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GJ=XA, 0. S., KOTMORSKIY, E. L., and CHERNMVA, L. A. (Moscow) "The Galvenomagnptic Effects in Bickel and Nickel Alloys at the Low Temperature (2 t Mu K)," a paper presented at the International Conference on Physics of Magnetic PhenomemAj, Sverdlovsk, 23-31 May 56. H7-58-6-13ZZ4 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, r 6. p 293 (USSR) AUTHOR: Galkina, O.S. TITLE: Temperature Dependence of Magnetoresistance in Nickel- copper and Nickel-silicon Alloys (Temperaturnaya zavisimost' gal'vanomacynitnogo effekta v splavakh nikel'-med' i.-nikel'- kremniy PERIODICAL: Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. Ser. matem., mekhan., astron., fiz., khimii, 1957, Nr 3, pp 111-116 ABSTRACT: The dependence of magnetoresistance (M) on ter-riperature was studied on NiCu alloys with 4.6 - 25. IT6 Cu and Ni-Si alloys with 1.0 - 4.0% Si. After smelting the samples were annealed at 1 OOOOC, drawn to 0. 1 -mm diameter, and acrain annealed for 1 hr at 9000, with a subsequent cooling at 1000/hr. Measure- ments were taken on a Wheatstone bridge with a IV 21/4 galva- nometer as indicator. Samples were heated under 10-2 - 10-3 mm H vacuum. The temperature was kept constant to within � 10-~ degrees. The field strength attains 3300 oersted. The temperature varied from 770K to the Curie point. It was estab- Card 1/2 lished that the value of M at first increases with addition of Cu 137-58-6-13ZZ4 Temperature Dependence of (cont.) and Si, attains a maximum, and then decreases. In case of magnetic satura- tion the values for M were noted to be in linear dependence to temperature within a 1001 range from the Curie point. At constant temperature* in:,this range, with the exception of weak fields, the value of M is linearly propor- tional to HZ/3, H being the intensity of the field. P.S. 1. Copper-nickel alloys--Resistivity 2. Copper-nickel alloys--14agnetic factors 3. Nickel-silicon alloys--Resistivity 4, Nickel-silicon alloys--Magnetic Pactors 5. Hag-netism--Temperature factors Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Kondorskiy, Ye. I.t Galkina, 0. S., Chernikova, L. A-48-8-12/25 TITLE. The Electric Resistance and Its Modifications in the Magnetic Field and in Nickel Alloys at Low Temperatures (Elektricheskoye soprotivleniye i yego izmeneniye v magnitnom pole u oplavov nikelya. pri nizkikh temperaturakh) PERIODICAL: Izvest:ljm Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Fiz., 1957, Vol. 21, Nr 8, pp. 1123-1130 (USSR) ABSTRACTi The task to be accomplished by this paper was to investigate the specific electric resistance and its deviations in the magnetic field in the case of nickel and its alloys with copper, chromium, and manganese at temperature of 2 to. 4.2'and 14 tD20.4 K. The present work intends to re-examine the theories cu.i- cerning anomalies of electric conductivity of ferromagnetic alloys, and the further development of knowledge of this field. Such scientific papers as deal with this subject are here described as unsatisfactory. Existing scientific tre- atises concerning this field by the scientists: Meisnet and Voygt, Smit, Kondorskiy and Ozhigov, Kazumoto and Shirakava are mentioned, but it is said in this connection that the problems raised by the present paper have hitherto not been Card 1/ dealt with. In the chapter dealing with Measuring Methods it is The. Electric Resistance and Its Modifications in the Magnetic 48-8-12/25 Field and in Nickel Alloy3 at Low Temperatures. said that the measurements concerned were here carried out ac- cording to the potentiometrical method and by means of a poten- tiometer made by the Krasnodar worksi The samples were annealed in form of thin wires of o,l-ot2 am 0 at a temperature of.9000 during a time of 1-12 hours in the atmosphere of the neutral gas. Some samples were hardened at 9ooO in air or water. In the chap- ter.dealing with the Electric Re 'si'atance of Aic-k-e.1 and its Alloy with Copper it is said that the corresponding diagrams in the range of temperature of 2-2o.40K showed step-like curvatures, which may be explained by the presence of an extremely small com- ponent of high conductivity. In the course of further research work them had to be taken into account when dealing with the range of hydrogen and helium temperatures. The result is here given in form of the empirical formula q - q + aTn. In the chap- ter dealing with the Modification of EleltricoConductivit~ 2.f Nickel and its Alloys with Copper in a �tjcqng_NjgRe~tie_Field it is said that in nickel and its alloys with copper and a pro- portion of 5.1o and 25%, resistance is only to very low degree dependent on temperature at 4.2#2o,40K, but that, in the case of alloys with 15 and 2o~- copper content and at a temperature of Card 2/ 3 2#3000 the decrease of the resistance was determined according to The i,lectric Resistance and tts Modifications in the Magnetic 48-8-12/25 Field arid itt Nickel Xlloya at Low Temperatures. the increase of temperature. In the chapter dealing with Modi- fications of the electric resistance in Iii-Un alloys becoming "ordered"' it is said that the value RT/RT of the doma orien- tation in the longitudinal magnetic field diminishes in the ca- se of the aforementioned Ni-Mn alloys. At the temperature of li- quid helium this value increases to six times the value it has at a temperature of 2830K in the case of a hardened alloy. In the case of Ni3Mn samples this value at first rises after cooling of longer duration with the rising of the field, but it then decre&- ses again, and in the case of strong magnetic fields and tempera- tures of between 195 and 2630K it even becomes negative. The co- efficient characterizing the inclination of the curves of this value from the field is reduced according to the extent of the de- crease of the temperature, and therefore this value changes its sign at low temperatures and particularly strong fields. There are 11 figures, 1 table, and 11 references, 5 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Dept. of Physics. of :Moscow State University imeni M.V.Lomonosov (Fizicheskiy farulftet Moskovskogo gos-univers:teta imeni M.V.Lo- AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. monosova) Card 3/3 GALKINA, O.S., Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Studies of electrical Ct- resistance and its changes in tbr magnetic field of f erromagnetic metals and alloys." Mos,1958- 7 pp. (Moe State U im M.V. Loinonosov.) 100 copies. (KLI 12-581 95) -4- AUTHOR: None Given SOV/129-58-9-16/16 TITILE: Dissertations (Dissertatsii) PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Obrabotka Metallov, 1958, Nr 9, pp 63-64 (USSR) ABISTRACT: The following dissertations were presented and approved: For the degree of Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences: G. Ye. Zillberman "On the Theory of Oscillation Effects in Metals in Magnetic Fields" Khar1kov, 1958, Khar'k. Gos. Un-t im. A. M. Gor'kogo ~Kharkov State University imeni A. M. Gorlay). V. S. Shpingel' "Investigations in f~-and y-spectroseopy", Moscow 1958, Mosk. Gos. Un-t im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov). For -the degree of Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Science: .0. S. Galkina "Investigation of the Electrical Resistance and its Changes inside a Magnetic Field for Ferromagnetic Metals and Alloys" Moscow, 1958, Mosk. un-t im. M. V. Lomonosova Noscow University imeni U.V.Lomosov). Yu. D. Kozmanov "Investigation of the High Temperature Oxidation of Tungsten, Molybdenwn andcfSomeBinary Alloys Card 1/11of Iron with Tungsten and Molybdentim", Sverdlovsk, 19158, Dis.,xr tations SOV/129-58-9-16/16 Urallskiy gos. un-t im. A. M. Gor'kogo (Ural State University iAneni A. M.GoAdy, ). N1. K. Savchenko "Influence of Elastic Stresses on the Structure of Lbe DomA_ns of Transformer Steel", Krasnoyarsk, 1958, Krasnoyarsk. Eos. (Krasnoyars.'11-L State Pedagogic Institute). P. N. Stetsenko "Investigation of the MaGnetic ProperLies and the Structure Durin6 Phase Transforiuations in Iron-Vanadium Alloys", Moscow, 1958, 'Osh. 90s. un-t im, 11. V. Loitonosova (Mosco,,,., State University imeni T.T. V. Lomonosov). For the degree of Candidate of Chemical Science: A. Ya. Groskaufmanis "Basic Chlorides of Aluninium and Their Optical Properties", RiSa, 1958, Latv. gos. un-t im. P. Stuchki (Latvia State University imeni P. Stuchka). Yu. N. Kukushkin "Kinetic Investigation of the Substitution Reactions in Some Compounds of Bivalent Platinum", Leningrad, 1958, Lenin6r. tekhnol. in-t im. Lensoveta (Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet). N. A. F,,,,rpiyev "X-ray Structural Investigation of Crystals of Complex Compounds of lbthenium, ContaininG Hydroxonitrozo Card, 2/11 Groupsi' I Moscowl 1958, Mosk. gos. un-t im.'111.V.Lomonosova Dissertations '~J-()V/129-58-9-16/16 (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov), I. S. Sazonova "Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide on Protoxides of Nickel and its Solid Solutions"I Moscow, 19581 AN SSSR,, In-t fizicheskoy Ichinii (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Ac.Sc. USSR). B~ V. Sobotovich "Certain Problems of the Geochemistry of Lead IsoLopes", Leningrad, 1958, Radiyevyy in-t im. V. G. Khlotina (Radium Institute imeni V. G. Khlotin). A. N. Goryaga "Magnetization of Ferromagnetics Near the Curie Point", Moscow, 1958, Mosk. gos. un-t im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov). R. N. Gurzhi "quantum Theory of Absorption of Electromagnetic Waves of Metals in the Infra-red Range of the Spectrum", Khar1kov, 1958, Khar1k. gos. un-t im. A. Y1. Gor'koE;o (Kharkov State University imeni A. M. Gor?4y). I. !I. Dmitrenko "Influence of Pressure from All Sides on -the Magnetic Properties of Metals at Low Temperatures", Khar1kov, 1958, Khar1k. gos. un-t im. A. 1,41. Gorlkogo Kharkov State University imeni A. M. GoAdj. M. Ya. Zakutner "Investigation of the Card Texture of RolliiiC,- and Recrystallisation in Low Alloy 3/11 Dissertations 3OV129-58-9-16/16 (0.9016' Si) Dynaino Steel", Sverdlovs1c, 1958, Urallskiy Gos. un-t im. A. !4. Gor1kogo (Ural State University imeni A. U. Goi~kiy). A. V. Cheremushkina "Investigation of the Hall Effet.;t in Ferromagiaetics" Moscow, 1958, Mosk. gos. un-t im. M. V. Lomonosova b,losoow State University imeni Lt. V. Lomonosova). A. V. Zakrzhevskaya "Over-voltage of Hydrogen and Oxygen on Fickel in Solutions of Caustic Soda ContaininE Alkali Earth Metals" Tashkent, 1958, In-t k-himii AN Uzb.SSR (Institute of Chemistry, Ac.Sc., Uzbek SSR). N. K. Kozachek "OrSanosols of Alloys"I , 1iTivP1958, AN Ukr.SSR, In-t obshchey i neorganicheskoy --~hiinii (Ac. Se., Ukraine SSR, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry). R. Payeda "Investi- gation of the Methods of Determining Cobalt". Vilno,1958, Villnyusski.y gos.un-t (Vilno State University). Yu. D. Tret'yakov "Investigation of the Structural Transformations of Certain h1a6netic Alloys by the rVIethod of the Real Heat Capacity" Moscow, 1958, Mosk. gos. un-t im. DA. V. Lomonosova bAoscow State University imeni Card 4/11 it. V. Lomonosov). Dissertations SGII/ _12S~ - 58- G/ - 1 -6/16 E~ I, Yasinskene "Investigation of the Complex Compounds of Or (III), Iron (III) and "tipazh" (III) with Urea, Villnyusll 1958, Villnyusskiy gos, un-t (Vilno State University). For the degree of Doctor of Technical Science: V. N. Sokolov "New Methods of Calculation of the Heating of Metal in Industrial Furnaces"I Moscow, 19581 TsNIITi%IASh,, 1,, 1. Khoroshev "Theoretical Foundations of Accelerated Annealing of Malleable Iron", Moscow, 1958, In-t metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova (Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov). V. M. Zamoruyev "Tungsten in Steel", MOSCOW9 19585 All SSSR, In-t metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova (Ac. Sc. USSR, Institute of Metallurgy imeni A.A.Baykov). A. M. Korollkov "Dependence of the Properties,As-Cast,of Non-ferrous Alloys on Their Composition and the Type of the Diagram of State", Moscow, 1958) AIT SSSR, In-t metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova (Ac, Sc. USSR, Institute of Metallurgy imeni.A. A. Baykov). I. N. Fridlyander "Searchin6 for High Strength Aluminiua Alloys of the System Aluminium-Zinc-MaSilesium-Copp,,,~r", Moscow, 1958, Card 5/ tsvetn.inetallov i zolota im,, M. 1. Kalinina Dissertations SOV/129-58-9-16/16 (Moscow Institute of Non-ferrous %lietals a-ad Gold imeni hi. I. Kalinin). For -the degree of Candidate of Technical Science: Yu. M. Buravlev "Investigation of the Influence of the Stpucture of an Alloy oil the Results of Spectral Analysis of Complex and Simple Alloyed Steels", Sverdlovsk 7 1958, AN SSSR, Urallskiy filial (Ural Branch of the Ac.Sc. USSR). S. D, Vapgeyngeym "X-ray Investigation of the Inter- Crystallite Internal Adsorption in Silver-base Alloys", Sverdlovsk, 1958, Uralskiy gos. un-t in. A. M, Gor1kogo (Ural State University imeni A. M. Gork4). S, I. German "Investigation of the Thermal Stability of the Cast Steel 20 KhM-L as a Material for Welded-Cast Assemblies of Stem- Turbines", Khar1kov, 1958, Khar1kovsk. politekhn. in-t im. Lenina (Kharkov Polytechnical Institute imeni Lenin). V. I. Gorbunov "Utilisation of a Betatron in the Defectoscopy of Steel Components". Tomsk, 1958, Tomskiy politekhn. in-t im, S~ M. Kirova Tomsk Poly- technical Institute imeni S. 11. Kirov). A. A. Kasumov "Determination of the Range of Application of Work Hardened Steels in Curved Ferroconcrete Structures", Card 6/11 Baku 1958 Azerbaydzh. polite khn. in-t (Azerbaydzhan Poly~echnic'al Institute). Dissertations ;-DOV/129-58-9-16/16 N. S. Kuzlmina "Determination of the Plastic Properties of the Alloy r4N5 and Establiohment of the Technological Process of 'Manufacture of Tubes from this Alloy", Mosk. in-t tsvet. metallov i zolota im.. ".10scowl 19585 M. I. Kalinina (Moscow Institute of Non-ferrous Metals and Gold imeni M. I. Kalinin), I. I. Moroz "Investigation of -the Influence of Various Factors in Electrolytic Zinc Coating on the Mechanical Proper-ties of Steel". Moscolx? 1958, Mosk. khim.-tekhnol. in-t im. D.I.Mendeleyeva Noscow Chemical-Technological Institute imeni D. I. Mendeleyev), I. G. Rivkin "Investigation of the Strength of Cast and Rolled High Speed Steel", Leningrad, 1958, Leningr. politekhn. in-t im. M. I. Kalinina (Leningrad Polytechnical Institute imeni U.I. Kalinia). V. P. Rudometkin "Automation of the Inspection of Hardened Steel Components by the Method of Magnetic Permeability", Llvov, 1957, Llvovskiy politekhn. in-t (Llvov Polytechnical Institute). M. A. Studnfts "Investi gation of the Intergranular Fracture of Cast and Over- heated'Steel by Means of Radioactive Isotopes", Moscow, Card ?/111958, TsNIITIMASh. Dissertations SOV/129-58-9-16/16 G. A. Tulyakov "Investigation of the Creep of Austenitic High Temperature Steel Under Conditions OVComplex Stress State", Moscow, 1958, TsNIITMASh. I. A. Useynov "Properties and Technique of Utilisation of Compressed Air in the Heat Treatment of Tube Ends". Baku, 1958, Gruz. politekhn, in-t im. S. M. Kirova (Georgia Polytechnical Institute imeni S. 11. Kirov). V. G. Chernyy "Study of the Processes of Hardening and Softening of Certain Nickel-base Alloys" 7 Dnepropetrovsk, 1958, Dnepropetrovsk metallurgichesk. in-t im. I. V.Stalina (Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute imeni I.V.Stalin), Chou. -Shih-chlang "Investigation of the Influence of Certain Transient Elements on the Structure and Properties of Copper-Beryllium Alloys", Moscow, 1958, tsvet. metallov i zolota im, Kalinina (Moscow Institute of Non-ferrous metals and Gold imeni Kalinin). V. V. Averin "Solubility and Activity of Oxygen in Liquid Iron, Nickel, Cobalt and its Alloys" I Moscow) 1958~ AN SSSR In-t metallurgii im, A~ A. Baykova (Institute of Card 8/11 Metallurgy imeni A. A, Baykov, Ac. Sc. USSR). Dissertations ,z(_j-j -58-5--16/16 4 /129 N. P. Barshteyn "Certain Problems of AL-,,,eing of Deformed Magnesium Alloys" Moscow, 1958, Mosk. in-t tsvetn. metallov i zolota'(Moscow Institute of Non-ferrous Metals and Gold). B. D. Vasilenko "Study of the Reactions of Chlorinating of Zirconium Dioxide and Zirconium Carbide", Moscow, 1958 Mosk, in-t tsvetri. metallov i zolota im. M. I. Kalinina (Moscow Institute of Von-ferrous Metals and Gold imeni M. I. Kalinin). A. M. Belikov "X-ray Determination of the Constants of the Quasi-elastic Force of Thermal Oscillations and of the Coefficients of Thermal Expansion of High Melting Point Metallic Phases", Moscow, 1958, Mosk. in-t st-ali im. I. V. Stalina (Moscow Steel Institute imeni I.V.Stalin). M. S. Vendrikh "Influence of the Scattering of the Heat Capacity Data on the Equilibrium Constant and Determ-ina- tion of the Heat Capacity of the Borides of Certain Metals" Moscow. 19581, Mosk. in-t tsvetn. metallov i zolota im. M. 1. kalinina (Moscow Institute of Non-ferrous Metals and Gold imeni M. I. Kalinin). A. M. Volkov "Investigation of the Application of the Low Alloy Steel EI603 for Cutting Card 9/llTools", Bloscow, 1957, ?AVTU. Dissertations SOV/120~-53-01-16/16 F. Ya. Iok-heles "Investigation of the Type II Stresses Caused by Structural Transformations and Wear in Hardened Steels as Applied to Over-Loaded Toothed Gears", Kiyevt 1950, AN Ukr.SSR, In-t stroit.iiieldianiki (Ac.Sc. Ukr. SSR, Institute of Engineering Mechanics). L. I. Kogan "On the Intermediate Transformation of Austenite", Moscow, 1958, Mosk. in-t stali im. I.V.Stalina (Moscow Institute of Steel imeni I,V. Stalin" P. 1. Mellnichuk "Investigation of the Ageing of Alloys by the Method of Determining the Modulus of Elasticity", Kiev. 1958, Xiyevak. politekhn. in-t (U~ev Polytechnical Institute). I. A. Mikhaylov "Investigation of the Plastic Properties of the High Temperature Alloy EI617 and Development of a Technological Process of Accurate Stamping of the Blades of Turbo-jet Engines, Moscow,1958, Mosk. aviats-tekhnolog. in-t (Moscow Aviation-Technology Institute). M. A. Tylkin "Influence of the Chemical Composition and of the Conditions of Heat Treatment of Steel on the Changes of -the Mechanical Properties and the Coercive Force During Tempering". Dnepropetrovsk, 1958, Dnepropetrovsk, metalli)rg. zavod im. Dzerzhinskogo Card 10/ 11 (Dnepr ope trovk Metallurgical Works imeni Dzerzhinskiy) .Dissertations SOV/129-53-9-16/16 K. T. Chernousoval'Investigation of the Crack Formation During Crystallisation of Aluminium Alloys", Moscow, 1958, Mosk. in-t tsvetn. metallov i zolota im. M. I. Kalinina (Moscow Institute of Non-ferrous Metals and Gold imeni M. I. Kalinin). 1. Scientific research--USSR card 11/11 AUTH~-RS: Kondorskiy, Ye. I., lk' SOV/56-34-5-3/6i Chernikova, L. A. lzll~~ TITLE: The Electric Resistance of Iron, Nickel, and Ifickel-Copper Alloys at Low Temperatures (Elektricheskoye soprotivleniye zheleza, nikelya i splavov nikelya s medlyu pri nizkikh temperaturakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal elcsperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1956, Vol- 34, ITr 5, PP~ 1070 - 1076 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This work investigates the temperature dependence of the electric resistance of the metals and alloys, in question in t-'Ie temper- ature interval from 2 to 78u K. The electric resistance was measured potentiometrically. Wires, 150 to 160 mm long and 0,1 - 0,2 mm in diameter, which were wound upon a copper c---linder served as s,,tmples. The data concerning the composition of the samples are given in a table, All samples had' been annealed for one hour at 9000 in a vacuum. Afterwards they were s1twly cooli~d- 3 other snitipler, which al!7o 1~ad been nnnealed at 4)OOOC were quenched. In the experiments within the temuerLture intervals Card 1/3 2 - 4,2; 14 - 20s4 and 63,1 - 77,30 the tezmper~-~tire was iatermined The Electric ReBiatance of' Iron, Nickel, and Nickel- SOV/56-3;4-5-3/61 Copper Alloys at Low Tem.Peratures by measuring the pressure, The curves of the temperature depend- ence of the specific electric resistance 3 of iron, nickel, and nickel-copper alloys are illustrated in a diagram. So=,e curves of this kind contain steps in the temperature range from 3 to 100 K.. These steps as a rule are smaller with the annealed samples than with the quenched ones. The specific resistance 3 was rep- reaented as a power series- 3 (T)-_Q ....-Two diagrams .0 +oLT+OT2+ illustrate the functions of (3-0,)/T versus T and of ln( versus 1n T, For the first function the deviations from the straight line begin at T,> 300K. In the interval 4 < T < 180K the temperature dependence of the electric resisltance can be described by 3 terms of the abo,^~e mentioned power series or by the formula ) + aTm. For all samples the exponent is close ~ = go to 3/2. At temperatures above 20 - 300K probably a law of the T5 type is valid. In the interval 4 < T < 770K the temperature dependence can be described by the formula 3=30+aT+PT +yr or 9 =3o+aT M+bTn , where t and n are close to 5. Another diagram Card 2/3 illustrates the dependence of the remanent resistance3, on the The Electric Resistance of Iron, Ifickel, and Nickel- SOV/506-34-5-3/61 'Copper Alloys at Low Temperatures copper concentrotion in the nickel-copper alloys for quenched and annealed samples. Unto 25~ copper this dependence is linear. There are 7 figures, 1 table, and 14 references, 5 of which are Soviet. A5SOCIATIOIT: Moskovskiy gosudarstverinyy universitet (Aloscow State University) SUBMITTED: November 6, 1957 1.Iron-Resistance 2.Nickel-Resistance 3.Copper-nickel alloys --Resistance 4.Metals-Temperature factors Card 3/3 GALKINA, O.S.; CHEMIKOVA, L.A. Relation between,the temperature dependence of the electric resi3- tance at low teifto6fatures and the galvanomagnetic effect in strong magnetic fields. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 38 no.1:3-6 Jan 160. (MIRA 14-9) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Electric resistance) (Magnetic fields) .9 AUTHORSi TITLE: PERIODICAL: 82032 S/05 60/038/02/50/061 Boo6y,3014 Kondorskly, Ye. I., Galkina, 0. S~, C The Maximum of Electrical Resistivity in Ferromagnetic Materials n the Curie Point at Low Temp raturen,\ Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 38, So. 2, pp. 646-648 TEXTs In a previous paper (Ref. 1 the authors have shown that in the case of nickel the ratio A~/A I ~N - change in resistivity with a change of magnetization by 6 1 due to a magnetic field in saturation range) is approximately equal to the ratio (9T_9,o)/(Io_IT)' 9T and IT denote resistivity and/or saturation magnetization at T-< 200K, ?o is the residual resistivity,-and 1 0 denotes saturation magnetization on extrapolation for the absolute zero. It was further assumed that 9T - 30 - aT3/2 (a - a proportionality factor) held for iron and nickel Card 1/3 52032 The Maximum of Electrical Resistivity in 51056V6010381021501061 Ferromagnetic Materials in the Curie Point Boo6/ ~,014 at Low Temperatures at and below the temperature of liquid hydrogen and y,-9 - aT3/2 _ T5 0 above the temperature of liquid hydrogen. The authors concluded that within the range of the temperatures of liquid hydrogen and helium the resistivity growth with rising temperature depends essentially on the resulting increase in non-homogeneity of the magnetic momentE of the crystal lattice and, above the temperature of liquid hydrogen, on the amplification of thermal vibrations. Consequently, a maximum of resistivity may be expected in the range of Curie temperature where fluctuations of the magnetic order occur, especially if the Curie temperature is in the temperature range of liquid hydrogen. This pos- sibility was first pointed out by N. A. Krivogla and S. A. Rybak. The existence of this maximum was experimentally proved by the writers of the present "Letter to the Editor". Samples of copper-nickel alloy (58 and 59.25% Cu) whose Curie points were below 200K, were used for the purpose. The experimental technique is described in Ref. 1. The accompanying diagram shows resistivity as a function of temperature. The sample containing 59.25% of Cu, whose Curie point was near the temperature Card 2/3 82032 The Maximum of Electrical Resistivity in S/056/60/038/02/150/061 Ferromagnetic Materials in the Curie Point B006/ 1.014 at Low Temperatures of liquid helium, had the most distinctly marked maximum, In the ca3e of this alloy, the maximum of 9 - go amounted to 0.7 per cent of go. These maxima are flattened when a magnetic field is applied. Thus, the assumptions made in the preceding paper were confirmed. There are I figure and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: October 27, 1959 Card 3/3 GALKINA, O.S.; GIOUTIKOVA, L.A.; KNTO", S.S. Magnetic anisotropy of ferroricklel sirgle crlr3tils at tom- po~atuvos of 4-20~ 780,, mid 2930K. Vest.. lliosl,.. un. Ser. 31 Fiz., aetror., 1.6 no.5:4E-51 S-0 161. OJIM 14:10) 3. 'Nafedra magnetima Mo-l-ovskogo gosudzu.-j-tvO~-mngo univeroiteta. Mm-niokel, alUye--ftgnetic Propertlem) A 2~~J~o AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: It 3177P 21/05 61/041/006/013/054 B1 1 3~al 04 Galkina, 0. S., Chernikova, L. A., Chang Klai-ta Kondorskiy. Ye._f_.___ Electric Oroperties of th,in nickel films at low temperatures Zhurnal eksperimentallpoy i teoreticheekoy fiziki, v- 41) no. 6(12), 1961, 3763-1766 TKXT: The authors studied the el ctric nd galvanomagnetic properties of highly pure nick'al 'filis of at Mat 30 1 thickness, and compared them with the corresponding properties of bulk specimens. The films were obtained by evaporation in vacuum (1o-7 ma Hg) inside a balloon immersed in liquid helium. The-temperature dep ndence of the electric resistivity was studied.on films of 1300.. 30 1 thickness at temperatures f 2 -3000K. it was shown that the resistivity Q of films of 50 and 135 1 thickness was near the resistivity of bulk nickel. Q sharply increases as the vacuum deteriorates. Q of thick films grors to the 1,,5-2 fold, that of thin films by about one order of magnitude. The temperature dependence of BT/Rr of annealed films of different thicknesses indicates the relative change Card 1/2 31772 S/056/61/041/006/013/054 Electric properties of thin B113/ 1, 104 with a temperature increase: it in almost linear, and the fasterv the thicker the film is. RT is the resistivity at the temperatureq Tj R T the resistivity at helium tomperatu;e. Further atudies owed that Q did not depend on the thickness in films of 1300 to 300-400 1hthickIngsa, and increased slightly with decreasing thickness as from 300-30 1 thickness. When studying the Hall effect it was found that the Hall field corresponded to the bulk specimen or films of 1300-835 2 thickness at room temperature. In films of 50 1 thickness, the Hall field increased due to the increase in resistivity. A. I. Shallnikov is thamked for advice and assistance, and Yu. Durasova for determining the thickness of films. There are 5 figures and3references; 1 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet,, The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: C, A. Neugebauer, Structure and Properties of Thin Films, by C., A. Nougebauer., T. B. Newkirk, B. A. Vermilyea, N. Y., 19594 P,~ 358- ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: July 1. 196,1 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4033639 0/0186/64/000/002/0082/0064 A~MMOR: TaIalayeva, Ye. V.; CbernikoM L. A.; GaDdna, 0. S. =LE: Electrical resistance of gublinism films and massive specimens in the tampon- tur4 range 2-290K SOURCE: Moscow. Universitst. Vestnik. Seriya M. Flalka, astronomiya, no. 2. IMP 82-84 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic phase transition, Curie point, molecular physics, gadolinium, gadolinium electrical resistance, rare earth ABSTRACT: The rare earth metals of the yttrium mdgmup have two characteristic temperatures, 01 mid 02, corresponding to two magnetic -phase transitions. Be low a, the temperatures these metals are in a ferromagnetic state, and above (to 02) -- in an antiferromagnetic state with a hellooid or similar structure. The temperature 02 in the Curie point. Until recently, however, It had not been established whether gadolinium (a member of the yttrium subgroup) has a 0 transition. In this paper, the authors lavesti- gate the temperature dependence of the 2=1 resistance of massive godolinium and its films for the purpose of determining tho Influence of the OIL transition an tbass curm. ;card ACCESSION NR: AP4033639 Electrical resistance was measiured by the ordinary potentiametric methad. Between 2 and 25K temperature was measured with a gas thermometer and above 26K with a copper- i constantan thermocouple. The mazIgive specimen of Gd (purity 99. 8%) was 16. 7 mm long, and had a cross section of 0. 47 mm6. Figure I of the Enclosure shows the dependence RT/Rg2 of the massive specimen of Gd on temperature (where RT is resistance at a particular temperature, is resistance at the Curie temperature). At a temperature! 1 01 = 210K there is a small lames, with another near the Curie point of 290.5K. Figure 2 of the Enclosare shows the temperature dependence of the electrical resistance of three i fine films (thicknesses of 70, 100 and 180 A) during the heating of newly condensed films' from 4.2 to 280K (curves 1. 2, 3) and during cooling to the initial temperature of 4.2K after being held at a temperature of 300K for 40 hours. Figure 3 of the Enclosure shows curves similar to those in Figure 2 for two thick films (380 and 500 A). "In conclusion the authors deeply Uuu* Professor A. 1. 8hallnikuy for valuable advice and assistance in the work and Professors K. P. Delov and Ye. 1. Kondorskly for discussion of the results". Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASsOCIA71ON: K&fWm moldm4esvAy fladd. Moskowddy universitet (Department of Molecular Physics. Moscow University) cam t: GAIK.-UJA, P. Galkina, P. - "On the seasion of the Scientific Research Institute of Regional Studies and ?hweum work," (Moscow, November 1948), Sov. stnografiya. 1949, No. 29 P. 179-63 SO: U-5240, 17, Dec. 53, (Ietopis 'Zhurnal !nykh Statey, No. 25, 1949). GALKINA, P.M. Prospects for Sverdlovsk Province public health development in the period 1959-1965- Zdray.Roe Jedr. 3 no.1:11-14 A 159. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Iz Sverdlovskogo oblastnogo otdola zdravookhraneniya. (SVIRDIOVSK PROVINCE--PUBLIC HEALTH) 0 0 'a 4 0 _4_9 -0 -0-41 1 19 11 u4 u IS w 11 Is o um its kv somo 4141 lu I t L a Sao #I. j xj WIN -31 1b bhow" mom If a SOL V. L A r" Abe, vait. W 0o 0 ms-w (Aky, loop & masia-i" p""m mm, too 00 t'ij ""m "vim a wrom" vokw on, am -00 060 , Is m dw"w of a* of Pools, comiamom 0 " wo- -00 MMdkW N an WMM MAWM byemWoq. < 'no* VAN in an dischow Ste* rims (or 61, offt vehm P~ 0 *Awp PMA wooll "MVP &0N OW mommodior ftmosmiL MW dW MWd ft-unpsaltvalwotdo, -'-qp Lq.WAjjmftA"c lbr -mblAW4 o*mdft*&m. I ow. ad *Pak% 06 *A a- &rA*Y; ft amiewwo wm* "" 4-8*- at INS ---y mm"m in ibe 'I'so* dwv. as pw4wj* , . 61 -id by *a wm&w NMI aftodim A# slow cum a( SWO 04 Ik (I*-,= md am) go vobw P"k The ma" Aaw dw in an ISO* Oft 4! dolMse AW4006 0 A W cow ~im" ft nftp -w- in *a &x&ww Posh is the xO9 primm C~ of do vw"m vwwm a6ma it. r. K. woe tTA 91P ro I A 0 0 0 0 0 90 0o 6 too so, e 0 0 0 0 0 *-CIO * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0:9 0 0 ~O.q 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 HIM 1_~AQIHJ 11MIR UM J!j3jjpjU Gilul-EIKA-0- T. -A-#- .7 WO/vascellaneous - Technology Card:1/1 i Pub. 12 8/12 AnthOrs, I Karasovjl N. A., and Galkina, T. A. TMe I Increase in strength of auto said-axles by stamping, and shot-hardierning Per1*11cal Avt.~trakt. prom. 4, insert, .,Apr+ 1954 Abstr!Lct Data and illustrations$ showing that stampir&,and shot-hardening in- crease the fatigue resistance of auto semi-axles pi-oduced of low- a-Unyed steel) are presented. Institution The Stalin Auto Plant,, Moscow 'Submitted gwi '111n .&0 nucle. - C S-141 4f atflficiituy induced i4d- oflwh eskhla_&&~. 0: Yi%. R-OiWtamdr.O. Galkligi; ants , 4fikrebior 'AkU':N4ak Mr. ARtissiao-'sumni*i W-3)(1954Y,~E. 64,163 and ; matzella Perlan 353 w~r~ u-wd. The'nuclee acids at. both ~origipal,61-tures were detd, E. Mi variants were obtained by gmwitg tile original 163 ~traln in A mIture,mWiam Mtgl. S. ke'rkil 41utolyzata (rf. Vhir' el al., IW,- IS; 110. land 4 ' Xarlants 126, 126M (obWqed. (190)), M ' 'g, ri~-' tbi- o6gh 3 i46use)_3S.-. 103~ and 66 w :' iAg,:q#d~patbogeaic properties..- J ' ''Wereiva5liedand to tal N and nuckie dU& vim.#W~4 me 0d th al Schtnitit,and; Thaualuiukr.~(C.A -to I "WO) t~ of Mme C -no :14 r' riboliucleic (JI) ackl ~P ~JJZ" Mt l g ; t L oxy per m er and S. brestau aiac6ntiiiried abdi coli 10-3. it vl~ of I btst-11 was higher in:3. bresidu. -,,V, tib~W sind IDO: coiitii!ned less of Tud more of U than elthee a. C-of 1134 Ors." brejf4a Content:-,of I and n In ra I Oti; 195 M and 131) rja waa about Sarne its ift B, rali 163. , Tile conEent of ;11~k VI_ addsin variant 38:was not conqt., but diefinit. of Hapit?+ v 10 m S. Levitt. 'J" ff WAR t I TI : it I IrR!A!T'- I I I iM rfjf! Fla --"!If 4, 1 W-1: Tj G tj Cq Medittalm Of dealauntIm of otelit. Vm ;The eff"i of Ions of salts on the denatna an of iltabul-ar. t ins A, S. Tslpcro~lcli and T 0. Gawal St. I T ro n. Acad. &-L Ukr S S.R. 114~sw M. im. Z 28 '12-1 9XIONfl: 'a. eY~ $0, 42Wc.-~Jlk Allay rats InWIM, of the Xt of NaCl. XCI, NakO,. Afi;Or. CX4 BaClj,'. KCNS, and of a mixt; 6 ad NQ31119i on U.-I anin-urta. denaturation of proteins d egg albij iendered Obscmflons, were proteit Insel., change in the no.-of free SH in optiml rotation. By the addal. of the salts itislpomibla teLoj tft_ either to enhance or to reducc.the ra priatein 44. naturation. Results indicated. that, depeadhigitrPon tile the salts can bc~grou'pdd: its followil (a salts w6ch activate thq denaturation proctst:by redtiv" ing the stability of the protelrA; (b) Mali which epress tile process of. deruLtUratiOll, by incteasing the sub ity of tile proteins; and (c) salts which excrt-a doublej inglymn- tradictory, influtuce tipon the, process of prote" ii Idemttur~- flon by tirm in low ;nal medialln mons, sill! I palts hance the degre of the 1notein denaturation,. a I i. wd, conem. they inhibit it, The tatechauism of amil n4 of salli on the progress of protein denatumflon by LU-ca U ossualed to be as lollowt-: acti~mtibm is the result of "Mova ex forml tion between the salt ions and tile protein xnals.;: b1zibiticii of denaturatio(i or stabilization of the protein dobulca is the result 61 an effect alcin to -'uilting out, but it conelli. just high enough to keep tile globules in suspwas -o. without their failing out of soln. This assumption! %Ou exped- mentally vaikil. Changes in the allpl. taiciilre of the proteins subjected to urea denaturation Ore. 09 411 intti- mittcat mature, With ihe'Wra. of sidtft the miij~mlaudo 0 the prcalemmumlon c&O and tile icvti or io-,~ tienatuZ, tion Yeaction equil. can be RASHBA, Ye.Ya.; --GAUUNA, T.A.; ZAKHAROVAq I.Ya.; JULGANSKAYAq M.B. Biochemical changes observed in certain coli bacteria during variability. Trudy Inst. mikrobiol. no. 6:102-109 159. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN USSR. (SAJMONELLA TYPHRIMURIUM) (ESCHERICHIA COLI) GALKINA, T.A. DUdkin-a, T.0.1 Nuclease activity in B. Breslau and in secondary cultures regenerated from its filtrates. Mikrobiol. zhur. 22 no. 1:29-32 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz Instituta Tni obiologii AN USSR. (IALMOW,LU) (NUCLEASES) GALKINA, T.A. (Halkina, T.0.1 Crystalline proteins in certain bacteria of the erlteric group. Mikrobiol.zhur. 23 no-1:35-38 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Institut, mikrobiologii AN USSR. (PROTEINS) (INTESTINES-BACTERIOLOGY) GALKINA, T.A. Electrophoretio study of protein fractions in Bacterium Breeltu and Escherichia coli and in variants of Escherichia coli obtained by the assimilation of products of Bacterium Breslau. Biokhimiia 26 no. ltl55-159 Ja-F 161, (MIRA 14:2) 1, Institute of Microbiologyp Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S S.R.g Kiyev. iESCHERICHIA GOLI) (SALMONELLA) (PROTEINS) GALKn'A, T.A. [Halkina, T.O.1; YEISH121A, M.A. (Mehina, M.O.J. Electrophoretic characteristics of proteins of the paretyphoid A baallus and yellow cultures isolatod together with It. Mik- robiol. zhur. 24. no.40-12 162. 04IRA 160) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AV 7JkrSSR. (PROTEINS) (SALMONELLA VARATYPHI) (PAPER UMTROPHOMSSIS) GALFdNA T.A. [Halkina, T.O.] .1 - I Amount of nucleic acids in Bacterium Breslau and its subcultures regenerated from its filtrates. Kikrobiol. shur- 0'0- n,-4:c~-12'58. C (MLU 16:8) 1. Insti-tut id-kxobielogii AN UkrSSR. (NUCLUC ACIDS) (SAU101ELU) GAUDIA, T.-I. '11.0.3; ISISHDITA, M.A. ; nomapa,55.11-ion of the pai-at.~Th~ fd As ard yellev cultures 1-sed-lated togol',-.-)- 25 nc.6., 3-16 "63 Oupi 1. Instit-at ml~rc;biologil' AN M.7SSR i dovateltskiy institlixt ariaLysto of' prc)L&`n of' ohromogenic ~Yelluw) ulf!tprla isolatild frall r.lic i,~I-i~,~-.,d of jfirrtt~,,,f,flc-Jcl pat-lent"o. MUIC-oblol. .-111111.. 26 1F.-8) Lnstitiit eplcic-miologii ero~,;a 7vl.ii i Intitut YEISHINAY M.A. [IElshyna, M.O.];--GALK T.A. [Halkina, T.O.] .. _ J~Aj'-- - Study of the antigenic composition of protoin fractions in Salrwnella paratyphi A. Mikrobiol. zhur. 26 no.ls20-25 164. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Kiyevskiy nauchno-inaledovateliskiy Institut apidemiologii i mikrobiologii i Institut mikrobiologii AN UkrSSR. AYZENMAIJ, 13.Ye. [Aizenman B.ju.]; SIMMER, N.C..; vViND'i'lK, T.P.; BRE,DIKHII,IA A.N. (Bredikhina A.M.]; OIRISHGHUK, L.F. [G-,.7shciv.--?, KOLESOVA, E.A. [Kolesova O.A.); MISHENKOVA, Ye.L. [Rishenkova, GALMINA, T.A. [11alkina, T.O.); ZAKHAROVA, I.Ya.; RASIIBA, Ye.Ya. [kasihb~, O.IA.]; LAUSHNIK, G.M. [Laushnyk, II.M.); FRE,CBRAZHENSKAYA, N.Ye. (Preobrazhens'ka, N.11J.] Effect of substances of bacterial origin on Ehrlich's carcinoma. Rik-robiol. zhur. 27 no.6:61-67 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Institut mikrobiologii i virusologii AN UkrSSR. mmmm ACdESSION NR-- AT4037732 S/2865/64/003/000/0428/0431 AUTHOR: Galkina, T. B. TITLE: The repeated use of nutrient media for cultivation of.Chlorella pyrenoidosa SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdeleniye biologicheskikh nauk. Froblemy* kosmicheakoy biologii, V. 3, 1964, 428-431 TOPIC TAGS: air regeneration, closed ecological system, manned *pact fligbt. algae, Chlorella, Tamiya medium, plant growth ABSTRACT: Experiments were performed with Chlorella pyrenoidosa to determine the effect of the re-use of nutrient media on the growth dynamics of continuous Chlorella cultures. Chlorella was cultured in Tamiya's medium. After the first run, the suspension was centrifuged and the clear part was re-used for successive experiments after salts and pH were adjusted so that they were very close to normal Tamiya medium. Media prepared on former culture liquid exerted both a stimulating and a depressing effect on the growth of algas, depending an the ab- solute increase in the -,,-b*r of colle per unit of medi= during prelininary d~,d 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4037712 culturing. In cases where the final density of cells in the preliminary culture was less than 500 million per cc, the effect of re-use of that medium was a stimu- lating one. If the final concentration of the preliminary culture was greater than 700-million per cc, the effect on successive cultivations was an inhibiting one. If the culture liquid from the previous experiment was diluted, the effect of or inhibition was less pronounced. In a number of cases dilution of .the culture liquid of the preliminary culture resulted in a change frc;m Inhibition to stimulation during re-use. -ASSOCIATION: none WMITTED: - 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH, LS 10 REF SOV: 000 arm: 005. Card Z/2 GALKINA, T.I. Use of the photogalvanowgnetic effect in manuring the rate of surface recombination. Yiz. tver. tela 1 no.2:216-217 F '59. (MIRA 12:5) leFizichankly institut In, r~N, lebedeva, Moskva. tSomiconductors) RZHANOV, A.V.; BOVOTOTSKIY-VLASOV, Yu.F.; NEIZVESTIIYY, I.G.; POKROVSKAYA, S.V.j GALKINA. T.I. Nature of surface recombination cOnters In germanium. Fiz. tvar. tela 1 3 no. 3:822-831 Mr 161. (MMA 14:5) 1. Fizichoskiy institut imeni. P.N. Lebedeva AN SSSR, Moskva,, (Crystal lattices) (Germanium) r~!~ L 06432-67 UIT(ni) /LNP(~~)/ETI LJ P(c) JD SO-URCE-CODE -- UR 01 1 0-08 ACC -/,-,8 /66/008/ /24?3124~5 AUTHORs Galkina, T. I.; Kornilova, N. B.; Penin, N. A. institu~m OR& Physical Institute im. P. N. Lebedo-vt AN SSSR,, 1110scow (Fizicheskiy SSSR ITITIBI Structure of the recombination emission spectrum of IndiiLm arsenida diffused I Idiodes SOIRICES Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. US, IQ'66, 24-r3-2475 TOPIC TAGS: emission spectrum, indium compoundt arsenide, 6omiconductor diode ABSTRACTt The spontaneous recombination emission of Indium arsenido upon Injection of charge carriors through a p-n junGtion was studied at -t8 % and below, The diodes wo:rs prepared by diffusing cadmliun into n-type material wltb a donor concentration of 3-8 x 1017 cm-3. Tho emission spectrum of a diode iimmsorsed In liquid nitrogen (780K) with a current passing through the diode (2 A and above) was found to change con3idor- ably with changing injection currentl as the lattor increases, thr) intensity of the main peak increases linearly and -Inifts toward higher energies, whereas the intensity of well-resolved secondary peaks (0.39 and 0.360 eV) on the long-urave side of the main peak tends toward saturation* and the position of these peaks is independent of the current. As the temperature is lowered to 240K, the resolution of the secondary structure does not improve. The main peak (0.330 eV) is attributed -to radiative tran- 1/2 ACC NR: j.w6ok~tO~ sitions from the conduction band to the acceptor levol of cadmium. 'the secondary peaks are thought to be formed in the forbidden band of InAs an a result of defects arising upon diffusion of Cd into InAs under conditions where there is a high excess prossure of arsenic (above 0.3 atm), which is usuaUy placed in the ampoule during diffusion. Authors thank V. A. Rassushin for discussing the work. Orig. art. has; 2 figures. SUB CODEt 20/ SUM, DATES 03Feb66/ OUIG FX-F: 001/ OTH MFI 001 Carcl L )64 7 M- vT (m) W/ETI 1JP( D /KW? A Rs 6026716 SOURCE CODE I uR,, o'l- /008/21,M/2490 R 66 oo8 AUTHOR: Galkina, T. I.; Penin, 11. A.; Rassusbin, V, A, s institut AN ORGS Phy ics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, AN SSSR# Moscow (Fizicheskiy SSSR) ' TITIZ: Determination of the energetic position of the acceptor lovol of cadmium In lindium arsenide I I _1V1 ISOURCEi Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8y no. 89 1966,, 2488-249o TOPIC TAGS: arsenide,, indium compound, cadmitua, ionization ABSTRACT: The ionization energy of cadmium atoms in InAs was determined frorm -the spec-,' tral position of the recombination radiation line of indium arsenide diffusion diodoB.~ The observations were made by transilltriination,ghrouffi the n-region of the material, which had an'electron concentration no = 2 x 10 cm-.5. It is postulated that tho radiation of the diodes arises in the p-region due to radiativo capture of an oloctron from tho conduction zone by a neutral cadmium atom. In this case, the spectral char- acteristic of radiation for direct transitions between the conduction bald and the ac-1 ceptor level is expressed by the formula 1/20Y + Eq- G(Y) = Y_ where y and tico Is the enorgy of a radiation quantum. It follows tha the maximum of kwe radiation intensity lies at y = 1/?., 1. 0., at Acumax = Cd - C Card 112 L 06439-67 AP OZ6-i ACC 6 + kT/2. It was found graphically that Cd !a 0.195 eV. The forbiddon g2p width InAs, necessary for the calculation of the ionization energy of cadmiun (do was ob- tained from the photolminescence L;poctra of Ws at 730K. At thin teitroorature, the forbidden gap width of indium, arsenide C,I- 0.405 oV, and the ionization energy of cadmium ca - 0.010 eV. Authors thank N. M. Ponomarey and D. A. Vlasov, on the staff of GIREMOr, for providing InAs samples of the highest degree of purity ~Orig art. has-s-271gures. SUB CODEt 20/ SUBM DATEs 14Fob66/ ORIG REF9 001/ OTH REF: 006 C.,d 2/2 S/712/62/028/000/002/020 E032/E114 AUTHORS: Galkina, T.S., and Kopylov. I.M. TITLE: Quantitative analysis of the atmospheres of hot supergiants. III. A2-F2 supergiants S.FRCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Krymskaya astrofizicheskaya observatoriya. Izvestiya. v.28. 1962. 35-93 TEXT: 35 spectr6grams of the following stars were analyzed: a Cyg (HD 197 345), -) Cep (HD, 207 260, 9i Per (HD 14 489), 6 Gas A (HD 223 385). (p Can (HD 7 927), e Aur (HD 31 964), 89 Her (HD 163 506). -Z~Her (HD 164 136). They were obtained in 1958-1959 with a si:ngle-pria'm spectrograph (dispersion 23.4-A/mm, at H Y ) 'and the 122 cm reflector of the Krimskaya Observatoriy4~ (Crimean Observatory). The equivalent widths were found for a large number of lines in the range XX 3750 - 5020 X. The Doppler velocities were dote rmined from the curves of growth and were assumed to be equal to the velocities of turbulent motion since thermal velocities in the atmospheres of these stars are small (I - 2 km/sec). The turbulent velocities were then investigated an functions of the excitation potential and it was Card l/ 5 S/712/62/028/oOO/002/020 Quantitative analysis of the ... E032/E114 found that vt decrease; with increasing E.P. Moreover, it was found to increase with height in the atmospheres. This increase is more clearly defined in the more extended atmospheres of FO-F2 stars than in the atmospheres of A2-A3 stars. The dependence of vt on height for atoms and ions was found to be different. Next, the excitation temperature was determined as a function of E.P. The variation was found to be more rapid for FO-F2 stars than for A2-A3 stars. The values of the electron density Pe and the quantity GI = 5040/Ti for metal lines, where Ti is the ionization temperature, were found to be as shown in Table 10. The values of 109-Pe for metal lines were found to be larger by an order of magnitude as compared with log Pe (hydvogen). These values were then used to eitimate the chemical composition of the stars. Fig.14 shows the relative chemical composition of A2-A3 and FO-F2 stars (upper and lower curves, respectively). Further s t u d --; e swr -- q u --i rt--- -4 - t Ih h6- In r d IS 3-6 %-J a-& . There are 14 figures and 12 tables. December, 1961 Card 2/5 Quantitative'analysim of the ... S/712/62/020/000/002./020 9032/gli4 TA bI e 1.0 g e OL CYS 0. 3k) 0. 72 cop 0.52 0.73 91 Per 0.411 0.72 6 Cos A 0-54 0.74 (p Cos 0 70 0.73 F Awr o:66 0.74 86) lier 6.76 0.76 -14l) fie 0.711 0.81 Card 3/5 5/712/62/028/000/002/020 (juantitative,antilysis of th e ... M032/1-MIA Fig. 14 Relative chemical composition of %2'-jk3 stare 149 AL Sj Cm Sc TIV Cr Mn Fe mil Sr" Y' Zr* Card 4/5 lu (~Vl,ln titnti ve anillysis of tile S/712/62/o28/000/002/020 Fig.ll.. Rel.ative cheinical coitmosi tion of FQ~-V2 stars KOPYLOV, I.M.; VITRIGHENKO, E.A.; GALKINA, T.S.; GOLLANDSKIY, O.P. Quantitative analysis of atmospheres of hot supergiants. Part 4: Physical conditions in O-F supergiant atmospheres. Izv. Krym. astrofiz. obser. 30;42-68 163. (MIRA 17:1) GELLER, Yu.A.; GALKINA, V.A. Effect of temperingeovditions on the quality of cutting tools Smie of higb-speett-steel. Stan.i instr. 33 no.12:31-33 D "62. (KIRA 16:1) (Metal-cutting tools--Testing) GUTNIK1 M.A.; BORISOV, L.F.; NOVIKOV, I.K.; SPASSKIY, N.N.; OVCHINNIKOV, A.N.; STOLYAROV, A.B.; KLAVIR, A.V.; GALKINA, V.I.; SHALFEEYEV, V.I. Overall mechanization of decorative grincling and polishing oper- ations. Prom. energ. 17 no.9:6-8 S '62. (MIRA 15:8) (Grinding machines) SOV/81-59-5-17542 Translation from, Referativnyy zhurnal, Kh1miya, 1959, Nr 5, PP 532 - 55133 (USSR) AUTHORS: Shchegol', Sh.S., Galkina, V.K. TITLE: Pol"etacryt, (Polimetakrit) a Material for Construction Purposes PRRIODICAL! Za. tekhn. progress (Sovnar-khoz Gor'kovsk. ekon, adm. r-na), 1958, Nr 5, pp 8 ABSTRACT; Polymetacryt (PM) was obtained by impregnating electrographite (EG) with methyl ether of methacrylic acid and 0-.5r-berAzoyl peroxide and subsequent stepwise heating, havirZ a compression resistance twice as high and tensile strength and bending resistance three times as high as EG; the heat- and electric conductivity of both materials are the same. Depolymeric ether obtained from the waste products of organic glass can be used as material. The consumption of methylmethacrylate to 1 ton of impregnated EG is o- 90 - 100 kg, FM is suitable for the Card 112 production of chemical. heat-ex,.hange apparatus, as well as SOV/81-59-5-175112 Polymetacr7t'(Polimetakrit) - a Material for Construction Purposes electrodes (e.g., for chloride baths). The 20 - 25% less than those made of graphite, the consumption of electric power per 1 ton The test results and the physico-mechanical PM are given. wear of the FM anodes Is by LI/p, and their application decreases of caustic soda by "1 100 kw hrs. properties of the initial EG and A. Vavilova Card 2/2 GORODINSKIY, G.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; GALKINA, V.N., inzh. ", ~ - I Photoelectric setup for the control of the degree of surface finish of plane polished glass. Stek. i ker. 20 no.7:17-19 J1 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Leningradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki. -M _A V 20-4-5-1/51 AUTHORSt Korzhuyev, P. A. , and Galkina, V. P. TITLE: The Amount of Blood and Hemoglobin in the Organiii-m of Birds During the Period of Incubation (Kolichestvo krovi i gemoglobina v organiz- me ptits v period inkubatsii) PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol. 116, Nr 4, PP. 710 - 712 (USSR) ABSTRACT: One of the most important functions of the blood is its breathing function. Comparing-physiological knowledge concerning the blood of vertebrates says that the amount of blood and the supply of the organism with hemoglobin increases with the activity and movability of the animal. However, in this connection differ not only the great animal groups, but there are differences among some groups of the same species in various stages of ontogenesis. In the embryo of the sheep "Sovetakiy merinos" the amount of blood increases ra- pidly with the third month of embryonic life and reaches its ma- ximum with the birth. This applies also for the human embryo . The blood of the newborn child contains more red blood corpusclas and hemoglobin than its mother's blood. This is according to the one standpoint the consequence of a chance partial transition of blood Card 1/3 from the placenta to the vascular system of the embryo; the placen- 20-4- 5V51 The Amount of Blood and Hemoglobin in the Organism of Birds During the Period of Incubation ta is here considered to be an "extraembryonic tissue". The other standpoint considers the rich supply of blood and hemoglobin as a A peculiar adaptation form to the specific development conditions of the intrauterine life to be in the first place an oxygen supply of the embryo. In this connection it is assumed that the blood forming organs of the embryo of the vertebrates, above all the bone mar- row, are to have a maximum development. It can be expected that the development of these organs, e.g. of the bones containing the marrow of the mammalia and of the birds the fetal development of which takes place outside the mother organism must show striking differences. Table I gives the blood- ind hemo,-,lobin content of chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigeons of different races at the moment of slipping out of the egg. It is obvious that the amount of blood in the latest stages of incubation does scarcely deviate from that of adult birds. In the case of pigeons it was even lower. Table 2 shows the relative weight of the skeleton of the heart and blood with the hemoglobin content in %/'- of the body weight of new- born and adult horses, pigs, sheeps, guinea-pigs, as well as of chickens and pigeons. Themamnalia have an obviously higher degree of supply of the organism with blood and hemoglobin, a considerab- ly greater relative weight of the skeleton (the double or triple Card 2/3 amount of that of the mother) and a heart index double as great as 20-4-51/51 The Amount of Blood and Hemoglobin in the Organism of Birds During the Period of Incubation that of the mother. These differences cannot be found in the case of birds. However, the organs not connected with oxygen transport of bitds and mammalia show scarcely any differences what regards their weight. The authors thihk it most expedient to explain these peculiarities of the organs of birds and mammalia by the dependence of the specific weight of these organs on the level of supply with oxygen of the organism. There are 2 tables, and 13 references, 6 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Institute for Animal Morphology imeni A. N. Severtsov AN USSR (Institut morfologii zhivotnykh im. A. N. Severtsova Akademii nauk-.. SSSR) PRESENTED: December 24, 1956, by I. I. Shmallgauzen, Academician SUBMITTEDt December 24, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 GALKINA. V.S. Scientific Session in Tula. Stomatologiia no.5:63 '53. WaA 7:1) (Tula--I)entistry) (Dentistry--Tula) (Tula--Stomatology) (Stomatology--Tula) GALKIN41-Vt~-41 Immunology Dissertation: "Barrier-Fixing Function of tne Lymphatic Glands and Their Importance in Deteraining tne Immunogenicity of Some Intestional Microbes." Cand -ed ici, Tashkent Aedical Inst, 14 Apr 54. (Pravada Vostolca, Tashkent, 27 liar 54): SO: SUM 213, 20 Sep 54 F-1 Ab~j jour Pc-j' Shur Biol.; Wo 5, iqJ3, 19'71)43 Author S.I., Kalininc, E.F., Gaill:Jna, V.5. Tit.Le PrDo-1 oJ.' the Assimilation by one, of Dccommosi(.-~on Products of Anothor Specles, Unin_- LabcleOl (P32) Orig Palo VoT)r. !:,,:-,cvoy pato-L. AN UzSSR, 1956, iio 3, 66-75 Abstract Culu'ures -..hich served for preparing the extracts libeled ~ 1~1 - . ; th Na2;_iP32 ,rith P were develODed on a medimi u 04' The ex-t.ract of washed cello was prepared by treating it vith 'WIL.Cri-e and shaltiprs-, and also by alternately freening and -chalvia- and suboequent filtration a Zeiss filter. The cxcrac~ was spread either en the sm-face of a deficient ) a,,,a--.- or --zed as a liquid nutriert medi.ui.i. It was esta- C~ blished -,hat Pacterimi coli, sLrain 1',()g, ausinilates decom- po,-tiLion of extracteti, ceils of Salmonella Card 1/2 NALINUNA, Yo.i.; GALKIND1,X.S.; ABIDOV, A.Z.; M-~ZHEIAl-'OVA, S.I. Effect of C060 amrja irradiation on tha vaccLala Virus and accompanying u microflora. I-led. zhur. Uzb. no.2-45-46 F 162. (MLiA 1. Iz TP.3hkontskogo naucimo-.i:-,;31odovate'Ll:jkogo instituta valftsir, i s~vorotok (direktor - A.B.Inogamov). (VACCINIA) (COBALT--ISOTOPES) BUZOV, B.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent; GALYJTA, V.V., inzh. Porosity of cold weathar clothing. Nauch. truly MTILP no.24.' ' 2-8-13~ 16:~. (VaRA 16:7) 1. Wedra tekhnologii shveynogo proizvodstva Moskovskogo tekhnologicheskogo instituta legkoy promyshlennosti. (Glothing,, Gold weather) (Textile fabcri cs-To sting) USSR / Human and Animal Morphology - Digestive Tract. S Abs Jour :Ref, Zhur. - Blol., No. 22, 1958, No, 101418 Author :Talyshinskiy, G., _Galkina, Ye- Inst :- Title :The Relations of the Cystic, Hepatic, and Common Bile Ducts and the Connections of the Latter With the Pancreatic Duct. Orig Pub :Azerb. t1bb. ah., 1957, No. 6, 23-29. Abstract ;In 50 cadavers of patients aged 20-70 years not suffering with diseases of the bile ducts, methods of perfusion of the ducts and of the splanchnic artery revealed that the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct enter the descending portion of the duodenum both conjointly and separately through a series of orifices. In the hepato- duodenal ligament the hepatic artery (Hk) forms Card 1/2 USSR / Human and Animal Morphology - Digestive Tract. S r Abs Jour : Ref~ Zhuri - tiol., NO. 22, 1958, No. 101418 an angle of 45 to 60 degrees with the bile duct. With high fusion of the hepatic duct with the cystic duct, the right HA passes under the com- mon bile duct, while with low fusion, the right HA passes under the hepatic duct. The HA only rarely comes off the superior mesenteric artery. Card 2/2 GALKIM, E. A. "Bogs of the Tunguda Region of the Karelian A.S.S.R." (Tipy Bolot Tungudskogo Halona Avtonoonol Karelskol SSR) Proceedings of the Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Ser. III. FASC. 3, 1936, pp. 307 through 338 (Full translation available). LVII-2 , ,1. ~ - : z ~,. t::L, - .-)6 21497 C-IL"Ki."7' , 1e. A. ;, ~ -" c PriincrAnlye aeros"yemki pri izuchenii volotnkli ma3nivov. Trudy Vtorogo Vsesoyuz. geogr. sllyezda. T. P.M., 1948, s. 443 - 49. SO; Letopis' Zhurnalinykh Statey, No. 29, %i'oskva, 1949 t ANDRJCYNV, Y.H.: GALKINA, Teo.: IGOSHINA. K.H.: IAVRJUIKO. Ye.M.; RODIN, L.Te., SAKHO14:0r.s.; S&KINOVA-TYAN-SHARSKAYA. A.M.; SOCHAVA, VJ.; SHIY- FXRS, Ye.T.; PZVZNPbR, R.S., tekknichookly redaktor [Vegetation mp of luropean U.S.S.R. on a scale of 1:2.500.000; explanatory text] Xarta rantitellnosti Byropelskoi chastl SSSR. n. 1:2.500,000. Poisenitellayl takst. Soot. T-M-Andreev i c1r. Pod recl. X.M.Iavrenko I T.B.Sochavy. Kookwa. 1950. 288 p. (KIRA 10:7) 1. Akedemlya nauk SSSR. Botanicheakiy institut. (Pbytogeograpbr) G-,LUINA, Ye..A. Ways of utilizing air photography in the study of sh lands. 'L Bot.zhtir. 38 no.6.-893-901 N-D '53. (KLRA 7:1) f 1. Karelo4innskiy;illal Akademii nauk SSSR, Petrozavodsk. (Swamps) (Photography, Aerial) '4 GALKINA,Ye.A. 1, Swamp landscapes in forest zones. Geog.sbor. n0-7:75-84 '55. (Swamps) (Photography, Aerial) (N1RA 9:1) GALKIn, Ye.A. - Aerial photograssistry In compiling interdepartmental goo- botanical landscape maps of swamps, Trudy Tab.aerortet. 7: 284-292 059. (MIX 131l) 1. Botanicheekly tantItut Im. T.L.Komarova AN SSSR. (Aerial photogrammetry) (Swamps-Haps) GALKINk, Ye.A. Bog lands of Karelia and principles underlying their classification. Trudy Xar. fil. AN SSSR no.150-48 '59. (KMA 12t10) (Karelia-Peat begs) GALKINA. Ye.A. Effect of natural characteristics of extensive awamp7 areas on the construction and use of logging roads. TrudT Inst. Isea 49:39-44 '59. (MIRA 13:2) l.Botanicheskiy institut in. V.L. Kowrova AN SSSR. (Forest roads) ~~i, GALKINA, Yb.A. Mathods of uaing-aerial pbot-ographo in mapping and establishing the types of bogs. Uch. zap. Pstrosm g6s. us. 12 m2t75-24 164 jWRA 180) 1~1 N~, li:iff4PWI~~-;111t1l Ili-! *~4 I I[, I ; 11-1 bill , 1~-!l 1! GALKINA., Yar.A. 1. . I - ~ - Geostorphological clarsolftvattoir of bogs. Udb. sap. Potroxav. goo. un. 12- nawbI06-1-13- -064. ~ (KM let 7) ;* I ;' !'I !!A -X.- !! ~ 11, -1:, .! : , L", ': , ~ .. I :. 1 1! -~II ,I I,i: ~, , , SARCYLOVICH, G.G., prof.; BELYAYEV, N.I., inzh.), KUDRIT'S'KIY, D.M., dots.; GLAGOLEV, A.V., inzh.; IIEFEDOV, P.M., inzh.; .9A~~f,.Asj st. nauchn. sotr.; PLINK, L.I., inzh.; DQIIMUYI I.P., prof., retsenzent; SAVELIYEV, V.V., kand. tekhri. nauk, dots., retsenzent- ALYSHEV, I.F:I, kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., retsenzent; LOBOV, A.N., prof , doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzeni; DOROKHOV, B.A., inzh., red. [Use of aerial photographic surveying in forest engineeringj Primenenie aerofotos"emki v lesoinzhenernom dole. Moskva, Lesnaia,~promyshlennostl, 1965. 354 P. (MMI 18: 10) 1. Kafedra sukhoputnogo transporta lesa Lesotekhnicheskoy akademiilm.S.M.Kirova (for Alyshov). 2. Zamestitell glavnogo inzhenera riosudarstvemogo instituta po proyek-tirovaniyu les- nogo transporta (for Dorokhovl/. GALKIVA, Ye.l.; ZAVGORCRITY, S.F. Use of sodiur. tripolyphosphate for determining the calcium and magnesium content in river and mineral waters. Lab.delo 7 no.3206-38 W 161. (MIRA 14--10) 1. Kafedra neorganicheskoy i analiticheskoy khimii Rostovslcogo- na-Donu meditsinskogo instituta. (SODIUM TRIPHWPRATES) (WATER-AVALYSIS) : -1 : ~ t ~lpi,~T ;,, I jj~'! '! 1 c1,.- , ., . .. .. -.1 !-ij , 1 .1 .1 .1 GALKINAS Ye.l.; ~'-13COR17)PNIY, S.F, Determination of calclum and In the b1c,,.(! !erun using sodium tripolyplicsnhate. V,,,1... nied. khiri. 9 r4o.1-:207-209 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 17.08) 1. Kafedra noorganichesk,.).y 1 anal Pic-biskrT khlmii Restovske-C, na-Donu meditsinskcgo inst1tvita. I,OGVINq Grigoriy Nikonovich;,GA~ZINA, Ye,19.9 red.;SIDDROVA, A~A,3, Kiev. Mosk7a,, Gos.i2d-vo mIskusat7ot" 1960, 277 p, (NMA WO Kiev-Description) PAVLIW, A.V.; KAVKAZOV, Yu.L.j GALKINA, U.N. System for evaluating shortconings in standards for leather footwear. Standartizatsiia 29 no. 11258-59 N 165 (MIRN 19-.1) 1 -1!,"-'-- HT :;4~ HIII t." t .. . ., I I :p1q1pq ;i GALKINA, Z. I... Analysis of ente-rprise operations in our branch. Don. i ka-ed. 21 no.12:53-56 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. UpravIyayushchiy Novcmoskovskim otdoloniyam Tulskoy oblastnoy kontory Gosbanka. ILIIITA, V.N.; POLSTAYEV, A.S.; TraHkKOV, G.K.; KHOKHIOV, L.K.; GALKINA, ZL: SAMAYEV. V.N.; STOLYARCHUX, A.A. Clinical aspects and psychopathology of q fever. Zhur. nevr. i psikh 59 no-3:Z95-30 '59. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Kafedr~'Psikhiatrii (sav. - dots. G.K. Ushakov). infektsion'nykh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.I. Resaikov), farmakologil (ispoliWayushchiy obyazannostl zaveftwhahego - kands mod. nauk V,I. Balyayev) Throslav- skogo meditsinskogo institute i Gorodskaya klimicheskaya inf6ktsionnaya bollnitsa (glavrqy vrach A.S. Poletayev). N FBVIR, compl. ment.-disord. (Has WML DISORWE. etiol. & pathogen. Q fever'(Rus)) GALKINA, Z.I. Organization of the reference machinerr for a reference and information collection. NTI no.2:24-18 163. (MIRA 16:11) GALKINA, Z.P.; SBI,.VCIIIK, V.N., rabochly Letters to the editor. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.6:12 Je 163. (MIRk 16:8) I.iNachall'nik VolRogradskoy karantinnoy inspekt9ii (for Galkina). 2. Uchabnoye khozrys~vo Loealwradakogo Bellskokho-,,yayetvennogo instituta. obshchestvennyy inspektor Veerosolyskogo obehestva okhrany pr1rody (Pushkin, Leningradskoy oblasti) (for Shevshik. (Plant Protection of YERMILOV, P.I.; GALKINA, Z.V.; KISELEVAv T.A.; INDEYKIN, Ye.A. Physiocochemical basis for the intensification of iron oxide dispersion in ball mills. Lakokras. mat. i ikh prim. no.5; 57-62 163. (MIRA 16:11) Ye lb-~Olld-,:q 0 4 SMEMNITYY RUSSKIY YAZYK; ILKSIKOLCGIYA, FO,!~,ETRA, ,'O,-,F0LOGIYA (MOD&RN RUSSIAN BY) YS. M. GALKINA-FEDORM, K. V. (10161liKOV.1 I N. SHAI-,Z3KIY. MOSKV.,,k, TJCHP--;DGIZ, IP57. 407 p. TABLZS. BJBI,10(;.~?APFY*. p. 400-401. h'IN, Mikhail Andreyevich,-_~~~~-, red.; SIDOROVA, A.A., takhn. red. (Moscow] Moskva. Mosk-m, Izd-vo "Iskusstvo,* 1963. 513 p. (MIRA 1615) (Moscow-4uidebooks)