR: Gallperin, Yu. I. TITLE: Observations of hydrogen emi5zion in aurora. (Nabl3rudeniya izlucheniya vodoroda v polyarnykh siyaaiyaV-h). 4,PERIODICAL: Astr'onomicheskii Zhurnal, 1957, Vol.34, No.l$ PP-131-134 (USSR) Vegard (1) and Gartlein (2) have detected broadening of lines of the Balmer series of hydrogen in aurora. Spectro- grams taken by them (and also by Meinel (3) ) at the magnetic zenith and the magnetic horizon have shown that protons move down the Earth's magnetic lines of force with velocities of the order of 1000 km/sec. The present work was carried out at the Northern Station of the Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere at Loparskoi ((P = 680381 and X = 2h 13M.3). The a paratus was similar to that described in ref.(5). The speNrograph SP-48 GOI had the following characteristics: Illumination - 1 : 0.8 Dispersion - 83.5 i/mm at Resolving limit: 2 1 (Panchrom X) 17 spectrograms were obtained for H of which two were taken at the cc magnetP horizon and the remainder at the magnetic zenith (strictly, 8 north of the zenith). . Table 1,gives the K-index of magnetic disturbances during the experiments averaged over all the observatories in the U.S. S.R. The t-index did not exceed 5. Observations of hydrogen emission in aurora. (Cont.) Fig.1 shows spectrograms Nos.14, 15, 16 (magnification x2l- microphotometer slit width .65 mmi resolving limit 3 1 approx.5 The fourth spectrogram in Fig.1 is the background without the H.. For comparison, the spectrograms of Meinel and Gartlein are showu in Fig.2. The resolving limits in the latter cases were 7 X and 15 1 respectively. Fig.3 shows the contours of H for t-a three best spectro- grams taken at the zenith. These &ntours enable one to determine the velocities vA I vB t VC t and v D which correspond to the following points on the contours: A - axi observed velocity of recession from the observer ("red shift"); B -.maximum blackening; C - blackening corresponding to 0.1 of maxim=; D - maximum observed velocity of approach towards the observer ("blue shift"). These velocities were found to be: No VA VB vC v D km/sec 14 + 250 - 300 - 1700 - 1850 15 + 350 - 350 - 1700 - 1950 16 + 300 - 400 - 1950 - 2050 The errors are:- + 100 km/sec in vB and + 200 km/sec for the other velocities. The most reliable of these is v C, Observations of hydrogen emission in aurora (Cont.). The results for the two spectrograms taken at the magnetic horizon weRe less reliable. Their half-widths (H ) were 14 and 17 A respectively. This corresponds to spieds of + 300 and + 400 km/sec. Taking into account the.instr~mental cintour these- values reduce to + 250 ai2d + 300 kn/sec- Four figures, two tables. 9 references, 4 of ~;hich are Russian. Physics of the Atmosphere Institute Ac.Sc. USSR. Reed. Aug,11, 1956- GAL'PERIDT, Yu. I.; Master Phys-Math Sci (diss) -- "Hydrogen emiu~iion In the spectra of polor radiations". Moscow, 1958. 9 pp, (Acad Sei USSR, Inst of the Physics of the Atmosphere), 1.30 coDies (n, No 1, 1959, 113) AUTHOR-. -8/27 Uallperin, 33-35-3 TITLEs Hydrogen Line Profiles in the Auroral Spectra (0 profilyakh vodOX3dnykl,-i linly v spektre polyarnykh siyaniy) PERIODICAL3 Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, 1958, Vol 35,11r 3, pp 382-380z (USSR) ABSTRACTs The authcr analyzes older and modern results on the profiles of the tho auroral spectrum. His own results and those of Krasovskiy LRef 12,13] on the H.C - lines are parti- I el~larly considered (on these results it was already reported at ~ ,e Geodetic .. Geophysical Meeting in Toronto in 1957)- From these results which were obtained, however, in Lopars- kaya with the high degree of latitude -f = 640 , the author concludes the penetration of a considerable number of protons with initial velocities of 1000 - 2000 km/sec. It in assumed that such particles cause the luminescence of atWor'as in high altitudes. There are 'I table, 6 figures, and 23 referc-nees, 6 of which n.rr- Soviet., 11 American, 3 Norwegian, I French, and 2 English. ASSOCIATIONs Institat fiziki stmosfery Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Atmospheric Physics of the Academy of Sciences, of the USSR) Yi - 4 u a -Z -j b - U. 9 i h .9 .97 tip t ;9 s 1 it 0 2 bb j fit ca- GALPi--1HIj.T, 'I-U. 1. ON THE 1-iATURE OF IMID CORPUSCLES IN T;'P, UPFER I.S. Shklovsky, V.I. Krasovsky, Yu.I. Galmrin, Svetiltitky, Ye. M. 1. Investigations conducted by Soviet and American artificial earth satellites have led to the detection of a region of intensiva corpuscular radiation commencing at an altitude of several hun3reds of kilometres and con- sisting of two 11'relts". 2. An analysis of the spatial distribution of these b4~lts permits Irawing certain cenclus."ons concerning the mechanisms of ge-naratien and "esoape" of hard corpuscles. 3. An analysis is given on the relationship between aurorae and streams oil solar corpuscles, on the one hand, and the energy spectrum and concentration of hard corpuscles in the outer "belt", on the other. 4. Calculations are made on the generation of hard corouscles in the inner "belt" on the basis of the mechanism of decay of albedo neutrons. 5. There is given an analysis of other Dossibilities of' --eneration of hard corpuscles in the u r atmosphere. Investigations of High-gneriW Heavy Ppe Nuclei in 'the Prii-ilary Cosmnic Radiation Clo----a to the G-.!,-nagnt~tic Equator (Guan, 14arianas Islanisl D. Haskin, P. L Jain, E. Lohrmann, Marcel Schein and I.I. Teucher. In a large stack of nuclear emulsion exposed to the cusiiic radiation at 1OZ,000 feet near the geomagnetic equator, 540 tracks QIC high-energy heavy nuclei were loc-ted in a systematic scan and followed along the track. Report presented at the International Cosm4-c Ray Confe.rence, Hoscow, 6-11 July 1959 sov/49-99-8-7/27 AUTHORS: Krasovskiy, V. I~, Shklovskiy, I. S., Gall-rarin. Yu.1. and Svet11T8-R-1Y,-::Xe. M. TITLE: Detection of Electrons in the Upper Atmosphere with Energies of About 10 keV on the Third Satellite,l- PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizictieskaya, 1959, Nr 8, pp 1157-1163 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An account is g~yen of the results of measurements of electron streaIns iwith energies of 10 to 40 keV. The measurements were carried out by means of two fluorescent screens covered with thin pieces of absorbing aluminium foil placed on the satellite, Their radiation was recorded by photoelectron. =- tltipiier. It was found that the streato intensity decreased sharply with a decrease of energy. The stream of energy at high latitudas during the night was observed several tens of ergs/cm sec.str. Fig I gives an examples of the relationship of the intensity of a stream of electrons and its equivalent energy a measured on May 15, 1958 at -42 to -54* magnetic latitu Card 1/2 in the region 1720-1880 km high over the South Pacific. sov/49-59-8-7/27 Detection of Electrons j.n the Upper Atmosphere with Energies of About 10 keV on the Third Satellite The concentric circles represent repeated values. There are I figure and 26 references, 9 of which are Soviet and 17 English. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut fiziki atmosfery (Institute of physics of the Atmosphere, Ac.Sc., Uss~/ SUBMITED: April 3, 1959 Card 2/2 11: 11 ~, L~ SIO'k 9/5 9/000/12/0019/027 13. 9000 E032/E-591 AUTHOR: Shklovskiy, I.S., Krasovskiy, I. and Yu.I. Gallperin - -- - ---t ~,, -, TITLE: On the Nature of Corpuscular Radiation in the Upper Atmosphere PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya, 1959, Nr 12, pp 1799-1806 ABSTRACT: Soviet and American investigations carried out with the aid of artificial Earth satellites have led to the discovery of an intense belt of corpuscular radiation which begins at an altitude of 400-600 km (Refs 1-4). Recent results obtained with the aid of cosmic rockets have given the spatial distribution of the intensity of the hard corpuscular radiation surrounding the Earth (Refs 5 and 6). It transpired that there are two belts of corpuscular radiation. The first belt (the inner belt) forms an equatorial ring bounded (approximately) by the geomagnetic latitudes + 400~ According to Ref 6, the width of this belt is somewhat smaller. The belt has a concentration maximum at an altitude of about 3000 kiii(above the geomagnetic equator). Cardl/6 The second (outer) belt extends up to 6-8 terrestrial radii and its concentration maximum is at a disr-ance of ~,k~ 235 S/O 119/59/000/12/009/027 E0~2/E591 On the Nature of Corpuscular Radiation in the tipper Atmosphere 3-5-4 terrestrial radii. In order to explain the origin of the belt of fast charged particles surrounding the Earth, a number of authors have put fori-iard the neutron decay hypothesis (Refs 7-9), This is the so-called trapped albedo theory of the radiation belt. However, an analysis of the spatial distribution of the particles in the two belts excludes, in the opinion of the present authors, the albedo theory. In fact, the presence of an equatorial belt means that the particles fcrming this belt "avoid", moderate and high geomagnetic latitudes. Apparently thits is a result IV of the fact thatXqeoizjagnetic disturbances and nolar ~Vauro.ras at higher latitudes remove particles f~oin the inner belt and prevent their accumulation,, This means that the equatorial belt is supplied with particles only from belaw, i.e. from the lower layers of tile terrestrial atmesphere. On tile other hand, tile spatial distribution of particles in the outer belt clearly indicates an extra-terrestrial Source. Again, the particles in the outer belt, oncc they appear in Card2/6 the magnetic trap at the distance of 3.5-4 terrestrial 682-, .;I SIO'J 9/` 9/000/12/009/027 E03 2/F,5 91 On the Nature of Corpluscular Radiation in the Upper Atmosphere radii, will accumulate in this region over a longer interval of tirue than at the distance of 5-6 terrestrial radii since the frequency and amplitude of Seomagnetic disturbances at latitudes of ~50-00* are greater by a factor of several tens than in the zone of maximum repeatibility of polar auroras, This explains the observed position of the maxinium in tlie outer belt. The difference in the origin of the particles in the two belts leads also to a difference in their energies. Thus, an analysis of the spatial distribution of the particles in the two radiatiqn belts lead.-i to the conclusion that the main reason for the escape of particles in the outer (and apparently also in the inner) zone are geomagnetic disturbances and the associated auroras~ Of course in the case of the inner bell: the relevarit xuroras are the low-latitude auroras which are relatively rare. During geoinagz)etic disturbances, the nor-mal field at liigh altitudes is disturbed and the particles confined in the trap can Card3/6 escape both into the inter-planetary space and qll"*, 68"35 S/049/59/000/12/009/0-27 if Corposctilar E032/E591 -ri L-o rit--a-,zru!~ -i,i'uo the norc. clense layrt;,- i)~ -re, f 1-3 c i";) 11 TT Card4/6 i: a :I il ri, 1; S/049/59/OCO/12/009/0-'~7 ( -' 35 S/Olk 9/ 5 9/oOO/ 12/ 009/027 E052/E591 On the Nature of Corpuscular Radiation it, the Upper charged particles as a rosidt of the interackior, of cosmic rays with the atmosphere, leading -to the formation of neutrons (ot;if--r than those formed in stars). Meson decays are also a sourco of unstable neiitrnl particles. Another morn powerful source are nuclear explosions. There are thus two sources for the inner belt, the first of which is the trapped cosmic ray albedo which can supply approximately 2 x 1022 - 2 X 1023 electrons with energy up to 780 keV and 10 20 -1021 protons with energy up to 30 MeV during a time interval of 106 - 107 sec. The second source is the nuclear explosion source, which at times can considerably increase the intensity of the hard corpuscular radiation in the equatorial belt. It is pointed out that it would be very desirable to have further data on the identification and the energy spectrum in the equatorial belt. There are 1 table and 23 references, 11 of which are Soviet, 11 English and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Ak-ademiya nauk SSSR Institut fiziki Atmosfery Card6/6 (Ac.Sc., USSR, Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere) SUBMITTED: April 22, 1959 30) AUTHORS: Bagaryatskiy,B.A., and Gallperin,Yu.I. SOV/33-36-1-28/31 TITLEt On Hydrogen Line Profiles in tho Spectra of Aurorae PERIODICAL: Astronomiohesiciy zhurnalp 1959,Vol 36,11r 1,pp 192-193 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present short note the authors compare their theoretical calculations with the averaged hydrogen emission profile observed in aurorae * There are 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet, and 4 American. ASSOCIATION:Institut fizilti atmosfery Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED: September 12, 1958 Card 1/1 3 (7 ), 29 (2), 29 (5) AUTHORS: Krasovskiy, V. I., Shklovskiy, I. S., SOV/20-12~1-1-20/065 Gallperin, Yu. I., Svetlitskiy, Ye. M. TITLE. The Discovery in the Upper Atmosphere by Mearis of the Third Sputnik of Electrons Having an Energy of About 10 kev (Obnaruzheniye v verkhney atmosfere s pomoshchlyu tret;yego sputnika elektronov s energiyey okolo 10 kev) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 1, Pp 78 - 81 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the third Soviet sputnik (which was launched on May 15, 1958) an experiment concerning the direct -discovery of electrons of not very high energy was carried out in the upper atr-ospheTe (Refs 1,20). It is characteristic of this experiment that practically only electrons of some dozens of kev were recorded. The indicators used did not react to the X-ray radiation Eene- rated by these electrons in the atmosphere and in the shell of the sputnik. Therefore, thin fluorescence screens (ZnS, acti- vated Ag) with 2 mg matter per 1 CM2 were used. As the author2 used aluminum foils of various thicknesses as absorbers, it was possible, besides the intensity of fluxes of electrons of not Card 113 particularly high energies, to evaluate also the "equivalent" The Discovery in the Upper Atmosphere by Means of the 30T/20-127-1-20/6-,, Third Sputnik of Electrons Having an Energy of About 10 kev energy of the electrons. The limiting diaphragms fitted before the indicators warranted the recording of corpuscles within a solid angle of 1/4 steradian. The radiotelemetric 'material de.- termined furnished several results of great geophysical inter-, eat: Electrons ofvIO kev were detected in altitudes of from 470 to 1880 km above sea level. The lowest intensity was found over the geomagnetic equator in an altitude of~1300 km above sea level. At the "equivalent" energy of -20 kev its minimum amperage was estimated at 10-14a. am- 2 steradian- 1. In medium and polar latitudes (up to 600 geomagnetic latitude) an amper- age of 5-16"la. cm-2 steradian-1 and sometimes also of more than 10-10 steradian-1 is usual for electrons with an equivalent energy of 12 kev by night. With the construction of the measuring apparatus, such high intensities were not expect- ed. Therefore, the intensities exceeded the apparatus scaleg and the intensity and "equivalent" energy of the electrons re-' Card 2/3 corded could not be evaluated. A diagram shows the dependence The Discovery in the Upper Atmosphere by Means of the SOV/20-127-1-20/6-- Third Sputnik of Electrons Having an Energy of About 10 kev of the electron fluxes on their "equivalent" energy within the range of from -42 to -540 geomaGnetic latitude in altitude's of from 1720 to 1880 km in the night of May 15, 1958 above the southern part of the Pacific. When the sputnik rotated round its two axes, the intensity of the electron fluxes changed son- siderably. The electron fluxes are probably the cause of 'the heating and expansion of the upper atmosphere (which was de- duced from the slowing-down of the sputnik). There are 1 fig- ure and 17 references, 9 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki atmoafery Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for the Physics of the Atmosphere of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: April 14, 1959, by A. I. Berg, Academician SUBMITTED: April 14, 1959 Card 3/3 8-, -,"9 0 0 -9/004/40/000/0_3/c, 5/W5 Q AbMOR: Gal'perin, Yu.I., Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences TITTLE F "Hot" Electrons in the Earth. Atmosph--c-re PERIODIC.-AL. Znaniye-Sila, 1960, No. 3, pp. 36 - -37 TEXT? The author describes the res--Arch o&rrled out by Frofessor Kra-ovsk~yi to eztabliah the origin of thJ6... . of the earth. Based on Pr fessor Krasovskiy and his ass1stants concluded that UAe ele-c"ro- magne-tic corona of the earth Is caused by sm corpuse-alis ",caught" in the Magnetic f~ieid of the es-r-th. Card 1/1 T,7/49 CP 25990 3/560/61/000/006/008/010 9032/E314 AUTHORS: Krasovskiy, ViI., Shklovskiy, I,,S., Gallperin, Yu.I., Svetlitskiy, Y96M., Kushnir, Yu.M. &Mi Bordovskiy, G.A. TITM Discovery of Approximately 10 ksV Electrons in the Upper Atmosphere PERIODICAL: Akademiya SSSR. Iskusstyenyyo sputniki Zemli. No. 6. Moscowj 19619 PP- 113 - 126 TEXT: Prior to experiments carried out with the aid of artificial Earth satellites, it was assumed that the natural glow, heating,aud ionization of the upper atmosphere was largely due to hard,alectromagnotic radiation of solar origin. It was considered that corpuscular radiation (protons, a-particles and electrons) could only penetrate the atmosphere in the polar regions and thereby give rise to geoma:xnetic disturbances and auroraeo It was found that aurorae were frequently initiated by protons with a considerable velocity spread. However, in many cases, hydrogen-emission was not observed and the appearance of aurorae was provisionally associated with electrons having Card 1/7 25990 S/560/61/000/006/008/010 Discovery of .... Z032/Z314 energies up to a few hundreds or thousands,of eV. An,attempt was then made by Krasovskiy et al (Ref- 3 - UFN, 64, 425, 1958) to detect these electrons from the third Soviet artificial Earth satellite. The apparatus employed consisted of two very thin phosphors covered by aluminium. foils. The scintillations were recorded by photomultipliers and the amplified photo- multiplier signal was stored and later telemetered to Earth, Owing to the presence of the aluminium foils (which were of differing thicknesses) it was possible to estimate both the intensity and the energy of the electrons which were most effective in exciting the phosphors. A particular feature of this apparatus was that It was sensitivIe only to electrons and did not respond to protons and photons of comparable energy. T he apparatus indicated the presence of large electron currents at altitudes up to 900 km in the region of the southern part of the Pacific Ocean, the energy of these electrons being of the order of 10 keV. These currents were often so large that the apparatus gave off-scale readings since such high currents were not expected. In the case of theme off-sc&le readings the energy Card 2/7 25990 S/56o/6i/uoo/oo6/oo8/oio Discovery of .... E032/E314 flux exceeded 100 erg cm -2 see -1 at altitudes up to 1 900 km from the Earth's surface. Fig. 2 shows the calibration curves for the two detectors employed in this experlmento The dashed lines correspond to aluminium foil of 0.8 x 10-3 S/CM2 and the continuous lines correspond to aluminium foil of 0.4 X 10-3 g/cm 2.. The numbers on these lines indictite the energy of the electrons in keV. These calibration curves were obtained in laboratory experiments using parallel beams of mono-energetic electrons. The current density of monochromatic electrons (A/cm2) in plotted along the vertical axis and the telemstric channel number, which in proportional to the logarithm of the photomultlplier current, along the horizontal axis. Fig- 3 shown the difference AK between the logarithmic-scale divisions of the two detectors as a function of the energy of the electrons used in the calibration. The ratio of the photo-currents of the two detectors depends on the energy of the electrons or, more precisely, on the form of the energy spectrum. This relation was determined in Card 3/7 25990 S/560/61/000/006/008/010 Discovery of E032/E314 preliminary laboratory experiments with mono-energetic electrons. The form of the energy spectrum recorded by the satellite Is unknown and comparison of the readings produced by the two detectors can only be used to est:imate an equivalent energy. This equivalent energy E equiv is defined as the energy of a monochromatic beam which given the same photo-current ratio for the two detectors as the observed value, Proceeding along these lines one can also define &n equivalent current and an e4uivalent energy flux. It can easily be shown that these equivalent quantities give, In fact, the lower limits of the measured quantities. Consideration of the telemetric records, a number of which are reproduced in the present paper, showed that the most frequently recorded energies occurred in the neighbourhood of 14 keV. Since the sensitivIty of the apparatus is considerably higher for high-energy electrons, It follows that in the case of non-monochromatic electrons the maximum flux corresponds to an eneigy Wow 14 keV. This maximum can be determined if some energy-distribution function Card 4/7