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24.7100,24-56oo 77013 gov/56-37-6-53/55 AUTHORS: Galkin, A. A..and Matyash, i. V. TITLE: Structure of Solid Hydrogen PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichesicoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 6, pp 1831-1832 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Measurements were made of the nuclear magnetic resonaece (n.m.r.) of mono- and polycrystalline, hydrogen at 4.2 K. Samples were cylindrical in form and obtained under various directions of thermal gradient relative to the axis of the crystal. The width and the shape of lines of monocrystals in the rotational diagrams was found to be practically identical to those obtained with poly- crystalline hydrogen. The diagrams exhibited no aniso- tropy of the second momentum in the n.m.r. This served as the confirmation that the crystalline hydrogen has tetragonal lattice. There are 5 references; 4 Soviet, Card 1/2 1 Dutch. Structure of Solid Fydrogen 77013 sov/56-37-6-53/55 ASSOCIATION: Inst. Radiophys, and Electronic3 Acad. Sciences Ukrain. SSR, USSR (Institut radiofi-.ilci i elektroniki Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR, SSSR) SUBMITTED: October 13, 1959 Card 2/2 ~ I.. ~ I I I .,.] : . 86749 S/l2o/6o/ooo/oo6/025/045 9041/Z521 AUTHORS- _Galki-n_A-A- and-Korolyuk, A.P. TITLE-. Inst-rustezLt- for Studying - Ultrasonic Absorption by Metals at Low Temperatures PMODICAL: Pribory i.tekh-Jka eksparimonta, 1.960, No.6, pp-99-103 TEXT*. The greatest interest lies in the absorption by magnetic materials under conditions where the mean free path of a conduction electron is significantly greater than the wavelength of the sound in the material, while the L&rmor radius of the electron in comparable with the latter. The absorption coefficient varies periodically with magnetic field strength and the period in a measure of the electron impulse at the Fermi surface. The present article describes a method of recording automatically the propagated signal strength as a function of magnetic field in a series of Oonocrystals. Fig.1 shows the block diagram of the experimental arrangement. A pulse generator ;LGM (261) drives simultaneously a modulator and a delay circuit. The modulator switches a high- frequency generator connected by coaxial cable to the transmitting crystal a. The crystal can be matched to the generator by varying Card 1/4 8670 S/120/60/000/006/025/045 9041/2521 Instrument for Studying-Ultrasonic: Ab4porption- by Metals at Low Temperatures - . . . I .. - the cable length. The receiving cryital b is similarly joined to the receiver whose output in gated in the pulse selector drive by another generator 261 from the delay circuit. The selector output is peak detected, the selection of the appropriate pulse being made by varying the delay. The detected output goes to a recorder9r7n-09 (ZPP-09) which In a two-dimensional self-balancing potentiometer plotter. The field strength is measured by a germanium Hall-effect pick-off. Fig.2 is the circuit of the modulator and high-frequency generator. The latter oscillates between 50 and 250 Mc/s. The receiver is in two parts. The high-frequency part is an ordinary television receiver front-.end working over the bands 50-100 and 160-239 Mc/s. Other frequencies are covered by heterodyning. The intermediate frequency amplifier circuit is in Fig.4. The centre frequ.en cy is 32 Mc/s, the bandwidth 3 Mc/s. amplification 105, sensitivity between 5 and 10 microvolts. Fig.4 is the delay circuit providing delays between 0 and 250 micreseca. Fig-5 is the pulse-selecting gate. Fig.6 in a cross-section through the I Card 2/4 86749 S/l2o/6o/ooo/oo6/o25/o43 E041/E521 Metals at Low Temperatures_. crystal. Fig-7 shows how the sample is mounted. The sample may be .rotated in the field. The magnet current is controlled from 0 to 8 amperes by the circuit of Fig.8. Fig.9 is an example of a record taken on a monocry3tal of tin. The 'sound frequency was 220 Mc/s, parallel to the (101) axis. :The H-vector lay in a perpendicular plane and made an angle of-about 360 to the (100) axis. The two curves each took 3-4 minutes in recording. Manual methods would have taken 15-20 times as long. The overall error in measuring either coordinate ..does -not..exceed a few percent. There are 9 figures and 8.-r-,eferences; 4 Soviet and It non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut radiof�zik� I elektron�ki AN UkrSSR (Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, AS, UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: October 13, 1959 Card 3/4 - GALKIN, A.A.; KOROLYUK, A.P. Instrument for the studyof the absorption of ultrasonic wa-Ves b7 metals at low temperatures. Frib. i tekh. eksp. nG.6:99-103 N-D 16o. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki AN USSR. (Ultrasonic waves) (Metals) 83745 S/056160/038/004/038/048 64oa B006/BO56 AUTHORS: _Gal. ~.A_, Matyash, I. V. TITLE: Investigation of the Nuclear Resonance in an Adsorbed Gas PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki~ 1960, Vol- 38, No- 4, PP. 1332 - 1334 TEXT: For the purpose of investigating the properties of adsorbed gases, nuclear paramagnetic resonance offers suitable means, because conclu- sions may be drawn from the shape of the resonance curves as to-the' interaction of the adsorbed molecules and the effect of the backing. in the present "LetterId'ttie Editor", the authors describe investigations carried out by the spixf-:echo method, of nuclear paramagnetic resonance on thin layers of hydrogen, water, and methane adsorbed on activated carbon. The block diagram of the apparatus used is shown in Pig. 1, and is briefly described in the introduction. The magnetic field (3300 oe) was generated by a permanent magnet with a pole-piece diameter of 110 mm and a gap'width of 40 mm. The apparatus permitted measurement of the longitudinal and transverse relaxation times (T, and T2) within the Card 1/3 83745 Investigation of the Nuclear Resonance in an S/056/60/038/004/038/048 Ldsorbed Gas Boo6/BO56 range from 10-4 to 10 see. To determine T1, three pulses were applied to the sample, and by analyzing the signal intensity of the stimulated echo as a function of the time between the first and the third pulse., the relaxation time was determined* Investigation of the spin-echo signal intensity as a function of the time between two pulses also made it pos- sible to calculate T2 and the self-diffusion coefficient (the exp.eriment- al method is described in Ref- 5). Fig. 2 shows such a spin-echo oscillo- gram from which T2 was determined for hydrogen adsorbed on carbon at 770K. The Ti and T2 values thus determined as well as estimates of the L~ self-diffusion coefficient (D) are given in a table for the layers in- vestigated here. Also the activation energies (Q) were estimated and are also given, as well as the measured resonance-line widths AH. Thus, AH for a monomolecular H2 layer at 770K equals 0.2 oe) and at 20-40K it equals 2 oe. For these two temperatures, T1 was measured as amounting to 5.10- and 10.10-3 see, respectively, and T 2 as 1.3*10-3 and Card 2/3 83745 Investigation of the Nuclear Resonance in an S/056/60/038/004/056/048 Ldsorbed Gas Boo6/BO56 0.1*10-3 sec, respectively; D z2-4'10_ 2 CM2/s ec and Q~:6590 joules/mole. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 6 non-Soviet references. ASSOCIATION; Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki Akademii nauk Ukrain- skoy SSR (Institute of Radiaphysics and Electronics of the Academ-y of Sciences Ukrainakaya 52W SUBMITTED: December 19, 1959 1x/ Card 3/3 85675 3/05 6/60/03 8/00 6/017/049/XX B006/BO7O /goo AUTHORS: Galkin, A.. A,, Korolyuk, A. F TITLE: Absorktion of Ultrasonicsin Zinc at Low Temperatures PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki., 1960, Vol~ 38, No~ 6, pp, 1688 - 1694 TEXT: The oscillation of the ultrasonic absorption coefficient a with a change in the magnetic field has been studied several times in the past; the theory of this effect is due to V, L., Gurevich, Also two of the earlier papers of the present authors (Refs. 1, 2) were concerned with problems of the same nature.. Now, the behavilor of a in a strong magnetic field is studied for the case when 11,k) r (1 - mean free path of the electrons; r-cp/eH is the Larmor radius; X- ultrasonic wavelength). The behavior of a is essentially related to the asymptotic behavior of the electrical conductivity tensor. A theoretical study of this was made by Gurevich and E, A. Kaner (Refs. 9, 8) who showed that data on the topology of the Fermi surface Card 1/5 8 ','0' 7 5 Absorption of Ultrasonics in Zinc S/056/60/058/006j'017/049/XX at Low Temperatures B006/BO70 can be obtained by studying the anisotropy of a in a magnetic field.. The experiments described here were carried out on single crystals of zinc by the method of Obreimov-Shubnikov, The metal was 99,9998% pure, and had a resistivity ratio R 4-.2 /R 300- 2.10-4, The techniques of preparing the specimens, of producing the ultrasonic waves (0,o, 100~ 180, and 220 hie/sec), and of the measurement are described J.n the introduction., The periods of oscillation of a were measured for different orientations of H which could be rotated in a plane perpendicular t- Fig. 1 shows one of these oscillation curves at 220 Me/sec, Fig.. 2 shows the number of oscillations as a function of 1/H for d4 fferent directions of 0 in the (10T0) plane. In Fig. 3., a, b. and c show the angular dependence of the extreme diameters of the Fermi surface (perpendicular to t) on rotation of A end the planes (11~0)., (0001), and (10i0), respectively.. Fig 4 shows the de endence of the difference of a-values w-th and without a field (7000 0e5 on the direction of k ~ f~OO~j ; b: k 11 F-~OfOj; c. k I( _11~0]c. T-4 20K; 60 I[Vsec. '-(Ref* U According to the theory . 6), a change in the diameter of the electron orbit in relation to ; corresponds to each oscillation of a Card 2/5 Absorption of Ultrasonics -in Zinc at Low TemDeratures 6 56 75 3/056/60/038/006/017/049/XX B0006/B070 in the magnetic field. The relation (n4-.) holds for the mean free path of electrons in a weak field. Another pcssibility of determining 1 is to measure the component of the electron momentum perpendicular to I and ~ (P,), and the minimum field in which oscillations appear (pL/r max. eHm-J n/c) The following path lengths were determined by these methods: -4 k direction Path length [mm] Temperature according to the according to FOK number of oscillations p -1. [00011 0-~ 5 [.0101 0,22 [11 2'CLI 0.27 o,6 -.65 0,2 4,2 0.24 ! 65 Thus, the electron path length also shows anisotropy, The results are discussed in the conclusion,, The values obtained for the extreme diameters of the Fermi surface show that the law of dispersion of Card 3/5 85675 Absorption of Ultrasonics in Zinc at Low Temperatures S/05 60/038/006/017/049/XX B006YB070 electron energy deviates largely from the quadratic form. It is con- cluded from the anisotropy of a in a strong field that the Fermi surface of zinc is an open surface of the sixth order in the direction of the symmetry axis. E. A. Kaner and M. I. Kaganov are thanked for discussions,and V.. I, Bogatov for supplying liquid helium, "here are 4 figures., 1 table, and !I references: 7 Soviet- 3 US. and I British ASSOCIATION: Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki kkademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainskay.~,SSR) SUBMITTED: January 10, !960 Card 4/5 825'94 r) 9 00 S/05"60/039/01/01/021 B006~BO70 AUTHORS: Bezuglyy, P. A., Galkin, A. A., Korolyuk, A. P. TITLE: Investigation of the Anisotropy of the Energy Gap in superconducting Tin PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1060, Vol. 39, No- 1 (7), PP. 7-12 TEXT: The authors investigated the temperature dependence of the ultrasonic absorption coefficient in different directions of single crystals of superconducting tin. They describe the methods of investi- gation and present the results. The method of energy gap investigatioL is based on the determination of the difference between the curves a3/(X n =f(T) when.the ultrasonics is propagated along a binary (C 2) and a tetragonal crystal axis. Prom this difference the anisotropy of the energy gap may be determined. a 8 and ofnare the electronic ultrasonic absorption coefficients in the superconducting and the normal state respectively. They are related to the width 2 E 0 of the energy gap by Card 1/4 82594 Investigation of the Anisotropy of the Energy S/056/60/039/'Oi/01/029 Gap in Superconducting Tin B006/BO7O the relation aes/oL n '2/(e Eo/kT + 1). To investigate the influence of the lattice anisotropy on the energy spectrum of electrons in a semiconduc- tor, the temperature dependence and absorption coefficients of longi- tudinal supersonics was investigated by means of an apparatus described here in detail. Fig. 1 shows a block diagram of the measuring device. The generator works at 70 Me/see, the quartz emitter receiv s 2500-3000 pulses per second for a duration of (I -'. I .5)'10-9 see. A small sphere of single crystals of tin was used as a sample. It had a diameter of 13-15 mm, and on it, cut surfaces of 5-6 mm diameter perpendicular to the crystallographic axes were produced by electrocorrosion. Onto these surfaces quartz emitters and receivers were cemented in vacuum and on them small plates of brass of 5-6 mm diameter and a thickness of 0.2-0.3 mm. For very pure crystals of tin the condition that the mean free path of the electrons be large in comparison to the ultrasonic wavelength was very well fulfilled at helium temperature. The temperature dependence of ultrasonic absorption coefficients was measured simultane- ously in two different directions at temperatures down to 10K. Fig. 2 shows the Dewar for helium in which the measurements were carried out. Card 2/4 82594 Investigation of the Anisotropy of the Energy S105616010391011011029 Gap in Superconducting Tin B006/BO70 The temperature of the sample was determined from the saturation vapor pressure of helium. The results are shown in diagrams. Fig. 3 shows 41 Vs/'~n between 10 and 40K taken along two mutually perpendicular C2 axes. The measured values (full and empty circles) all lie on one line which shows that the physical properties are the same in the two directions. Fig. 4 shows the same for C2 and C4 axes. Here the anisotropy of the energy gap is clearly seen. Measurements made on two samples gave uniform results. For the absolute ralue of the electronic part of the ultrasonic absorption coefficients in the normal state in the neighborhood of T 09 the followirig results are obtainedt(X n ' (47.6 + 0.2) decibel/cm -(C 2)' and qn - (21-4 1 0.2) decibel/am -(C 4). Fig. 5 shows log(vs/ccn ) - f(T c/T). From the slope of the straight line portion of the curveg the energy gap width at absolute zero may be determined to be (3-5 � 0.2)kT a for the C2-axis and (3.1 + 0.1) kT c for the C4- axis. Besides the anisotropy in the temperature dependence of the absorption coefficients, an anisotropy Card 3/4 82594 Investigation of the Anisotropy of the Energy 5/05 60/030/01/01/029 Gap in Superconducting Tin B006YB070 of the transition temperature T. is also established. For the C2-axis Tc lies about 0.0040K higher than for the C -axis. The authors thank A. I. Berdovski and E. I. Ponomarenko fir cooperation in the measurements and V. L. Karpachevskiy and B. N. Aleksandrov for help in the preparation of the sample. There are 5 figures and 13 references: 5 Soviet, 6 American, 1 British, and 1 Dutch. ASSOCIATION; Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Physicotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainskaya SSR) SUBMITTEDi January 12, 1960 Card 4/4 BIEUGLYY, P.A.& GALKIN. A.A. Anisotropy of the energy alit in tin in the plane of the binary axes of a crystal. Zhur. ekep. i teor. fiz. 39 no.4:3263-1164 o 16o. (MTRA 13:11) (Tin crystals) 86423 S/056/60/039/006/007/063 g4-.770o Boo6/BO56 AUTHORS: Galkin, A. A., Kaner, E. A., Korolyuk, A. P. TITLE; Investigation of Ultrasonic Absorption by Metals in a Magnetic Field PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 6(12), pp. 1517-1528 The characteristics of ultrasonic absorption in metals at low tem- TEXT: peratures under conditions at which the mean free path 1 of the electrons is very large with respect to the acoustic wavelength I have already re- peatedly been investigated both theoretically and experimentally, above all the periodic change in the ultrasonic absorption coefficient a as a fuv- tion of H-1. The first theoretical calculations are by Fermi and V. L. Gurevich. In the present paper, the theoretical and ex-perimental results are given, and compared for tin and indium. First, the magnetoacoustic resonance and the oscillation of a are investigated for a strong magnetic field, as well as the conditions wave vector) and X